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The Dyslexic Reader 2015 - Issue 68

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The passage discusses the story of a 12-year old girl named Ava who was struggling in school and suspected of having dyslexia. It describes some of the challenges she faced including getting distracted, mixing up words, and not testing well. It also talks about how she and her mother worked with a Davis facilitator to help address her struggles.

Ava struggled with reading and re-reading to understand what she read. She had a hard time putting her thoughts into words when writing. She also got distracted easily by sounds and mixed up 'little words'. Her grades were inconsistent because she didn't test well despite knowing the material.

Ava and her mother met with a Davis facilitator to discuss Ava's symptoms. Ava then participated in a week-long Davis Program where she learned new tools and techniques to help her focus and master words.



ISSUE 1 2015 VOL 68

A Great Davis Experience

for Mother and Daughter
By Lynn Chigounis, Davis Facilitator
in Montclair, New Jersey

. wo years ago, Wendy Di Bella

contacted me after seeing the list

of the thirty-seven characteristics of
dyslexia at the Davis web site. She was
searching for a way to help Ava, her 12
year-old daughter. Ava was never formally
diagnosed with dyslexia or any learning
disability. She had always struggled in
school to a certain extent had tutoring

Wendy and her daughter Ava at their

exhibit at The Phoenix Womens Expo.

her thoughts into words. She was taking

Spanish and was finding it very difficult.
Ava had also always complained of sounds
being too distracting: the crinkling of
paper or the noises other kids made after
finishing a test she was still working on.
outside of school and extra help in school, She worked very hard, but her grades were
but Ava worked hard and was never
inconsistent, in part because Ava didnt test
behind enough to be tested. I think its
well, even though she always seemed to
important for people to
know the material.
know that many children
Our initial consultation
She has great ideas and
do not appear to be
confirmed over 20
a fantastic imagination
behind enough, or
symptoms of dyslexia.
for stories, but struggled
bad enough in school
Ava is a bright, creative
to find the right words to
to receive the proper
12-year-old with a
express them and write
intervention. Parents and
sparkling smile. But at
them down.
teachers need to know
the time of her Davis
the signs and symptoms
Assessment, school didnt
of dyslexia, so it is clear
make her smile or feel
that a child may appear to be bright,
good about herself. Ava said she had to
intelligent, and articulate, but can also
read and re-read to get meaning and often
be dyslexic and struggling with learning.
read the words wrong. She has great ideas
Ava was going to start seventh grade in
and a fantastic imagination for stories,
the fall of 2012, and her mother wanted
but struggled to find the right words to
her to be a more independent learner.
express them and write them down.
Suspecting her daughter might be
Ava and her parents were very eager
dyslexic, Wendy contacted me. We
to start the Davis Program. We had a
discussed the symptoms she had identified. successful week together finding triggers
Ava confused the little words and got
and mastering words. In addition to
distracted and lost when doing work on
learning new tools to stay focused and
her own. She had a hard time putting
(continued on page 3)

Would you work with a 70-year-old?

By Suzanne Buchauer
Davis Facilitator is Kew, Australia
n May of 2014 seventy-year-old
Marguerite sat in the front row at a
point presentation in the Kew

Library in Melbourne, Australia. The

talk, called Dyslexia Challenge and
Opportunity, was about the Davis
Dyslexia Correction Program. Her long
flowing hair and open face stood out in
the crowd. She was a presence and an
inspiration to the somewhat nervous

When the optical illusion slides popped

up, Marguerite suddenly shifted in her
seat and looked ill. Looking around
quickly, I announced, if any of these
slides bother you in any way, please
look away, because I dont see a trash
bin in here.
The following day, Marguerite called
to inquire about a Davis Dyslexia
Correction Program for herself.
Would you work with a 70-yearold? she asked. Yes, maam, I certainly
would! She proceeded to explain her
Marguerite knows its never
too late to conquer dyslexia!
(continued on page 4)


Davis Experience for Mother & Daughter.....1, 3
Would you work with a 70-year-old?.............. 1, 4
What Kids Are Reading..........................................5
Autism Society National Conference..................6

All The Rest Is Noise..............................................8

Dyslexia The Gift Blog Hosting The Codpast..........9
Department of Still-Functional Antiquities............11
Book Reviews.........................................................12-13

In the Mail.................................................................2
Famous Dyslexics Remember..............................7
Lazy Reader Book Club...................................14-15


In The Mail

A very happy parent posted this comment

about Davis Facilitator, Sandra McPhall,
in Grandville, MI, United States:
Dear Sandra,
Marcus is experiencing great success
in school; all As and one A-. He is
in 8th grade now and works very hard.
The Davis Program was a Godsend when
Marcus was in third grade. I remember
that then Marcus was not able to even
say the alphabet without messing up,
and he couldnt read a sentence without
error. After the first day with you, Marcus
was able to recite the alphabet from
beginning to end... and from the end to
the beginning. This was quite remarkable
and he was very motivated to continue.
I remember getting teary eyed because
I knew in my heart that Marcus was
smart and Davis was helping unlock all
of his potential!
The biggest thing we noticed right away
was the amazing improvement in reading
fluency. Prior to Davis, Marcus would stop
and start often in a sentence, struggling to
get all the words out correctly. Reading
seemed so labor intensive, not fun at all.
After completing the Davis Program, he
was able to read with much improved ease.
The focus he had learned was something
that had an immediate impact. His teacher
developed a little signal to remind Marcus
to put hands on shoulders: he would

jingle his lanyard with keys that hung

around his neck. Marcus would do
hands on shoulders and get focused.
I remember how this impacted other
areas of his life too. One football game
I could tell that Marcus was just not
focused, his body was moving all over as
he stood in position on the line. I went
to the side-line, yelled his name, put my
hands on my shoulders, the next thing we
knew Marcus had sacked the quarterback.
The coach looked at me, he couldnt
believe it. I just smiled as I walked back
to my seat.
These skills to self-regulate have helped
Marcus successfully navigate his education
and life. He loves to read and this weekend
he finished a thick 652 page novel. All
summer, he read and read and read. I
literally had to kick him outside at least
have him read under the tree so that he
would get fresh air. It is a miracle, on
many levels.

I think Davis approaches reading in

a way that dyslexics understand, each
having their own unique strengths and
weaknesses. Although I feel like we didnt
do as well with follow-up as I would have
liked, Marcus now reads. And he loves
it! This is worth all the money that we
invested. Having a son that feels good
about himself and his academic success,
well, that is priceless. I try to help parents
that express frustration with their childs
reading to get evaluated, as it may be
We appreciate all you did for Marcus.
High school is around the corner, and he
is looking forward to it. Although dyslexia
never goes away, he has some invaluable
tools to take on the challenge.
You can find out more about
Sandra McPhalls services at her
web site, New Chapter Learning at:

The Dyslexic Reader is periodic publication of Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI)
1601 Bayshore Hwy., Suite 260, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141
OURGOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles;
and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all peoples abilities
and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected.
EDITORIALBOARD: Laura Zink de Daz, Alice Davis and Abigail Marshall DESIGN: Michael Troller Design
SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year $25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACKISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI.
SUBMISSIONS&LETTERS: We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address.
VIAFAX: +1 (650) 692-7075 VIAE-MAIL: INTERNET:
The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis, Davis Dyslexia Correction, Davis Symbol Mastery,
Davis Orientation Counseling, Davis Autism Approach, Seed of Genius, and Davis Learning Strategies are trademarks
of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright 2015 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.


A Great Davis Experience from page 1

read better, Ava finally understood the

reason for her past struggles and felt much
more confident about her abilities.
The biggest changes Wendy saw in
Ava after the program were her new
confidence, and her ability to advocate
for herself. Her new understanding of
dyslexia and her thinking style gave Ava
more control over her learning, and the
confidence to tell her teachers what she
needed. A few months after Avas Davis
Program, Wendy told me that her daughter
had taken a math test and scored just 50
percent. So Ava told her math teacher that
she knew the material, but needed more
time to complete the test. Her teacher gave
her that time the next day, and she ended
up scoring 99 percent!
Not only did Ava gain confidence and
a new understanding of herself, but the
process of getting help for her, allowed
Wendy to realize that these struggles had
mirrored her own challenges with learning
when she was a child.
Wendy is a yoga teacher, licensed real
estate broker, wife, mother and now
a published author. In the two years
that have passed since I worked with
Ava, Wendy went through a personal
transformation of her own. Realizing
her own past with dyslexia, coming
to recognize it as a gift, as well as
illuminating other relevant aspects of her
life, Wendy went through a healing process
and an awakening that revealed how
perception and insight positively change
and liberate each of us. She published these
insights to share them with the world.
Wendy explains, I am connected to a lot
of people through my yoga community
and the right people came to me when
I needed them. My first ever Folio of
Articulations, Turn Your Life Insight
Out, was written shortly after my healing
process began. I had never thought of
writing before, but my thoughts came to
me in multi-dimensional pictures. I felt
and conceptualized understanding the
big picture of each topic I wrote about.
I had to include Dyslexia in my book
for my daughter, and for the countless
number of people who ever felt stupid
because of their struggles in school. My
new understanding of dyslexia was part
of my awakening and I know it will be
for many others as well.
Wendy has given us permission to
publish her articulation, Dyslexia, which
is about her newly discovered view of
dyslexia, that both she and her daughter
realized after Ava completed her Davis
Dyslexia Correction Program. v

By Wendy Di Bella

Dyslexics have a special gift:

their minds paint pictures, theyre very swift.
Difficulty in reading is only because
words with no pictures create space and pause
the reader from understanding everything.
The, its, ands and buts do not a picture bring.
These holes in the story leave way too much room
for misinterpretation and comprehensionless gloom.
Since a picture tells 1,000 words,
words with no pictures cut a story by two thirds.
The story looks a lot like Swiss cheese
to the dyslexic reader who is reading to please
the conventional systems put into place
to uniformly teach the human race.
But now its time for that system to know
what it needs to comprehend to help itself grow.
Its not about redundantly reading and repeating;
its understanding sight words like the salutation in the greeting.
Its creating a relationship with every lower and upper-case letter
that alone allows the person to start reading better.
Its balancing orientation of the dyslexic minds eye
so that speed and comprehension can permanently apply.
Most of all its teaching dyslexics to paint a picture for each word
so every story is whole and complete, all knowledge is transferred.
Its important to know that dyslexics are not of average intelligence;
they are way way above; their mind looks for the relevance.
They must be told that how they learn and see
is a language-based difficulty, not a disability.
In truth, theyre highly advanced and think brilliantly,
which is one of the reasons their mind holds the key
to bringing our world inspired inventions, beauty, art, and fun.
Albert Einstein and Walt Disney used their dyslexia to get it done.
I hope Ive helped you paint a pretty picture in your mind
of how dyslexic people are a gift to all mankind.
2014 Wendy Di Bella
Lynn Chigounis has been a Davis Facilitator in Montclair,
New Jersey since 2003. You can reach her at her web site,
New Perspectives in Learning, at:
You can find Wendy Di Bella on-line at her web site, (where you can learn
more and even order her book) or at her Facebook page,


Davis Dyslexia
The Davis Dyslexia Correction
program is available from more
than 450 Facilitators around
the world. For updates, call:
(888) 805-7216 Toll Free or
(650) 692-7141 o r visit
The following is a current list of all
Davis Facilitators, some Facilitators
may also offer other Davis services.

v Argentina
Silvana Ines Rossi
Buenos Aires +54 (112) 064-3872
v Australia
Linda Alexander
Coomera, Queensland
+61 (459) 171 270
Brenda Baird
Brisbane +61 (07) 3299 3994
Sally Beulke
Melbourne +61 (03) 572 51752
Suzanne Buchauer
Kew, Victoria
+61 (03) 9817 4886
Anne Cupitt
Hervey Bay, Queensland
+61 (074) 128-2470
Mary Davie
Sydney NSW
+61 (02) 9521 3685
Amanda Du Toit
Beaumont Hills NSW
+61 (405) 565 338
Jan Gorman
+61 (02) 9874 7498
Bets Gregory
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Gordon NSW
+61 (4) 1401 3490
Gail Hallinan
Frenchs Forest Naremburn/
Sydney +61 (02) 9405 2800

At the end of her program and again, one year

after she completed her program, Marguerite said,
The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program felt so
Up until recently, her husband had been the
right for me, then and now. Concerning the fear
person she had relied on for many things she
and trauma she felt about reading, she exclaimed,
found to be challenging. Now that he was no
Thats gone now! A thing of the past!
longer alive, she was faced with navigating the
During a recent phone conversation Marguerite
world without his aid, and she was also taking
told me, Because I have done
care of her 93 year-old mother
the program, I understand
in hospital. She also had a
The Davis Dyslexia
myself and how I think. This
burning desire to overcome
Correction Program
area of my life was a mystery
her own reading challenges.
before and things seemed
The program lasted one
felt so right for me,
to just randomly happen.
and a half weeks. Marguerites
then and now.
Marguarite went on to say,
experiences growing up in a
Im not at the mercy of others
boarding school left quite a
few images and impressions on her. She had been or confusion any more. The Davis tools have
created a state of freedom for me.
traumatized by the school in the areas of reading
and self esteem. Marguerite responded swiftly and Marguerite and her support person were able
extremely positively to the Davis tools and at last to do the follow-up work for quite a long time
after the program. She is still doing exercises
many things suddenly became clear to her. She
with her son and support person. When I called
overcame major areas of trauma with the letters
Marguerite to ask permission to publish her story,
and reading, and she was astounded to discover
she recounted a story about a trip she took to the
she was going from realization to realization.
city last week.
Marguerite also worked on several challenging
I was able to get on the escalator for the first
issues, such as pronunciation, spatial awareness
time ever and go down, without fear!
when riding an escalator, driving her car, reading
Thank you Ron Davis!
fears, directional confusion in the car or while
in the labyrinth-like hallways in the hospital
Suzanne Buchauer holds a
where she visited her mom, filling out forms and
Master of Arts in Education.
discussing choices with doctors in the hospital.
And Marguerite overcame the generalized feeling She has been a Davis Facilitator
near Melbourne, Australia
that things seemed out of control at times, that
since 2013. You can reach her
things seemed to just happen randomly around
through her web site, http://
her. v
She told me that she now has no problem
making clear decisions when discussing her
mothers situation with physicians, and feels very
clear about what she wants to happen.
Would you work with a 70-year-old? from page 1

Barbara Hoi
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+61 (02) 9968 1093
Annette Johnston
Rockingham WA
+61 (8) 9591 3482
Eileen McCarthy
+61 (02) 9977 2061
Marianne Mullally
Crows Nest, Sydney
+61 (02) 9436 3766
Janette Padinis
Aspendale Gardens, Victoria
+61 0412 021 604
Jayne Pivac
Parkdale Victoria/Melbourne
+61 (0) 420 305 405
John Reilly
+61 (02) 9649 4299
Heidi Rose
Pennington, S.A.
+61 (8) 8240 1834
Jan Stead
Gladstone, S.A.
+61 (4) 048 839 8788
v Austria
Annette Dietrich
Wien +43 (01) 888 90 25
Jacinta Fennessy
Wien +43 (01) 774 98 22
Marika Kaufmann
Lochau +43 (05574) 446 98

Humor Corner
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Amos who?
A mosquito!
Knock Knock!
Who's There?
Cows go
Cows go who?
No, cows go moo,
owls go who!
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Anudder who?
Anudder mosquito!

