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The Wrong Rights By: Cassie Shumaker

Hand in hand the 2 girls wouldnt let

the court or what the law says get to
them, they are happy no matter
what the people say, even if they
cant get married, or be treated like
regular people. These 2 girls are
happy that they can just be together.
Sadly, these rights arent the only
issue that is the controversy of the
LGBT community all of the world.




normal society. There was some

hope that Russia would let
these people be happy when
the Soviet Union collapsed and
the laws were gone, but all
good things dont last forever
because this negativity is still a
concern today. (CNN).
issue is a terrible thing that Russia
treats people terrible just because
something different.
Lady Gaga talking

about her
experience with all
the drama in the
LGBT community,
as well how God

the article How to

Really Honor Veterans it states
community and people who
support them are protesting the
people cant serve in the military. But
of course a lot of them hide their
identity because they want to protect
the people in our country. Now not just
regarding transgendered, the other
elephant in the room is if lesbian and
gays should serve. They take in
consideration if they have good health
(physical and mentally). This is a
terrible issue because even though a
lot of people dont accept the LGBT
community, they still want to go out
and protect our country and our lives.
Traveling to Hong Kong there is
some good news, Hong Kongs
colorful annual gay pride parade took
on an overtly political tinge as occupy
moved in. (SCMPP). Occupy Central is
a civil disobedience movement which
began not that long ago in Hong Kong.
Now taking a look in Russia,
while the Soviet Union was still alive,
homosexuality was a crime punishable
by prison and hard labor, like the
concentration camps the Nazis had
for anyone that didnt follow their
criteria. Homosexuals were regarded
as pedophiles or fascists, outside

24% of LGBT
Americans identify
as highly religious
explanation for this
is that 90% of times the churches
make the Americans less welcome
because of what they believe in. So
considering this statement it is found
that LGBT Americans are highly likely
to live in places where religious
activities are less common. (Feeney
In the article Ten Reasons Why
Gay Rights Is a Religious Issue by Jay
Michaelson it is found that the number
one reason that gay rights is an issue
is because in Genesis, Its Adam and
Eve not Adam and Steve.





All of these rights and changes

in the LGBT community definitely has

changed over the course of time. In
1992 you could be fired for being gay.
In a speech by Hillary Clinton she talks
about how the US has developed as a
country with this issue: like how they
have helped made it easier for
transgendered people to switch their
gender on their passport. She also
talks about how making a well
welcomed place for LGBT is smart and

right for America. One of the things that

stood out in her speech is at the end
when she says And remind yourself, as I
do every day, what it must be like for a
young boy or a young girl in some other
part of the world who could literally be
killed, and often has been and still will
be, who will be shunned, who will be put
in danger every day of his or her life (It
Was A Completely Different World). It is
very heartwarming that Hillary Clinton is
mature about this topic and talks about
how the US is making changes.
Now in Ohio Pam Yorksmith said,
We raise our family the same way as an
opposite-sex couple. We both pay our
taxes, we both give back to our
community (Johnson). As a result samesex couples always
get treated

differently, but in reality they do

basically everything that opposite-sex
couples do, they just do it with the
same gender.




lot of the times most people

look at the effects of LGBT people but
there are some effects on regular people.
An estimated 2 million children are
being raised by same-sex couples in the
United States (Harmon 15-16). Did you
know that a retired minister went out of
the church teachings to marry 2 women,
consequences? (Minister Who Performed
Same-Sex Marriage Learns His Fate). The
effect of this situation caused the
minister to lose his job for helping a
same-sex couple get married.




Now probably one of the biggest

elephants in the room would be the

question of bullying on LGBT. One of the

most common issues is that because of
bullying, LGBT people are more likely to
commit suicide. Remember these people
struggle every day because of us
discriminating them for their sexuality.
In an article by CNN, talking about
Russia, a transgendered women was
abducted and brutally assaulted in 2013,
they kept calling her gay, a faggot, and
how people like us should die. Of course
she wasnt gay but, they didnt listen.
The disgusting part of this story was that
these people tore out her toenails with
pliers and said, Now you will be better
off. Now you will be pretty and fixed. Of
course this lady went to the police but
they didnt do anything because they
think LGBT is wrong and he said, Its
normal that you were attacked, why
would you need to file a complaint
against anyone (CNN).
The issue in Russia is talked about
Hozier in an interview with MTV about his
Take Me to Church music video. Hozier
talks about how he made the video to
represent situations that are happening
in Russia and how we shouldnt ignore
them. (Hozier-Take Me to Church).
In another transgendered case at a
school a girl was being hit and went to
the principal, the outcome was everyone
got a suspension but the transgendered,
being the victim, was charged with
assault. (No Bullying 31).
As of this year LGBT people are 8
more times likely to commit suicide if
their family doesnt accept them (No
Bullying 31). Tragically if your family
doesnt like the way you live your life
that is causing the teen to kill
themselves. We do things to make our
parents proud, thats just how life goes
because we look up to our parents, and
to see them disappointed hurts most of
the time.

Even older people are disgraced

with their sexuality. In a work case it was
said, Transgendered workers are much
more likely than any other groups to
report fearing for their personal safety
40% compared to 20% of gay men ( USA
Today Magazine 6).

community is very unacceptable, there
needs to be a change done . How would
you feel if these terrible? One's
dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and
cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken
away unless it is surrendered. (Feeney

Works Cited
Feeney, Nolan. LGBT Americans Less Likely To Be Religious. Time.Com (2014): 1.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
"Gay Pride Parade and Occupy Movement Promote Equal Rights in Society." South China
Morning Post. N.p., 4 Feb. 2015. Web. 08 Feb. 2015.
Harmon, Andrew. The Kids Are Not All Right. Advocate 1059 (2012): 15-16. Academic
Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
Hozier-Take Me to Church. YouTube. YouTube, 25 Sept. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2015.
It Was A Completely Different World. Vital Speeches Of The Day 79.1 (2013): 018-020.
Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
Johnson, A. With Ohios Same-Sex Marriage Ban Upheld, Supreme Court Likely Final
Arbiter. The Columbus Dispatch. The Columbus Dispatch. 7 Nov. 2014. Web. 29
Jan. 2015.
Michaelson, Jay. Ten Reasons Why Gay Rights Is A Religious Issue. Tikkun 25.4 (2010):
34-70. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Jan. 2015.
Minister Who Performed Same-Sex Marriage Learns His Fate. KCCI. N. P., 29 Jan. 2015.
Web. 29 Jan. 2015.
No Bullying Expert Advice On Cyber Bullying School Bullying. N. P., 31 May 2014. Web.
26 Jan. 2015.

Srinivasan, Rajiv. How To Really Honor Veterans: Extend Benefits To Transgender Vets.
Time.Com (2013): 1. Academic Search Premier. Web. 8 Feb. 2015.
"Why Russia Is Hung up on Homosexuality -" CNN. Cable News Network, 16
Dec. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2015.
Workers Still Hiding Sexual Orientation. USA Today Magazine 138. 2774 (2009): 6.
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Premier. Web. 25 Jan. 2015.

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