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No Quarter 06

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The magazine provides previews and information about upcoming roleplaying and miniature wargaming releases from Privateer Press, including details about new rulesets, scenarios, and factions. It also contains fiction, hobby tips, and advertisements.

Companies and products mentioned include Privateer Press, Warmachine, Hordes, Iron Kingdoms, Five Fingers, and Superiority. Figures mentioned include Belchor Degrata and Amon Ad-Raza.

Roles listed for the magazine staff include President, Creative Director, Managing Editor, Lead Developer, Art Director, Marketing Manager, Development, and Production Manager.

Five Fingers Preview

The Mauler Frenzies!

Centurions, Hammerfall,
A s h ly n n i n L l a e l

On the Cover
The High Captain
Former High Captain Belchor Degrata, now a thane of Ord, returns to the infamous city of Five Fingers to attend the
funeral of an old friend. While retired from the citys underworld, the old thane keeps his hand on the pulse of the city,
and remains an old crony of High Captain Hurley and Baird Cathor II, the Bandit King of Ord.
Brian Snoddy
One of the founders of Privateer Press, Brian Snoddy is a legend in the industry. He lives in Seattle where he collaborates
on Privateer Press projects and collects Samurai armor. An award winning illustrator and contributor for dozens of
products over the years, Brian is also reportedly able to kill a man using only his thumb.

Editor in Chief: Duncan Huffman

Creative Director: Matt Wilson
Art Director: James Davis
RPG Content Manager:
Nathan Letsinger
Hobby Content Manger:
Rob Stoddard
Editor: Doug Seacat
Continuity Editor: Jason Soles
RPG Rules Editor: Kevin Clark
Graphic Design: Josh Manderville,
James I will punch you Davis

Cre d its

Nathan Letsinger, Luke Johnson, Doug
Seacat, Rob Stoddard, Ron Kruzie, Mike
McVey, Werner Klocke, Ali McVey, Matt
Wilson, Sean Fish, Michelle Lyons, david
Carl, Alfonzo Falco
The crew executes a precision move into our new home.

President: Sherry Yeary Creative

Director: Matt Wilson Managing Editor:
Bryan Cutler Lead Developer: Jason
Soles Art Director: James Davis
Marketing Manager: Duncan Huffman
Development: Rob Stoddard Production
Manager: Mark Christensen

Miniatures Painters
David Ray, Dan Smith, Todd Arrington,
Ron Kruzie, Jeff Hoy, Rob Stoddard,
John Cadice, Mike and Ali McVey
Chippy, Keith Thompson, Eva Widermann,
Andrew Arconti, Matt Dixon, Daryl
Mandryk, Darrin Bader, Brian Snoddy,
Matt Wilson
Brian Snoddy

No Quarter Magazine
This magazine is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Contents copyright and trademark 2001-2006 Privateer Press, Inc. The Privateer Press logo, the
Iron Kingdoms logo, and Iron Kingdoms, Full-Metal Fantasy are copyright and trademark 2001-2006, Privateer Press, Inc. First printing Vol. 1, Issue 6: July 2006. Printed in the USA.
All rights reserved. This magazine is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. Copies of the materials herein are intended
solely for personal, noncommercial use only if all copyrights, trademarks, or other notices contained herein or associated with them are preserved. You may not distribute such copies to
others for charge or other consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purposes only. Two shots below the waterline for the scallywag who
pirates the pirates. Ye been warned.

Table of Contents
Boatswains Call
Letters to the editor and general shenanigans........................... 5

New Releases
The latest Privateer Press releases for May and June of 2006.. 7

Tricks of the Gunmage


Spellslinging in the Iron Kingdoms like never before..............12

The Pendrake Encounters

Young Lynus in the blighted North without the Professor...... 20

Foundry, Forge, & Crucible

Tools of the Gunmage trade Everything you always wanted
to know about the Magelock but were afraid to ask.............. 24

The Malefactor NPC


Exclusive extended content from the upcoming Five Fingers

role-playing book.................................................................... 28

Five Fingers: Port of Deceit PREVIEW

A look inside the next great release from Privateer Press..... 30

Caged Beast
Doomshaper must free his dire troll from the clutches of Makedas
Paingivers A playable HORDES scenario.............................. 32


Strength of Stone
Bauldur vs. none other than Thagrosh himself while defending circle
territory - A playable HORDES scenario.................................. 35

Guts & Gears

Special Double Feature! The Trollblood Mauler and Skorne
Praetorians make a bonus appearance in addition to the
Hammerfall Shield Corps and the Centurion!.......................... 38


Issue No. 6

The Lit Fuse

Ashlynn gets more than she bargained for in Occupied Llael
in this Khador vs. Merc scenario for WARMACHINE................ 58

No Ground Left Unhallowed

Play out the saga of Goreshade the Bastard vs. Grand Exemplar
Hurst in this fight for control of the Harbinger of Menoth......61

Battle Report


St. Louis Press Gang Members Isaiah Mitchell and

Timothy Nahm go toe-to-toe in this 750 point beatdown!...... 64

Staff Tactics
Our own Jon El Diablo Rojo Rodriguez hits a sports metaphor
with the Butcher and his lineman........................................... 70

Birth of a Monster
The evolution of a monster! Mike McVey takes you on a tour through
the creative process behind the sculpting of the Totem Hunter.72


Take Photos Like a Pirate

Tips and tricks for shooting your minis the right way............ 78

The Forest and the Trees

Alfonzo the Traitor Falcos techniques for making trees and
hedges for HORDES and WARMACHINE tables......................... 84

Privateer Press 2006 Convention Schedule

Find out where and when you can catch us at a big show...... 88


Can you get the Old Witch to her goal in one turn?............... 89

World Wide Retailer List

Find Privateer Press products all over the globe....................91


Competitive Streak

ll admit it freely; around here we

love to play our games. There, I
said it. I know, I know, shocking.
Notify the press. Not only do we love to
play them, we consider ourselves pretty
darn good at it.
Unfortunately, between constant
play testing of new items and all the
other tasks at hand we rarely get a
chance to face off just for fun. Worse
than that, as we tend towards a
competitive nature (another shocking
revelation, I know) we dont know
who the best of the best really is. The
fact is most of us have a competitive
streak a mile wide. Not at the expense
of sportsmanship mind you, but we do
thrive on the fight.
A few weeks back we decided to
find out who the top scallywag really
was. We would put our money where
our mouth was. No play testing. No
handicaps. No excuses. The rules
would be simple. Steamroller format,
750 points. Almost as soon as the
announcement went out the gloves
came off. We scuttled back our
various corners of HQ and franticly
made lists. Off hours were spent
strategizing and plotting.
WARMACHINE the common wisdom
around here was that our developers,
Jason Ill eat your Soles with Cryx,
and Rob Motherland Stoddard
with his Khador have an edge. In the
packing department, Marc Verebley
is most hated and feared on the table



due to his notoriously fast kills and

assassination techniques. Out front,
Marky the Warmarmot has a rep for
the unexpected. Every one of us plays
to win and has the skills to back it up.
After a week or so, I came to the
realization that I was without a doubt
going to kick every pirate ass in the joint.
My list (Cygnar, close combat with
some defenders to support) was fine
tuned, my tactics tested and flawless. I
would take them all by surprise. They
were all doomed. Vikings would sing
songs and mothers would weep.
In retrospect, I went a bit insane,
albeit in a harmless way. As it turns
out, we all did. Like I said, we love to
compete. Challenges were made and
accepted. Much smack was talked. I
distinctly recall hearing Matt Wilson
offering to buy lunch for the first one
of us to take Jason down as he walked
down the hall. Our rational sides knew
that there would only be one winner
at the end of the tournament, but to a
man every one of us secretly thought
we could win the day. We werent
foaming at the mouth, but the whole
event super-charged the building with
an excitement that we usually only feel
around the release of new books. We
always love the game, but now we were
on fire.
The big day came. We showed
up eager as pit bulls after kittens. This
would be epic - Olympians vs. Titans.
My first pairing had me facing Rob
and ...well, he kicked my ass. I mean

trounced. Walloped. He lost three

models. After that Soles showed me the
boot (somehow he lost his first match
too and wound up in my bracket). I
faired a bit better in that game, but
he flat outplayed me. I finished the
day 2/2. Fifty percent hard fought
and well earned. Sure, I didnt live up
to my new secret identity as the best
WARMACHINE player in the world,
but I had a blast and even learned a
trick or two.
In the long run, I didnt have to
win for Vikings to sing songs about the
day. It was legendary. As for the rest of
the field, Matt Wilson came through
with a best Cygnar medal, I tied with
Jason, Marc, and Rob at 2/2, and even
with the Warmarmot hot on his heels,
Kevin Dark Horse Clark won overall
with his amazing Protectorate list (see
the Poop Deck this issue for details).
For now, he holds the crown as the best
in the house, with the medals to prove it
and has a free lunch coming to boot.
Friendly competition multiplies
the fun factor in table top warfare like
nothing else. The victories taste sweeter,
and the defeats more glorious. Even
though in the end, we were a room full
of losers with only one true conqueror,
were already planning another event.
Next time though, lets just say I have
a cunning plan...

Play Like Youve Got A Pair

Until next time,

Paint Like Youve Got a Pair!

Duncan Huffman
-Editor in Chief

Letters to the Editor,
and General Shenanigans
ebers Irfoornia
Pressgangitself in sunny Cali
We Have Moved!
After a long haul in Ballard, Privateer Press has
finally expanded into a (much!) larger facility across
the lake. We are now located at:
Privateer Press, Inc.
13434 NE 16th St, Suite #120
Bellevue, WA 98005

Got a cool landmark

in your town?
Send us pictures of your jacks
out on walkabout to
If we like em, well print em.

The terrain boards you had at Gencon Indy last

year were spectacular and fun to play on. Will you
be having those and more boards like them at this
years tourney? Any tables that will have special
victory conditions above and beyond the usual
Steamroller victory conditions?
I would like to also say that Pretijewel and her
crews contribution was stunning too. A lot of tables
were covered with plentiful and varied terrain. The
terrain showed the hard work and planning that
went into it. Kudos.
- Mad Monkey
Thanks MM,
We had a blast building the tables for Gencons events
last year. Alfonzo Falco really rendered Matts designs
well. Our volunteers really knocked the tourney terrain
out of the park as well. The hundreds of fantastic items
they built for us should hold us for quite some time. In
addition, you will see the return of the four themed tables,
as well as something special that Alfonzo is cooking up
(check next issue for details!)

Can my local shop order a tournament kit for

HORDES? I like the WARMACHINE faction
coins, gold cards and other goodies from the
WARMACHINE kits. Will you have the same
stuff for HORDES?
- Sid Laramie
Without a doubt. Pressgang members and stores
have been able to order the new kits for a few weeks
now. They include four faction certificates, four best
of faction coins, a championship coin and the afore
mentioned PLYGAP t-shirt All specifically designed
for HORDES players.
The kits costs the shop $55 and can be ordered from the
retail support section of our website.

If you liked it last time, wait till you see it this year!
Now that HORDES:Primal is officially upon us
will you have t-shirts and faction patches available
like you do for WARMACHINE?
- BuddyG
You bet Buddy,
If you point your handy clicking finger on the internet
over to and visit the Company
Store link, you will see a bunch of new HORDES
themed additions including snazzy PLYGAP HORDES
shirts and four new patches, one for each HORDES

I have read NQ4 and the article Smoke on the

Water. I was wondering if you can get your
weapons back if theyre taken away because you
killed a lumber jack.
Matt the Ripper Thomas
Dear Mr. Ripper,
We at Privateer Press do not recommend killing lumber
jacks, and are fully in support of whatever measures
the authorities or proprietor of the boat has undertaken
to protect the lumberjacks or other inhabitants of
Splintermill. In all seriousness, they were just drunken
lumberjacks trying to have a good time; sure maybe they
got a bit rowdy, but did you really have to impale them
with your sword? Thats just rude. Im afraid youre
going to have to buy some new weapons. Next time,
try Unarmed Combat when confronted by drunken
Two words Non-lethal Damage.

Trollblood Scattergunners Unit Box

PIP 71009 $39.99

Trollblood Scattergunners (2)

PIP 71010 $12.99

Sculpted By: Paul Muller

Trollblood Dire Troll Mauler

Heavy Warbeast
Sculpted By: Jason Hendricks

PIP 71007 $29.99

Circle Woldwarden
Heavy Warbeast
Sculpted By: Gregory Clavilier

PIP 72007 $24.99

Circle Wolves of Oboros Unit Box - There have long been people willing to offer strength of arms

to the wilderness prophets. These are the Wolves of Orboroshunting packs of men that employed against
the enemies of the druidic order.

Each Wolf masters the cleft-bladed spear, a piercing weapon designed to

They must prove skill with this weapon and the ability to survive in
the wilds to earn initiation to this ancient cabal.

Sculpted By: Jose Roig PIP 720091 $29.99
Circle Wolves of Oboros (2) PIP 72010 $9.99
punch through thick hides and armor.

Skorne Praetorians Unit Box -Recognized by their distinct two-weapon fighting style, the Praetorians
represent an ancient tradition of skorne warfare.

The Praetorians are the backbone of the invading Army

Western Marches. Praetorians wear flexible plated armor and their swords are also of the finest
make. In the capable hands of a Praetorian, each keen-edged blade can penetrate thick hide or armor.
of the

Sculpted By: Adam Clarke PIP 74009 $29.99

Skorne Praetorians (2) PIP 74010 $9.99

Skorne Titan Cannoner Heavy Warbeast

Sculpted By: Gregory Clavilier
PIP 74007 $31.99

skorne have employed Titans to

carry and fire cannons for almost
two hundred years, exploiting their
tremendous strength to maneuver with
these massive weapons in a fashion no lesser
creature could imitate. This enables the
skorne to field its most physically imposing
warbeast together with a powerful siege
weapon, a brutal combination pit against
the cities of mankind.

Legion Seraph Light Warbeast

Sculpted By: Kevin Adams
PIP 73007 $17.99




messengers of


death. Its





long tail ends in a

wickedly barbed poison barb capable of piercing

armor and flesh.

The Seraph rarely engages in

melee, preferring to breathe incendiary ash

which licks out to annihilate adversaries at
a distance, strafing past a group of foes and
obliterating entire formations.

Not Pictured:
Legion Blighted Swordsmen Unit Box PIP 73011 $29.99
Legion Blighted Swordsmen (2) PIP 73012 $9.99
Sculpted By: Bobby Jackson

Circle Tharn Ravagers Unit Box - The Tharn have always been able to channel the savage power of
Devourer Wurm. Before battle they bellow a call to the Wurm, entering the chaos frenzy. Legends
Ravagers are truethey hunger to tear out and eat the hearts of
their prey. These acts of frenzied cannibalism let them deliver grievous attacks while their eyes glow
with berserk madness.
Sculpted By: Paul Muller PIP 72011 $49.99

of inhuman deprivations among the

Circle Tharn Ravagers (1) PIP 72012 $12.99

Trollblood Champions Unit Box

- The champions are hardened veterans, rising as the great heroes of their kriels. A tight bond links them
to one another, an awareness that theirs is a greater destiny. They formalize these ties with the kulgat
blood oath, learning to draw strength from their brothers and fight with seamless precision side by side.
They distinguish themselves on the front line, hacking into enemies with a weapon in each hand, inflicting
grievous wounds.
Sculpted By: Felix Paniagua PIP 71011 $39.99


Mercenaries Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters Unit Box Cylena

was the foremost hunter of her

shard even before recent tragedies, which have plunged her people into a struggle to avenge the destruction
of the

Nyss. Recent

fighting for survival has honed them into a peerless killing force.

volleys, pinning down foes regardless of attempts to hide or evade.


unleash arcing

Sculpted By: Felix Paniagua PIP 41032 $29.99

Mercenary Nyss Hunters (2) PIP 41031 $9.99

Legions of Everblight Warpack Box Set PIP 73001.........................................................$49.99

Circle Orboros Warpack Box Set PIP 72001.....................................................................$49.99
Trollblood Warpack Box Set PIP 71001............................................................................$49.99
Skorne Warpack Box Set PIP 74001................................................................................. $49.99
HORDES: Primal (Softcover) PIP 1005.........................................................................................$24.99
HORDES: Primal (Special Edition Hardcover) PIP 1006 .........................................................$39.99

Tricks and Tools
for the Gun Mage

by Nathan Letsinger and Doug Seacat with Luke Johnson and Duncan Huffman
Art by Chippy, Brian Snoddy, Matt Wilson, and Sam Wood

They would raze an entire village to find a single

man who spoke against them. Someone has to
stand against the Grey Lords, lighting their way to
Urcaen with a blaze of gunfire.
Bartholomew Winnace, Llaelese gun mage
(Gmg 7) and freedom fighter

Gun mages are as iconic to Western Immoren

as steamjacks and gobbers, being a particular
specialty of Cygnar and Llaelat least before
Khador took over that beleaguered nation. This
strange yet potent offshoot of sorcery is a uniquely
modern phenomenon, arising among those born
with sorcerous powers who feel an immediate and
powerful synergy with the pistol.

Birth of the
Gun Mage Orders
Since the invention of firearms centuries ago to
fight off the Orgoth, many potential gun mages have
gone unnoticed and their powers untapped, turning
to regular sorcery with no awareness of their special
potential. A few notable examples of gun mages
have arisen in history, self-taught and carving out
their own legends even before there was a name for
this talent. Men such as Cygnars Colonel Drake
Cathmore, a warcaster who sacrificed his life in
a brave gambit to hold off a Khadoran invasion
during the Battle of the Tongue in 511 AR (see No
Quarter Magazine issue #4). While not recognized
as such in his day, the Colonel and others clearly
learned to master this unique power.

Militant Order of
the Arcane Tempest
In Cygnar a small cabal called the Brothers of
the Tempest began to organize itself shortly after the
end of the Thornwood War, coming together in 515
AR, just before the crowning of Vinter Raelthorne
II. This brotherhood included a number of sorcerers
who had risen to officer ranks after instruction at the
Strategic Academy, and became a loosely organized
and secretive fellowship sharing techniques and
honing their skills. They were not organized to fill a
battlefield role, however, but comprised of wealthy
pistoleers and arcane enthusiasts.

This group didnt come to the attention of

the Strategic Academy until many decades later,
in a completely different climate. The man most
responsible for this was the late Warmaster General,
Carston Laddermore, Archduke of the Midlunds,
who held that post under King Vinter IV during the
first half of his reign. Warmaster Laddermore was
friends of the current Chancellor of the Strategic
Academy, Theodore Townsend. Even just five years
into the reign of Vinter IV in 581 AR, an ugly public
tide was rising against sorcerers in the kingdom,
with the king as one of the most outspoken. Both
Laddermore and Townsend felt it was crucial to
protect military assets from this tide of sentiment,
in particular to shield budding warcasters, a
talent which most often arose among those born
with sorcery. The Warmaster had friends among
officers of the old Brotherhood of the Tempest
and witnessed their effectiveness first hand. By
his encouragement, a new branch of the Strategic
Academy was created to shield these soldiers from
King Vinters budding Inquisition. This was how
the Tempest Academy was initiated, to transition
and legitimize the old secretive Brotherhood into
the Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest.
This was a tense and interesting time to be a
gun mage in Cygnar. Soon after the formation of
the Militant Order, the Strategic Academy devoted
resources to solve the problem of gun mages
burning through regular pistols by the use of their
powers. This had been a difficulty plaguing both the
Amethyst Rose and the Tempest Brotherhood for
decades; the only stop-gap measure being the use
of reinforcement runes to extend the life of a pistol.
The solution was discovered among the Rhulfolk:
on contract from the Strategic Academy, magelock
pistols were invented at the Ironhead Conclave in
583 AR using a special Rhulic alloy, and began
being widely distributed to the Order of the Arcane
Tempest by 585 AR. By this time King Vinters
Inquisition was in full force, hunting enemies of
the state under the guise of rooting out sorcery
and witchcraft. After the Scharde Invasions, the
Inquisition was able to focus entirely on its dark
hunt, gaining converts and becoming increasingly
ruthless as its reach spread across Cygnar. There
was enormous incentive for every sorcerer in the
kingdom to enlist in the military, as the only option
to avoid being executed as a witch.

gun sorcery: tricks and tools for the gun mage

In the last half century there have been more

systematic attempts to recognize and organize
those with this ability, put forward primarily by
Cygnar and its long-time ally, Llael. Some have
likely been born with this talent among Khadors
large population, but there has been no effort to
recognize and train them; such individuals likely
fall in with the Greylords Covenant as lesser
sorcerers, and learn their own way.


gun sorcery: tricks and tools for the gun mage


The Strategic Academies in both Point Bourne

and Caspia were flooded with applicants, bringing
more gun mages to light than might otherwise have
been possible. Chancellor Townsend did what
he could to encourage the Academy to serve as a
shelter for patriotic sorcerers, protecting them
from the Inquisition and strengthening the growing
Order of the Arcane Tempest. King Vinter was
never impressed with these mages, considering
them a waste of resources. It wasnt until after the
coup and the crowning of King Leto in 594 AR that
the Arcane Tempest would fully come into its own
to exercise their power on the battlefield.

Loyal Order of the

Amethyst Rose
Llael actually integrated their own gun mages
into their military far earlier than Cygnar. This was
perhaps only natural in a kingdom placing such a
strong emphasis on the pistol in their history, as
the birthplace of the firearm and the Order of the
Golden Crucible. Lacking some of Cygnars paranoia
toward sorcery, gun mages were more quickly
accepted and exploited for military use. Individuals
with this talent had long been counted valuable
members in the eclectic High Royal Guard created
in 274 to guard the Llaelese king. Nonetheless,
these talented pistol sorcerers were not counted as
their own organization until centuries later.

The Loyal Order of the Amethyst Rose was

founded in 545 AR, shortly after the embarrassing
death of King Artys VI, the Stubborn in 541, who
was strangled by Archduke Guy Kylvse in front of
the entire Council of Nobles before his bodyguards
could cut the enraged Archduke down. While
this king was not popular, his scandalous murder
prompted a surge in royalist patriotism across Llael,
and the kingdoms gun mages responded alongside
their fellow kinsmen. The group was inducted into
the Llaelese Army with distinction, and members of
this order were occasionally recognized and chosen
to join the High Royal Guard alongside wizards,
pistoleers, and swordsmen. The Amethyst Rose
prided themselves above all else on their pistol
fighting skill, and found that working together
allowed them to refine their unique arts. The
populace of Llael delighted in military parades
featuring these adepts and their flashy powers, while
those protecting the king proved their capability
preventing several assassination attempts.
As Cygnars gun mage order began to flourish,
Llaels King Rynnard died of old age in 595 AR
without a clear legitimate heir; the Loyal Order
of the Amethyst Rose began to wane with the rise
of the corrupt Prime Minister Deyar Glabryn. He
despised their loyalty to the empty throne, accusing
them of disruption and conspiracies against himself

Assembling Ammunition
(Note: The following is an update to the IKCG, p. 146.)

Assembling ammunition requires a Craft (alchemy)

or a Craft (gunsmithing) check (DC 25). You may
take 20 on this check so long as you have a Gunners
Kit as there is no penalty for failure. Assembling an
ammunition charge takes 1 minute per charge.
Assembling ammunition without a Gunners Kit incurs
risk. This involves estimating powder weights without
a scale and manipulating blasting powder without the
proper tools. If the check is failed by less than 10, the
ingredients are ruined. If the check is failed by 10,
the powders catch on fire, ruining the ingredients and
causing 1 point of fire damage.

Gunmages Today
The military gun mages are the most obvious
examples of the breed in the Iron Kingdoms, and
when common people think of gun mages, they
usually think of Cygnars Arcane Tempest mages in
their long greatcoats or the equally striking members
of Llaels Amethyst Rose, garbed in black and
attacking from the shadows. Among these gun mages,
some have reached legendary renown, men such as
Fynch dLamsyn among Llaels resistance, or the gun
mage and Cygnaran warcaster Allister Cainewhose
swaggering style has earned as many enemies as
The military is not the only home for gun mages,
particularly in kingdoms like Ord. Many take up a
mercenary or adventuring life, where they find their

skills in ready demand. In an adventuring group, a

gun mage fulfills a role similar to that of a sorcerer
usually heavy ranged support. Unlike sorcerers,
they supply this support with pistol shots as well as
spells. Their spell list is versatile enough that they
can also support their allies in other ways (cats grace,
good hope), defend themselves (blink, shield), and act
as troubleshooters (dispel magic, locate creature). They
are a bit tougher than sorcerers and wizards and more
able to hold their own in a fight.
Gun mages consider themselves elitefew
gun mages exist in the kingdoms, and they have a
reputation for arrogance. Despite the complacency
of some gun mages, they continue to develop spells
and techniques to enhance their skills. As such a new
discipline more innovations and methods to tap into
their powers are sure to come. Some of those spells
and techniques are presented here.

Focused Channeling
You can evoke more damage when channeling
spells into your rune bullets.
Prerequisites: Cast Rune Bullets ability

gun sorcery: tricks and tools for the gun mage

as the lawful regent. Fallen from favor, they

adopted black attire in mourning for the royal line,
and began to search in secret for potential heirs.
They continued to recruit those born with gun mage
ability and initiated them into their fellowship,
providing at least one surviving tradition of military
excellence. They watched powerless to intervene
as the Prime Minister undermined the Llaelese
Army. During Khadors invasion, the Amethyst
Rose were among the most heroic of defenders.
Those that survived joined the brave but hopelessly
outnumbered Llaelese Resistance, determined to
make Khador pay for every inch of Llaelese soil
stolen from them and every murdered patriot.

Benefit: When you channel spells into your rune

bullets, you do an additional +2 damage
Special: This feat may be taken as a gun mage bonus
feat. You may not take this feat multiple times.

