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Colgate-Palmolive Company 2

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COLGATE-PALMOLIVE COMPANY: THE PRECISION TOOTHBRUSH In August 1992, Colgate-Palmolive (CP) was poised to launch a new toothbrush in the United States, tentatively named Colgate Precision. CP’s Oral Care Division had been developing this technologically superior tooth- brush for over three years but now faced a highly com- petitive market with substantial new product activity. Susan Steinberg, Precision product manager, had managed the entire new product development process and now had to recommend positioning, branding, and communication strategies to division general manager ‘Nigel Burton. Company Background With 1991 sales of $6.06 billion and a gross profit of $2.76 billion, CP was a global leader in household and personal care products, Total worldwide research and, development expenditures for 1991 were $114 milion, and media advertising expenditures totaied $428 million, CP's five-year plan for 1991 to 1995 emphasized new product launches and entry into new geographic mar- kets, along with improved efficiencies in manufacturing and distribution and a continuing focus on core con- sumer products. In 1991, $243 million was spent (0 upgrade 25 of CP’s 91 manufacturing plants; 275 new products were introduced worldwide; several strategic acquisitions (e.g., of the Mennen men’s toiletries com- pany) were completed; and manufacturing began in China and Eastern Europe. Reuben Mark, CP’s C.E.O, since 1984, had been widely praised for his leadership in Rescarch Ascaiate Nathalie Laidler prepared this case under the supervi- sion of Profesor John Quelch as the basis for class discussion rather than to ilustrate rhe effective or ineffective handling ofan administrative stu- ation, Proprietary data has been disguised. transforming a “sleepy and inefficient” company into a lean and profitable one. Since 1985, gross margins had climbed from 399% to 45% while annual volume growth since 1986 had averaged 5%. Although international sales remained CP’s strong suit, accounting for 64% of, sales and 67% of profits in 1991, the company faced tough competition in international markets from Proc- ter & Gamble, Unilever, Nestle’s L'Oreal Division, Henkel of Germany, and Kao of Japan. Colgate-Palmolive’s Oral Care Business In 199), CP held 43% of the world toothpaste market and 16% of the world toothbrush market, Other oral care products included dental floss and mouth rinses. A team of 170 CP researchers worked on new technologies for oral care products, and in 1991, new products launched in the US. market included Colgate Baking Soda toothpaste and the Colgate Angle and Wild Ones toothbrushes. In 1991, worldwide sales of CP's oral care products increased 12% to $1.3 billion, accounting for 22% of CP's total sales. CP's U.S. toothbrush sales in 1991 reached $77 million, with operating profits of $9.8 mil- lion. Toothbrushes represented 19% of CP's U.S. Oral Care Division sales and profits, and CP held the number, one position in the U.S. retail toothbrush market with a 23.3% volume share. Exhibit | presents operating statements for CP's US. toothbrush business since 1989. CP offered two lines of toothbrushes in 1991—the Colgate Classic and the Col- gate Plus. Colgate Classic was positioned in the “value” segment and was CP’s original entry in the toothbrush sarket, while Colgate Plus was positioned as a higher- quality product in the “professional” segment. The U.S. Toothbrush Market As early as 3000 B.C., ancient Egyptians used tooth- brushes fashioned from twigs. In the twentieth century, a major design advance occurred in 1938 with the launch Ierted Marketing Commuicatins Y3N7 of Dr. West’s Miracle Tuft Toothbrush, the first nylon- bristle brush. In the late 1940s, Oral-B began selling a soft-bristle brush which was better for the gums, and in 1961 Broxodent launched the first electric toothbrush.! Until the late 1970s, toothbrushes were widely viewed by consumers as a commodity and were purchased primar- ily on price. More recently, new product launches had increased and performance benefits had become increas- ingly important purchase criteria. (Exhibit 2 surnmarizes new product introductions in the category since 1980.) In 1991, the U.S. Oral Care market was $2.9 retail sales and had grown at an annual rate of 6.1% since 1986. Toothpaste accounted for 46% of this market, mouth rinses 24%, toothbrushes 15.5% ($453 million in retail sales), with dental floss and other products making, up the remainder. Dollar sales of toothbrushes had grown at an average rate of 9.3% per annum since 1987, but, in 1992 they increased by 21% in value and 18% in volume, due to the introduction of 47 new products and line extensions during 1991-1992. In the same period, media support increased by 49% and consumer coupon circulation by 48%. Consumers took more interest in the category and increased their purchase frequency. The trade, for whom toothbrushes represented a profitable, high-margin business, responded by increasing in-store promotional support and advertising features. Dollar growth exceeded volume growth due to the emergence of a “super-premium” sub-category of toothbrushes partly offset by downward pressure on average retail prices in, mass-merchandiser channels and because of growth in the sales of private label toothbrushes. Unit sales growth in 1993, however, was projected to be slower due to a buildup in household inventories of toothbrushes in 1992 as a result of increased sampling of free brushes through dentists and an abnormally high number of “two-for-one” consumer promotions ion in Product Segments In the 1980s, industry executives divided the toothbrush category into two segments: value and professional. Many consumers traded up to professional, higher- priced toothbrushes with a resulting erosion of the value segment despite growth in private-label sales. The late 1980s saw the emergence of super-premium brushes (priced above $2.00). By 1992, super-premium brushes, "As of 1991, electric toothbrushes were used by only 6% of US. households. BY Paty with retail prices between $2.29 and $2.89, accounted for 35% of unit volume and 46% of dollar sales. Professional brushes, priced between $1.59 and $2.09, accounted fora corresponding 41% and 42%, and value brushes, priced on average at $1.29, accounted for 24% and 12%. In 1992, three players dominated the U.S. toothbrush market overall: Colgate-Palmolive and Johnson & John- son, whose brushes were positioned in the professional segment; and Oral-B, whose brushes were positioned in the super-premium segment. New entrants in the early 1990s included Procter & Gamble and Smithkline Beecham; both had positioned their new product launches in the super-premium segment. Table A pro- files the principal new products offered in the super- premium toothbrush segment in 1992. Toothbrushes differed by bristle type (firm, medium, soft, and extra soft) and by head size (full/adult, com- pact, and child/youth). Firm-bristle brushes accounted for 8% of toothbrushes sold but were declining at 13% a year. Medium-bristle brushes accounted for 39% and were declining at 4% a year, Soft-bristle brushes held a 48% market share and were growing at 7% per year. Extra-soft-bristle brushes held only a 5% share but were growing even more rapidly. Sixty-nine percent of tooth- brushes were sold with adult, full-sized heads, 17% had compact heads, and 13% had child/youth-sized heads. In the late 1980s, many new toothbrushes were intro- duced on the basis of aesthetic rather than functional features. The children’s segment in particular had seen a ‘variety of new products. For example, in 1988 and 1989 new toothbrushes targeting children featured sparkling handles, Bugs Bunny and other characters, and glow-in- the-dark handles, By 1991, however, new product intro- ductions were again focused on technical performance improvements, such as greater plaque removal and ease of use. Consumer Behavior CP’s consumer research indicated that consumers of the baby boom generation (adults born in the 1940s, 1950s and early 1960s) were becoming more concerned about the health of their gums as opposed to cavity prevention and were willing to pay a premium for new products addressing this issue. CP estimated that 82% of tooth- brush purchases were unplanned, and research showed that consumers were relatively unfamiliar with tooth brush prices. Although consumers were willing to expet~ iment with new toothbrushes, they replaced their brushes on average only once every 7.5 months in 1991 TableA Major New Products in the Super-Premium Toothbrush Segment Produc | | Manufacturer Feature Benefit Reason Tag-line Launch date 8 5KUs Oral-B indicator | Indicator Tellsyouwhen | Blue band fades | The wand more 781 4aautt ORAL-8 Bristes tochange halfway, Dental | dentistsuse (oiuerte) toothbrush | hertage Reach Advanced Angled neck; | Cleans ineven | Stimmed down, | Feel the 8/1 | 3aiult Design raisedruter | thenardest- | taperedhead | cifference | 108NSON ridges on fanale | to-reach places | 0HNSON Crest Complete | Ripplew bristle | Reaches Ripped end= | Oniyrestcoulé | 8/91 (test) roadult PROCTER design. Handle | between rounded bristles | make abrush | 9/92 (national) GAMBLE with ubber grip | teethiike a this complete dental tool Aguaftesh Flex | Pressure Prevents gum | flexes as you For gentle 8/91 (Flex) | Gadult child SMITHKLINE | sensitive, intation brush demalcare | g/a2 BEECHAM flexible neck (ine extension) linking brush and handle | (versus 8.6 months in 1990), while dental professionals recommended replacement every three months. Due to the prevalence of “two-for-one” offers, purchase fre- quency lagged replacement frequency, with consumers purchasing toothbrushes once every 11.6 months in 1991 (compared to 12.4 months in 1990 and an expected 9.7 months for 1992).? Unlike toothpaste, toothbrushes ‘were not typically shared by members of the same household, Most consumers agreed that toothbrushes were as important as toothpaste to effective oral hygiene and that the primary role of @ toothbrush was to remove food Particles; plaque removal and gum stimulation were considered secondary. Proper brushing was seen as key to the prevention of most dental problems. According to CP research, 45% of consumers brushed before break- fast, 57% after breakfast, 28% after lunch, 24% after din- ner and 71% before bed. Forty-eight percent of con- Sumers claimed to change their brushes at least every three months; the trigger to purchase a new brush for 7096 of them was when their 1oothbrush-bristles became Visibly worn, Eleven percent decided to switch to a new brush after seeing their dentists, and only 39 admitted tn \992, consumers purchased toothbrushes more frequently than in by purchased toothbrush: frequently thar to purchasing on impulse.» Sixty-five percent of con- sumers had more than one toothbrush, 24% kept 2 toothbrush at work, and 549 had a special toothbrush for traveling. Brand choice was based on features, comfort and pro- fessional recommendations. Exhibit 3 summarizes the aia reasons why consumers used specific brands. Con- sumers chose a brush to fit their individual needs: size and shape of the mouth, sensitivity of