Knock Knock!
Who's there?
I didn't know you
could yodel!
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Wooden Shoe.
Wooden Shoe who?
Wooden Shoe like to
hear another joke?

Knock Knock!
Whos there?
Luke who?
Luke through the
keyhole and you
can see!


What Kids Are Reading:

The Book-Reading Habits
of Students in American Schools

Goedele Decuypere
Oostkamp (Near Brugge)
+32 (4) 75 81 71 92
Ann Devloo-Delva
Veurne +32 (058) 31 63 52
Stephanie Dury
Hainin +32 47 921 4916
Chantal Guyot
Bruxelles +32 (04) 77 55 97 66

By Laura Zink de Daz, Davis Facilitator in Cajic, Colombia

Renaissance Learning, Inc. publishes an annual
report on the reading habits of school age children
in the United States. As usual, the report for 2015
looks not only at what kids are reading, but why
they read what they read. This year the report lists
the top 25 books read by students in grades 1-12
in the 2013-2014 school year. Rankings are based
on the Accelerated Reader database, reflecting the
reading records for 9.8 million students who read
330 million books, about 50 million more books
than in the 2011-2012 period.
On average second and third graders read the
most books: per year, 57 in second grade and 51
in third grade. First graders read about 25,000
words per year. The number of words read per
year peaks in sixth grade at about 436,000, but
by the time theyre seniors in high school, that
number has dropped to a little more than 300,000.
By the time they finish high school, girls have
read about 25% more words than boys: around
3.8 million, compared to boys who have read in
the same period, about 3 million. Although boys
read more non-fiction than girls, that difference in
vocabulary exposure and practice may explain why
girls tend to perform better on the NAEP reading
achievement test.
The data includes a list of the top 25 books read
by Grade Level, by boys, by girls and by both from
Grade 1 through 12. Heres an abbreviated list, of
the top five books by grade level (reading level by
grade is in parentheses):

v Belgium

The years edition left out the list of all Caldecott

and Newbury Medal books. (The Newbury
Medal has been awarded annually since 1922,
and Caldecott since 1938.) Instead it provides a
significant amount on commentary and analysis on
the non-fiction reading recommended by the new
Common Core State Standards for language arts.
Personally, I skipped over most of that commentary,
because Im still unconvinced that pushing young
children to read non-fiction is wise or even
beneficial. However, there is a rather nice list of the
fiction and non-fiction books children read from
first through twelfth grade, which does show that
there are many non-fiction books available for the
primary grades, written at a level the children can
understand. Those for the earliest grades tend to
focus on animals, insects and nature. By fourth or
fifth grade we see more biographies of historical
and sports figures.
You can download a summary or a full copy of
the report at:
You must provide your name, position (theres a
parent and other option for those who are not
educators), and your email address to gain access
to the report. v

There are many non-fiction

books available for the primary
grades, written at a level the
children can understand.

Grade 1
1. Green Eggs and Ham, Seuss (1.5)
2. The Foot Book, Seuss (0.6)
3. Biscuit, Capucilli (1.4)
4. Biscuit Goes to School (.09)
5. Biscuit Finds a Friend (0.8

Grade 2
Green Eggs and Ham, Dr. Seuss (1.5)
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type, Cronin (2.3)
Officer Buckle and Gloria, Rathmann (3.4)
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Numeroff (2.7)
The Foot Book, Seuss (0.6)

Grade 3
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Hard Luck, Kinney (5.5)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, Kinney (5.2)
Charlottes Web, E.B. White (4.4)
Green Eggs and Ham, Seuss (1.5)
Dogzilla, Pilkey (4.2)

Grade 4
1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck, Kinney (5.5)
2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel, Kinney (5.6)
3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, Kinney (5.2)
4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, Kinney (5.8)
5. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw, Kinney (5.4)

Grade 5
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck, Kinney (5.5)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel, Kinney (5.6)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, Kinney (5.8)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days, Kinney (5.2)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth, Kinney (5.5)

Grade 6
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck, Kinney (5.5)
Hatchet, Paulsen (5.7)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel, Kinney (5.6)
The Hunger Games, Collins (5.3)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, Kinney (5.8)

Grade 7
1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck, Kinney (5.5)
2. The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton (4.7)
3. Divergent, Roth (4.8)
4. The Giver, Lois Lowry (5.7)
5. The Hunger Games, Collins (5.3)

Grade 8
The Outsiders, S.E. Hinton (4.7)
Divergent, Roth (4.8)
The Giver, Lois Lowry (5.7)
The Fault in Our Stars, Green (5.5)
The Hunger Games, Collins (5.3)

Grade 9
Divergent, Roth (4.8)
The Fault in Our Stars, Green (5.5)
The Hunger Games, Collins (5.3)
To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee (5.6)
Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck (4.5)

Grade 10
1. Divergent, Roth (4.8)
2. Night, Wiesel (4.8)
3. The Fault in Our Stars, Green (5.5)
4. The Hunger Games, Collins (5.3)
5. Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck (4.5)

Grade 11
The Crucible, Miller (4.9)
The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald (7.3)
Divergent, Roth (4.8)
Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck (4.5)
The Fault in Our Stars, Green (5.5)

Grade 12
Divergent, Roth (4.8)
Frankenstein (Unabridged), Shelley (12.4)
The Hunger Games, Collins (5.3)
Macbeth, Shakespeare (10.9)
The Fault in Our Stars, Green (5.5)

Marie Louise Habran

Liege +32 (4) 99 29 43 72
Inge Lanneau
Beernem +32 (050) 33 29 92
Juana Lopez Le Jeune
Bruxelles +32 (498) 720 250
Peggy Poppe
Antwerpen +32 (474) 50 23 32
Bethisabea Rossitto
Bruxelles +32 (477) 68 56 06
Chantal Wyseur
Waterloo +32 (486) 11 65 82
v Bolivia
Veronica Kaune
La Paz
+591 (2) 278 9031
v Brazil
Ana Lima
Rio De Janeiro
+55 (021) 2295-1505
v Bulgaria
Daniela Boneva
+35 (988) 531 95 06
v Canada
Carol Taljeh Ariss
North Vancouver, BC
+1 (788)706-8595
Rocky Point Academy
Stacey Borger-Smith
also Autism Training Supervisor
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Supervisor Specialist
Lawrence Smith, Jr.
also Autism Training Supervisor
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Workshop Presenter
Calgary +1 (403) 685-0067
+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free)
Paddy Carson
Edmonton, Alberta
+1 (780) 489-6225
Marcia Code
Kanata, Ontario
+1 (613) 284-6315
Dyslexia Resources Canada
Shelley Cotton
Sharon Roberts
Brantford, Ontario
+1 (519) 304-0535
+1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)
Janet Currie Richards
Boutiliers Point, Nova Scotia
+1 (902) 826-1512
Elizabeth Currie Shier
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Oakville (Near Toronto)
+1 (905) 829-4084
Brenda Davies
Rosedale Station, Alberta
+1 (403) 823-6680
Cathy Dodge Smith
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (905) 844-4144
+1 (888) 569-1113 toll-free
Sandy Farrell
Hudson, Quebec
+1 (450) 458-4777
Rene Figlarz
Montreal, Quebec
+1 (514) 815-7827
Carole Ford
Ladysmith, BC
+1 (250) 245-8412


v Canada (continued)
Sher Goerzen
Maple Ridge, BC
+1 (604) 290-5063
Corinne Graumans
Medicine Hat, Alberta
+1 (403) 528-9848
Sue Hall
West Vancouver
+1 (604) 921-1084
Chelan Hermanson
Wainwright Alberta
+1 (780) 209-2525
Dvorah Hoffman
Toronto +1 (416) 398-6779
Sue Jutson
Vancouver, B.C. +1 (604) 732-1516
Mary Ann Kettlewell
London, Ontario
+1 (519) 652-0252
Kathy Mahoney
Ottawa Ontario
+1 (613) 794-1756
Colleen Malone
Newmarket Ontario
+ 1 (905) 252-7426
Helen McGilivray
+1 (905) 464-4798
Carl Nigi
Kanata, Ontario
+1 (613) 558-7797
Maureen OSullivan
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Newmarket, Ontario
+1 (905) 853-3363
Joanna Pellegrino
Thunder Bay Ontario
+1 (807) 708-4754
Rachel Pihrag
Calgary Alberta
+1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll Free)
Desmond Smith
Oakville, Ontario
+1 (905) 844-4144
Tracy Trudell
London, Ontario
+1 (519) 494-9884
Kim J. Willson-Rymer
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Mississauga, Ontario
+1 (905) 825-3153
v Chile
Ximena Hidalgo Pirotte
Santiago +56 (02) 243 0860
v China
Twiggy Chan
Hong Kong +852-6175-8439
Yvonne Wong Ho Hing
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Hong Kong +852-6302-5630
Livia Wong
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Hong Kong +852-2756-6603

Davis at the Autism Society National

Conference and Exposition
By Elsie Johnson and Susan Smarjesse,
Davis Facilitators in the United States
The Davis Autism Approach took a front place
at the 45th Autism Society National Conference
and Exposition in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, July
22-26, 2014. Davis Facilitators from Illinois, Italy,
Montana, Indiana/Hong Kong, Michigan, and
Pennsylvania connected visitors with answers,
visual banners, handouts, clay models, videos,
a NOIT demonstration, and the book, Autism
and The Seeds of Change by Abigail Marshall,
with Ronald D. Davis.
Our visuals, explanations on standup banners,
and a clay figure of self helped adults, children,
parents, grandparents, educators, and service
providers see, hear, and feel the difference the
Davis Approach provides.
Exchanges with fellow exhibitors likewise
revealed how the Davis Approach plants the seeds
of change and allows other therapies to attach
more naturally and quickly. Participants departed
carrying handouts about program description, coach
and professional training, clipboards and keyrings
and most importantly, the experience of meeting
and sharing. Many purchased the book, Autism
and The Seeds of Change. Of the many book-raffle
registrants, an autistic college broadcasting student
desiring the help it can provide, won his own copy
of the book.
Now the seeds of change of the Davis Approach
to Autism have been planted nationally! Let each
of us scatter the seeds again and again.
Elsie Johnson is a Davis Facilitator
and Autism Facilitator/Coach in
Manhattan, Montana. You can learn
more about her services at her web site,
Susan Smarjesse is a Davis Facilitator
in Springfield, Illinois. You can learn
more about her services at her web site, v

The many materials displayed for visitors

to examine at the Davis Autism Approach
exhibit during the Autism Society National
Conference and Exposition.

v Colombia
Laura Zink de Daz
Cajic +57 (1) 883-1706
v Costa Rica
Andrea Castro Gross
San Rafael de Escazu
+506 228-98013
Maria Elena Guth Blanco
San Jose +506 296-4078
Marcela Rodriguez
Alajuela +506 442-8090
Ana Gabriela Vargas Morales
San Jose Escazu
+ 506 2288 0980
v Cyprus
Alexis Mouzouris
+357 25 382 090

Elsie (left) and Susan, delighted to

have planted seeds of the Davis Autism
Approach at a national conference!

Several Davis Facilitators attended the

conference. From left to right, Susan
Smarjesse, Marcia Maust, Elsie Johnson,
Cinda Osterman and Tina Kramer. Not
pictured is Cathi Gerraci.


Famous Dyslexics Remember

v Denmark
Moniek Geven
also DLS Mentor
Bryrup +45 7575 7105
v Ecuador

Andy Quirke

Andy Quirke is a very successful Irish comedian and actor, but he didnt
always feel as successful as he does now. During his childhood he struggled
with dyslexia. Relatives have described Quirke as a Dennis the Menace type
of character at school: always in trouble. Quirke estimates that 186 notes
were sent by his teachers to his parents. However, he managed to intercept
every one. Quirke recalls, Id sign them all and send them back. Of course
then the teacher would say, Id really like to meet your parents and [Id]
write back that we cant meet up for various reasons. I was able to perfect
my parents writing. Quirke left school when he was sixteen years old to
work in his fathers business, known as Dr. Quirkeys Arcade. He began impersonating people while
he worked there. Eventually, he appeared on The Repubic of Telly in a comedy skit hed written about
two charcters, one rich, the other poor, and both of them big drinkers. Quirk played both characters
in the skit, which was so successful, he became a regular player. Its amazing, Quirke says, I get
paid to do what makes me happy. My mum and maybe my teachers are probably saying, Finally he
is making a living out of all that messing that he used to do.

Sir John Young Jackie Stewart

Jackie Stewart is a former Formula One racing driver from Scotland, who,
while competing in Formula One from 1965 to 1973, won three World Drivers
Championships. In 2009 he was ranked fifth of the fifty greatest Formula
One drivers of all time. He also competed in the United States and served as
commentator on ABCs Wide World of Sports and ABC Sports from 1982 to
1984. When he was growing up, his family ran highly successful car dealerships.
Jackie was a poor student, with undiagnosed dyslexia. As a result by age sixteen
he quit school and began working in his fathers garage. He has said, When
youve got dyslexia and you find something youre good at, you put more into it
than anyone else; you cant think the way of the clever folk, so youre always thinking out of the box.
Recently Stewart took the time to visit Chartwell, a school specializing in educating students with
dyslexia and other learning challenges. Find other ways of doing things, he told the students, it can
be a more successful route. Even in business I have never taken the interstate. I take the winding rural
road instead, and see opportunities other people dont. We hope that these days Stewart realizes he
should include himself in the category of clever folk!

