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Southern Innovator in A World of Innovation 2015 Version

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Background Paper

Southern Innovator and the Growing

Global Innovation Culture

July 2013

The topic of innovation is ever more frequently mentioned by policy-makers and politicians.
Whole business schools dedicate themselves to the subject, while governments and
international organizations now often set aside a department or division dedicated to
innovation. The European Commissions Innovation Union is one example (http://

This paper argues that the rise of a global innovation culture is not just hype, a marketing
catch-phrase or the latest piece of government jargon. It is really happening and it is
snowballing with the aid of the communications revolution. It is interlinking with increasing
global trade links, extending to what were some of the most remote corners of the earth.
Increasing urbanization is drawing people in to new circumstances and causing chaos in
many lives, but also spawning challenges that spur people to seek solutions.

The current global economic crisis which started in 2007/2008 seems to have accelerated
this tendency as many question the validity and sustainability of the current economic
paradigm and global structure. The over-reliance on debt to create prosperity (from
housing bubbles to credit cards) has exposed the failure of many institutions, governments
and companies - small and large - to innovate. The use of debt - rather than innovation - to
create economic growth and prosperity leads to innumerable problems. Resources are not
used efficiently (a serious problem on a finite planet with a growing population heading
past 7 billion) (UN), and technological and scientific advances are held back as there is no
incentive to change old ways when money is easy and cheap.

While many countries of the global North, particularly in Europe and North America, have
experienced a severe economic crisis since 2007, the countries of the global South - while
not in any way immune to the problems experienced by the global North - are experiencing
a profound perception change.

The space created by the crisis in the North has directed investment wealth and attention
towards the global South and emerging market countries. One of the more amusing
manifestations of this has been the endless - and very creative - deployment of acronyms
for each new investment opportunity, BRIC, CIVETS, etc. Countries and regions which
were subject to decades of negative publicity - or just completely ignored - were now

In just eight years from 2000 to 2008, BRICs countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and
South Africa - saw their combined share of total worldeconomic output rise from 16 to 22
per cent. This led to a 30 per cent increase in global output during the period, showing how
key these countries were to global prosperity in the 21st Century. The BRIC (Brazil,
Russia, India, China) countries make up nearly half the worlds population and are regional
leaders. Taken together, their gross domestic products (GDPs) are not far behind the
United States.

Whats next?
Ruchir Sharmas Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles (http:// argues
that the BRICs are now entering a more stable growth path and thus will not see the rapidfire expansion and quick profits investors have become used to in the past decade.

The BRICs, Sharma told Forbes magazine, were last decades team.

The buzz surrounding the BRICs countries over the past decade has been justified by their
impressive growth rates, declining poverty levels, modernizing economies and societies
and growing middle class populations.

China alone saw its gross domestic product grow by US $5 trillion between 2001 and

But other countries are now coming up. Sharma points out that Indonesia was the bestperforming emerging market in 2011 and has a GDP that will surpass a trillion dollars in
the coming years.

He also believes Sri Lanka and Nigeria are economies to watch.

Sharma says funds flowing into emerging market stocks grew by 478 per cent between
2005 and 2010, a huge jump compared to 2000 to 2005, when the total grew by 92 per

Investors who watch the emerging markets predict the hot growth areas for the next
decade will be around energy, technology, and agricultural resources. All are areas ripe for
significant innovation.

To make sense of the complexity of fast-emerging economies, the flurry of new investor
acronyms try to find the common attributes they share. One country cluster is called the
CIVETS: Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, South Africa (http:// Another is PC-16 (Post-China 16), comprising the 16
countries best suited to succeed China as the world's low-cost, export-oriented economy
hub - Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos,

Mexico, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Peru, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda and
Vietnam (Stratfor).

The MINTS (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) are also set for great growth in the
next decade, many investors believe. Then there is the N-11 or Next 11. This is the MINTS
plus Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea and Vietnam.

And after that there is VISTA (Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey and Argentina).