Gun Sorcery
You deal extra damage when casting
ray spells from your pistol
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (ray),
Gun Mage level 1
Benefit: You gain +2 damage to ray spells that
cause damage when they are channeled through
your pistol.
Special: May be taken as a gun mages bonus feat.

Maximized Channeling
You have mastered the act of
channeling magic into your rune bullets
Prerequisites: Focused Channeling, Cast Rune
Bullets ability, Gun Mage level 6
Benefit: You may channel additional spells into


gun sorcery: tricks and tools for the gun mage

Feats Cont.
a rune bullet. When channeling spells into a rune
bullet you may add multiple spells of the same
level up to your highest level spell for additional
force damage. You may not channel multiple
spells of different levels. For example if your
highest spell is 4th level, you may channel four
first, or two second level spells into a rune bullet,
providing an additional 4d6 points of force damage
to your bullets damage.
Special: You may not channel cantrips in this way.
This feat may be taken as a gun mage bonus feat.

Pistol Finesse
Your skills at gun play can distract a
foe into leaving an opening you can exploit.
Prerequisites: Weapon Focus (pistol), Chr 13
Benefit: You may use your Charisma modifier
instead of Dexterity as a bonus to ranged attacks
when targeting a living creature within 30 that is
aware of you.

Range: Personal
Target: One pistol
Duration: concentration + 1 round/level
This spell allows you to load your pistol without
use of your hands. This spells does not produce
ammunition, which must be on your person, and
does not speed the time it takes to reload, but it
does so without costing you any action to reload
the weapon. Any checks to reload must still be
made and reloading in melee still cause an attack of
By casting this spell on a pistol, a gun mage could
fire that pistol, then fire a different pistol the next
round while the spell reloads the first pistol, and then
fire the reloaded pistol the following round. This
spell is generally cast on a single pistol before combat
and the concentration maintained as long as possible.
Focus: an unloaded small arms weapon and

Crippling Ray

Gun Craft

Level: Gun Mage 0

Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: See Text
This spell was invented by the Militant Order to
assist gun mages in assembling ammunition in
the field. Casting this spell allows you to clean,
dissemble, and reassemble a single firearm. It also
allows the caster to assemble firearm ammunition
charges from the normal ingredients (silk or paper,
bullet, blasting powder) as if they had a Gunners Kit
(IKCG, p. 199). Assembly still requires a skill check
to complete, but this spell provides a +5 intuition
bonus to this check.

Arcane Loading
Level: Gun Mage 1
Components: V, F

Casting Time: 1 standard action


Level: Gun Mage 1

Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: Ray
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A red ray springs from your hand. You must succeed
on a ranged touch attack to strike a target. The subject
takes a penalty to Dexterity equal to 1d6+1 per
two caster levels (maximum 1d6 +5). The subjects
Dexterity score cannot drop below 1.

Energy Ray
Evocation [variable]
Level: Gun Mage 1
Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 standard action

Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None

Spell Resistance: Yes

Target: You

A ray of energy leaps from your palm. When this spell

is cast you choose a descriptor: acid, cold, electricity,
fire, force, or sonic. If you succeed in a ranged touch
attack the ray does 1d6points of damage +1 every
two levels (maximum 1d6 +5) and uses the descriptor

Duration: See text

Ray of Wounding
Evocation [force]
Level: Gun Mage 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level)
Effect: Ray
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

A ray lashes out from your palm; the ray is colorless,

but the air shimmers in its wake, as if in a heat mirage.
The ray deals 1d8 points of damage and causes a
bleeding wound that causes an additional point of
damage each round for a number of rounds equal
to your level (maximum 10 rounds.) The damage is
bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (your choice at the
time of casting).

Stealth Shot

Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Gun Mage 1
Components: S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: See text

Your next attack with a pistol or Magelock small arms

weapon has its range increment increased by one-half
(multiply by 1 1/2).
Focus: a small arms weapon used to make the attack.

Ember Shot

Level: Gun Mage 1

Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: See text
Your next attack with a small arms weapon adds +1
fire damage per spellcaster level.

Slam Shot

Level: Gun Mage 2

Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You

gun sorcery: tricks and tools for the gun mage

Spells Cont.

Duration: See text

Your next attack with a small arms weapon adds
the effecet of a Bull Rush to the target in addition
to any other effects. Resolve the Bull Rush as
normal, except that it does not provoke an attack of
opportunity and you use your Charisma modifier in
place of your Strength modifier.
Focus: a small arms weapon used to make the attack.

Your next ranged attack with a small arms weapon

is completely silent, and gives no sound when fired.
Neither the firing of the weapon, nor the impact of its
ammunition causes a sound. Furthermore, if hit, any
immediate sound from the target, such as a scream,
shout, or the fall of a body, is silenced. This silencing
effect ends after the bullet hits.
Focus: a small arms weapon used to make the attack.

Extended Shot

Level: Gun Mage 1

Components: V, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal

gun sorcery: tricks and tools for the gun mage

Foe-Killer Rune Bullets

A foe-killer bullet deals extra damage against a
particular type of enemy by including rare metals in
the casting process. They are most commonly used
by ghost-hunting gun mages such as the Adjacents
of the Order of Illumination. Based on the principles
of arcane alchemy discovered by the Golden
Crucible, casting a foe-killer rune bullet requires the
admixture of specific metals that vary depending on
the creature type, as shown below; the purification
of materials and alchemical construction cost an
additional 20 gp per bullet. Against that particular
creature type, when the gun mage channels a spell
into the rune bullet, the additional force damage
doubles. However, against creatures of other types,
the bullet deals normal damage.

Rune Bullets
Rune Bullets
At 3rd level all gun mages can cast rune bullets
which allow them to channel spell energy into a
bullet, and with a magelock they may even transmit
touch and ranged touch spells with the bullet. Many
gun mages have learned to extend the powers of
rune bullets by adding rare materials.

Evoker rune bullets

A gun mage can add 10 gp of crushed gem powder

into a rune bullet when casting it; if he does so,
when he channels a spell into the bullet the damage
evokes a different descriptor instead than force
damage. A rune bullet cannot use multiple kinds
of powder. Furthermore, when a gun mage uses an
Evoker rune bullet to transmit a touch or ranged
touch spell with the same descriptor, the DC on any
saves are increased by two

Damage Descriptor

Emerald Acid
Sapphire Cold
Amber Electricity
Ruby Fire



For example, if Bartholomew the gun mage channels

a 3rd-level spell into an Amber Evoker rune bullet,
the bullet deals an addition 3d6 points of electricity
damage instead of force damage.

For example, Bartholomew fires a blessed silver

foe-killer bullet at an Iron Lich and channels a
3rd-level spell into it. The bullet deals an extra 6d6
points of force damage (instead of the normal 3d6).
If, however, the lich turns out to be a construct in
disguise, the bullet deals no extra damage.

Creature Type


Blighted Creatures
(using blight template


Grymkin (fey)



Blessed Silver*

*The silver used in the casting must be blessed by a cleric who can turn undead.

Personal Runes
Each rune bullet is made with the personal rune
of its creator, making using other gun mages rune
bullets for spell channeling impossible. The only
exception to this fact may be found in gun mage
military orders which employ a method to ensure all
members of their order can exchange ammunition.

Beginning gun mage characters can use the following

packages that provide default equipment, feats, and
gear. You may swap equipment for equipment of
equal value. If you dont want to take a standard
package, you can instead purchase weapons, armor
and equipment, item by item. In this case, choose a
pistol up to 200 gp in value and then roll 2d4 X 10
(average 50 gp) for your remaining gold for purchases.
The pistol gained this way was either issued during
military service, granted as family heirloom, or stolen.
GMs using the optional rules for Shoddy & Flawed
firearms may allow beginning characters to own a
shoddy pistol instead, and gain the difference (25% of
the pistols normal value) in gold.

Human Ryn Gun Mage

Starting Package

Armor: Greatcoat (+1 AC , 5 lb.), Studded Leather

(+3 AC, armor check penalty -1 , speed 30 ft., 20lbs.)
Weapons: Musket pistol (1d8, crit x2, range inc. 20
ft., 5lb.), punching dagger (1d4, crit x3, 1 lb.).
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 3 +
Int modifier.
Feat: Weapon Focus (pistol)
Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one days trail
rations, bedroll, flint & steel, holster, bandolier with
10 rounds of ammunition.
Gold: 1d4 gp

Human Caspian Gun Mage

Starting Package

Armor: Reinforced Greatcoat(+1 AC , DR 3/

blugeoning or slashing, speed -, 5 lb.)
Weapons: small pistol (2d4, crit 19-20/x3, range inc.
40 ft., 4lb., piercing) ,dagger (1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range
inc. 10 ft., 1lb., piercing).
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 3 +
Int modifier.
Feat: Quickdraw
Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one days trail
rations, bedroll, flint & steel, holster, bandolier with
10 rounds of ammunition.
Gold: 1d4 gp

Attaining a
Magelock Pistol
Magelock pistols are important for gun mages; players
with gun mage PCs will want to get their hands on one
as soon as possible. Part of a GMs job is to determine
an appropriate time. Several options exist:

1) Earning a magelock

By this option, the gun mage earns a magelock pistol

during play. The character might or might not have
to work for the pistolperhaps performing a service
to gain one as a reward, which can be used as an
adventure hook. A good time to give a gun mage PC
his first magelock pistol is early in his career, definitely
by 3rd level. If GMs give out a magelock firearm, it
may be counted as treasure for that encounter.

2) Starting with a magelock

The most generous option is to give a PC a magelock

pistol at 1st level, as part of character creation. GMs
running a military campaign are likely to use this option,
where other PCs are receiving additional equipment as
well. The gun mage receives benefits immediately from
having such a pistol, and gun mages are not particularly
powerful at low levels; starting with a magelock can help
them hold their own. Since ammunition costs can be
prohibitive at low levels, allowing a gun mage to start with
a dozen rounds of ammunition might be a good idea. This
option removes some of the mystique of the magelock
and takes away the accomplishment of earning one, as
well as providing a 1st level character with an item worth
far in excess of normal starting funds. GMs who use this
option are encouraged to have the gun mage indebted to
whomever provides their magelock, such as the military
or a mentor. This should be a substantial debt requiring
service or later payment (with interest!).

gun sorcery: tricks and tools for the gun mage

Starting Packages

3) Buying a magelock

The gun mage must buy the magelock pistol. Since gun
mages rely so heavily on their magelock, they are sure
to purchase the pistol at his first opportunity. Doing
so is a good way to deprive the character of excess
money. See this issues article of Foundry, Forge &
Crucible for pricing and availability guidelines.



By Lynus Wesselbaum (Transcribed by F. Wesley Schneider)

Beast legs!

The Rimeshaws Massacre

To: Viktor Pendrake, High
Chancellor of Extraordinary
Zoology, Corvis University,
Dear Professor Pendrake,
As much as I would like
to write this as a report of my
successes and of how your
example and lessons led me to the
source of the Nyss migration, I
fear I cannot. I have found myself
in a peculiar situation, but it could
be far worse. I praise Morrow to
even be alive after seeing what I
did in the Scarsfell Forest. I never
expected there were things in this
world that could chill you faster
than this regions wet Khadoran
snow, but knowing what I know
now, some part of me doubts Ill
ever thaw. But Im getting ahead
of myself.
At the direction of your letter
I packed light but brought all the
essentials including herbal and
alchemical poultices. My travels
through Cygnar and Khador were
of little noteto my excitement I
was able to get a decent sketch a
warbling Westshore devil rook,


bringing my catalog of southern

raptors to a close. Upon reaching
Tverkutsk I hired two of the most
trustworthy guides I could find
and bought their services for half
again the asking price, so to buy
loyalty but not greedy daggers as
youve advised.
A freezing weeks travel
north brought us to Braggmaw
Krielholme and Rathlok, your
terrifying trollkin friend, with
his equally intimidating clan.
[Translator note: see NQM#2,
Pendrake in the Rimeshaws]
Had not the cooking fires of their
crude and distinctly aromatic
lodges proven tempting I might
have fled back to Corvis. With
some trepidation, I introduced
myself and explained that I was
your assistant. This incited a
raucous round of introductions,
queries after your health (which
I wish I knew), andto my
embarrassmenta number of
trollkin imitations of feminine
screaming. (Im not one to criticize,
sir, but the incident with the vektiss
was terrifying and not a moment
I care to be reminded of even in

Im not sure why you
feel the need to relate that
story so often.)
Rathlok and I were able to
converse at length and I told
him of your instructions. Your
comrade whose definition
of friendship seems similar
to mine for manhandling
enthusiastically reported how you
and he evaded a massive dire troll

Having heard your tales

of the haunting melodies of the
fell callers I was anticipating
them as a comfort during these
travels. Your ear must detect
some virtue mine does not. Not
to insult your musical tastes,

but never have I heard a more

terrible noise. Rathloks boneshaking bellowing tortured my
already fractured nerves. It was
because of this noise that, upon
entering a rocky meadow, I didnt
immediately notice the stark Nyss
figure wearing a cloak of feathers,
its stance wary.
and saved a band of Nyss refugees.
Rathlok and three trollkin hunters
offered to show me the site and,
out of friendship to you, head east
with me in my search. I gratefully
Leaving the warmth of
Rathloks home early the following

Never welcome a friend

with blade in hand, thats what
you always told me, and so I put
away my Radliffe. Knowing from
your stories the Nyss to be of a
particularly frosty sort, I took the
next step and doffed my backpack,
long blade, ammo belt, lucky
scarf, and even the uncomfortable

little dagger half-frozen to me

in my boot. Knowing nothing of
the Nysss Aeric language, with
arms held wide, I offered my best
greetings in Shyr and Cygnaran.
Treading across the field I
watched the Nyss hunter for some
sign of acceptance. He scrutinized
me like a cornered predator,
hunching as I came. A fear began
to rise in me and only my foolish
belief that it was unwarranted
prevented me from fleeing. I had
the sense to stop mid-meadow,
and took a step or two back. That
small cowardice might have saved
my life.

The Pendrake Encounters

morning with the trollkin and

my hired guideswho camped
ventured into the eastern
Rimeshaws. By midday
we reached the site
the dire troll,
all evidence
struggles had
by time and the
fickle snow. We headed on over
the next fortnight in our march
toward the Shard Spires.

With a cry that was something

between a high pitched shriek
and a garbled hiss, the thing that
I thought wasand may once
have beenNyss threw back its
head. Suddenly, the shapes I had

Mouths with legs!

believed were half snow-covered

rocks burst from the ice field;
living, eyeless things, all claws
and spikes and razor teeth. I dont
remember running, but in the next
instant I felt myself rolling into
a snow bank near my pack, the
harsh cold of the snow silencing
the terrible sound that must have
been my own screaming.

The Pendrake Encounters

Clambering to my feet and

reaching for my rifle with trembling
hands I turned to see one of the
bounding monstrosities mid-leap,
its mouththat seemed to account
for more than half of its body
opened impossibly wide, aiming
to take off my head. A powerful
shove was all that saved me as
Rathlok stepped forward with a
long bellow, the force of his call
smashing into the creature like a
physical blow. Lifting me to my feat
with a jerk, the fell caller turned to
his fellows and shouted something
in their graveling, native tongue.
The brave trollkin drew weapons
and charged the horrors, but their
courage did not avail them. Several
were torn to pieces like bait thrown
to dragonfish before they could
land a single blow.

rifle. I squeezed the trigger, but the

gun chose that moment to jam. The
deformed archer stepped nearer,
a cruel and almost mocking smile
on his face. I saw with clinical
detachment that his legs were all
wrong, as if jointed backwards,
yet he moved upon the snow with
grace like a deer. He raised his bow
in my direction. I faced my death,
and froze.

I dont know what happened

after thatsomething in me must
have snapped. I took up my rifle
and fired and reloaded and fired
again, but I know not how many
of my frantic shots landed. All
I remember is fragments. Two
blighted beasts swallowed the
hands and bear-like arms of a
Khadoran whole, devouring him
with quick, bone-splintering bites
even as he pitched and flailed.
The thing I thought was a Nyss
knocked arrow after arrow, firing
them into Khadorans and trollkin
with brutal efficiency.


I remember Rathlok, bleeding

from many wounds, fighting
alongside his kinsman as the
ravenous horrors circled , darting in
to bite off chunks of flesh. The fell
caller let loose a deafening bellow
that brought down several mighty
trees, each laden with an avalanche
worth of snow around the pair. I
dont know what Rathloks fate
may have been, but the monsters
emerged and the trollkin did not.
They approached with strange
slowness, perhaps savoring their
last victim, while I feebly raised my

blackfeathered arrows slammed into the
nearest blighted creature, dropping
it to the snow. More arrows flew
past overhead, one sinking into the
leg of the bizarre bowman, who
let loose an ear-splitting shriek of
fury. Moving with a speed entirely
unnatural, he fled as a blur toward
the tree line, the toothy creatures
following in his wake.


I awoke to find myself

surrounded by sharp-featured
Nyss, several pointing deadly
black bows at my head. Their
leader, a woman, spoke

Assumed to be Nyss
from a distance Dragon Bight?!?

heavily accented Shyr, and they

interrogated me about what I had
seen. My travels through Khador
proved of some interest and they
decided to put me to use. What
I learned is that these Nyss are
refugees, survivors of the Raefyll
tribe, wiped out by terrors related
to the ones that nearly ended
my life, horrors spawned with
alarming frequency in this region.
This leader, a Nyss who would be
beautiful if it not for her cold eyes,
called herself Cylena Raefyll. She
seeks revenge against the profane
creatures that invaded her home
and slaughtered her kin, and hopes
to find allies among the humans to
the south.
Ive been brought to the
Khadoran port of Ohk. Professor,
after all of your lessons, I dont
know what those creatures were
and the Nyss know nothing beyond
the horrors they describe. I suspect
dragon blight, not some new or as

Some kinds of dragon blight have darkly transformative

powers, allowing those that survive its deadly initial effects
to mutate into terrible new forms. These monster feats
may be applied to Dragonspawn or to creatures using the
Blighted template gained from the consumption of dragon
blood (Monsternomicon, Vol. 1, p 54). Other mutations
(and blighted monster feats) are possible besides the two
listed here. GMs are encouraged to design their own.

Dragon Blooded

The Pendrake Encounters

Blighted Feats

Within some dragonspawn and blighted

creatures boils the blood of the dragon that
created them.
Prerequisite: Dragonspawn or blighted creature,
Medium or larger, 5 HD or more.

y e t
natural species. I
have never seen blight
first-hand, but your lessons
on its nature seems the only logical
explanation. I wonder if they
serve some single master; has the
terror the Khadorans call Halfaug
returned? For now, I will stay
with the Nyss, learn what I can,
and write when I have occasion. I
dont believe my captors mean me
harm, intending to make service
of my ability to translate. Any
assistance you might provide on
the matter would be appreciated.
All speed to you in any upcoming
travels, sir.
I remain your student,

Associate Professor,
Lynus Wesselbaum

Benefit: When a creature with this feat takes

damage from a piercing or slashing melee weapon,
the opponent that successfully dealt that damage
must make a Reflex save equal to 10 plus half the
creatures Hit Dice or be sprayed with the creatures
caustic blood. Those who succeed at this saving throw
suffer no ill effect, while those who fail take 1d6 points
acid damage plus an additional 1d6 points per size
category above Medium. This blood deals no damage to
the weapon used in the attack.

Dragon Winged
Blighted creatures may sprout fully functional blighted wings and
may use them in combat.
Prerequisite: Dragonspawn with wings or blighted creature, Medium or
larger, 5 HD or more.
Benefit: Blighted creatures gain wings and a fly speed. Dragonspawn or
blighted creatures with this feat gain the ability to make two slam attacks
with their wings as secondary natural attacks. The creatures wings deal
the following damage plus 1/2 the creatures Strength bonus. These wing
attacks can be made even while flying.
A creature without the Multiattack feat takes a 5 penalty on attacks
made with these wings.



Wing Damage


fly 60 (good)



fly 70 (average)



fly 80 (average)



Foundry, Forge,
& rucible

Written by Luke Johnson and Doug Seacat, Art by Brian Snoddy

There is a mysterious Rhulic alloy which allows for a unique synergy between a
gun mage and his weaponknown as Magelock Steel. To the naked eye it looks the same
as regular steel, but gun mages can discern the difference with a touch; the material attuned
on an almost mystic level to arcane energies. Only firearms of this alloy allow gun mages to
unlock their full potential.

The Magelock
Ironhead Conglomerate

formulae for magelock
steel is a trade secret,
although in this case shared
between clans in Rhul and those
living abroad at the Ironhead
Conclave in Cygnar. Magelock
pistols have become a signature
work of clans living in the
Ironhead Conclave who partnered
with a clan in Ghord to create the
Ironhead Metallurgy and Smithing
Conglomerate (shortened to the
Ironhead Conglomerate). This
conglomerate controls magelock
production in Western Immoren.
The only two places with facilities
capable of producing this alloy
are in Ghord and Ironhead, with
most magelock pistols crafted at
the latter. While located in the
heart of Cygnar, the conclave
agreements (see IKWG, p. 174)
preserve their status as full
Rhulic citizens. This has enabled
the Conglomerate to leverage a

Metallurgy is a highly
respected art among dwarves
many Rhulic metalworkers have
attempted to develop signature
metals or alloys with useful
properties. Clan Searforge in
Ghord is one example, a prestigious
family noted for exceptional
metallurgists with a long-standing
relationship with Stone Clan
Odom, who lead the Brand of
Odom wizards. In the late 200s,
Clan Searforge was attempting
to create an improved alloy to aid
in the production of robust and
increasingly small cortexes.
A breakthrough happened
as a result of inter-clan feuding
in 280 AR when a competing
clan deprived Searforge of access
to coal and coke required for
refining iron alloys. The Searforge
clan lord boasted hed create a
new steel without relying on the
carbon of coal or coke; he turned
to exotic materials to strengthen
iron. At great cost he created
a new steel alloy boasting a
considerably higher melting point,
albeit requiring a difficult and
extended alloying process. This
alloy responded particularly well
to arcane energies, but it would
be centuries before its properties
would be fully exploited. The
cost of manufacture made it
an interesting but expensive
alternative for one of the vital
components of cortexes in Rhul,
only used in a minority of cortexes
such as those required to be in
higher than normal temperatures
(such as very small steamjacks).
Meanwhile, Clan Grauss was
busy with an unrelated enterprise
far to the south in the lands of
man. This clan was among the first
to make the exodus from Rhul in
the 200s, lured by rich untapped

resources in the Wyrmwall

Mountains. Grauss entered into
permanent alliance with Clan
Derigur, a local mining clan, to
ensure access to plentiful iron and
other minerals and metals. Grauss
made a name for its peerless
smiths, capable of finely crafted
metalwork utilizing unusual alloys.
In time they garnered a reputation
for gunsmithing and cannon
fabrication. Grauss ornamental
bronze pistols still command a
premium among those seeking
exotic sidearms.

The alloying process

requires specialized
mechanikal crucibles
and furnaces with
precise applications
of heat and air, and
an equally precise
quenching sequence.
Demand for fine weapons
and other dwarven-made items
increased tremendously after the
creation of Ironhead Station and
the railroads arrival to the area
in 577 AR. Trade between Caspia
and the conclaves of Orven and
Ironhead increased, to the benefit
of both. The reputation of Grauss
and Derigur reached the ears of
military minds in the Cygnaran
Army who had been struggling
with an ongoing problem. The
clans were hired on retainer by
the Strategic Academy to develop
a pistol that could endure special
stresses. Their patron was a new
branch of that military school,
dubbed the Tempest Academy,
home of the budding Militant
Order of the Arcane Tempest. The
powerful energies they channeled
through firearms had the costly

side-effect of burning out metal at

an accelerated rate.
Brobek Graussone of
the most noted gunsmiths of
his clan and an accomplished
Rhulic cortex alloy, noted for its
high melting point. After some
agreed to join the Ironhead
Conglomerate as a full partner
and sent clan representatives to
Ironhead to set up the required
alloy manufacturing process. The
Wyrmwall proved rich in rare trace
metals and minerals, perfect for
such work. Clan Derigur acquired
several mines with access to these
curious substances, which until
this point had no practical use.
With the resulting alloy they
crafted the first prototype pistol
and invited their Caspian patrons
to come and test its worthiness.

Foundry, Forge, & Crucible

uniquely profitable relationship

with the Cygnaran Army.

These tests exceeded the

wildest dreams of Tempest
Academy. The firearm endured
suffering any wear whatsoever.
As an experiment, the testing gun
mage carved reinforcement runes
on its barrel. The gun reacted like
a living thing, unlocking hitherto
untapped abilities in the gun mage.
The type of gun was soon termed
a Magelock after this process of
rune-imprinting, whereby a gun
became attuned to its owner and a
conduit for his power.
These clans entered into an
exclusive arrangements with the
Cygnaran Crown in 585 AR.
Cygnar was soon persuaded to
also allow sale of this metal to their
long standing ally, Llael, which
broadened the market. Both the
Militant Order of the Arcane
Tempest and the Llaelese Loyal
Order of the Amethyst Rose paid
high prices for these weapons to
those who could craft them.

Foundry, Forge, & Crucible

to import the
metal from Rhul and
craft their own pistols, rather
than dealing with Ironhead, and
established a direct relationship
with Clan Searforge. The finest
gunsmiths of the Order of the
Golden Crucible crafted passable
magelocks, although discerning
pistoleers claim the Ironforge ones
are superior. The Crucible may have
even unlocked the fundamental
techniques for creating the alloy,
but the difficulty and cost required
made it more economical to import
the metal from Rhul; whether or not
any of the individuals knowing the
secret of magelock steel survived
the invasion is unknown. Weapons
smuggling to the resistance includes
magelocks to the Amethyst Rose
members who fight the Khadorans
from hidden resistance strongholds
and safe houses.
Meanwhile, in Ironhead,
the Conglomerate have been
endeavoring to create other similar
alloys, such as a metal to ease item
enchantment for arcanists such as
the Fraternal Order of Wizardry.
The fields of both traditional
wizardry and mechanika offer

The Conglomerate fiercely
protects the smelting process for
magelock steel, but Magelock steel
consists of normal steel with small

of other metals,
particularly those with
high melting points. The
most important added
element is derived by
reducing alchemical tungstic acid
with charcoal. The alloy includes
trace amounts of platinum and
more esoteric metals like red
lead and a nearly impossible to
melt substance discovered during
copper mining which translates
from Rhulic as hard-lead.
requires specialized superheating
mechanikal crucibles and furnaces
with precise applications of heat
and air, and an equally precise
quenching sequence. While the
metal is excellent steel, it lacks the
durability of Serricsteel and its
use outside of Rhul is limited to
magelock firearms.

