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A Unique Bridge System

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A UNIQUE BRIDGE SYSTEM By Florent Brunet Civil Engineering Diploma ESTP in Pars, 2003 Submited tothe Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering In Pata Fulfillment of the Requirements forthe Degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN CIVIL. ND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING atthe MASSACHUSETS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Sune 2003, Ea JUN 02 2003 (©2003 Florent Brunet [ON 8? 2003 All rights reserved LIBRARIES. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduee and to distribute pu paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole on part, Signature of author: ge Department of Civil Bnginesring ‘ay 11,2008, aoe 9 Comer Jerome J.Connor ‘Thesis Supervisor Professor, Cpl and Environmental Engineering Accepted by: ‘Oral Buyalkozturk c-on Graduate Studies ARCHIVES: ‘A UNIQUE BRIDGE SYSTEM By Florent Brunet ‘Submited tothe Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (On May 11-2003 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forthe Degree of Master of Engineering In Civil and Environmental Engineering ABSTRACT ‘This thesis examines several remarkable bridges designed by Santiago Calatrava, @ Spanish architectengineer. In thse bridges, Cal exploits the phenomenon of torsion ofthe deck to create certain longitudinal asyrumety. This asymmetry enables the designer to inchude ‘original features like a big balcony one sie of the bridge, “to emphasize the positon ofthe ‘ridge in relationship tothe city around it, the direction ofthe water, or even the position of the sun, Ic permits to sensitize the bridge itself, as a phenomenon set into the surounding landscape” (Conversation with Studens, Calatrava), Actually an inclined arch stabilized by steel arms or hangers generates the sufficient torsion etying equilibrium rules. Bur those strctures cannot be considered a classical arch structures. They eannot be classified as usual bridges: they are unigue ‘This complex design is described through four relevant examples of bridges in which Calatrava gradually improved his technical design: the Lusitania Bridge, the La Devesa Footbridge, the Puerto Bridge and the Alameda Bridge Lastly his most recent design, even more technically advanced than the previous ones, 16 snalyzed with respect to it structural concept, its conceptual design and its exclusive ‘construction process, ‘Thesis Supervisor: Jerome J Connor Professor, Cisil and Environmental Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wold i to express my gratiud ol those who have provided my guidance snd support In particular, I would ike thank Professor Connor for his collaboration on his thesis, his help and kind pavence during this year at MI, Professor Adams Paul Kasabian Lisa Grobner fo nver being too busy to arange site visits, conduct group meeting, oer advice on out tam project and lend a helping hand in every way. ‘And my parents, Virginie my sister, Carmen my girfiend Jean-Pierre, and Leo for ‘heir continuous suppor, patience, encouragement and love. “Massachosets Taste of Technology 3 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘TABLE OF FIGURES. o 6 1 INTRODUCTION, onseennnseese® CHAPTER. Senet 2 EVOLUTION OF CALATRAVA BRIDGES. oneness 21 Liana Bride in Mesa Ss. oO 21-1 Presentation m1 2-1-2. Stretural concept ON 21-3 Criticism. 1B 22 LaDevesa Footbridge in Ripa (Spain). CI 22-1 Presentation 18 222 ams 4 2.2.3 Pipe. 16 22-4 Design comment, 17 2 Pus Big in Oden Spain. 18 23:1 Presentation 18 23.2 Conceptual design 19 24 ‘Alameda Bridge in Valencia (Spain)... 21 2:1 Presentation 21 24-2 Structural concept. . 2 CHAPTER:. a 3 ORLEANS BRIDGE, 2s 3:1 Prosotation ofthe ridge. . 26 3-1-1 Why abridge in Orleans? . 26 31-2 Why Calatrava? wat 3-1-3. Overview ofthe bridge: ey 3.2 Conceptual design. 31 32:1 Deck . 31 322 arch, 35 3.23 Hangers 37 3:24 Tripods 38 3.3. Struetural concept . 39 331 Deck 39 33:2 Arch Conon 41 3.33 Hangers. 2 3:34 Tripods cd 34 Construction ofthe bridges 45 341, Intoduction. 45 342. Erection ofthe deck. 46 34.2.1 Division ofthe elements INNat 342-2 Assembly site... 7 3.4.23 Launching nose i a7 3424 Erection towers. 9 342.5 Launching system 0 3.4.3. Erection of the arch. cnn 32 Soh3-1 Assembling ofthe arch elements 33 34.32 Weld ofthe stubs. : 3 3-433 Erection ofthe hangers, 33 343.4 Installation of te sx pot bearings. 3 3-4-3.5 Comments on bearings atthe abutments. 33 CHAPTER, 4 CONCLUSION. 7 s4 BIBLIOGRAPHY cc APPENDIX: ‘CALATRAVA'S BIOGRAPHY. 0 “Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3 ‘TABLE OF FIGURES ‘Figure 1: Model of Lusitania Bridge o Figure 2: Cenral walkway of the Lusitania Bridge igure 3: Calatrava’ sketch forthe Lusitania Bridge, Figure 4: Cross section ofthe Lusitania Bridge Figure 5: View ofthe twin pilot and the conerete abutment of the Lusitania Bridge Figure 6: Model of the original project of La Devesa Footbridge with stel arch support Figure 7: View of the walkway of the La Devesa Footbridge Figure 8: Projctviow explaining the global stability ofthe La Devesa Footbridge Figure 9: Mid-span section showing maximum depth of arch ofthe La Devesa Footbridge Figure 10: Global rotation of te La Devesa Footbridge with walkway loads Figure 11: Overview showing the appendage onthe right pat of the La Devesa Footbridge Fee 12 Overview ofthe Ondaros Faro ith te Pero Br. igure 13: The Puerto Bridge. ‘igure 14: Puerto Bridge cross section. Figure 15. Arms and cables ofthe Puerto Bridge Figure 16: Curved cantilevered pedestrian deck ofthe Puerto Bridge. Figure 17: Separation between the main deck and te cantilevered pedesivian deck Figure 18: Overview of the Alameda Bridge Figure 19: Longitudinal view and eross section of the entire complex Figure 20; Overview ofthe Alameda Bridge with the metro entrance onthe right Figure 21: Night view ofthe Alameda Bridge Figure 22: View ofthe walkway and waffic lanes ofthe Alameda Bridge Figure 23: Overview ofthe Orleans Bridge... Figure 24: Orleans Bridge arch Figure 25: Calarava sketch ofthe Orleans Bridge tripods gw 26 Calarava kth of th nen edge rps Figure 27: Model ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 28: Night view of the Orleans Bridge Figure 29: Cross section ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 30: Longitudinal View of the Orleans Bridge Figure 31: Orleans Bridge roadway. Figure 32: Orleans Bridge tripod Figure 33: Static analysis ofthe Orleans bridge Figure 34: Static analysis ofthe cantilevered walkway ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 38: Static analysis ofthe Orleans Bridge decks Figure 36; Calatrava sketch ofthe cros soction ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 37: View ofthe clevated walkway and the arch of the Orleans Bridge Figure 38: Static analysis ofthe Orleans Bridge eatied out with Pythagore Figure 39: Static analysis ofthe Orleans