These countries, investors note, now have an unprecedented range of options uncoupled
from the political, financial and economic legacy of Western developed nations. Investors
say that many nations in the global South are set for a runaway investment boom because
they are making changes and modernizing their economies faster than many expect. In
short, they are innovating at an ever-increasing pace as they gain access to new
technologies and ideas.

There are many new centres of economic activity and rising prosperity across the
emerging markets that often fail to gain wider attention. Few know that the Northeast Asian
nation of Mongolia mired in the 1990s in the worst peacetime economic collapse in half a
century ( is now the
worlds fastest-growing economy ( and one of the top places for mobile phone usage and
penetration (

Then there is Myanmar, where many are hoping recent moves toward democracy and
improvements in diplomatic relations will lead to an economic boon for the region.
Investors are also targeting Kazakhstan in Central Asia.

Reflecting these changing realities, Standard Bank, Africas largest bank, has been
documenting the rising role played by the Chinese currency in international trade. A recent
report forecast US $100 billion (R768 billion) in Sino-African trade would be settled in the
Chinese currency, the renminbi, by 2015. This would be double the trade between China
and Africa in 2010. It also found 70,000 Chinese companies are using the renminbi in
international trade transactions.

It is all about innovation

The cynical might view this rise of the global South as a shallow marketing and publicity
make-over akin to a Reality TV show, where everyone gets a new hairstyle and
fashionable clothes while remaining deeply unhappy and stuck in the same situation as
before. But there are fundamental changes bubbling underneath that really are changing
conditions on the ground. And those changes are caused by innovation.

The most obvious and visible innovation in recent years has been the rapid deployment of
mobile phones and information technology, including the Internet, across the globe. The
somewhat incongruous spectacle of people without access to clean water or a flush toilet
having a mobile phone, is now commonplace. An oft-cited example is India, where more
people have access to a mobile phone than a toilet (UN).

It used to be the case that a map of world wealth and trade tended to show a spiders web
of links connecting North America and Europe. It was taken as given that that was where
the action and the wealth were. Today, a fundamental eastwards shift is underway. The
countries of the North are still immensely wealthy and the United States still stands as the
worlds economic and military superpower, but countries in the global South are making
their big moves, and this includes China moving into the two spot of worlds second-largest

economy. There are year-on-year increases in trade between countries of the global
South, often bypassing the countries of the global North. The rise of China and other
countries in the global South has also increased incomes and living standards for many
millions. People who were previously considered so poor as to be economically irrelevant,
are consuming more and more every year. The size of the middle class in the global South
has rapidly grown during the past five years and the proportion of people classified as
extremely poor has declined.

Chinas role in Africa has become a game-changer: it has jolted to life once moribund and
fallow trade relationships that had left Africa economically marginal. Chinese investment in
infrastructure is helping to rebuild countries on the continent which had not seen major
infrastructure investment since the 1970s. The devastating debt crisis of the 1980s had
brought to a quick halt Africas previous post-colonial growth spurt. But now China is the
worlds second-largest oil importer and heading to number one. And more and more of this
resource is being imported from other countries of the global South, including Africa, giving
these countries a significant income boost.

The spreading of ideas has also been radically altered: so-called bottom-up innovation and
knowledge-sharing is boosted by the expansion of the Internet. Examples of this include
websites such as Afrigadget (, where ingenious and low-cost solutions to
common African problems are celebrated and detailed. Southern Innovator
(, of course, is another example.

At a more sophisticated and better resourced level, information technology hubs (iHub in
Nairobi, Kenya is a good example) ( combined with science/research and
development hubs and innovation centres - where innovation experimentation and new

technology and product creation takes place - are now, via the Internet, able to quickly
communicate and share their insights. As an example, the development of 3D fabricators/
replicators ( by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (first reported by
Development Challenges, South-South Solutions in 2007) has gone through a prototype
phase - part of it in countries across the global South - and is now a technology being sold
by various private companies in either complete form, or as home-assembly technology
kits. This is a potentially transformative technology for innovators as the price comes
down, as has been seen with other new technologies such as personal computers, mobile
phones and smartphones and laptop computers. The practical implications for innovators
include using 3D fabrication machines to mill any design downloaded from the Internet or a
personal computer. Innovators can realize their dreams at the touch of a button keyboard.