Sally Gardner

About 18 issues ago, we wrote about this famous dyslexic author. Her teachers
labeled her unteachable, an educational psychologist told her parents she was
word blind. But when she was fourteen, something clicked and Gardner
suddenly began devouring books. Now, a very successful British writer and
illustrator, she has authored thirty books and won various awards for her work.
In a recent article about her in the British newspaper, The Guardian, Gardner
wrote, At school I was the outsider, the odd one, the word-blind child who
didnt fit in. I lived in my head a dreamer a round peg in a square hole who
was told I would be lucky to get any qualifications, let alone a job. My education
was a comedy of errors If it hadnt been for my imagination and my ability to dream I would
have probably ended up working in a supermarket, which would have been a disaster, because
I was no better at maths than I was at reading. Gardner went on to say, Dyslexia is not a disability
its a gift. It means that I, and many other dyslexic thinkers can portray the world through images
because we think in images. I can build worlds, freeze the frame, walk around and touch. I can read
peoples faces, drawings, buildings, landscapes and all things in the visual world more quickly than
many of my non-dyslexic friends. I paint with words Non-dyslexic people often challenge my
dyslexia they dont believe I write my books, or they think I have a ghost writer. Many dyslexic
people also look at me with doubt how do I do it? A published author cant possibly be severely
dyslexic. Many of them have been made to think theres no point in trying to be a writer, even if
thats what they passionately want to be. The key is not to listen to what they are told. If I had listened
I wouldnt have become a writer After all, you can spell every word in the dictionary and know
every grammatical rule in the world, but this does not make you a writer, nor does it give you an
imagination; an imagination is something quite unique to every individual and it needs to be treasured.

Ana Magdalena Espin Vargas

Ambato +593 (2) 854 281
Santiago Fernandez
Cumbaya Quito
+593 (09) 308 9646
Nora Cristina Garza Daz
+593 (3) 282 5998
Germania Jissela Ramos Ramos
Ambato +593 (3) 242 4723
Ins Gimena Paredes Ros
Ambato +593 (08) 418 5779
v Estonia
Olga Knut
Tallinn +372-56-509-840
v France
Johanna de Barmon
Arras +33 (6) 1588 1995
Sophie Bellavoir-Misciasci
Noiseau +33 (6) 04 02 99 21
Christine Bleus
Saint Jean de Gonville/Genve
+33 450 56 40 48
Isabelle Charbon
Bordeaux +33 (06) 3022 1603
Meriel Chehab
Brest +33 (06) 12 55 71 88
Claudine Clergeat
Brunoy + 33 (06) 78 69 79 56
Jayne Cooke
Barr +33 (0) 3 88 74 06 01
Corinne Couelle
Lyon +33 (04) 78 88 65 52
Patrick Courtois
Juvignac +33 (6) 37 40 49 67
Jennifer Delrieu
Auffargis +33 (01) 34 84 88 30
Ginette Donnet
Le Havre +33 (699) 3882 05
Nancy Dosseh
Brest +33 (06) 17 70 72 84
Claudine Garderes
Fontenay-Le-Fleury (near Paris)
+33 (642) 15 99 27
Virginie Goleret
Grenoble +33 (67) 898 6217
Karen Gondet
Bordeaux +33 (6) 52 60 39 10
Lisa Henry
Bordeaux +33 (15) 57 87 19 63
Sophie Flaux Lasnon
Riec Sur Belon +33 (61) 457 0338
Emmanuelle Leibovitz-Schurdevin
Tours +33 (613) 02 48 85
Franoise Magarian
Legny/Lyon +33 (0474) 72 43 13
Chantal Marot-Vannini
Arfeuilles +33 (06) 14 24 26 33
Carol Nelson
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+33 (09) 52 63 02 05
Marie Pasquier
Marseille +33 (06) 09 86 24 03
Odile Puget
+33 (0) 450 418 267
Annette Meunier Rivet
Becheresse +33 (64) 374 4134
Virginie Texier
Irodouer +33 (06) 63 03 46 63
Isabelle Thomas
Solaize +33 (065) 1066994
Carol Valet
+33 (6) 73 54 63 34


v Germany/Deutschland
Theresia Adler
Bannewitz +49 (0351) 40 34 224
Doris Birkner
Garbsen +49 (5131) 701 866
Claudia Boeden
Timmendorfer Stranel
+49 (160) 710 6891
Ellen Ebert
Ammern +49 (03601) 813-660
Gabriele Doetsch
Bad Windsheim
+49 (098 41) 688 18 18
Cornelia Garbe
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Berlin +49 (0151) 5420 8728
Astrid Grosse-Mnch
Buxtehude +49 (04161) 702 90 70
Christine Heinrich
Remseck +49 (0)7146 284 65 60
Sonja Heinrich
also Supervisor-Specialist
also DDA-DACH Director
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Davis Autism Approach
Workshop Presenter
Hamburg +49 (40) 25 17 86 23
Kirsten Hohage
Nrnberg +49 (0911) 54 85 234
Ingrid Huth
Berlin +49 (030) 28 38 78 71
Rita Jarrar
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Mnchen +49 (089) 821 20 30
Inge Koch-Gassmann
Buggingen +49 (07631) 23 29
Marianne Kranzer
Knigsfeld +49 (07725) 72 26
Anneliese Kunz-Danhauser
Rosenheim +49 (08031) 632 29
Sabine La Due
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Stuttgart +49 (711) 722 2635
Anne Moeller
Grbenzell BRD +49 (081) 4251955
Andrea Paluch
Flensburg +49 (461) 6757 5595
Markus Rauch
Freiburg +49 (761) 290 8146
Colette Reimann
Landshut +49 (0871) 770 994
Brigitte Reinhardt
Offenberg +49 (78109) 919 268
Ursula Rittler
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Stuttgart +49 (0711) 47 18 50
Christiane Rosendahl
Dortmund +49 0(231) 75 81 53 02
Phoebe Schafschetzy
Hamburg +49 (040) 392 589
Margarethe Schlauch-Agostini
Volklingen +49 (0689) 844 10 40
Gabriela Scholter
also Supervisor-Specialist
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Autism Training Supervisor
Stuttgart +49 (0711) 578 28 33
Sylvia Schurak
Garlipp +49 (0) 39 32 44 82
Carmen Stappenbacher
Bamberg +49 (09547) 431 921
Birgit Thun
Hamburg +49 (040) 4135 5015
Beate Tiletzek
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Waldkraiburg +49 (08638) 88 17 89
Andrea Toloczyki
+49 (02507) 57 04 84
Ioannis Tzivanakis
also Specialist Trainer
also Workshop Presenter
also DDA-DACH Director
Berlin +49 (030) 66 30 63 17

All The Rest Is Noise

By Laura Zink de Daz
Davis Facilitator in Cajic, Colombia
When there is a gap between ones real and ones
declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively,
to long words and exhausted idioms, like a
cuttlefish squirting out ink.
Arthur Eric Blair, best known as George Orwell,
author of 1984 and Animal Farm

like music, art and physical education have been

suffering the same fate, in spite of multiple studies
demonstrating that each of those subjects enhance
student performance in the academics. Likewise,
the reading of fiction has been poo-pood and the
focus of reading in the elementary schools has
moved to informational texts, because, you
know, even third graders should be on track
to be college and career ready.

the data repeatedly

I ran across an important piece of writing at the
show that when
web site of Jacobin Magazine. Its written by Will
studies control for
Johnson, a special education teacher in New York
the effects of poverty,
City. His article is titled Mystifying Poverty. Its
American students
not terribly long, and well worth reading, if only
are competitive with
to clarify what current educational jargon has
the top percentile of
been very successful at muddying.
in the world.
Johnson calls the Common Core State Standards
a dull, technical document that typifies the
jargon thats taken over the public schools. He
gives plenty of examples of essentially meaningless Johnson expresses eloquently the objection many
jargon, and equally meaningless new requirements educators have to the no excuses line taken by
corporate reformers:
for teachers. Heres a taste:
Reformers have argued loudly and aggressively
that our schools and students are failing. But the
language they use is by necessity obscure and
technocratic, because no matter how emphatically
they argue that Americas students are falling
behind their international counterparts, the data
repeatedly show that when studies control for
the effects of poverty, American students are
competitive with the top percentile of students in
the world. And a 2011 Stanford University study
found that family income continues to be far and
away the biggest determining factor of student
achievement. Make your way through the jargon
about achievement gaps and teacher accountability,
and the problem becomes clear. Nearly a quarter
of all children in the US live in poverty, among the
highest rates in the developed world. Combine this
One really must ask oneself, when teachers
with the fact that in America, poor students receive
will have time to teach after complying with these
less educational funding than rich ones and you
requirements for every lesson, every day, every week have a real civil rights issue: the U.S. government
of the school year? But Johnsons point is another.
discriminates against poor children. In this context,
From Johnsons point of view the proliferation
discussing how teachers should align their curricula
of jargon in school reform isnt an accident and
with the Common Core distracts us from the
its purposes are twofold. One is to assure the
problem of poverty and offers tacit approval to a
exclusion of the public from educational policy.
discriminatory system of school funding.
He says, By using needlessly technocratic language
A strong indictment, and one that the corporate
(see relevant stakeholders, high-impact
reformers have studiously refused to recognize
strategies, and culturally sensitive manner),
for years. This is what happens when reforms are
reformers are able to pursue an anti-democratic
driven by ideology rather than facts.
agenda without ever being pressed
We should always be wary of supposed
to clearly articulate tangible goals.
The jargon also distracts us from what actually experts who seem unwilling or unable to explain
their ideas and proposals in clear, straightforward
goes on in schools full of actual, real-life children,
language, that can be understood by people of
who need fresh air and sunshine, time to engage
normal intelligence. As Johnson so concisely puts
in independent play, and opportunities to learn by
it: The problem is poverty. The rest, as they say,
exploring themes that spark their own individual
is noise.
curiosity about hundreds of things not available
in traditional classrooms. We all know that in
You can find Will Johnsons entire article at: https://
many schools recess has been cut back (if not v
out) to make room for test prep, and that subjects
Before the next semester begins in January
teachers will be required to submit their UBDs
to their supervisors for approval. (UBD stands
for Understanding by Design, a trendy new term
for unit plan.) Each UBD must contain a list of
essential questions, enduring understandings,
exhibition descriptions, and rubrics for student
assessment. Additionally, each UBD must explain
which Habits of Mind the unit focuses on,
which active reading strategies and graphic
organizers will be applied throughout the unit,
and what efforts the teacher will make to create
UBDs that are student centered. Of course,
teachers must also identify which Common Core
standards will be addressed throughout every single
unit, lesson, and task the students complete.


News from Dyslexia The Gift Blog Now Hosting The Codpast

v Germany/Deutschland
Ulrike von Kutzleben-Hausen
Deisslingen +49 (07420) 33 46
Gabriele Wirtz
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Stuttgart +49 (711) 55 17 18
Elvira Woelki
Mindelheim +33 (082) 61 76 36 38
v Greece
Evagelia Apostolopoulou-Armaos
Patras +30 (261) 062 21 22
Pagona Gkogkou
Athens +30 (697)748 6254
Theano Panagiotopoulou
Athens +30 (21) 111 953 50

By Abigail Marshall
The Codpast is a place where the cool and
creative side of Dyslexia is celebrated. The series
has been created by internet broadcaster Sean
Douglas, after meeting other dyslexics whose
stories touched, inspired and angered him. The
Codpast is a groundbreaking interview-based talk
show where ordinary people share events from
their extraordinary lives; getting to grips with and
tackling the issues that others shy away from.

Episode 4: Chance Encounters

We are grateful to Sean for his creative artistry,

and for allowing us to host a continuously
updated list of program links on our site. Here is
the list of program titles available at our blog:

Formal education was never quite the right fit

for Aakash. His dyslexia, vivid imagination and
urge to experience the world through more than
just words, was never meant for the rigid school
curriculum. So at the age of 15, Aakash packed
his bags for a journey of self-discovery. Away
from his protective family home, Aakash was
exposed to the harsh realities of life which helped
shape the man, dancer and choreographer he has
become today. This is a wonderful coming of age
story with some interesting plot twists, best of all
its 100% true.

Episode 1: Being a Journalist

In this show journalism graduate and creator of

the House and Heals blog shares the story of her
struggle with dyslexia and how she successfully
navigated school and university. She is now at the
start of a promising media career where the trials
of the past have given her a clear direction for
how and where she wants to be for the future.

After a lifetime of chance meetings with gun

wielding muggers, nuns and wobble legged cats
Jane defied all her teachers red pen abuse and
now has a two-book deal with Hodder Childrens
books. Her first book, A Room Full of Chocolate,
was published earlier this year to unanimous

Episode 5: The Missing A

Episode 6: King of Clubs

Episode 2: Dyslexia and Mental Health From humble beginnings Peter achieved the
In this episode musician and music teacher Trev
William shares the story of his battles with
dyslexia and the psychotic episodes, that he
believes, his dyslexia played a part in. After a
long battle with mental health, through sheer
determination and helped by his passion for music
and song writing Trev is now running a successful
music tuition business and looking forward to a
bright future.

Episode 3: Fighting the Good Fight

seemingly impossible. He rose to fame and

fortune, rubbing shoulders with the whos who
of popular culture, spanning the last 50 years.
The Beatles, Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye
are just some of the characters in his amazing
journey, and believe me, we havent even
scratched the surface.
There are also trailers for some of the episodes,
a couple of book reviews, and the most recent
edition (as of November 24, 2014) is titled
Liams Story.

After finishing her GCSEs with grades including

Fs, Gs and even Us. Natasha thought her journey
You can access Codpast programing at http://blog.
in education had reached an impenetrable brick
wall. But through sheer determination, help from, or at the Codpast web site v
friends and family and some inventive dyslexic
thinking. Natasha is now the proud owner of a
post graduate degree and is working as a senior
Occupational Therapist.

