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University of Denver Annual Report 2008-09

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Annual Report 20082009

W e s e e k to b e a m ig h t y

engine of positive change, fueled by hope,

p e r c ol at i n g w i t h i d e a s , p u l s i n g

with the vitality of many cultures, tough

and determined, open-minded and

op t i m i s t ic , com m i t t e d to s t u d e n ts a n d

community, to excellence and innovation,

to integrity and engagement.












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Dear Friends,
e past year was an extraordinary one for all of higher education. e onset of the recession and
the decline of the markets had an impact on all of us, upending both institutional endowments
and family nances. Colleges and universities dependent on endowment earnings suered, as did
tuition-dependent institutions with unstable enrollments. Institutions with heavy burdens of
adjustable rate debt and limited liquidity were perhaps most threatened. We at the University of
Denver were fortunate to be able to face this uncertain time from a position of considerable
strength and exibility, and last year was ultimately a very good one for our university. As is
shown in this annual report, it was a year in which our enrollments held solid and the quality
of our academic enterprise continued to improve, even as income from our endowment and
other investments declined.
While we understand fully that it will take some time for the economy to rebalance itself and that
the associated uncertainty will continue, we look forward to the coming years with great optimism.
We have begun the current year (scal year 2010) very well, indeed. Times of challenge and
change are also times of opportunity, particularly for institutions that are open-minded, agile and
entrepreneurial. ose are certainly the attributes of our university.

R obeRT D. C oombe

Letter from the chairman

Dear Friends,
every year, the University of Denver has a superb story to tell.
The 2008 2009 academic year was no exception. True, the economy presented its challenges,
but the University responded with resolve, imagination and a renewed commitment to
improve always improve education, research and personal growth opportunities for students.
A review of the past year reveals our preference for action. our students were learning and
serving on six continents. Here at home, they were working on behalf of presidential candidates,
volunteering in the public schools, participating in challenging research projects, pursuing
athletics championships and, inside the classroom and out, confronting the challenges that
face our world. meanwhile, our faculty was creating new knowledge, exploring new ideas
and, of course, mentoring the next generation. Its no wonder we have reason to be optimistic
about the future.
at is the Universitys ongoing story: fast-paced, action-packed, focused on people and centered
around the great issues of the day.
Im condent the next chapters in the University of Denver story will bring even more fascinating
developments. With past as precedent, you can always count on the University to set ambitious
goals and to pursue them with passion.

J oy S. b URnS
University of Denver board of Trustees

The Year In Review



e University of Denver begins its 2009 scal year and

its 145th year with its endowment at an all-time high
of $300,493,943.
At a 25-day eld school, DU students work alongside bonnie
Clark, assistant professor of anthropology, and a team of
archaeologists to excavate Camp Amache, a World War II
internment camp in southeastern Colorado. Camp Amache was
one of 10 War Relocation Authority camps where JapaneseAmericans were forced to live following the bombing of Pearl
Harbor. Clarks field team discovers that the inmates toiled
over elaborate gardens in several areas of the internment camp.
ey put a lot of work into what they hoped was a temporary
situation, Clark says.It speaks to the ways they tried to make
a bad situation better.


A new campuswide recycling program kicks into high

gear, initiated by several DU students working closely with
the Universitys Sustainability Council. The program aims
to reduce waste by 50 percent, slashing the Universitys
carbon footprint and the amount of trash sent to landfills
and incinerators.
With the Democratic national Convention under way in
downtown Denver, dozens of DU students embark on jobs and
internships with the Democratic national Committee and
with national and international news organizations covering
the historic nomination of barack obama as the partys
candidate for the presidency. CbS news alone hires 22 DU
students, who take on everything from assisting production
crews with logistics to elding phone inquiries. e campus
also hosts 840 DnC delegates and sta members during the
weeklong gathering.
As the Democratic national Convention continues in downtown Denver, the Josef Korbel School of International Studies
joins the national Democratic Institute and the Council on
Foreign Relations in co-hosting a roundtable discussion on
the foreign policy issues awaiting the countrys next chief
executive. Staged at boettcher Concert Hall downtown, the

discussion features former Secretary of State madeleine

Albright, former U.n. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke,
former Senate majority Leader Tom Daschle, nbC news
special correspondent Tom brokaw and Korbel School Dean
Tom Farer. e event is one of 10 issue-oriented panels set up by
the conventions executive committee. e audience includes
500 diplomats from 100 nations and more than 750 students,
teachers and administrators from 12 metro-area high schools.
e DU community enjoys its rst peek at nagel Hall at
a dedication ceremony unveiling the new $39.8 million
residence quarters. named for DU trustee Ralph nagel and
his wife, Trish, who donated $4 million to the project, DUs
rst green residence hall can accommodate as many as 356
students in its 150,000 square feet of space.
Senior Pioneer Jessica Lpez travels to beijing, China, to
compete in the olympic Games. DUs rst olympic gymnast,
Lopez places 43rd among 62 competitors. Pioneer Annamari
maaranen, a sophomore gymnast, qualied for the team representing Finland, but a knee injury keeps her from competing.


DU welcomes 1,145 rst-year students including 61 international students, the highest in school history representing
44 states and 21 countries. In addition, for the second consecutive
year, DU welcomes a record number of boettcher Scholars.
meanwhile, the graduate and professional programs greet
2,475 new students.
During his annual Convocation address, Chancellor Robert
Coombe calls on the University community to focus on
building quality and strength in the graduate and professional
programs: We have some wonderful, wonderful graduate
programs and great faculty and sta behind them. As a whole,
they are a stable, productive, eclectic mix of academic and
professional programs that are thriving in many ways. e real
question, though, is How can we become substantially better
than we are?
At Convocation ceremonies, the University community
toasts six faculty members and four staff members for
their contributions to the institution. e Universitys highest

honor, the John evans Professorship, goes to Josef Korbel

School Professor barry Hughes. biology Associate Professor
Susan Sadler receives the Distinguished Teaching Award,
Korbel Professor micheline Ishay receives the Distinguished
Scholar Award, and psychology Professor Daniel mcIntosh is
named the United methodist Church University Scholar/Teacher
of the year. michelle meyers, an adjunct professor in the Daniels
College of business, receives the Ruth murray Underhill
Teaching Award, and Professor Jack Donnelly of the Korbel
School is named the University Lecturer. In addition, the Sta
Advisory Council recognizes meg Steitz, director of marketing
and communications in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences,
with a Crimson and Gold Award. Donna Kolosky, executive
assistant in the School of engineering and Computer Science,
receives SACs outstanding Service Award, and Karl French,
staff assistant in the office of Research and Sponsored
Programs, is named outstanding Staff Advisory Council
member. Facilities management is recognized with the
Quality Department Award.
e University purchases wind power credits15 million
kilowatt hours for each of the next two years to oset about
31 percent of its total electricity usage while supporting the
development and increased production of wind power. To
show their commitment to wind power, students agree to
contribute to the program through their quarterly student fees.


Undergraduate (includes the Womens College
and University College):


Graduate and professional:


Certificate programs:
Total fall enrollment:






First professional:




Post-baccalaureate certificates:


Post-masters certificates:

Total degrees conferred:


Undergraduate tuition rate:

Percent increase over prior year:


DU unveils its pioneering compressed natural gas (CnG)

vehicle refueling station the rst on a Colorado university
campus, according to the U.S. Department of energys
nationwide list of CnG fueling stations. e station provides
fuel for a growing eet of maintenance and other vehicles that
run on natural gas, oering DU a cleaner and less expensive
way to power vehicles.
In its seventh year, bridges to the Future, a community
forum designed to promote civic dialogue, launches a free
lecture series focusing on the challenges associated with
Americas education system. nearly 1,400 people gather at the
Ritchie Center for the rst installment in A nation Still at
Risk: e Future of education, in which author and activist
Parker Palmer speaks about the connection between selfknowledge and eective teaching. anks to a partnership
between DU and Rocky mountain PbS, several of the presentations are later broadcast on the television station.
e morgridge College of educations Library and Information Science Program (LIS), the Sturm College of Law and
the Westminster Law Library share a $999,360 grant from the
Federal Institute of museum and Library Services to recruit
and educate 10 new law librarians. e grant is part of a $20.3
million initiative of the Laura bush 21st Century Librarian
Program. Later in the year, the LIS program receives a
$917,891 grant from the institute to support 10 students
earning masters degrees in librarianship. All of the students
will specialize in early childhood literacy.
Representatives of DUs Latino Center travel to Washington,
D.C., to present a report on the state of Latinos in the U.S. to
members of Congress. e report calls for comprehensive
immigration reform and the establishment of a presidential
commission to tackle issues of importance to Latinos, including access to education, health care and economic services.


At the second annual Alumni Symposium, 190 participants

attend programs on 33 topics, ranging from trauma psychology
to Chinese nationalism. one program, Hard Choices for
America, features former Colorado governors and DU
faculty members Dick Lamm and bill owens. With keynote
addresses by Pamela Turbeville (mbA 83), Ceo of navistar
Financial Corp., and David von Drehle (bA 83), editor-atlarge for Time magazine, the free two-day event oers alumni
the opportunity to reconnect with their alma mater.
Gen. George W. Casey Jr. (mA 80), chief of sta of the U.S.
Army, returns to DU to deliver the keynote address at the 11th
annual Korbel Dinner. Casey enrolled at DU to pursue a
masters degree in international studies while stationed in
Colorado Springs.

DUs Center for Colorados economic Future (CCeF) releases

a report highlighting a costly aw in Colorados election law.
e report notes that the deadline for withdrawing ballot
proposals falls aer petition signatures have been veried and
aer the text of the measures have been printed in the states
blue book voter guide. e report then analyzes the cost to
taxpayers of the last-minute withdrawal of Amendments 53,
55, 56 and 57 from the november ballot. If the deadline
for withdrawing ballot proposals fell before these other deadlines, Colorado state government would have saved over
$300,000 in election expenses, explains Charles brown,
director of the CCeF.
DUs Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal
System honors retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day
oConnor with its Transparent Courthouse Award for a lifetime of work to promote excellence in Americas courts. While
on campus to accept the award, oConnor speaks to Sturm
College of Law students, urging them to resist attempts
to undermine judicial independence. Perhaps many of our
citizens have forgotten why we do have courts and judges,
and why they matter, and what services they perform in our
country, she tells the next generation of legal professionals.



e Sustainability Council launches Petes List, an online

hub where faculty, staff and departments can exchange
unwanted oce furniture, electronics and supplies. named
aer DUs retired mascot, Pioneer Pete, and modeled aer the
popular Craigs List, Petes List is expected to save money and
decrease the number of items sent to landlls.
e 2008 open Doors report ranks DU second in the nation
among doctoral and research institutions in the percentage of
undergraduate students participating in study abroad programs. e report reects data collected from the 20062007
academic year. In 20082009, about 570 undergraduate
students participate in DUs signature study abroad program,
Cherrington Global Scholars, studying in 36 countries. by
the time they leave DU, roughly 75 percent of undergraduate
students have participated in a study abroad program.


A full calendar of campuswide election-related events

culminates with DU students casting their ballots for the 44th
president of the United States. election activity on campus
kicked into high gear in September when Partners in Learning,
the AUSA Senate, the Center for Community engagement and
Service Learning, College Republicans, young Democrats, the
DU Programs board and DU Volunteers hosted an outdoor
festival where students could register to vote and learn about
candidates and issues. eight additional events, including
debates, panel discussions and an appearance by Libertarian
presidential candidate bob barr, keeps election fever at a high
pitch throughout the fall.
ever game to tackle some of Colorados toughest challenges
the economy, the future of our water supply and conicting
provisions within the state constitutionDUs Strategic Issues
Program convenes a panel to study one of the thorniest issues
facing the country: immigration. e panel includes 20 scholars, business professionals and civic leaders. Recognizing the
enormity of the panels task, DU Chancellor Robert Coombe
urges panel members to draw on the Universitys resources and
expertise. our hope is that the Strategic Issues Program on
immigration will be able not so much to come forward with a
solution, but perhaps come forward with a framework for a
solution, he tells members of the media assembled at a state
Capitol news conference.