gums, and per- sonal brushing style. The handle, bristles, and head shape were perceived to be the most important physical features of a toothbrush. Consumers differed in the intensity of their involve- ment in oral hygiene. Table B summarizes the buying behavior of the three groups. Therapeutic brushers aimed to avoid oral care problems, while cosmetic brushers emphasized preventing bad breath and/or ensuring white teeth. Uninvolved consumers were not motivated by oral care benefits and adjusted their behavior only when confronted by oral hygiene probfems. Dentists played a significant role, both asa source of information on proper brushing techniques and as a distributor of toothbrushes. At any time, one in four consumers was using a toothbrush given to them bya dentist Intecrated Marketing Communications Y 349 Table B Consumer Segmentation of Toothbrush Users Involved Oral Wealth Consumers - Therapeutic Brushers (46% of adults) Involved Oral Health Consumers - Cosmetic Brushers (21% of adults) Uninvalved Oral Health Consumers (33% of adults) Differentiate among products Search out functionally effective products Search for products that effectively deliver cosmetic benefits ‘View products as the same. Lack of interest in product category Buy and use products for themselves Buy and use products for themselves ‘uy and use products forall family members 85% brush at least twice aday, 62% use a professional brusn and 54% floss regulary 85% brush twice a day, 81% use mouthwash, 54% use breath fresheners, 69% floss, 54% use a professional brush 20% brush once a day or less, 28% use only regular toothbrushes 54% floss ‘56% use mouthwash Major toothbrush brands used are Oral-B Angle and Oral-B Regular followed by Colgate Plus and Reach, Major toothbrush brands used are Colgate Classic and Oral-B Regular followed by Colgate lus and Oral-B Angle ‘aja tnathorush brands used are Colgate Classic and Oral-8 Regular followed by Colgate Plus and Reach Competition Exhibit 4 lists the major brands and product prices for each of the three toothbrush product segments. Exhibit 5 shows the number and type of stockkeeping units (SKUs) for each major brand, and Exhibits 6 and 7 sum- marize market shares over time and by class of trade. Major competitor brands in the super-premium seg- ment included Oral-B, Reach Advanced Design, Crest Complete, and Aquafresh Flex. Oral-B (owned by Gillette) had been the market leader since the 1960s. in 1991, it held a 23.1% volume market share and a 30.7% value share of U.S retail sales, with 27 SKUs, Oral-B relied heavily on professional endorsements and was known as “the dentist's tooth- brush.” In July 1991, Oral-B launched the Indicator brush, priced at a 15% premium to its ather brushes, The Indicator brush had a patch of blue bristles that faded to -white when it was time for replacement (usually after two to three months). In 1992, consumer promotions were expected to cost $4.5 million (5% of sales) and include $1.00-off coupons, “buy-one-get-one-free” offers and $2,00 mail-in refunds, Media expenditures for 1992 were estimated at $11.2 million (12.796 of sales). Television commercials would continue to feature “Rob the dentist” using the Oral-B Indicator product. In 1991, Oral-B's operating margin on toothbrushes, after adver- tising and promotion costs, was estimated to be approxi- mately 20% of factory sales. BOF ltd In 1992, Oral-B announced that it would restage its dental floss, roll out a new mouthwash, and possibly introduce a specialty toothpaste. Oral-B management stated that “to be a leader in the oral care category, we must compete in all areas af oral care.” Johnson & Johnson (J&) entered the U.S. toothbrush ‘market in the 1970s with the Reach brand, which, in 1991, comprised 18 SKUs. In 1988, J&) introduced a sec ond product line under the brand name Prevent, a brush with a beveled handle ta help consumers brush at 2 45% angle—the recommended brushing technique. This product however, was being phased out by 1992. In 1991, J&J ranked third in the U.S. retail toothbrush market with a 19.4% volume share and a 21.8% value share, The Reach line was positioned as the toothbrush that enabled consumers to brush in even the hardest-to-reach places, thereby increasing the efficiency of brushing, New prod- ucts included Glow Reach (1990) and Advanced Design Reach (1991), which offered tapered heads, angled necks, and unique non-slip handles, Reach Between, scheduled for launch in September of 1992, had an angled neck and rippled bristles that targeted the areas between the teeth. Consumer promotions in 1992 were estimated at $46 million (8.6% of sales) and included 604 coupons, $1.00 refunds by sail, and “buy-two-get-one-free” offers. “Brandweek, October 12,1992, ‘Media expenditures were expected to reach $17.1 million (31.7% of sales) with a heavy reliance on television com- mercials. Johnson & Johnson's expected 1992 operating margin on toothbrushes, after advertising and promo- tion costs, was 8.4% of factory sales. Procter & Gamble (P&G) was the most recent entrant in the toothbrush market with Crest Complete, an exten- sion of the company's toothpaste brand name, Crest. Based on successful test markets in Houston and San Antonio from August 1991 to August 1992, P&G was expected to launch Crest Complete nationally in Sep- tember 1992. The brush had captured a 13% value share in test markets and was expected to reach similar total market share levels in its first year after full launch. The product had long, rippled bristles of different lengths, designed to reach between the teeth. Crest Complete claimed to have “the ability to reach between the teeth