Bridge during is construction. "gre 40: Hangers ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 4 Static analysis ofthe northern tripod ofthe Orleans bridge Figure 42: View of the tripod base ofthe Orleans Bridge ‘igure 43: Cross section ofthe Orleans Bridge deck Figure 44: Orleans Bridge arch fassachuseds Institute of Technology 10 n nL 2 B B 8 15 6 7 Figure 4S: Orleans Bridge cables. Figure 46: Connection of the cables tothe arch inthe Orleans Bridge. Figure 47: Souther tripod ofthe Orleans Bridge. Figure 48: Reinforcing bars located in the base ofthe Orleans Bridge ipod. Figure 49: Tripod reinforcement inthe Orleans Bridge Figure 50: Overview ofthe site before the construction ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 51: Consuetion phases ofthe Orleans Bridge. Figure 52: Assembly ste ofthe Orleans Bridge located on the southern riverbank. Figure 53: Launching nose system, ‘Figure 54: Launching nose ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 55: Location ofthe erection towers during the Orleans Bridge construction Figure 56: Erection tower ofthe Orleans Bridge Figure 57: Concrete rails supporting the Orleans Bridge launching system Figure 58: Launching system ofthe Orleans bridge deck Figure 59: Arch elements on the Orleans Bridge deck Figure 60: 400 tons mobile crane lifting an arch element of the Orleans Bridge Figure 61: Tripod foundation ofthe Orleans Bridge. Figure 62: Floods ofthe Loire River during the Orleans Bridge construction Figure 63: Alamillo Bridge spanning 200 meters with a 142 meters high mas. “Massachoseits Institute of Technology 2 43 45 0 7 30 50 31 32 32 35 35 36 (CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Introduction Inde eighteenth, nineteenth, and even the earliest rwentoth conury’ a lot of eate Was given to the bridge appearance, especially in Europe. The piles and the handrails were seulpted, the lighting judiciously chosen. They were esthetcally pleasing but also very resistant co time ‘You can easily find in Europe intact bridge built four, Five hundred yeas ago. AL that time architecture and engineering wore very close. All the design was thought from an architectural view. “Architecture was not only leave the bridge standing” (Conversations with Students, that you can took away from a bridge to alata). But Europe experienced an important population growth during the twentieth century. Many bridges had to be built. The only specificities required were efficiency for low cost, The aesthetic did't matter so much. Now nothing has changed, economic criteria still govern bridges design. Tis very hard to design bridges tha ae Functional and beauifl unless the architecture is an cemtre par of the design “Massachusetts Toate of Technology 3 At the end of the eighties, a man had a bright idea. What about exploiting the torsional stifess of the deck, Actually most of time the bridges are longitudinally symmetrical so the ‘orsion is very limited. Furthermore by exploiting the torsional resistance ofthe roadway a certain asymmetry could be created in the bridge design. Ths could be originally used at an schitectural level ‘This man was Santiago Calatrava. His objective was to be an arhitect-engincer characterized by Impressive creativity. He illustrated his talent in numerous bridges and buildings W-Exupery train statin, Trinity footbridge. rava is very interested in bridges for their power on urbanism, Indeed “when ‘Milwaukee Museum, Lyon: Santiago Cal you want to regenerate a place, bridges introduce a very good reason to restructure the surrounding area and, in so doing, make more livable these parts in city that are rather fost” (Conversation with Students, Calatrava), Moreover be is very dedicated to integrating bridges withthe envionment, the city, Calatrava is a perfectionist. For example he will efer tothe history ofthe city by including dowil in the bridge design related to previous bridges, he will take into account the bridge reflection on ‘wate, the relationship between the design and the water flow, he will aificialy illuminated in such & way as to emphasize its structural dynamic. So Calatrava developed his smart idea of using torsional stiffness in the deck through the Inclined arch principle. He experimented with tis principe in different brides in Spain His most relevant work is the Orleans Bridge in France, also called the European Bridge. “Massachoselts Institute of Technology re CHAPTER 2 EVOLUTION OF CALATRAVA BRIDGES 2. Rvolution of Calatrava Bridges 2-1, Lusitania Bridge in Meri (Spain) ‘Mansachusets Insitute of Technology 10 24-1 Presentation igure 2: Conral walkway ofthe Lastania Beige ‘This bridge was designed in 1988 and completed in 1991. The design is quite close to a classical atch bridge, The erossing is divided in three parts: the ied arch fom which the roadbed is suspended, and (wo 138 meters pars simply supported by piers. The atch span reaches 189 meters giving tothe bridge a total length of 465 meters. Figure 3 Calataras ketch fr the Lastaia Brae A bull inspired the form ofthe bridge cross section ‘Massachusets Institute of Technology 1 21-2 Structural concept AA unique feature of the bridge is its absence of expansion joints as it was designed as an inogral structure. Figure : Cros ection of he Lastani Bridge Just focusing on the center span, one will nosce thatthe walkway is cast with the reinforced ‘concrete box section, Twenty three stel rod pars suppor this hox gder that acts as & torque tube, Actually the 5.5 meter wide walkway separates (wo 7-meter cantilevered decks supporting the highway. Those pre-stressed concrete wings are posttensioned to the box Binder. The walkway elevated 1S mowers shove the divided highway offers fantastic Panoramic view. “Massachuseits Institute of Technology 2 Two twin pil carry the weight of the 32 meter deep central arch. The arch is made up of aS bby 2.5 meter triangulated section in tubular set 21-3. Criticism (One could criticize the use of concrete for the full span since a stool span would have reduced. the dead load and avoided the ponderous appearance of the arched concrete abutments Furthermore, other designs were possible forthe concree transition. 