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Final Draft of Wall e

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Herrera Leonardo

Herrera 1

Professor Filbeck
English 113A
21 April 2015
Environmental Warnings
Is Wall-E giving us information that we need to pay attention to? In the film Wall-E, there
are many environmental issues that could happen in the real world. Water pollution, Land
pollution, and climate pollution. All these issues about the environment are already occurring on
our home planet. It is said that if we continue to live in these conditions, planet earth will not
have life to sustain any longer. What the movie Wall-E is trying to show is that we should not be
destroying our planet because it will not be a sustainable place for us to live on.
In the beginning of the movie, it started up with the camera zooming into planet earth and
all around its outer ozone layer, was all these satellites and floating junk that completely covered
the earth. The camera then flew into the earth and showed in strong detail how earth was a
complete disaster. Land pollution was the main concern. There are many different ways of
permanently changing the land, from soil contamination (poisoning by chemicals or waste) to
general urbanization (the systematic creation of cities and other human settlements from
Greenfield, virgin land). Humans are may be the only source of what causes land population.
Trash is the strongest issue of them all. We tend to not throw away our trash inside a garbage can
and instead throw it off in the streets and walk away like nothing happened. It irritates me to see
people throw trash on the floor like if earth is not their home People around the world just
destroying their own home and when they realize that earth is not going to be sustainable
anymore they will not blame themselves but others.

Herrera 2
Is climate change mostly caused by humans or done naturally? Throughout the film, the
sky is covered in this orange gloomy color. The sun is barely visible because of all the toxins and
chemicals all around the planet. According to Shannon Hall from Live Science 63 percent of
Americans think the planet is warming and 48 percent of Americans think these changes are
caused by humans. We are building many industries and technology that causes these climate
changes to occur and we cant blame them. These industries and technology is a key factor to our
survival. Many of us do not realize that this issue is necessary for important resources such as
food and drinkable water. When walking around we do not realize the harsh chemicals that we
breathe in on a daily basis. It is not as bad yet but when the time comes, it will affect us in a
harmful way
Not all environment damage comes from humans. According to a recent study, the La Brea
Tar Pits in the Los Angeles County has been an issue with oil leaking into the rivers and creeks
for over three years now. According to Los Angeles Times, "It does seem obvious when you
think about it. That kind of pollution has been occurring long before [humans] ever got here,"
This is perfectly reasonable because all over the earth there is oil that seeps all around the ground
and eventually goes and finds its way into the rivers and oceans. Humans do not always have to
be the ones to blame for water pollution occurring on earth. We do tend to throw trash on the
floor which sweeps down the drain when it rains and into the ocean. Both the earth and humans
can be a main factor in which water pollution can occur at any time of the day. Natural disasters
can be a main problem to bad environment because we have no control over it.
Water pollution is a major problem in rivers, streams and especially oceans. According to
Authors, Bahram Shakouri and Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi, To understand the problem of water

Herrera 3
pollution, we must look at the two major water systems: surface water and groundwater. Both
systems are important in our discussion of water quality, since we rely on both systems to supply
drinking water for people and livestock and for other uses such as irrigation and industrial
production. Both sources of water are our way of drinking water and maintaining a way of
survival. There are many different situations that can cause water pollution to occur and trash
isnt the only one. Heat, human/animal waste, and radioactive pollutants are other causes of
water pollution to increase all around the world. Do we really want to live in a world that
contains dangerous pollutants in our drinkable water? We can change all of that by not
destroying our planet with littering happening every second that passes by.
As humans continuously pollute the planet, there are cities around the world that cannot
control what is happening. As cities may have contaminated rivers, lakes, and streams, they may
not have the amount of money to be able to contribute to stop pollution from occur in their cities.
All around the world there are homes that face these problems every single day. One of the most
horrific accident to date is the Chernobyl Disaster. This catastrophic accident caused from the
nuclear plant in Ukraine, made the entire city unsustainable for any form of life. The radiation is
the cause for this and anybody who enters will be contaminated and will be extracted or
eradicated. According to Will Fanary, Environmental damage was widespread immediately
following the accident, stretching from fauna and vegetation to rivers and lakes and all the way
down to the groundwater. The extent of the damage led scientists and government officials to the
conclusion that the Chernobyl exclusion zone had been subjected to enough radioactive fallout to
severely alter the ecological balance of the region for decades. This hazardous area is wide
spread for researchers to gather information based on how the environment continues to move

Herrera 4
forward and able to affect everything around it. This accident may have had a major impact in
that city, but it was not their intention to harm anything or anyone. Environmental change and
issue can occur at any given point in time. Wall-E demonstrates that humans were the only cause
for earth to not be sustainable for any life. But there are many reasons why humans are not
always the problem for our planet getting destroyed.
In conclusion, the film Wall-E has some convincing moments if someday our earth will
become how it looks in the movie. Trash covering the entire earth, water contaminated or even
gone. Plus the color of the sky which is a bright, musky orange that make the sun barely visible.
Many of the environmental issues that has occurred may have happened by humans, but the
industrial plants, may have been a key factor in our survival. Food and drinkable water is very
important. When it comes to natural disasters, we will not be able to control any of that. Only
Mother Nature has the power of what she will do next. Preparing ourselves for a situation like
this is important to keep our earth from ending up like the movie Wall-E. We should prevent the
pollution in our planet because there is no other place to live on and why would people be
destroying their own homes? There are some certain situations when humans are not the ones
who are destroying our planet. Environmental situations happen by accident and tend to leave
part of the earth unsustainable for anyone to live on. Wall-E demonstrates situations in which
humans caused all the damage on earth and were not able to live there anymore. Which left them
with no other option but to leave earth. Will we have that technology to leave earth if a situation
like this happens?

Herrera 5
Works Cited
Barboza, Tony. Song, Jason. Water pollution traced to La Brea Tar Pits. Los Angeles Times.
Los Angeles Times, 29 November 2011 Web. 20 April 2015
Bahram, Shakouri. Sohelia Khoshenevis Yazdi Environment and water Pollution. Advances in
Environmental Biology. April 2014. p.1328. 21 April 2015
Flannary Will. Environmental effects of the Chernobyl accident. The Encyclopedia of Earth.
December 15, 2008. February 19, 2013. Web. April 29, 2015
Hall, Shannon. Where in the US Are People Most Worried About Climate Change? Live
Science. Web. 20 April 2015
Wall-E. Dir. Andrew Stanton. Perf. Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight, Jeff Garlin. Disney, June 2008.
Woodford, Chris. Land Pollution Explain That Stuff. 20 November 2014. Web. 21 April 2015

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