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SUN.21.0006 32 19PM MUSIC PLAYER NO.S34 THIRD EYE BLIND 4 Col 1 10. a. 12. 13. 14. 1s. 16. 17. 1B. ‘ection: Best Of iO (R2- 78778) a NS CD irr 79325) SEMI-CEARMED LIFE From Third Bye Blind LOSING A WHOLE YEAR From Third Hye Blind How's IT GOING TO BE From Third Bye Blind JUMPER From Third Eye Blind GRADUATE From Third zye Blind NEVER LET YOU GO Prom Blue DEEP INSIDE OF YOU From Blue 10 DAYS LATE From Blue BLINDED From Out Of The Vein CRYSTAL BALLER From out Of The vein FORGET MYSELF From Out Of The vein CAN'T GET AWAY From Out Of The Vein MOTORCYCLE DRIVE BY : From Third Eye Blind MY TIME IN EXILE From Out Of The Vein (Japanese Issue} PALM READER From Out Of The Vein TATTOO OF THE SUN B-side of “Semi-Chazmed Life" WOUNDED From Blue GOD OF WINE P.1/18 [8/5/08] (4:28) [3:20] [4:33] (4:39) ost (32571 {42201 [3:05] ter22 [4:25] [4:23] [eras) [4:51 [5:17] SUN.21.0006 32 19PM MUSIC PLAYER ‘NO.S840 Peele Prom Thied ye Blind 29. SLOW MOTION Is From Blue A, Third Bye Blind Elektra #62012 (1997) Engineered £ 2o-Produced by Eric Valentine “How's Tt Goiag To Be” Produced by Stephan Jenkins, Eric valentine & Ren Xlyce: Engineered by David Gleeson with additional Engineering by Eric Valentine Maxed by Eric Valentine “Losing & Whole Year" & “How's Tt Going To Be” Mixed by Tom Lord-Alge at South zeach studios, Miami Beach Additional Arcangsment on “Semi-Charmed Life” by Ren Klyce B, Blue Elektra #62415 (1999) Engineered by Jason Carmer Additional Engineering by Mike Crecewell “Slow Motion’ Produced by stephan Jenkins, David Gleeson @ Ren Klyce; Engineered by David Gleeson Mixed by Tom Lord-alge C, Out Of The Vein Elektra #62889 (2003) Co-Produced by Jason Carmex “Czystal Baller,” “Palm Reader” & “Can’t Get Away” Mixed by Jason Carmer “Blinded” @ “rorget Myself" Mixed by Tom Lord-Alge [credits/inside Booklet] = Management: Eric Godtland & James Huxtable for Syic Godtiand Management, Inc, Project Supervision: Karen ahmed Remastering: Dan Hersch & Bill Inglot at Digiprep Product anager: Lisa Liese Discographica.. Annotation: Steve Woolard Editorial Supervision: Cory Frye Art Direction: Design: Project Asoistance: Ginger Bettman TOuter Packaging Licensing/Copyright Information © Creditel? 2, SEMI-cRAMeED LIFE 2. LOSING A RHOLE YEAR 3. BOWS IT GOING TO BE 4. TOMPER 5. GRADUATE 6. NEVER Le you co 7. DEEP INSIDE oF zou 8. 10 DAYS LATE 9. BLINDED 10. CRYSTAL BALLER i1! FORGET MYSELF 22. cANTT SET away 13. MOTORCYCLE DRIVE BY 24. MY TIME IN EXILE SUNT CERI SF st SrM BIUISTE PLAYER, MO.soa Pale 15. PALM READER 26. TATTOO OF TEE SUN 27. WOUNDED 1e. Gop or wine 19. SLOW MOTION Qyiginal Recordings P i997, 2522, 2002 Elektra Entertainment. This Compilation P 2006 Zigheva Entertainment, C 2006 Rhino Entertainment Company, 2 Warner Music Grocp SeOe We ontve agt® Feserved. Manufactured & Marketed by thin Enveztaineent company, 3400 W. Olive Ave., Burbank, CA 92505-4614. Printed in U.S.A. www chino con "aT Anti-Piracy Warning: Unauthorized copying is punishable under federal law. [PBI ogel (Elektra, Rhino logos} [ep Babel Copyright tnfermation]« B 2006 Blektra Entertainment, C 2006 Rhino Entertainment Company. a Warner Music Group Company. All rights reserved. Manufactured & Marketed by Rhino Entertainment: Company, @ Warner Music Group Company. Made In U.S.A FBI Anti-Piracy Warning: Unauthorized copying is punishable under federal law. [Rlektra, Rhine logos] JUN.21.2886 3:28PM = MUSIC PLAYER NO.S340 0 P.4718 “Somebody said, ‘What is your band?" And I said, ‘You know, it’s pretty litle songs with dirty little words.” ” —Stephan Jenkins ‘When Stephan Jenkins began to scratch together Third Eye Blind in San Franciseo during the early "90s, hc was a Berkeley lit grad who liked Lou Reed and disliked what Jenkins calls “institutions.” Self-taught musically from childhood, he lived in the lower Haight-Ashbury section of town, surrounded by others taken with the notion that rock 'n’ roll offered a liberating means of self-expression. Apart from the famous authorial allure of Reed’s unblinking songs, Jenkins felt particularly inspired by Camper Van Beethoven and Jane's Addiction, He admired the postmodem reach of everyday details and rich spirituality in the work of Camper's David Lowry: he appreciated how Jane's created erotic sonic vistas of virtually topographic dimensions. “Jane's Nothing's Shocking probably did for me what Nirvana did for everybody else,” Jenkins says, “I put that album, along with Camper Van Beethoven, in my ‘backpack, in a Walkman. And that music took me places all over the world.” ‘Yet in the San Francisca of the day, Jenkins often felt frustrated. Given the frequently provincial attitudes that often affect local music communities, he noticed the presence of the same institutionalism he rejected, “Sen Francisco was ereating these little rock scenes,” Jenkins says. “They