Copies of Built for Learning: A Unied Architectural Vision

for the University of Denver go on sale at Denver-area bookstores. The DU-published book chronicles the campus
extraordinary architecture and the remarkable people who
made it possible.

nearly 40 students embark on overseas interterm courses

that oer, in the span of just a few weeks, an intensive educational experience. Courses include Foundations in Religion:
Religious and Social Justice in Vienna; Doing business With
and in China; and Developing Landscapes: Wave, beach and
Cultural Dynamics in nicaragua. Still other courses take
students to Italy and India to study entrepreneurship and to
benet from language immersion.



eager to build its defenses against a weakened economy, the

University completes a 90-day budget review and structural
realignment that trims expenditures, eliminates sta redundancies and recentralizes some operations. e two-phase
realignment includes voluntary and involuntary severance
programs that lower the number of full-time equivalent
positions by 125. Reductions in salaries and noncompensation
expenses result in a savings of more than $12 million for scal
year 2010. At the same time, conservative budgeting allows
DU to increase funds for merit- and need-based nancial aid.
Determined to reduce waste, increase recycling and raise
awareness of the institutions growing push toward sustainability, DU students square o against a host of colleges and
universities in Recyclemania, a nationwide recycling contest
among 345 institutions. e College and University Recycling
Council, which runs the annual competition, reports that
80 percent of participating institutions see an increase in
recycling collection during and after the contest.
by the close of its Jan. 15 deadline, the oce of Admission
has received a record number of applications. In fact, once
international applications are added to the mix, the total
number of applications submitted numbers 10,881, a 30
percent increase from the year before and a 71 percent increase
from two years ago.
e University of Denver joins a lawsuit, led in district
court in Denver, against Colorados Amendment 54, asserting
that it is unconstitutional. Voters passed the constitutional
amendment in november, and it went into eect on Dec. 31,
2008. Amendment 54 restricts certain political activities of
holders of sole-source government contracts that exceed
$100,000. It extends those restrictions to all of the organizations trustees, ocers and their family members. because DU
regularly partners with state agencies on projects that exceed
these limits, University officials fear the amendment could
have a negative impact on ocers, trustees and their families,
restricting their ability to engage in political and community
activities. e complaint argues that Amendment 54 violates
the free speech and association clauses of the first and
14th amendments to the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit is
funded by the Colorado Preservation Council, a collection of
individuals and organizations concerned about the amendments vague language.
more than 350 DU alumni and friends of the University
gather in downtown Washington, D.C., to celebrate the naming
of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies. Korbels
three children former Secretary of State madeleine Albright,
Kathy Silva and John Korbel are in attendance. e school
was founded in 1964 as the Graduate School of International

Studies by scholar and diplomat Josef Korbel, who came to

DU in 1949. DU honored Korbel by renaming the school aer
him in 2008.


ocials from DU and Denver Public Schools announce a

new partnership designed to attract, cultivate and support
exceptional teachers in high-needs subjects and schools within
the district. When the Denver Teacher Residency program
reaches its peak enrollment in a few years, almost one-quarter
of new teachers DPS recruits each year currently more than
400 will receive training through DU. Participants will earn
a teaching license and a masters degree in curriculum and
instruction from the morgridge College of education and
receive a $10,000 stipend during their residency year. During
the programs second year, residents will be hired as full-time
teachers receiving customized mentoring and support. ey
receive full tuition reimbursement aer completing a ve-year
commitment in DPS schools.
Author, activist and environmental advocate Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. speaks to a standing-room-only crowd in DUs
June Swaner Gates Concert Hall, telling them that Colorado
should be the flagship state for renewable energy. you live
in a wilderness state thats enriched with nature, he explains in his speech to DU students, staff, faculty and local
community members.
DU embraces the latest in social networking by launching its
own Twitter site. e Universitys rst tweet (the moniker used
to describe each post on the micro-blogging site) reminds
followers about Globally Speaking, an event at the edward W.
and Charlotte A. estlow International Center for Journalism
and new media focusing on issues aecting the planet and the
way we communicate.
Construction begins on DUs new $9.2 million soccer
stadium, 11,000-square-foot strength and conditioning
center and 12,500-square-foot art annex.
noting that education is the central challenge of our time,
Chancellor Robert Coombe presides over groundbreaking
ceremonies for the $21.4 million Katherine A. Ruatto Hall,
the new home of the morgridge College of education. e
building will feature the Claudia boettcher merthan Community boardroom, made possible by a $500,000 capstone gi
from the boettcher Foundation at the end of the colleges $35
million campaign. Another gi, $1.3 million from the Galena
Foundation, will support programs and research beneting
students with learning dierences.



more than 500 professional planners, architects, academics

and attorneys assemble at DU for the 18th annual conference
of the Rocky mountain Land Use Institute. In his keynote
address, Salt Lake City mayor Ralph becker, a land-use attorney
and a fellow at the American Institute of Certied Planners,
calls on his colleagues to ramp up their public education eorts
to propel sustainability issues beyond trite phrases and into
action. When the West fully learns that cooperation, not
rugged individualism, is the quality that most characterizes
and preserves it, he explains, quoting the late novelist Wallace
Stegner, then [the West] has a chance to create a society to
match its scenery.
A ve-member team from the Daniels College of business
edges out competitors from some of the nations leading
business schools to take top honors in the sixth annual Race &
Case competition. e event combines a business ethics case
competition and nASTAR ski/snowboard challenge at Vail
mountain Resort. e DU team beats squads from brigham
young, George Washington, Purdue, Rice and boston University. The competition was launched in 2004 by members
of the Graduate business Student Association to complement
the Daniels commitment to the teaching and practice of
business ethics.
DUs Sturm College of Law international moot court team
battles past 22 other teams in super-regional competition in
Portland, ore., to emerge as one of just two teams to make the
world championships in Washington, D.C. e ve-member
team beats out groups from the University of California,
brigham young and Arizona State in the Philip C. Jessup
International Law moot Court Competition for the chance to
compete in the nals against teams from 80 countries. e
teams written briefs are judged second best in international
competition. e team from perennial power Universidad de
los Andes, in bogota, Colombia, takes rst place.
Psychology Professor Stephen Shirk, who has been developing
eective methods for treating depression in adolescents, and
Anne DePrince, an associate professor of psychology whose
research examines the eects of violence and trauma, team up
to collaborate with Aurora mental Health in treating and
researching adolescent depression. With a $500,000 grant from
the national Institute for mental Health, Shirk and DePrince
will study 60 teenagers over a three-year period. e teens
have all experienced a previous trauma and are suffering
from depression.
e Pioneer ski team captures its second-straight nCAA
championship a record 20th team title overall. Six of
Denvers 20 team championships have come this decade, as the
Pioneers won in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2009.

In other sports news, the Pioneer hockey team faces o

against minnesota Duluth in the championship game of the
2009 Red baron WCHA Final Five. Although the Pioneers lose
the game, they nonetheless earn the no. 1 seed at the West
Regional of the 2009 nCAA Hockey Championship.


Senior Karen morton, a midelder on the Pioneer womens

lacrosse team, scores her 188th goal, becoming the schools alltime goal scorer. morton, whos from Adelaide, Australia, ends
her DU career as the leader in points (goals and assists added
together), draw controls and caused turnovers.
more than 800 DU students, faculty and sta volunteer at
Project Homeless Connect 7 to help roughly 600 homeless
people access an array of community services. Staged at the
Ritchie Center, the annual event provides homeless participants basic medical care, food stamp benefits, veterans
services, resum assistance, legal advice, haircuts, massages
and clothing.

In the second season under head coach Joe Scott, the

University of Denver mens basketball team continues its
progression toward becoming a sustainable winning program.
With the youngest team in the nation, at an average of only
18.92 years old and without a senior, the Pioneers improve
their total wins, conference wins, home wins and road wins
from the previous season. e team nishes the 2009 season
with a Sun belt Conference quarternals appearance.


Foreign Policy magazine reports that the Josef Korbel School of

International Studies masters program ranks 12th in the world.
In the listing, the Korbel School ties for 12th with yale University, massachusetts Institute of Technology and University of
California-San Diego. e school ranks ahead of schools such
as Stanford University and University of Pittsburgh.
The Graduate School of Professional Psychology (GSPP)
opens the Center for Performance excellence (CPeX) to
deliver sport and performance enhancement services to the
community. CPeX provides us with a vehicle for bringing
psychological sophistication to schools in underserved communities though sport and performance enhancement, says
Peter buirski, dean of GSPP, whose students provide more
than 10,000 hours of community service per year.
DU alumnus Peter Gro, president of the Colorado Senate
and executive director of DUs Center for new Politics and
Policy, wraps up ocial state business before moving to Washington, D.C., to serve as director of faith-based and community initiatives in the U.S. Department of education. Gro was
appointed to the post by President barack obama and education Secretary Arne Duncan.
Chancellor Robert Coombe and Denver mayor John
Hickenlooper share top billing at the launch of DUs new
bike library program. The pilot program, which establishes
a pool of 20 bicycles that can be borrowed free of charge on
campus, will eventually roll into a citywide bike-sharing
program. e city initiative will include about 600 bikes and
scores of pick-up and drop-o kiosks around Denver. DU will
host two kiosks when the city program starts in spring 2010.
With the introduction of a revised smoking policy, scheduled
to go into eect in January 2010, DU becomes one of a handful
of smoke-free campuses in Colorado. e decision comes on
the heels of nearly two years of surveys, letters, petitions,
research and debate. e new policy allows for two designated
smoking areas outside the Ritchie Center and the newman
Center. ese will be available to smokers during public events.

sponsored by a range of campus organizations, participants

explore how DU can embed inclusiveness in all aspects of
the institution. e summit includes 29 workshop sessions
on topics ranging from racism and sexism in queer culture to
incorporating inclusive excellence into the annual performance review process.
DUs Jordan DeHerrera is selected as a member of the USA
Today 2008 All-USA College Academic Second Team. is
marks the seventh consecutive year that a DU student has
been named to one of the USA Today All-USA College
Academic Teams, which honor full-time undergraduates who
excel in scholarship and community service.
e no. 13 Pioneer womens golf team nishes in h place
at the nCAA womens golf championship in owings mills,
md., the highest nish by a Pioneer team at the annual event.


Figure skating olympian michelle Kwan and hundreds of

other DU graduates collect their diplomas at the undergraduate
Commencement ceremony. At the graduate ceremony, DU
alumnus and trustee Joseph Saunders (bS 67, mbA 68),
chairman and Ceo of Visa Inc., delivers the Commencement
address and receives an honorary doctorate of business. e
University also confers an honorary doctorate of ne arts upon
William Robinson, who completed the required course work
for his PhD at DU in 1960, but because of publishing costs was
unable to prepare and submit his dissertation. He instead
accepted a teaching position at mesa Junior College (now
mesa State College) in Grand Junction and taught there
until his retirement in 1988. other honorary doctorates are
conferred on Rep. Diana DeGette (D-Denver) and Joy burns,
who has served on the DU board of Trustees since 1981.
bill Tierney of Princeton is named head mens lacrosse coach
at DU. During his 22 seasons coaching at Princeton, Tierney
led the Tigers to six nCAA championships, eight nCAA
championship games, 10 nCAA Final Four appearances and
14 Ivy League championships.
DU caps its second-nest year in nCAA Division I history by
nishing no. 54 in the Leareld Sports Directors Cup. Aer
sending 11 sports programs to nCAA postseason competition
and concluding with 396.5 points, DU finishes first among
Front Range schools for the second consecutive season. In
addition, DU is the highest ranked Sun belt Conference
institution, outdistancing no. 76 middle Tennessee by more
than 135 points. Finally, the Pioneers end the year as the highest
ranked I-AAA school for the second consecutive season.