up to 37% farther than leading flat brushes.” It was expected tobe introduced at a manufacturer’ list price to retailers of $1.67 and capture a 2.0% volume share and a 2.6% value share of the U.S. retail market by the end of 1992. Consumer promotions already announced included 55 cent coupons and $1.99 refunds on toothbrushes pur- chased from floor stands. Media expenditures for the last quarter of 1992 were estimated at $6.4 million; television commercials would carry the theme “Teeth aren't flat, so why is your brush.” Smithkline Beecham entered the U.S. toothbrush mar- ket in August 1991 with Aquafresh Flex, an extension of the company’s toothpaste brand. Aquafresh Flex tooth- brushes had flexible handles that allowed for gentle brushing, By the end of 1991, Aquafresh Flex held a 0.5% share by volume and 1.1% by value of the U.S. retail market with six SKUs. In September 1992, the line was expected to expand to include two adult compact heads and one child brush. The 1992 promotion plan, esti- mated at $4.6 million (25% of sales), included $1.99 mail tefunds, “buy-two-get-one-free” offers, toothbrush on- pack with toothpaste, and a self-liquidating premium offer of towels. Media expenditures at $10 million {almost 50% of sales) included television commercials that showed the product brushing a tomato without damaging it, to demonstrate the “flexibility and gentle- ness” of the brush, Smithkline Beecham was expected to ‘make an operating loss on toothbrushes in 1992. Other competitors included Lever, Pfizer, and Sunstar, In 1991, Lever offered three lines of toothbrushes: Aim; Pepsodent Professional with 5 SKUs; and Pepsodent Regular with 4 SKUs. Combined, Lever held a 7.2% vol- uume and 6.6% value share of the U.S. retail market in 1991. Lever’s products were sold primarily in the value segment and the company did not have a track record of innovation in the category. Pfizer entered the market in June 1991 with its Plax brush, which had a special groove for the thumb; it had captured 1.8% of the retail market by year end, Sunstar, with its Butler brand, held 2% of the retail market in 1992 and 19% of the $45 million in toothbrushes distributed through dentists. Advertising and Promo In the toothpaste category, it was hard to increase pri- mary demand, so new products tended to steal sales, from existing products. In the case of toothbrushes, however, increased advertising and promotion enhanced the category's visibility which, in turn, seemed to fuel consumer demand. As the pace of new product introductions quickened in the late 1980s, the advertising media expenditures needed to launch a new toothbrush rose: Johnson & Johnson spent $8 million in media support to introduce its new Reach brush; Oral-B spent $10 million to launch its Indicator brush; and Procter & Gamble was expected to support its Crest Complete brush with $15 million in media expenditures. Total media spending for the cate- gory, primarily on television advertising, was estimated to total $55 million in 1992 and $70 million in 1993. Exhibit 8 shows media expenditures and shares of voice for the main toothbrush brands. Exhibit 9 summarizes the main message in each brand’s commercials, and Exhibit 10 summarizes the copy strategy of Colgate Plus's television commercials over time. Advertising and promotion expenditures for Colgate toothbrushes are given in Exhibit 11. Growing competition also increased the frequency and value of consumer promotion events. In 1992, 8% of all brushes reached consumers either free with tooth- paste (as on-pack or mail-in premiums) or free with another toothbrush (buy-one-get-one-free offers). The number of coupon events for toothbrushes increased from 10 in 1990 to 33 in 1992. In the same period, the average toothbrush coupon value increased from $0.25 t0 $0.75. Retail advertising features and in-store displays increased toothbrush sales. A typical CP toothbrush dis- play increased sales by 90% over a normal shelf facing. ‘When Colgate toothbrushes were combined with Col- gate toothpaste in a single display, toothbrush sales increased by 170%. The importance of point-of- purchase n Integrated Marketing Communications =¥ 351 displays and the variety of items, bristle qualities, and handle colors in each manufacturer's line led each to develop a variety of racks and display units for different classes of trade. CP for example, had four display sys- tems: Counter Tops, containing 24 to 36 brushes; Floor Stands, 72 brushes; Sidekicks (used by mass merchandis- ers), 144 to 288 brushes; and Waterfall displays, 288 to 576 brushes. Exhibit 12 illustrates these display racks. In 1991, the percentages of special Colgate displays accounted for by each type were 10%, 50%, 25%, and 154% respectively. The CP toothbrush line held 25% 10 40% of the cate~ gory shelf space in most stores. To maximize retail sales, CP salespeople tried to locate the Colgate line in the middle of the category shelf space, between the Reach and the Oral-B product lines. Distribution tn 1987, traditional food stores sold 75% of oral care products, but by 1992 they accounted for only 43% of toothbrush sales and 47% of toothpaste sales. Mass mer- chandisers gained share due to increased in-store pro- motional support, Partly in response and partly because of the increasing number of SKUs, food stores began to expand shelf space devoted to oral care products, Exhibit 13 summatizes toothbrush retail distribution trends by volume and value. Though purchased too infrequently to be used as a traffic builder, toothbrushes provided retailers with an average margin between 25% and 35%, twice that for toothpaste. As a