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Opening of Bank Account

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RESOLVED THAT a Current Account in the name of the Company be opened with
____________ Bank, _____________ Chennai and the said Bank be and is hereby authorized
to honour all cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable
instrument, signed drawn, accepted or made on behalf of the Company Sh.
______________, or Sh. ______________, Directors of the Company, any one of them
individually/jointly (as the case may be), and to act on any instructions so given relating
to the said banking account whether the same be overdrawn or not or relating to any
transaction of the Company.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Sh. ______________, Director be and is hereby authorized to
forward a copy of this resolution to the said bank.

RESOLVED THAT the Companys Banking Current Account No___________ with (Name of
the Bank with address) , be closed and the amount, if any, lying in the said account be
returned to the Company by way of issuance of Bankers Cheque payable at New Delhi
or transfer to other Current Account in the name of the Company, and the following
Directors of the Company be and are hereby severally authorized to do all such acts,
deeds and things and to sign all such documents, papers and writing as may be
necessary in this regard.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Sh. ______________, Director be and is hereby authorized to do
all such acts, deeds and things and to sign all such documents as may be required in
connection with the closure of the said Account.


RESOLVED THAT __________ Bank (hereinafter called the Bank) be and is hereby
designated a depository of funds of the Company and the below mentioned officials

is/are hereby authorised to sign (and shall be deemed to have been so authorised):
(i) Sh. __________
(ii) Sh.___________
(iii) Smt.__________
Singly Sh. _______________ and any one /two other (s) for and on behalf of the Company
any and all cheques, drafts or other orders with respect to any time with the Bank
whether any such account (s) be for the time being in credit or otherwise inclusive of
any such cheques, drafts or other orders in favour of any of the above designated
officer (s) and/or other person (s) and that the Bank be and is hereby further authorised
to pay and debit the same to any account of the Company then maintained with it and
that the Bank is hereby further authorised to receive for deposit to the credit of the
Company and/or for collection for the account of the Company any and all cheques,
drafts, notes or other instruments for the payment of money, whether or not endorsed
by the Company each such item being deemed to have been unqualifiedly endorsed by
the Company and also to receive as the act of the Company, reconcilement of account
(s) and that the above designated officer (s) and/or other person (s) is/are authorised to
transact any and all such business with or through the Bank at any time (s) as may be
deemed by him/them to be advisable including without limiting the generality of the
foregoing authority.
1. to discount and/or negotiate notes, drafts or other commercial paper.
2. apply for letters or other forms of credit
3. sign and settle exchange contracts.
4. sign and/or endorse bills of lading and other documents of title to goods.
5. sign and obtain delivery of merchandise against trust receipt
6. borrow money with or without security from time to time provided that the monies so
borrowed together with monies previously borrowed and remaining outstanding at any
one time shall not exceed Rs. __________/- only.
7. pledge mortgage or otherwise hypothecate any property to the Company.

8. purchase exchange sell or otherwise deal in or with any stocks, bonds or other
9. And in reference to any of the business or transactions of the Company to make/enter
into, execute and deliver to the Bank such negotiable or non-negotiable instruments,
indemnities, guarantees or other mortgages, pledges and/or other documents to any
such officer (s) or other person(s) as may seem to be necessary or desirable or as may
be required by the Bank.
That any withdrawals and borrowings of money and/or other transactions here-in-before
had on behalf of the Company with the Bank are hereby ratified, confirmed and
approved and that the Bank may rely upon the authority conferred by this entire
resolution until the receipt by it of a certified copy of a resolution of this Board revoking
or modifying the same.

Resolved that Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of Company be convened

on ________ at _______ at _________ the registered office of the company to consider the
resolution given in the notice as per draft placed before the meeting.
Resolved further that Mr. ___________, Director, be and is hereby authorised to issue
notice of the meeting and to comply with all requirements of the Companies Act, 1956,
in this regard.
RESOLVED THAT the consent of the Board be and is hereby given to the Appointment of
ABC & Co., Chartered Accountants, Delhi as the first Auditors of the Company to hold
office from the date of incorporation till the conclusion of the first Annual General
Meeting of the Company and that they may be paid such fee as may be fixed by the
Board in this regard.

RESOLVED THAT Mr. ________________, Mr._______________, Mrs.____________ who has been

named in the Articles as First Directors shall be the First Directors of the Company.

(Where subscribers to the memorandum are appointed as first directors)

The Board was informed that in accordance with provisions contained in Sec. 254 of the
Companies Act, 1956 the Subscribers to the Memorandum of Association shall be
deemed to be the First Directors of the Company. The Board noted the fact and in this
connection, the following resolution was passed :
RESOLVED THAT Mr. ________________, Mr. _______________, Mrs. ____________ who has
subscribed their names to the Memorandum of Association of the Company shall be
deemed to be the First Directors of the Company.


RESOLVED THAT subject to the approval of shareholders in a General Meeting, the

authorized share capital of the company be increased form Rs. ___________/- (Rupees
____________) divided into _____________ equity shares of Rs.___/- (Rupees _____) each to
Rs. _________ (Rupees ___________) divided into ________________ equity shares of Rs.___/(Rupees ______) each ranking pari passu with the existing equity shares in the Company
and that in clause ___ of the Memorandum of Association of the Company for the words
and figures











_______________) divided into _________ Equity shares of Rs. ___/- (Rupees ___) each.
The following shall be substituted:
The Authorized Share Capital of the Company is Rs. ____________/- (Rupees _______)
divided into ____________________ Equity shares of Rs. ___/- (Rupees _________) each.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders be
convened at the registered office of the Company on __________ the ___ day of
___________, 19___ at ____ A.M./P.M. to consider the proposed increase in the authorized
share capital of the Company and Mr. ___________, Director/Secretary of the Company be
and is hereby authorized to take further necessary action in this regard.

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