At the eighth annual Diversity Summit on Inclusive excellence,

presented by DUs Center for multicultural excellence and

P r o g r a m s f or p e op l e


Intense, Personal and International

e University of Denvers academic environment is
steeped in tradition and advanced by innovation. Although
the institutions history is rich with visionary leaders and
significant advancements, few stretches in the Universitys
timeline have been as transformative as the last decade,
particularly for academic initiatives in undergraduate
education. And, if Chancellor Robert Coombes vision is to
be realized, the next decade will see similar seismic shis and
improvements for graduate and professional education.
e Undergraduate Experience
e undergraduate experience today is vastly dierent
from what it was a decade ago on a number of fronts, Provost
Gregg Kvistad said. e rst is intensity.
anks to a $10 million gi in 2002 from DU alumni Tom
and Cydney marsico, the University was able to invest in a
fundamental change of its undergraduate program. According to Kvistad, DU explored and tested a number of dierent
ideas that would dramatically improve the undergraduate
experience, and each one of them involved ratcheting up
intensity. Greater intensity requires more faculty, and this
gi allowed DU to create 44 more full-time appointed faculty
positions. That was the first step in providing a more
personal, intense undergraduate experience, he said.
Perhaps nothing embodies that intensity so much as the
institutions celebrated rst-year seminars, where students
connect with a mentor who prepares them for the rigors ahead.
experientially, the intensity is felt as soon as students arrive on
campus, Kvistad explained. even before classes start, rst-year
students are assigned to an adviser with 14 other first-year
students, and they take their first-year seminar together.
In the interests of capitalizing on momentum generated
by the marsico Initiative, the University also has taken steps to
re-imagine its general education requirements. In spring 2009,
the Faculty Senate and Undergraduate Council approved a
new common curriculum that reinforces student learning outcomes called for by the initiative. ese outcomes were shaped
by the institutions vision, values, mission and goals.
e new common curriculum, the creation of a campuswide faculty committee that worked throughout the year, will

go into eect in the 20102011 academic year. It continues the

Universitys emphasis on writing while striving to cultivate
analytical and scientific inquiry through courses that span
the traditional liberal arts disciplines. Just as important, it
introduces a writing-intensive advanced seminar, capped at 15
students, into the curriculum. Similar to rst-year seminars,
advanced seminars will allow students to pursue topics outside their majors while beneting from highly personalized
instruction. In advanced seminars, students will be called upon
to integrate and apply knowledge and to reason eectively.

Student Projects Promote

Positive Change

cross the DU campus, students take their passion and

education beyond the classroom and into communities
where they can affect positive change.
At the Womens College, for example, a cadre of students
recently took their colleges mission to heart and to Sudan.
The Womens College says it prepares women to boldly
lead in the communities where they live, work and engage. Its
tagline is Advancing our world. One woman at a time.
Those goals came together when Womens College students
learned that young schoolgirls in Sudan lacked one important
piece of their uniform: underwear.
The girls have uniforms, but they dont have underwear,
and when they are dealing with dirt floors and bugs, they need
protection, said Womens College junior Ling Richardson.
Upon hearing of this need through the Denver-based Project
Education Sudan, the colleges students, faculty and staff
launched a Bookpacks and Panties campaign. They adopted
the Ayak Anguei Girls Primary School in the Bor area of
southern Sudan and raised money to send backpacks or
bookpacks, as DU students call them containing underwear
to each of the 600 girls at the school.
The Womens College and its students understand,
appreciate and are committed to advancing girls and women
locally, nationally and globally, Dean Lynn Gangone said.
The partnership seemed to be a perfect fit.
To ensure that Womens College students have meaningful
academic experiences that engage them in community, the college
has developed community-based research and philanthropic
studies certificates. The community-based research certificate
provides students with a comprehensive opportunity to conduct
research impacting the community, effecting change and
promoting social justice. The philanthropic studies certificate

Still other improvements in undergraduate education

emphasize global awareness. Weve changed the writing
curriculum completely; we oer experiential learning opportunities, internships, service learning. but probably the most
dramatic change is the study abroad opportunity, Kvistad said.
e most recent open Doors report, issued by the Institute
of International education, nds that DU ranks second highest
in the country among doctoral institutions in the number of
students participating in study abroad and international
experiences. In fact, DU sends nearly 75 percent of its undergraduate students abroad for study. e national average is in
the single digits.
Carol Fairweather, director of study abroad programs,
attributes this success to an initiative established eight years
ago: Cherrington Global Scholars.
is program took a tremendous commitment from the
University because it is quite expensive, she said, explaining
that, for the price of normal tuition, students may participate
in any of the 150 international programs oered. DU pays for
their travel to and from the site, for their visas and sometimes

for health expenses. Students who receive nancial aid, scholarships and even housing grants may apply those dollars to
their international experience.
I dont know of any other university where students get
these benets, Fairweather said. e University budgets more
than $10 million annually for the study abroad experience.
anks to the program, the culture on campus is changing.
Students who travel abroad understand what its like to be
so far from home, to see things from a different cultural
perspective and even to be part of a minority population,
Fairweather said. It also gives them empathy for the international students on our campus.
eric Gould, vice provost for internationalization, sees
great opportunities ahead for international study. As study
abroad becomes more and more a natural part of gaining a
liberal education at DU, so faculty and academic units want to
integrate it better into the curriculum. Were trying to make
the whole experience more rigorous for students, both
academically and in terms of gaining intercultural experiences, he said. In addition, the program is striving to ensure

equips women working in nonprofits and foundations with tools

and strategies to grow and sustain mission-driven organizations.
Both certificate programs allow students to develop their
own public good projects, enabling them to identify a social
issue they want to impact and change in collaboration with
faculty and the community, said Acting Associate Academic
Dean Margo Espenlaub.
Meanwhile, Joe Brown, a first-year graduate student
studying filmmaking, puts his passion to work exploring issues.
Im really interested in the power of documentaries to address
social issues, he explained.
His first film, National Sacrifice Zone: Colorado and the
Cost of Energy Independence, has been screened at several
film festivals and now is part of the Wild and Scenic Film
Festivals national tour.
Educating the public on environmental issues motivates
Brown, who chairs the Colorado Environmental Film Festival

and who has been commissioned by Denver Urban Gardens to

make a documentary about the benefits of growing your own
food and being part of a community.
At the end of the day, Brown wants nothing more from
his film career than the opportunity to make films about social
issues and get them shown to as many people as possible
with the hope they will lead to some discussion and help
change something.
Similarly, two first-year undergraduate students saw an
injustice that they wanted to change and, against all odds,
entered a seemingly unwinnable contest to begin the journey.
Nobody told Nichole Parker and Jake Sager that some
challenges are just too big to take on in their first year of college,
so they set their sights high. Both 19 years old, Parker and Sager
devised a business plan to elevate rural residents of Tanzania
out of poverty. They entered their plan into the University of
Colorado-Denvers prestigious Bard Center for Entrepreneurship
Business Plan Competition and wound up in the finals.
Their final competition was tough: an established pharmaceutical company looking for capital for an anti-autoimmune
drug; a solar energy company seeking to place industrial power
generation atop commercial buildings; a biomedical device
developer with a tool to clear airways; an established flavored
nut company; and a company that makes frozen organic
dinners for busy families.
While the two didnt win the grand prize, they walked away
from the competition with $2,000 in prize money, some important contacts and the determination to set their plan in motion.
Sager is majoring in international business, while Parker is
majoring in accounting and Spanish. Both are seeking a minor
in leadership through DUs Pioneer Leadership Program.
The students aim to refine their plan and to raise the capital
theyll need to press forward. Soon, the two hope to travel to
Tanzania to strengthen ties with local contacts and to begin
making a difference in the lives of the rural poor.


DU will be a research
university that provides a

as work on a reservation or in an inner-city environment. In

addition, the study abroad oce plans to hire a program coordinator of international community engagement and service
learning. is individual will develop long-term academically
based service learning options for the Cherrington program.

truly extraordinary
undergraduate experience.

that students can integrate their study abroad course work into
their majors and minors.
As a result, requirements are changing. Students will
be asked to keep an online portfolio of their academic and
cultural experiences for assessment purposes. They will be
required to take at least one course in the history, society,
economics or culture of the host country, along with at least
one course in their major or minor.
Gould and his oce also are working with the Center for
multicultural excellence to propose a minor in intercultural
studies, which will be developed by faculty in the Arts,
Humanities and Social Sciences, where the minor will be
housed. It will oer credit for in-depth analysis of the region
where a student is studying, for a detailed reflection on an
international service learning project, or for a multicultural
community engagement experience in the United States, such

Revisiting Graduate and Professional Education

In his fall 2008 Convocation speech, Chancellor Coombe
committed the University to a concentrated eort to improve
graduate education: Id suggest that it is high time that we
devote at least an equal amount of attention and resources to
[graduate students], and to the faculty scholarship, research
and creative work on which they rely. Aer all, together these
represent more than half of all our annual net revenue and a
still greater proportion of our reputation and stature in the
academic world.
The first step in these efforts was taken in spring 2009,
when the University created two new positions to benefit
the graduate and professional programs. Where once they
were served by a single vice provost for graduate studies
and research, they now will be served by two associate
provosts, one responsible for research and one responsible
for graduate studies.
barbara Wilcotsa DU alumna, an associate professor
of english and a former associate dean of Arts, Humanities
and Social Sciences was chosen to be the new associate
provost for graduate studies. She will oversee graduate


DU will be a university
where e xceptional student
talent blossoms, thrives and
enriches public life.

admissions, graduate nancial aid, doctoral fellowships and

eorts to enhance graduate program quality, including initiatives
to make international study and research eorts increasingly
available. Just as important, Wilcots will work closely with
deans and faculty members to promote opportunities for
collaboration and interdisciplinary programming.
As Kvistad sees it, such collaboration is the future of
graduate professional education in the United States. The
premise behind this position is that the old disciplinary
boundaries are simply becoming less relevant, and that we
need interdisciplinary strategies, particularly in the areas of
law, business and international studies, he explained.
Changes to the graduate-level experience are particularly
challenging because of its decentralized structure. each
college and school runs its own programs, making it dicult

to make sweeping changes across the institution. Rather,

advancements will be made unit by unit but also in programs
that cross disciplinary boundaries. In some cases, changes
will include the addition of faculty. We have already made
commitments to the Daniels College of business and the
Sturm College of Law for the funding necessary to increase
their faculty numbers, Kvistad said.
Kvistad has set his sights on making sure that graduate
and professional students realize value for their investment in
their education. What is the value proposition that underlies
graduate education today? he asked. It is an expensive thing
to do. In the professional areas, employers need to be
convinced that a DU graduate degree is a valuable thing for an
employee to have, and students need to believe that a University of Denver degree is worth the expense. e only way that
can happen is if it truly is.
DU, he added, is well positioned to address the value
question convincingly. When we are successful, we will have
an array of graduate programs, many of them interdisciplinary
in nature and of the highest quality possible, he said. e
goal is not necessarily to increase the size of our graduate
programs. In some cases, we want to oer very intense niche
programs that attract the very best students, that are taught by
the very best faculty and that oer plentiful nancial aid. We
do not strive to be a large university, but we do want to be
absolutely excellent in everything we do.

Partners in Scholarship:
An Investment in Inquiry

t the University of Denver, the worlds of research and

undergraduate life come together through Partners in
Scholarship (PinS), a program that allows students to
work side-by-side with world-class faculty members on projects
of their own design.
PinS provides up to $1,500 in grant money to fund
everything from books to software to travel. To receive funding,
students must submit a professional research proposal. Once
they complete the project, recipients must write detailed results
of their work.
The 2008 2009 projects reflected a wide range of interests.
They included:
The Effects of Post-Election Violence on Women and
Children in Nairobi, Kenya
Studies in Youth-Based Independent Film
Labile Nitrogen in Temperate Forests and Grasslands
Angry Eyes and Pouty Lips: Gender, Emotion and
Attention to Faces
Understanding the Latina Juvenile Offender in Colorado
ASHLEY RUIZ graduated in June 2009 with a double
major in gender and womens studies and in international
studies. She used her PinS grant to travel to Nairobi, Kenya,
where she examined the effects of post-election conflict on
women and children.