Traute Lutz
Marausi +30 (210) 804 3889
Konstatinos Polychronis
Athens +30 (215) 550 8228
Irma Vierstra-Vourvachakis
+30 283105 8201 or 69766 40292
v Iceland
slaug sgeirsdttir
+354 861-2537
Gigja Baldursdottir
Reykjavik +354 562 2840
Sigrn Jnina Baldursdttir
Snaefellsbae +354 586 8180
Gudrn Benediktsdttir
+354 545 0103 or +354 822 0910
Gudbjrg Emilsdttir
also DLS Mentor
Kpavogur +354 554 3452
Hlmfridur Gudmundsdttir
Gardabae +354 895-0252
Sigurborg Svala Gudmundsdttir
+(354) 867-1928
Jon Einar Haraldsson Lambi
Akureyri +354-867-1875
Ingibjrg Ingolfsdttir
Mosfellsbaer +354 899-2747
Sigrn Jensdttir
Mosfellsbaer +354 897 4437
Valgerdur Jnsdttir
Kpavogur +354 863 2005
Sturla Kristjansson
Hafnarfjordur +354 862 0872
sta Olafsdttir
Vopnafjordur +354 473-1164
Thorbjrg Sigurdardttir
Reykjavk +354 698 7213
Hugrn Svavarsdttir
Mosfellsbr +354 698-6465
v India
Veera Gupta
New Delhi
+91 (11) 986 828 0240
Smrati Mehta
Powai Mumbai
+91 (989) 277 2795
Kalpita Patel
Rajkot, Gujarat
+91 (281) 244 2071
Carol Ann Rodrigues
+91 (22) 2667 3649 or
+91 (22) 2665 0174
Priti Venkatesan
Chenai +91 9940022145
v Ireland
Veronica Bayly
Dublin +353 (87) 771 9606
Paula Horan
+353 44 934 1613
Sister Antoinette Keelan
+353 (01) 884 4996


v Israel
Luba Elibash
Ramat Hasharon
+972 (9) 772 9888

A: Dyslexia can come with a wide variety of

Angela Frenkel
Beer Sheva
+972 (52) 655 8485

symptoms, which are often given different labels.

Here are some of the names given to different types
of dyslexic symptoms:

Goldie Gilad
Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv
+972 (09) 765 1185
Victoria Lerner
+97 (252) 647 8773
Judith Schwarcz
Raanana/Tel Aviv
+972 (09) 772 9888
v Italy
Stefania Bruno
Nuoro, Sardinia
+39 (388) 933 2486

by Abigail Marshall

Contraction Distraction
Q: I am reading The Gift of Dyslexia and notice

Elisa De Felice
Roma +39 (06) 507 3570

that contractions are trigger words for my eight

year old daughter. How would I encourage symbol
mastery of contractions using clay?

Antonella Deriu
Nuoro, Sardinia
+32 059 32 96

A: There are several contractions on the trigger

Catherine Day Geraci

Murano Province of Venice
+39 (041) 739 527
Piera Angiola Maglioli
Paciano, Perugia
+39 (015) 259 3080
Laura Mazzocchitti
Firenze +39 338 151 1295
Cordelia Migliorini
+39 347 900 5972
Alessandro Taiocchi
Settimo Milanese
+39 (333) 443 7368
Silvia Walter
+39 (055) 22 86 481
v Kenya
Manisha Shah
Nairobi +254 (721) 492-217
v Lebanon
Samar Riad Saab, MA
Beirut +961 (3) 700 206
v Luxembourg
Anne Guignard
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+352 (27) 767 872
Nadine Roeder
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+352 691 30 0296
Eugenie Schares
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Bascharage +352 (621) 625 626
v Malaysia
Hilary Craig
Kuala Lumpur
+60 (36) 201 55 95
v Mexico
Magarita Saucedo Alvarez Icaza
San Jos Insurgentes DF
+52 (55) 35 38 52 40
Katharine Aranda Vollmer
Ciudad de Mxico
04 45532 007153
Silvia B. Arana Garca
Mexico, D.F.
+52 (55) 5135-5457
Cathy Caldern de la Barca
also Davis Workshop Presenter
Mxico D.F.
+52 (55) 5540-7205
Mara Silvia Flores Salinas
also DDA Director
also Supervisor Specialist
Garza Garca Monterrey NL
+52 (81) 8378 61 75

word list I think that its best to start by making

sure that your daughter has first modeled the
individual words that form the parts of the
contraction. Also, make sure that she understands
the meaning and various uses of the apostrophe.
You might start modeling these words:




Those are each words that form part of a

contraction included on the trigger word list.
Then, make sure that your daughter understands
the meaning of an apostrophe she could model
the symbol itself in clay. Because she needs to
understand the function rather than a definition,
it is not necessary to model the definition of an
apostrophe in clay, but if the symbol is causing
confusion you might explore its uses and even use
clay modeling to demonstrate the concepts. One
source of confusion can be the dual use of the
apostrophe as an indication of the possessive
from of a word (such as Janes cat). It may be
helpful to sort that out at the beginning.
Once your daughter understands the use of
the apostrophe in contractions, you could work
with words that you have already modeled to
form contractions and model those as well:
can + not = cant

do + not = dont

it + is = its

I would also suggest modeling the different

meaning of the word its (possessive pronoun)
and the contraction its. That is a distinction
that many people find confusing (myself included),
so I think it probably is worth spending extra time
on those particular clay models.

A Symptom, By Any
Other Name
Q: I was recently told by a speech therapist that

the Davis Method does not address all types of

dyslexia. Is there a kind of dyslexia that the Davis
Method cannot correct?

Dysphonetic Dyslexia/Dysphonesia/
Phonological Dyslexia/Auditory Dyslexia
These terms are applied when an individual has
difficulties with word attack skills, including
phonetic segmentation and blending, resulting
in poor non-word reading skills and inconsistent
Dyseidetic Dyslexia/Dyseidesia/
Surface Dyslexia/Visual Dyslexia
These terms are used when the person can sound
out words well, but reads very laboriously. Such
individuals have difficulty learning to recognize
whole words visually, and have problems deciphering
words that do not follow regular phonetic rules.
Their spelling is also highly phonetic.
Name-Speed Deficits/Semantic Dyslexia/
These terms are often used when individuals struggle
with tests of rapid automatic naming. These persons
may also have difficulty with word retrieval, may
hesitate in speech, or substitute the wrong word for
what they mean (for example, saying tornado when
they mean volcano). These individuals may also use
generic words such as thing or place instead of
specific nouns, or may resort to descriptive phrases
such as the eating thing rather than spoon
Double Deficit
This term may be used when individuals have both
the phonological and naming-speed labels.
These terms describe various patterns of
symptoms of dyslexia, but do not provide any
information about the cause of those symptoms.
Davis methods can potentially address and resolve all
of those symptoms, because our program provides the
tools for learning that any dyslexic child or adult can
use, no matter what diagnostic label is attached.
However there is one type of dyslexia we may
not be able to deal with,which is called acquired
dyslexia. Acquired dyslexia refers to situations in
which an individual who had no previous signs of
dyslexia develops symptoms after a traumatic head
injury or stroke. In that case, the persons brain
already had well-developed pathways for language
and reading, but those pathways were damaged.
The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program is focused
on developmental dyslexia the kind that is inborn
or developed in early childhood. Our program is
based on teaching our clients how to use their natural
strengths and talents to overcome areas of weakness.
This works well for those who are naturally dyslexic,
but may not be as helpful for those whose problems
stem from injury or disease later in life. However,
some facilitators have reported success working
with stroke victims, though the work requires much
more effort and takes longer than a typical dyslexia
correction program. v



From The Department of Still-Functional Antiquities

Hilda Fabiola Herrera Cantu

Culiacan, Sinaloa
+52 81 6677 15 01 19
Elaine Lions Ramirez
Veracruz +52 (229) 152 1763
Maria Cristina Lopez-Araiza
Gonzalez Mxico, D.F.
+52 (55) 5536 5889

The internet is so full of a number of things,

including old sayings you never hear any more:

Ana Menndez Porrero

Puebla +52 (222) 750 76 42

Many a little makes a mickle

Mickle is an Old English word meaning much

or a lot. It went out of fashion in the 16th
century (except in Scotland, where it is still in use).
Its sometimes spelled muckle. Later versions of
this phrase like, many a muckle makes a mickle
and many a mickle makes a muckle, dont really
make sense, but are fun to say!

v Mexico (continued)

Fools and bairns should never see

half-done work

Bairn means child and is still used in the

northern dialects of Great Britain. This proverb
means you shouldnt judge a job before it is
finished (something only a child or a foolish
adult would do).

Lucero Palafox de Martin

also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+52 (229) 935 1302
M. Sylvia Salinas Gonzalez
Garza Garcia, NL
Lydia Gloria Vargas
Garza Garca Monterrey NL
+52 (81) 8242 0666
Mauro Salvador Villagomez Santana
Celaya Guanajuato
+52 (461) 614 9892
v Netherlands
Lloyd Christopher Blake
+31 (10) 262 1664
Manja Bloemendal
Den Haag
+31 (70) 345 5252

The mother of mischief is

no bigger than a midges wing

A midge is a small, gnat-like flying insect.

So, little things can cause big problems.

When all fruit falls, welcome haws

Haws are the edible but not very delicious berries

that grow on hawthorn bushes. This saying
suggests that when times are hard, you should
probably be grateful for whatever you can get.

Lot Blom
+31 (030) 271 0005
Trudy Borst
Best (Near Eindhoven)
+31 (0499) 471 198
Gerda Bosma-Kooistra
Ens +31 (6) 1334 6196
Jeannette Bruinsma
+31 (63) 914 8188
Lieneke Charpentier
+31 (030) 60 41 539

Better wed over the mixen

than over the moor

In other words, its better to marry a neighbor

than a stranger from far away.

Hester Cnossen
Veghel +31 (495) 641 920

Jouk, and let the jaw go by

Jouk is a Scottish word meaning to turn or bend

to escape a blow. A jaw is the surge of a wave.
So, when theres trouble, duck out of the way
and let it roll on past.

Aline de Bruijn
+31 (18) 441 5341
Judith de Haan
Heiloo (Near Alkmaar)
+31 (63) 078 6483
Lotty Halsema-Nijdeken
Delft +31 (64) 637 5143
Mine de Ranitz
+31 (0343) 521 348
Nicole Dirksen-van de Bunt
+31 62 133 8868

Brag is a good dog,

but holdfast is better

Quiet, patient, and reserved is usually the best

way to behave.

A postern door makes a thief

A postern is a back door, so this one means if

theres an opportunity to steal, someone is bound
to take advantage of it.

Marijke Eelkman Rooda-Bos

+31 (0182) 517-316
Jolien Fokkens
Beilen +31 (0593) 540 141
Petra Franssen-Avramidis
Venray +31 (0478) 511 837
Ina Gaus
+31 (023) 538-3927

Let the cobbler stick to his last

A cobbler is a shoemaker. A last is metal or

wooden model shoemakers use to make shoes.
In other words, stick to what you know, or
what youre good at.

The best laid schemes

o mice an men, gang aft agley

In modern times we say, The best laid schemes

of mice and men often go awry. This phrase,
from a 1786 poem by Robert Burns, was
originally expressed with Scottish vocabulary,
which somehow sounds a bit more like things
not going as planned! v

Jola Geldermans
+31 (0251) 210 607
Perola Goncalves
Mara Hoop +31 (06) 33 79 63 44
Jan Gubbels
Maastricht +31 (043) 36 39 999
Darryl Hoefdraad
Amsterdam +31 (06) 460 17 929
Judith Holzapfel
+31 (0570) 619 553


v Netherlands (continued)
Trudy Joling
Laren +31 (035) 531 00 66
Marie Koopman
+31 (030) 228 4014
Geertruida Kornman
+31 (62) 000 6857
Carry Kuling
+31 (0235) 287 782
Edith Kweekel-Gldi
Soest +31 (035) 601 0611
Anke van de Laar
Liempde +31 (4) 1163 2634
Imelda Lamaker
+31 (035) 621 7309
Irma Lammers
also DLS Mentor, Autism
Facilitator Coach
Boxtel +31 (411) 68 56 83
Inge Meijer
Breda +31 (06) 5340 4617
Manon Meijer
Delft +31 (06) 1223 1062
Sjan Melsen
Arnhem +31 (026) 442 69 98
Els Neele
Utrecht +31 6 253 5060
Marianne Oosterbaan
Zeist +31 (030) 691 7309
Fleur van de Polder-Paton
Schiedam +31 (010) 471 58 67
Tjalliena Ponje
+31 06 12 888 365
Petra Pouw-Legne
also DLS Mentor-Trainer
also Mentor-Presenter
Beek +31 (046) 437 4907
Karin Rietberg
Holten +31 (548) 364 286
Lydia Rogowski Wijnberg
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Helmond +31 (0492) 513 169
Hanneke Schoemaker
+31 (0317) 412 437
Silvia Jolanda Sikkema
also DLS Mentor
+31 (0512) 538 815
Suzan Sintemaartensdijk
+31 (25) 131-26 62
Marja Steijger
also Davis Supervisor-Specialist
Amstel +31 (020) 496 52 53
Robin Temple
also Specialist Trainer
also Workshop Presenter
also DDA Director
Maria Hoop
+31 (0475) 302 203
Kirsten Theeuwen
Eibergen +31 (545) 286 828
Romina Toroz
Utrecht +31 (61) 280-1821
Jeannet Uiterwijk-Booij
Almere +31 (61) 148 0885
Mieke van Delden
Leek +31 (059) 4514985
Agnes van den Homberg-Jacobs
America Limburg
+31 (077) 464 23 22
Annette van der Baan
Amsterdam +31 (020) 420-5501
Annemarie van Hof
Utrecht +31 (030) 65 86 700
Hilde van Westrhenen
Delft +31 (610) 681 605

That approach works well for many highly

motivated students. It allows them a sense of
control and a way to let their creativity lead the
way, and certainly can keep things interesting
for the student and helper alike. It also enables
Abigail Marshall Reviews Two Books By Barbara Hoi
students to set their own priorities, and choose
The Right Brain for the Right Time to tackle more difficult words when the time
seems right.
& Nurturing the Secret Garden:
Unfortunately, however, some students run
A Guide to Reading Mastery
out of steam and find it harder to keep motivated.
A parent, tutor, or other support person may feel
By Barbara Hoi, Davis Facilitator
frustrated by lack of structure randomly, in
in Sydney, Australia
any order may leave the person feeling somewhat
Davis Facilitator Barbara Hoi
lost, not knowing where to start.
of Sydney, Australia has recently
Barbara Hois book addresses this shortcoming
published two books sure to delight
by providing a path that simultaneously adds a
parents and teachers. The first book
consistent structure to the task of modeling, and
is called The Right Brain for the
also reinforces the practical aspect and the goals of
Right Time: Unlock the Dyslexic
word mastery. She has lightly adapted the classic
Potential & Transform from a
childrens novel, The Secret Garden, by Frances
Frustrated Reader to an Inspiring Leader.
Hodgson Burnett, and keyed text excerpts to
The book relates stories from Barbaras own
words from the Davis trigger list. Thus, the words
practice, explores the many talents associated with
are modeled in the order they are encountered
dyslexia, and is full of grounded, practical advice
in the text. At first the text excerpts are quite
and tips and suggestions. The book is also laid out
brief, but as the reader masters more words, she
with extra space between paragraphs, which helps
will also gain the proficiency to be able to read
make it readable and easily accessible by all.
longer excerpts as the tale of an orphaned child
Barbaras second book is called
raised by servants and sent to live at a gloomy
Nurturing the Secret Garden: A
and mysterious manor. As the reader progresses,
Guide to Reading Mastery, and
the narrative continues and the mystery unfolds
is designed as a tool that can be used providing plenty of motivation to continue until
by parents or tutors to help guide
all Davis words are mastered.
and motivate children after a Davis
Dyslexia Correction program.
Barbara Hoi has been a
In order to fully benefit from a
Davis Dyslexia Correction
Davis program, students need to make clay models
Facilitator in Sydney Australia
of the letters and meanings of more than 200 trigger
since 2004, and is also a Davis
words small, function words of language that do
Autism Facilitator/Coach.
not have easily pictured meanings.
You can reach her
Ron Davis wrote, You can master the words
through her web site,
on the Trigger Word list randomly, in any order,
coming back to fill in alternate definitions.
One of the gifts of dyslexia is to sort things out
automatically. Take advantage of it. (The Gift
of Dyslexia, chapter 24 Implementing the Davis
Procedures, p. 141).