Arcane Heat
shop and ask for a magelock pistol.
Technically Cygnars military
has an exclusive contract with
the Ironhead Conglomerate. Due
to difficulties on the war front,
occupied Llael no longer receives
delivery of magelocks. Resistance
forces, particularly members of
the Amethyst Rose, are eager to
obtain more.

contract, dwarven conclaves are
not beholden to Cygnaran law,
and the Ironhead Conglomerate
has sometimes made exceptions for
individuals with ample coin. This is
increasingly rare, due to pressures
from Caspia.
Given the cost and value of
these items they are almost never
resold except by thieves seeking to
offload them on the black markets.
The bond between a gun mage and
his magelock is legendary, so few
black market dealers are willing
to take the risk of even handling
them. The appearance of such items
invites scrutiny shopkeepers would
rather avoid. A notable exception
is Pitts Pistols in Corvis, which has
gathered a few Llaelese magelocks
from desperate Llaelese refugees
and opportunistic smugglers.

Obtaining a
Magelock Pistol
Ironhead Conglomerate: The
only way to get a new magelock is
to go to the source, but given their
delicate and lucrative arrangements
with the Cygnaran crown, the
dwarves at Ironhead Conclave must
be persuaded to sell a magelock to
a non-military gun mage, and since
open war with Khador they have
reduced the number of pistols they
sell to individuals. With enough
coin this remains an option, but the
purchaser will pay a high premium.
The Conglomerate requires a
recommendation from someone
they trust, and the purchaser must
seek audience with Clan Lord Surg

Auction Houses: Its not

technically illegal to own or sell
second-hand magelock firearms;
they occasionally appear at auction
houses. These are generally offered
by families of the deceased, so
auctioneers do not face the same
risks as shopkeepers displaying
magelock weapons.
The Black Market: Magelock
items appear on the black markets
periodically, cropping up in cities
like Five Fingers, Corvis, Clockers
Cove, Bainsmarket, and Ceryl.
They are valuable items, and thieves
steal and fence them. Soldiers down
on their luck or looking for extra
cash might offer a magelock on the
black market. Rumors suggest less
scrupulous smiths in the Ironhead
Conglomerate make underhanded
profit selling occasional magelocks

through black markets as a buffer

to protect their reputation.
Commissioning: In rare
circumstances the Crown might
commission a magelock weapon
be made for its agents such as a
warcaster or approve a request
at the behest of the Order of
Illumination, whose gun mage
Adjacents hunt down rogue
sorcerers and darker threats to the
kingdom. Adventuring gun mages
loyal to Cygnar might find such
weapons a reward for fulfilling
their duty to the Crown.
Theft: Someone could steal
a magelock firearm and keep it.
Doing so is very dangerousas
most magelocks are military
property, punishment for such
theft is death.

Magelock Prices
The majority of magelocks
are classified as military pistols.
Magelock rifles are very rare but
not unknown; a gun mage can
form the same bond with any
magelock firearm. Gun mages
rarely adopt this fighting style,
since many of their class features
are specific to pistols and their
style of magic emphasizes keeping
one hand free.

Foundry, Forge, & Crucible

of Grauss (male Rhulic Ftr5/

Exp6), who coordinates the master
gunsmiths of his clan.

masterwork quality magelock
items purchased on the black
market, in secret, or at auctions;
commissioning a specific item
costs at least twice this amount.
Specific named styles of firearms
(Clockwork, Radliffe) cannot
be made as magelock unless a
quantity of the alloy were acquired
and delivered to that gunwerks for
commission fabrication.

Magelock Prices

Carbine, military (commission only).......................................................................................6,000 gp

Pistol, military...........................................................................................................................1,200 gp
Pistol, small...................................................................................................................................800 gp
Rifle, long (commission only)...................................................................................................5,000 gp
Rifle, military (commission only).............................................................................................8,400 gp
Rynnish holdout pistol (rare)...................................................................................................1,000 gp
Other magelock items (very rare)..........................At least 5 times normal (non-masterwork) cost1
Magelock Customization and Other Considerations

Many gun mages like to customize or enchant their weapons. Magelock firearms follow all the normal
rules for ammunition, reloading, skills, feats (a magelock military pistol counts as any other military
pistol for the purposes of feats like Weapon Focus), and crafting mechanikal and magic versions. Customization follows the standard rules (IKCG pg. 188), but use double the prices on the above table
when determining percentages.


Written by Doug Seacat, Art by Eva Widermann



aptain Nivenne Dromere

is one of the most feared
pirates from Five Fingers,
a woman whose swift schooner
Wicked Sister presages death and
ruin. With forged letters of marque
and having bribed officers in the
Ordic navy, she can return at will
through the Bay of Stone to her
private pier on Eastern Wake Isle.

Even the few rules obeyed by

privateers chafed her spirit, so she
killed her captain and took his place.
She proceeded on a six month orgy
of plunder and destruction, sailing
across the western seaboard sinking
whatever ships fell into her grasp.
This blood lust came from deep
within, a hunger never satisfied.

Scion Roth, who told her he was

well pleased and had chosen her
as his champion on the waters.
Gathering a motley group of
brigands and thugs, she formed
the Wake Buccaneers, a fringe
Thamarite sept endorsing the old
pirate codes of the original city and
revering Scion Roth as patron of
plunder and heist.

Nivenne was born in the slums

of western Captains Isle. Her father,
an Ordic privateer, left one evening
and never returned. Her mother
took up work as a scullery maid for
the priest of Morrow at the Church
of the Waters Nivenne witnessed
first hand the hypocrisy of this
bloated and gluttonous priest who
collected tithes to live in comfort
from his poor parishioners. She
discovered the priest slumbering at
his table and succumbing to a dark
impulse she slit his throat, taking
pleasure in ending the mans life.
Nivennes ungrateful mother cast
her out, while the locals searched for
the murderer. Having a longing for
the sea, she pretended to be a boy
and volunteered for the crew of a
privateer ship. By the time she could
no longer conceal her gender, she
had proven deadly with a harpoon
and a sword-master too feared for
the crew to risk harassing her.

She slaughtered

One of Nivennes most notorious

hunts was a recent expedition
against a Church treasury courier
ship from Ohk. She slaughtered
two elderly priests and three
Knights of the Prophet in the
process, prompting the Sancteum
in Caspia to offer a large bounty
for her capture or destruction. She
delights in her steadily growing
unholy powers and hopes to
please her patron with further
attacks on the Morrowan Church.
Nivenne and her sept also nurse a
hatred for Cryx, whose ships they
view as false pirates, lacking true
freedom and serving as soldiers for
their master. Thamar encourages
this view of the dragon-god as
an unwelcome rival, urging her
followers to hinder them.

two elderly priests

and three Knights
of the Prophet in
the process...
Pirate hunters were deployed to
catch her, funded by the Lord
Mayor of Ceryl. She led them on
a daring chase through the Dying
Strands before turning on her
pursuers. Both of the hunters ships
were boarded and sunk, their crews
Returning at last to Five
Fingers to resupply, she collapsed
into a slumber for two days. In this
sleep she received a vision from

a will save (DC 11 + Charisma bonus)


or become frightened. If the subject

spiritual weapon




succeeds, they are shaken for 1 round;

Female Thurian Fighter7/Malefactor

(Voice of Discord) 5; CR 12; Medium
humanoid; HD 7d10+5d8+24; hp 85;
Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 23, Touch 14,
flat-footed 19; BAB: +10; Grp +12;
Atk: +16/+11 melee (2d4+8, collapsible
harpoon +3) or +13/+8 melee (1d6+2)
masterwork short sword; Space/Reach
5 ft./5 ft.; SA Malefactor supernatural
abilities, +1 to attack and damage rolls
vs. clerics and paladins of Morrow (Scion
Roth patronage); AL CE; Religion:
Thamar (Scion Roth); SV Fort +11, Ref
+8, Will +8; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int
12, Wis 15, Cha 15

Ambitions Reward (Black Fire): The



Malefactor can increase the damage



of a spell. Before damage is rolled, the

equivalent to enchanted studded leather

Malefactor may choose to add up to 2

+3; allows casting of spectral hand

negative energy damage per Malefactor

once per day; bestows darkvision on

level to the normal spell damage, but

the wearer. Non-Thamarite attempting

the Malefactor immediately suffers an

to wear leathers is afflicted by bestow

identical amount of non-lethal damage.

curse with no saving throw), masterwork










harpoon +3 (can collapse to 33 inches


length, and expand to 6 feet, 6 inches),

spells prepared (caster

Nivennes Clockwork Hand (14 Str,



Dex 18, 10 Hardness, 9 hit points; does


not require concentration checks to






operate in combat), Dromeres Choker


(enchanted, provides +3 natural armor

bonus), Thamarite holy symbol

Skills: Balance 4, Bluff 8, Climb 6,

Concentration 7, Diplomacy 4, Forgery
7, Gather Information 4, Intimidate
13, Jump 7, Knowledge (Religion) 7,
Profession (sailor) 12, Spot 5, Swim 6,
Use Rope 5

and figurine of Scion Roth,

various accumulators, ample
rum. Nivenne leads a sizable





own schooner, and access to

considerable wealth with which
to equip herself. Any number of

Feats: Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise,

alchemical, poisonous, or single-

Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Leadership,

use items might be found on her

Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus

person at a given time.


captain nivenne dromere malefactor




(harpoon), Whirlwind Attack





the Malefactor prestige class in

Languages: Ordic, Cygnaran (including

the upcoming Five Fingers: the

Scharde and Five Cant dialects)

Port of Deceit. Nivenne or other

malefactors can serve as dark and





Mask: Once per day plus once per

mysterious allies or menacing


three class levels the Malefactor with

this ability can make a touch attack,
inflicting 1d6+class level points of
negative energy damage and gaining
that same number of temporary hit
points. (However, temporary hit points
cant exceed the subjects current hit
points +10. )The temporary hit points
disappear 1 hour later; Doom Whisper:
At 3rd level, once per day plus once
per three class levels thereafter the
Malefactor can speak a phrase and send
fear into the heart of a specified target
within 60 feet. The subject must make


port of deceit

Full-Metal Fantasy City Sourcebook

ive Fingers, often called

the Port of Deceit, is an
infamous city scattered
across dozens of rocky islands
where the Serpents Tongue River
spills out into the Bay of Stone. Five
Fingers is a place of stark contrasts
and ominous reputation. It is a
home to those shunned elsewhere,
an Ordic mercenary haven, a last
bastion of the pirates who refuse
to surrender their souls to Cryx, a
gamblers paradise, and a hotbed of
Thamarite intrigues. In Five Fingers
a motley assortment of ruffians and
smugglers exploit a rich influx of

its charm has drawn a lively and

bustling trade of visitors from
abroad seeking commerce or
entertainment. It is a thriving city
of over a hundred and seventy
thousand souls, mostly industrious
citizens trying to earn a normal
living. It is a darkly cosmopolitan
hub where class boundaries dissolve.
In the clamor of a gambling den a
lowly street thief can rub elbows
with an Ordic castellan, and neither
feel out of place.

commerce made possible by its

uniquely independent status. The
line between law and crime is blurry,
and one can buy or sell anything
imaginable as long as one finds the
right marketblack or otherwise.

and any can serve to launch a

intrigue and horror. Whether a
player wants to get involved in street
level gang warfare, a web of spying,
manipulation and betrayal, the meat
and drink of Ordic politics, or the
dark cults inhabiting the shadows to
spring terrors on their fellow man,
this is the place to seek challenge
and fame. Adventure in this city is
salty and tough, and it contains a
fair bit of gristle for flavor.

Outsiders speak of this city as

a pit of vice, but Five Fingers has
a rich heritage and a surprisingly
varied citizenry. Those who spend
time on its streets find it nowhere
near as vile as Cryxian ports, and

There are three themes to

adventure in the Port of Deceit,

Coming June
Five Fingers, the Port of Deceit
is useful for both players and GMs
alike with over 160 pages of maps,
illustrations, pirates, privateers,
mercenaries, raucous gambling
halls and taverns, deadly intrigue,
and politics. Do not fear reading
and enjoying this book if you intend
to play adventures in the city of Five
Fingers. It will serve you well to gain
some familiarity with the streets and
byways and the significant citizens
who make the city their home.

Table of
Chapter One:
Port of Deceit
Chapter Two:
Life on the Isles
Chapter Three:
Island by Island
Chapter Four:
Crime and Industry
Chapter Five:
Power and Influence
Chapter Six:
The Shadows
Chapter Seven:
Adventure in Five Fingers

Sample Gang
The Salter Crew
The Salter Crew is the core of
Vinter Waernuks muscle. More
than the syndicate serving him,
these are the favored men upon
whom he relies most. Originally this
group was comprised of all the top
pirates who arrived with Waernuk
and helped him consolidate his
power. Seventeen years later,
there are few of those old dogs left.
They control the Wake Isles and

spend considerable time across the

bridges in Hospice as well, and
they are always spoiling for a fight.
The Salter Crew has always prized
ruthlessness and fighting skill above
all other qualities. Garrigan Hern
is more than just the leader of this
gang, hes Waernuks most prized
enforcer and is frequently employed
as his bodyguard when the old man
leaves the islands for meetings with
his peers. The Salter Crew can
be recognized by their distinctive
heavy great-coats and cutlasses
ornamented with the symbol of a
broken anchor.
Information DC 15); Organization:
Harsh; Size: Mob (335 members);
Location: Wake Isles, Hospice/
Chesake Bourg/Wake Bridge
Smuggling; Alignment: NE; Cash
Limit: 8,000 gp; Member Assets:
1,200 gp. (cutlass, greatcoat, pistol,
dagger, poison); Membership
Requirements: Crime (must perform
a theft in daylight in a highly visible
area and escape), Initiation (must
maim, beat, or kill assigned target);
Leaders: Low Captain Gerrigan
Hern who reports directly to High
Captain Waernuk.
Notes: Only a few of the old
salt pirates are left, and now most
members of this gang are toughened
younger recruits from the streets of
Hospice and Wake Isles. They are
all capable of holding their own in a
scrap, and Waernuk does not spend
their blood lightly. He is more
willing to sacrifice members of other
lesser gangs, but he will send in the
Salter Crew when he needs to hit
hard and fast and leave no question
of his authority.




A Trollblood/Skorne

by Doug Seacat, Scenario by Duncan Huffman, Art by Daryl Madryk and Kieth Thompson

he cage was built to their

best specifications, heavily
to be able to contain even the
most battle-maddened titan. Yet
already its sides were distended
and several bars were badly bent
from the pounding brute within.
The enormous muscled creature
glared out balefully from the spaces
between the metal slats, unleashing
a howl of rage periodically.
The blue-skinned creature in
the cage was tremendously heavy;
even with several cyclops pulling
the wheeled box by chain it was
slow to haul, and theyd eventually
hitched up a titan as well. The cage
floor was splattered with blood
from many cuts and thrusts by
the paingivers as they tested its
The paingiver beast handlers
were gathered around the outside,
each in a state of excitement,
torture implements ready as they
discussed theories. Several held
long poles topped by thin knives,
used to deliver very precise slices at
a safe distance. Others had similar


lengths of wood affixed with sharp

and thin rods intended to be coated
with alchemical mixtures.
The musculature is unique,
different in several respects from
the smaller ones. It appears to
have stopped regenerating the
smaller cuts. Hasnt been fed in
three days, that may be slowing
its ability to recover. The toxins
have almost no effect even at doses
which would kill a titan. Slowed
it down a little, but we should try
increasing the jevisha extract in
a lixivium of mercurius vitae.
Ingestion is the key, we must keep
him alive until we unravel this...
There was a heavy thunk
and a great length of wood tipped
by an iron head slammed into the
cage, startling all the paingivers
who leapt back in surprise. None
had been hit by this massive spear,
but it had shattered with enormous
impact directly into the heavy
lock securing the cage. A dawning
awareness of their peril crossed the
features of the Paingivers as they
watched the cage swing slowly
open, creaking loudly.

The ranking Dakar of her

personal Praetorian escort rapped
for entrance to Makedas tent and
she bade him enter. He inclined his
head deeply with fist to his chest.
Archdomina, Tormentor Koltesk
seeks audience with you. He claims
it is an urgent matter.
She had finished her hoksune
exercises, a ritual deeply ingrained,
and was finishing strapping on
her armor, with the help of two
attending slaves. Both were meek
and well trained skorne of the
lowest caste, she did not even
notice their presence any longer.
Very well, let him come. I can
indulge him for a moment before
we are underway.
Koltesk was one of her
most prized beast handlers, so
she was willing to indulge him,
although he lacked some of the
expected discipline. He was an
older tormentor and prone to odd
enthusiasms. She did not think he
would last many more years, but
she hoped to extract additional
service from him before he lost
his value.

Be ready to face the lash if you

have interrupted me for another
oversized beast of burden.
No, this is a new duzusk.
This was a term the beast handlers
had given the hardy blue-skinned
beasts, derived from the name of
a toughened flesh eating weed of
the eastern empire noted for its
regenerative abilities. It is easily
three times the weight of any other
we have fought. This may be the
same species Tyrant Noraxes
reported causing him troubles in
the north.
Her eyes narrowed with
kindled interest. She snapped
at her slaves, pointing to her
sheathed pair of ancestral blades,
which were promptly belted to
her slender waist. Unfortunate
that Lord Tyrant Hexeris isnt
here. Perhaps I can hold your
captive as an incentive for him
to improve his lackluster attacks
through the southern pass.
She followed Koltesk as
he continued to elucidate
the qualities of the captured
creature, which had been
found roaming east of
the river, and required
two titans and four
cyclopes to pacify
into a cage.
personal guard
of Praetorians
her, their watchful
were vulnerable
here near the
western limit of

They came in sight of the

camp-site where the cage was
secured just as its door swung open
and the beast stepped free with a
howl of triumph. The paingivers
around it tried to scramble and
run, but it grabbed one in each
meaty hand and stuffed one skorne
whole into its gaping mouth,
biting down with a sickening and
juicy crunch, blood flowing down
its chin. It leapt forward behind
the skorne running blindly away
and backhanded it casually, as if
swatting a fly, sending its limp and
broken form through the air to land
in a plume of dust and slide across
the ground, unmoving.
Makeda reached out with
her mind to call for the titan and
cyclops nearby, which had been
resting after pulling the cage. She
called them to charge against the
freed beast which was even now
chomping its enormous fangs into
the other skorne writhing in its left
hand. Its stomach visibly distended
as it gorged. Its many seeping
wounds closed almost instantly.


Archdomina, I have exciting

news. We captured a singular
specimen you must see first hand.

to her men as they advanced,
but then observed newcomers
moving toward the cage from the
other direction. Two tall forms
stepped from a copse of twisted
and gnarled trees at the far end
of the encampment, one bearing
an enormous axe and the other a
crude spear. Between them strode
a hunched creature, leaning upon
a long and knobby staff. Makeda
felt a twinge of unfamiliar dread
as she spotted them, considering
how vulnerable she was with so
few of her soldiers at hand. It was
an awareness of vulnerability, a
sensation she had not felt in quite
a long time.



Caged Beast Scenario

Doomshaper has received
reports that the Skorne have
been capturing and torturing
trolls, trying to understand
their regenerative powers. He is
determined to find the cause and
end it once and for all.
Doomshaper must free the
Troll from Makeda and get the
beast away from them before
Skorne reinforcements arrive.
Trollblood Army
Hoarluk Doomshaper
Dire Troll Mauler

Troll Maulers frenzy activation, it

cannot activate again the turn.
Set Up
Players take turns, each
placing three (3) terrain features.
Terrain may not be placed within
6 of the Cage or within 3 of
another terrain feature.
The Skorne player deploys
his models first, placing his models
anywhere within 12 of the Cage.
The Trollblood player then
deploys Hoarluk Doomshaper, the
Troll Axer, and the Troll Impalers

within 6 of the rear table edge of

the Trollblood deployment zone.
The Dire Troll Mauler is not placed
until the lock has been destroyed.
The Trollblood player takes the
first turn.
Victory Conditions
wins the game if the Dire Troll
Mauler is within the Trollblood
Deployment Zone at the end of a
Skorne players turn.
The Skorne player wins
when the Dire Troll Mauler is

Troll Axer
2x Troll Impaler
Skorne Army
Archdomina Makeda
Titan Gladiator
2x Cyclops
Praetorian unit with
a Dakar and 5 Troopers
Special Rules
See map. Place a 5 x 5 Cage
in the center of the table. The Cage
itself cannot be destroyed, but its
lock has DEF 10, ARM 20 and 5
damage points. Only Trollblood
magic or ranged attacks may
affect the lock. When the lock is
destroyed, the Trollblood player
places a Dire Troll Mauler in play
in base contact with the cage. The
Dire Troll is under the Trollblood
players control. The Dire Troll
begins with five (5) fury points and
immediately suffers the effects of
Frenzy. After resolving the Dire

Lock Side

Trollblood Deployment

Strength of


A Circle/Legion

By Doug Seacat, Scenario by Duncan Huffman, Art by Karl Richardson & Eva Wiedermann
We must destroy those
stones before our adversaries
unleash their full potential. These
words from Everblight lingered in
Thagroshs mind as he advanced
through the hills, his spawn
following on his heels.
The hillside here was steep, the
stones set up atop and surrounded
by a knot of trees. A light snow
had frosted the ground, and the air
was very still, it seemed all animals
of the region had fled. Thagrosh
heard the patter of small stones
being stirred underfoot and turned
in time to see four bestial figures
leaping from the tree line upslope,
each swinging a long-handled axe.
Despite his great size, Thagrosh
was nimble, evading and parrying
three, but grunting as the fourth
landed a heavy blow, its axe blade
sinking deep into his side with a
gush of brackish blood. Behind
him his spawn shrieked in fury,
hastening to join their master, but
Thagrosh only smiled.
Rapture vibrated with potency
in his hands as he swept the great
double-blade around with inhuman

power to cleave clean through the

center Tharn. Thagrosh felt a rush
of blighted heat through the handle
of his blade as the Tharns form
exploded into sizzling ash, the flesh
instantly consumed from within
and obliterated. This ash filled
the air as a choking and burning
haze, searing the two Tharn on
either side, consuming their flesh.
One fell outright, twitching and
convulsing along the rocks of the
hillside, while the other bared its
teeth at Thagrosh and tried to bring
its axe back for another swing. By
the limitless power of his athanc,
Thagroshs blade was a blur in his
grasp, slicing through and easily
annihilating the last two creatures
as he waded through clouds of
ash, his flesh immune to its sting.
The wound on his side closed as he
walked, strength drawn from the
Carnivean behind him.
He recalled his vision as he
approached his destination deep
in the Vescheneg Headlands. He
could see the three great stones now
through the trees at the top of the
hill, just as he had foreseen them.

He could almost feel their rough

surfaces beneath his hands. They
would crumble and fall beneath
his claws. Diving into Everblights
mind he had discovered a swirl of
portents around these stones, and
something Everblight called the
Feast Lord. An enemy Thagrosh
must forestall if possible.
The Seraph flew past him and
above, its wings sweeping through
the cold air, and through its eyes the
Prophet saw a force awaiting him
above, just back from the stones was
a stout man leaning upon a sword of
stone. At the center of the triangle
made by the ancient monoliths was
one of the great constructs of the
druids, an animated warrior of stone
and wood; Thagrosh had faced them
before. Clearly they anticipated
his arrival. Thagrosh gnashed his
teeth at the way the druids kept
foreseeing his plans and moved to
thwart him. It was one reason he
had undertaken this task personally.
It is of no consequence, the dragon
whispered to him, Crush them. We
will unravel the mystery of their
foresight after.


The ogrun sent his spawn

ahead, whispering to the eager
mind of the Carnivean and the
hungry shredders that followed
alongside. They did not enjoy
feasting on druid constructs, but
the two-headed hounds circling the
outside of the stones would appease
their appetites. Thagrosh sent the
Carnivean flanking to his left, while
the shredders went to the right. He
kept the Seraph nearer to him as
he advanced up the middle. The
flying spawn sensed by its eyeless
awareness another threat lurking
in the trees surrounding the stones,
another man transformed into
a beast, heavily muscled and
covered in bone-like spurs, a
The man watching his
approach did not betray
the familiar stink of
fear as was

with those Thagrosh faced. He

stood in a wide stance, resolutely
facing the ogrun, both hands folded
on the hilt of his strange weapon.
Stop, Blighted One. Come
against me in this blessed place
and your destruction is assured.
The mans voice did not quaver
as he spoke these ridiculous
words, and Thagrosh felt the
overpowering urge to punish him
for his temerity.
Thagroshs spawn maneuvered
into position by the urging of
his mental commands, circling
the beasts of his enemy and
awaiting the command to
strike. Thagrosh addressed
the druid, You are less than
an insect in this struggle.
Flee and you may yet live.
As he spoke his spawn
moved on his mental orders,
spreading out to either side to
engage the guardians of the stones.
The Carnivean charged toward
the Warpwolf while his shredders
launched themselves in a
rabid frenzy against
hounds. The Seraph
stroked its wings
overhead to get
close enough to
wash the druid in
its blighted breath,
angling clear of the
in the center. Thagrosh felt
enormous satisfaction as his spawn
were unleashed, knowing another
enemy was about to fall.
The druid across the
forested hilltop flickered and
vanished. Thagrosh snarled,
scanning the trees to either
side before spotting his
foe, coalescing from
the shadows near a
tree beside his
Carnivean. The


stout man raised his enormous

stone sword above his head and
brought it crashing down onto the
armored plates of the Carnivean,
shattering through and sinking into
its hardened flesh. The spawns
flesh suddenly took on a dusty
pallor, chalking and becoming
brittle by some strange process
of calcification. The druid swung
another terribly blow, shattering
the forward right leg of the
Carnivean just as the warpwolf
leapt through the trees beside him
to tear into its hide. In a few short
moments Thagrosh saw his proud
spawn dismembered.
Kill him! Thagrosh roared,
and the Seraph hastened to obey,
beating its double-wings to execute
a wide turn back toward the
druids new position, gliding closer
to the ground as it lost altitude
and stroked its muscled wings to
regain speed. It nimbly avoided
the construct, but the Woldwarden
slammed its fists into the earth,
and across the distance spikes of
stone shot up like stalagmites right
below the Seraph, piercing its torso
and shredding the webbed flesh
between its wings, knocking it to
the ground.
Thagrosh felt the searing
hatred of the athanc in his chest,
the dragons awareness exploding
full bloom across his mind. There
was no more time for games; he
had underestimated this adversary.
The stones were all that mattered.
He roared and charged the first
pillar, leveraging Raptures edge
into its granite mass with a clap
like thunder.

