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Technology Integration Assignment

Nicole Min, Rina Yu, Hae Eun Lee, Kaitlinn Morin

Fifth grade
This could be applied to any writing assignment that students could do over the course
of the year. In this case we are using opinion writing, as that directly applies to our current
practicum experience in ELED 481. Kidblog, the site we chose, gives students the opportunity to
connect, not only with each other, but with other classrooms as the teacher arranges. In that
way, this lesson meets ISTE standard 2A (see below). This could be a finished product or a peer
review tool.
We are assuming that students are coming to this lesson with the ability to type on a
computer. Also, this lesson could be used as a tool for peer review, after which students could
do a voice recording or a video of a speech and then link it to their blogs for further comment, or
this could be a finished product.
Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of
digital environments and media

Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning,
and productivity

W.5.1, 2, or 3:
Write (opinion, informative/explanatory, narratives)...
Produce clear, coherent writing in which the development and organization are
appropriate to task, purpose and audience.
With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the internet, to
produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others,
demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in
a single sitting.


Students will use this resource, Kids blog, as a way to publish their written pieces throughout
the academic year (in this case they will be creating an opinion speech). As a final product, they
will be able to share their words/work with their peers and other classes around the world. Kids
blog is a great way for students to show what they have learned from the opinion writing unit
and be able to show how much they learned about technology. When using Kids Blog, students
are also expected to comment on their peers work. They will be able to support their friends
using school appropriate language and concepts. Using Kids blog as a platform to showcase
students hard work can be a fun and exciting project that will motivate students.
How to teach students to use Kid Blogs:
We will be teaching our students to use KidBlogs via a Google presentation that outlines each
individual step that students will need to complete. The first few days are meant to introduce the
website, get students acquainted with the features of the tool, etc., so that on future dates they
are able to employ them. We are assuming that our students, in this theoretical context, have
had some practice with typing skills over the years. Students will be working on whats assigned
per day in the computer lab or classroom, whichever setting best suits the school we are in.
Students who finish the designated task early have the option of helping another student,
continuing to practice that skill, finding other things to blog about, maybe other features, etc., or
practice with a designated tool that theyve used before (Khan Academy, for example).

Teaching Aid:
The google doc presentation will walk through the steps of using Kid blog explicitly. The
students will be able to refer back to the slides while they are working on publishing their writing
piece. Each step will have detailed instructions as well as pictures. If questions should arise
students will be expected to look at the powerpoint, ask another student, and then ask if
directions are still unclear.
Schedule: Follow along on our google slide presentation!
Checklist/Rubric for Students: Kidblog Checklist

Day 1: Log in and Get to Know the Site!

- 20-30 minutes
- Go to Kidblog and follow teachers instructions to join classroom blog.

- Kidblog Scavenger Hunt (Kidblog Scavenger Hunt worksheet)

Find the Dashboard button and click on it. How many blog posts have been posted so
Find the New Post button and click on it. Find the icon to insert media, and insert a
picture of your favourite animal. What was your animal?
On the New Post page, change the visibility from public to private.
Find My Comments.
Find Comments for Me.
Find Pending.
Check out each post. What is the date and time that it was posted?
Day 2: Create an Introduction blog post!
- 45-60 minutes
- Introduction blog post: Introduce yourself.
Go to Kidblog and log in.
Click on New Post and begin typing your Who am I? blog post. Introduce yourself to
the class and share some things about yourself.
When you have finished typing your Introduction post, click Publish and youre done! If
you did not complete your post in time, click Save Draft and you can continue
Day3: Post a Comment!
- 20-30 minutes
- Comment on a friends blog post. How do we comment respectfully?( follow the format)
(Digital Etiquette)

Go to Kidblog and log in.

Click on Ms. Morins Class to go to the classroom blog.
Click on your partners introductory blog post to review.
After reading your partners post, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see
space to leave a comment.
Before you start typing, watch this video on Digital Etiquette.
Once you have finished the video, please leave a respectful comment for your partner
using these sentence frames:
Thank you ______________ (partners name) for your amazing work!
I really like ________________________________ about your post.
I am wondering ____________________________ about your post.
I agree that ______________________________________________.
Thank you for sharing your work with me!
Once you have finished writing your comment, please have your comment checked by
your teacher. If he/she approves, you may post your comment.
Day 4: Read your Comment(s) and Respond Back!
- 20-30 minutes
- Read the comment(s) left by your peer(s) and respond back!

Go to Kidblog and log in.

Click on Comments.
Click on Comments for Me to view the comments that other students left for you.
Click View to see the comment on your blog post.
Scroll down to read the comment and when you are ready, click Reply.
A textbox will appear and you now have a space to type your response back to your
Once you have finished writing your comment, please have your comment checked by
your teacher. If he/she approves, you may post your comment.
Day 5: Publish your Writing!
- 20-30 minutes
- Publish the final draft of your opinion writing in a new blog post!

Go to Kidblog and log in.

Click on New Post and start typing your final draft of your opinion writing.
When you have finished typing your Introduction post, click Publish and youre done! If
you did not complete your post in time, click Save Draft and you can continue
Day 6: Post Another Comment!
- 20-30 minutes
- Comment on a friends blog post. How do we comment respectfully?( follow the format)
(Digital Etiquette)

Go to Kidblog and log in.

Click on Ms. Morins Class to go to the classroom blog.
Click on your partners introductory blog post to review.
After reading your partners post, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see
space to leave a comment.
Before you start typing, watch this video on Digital Etiquette as a reminder!
Once you have finished the video, please leave a respectful comment for your partner
using these sentence frames:
Thank you ______________ (partners name) for your amazing work!
I really like ________________________________ about your speech.
I am wondering ____________________________ about your speech.
I agree that ______________________________________________.
Thank you for sharing your speech with me!
Once you have finished writing your comment, please have your comment checked by
your teacher. If he/she approves, you may post your comment.

Sites we used:

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