Quotable Quotes
The great geniuses are those
who have kept their childlike
spirit and have added to it
breadth of vision and experience.
Alfred Stieglitz (1864 1946)
American photographer
Yes, everything is simple.
It's people who complicate things.
Albert Camus (1913 1960)
Nobel Prize winning French author,
journalist and philosopher

For the past 33 years, I

have looked in the mirror
every morning and asked
myself: If today were the
last day of my life, would
I want to do what I am
about to do today? And
whenever the answer has been
No for too many days in a row,
I know I need to change something.
Steve Jobs (1955 2011)
American entrepreneur, best known
as co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.

Davis Dyslexia Association Bookstore

Books & Tools for Doing it on Your Own

The Gift of Dyslexia:

Why Some of the Smartest
People Cant Read and How
They Can Learn

Davis Young Learner

Kit for Home-Use

Provides parents with the

instructions and materials needed
to provide 5-7 year olds with
effective and fun learning
strategies for improving prereading and language arts skills.
Young Learner Kit for
Home-Use $129.95

(Revised and Updated 2010 edition)

Features a new Foreword by Dr. Linda

Silverman and two new chapters on
Davis methods for
correcting Dyslexia.
$15.95 Softcover

I Can Do It The Confidence to Learn

Dyslexia The Gift

I Can Do It The Confidence to Learn

Teachers, parents, school administrators, and
students speak about the many benefits of
using Davis Learning Strategies at Vale
Elementary School in Oregon.
DVD $9.00 (running time: 12 minutes)

This documentary introduces

the concepts and methods in
The Gift of Dyslexia.
Viewers of all ages will find
the interviews and animated
sequences highly informative
and entertaining.

DVD $39.95

Gift of Dyslexia Audio CD Set

This 4 CD set contains full narration
of The Gift of Dyslexia,
read by author Ron Davis.
4-CD Set $29.95

Unlocking the Power of Dyslexia

A brief look at the life of Ronald Davis and the impact of his remarkable discoveries. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 15 minutes)
The Davis Dyslexia Correction Program
This documentary film provides an excellent overview of Facilitators at work with Davis clients,explains how dyslexics think
and perceive, what causes dyslexia, and what occurs during and after a Davis Program. DVD: $8.00 (Run time: 18 minutes)
Davis Dyslexia Correction Orientation Procedures
This detailed instructional DVD provides demonstrations of each of the Davis procedures for assessment and orientation
described in The Gift of Dyslexia and The Gift of Learning. These methods help focus attention, eliminate perceptual
confusion, improve physical coordination, and control energy levels. DVD: $85.00
Davis Symbol Mastery and Reading Exercises
Features 27 examples of Facilitators and clients using the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit and practicing the Davis Reading
Exercises. Included are mastering the alphabet, punctuation marks, pronunciation, and words; and reading exercises
to build visual tracking and whole word recognition skills, and to improve reading fluency and comprehension.
(This DVD is included with Davis Symbol Mastery Kit) DVD: $85.00

Davis Orientation and Symbol
Mastery Home Kit

Already have a copy of the

The Gift of Dyslexia? If you already
have the 2010 edition of the book
(blue cover), you can choose to
substitute another book!

Each kit comes with a sturdy nylon shoulder bag

and includes:
Davis Dyslexia Correction is a comprehensive Ron Davis' book, The Gift of Dyslexia
Davis Dyslexia Correction Orientation Procedures DVD
approach to dyslexia, which simultaneously
Davis Symbol Mastery Manual and Checklist
provides tools for attention focus, resolving
Davis Symbol Mastery & Reading Exercises DVD
perceptual confusion, and building reading
Reusable Modeling Clay (2 lbs.)
skills. That Davis Orientation tools give
Children's Dictionary - (Hardcover)
students the ability to sustain attention in
Checking Your Grammar (Softcover Book)
a relaxed and natural way. Davis Symbol
Laminated Alphabet Strip
Mastery is a visual-spatial learning process
Stop Signs for Reading Chart
that improves anyone's basic literacy skills.
Punctuation Marks and Styles Booklet
The Davis approach is fun and engaging,
Letter Recognition Cards
even for young children.
Pronunciation Key Cards
Set of 2 Koosh Balls
Deluxe Kit $249.95 NEW!



The Gift of Learning

by Ronald D. Davis,
Eldon M. Braun

Expands the Davis Methods

with theories and correction
procedures that address
the three basic areas of
learning disability other than
reading, which children and
adults experience.
Softcover $13.95

El Don de la Dislexia
The Gift of Dyslexia
in Spanish.
Newly revised with
additional chapters,
illustrations and
Published in Spain
by Editex
Softcover $28.95

Picture It!

by Betty Maxwell
and Crystal Punch
This 250-page illustrated book is
full of practical tips and advice
for working with students who
learn best through visual or
hands-on activities.
Softcover $19.95

Gabby's Wordspeller

by Diane Frank
How do you find a word in the dictionary
if you have no idea how to spell it? With
this book! Lets you look up words by their
phonetic spelling to find its correct
Softcover $25.95

The Everything Parent's

Guide to Children with
Dyslexia: Learn the Key
Signs of Dyslexia and
Find the Best Treatment
Options for Your Child
by Abigail Marshall
A must read for every parent
who knows or suspects their
child has dyslexia.
Second Edition
Softcover $15.95

Barrons Mathematics
Study Dictionary
by Frank Tapson
Comprehensive definitions
and explanations of
mathematical terms,
organized by concept.
Geared to ages 10 to adult.
Softcover $14.99

DK Math Dictionary

by Carol Vorderman
Ages 7 to 12. More than 300
entries on words, phrases,
and concepts used by gradeschool students in math class
and in their lives.
Hardcover $14.99

Controversial Therapies
For Children with
Autism, ADD and Other
Learning Disabilities
by Lisa Kurtz
A comprehensive guide to
just about every outsidethe-box therapy you might
run across, and then some.
An absolutely essential
reference for anyone
who wants to know and
explore available options.
Softcover: $17.95 $19.95


The Everything Parents

Guide to Children with
Autism: Know What to
Expect, Find the Help
You Need, and Get
Through the Day
by Adelle Jameson Tilton
From finding support groups
to planning for their child's
future, this book provides
parents with all the
information they need to
ensure that their childs and
their families needs are met.
Softcover: $13.45 $14.95

Ten Things Every Child With

Autism Wishes You Knew

by Ellen Notbohm
A must have for parents to read
and share. Provides the insight needed
to better understand, love and support
an autistic family member.
Softcover $19.95

A Parents Guide to
Asperger Syndrome
& High Functioning
by Sally Ozonoff,
Geraldine Dawson and
James McPartland
An indispensable guide
packed with real-life
success stories, practical
problem-solving ideas,
and matter-of-fact advice.
$13.25 $14.95

Born on a Blue Day

by Daniel Tammet
First-person account
of living with synesthesia
and savantism, a rare
form of Aspergers
Softcover $9.80 $14.00


Achieving Full Participation
in Life with the Davis
Autism Approach
by Abigail Marshall, with Ronald D. Davis
An in-depth look at a revolutionary
approach to empower individuals with
autism, and provide the understanding
and tools needed to achieve their full
potential. The Davis Autism Approach
is uniquely geared to the autistic
perspective, and enables each person
to make sense of their world and the
motivations and behaviors of others
around them.
This book explores the history of
development of the Davis method,
explores its connections to emerging
scientific research, and takes the
reader on a guided journey through
the three phases of the program:
Individuation, Identity Development,
and Social Integration.
Softcover $17.95

Charlie's Challenge

by Ann Root & Linda Gladden

This richly illustrated story offers
a positive view and encouraging
news for youngsters struggling in
school. Geared to ages 5-9.
Softcover $13.45 $14.95

How To Order
1601 Old Bayshore Hwy. #260
Burlingame, CA 94010
Toll free 1-888-999-3324
Local 1-650-692-7141

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Prices Effective Through March 31st, 2015





Unlocking the Power of Dyslexia DVD............................$8.00
Davis Dyslexia Correction Program DVD.........................$8.00
Davis Orientation Procedures DVD.............................. $85.00
Symbol Mastery & Reading Exercises DVD.................. $85.00
I Can Do ItThe Confidence to Learn DVD....................$9.00
The Gift of Dyslexia 2010 Edition................................. $15.95
The Gift of Learning..................................................... $13.95
Dyslexia-the Gift DVD.................................................. $39.95
Gift of Dyslexia Audio CD Set...................................... $29.95
Gift of Dyslexia - Spanish Edition................................. $28.95
Davis Orientation and Symbol Mastery Home Kit....... $249.95
NEW! $17.95
Autism and the Seeds of Change.................................
Barrons Math Dictionary............................................. $14.99
Born on a Blue Day.......................................... $9.80 $14.00
Charlies Challenge ....................................... $13.45 $14.95
Checking Your Grammar.................................................$8.99
Childrens Dictionary.................................................... $22.95
Everything Parents Guide To Autism.............. $13.45 $14.95
NEW! $15.95
Everything Parents Guide To Dyslexia.........................
Gabby's Wordspeller.................................................... $25.95
DK Math Dictionary......................................................$14.99
Parents Guide to Asperger Autism................. $13.25 $18.95
Picture It!......................................................................$19.95
Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes................. $19.95
Understanding Controversial Therapies......... $17.95 $19.95

Young Learner Kit for Home Use ............................... $129.95

Subtotal $ _________.____
Less 10% for DDAI Members
$ _________.____
Subtotal $ _________.____
CA Sales Tax (CA residents only) Subtotal x 0.0825
$ _________.____
*Shipping $ _________.____
Total for books/materials
$ _________.____
DDAI Membership (includes newsletter subscription)
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2 year - $80
$ _______.____ (Canada/Mexico add $5/yr
Newsletter Subscription Only
Other countries 1 year - $25
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GRAND TOTAL $ _________.____
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Book Total First Class
Up to $20.00 $10.50
$20.01 - $40.00 $12.50
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$60.01 & above $26.50

*Kits & videos ship UPS to street addresses only;

NO Post Office Box delivery
Canada/Mexico: Add $5.00 to US rates
*Outside North America - Foreign orders must use a
credit card. Airmail or fax this form to +1 (650) 692-7075
Well add airmail postage plus $5 for handling.


Abigail Marshall Reviews A New Book By Sue Hall

Fish Dont Climb Trees

a different take on dyslexia
By Sue Hall, Davis Facilitator in
West Vancouver BC, Canada
Davis Facilitator Sue Hall has written a new
book, Fish Dont Climb Trees: A Whole New
Look at Dyslexia. Sue understands dyslexia
from the inside out as a dyslexic person with
vivid recollections of frustrations experienced in
elementary school, as a parent who searched for
and found a solution to enable a once-struggling
child to learn to become a reader, as a talented
Davis facilitator with fifteen years of hands-on
experience working with children and adults,
and as the founder of a Canadian charity aimed
at building understanding and raising funds to
help dyslexic students.
Sue has written an insightful and informative
book that strikes a perfect balance among
autobiographical tidbits, illustrative stories,
and direct practical advice and suggestions for
recognizing and overcoming problems at school
and in life.
The books title comes from a quote attributed
to Albert Einstein: Everybody is a genius. But
if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it
will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
Sues charm and whimsical sense of humor make
her book an enjoyable read throughout, with a
heartfelt depth borne of her own life experiences
and boundless compassion for others. Sues keen
insight will be a boon for parents and teachers
alike, whether they are new to learning about
dyslexia or in search of a deeper understanding
of the dyslexic way of thinking.

