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16 Tenses

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Present Tense
Simple Present Tense :
Nominal simple present :
tobe-1 (am-are-is)
Example: She is a Teacher
She is not a teacher
Is she a teacher ?
Verbal simple present :
not tobe but have verb
Example: I work
I do not work
Do I work ?
She,He and It verb-1 + s, so verb
that have hissing sound (x,ch,s and
sh) we use the last es (mixes,
teaches, kisses and washes).
The use simple present tense :
1. Expressing facts
2. expressing habits
Adverbs of Frequency
always selalu
usually biasanya
often seringkali
sometimes kadang2
seldom jarang
never tidak pernah
ever pernah

Simple Past Tense :
Positif (+)
- Subject + to be (was/were) + complement
- Subject + verb 2 + object
Negatif (-)
- Subject + to be (was/were) + not + complement
- Subject + did not + verb 1 + object
Tanya (?)
- Did + subject + verb 1 + object ?
Contoh Simple Past tense:
He was a businessman in 1999 (+)
- dia adalah seorang pebisnis pada tahun 1999
I sell these motorcycles in Surabaya(+)
- saya menjual sepeda motor ini di Surabaya
She did not visit me yesterday (-)
- dia tidak mengunjungiku kemarin
My parents were not home yesterday(-)
- orang tua ku tidak ada di rumah kemarin
Did you play football yesterday ? (?)
- Apakah kamu bermain sepakbola kemarin ?

Future Tense
Simple Future Tense : Use for planing
Positif (+)
Subject + will/shall + verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + going to + verb I + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + will/shall + verb I + object
Subject + am/is/are + not + going to + verb I +
Tanya (?)
Will/shall + subject + verb I + object
Am/is/are + subject + going to + verb I + object
Contoh Simple Future tense :
We will go to school soon (+)
- kita akan pergi ke sekolah segera
We will not go to school soon (-)
- kita tidak akan pergi ke sekolah segera
Will we go to school soon ? (?)
- apakah kita akan pergi ke sekolah segera
The students are going to have a test next month
- para siswa akan menghadapi ujian bulan depan
The students are not going to have a test next (-)
- para siswa tidak akan menghadapi ujian bulan
Are the students going to have a test next month ?
- Apakah para siswa akan menghadapi ujian bulan
depan ?

Past Future Tense

Past Future Tense:
Positif (+)
Subject + should/would + be + object
Subject + should/would + verb I + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + should/would + not + be + object
Subject + should/would + not + verb + object
Tanya (?)
Should/would + subject + be + object ?
Should/would + subject + verb I + object ?
Contoh simple past future tense :
He should be in Banten next month (+)
- dia akan telah berada di Banten bulan depan
He should not be in Banten next month (-)
- dia tidak akan telah berada di Banten bulan
Should he be in Banten next month ? (?)
- apakah dia akan telah berada di Banten bulan
depan ?
I should be pick up when you arrive at the
station tomorrow (+)
- saya akan sedang sudah menjemput ketika
kamu tiba di stasiun besok
I should not be pick up when you arrive at the
station tomorrow (-)
- saya tidak akan sedang sudah menjemput
ketika kamu tiba di stasiun besok
should you be pick up when I arrive at the
station tomorrow ? (?)
- apakah kamu akan sedang sudah menjemput
ketika saya tiba di stasiun besok ?

Present continuous Tense :

used for activity now
Rumus Present Continuous
Tense :
Positif (+):
subject + to be (am, is, are) +
Verb ing + object
Negatif (-) :
subject + to be + not + verb ing
+ object
interogative?) :
to be + subject + verb ing +
Example :
I am watching TV now (+)
Mr. Khanafi is not going to
Jakarta (-)
Is Mrs. Annisa cooking in the
kitchen ? (?)