Strength of Stone
Everblight is aware that the
circle can use the wardstones at
Vescheneg Headlands as a method
of finding the main body of his
forces. Not quite ready to show
his full hand just yet, Everblight
compels Thagrosh to strike the
stones and eliminate the threat.
Thagrosh must destroy all
three wardstones before Baldur
can stop him.
Circle of Orboros Army
2x Argus
Legion of Everblight
Army Composition

Set Up
Players take turns, each
placing three (3) terrain features.
Terrain features cannot be placed
within 6 of a Wardstone, within
3 of any other feature or in the
Legion deployment zone.
The Circle player sets up first,
deploying his models within 2 of
the Wardstones.
The Legion player then
deploys his models and
takes the first turn.
Victory Conditions
The Legion player wins
when all Wardstones have
been destroyed.
The Circle player wins
when Thagrosh is destroyed.

4x Shredder


Legion Deployment

Special Rules



See map. Three Wardstone

markers approximately 2 in
diameter are placed as shown 10
from the center of the table. The
Wardstones have ARM 20 and
10 Damage Points. See Damaging
WARMACHINE: Prime, pg. 62
for details.


While within 2 of a
Wardstone, Circle models gain +1
ARM and +1 MAT
If Baldur is destroyed, the
Circle Warbeasts do not become
Wild and are activated normally.
The Legion of Everblight
player wins once the last Wardstone
has been destroyed.



B O The Warriors and Beasts of HORDES

Written by Doug Seacat, Art by Keith Thompson, Matt Dixon, and Brian Snoddy


he cruelty of life is a
given among the skorne;
the struggle for survival
inextricably linked to fighting
ability and the will to kill without
hesitation. The lands beyond the
Bloodstone Marches have never
been kind, even mellowed by the
passing of so many centuries since
the ecological disaster which cracked
open the Abyss and gave rise to the
lightning-scarred Stormlands. The
skorne have learned to adapt and
The Trial of the Aspirants


have refined their culture, shaping

singular warriors who expect no
comforts in life except those they
wrest from their enemies. At the
heart of the skorne armies and
making up the rank and file of every
major house are the Praetorians,
distinctly recognizable by their
double bladed fighting style, drilled
to flawless perfection over rigorous

status of a house, youths must learn

to fight to defend their kinsmen
and endure the rigors of the harsh
environment and its dangerous
predators. Some in the outer
regions may become exceptional
trackers, handlers of beasts, and
experts fighting in difficult terrain,
but their lot in life will always be
to guide their betters, considered a
lesser caste of warriors.

Skorne culture is caste based;

while those of exceptional ability
can sometimes rise above their birth,
most know their lot in life soon
after adolescence. Regardless of the

Among the great houses,

particularly those clustered near
the capital of Halaak, the young
of both genders aspire to become

Those born to great houses are

expected to enter the grueling trials
required for membership. Poorer
lesser houses cannot always afford
to maintain a standing guard of
Praetorians, so their youths may
seek to elevate their status by
petitioning a great house for entry
in the trials. Such a house must pool
enough goods and funds to equip
one or several of its finest youths,
expending considerable resources.
This is a political gambit, where a
lesser house hopes to earn adoption
by its champions into the greater
house, thereby strengthening the
ties between them and increasing
their fortunes.
For millennia the annual Trials
of the Aspirant Praetorians have
been conducted. This is a two-week
period keenly anticipated by the
skorne, particularly in Halaak. In
the western cultures this would be
an excuse for revelries and festivals,
but among the skorne this is time
carries almost sacred reverence
and solemnity, when all feuding
and fighting is put on hold. The
major houses attract considerable
outsiders to witness the fights,
as each great house conducts its
own trials. An aspirant must meet
several important qualifications
to enter a trial, including wearing
the proper ceremonial attire, but

most crucially they must bring an

Aspirants Blade.
Each aspirant must bring a sword
of exceptional quality to the trials,
intended to represent the measure
of regard that his kinsmen and
ancestors have placed in his trust.
For those of the great houses this
is no difficulty, as these blades are
passed down the line to the next
generation. But for poorer houses
lacking standing Praetorians, this
requires great effort and cost, as
a blade may need be crafted to
exacting specifications. The services
of the most valued bladesmiths
among the skorneboth highly
skilled slaves and those born to the
lower working and labor castes
are in great demand in the months
leading up to the Trials. Only
those with foresight or connections
can enlist the greatest artisans.
Others must compromise to those
of uncertain skill, trusting the
fortunes of their house on a blade
of unproven pedigree.
insufficient are turned away, and
these individuals must adopt a
different path, or return to their
original clan as warriors of lesser
caste: most commonly Hestatians,
the lowest rank still recognized as
members of the warrior caste. Some
with demonstrable skill in other
lesser weapons may be chosen for
another role, such as the Venators,
trained to master the Reiver rifles.
Trials are conducted in the large
open courtyard at the center of a
great house complexa series of
combat matches judged by veteran
warriors of the house, including
senior members of their Praetorian
cohorts. The aspirants fight with
their entry blades, and while these
trials are not to the death, injury
and the occasional mortal wound
among participants is common.

Some who enter would sooner die

than fail. Those who are defeated
have their blades taken from
them and have failed. The victors
now wield two blades, each of
exceptional quality, to bring with
them into training. Aspirants are
not expected to be true swordsmen
yet; but must demonstrate strong
aptitude, endurance, instincts,
awareness of their surroundings in
the midst of melee, and courage.
Those who fail in any respect
are removed from the Trials after
their blade is taken by those who
defeated them. A spiral brand is
burned into the back of their right
hand, and they are turned out
on the street. Most houses will
accept these skorne back into their
ranks as Hestatians, allowed to fill
less crucial combat and support
roles for their house, while others
are relegated to lesser labor and
crafts tasks, learning to become
useful. Even among the Hestatians
those who have been branded
are continually reminded of their
failure, often referred to as Lokshi
a term which is used for anyone who
tries and fails to exceed their caste,
whether by incompetence, injury,
or disability. Even former house
heirs endure this dishonor, and are
forever barred from the ranks of
tyrant or dominar. Such individuals
usually take their own lives rather
than endure shamed status.

Guts & Gears: Praetorians

Praetorians. Even those of poorer

houses may aspire to this status,
hoping to prove themselves and
be adopted into a great house and
elevate their destiny. Praetorians
have a special place in skorne
societysome time in service
in their ranks or the cataphracts
is required to rise to the highest
skorne society. The majority of
house leaders, including the great
Archdomina Makeda, have trained
as Praetorians.

Those who succeed are welcomed

in the house, outsiders provisionally
adopted and sworn in with oaths of
fealty. Any who are killed, crippled,
or shame themselves have their
blades taken; those who do not take
their lives are branded and join
those who failed the initial trials.
Being passed forward to the
second year requires another phase
of ritual fights called the Trials
of the Second Year. Unlike the

guts & gears: praetorians

as sharp as his blade by discipline

and enduring hardship. Those who
follow hoksune must always take
the difficult path, taught to beware
the path of least resistance. Mastery
of the code takes a lifetime, but
emphasizes unlocking predatory
instincts and the repression
of doubt, the ability to follow
orders instantly and to conduct
fighting drills until the proper
moves are etched into the very
muscles and sinews.

or receive
injuries in the
trial are turned
During the lengthy
training process, these
skorne are counted warriors
of their house and expected to
fight in any battles that arise,
putting their lives on the line
for their peers. Some of
these arrangements have
shifted since the rise of
the Conqueror, Vinter
Raelthorne, who has
unified the houses as
a single empire and
decreased the amount
of inter-house feuding.
Aspirant Trials, these fights are only
witnessed by those in the houses
Praetorian ranks. Chirurgeons are
kept on hand to minimize losses,
although some will be permanently
maimed and unable to continue.
These fights are not a matter of only
accepting the victors, but ensuring
all who move forward are highly
skilled and worthy of the honor.
Any who fight with exceptional skill
and courage will be retained, while
those who fail to measure up to their

During the second year training

focuses on the deeper disciplines
of the Praetorians, particularly
the hoksune fighting code and
fighting style which is their specialty.
The hoksune code emphasizes the
honor brought to ones ancestors
in bloodshed, and the sublimity
of death while embraced with an
enemy in melee. It describes how a
skorne can transform into a weapon

Along with internalizing this

fighting philosophy, Praetorians are
trained to recognize weak spots in
an enemys defenses, whether that
foe is an armored swordsman or a
rampaging beast. Larger houses
import dangerous creatures from
the periphery of the empire and pit
them against Praetorians to ensure
they can hold discipline when facing
unexpected threats.
There are three basic postures
which must be mastered by all
Praetorians. The first is described
as two blades low and by this
posture the warrior approaches
with his swords held at waist level
in a crouched posture, ready to
attack or defend, and emphasizing
thrusts and side-slashes. This
posture is the first to be learned
and most reliable for Praetorians
attacking as a line together. The one
favored by older Praetorians who
have survived many battles is one
blade high, a defensive stance with
one sword held back and arched
over the head while approaching
with the other to attack. This is
the most stable parrying posture,
allowing the Skorne to respond to
approaching threats; but is often
neglected by youths seeking glory.
The last posture and most difficult
to master without injury is two
blades high which is a posture
emphasizing strong offense as

Iron mines are a highly valued

resource among the skorne,
relatively few and scattered. While
the process of smelting steel is well
known to the skorne that valued
metal is generally reserved for
weapon blades. Swords are crafted
using folded sheets of very thin
steel, a process mastered by the
best artisans, some of whom are
technically slaves yet valued as the
finest living treasures of their house.
The armor worn by Praetorians
is most often constructed of
strengthened bronze, using an

Praetorians prefer to fight bare

headed, reserving helmets for the
most dangerous engagements,
such as when assaulting walls
during a siege; their fighting style
emphasizes all-around awareness,
and helmets constrict both field of
vision and hearing.
A final sequence of ritual battles
is entered into at the conclusion
of training, called the Trials of the
Dakar. These hotly contested and
bloody duels determine the best
of the best. The finest swordsmen
of each group of ten are elevated
to the rank of Dakar to lead
their peers. The swords of each
new Praetorian are cleansed in a
ritual of purification before the
great sacral stones of the houses
ancestors. When the Praetorian
dies or becomes too old to serve,
the swords are passed to his house
and given to the next generation of

Veteran Praetorian
Race: Skorne
Level: Fighter 5
Hit Points: 5d10+1d8+5 (37)
Armor Class: 19 (+5
Praetorian Plate, +3 Dex, +1
two weapon defense)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft.
BAB: +5
Full Attack: 2 longsword +5
melee (1d8+4/19-20)
Saves: Fort +5 (+1 Con), Ref
+4 (+3 Dex), Will +1
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 16, Con
12, Wis 10, Int 10, Cha 10
Skills: (28)
Feats: Improved Bull Rush,
Power Attack, Two Weapon
Fighting, Two Weapon
Defense, Weapon Focus
(longsword), Weapon
Specialization (longsword)
Equipment: Masterwork
Praetorian plate, 2
masterwork longswords

Guts Guts
& Gears
& Gears:

the Praetorian attacks with an

unrelenting series of whip-like
attacks with each hand. This style
requires considerable space and is
rarely practiced in formation. All
Praetorians must learn the basics
of each posture, but focus on one
as they gain experience in the field;
only rare masters can demonstrate
equal ability in all three.

Armor Max Dex Check Spell

Cost Bonus Bonus Penalty Failure Speed Weight
Praetorian Plate *400 gp.
ancient technique which produces a
light metal only marginally weaker
than steel. With many overlapping
plates, this armor provides excellent
mobility. Every Praetorian learns
to endure fighting in the punishing
heat of the sun and to push their
endurance past normal limits.
Each armor suit is set with firehardened tusks and horns, providing
additional protection and serving as
impromptu weapons if a Praetorian
is disarmed or outnumbered
and grappled. Large tusks are
commonly added to shoulder
armor and helmets so Praetorians
can slam into an adversary as a
last resort. These also help deflect
blows intended for the neck. Many




When Vinter Raelthorne set

Makeda of Great House Balaash
as the leader of his Army of the
Western Reaches, the Archdomina
took the ancient traditions of the
Praetorians and brought them to the
great Abyssal Fortress. She put out
a call for Aspirants and Praetorians
of all houses, and has incorporated
them as one force in her army. This is
the largest gathering of Praetorians
ever assembled, organized into
large cohorts and sent to conquer
the fertile western lands under the
direction of their ranking tyrants.
Each of these Praetorians hopes to
carve a legend for himself and gain
immortality by conquest and glory
in battle

30 ft.

25 lb.

Praetorian Plate crafted of

lightweight metal pieces (often
bronze, but sometimes other
metals), classified as medium
rather than heavy armor, is
considered masterwork, and if
worn by the individual it was
crafted for, it does not slow the
wearer (if worn by others, Speed
reduces to 20 ft.). Praetorian
plate is considered spiked armor,
allowing damage with grappling
attacks, and can also be used
to deliver 1d4 damage on a
successful bull rush.
*Cost provided for reference for
skorne equivalence; this armor not
available for purchase on the open
market. Captured Praetorian Plate
could sell to interested buyers in
western Immoren for a wide range
below or above this cost, depending
on buyer (25%-400%).


Guts & Gears: Dire Troll Mauler

Dire Troll Mauler

The dire troll stands alone, a
beast so fierce even other trolls will
uproot themselves and migrate
away when a dire troll enters
the region. Contact with these
creatures has been shunned and
avoided by even the most battleseasoned trollkin shamans or fell
callers, even those boasting a bond
over the savage breeds linked to
their bloodlines. The appearance
of dire trolls fighting alongside
the trollkin in recent conflicts is a
dire omen for all those who have
drawn the wrath of these proud
people. By answering the call to
battle, the dire trolls have brought
unequalled aggression and raw
fury to the trollkin kriels.
Fortunately for other creatures
walking Caen, the dire troll is not
a numerous breed, its own ferocity
and territorial nature keeping it
spread thin across wide regions
of the wilderness. They are most
numerous in the Wyrmwall
Mountains and the Scarsfell
Forest, with some few carving out
territories in the Gnarls and the
Cloutsdown Fenns. They have
learned to avoid human regions,
as humans invariably band
together to exterminate them. All
things being equal most human
towns and small cities would just
as soon never deal with a dire
troll menace. So long as they
have kept to remote areas, there
has been no organized attempt to
root them out.


Dire trolls hunt and roam across

a large area, and have been known
to chase out and slay any creatures
including smaller full-blood
trolls. The only creatures they
endure for extended periods are
diminutive pygmy trolls, more
commonly called pygs. As with

other full blooded trolls, the dire

trolls can produce whelps
small degenerate trolls which are
not true offspringwhen a body
part is severed, and their whelps
live several years before expiring.
Some human scholars theorize the
great brutes mistake pygs for their
own whelps, but this could be a
natural symbiotic relationship.
Even pygs and whelps fall prey to
dire troll hunger, but usually only
when all other sources of food are
Few have spent any time with
dire trolls in the wild, for obvious
reasons, which has caused an

culture is primitive,
compared to the trollkin,
they are far from beasts.
They possess a limited
spoken vocabulary and
simple language, uniquely
their own, not based on
Molgur-Trul. Its possible
this language predates the
Molgur alliance, of which
dire trolls were never a
part. In recent months
dire trolls have picked up
significant words of
used by the
other trollkin
and are

intelligent enough to respond

to these terms. As with fullblood trolls, hunger and extreme
aggression have been barriers
to more sophisticated culture
between them. The sheer amount
of food required to support their
metabolism makes them jealous
of each other and prone to battles
for territory.
The main interaction between
dire trolls is reserved

Few sights are as terrifying as an enormous bloodfrenzied dire troll bearing down for the kill. Dire
trolls seem capable of consuming and digesting almost
anything, and have been witnessed swallowing stone
and metal without any apparent ill effect.

Dire troll mane spines

vary in color, perhaps
depending on diet.

Calcified rock-like skin

growths most common
on shoulders, back,
arms and chin. These
become denser and more
widespread with age.

Oversized lower
tusks employed
to tear open the
stomach and entrails
of larger prey and
penetrate even the
thickest hide.

Unparalleled regenerative
capability; dire trolls can live
over three hundred years.

Tremendous gigantic
hands, capable of
shattering stone walls.

Guts & Gears: Dire Troll Mauler

Bilght, its whats for dinner...

to mating,
searching outside of their normal
territory. Dire troll females rarely
tolerate males after they become
pregnant, driving them away.
Dire trolls are born in pairs, and
there is a prolonged period of
over a decade when young are
cared for by the mother. Once
they can hunt and subsist on
their own, they are driven out.
What passes for language among
the dire trolls is passed down by
the females, who may be slightly
more intelligent than the males,
but no less fierce or territorial.
Mature dire trolls pick a name
for themselves in maturity, but
also have an awareness of their
bloodline, represented by a
symbol. These are often branded
into flesh as ritual scarification or

tattoo. Perhaps
after watching smaller fullblood trolls do similarly, dire
trolls learned that fire-branding
along with the mixing certain
poisonous plant dyes creates long
lasting colored marks on their
skin. These eventually regenerate,
but endure for months before
needing to be replaced.
One of the most remarkable
aspects of the dire troll is their
longevity, an extension of their
phenomenal regenerative powers.
It is suspected the dire trolls may
live upward of three centuries,
and perhaps they have no natural
mortality, only succumbing to
madness which pushes them into
frenzies that bring their deaths
As a dire troll ages, they
shared by other troll breeds to
a lesser degree. Some are quills

which serve in the

place of body hair, but they also
produce toughened calcified
skin which becomes increasingly
large and rocky with age. These
are prominent on the dire trolls
shoulders and back, providing
considerable natural protection.
Similar growths are found on
full-blood trolls and even elder
male trollkin, particularly on the
chin and arms.
While most trollkin have
tried to dismiss kinship with
these untamable creatures, it
was these similarities which
drew the attention of one great
shaman of the Gnarls, Hoarluk
Doomshaper. Even before recent
events Doomshaper had become
a living legend among his people,
respected and feared. From
youth Hoarluk demonstrated
great aptitude for Dhunian
ritual. Yet it was his affinity and
connection to trolls which has

become his true legacy. While

others are periodically born with
the ability to tap into the minds
and strength of full-blood trolls,
Hoarluk delved these mysteries
with singular focus.
Hoarluk has explored the
western region in search of old
krielstones and other evidence of
his people through the ages. He
has tapped into ancient wisdom
preserved and forgotten since the
time of the Molgur, and added
this lore to his perspective of his
species. He has gone to places
other trollkin avoid, and tamed
bloodlines of full-troll others
considered completely feral. It
was inevitable he would turn his
attention to the greatest breed of
them all: the dire troll.
Much of Hoarluks relationship
with dire trolls remains a mystery
known only to him. It is told he
ventured alone into the wilds in
early 603 AR, telling his kriels
that he might never return. He
explored the great trackless peaks
of the Wyrmwall between Orven
and Fharin. There he used his
powers to observe the dire trolls,
to learn their singular tongue, and
pit his mind and will against their
unfathomable and wild natures.

By speech and
gesture, Hoarluk
came to an accord
with the dire troll,
and soon contacted
others, including
one of the oldest
and most feared
dwelling in the
Upper Wyrmwall.
non-violent intent, it must stand
still and unflinching during this.
The charging dire troll will punch
the intruder in the chest and howl
in his face; if the intruder does
not retaliate, there are no further
hostilities. Hoarluk witnessed
this interchange between two dire
trolls, after which they carried on
a limited discourse, scratching
at the ground to help illustrate,
and later sharing the carcass of a
mountain elk.

tongue. He was forced to endure

the display of a dire troll in its full
rage, and then a rib-shattering
punch to his sternum, all the
while biting down on his pain and
fear. While in close proximity he
discovered his troll kinship could
penetrate the thick skulls of the
dire troll just as he had with
other full-blood trolls. By speech
and gesture, Hoarluk came to an
accord with the dire troll, and
soon contacted others, including
one of the oldest and most feared
dwelling in the Upper Wyrmwall.
This enormous ancient first called
Doomshaper Krol, the name
he is now called by all dire trolls
following his bidding. Hoarluk
has not explained the meaning of
this word, only heard to remark
cynically, they will not eat me.

Guts & Gears: Dire Troll Mauler

One anecdote he has

related to his kin was
learning the posture
by which dire trolls
another, likely
similar to what
a male seeks a
mate. The dire
upon enacts a
terrifying display
against the outsider,
howling, and ending
with an all-out charge. For
the outsider to demonstrate

Doomshaper was able to teach
them of the ties that binds their
species. The term Krol may
indicate belief he has a dire trolls
soul, reincarnated as a trollkin.
Whatever the case may be, for
the first time in the history of the
west, dire trolls have given up
isolation and endure the company
of trollkin and other trolls to
battle those whom Doomshaper
names enemies. The dire trolls
called by Hoarluk prefer to
utilize their innate strength and
natural assets in battle, and have
been termed Maulers among
the trollkin, but in the wild they
have been observed to employ
improvised weapons such as
clubs or oversized rocks. Only
time will tell to what other uses
these fearsome creatures will
be put by Doomshaper and the
trollkin chiefs.

Hoarluk used this knowledge

to confront the dire trolls,
following the same behavior,
walking openly before one and
announcing his presence in their

Guts & dears: Praetorians

Guts and Gears

will continue
to bring you
the history
and heart of
the military
might of
and now
each issue.

by Jeff Hoy

by Ron Kruzie

by Rob Stoddard


Guts & Gears: Dire Troll Mauler

by Todd Arrington

by Ali McVey

by Jeff Hoy


the men and machines of WARMACHINE

Written by Sean Fish, Art by Brian Snoddy, Rules by Douglas Seacat

Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corps

In the western mountains of
Rhul lies an unassailable fortress
complex composed of dozens of
smaller terraced castles, known
as Hammerfall. Essential to
Rhulic security, the compound
has withstood countless attacks
over the ages, but has never been
breached. Hammerfall was built


to guard both major roads leading

to the interior of the nation. Along
with the Horgenhold which
watches over the primary trade
river into Rhul, it is one of the
most impressive defensive works
anywhere in the Iron Kingdoms.
The High Shield Gun Corps,

the rugged garrison stationed

at Hammerfall, are a tough and
determined reflection of that
stalwart bastion. Though kept
in a constant state of readiness,
it has been centuries since the
fortification actually withstood
siege. With such a large number
of highly trained soldiers at there
disposal, it was only a matter of
time before the commanders of
Hammerfall found a way to make

Hammerfall is controlled by
Stone House Dhurg, which is
responsible for maintaining the
western defenses of Rhul. This
is significant because it results
in Stone Lord Joharl Dhurg,
one of the 13 leaders of Rhul,
being the ultimate commander
of the fortress. Many dwarves
of House Dhurg are stationed at
Hammerfall, including Champion
Pelgor Dhurg, Joharls older
cousin. In his younger days,
Pelgor spent a great deal of time
in Llael as a mercenary.
The dwarves of Rhul have
a long history of serving as
mercenaries in human conflicts
and it is not uncommon to see
individual dwarves serving with
mercenary companies throughout
the potential for profit in his
experiences, Pelgore came before
Stone House Dhurg to petition
the creation of a regiment of
Rhulic mercenaries drawn from
the disciplined soldiers stationed
at Hammerfall. Seeing great
potential in his proposal and
having an abundance of trained
fighters at their disposal, House
Durg agreed, so long as these
mercenary operations did not
threaten the safety of Rhul. The
majority of Gun Corps Sergeants
have the blood of Dhurg flowing
through their veins.
No doubt part of House Dhurgs
decision was a response to the
Khadoran invasion of Llael. Many
dwarves were disturbed by the
occupation of their neighbor to the
south. The traditional bad blood

between Rhul and its western

neighbor was exacerbated by
Khadors attempts to cut off river
trade through Llael. Cooler heads
among the Dhurg debated in the
moot and found a way to justify
what they see as a necessary evil.
They decided the best solution
was to become more active in
human affairs in the interest of
their continued security. Sending
the High Shields into mercenary
service accomplishes a number of
ends for Stone Lords of Rhul.
First and foremost it fills House
coffers. Second is the invaluable

The gunners at
Hammerfall are well
trained and equipped.
In Rhul, all conflict,
from individual duels
to long standing and
bloody clan feuds,
follow strict laws that
have been in existence
for generations.
experience it gives to the
dwarven soldiers while keeping
Rhul neutral to direct conflict.
First hand knowledge will serve
to strengthen the fortress when
these soldiers are recalled to duty
at Hammerfall. In order to more
efficiently accomplish this, Gun
Corps units are rotated into and
out of mercenary service on a
regular basis. This has given a
large number of gunners a taste
of battle on the human front. The
vast reserve force at Hammerfall
is never depleted and part of the
profit from every field unit is
returned back to the fortress to be

put toward better equipment and

armor for the force as a whole.
Thus the gunners find profit for
themselves as well as the overall
Rhulic war effort.
The final benefit of having
troops serving on foreign soil, is
that it allows Rhul to maintain a
daily awareness of affairs in the
war front across the southlands, a
benefit that has been exploited by
House Dhurg to silence critics.
By seeking employment with
both Khador and Cygnar, they
are able to watch both sides of the
conflict that rages outside Rhulic
borders. Information is primarily
received through letters home
and financial reports from the
units in the field. The exception
to this are detailed reports
requested by the Stone Lords and
Stone House Jhord in particular,
which handles the gathering of
intelligence. First and foremost
they want information about the
most current battlefield tactics
used by the human warcasters.
They also seek detailed reports
on the newest warjacks such as
the Cygnaran Thunderhead and
the Khadoran Behemoth.


a little extra coin. Many of the

finest rifledwarves residing within
the walls of Hammerfall were
selected from among the Corps
and sent abroad as mercenaries
to fight in the wars of men.