More Accolades For Sue Halls New Book:
Fish Dont Climb Trees
From Heidi Rose
Davis Facilitator
Adelaide, South Australia
I downloaded your book tonight and read it
from cover to cover. Thank you! It was a delight
to read and your lovely way of spinning a yarn
kept me flicking the pages to read more.
I think your words reflected the excitement and
deep satisfaction that comes from being a Davis
Facilitator, and truly highlighted the far reaching
positive effect that a Davis Dyslexia Correction
Program brings.
As I read, I was imagining different audiences
reading this book (families, teachers, researchers)
and their reactions. I particularly liked the
phrase cognitive dissonance, because I have
experienced giving talks to people who in
feedback forms, negated everything with, I dont
believe it. As Davis Facilitators, we know why
this happens, but Ive never had the words to
describe it. So, thank you for those words.
I look forward to recommending your book
far and wide.
And from Robin Temple
Davis Specialist Trainer and Advanced Workshop
Presenter and Author, Dyslexia: Your Child
Mara Hoop, Netherlands

Sue has accomplished something very special

with this book. She shares with us the true story
of dyslexia, touching our hearts and moving us to
change what we think and believe. With infectious
warmth and genuine passion, Sue challenges us to
completely change our perspective on dyslexia.
Sue has found a wonderful, natural way to
put aside all the abstract, confusing theories and
language of dyslexia, and to help us make sense
of that strange, unsettling mix of struggle and
heart-ache and surprise and brilliance that we
know dyslexia to be. We are given such a clear
and simple explanation of why dyslexia happens,
and why it is so necessary to literally shift our
perception of dyslexia from learning disability
to teaching disability.
Her conviction that this paradigm shift is
absolutely necessary comes from her personal
experience, as the mother of a dyslexic son, and
from the broad, hands-on knowledge she has
gained of all aspects of dyslexia through many
years in professional practice.
It is truly inspiring to read the different stories
in this book about dyslexics of all ages whom Sue
has helped to use the Davis methods. She has let
Sue Hall has been a Davis
us make the discovery that the moment we learn
Dyslexia Correction Facilitator to dismantle our own perception of being disabled
since 1999, offering her services we can step out into our lives afresh, empowered
through her company, Positive by a new perspective, and able to enjoy our
Dyslexia, in West Vancouver
natural talents and a different way of seeing
BC, Canada. You can reach
the world. v
her through her web site,

v Netherlands (continued)
Mieke Verhallen
Mierlo +31 (492) 43 05 04
Lia Vermeulen
Huizen +31 (062) 3671530
Christien Vos
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Tolbert +31 (0594) 511 607
Elisabeth Weterings-Gaaikema
Al Harkstede
+ 31 (623) 045 369
v New Zealand
Rochelle Booth
+64 (027) 306-6743
Kirsteen Britten
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+64 (3) 348 1665
Vivienne Carson
+64 (09) 520-3270
Catherine Churton
also Supervisor-Specialist
+64 (09) 360 7377
Maria Copson
+64 (03) 479 0510
Ann Cook
+64 (0) 9 422 0042
Melanie Curry
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+64 (03) 322-1726
Angi Edwards
+64 (07) 308 6882
Martine Falconer
+64 (03) 383-1988
Wendy Haddon
+64 (03) 489-8572
Sandra Hartnett
+64 (6) 308 6618
Margot Hewitt
+64 (27) 455-7724
Alma Holden
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+64 (027) 485-6798
Glenys Knopp
+64 (03) 317-9072
Carolyn Marshall
+64 (4) 380 6006
Leila Martin
Hawera Taranaki
+64 (027) 721-3273
Raewyn Matheson
Westown New Plymouth
+64 (06) 753 3957
Christine McCarthy
Waikanae Beach Kapiti Coast
+64 (2) 173 4795
Tania McGrath
+64 (03) 322 41 73
Shelley McMeeken
also DDA Director
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Autism Training Supervisor
also Supervisor-Specialist
Dunedin +64 0274 399 020
Linda McNaughten
Bay of Plenty
+64 (7) 312-5600
Colleen Morton
Gore +64 (03) 208 6308


v New Zealand (continued)
Jocasta Oliver
Paraparaumu Beach
+64 (4) 904 4162
Wendy Person
+64 (06) 870 4243
Janet Pirie
Raumati Beach Wellington
+ 64 (04) 298 1626
Alison Syme
+64 (03) 318-8480
Lorna Timms
also Davis Workshop Presenter
also Supervisor-Specialist
also Autism Facilitator/Coach,
Training Supervisor &
Workshop Presenter
+64 (03) 363 9358
Cherone Wilson
Howick Auckland
+64 (21) 184 5047
Margot Young
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+64 (04) 478-2208
v Norway

Maria Olaisen
+47 (9) 027 6251
Ragnhild Slettevold

also Autism Facilitator/Coach

+47 413 12 509
Heida Karen Vidarsdottir
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+47 450 82 557
v Poland
Agnieszka ubkowska
+48 (46) 855 77 02
v Portugal
Sofia Vassalo Santos
+35 (191) 911-2565
v Republic of Singapore
Phaik Sue Chin
+65 6773 4070
v Russia
Mira Ashush
+972 (3) 635 0973
Nina Gekhman
+7 (495) 788 8386
Luba Niazov
+972 54 476 6203 (Israel)
Nadezhda Popova
+7 (495) 683 3182
Kalina Potyak
+ 972 (52) 257 2783
Oxana Stein
+972 (52) 223 5015
Maria Stulova
+7 (916) 223 2727
Lora Zakon-Oran
+7 495-7888386
v Serbia
Jelena Radosavljevic
+381 (063) 76 28 792

from The
Lazy Reader
Book Club
By Danny Brassell and Laura Zink de Diaz
Every month at Danny Brassells web site,
The Lazy Readers Book Club, youll find
a list of books he recommends for reluctant
readers or for those who just dont have time
for much reading. (He knows were not lazy,
just busy or in need of encouragement!)
Dannys recommendations are always
organized into categories: AD, for adults;
YA, for young adults; CH, for childrens
books. He always lists a page count and
some brief comments, as below. Danny
usually posts about 10 recommendations
per month, three or four per category.
Heres a sampling of Dannys most recent
recommendations in all three categories.
You can read more recommendations at
the web site, There
youll not only find Dannys current picks,
but the archives of past selections by month,
reading level, and page count enough
recommendations for a lifetime of reading!
You can also sign up for monthly book
alerts, while youre browsing.
If you purchase books at
through links at the Lazy Readers web
site, Bookends (www. will
receive a donation. (Bookends is a nonprofit
organization devoted to increasing childrens
access to books, as well as community
service awareness.)

The Dog: A Novel

By Joseph ONeill
256 pages
Publisher: Pantheon
ISBN-10: 0307378233
ISBN-13: 978-0307378231

If you have not yet read ONeills

Netherland, go grab a copy. ONeill exhibits
wonderfully dark humor that one friend
of mine says reminds him of the Coen
Brothers if they wrote novels. I read this
book cover to cover in a flash.

Dear Committee Members

by Julie Schumacher
192 pages
Publisher: Doubleday
ISBN-10: 0385538138
ISBN-13: 978-0385538138

Danny recently resigned his tenured

position at a university where he had
worked for 17 years, and this book was
just what he needed to lift his spirits.
Laugh-out loud funny. Especially perfect for
academics caught in the bureaucracy
of higher education.


v Spain
Silvia Bou Yss
Sabadell Barcelona
+34 (63) 770 9813
v South Africa
Axel Gudmundsson
also Fundamentals Workshop
Western Cape
+27 (021) 783 2722
Jan Viljoen
+ 27 (83) 413-1428
v Switzerland/CH
Tinka Altwegg-Scheffmacher
St. Gallen
+41 (071) 222 07 79

The Magic Half

by Annie Barrows
Young Adult
224 pages
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens
ISBN-10: 159990358X
ISBN-13: 978-1599903583
Lots of stuff going on in this book. Great for
the middle child in any family. Reminded
me of the Outlander books my wife has me
reading, as it deals with a young girls time
travel adventures. Sure to be popular with
upper elementary and middle school girls.
A classic-in-the-making full of spine-tingling

Otis and the Scarecrow

Monika Amrein
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+41 (01) 341 8264

by Loren Long
40 pages
Publisher: Philomel
ISBN-10: 0399163964
ISBN-13: 978-0399163968

Regula Bacchetta-Bischofberger
+41 (041) 340 2136

Do yourself a favor and check out a bunch

of Longs books. Her illustrations are simply
dazzling. I think this story has a chance at
becoming a Classic. A must-have for any
classroom or home library.

Susi Fassler
St. Gallen +41 (071) 244 5754

Priska Baumgartner
+41 (056) 426 28 88
Renata Blum
+41 (079) 501 52 71

Ursula Fischbacher
Orpund +41 (032) 355 23 26
Heidi Gander-Belz
+41 (44) 948 14 10
Katharina Grenacher
Liebefeld (near Bern)
+41(31) 382 00 29
Doris Rubli Huber
St. Gallen +41 (071) 245 5690
Christa Jaeger
Riehen +41 (061) 643 2326
Consuelo Lang
Lumino +41 (091) 829 05 36
Claudia Lendi
St. Gallen +41 (071) 288 41 85
Beatrice Leutert
Stein am Rhein
+41 (052) 232 03 83
Erika Meier-Schmid
+41 (043) 536 1038

Guardians of the Galaxy

Volume 1: Cosmic Avengers
by Brian Michael Bendis
Young Adult
144 pages
Publisher: Marvel
ISBN-10: 0785166076
ISBN-13: 978-0785166078

One of the best ways I know to entice

reluctant boy readers is to offer them plenty
of comics. Better yet find one related to a
recent hit movie. Teachers: get multiple copies
of this paperback, as it will fly off the shelves.

Creepy Carrots

Yvonne Meili
+41 (77) 415 69 46

by Aaron Reynolds
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Books for Young Readers
ISBN-10: 1442402970
ISBN-13: 978-1442402973

Christine Noiset
Av. Floral, 11
1006 Lausanne
+41 (79) 332 27 75

Jasper Rabbit fears his favorite treats are

out to get him in this marvelously illustrated
Caldecott Honor book by illustrator Peter
Brown. Fun reading for the family.

Benita Ruckli
Ruswil +41 (041) 495 04 09
or (079) 719 31 18

Vronique Pfeiffer
Zrich +41 (01) 342 22 61
Regine Roth-Gloor
+41 (061) 851 2685

Lotti Salivisberg
Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44
Sonja Sartor
+41 (052) 242 41 70
Beatrix Vetterli
+41 (52) 720 1017
Andreas Villain
Zrich +41 (71) 977 26 12
Margrit Zahnd
+41 (079) 256 86 65 or
(032) 396 19 20


v Switzerland (continued)
Judith Zapata Prange
+41 (061) 721 7501
Claudia Ziegler-Fessler
Hamikon (Near Zurich)
+41 (041) 917 1315

Commentary by Laura Zink de Diaz

v United Arab Emirates

Linda Rademan
+9714 348 1687
v United Kingdom
Joy Allan-Baker
+44 (0757) 821 8959
Nicky Bennett-Baggs
Little Gaddesden, Herts
+44 (01442) 252 517
Amanda Bergstrom
+44 (161) 256 3209
Lisa Cartwright
+44 (0773) 890-6500
Sarah Dixon
Ranmore Common, Surrey
+44 (01483) 283 088
Susan Duguid
+44 (0154) 853 1264
Dyslexia Correction Centre
Georgina Dunlop
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Autism Training Supervisor
Jane E.M. Heywood
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Training Supervisor
also DLS Mentor & Presenter
Ascot, Berkshire
+44 (01344) 622 115
Nichola Farnum MA
+44 (020) 8977 6699
Maureen Florido
Harleston, Norfolk
+44 (01379) 853 810
Carol Forster
+44 (1452) 331 573
Ines Graefin Grote
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
+ 44 (1493) 393 208
Achsa Griffiths
Sandwich, Kent
+44 (01304) 611 650
Tessa Halliwell
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Tugby, Leicestershire
+44 (0116) 259 8068
Phyllida Howlett
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+44 (01437) 766 806
Angela James
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Reading, Berkshire
+44 (0118) 947 6545
Sara Kramer
+44 (0208) 251 7920
Marilyn Lane
Reigate Surrey
+44 078990 25401
Stuart Parsons
Lowton/Warrington, Cheshire
+44 (07754) 534 740
Fionna Pilgrim
Keighley, West Yorkshire
+44 (1535) 661 801
Maxine Piper
Carterton, Oxon
+44 (01993) 840 291
Elenica Nina Pitoska
+44 (020) 8451 4025

depending on the child. This is all based on what

we know about child development, starting from
Piaget. Your brain isnt sufficiently wired to do it
before then. And you also have to keep in mind,
all kids are different, and its very hard to predict
what will happen with age. Some kids who were
reading Harry Potter at 4 end up as career baristas.
Others cant read til theyre much older, and they
turn out to be highly successful as adults.
What a breath of fresh air! Forbes article is on
the long side but its a very informative read. You
can find the entire article at: http://www.forbes.

