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Francisco v. CA, G.R. No. 108747 Case Digest (Criminal Procedure)

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The key takeaways are that a motion to quash must be filed if multiple offenses are charged, failure to file a motion to quash or allege grounds for it results in waiver of objections, and probation is not available if an appeal has been filed.

The grounds for filing a motion to quash include if the facts do not constitute an offense, if the court does not have jurisdiction over the offense or accused, if the officer filing the information lacked authority, if it does not conform to the prescribed form, or if multiple offenses are charged without a single prescribed punishment.

Failure to file a motion to quash or allege grounds for it results in waiver of any objections except those based on lack of an offense, lack of jurisdiction over the offense or accused, extinction of criminal liability, or previous conviction/acquittal/dismissal.


G.R. No. 108747, April 6, 1995
Motion to Quash
Rule 117 Section 3 (Grounds)
See: Rule 117 Section 9 (Failure to move to quash or to allege any
ground therefor)
FACTS: Petitioner, as President and General Manager of ASPAC Trans.
Company, failed to control his outburst and blurted:
You employees in this office are all tanga, son of a bitches, bullshit. Puro kayo
walang utak. Mga anak ng puta. Magkano ba kayo. God damn you all.
Thus for humiliating his employees he was accused of multiple grave oral
defamation in five separate Informations instituted by five of his employees,
each Information charging him with gravely maligning them on four different
days, i.e., from 9 to 12 April 1980.
On 2 January 1990, after nearly ten years, the MeTC-Makati found petitioner
guilty of grave oral defamation in four of the five cases filed against him. Not
satisfied with the Decision of the MeTC, and insisting on his innocence,
petitioner elevated his case to the RTC.
On 5 August 1991 the RTC, affirmed his conviction but appreciated in his
favor a mitigating circumstance analogous to passion or obfuscation.
Accordingly, petitioner was sentenced in each case to a straight penalty of
eight months imprisonment after he failed to interpose an appeal therefrom
the decision of the RTC became final. The case was then set for execution of
judgment by the MeTC which, as a consequence, issued a warrant of arrest.
Butbefore he could be arrested petitioner filed an application for probation
which the MeTC denied.
Forthwith he went to the Court of Appeals on certiorari which dismissed his
petition. Initially, the Court notes that the petitioner has failed to comply with
the provisions of Supreme Court Circular No. 28-91 of September 4, 1991.
Violation of the circular is sufficient cause for dismissal of the petition.
Petitioner does not allege anywhere in the petition that he had asked the
respondent court to reconsider its above order; in fact, he had failed to give
the court an opportunity to correct itself if it had, in fact, committed any error
on the matter. He is, however, required to move for reconsideration of the
questioned order before filing a petition for certiorari. This failure is fatal to
his cause. It is a ground for dismissal of his petition.
It is obvious that respondent court did not commit any capricious, arbitrary,
despotic or whimsical exercise of power in denying the petitioner's
application for probation. The petition for probation was filed by the petitioner
out of time.
The Court notes that Section 4 of PD 968 allows the trial court to grant
probation after conviction, upon an application by the defendant within the