What is innovation?

Innovation takes a number of forms, as detailed in theOslo Manual for measuring

innovation produced by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
oslomanualguidelinesforcollectingandinterpretinginnovationdata3rdedition.htm). The
Manual has defined four types of innovation: product innovation, process innovation,
marketing innovation and organizational innovation (OECD).

Product innovation is a good or service that is new or significantly improved. This includes
significant improvements in technical specifications, components and materials, software
in the product, user friendliness or other functional characteristics. Process innovation is a
new or significantly improved production or delivery method. This includes significant
changes in techniques, equipment and/or software. Marketing innovation is defined as a

new marketing method involving significant changes to product design or packaging,

product placement, product promotion or pricing. And finally, organizational innovation is a
new organizational method in business practices, workplace organization or external

How quickly these can be brought to the marketplace, and the level of innovation in a
society, will be critical to a country's success in the coming decade, according to the
(OECD). Importantly, innovation is being seen as the big driver of economic progress and
well-being and the best way to deal with the plethora of challenges facing human health
and the environment.

So, what?

How is today different to previous periods of wide-scale innovation? And, importantly, is

the quality of the innovation that great or that significant? Looking back, periods of
significant and cascading innovation waves can be identified throughout the centuries.
Ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Arabia, China in the middle ages, the European
Renaissance, the Victorian period of the mid to late 19th century, the beginning of the 20th
century, the 1930s, the 1950s to the 1960s, and the information technology renaissance of
the 1970s until the 1990s. Some have characterized these waves of innovation since the
19th century as three industrial revolutions. The first brought the dirty industrial age of the
19th century, the second brought the flurry of transformational innovations and
technologies such as electricity, lighting and modern sewage systems, and the one we are
currently living through is the one brought by the rise of information technology and
microcomputers. Countries around the world are in various states of these industrial

revolutions. For example, China is home to a highly-polluting industrial factory revolution

but is also experiencing the high-tech, clean-tech industrial revolution.

Through much of history, while science and technology advanced and knowledge from
previous generations was built on (or, in some places, lost by changes in circumstances,
only to be discovered and pop up somewhere else), it was mostly shared among a very
small elite of people. These individuals tended to be associated with the great learning
institutions. The spread of mass literacy in Western societies and the mass media that fed
off this growing readership created a market for knowledge. More and more people were
exposed to the knowledge that was once the preserve of the elite, turning knowledgesharing into a mass experience.

And now this mass knowledge-sharing experience has gone global, making innovation in
its many forms critical to not only achieving the eight Millennium Development Goals set
for the deadline of 2015 - just two years away - but also critical to achieving the new goals
currently being debated for the post-2015 environment.

All of this will be informed by the global economic crisis that has caused so much havoc to
many countries since it first erupted in 2007/2008. Where there are gaps and failures by
governments, it will be innovation that will make up the difference.

Why the focus on information technology and the Internet?

As posited by Moores Law ('s_law), computing power

doubles every 18 months. This is highly relevant to development because it has allowed
the rapid take-up of mobile phones around the global South and increased access to the

Internet. As microelectronics continues to become cheaper, computing will be ubiquitous in

the future as computer chips will be nano-thin, cheap and in everything. This means all
objects will be able to connect to the Internet 24/7.

As futurist Dr. Michio Kaku says: where there is no Internet, there is poverty and where
there is the Internet, there is prosperity. Access to mobile phones and information
technology such as the Internet continues to feed improvements in living standards.