Criticism of the CCSS in

Forbes Magazine

Forbes has published an on-line article critical

of aspects of the Common Core State Standards.
Since Louis CK is the first person they quote in
their article, perhaps thats whats needed: more
celebrities tweeting, as CK did: My kids used
to love math. Now it makes them cry. Thanks
standardized testing and common core! and
Its this massive stressball that hangs over the
whole school. The kids teachers trying to adapt
to these badly written notions.
Although Forbes does air a bit of push back
against the criticism by a gentleman who claimed
that its fun for upper-middle-class parents
whose complaints are largely ideological, not
pedagogical to get angry when they have nothing
to lose. But the magazine does go on to quote child
development experts and childhood educators
whose complaints are partly pedagogical and
partly based on child psychology. According to
them a poorly conceived set of standards has
the potential to be, at best, fruitless and, at worst,
detrimental to the youngest kids who are on the
frontline of the Common Core.
And Forbes quotes Edward Miller and Nancy
Carlsson-Paige, who wrote an essay about
these issues for The Washington Post: The
K-3 standards will lead to long hours of direct
instruction in literacy and math. This kind of drill
and grill teaching has already pushed active, playbased learning out of many kindergartens There
is little evidence that standards for young children
lead to later success. The research is inconclusive;
many countries with top-performing high-school
students provide rich, play-based, nonacademic
experiences not standardized instruction until
age six or seven.
Kudos to Forbes for at least diluting the
corporate reform Koolaid that has pushed for
a more sooner strategy in schools. The real
school starting age is 7, according to Alvin
Rosenfeld, MD and author of Hyper-Parenting
and The Over-Scheduled Child. It may be 8 or 6,

Are We Weeding Out


More and more studies have been carried out

in recent years that support the notion that people
with ADHD characteristics may be more likely
to reach higher levels of creative thought and
achievement than those without ADHD. At the
same time we have seen dramatic increases in the
number of children diagnosed with the condition
and prescribed medication to suppress their
symptoms. A recent study in the United States
found dramatic differences in the prescription
of ADHD medication to children among the 50
states. The CDC found that high rates of ADHD
diagnoses correlated closely with state laws that
penalize schools when students fail such as
making funding contingent on the number of
students who pass standardized tests. However
the trend was not discovered in private schools,
which arent subject to legislation like No Child
Left Behind and Race To The Top, both of which
judge schools based on their students performance
on such tests. There are those who suspect that
our society has created this situation, by placing
a premium on children and to a large extent,
adults being mostly sedentary and quiet. The
blog quotes an unidentified pediatrician as saying,
If Einstein and Steve Jobs were born in this
decade, Im sure they would have been classified as
something and maybe started on meds, and then
the world would not have seen their genius.
An idea worth considering.
You can read the full blog posting at: http://www.


v United Kingdom (continued)
Ian Richardson
Longhope Gloucestershire
+44 (01452) 830 056

That Old Marshmallow

Test Revisited

Alfie Kohn has done us all another favor, by

looking deeper into the marshmallow test done
with little kids in the l960s. It supposedly proved
that those who can delay gratification do better
in life. In case youve forgotten that test, heres the
short summary Kohn provides in his recent article,
Dispelling the Myth of Deferred Gratification:
At the Stanford University laboratory of a
psychologist named Walter Mischel, preschoolage children were left alone in a room after
having been told they could get a small treat (a
marshmallow or pretzel) by ringing a bell at any
time to summon the experimenter. But if they held
out until he returned on his own, they could have
a bigger treat (two marshmallows or pretzels).
The outcome, as its usually represented, is that
the children who were able to wait for an extra
treat scored better on measures of cognitive and
social skills many years later and had higher SAT
scores. Thus, if we teach kids to put off the payoff
as long as possible, theyll be more successful.
However, as Kohn tells us, that simplistic
conclusion misrepresents the actual findings
of this research.
First, since most of the children were able
to wait for the greater payoff, Mischel and his
associates were most interested in what strategies
the children used to resist the temptation of the
quick payoff. When they were distracted by a toy,
they were able to wait longer. That is to say, it
wasnt that the children were especially good at
self-control or grim determination but that they
did something enjoyable while waiting so that
self-control wasnt needed at all.
Second, when following up with the children
ten years later, it turned out that those who had
waited, had no more self control or will power
than those who hadnt. And it became apparent
that the skill involved in waiting was the ability to
invent a distraction for yourself which turns out
to be a skill correlated with intelligence. If the kids
who waited tended to get higher SAT scores, it was
that the same loose cluster of mental proficiencies
that helped them with distraction when they were
young, also helped them score well on a test of
reasoning when they were older.

Third, Mischel himself, doesnt think that

deferring gratification is always the better choice.
In a given situation, postponing gratification
may or may not be a wise or adaptive choice,
he wrote. In a 2012 experiment researches found
that the decision-making environment influences
how impulsive or self-controlled the subjects
were. And the inclination to wait depends on your
experience: if experience has exposed you to many
broken promises, the only guaranteed treats are
the ones youve already eaten!
So ultimately, Mischels study doesnt strictly
support the notion that developing will power,
self-discipline and self-denial early in life are
essential for later success. Kohns ultimate
conclusion is that rather than focussing on
fixing the kids we should work more on
what and how we teach them.

The Decline Of Play

And The Rise of Mental

In May of this year, Dr. Peter Gray gave a

TED talk about the importance of play and what
happens when we are deprived of it. He begins
with animals, especially mammals, whose young
all play as part of their maturation process.
Experiments have been performed in which rats
or monkeys are deprived of play not deprived
of social interactions, just no play. The result:

Janice Scholes
Liversedge, West Yorkshire
+44 (0) 8000 272657
Caroline Smith
Moggerhanger Bedfordshire
+44 (01767) 640 430
Judith Shaw
also Supervisor-Specialist
St. Leonards on Sea/Hastings,
East Sussex
+44 (01424) 447 077
Elizabeth Shepherd
Crowborough, East Sussex
+44 (1892) 661743
Drs. Rene van der Vloodt
also Supervisor-Specialist
Reigate, Surrey
+44 (01737) 240 116
Evelyn White
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey
+44 (01932) 243 083
The Blueberry Center
Margarita Viktorovna Whitehead
also DDA Director
Richard Whitehead, MA MPhil
(Oxon), Dip.RSA(SpLD), PGCE
also DDA Director
also Supervisor/Specialist
also Advanced Workshop Presenter
also DLS Mentor & Presenter
+44 (0)1684 574072
Great Malvern, Worcestershire
+44 (8000) 27 26 57 (Toll Free)
v United States
Dr. Edith Fritz
+1 (602) 274-7738
Nancy Kress
Gold Canyon
+1 (480) 544-5031
John Mertz
+1 (520) 797-0201

Theres been a continuous

erosion in childrens
freedom and opportunity
to play, to really play,
to play freely.

when these young animals develop, they are

socially and emotionally crippled. When you place
one of these play-deprived animals in a somewhat
novel, somewhat frightening environment, they
overreact with fear. They freeze in the corner. They
dont adapt. They dont explore the environment
as a normal animal would. If you place one of
these play-deprived animals with an unfamiliar
peer, they alternately freeze in fear and lash out
with inappropriate and ineffective aggression.
They havent learned to respond to the social
signals of other animals.
Dr. Gray recalls his own childhood and how
much time he had for free play. I remember mine.
My sisters and I spent hours every day even
on school nights, because we had far less home
work than kids do today playing, exploring the
(continued on the next page)

Cyndi Cantillon-Coleman
Ladera Ranch/Irvine
+1 (949) 364-5606
Reading Research Council
Dyslexia Correction Center
Ray Davis
also Autism Facilitator/Coach,
Ronald D. Davis, Founder
Burlingame/San Francisco
+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll-Free)
+1 (650) 692-8990
Anette Fuller
Walnut Creek
+1 (925) 639-7846
Angela Gonzales
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Norco +1 (951) 582-0262
Richard A. Harmel
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Marina Del Rey/Los Angeles
+1 (310) 823-8900
David Hirst
also Autism Facilitator Coach
+1 (909) 241-6079
Suzanne Kisly-Coburn
Manhattan Beach
+1 (310) 947-2662
Sherry Nissen
Willow Creek
+1 (707) 499-5191
Dorothy (Dottie) Pearson
+ 1 (707) 334-7662
Cheryl Rodrigues
San Jose
+1 (408) 966-7813


v California (continued)
David Carlos Rosen
San Rafael
+1 (415) 479-1700

In The News continued from page 17

Mika Seabrook
Santa Monica
+1 (310) 920-9517
Dee Weldon White
Lexie White Strain
+1 (650) 388-6808

Although correlation isnt the same as causation,

Dr. Gray believes that theres good reason to see a
causal relationship between these results and the
decline of play. He says,

Kelly Caramano
Fort Collins
+1 (307) 221-3081
Janet Confer
Castle Rock
+1 (720) 425-7585
Annie Garcia
Wheat Ridge/Denver
+1 (303) 423-3397
Crystal Punch
also DLSMentor
+1 (303) 850-0581
Gaynelle Crofts
Port Charlotte
+1 (860) 884-9586
Random (Randee) Garretson
Lutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg
+1 (813) 956-0502
Tina Kirby
Navarre +1 (850) 218-5956
Rita Von Bon
Navarre +1 (850) 934-1389
Dr. Yolanda Davis-Allen
Ft. Gordon
+ 1 (706) 772-5567
Lesa Hall
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (912) 330-8577
Martha Payne
+1 (404) 886-2720
Scott Timm
+1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)
Vickie Kozuki-Ah You
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Ewa Beach/Honolulu
+1 (808) 685-1122
Kelley Phipps
Fruitland + 1 (208) 949-7569
Carma Sutherland
Rexburg +1 (208) 356-3944
Kim Ainis
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Chicago +1 (312) 360-0805
Susan Smarjesse
+1 (217) 789-7323
Myrna Burkholder
Goshen/South Bend
+1 (574) 533-7455
Tina Kramer
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (812) 614-7614
Mary Kay Frasier
Des Moines
+1 (515) 270-0280
Kristi Brown
+1 (719) 529-5276

and a decline in empathy; and most recently, there

have been research studies analyzing results of tests
of creativity over the years, which show that theres
been a gradual decline in creative thinking among
children, schoolchildren of all grades, since about
the mid-1980s.

Play is where children learn that theyre in control

of their own life. Its really the only place they are
in control of their own life. When we take that
away, we dont give them the chance to learn how
to control their own life. Play is where they learn to
neighborhood, completely unsupervised by any
solve their own problems and learn, therefore, that
adult. Today, kids are enrolled in individual or
the world is not so scary after all. Play is where they
team sports under the tutelage of adults, but many
experience joy, and they learn the world is not so
rarely have opportunities for unsupervised play
depressing after all. Play is where they learn to get
in their neighborhoods. In part, people today fear
along with peers and see from others points of view
that something bad will happen to their children
and practice empathy and get over narcissism. Play
if they wander away from their own yard; in part,
is, by definition, creative and innovative. Of course
the school day is longer and theres significantly
if you take away play, all these things are going
more homework. As Dr. Gray points out,
to go down, and yet the hue and cry that we hear
Over the last 50 to 60 years, weve been gradually everywhere is for more school, not for more play,
taking [the] gift [of play] away. Over this period of and weve really got to change that.
time, theres been a continuous erosion in childrens
Not wishing to end his talk on such a dark a
freedom and opportunity to play, to really play, to
note, Dr. Gray makes some suggestions as to how
play freely. This has been documented in various
we can change direction. Among other things, he
ways by historians and social scientists, and Im
old enough that Ive seen it in the course of my
We need to establish places for children to play.
Theyve kind of disappeared. Weve even taken
While recognizing that there are many factors
away sidewalks. We need to do things like open up
that contribute to this, Dr. Gray feels that a big
gymnasiums, school gymnasiums, after school for
factor is the growth of a
free play. We need to do things like put a supervisor
school-ish view of child development the view in the park, so parents will feel its safe enough to
that children learn everything best from adults; that leave their kid there to play a supervisor who
knows how to keep things safe, but not intervene
childrens own, self-directed activities with other
or interfere. We need to do things like close off city
children are a waste of time. We dont often say
streets during certain hours, so kids can once again
it that way, but thats the implicit understanding
that underlies so much of our policy with regard to reclaim the street as a place to play. And we need to
do things like develop adventure playgrounds, the
children, so childhood has turned from a time of
kind that are relatively common in Europe. . . And
freedom to a time of resume-building.
perhaps most of all, we need to be brave enough to
stand up against the continuous clamor for more
Likewise, Dr. Gray has seen a continuous
schooling. Our children dont need more school;
decline in results on the Internal-External Locus
of Control Scale given to adults and children since they need less school. Maybe they need better
school, but they dont need more school.
the 1960s, in the sense on the part of children
and young adults that they have control over
You can watch and listen to this impressive talk at:
their own lives. They have more and more of a that their lives are controlled by fate, by
and-Rise-of v
circumstance, by other peoples decisions.
This is very bad news. Dr. Gray continues,
this is significant in terms of the relationship
between anxiety and depression, because one
thing clinical psychologists know very well is
that not having an internal sense of control sets
you up for anxiety and depression. More bad
news weve also seen in fairly recent years, due
to questionnaires that have been given out since
about 1980, a rise in narcissism in young people



Welcome Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators!

Anke van de Laar

My son was counseled by a Davis Facilitator. This changed his

life in a very positive way. Now he can use his picture learning
skills to his advantage as well as the Davis Tools and apply them
to his everyday life. Watching my son go through this process
motivated me to become a Davis Facilitator. Being a Davis
Facilitator has allowed me to help others as well as my second
son to use their picture learning skills to their advantage. It is
very special to be able to help clients experience the strength of
their picture thinking and give them tools to control and change
their lives. Kasterense straat 17c, Liempole, Netherlands 5298 NV +31 411 632 634

Stephanie Drury

From the very beginning, I have been

motivated to learn all I could about
the Davis Method and the logic and
the reasoning behind it. My motivation
comes from my sons very positive
experiences as a result of his own Davis
Program. My own use of the Davis self-management tools is
good and I have been supporting my son on his journey. This has
allowed me to gain experience facilitating. I expect my strong
sense of humor and attention to detail will contribute to my
success as a Davis Facilitator. Rue d'Hainin 91, Hainin Belgium
B-7350, +32 (47) 921 4916

Jan Viljoen

Jan is offering Davis Dyslexia

Correction in South Africa and Africa
in both English and Afrikaans. He is
the proud father of two adult dyslexic
children, and has personal experience
of life changing success through
the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program. In addition to offering
Davis Programs, Jan also manages an after-school homework
and prep support center for dyslexic learners at his home on
a fruit farm, in the lush, green subtropical region of South
Africa. Dyslexia Solutions South Africa, PO Box 3599, Nelspruit,
Mpumalanga Province, South Africa, 1200 +27 (83) 413-1428

Maggie Steele

For the last sixteen years I have

homeschooled my children and tried to
inspire in them a love of learning. When
my son struggled to learn and remember,
we went in search of a solution. There
were many diagnoses but no real help.
He quickly lost the joy of learning. The
Davis Program gave him powerful tools
for learning and reignited his joy. His transformation has given
me a purpose to share the Davis Program with students
looking for a solution and help them restore their love
of learning. Dyslexia Learning Solutions, 809 W.
Muirfield Rd., Garland, TX 75044 +1 214 347 9939

Priti venKatesan

I head the Department of Special

Education in Lalaji Memorial Omega
International School. Omega was
established in 2005 by Shri Parthasarathi
Rajgopalachari. Omega has around 4,600
students from all over the world. In LMOIS
DLS support services are provided in primary school by 66 DLS
trained teachers. Apart from coordinating the functions of the
special education department, I have also been providing remedial
support to children with learning difficulties. HOD of Special
Education in Lalaji Memorial Omega International School,
79 Pallavaram Rd, Kolapakkm, Chennai 600122 Tamil Nada India
+ 91 994 40022145

Sherry Nissen

I have been an educator at the middle

school level for the past twenty- one years.
My desire to help students struggling with
literacy lead me to the Davis Dyslexia
Association International and the book The
Gift of Dyslexia. The content resonated with
me, and I felt compelled to become a licensed
Davis Dyslexia Facilitator and open my business, Golden State
Dyslexia Solutions. Ive already witnessed remarkable results from
my clients. The Davis Methods validate each individuals learning
style and empower my clients with various tools which help them
overcome obstacles in their learning while embracing their gift.
Golden State Dyslexia Solutions, P.O Box 721, Willow Creek,
CA 95573 +1 (707) 499-5191

Sophia Gomma

I grew up in Alaska and

Washington State and attended
the School of International Training
in Vermont. There I developed a
passion for languages, cultures
and environmental sustainability.
I have worked internationally with refugees and in health
education as well as serving in the Peace Corps. Upon my return
to the United States, Ive worked in social services and Waldorf
Education. I am married and have two sons. My youngest is
dyslexic and it was through my journey of understanding him
that I was exposed to the gift of dyslexia and the Davis Dyslexia
Correction Program. This is such a powerful program; I am so
thankful to Ronald Davis and I am proud to be certified as a
Davis Facilitator. Physical Location TBD, 9780 NE Yaquina Ave,
Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 USA +1 (206) 451-7102

Isabelle Charbon

I provide homework support for children

who have difficulties in school. I enjoy
working with children and I really appreciate
opportunities to meet new people. I think
the Davis Program is really positive for
both parties. I also study theology.
20 rue de Soissons Bordeaux, France, 33000
+33 063 221603

Welcome Newest Autism Approach Facilitators/Coaches!