would follow and imitate each other. It was cliquish and like high school. Iwanted to find musicians who could play whatever they felt, and not worry where it fit. And that’s how we formed the band.” ‘The songs that comprise this collection come principally from Third Eye Blind's three albums to date: 1997's Third Eye Blind, 1999°s Blue, and 2003's Out Of The Vein. Bach hot track continues the story of Jenkins’ cool refusal to conform. The music is at SUNT CERI SF CERN BUSTLE PLAYER. MO.o4 Pele Toot about a singer and songwriter determined to stay in creative touch with his founding notions of freedom. The albums have sold millions of copics. Always the music profited from Jenkins’ interplay with bassist Arion Salazar, drummer Brad Hargreaves, and guitarist Tony Fredianelli. “Looking back,” says Hargreaves, “[ remember so fondly working up songs in a small, dilapidated studio where we used to rehearse. We shared some moments of genuine group creativity, times when ‘we realized that what we were making was special, We were a band creating music together, stuff that when I drove home 1 felt great about, These were inspired stretches of music-making that left you on a high.” Perhaps more significant than their sales is Third Eye Blind’s cult following and influence on their contemporaries, Fans travel across states for shows and frequent Web sites even through the band’s notoriously lengthy periods between albums. Third Eye Blind have created a definitive sonic landscape from which many other bands have found their place. For a band who have yet to complete their first full decade of recording, the music occupies the first rank of sonic rock craft; freedom has never precluded tigorous sonic discipline. Jenkins’ productions, with their spikes and flows, work like the cigarette ashes that fly undistressingly in the passenger's oyes during the exhilarating ride he describes in “Motorcycle Drive By.” They cover hell and drugs and heaven and Hollywood and aching precision and killing disordcr and girls with voices that sound like money, Hits such as “Semi-Charmed Life,” with its staccato guitar jabs brilliantly acceating Jenkins’ high vocal liquidity, and “Losing A Whole Year,” a masterpiece of erotic gesture and sweet counter-melody, offer rock at ite most fluent and bracing. Album. tracks such as the epic “My Time In Exile,” a balladic braid of stale clubbing and thoughtless sex and existential jumpiness and everyday hope—like “Wounded,” with its electric orchestrations—emerge just as absorbingly, with the warmth and wit that is the signature of Third Eye Blind’s sound. SUNT CERI SF CERN BUSTLE PLAYER. MO.sod PB “It's an interesting thing that happens with music,” Jenkins says. “Give it a couple of years and the marketing wears off. And then what's left is the songs.” This collection shows how, with Third Eye Blind, what's left is awesomeness, —James Hunter Track-by-Track Commentary with Stephan Jenkins Conducted by James Hunter SEMI-CHARMED LIFE tis often that what is seductive ends up sick and sad, This song is a response to the Velvet Underground’s “Walk On The Wild Side”but from San Francisco. The song ‘wouldn't work without the Daisy Hra of hip-hop. I loved A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, Arrested Development, the Geto Boys’ “Mind Playing Tricks On Me.” A lot of hip- hop was going on in San Francisco at the time, and I wanted to be involved. LOSING A WHOLE YEAR ‘An early Rod Stewart thing. Lcan imagine him, when he was in the Faces, rocking that. I's the joy of spitting lyrics. Arion brought the off-time cadence in the bridge that makes all that chaos. Hopefully, everyone’s had that luxurious experience of melting into your lover's boty. Then losing all that time. Its the flip side to time stopping. HOW'S IT GOING TO BE ‘This was a demo that stayed basically the way it was. The song is about looking at someone you're now close to, but realizing someday you're just going to be acquaintances. There's a moment where it always tums into a drinking song; 1 lift the mic up, and the audience sings along. I didn’t design it that way, but this song belongs in a pub SUN.21.c006 S2e1PM MUSIC PLAYER NO.S34 JUMPER ‘The song addresses how when you see somebody's spirit wounded and exposed, there’s a nakedness that makes you feel like, J can't face you anymore, because Ino longer have my proper layers and masks to hide behind. { zemember Brad playing the snare pattern at the end almost as a joke, and then we just kept making him do it. GRADUATE In the mid-’90s I was trying to live my life outside institutions. Yet I found myself at institutions called record labels, trying to get a job. So this comes ftom the experience of whoring yourself ont, standing in front of “the man.” Asking permission in this song is really ironic, because it’s really about demanding your place. It came together while