period of appeal, upon terms and conditions and period appropriate to each
case, but expressly rules out probation where an appeal has been taken. The
motion for reconsideration was likewise denied.
In the present recourse, petitioner squirms out of each ground and seeks this
Court's compassion in dispensing with the minor technicalities which may
militate against his petition as he now argues before us that he has not yet
lost his right to avail of probation notwithstanding his appeal from the MeTC
to the RTC since "the reason for his appeal was precisely to enable him to
avail himself of the benefits of the Probation Law because the original
Decision of the MeTC was such that he would not then be entitled to
probation." He contends that "he appealed from the judgment of the trial
court precisely for the purpose of reducing the penalties imposed upon him
by the said court to enable him to qualify for probation."
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner was correct in filing an appeal with the
RTC to reduce
his penalties to make him eligible for probation
At the outset, petitioner, in accordance with Section 3 Rule 117 of the Rules
of Court, should have moved to quash as each of the four Informations filed
against him charged four separate crimes of grave oral defamation,
committed on four separate days. His failure to do so however may now be
deemed a waiver under Section 8 of the same Rule and he can be validly
convicted, as in the instant case, of as many crimes charged in the
Petitioner is no longer eligible for probation. Probation is a mere privilege, not
a right. Its benefits cannot extend to those not expressly included. Probation
is not a right of an accused, but rather an act of grace and clemency or
immunity conferred by the state which may be granted by the court to a
seemingly deserving defendant who thereby escapes the extreme rigors of
the penalty imposed by law for the offense of which he stands convicted. It is
a special prerogative granted by law to a person or group of persons not
enjoyed by others or by all. Accordingly, the grant of probation rests solely
upon the discretion of the court which is to be exercised primarily for the
benefit of organized society, and only incidentally for the benefit of the
accused. The Probation Law should not therefore be permitted to divest the
state or its government of any of the latter's prerogatives, rights or remedies,
unless the intention of the legislature to this end is clearly expressed, and no
person should benefit from the terms of the law who is not clearly within
Neither Section 4 of the Probation Law, as amended, which clearly mandates
that "no application for probation shall be entertained or granted if the

defendant has perfected the appeal from the judgment of conviction." As

such, the application of the law should not be subjected to any to suit the
case of petitioner. While the proposition that an appeal should not bar the
accused from applying for probation if the appeal is solely to reduce the
penalty to within the probationable limit may be equitable, we are not yet
prepared to accept this interpretation under existing law and jurisprudence.
Therefore, that an appeal should not bar the accused from applying for
probation if the appeal is taken solely to reduce the penalty is simply contrary
to the clear and express mandate of Section 4 of the Probation Law, as
amended, which opens with a negative clause, "no application for probation
shall be entertained or granted if the defendant has perfected the appeal
from the judgment of conviction."
Petitioner thus proceeds on an erroneous assumption that under the MeTC
Decision he could not have availed of the benefits of probation. Since he
could have, although he did not, his appeal now precludes him from applying
for probation.
Nowhere in the RTC Decision is it stated or even hinted at that the accused
was acquitted or absolved in any of the four counts under each of the four
Informatfons, or that any part of thejudgment of conviction was reversed, or
that any of the cases, counts or incidents was dismissed. Otherwise, we will
have to account for the twelve other penalties imposed by the MeTC. What is
clear is that the judgment of conviction rendered by the was affirmed with
the sole modification on the duration of the penalties.
In fine, considering that the multiple prison terms should not be summed up
but taken separately as the totality of all the penalties is not the test,
petitioner should have immediately filed an application for probation as he
was already qualified after being convicted by the MeTC, if indeed thereafter
he felt humbled, was ready to unconditionally accept the verdict of the court
and admit his liability. Consequently, in appealing the Decision of the MeTC to
the RTC, petitioner lost his right to probation. For, plainly, the law considers
appeal and probation mutually exclusive remedies.
Petitioner appealed to the RTC not to reduce or even correct the penalties
imposed by the MeTC, but to assert his innocence. Nothing more. The cold
fact is that petitioner appealed his conviction to the RTC not for the sole
purpose of reducing his penalties to make him eligible for probation, since he
was already qualified under the MeTC Decision, but rather to insist on his
innocence. The appeal record is wanting of any other purpose. Thus, in his
Memorandum before the RTC, he raised only three statements of error
purportedly committed by the MeTC all aimed at his acquittal: (a) in finding
that the guilt of the accused has been established because of his positive
identification by the witness for the prosecution; (b) in giving full faith and
credence to the bare statements of the private complainants despite the
absence of corroborating testimonies; and, (c) in not acquitting him in all the
cases. Consequently, petitioner insisted that the trial court committed an
error in relying on his positive identification considering that private