Ruiz became passionate about the culture and people of

Kenya during her Cherrington Global Scholars study abroad
experience. She wanted to return to the country to gain a
deeper understanding of the election struggle between President
Mwai Kibaki and opposition candidate Raila Odinga. In
particular, she wanted to focus on how women and children
were affected, both domestically and professionally.
Ruiz returned from Nairobi to write a report concluding
that women were greatly affected by food shortages, sometimes
struggling to provide food and water for their children and
families. My PinS experience truly had an incredible impact on
me, she explained. This project was a remarkable end to my
time at DU, cohesively bringing together not only both of my
courses of study, but also my numerous travel, internship and
volunteer experiences.
CHLOE ANDERSON, a senior majoring in international
studies and Russian language, hopes to work professionally in
the film industry. She and fellow DU student ANDY NEASE, who
graduated with a BA in mass communications, have already
launched a film production company, Epicenter Pictures.
The two combined a PinS project with an independent
study in the Daniels College of Business, aiming to emerge with
a full-fledged marketing plan for their company. They used PinS
resources to conduct focus groups on two short films they were
developing, to edit the films using that feedback and to launch
their work into the film festival circuit.
The best part of the experience was the ability to instantly
apply all the things we were learning about marketing to our

films in a long-term pilot project for the company, Anderson

said. It has been an invaluable experience, and I feel that it
has prepared me well to apply for graduate school at some of
the top film schools in the world.
At one film conference, Nease received training and
certification on a camera that only three other people in Denver
are certified to use, making him a valuable commodity for
regional production companies. PinS is a fantastic program
that enables kids to do actual field work that they normally
wouldnt have the time or money to do, he explained.
CORINNE LOHSS graduated in spring 2009 with a
major in psychology, concentrating in cognitive neuroscience,
and minors in biology and philosophy. Lohss studied gender
differences in how men and women look at faces of the opposite
sex. She predicted that gender differences would be related to
social behaviors.
I found some interesting results that show gender
differences in where men and women look at faces, particularly
to where men and women look the longest, and where they
first focus on a face and how it differs in different emotional
conditions, Lohss wrote. This study has implications for
research on gender differences and how they might be related
to evolutionary adaptive behaviors, which lend support for
evolutionary theory.
Lohss noted that her PinS project also served as her
thesis project: I learned a lot about running an experiment,
dealing with collecting and analyzing data, and how to write
a research paper.


Outcomes for People

e University of Denver has long promoted a teacher/
scholar model for its faculty, encouraging professors to excel
in the classroom and in research. is model fosters a oneof-a-kind student experience because students learn from
instructors who are inspiring educators and leaders in their
eld. At the same time, the University cultivates an environment in which research and scholarship are focused on the
improvement of individual lives and the collective good of
the public.
e result is an academic community in which renowned
scholars and their students work tirelessly to improve the
human condition.
Consider the work of Kimon Valavanis, professor
and chair of the Department of electrical and Computer
engineering. Valavanis was lured to DU from the University
of South Florida. He is internationally known for his work on
robotics, specically unmanned systems used for trac monitoring, search and rescue, emergency response, surveillance
and crime prevention. His unmanned helicopters have the potential to save human lives by serving as rst responders aer
natural and man-made disasters, such as forest res,
hurricanes and trac accidents.
It is easier to send down a robot than a human being, he
said. We would much rather lose a robot than a human life.
Valavanis joined DUs faculty because, from the top
down, administrators have made unmanned systems and
mechatronics a priority. Right now, DU is one of the bestequipped universities in the U.S. in unmanned systems, he
explained. We have five custom-built unmanned ground
vehicles, an all-terrain mobile robot, a fleet of several types of
unmanned helicopters, a custom-built miniature helicopter
capable of autonomous flight and five unmanned, fixedwing platforms.
While Valavanis seeks to advance robotics research, Peter
Van Arsdale, senior lecturer with the Josef Korbel School of
International Studies, is leading a team of scholars, students
and community members seeking to improve water sanitation
in a Kenyan slum known as Kibera. e multidisciplinary


faculty group includes Renee botta of mass communications

and journalism studies, Randall Kuhn of the Josef Korbel
School and Karen Loeb of the Daniels College of business.
The Kibera Project aims to improve the slums water
and sanitation by assessing needs and by building 14 water
stations, financed through a grant from the Rotary Club of
Denver Southeast.
Since spring 2008, Van Arsdale and several graduate
students have traveled to Kibera to gather data about community needs and best practices. even the culture of the residents
contributes to decisions on how best to build and maintain
water stations. us far, the group has built six facilities, each
able to accommodate hundreds of people.
is is particularly good for our graduate students
perspective because they gain meaningful overseas experience,
Van Arsdale said. ey benet their careers as they also help
the people in Africa.
Shaping Change in Political and Civil Institutions
When the presidential campaign kicked into high gear in
2008, Seth masket, assistant professor of political science,
along with three political scientists from the University of
minnesota and the University of Florida, secured a national
Science Foundation grant to study dynamics at both political
parties conventions.
masket and a team of 20 undergraduate and graduate
students blanketed downtown Denversite of the Democratic
national Conventionto conduct six-page surveys of 500 of
the 4,000 delegates. We were curious, how does a party overcome a serious internal ri? ere was a serious ri between
two of the Democratic Partys most important groups, women
and African-Americans, he recalled.

maskets team studied the social networks encouraged by

the Democratic Partys caucus system. ey found that the
system actually made delegates cling tighter to their convictions.
For example, aer attending various caucus meetings, Hillary
Clintons supporters were even less likely to support the partys
nominee, barack obama.
Democrats may want to think about other ways to allow
people to participate in the process that dont cause as much
friction at the convention, masket concluded.
Like masket, researchers at DUs Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS) are interested in
conducting projects with real-world impact. e institute, for
example, is working to reform the civil justice system so that
it is more ecient, aordable and transparent.
Jordan Singer, the IAALS director of research, noted that
one of the institutes current projects aims to create a fairer and
more informed approach to judicial selection and retention.
Through data collection and analysis, and then through
education and legislative eorts, the IAALS sta has improved
the publics understanding of the judicial selection process and
the appropriate standards for evaluating judicial performance.
We advocate a performance-based judicial selection
process featuring appointment, evaluation and informed
choice by voters. It is a system with built-in accountability and
transparency, and it has served states like Colorado well,
Singer said.

e IAALS created an educational publication promoting

the process and sent it to every state legislature in the country.
e institute also published two seminal reports on judicial
performance evaluation to provide states with the tools to
establish or strengthen their own programs.
Research also plays a central role in the institutes TwentyFirst Century Rules Initiative, which seeks to revise and
update the Federal Rules of Civil Procedurethe procedural
roadmap for the U.S. civil justice system. IAALS is also
conducting a series of empirical studies of the civil justice
system to pinpoint those areas that would benet the most
from constructive change. To educate interested parties
about the issues involved, the institute maintains a Web includes
the latest IAALS research, commentator analysis and
comparative approaches.
Cross-Disciplinary Work to Solve the Mysteries of Disease
Across campus, researchers affiliated with the eleanor
Roosevelt Institute (eRI) tackle some of societys most
frustrating and debilitating health issues, including cancer,
Alzheimers, Lou Gehrigs disease, Parkinsons disease and
Down syndrome.
Director of external Relations David Patterson, himself
a researcher at eRI, noted that access to DU scientists from
several disciplines enables researchers to follow paths of


discovery beyond their initial expectations. ese paths may

well lead to new therapies and to a better understanding of
disease processes.
For example, Patterson studies Down syndrome, which is
the result of a person carrying three copies of Chromosome
21 rather than two. because people with Down syndrome
have a higher risk of developing Alzheimers and leukemia,
researchers now believe that the extra copy of Chromosome
21 may contribute to those diseases as well. So now, interdisciplinary teamsenlisting both undergraduate and graduate
studentshave tackled those veins of research.
Were collaborating with people in physics and
chemistry, as well as biology, Patterson said. Were applying
thought processes and technologies not normally applied
to these topics.
On the Horizon
With research one of DUs top priorities, its essential that
the institution focus on new ways to encourage collaboration
and innovation.
at is Cathryn Potters mission. As associate provost for
research, a newly created position focused on advancing DUs
research capabilities, Potter aims to encourage and support an
interdisciplinary approach to research across the campus.
many problems that are addressed by research, whether
social or scientic, are so complex that no one discipline has
the complete angle on them, she explained. much of the

work that needs to be done must be done by people who can

form teams and work on the problem from dierent vantage
points and with varying skills.
Provost Gregg Kvistad believes DUs success in this
endeavor hinges on its ability to capitalize on groundwork laid
in recent years.
We have the faculty, the infrastructure, the curriculum,
the will, the exibility and the entrepreneurial spirit to make
this happen, he said. And there is a kind of optimism that
runs through this institution, even when were dealing with
challenges. e spirit and the talent here are extraordinary.

DU will be a university
where research and
scholarship are focused
on the improvement
of individual lives
and the collective good
of the public.


Confronting the
G r e at I s s u e s of t h e D ay


Serving Students and Society

In recent years, internationalization has emerged as one
of the University of Denvers top priorities. As understanding
advances in most fields of study, students need firsthand
access to knowledge produced throughout the world. To educate
future generations eectively, to generate new knowledge and
to contribute to the betterment of humankind, the University
realizes it must emphasize internationalization.
According to Provost Gregg Kvistad, employers are
increasingly looking for people able to function well in diverse,
multicultural and international environments. For some, that
means acquiring language skills, while for others, it means
learning to live and work in situations dramatically dierent
from the familiar home environment. To prepare students for
the world beyond DU, the University introduces them to a
variety of dierent cultures. e best university is the one that
mirrors the world it is a part of, and not one that strives to keep
the world outside of its walls, Kvistad said.
With that in mind, the oce of Internationalization has
begun focusing its study abroad and international service
learning programs to ensure that students are academically
immersed in the countries where they study. It has also worked
to help academic departments integrate that study into their
majors wherever possible, said eric Gould, vice provost
of internationalization.
e service learning projects, in particular, allow students
to plunge into a culture, becoming acquainted with its
challenges as well as its amenities. ese programs which
take students to India, ecuador, el Salvador and South Africa,
among othersmarry classroom learning at DU with volunteer projects in international settings. Some of these volunteer
efforts are led by DU faculty, who collaborate with nongovernmental organizations to structure opportunities that
provide meaningful learning experiences.
Gould has begun work to reshape the Cherrington Global
Scholars program to include service learning opportunities
that span a quarter or semester. Another goal is to enlist
DUs international students in the preparation of students
embarking on Cherrington experiences. Gould also seeks to
have study abroad veterans help new international students
connect with the DU community.