In Kenya, as documented by researchers at the London School of Economics, an

additional 10 mobile phones per 100 people raises GDP per capita growth by 0.59
percentage points (Waverman et al., 2005).

No matter what field a person is involved in, they are finding mobile phones and
information technology part of the solution to their daily problems. Small-scale fashion
designers use the web to advertise their wares and to sell garments to customers
(Southern Innovator Issue 1). Small-scale farmers turn to services available on mobile
phones to get the latest market prices for their produce and to connect with buyers and
check weather patterns (Southern Innovator Issue 3). Kiosk owners find themselves
offering a wide variety of services for mobile phones, from phone cards to recharging
services to products, such as health and life insurance, available in a card format for
registration on customers mobile phones.

Since the start of the e-newsletter Development Challenges, South-South Solutions in

2006, another big change has occurred: across Africa, information technology hubs are
being established in cities. The most famous of these is iHub Nairobi. These places have
collected together information technology innovators - many of whom are young - and

have created a node of innovation that is rippling out to the wider society and economy.
This is where the new - and disruptive - innovators and start-ups begin and they are
radically altering how business and trade is being done in Africa.

Common examples of the transformative power of information technology boosting

livelihoods and improving human development include:

Access to financial services via mobile phones for the worlds poor. People who have
never had access to any form of financial service now find it possible to get micro-loans,
save credits and transfer and send money to pay bills, the rent, or buy services such as
a funeral for a loved one.
Mobile phones are used to check for counterfeit pharmaceuticals, to record health data,
to contact doctors and health professionals, to get advice, and even for employment
doing so-called micro-work tasks for income.
Where it is affordable and accessible, people are now using the Internet to study, acquire
new educational qualifications to boost opportunities and skills, to connect with others,
keep in touch with family, organize online businesses, access banking services, contact
potential employers, research business opportunities, and find out the most accurate and
up-to-date scientific information to avoid mistakes.

In just a few years, many young start-ups first covered by the e-newsletter have gone on to
become global success stories. These include Question Box (, Jana
Mobile ( and Better Place (


The Future: science fiction will become science fact for the worlds poor

Over the next 20 years, radical new technologies based on cutting edge physics will
emerge and transform what is possible. Getting news out about these innovations will be

There are many great resources on the future development of science and technology and
some of these have been included at the end of this paper. The following are potentially of
major significance - both disruptive and full of potential - to the work of development
practitioners, particularly those working in human development and knowledge-sharing.

Google Glass ( People laugh now, but this is just

the prototype and the start. Retina access to the Internet will come in many forms, from
contact lenses, fashionable eyewear, and, for the eye-sight impaired or blind, with
microchips surgically implanted in their eyes or heads.

Translation: Already, it is simple to translate information on the Internet no matter what

the language. These translations can be rough and indelicate, but people can get the gist
of what is being said. This will get better over time. This will open up the world to people
from minority language groups.

Smarter smartphones: They will come with multiple screens for watching video and
scrolling web sites. Where many people still have just access to simple phones that can
make calls and text, the next generation phones will eventually become so cheap and
ubiquitous that these functions will also come into the hands of the poor.


Driverless cars: They are already in advanced development and prototyping. This will be
a transformative technological innovation for the global Souths fast-growing cities and
urban areas.

Drones: Already in heavy use by the military, and now being rolled out by law enforcement
agencies around the world, drones will also play a critical role in peace and prosperity.
From being able to deliver refrigerated medicines to remote communities to being able to
deliver goods to people living in densely-packed slums, drones have many uses that are
only limited by imagination.