result, many retailers were more recep- tive to adding new toothbrush products than new vari- eties of toothpaste. in considering which brands to stock and feature, trade buyers evaluated advertising and pro- motion support and each manufacturer's rack record in the category. Between October 1991 and February 1992, the average number of toothbrush SKUs had increased from 31 to 35 for mass merchandisers, ftom 27 to 34 for drug stores and from 30 to 35 for food outlets, In Sep- tember 1992, the average number of brands carried by these three classes of trade were 10, 12, and 8 respec- tively. Shelf space devoted to toothbrushes had also increased. Kmart, for example, had increased per-stose shelf space for toothbrushes from 2 to 7.5 feet in two ‘years. Retail sales cemained fragmented, with 60% of sales derived from 40% of the SKUs. In 1992, 22% of all toothbrushes were expected to be distributed to consumers by dentists. With a dedicated sales force, Oral-B dominated this market segment. 352 -V Part ‘Manufacturer margins on toothbrush sales through den. tists were less than half those achieved through normal retail distribution, Exhibit 14 summarizes competitory: shares in this segment of the market The Precision Marketing Mix Product Design and Testing The Precision toothbrush was a technical innovation, In laboratory experiments, researchers used infrared motion analysis 10 track consumers’ brushing move- ments and consequent levels of plaque removal. With this knowledge and through computer aided design, CP developed a unique brush with bristles of three different lengths and orientations (see Exhibit 15). The longer outer bristles cleaned around the gum line, the long inner bristles cleaned between teeth, and the shorter bristles cleaned the teeth surface. The result was a triple- action brushing effect. 'n initial clinical tests, the brush achieved an average 35% increase in plaque removal, compared with other leading toothbrushes, specifically Reach and Oral-B. At the gum line and between the teeth, the brush was even more effective, achieving dou- ble the plaque eemoval scores of competitor brushes. In 1989, CP had established a task force comprising executives from R&D and Marketing, dental profession- als, and outside consultants. Its mission was to “develop a superior, technical, plaque-removing device.” The entire research and development process was managed from start to finish by Steinberg. The task force had five goals: * Understanding the varying techniques consumers used when brushing their teeth, Researchers later concluded that brushing usually did a good job of removing plaque from teeth surfaces but was often ineffective at removing plaque from the gum line and between the teeth. + Testing the between-teeth access of different tooth- brush designs. The tests revealed that CP’s new design was superior to both Oral-B and Reach in accessing front and back teeth, using either hori- zontal at vertical brushing. Establishing an index to score clinical plaque- removal efficacy at the gum Tine and between teeth. In tests, a disclosing solution was used to reveal the otherwise colorless plaque, and each tooth was divided into nine specific areas. Presence of plaque was measured on each tooth areas the percentages of tooth areas affected by plaque pre- and post- usage of different brushes were then calculated * Creating a bristle configuration and handle design offering maximum plaque-removing efficacy. Three similar designs evolved from the above research, all incorporating bristles of different lengths that would allow freer movement of each individual tuft of bristles and thereby enable different bristle tufts to target different areas of the mouth. Clinical trials established that the new product removed an aver- age 35% more plague than other leading brushes and therefore helped to reduce the probability of gum disease. Determining, through clinical and consumer research, the efficacy and acceptance of the new toothbrush design. Extensive consumer research was carried out over a period of 18 months to test product design and characteristics, marketing con- cept, and competitive strengths. In addition, dental professional focus groups and product usage tests were conducted to determine the overall acceptance of Precision. In July 1992, CP senior management decided to launch Precision early in 1993. It was decided that Preci- sion would be priced within the super-premium seg- ment and distributed through the same channels as Col- gate Plus. However, the decision on how to position the product and the corresponding branding and communi- cations strategies remained to be finalized. Positioning Precision was developed with the objective of creating the best brush possible and as such, becoming a top-of- the range, super-premium product. It could be posi- Table C How Unit Volumes Reach Consumer tioned as a niche product to be targeted at consumers concerned about gum disease. As such, it could com- ‘mand a 15% price premium over Oral-B and would be expected to capture 3% of the U.S. toothbrush market by the end of the first year following its launch. Alterna- tively, Precision could be positioned as a mainstream brush, with the broader appeal of being the most effec- tive brush available on the market. It was estimated that, as a mainstream product, Precision could capture 10% of the market by the end of the first year. Steinberg devel- oped a marketing mix and financial projections for both scenarios, and this information is suramarized in Table C. Her assumptions and calculations for the niche and ‘mainstream positioning scenarios were as follows: Uolumes. Steinberg