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2014 November Newsletter

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Bulldog Business


Volume 5 Issue 9

November 2014

Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly,

or it vanishes.

-Peter Drucker

Safford High School

1400 11th Avenue
Safford, Arizona
(928) 348 7050

Check out for updated information!

NO SCHOOLNovember 10, 11, 27, 28

Early ReleaseNovember 26
FrolicNovember 22

Thursday, December 20th

1st hour
7:30 9:05
2nd hour
3rd hour
4th hour
1:30 3:05
School dismisses

Friday, December 21st

5th hour
7:30 9:00
6th hour
7th hour
School dismisses
Busses will run.

No early finals. Any student missing finals will be marked absent, be given an
incomplete, and be required to make arrangements with the teacher to make up the
missed final no later than Friday, January 9, 2015.

Counselors Corner

EAC Placement Tests

If you would like to view your students grades online and do

not have your Parent Portal information, please contact Mrs.
Gonzales at 348-6993. We encourage you to make use of this
valuable site to keep abreast of your students progress.

Students who would like to take classes at EAC

either through the Academy or GIFT program will
need to take a placement test in Reading,
Writing, and Math. Visit or for a study
guide. Students interested in the GIFT program
for the 2015-16 school year, can see Mrs. Rios at
the SHS CTE Office to make arrangements to take
the test. Academy students need to call the EAC
Counseling Office at (928) 428-8253 to make an
appointment to take the tests. The tests can also
be administered in the SHS counseling office.
Students will need to have completed an EAC
application for admission before tests can be
completed. Students are encouraged to take the
test after school hours so that time is not taken
from classroom instruction. If you have any
questions, please call one of the SHS Counselors
at (928)348-6993.

If you would like information regarding the requirements for
entrance into an Arizona university or the NCAA (National
Collegiate Athletic Association), please visit the Safford High
School counselor webpage under downloads. Keep in mind the
requirements for university entrance and NCAA registration
may differ from those required at Safford High School. For
information on how to qualify for the Arizona Tuition Waiver,
go to the Arizona Department of Education Website at Search under Arizona High School
Scholarship. Feel free to contact the counselors for additional


Visit or to sign up
for an ACT or SAT college entrance exam. Students are
encouraged to take at least one of these exams by the summer
between their Junior and Senior year. The deadline to register
for the December 6th SAT is Thursday, November 6th. The
deadline to register for the December 13th ACT test is Friday,
November 7th. There are some practice materials available in
the guidance office.
Please note that the first factor universities consider in offering
admission and scholarships to students is their ACT/SAT test
score. Therefore, it is important to test early in case a student
needs to retest to improve their score.

If you have not passed your AIMS test yet, make sure you sign
up for either the ACT or SAT test, as a good score can
substitute for passing AIMS tests needed for graduation. You
will still be required to take the AIMS in the spring as your final
attempt to pass.
The Senior Scholarship Bulletin and Opportunity Bulletin can

SHS Academy
EAC Spring Registration is now open. See your
SHS counselors for assistance and more
Junior and Senior students have the opportunity
to take higher level Math, English, or elective
classes taught by EAC professors either at SHS,
on the EAC campus, through ITV, or on the Web.
When students complete academy paperwork,
they will receive dual credit for the classes
completed successfully.
If you have questions about Academy classes,

From the Office


Leaving Campus

Students driving to school must purchase a $50.00 parking

permit to be assigned a parking spot. This permit must be
displayed in the cars front window whenever parked at the
high school. Students, if someone has parked in your
assigned spot, park on the south side of the school across
from childcare and then go to office and report the violation.

Do not leave campus without an off-campus pass in your

hand. If you do, the absence will be unexcused and your
parents cannot excuse it. Off campus passes may be
obtained in the office. This does not include leaving at
lunch, since we are an open campus.

If a student is parking on campus (or at Ruth Powell) without

a valid SHS parking pass they will be fined an additional
$10.00. Students must have a valid drivers license at the
time of purchase for an SHS parking spot.