Robots: Robots will profoundly challenge ideas of work and leisure. What does this mean
for developing countries, and in particular countries with widespread poverty and an urgent
need to raise living standards? It is going to mean the end of the option of just offering a
very cheap workforce as a competitive advantage - a formula that has worked for countries
across the global South since the spread of the current form of globalization (think of the
vast outsourcing industry for clothing, information technology, microelectronics assembly

Cheap labour will become less effective as an economic strategy for a wide variety of
reasons. Technology enables greater precision in manufacturing and because this is
possible, tolerance for goods not made precisely will drop. This means manufacturing in
poor countries that just relying on a low-wage workforce will feel the push to deploy
efficient and precision technology in order to compete. Another factor is the presence of
the Internet and mobile communications playing havoc with exploitative labour practices
that once could occur in the shadows of the world economy. Recent factory fire tragedies


and the high suicide rates at factories for manufacturing components for the Apple
computer company are examples. In short, robots will both be a threat and an opportunity.

Health technologies: Diagnosing disease and health problems will become easier and
easier and done by electronic devices not by doctors. These portable devices are already
in use in prototype forms in Africa but more is to come - and soon.

Microelectronics revolution: The revolution in microelectronics will continue and mimic

what has happened with mobile phones: things will become smaller, more portable,
cheaper, and easier to use for the none specialist. It will be like the battery-operated
transistor radio, which connected many people for the first time to radio broadcasts and a
world of entertainment and information and was made ubiquitous and affordable by the
Japanese in the 1950s and 1960s. Cheap microelectronics will continue to do this.

And all these technological innovations will not be just about geeky men. Women will also
be the key shapers of how technology is used. More women will dominate the priorities of
the Internet and more of these women will be from the global South, not just the current
wealthy societies. They will be using these technologies to do what is most important to
them and their families, careers, income opportunities and business plans.

The China innovation challenge

China - the country that has lifted the most people in human history out of poverty in the
shortest time and is currently ramping up the biggest migration drive from rural to urban
living in human history - is also facing an innovation dilemma. Innovation will have to play
a key role in the country if its vast changes are to work to improve human development,

not harm it. As well. Chinas growing role in the global South is also going to be critical to
the future of the global South.

Author Timothy Beardson asks in Stumbling Giant: The Threats to China's Future: will
China be able to meet the innovation challenge?

Beardson tackles this in the chapter 'The Elusive Knowledge Economy'. He sums up the
current state of innovation in China and how it will develop based on the countrys
historical and cultural conditions.

While much attention has been given to Chinas scientific advances and achievements in
the past decade, Beardson argues the country still does not have the right conditions in
place for a genuine innovative economy (Market Oracle). The problems lie in the countrys
education, history, culture, ethics and politics. Beardson concludes China is failing in
Beardson questions the indicators many point to, such as Chinas high research and
development spending. But he does believe it is possible for this to change. He pinpoints
the important pre-condition for a true innovation culture to flourish: the necessity of
freedom of information.
Universities in China still must adhere to a list of topics that cannot be discussed and this
has had a chilling effect on free debate at this level and in turn on the ability for innovation
to flourish.
Beardson notes, In other words, China may accumulate the funding, build the laboratories
and staff them, but it might not possess a 'non-hierarchical scientific culture, fertile
institutional framework and critical thinking' - the necessary soft skills.

We must question whether China will rapidly develop these characteristics - or even if it
wishes to.
Evidence from various countries suggests that the best innovation comes from research
and development undertaken by the private sector, not by government. It is unlikely that
China would be any different.
If critical thinking and social stability are seen as opposites in a zero-sum game, China will
be the loser. However, China can achieve much if it wills it.
But if China is not able to fully fulfill its innovation mission in the formal education and
public sector, it is definitely doing it in the private sector. Companies such as Huawei
(, now a major global information technology and
communications hardware manufacturer, are building bigger global brand profiles. Huawei
sponsors events, such as Norways annual The Gathering (
no/) for local area network (LAN) geeks to test super-fast Internet technology. And it is in
the achievements of the information technology sector, and the Internet in particular, that
things have become very exciting.
According to the Market Oracle, They note that Haier ( has become a global
company and brand, and that the Internet in China in particular has created many
innovations and changed the lives of hundreds of millions of Chinese. Steve Blank, of the
Haas School of Business at Berkeley, recently visited web companies in both China and
Japan. He sees China at a turning point, rather than reaching a hard limit, as he describes
innovation with Chinese characteristics.
Steve Blank noted from his visits to China, For the last 10 years China essentially closed
its search, media and social network software market to foreign companies with the result
that Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Dropbox, and 30,000 other websites were not