Past continuous Tense :

Positif (+)
Subject + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
- was/were + subject + verb-ing + object ?
Contoh - Past Continuous tense :
He was sleeping when I came (+)
- Dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang
He was not sleeping when I came (-)
- Dia tidak sedang tidur ketika saya datang
Was he sleeping when I came ?
- apakah dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang ?
I was working all night yesterday(+)
- saya sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin
I was not working all night yesterday (-)
- Saya tidak sedang bekerja sepanjang malam
were you working all night yesterday ?
- Apakah kamu sedang bekerja sepanjang malam
kemarin ?

Future continuous Tense :

Positif (+)
Subject + will/shall + be + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + will/shall + not + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
Will/shall + subject + be + verb-ing + object
Contoh Future Continuous tense :
I will be watching a movie tonight (+)
- saya akan sedang menonton film nanti
I will not be watching a movie tonight (-)
- saya tidak akan sedang menonton film nanti
Will you be watching a movie tonight ? (?)
- Apakah kamu akan sedang menonton film
nanti malam ?

Past Future Continuous Tense :

Positif (+)
Subject + should/would + be + verb-ing +
Negatif (-)
Subject + should/would + not + be + verbing + object
Tanya (?)
Should/would + subject + be + verb-ing +
object ?
Contoh Past Future Continuous tense :
My brother would be finishing Thesis last
week (+)
- Kakakku akan telah sedang menyelesaikan
tesis minggu lalu
My brother would not be finishing Thesis
last week (-)
- Kakakku tidak akan telah sedang
menyelesaikan tesis minggu lalu
Would your brother be finishing Thesis last
week? (?)
- apakah kakakmu akan telah sedang
menyelesaikan tesis minggu lalu ?

Present Perfect Tense : used for

past activity until now.(pointed to
Rumus :
Positif (+)
Subject + has / have + been + object
Subject + has / have + verb III +
Negatif (-)

Past Perfect Tense:

Rumus Past Perfect Tense :
Positif (+)
Subject + had + verb III + (past participle) +
Negatif (-)
Subject + had + not + verb III + object
Tanya (?)
Had + subject + verb III + object ?

Future Perfect Tense :

Positif (+)
Subject + shall/will + have + been + complement
Subject + shall/will + have + verb III + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + shall/will + not + been + complement
Subject + shall/will + not + have + verb III +

Past Future Perfect Tense :

Positif (+)
Subject + should/would + have + been +
Subject + should/would + have + verb III +
Negatif (-)
Subject + should/would + not + have + been

Subject + has / have + not + been +

Subject +has / have + not + verb III
+ object
Tanya (?)
Have / has + Subject + verb III +
Have / has + subject + been +
Contoh :
I have been at home for a month (+)
Mr. Handoko has not eaten the sate
already (-)
Has Mr. Imam been here since
06.00 ? (?)

Contoh - Past Perfect tense :

They had been here before 1945 (+)
- mereka telah berada disini sebelum tahun 1945
They had not been here before 1945 (-)
- mereka belum berada disini sebelum tahun 1945
Had they been here before 1945 ? (?)
- apakah mereka telah berada disini sebelum
1945 ?
She had gone to Amsterdam when I called her (+)
- dia telah pergi ke Amsterdam ketika aku
She had not gone to Amsterdam when I called her
- dia belum pergi ke Amsterdam ketika aku
Had she gone to Amsterdam when you called
her ?
- apakah dia telah pergi ke Amsterdam ketika
kamu meneleponnya ?
Keterangan waktu (Adverb of time) yang umum
digunakan dalam past Perfect tense ini : after, before,
already, as soon as, just, yet, until, till, by the time

Tanya (?)
Shall/will + subject + been + complement
Shall/will + subject + have + verb III + object ?
Contoh Future perfect tense :
I will have been in this hospital until tomorrow
morning (+)
- saya akan telah berada di rumah sakit ini sampai
besok pagi
I will not have been in this hospital until
tomorrow morning (-)
- saya tidak akan telah berada di rumah sakit ini
sampai besok pagi
Will you have been in this hospital until tomorrow
morning ? (?)
- apakah kamu akan telah berada disini sampai
besok pagi ?
Majid will have rented my house next month (+)
- Majid akan telah menyewa rumahku bulan
Majid will not have rented my house next month
- Majid tidak akan telah menyewa rumahku bulan
Will Majid have rented my house next month ? (?)
- apakah Majid akan telah menyewa rumahku
bulan depan ?