Parent Survey
In an effort to improve system practices, Safford High School
is conducting a Parent Survey. We value your opinion and
ask that you take the time to complete this survey. In order
to complete the survey, please go to: Please be assured that your
responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest
opinion is appreciated. Thank you for your time and
attention to this matter. This will also be available at the
Parent Teacher Conference. Participation will also come with
a raffle ticket to win two barbecue dinners sponsored by

SUSD Homeless Program

Are you currently experiencing temporary living
arrangements due to eviction, job loss, or a traumatic event?
Safford Unified School District offers services to families
through the federal McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance
Act. The Act offers children and families who are in a
temporary living situation certain services and supports
which may include enrollment assistance, nutrition services,
community referrals, and in some cases, school
transportation. If you are living in any of the following
temporary circumstances: with another family or friend due
to financial hardship, living in a shelter, transitional housing,
in a hotel/motel, or an unaccompanied youth in foster care,
you may fit the criteria for assistance under this act. Please
contact Susan Lindsey at 928-348-7018 or e-mail at to inquire further about qualifying
for this program.

Students arriving late to school will ONLY be excused these

Students bring a parent/guardian note (or parent/

guardian) to the front office when they arrive.
A parent/guardian calls to the school excusing the
student BEFORE the student arrives to the front
office. Make sure to talk to a secretary. DO NOT
Have parent on your personal cell phone before you
arrive to office then office staff will talk to your
parent from your phone.

All others will be sent to the tardy room, resulting in the

loss of credit for the period(s) missed.
Reminder: If a student is tardy (excused or unexcused) more
than three times in a semester they will NOT be awarded
perfect attendance.

Dress Code
School Policy will continue to be strictly enforced this year.
Students not in proper dress code will be sent to the tardy
room for that period. First, students will be asked to change;
if they cannot change or go home to change students will
remain in the sweep room for the day (this will mean a loss
of class credit). Once they do change, they may go to their
next period. If a dress (skin tight) slides up above the four
inches above the knee area it will be considered a dress code

From the Office

New Important Changes
Dances (Frolic and Prom)
Students who have five or more discipline issues
(anything from being sent to the office for a timeout,
tardy, or electronics violations to suspensions) will
forfeit their privilege to attend the formal dances
during the year. This is per semester.
Example: 1 tardy, 1 electronics violation, 1 dress
code violation, 1 teacher referral, 1 sent to office for
a timeout = 5 discipline violations, which would
prevent you from attending Frolic/Prom.
Students must also be academically eligible at the
time of dance to be allowed to attend.

Rewards Day of Activity

In spring 2015, SHS will reward students who have
not had any discipline issues and are eligible during
the entire school year. It will be an afternoon of
events such as Rock Band, Karaoke, Volleyball, Flag
Football, and Basketball tournaments.

Auto Dialer
Parents if you receive a call from auto dialer on a
single period absence, please let them know that the
student needs to follow up with the teacher who
marked them absent the next day. If it was an error,
have the teacher write a note to clear the absence
and bring it to Mrs. Rivera in office.

Address and Phone Number

Parents, please make sure to notify the office of any
address or phone number changes.

A form requesting permission to bring prescription
medication on campus must be obtained from the nurses
office. Students who need to have access to prescription
medication while at school must leave it with the school
nurse along with written parental permission for the
administration of the medication and written directions
from the prescribing physician concerning the medication.
Other Medications - Non-Prescription, supplements
(Example - vitamins or protein powers), etc... follow the
same policy as prescription medications. More details on
policy in Student Handbook online.

Illness at School/Sign out Procedures

If you are too ill to attend class you must report to the office
so your parents/guardians can be contacted and an offcampus pass can be issued. Leaving school without an offcampus pass will be subject to disciplinary action. Going to
the restroom, locker room, Library, parking lots are not valid
(safe) excuses for missing class and will be treated as an
unexcused absence. The office has a restroom for

This newsletter is created by the 2014-2015

Safford High School Business and
Technology Students.

Important Dates
November 22, 2014 Frolic
January 15, 2015 Senior ads for Yearbook are due to Mr. Jacobson.
Senior Hours Service Hours for Seniors are due the last week of the semester in
which that student has Government.