The gunners at Hammerfall are

well trained and equipped. In
Rhul, all conflict, from individual
duels to long standing and
bloody clan feuds, follow strict
laws that have been in existence
for generations. The precepts
and practices of combat in Rhul
are confusing to the point of
being almost unintelligible to
most humans. For example two
dwarven clans might be involved
in a long siege over the right to
build on a specific plot of land but
instantly suspend their conflict at
the first sign of an attack from


The tactics employed by the

Gun Corps, like their unerring
ranking fire that bombards
their enemy from around their
mates, make them well prepared
for battle in current conflicts
in Western Immoren. Heavily
armored, the Gun Corps provides
a movable strong point for field
commanders. They are trained to
respond instantly to the command
of their Sergeant, forming an
almost impenetrable wall with

their shields. Far from merely a

defensive formation, the gunners
can unleash a withering covered
fusillade with their double-barreled
rifles, deftly avoiding their shield
mates and obliterating enemy
infantry in their line of fire. Their
shields are brilliantly designed to
give the gunners a steady place
to rest their deadly rifles during
these volleys and peer out from
safety. In a pinch the dwarves can
have-to with their trusty axes, but
it is while at a distance that they
are most effective.
In addition to keeping his
gunners in tight and effective
formations, the Sergeant of a
High Shield unit is trained as a
Jack Marshal. He can control
a Rhulic warjack and many
opposing commanders have
changed their battle plan
rather than try and dislodge
a Gun Corps unit with a
Ghordson Driller attached to
it. Training their Sergeants in


this manner allows the Gun Corps

to take advantage of their ability
to operate as an independent unit,
easily anchoring the flank of a
battle far from their warcaster.
Adding a jack to the unit obviously
increases cost but is often well
worth the extra expense.
It is in the dwarven nature to
want to leave something behind
that will last longer than his
lifetime, as a legacy to others.
This is most often in the form
of monuments of stone or great
structures. Another way to do that
is to be part of something bigger
than any individual. This makes
being picked for training in a High
Shield company is a great honor
for a dwarf. Once in their ranks,
any gunner who is considering
venturing out as a mercenary
is given further incentive to go
abroad with a substantial pay
increase over those who stay
back at the fortress. This ensures
the gunners are anxious for this

One of the clearest examples

of this attitude is the Gun Corps
Unit lead by Sergeant Gerhard
Dhurg. He and his men hired out
to Kommandant Gurvalt Irusk
during one of the Khadorans
offensives. Sergeant Gerhard sent
back a steady stream of reports
and revenue but so fast was

Irusks advance, recall orders from

Hammerfall fortress kept missing
the unit. When a messenger
sent personally from his Uncle,
Pelgor Dhurg, finally found the
Sergeant he was asked why he
hadnt returned home. Gerhards
response was I go back to the
Hammer when I am officially
recalled, until then my men and I
are gonna keep fighting alongside
this lot with the fur hats. Theyre

getting what they paid for. Dig us

a place to sleep boys.
These excellent qualities in
addition to combat techniques
mastered over generations of
experience make it certain that
the Hammerfall High Shield Gun
Corps will always be welcomed as
allies and hated by their foes as
war continues to rage across the
Iron Kingdoms.

Guts & Gears - HAMMERFALL

Guts & HIGH

duty and hit the

road to conflict
with high spirits.
Units of dwarven
gunners are highly
sought after by
warcasters who
know of the Rhulic
combat prowess
and honor. The
dwarves of Rhul
believe that war
is waged to settle
disputes or prove
skill, not to sack
and pillage. They
solid in the midst
of battle, with a
that is the envy
of rowdier human
companies. They
are proud of their
being tough, always prepared, and
ready for anything.

High Shield Double Barreled Rifle

Created in Rhul for the specific use of the High Shield Gun Corps, this double-barreled military rifle is
lighter and more compact than other double-barrels, utilizing serricsteel barrels and Rhulic tooling. Reloading
each barrel takes two standard actions and a Craft (small arms) skill check (DC12). (See IKCG, p. 186 for
Double Barreled rules; for the Riflemans Bulwark utilized by the High Shield, see IKCG, p. 197.)

High Shield
Double Barreled Rifle
(each barrel)

Range Increment Weight Type

160 ft.
22lb Piercing

Note: This weapon is only available to the High Shield Gun Corps directly from the armories at Stone House Dhurg in Rhul.


Guts & Gears: Centurian

Centurion Heavy Warjack

For most of its illustrious military
history, versatility and speed
have been the watchwords for
Cygnaran warjacks. In the latter
part of the 6th century increasing
border hostility with Khador
brought with it a need for Cygnar
to create a jack that was not only
capable of standing toe to toe with
the monstrous Juggernauts of
their enemies to the North, but
was in fact specifically designed
to exploit their weaknesses.
Turning back to an earlier time
in their history, when colossals
towered over battles, the greatest
military minds of Cygnar decided
it was time to fight strength with
superior strength. This desired
tactical advantage combined
with certain political factors to
launch the development of the
Centurion, a warjack capable
of negating the charges of
Khadoran jacks and thereby
stopping enemy assaults cold.
In 590 AR, Khadors Queen Ayn
was making it painfully clear that
she intended to increase hostilities
with Cygnar. Her rhetoric was
becoming so strident that it easily
reached beyond her own borders
into Cygnaran lands. At this
time Cygnar was in the midst
of the brutal rule of King Vinter
Raelthorne IV. The spies he sent
into Khador brought back reports
of a concerted effort by the Queen
to ramp up the kingdoms war
production facilities even beyond
that of her predecessor, Lord
Regent Simonyev Blaustavya.
Both Queen Ayn and her
mentor the Lord Regent strongly
believed in the philosophies of
her grandfather, King Ivad Vanar
who had driven Khador toward
a brighter and more prosperous


future. By instilling their people

with a fresh sense of pride in their
heritage, they wished to recapture
the sense of a northern Empire
within its populace.
King Vinters response to this
information was to order the
creation of a warjack that could
not only stand toe to toe with
the brutally powerful Khadoran
heavies but would in fact have a
significant tactical advantage over
them. The Cygnaran Mechaniks
Coalition of the Royal Cygnaran
University, working alongside
the Cygnaran Armory, were
given the contract to create the
Centurion after proposing a set of
plans that combined raw strength
with the advanced mechanika
Cygnar has always been known
for. The Centurion would have
an incredibly sturdy chassis
with a mechanikally-enhanced
magno shield and a hydraulicallypowered piston spear. Work on
the jack began in earnest in the
fall of 591 AR. The first few years
were spent focused on the creation
of a chassis that could not only
withstand tremendous punishment
but also support intricate and
powerful armaments.
At first there was
Cygnaran warcasters
who were concerned
such a heavy and
hence slower moving
machine. Much effort
was expended in an
attempt to maintain
the speed that had
always been a
trademark of

CHASSIS: Centurion
HEIGHT: 12.7
WEIGHT: 8.5 tons
FUEL LOAD: 180 Kgs
FUEL CONSUMPTION: 5 hrs general, 1 hr
tasked for a new chassis design, we wanted
to stand toe-to-toe with the best Khador has
to offer without sacrificing our mechanikal
superiority. The magno shield is in a class by
itselfyoull be seeing the Centurion on the
front lines long after Im gone.Lassiter Polk
When they demonstrated the Centurion,
much was made of locking onto another jack,
but that polarity field makes it invaluable.
Stopping the enemy cold and charging on
your terms always puts a smile on my face.
The Piston Spear is just gravy. Tasty, lumpy
gravy.Captain E. Dominic Darius


Centurion Heavy Warjack

Guts & Gears: Centurian

Armament: Magno Shield (left arm), Piston Spear (right arm)

Hit Dice: 22d10+30 (151 hp)
Base Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 26 (-1 size, +13 armor, +4 shield), touch 9, flat
footed 26
BAB/Grapple: +16/+31
Attack: Piston Spear +27 (3d8+11/x3)
Full Attack: Piston Spear +27/+22/+17/+12 (3d8+11/x3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft. by 10 ft. (15 foot reach.)
Saving Throws: Fort +7, Reflex +7, Will +7
Abilities: Strength 32, Dexterity 10
Cortex: Arcanum GradeIntelligence 10, Wisdom 10
Build DC/Construction Time/Price: Military Secret
Special Attacks: Electro-lock, critical sustained attack
Special Qualities: Mechanikal construct traits, steamjack traits,
damage reduction 10/Serricsteel, darkvision 60 feet, low light
vision, polarity field
Electro-lock (Su): The Centurion can use the powerful mechanikal
magnet in its shield to conduct a special grapple attack on
another warjack or metal construct in melee range. For purposes
of this grapple, the Centurion is treated as if it had 36 strength
(Grapple BAB becomes +33). This does not provoke an attack of
opportunity, and the grapple does not cause damage. Instead, the
enemy warjack is unable to use either one of its arms or its head,
selected by the Centurion, until it escapes from the grapple. The
Centurion does not gain AC from his shield while using this ability.
The Centurion cannot attack with its piston spear the same round
it uses this ability.
Critical sustained attack (Ex): If the Centurion succeeds in a
critical hit with the piston spear, any subsequent attacks against
the same target automatically hit without rolling an attack roll.
Polarity Field (Su): By the mechanikal power of the Magno
Shield, within 60 ft. of the Centurion, no warjack, metal construct,
or other adversaries wearing metal armor can approach the
Centurion at a speed greater than its normal movement rate. The
Centurion cannot be the target of a charge or a bull-rush so long as
the Magno Shield is still functioning.
The Magno Shield only functions when attached to the Centurion
chassis; it cannot be removed and attached to other warjacks and
retain its abilities.

craftsmanship, while adding the

bulk necessary to stand up to the
massive force from another heavy.
In the end it was decided that
the size and strength needed to
counterbalance the powerful and
sophisticated magno-shield was
more important.
The magno shield was initially
tuned to cause a powerful
electromagnetic polarity field to be
generated in front of the Centurion
that could stop a locomotive under
full steam. This was fundamental
to the design since it would hamper
the Khadors notoriously powerful
warjack charges. Likewise, the
sophisticated mechanika would
also allow the polarity field to be
reversed and narrowed, giving
the Centurion the ability to lock
down the arm or head of an enemy
warjack. The application of this
design was a bit trickier. The
problem the engineers faced was
finding a way to reverse the field
without pulling unintended targets
toward the Centurion, pinning
it against the hull of other jacks.
It took a great deal of fine tuning
and experimentation to hone the
shields electro-lock ability so that

Guts & Gears: Centurian

it could target a single head or
arm system. Though incredibly
effective, the great weight of the
magno shield has restricted its
application to the Centurion,
the only chassis currently in
the Cygnaran arsenal that can
support it.
By the time the prototypes
for the chassis and the shield
were complete and the proper
balance was found between them,
the brute had already been in
development for almost seven
years. During that time work on
the piston spear was completed
separately. The spear was crafted
with a sharp, tempered steel tip
that could tear through most any
armor. After a successful initial
strike in melee, a piston within the
spear itself is activated and drives
the tip of the weapon repeatedly
into the already damaged target.
It is a deadly and effective attack
system that works equally well

against highly armored heavy

jacks and devastating against
lighter but more nimble jacks.
The design and execution of
the Centurion came together
to create a threat greater than
the sum of its individual parts.
Its particular combination of
an incredibly strong chassis as
a foundation and sophisticated
armaments made the Centurion
a deadly melee machine. The
blending of old ways and new
mechanika created a jack that was
easily a match for its Khadoran
counterparts. Taking advantage
of the Centurions arsenal took
some time however.
Initially utilizing the Centurion
was an adjustment for Cygnaran
warcasters who were accustomed
to faster, more mobile jacks, and
also those accustomed to relying
on long ranged attacks. Certainly
the Centurion cannot be moved
to key spots as quickly as other

Cygnaran jacks. But provided

that its flanks are protected, there
is no better jack for a defensive
stand or serving as the strong
center in a crushing forward
advance. As more Centurions
have made their way into battle,
Cygnaran casters have become
proficient using the beasts to
anchor their armies or to seek out
the biggest threat in an enemy
force and lock it down, forcing
opponents to drastically alter
their strategies. Inspired by a
combination of the capabilities
of enemy warjacks, an aggressive
political stance and the usual
lightning strike of genius that
Centurion promises to stand as a
stalwart protector of Cygnar for
many decades to come.




by John Cadice

by Dave Perrotta

by Todd Arrington

by Todd Arrington

by David Ray

by Jeff Hoy

Guts & Gears: Centurian

by Dave Perrotta

by Dan Smith

by Todd Arrington


the lit

By Doug Seacat - Art by Chippy

shlynn felt a familiar

burst of excitement as
she infused her limbs
with quickening power, sprinting
forward and through the ragged
opening in the crumbling wall.
The Khadorans had occupied
these old ruins, using its battered
walls for their supply depot. The
wall was breached several places
in long forgotten wars; she chose
an opening closest to the flickering
of a bonfire beyond. She told her
battlegroup, a Vanguard, Mule
and Nomad, to circle to the left
toward the main road entrance.
Coming through the ragged
opening she arrived in the midst
of a cluster of Winter Guardsmen
huddled around a fire, right where
shed expected them to be. The
keen edge of Nemesis flashed out,
its tip going clean through the
throat of one guard before he could
reach for his axe, then reversing in
a smooth motion to impale the one
on the other side. She spun and
fired her pistol straight into the
chest of a third, then looked back
just in time to block the swing of

a fourth, whod gathered his wits

to swing his axe. She riposted
past the weapon to sink her blade
through his eye and deep into his
skull, a mercifully quick death.
Pulling Nemesis loose she lunged
across the freshly bloodied soil
to sink the length of the blade
deep into the stomach of a fifth,
crippling him to bleed out more
slowly on the ground.
One man in this cluster
remained, a few yards to the right
where he had been retrieving fuel
from a stack of chopped wood.
He dropped his bundle and didnt
bother reaching for his axe, running
flat out, his face a portrait of terror.
He ran toward a sentry along the
wall by the main road, a man who
had just turned at the sound of
her shot, raising his blunderbuss.
Ashlynn extended her hand. Timed
perfectly to coincide with arrival of
the fleeing guardsman, a whirlwind
vortex sprang from her fingertips
through the air to intercept them
both, picking them up and tearing
them apart while a cloud of dust
and debris lingered.

She didnt have time to feel

satisfaction as she saw movement
from the corner of her eye, up
and to her right, atop a tower her
scouts told her was empty. She
tumbled as there was the crack of
a riflesomething whizzed past
her head and into the earth behind
her. Other shots followed as she
dived under better cover; a stack
of sealed wooden crates. A mental
clock was ticking in her head,
knowing her warjacks moved
toward the main road entrance, the
resistance soldiers behind them. If
she didnt move to support them
theyd be in trouble.
She sent a mental command
to the Mule while she reloaded
her pistol, calling it toward her.

The last guardsman shed

impaled wasnt quite dead,
groaning and trying to crawl to
the fire. She lowered her pistol
toward him. Wheres Irusk? It
pained her to speak Khadoran,
but she knew the occupiers hadnt
bothered to learn her tongue.
The dying soldier was
bewildered. He gasped, Irusk?
Not here... Kovnic... His lips were
already turning blue.
She felt a rage building as
she realized her information must
have been wrong, or perhaps they
had laid a trap for her. It wouldnt
be the first time. She knew her
first order of business was to shut
down the Widowmakers lurking
in the tower.

She vaulted out from behind

the crate, tumbling across the
open lane toward the wall opening
shed come through. She spun as
she tumbled, holding her hand
up toward the tower, unleashing
her magic upon the snipers just
bringing their rifles to bear.
Bright flashes combined with an
ear-splitting screeching erupted
from the tower. This distraction
sufficed to prevent them from
firing before the Mules explosive
round thudded into the base of the
tower, and her vision was erased
with a tremendous blast, made
doubly intense by the nearby
crates which erupted in rapidfire explosions like fireworks on
Tenfest. A wall of heat hit her
and threw her back as she landed
just below the crumbled wall, fire
roaring past her huddled form.

attention divided as she reached
across her link to tell the Nomad
to charge the Destroyer who was
even now firing another shot. She
told the Mule to catch up with the
others and provide cover fire at
the main entrance. Your concern
is noted, Fynch, but we can argue
later. Your men are walking into a
wall of steam armor.
His face was grim. There are
more Khadorans coming up the
road behind us. And this place is
riddled with explosive crates.
She smiled ruefully as they
ran to catch the others, hearing
the sounds of battle, Im of a mind
to leave the Khadorans a few less

She didnt black out, but was

stunned a moment, until she saw
a familiar face looming over her.
The Rynnish man shook his head
and extended a hand to pull her
to her feet. An elaborate pistol

Ashlynn has walked into a trap at a Khadoran supply depot.
She intends not just to survive but to destroy Khadors
precious ammunition supplies.

She called to the Mule, letting

her energy flow into the beast, and
had it stand still and power up its
Lobber, diverting steam normally
intended for its legs. Destroy the
tower! She ordered it, and heard
the satisfying whump as it launched
its oversized shell.
Only in that moment did she
realize the probable nature of the
crates beside which she was hiding
at the base of that same tower.
This was a significant Khadoran
ammunition supply point. Her eyes
widened as she took in the symbol
of the Golden Crucible on the crates
alongside the red Khadoran Star.

inscribed with glowing runes

was in his other hand. That was
foolish. Why must you do these
things? The Resistance does not
have enough warcasters to throw
them away...

scenario: THE LIT FUSE

She let the Nomad and Vanguard

to continue toward the larger
entrance. She heard the distinct
thump of a Destroyers cannon,
and held her breath until she
heard the explosion, knowing by
looking through the Nomads eyes
that the shot had angled wide,
missing both jacks and soldiers.
Shed hardened herself against
death in the last two years, but
among these men were several
true friends. Between the Man-oWars inside and the snipers theyd
be cut down a few minutes.

Khadoran Deployment Zone

Ammunition Crates placed by

Khadoran player at least 12 from
north table edge and 3 apart

Wall 12

Wall 12


Wall 12


Mercenary Deployment Zone


scenario: THE LIT FUSE

Mercenary Army
Ashlynn DElyse
Mule Heavy Warjack
Nomad Heavy Warjack
Vanguard Light Warjack
2 Steelhead Halberdiers
Units each with 1 Sergeant
and 7 Halberdiers
Fynch dLamsyngunmage
of the Amethyst Rose and
former captain of the Royal
High Guard of Llaeluse
stats and rules for Cygnars
Gun Mage Captain Adept
Khador Army
2 Man-o-War Kovniks
Khador players choice of
3 non-unique Heavy Warjacks
Khador players choice
of either Man-o-War
Shocktrooper unit with 1
Kapitan and 4 Troopers or
Man-o-War Demolition
Corps with 1 Kapitan
and 4 Troopers
Winter Guard unit with
1 Sergeant and 9 Troopers
Iron Fang Pikeman unit with
1 Sergeant and 9 Troopers
Iron Fang Unit Attachment
with 1 Kapitan and
1 Standard Bearer
Widowmakers unit with
1 Kapitan and 3 Troopers
Winter Guard Mortar Crew
with 1 Gunner and 1 Crewman
Special Rules
and Set Up
See the map. Place three walls
at least 2 high, 1 thick, and 12
wide set along the lower edge of
the ammunition depot, represented
by the Khadoran deployment
zone, 24 from the northern table


edge. The first wall is set against

the west table edge; the second
is 8 east of the first; the third is
4 east of the second. Walls are
brick structures with ARM 16
and can take 10 damage per inch.
See Damaging and Destroying
Prime, pg. 62 for details.
Players take turns each
placing two (2) terrain features.
Terrain features cannot be placed
within 6 of the walls or within 3
of another terrain feature. Terrain
features may be placed on hills.
The Mercenary Player can not
place terrain in the Khadoran
Deployment Zone.
The Khador player then places
eight (8) ammunition crates in his
deployment zone. Crates are 1
cubes. A crate cannot be placed
within 12 of the northern table
edge or closer than 3 to another
Ammunition crates are not
structures. A melee attack targeting
a crate automatically hits. Crates
have DEF 5 when targeted by
ranged or magic attacks. A magic
attack only does its normal damage
to a crate. Ignore a spells special
rules when it targets a crate. Crates
have ARM 14 and will explode
if they take a damage point;
center a 5 AOE blast
on the damaged crate. All
models within the AOE suffer a
POW 12 damage roll and are
knocked down; the crate
is removed.
A warjack with a open fist in
base contact with a crate can make
a special action to throw a crate.
The throw is resolved as the power
attack of the same name, though
the warjack does not need to spend
a focus point to throw a crate. No
strength check is required for the
throw. When resolving the throw,
the crate is considered to be a
small-based model.

The Khador player deploys
first, placing one Man-o-War
Kovnic, the Man-o-War unit,
2 heavy warjacks, the unit
of Winter Guard, the unit of
Winter Guard Mortar Crew and
the Widowmakers within the
Khadoran Deployment Zone.
The Kovnik in play controls the
two heavy warjacks.
The Mercenary player then
deploys his forces, within the
Mercenary Deployment zone.
The Mercenary Player takes the
first turn.
The remaining Khadoran
forces are reinforcements that
are placed on the table during
the Khador players second
turn, at the beginning of his
Maintenance Phase. Place these
models completely within 3 of
any table edge. These models can
activate this turn. The Kovnik
placed at this time controls the
third heavy warjack.
Victory Conditions
The Khador player wins if
Ashlynn is destroyed.
The Mercenary player
wins if all of the explosive
crates are destroyed.

Narrative dy Doug Seacat - Scenario by David DC Carl - Art by Brian Snoddy

ven in the Protectorate it

had been a cold winter,
a poor time for this
pilgrimage which had taken them
to a small but noted temple in
a village between Sul and Imer
called Prautere. The temple was
graced with an obscure relic of
the faith which the Harbinger
insisted on visiting in person. Set
upon a low marble dais at the rear
of the courtyard was a massive
perfectly square stone of smooth
granite, each side inscribed with a
precisely centered Menofix. It was
simple, yet the absolute precision
of its proportions was a mystery.
Excavated from Ancient Icthier,
scholars at the Lyceum of the True
Law theorized this stone to be the
first carved by man after receiving
the gift of stoneworking from the
Creator. It was a mild curiosity
to most faithful, relegated to this
lesser temple. None questioned the
Harbinger when she insisted on
the pilgrimage, knowing she was
guided by prophetic visions.
The Harbinger floated before
the stone, her blindfolded face
serene as she bowed her head in
prayer. She looked vulnerable
with her pale flesh protected only
by a white gown with long trailing
trains. Near at hand stood three

acolytes chosen as her attendants,

wearing simple robes of priestly
novices. Around the sacred stone
was a choir of priests who chanted
ancient praises to the Creator.
Between the stone and the great
entry gateway to the courtyard
were arrayed an impressive
escort; two special detachments
of Knights Exemplar, each handpicked for their skill and reliability
by the Grand Exemplar himself,
Baine Hurst, who knelt at the
Harbingers left side. At her right
knelt another armored man, whose
cloak and distinct armor set him
apart. This was Dartan Vilmon,
a Senior Paladin of the Order
of the Wall, who together
with the Grand Exemplar had
sworn to keep the Harbinger
safe. Conversation between the
two men had been curt, but they
were united in protective concern
for their ward.

not moved or shown any sign of

noticing their alarm. Knowing the
importance of the Harbinger, the
priests had conducted a prayer
ritual to ward the grounds, and
the guttering of the flames was
a warning that these had been
tampered with. The paladin spoke,
A darkness comes.

scenario: no ground left unhallowed

no ground left

There was a sudden

flickering as each of the many
torches lighting the courtyard
dipped low, guttering to dark
orange before returning to
normal. Baine stood at the
same time as Dartan, who had
his hand to his sheathed blade.
The two men shared a look, while
the Harbinger between them had

scenario: no ground left unhallowed

The knights were disciplined,

standing still at attention, but ready
for his orders. Baine looked past
them, where on either side of the
great doors from the central nave
he had stationed a large warjack,
a Crusader and Vanquisher. The
lights dimmed again, as the door
cracked open, swinging wide.
Baine drew his relic blades as a
female member of the Temple
Flameguard entered, not wearing a
helmet. Her face and posture were
familiar; a young woman named
Kellise, assigned to watch the
outer grounds. He knew instantly
something was wrong; her bearing
was improper, and no Flameguard
would enter the presence of the
Harbinger so brazenly. She strode
up the center of the courtyard,
marching double-time, her pale
face expressionless. Her eyes were
fixed on the Harbinger.
Baine was already giving the
order, Stop her! pointing as his
exemplars moved to intercept.
Dartan spoke as he drew

his own sword, She is not alive...