by enhancing academic immersion in the study abroad

and service learning programs, Gould expects DU to continue
its leadership role in internationalization eorts. We already
have a large and eective study abroad program, and we are
actively pursuing agreements with other universities. but by
adding stronger academic, assessment and cultural elements to
study abroad, we will deepen that memorable transformation
that occurs for students studying abroad, he said.
A New Center to Augment Language Instruction
Still another component of the Universitys internationalization eorts focuses on enhancing language instruction
and pedagogy.
To help students and faculty across the disciplines gain
greater language prociency, the University laid groundwork
in 20082009 to open a new language center by 2010. As the
nal piece of a years-long initiative to intensify DUs academic
experience, the language center will serve as a resource for
undergraduate and graduate students who need training in a
wide array of languageseverything from Arabic and Chinese
to Urdu and Farsi. eventually, the center will launch a summer
intensive program to buoy language skills for students preparing for a fall study abroad experience.
e center has been designed with two primary goals in
mind, said Anne mcCall, dean of Arts, Humanities and Social
Sciences. First, it will help all departments and students across
campus gain cultural awareness and greater knowledge about
the world around them. Second, it will help DU achieve its
goal of having more undergraduate students study abroad in
the target language.
We want our students to eagerly embrace the idea of
going to countries that, a few years ago, they wouldnt have
considered, mcCall explained. To do that, they must have
more access to language training. It speaks to our priority for
internationalization and top-quality teaching, by working
across the boundaries of schools and colleges on campus.
Its giving physical space, substance, curricular reality and
resources to our goal of internationalization.
The language center also will serve graduate students
who need to access materials in other languages or who hope
to incorporate international opportunities into their studies.
DUs strength in language instruction was boosted by the
addition of a full-time Arabic languages instructor, who
continued on page 22

Performing Arts Series

Poses the Big Questions

t the end of the Newman Center Presents season last

May a season in which performances addressed a
comprehensive theme, What should I do? classically
trained cellist Maya Beiser presented Provenance. The eclectic
work was co-commissioned by the Newman Center.
By addressing questions of peaceful coexistence and
shared humanity, the work was the perfect ending to a season
designed to generate discussion. The seasons theme emerged
as Stephen Seifert, executive director of the Newman Center for
the Performing Arts, began booking acts for the 20082009
year. As he talked with artists and their agents about their
current projects, he was struck by how many wanted to
contribute something to the civic dialogue. While some artists
were concerned about the war in Iraq, others were wondering
how they could remain relevant in public life. Artists are
citizens, too, and have things to add to the conversation about
how we run our society, Seifert said.
Because the Newman Center Presents series is designed to
complement the Universitys mission and vision, Seifert strives
to develop programming that brings innovative performances to
DU while sparking conversation and fostering inclusivity. The
series reflects multidisciplinary expression, allowing artists from
around the world to share their experiences with audiences in
Denver. We hope, Seifert said, that by putting them all in the

same series and on the same stage, we are sending the

message that we value equally all of these different expressions
of humanity.
Certainly Beisers piece reflected those values. Beiser grew
up on an Israeli kibbutz at the base of the Galilee Mountains,
where Muslim, Jewish and Christian villages exist in peace. As
an adult, Beiser became interested in medieval Spain, where,
as in her own experience, people with different religions lived
side-by-side with minimal conflict.
As her background and research converged, she imagined
and brought to life a composition that expressed the
possibilities of people living together in harmony, despite
divergent beliefs. For Provenance, Beiser incorporated works by
composers from Israel, Palestine, Algeria, Morocco, Iran, the
United States and even medieval Spain.
She then selected a Lebanese oud player and two American percussionists, one a Lebanese-American, to represent her
vision. An Iranian-American performed with the group on computer to create a whole-sound backdrop for the single, intermission-free performance.
Beisers performance allowed audiences to approach
subjects from differing perspectives, all in hopes of fostering
understanding. The act of creating a performance and
re-creating it with people makes it a community, Seifert noted.
The art itself can be an expression of the unifying power, which
makes community. I have faith that art can change the world.

continued from page 20

assumes her DU post in fall 2009. According to mcCall, Arabic

enrollment has risen 126 percent nationwide in the past ve
years, making it dicult for universities to compete for qualied
instructors. To get somebody who is a native speaker with
great university credentials and teaching experience is the hat
trick, really, she said.

New Center Expands

Connections With Asia

nder construction throughout spring 2009, the new

SI CHOU-KANG Center for International Security and
Diplomacy will assemble some of the worlds best minds
to address key global challenges.
Affiliated with the Josef Korbel School of International
Studies, the center grows out of the Universitys recent efforts to
expand its ties and exchanges with Asia.
Its programming will include leadership training and
long-term strategic analysis for rising figures in diplomacy,
intelligence and the military establishments of the U.S. and other
leading states.
The center is named after Si Chou-Kang, father of
principal donor John Sie.


Examining Issues With International Impact

e Universitys concern with internationalization and
international issues extends far beyond classroom instruction
into the realm of public education. In 20082009, DUs
celebrated Strategic Issues Program (SIP), which assembles
panels to explore critical questions facing Colorado, focused on
immigration policy. Appointed by Chancellor Robert Coombe,
the immigration panel comprised 20 accomplished citizens
from various segments of the community.
more than 30 peopleincluding union leaders, corporate
Ceos, the current and two former governors, academics,
advocates, the Denver mayor and federal government ocials
presented evidence and opinion to the panel from January
to may. Aer the nal speaker, the panel convened to discuss
the issues around immigration, which ranged from the hidden
tax undocumented workers place on our economy to the guest
worker program, smart cards, biometrics and the implications
for education.
Complex though this topic may be, it represents standard
fare for the Strategic Issues Program, created in 2004 when
people concerned about the Colorado economy approached
DU about providing a mechanism to examine pressing issues.
Since then, DU has developed a number of nonpartisan panels
dealing with everything from water issues to the future of
Colorados constitution. once panel members investigate the
topic fully, they conduct their own dialogue about the subject
and issue a consensus-based report that is distributed to public
ocials, business and community leaders, the general public
and the media. e immigration panel report will be released
in late 2009.
As far as Im aware, it is a unique model, nationally, for
looking at public policy questions in a careful and unbiased
way, said Jim Griesemer, professor, dean emeritus of the
Daniels College of business and chair of the SIP.
Shedding light on important international issues also is
important to the Universitys academic units. For example,
Claude destree, director of DUs Center on Rights Development and chair of the Task Force on modern Slavery and
Human Tracking at the Josef Korbel School of International
Studies, seeks to boost our understanding of human tracking, a $9 billion global problem considered second only to
the illicit drug trade in terms of its toll and impact. experts
estimate that between 23 and 27 million people worldwide
are forced to live as slaves ranging from orange pickers in
Florida to sex slaves in Southeast Asia.

DU will be a great
international university
for Denver and the
Rocky Mountain region.

While many groups and individuals work to rescue and

rehabilitate the victims of the trade, few conduct research or
collect data on the topic, making it dicult for policy makers
to address the problem eectively. Destree aims to remedy
that by lling the knowledge gap.
In August 2008, destree started a human tracking
clinic that operates throughout the year. before beginning

work in the clinic, students completed a course on human

trafficking at the Josef Korbel School. Students were then
matched with a private-sector, international or nongovernmental organization, oen venturing overseas to assist the
group with its work. Upon their return to DU, students prepared monographs based on information collected during
their experience. Working jointly with the participating
organizations, the human tracking clinic will publish these
materials in the coming months.
one of only two such programs in the country, the clinic
is breaking new ground in an emerging field. The human
trafficking clinic, through the Korbel School, is internationally known, and many countries are very interested in
what were doing, destree said. Were training the first
generation of policy makers and people who are going to be
working in the field, solving the problems of trafficking.
We are on the cutting edge of doing some work to begin
alleviating the trouble.

Exhibition Fosters
Cross-Cultural Dialogue

hen Iranians immigrate to the United States, they

face more than just language barriers. Even now,
they are confronted with political tensions lingering
from the Iranian Revolution 30 years ago.
Eager to show another side of her country, Morehshin
Allahyari, a digital media studies graduate student who moved
to the United States in 2007, conceived of a collaborative
concept that would enlist artists from Colorado and Iran. When
she first moved to the U.S., Allahyari recalled, the Americans
she met were uninformed about her country. It took me months
to find out what I can do as an artist about this, she said,
instead of just feeling awkward, explaining what Iran is and
what it is not.
Using Dialogue as its theme, the IRUS Art Project was
created to confront the misconceptions between U.S. and Iranian
cultures. Artistic teams were assembled from both countries; the
nine Denver artists who participated were all DU students or
alumni. Allahyari contacted a friend in Tehran, who pulled
together 10 artists from Iran.
Each team created an individual project, which included
a unique combination of painting, video art, drawings,
photographs, software, street art and design. The unfinished
works were shipped or transmitted via the Internet to the other
team, whose members then added their own contributions.
Guidelines called for all the artists to trust members of the other
team to respect the cultural and religious perspectives reflected
in the works.
Laleh Mehran, associate professor of electronic media arts
design, observed that for DU students, it was a unique opportunity
to engage with their peers from another country more
precisely, a country that has been a point of political contention
with the U.S. for decades.
The project culminated in an exhibition of more than 200
collaborative works at a Denver gallery in March. Each piece


included an interpretation of literary icons that represent the

essence of the two countries: the American storyteller Mark
Twain and the Persian Scheherazade, the tale spinner of One
Thousand and One Nights.
I wanted to break down the cultural barriers and help
give a more balanced view to Iran, Allahyari said. I hope
this project continues to happen, so there are more people in
America who can understand Persian culture and see the
beauty of Iranian art.
The works are scheduled for an exhibition in Tehran
in fall 2009.


Examining Education With

Gregory Anderson

n spring 2009, the University of Denver announced that

Gregory Anderson would become the new dean of the
Morgridge College of Education. He began work at DU
in July 2009.

Question: What is your background?

Answer: Im the son of South Africans who relocated from
Cape Town to Toronto, Canada, in the 1960s because of
the apartheid regime. After attending public schools, I got
baccalaureate and masters degrees in sociology from the
University of Toronto, then attended City University of New York,
where I completed a PhD in sociology.
Q: What was your experience before coming to DU?
A: I received a postdoctoral fellowship at Columbia University
in 1998. In the fall of 1999, I accepted a position at Teachers
College, Columbia University, as assistant professor of higher
and postsecondary education, and after receiving tenure
in 2005, I was promoted to the rank of associate professor. In
2006, I was granted a three-year leave to serve as the Higher
Education Policy Program officer for the Ford Foundation. I was
responsible for all grant making in the area of higher education
policy in the United States and also served a coordinating
role as team leader for higher education grant making
internationally at the foundation.

Q: Why did you take the Morgridge College post?

A: DU is poised to do some important things, both locally and
at the state and national levels. This was an excellent fit for me
because of my experience and strengths and the Universitys
community engagement commitment, which is attached to a
strong support system of philanthropy organizations that want
to make positive and progressive social change.
Q: What are the colleges strengths?
A: The Morgridge College of Education has a number of
programs and community partnerships in place that are
wonderfully designed and are beginning to show positive
outcomes. We have teaching residency programs that are
extremely successful and an exciting new institute for early
childhood education that speaks very highly of the quality
of our faculty and the projects theyve initiated.
Q: Where do you see the college going?
A: Without a solid and vibrant educational system, we cant
produce an informed citizenry and a productive workforce for
the future. I see the Morgridge College of Education as one of
the guiding lights of the community engagement commitment the
University has made to addressing important social problems in
Denver, the surrounding region and nationally. I also hope the
college begins to generate a greater presence among other
schools of education. The foundation is here for us to
play that role.


Cutting-Edge Programs for Leaders

and Practitioners
educating education professionals received a $21.4
million boost in late February, when construction began on
DUs Katherine A. Ruatto Hall, future home of the morgridge
College of education.
Sited prominently at the corner of east evans Avenue and
High Street, the building will serve as a hub for leading-edge
work focused on some of the most pressing issues of our time.
According to Jerry Wartgow, who served as interim dean
of the morgridge College throughout 20082009, the new
building should foster synergy among the colleges many
programs. That, in turn, will provide a richer and broader
experience for students.
When it opens in June 2010, the building, which is
expected to achieve LeeD Gold certication from the U.S.
Green building Council, will be the most technologically
advanced school of education building in the country. Its many
amenities will include advanced video conferencing to aid
conversations among educators across the country and around
the world. e result? An information exchange that should
catalyze positive developments in education at all levels.

Q: How do you plan to get there?