2-2 La Devesa Footbridge in Ripol Spal Figure 6: Modelo the original proectof La Deven Footbridge with ste atch support “Massachasets Institute of Technology 5 22:1 Presentation This pedestrian bridge was built between 1989 and 1991. It was designed to cross the Ter River, which has the unusual feature ofa 5 meters difference in height between the two banks ofthe river. This footbridge connects La Devesa witha alway station across the river. The height diference is handled by keeping the bridge's walkway atthe higher bank's level until it is fully across the river, and then reversing direction with a stir that leads the pedestrian down othe lower bank's ground level It's the frst bridge with an inclined arch constructed by Calatrava, One could say it isthe iret application of the projects proposals of the Genil Bridge in Paris in 1988 and the ‘Miraflores Bridge in Cordoba (Spain) in 1989, The bridge is quite small comparing to she previous wih a otal length of 65 meters. ‘The canted steel arch, spanning 44 meters, transmits the walkway loads to the existing retaining wall and roa new conerete pylon, The arch is only 6.4 meter deep. 22-2 Ams Figere 7: View ofthe wallnay ofthe Lt Deve Fothrige ‘Massachusetts Insitute of Technology 1% ‘Steel arms have replaced the classical rods. Those arms reduce the movements of the ath oUt ofits plane and prevent it from buckling. Calatrava handled the buckling through the arms ‘hat have stiTness. n the Merida Bide, Calatrava was afta of buckling and therefore made ahuge arch igure 8: Projst ew explaining the bal stability ofthe La Devesa Fothldge ‘The arch isnot in @ vertical plane, thus the arms have to resist vertical and horizontal foree ‘components. The 6S degrees angle ofthe arms was chosen in order to keep them leaded in pure tension. Consequently the “arch-shapo” is loaded in its plane which ensures thatthe structure works as an archstueture and not asa curved beam. The vertical force component inthe arms comes from the walkway Toad. The horizontal component is developed by a cross ‘russ structure located below the walkway. In fact this structure reduces lateral distortion ‘towards the arch, thus creating this horizontal component. "Massachasets Tatts of Technology 1s 223 Pipe Figure 9: Mid-span section showing maximum depth fash othe La Devesa Footbridge The pipe is located atthe base ofthe arch However whereas the bridge can appear reassuring by its solidly proportioned strctue, one ‘could wonder how it ean stayin static equilibrium with such an inclined arch on one side of the bridge. Indeed the weight of che walkway and the arms are not centered under the arch Tike ina classical ure bridge. The sseret les ina large pipe atthe hase ofthe arch, This very sft pipe estries the load through torsional action tothe reining wall and to the pytom under small deformation. “Massachusets Institute of Technology 16 “The walkway load tends to move the arch toa vertical position. Furthermore it tends to stiff it end provide further protection from buckling. 224 Design comment ight prt ofthe La Devesa Footbridge [New the ugly concrete appendage added a the retaining wall. Construction authorities wanted to move the pylon. This action would have resulted in increasing the span and forcing a redesign the idge. To express his impatience, Calatrava added this crude corbel Massachusetts ‘of Technology 2.3. Puerto Bridge in Ondérroa (Spain) Fipure 12: Overview of the Ondaros Harbor withthe Pesto Bridge 2341 Presentation ‘The Puerto Bridge located not far from Billo was completed in sx years between 1989 and 10995. The Puerto Bridge was commissioned to relive traf within the congested harbor ata ofthe town of Ondérroa. The maximum span corresponds tothe total length: 1.5 meters. The ‘overall deck width varies between 20:91 and 23.7 meters at mid-span, The main deck reaches 1 meter wide, “Massachussts Institute of Technology ie ‘The Puerto Bridge is constituted by an asymmetric arch, which separates the box girder carriage dock from the curved pedestrian deck. Ths box girder supports a pedestrian way and ‘motorway so it caries real waffic load unlike the La Devess Footbridge 2.3.2 Conceptual design igure Pact Bdge croserection In this bridge, the const width arch appears lke a further investigation ito the inclined arched principle. Figure 15: Acms and cables ofthe Pert Bridge “Massachusetts Institute of Technology » oowever it ust works like a classical arch with the suspension cables, The arms suppost the cantilevered curved deck. Those arms placed every 2.86 meters give the erisp acral outlines ofthe 15-meter deep arch Figure 16: Curved cantilevered pedestrian deck of he Puerto Bridge The arms angle was chosen lke in the La Devesa Footbridge taking into account the vertical and horizon ‘component crested by the truss. All the main deck i very sif soit can ress against the torsion created by the asymmetric position of the arc, The curved cantilevered deck reduces this torsion that is finally transmitted to the ground support through the main ‘deck. Consequently the lateral box replaces in a way the pipe ofthe La Devesa Footbridge. igure 17: Separation between the main deck nd he cntleveredpedetian deck Moreover the pedestrian deck is given major importance by separating it fom the roadway. This walkway acting lke a balcony, offers a superb view on the seaport. Massachusetts tate of Technology 2 2-4 Alameda Bridge in Valencia (Spain) igre 18: Overview of the Alsmed Bridge 24-1 Prsentation ‘The Alameda Bridge was constructed between 199Land 1993. Simultaneously anoter project vas carried out: the mera station Figure 19: Lonstoinal view and crow section f teenie compen [Note thatthe roof ofthe metro entrance is used as arch support ie af Technology 2 This project is independent of Calatava's work. This underground station is aligned on the longitudinal axis ofthe Alameda Bridge. As a consequence, 0 avoid obstruction on the site, the bridge was assembled to one side, and then moved into its final postion on a system of ral and jacks. Structural concept ‘The Alameda bridge has gota design close o the La Devesa footbridge and the Puerto Briége but on a diferent scale: the 26 meter wide deck spans 130 meters! The deck is slightly caned or 6 longitudinal axis. ‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2 Figure 2 Nght view of the Alameda Bridge Like a number of other Calatrava bridge projects, the bridge employs a 70 degree inclired arch, As a remindor, the La Dovesa Footbridge uses 6S-degree angle arch. Furthermore tis arc rises some 14 meters above the road surface at its apogee, igure 22 View ofthe allway ad efile of the Alameda Bridge ‘Two traffic lanes and two walkways lke in the Puerto Bridge constitute the bridge. The two vwalkyays are cantilevered off 0 each side ofthe main vehicle deck. Four cells that provide a ‘very important torsional stiffness constitute the main deck ~ MassachusesTastinte of Technology 2 ‘The stability of the tube-made ach is stil ensured by tension arms placed at regular intervals, of 5.88 meters “Massachusetts Institute of Technology % CHAPTER 3 3 Orleans Bridge Figur 2: Overview ofthe Orlane Brides ‘Masrachusots Insitute of Technology ORLEANS BRIDGE 341 Presentation ofthe Bridge 3-141 Why abridge in Orleans? ‘Over the past two decades, Orleans has experienced one ofthe highest population growths in France. Major traffic problems were observed a the level af the Loite River. To relieve traffic ‘over the three other heavily congested bridges, Orleans organized a bridge design competition atthe end of 1996, Orleans desire an original and beautiful bridge This bridge located at the South of Orleans would link the village of SsintJean de la Ruel With that of Saint Privé Saint-Mesmin, igure 2 Orleans Bldg arch Tree projects were