Before any of the knights could
swing, she leapt upon the nearest,
wrapping arms around him as he
froze. She dissolved to ash and
smoke, while the knight stood
pale and unmoving, his expression
horrified as he was paralyzed.
Darkness like smoke gathered
beyond the opened door before
pouring into the chamber. Baines
blessed vision penetrated this,
and he saw hulking armored
forms, each holding an enormous
weighted axe. We are beset!
Baine pointed at the smaller door
behind them, which led through
the outer dormitory, and told the
paladin, Take the Harbinger and
go! I will hold them.
The Harbinger did not seem
concerned, but raised her head
at last. I must go to Imer to arm
myself for war. Baine knew
her words had nothing
to do with what

was happening around them, and

was relieved when she followed
the paladin toward the back door,
attendants behind her. As she neared
the door, she turned toward Baine
and made a sign of benediction, but
he was facing the other direction,
shouting orders at his warjacks as
the bane thralls rushed the room.
The Vanquisher belched a great
gout of fire which missed the first
few but exploded into the hallway,
consuming a few of the intruders in
cleansing flame.
Baine spotted two other
dark forms atop the walls of the
courtyard on either side, the slender
silhouettes of stalkers. They hissed
and leapt over the knights, straight
for the Harbingers back. Baine
intercepted one, his blades a blur,
quickly shattering its fragile limbs.
He saw the paladin turn to the
other, blocking its advance with
his great shield, then bringing an
overhead blow down with his holy
blade, shattering its skull-like head
and igniting its frame with a burst
of fire. Baine urged the paladin
to leave. Protect her...
Turning back to the
chaotic melee already
underway, he spotted
more stalkers clambering
over the walls, while
the bane thralls pushed
line of his knights, the
warjacks on their


Baines fists clenched on each

of his swords. Your unholy hands
will never touch her. Aware his
death may be at hand, but feeling
the bond of strength surging
between his peers, Baine stepped
forward to battle the fiend.

Cryx Army
Goreshade the Bastard
2 Stalker Bonejacks
1 Deathripper Bonejack
1 Bane Thrall unit with
1 Lieutenant and 5 Troopers

Protectorate Army
1 Exemplar Seneschal
representing Grand
Exemplar Baine Hurst
(w/Jack Marshal 2 and 10 wounds)
1 Crusader Heavy Warjack
1 Vanquisher Heavy Warjack
2 Knights Exemplar units
with 1 Warder and 5 Knights
1 Choir of Menoth with
1 Priest and 5 Acolytes

Protectorate Deploy




Cryx Deploy


Set Up


Begin by marking the stone

wall and door. A line of tape would
suffice for marking the wall.

The Protectorate player

deploys his models first, placing
them in front of the wall, up to 12
from the north table edge and at
least 12 from the east and west
table edges.

Place a 6 diameter fountain

in the center of the table. The
fountain is shallow water. See
Water, WARMACHINE: Prime,
page 61.
Players take turns, each
placing three (3) additional
terrain features. Terrain features
should include objects that could
be reasonably found in a temple,
including but not limited to:
lecterns, low walls, and statues.
Avoid placing such natural terrain
features as forests or hills. Terrain
features cannot be placed within
3 of another terrain feature,
including the north wall and the

scenario: no ground left unhallowed

flanks. An axe almost clove

the paralyzed exemplar in two,
striking just above the mans
waist, and Baine felt a surge of
righteous indignation and wrath
which poured strength into his
arms. Through the great gateway
strode a terrible figure in ancient
armor inscribed with green
runes, gripping a tremendously
large cleaver in its undead hands.
Its withered face was made more
hideous by its hungry expression,
and it was flanked by several
bonejacks with jaws open and
ready to tear flesh. Goreshade
looked past the knights and his
blackened eyes locked on Baines.
The Harbinger will be mine. You
cannot stand against me.

The Cryx player then deploys

his models up to 10 from the
south table edge. The Protectorate
player takes the first turn.



The Cryx players wins if

Goreshade moves into the 4 area
beyond the north wall.
The Protectorate player wins
if Goreshade is destroyed or if
Goreshade has not moved into the
4 area beyond the north wall.


A Battle Report - Protecorate vs. Cygnar

Photographs by Julie and Timothy Nahm Written by Isaiah Mitchell

Special Thanks to Julie Nahm for Notes Taken, Terrain Made, and Armies Painted
Isaiah Mitchells
Protectorate Army:

Temple Flameguard x9
Choir x6
Choir x6
Exemplar Seneschal
Paladin of the Wall

Total: 499
Tim Nahms
Cygnar Army:

Long Gunners x10
Sword Knights x10
Journeyman Warcaster
Gun Mage
Captain Adept

Total: 500

Played by Isaiah Mitchell and Timothy Nahm

This issue two of our Press Gang walk us through an epic clash
between the Protectorate and Cygnar. Tim and Isiah have been
volunteers with us since the beginning, What follows is four rounds
of full metal beat-down...
The Theme and
Army Creation
Julie has made some very cool
Protectorate terrain pieces that
wed like to use, so the theme of
our battle will be the guardians of
a Protectorate temple struggling
against a small raiding force of
Cygnaran troops.
I can almost imagine the
devout flameguard of the temple
suddenly hearing from the laity
of a Cygnaran raiding force
approaching. Fearing for the
safety of their beloved temple
and monument, they call to their
Priestess for aid. Feora comes,

bringing with her a small force

of warjacks. A Paladin of the
Wall is at hand to help guard the
sanctity of the temple, and an
Exemplar Seneschal, who had
stopped the evening before to
rest and purify his soul, realizes
that Menoth has decreed he help
stave off the Morrowan raiders.
Finally, the Acolytes of Menoth,
led by their Warpriests, form up
into two separate Choirs to call
down divine guidance upon the
With Stryker off suppressing
the faithful in other parts, it falls
to Victoria Haley to assume
command of this mission. She

and Strategy

I managed to win the die
roll, and so had the choice of
whether or not to deploy first or
second. I opted to set up first,
so I can get my jacks under the
protective blanket of the Choirs
songs as quickly as possible
Looking over my side of the
table, I can see the ruins of an
older temple in the center of my
deployment zone, with a forest
to my left, and a hill to my right.
Im tempted to focus on the right
side of the table, but decide to
hedge my bet, and build my
deployment around the ruin
itself. Feora takes a commanding
view on the upper floor of the
ruins, with the Flameguard, the
Exemplar Seneschal, and one
Devout to her left. The second
Devout and one of the two
Choir units will take up station
on the ground floor of the ruins,
while the other Choir and the
Vanquisher deploy to the right,
and the paladin takes position on
top of the hill.
Ill be the first to admit that
Im not a brilliant Feora player.
Since Ive only played a dozen
or so games with this caster, Im
going to keep my tactics with
her as simple as possible. My
guiding thought for this game is
to view her as a missileshes
going to move as quickly as she
safely can, aim right for the heart
of the enemys formation, and

Dont underestimate the Vanquisher - Templates are your friend

explode into her feat. After I use

Scorched Earth to get rid of the
enemy troops, my warjacks will
finish Haley off. I decided to
leave the arc nodes at home, and
use two Devouts instead to keep
Feora alive as she closes with
the foe. The Vanquisher has
the dual role of finishing off any
troops that might escape Feoras
feat, and to beat up on other
warjacks. The Flameguard will
attempt to shield Feora, and then
cause damage to any targets of

Timothys deployment area
features a forest on his left, and
a hill to his right. He chooses to
place Haley behind the forest,
the Gun Mage Captain starts
about an inch to her left, and
the Lancer anchors the flank.

To the right of Haley are the

Sword Knights, followed by
the Journeyman Warcaster, the
Centurion, and finally the Long
Gunners, which are positioned
atop the hill. Both warjacks are
part of Haleys battlegroup.

battle report: compasta monastica

brings with her a Lancer and a

Centurion. Providing support
for the battlegroup is a squad
of Long Gunners, a unit of
Sword Knights, a Journeyman
Warcaster, and a Gun Mage
Captain Adept.

Timothys strategy will play

right into mine (although I dont
know that yet). His goal is to use
his troops to tempt Feora into
closing and using her feat, and then
finish her off with the Centurion,
Lancer, Gun Mage Captain, and
Journeyman. The Long Gunners
and Sword Knights, although
sacrificial, will attempt to cause as
much damage as possible during
Feoras attack run. Since hes
trying to lure me in, hes only
planning on using Temporal
Barrier as an offensive aid later in
the game, and will forgo its use as
an attack-stalling device.

Long Gunners set up for field control


battle report: compasta monastica

Round One

Looking over the field, I
see Ive already made the first
mistake. The Flameguard are
directly facing the Long Gunners,
with no terrain intervening. To
advance toward them would be
fatal for the Flameguard, and
while Menoth can be demanding
and harsh, pointless suicide
would be a waste of fine troops.
Ill have to find some other way
to advance the unit.
With that in mind, I allocate
one focus point to the Vanquisher
and one focus point to each Devout,
leaving three focus on Feora. The
army advances, with the Choir
singing Safe Passage, while Feora
runs down the stairs of the ruins
and into base contact with one of the
Devouts. The Flameguard and the
Exemplar Seneschal start running


Haley allocates a single focus to

the Lancer, and keeps the rest. The
Journeyman Warcaster, lacking a
warjack to control, likewise keeps
his focus to himself.
The Cygnaran army also
spends the turn moving forward.
themselves a run order to move
off the hill. Timothy is planning
on moving them towards the
middle of the board, and setting
up a line of enfilading fire on
his right flank later in the game.
The Journeyman Warcaster
places the Sword Knights under
the protection of Arcane Shield,
while the Lancer runs forward,
to get close enough for Haley to
use its arcnode. Haley does just
that, and two Choir Acolytes fall
to a Chain Lightning spell.

swarm you and take out your

warcaster before you can say I
thought zombies were supposed
to move slowly! Nothing beats
the sheer agony of watching
your Choir leaders being singled
out for destruction, having your
warjacks forced to run willynilly all over the table, and seeing
every possible piece of animate
metal in your army suffering
from disruption and prematurely
burned-out cortices. Its enough
to drive a Menite into the Hands
of an Angry God.
In an effort to prevent some of
this, Feora allocates two focus to
the Vanquisher, and a single point
to each Devout, leaving two focus
points for herself. The Vanquisher
activates, but not only does his
Flame Belcher not get a direct hit
despite boosting the attack roll,
it doesnt even catch the Lancer
underneath the area of affect! The
Choir sings Shielding Ward, while
the rest of the army continues its
forward march. The Seneschal
and Flameguard continue running,
trying to get into position to help
out the Vanquisher. Feora places
a Wall of Fire template in front of
the lead Devout, to discourage the
Sword Knights from charging it.


Haley holds the treeline as the Knights advance

around the side of the ruins, in an

effort to stay out from under the
rifles of the Long Gunners. The
paladin stays on the hill, because
I dont want him exposed to fire
until hes in position to deal some
damage. Since hes not moving, he
might as well go into Stone-andMortar stance.

Round Two

Few things are worse than
fighting a well-handled Cygnar
army. Khador might stomp you
into the ground, and Cryx might

Haley gives a full three focus

points to the Lancer, and keeps
the rest for herself, while the
Journeyman upkeeps Arcane
Shield. The Gun Mage Captain
uses a Shocker round to deal a
point of cortex damage to my
Haley advances out of the
woods and arcs another Chain
Lightning spell into my poor
choir, hitting every model, plus
the Vanquisher and Devout. I
was sure that after the flash and
ozone, thered be nothing left

First things first: the cowardly

Warpriest finds some inner fire at
the sound of the Seneschals voice,
and stops running. I let the Wall
of Fire disperse, and give a single
focus to each Devout, keeping
4 focus for myself. (Myself? I

battle report: compasta monastica

as he can, and my Flameguard

supposed defenders of the temple
have spent the entire game running
around buildings. All thats in
the past, however, for now Im in
position. Missile Feora is ready to
do her thing.

Her feat does WAHAT? ...lemee read that.

but charred stumps where my

faithful choir once stood, but to
my amazement, the Warpriests
armor kept him alive!
I must have smiled, or shown
emotion, or done something
to offend Menoth, because I
promptly rolled a 12 on the CMD
check and my Warpriest prepared
to advance to the rear.
The Lancer then charged the
Vanquisher and completed the
cortex-destruction begun by the
Gun Mage. The Long Gunners
change their direction of travel,
and four of them manage to shoot
the leading Devout for three points
of damage. The Journeyman
misses the same target.
The old Cygnaran Hot Foot trick.

Around the watering hole

Round Three

It has been a difficult struggle:
my Vanquishers cortex has turned
into a smelly lump of charcoal, the
sole survivor of one of my choir
units is heading back to Imer as fast

think Im starting to over-identify.)

The remaining choir gives both
Devouts a Shielding Ward, and
the Vanquisher predictably misses
with its melee attack against
the Lancer. The two Devouts
move forward, one of them far in
advance in an attempt to prevent
a slam against Feora from the
The Flameguard
charge into action...and deal no
damage. Oh well, theyll at least
prevent the Lancer from arcing a
spell (unless Tim wants to risk a
free strike or three).
Now its time for the main
event. Feora advances and then
sets everything on fire, well,
everything except a single Long
Gunner and the Gun Mage
Captain, but I wont complain.
She also manages to fry a pair
of Long Gunners with her flame
throwers, and bathes a couple of
Sword Knights in cleansing fire,

battle report: compasta monastica

but doesnt kill themyet. (I

chose to not boost the damage
rolls, saving the focus for armor,
and the knights are still under
Arcane Shield.)

the melee, but both shots miss

entirely (so much for his vaunted
Finally, the
Lancer manages to kill a pair of
Flameguard models.

Round Four

When templates do not go your way... they can actually go your way...

Things are looking good

from my end. Feora took every
shot Cygnar could fire, and only
suffered two points of damage.
Theres only one slight, small,

Timothy removes his unspent
focus, and we start resolving the
continuous effects.
After the
smoke clears, the final count comes
to four Long Gunners, four Sword
Knights (including the leader), the
Journeyman Warcaster, and six
points of damage to Haley.
Haley keeps 6 focus points,
giving a single point to the
Centurion. She advances, uses
Temporal Barrier, retaliates with
her own feat (every model can
make an additional attack), and
fires two pistol shots at Feora,
neither of which deal any damage.
The Centurion advances into melee
with the forward Devout and
shrugs off the Defensive Strike.
The heavy warjack then uses its
Electro-Lock ability to prevent
me from using my shield. It makes
two attacks with its Piston Spear,
both of which miss.
One Long Gunner dies
while attempting to leave melee
with a Devout, while his three
compatriots shoot at Feora twice,
but again, the damage is absorbed
by her enhanced armor. The
remaining Sword Knights charge
both Devouts and Feora (two
knights charging each model).
The Devout nearest Feora uses its
Defensive Strike to kill one of the


knights charging the warcaster,

who also happened to be in melee
with the defending jack. The
remaining knight against Feora
deals two points of damage with

A lancers eye view - He can take em.

its charge attack, and then misses

its second swing. The other four
knights wreak terrible damage on
the two Devouts. One Devout has
three boxes left, while the other
has six damage boxes remaining
(both jacks lose the right arm
and cortex, keeping hull, left arm,
and movement). Next up, the
Gun Mage Captain Adept moves
closer to Feora, and fires into

I have a cunning plan...

insignificant problem. I dont

really have a plan beyond this
point, and dont really have an
idea for taking out Haley. Note
to self: Next time you come up
with a plan, make sure it includes
finishing the game!
Looking over the table, I see
that my only real option is to try
and close with Miss Temporal
Barrier, and teach her about Truth

Sideshow first, the Paladin

of the Wall and the Exemplar
Seneschal charge the Lancer, and
destroy it. The crippled Devout
thats engaging the Centurion
moves out of Feoras path, and is
wrecked by a free strike.
Now for the finish. Feora
activates, casts Engine of
Destruction, and fights her way
through Temporal Barrier for
a 4 move. Haley is 7 away,
and has 9 damage boxes left. I
have two shots, and need an 11
or better on three dice to hit.
One hit will probably cause
enough damage to finish her off
(especially considering that shes
still on fire).

I miss. Twice.
Then I miss with an unboosted
Immolation spell.

Haley gives 3 focus to the
Centurion, casts Temporal Barrier
again, and shoots the Menite
wench with her pistol for good
measure. The Centurion moves
out of melee with the Devout, and
shrugs off the puny shield-driven
free strike from the light warjack.
A single strike with the Piston
Spear at Feora is enough to end
the game.
Feoras Death Pyre removes
the remaining Sword Knights, so
at least I have a small measure of
satisfaction from her demise.
Post-Game, Or How
Menoth Has Provided
for His People
Wow, what a finish! Everything
went according to planfor
both of us. It just happened that
Timothy had the better plan!
Still, Im mostly satisfied with
how I played. I think the biggest

mistake I made was not taking a

Revenger. Looking over Feoras
spell list, I decided that Blazing
Effigy was too expensive focuswise for me to plan on using, and
so I left the arcnode at home in
favor of the increased protection
that a second Devout could offer.
As it turns out, I didnt need the
extra protection, and could have
used the node. Once the game
started, I made two key mistakes:
I left the Flameguard exposed,
and I let the Vanquisher get
sidelined. It would have been
better if the Flameguard and the
Vanquisher had changed places.
Still, theres the Canon of the
True Law to consider:

battle report: compasta monastica

and Consequence. Fortunately for

Haley, Temporal Barrier will keep
me from getting close enough. So
be it. Ill have to bathe her with
the Flames of the True Faith. The
only way to get close enough is by
casting Engine of Destruction, so
I keep all 6 focus on Feora, and
prepare for my great gamble. If
I dont remove Haley, then the
rest of her army will quickly take
Feora to pieces.

There is no pain unendurable

in the cause of Menoth
There is no object that cannot
be given up for Menoth
My faith must have been
lacking. Im sure a few days on
the Wrack will cleanse the taint
of loss, and then Ill be ready for
a rematch!

Friends to the end...



Khardov Butchers

by Jon Rodriguez

El Diablo Rojo will teach you the skills!

Hey Jon, guess what?,

Youre writing an article for
NQ. These are the words I hear
in the break room from Duncan.
But, Im just a dirty caster... I
tried to protest but his counter
was better. Write the article or
we keelhaul ya! Knowing that
were near a dry dock with lots
of boats - big boats - around, I
figured he wasnt bluffing.
With that out of the way, I
was thinking of an army list that
would be easy for someone new
to the game, but still enough of
a challenge for an experienced
player. If youre like me and
youre gaming on a budget,
youll be happy to know that this
doesnt require a lot of models.
So, without further delay...
I got this idea from being
subjected to way too much
football talk by my co-workers.
The idea looks simple and, in a
sense, it is. However, there are

some nuances
that a newer
player might
overlook or
that a more
p l a y e r
might have
more like a
football team.
Orsus is the quarterback, and
the main purpose of the Jacks
and Kovniks are to block and
to clear the path of the other
teams players so The Butcher
can come in and sack the other
QB hard. Very in
hard. Heres how the play
lays out.
The backbone of this
team is the linemen, and
what better linemen than
Devastators. Armor 25
is nothing to laugh at,
and with a large base
they can easily block the
line of sight to your QB.
They dont really need a
lot of focus to be useful
(Bulldoze doesnt require
focus; neither does Rain of
Death) so they will work
well with your tight ends,
the Kovniks.

The Kovniks (your tight ends)

will hang behind and protect the
flanks of the team. Anything
getting around the linemen will
have to deal with a solo thats
fearless, can slam and packs an ax
that hits at POW 15 with 3 dice
(theyre weapon masters). Oh, did
I forget to mention the cannon on
the Axe? It has an 8 range with
a POW 14 on the end of that.
Their other job is to marshal the
Devastators. They can make them
run, charge or boost an attack, all
without focus.
Every team needs a strong
center and for this team we
drafted the Kodiak. It has so many
features that make it perfect for
the job. Picture this: between two

The Khardov Butchers

Orsus Zoktavir,
the Butcher of Khardov
69 points
Kodiak Heavy Warjack
117 points
2 Man-O-War Kovnik
34 points
2 Devastator Heavy Warjacks
244 points

total 498

tacticts: the karchev butchers

MVP Orsus Zoktavir and his Khardov Butchers

Devastators, a heavy Warjack

that has two open fists (the better
to two-handed throw you with)
and that can vent steam a 3 AOE
POW 12 cloud effect around
him. Pretty serious deterrent for
infantry, wouldnt you say? Now
the Kodiak needs someone to bring
out its full potential, and that brings
us to the heart of the team.
The heart of every good
football team is the QB, and our
first round draft is Orsus. As the
QB, his job is to keep his team
working together smoothly.
Orsus is the driving force when
its time to sack the enemy
Warcaster. His spells are good
for clearing the way, either using
howl to scare them or, should
they be more resolved, a POW 15
3 AOE known as Avalanche.
Now that you know the
players and what they can do,
heres the game plan. If you
can, let your opponent set up
first. This way you can see
where the best place to line up

will be. When deploying, youll

want to keep the linemen and
center about 3 or so in front of
the Kovniks, with Orsus in the
middle. Cast retaliation on The
Butcher right from the beginning
and upkeep it. That way, should
an enemy get the drop on him,
theyll get one swing and then
its his turn. Then run forward.
Your opponent will probably
see this coming, and may try to
punch a hole in your line or get
around it. Stay focused and stay
in formation. Dont go after the
squishy stuff unless it gets in
your way; remember the only
thing you want is to get that
tackle with The Butcher. Once
youre close enough, its time
for the blitz. Let the Kodiak cut
loose and carve a path. Use twohand throw or trample to pound
things on the way. Then follow
the Kodiak in with The Butcher.
Hes got a 10 threat range with
a charge, assuming you want to
get into melee...and you will.

Combine his feat, the extra die

from the charge, and Lola thats POW 16 with 5 dice. Feel
free to drop retaliation and put
Killing Blow up. Sure it costs 3
focus, which means you wont
have much left for extra attacks,
but most Warcasters cant take
more than one or two hits from
The Butcher, so it shouldnt be
an issue.
Now, I know this army has
flaws. All armies have flaws.
Once you realize what they are
itll be easier for you to cover
them and keep your opponents
from exploiting them. This army
is a good starting point for new
Khador players, and will put
them on the road to being good
patriots of the Motherland.



By Mike McVey, Miniatures Director, Privateer Press

Miniatures painted by Ali McVey, Sculpting by Werner Klocke

~birth of a monster~
The Journey of a Privateer Press \Miniature

This month in the Modeling and Miniatures column, we are going to change tack completely
and give you an all-access tour behind the scenes at Privateer Press. We are going to look at the
sweat and tears, blood and cursing that go into the creation of an Iron Kingdoms master-piece!
Well start with the fevered imaginings of an artist and finish with the hard graft of the shipping
department. Along the way well meet a wide variety of people, each with their own unique and vital
role to play in the process every one as essential as the last. In order to get the miniature on the
shelf in your LGS it has to pass through many hands, and if just one of them drops it it will never
get to its final destination you.

or the sake of simplicity we

are going to say that the
process started with the
concept if we delved any further
back in the process we would end
up in Matt Wilsons mind, and
thats not a place any of us want to
go. Even worse, it could be a seed
grown in the crazed nightmares of
Jason Soles, and I dont even want
to think about that. Anyway, were
getting distracted already, and
looking at the beginnings of the
creative process is way beyond the
scope of this article. So our process
starts when Matt hands off his
latest concept masterpiece to one
of our Graphic Designers, Josh
Manderville for scanning. Some

find more modeling

and painting tips at
or read about it in
HORDES: Primal

creature in the Monsternomicon,

way back when Hordes was
just a tiny seed, hardly starting

Wire armature. Weapon sculpted with an
equal mix of greenstuff, brownstuff and
whitestuff shaped and sanded into shape
when dry.

concept artists work digitally, but

Matt still sticks with the tried and
tested pencil and paper, so the
image has to be digitized so it can
be easily transferred to different
people. Once the scanning is done
the image arrives on my desk and
the sculpting process begins.
The example that we are
looking at in this article is the
Totem Hunter, one of the Minions
for Hordes. It first started life as a

The armature is covered with a thin, rough
layer of putty, this gives the initial shape
and holds the wire together. Next step is to
add the final bulk of the leg shape, its very
important that the leg has a clean surface
that the detail can be pressed into.
I start from the bottom of the feet and work
towards the hip, cutting the edges of the
armour plates into the wet putty.
The putty is still wet right through this stage.
Next is the scale armour on some parts of
the leg. This can be done by cutting x-lines
onto the areas and gently pushing the upper
edges of the lines to the top.

The upper rim is the leg armour is added as

a separate piece that was shaped on a piece
of plastic wrap. A former has been added
for the groin armour.

Werner Klocke sculpting from Matt Wilsons concept

The scale armour on the torso is detailed,
first parallel lines are cut into the wet putty
making sure that one rim of the cut has a
very sharp edge.

The shoulder section is a very tricky because of
the overlapping armour plates. I have to begin
with the lowest and work to the topmost plate.
Each is made from separate greenstuff plates
built up when the last is dry and smoothed off.
The torso armour and right arm, is bulked out
and detailed.

to germinate in the mind of the

game designer. I remember the
first time I flicked through the
pages, seeing the art and thinking
Wow, that would make SUCH a
cool figure!