+ complement
Subject + should/would + not + have + verb
III + object
Tanya (?)
Should/would + subject + have + been +
complement ?
Should/would + subject + have + verb III +
object ?
Contoh Past Future Perfect tense :
My mother should have been here at nine
oclock tomorrow (+)
- Ibu saya akan sudah berada disini jam 9
My mother should not have been here at
nine oclock tomorrow (-)
- Ibu saya tidak akan sudah berada disini
jam 9 besok
Should your mother have been here at nine
oclock tomorrow ? (?)
- Apakah ibu kamu akan sudah berada disini
jam 9 besok ?
Mari would have worked in leading
companies next month (+)
- MarI akan sudah bekerja di perusahaan
ternama bulan depan
Mari will not have worked in leading
companies next month (-)
- MarI tidak akan sudah bekerja di
perusahaan ternama bulan depan
Will Mari have worked in leading
companies next month ? (?)
- Apakah MarI akan sudah bekerja di
perusahaan ternama bulan depan ?

Present Perfect continuous

Tense : used for past activity until
now. Adverb of time that used for
and since.
Rumus :
Positif (+)
Subject + has / have + been + verbing
Negatif (-)
Subject + has / have + not + been +
Interogative (?)
Has/have + subject + been + verbing ?
Contoh :
I have been watching TV for two
hours (+)
He has been playing football since
elementary school(+)
Marina has not been learning
english for two years (-)
Have you been reading a book for
an hour ? (?)

Past Perfect continuous Tense :

Positif (+)
Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
Had + subject + been + object ?
Contoh Past Perfect Continuous tense :
He had been living in Jakarta about ten years (+)
- Dia telah tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years
- dia belum tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun
Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? (?)
- apakah dia telah tinggal di Jakarta selamat 10
tahun ?
Perbedaan antara Present Perfect Continuous and
Past Perfect Continuous adalah :
Present Perfect Continuous mengungkapkan
tindakan yang terus berlanjut sampai sekarang
sedangkan Past Perfect Continuous tidak.

Future Perfect continuous Tense:

Positif (+)
Subject + shall/will + have + been + verb-ing +
Negatif (-)
Subject + shall/will + not + have + been + verbing + object
Tanya (?)
Shall/will + subject + have + been + verb-ing +
object ?
Contoh Future Perfect Continuous tense :
My grandmother will have been visiting us
tomorrow morning (+)
- nenek saya akan telah sedang mengunjungi kami
besok pagi
My grandmother will not have been visiting us
tomorrow morning (-)
- nenek saya tidak akan telah sedang mengunjungi
kami besok pagi
Will your grandmother have been visiting you
tomorrow morning? (?)
- apakah nenek kamu akan telah sedang
mengunjungi kamu besok pagi ?

Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense :

Positif (+)
Subject + should/would + have + been +
verb-ing + object
Negatif (-)
Subject + should/would + not + have + been
+ verb-ing + object
Tanya (?)
Should/would + subject + have + been +
verb-ing + object ?
Contoh Past Future Perfect Continuous
tense :
I would have working in leading companies
for 10 years (+)
- Aku akan sudah sedang bekerja di
perusahaan ternama selama 10 tahun
I would not have working in leading
companies for 10 years (-)
- Aku tidak akan sudah sedang bekerja di
perusahaan ternama selama 10 tahun
Would you have working in leading
companies for 10 years ? (?)
- apakah kamu akan sudah sedang bekerja di
perusahaan ternama selama 10 tahun ?

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