presented: two classical arch designs while the last one offered an inclined arch. "Ths unusual design was prefered; it was Calatrava's concept ‘Massachuseus Institute of Technology 26 3-1-2 Why Calatrava? Calatrava bridge was chosen for its numerous architectural qualities and its integration inthe Figure 25: Calatrava sketch f the Orleans Brie tripods Plgure 26 Calatrava sketch ofthe Orleans Brie trips For example, look atthe piles and notice that they were reduced to @ strict minimum. This ‘choice is aot dictated by the sol instability along the Loite River. Indeed Calatrava main aim was to conserve the flow, the bed, and the reflection of the Loire. The existing natural sandbanks appeared to be the best location for the piles in order to minimize their environment impact. Two concrete tripods consisting of three inclined branches support the ‘Massachuseits Istituie of Technology 2 central arch span, T tripods, which represent thee thin Fingers of hand, are visualized as ‘he natural extension ofthe arch. Asa conseque 1, ane observes from the bank a perfect oval ‘on the water, the election of the arch ‘igure 7s Model ofthe Orleans Bridge Note the arch reflection on water During the night, an ingenious light system integrated inthe deck and the piles reinfores the appeal ofthe bridge, which is painted entirely in white, For Calatrava, lighting isan essential element of the bridge Figure 2: Nigh view of the Ortean Bridge This inctined arch gives vitality tothe bridge symbolizing the entrance to Orleans. Four tafe lanes, eyelist and pedestrian paths on both sie ofthe bridge constitute the deck. As in most of Calatrava bridges, the deck isnot a simple single horizontal surface it has been built up in astute of Technology 2 view offered: motorist, the fantastic cerazes kein a het 96 tt people can SAF cyelisis,pedestans sngre 2: Crossman BEE those details ar just an over of CEN perfectionism, Fr tose innovative Hess otatava was declared winner of the COMPETI 51.3 Overview ofthe bridge: igure 30 Longin Vio Oras BE atone side of the briage deck, between IRF is located ‘of 8 floors, Ties at at teat and pedestin lanes, This Banat ach & tall as a building Tatas of Technology 3 ‘Massachusets| ste arch, which is extremely sende, inclination of 68 degrees and spans 201.6 meters! As @ reminder the Alameda Bridge in ‘Valencia spans 130 meters “The spans between the intersection points ofthe branches ofthe tripods and abutments reach both $8.2 meters. Those 3 spans constitute the central arch bridge witha final Iength of 378 is part of the bridge is entirely made of steel ‘Two small concrete bridges at the embankments of respectively 336 and $88 meters complete the contra arch bridge, This gives & total length of 470 meters, (One can distinguish wo different slopes along the longitudinal axis of the deck: 2.0866 and 0.5006 igre 31 Orleans ridge roadnay “The deck is 25.74 meter wide at mid-span and is composed of four traffic lanes of 13 meter ‘wide, two cycle paths of 2 meters each, and 1wo walkways of 1S meters Unlike the previous bridges presented, the bridge is suspended by two series of 28 cables placed in «reversed V-form, Those cables are placed at regular intervals of approximately 4.2m slong the elevated walkway. The elevated walkway and the arch are Toested on the \wester side, the downstream side ofthe bridge. “Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8 Figure 32 Orleans Bridge triped ‘Bodh tripeds consist of one branch of “finger” in the visual continuation ofthe arch, another in the same plane supporting the 88.2 meters spans, while she third branch isin the erthogonal ireesion ofthis pan 32 Conceptual design [AG a first glance, one could wonder hove thie bridge defying the gravity laws does not collapse! si the nove expression ofthe state of equilibrium’? Institute of Technology Figure 3 Static analysis ofthe Orleans bridge ‘Simplifying die complex design dhe roadway which supports the structure aes as a horizontal ‘beam between the tripods, delivering gravity loads tothe cables and developing the necessary components of force required to load the two series ofeables purely within the desired plane Actually the beam prevents lateral distortion creating this horizontal component while the vertical component comes from the weight of the roadway. Thus the beam acts as « perforated torsion box to resist rotation of the arch into position of equilibrium as a resultant of the horizontal and vertical forces. Is lke a system of weight and counterweight igure 34 State analysis the camtevered walkway of the Orlane Beige ‘The hangers regularly placed along the dock not only stabilize the arch but also longitudinally distribute the torsion (created by the arch inclination) all along the deck. The torsional stifaess ofthe box girder is very important. “Massachuses Institute of Technology 3 igure 38: State analyse ofthe Orleans Bridge deck ‘Bu the Fst function ofthe rch i o ensue the longitudinal bending resistance ofthe bridge by limiting the vertical deflection, In this particular bridge, the vertical loads reas bending in 4 horizontal plane asa result of the inclined load transfer from the hangers and bring about the resulting deformations into the deck had tobe horizontal deflection. As a consequence, ‘aken into account using pre-camber The geomet empenstions found are the following: a ‘erticalpre-camber at midspan respectively of 6 and 30 centimeters for east and west sides, a ‘ovizomtalpre-camber at mid span of 23 centimeters, a torsional pre-camber and a shortening ‘ofthe bridge deck. me — “Massachusets Institute of Technology 3 igor Calatrava seth ofthe cos aston ofthe Orleans Bridge [Note that actually the cross section represents a boat ‘The asymmetrical deck shaped like a wing was designed with the help of the Danis Maritime Institue. Thus wind tunnel (ests were cartied out to obtain the bast design. Finally the deck: chosen has its curved bottom flange in a form of a wing or more probably a ship's hull Indeed in that ease the arch could represent the mast ofthe boat as clay illustrated in the sketch above from Calatrava, “Massachasens Institut of Technology SSS 32-2 Arch Plgure ST: View ofthe elevated walkway and the arch he Orleans Bridge Inthe design phase, a fist order analysis was cared out to determine the buckling modes of the arch, Afterwards, a second order analysis was made using the real buckling mode Actually, when the bridge is used by people, the sravty loading displace the arch to a more vertical positon, slightly stiffening it and providing futher protection from buckling “Massachusetts Insututo of Technology w Figure 3 Static analysis the Orleans Bg ale ot with Pythagire The siruetral eam fr the static and dynamic analysis used the software Pythagore. Figure 3 State analy the Orleans ridge during ts constr otion Note shat the hangers are not attached During the construction period, when the arch was not atached tothe dock by the hangers, the bridge acted as areal howstring Thus 2 tensile force ito the deck balanced the compressive forces in the ach, At that moment temporary piles supported the bridge, Once the connection With the two tripods was carried out, the bridge behaved like a real arc bridge. Consequently now the compressive arch forces ate directly transmitted to the tripod and the foundations. ‘Tis is noe the case forthe thermal actions. Massachusets Institue of Technology 36 ‘For each construction phase a static analysis was performed out to determine the ability of tho struct. 