Cuts are then made in the opposite direction in
the scale, further bulk and details have been
added to the leg armour this is sanded and
smoother between applications to get a smooth
finish. The putty has to be left for a full day so
its completely dry before it can be sanded

A large part of my job is the

direction of sculptors, assigning
the work and making sure that
deadlines are hit and concepts
adhered to. We work with sculptors
all over the world in eight
different countries at last count.
Each one of them is a veteran of
the industry and has years of
sculpting experience under their

belt. Weve set the bar pretty high

for quality at Privateer, but all the
sculptors do an amazing job at
exceeding our expectations. Once
I have commissioned the sculpt
based on a number of factors, such
as scheduling and suitabilitythe
concepts get emailed out, and the
sculptor gets his first look at the
project. Following conversations
about how the miniature is going
to be broken down for molding
and what approach we are going
to take, the ball is squarely in the
sculptors court.

Modeling & Painting: concept to shipping

Over the following days

and weeks or even months if
the project is complex, there is
a regular exchange of emails
between the sculptor and myself.

More plates added around the shoulder area
and the left arm is built up. Also added the
half ring onto the shaft of the spear.


Modeling & Painting: concept to shipping

teamMatt Wilson, Jason Soles,

and Rob Stoddard, its ready to
begin the next stage in its journey.

Once the ring on the shaft of the spear is
hardened, I drill holes into it and put wire for
supporting the two long spikes. Also added
the totems on the belt last because it is much
safer to add delicate details when the mini is
nearly done. More shoulder detail added.

Digital photography makes the

whole process easierproblems
can be caught early in the process
and fixed without difficulty. This
article contains a complete stage by
stage breakdown of the sculpting
process for this miniatureit will
be different for almost any sculptor
you talk to techniques, materials
and tools will vary, but the process
is much the same. In this case
it was up to Werner Klocke, an
unbelievably talented German
sculptor, to bring the concept to
life. Werner will be well known to
many of you, having been sculpting
masterpieces for many years, both
for other game manufacturers and
his own company: Freebooter
Miniatures, the name says it all,
how could we not want to work
with a fellow Pirate?
Werner has always been
great to work withtalented and
reliable, an art directors dream,
and he was no different on this
project. Digital photographs were
taken, no changes were needed,
and the sculpt arrived inside the
deadline, perfect! Once a green
(sculpts are always referred to as
greens, as they are traditionally
made from a green modeling putty)
has gone through a quick approval
and continuity check by the design


This is where things get

production process is a strange
one; it starts out with a beautiful
and delicately created sculpt and
finishes with a clean and detailed
metal castingin the middle is tons
of pressure, hundreds of degrees
of heat, heavy machinery and
molten metal. We have to take one
miniature and create thousands of
replicas and the way we do that

never fails to amaze and fascinate

me. A full-on industrial process is
used to create little works or art
that you can paint and game with.
The next people to be involved
are the mold makers, whom I

I do the detailing very carefully, working
step by step. Usually I do the nose first,
followed by the mouth and the eyes are the
last detail I work on, but each step has to be
repaired as the others are added.

It began with a wire and the rough shape
with greenstuff. Once this is hardened I add
the final layer of greenstuff on the dummy
and press the details into the wet putty.
The Totem Hunter begins to come alive

meet with to discuss how easy the

miniature is going to be to mold and
cast. One thing that we can never
forget as a miniatures company,
is that sculpts have to be created
for a certain process you can
have the most beautiful sculpture
in the world, but if we cant mold
and cast it by the thousands, its no

goals we had at Privateer when

we started the miniature line was
to break clear of that, and have
figures that were truly dynamic
and exciting. This is a constant
headache for the mold makers and
casters! The more 3-D the pose, the
harder it is to make molds for and
slower and more difficult to cast.
But our team is up to the task.
In the case of the Totem
Hunter, even though it was a
beautiful looking green, there
was quite a lot of work to do to
prepare it for molding. Werner
sculpted the miniature with the
right arm and weapon attached,
and while its possible to mold and
cast it like that, it would make for a
very difficult and slow production
process. So we decided that the
best thing to do would be to remove

Modeling & Painting: concept to shipping

Back in the mists of time

(well actually less than ten years
ago...), pretty much all molds
were made from black rubber, but
these days silicone is the material
of choice, allowing more flexibility
and variation. Our Master Mold
Makers are constantly pushing
the envelope to discover better
techniques and materials, and we
are regularly producing molds that
would have been unthinkable just
a few years ago. Even with all the

good to us. All of the sculptors we
use have a good understanding of
the limitations of the process, but
there is always something to do
before a green makes it into a mold.
At Privateer Press, our Master
Mold Makers are Kelly Yeager
and Tom Peeved Wilkinson
and its primarily the three of us
(along with able contributions in
the green meeting from Doug
Colton, Mark Christensen, Sherry
Yeary and Kevin Clark) that make
the decisions about what needs
to be done to the sculpt before
it moves down the line. There
isnt room to go into great detail
about the molding processits
too complex for the scope of this
article, but we can look at the

advances with
materials and
technique, the
basic process
remains the
samethe series of photographs
in this article show the key stages
With our miniatures, we
constantly try to strike a b a l a n c e
between making the most dynamic
figures possible, but at the same
time not having too many pieces or
making them too hard to assemble.
Many of you will remember the
old eighties and nineties gaming
miniatures that came in one piece,
but the poses and detail were
enormously limited by the molding
process, and more often than not
were static and boring. One of the

the right arm at the elbow and half

way across the tab. There was also
a lot of back-filling to do to get
rid of tiny recesses and under-cuts
on the green. Basically anywhere
that the mold would not release
cleanly from has to be filled it its
not, every time its opened and the
metal castings removed, that little
recess will catch and eventually
tear the mold material. When
that happens the mold has to be
trashed. A few hours on my desk
and the arm was cleanly removed,
the join finished, and all the filling
done. Onwards and upwards!

Modeling & Painting: concept to shipping


The miniature was undercoated black to give a dark base to work over. The first step was to
paint the metallic areas they were given a base coat of Vallejo Bronze and washed down
with a mix of blue and brown ink, with just a spot of Bestial Brown added to make it cover
more evenly. The highlights on the metal areas are built up with bronze and chainmail. The
armour was given a base coat of black to make sure the undercoat is totally covered and then
highlighted with green tones. The first highlight was a mix of black and two different Wargames
Foundry colours Forest Green and Moss Green. Further highlights were built up with more
green and Bleached Bone. The Totem Hunters skin was base coated with a mix of Black and
Bleached Bone and highlighted by adding more bleached bone and white to the mix.

The master mould is loaded into a casting

machine and the molten metal is poured into
the top. Centrifugal force then forces it out
into the cavities and fills them.

the master castings are removed from the

mould very carefully to avoid damaging the

The silicone is put into the circular mould

frame. Build-up has been added where
needed and studs have been pressed into
the silicone to make sure that the two half
of the mould locate. The white substance is
mould release that has been sprayed over the
surface to make sure that the two halves of
the mould separate after vulcanization.


Once the green is handed

to the mold room, Im out of the
process for a little while and Kelly
Yeager takes overthis is really the
transition from what is essentially
an artistic and creative procedure,
to a production process. The first
step in this process is to make the
master mold. This is a mold that
is taken directly from the green
and contains all of the different
pieces. The master mold differs
from the production mold, which
is made from castings from the
master mold, and will only have
multiples of one piece in it. So
for a five-piece miniature, there
will be one master mold and
five different production molds.
Make sense? Were getting a little
ahead of ourselvesour green is
still being laid-up in a master
mold. Once the mold is cooked
and cut (see photographs), its
ready to be cast. This is largely
the same as the normal casting
procedurethe mold is loaded in
a centrifugal casting machine and
securely clamped in place. When

the start button is pressed the

mold is spun at hundreds of RPM
and molten metal is poured into a
funnel on top of the machine. This
metal enters the mold in the center
and the centrifugal force pushes it
outwards into the cavities, filling
each of them. This is where the skill
of the mold makers really show
itself. If the pieces were placed in
the wrong position in the mold, or
the feeds or venting is incorrect
the cavity will not fill with metal
and you will have a miscast.
This can vary from having soft
and indistinct detail to only half a
piece appearing. Fortunately our
mold makers know their stuff, so
with just a couple of spins to warm
the mold, Kelly is pulling perfect
castings out of the cavities.
At this point the process
splits into two partshalf of
it remains in the production
department, with production
molds and castingand the other
part comes back into the creative
world with painting, photography
and design. Well look at creative
first, and this is where things will
start to become familiar to almost
every one: miniature painting.
Once Kelly has delivered a
pristine Master Casting of the
Totem Hunter we can get some
paint on it. Im not going to go
into detail on this process; thats
what we do most months in this
column! However, there is a
stage-by-stage breakdown of the
painting and some brief color
notes shown below.
In this case, Privateer Press
studio painter Alison McVey
expertly carried out the painting.
Once the miniature was finished
(with breaks to take stage-bystage photographs), a last trip to
the photo studio provides digital
images of the finished piece, used
for a wide variety of purposes.
This image is placed on the central
computer server where it can

Thats not the end of the

process though; some would say
its where the real work begins!
While the same miniature is being
painted and turned into a star,
our production team is going into
overdrive to fulfill the demand that
the debut of the miniature creates.
Once enough castings have been
produced from the master mold to
fill the separate production molds,
its back to the mold room.
As mentioned previously,
there are as many different
individual production molds as
there are different components
in the miniature. In the case of
the Totem Hunter thats six: body,
right leg, spear, head, shield, and
spikes, and there will be different
amounts of these in each of the
molds depending on the size of the
piece. The body is the largest piece,
so there will be fewest of that, and
the head is the smallest so there
will be most of that in a mold. So
to create 1000 complete Totem
Hunters, the body mold will have
to be spun many more times then
the head mold. We have multiple
copies on each production mold,
partly so the miniature is quicker
to produce, and partly because
production molds have a certain
life expectancy. The more complex
the piece, the more wear and tear
is created so the shorter the life

expectancy before you start to get

unpleasant things like tear-out on
the castings. The molds for the
Totem Hunters head will last far
longer than the mold of the body,
for example.
Still with me? To be honest
with you, were just scraping the
surface of the production process,
keeping tack of all the different
elements quantity, scheduling,
mold life, requires a team of crack
mathematiciansfortunately we
have one man who is more than
up to the task, our Production
MasterMark Christensen. We
also have an amazing team of casters
who work literally around the
clock (the casting machines never
stop) to produce the miniatures
we release. After a couple of days
of non-stop casting we have large
boxes full of pristine metal castings
ready to move on to the next stage
of the journey: packing.
Im sure many people think
that processes in the miniatures
industry are automated, but its
really not the case. Every part that
comes in a blister or box is put
there by hand: casting, base, card,
blister slip, foamall have to be
assembled in the plastic clam-shell.
The clam-shell is folded closed and
combined to fill case boxes, and

stacked ready for shipping. Kevin

Clark and his team of dedicated
packing technicians handle this,
and when they are in full flow
you can hardly walk through the
packing room for the stacks of
boxes coming off the line.
The last stage is getting the
miniatures out the door and on
their way to yousounds easy, but
in reality its a hard and complex
task carried out with skill by our
shipping masters, Chris Bodan
and Aaron Gaponoff. These two
handle and ship every box that
comes out of the shipping dock,
sent to destinations all over the
world; the demand for Privateer
Press miniatures is high enough
that their work is never finished.
Thats itour part in the
process is finished! There is a great
deal more involved before you
get your hands on the castings
shipping to distributors, sales,
shipping to stores, unpacking,
stocking shelves, but those are
someone elses concern. The next
time you open a blister or box full of
Privateer Press miniatures realize
every one of them has gone through
the process in this article before
they get to your eager hands.

Modeling & Painting: concept to shipping

be accessed by whomever needs

itsuch as graphic designers for
packaging, product and magazine
use; sales and marketing for
promotion and information to
distributors; the web master for
on-line contentthe list goes on
and on! We also have the painted
miniature that will appear in many
different dioramas and in-game
photographs over the following
months and even years. It will
also travel the length and breadth
of the country, and sometimes the
worldmaking star appearances
at conventions and shows.

One finished Totem Hunter ready for the hunt..


t ake p hotos
L ike a P irate
By James Davis

Need to improve your photo skills? Want to show off your latest and greatest paintjob?
Posting your pix to the Privateer forum have you puzzled? Privateer Press Art Director and
resident photographer James Davis walks you through the basics to have you showcasing
your jacks and beasts in no time.

ne of the great things

gaming is that its a
very visual hobby. Not only do
you get to play a game thats
full of strategy and yelling, but
you get to use these awesome
looking minis on some cool
terrain to really get those
synapses firing. Seeing a fullypainted Deathjack on the table
surrounded by mechanithrall
crossing a swamp makes all
those hours of painting worth
it. And sometimes youve built
some pieces that youre really
proud of, and you want to share
this image that you have of them
in your head with other folks.
Thats why Menoth invented
digital cameras and the internet.
Lets figure out how to use it, eh?

A carpenters
got to have tools...
Digital cameras are shiny
The basic reference point
of this article is the digital
camera. They are very common,
really transformed not only
photography, but the internet as

well. Now anyone (this means

you) can take photos and have
them up on the web for the world
to see in literally minutes.
To take pro-level miniature
shots, you need something like
our Nikon D70, which enables
us to change lenses from zoom to
macro, as well as hand-setting our
f-stop and shutter speed. (And a
bunch of other more boring stuff.)
Its a 6.3 megapixel camera, which
is not unheard of these days, but its
lenses are 35mm style and enable
us to take very clear photos.
A more compact, cheaper
fixed-lens camera is very suitable
to miniatures photography as well.
Especially if youre mostly using it
to put the photos on the internet.
We would probably shoot for a
5 megapixel camera that enables
you to turn the flash off if we
were planning on buying one for
shooting minis. Which were not.
Cuz we have one already

Light makes might

Now you need to get some
light on the scene so that you
can take a picture of your little
men. Lighting can be anything
from fluorescent desk-lamps to

studio-level strobes like you see

those pros on TV use when they
take pictures of the skinny girls
with the big teeth. Im going to
assume you dont want to run
out and spend thousands of
dollars on lights. So just look
around your home/office/cage
for lights. You probably have
something useful already. You
want lights that are as white as
possible, (not bluish or green
or whatever) and you need at
least two of them that move and
can stay in place where you put
them. Really thats about it. Go
find some lights. Ill wait here.

Your dimly lit, flat

tabletop or mine?
Ideally you would have a
space for shooting the minis that
would be dark. Theres no point
in getting your desk lamps out if
the sun is going to shine in there
and mess everything up like it
always does. (Damn sun!) Also,
if you pick a room thats painted
bright purple, and all of your
shots have a purple tint to them,
dont blame me.

Terrain is cool
Terrain is often defined thusly:
what do I have lying around that
isnt plaid? Thats fine if youre
shooting a single mini by itself (a
good job if you can get it) but if
you want to shoot on terrain, you
might think about a few guidelines
for photography that are different
than for standing around playing
and yelling.
First, you need some elevation.
Miniatures are small (who knew?)
so the camera will be pretty low to
get in front of them. Weve found
that its actually difficult to get
terrain just right so that several
minis can be seen behind each
other and not just look like a wall
of minis. You want elevation
from the terrain, because bringing
the camera up to see the guys in
back makes the minis look small

walls, bridges, mountains, or

whatever. When I need that stuff
I ask our full-time professional
terrain-builder Alfonso to make
me something. You might try that.
(Or you can make something! You
can do it!) Placing the minis in the

right setting is incredibly vital to the

feel of the shot. A burned village
behind a troop of Protectorate
would rule! Do that!
Make the minis look like
theyre fighting.

take photos like a pirate

Setting the scene

A few simple posts and a good angle make this shot work.

Nice example from a low angle.

as youre looking down on them.

(And we get enough of that at
home.) Try putting some of the
figures on a bridge, or rocks or
movable hill. But keep the camera
down low. Really low. See how
low you can get it.
When the camera is looking up
at the minis, youll notice that you
need some kind of background.
You can put trees behind them,
but also you might put castle

This scene is all about the terrain. Its so obviously the Legion of Everblights turf.


take photos like a pirate

position and strength. Imagine

if the subject that was being
photographed was facing the
camera and taking their left hand
and pointing at an airplane off to
their left. The key light should
come from up there somewhere.
Then if the subject was, with
their other hand, pointing straight
in front of them and maybe down
and to their right a bit. That
would be the fill light. Now these
positions change, and we would
encourage you to try different
things, but lets start with this.
The key light and fill light
should have different strengths.

Beauty tip: Dont do this.

Look for silhouettes. Minis

look better from some angles.
Make sure one guys spear isnt
poking another guy right in the
face when you look through the
lens. Youd be surprised how much
this happens. And it only leads to
hurt feelings. Try to get a feel for
composition. Do the figures look
better coming down a hill with
the big guy at the bottom or the
top? Should the leader really be
in the middle front? Do they look
like theyre falling over because of
what their base is sitting on? Try
to be patient here and take it all
in. Setting the scene at this point
makes or breaks the shot.

Cool shot, but somethings missing here.

Turn on those lights

Now that youve set up a cool
scene, lets try to make the little
gnome in the camera make a good
picture for once. A good photo
consists mainly composition, color,
and lighting. And color actually
comes partly from lighting. Weve
already covered composition, so
lets try to work on the interplay
of light between your light sources
and the camera.
You need two light sources
generally speaking. One main
key light, and one fill light. The
difference between these is their

Lighting! Your camera can only do so much without enough light.

take photos like a pirate

You really have to get down into the scene to make it more life-like.

The key light being the much

brighter of the two, with the
fill light being used to light the
underarms and shadowy netherregions of the figures. You might
say to yourself, Self? How do
make light stronger or weaker
when all I have is two identical
lamps that I stole from work?
Well Einstein says the light should
get weaker or more intense as we
get closer to it. So put the key

light up close and the fill light

farther away. This will work as
your dimmer for these lights.
Now, you might realize that
holding a hot light in each hand
does not leave another hand free
for picture taking. So maybe
youre using springy desk lamps
or maybe you should get some
bungie chords or something. You
need to keep those lights in place,

We shaded the light in places to give it this effect.

obviously. Go ahead, Ill wait.

Were getting really close now.

Get to clickin

Not just shot from down low, but putting minis near the camera give it depth of field.

Now that your lamps are

vaguely in place and your minis
are staged and all that, you need
to figure out how to start clicking.
This is easier than it sounds. Set
your camera so that it doesnt flash.
(How do you do that? Probably a
dial or button, but its different on

take photos like a pirate

This shot rules. It tells a good story, has a cool angle, good color, good sharpness, interesting depth of field, etc. It RULEZ!

each camera. Look for a lightning

bolt arrow icon that will get crossed
out when its turned off.) Then
set everything else to full-auto. If
your camera has a macro setting
then set it to that. Sometimes that
is a little flower icon or a head
or something. Now, because the
light will be relatively low-level
overall (unless your lamps and
really freakin bright) your camera
is going to turn its f-stop number
really far down. Which means a
big aperture (hole for light to get
in). And it will slow the shutter
speed way down. Holding the
shutter open longer will mean more
light gets in. This is all fine, but it
means that the camera has to be
very still. A tripod here obviously
helps. Otherwise try holding the
camera down with rubber bands
on a block of wood or supergluing
it to your cat. I dont think the cat
thing would work very well, but
you get the idea.
If the photos keep coming out
blurry or dark, youll just have
to add more light. Go steal some
more lamps. (Ed. Note: Dont
steal lamps.) Also, try moving your
springy lamps around closer and
farther away. Move them up and

down and see if you can fill in those

weird shadows without making
your minis have an unnatural
shine. Shiny minis dont look real.
Beware of that. You might have
better luck lighting several minis
in a scene with three lights to get
all the shadows filled in.
The cool part about digital
cameras is that the photos are free.
So take several, test them out on
your computer and try some
more. This sort of trial and error
is critical to figuring out how your
particular room and lighting setup
responds to the camera.

Placing your images

gently onto the
File formats and
other boring nonsense
After downloading the files
into your computer you should
open them up in some kind of image
processing program. ImageReady,
Photoshop, or perhaps whatever
program came with your camera.
There are a lot of options for this,
but they usually have some things
in common.

Diffusing the light with a piece of paper

can keep the mini from being too shiny.

Color correction
Youll probably get your
photos and notice that the room
you picked is actually quite purple
and the lights are green and your
shots color is sort of off. You
can adjust the tint of the image
using a tint or hue slider. It is in
there somewhere; keep looking.
If youre lucky enough to have a
full version of Photoshop then you
can also use Curves or Levels to
adjust the color. Slide those things
around until Cygnar is blue and
Khador is red and Cryx is mean.

After you get your image saved to your hard

drive, then youll need to dial up a web image
server like First make
an account. (Its free.) Then select the
Choose file button. Find your photo on
your computer and hit Submit.
Once its up there you can highlight and
copy the TAG line. This is the HTML that
youll paste into a forum posting or web site
to make a direct link to your image.

Then you will want to set

the images to RGB. Set the
dimensions to something around
4 x 5 at 72 dpi. Remember
that scaling images DOWN is
fine, but scaling them UP doesnt
work very well. So save a bigger
version of the image before you
shrink it down.

take photos like a pirate

Then youll need to get the

brightness set correctly. Pretty
much any photo program has
a brightness control. Use it
carefully. Its easy to make your
photos better, but its also easy to
make it look faded and washed
out. Remember that its ok to
steal another lamp and make
your scene even brighter and take
another picture if need be. (Ed.
Note: Dont get caught stealing

The web hostess

with the mostess
Once you have your beautiful
mini shot color corrected and
sized, youll probably need to
host it somewhere so that when
you want to show it to folks
you just give them the URL of
the image. For instance, if you
use a free photo hosting site like or Photodump.
com you can upload your image
and then once its up there you
can copy the image reference
URL. (See sidebar)
So that, after all that
nonsense, you can simply paste
that line of HTML code into
your forum post or MySpace
page or fan-site and show off
your fancy-pants mini painting
or your stunning terrain building
with a great diorama. Maybe you
have a conversion or a new color
scheme. Just hopefully no photos
of your actual fancy-pants.

The TAG line at is
the middle line.
The URL line is
what you would
paste into your
browsers address
line at the top.
The IMG line is

Now that you know the tricks dont forget

that you can submit your photos to No
Quarter Magazine. If you think your
paintjobs have what it takes, send them to
If we like em, well publish em!

into the
by Alfonso the Traitor Falco with Michelle Lyons

Not every battle takes place among blasted ruins or hazy cobbled streets. While warcasters can
find themselves hip deep in mud and steel from time to time, the advent of HORDES guarantees
battles hidden away among the greenwood. For those special occasions, Alfonso has provided us
with the nuts and bolts (or rather, roots and twigs) to get us started with a forest battle scene.
Every forest starts with a few humbleor not so humbleplants, so today well cover how
to make a hedge row and stand of pine trees.
Hedge Row
Undergrowth is a big part
of any forest scene. The more
things there are to trip over, the
better. Random bits of shrub
and scrub, however, clutter a
tabletop unnecessarily and make
play difficult. The answer to this
difficulty lies in the compromise
of the hedge roweffectively a
bit of neat shrubbery.

Hedge Row
Shopping List
1 1/2 Foam insulation
Paint (dark brown)
Glue (PVA or carpenters)
Sandy dirt mix
Toothpicks and bamboo
Hobby knife
Clump foliage
Static grass
Field grass
Industrial scouring pad
(optional) You can find this
at hardware stores; it comes in
brown, black, and green


irst, start with the base.

Take your 1 1/2 tall
foam insulation and cut
pieces 5 or 6 inches long. Round
off one end and invert the other
so that theyll fit together nicely.
This sort of rounded joint allows
you to add sections together

seamlessly and make easy bends

for a more natural appearance.
Next, rough up and round off
the top of the foam. Dont be
afraid to make one side smaller
than the other. Youll want it to
be irregularnature doesnt do
hospital corners, after all.

terrain: into the greenwood

Now that youve got your

bank shaped the way you like,
glue the sandy dirt mix onto the
foam. Do not put glue on either
the rounded or inverted ends.
Before the glue dries, add
a paint and glue wash over the
sandy dirt mix. For the photos,
we used dark brown paint
combined with a 60/40 glue/
water mix. We used carpenters
glue for ours.
The reason for using a paint/
glue mix here is simple. The paint
will be added at some point, and
its easy to put it in now rather
than make an extra step later.
The glue in the wash gives some
extra hold to the small rocks and
sand on the base so that they
wont rub off later on. This same

idea can be used on other projects

as wellAlfonso has used it to
hold down kitty litter in one case
and small rocks in another.
If the surface youre applying
it to is very rough after the rocks
and rubble have been attached,
you can add a couple of drops of
liquid dish soap to break down

the viscosity of the glue. That

will let the wash get into all the
nooks and crannies of the rubble
and really cover the surface
After the paint/glue wash
has dried completely, add a
few sticks to represent thick
branches. Weve used toothpicks

and bamboo skewers for our

model here. Just cut them to
irregular lengths and stick them
in the foam. You can add a drop
of glue to the tips if you want.
Just make sure both ends are
pointed, then paint the sticks a
nice branch color.


terrain: into the greenwood

To start, take your balsa

wood dowls or squares and cut
them to the length you want.
This is really up to you how tall
you want your trees to be.

After the paint has dried, add on some static grass in patches over the mound.

Now take a pocket knife or

hobby knife and whittle the wood
down to give you a basic pine
trunk. Again, dont worry about
imperfections. Mother nature
almost never does anything in a
straight line.

Now its time for the clump foliage. Just stick it on the sharpened sticks.
You can also add glue to the stick to hold the foliage in place.

Here weve added some field grass as well, along with bits of an
industrial scouring pad. You can break bits off of it to simulate
dead shrubs that have no foliage left.

And there, before you know it, youve got your own hedge rows to
scatter about the field and annoy your enemies. But wait, thats not all!

Pine Trees
Its all very well to have a bit of
hedge lying about, but it takes more
than a few shrubs to make a forest.
You need treesand have we got
trees for you.