we ‘were jamming, and it represents one of those moments when it felt so good to be playing on our own terms. NEVER LET YOU GO ‘The lyrics teem with very specific and particular stuff, all of which really resonated with the girl for whom the song was written, She was a Harvard medical student at the time, and we weren't speaking, and this would come on the radio and freak her out. It's about all those painful things we later want to retain and put lotions on, like saving a sunburn. DEEP INSIDE OF YOU Suicidal Tendencies—this song is so Suicidal Tendencies. I actually had 2 muse for the first album, and this was a song from Ble that was still inspired by her. 10 DAYS LATE MO.soa Peele FUNCT CEES Srcirhh BUSTE PLAYER 1s song from my goddaughter’s birth, My fiend had no idea how he got his sislfriond Pregnant; he sald the sperm must have crawled up the bedpost. It deals with how, when you have an important moment in your lif, you often don’t react logically: Fread “Someone saving Yeah. someone was mugging me and I felt bored, $0 i's about being late for things. My friends were too young to have kids, but they decided to have her, and now they have two, and its a total family success story. BLINDED "fect like [ruined this one: it's a really emall song, and making it igeer was a mistake. Still, Arion, Brad, and Tony put so much energy into it, Leouldn’t resist: Is just about everything that goes with not boing able to quit. Someday maybe we'll do an acoustic version, CRYSTAL BALLER always have fun playing this, because of the different time signature atthe end. °s 2 Staight-ap Led Zeppelin hommage. Nothing has ever superseded them for me, They still Sound exotic and dangerous, and they always influence everything we do. FORGET MYSELF ‘This song is really just about geting wrapped up in fame, [like L_A. now, but I think 1 ‘was overwhelmed by it then Hey, wait a second—what happened to my soul? Did Fjust let everyone down? Those seem tobe the pervading questions ofthe third album. Ones I hope I won't have to ask again, CAN'T GET AWAY 9718 SUN.21.c006 S2e1PM MUSIC PLAYER NO.SS4 PAS This song is a travelogue. There is a melancholy feeling that comes only from travel. But i's a good kind of loneliness. I’m proud of this song, because when I listen to it, hat sad and exotic feeling returns to me. MOTORCYCLE DRIVE BY ‘This isa fan favorite that P'mn really glad didn’t get made into a single, I grew up listening ‘0 Cat Stovens, and I can feel him in this song. The lyric is a journal entry that Hust started singing. That's why there are these occasional bars of five, because I made the music fit the lyric instead of the usual other way around. MY TIME IN EXILE Td just spent a year being shut off from everybody, having thin relationships that didn’t ‘mattcr, where everything was chitchat, Here I'm coming out of that petiod. Arion just started playing those chords, and it was written into a piece, PALM READER think everyone's had that desperate time when their connectiou’s been cut with people. We try all Kinds of other means—horoscopes, tarot cards, what have you. Tony gave it aa Eastem mystic sound, and Arion made it heavy. Its ene of my favorites from Out Of The Vein, TATTOO OF THE SUN This was the first song we ever recorded, which is why it sounds like an unfinished domo. A lullaby about that time in the Haight in the early ‘90s when things were beautiful and damaging and not going to last. This concerns the evanescence of all that. was loving Rilly Corgan’s guitar work in Smashing Pumpkins at the time, and you can hear his SUN.21.c006 S#cePM MUSIC PLAYER ‘NO.384 | P.187108 influence. It’s one of the first songs I wrote as Third Eye Blind. | played it for Eric Godrland, and it’s how he became our manager. I’m so glad he liked it. WOUNDED T think this is the best song we have. It's about a friend who got raped. The idea is that the experience doesn’t make you dirty and shouldn't cause shame. So don’t hide in your house or undemeath your coat, come back out, the song counsels. It's the archetypal Third Eye Blind song. GOD OF WINE Some people are born with that gothic heart, This song came from the fact that Iam a moth to those people's dark flame. The imagery comes from reading existentialism and physics and just noticing the commonality. remember we were jamming, and I just sat down on the floor and wrote the lyrics in a pass. But obviously it was something I had ‘been working on for most of my life, and I don’t think J could write something like it again, SLOW MOTION “This song is an indictment of gangsta rap. There’s some Richard IH] in there as well. It scems like people get a thrill out of pain and suffering. Jt's a song that explores just how far down a sweet melody can take you. We wanted to put it on Bive, but the label wouldn’t allow it. No irony for them!

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