believed that with a niche position- ing, Precision retail sales would represent 3% volume share of the toothbrush market in year 1 and 5% in year 2. With a mainstream positioning, these volume shares would be 10% in year I and 14.7% in year 2. Total cate- gory unit volumes were estimated at 268 million in 1993 and 300 million in 1994. Table C outlines how these unit volumes would reach the consumer. Capacity and Investment Costs. ‘Three types of equipment were required to manufacture the Precision brush: tufters; handle molds; and packaging machinery. Table D gives the cost, depreciation period, and annual capacity for each class of equipment. Production Costs and Pricing, Production was subcon- tracted to Anchor Brush who also manufactured CP's Plus line of toothbrushes. Production costs included warehousing and transport costs. Under a niche posi- tioning strategy, Steinberg decided that CP would estab- lish a factory list price to the trade of $2.13, a premium over Oral-B regular and at parity with Oral-B Indicator. ‘The mainstream strategy price would be $1.85, at parity. Promotion Sampling Niche Positioning Mainstream Positioning Strategy Strategy # Units Retail Year = BM, Year2 = 15 MM. Year = 27MM, Year 2 = 44 MM. # Units Consumer Year! 62 = 2.MM, Year 62=7 MM. # Units Through Professionals Year1 62 = 3MM, Year162= @MM, Itogte retngCmuications Y 363 Table D Investment Cost ‘Annual Capacity Depreciation Time Tufters $500,000 MM units 15 years Handle Molds $300,000 TMM units S years Packaging $150,000 40 MM units Syears with Oral-B regular. [n practice however, almost all sales to the trade were made at a discount of approximately 5%. Eighty percent of sales through dental professionals would be priced at $0.79 per unit; the remainder would be sold at $0.95. Positioning Precision as a mainstream toothbrush raised concerns about the possible cannibalization of Colgate Plus and about pressure on production sched- ules that had been developed for a niche positioning, Production capacity increases required 10 months’ lead time, and switching to a mainstream positioning could result in inadequate supply of product. Some executives argued that unsatisfied demand could create the percep- tion of a “hot” product but others felt that the problems associated with allocating limited supplies among trade customers should be avoided if possible. They argued for an initial niche positioning, which could later be broad- ened to a mainstream positioning as additional capacity came on line. ‘The positioning decision had important implications for the appropriate shelf location of Precision. Steinberg, believed that the best location for Precision on the retail shelves would be between the Colgate Plus and Oral-B product lines, with the Colgate Classic product line on the other side of Colgate Plus. She wondered, however, if ‘mainstream Precision could be located separately from, the other Colgate lines, close to competitive super- premium toothbrushes such as Aquafresh Flex and Crest, Complete. If Precision was positioned as a niche prod- uct, with 4 SKUs, it was unlikely that any existing SKUs would be dropped. However, positioning Precision as a mainstream product, with 7 SKUs, would probably require dropping one or more existing SKUs such as a slow-moving children’s brush from the Plus line. Steinberg also believed that the positioning decision would impact distribution and percentage of sales by class of trade. Specifically, she reasoned that Precision, positioned as a niche product, would be carried primar- ily by food and drug stores. Under a mainstream launch scenario, a relatively greater proportion of sales would 3d Y Part occur through mass merchandisers and club stores, Steinberg consolidated her best estimate of the cost and price data (see Table E). When combined with the unit volume estimates in Table C, she hoped to develop a pro forma income statement to compare the profit implica- tions of the niche versus mainstream positioning strate- gies. She remained uncertain, however, about cannibalization; anywhere from 35% to 60% of the vol- umes indicated in Table C could come from Colgate Classic and Colgate Plus. Branding At the time consumer concept tests were carried out by the task force, name tests were also conducted among those consumers positively disposed towards the concept. Alternative names tested included Col- gate Precision, Colgate System III, Colgate Advantage, Colgate 1.2.3, Colgate Contour, Colgate Sensation, and Colgate Probe. The Colgate Precision name was consistently viewed more favorably—it was deemed appropriate by 49% of concept acceptors and appeal- ing by 31%. CP executives had not yet decided the relative promi- nence of the Precision and Colgate names on the pack- age and in advertising. They debated whether the brush should be known as “Colgate Precision” or as “Precision by Colgate” Executives who believed that the product represented “big news” in the category argued that the product could stand alone and that the Precision brand name should be emphasized. Stressing Precision as opposed to Colgate would, it was argued, limit the extent of cannibalization of Colgate Plus. It was estimated, both under the mainstream and niche positioning scenarios, that cannibalization figures for Colgate Plus would increase by 20% if the Colgate brand name was stres but remain unchanged if the Precision brand name was stressed. On the other hand, CP's stated corporate strat- egy was to build on the Colgate brand equity. Table E Alternative Positioning Scenarios for Precision Precision as a Niche Product Precision as a Mainstream Product Planned capacity unit