A: First, we need to make the work we as academics do more
relevant to the communities we wish to serve. Second, we need
to bring in more external funding to fortify the relationships we
have with communities, schools, districts, other educational
institutions, local donors and foundations. Third, we will soon
have a beautiful new building, and I would like to see it serve
as a hub for community engagement.
Q: Is there anything else you think is important?
A: Diversity, inclusion, excellence and leadership are important
to me, including the diversity of experience, knowledge and
solutions. To address something as systemic as the educational
system, you have to have a variety of approaches and an open
perspective. I want to engage all
sides of the political spectrum
and encourage people to work
together to develop solutions
that enhance equity and opportunity. I want to help break down
divisions that havent served our
children well in the public school
system, whether they are political,
ideological, ethnic or based on
language, racial or socioeconomic status. Thats ultimately
the philosophy I would like to
undergird the college.

A New Residency Program for Teachers

Wartgow expects that the building and the synergy it
fosters will influence the most important variable in K-12
student achievement: the quality of the teacher. A former
superintendent of Denver Public Schools (DPS), Wartgow
believes that too many teachers, prepared in the traditional
manner through traditional programs, are not up for the
challenges of todays changing classrooms.
In the interests of improving teacher education and based
on the success of its boettcher Teacher Residency program,
the morgridge College of education has partnered with DPS
to create the Denver Teacher Residency program. modeled
aer a medical residency, the program is designed to attract,
cultivate and support exceptional teachers in high-needs
subjects and schools within the district.
because the program is customized to the school district,
participants will be able to work within DPS eectively and
with a minimal learning curve. For example, courses on teaching reading will utilize DPS reading programs, meaning new
teachers will nd no discrepancies between their classroom
and eld experiences.
Students in the residency program will earn a masters
degree in curriculum and instruction, as well as their teaching
license. each will be assigned to a mentor teacher within DPS.
During their second year in the program, students will work in
a DPS school as a teacher of record. At the end of that year, as
they receive their masters degree, they become eligible for a
raise. If they teach with the district for three additional years,
DPS will reimburse their full DU tuition.
The program launches in fall 2009 with 27 slots in five
dierent schools. ese slots drew 292 applicants in the rst
year. When the residency program reaches its peak enrollment
in three years, as many as a quarter of DPS new hires could be
trained through DU.
is is a very signicant program in how it will inuence
the future of Denver Public Schools, Wartgow said. Its going
to have a big impact, and a lot of people are going to be looking at it. It has the most promise for improving student
achievement in this country of anything Ive seen in the time
Ive been involved with this.

DU Team Designs Math Games to

Give Preschoolers a Head Start

ny conversation about a competitive workforce pivots

on the need for improved education in the areas of
science, technology, engineering and mathematics,known
within academic and policy-making communities as STEM.
In fact, experts agree, if the United States is to remain
economically vibrant, it must make dramatic strides in these
areas, which are considered core technological underpinnings
of an advanced society.
In response, DUs Division of Natural Sciences and
Mathematics launched its own STEM initiative in 2007. The
initiatives goals are to provide materials for K-12 teachers in
these disciplines, to encourage students to consider studying
science and mathematics in college, and to collaborate with
educators on ways to bring the excitement of math and science
into the classroom.
Alvaro Arias, chair of the mathematics department and
director of the initiative, jump-started efforts by bringing
faculty from all departments in the division together with their
colleagues from the Morgridge College of Education. His goal
was to create an informal, open and relaxed environment
conducive to brainstorming.
That strategy paid off when a cross-disciplinary team
of mathematics, education and music faculty won a nearly
$900,000, three-year grant from Head Start. The team, led
by math Professor Mario Lopez, was charged with creating
interactive bilingual computer games to develop early math
skills in children ages 3 to 5.

Before they are introduced into Head Start programs in

fall 2009, the games will be tested by 60 preschoolers at
DUs Fisher Early Learning Center. The program includes a
component for training the teachers in math. Math knowledge
in pre-kindergarten is a very good predictor of success in
schools, Arias said. And children learn by playing. Set to
music, these games are a lot of fun, theyre visual, and the
kids are learning math. Thats huge.

DU will be a university that

develops, demonstrates
and implements visionary
educational practice, from
early childhood through
graduate education.

An Institute to Shape Early Childhood Education

Research indicates that success for adults begins in early
childhood. In fact, the data suggest that eective early education programs increase high school and college graduation
rates, reduce teenage pregnancies and illegal behavior, and
help close the academic performance gap between low-income
children and their more-auent peers.
To ensure that parents, professionals, legislators and
others have access to the best resources in early childhood
education, the morgridge College of education introduced its
marsico Institute for early Learning and Literacy in 2008.
made possible by a $1.5 million gi from the Cydney and Tom
marsico Family Foundation, the institute is directed by former
morgridge College Dean Ginger maloney.
The institutes primary goal is to foster partnerships to
address critical issues. In the last year, the institute developed
the early Childhood Colorado Web site as an open-access
information source for the early childhood community. While
the site includes event and job postings, its most important
function is to provide a searchable database for resources.
Thanks to a partnership with the morgridge Colleges
Library and Information Science Program (LIS), the college
has secured a three-year grant that will fund and train 10
masters-level LIS students for work in the early-childhood
arena. believed to be the only such program nationwide, the
effort will prepare librarians for literacy work with young
children and their families.
The marsico Institute also has provided information to
Colorado policy makers, particularly as the state gears up to
pursue Race to the Top funds, oered by the federal government
to encourage innovation in education. In fact, the institute has
provided information on P-3 (preschool through third-grade)
education for the Colorado governors P-20 education Coordinating Council, created to improve the quality of education
for all Colorado children.
In addition, the marsico Institute has been researching
the type of legislation needed to expand access to child services
and education to educators. Weve been able to provide
research to policy makers just in time, maloney said. ats
our goal. Give them the information they need just when they
need it to make better decisions.


Carbon Neutral by 2050

As a participant in the American College & University
Presidents Climate Commitment, the University of Denver
has resolved to shrink its carbon footprint dramatically. In fact,
in spring 2009, DUs Sustainability Council, the organization
charged with helping the institution advance its green goals,
unveiled a plan that calls for DU to reach zero net greenhouse
gas emissions by 2050.
Approved by the Universitys board of Trustees in June,
the plan is paced to spur change in a cost-eective way, said
Federico Cheever, a professor at the Sturm College of Law
and chair of the Sustainability Council during 20082009.
Although the University could achieve zero net emissions
before 2050, haste might result in costs that far exceed savings.
If a long-term program is to be sustainable itself, and if the
University is to lead the private sector in this critical area, it
has to construct a plan that is cost-eective and ecient.

Although the University already had made eorts toward

reducing its carbon footprint before Chancellor Robert
Coombe signed the climate commitment in 2007, his doing so
accelerated these eorts. e new sustainability plan calls for
half of DUs energy savings to come from energy conservation. e cheapest unit of energy thats going to emit the least
amount of carbon dioxide is the energy you never have to
buy, Cheever explained. And the second is the energy you
never have to use. The point of consumption is the most
eective place of conservation. It saves the cost of generation
and transmission.
Across campus, conservation measures are resulting in signicant savings. In the Ritchie Centers Hamilton Gymnasium,
for example, the replacement of high-energy light bulbs with
energy-ecient uorescent bulbs resulted in energy savings of
nearly 75 percent. In other buildings, thermostat adjustments
also reduced energy consumption and boosted savings.
In coming years, the Sustainability Plan will benet from
eciencies at utility companies and, possibly, the implementation of various forms of renewable energy on site. Xcel


energy, which provides much of the institutions electric

power, has committed to reducing its own carbon emissions 80
percent by 2050. e University will enhance these projected
reductions with renewable energy, generated on and o site.
DU currently purchases wind-power credits sucient to
oset one-third of its emissions, 1,900 tons of carbon dioxide
each year. e University is considering a strategy in which it
becomes part of a multi-university Colorado consortium that
invests in wind power.
on campus, DU is considering generating its own energy,
most likely in the form of fuel cells within a co-generation
facility to be housed in a new building. While the fuel cells are
generating power for the building, they are also generating
heat. efficiency is gained through the facilitys location on
campus, which reduces the power lost through transmission
across long distances.
DU may also purchase carbon credits. In the near future,
carbon credits can be acquired from the Colorado Carbon
Fund, through which the University can buy the right to emit
a certain amount of carbon dioxide, safe in the knowledge
that elsewhere in Colorado, another local source of carbon
dioxide is being retired.


Promoting Recycling and Two-Wheeled Transportation

DU already has made signicant progress creating new
habits among faculty, sta and students. beginning in fall
2008, the Sustainability Council placed 3,000 single-stream
recycling bins in buildings across campus as part of its Get
Caught Green-Handed campaign. As a result, DU now recycles
an average of 21 tons of paper, glass, metal and plastic each
month, up from a monthly average of 10 tons. The program
has been so successful that custodians are called upon to
empty individual office trash cans only occasionally.
Still another initiative aims to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases generated by automobiles. mary Jean omalley
and zoee Turrill, student members of the Sustainability
Council, helped formulate a campus bike-sharing pilot
program, unveiled in spring 2009, that will complement a
citywide program scheduled to launch in spring 2010. e DU
program will circulate 20 special commuting bicycles among
members of the campus community. (e city program is
expected to feature 600 bikes and scores of pick-up and dropo kiosks throughout Denver.) omalley and Turrill partnered
with the city to host two of the kiosks. e two also raised
$50,000 from academic departments, campus organizations
and students to bring the bike program to DU.

DU will be a university
where ethics, values

The initiative may debut at the masters level, but

Keables anticipates interest in a doctoral program. because so
few institutions offer graduate education in sustainability,
Keables considers this an opportunity for the University to
break new ground.

and social responsibility

are embedded in our
curriculum and culture
and in the lives of
our graduates.

Fostering the Study of Sustainability

To fulll the Universitys educational mission, the
Sustainability Council created a highly customizable undergraduate minor in sustainability, which begins in fall 2009. e
minor, available to students in most elds of study, will focus
on the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social and
environmental. A gateway course provides a common foundation, while a capstone course explores the connection
among the three pillars to ensure that students benet from
interdisciplinary approaches to sustainability questions, either
through collaborative research or community-based learning.
e Sustainability Council hopes to extend this academic
initiative into graduate education. According to council
member mike Keables, associate dean of the Division of
natural Sciences and mathematics, plans are under way for
a broad, interdisciplinary program that will enlist faculty
from the Sturm College of Law, the Josef Korbel School of
International Studies, the Daniels College of business and the
traditional arts, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences
and mathematics graduate programs.

Law Students Mobilize to Halt

Logging in Stressed Forest
In June 2009, students with the Sturm College of Laws
Environmental Law Clinic filed suit against the U.S. Forest
Service, hoping to stop proposed logging on southwestern
Colorados Handkerchief Mesa.
Filed on behalf of two conservation groups, WildEarth
Guardians and Colorado Wild, the 17-page lawsuit claims that
the 3,500-acre Handkerchief Mesa Timber Project in the Rio
Grande National Forest will further stress lands still recovering
from a clear-cutting project and a budworm infestation. The suit
also claims that logging would compromise the health of the Rio
Grande and thousands of communities downstream.
Each year, the Environmental Law Clinic offers eight to
10 students practical experience in environmental law. Students

On the Drawing Board

Getting to carbon neutrality by 2050 will have its challenges,
but the plans approach is conservative. over the next 40 years,
Cheever expects the University will benet from new technologies. Were still guessing what technologies will be available at
what cost. Since technology is rapidly improving, well probably
be able to do better, he said.
but the University isnt waiting for those new technologies
to materialize before it adopts its own programs. Going forward,
the Sustainability Council is considering four campaigns:
a climate campaign focused on reducing greenhouse
gas emissions
a livable urban campus campaign to ensure a high quality
of life, despite increased density
a mindful consumption campaign to educate the campus
community about where things come from and where
waste goes
a sustainable education campaign to educate students
about the new sustainable economies of the 21st century
First and foremost, we are an educational institution.
everything we do, including reducing our carbon footprint, is
about education, Cheever explained. Sustainability touches
everything. Its about chemistry and biology. Its about law. Its
about community organization. Its not just about reducing
carbon emissions. Its about doing everything we can to sustain
a culture at DU from consumption to teaching. We will
involve students, and they will learn more about where energy
use comes from and where the waste goes.

typically work on behalf of nonprofit groups unable to afford

top-of-the-line legal services. The Handkerchief Mesa suit
was prepared by third-year law student Jacob Schlesinger
and Environmental Law Clinic fellow and project attorney
Ashley Wilmes.
The headwater area of the Rio Grande is an important
area, Wilmes said. This particular plan uses outdated forest
management, while the area is still recovering from past
logging. The case falls into the traditional realm of what the
clinic had been involved with, including forest deforestation
and endangered species work.
Michael Harris, director of the Environmental Law Clinic,
hopes the lawsuit will help the Forest Service look beyond the
interests of the timber industry to consider the health of an
ecosystem. The timber project, he said, amounts to an illegal
chop-the-trees-to-save-the-forest plan. It will be a major setback
for ongoing soil and timber recovery.