3.2.3 Himgers a igure Hangers of he Oreos Bridge [Note the masses attached tothe cables ‘A dynamic analysis ofthe bridge revealed that under sind loading, for certain modes, the harmonic frequencies of the atch and the hangers ate very elose, Consequently under wind loading, the arch and the hangers can be simulkancously excited by certain vibration modes. Furthermore all thse vibrations creat fatigue into the hangers. Especially concerned, the connections with de rods undergo the very important numberof stress eyeles. “Massachusetts Insitute of Technology 7 Sos was decided to reat specific dampers to reduce al those vibrations, Actually the best. Slaton found consisted in equipping the hangers with simple masse. The ticky part was to «detcmine the optimal location and weight ofthe masses. 3.2.4 Tripods igre: Static analysis the northern tripod of he Orleans bridge ‘The right eipod supports the arch, the left rivod supports the 8.2 meters span ‘The two branches of the tipo in visual continuation with the ach only recsive compressive forces from the arch ‘Te fhe brances inthe same plan suport the $8.2-meter spans ofthe ental ach bridge entirely made of see, ‘Te two last branches perpendicular to ths plan resist the torsion tansfemed by the asymmetrical deck, ‘Massachasets Tsttate of Technology co Faure 2: View fhe tripod bate ofthe Ores Belge ins fam of his bigly aymmeical ek ads ingot ifeences in he locaton of the SRE of Ba of he estan scion, the comer of gavily ofthe permanent lads, we ‘shear center, This is why during the static analysis of the ridge, the arch inclination was ‘chosen to have the resultant of the nanent loads passing through the point of intersection i ite branches ofthe pods. AS a cntequence, the bending moments were reacca ate 3:3. Structural concept 341 Beck ‘ee ox girder es depth of 3.25 meters. ts width reaches 25.4 metecs a span and ties neds to cexe space between the roudvay andthe elevated walway. Moore the sol box ser wih te onhotopic dec e diely in conaet with the nn Paves have been caniovered on bth sds. They wil suport the cyte ana Pedestrian paths Massachasets institute of Technology » igure 3c Cro seton of he Orleans Bridge dec Besides the box girder is reinforced th trapezoidal stiffeners atthe top Mange and Ma plates ‘the bottom flange. Their trapezoidal stiffeners have a constant thickness of 1.4 centimeters Whereas the fat plates thickness oscillates between 1.4 and 2.4 centimeters, Diaphragms are placed every 42 meters either out ofthe flat plate atthe supports or in the form of a K-brace. This K-brace is made with UPN 300 profiles, Furthermore three cells constitute dhe box ginder. So the different units are transportable by trucks from the north of Belgium and the East of France where they were made. Depending on the material thickness, steel grades $355)2G3, S3SSN, S3S5NL were used. To Protect them from corrosion a three-coat paint system was selected in addition of a dehydration system forthe interior. ‘The exterior elements of the deck are painted in white. An original detail: the balusrades follow the cables inclination, “Masiachasets Institute of Technology 0 322 Arch Figure 4 Orleans Bridge arch ‘The arch is 25 meter deep. The cross setion ofthe slender arch isa apedium of 1.65 meters ‘eight with wo bases of 0.55 and 1.40 meters. The top flange of the arch is always horizontal SS45OM and SA6OMI. high-grade steel were used to diminish the plate thickness to only 48 Lite for the deck, every 4.2 meters where hangers are connected, diaphragms have been inate. ‘Massachasots Insutte of Technology 33.3 Hangers Figure 4S: Oran Bridge cables Paced every 4.2 meters in a reversed V-form, the cables have respectively a diameter of 5.5 centimeters forthe connections in the plane of the arch and 3.6 far the connections tthe downstream (exterior) side ofthe elevated walkway Massachusets Taste of Technology ‘They are joined tothe arch via traditional pinhole coanection and tothe deck via te rods. Plates fixed in the box gitder maintain those tie rods. Those plates are machined in a bicylindreal form to reduce the “parasitic moments” in the rods and the cable acting like hinges Also, the connections atthe level of the deck are protected from corrosion with conical shells 33-4 Tripods Figure $7: Southern rp of the Orleans Bridge ‘The tripods were built with white concrete BAO. The bridge is not symmetical as the two levels atthe end ofthe deck are quite different Asa consequence the tripod Pé located atthe ‘Massachusetts Insitute of Technology 3 south is smaller than PS. The longest branch of the tripods is about 26 meter lor, Furthermore the branches in visual continuation withthe arch are inclined of 20 degrees tote hertzomtl Note the high density of bars A profiled slab enables a good draining of the water. The cross section of the branches is elliptical. Those branches are connected to the deck with pot bearing which ean be injectedin fonder to counteract the ereep.Indoed the creep can bing about an eventual shortening of he branches ‘Mansachusets Instat of Technology ry 344 Construction of the bridge 3-41 Introduction ‘igne 50: Overview ofthe site before the comirustion ofthe Orleans Bridge The bridge constuction lasted two years: between July of 1998 and July of 2000, The complex construction was virtually carried out with three-dimensional CAD models to ‘ensue a beter erection on site 122 road ransponts were completed from the workshops located in France and Belgium tothe site. Actually the Loe River is not navigable so the road was the ky way to transport the elements ofthe bridge to the Consequently the deck for example vas divided in 108 lifferent elements in order tobe tanspontable ‘Massachusets Insitute of Technology s Sp 2 a i I Fi st iH = $e HURL ‘igore St: Consruetion poses of he Orleans Bridie For the erection of the arch steel bridge with the span of 378 meters, two main phases can be Aistinguished: the erection ofthe deck (phases 1-2-3-4 ofthe figare above), the erection ofthe arch (phases 5:6 ofthe figure above), 344.2. Erection of the deck Division ofthe lements ‘The deck was divided in 18 main pats, each witha length of 21 meters. The cross section was divided further in 6 elements. Thus the biggest part transported was 130 ons with a length of 21 meters, a width of 6.5 meters and a height of 45 meters. “Massachasets Insti of Teohnology 6 Assembly ste Figure 82: Assembly sto he Orleans Bridge oat on he southern vera The