volume Year = 42MM units Year 2 Investment in capacity, where year 2 Year figures are for additional capacity fear L Depreciation costs Year 1 = $886,667 (Derived from Table 0) Year: Year 2 ‘Manufacturer per unit cost: Year 1 and 2 $0.66 $0.64 Monufecturer price $2.02 $1.76 Suggested retail price $2.89 82.49 Advertising Year $5 Million $15 Million Year 2 $5 Million $12 Million Consumer Promotions- Year 1 $4.6 Milton $13 million Year2 $4 Million S10 Million Trade Promotions Year 1 51.6 Millon $4.8 Million Year 2 52.7 Million $2Miion | #5kus Brushes ‘adult 6 adut/t child Colors colors 6 colors Communication and Prometion Once the basic product design was established, four con- cept tests, conducted among 400 adult professional brush users (Colgate Plus, Reach, and Oral-B users) 18 to 54 years of age, were run during 1990-1991. Consumers were exposed to various product claims in prototype print advertisements and then asked about the likeli- hood that they would purchase the product (see Exhibit 16 for copies of the advertisements). The results of these tests are summarized in Exhibit 17 and indicate that a claim that the toothbrush would prevent gum disease motivated the greatest purchase intent among test con- sumets, Additional consumer research, including in- home usage tests, revealed that 55% of test consumers found Precision to be very different from their current toothbrushes, and 77% claimed that Precision was much mote effective than their current toothbrush. Precision’s unique design could remove more plaque from teeth than the other leading toothbrushes on the market, However, the brush looked unusual and test par- ticipants sometimes had mixed first impressions. A fur- ther problem was that the benefit of reduced gum dis- ease from extra plaque removal was difficult to translate into a message with broad consumer appeal, since few consumers acknowledged that they might have gum dis- ease, Steinberg believed that Precision was the best brush for people who cared about what they put in their mouths but was still searching for the right superiority claim. Consumer research revealed that the more test con- sumers were told about Precision and how it worked, the eater their enthusiasm for the product. Precision cre- ated such a unique feel in the mouth when used that, consumers often said, “You can really feel it working” Once tried, consumer intent to purchase rose dramati- cally, and Steinberg therefore concluded that sampling, would be critical to Precision’s success. ‘There was considerable debate over the CP toothbrush advertising and promotion budget, which amounted to $24.1 million in 1992, with $9.6 million in advertising, and $144 million in consumer and trade promotion. ‘Some executives thought the budget should remain level, a a percentage of sales in 1993 and be allocated among Classic, Plus, and Precision. Others believed it should be increased substantially to support the Precision launch with no reduction in planned support for Classic and Plus. One proposal consistent with a niche positioning for Precision was to increase total CP category spending by $11.2 million and to allocate this to the Precision Itegted MketngCommuicatons Y 358 launch. However, Steinberg believed that this was not enough to permit Precision to reach its full sales poten- tial. She argued for an 80% increase in CP category spending in 1993, with fully 75% of all advertising dollars assigned to Precision and 25% to Plus. However, the Col- gate Plus product manager, John Phillips, argued that Plus was the bread-and-butter of CP’s toothbrush line and claimed that his mainstream brand should receive more rather than less support if Precision was launched. He argued that continued support of Plus was essential to defend its market position against competition. Consumer promotions were planned to induce trial. Steinberg was considering several consumer promotions to back the launch: a free 5 oz. tube of Colgate toothpaste (retail value of $1.89) with the purchase of a Precision brush in strong competitive markets; and a 30%-off offer on any size of Colgate toothpaste (up to a value of $1.00) in conjunction with a 50¢ coupon on the Precision brush in strong Colgate markets. The cost of this promotion was estimated at $4 million and Steinberg believed it should be used as part of the launch program for a main- stream positioning strategy. The Colgate Plus product manager pressed for trade deals to load the trade in advance of the Precision launch. He believed that the trade would be unlikely to support two Colgate brushes, at any one time. However, Steinberg believed that the 356 Part launch of Precision would enable CP to increase its over- all share of trade advertising features and special displays in the toothpaste category. Another important tactic was to use dentists to sam- ple consumers since professional endorsements were believed important to establishing the credibility of a new toothbrush. Steinberg believed that, under the niche scenario, 3 million Precision bcushes could be channeled through dental professionals in the first year after the launch, versus 8 million under the mainstream scenario, Conclusion Steinberg believed that Precision was more than a niche product or simple line extension and that the proven benefits to consumers represented a technological break- through. She wondered how Precision should be posi- tioned, branded, and communicated to consumers, as well as what the advertising and promotion budget should be and how it should be broken down. Steinberg had to develop a marketing mix and profit-and-loss pro forma that would enable Precision to reach its full