Promoting Diversity and Embedding Values

e University of Denver has long been committed to
diversity. at commitment is reected in policies, in programming, in faculty research and in the classes oered students.
In 2006, DU rened its denition of diversity, going
beyond the traditional model of simply counting numbers
to embrace Inclusive excellence, a program that strives for
a seamless and campuswide integration of the Universitys
many populations.
Developed by the Association of American Colleges and
Universities, Inclusive excellence is an organizational philosophy in which inclusiveness is embedded throughout every
aspect of the institution. It engages students, faculty, sta and
administrators, who work together to achieve and maintain a
multicultural consistency that extends beyond campus and
connects the University with societys demographic reality.
Seven years ago, DU created the Center for multicultural
excellence to help the Universitys many units understand and
implement the concept of Inclusive excellence. According to
Jess Trevio, associate provost for multicultural excellence,
Inclusive excellence at DU is about each area examining every
component of its practices everything from policies and
procedures to marketing materials and internal communications to determine whether each is inclusive. If not, units
may target those decient areas for changes and thus begin
developing the habits of inclusiveness. Its a new way of

thinking about inclusiveness and a new way of conducting

business, Trevio said.
because Inclusive excellence can be daunting to analyze
and implement, the center developed a tool kit that, by posing
a series of questions, helps units on campus evaluate their
policies and practices.
As Trevio sees it, DU has responded assertively to the
program. e oce of Admission, for example, began practicing Inclusive excellence immediately. many of the academic
units also embraced the concept. e morgridge College of

education not only developed core values and program goals

related to Inclusive excellence, it also created an excellence
Committee to review curriculum, sta and sta training. e
Daniels College of business formed an Inclusive excellence
Task Force in 2008, bringing together faculty, sta and students
for an examination of policies, teaching and nancial aid.
meanwhile, the Division of natural Sciences and mathematics
also created an Inclusive excellence Committee to identify
its own areas for improvement. Its an exciting time at the
University, Trevio said.
anks to eorts like these and Trevios leadership, the
University has emerged as a pioneer in Inclusive excellence.
In fact, Trevio has elded countless calls and visits from
higher education administrators curious about DUs eorts.
ey have been looking at the model we have to gure out
how they can duplicate it on their campuses, he said. We are
denitely a leader in the work that were doing.

DU Extends a Hearty Welcome to

International Students
International students bring different perspectives and ideas
to the classroom. They add diversity to the marketplace of ideas.
Thats one of the reasons the University of Denver recruits them
so enthusiastically.
Coming from nearly 100 countries, international students
at DU represent 6.3 percent of all undergraduate and graduate
students on campus. Thats compared to less than 4 percent
Each fall, staff members from the Office of International
Student Admission travel to various regions of the world to meet
prospective undergraduate students. In the 20 years the office
has traveled abroad, international student enrollments have
increased nearly 55 percent. In 2010, the office plans to extend
its travel schedule into the spring months, allowing the University
to expand its outreach. By putting University representatives
face to face with prospective students, the extended travel
initiative provides DU a better chance to allay any fears
surfacing around emerging issues whether influenza or
fluctuating currencies.
International students choose DU for its deep educational
experience and for its rolling admissions policy, Marjorie Smith,
associate dean and director of the office, explained. Under
rolling admissions, students are notified of the Universitys
acceptance decision when the application file is complete. This
policy gives international students greater flexibility when
making their plans and selections.
DU also offers academic scholarships and conditional
admission, making it possible for non-native speakers to
complete courses in the English Language Center before
beginning their initial course work. International students
also can take advantage of the Cherrington Global Scholars
study abroad program, a feature that expands their
undergraduate experience.
The Universitys commitment to student success also
resonates with international students, Smith said. First-year

Preparing Professionals for a Multicultural Society

The nations changing demographics require that the
coming generation of doctors, lawyers, educators, entrepreneurs and leaders possesses a host of dierent skills.
With that in mind, the University is preparing its graduates
to succeed and contribute in a marketplace characterized by
diversity. For example, the Sturm College of Law has created a
Lawyering in Spanish program that helps students represent
Spanish-speaking clients or work with Latin American
and Spanish lawyers. With Spanish the second most widely
spoken language in the United States, such preparation
ensures that future attorneys will be able to serve clients eectively. And with Spanish one of the three most commonly used
languages in the world, it positions lawyers for a vital role in
the global arena.
e program immerses law students in language, culture
and law. Courses are taught in Spanish by experienced legal

seminars, which connect students with a faculty mentor, ensure

that students feel at home and that they get any additional
assistance they need. In fact, Smith added, DUs reputation for
personal attention accounts, in large part, for its 88.7 percent
retention rate from first-year to sophomore status among
international students. This compares to DUs overall retention
rate of 87.8 percent.
Many of them are just dazzling, Smith said of the
Universitys international students. They enhance the profile
of our student body, and once in the classroom, they contribute
to the academic experience, while becoming an integral part
of our student life.


DU will be a university
where diversity, inclusion
and e xcellence mold leaders
for a changing America.

professionals expert in everything from labor law and

immigration law to business transactions. In addition, the
program oers internships that place students with law rms
in Latin America and Spain, where they work closely with a
mentor to gain experience in drafting legal documents,
conducting international business transactions, interviewing
clients, completing research and going to court in a civillaw jurisdiction.
Mobilizing to Educate Legislators and Shape Policy
In September 2008, the DU Latino Center for Community
engagement and Scholarship, along with Azteca America and
Groupo Salinas, delivered a report to members of the U.S.
Congress titled e State of Latinos 2008: Dening an Agenda
for the Future. e report recommended creation of a presidential commission on Latino issues to increase Latino access


to vital educational, health, economic and civic opportunities.

The report noted that failure to reform immigration laws
widens disparities and limits progress for members of the
Latino community and for the nation as a whole.
Debora ortega, associate professor of social work and
director of the center, hopes Congress will use the reports
curricula recommendations as a model for educational change
throughout the United States. Specically, the report recommended focusing resources on early education for Latino
children, while engaging their parents in the process.
at report led to a white paper, presented in summer
2009 to the International Center for Journalists and delivered
to the U.S. Census bureau and U.S. Congress, as well as to
various Latino policy centers. e paper, e State of Latinos:
Census 2010 Dening an Agenda for the Future, outlined the
challenges facing the Census bureau as it seeks to collect
accurate data on the Latino population.
Recommendations to the Census bureau included implementing advertising and broadcasting campaigns encouraging
Latinos to participate and educating them about how census
information is used. A 30-minute program prepared for
Spanish-language television in Denver featured Chancellor
Robert Coombe. In addition to educating viewers, the program
raised DUs visibility among the Latino community.
e impact that we have as a very small center is enormous, ortega said. our policy research has gained exposure
on the state, national and international levels.


F i n a n c i a l I n f or m at i o n


New Strategies Result in Exceeded Goals

In fall 2008, as the office of Admission launched its
campaign to recruit the next years undergraduate class, it
faced a marketplace characterized by economic uncertainty.
Across the nation, Americans saw their home equity
shrinking, the value of their College 529 plans declining and,
in many cases, their jobs vanishing. As a result, enrollment
professionals expected that longstanding patterns associated
with the college search would shift. In fact, research from
Royall & Co., a higher education marketing rm, suggested
that students were more likely than previously to select
colleges in their home state, if only to relieve their families of
the nancial burden associated with attending out-of-state
schools. In addition, a greater number of students reported
they would apply to more colleges than previously, and a
signicant number said that nancial considerations would
determine their decisions.
In my 35 years in this business, I have been through
several recessions, Tom Willoughby, vice chancellor for
enrollment, recalled. They each brought their own set of
challenges, not one of them quite like this.
To contend with the challenges, Willoughby and his sta
devised several strategies to meet enrollment and net revenue
goals. ese included:
maximizing the size of the applicant pool
increasing campus visitation
increasing application-completion rates
developing a competitive nancial-aid leveraging model
addressing aordability issues with prospective students
early and oen
drawing upon the most reliable data available to
determine how many students should be admitted
e results of this strategy exceeded Willoughbys expectations, with the University experiencing impressive growth in
applications and deposits, even as other Colorado institutions
were seeing declines. DU received a total of 10,881 applications,

compared to 8,394 the previous year and 6,365 two years ago.
at represented a 30 percent increase in applications from
the year before and a 71 percent increase from two years ago.
Just as important, the University recorded an increase for
all the cohorts it monitors closely. multicultural applications
rose by 108 percent, international applications were up 99
percent, and out-of-state applications increased 31 percent
from 2008 to 2009.
e success of this strategy was apparent as early as the
november 2008 deadline for early Action applications. both
the quantity and quality of the early Action applicant pool
were stronger this year, making admission to DU more competitive once again, Willoughby said. In fact, the admission
sta reviewed 3,370 early action applications, compared to
1,965 the previous year, a 72 percent increase. of the 3,370
applicants, 2,353 were accepted, for an admit rate of 70 percent,
and 603 applicants were deferred to the Regular Decision
applicant pool. In addition, the academic prole of the admitted
pool was stronger than in the previous year, with slight
increases in the average GPA and in ACT and SAT scores.
by the may 1 deposit deadline, the oce of Admission
had received more than 1,300 deposits. In early August,
Willoughby was expecting 1,230 students to enroll in fall 2009,
almost 100 more students than the budgeted goal of 1,145.
Willoughby attributes the Universitys success to the
strategies implemented early in the recruitment cycle and to
the institutions credibility among prospective students and
their parents. DU continues to be an attractive option for
students on its own merits and rising reputation, he said.


Steady Growth Continues

Recruitment Undergraduate Admissions
























Offers of admission
Selectivity ratio


Matriculation ratio









Academic Profile of First-year Class

High School GPA


25th Percentile

75th Percentile



25th Percentile

75th Percentile





























High School Standing
















Top Tenth






Top Half






Top Quarter






In fall 2008, the University of Denver experienced measured

growth in its traditional and professional graduate programs,
enrolling 5,691 students, compared to 5,666 in fall 2007. Just
as important, the University continued its eorts to recruit
highly qualied students who will add to the institutions vital
intellectual community.
e Daniels College of business and Sturm College of Law
accounted for 38 percent of all graduate enrollmentwith the
business programs enrolling 971 students, up from 874 in the
previous year, and the Sturm College enrolling 1,179 students,
an intentional drop from 1,234 in fall 2007. A similar reduction in enrollment is planned for the Sturm College next year
as well, allowing the school to continue its focus on improving
academic capability among students.
enrollment continued to grow at the morgridge College of
education, which exceeded its fall 2008 budget of 758 students
by enrolling 817. When the colleges new home, Kathryn
A. Ruffatto Hall, opens in fall 2010, additional enrollment
growth is expected, thanks to expanded capacity.
e School of engineering and Computer Science enrolled
194 graduate students, an increase from 161 in 2007. The
increase is attributable, in part, to a number of industry
collaborations at the masters level. Under the leadership of a
new dean, James Herbert Williams, the Graduate School of
Social Work enrolled 401 students, up from 379 in fall 2007.
meanwhile, the Josef Korbel School of International Studies
enrolled 423 students, down from a high of 464 in fall 2007.
e highly selective Graduate School of Professional Psychology
enrolled 223 students, compared to 217 in 2007. even with this
increase in students, the GSPP regularly admits fewer than
one-third of applicants.
Graduate programs in the arts, humanities, social sciences,
natural sciences and mathematics experienced a slight increase
in enrollment 453 students, compared to 414 the year before.
And University College, which oers both undergraduate and
graduate programs, continued the steady growth in its graduate enrollment, with 1,052 students participating in its 2008
programs, up from 917.
many of the graduate and professional programs expect
steady, though not dramatic, enrollment growth in fall 2009.
In some programs, an increased number of applicants has
enhanced selectivity. For example, the morgridge College
of education had an acceptance rate of 60 percent, relative to
76 percent in 2008. e Graduate School of Social Work also
saw a rise in applications, with 621 compared to 505 in the
prior year.