bridge was launched from the southern siverbank where was located the assembly site, ‘The assembly site was 77 meter long and was able to weld and paint up to three elements of So every tree weeks, the deck was laneched 21 meters, Hence 17 phases were realized to complete the deck erection withthe help of to 120-200 tons mobile cranes 3.4.23 Launching nose Figure ts Launching ose system 6 bridge is ambered it was launched ina curve (in the longitudinal view) and was ‘equipped with « 20 meter long launching nose, Therefore art could be reduced leflection of the cantilevered Massachusets Insure of Technology a igure St Lauuehog nos ofthe Orleans Belge “Moceover he bottom flange of the launching nose was pre-cambered by 1.25 meters. “Massachusets Institute of Technology 342-4 Erection towers wm Figure 5 Location o the erection overs daring the Orleans Bride construction ‘Sic temporary erection towers were constructed at different locations: at each abutment, at Im-span and at both sides ofthe tripods. ‘Massachuseits Insitute of Technology @ Figure $6 rection tomer ofthe Orleans Bridge ae of four $460 piles with two longitudinal girders onthe top where special They were structures call balances were added ‘Those balances had the ability to adap othe inclination ofthe deck: Actually this inclination is not constant during the launching. They were able to support a maximum pressure of 3 kilo Newton! square centimeters, 72. spherical distribution ofthe stresses created by the deck over the balance. Two hydraulic jacks were insaled on the balance to correct an eventual setilement and to ings were present to ensure an optimal ‘adjust the vertical pre-camber of the deck 3.4.25. Launching system ‘Pique 57: Concrete rails supporting the Orleans Brie lnnching system “Massachusetts Insitute of Technology 30 Atte level ofthe assembly st, the bridge was fixed to four supports. Those supports were {abl fo slide on concrete ris thanks to neoprene bearings mado ofa sttinesssocPTFE imtrface Hence the tion coefficient only oxcilated between one and four per cen ability tallow verticat deflections. ‘ne brs was pushed ver 378 meters with his launching sytem. But he ste ridge ad to leave sembly zone bypassing over the area ofthe concrete bridge to reach it final Testo Thos ast 38 meters were completed wing the launching sytem aa pling deiee Not as pushing device with the belp of high suengh sands. A launching nose of 8 meters ‘as pleedat she suthem part ofthe deck so that he smoothly left the assembly area Insitute of Technology 3 3-4-3. Erection of the arch 343-1 Assembling of the arch elements Figute 5 Arch mens onthe Orleans Bridge deck Figure: 40 ton motile crane iting a arch element of he Orleans Bede ‘The arch elements were assembled onsite to obtain two larger units each of $5 and 120 tons. Pl xs length fon the deck, those units were launched with i up tts fina lestion and finaly lifted thanks to two 400 tons mobile cranes. Those mobiles cranes were loeated on the deck tse. “Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2 34.32 Weld of the stubs ‘The stubs ensure the contact between the six branches ofthe tripods and the deck. Those six ‘stubs were brought in their inal locaton and two were welded with the ach, 3.43.3. Erection ofthe hangers After the erection of the arch, the 28 hangers connected in the plane of the arch were tensioned with 42 tons in each cable. So the erection tower at mid span was dismantled, a5 it as useless. Consequently big put ofthe horizontal pre-camber suddenly disappeared, Afterward the 28 hangers focated on the edge of the elevated walkway were connected but without any tension Atthat moment behaved lke & bowstring where the deck was the tensioned tie (1100 tons of, tension). 34.344 Insalltion ofthe six po bearings Finally the six pot bearings were set im place and grouted after an accurate geometrical survey. By grouting simultaneously those six pot bearings inthe early morning with a quick hardening morta, the thermal expansion ofthe bridge was reduced The erection towers around the ‘were transmitted tothe pods and the foundations. At that time, anther part of the horizontal pre-camber disppeared, ipods were taken spar. At las the compression arch forces 3:4-3-5 Comments on bearings atthe abutments As explained before the vertical loads on this unique bridge create transversal deflection. “Thus the transverse loads created could affect them. This is why the bearings atthe abutments ‘were completed after the construction ofthe bridge. However the variable loads andthe creep fects if the concrete tripods will sil provoke some ransverse bearing loads but ther effect is reduced. “Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3 (CHAPTER CONCLUSION 4 Conclusion ‘Through the work of Calatrava, we ean see that "there is a kind of progression with Mer, Where the arch is centered above the roadway deck, which is the clement that provides torsional resi nce. Case sumer eo is Ripoll, which was for me a kind of experiment to ‘control the system of the inlined arch in a span of 70 meters, or 230 feet, making i feasible ata very low cost and wi «deck that is only something ike 3 meters, or 10 foot wide, Case number thre is Ondérroa, in which there is a significant traffic load, and case number four is ‘Valencia, with four Ines of trafic. Orleans is number five, with a major span, four lanes of ‘raf, and pedestrians on both sides"(Conversations with Students, Calatrava), This lst case, the Orleans Bridge, is orignal and very spectacular. Ii sill the biggest and the most advanced Cel sd arch, The tripod system forthe piles never realized before, the complexity of the overall design, testify the work caried out, Those innovations required the latest design technologies, high performance materials like concrete B40, high-grade steel $460, bridge that uses an inci ‘Massachusetts Institute of Technology o tion te Orteane Bridge Furthermore the geotechnical characteristics were quite special. Indeed lots of voids called Karsts were present i the limestone. Consequently injections and deep foundations under the tripods were performed. And 1 don't mention the consequences brought about by the ‘numerous floods ofthe Loire River daring the construction, 35 Finally 5380 tons of stel, 9800 cubic meters of concrete, 15 tons of paint have been complete this ridge i months This explains the total cost of such a bridge: 30 millions of euros. Buti contrast those who precede him and many’ of his contemporaries, Calatava does not consider efficiency and economy ab design ideals, but instead necessary aspects of a design. The Alamillo Bridge yas desig : i both demonstrates Calatrava “s design ideals and distinguishes them from those of many other bridge designers. Calatrava treats his bridges as public places, civic icons and opportnities for structural inventions. Calatrava challenges the other contemporary designers but also foster all of us to re-examine the potential of the bridge intastuernre