Small steel brush

Paintbrown, grey,
and yellow oxide
Pin vice and drill bit (2mm)
Long sewing pins (1 1/2 or 2)
Juniper twigs (lots of them)*

Pine Trees
Shopping List
1/2 Balsa wood rods
Hobby knife
Hobby saw


With your hobby saw, drag

the blade down the tree. Start at
the base of the tree and work your
saw blade up to the top. If the tip
of the tree should happen to snap
off, dont worry. Just reshape the
trunkand this time, try to be
careful! Cover the whole trunk
with scratches. Now, take your
steel brush (use a small one) and
do the same thing with it that you
just did with the hobby saw. Dont
worry about the small splinters.
You will fix that later.

Super glue
Dark green static grass
*Optionally, you can replace the
juniper twigs with silk plants or
aquarium plants, as long as the
greenery lays flat and fans out.

To seal the wood, apply a

50/50 glue/water wash to all the
tree trunks. Set them aside and
allow them to dry. After the glue
has dried completely, go ahead
and scrape off the splinters.

At this point, you need to

decide how to base your trees.
Here we used a strong sewing pin
about 1 1/2 to 2 inches long. Push
the pin into the balsa wood until
there is roughly 1 inch remaining,
then super-glued it to the bottom.

Now its time to make the

branches. Here we used the tips
of the juniper trees that grow right
next to the office. We didnt dry
the branches out first because they
will curl up like parsley if you do.
Just lay them out flat on a board.
We then spray painted them dark
green. Allow them to dry and then
repeat the job on the other side.

Once everything has dried

thoroughly, glue dark green static
grass on both sides of the branches.
This can get a bit messy, so heres
Alfonsos method: take you left
hand and pick up the branch at its
base. With your right, take a paint
brush and apply glue to both sides.
Still holding the twig in your left
hand (and being sure not to have
any drips), take it over to the dark
green static grass.

With your right hand, sprinkle

the static grass over the glued twig,
making sure you cover both sides
of the twig completely. Set it down
on a board to drymake sure you
dont lay the branches on top of
each other, or the result could tear
a hole in time and spaceor just
make them stick together. Alfonso
was vague on this point.
Repeat the process with each
branch and allow them to dry. The
described process works for righthanded modelers, but the hands
can be easily switched if youre a

If you dont have juniper

bushes at hand, you just need to
find anything that lays flat and fans
out. If you do use natural juniper,
remember that the trees are
and will remain fragile. Juniper
arguably looks the best, but it
wont stand up to constant use. It
is fine for home play, but if youre
building this for a hobby club or a
store, use manmade materials such
as construction paper or even thin
card stock instead. Other possible
sources include the aquarium aisle
at your local pet store, silk flowers
or plants, or even making the
branches out of wire.

terrain: into the greenwood

From there, its time to paint

them tree-colored. You can either
use brown spray paint or brush it
on. After it dries, drybrush over
the top with a mix of brown, grey,
and yellow oxidejust enough to
pop out the details youve made
on the bark.

And with that we now have

the knowledge needed to create
an amazing, lush battlefield that
is perfect for all those imminent

After all the twigs are dry,

grab one of the tree trunks and drill
a hole where you want your first
branch. We started pretty low on
our model in the picturesabout
4 from the bottom is optimal so
you can have something to hold
on to when placing the trees. You
can use a hobby knife to make the
holes, but youll have a better result
using a pin vice with a 2mm drill
bit. Just make one hole at a time.
Dip the base of the twig in
gluePVA or carpenters glue will
do fine; we used carpenters glue on
ours. Place the twig in the hole in
the position you want. Remember,
largest branches on the bottom,
smallest on the top. You may need
a drop of super glue to hold the
twigs in place.
When you get to the top of
the tree, youll need to get creative
and make very small branches. At
the very top, we suggest that you
paint the top 1 or so and dip it in
static grass. Allow the glue to dry.

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A caster kill is not the only way to win the day. Subtle effects can be just as crucial as a massive
assault. In this WARMACHINE brain teaser well see if you can look past a bad situation to pull
scenario victory from the jaws of defeat. See if you can win in a few different ways. This time press
your luck and roll out the results.
Bile Thrall
Bile Thrall

What Youll Need:


Murder of Crows

Old Witch
Greylord Ternion

Bile Thrall




Old Witch




3 Bile Thralls

The Challenge:


The Setup:

n this scenario, the Cryx goal

is to acquire Khador battle
plans en route to the front
lines. The Khador goal is to keep
these plans from falling into the
hands of the Lich Lords.
One of three remaining Bile
Thralls from a depleted unit
stands under a Murder of Crows
template and holds the battle plans
that define victory or defeat in this
scenario game. A Deathripper is
about five inches to the right of
the Bile Thrall with the plans, and
Deneghra is an inch beyond that,
engaging the Old Witch from a
distance of about an inch. The
Deathjack is a little under five
inches from the opposite side of
the front Bile Thrall, standing

triumphant over the twisted

wreckage of the Scrapjack.
You are the Khador player.
The Old Witch is Shadow Bound,
knocked down, and Withered,
but she does have a soul token
culled from Deneghras Ogrun
Bokur. Her Juggernaut is just
over four inches away but has
lost its movement system and
left arm.
A fully functional
Devastator is located just beyond
the Juggernaut, and the nearest
model in a unit of Greylords
stands about 13 inches to her left
near the Scrapjack wreck. All but
the farthest Greylord is Withered;
he is just over 14 inches from

Maximize your chances of

taking back the battle plans and
winning the scenario. Get one of
your models onto the objective
to win.
The dice have been unkind this
game, to say the least. Failing to
kill the Bile Thrall that entered
the Murder of Crows template last
round to pick up the plans could
have been the nail in your coffin.
This is the final round, however,
and, if you can conjure up a way to
take back those crucial documents,
the game will be yours.
Its true the seductive Warwitch
has crippled your forces, but you
still have a few tricks up your sleeve
and arent prepared to surrender
just yet. Trying to account for
poor die rolls as much as possible,
whats your best course of action
to win the game?


Due to The Withering, none of your models will be able to take back the plans by simply advancing. Unseen Path is your only hope of winning the game. Fortunately, you can upkeep Murder of Crows without cost thanks to the
Withered Staff rule. To take the dice out of the equation as much as possible, first activate the Greylords. Since the Magic Ability score is not a stat, it is unaffected by The Withering. Even 2s on every die roll will allow one
Greylord to kill the front Bile Thrall with Frost Bite and another to place a Blizzard cloud on the Withered Juggernaut from the back arc. Position the third Greylord to Frost Bite or Blizzard should one of the other models miss.
Next, activate the Devastator, and Bulldoze the Juggernaut closer to the Old Witch. The Withered, Blizzarded, movement-disabled Juggernaut can still lumber one mighty inch towards the Old Witch and face his back to her.
After the Old Witch stands up, a Strangling Chains spell will draw the Juggernaut close enough to allow her to Unseen Path over to the battle plans for victory. Again, just 2s on every roll will be sufficient to pull off the win.

Our Solution:


The following text is the property of

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright
2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright
2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,
David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R.
Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid,
James Wyatt, based on original material
by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
No Quarter Magazine: Issue #6, Copyright
2006 Privateer Press, Inc.
Sample gang system adapted from the Book
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The Danger Room


The Louisville Game Shop


Game Preserve, Bloomington


Pet Shop Comics



Spectacular Collectibles

Books Comics & Things

Fort Wayne

Comic Book World


The Keep
Fort Wayne

G2K Games

TJ Collectibles

Exodus Road Hobbies


Game-Haven L.L.C.
North Dartmouth

Underground Music & Hobby

West Liberty

Your Move Games



The Sports Hallway


Comic Quest
West Dundee
Action Village, Inc.
Wood Dale

Atomic Hobbies & Games

Fort Wayne
Top Shelf Games
Ft. Wayne
Phoenix Rising Gamestore
Game Preserve, Greenwood
Critical Effect Games & Hobbies
The Collectors Box
Boardroom Games
Game Preserve, Fashionmall



Little Wars
Baton Rouge
Baton Rouge

3 Trolls Games & Puzzles

Griffon Games
Hobby Bunker, Inc.

Danger Planet Games

The Dragons Lair
West Springfield

Riders Hobbies

Pop Culture
Saint Peters

Garden City

Gamers Pair-A-Dice

HobbyTown USA
Grand Blanc

Meta-Games Unlimited

Fantasy Hobby
Grand Rapids

Clicks-South County
St. Louis

Hometown Hobby

DragonKing Games
St. peters

Hero Quest Comics & Games


Thompson Productions L.L.C.


RIW Hobbies
Riders Hobbies
Madison Hts
Galaxy Cards, Comics, and Games
Mt. Pleasant
J&L Miniatures
Saint Johns
Blue Dragon Games
Shelby Twp
Old Guard Hobbies
Sterling Heights
Riders Hobby

Battleline Hobbies

The Game Shoppe
Comic World
Gauntlet Games
Anarchy Comics & Games



Dark Tower Comics

Las Vegas

Village Games

Little Shop of Magic

Las Vegas

The Gamers Den


Feldglin Imp

Robin Goodfellow Company

Source Comics & Games
Falcon Heights
Roys Comics & Games
Unicorn Games
Air Traffic
Paddys Game Shoppe
Saint Cloud
St Louis Park

Valhallas Gate
Clicks - Crestwood
Clicks-House Springs
House Springs

Collectibles Unlimited
The Secret Hideout
More Comics
triple play
The Game Castle
Empire Games & Hobby

Time Warp Comics & Games
Cedar Grove
ClubHouse Games
Fair Lawn
Jesters Playhouse

Changing Hands Booke Shop


The Collectors Den



Hortons DownTown Mall


Hobbymasters Inc
Red Bank

Galactic Games Emporium


The Game Zone


Pulp Fiction Comics & Games

Lees Summit

The Only Game In Town



Carmalot Hobby

Cards & Comics Plus


The Gamers Realm

West windsor

Planeswalkers Magic Bag

Ann Arbor

Above & Beyond Games


Rising Phoenix
Gamers Conclave

Wizards Keep

Heros Games & Movies


Lightspeed Hobbies

Zimmies Inc

Fantasy Games
South Bend

K&J Collectibles

Game Preserve, Lafayette

West Lafayette

Crossroad Games

The Whiz Store


21st Century Comics & Games

East Lansing
Fortress Comics and Games
East Lansing

The BattleZone
Eclipse Books & Comics

The Game Room Store



Zombie Planet
The Sages Quest
next generation gaming and toys
deer park
Odyssey Games and Hobbies
Flights of Fantasy
Lost Worlds
Men at Arms Hobbies Inc.
Middle Island
Neutral Ground
New York
The Compleat Strategist
New York
Mind Games
Bearded Dragon Games & Hobbies
Millennium Games and Hobbies
Monkey Head Games
Games Afoot
Grasshoppers Comics
Williston Park

Smoky Mountain Hobbies
Sword and Grail
All Fun & Games

Hobbyland - Sawmill

Hobby Express, Inc.

Cranberry Twp.

Gryphon Games

The Bookshelf

Game Trader
Cuyahogs falls

Adventure Games
Dickson City

Big Apple Comics


Blakfyre Games

Advanced Games Store


Fat Cat Comics And Games


Thors Hammer

Redvad Games

Bookery Fantasy

Gatehouse Games

Dragons Lair Comics & Fantasy


Fantasy Rules
Pleasant Grove


Dragons lair

Warehouse 23

Dragons Keep

Wexford Hill Hobbies


Ground Zero Games


Lonestar Comics

Ivory Tower Games


Bells Comics, Cards & Games

Grove City

hammond toys
salt lake city

Shadows at Dusk

The Adventurers Guild


Gamers Haven
Middleburg Heights

The Compleat Strategist

King of Prussia

Games Etc.
Fort Worth

Quarterstaff Games

Six Feet Under Games


Alpha Centauri Books and Games


Heroes Kingdom
St. Albans

The Kid in Me

Gamertopia, Inc.

Showcase Comics
Media Pa

Midnight Comics

Phantom of the Attic (POTA)


All The Fun Stuff


Legions Hobbies & Games


Battle Field Games


Blue Star Games


Angry Gorilla Comics & Games, Inc.

Lake Jackson

The Unknown

Game Exchange

The White Knights Game Room Inc.


Victory Games

Gamemaster Strategy Game Co. Ltd


Comic Store West


Madness Games & Comics McKinney




Game HQ, Inc.

Oklahoma City

Comix & Gaming

San Juan

Knight Arms Inc


Gaming Emporium
San Juan

Violet Vortex Games

Recess Games
North Olmsted
Im Game
North Olmsted
440-734-1050BattleAxe Games
North Ridgeville
Armoury Games
Daves Clubhouse
The Game Room
Mind Games


Underground Games

Fantasy Knights

The Hobbit Hobby Shop


Rainy Day Games


Your Move Games & More


Bounty Hunter Games & Hobbies

Coos Bay

Rules of Engagement Games


Planet of Sand

Lost Goblin Games

Pair-A-Dice Games

Hobby Town USA

JAC Game
Ahzzz Arena
Nords Games
ACME Games

FJ Games
Toa Baja,

Above Board Games
Fort Mill
Green Dragon
North Charleston


Evolution Gaming

The Dragon Caves


The Games Outpost

Oregon City

Armchair Warriors

Medusas Toy Chest


Dicehead Games

Borderlands Games

The Game Depot


Medieval Times Games


Dewaynes World - Comics & Games



Barony, The Inc.

Oak Ridge

The Roundtable Games & Stuff



Talon Comics & Games

Avalon Games

Montags Games
Madness Games & Comics Plano
Dragons Lair Comics & Fantasy
Round Rock
Dragons Lair Comics & Fantasy
San Antonio
Central Command Games
San Antonio
Hobbytown USA
Swords and Superheroes
Horizon Games
Realms of War
The Game Closet

End Zone Hobby
hammond toy
Hastur Games & Hobbies

hammond toys
west valley


Eagle and Empire
Shardz inc.
Game Parlor Inc.
The Comic Game Hobby Place
The Compleat Strategist
Falls Church
The Silver Unicorn
Leesburg Hobbies & Collectibles

List your store at


KGR Gaming
Kid Go Round
Atlantis Games & Comics
One Eyed Jacques
Dutch Pond
Bit of England
Virginia Beach
Atlantis Games and Comics
Virginia Beach
Groovy Geckos comics & games
Game Parlor Inc.
Gamers Exchange
Jerseys Cards & Comics

Games Plus Too
The Comics Keep


List your store at

Wonderworld Comics & Games

Diversified Games

Game Plan Games



014 84 88 64

401 Games, Toys & Sportscards

Toronto, Ontario
(416) 599-6446

Hobby 3
03 25 46 54 50

Lautre Monde

Comic Shop



(250) 542 0980

Highland Adventure Gaming

Fall City

Infinity Games
(08) 8410 2404

Olympic Cards and Comics


Games Exchange
Aitkenvale, Townsville
07 4725 4661


Curious Comics
(250) 384-1656

The Game Matrix


Online Games Centre

07 3366 9166

The Comic Warehouse

Brampton, Ontario

Curious Comics Hillside

(250) 592-1656

Fantastic Games & Toys


Unlimited Hobbies
Blacktown, NSW
02 8814 8700

The Sentry Box

(403) 245-2121

Skyhaven Games

Docking Bay 93
Mount Vernon

Games Junction
Bondi Junction
61 2 93892599

Alberta Hobby Centre


Campaign Outfitters

Genesis Games & Gizmos


Ace Comics & Games

07 3210 0939

All Star

Oroboros Games

Comic Warriors
07 3848 7362

Gamers Lair

Uncles Games, Puzzles and More


Golden Empyrean
Bundaberg QLD
+61 (0)7 4151 5236

Gz Games

Game Wizard Inc.


Logical Choice
Canberra City
02 6248 7722

Comex Hobby
Edmonton, Alberta

Garys Games

Mind Games Geelong

+61 (03) 52 222 133

Edmonton, Alberta
(780) 479-2442

The Dreaming Comics & Games


Mind Games Melbourne

(03) 9663 4603

Maitre De Jeu
Grandby, Quebec


07 5428 1331

Odyssey 2000

Abes Place

East Orange Newsagency

02 63627247Tin Soldier Penrith
(02) 4731 4623

Bayshore Hobbies
(905) 524-2334


Quantum Games & Cards


Jeux Mage Inn


Z Games
Games Unlimited

All About Games
Undersiege Games

Hobby Town Usa
BFG Virtual Magics Paintball Game
and Hobby Center
Gnome Games East
Green Bay
Gnome Games Tournament Center
Green Bay
Game Universe
Misty Mountain Games
The Last Square
Pegasus Games
Fortress Games
Meonomonee Falls
Victory Games
Adventure Games Plus
West Allis



Singleton Hobbies
Tin Soldier Sydney
(02) 9279 2668
Battle Station
07 46391999
Ogres Den
Toowoomba West
(07) 4637 9530
Toyworld Townsville
Wyong, NSW
02 4353 0666

+32 16 568830
Red Dragon Games Antwerp
Celtic Cross
Antre Jeux
+32 2 6490075
The Gamestore
Deurne, Antwerpen
War House Games
Drogenbos - Bruxelles
00 32 2 378 09 00
Lood & Spelen
Red Dragon Games Gent
Gamescenter D-Six
+32 (0) 11 351 358

Tierra Media
La Paz
591 22788360

Imperial Hobbies Games

Gamers World
Le Valet Dcoeur
Dragon Isle Games
Chaos Books And Games
New Westminster
Fandom Ii
613 236-2972
Comic Readers
Tramps Music & Books
Imperial Hobbies
Richmond, Bc
Dragons Den
(306) 955-3826
Mission: Fun & Games
St. Albert
Comic Encounters
The Bookshelf
Thunder Bay
(807) 345-1159
Dueling Grounds
Hairy Tarantula
Series X

Tellurian Games
Fantasy Stronghold
0703 233100
Ulisses Spiele
Bad Homburg
06172 921745


Bergisch Gladbach
02202 - 940 620

Kerberos Games
+45 22949626

Battlefield Berlin

Hobby House

Clesus Rollenspiel & Tabletop


Hobby House
+45 66124400

Gwindi Tabletop Store Hp9

+49 30 99279296

Peliarkku Ky

Artn Magic
Aix En Provence

Jeux De La Comte
03 81 81 32 11
Atelier Des Figurines
La Cage Aux Trolls
Action Jeux
04 67 661 421
Jeux Mageinn
Jeux Descartes
00 33 1 42 27 50 09
Jeux Mage Inn
Jeux Du Monde
05 61 23 73 88
Univers Parallle

Gwindi Tabletop Store K6

+49 30 44328244
Highscore! Games
030 / 797 09646
Highlander Games
Highlander Games
Dragonlord Games
Dillingen Saar
Excalibur Miniaturen
+49 (0)2064 7 1234
Highlander Games
0231 2063758
Fantasy En`Counter
0201 4370787
Ufo Gmbh
0761 33316
Zabalstein -Spiele
Highlander Games
Highlander Games Hagen
02331 914395
00405 5704101
+49 (0)511 667799
Brave New World
0221 2704771
Gamers Palace
Spiele, Bcher, Fantasy Gandalph

Edilidan Sas Di Castelletto E C.

+39 014 1320406

PC Studio SNC
+39 0432 227841


Wargames World
01943 607500

Highlander Games Kleve

02821 13965

Manaburst Asti
+39 014 1320353

Avalon Verbania
+39 0323 581659

Daily Price Viladecans

93 6376594



Defcon Zero Bergamo

+39 035 4592696



0049 2151 801718

Dragon Store Biella

+39 015 2438000


The World Of Miniatures

Mix-Image Sa

Leisure Games
020 8346 2327

Drachenhhle Leer
0491 9122099

Blues Brothers - Bologna

+39 0516493379

Hobbymetal Iconoclasm
072 724 3341

Gnomon Games Planet Gmbh

0041 41 410 00 14

Altrincham Gaming
0161 9294708

Fantasy Stronghold

Dragon Store Bologna

+39 051 23 48 41

Strategy Shop

Fan Boy 3
0161 2477735

Fantasy Stronhold
07141 / 903580

+39 0322 843044

Fun 4 U

Libreria Nemesis

Funtainment Game Store

Munich Games
089 27272394
Orcish Outpost
06131 233 299
Headquarter Comics & Spiele
Gamers Domain
+49 251 3904804
Funtainment Game Center
0049 (0) 911 132 06 44
Spielzeit Neuss
02131 21190
Projekt Sieben
Headblast Tabletop, Wargaming &
Fantasy Store
0208 884 27 86
Amis Comic Store
0381 3644463
07353 981394
Seetroll Comics+Spiele
+49 (0)7731 181937
Ulisses Universe
0611 3601993

Hong Kong
Fun Atelier
Hong Kong

Models Inc.
The 4Th Dimension
+353 (0)86 8159058

Tel Aviv

Defcon Zero Abbiategrasso
Abbiategrasso, Milano
+39 02 9450029
Manaburst Alba
+39 340 1436289
Lorso Bruno
+39 013 1441125
Manaburst Alessandria
+39 013 1236627
La Fumetteria Di Bucco Giorgio
+39 071 57649

Blues Brothers - Firenze

+39 055216314
Blues Brothers - Genova
+39 010588677
Defcon Zero Gorizia
+39 0481 32236
Dragon Store Ivrea
+39 3475050765
Avalon Milano
+39 02 29400410
Blues Brothers - Milano
Colorificio Cenisio 2
+39 02 48015319
Defcon Zero Milano
+39 02 70608326
La Piramide 2 Di Giuliani Davide
+39 02 2666213
Blues Brothers - Modena
Dragon Store Pavia
+39 0382 27747
Avalon Pescara
+39 085 2058741
Dragon Store Ravenna
Excalibur Di Callegari Maurizio
Rho - Milano
+39 02 93509414
Blues Brothers - Roma
+39 0678346414
Defcon Zero Roma
+39 06.53272942
Dragon Store Roma 1
+39 06 3475055142
Dragon Store Roma 2
+39 06 39737964
+39 0464 486712
Dragon Store Sassuolo
+39 0536 813231
Gi & Co. Di Pietrini Simona
+39 0577 288117
Blues Brothers -Torino
+39 0115217281
Centro Gioco Educativo Snc
+39 011 389134
Defcon Zero Torino
+39 011 6165218
Defcon Zero Trieste
+39 040 766957

Toys In Motion
Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Wolfs Game Shop
Petaling Jaya
03 79540159

Games Lair

The American Book Center
+31-(0)20-625 55 37
The American Book Center
+31 (0)20 6255537
Den Haag
+31 (0)70-3644782
Freetime Warrior
+31 (0)71 5130522
0031-(0)30 2311122

New Zealand
Urban Warfare
064 9 415 2293
Vagabond Games And Collectables
Heroes For Sale
Palmerston North

Entre Mundos
+351 214121662
+351244 106121
Homem Azul

United Kingdom
The Gaming Crypt
0161 929 9919
Wargames Workshop
+44 (0)1234 757878
The Railway And Modelers Junction
Bedworth, Warwickshire
024 76316285
The Stack
Unite All Action Gaming

Hidden Fortress
+044 (0) 2380 710550

Infinity Games

Claymore Games
01704 545349

Joust For Fun

01656 767680
Spirit Games
Burton On Trent
1283 511293
Games Lore Ltd
01189 546895
The Games Player Ltd
Bishop Games
Highlander Games
01382 666315
East Sussex

Clifton Road Games

01392 259 988

The Dungeon Comix

+34 93 3497887

Iksentrik Models Limited

01373 471695

Joker Juegos

Static Games

Mazinger Ourense
Los Clandestinos
Prat De Llobregat

Sheffield Space Centre

Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Waylands Forge
0121 683 0075


91 562 60 73

The Gamers Guild Ltd

Redhill, Surrey
+ 44 (0) 1737 789123

Severn Games
01743 361417

01702 200180

Transilvania Hobby Club

Las Palmas
928 362 898

Artemis Blacks
R.C.T. South Wales

Oracle Games
0121 680 3544


La Linea
34 647158110

Milton Keynes
01908 26 999 1

The Wargames Emporium

Sheffield, South Yorkshire
(0114) 2754826

Black Lion Games

0131 667 2128


Fan Boy Three

0161 2477735

Arcane Miniatures

Diver-Porto (Xxl Gaming)

+35122 5023684

Paradigm Infinitum

And So It Begins
0208 579 2244

Wargames World
St Helens, Lancashire
01744 28500
Morningstar Hobby Supplies
01276 685160
The Comix Shoppe
01792 642097

List your store at

Highlander Games

West Coast Games Ltd

01792 648 007
Games Lore Ltd
01952 598757
Questing Knight Games
Telford , Shropshire
West Midlands
+44 (0) 1902 310027

Inv. New Group

Games & Gifts

High Wycombe
Art Of War
01404 44151
Gamers Quest
01403 711642
Wargames World
Ilkley, West Yorkshire
01943 607500
Westgate Games
01227 457257
Gameslord Ltd
Kings Langley
+44 (0) 1923 681197
Travelling Man Leeds
0113 242 7227





No Qgazin
In th



As Duncan told you in the
editorial, Kevin Clark recently laid
down the law in a staff tournament.
No easy feat, Kevin caved a path
through the game designers and
some of the best WARMACHINE
players on the planet.

Secrets of the Druid Constructs

We thought you would like to take

a look at the 750 point Protectorate
that he drove to victory.

Amon Ad-Raza.......................... 70

3x Devout Light Warjack........ 69
Reckoner Heavy Warjack...... 126
Vanquisher Heavy Warjack.. 112

3x Wracks................................... 5
Choir of Menoth - 5 Acolytes.. 22
Choir of Menoth - 4 Acolytes.. 20
Holy Zealots............................. 55
Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer.24

Eiryss, Mage Hunter................ 29

Inside a jack factory!

Life of the Trencher


hits the shelves, and what REALLY
happened at the Thornwood?

The smell of victory..isnt always Old Spice.

The contract to guard the supply line seemed like such an easy job...

t o ta l wa r i n t h e i r o n k i n g d o m s


FALL 2006

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