accessible from China. This left an open playing field for Chinese software startups as they
'copy to China' existing U.S. business models. Of course 'copy' is too strong a word.
Adapt, adopt and extend is probably a better description. But for the last decade
'innovation' in Chinese software meant something different than it did in Silicon Valley.
But there is still a strong economic problem that needs to be resolved. China is still paying
more to purchase innovative technology from overseas than is being paid to China - an
innovation deficit. More disturbing for China in the long-term, the royalty and licensing fees
paid to China often go to foreign companies doing research and development work within

These are problems for the long-term development of innovation. This will need to be
addressed if the balance of power in innovation is to truly be turned towards the global

Where does Southern Innovator and Development Challenges, South-South

Solutions fit in?

When the e-newsletter Development Challenges, South-South Solutions was launched in

2006, there was little in the way of steady, positive coverage of the global South and its
opportunities. Mainstream news media focused on a diet of negative stories, mostly
involving a revolving door of war, chaos, natural disasters, poverty and hopeless misery.
Prior to the global economic crash, most of the positive stories were focused on the global

The e-newsletter was able to leverage two trends that have made it much easier to gather
positive news on what is happening across the global South. The first trend has included

the spread of mobile phones and the increasing number of people who are using the
Internet to communicate and tell stories, through their websites, social media, blogging,
and posting of messages. This has exponentially increased those who can be reached to
tell their story. The second trend has been the growth in what can only be described as an
innovation culture. This has many causes - great interest in development and eradicating
poverty, improved economic growth rates, greater freedoms, increasing physical contacts
between people and cross-border travel and trade, a rising middle class and improving
education. What it means is more and more people are pushing out into the public realm
their ideas and solutions to problems and development challenges. Some of these ideas
and solutions are radical, fresh and new, while others are local reworkings of proven
approaches from other places. Still others fit in with the culture of hacking and hacks: the
phenomenon where people with scarce resources use whatever is to hand to make what
they need, be it a new tune, a piece of software or a jerry rigged appliance or tool. These
innovations are celebrated in networks and events such as the annual Maker Faire Africa
event (, or even the Global South-South Expo.

The e-newsletter has been able to gather these stories and resources on innovation and
distribute them widely through the Internet and the email network established by the
United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (formerly the Special Unit for SouthSouth Cooperation in UNDP). The stories have had the effect of developing and
coalescing a self-identifying community of global South innovators who come from a wide
spectrum of backgrounds and expertise - from housing to information technology,
medicine, agriculture, business, marketing and advertising, creative industries and the
arts, science, and the media.


With the launch of Southern Innovator magazine in 2011, the innovator meme* and
message now has a colourful, visual expression in a 60-page magazine. The magazine is
itself highly innovative in how it is printed. It uses renewable energy for all its design work,
is printed using sustainable paper resources and is kept to 60 pages to keep the magazine
light, reducing distribution costs. It has a laminated cover so it it is water resistant and dirt
wipes clean. In short, it tries to be as innovative in its approach as the people it covers.

The magazine uses a positive palette of colours to trigger a constructive psychological

response in the reader and to give dignity to the pioneers and their ideas while spurring
action. Instructional illustrations and images accompany the stories to help readers
replicate the concepts locally. There are also many additional resources and web links
included to make it possible to find everything required to execute a solution with the story.

Each issue of the magazine is intended to be a highly concentrated distillation of

knowledge spanning many disciplines and with enough solutions to tackle any problems
and challenges related to the cover theme. It also comes with infographics intended to
give the reader the overall big picture of what is happening in the wider global South in
each issues thematic area.