Senior Slideshow
DEADLINES to submit pictures for the Baccalaureate Senior Slideshow are as follows:

Baby Picture December 12, 2014

*From birth up to five years old
Friends Pictures January 30, 2015
*Multiple pictures accepted featuring classmates of 2015. Minimum of three people in
these pictures
Senior Pictures March 13, 2015
*If no picture is submitted, the picture from Yearbook will be used.
Hard Copies must be submitted to Ms. Calloway by 4:00 PM on dates above, Digital copies emailed to or Taylor Merrick, NO LATE PICTURES ACCEPTED.
QUESTIONS: Contact Ms. Calloway by email at KCalloway@saffordusd.cor by phone at (928)348 3554

If you have any questions throughout the year, please contact the Head Sponsors:

Clay Cocke: 928-348-7050, Ext. 5208 or

Chastity Broderick: 928-348-7050, Ext. 5113 or
Mike Dorrell: 928-348-7050, Ext. 5206 or

Career and Technical Education

FCCLA Leadership Camp and Spanish Club/FCCLA Enchilada Dinner
September 11-13, SHS Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Chefs Brigade officers (Dru GoodmanPresident, Kevin Casperson- Vice President, Jrzy Granados- Secretary, Sharon Chen- Historian, Blake Bode- Parliamentarian, and
Advisor- Mrs. Whitmire) attended the State Leadership Camp for FCCLA at Pine Summit in Prescott, Arizona. Leadership camp
taught participants how to become better leaders for their community, society, and the future. Individual officer meetings were
held to train them how to improve their business skills and knowledge of general meetings, camps, conferences, and
competitions, as well as training in collaboration and adaptability.

SHS FCCLA Chefs Brigade and Spanish Club held an Enchilada Dinner on September 19, 2014 to sponsor scholarships for Seniors.
Members from both clubs sold tickets for the event. Patty Whitmire, Sandra Jurado, Alicia Jaramillo, Joy Baysinger, Peggy Moon,
and SHS Culinary and Spanish Club students prepared, cooked, and packaged meals. These clubs would like to thank everyone
for their support in making this a successful fundraiser.

FBLA Officers Attend Leadership Camp

FBLA Officer Leadership Camp was held on September 25-27, 2014 in Prescott, Arizona, at Camp Pine Summit.
Safford High School FBLA took seven officers and had a fantastic time. The officers that attended were Taylor
Merrick, Caleigh Mayhew, Katie Chavez, Lacey Green, Sabrina Molina, Gabe Taylor, and Brandyn Quinonez. Ms.
Calloway, the chapter advisor, and Mr. DeSpain also attended camp. The activities they were involved in included:
leadership games, campfire with smores, talent shows, rock climbing, dodge ball, region meetings, chapter
meetings, and individual office position trainings.
Safford chapter officers stopped at Roosevelt for a picture on their way up, and stopped at a Five Guys on their way
home. In the three days they were at camp, the officer team had time to bond with each other and with chapter
officers from around the state. All in all, it was a great experience for all who attended and a terrific chance to learn
valuable leadership skills.

SHS Christmas Adopt-A-Family Project

Jenifer Blancarte spearheads the SHS Christmas Adopt-A-Family Project where she and her team collect
donations from faculty, staff, student organizations, and local businesses so that the families of
disadvantaged SHS students can enjoy a nice Christmas. Mrs. Blancarte and her team collect donations,
shop for gifts and food, wrap everything, and arrange for anonymous delivery. The SHS Adopt-A-Family
Organization provides shoes, jackets, clothes, and a small toy or something personal for each child in the
families who are adopted.
If you would like to donate to any of these worthy projects, volunteer your help, or if you know of a
family who could use Christmas assistance, please contact one of the following:
Jenifer Blancarte 928-348-3503
Lisa Evans 928-348-3504
Sandra Jurado 928-348-3508

Spanish Club
Fans of mariachi music and friends of Spanish Club mark your calendar and save-the-date. The Safford
High School Spanish Club is happy to announce an upcoming mariachi concert on Friday, May 1, 2015 at
the David M. Player Center for the Arts. Tickets are only $15 each for general seating. However if the
ticket is purchased from a Spanish Club member, $5 will be donated to Spanish Club to support their
scholarship program. This is an excellent way to support the Spanish Club scholarship program while
enjoying an evening of excellent mariachi music with your loved ones!

Boys and Girls Basketball

Scrimmages for boys and girls basketball will be on Thursday, November 20th. We will host Douglas and
Ft. Thomas with games starting at 4:00 PM. In an effort to help our school food drive and local food bank
we are asking that you bring a can of food.

SHS Fall Blood Drive

The fall blood drive will be held on Nov. 12th in the small gym from 8:30 - 12:30. Please call Mr. Dorrell
at 928-348-7050, Ext. 5206 to schedule an appointment.

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