complainants could not have missed identifying him who was their President
and General Manager with whom they worked for a good number of years.
Petitioner further argued that although the alleged defamatory words were
uttered in the presence of other persons, mostly private complainants, coemployees and clients, not one of them was presented as a witness. Hence,
according to petitioner, the trial court could not have convicted him on the
basis of the uncorroborative testimony of private complainants.
Certainly, the protestations of petitioner connote profession of guiltlessness,
if not complete innocence, and do not simply put in issue the propriety of the
penalties imposed. For sure, the accused never manifested that he was
appealing only for the purpose of correcting a wrong penalty, to reduce it to
within the probationable range. Hence, upon interposing an appeal, more so
after asserting his innocence therein, petitioner should be precluded from
seeking probation. By perfecting his appeal, petitioner ipso facto relinquished
his alternative remedy of availing of the Probation Law the purpose of which
is simply to prevent speculation or opportunism on the part of an accused
who although already eligible does not at once apply for probation, but doing
so only after failing in his appeal.
The fact that petitioner did not elevate the affirmance of his conviction by the
RTC to the Court of Appeals does not necessarily mean that his appeal to the
RTC was solely to reduce his penalties. Conversely, he was afraid that the
Court of Appeals would increase his penalties, which could be worse for him.
Besides, the RTC Decision had already become final and executory because of
the negligence, according to him, of his former counsel who failed to seek
possible remedies within the period allowed by law.
The application for probation was filed way beyond the period allowed by law.
This is vital way beyond the period allowed by law and crucial. From the
records it is clear that the application for probation was filed only after a
warrant for the arrest of petitioner had been issued and almost two months
after his receipt of the Decision of the RTC. This is a significant fact which
militates against the instant petition.
Going to the extreme, and assuming that an application for probation from
one who had appealed the trial court's judgment is allowed by law, the
petitioner's plea for probation was filed out of time. In the petition is a clear
statement that the petitioner was up for execution of judgment before he
filed his application for probation. P.D. No. 968 says that the application for
probation must be filed "within the period for perfecting an appeal;" but in
this case, such period for appeal had passed, meaning to say that the RTC's
decision had attained finality, and no appeal therefrom was possible under
the law. Even granting that an appeal from the appellate court's judgment is
contemplated by P.D. 968, in addition to the judgment rendered by the trial
court, that appellate judgment had become final and was, in fact, up for
actual execution before the application for probation was attempted by the
petitioner. The petitioner did not file his application for probation before the
finality of the said judgment; therefore, the petitioner's attempt at probation
was filed too late.

Our minds cannot simply rest easy on the proposition that an application for
probation may yet be granted even if it was filed only after judgment has
become final, the conviction already set for execution and a warrant of arrest
issued for service of sentence.
The argument that petitioner had to await the remand of the case to the
MeTC, which necessarily must be after the decision of the RTC had become
final, for him to file the application for probation with the trial court, is to
stretch the law beyond comprehension. The law, simply, does not allow
probation after an appeal has been perfected.
Accordingly, considering that prevailing jurisprudence treats appeal and
probation as mutually exclusive remedies, and petitioner appealed from his
conviction by the MeTC although the imposed penalties were already
probationable, and in his appeal, he asserted only his innocence and did not
even raise the issue of the propriety of the penalties imposed on him, and
finally, he filed an application for probation outside the period for perfecting
an appeal granting he was otherwise eligible for probation, the instant
petition for review should be as it is hereby DENIED.
RATIO: Rule 117 Section 3 (f) Grounds. The accused may move to
quash the complaint or information on any of the following grounds:
(a) That the facts charged do not constitute an offense;
(b) That the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the
offense charged;
(c) That the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the person
of the accused;
(d) That the officer who filed the information had no authority to do
(e) That it does not conform substantially to the prescribed form;
(f) That more than one offense is charged except when a single
punishment for various offenses is prescribed by law;
(g) That the criminal action or liability has been extinguished;
(h) That it contains averments which, if true, would constitute a
legal excuse or justification;
(i) That the accused has been previously convicted or acquitted of
the offense charged, or the case against him was dismissed or
otherwise terminated without his express consent
Rule 117 Section 9. Failure to move to quash or to allege any ground
therefor. The failure of the accused to assert any ground of a motion
to quash before he pleads to the complaint or information, either
because he did not file a motion to quash or failed to allege the
same in said motion, shall be deemed a waiver of any objections
except those based on the grounds provided for in paragraphs (a),
(b), (g), and (i) of Section 3 of this Rule.

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