Both the e-newsletter and the magazine play a crucial role in framing the advance of new
technologies and solutions in the context of improving human development, not harming it.
Technology is neutral but how people use it and for what purpose is not. By encouraging a
positive use of technology and solutions to improve human development across the global
South, the magazine and e-newsletter can amplify efforts by governments and aid donors.
By avoiding just offering gee-whiz solutions and encouraging readers to interpret


innovation in a more mature way, the publications draw in a vast army of potential
innovators to boost development goals.

According to a conference reported by Canadas Globe and Mail newspaper, personal

traits, such as perseverance, courage, self-accountability, and confidence are the most
critical elements needed to make ideas happen. But the most important quality for
success, it concluded, was perseverance. The experts believed innovation was a balance
between knowing when to press on and when to slow down.

Innovators can boost their chances of success by taking on information from people
outside their area of expertise. Such ideas can actually increase your chance of success
on problem-solving by 10 percent, according to a Harvard University study.

The further the problem from the solvers expertise, the more likely they are to solve it,
Karim Lakhani, an Associate Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business
School, and his co-authors concluded.

Innovation happens when someone comes in from a different perspective and breaks a
problem open, but rarely do we have mechanisms in place so this happens

Their research showed new ideas and thinking inevitably generates uncertainty.

And they concluded, innovation is not an end in itself, but a step in a process of constant



Much is at stake as the world enters this next big shift in human development. It will test
the limits of governance systems and economies. It will stress individuals, their cultures,
and world views and knowledge to the maximum. By providing access to the knowledge of
innovation as quickly as possible, problems can be addressed, and spread in a viral
fashion, using memes and word of mouth. In short, innovation becomes the tool of the
modern human being living in a complex and fast-changing world. And the magazine that
will champion them is Southern Innovator.


* Meme: A meme is an idea, behaviour or style that spreads from person to person within
a culture (Source: Wikipedia).
Beardson, Timothy (2013): Stumbling Giant: The Threats to China's Future, Publisher:
Yale University Press, 3 May 2013
Couwenberg, Prof. Dr. Wim (2013): Without Knowledge of the Past There is No Future,
Market Oracle, 25 June 2013
Hale, Lyric Hughes (2013): Chinas Innovation Hurdle, Market Oracle, 19 June 2013
Kaku, Dr. Michio (2009): Presidential Lecture Series: The World in 2030: how Science will
Affect Computers, Medicine, Jobs, Our Lifestyles and the Wealth of our Nations, 28
October 2009
Lehrer, John (2012): Imagine: How Creativity Works: Publisher: Canongate, 19 March
Mauldin, John (2013): Chinas Innovation Hurdle Points to Withering Economy, Market
Oracle, 19 June 2013
Mazlop, Fritz (1972): The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States,
Publisher: Princeton University Press, 1 January 1972
The Oslo Manual: Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data, Publisher:
OECD and Eurostat, 2005
Peia, Linda (2013): Innovation is 1 per cent inspiration, 99 per cent perspiration, The
Globe and Mail, 13 June 2013
Sharma, Ruchir (2013): Breakout Nations: In Pursuit of the Next Economic Miracles,
Publisher: W.W. Norton and Co., 12 April 2013


Southern Innovator Issue 1: Mobile Phones and Information Technology Issue (2011):
Publisher: United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation

Southern Innovator Issue 2: Youth and Entrepreneurship Issue (2012): Publisher: United
Nations Office for South-South Cooperation

Southern Innovator Issue 3: Agribusiness and Food Security Issue (2012): Publisher:
United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation

Southern Innovator Issue 4: Cities and Urbanization Issue (2013): Publisher: United
Nations Office for South-South Cooperation

2013 UNDP Global Human Development Report, "The Rise of the South: Human Progress
in a Diverse World", Publisher: UNDP, 14 March 2013

All rights reserved. This is an internal document for dissemination within the United
Nations Office for South-South Cooperation in UNDP.

David South Consulting 2013


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