Congratulations to the following Davis Facilitators!
Melanie Curry New Zealand
Angela James United Kingdom

Karen LoGiudice
also Fundamentals Workshop
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (978) 337-7753
Carolyn Tyler
+1 (508) 997-4642
Sandra McPhall
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Grandville/Grand Rapids
+1 (616) 534-1385
Cinda Osterman, M. Ed.
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
Grand Ledge/Lansing
+1 (517) 652-5156
Molly Scoby
+1 (231) 250-7260
Caralyn Tignanelli
+1 (248) 701-1485
Cyndi Deneson
also Supervisor-Specialist
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)
+1 (952) 820-4673
Tracy Johnson
Big Lake
+1 (763) 250-0485
Cathy Cook
+1 (573) 819-6010
or +1 (573) 886-8917
Elsie Johnson
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (406) 282-7416
Elaine Thoendel
+1 (402) 482-5709
Robin Mangum
+1 (775) 962-1104
New Hampshire
Glenna Giveans
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+ 1 (603) 863-7877
Michele Siegmann
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (603) 801-1247
New Jersey
Lynn Chigounis
+1 (973) 746-5037
Judith Buttram
+1 (609) 560-0289
New Mexico
Melanie Schaub
Bosque Farms
+1 (505) 321-4486
New York
Lisa Anderson
Seneca Falls
+1 (315) 576-3812
Wendy Niedermeier Russell
+1 (585) 233-4364


North Carolina
Gerri W. Cox
also DLS Presenter-Mentor
+1 (910) 754-9559
Ruth Mills
+1 (704) 541-1733
Jean Moser
+1 (336) 830-2390
North Dakota
Angie Bricker-Jones
+1 (701) 660-8860
Lorraine Charbonneau
+1 (513) 850-1895
Ashley Grice
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (918) 779-7351
Rhonda Lacy
+1 (580) 323-7323
Nicki Cates
+1 (586) 801-0772
Rhonda Erstrom
+1 (541) 881-7817
Janell Warkentin
+1 (541) 647-0841
Marcia Maust
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Autism Training Supervisor
also Supervisor Specialist
+1 (814) 267-5765
South Carolina
Angela Keifer
+1 (864) 420-1627
South Dakota
Kim Carson
also DLS Presenter-Mentor
Brookings/Sioux Falls
+1 (605) 692-1785
Kellie Antrim-Brown
Ft. Worth
+1 (817) 989-0783
Success Learning Center
Rhonda Brown
also DLS Presenter-Mentor
Colleen Millslagle
also DLS Presenter-Mentor
+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free)
+1 (903) 531-2446
Shari Chu
Helotes/San Antonio
+1 (210) 414-0116
Karen Hautz
+1 (281) 501-9871
Lori Johnson
Boerne/San Antonio
+1 (210) 843-8161
Casey Linwick-Rouzer
Sugar Land/Houston
+1 (832) 724-0492
Frances Adaleen Makin
+1 (903) 268-1394
Paula Marshburn
+1 (903) 570-3427


The Davis Facilitator Training Program
consists of eleven training steps, and requires
450 hours of workshop attendance, practice
meetings, and supervised field work.
The Davis Specialist Training Program
requires extensive experience providing Davis
programs and an additional 260 hours of
training. Specialists and Facilitators are subject
to annual re-licensing based upon case review
and adherence to the DDAI Standards of

The Davis Autism Approach Facilitator/Coach

Training Program is available to experienced
and licensed Davis Facilitators. It requires an
additional 200-250 hours of specialized training
and field work to become licensed to work with
autistic individuals and their families.
Davis Learning Strategies Mentors and
Workshop Presenters are experienced teachers
and trainers with 2-3 years of specialized training
and experience mentoring classroom teachers of
children 5-9 years of age.

For more information about training and a full directory of Davis providers,
visit: or
or call +1 (650) 692-7141 or +1 (888) 805-7216 toll-free in the USA.


Texas (continued)

Young Learner Kit

for Home-Use
Based on the Davis Dyslexia
Correction methods, this Kit
enables parents of children,
ages 5-7, to home-teach and
help young learners to:
focus attention
control energy levels
improve eye-hand coordination
learn the alphabet
learn basic punctuation
develop and strengthen pre-reading
and basic reading skills
prevent the potential of a
learning problem
improve sight word recognition
and comprehension
The Kit includes:
establish life-long how-to-learn
Instruction Manual
Sturdy nylon briefcase
Reusable modeling clay (2 pounds)
The Davis Methods
Clay cutter
for Young Learners
Childrens Dictionary (hardcover)
Davis Focusing Strategies provide
Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet
children with the self-directed ability
Two Koosh Balls
to be physically and mentally focused Letter Recognition Cards
on the learning task at hand.
Laminated Alphabet Strip
Stop Signs for Reading Chart
Davis Symbol Mastery enables
children to master the alphabet
letters, punctuation marks and
basic sight words with a simple,
easy and fun alternative to pencilpaper activities and drill.
Davis Reading Exercises improve
accuracy with word recognition
and comprehension.

The Kit is priced at $129.95

(Shipping and Handling will be added)
To purchase a kit, use our secure
on-line ordering at:
or call our toll-free number:
1 (888) 999-3324
Note: for older children (ages 8 and up) we recommend
the Davis Orientation and Symbol Mastery Kit.

Dorothy Owen
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (817) 919-6200
Beverly Parrish
League City
+1 (281) 638-0297
Maggie Steele
+1 (214) 347-9939
Laura Warren
Ransom Canyon
+1 (806) 790-7292
Theresa Craig
St. George
+1 (435) 668-6937
Cynthia Gardner
American Fork
+1 (208) 409-9102
Donna Kouri
+1 (804) 240-0470
Angela Odom
also DLS Presenter-Mentor
+1 (804) 833-8858
Jamie Worley
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (540) 552-0603
Elizabeth (Liz) Bertran
Lake Stevens
+1 (425) 231-9705
Aleta Clark
+1 (253) 854-9377
Sophia Gomma
Bainbridge Island
+1 (206) 451-7102
West Virginia
Allison Boggess
Cross Lanes
+1 (888) 517-7830
Gale Long
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
also Autism Training Supervisor
+1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)
+1 (304) 965-7400
Anne Mataczynski
also Autism Facilitator/Coach
+1 (715) 551-7144
Marla Verdone
+1 (800) 753-8147 (Toll Free)
v Uruguay
Marcela Piffaretti
+598 (2) 600-6326

This Directory is current

as of December 31st, 2014.
It is subject to change.
Between newsletter issues,
new Facilitators are added,
and occasionally, some
become inactive. However,
the Davis Providers list at
is always up to date.



Teachers, would you like to

Improve the reading skills of all the children in your

class regardless of their learning style?
Manage your classroom more effectively?
Prevent the onset of learning disabilities?
Use research-based methods that are flexible and easily fit
into and enhance any existing curriculum?
This two-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3)
with unique and innovative strategies for improving
reading instruction and classroom management, and equips
young learners with proven life long skills in how to learn.

Instruction includes:

Basic Workshop for

Primary Teachers
In the forefront of what I liked most was how easily the
Davis strategies fit into many areas of Kindergarten curriculum.
It relieved me of a paper-pencil approach and gave me a
hands-on, kinesthetic approach. It helped develop the little
finger muscles to move on to coordinate paper-pencil activities.
Creating the alphabet over time also accomplished the

Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy.

Video demonstrations of each Strategy and classroom
implementation suggestions.
Supervised experiential practice on each Strategy.
Q&A and discussion about each Strategy.

development of ownership, responsibility, and a sense

Materials include:

Elementary School, Fremont, California

a pride in all the children. I believe all Kindergarten

children would benefit from Davis Learning Strategies.
LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose

Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides,

black-line masters, and numerous tips for each
implementing each
Strategy in various curriculum activities.
Teacher Kit: alphabet strip, letter recognition cards,
clay, cutter, dictionary and two Koosh balls.
(Classroom materials sold separately)


Workshop hours: 9am-4pm with one hour lunch break
Cost: $595 per person
Early registration discount available (US only)

Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only)

Two Quarter Units are available through California State

University. Cost is $89 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee.
A written assignment, which can be completed before and
during the workshop, is required.

Would you like to bring a DLS

workshop to your school/area?

Call 1 (888) 805-7216, and ask for Paula McCarthy.

June 16 17

Denver, CO

+1 (719) 529-5276

June 17 18

Richmond, VA

+1 (804) 833-8858

June 18 19

Shallotte, NC

+1 (910) 754-9559

June 18 19

Tyler, TX

+1 (903) 531-2446

July 28 29

Brookings, SD

+1 (605) 692-1785

For more details and additional workshop dates please visit



The Gift of Dyslexia


Materials included with workshop

Read the book?

Take the next step in helping others
correct dyslexia. Attend this workshop!


Background and Development of the Davis Dyslexia

Correction Procedures
Research and discovery. The gifts of dyslexia. Anatomy
and developmental stages of a learning disability. Overview
of the steps for dyslexia correction.
Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment (a screening for
dyslexic learning styles)
Demonstration and Practice Session
Symptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms,
strengths and weaknesses; set goals; establish motivation)
Demonstration and Practice Session

Orientation Review Procedure

(a method for checking orientation skills)
Demonstration & Practice Session
Davis Symbol Mastery (the key to correcting dyslexia)
What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?
Mastering Basic Language Symbols
Demonstrations and Group Exercises
Reading Improvement Exercises
Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-Punctuation



Davis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to control,

monitor and turn off perceptual distortions)
What is Orientation? Demonstration & Practice Session
Release Procedure (method to alleviate stress, headaches)
Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling)
What is Alignment? How is it used? Group Demonstration
Dial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling energy levels)

Fine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting orientation

using balance)
Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words
Group Exercises
Practice Sessions
Implementing the Davis Procedures

To register for US workshops call toll free 1 (888) 805-7216 or visit



March 14 17, 2015

Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis
Language: English/French
Telephone: +33 (01) 82 88 32 35


January 22 25, 2015

Presenter: Ioannis Tzivanakis
Language: English, Italian
Telephone: +39 (069) 480-4881


January 15 18, 2015

Loenan aan de Vecht
Presenter: Marja Steijger
Language: Dutch

United States

March 4 7, 2015
Burlingame, California
Presenter: Larry Smith, Jr.
Language: English
Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216
March 18 21, 2015
Dallas/Irving, Texas
Presenter: Karen LoGuidice
Language: English
Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216

August 5 8, 2015
Amesbury, Massachusetts
Presenter: Karen LoGuidice
Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216
August 12 15, 2015
Burlingame, California
Language: English
Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216

June 29 July 2, 2015

Burlingame, California
Presenter: Larry Smith, Jr.
Language: English
Telephone: +1 (888) 805-7216

For updated workshop schedules visit:

24Dys lex ic


Read er


1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 260

Burlingame, CA 94010




USA Workshop Information

Toll Free: 1 (888) 805-7216
1 (650) 692-7141

The Gift of Dyslexia Workshop


Come learn and experience the Davis Dyslexia

Correction procedures first hand!

This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, principles

and application of all the procedures described in The Gift of Dyslexia.
Training is done with a combination of lectures, demonstrations, group
practice, and question and answer sessions. Attendance is limited to
ensure the highest quality of training.

January 15 18

Loenan aan de Vecht


January 22 25



March 4 7

Burlingame, CA


Reading Specialists & Tutors

Parents & Homeschoolers
Resource Specialists
Educational Therapists
Occupational Therapists
Speech/Language Therapists

March 14 17



March 18 21

Dallas/Irving, TX


June 29 July 2

Burlingame, CA


Participants will learn:

August 5 8

Amesbury, MA


August 12 15

Burlingame, CA


Who should attend:

How the Davis procedures were developed

How to assess for the gift of dyslexia.
How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention.
The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading.
How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving
reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching,
home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting.

USA Workshop Fees

$1175 per person Academic units and CEUs available

See page 23 for more workshop details and discounts.

Call 1 (888) 805-7216 for US and Canadian

special discounts and early bird rates!

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.
DDAI-Intl, Canada & USA
1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 260
Burlingame, CA 94010
Tel: 1 (888) 805-7216
Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075

Wandsbecker Chausee 132
D-22089 Hamburg
Tel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22
Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24
Tel: 41 (061) 273 81 85

DDA-Latin America
Calzada del Valle #400 Local 8
Colonia del Valle
Garza Garca, Monterrey
Nuevo Len
Mxico, CP 66220
Tel: 52 (81) 8335-9435
Jacques Schreursstraat 25
6074 CR Melick
Tel: 31 (475) 520 433

Davis Learning Foundation
47-49 Church Street
Great Malvern
Worcestershire WR14 2AA
Tel: +44 (0) 330 011 0680
295 Rattray Street
Dunedin, New Zealand 9016
Tel: 64 (0274) 399 020
Fax: 0064 3 456 2028

Enrollment limited v Classes fill Early v Call 1 (888) 805-7216 or 1 (650) 692-7141
For updated workshop schedules visit
For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask for our booklet.

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