Moderate Progress Marks Economically
Challenging Year

Ralph and Trish nagel donated $2.3 million to enhance

visual arts education, with a special emphasis on painting
and the construction of a new studio art building, as well
as revitalization of the Shwayder Art building.

over the past three years, the division of University

Advancement (UA) has transformed itself and its focus. Under
the leadership of Vice Chancellor ed Harris, who joined DU in
June 2006, UA has restructured to accomplish fundraising
goals set by Chancellor Robert Coombe for a major comprehensive campaign. e resulting focus on major and planned
gis has led to a dramatic increase in philanthropic support,
with a record $76.1 million raised during the campaigns rst
year. nearly $191 million had been raised as of June 30, 2009,
in the ongoing silent phase that began July 1, 2006.
Progress on the campaign during scal year 2009 was
somewhat modest compared to the previous two years,
largely owing to the nations economic climate. However, even
factoring in the economy, the year was one of the best
fundraising years in DUs history. Among other successes, the
year saw signicant gains in unrestricted giving. Such gis
provided the financial flexibility to focus on a number of
priorities, including establishing signicant endowed scholarships in the Josef Korbel School of International Studies and
the School of Art and Art History.
is year, the publication of a Chancellors Vision Statement formalized the campaign goals with a focus on people
and programs. A series of major gis supported his priorities
and stood as evidence of the campaigns progress.

Trygve and Victoria myhren also supported the priorities

of the School of Art and Art History through a noteworthy
gi, enhancing the endowment for the myhren Gallery.

DUs myhren Gallery received a $6.9 million gi from

the Dalbey family. e Dalbey Photographic Collection
will enrich the gallerys collection and student
educational opportunities.
William C. Petersen bequeathed $4 million to the School
of engineering and Computer Science for scholarships
and facilities.
rough a considerable bequest intention, James mulligan
and his wife, Joan burleson, will establish an endowed
fund to support comprehensive strategic planning.
rough a $1 million challenge gi, an anonymous donor
encouraged others to make endowed scholarship gis to
Sturm College of Law, matching these new scholarship
gis one to one.
An anonymous donor made a momentum-building
gi to the Academic Commons, a visionary new space
for integrating collaborative learning and informal
social interaction.
e bernard osher Foundation established an endowed
fund of $1 million for the osher Lifelong Learning
Institute, which provides personal enrichment learning
opportunities for older adults.

DU received a $1.5 million unrestricted estate gi from

William and marcia Faireld.
In addition to receiving substantial support for people and
programs, the University received transformational gis
for campus building projects. DU celebrated the dedication
of several facilities during scal year 2009 and anticipates
more such celebrations in the coming years.
In August 2008, DU dedicated nagel Hall, the rst green
residence hall on campus. named for Ralph and Trish
nagel, the facility provides beautifully functional spaces
for all aspects of student life.
Katherine A. Ruatto Hall, named in honor of the daughter
of mike and Joan Ruatto, broke ground in February 2009.
e facility will be the new home of the morgridge College
of education and the Learning eectiveness Program,
thanks to the generosity of Carrie and John morgridge
and the Ruatto family. e Galena outdoor Classroom,
made possible through a gi from the Galena Foundation
and situated in the Ruffatto Hall courtyard, will be an
important addition to the facilitys learning spaces,
providing a place for classes, informal meetings, guest
lectures and collaborative small-group work by students.
rough the vision of a small group of donors, a new
soccer stadium and a weight-training facility for varsity
athletes, both currently under construction, will aid in
attracting the most outstanding student-athletes to DU.
With a $5 million contribution from the Anna and John
J. Sie Foundation, the Josef Korbel School of International
Studies prepared for an August 2009 opening of the
SI CHoU-KAnG Center for International Security
and Diplomacy. The SI CHoU-KAnG Chair in
International Security and Diplomacy will anchor the
schools security program and lead in the development
of the centers program.
A second addition to Cherrington Hall will house the
Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, a
project that analyzes and forecasts long-term global
change. e generosity of Frederick S. Pardee made the
center possible.
In scal year 2009, UA continued to enhance its eorts to
implement fundraising best practices. rough internal
examination, strategic collaborations and increased

budget eciencies, UA continued to develop systems that

maximize the accuracy and ecacy of its donor relations,
gi acknowledgment, and data acquisition and management eorts, all with a focus on keeping fundraising costs
as low as possible. overall, development eorts at DU
maintain momentum as the institution continues a focus
on major gis in the fourth year of the campaign.


A Strategy for Changing Times
As was the case for many colleges and universities, scal
year 2009 presented both nancial challenges and opportunities for the University of Denver. A combination of strategic
budgeting and a prudent approach to operations served the
University well, and despite the dicult economic environment,
the University completed the year with its 19th consecutive
operating surplus. e operating margin for the year was $23
million on revenues of $341 million (net of nancial aid), a
result that further enhanced the Universitys liquidity, le the
institution in a strong cash position, and provided additional
resources for continued investments in mission-critical
programs and initiatives.
These good results were achieved despite a substantial
decline in revenues from endowment earnings and interest on
working capital. At the close of fiscal 2009, the Universitys
endowment stood at $257 million, a decline of $43 million
(14.4 percent) from the previous fiscal year. The percentage
reduction in actual endowment expenditures during the year
was smaller than this gure, though, as the Universitys policy
calls for spending at 4.5 percent of a 12-quarter trailing
average of the value of each endowment fund. Although the
amounts of our working capital reached historic highs, interest rates plummeted during the year, resulting in revenues substantially smaller than those realized in scal 2008.
As has been the case historically, student tuition formed
the Universitys principal revenue stream in fiscal 2009.

net tuition and student fees provided 70 percent of total

operating revenues during the year. enrollments were strong
throughout the scal year, contributing to the positive operating
margin realized at year-end. Auxiliary operations accounted for
13 percent of revenues, gi and endowment distributions 6
percent, grants and contracts 7 percent and other revenues 4
percent of the total. In scal 2009, 63 percent of the Universitys
expenditures were associated with compensation of faculty
and sta members. of $318 million in total expenditures, $11
million accrued from service on $143 million of long-term
debt. All of the Universitys outstanding debt is xed-rate debt,
with an overall cost of capital of 4.3 percent. e University
has maintained an A1 bond rating from moodys and an A
rating from Standard and Poors.
e University responded to the turmoil and uncertainty
in the world economy with decisive measures that reduced
budgeted expenditures for fiscal 2010 and beyond. These
measures included recentralization of a number of operations
and a two-phase voluntary and involuntary severance program
that eliminated staffing redundancies. In total, budgeted
expenditures for scal 2010 were reduced by more than $12
million. ese reductions were done in a careful and targeted
manner, and the University expects no adverse impact on its
ability to accomplish its mission to provide the highest quality
education for students, to grow a thriving research enterprise
and to serve the public good. In fact, these measures made new
funds available for key investments, most particularly in student
nancial aid. For scal 2010 and beyond, the University substantially increased its pools of budgeted funds for need-based
aid for continuing students (both undergraduate and graduate)
and for need- and merit-based aid for new rst-year undergraduates. e institution more than tripled the size of its pool
of funds for emergency aid for students and their families
whose nancial circumstances change during the year. ese
actions undoubtedly contributed to the institutions record
enrollments and strong persistence rates in fall 2009.


ousands of Dollars












Tuition & fees, net






Unendowed gis

endowment spending distribution






Grants and contracts






Auxiliary enterprises






other revenue
Total revenues

































Public service
Academic support
Student services






Institutional support






Auxiliary enterprises






other operating expenses





















Total expenses
Net Operating Results
Nonoperating Activities
Undistributed investment gains/(losses)
endowed gis






other nonoperating activities






Total Nonoperating Activities






Net change in total assets






Total net assets, beginning of year

Total net assets, end of period




































08 6/30/09




08 6/30/09




08 6/30/09



Large Cap Equities

Private Equity
Small/Mid Cap Equities
International Equities
Absolute Return
Hedged Equity
Real Estate
Cash/Short-term Treasuries











































Joy bURnS, Chairman
D. C. burns Realty & Trust Co.
President and CEO
Denver broncos Football Club
eDWARD eSTLoW, bA 42
Former President
Lewis D. and John J. Gilbert Foundation
President and CEO
Gallagher Industries, LP
PeTeR GILbeRTSon, bA 75
Chairman, President and CEO
Anacostia & Pacic Company Inc.
Chairman and CEO
Gourmet Services Inc.
Leo GoTo, bSbA 67, mbA 74
e Wellshire Inn
mARA GUAJARDo, mA 85, PHD 88
Executive Director
mayors oce for education & Children
President and Owner
oakwood Homes LLC
Frederic C. Hamilton Family Foundation
Chairman of the Board
outrigger enterprises
Construction Technology Inc.
JoHn LoW, JD 51
Sherman and Howard

TRyGVe myHRen
myhren media Inc.
Top Rock Inc.
RobeRT neWmAn
Greenwood Gulch Ventures
SCoTT ReImAn, bSbA 87
Hexagon Investments
Managing Principal
edgemark Development LLC
General Counsel and Secretary
San Jose
CATHeRIne SHoPneCK, bFA 76, mbA 79
South Woods Financial LLC
JoHn SIe
Founder, Former President and CEO
Starz entertainment LLC
DonALD STURm, LLb 58
Chief Executive Ocer
e Sturm Group
omas Weisel Partners
San Francisco
Founder and Former Owner
e Hue-man experience
new york
Managing Director
Tishman Speyer
new york


Chancellor Emeritus

Vice President
morgridge Family Foundation

RobeRT Coombe
Vice Chancellor for Athletics,
Recreation & Ritchie Center Operations
Vice Chancellor for University
Vice Chancellor for University Advancement
Vice Chancellor for University Technology
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment
Vice Chancellor for Business
and Financial Aairs, Treasurer
Vice Provost for Internationalization
nAnCy ALLen
Dean, Penrose Library
GReGoRy AnDeRSon
Dean, Morgridge College of Education
Dean, Graduate School of
Professional Psychology
Dean, University College
Dean, Josef Korbel School
of International Studies
Lynn GAnGone
Dean, e Womens College
Interim Dean, Sturm College of Law
Anne mcCALL
Dean, Divisions of Arts, Humanities
and Social Sciences
L. ALAyne PARSon
Dean, Division of Natural Sciences
and Mathematics

JoHn mILLeR, bSbA 75, mbA 76
President and CEO
north American Corporation


RobeRT TImoTHy

Dean, Daniels College of Business
Dean, School of Engineering
and Computer Science
Dean, Graduate School of Social Work




DENVER, CO 80208-4800

Produced by University Communications, University of Denver

The University of Denver (Colorado Seminary) admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges,
programs and activities generally accorded or made available to its students. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national
and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other
school-administered programs.

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