Figure Alamo Beige spanning 20 eles wid 142 meer igh mast ‘But what ean explain there are so few bridges that can pretend tobe as innovative as Calatrava’s? irsiy “the idea ofthe architect engineer has be 2 ost. Creatvities is buried under equations ‘or hemmed in by the walls of specialties” (Conversations with students, Calatrava), Most of structural and civil engineers have very narrow, almost exclusively technical education. This cxlucaton ean be So specialized that an engineer may dedicate his career to the application of cone material! Consequenty thi -ducation limits their ability to face larger design issues. And the professional practice reinforces that problem instead of solving it. This today's ironie ‘Massachusetts Tasttute of Technology 36 situation is similar in Burope andthe Uni background is more innovative, can generate a richer workin a particular field than a highly specialized engineerin that field This is why there are very few examples of persons tained like Calatrava. The French Mare ‘Mumram is one ofthe rare people who can compete with Calatrava for bridge projects. sd States. Now an engineer with abroad ‘Secondly itis very hard 0 impose inventive designs through the competitive bidding process ‘commonly used for big projets. People donot want to pay alot of money fora unique steucture, Inexpensive structures are preferred. Whereas ths is true inthe United States the sctual cultural climate in Europe foster people ike Calatrava. Thus you can note the ‘commission increase of innovative footbridge in England (whereas those are quite small project). “Thirdly people have to tus the structural designer, which becomes nat so easy now with ‘complex suctures Calatrava had to face this problem when experienced contractors ‘carefully scrutinized this famous Alamillo Bridge and finally rejected i as impractical Actually this bridge was built and works well ‘So another problem i aise. Those complex structres are checked and carried out with sophisticated softwares understood by only a handful of theoreticians. Can we trust so far those computer programs essemial for thi kn of structure? “Massachusetts Institute of Technology 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY: Books, reviews: Montens ,, ‘Les plus beaux ponts de France’, Bonneton, Paris (France), 2001 Lewis Kausel C., Pendleton Julian A., ‘Santiago Calatrava, conversations with students: the MIT lectures’, Prince Architectural Press, New York, 2002. odio P., ‘Santiago Calatrava’, Koln, New York, 2001, Levin M., “Santiago Cslatrava : Art Works. Laboratory of ides, Form Structures, Basel, Boston, 2001 Frampton K., ‘Calatrava bridges’, Basel, Boston, 1996. Calatrava S., Dynamic equilibrium, recent projects’, Verlag fur Architektur, Zizich, 1992, Bourrat A, Datry LB, Hoeckman W., Lefevre J, "Le nouveau pont sur la Loire @ Orléans" in ‘Ouvrages fare, August 2000 n. 35. Cespedes X., Datry IB, Travella R., Ezran T:, ‘Le Pont d'Orléans’ in Bulletin annuel de ARGC, January 2000, 2. Datry -B., Lefebvre J, Bourrat A. Pauliae LP. ‘Le chanser du pont Orléans" in Bulletin annue! de VAFGC, January 2001 n. 3. Dany 1B. Cespedes X. ‘Le nouveau pont Ouest & Orléans’ in Ouveages dart, August 2000 2.35, “Massachsets Taste of Technology 8 Datry 48. Cespedes X., Ezran T., Turavella R. ‘Pont de Europe! in Travaux, January 2002 2.782, Datry -B., ‘Le pont de "Europe a Orléans’ dans ARCHOL. 38me conférence sur les pons en Hooeckman W., “Bridge over the River Loire in Orleans, France’ in SEL Structural Engincering Intemational, May 2001 1,2 ¥ LL Hoeckian, W., ‘The Europe bridge in Orléans (France) in ARCHO1. Reme conférence sur les pons en ar. Lemoine B., ‘Sur le pont. tous en rond’ in acier pour construire April 2000 n. 65 ‘Musée de la Marine de la Lote, ‘Dune Rive & Mute, Musée de la Marine de la Loire’ (Chateauneuf sur-Loire (France), 2001; p. 71 Internet sites: hpurwwn:calaravacom hupvrwww stucturae de hua comquat com ‘up smu edunewsinfotleasesfn2013b ml up? 4p steefreferencesloarlperiodeMFich-o34/areh/sI4001 him “Massachusetts Intute of Technology » "ALATRAVA’S BIOGHRAPHY Architect, artist, and engineer Santiago Calatrava was born on July 28, 1951, in the town of, Benimamet, near Valencia, Span. His background was eclectic, Calaava is an aristocratic ‘name, passed down from a medieval order of Knights: and Benimamet is a town largely Populated by Jewish converts to Catholicism. The family on both sides vas engaged in the agricultural expoct business, which gave them an international outlook that was rare during the France dictatorship Calatrava atended primary and secondary school in Valencia, From the age of eight, he also tended the Arcs and Crafts School, where he began his formal instruction in drawing and painting. When he was thirten, his family took advantage of the recent opening of the borders and sent him to Paris as an exchange student. He later traveled and studied in Swit Intention of enrolling inthe Ecole des Beaux-Ads; but after he arrived in June 1968, he found his plan was unworkable, He returned to Valencia and ensolled in the Escuela Teenica ind as well. Upon completing high school in Valencia, he went to Paris withthe Superior de Arquitctura, a relatively new institution, where he earned a degree in architecture 1nd (ook 4 post-graduate course in urbanism. While at the school, he also undertook independent projects with a group of fellow students, bringing out two books on the ‘vernacular architecture of Valencia and Iba “Massachuseus Taste of Technology @ ‘Altracted by dhe mathematical rigor of certain great works of historic architecture, and feling that his taining in Valencia had given him no clear direction, Calatrava decided to pursue post-graduate studies in civil engineering and enrolled in 1975 atthe ETH (Federal Instisate ‘of Technology) in Zurich. He received his PhD. there in 1979. It was durin this period that he met and married his wife, who was a law student in Zurich, ‘After completing his studies, Calatrava took a postion as an assistant a the ETH and began to accept small engineering commission, such as designing the roof for library or the balcony ‘of a private residence. He also began to enor competitions, believing this was his most likely way to secure commissions. His frst winning competition proposal, in 1983, was for the design and construction of Stadethofen Railway Staion in Zarich, the city in which he ition to design and build the Bach do Roda Bridge, commissioned forthe Olympic Games in Barcelona. This was the beginning of the hedge projects tht established his international reputation, Among the other notable bridges # followed were the Alamillo Bridge and viaduct, commissioned forthe Worlds Fai in Seville (1987-92), Lusitania Bridge in Merida (1988-91), Ondarroa Bridge in Ondarroa, Spain (1989- 195), Campo Volantin Footbridge in Bilbao (1990-07), and Alameda Bridge and underground station in Valencia (1991-95). The attendant growth of his practice led him to establish a second office, in Paris, in 1989. During this phase of his career, Calatrava won a reputation for designing other large-scale public projects as well. These included the BCE Place mall in Toronto (1987-92), the railway station for the Lyon-Satolas Airport (1989.94), Sondica Airport in Bilbso (1990-2000), ‘Tenerife Opera House in the Canary Islands (1991-2001), the City of Ants and Sciences in Valencia, where he established bis thi ‘Station in Lisbon (1993-98, commissioned for Expo 98). He also won the design competition ‘compete the Cathedral of St Job the Divine in New York City (1991), a project that has not ben realized, Exhibitions of Calatravas work were first mounted in 1985, witha showing of nine soulpures at Jamileh Weber Gallery in Zurich. A new stage in recognition was marked by «wo solo ns: a retrospective atthe Royal Institute of British Architects, London, in 1992, and ‘he exhibition Structure and Expression at The Museum of Modsm Art, Now York, in 1993 ‘The later exhibition included an installation in the museum's Sculpture Garden of Shadow Machine, a large-scale sculpture with undulating concrete “fingers.” The most complete office (1991 ~ ongoing), and the Oriente Railway ext exhibition of his work yet mounted was Suntiggo Calanava: Anist, Architect, Enginser, ‘Massachosets Institute of Technology a ‘resented atthe Palazzo Sirozzi in Florence, aly, from October 2000 through January 2001, AA similar but smaller exhibition, Poetics of Movement: The Architect of Santiago (Cala, was mounted in Dallas atthe new Meadows Museum in 2001, ‘Among Calatrava’ major projects that were recently inaugurated or are coming to completion ae the Science Museum at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia (November 2000); Sondica Airport in Bilbao (Noveniber 2000}; Orléans Bridge in Orléans, Prance (November 2000); and bis first building in the United to great acclaim in auturnn 2001. The Tenerife Opera House is scheduled to open in 2002 ‘The fist phase ofthe Opera House of the City of Ans and Sciences ia Valencia is scheduled or an aurunin 2008 inauguration, ‘Scheduling is now in progress for another major Calatrava commission inthe United States, the new Roman Catholic Christ the Light Cathedral of Oakland, California. Other curent projects in the US. include a terminal forthe people-mover system atthe Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport; an ensemble of bridges and parkway forthe Trinity River, inthe heat fof Dallas; and a bridge and esplanade for the expansion of Grant Park, on the lakefront in es, the Milwaukee Arx Museum, which opened Chicago. Among the honors and awards given to Santiago Calatrava are the Gold Medal of the Istitate of Structural Engineers, London; Honorary Fellowship in the Royal Insitute of British Architets; honorary membership in the Union of German Architects; membership in the Royal Academy of Fine Ants of San Carlos, Valencia; the City of Toronto Urhan Design ‘Award; designation as a Global Leader for Tomorrow by the World Economic Farum in Davos; the Creu Sant Jordi, Barcelona; the Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Ars, Ministry of Culture, Granada; membership in Les Arts et Lets, Pris; the Algur H. Meadows Award for Excellence in the Ants (Meadows School ofthe Ars, Southern Methodist Unversity); and the Principe de Astutas Prize in Spain, He has received 11 doctoral honors throughout his cree. “Massachasous Institate of Technology @ +1981, 28 uy, Borimamel Valence Spam Tat Panay a wisn aa Vana BO | {se ato at nent na, po + tomar shes wevere ee’ Enves Teo ipter oA Yo! tuning eae, a | «178-107 sets nde a egasng ogee Feat Pent un 2, oot |) = tt oon Teen ene ote Deptt! Ace ETH 2, | Sites TT TBST Oficein Zincn Swicorona | +1905 emer of BSA (Uaion of Suis Architects), Member ofthe International Academy of ‘rchitectre, Honorary Member ef BOA (Union of German Avhitets) “+1982 Momber of ho Real Academia de Boas Artes de San Cas, Valencia, Spin, Member | ottmeeucopean Academy, Cologne, Germany. | ‘+1989 Hon FRIBA Honorary Member ofthe Royal Instute of Bish Areitecs, London, England. Doctor Honaris Causa, Poiyechnie Unive of Valencs, Span ‘+1904 Doctor Honors Causa, Univoriy of Sevile, Spain. Doctor Honora Gaus of Leto in Envrenmentl Sues, Herc: Wat Universi, Edinburgh Fellow Honors C2usae, The Royal Incorporation of Architects, Scolans, Honory Momésr of Colegio de Arqutectes ela cna ee Mexco '+ 1985 Doctor Honors Causa of Sclence, University Cotege Satlord, England, Decor ot ‘Science Honoris Causa, Universi of Sratheyée, Glasgow. Doct a Slence Honors ‘Causa, Unversity of Technology, Del. Doctor Honoris Causa of Engineering, Milwaukee ‘Schoo of Engineering, miwaukee, Wisconsin, 1+ 1098 Momberof Les Aas at Letras, Pa, France +1998 Doctor Manors Causa of Civil Engncoing, Universit degk Stugi cl Cassino, tay Doctor Honoris Cause o! Techalogy, Lund Univers, Swan. Honorary Member Causa of the Real Academia do Boas Anos do San Fersndo, Spain. Frsign Member of he Royal ‘Swedish Academy of Engineering Sconces, VA, Swed, Fs a , Pepa “Massachusets Institute of Technology @ [3 W8aS Tabs Warennaie Eratnge Cowslod +1984. 1986 Commercial bulaing, Bersiasse-Weos, Suhr (AG), Switzerand +1984 1988 Kanonsschule Wohlon Wohien (AG), Swizeriand + 1984-1990 Tran Staton 2c Stadenoten, Zieh, Switzerland +1084. 1980 Trin Staion, Ganmhopate, Luceme, Switzerland + 1885 Post Oies Bulding, Bahrhotplat, Luceme, Sitarand + 1985-1987 Fein W Bridge, Barcelona Spin + 1998 -1988 Cataret-Thatre "Taboureti", Spalenberg 12, Basel Svtzran. ‘+1986 19889. o¥teber- Bridge Valence, Span | “+1987 Blackbox AG, Zu, Switzerland | ‘+1067 1992 Aamo Bridge, Seva. ‘+1987 1986 Wohnaniage Buchon Wareningen + 1968-1961 Lustania~Sridge, Mérigs, | + 1200-1982 Telephone Tower, Barcelona, Sin ‘+1989 Beton-Pavton Svissbau (Senwolz Baumesss) Base [+ 1980. 1904 TeVeTran station, Lyon. ‘+1990 Bannhet Spandau Bern-Spandsu + 1092-1999 Allon Lambert Galleria, Toronto, Canada + 1992-1908 Mortage Square, Toronto, Canad, + 1994-1985 Kronprincenbricke Bolin Tergarton, Germany. + 1904-1985 Onereaumbrcke Berin-Kreuzbera, Geman | 1964 Jahn - Sporpark Brin Prenstauar Bara ‘+1984 Bundesiag dor Bundesrepublik Deutscriand (ehem Rechstag) Berin-Terganen, Germany. | 1957 Bane Lissabon soon, | Workin progress TVinwaunaa, Valance, ago "awards 7 TB8T Raguste Port UIA pt to apliedtaoologyn srotnece ‘+1990 "Média argent de Rochorche et a Technique’, Pas + 1991 European Glulam Award (Glued laminated Timber Constucton), Munch, Garman. +1902 Gold Mot, nstue of Stuetural Engineers London, England 1+ 1009 Cty of Teronto Urban Design Award forthe BCE Place Galery, Toon, Canada ‘+ 1008 Modata do Or al Matto delas Solas Artes, Minit cf Cuture, Granad, Spain ‘+1905 European Award for Ste! Stuctures, econsrction of the “Kronprnzenbricks, Bet, Germary. “Massachusets Institute of Technology a [3 TGS Pinape de ASTURIAS Reward forthe Baws ‘Massachuseus Insti of Technology 6

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