poten- tial, yet also be acceptable to Burton and her colleagues, particularly the Colgate Plus product manager. Exhibit 1. Income Statements for Colgate-Palmolive Toothbrushes: 1989-1992 1989 1990 1991 1g92E ‘Unit sales (‘000s) $5,296 63,576 76,560 76,336 Net sales ($0005) 43,854 (100%) 57,248 (100%) 7001 ~—(raa%) ~—91,611_—_—((100%) Cost of sales 23,988 (55%) 26,190 (49%) —36,827_—(48%) — 44,846 (49%) Total fixed overhead 442g (1%) 6,304 (4%) 10,007 (19%) 4423— (12%) Total advertising Media 3,667 (8%) 6,988 (12%) 8761 (1%) 62311) Consumer promotions 454 (10%) 5,893 (10%) 5,286 (7%) 6,788) Trade promotions 3,458 (8%) 4,134 (7%) 6,287 (8%) 7.45? (8%) Operating profit 34 (9%) 539 (10%) 9,833 (3%) 11,284 (12%) Source: Company records Exhibit 2. Chronology of Toothbrush Innovations in the U.S. Date New Product Introductions Main Feature 19505 Oral-B Classic Traditional square head 1977 Johnson Johnson Reach First angled handle 1985 Colgate Pus First diamond-shaped head 1986 ever Bos. kim Sightly longer handle 1988 Johnson & Johnson Prevent Aids brushing at 45 angle Colgate Plus Sensitive Gums Softer bristes 1989 Pepsodent "Commodity" brush Oral-B Ura Improved handle 1990 46) Neon Reach Neon-cofored handle Oral-B Are Series Cosmetic feature 1991 Colgate Plus Angle Handle Diamond-shaped & angled handle Colgate Plus Wild Ones Cosmetic feanure 46) Advanced Reath Design fubber-ridged, non-slip handle Oral-B indicator Bristes change color Aquatresh Flex Flexible handle neck Prizer Plax Groove for thumb 1992 Grest Complete Rigpled bristles Colgate Precision Triple action bristles Source: Company retorts ‘Integrated Marketing Communications Y 357 Exhibit3. Brand Decision Factors for Consumers Percent of Main Reasons for Using a Brand Consumers Fits most comfortably in my mouth Best for getting at hard-to-reach places oe The bristles are the right softness | The bristles ar the right firmness Toothbrush my dentist recommends important part of my ora care regimen Source: Company records Note: Respondents could check multigle items, Exhibit 4 Toothbrush Brand Prices: 1992 ‘Average Retail Manufacturer Manufacturer Setting Price List Price Net Price (Food channel) = Super-premisine = Oral-B Indicator $2.13 $1.92 $2.65 ~ Oral-B Regular $1.85 $1.78 $2.51 - Crest Complete $1.67 $1.67 $2.40 ~ Reach Advanced 5175 51.66 52.38 = Aquatest Flex $1.85 $1.61 52.32 ~ Professional = Colgate Plus $1.42 $1.35 $2.00 ~ Reach Regular 3.30 $1.30 $2.01 ~ Pepsodent Prof. $1.20 $1.08 $1.88 ~ Value ~ Colgate Classic $0.69 $0.69 $1.2 ~ Pepsodent Regular 50.91 $0.48 suas Source: Company records Note: Net price was the effective manufacturer's price to retailers after a variety of discount. 388 Y Paty Exhibit § Principal Toothbrush Brand Product Lines : August 1992 Number of Stockkeeping Units Brand Adult Child/Teen Colgate 2B 8 Oral-B 16 5 Reach uM 4 Crest Complete 10 0 Aquatresh Flex 6 1 Lever 7 2 Plax 2 1 Total 83 a } Source: Company records Exhibit 6 Principal Toothbrush Brand Unit and Dollar Market Shares: 1989-1992E T 1989 1990 1991 1g92t Brand Vol(%) | $(%) | Wol(%) | $(%) Vol(%) | $(%) Vol (%4) $h) ~ Colgate } = Plus 120 126 7 | 352 wo | 185 | 173 185 ~ Gassic 85 66 a1 62 64 49 49 29 = Total 205 2 as | a4 aa | 34 | 22 2d ~ Oral-B ~ Oral-B indicatey 0.0 0.0 00 0.0 10 3 37 49 ~ Total 24.0 37 ms | 326 mi | 37 | 98 262 ~ 16 ~ Reach 181 205 w2 | 200 78 | 200 | 152 158 ~ Reach Advanced Design | 0.0 00 00 00 07 09 40 52 = Prevent 25 27 16 19 07 LM 02 a1 m6 | 32 198 | a9 2 | 20 | 194 2a : 105 10.4 98 90 22 6.6 5.0 40 = Crest 0.0 0.9 0.0 00 0.0 0.0 20 26 ~ Aqua-Fresh 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 09 La 46 87 ~ Butler N/A N/A wa] Na 20 24 20 22 | = Private Labet Ni NA N/A N/A 112 5.9 15 61 Source: Company records Note: N/A = not availabe, ‘ntegrated Marketing Communications = Y 389 Exhibit? Principal Toothbrush Brand Unit and Dollar Market Shares by Class of Trade: 1991 food Drug Mass Vol (%) $(%) Vo! (%) $(%) Vol (%) $(%) ~ Colgate = Plus 189 13 96 a4 293 34 ~ Classic 2.0 48 4.5 37 39 32 ~ Total 25.9 26.1 141 15.1. 33.2, 4.6 ~ Oral-B ~ Qral-8 Indicator 09 Li 10 15 07 09 ~ Total 20.5, 28.2 25.1 34.1 22.4 22.6 ~ JBL ~ Reach 23 238 43 166 183 20.2 ~ Reach Advanced Design 12 NA 3 o4 03 04 ~ Prevent, 08 12 0.8 og 05, 06 ~ Total 23.2 25.0 15.1 125 18.8 24 ~ Lever gt 89 5.8 5.6 63 74 ~ Crest (TX test market) 5.1 65 0.0 00 00 N/A ~ Aqua-Fresh 49 N/A 04 Os 0.3 Os ~ Butler 13 2.0 35 6.6 0S 0.9 ~ Private Label 10.7 55 4 10.6 44 24 Source: Company records Exhibit 8 Principal Toothbrush Media Advertising Expenditures and Shares of Voice: 1991-1992E 1991 1992 Media SK Share Voice(%s) Media $MM Share Voice(%) Colgate Plus 20 19 8 15 Reach 155 2 m2 v Oral-B m2 27 uz 20 Crest Complete 4 1 6.4 R Aquafresh Flex 04 1 10 8 Pfizer Plax 23 6 22 4 35 Source: Company records 360 FY Pat Exhibit 9 Television and Advertising Copy Strategies and Executions for Competitor Toothbrush Brands: 1991 Product Message Jag-line Execution Crest Complete Has rippled bristles toreach | “Only Crest could make a brush | Visual comparison af Crest between teeth (37% further than | this complete” Complete versus a dental tot a flat bristled brush). ‘Aquafresh Flex Has flexible neck that is gentle | "For gentle dental care” Spokesperson / demonstration onthe gums. ‘Advanced Design Reach | Features a new head/handle “advanced Design Reach’ Visual demonstration of product design design with cartoon character. Oral-B Indicator ‘Win tell you when to change “The brand more dentists use” | Testimonial with demonstration Your toothbrush, Plax Isespecialy designed toremove | "The new Plax, taque removing | Computer graphic display of plaque. toothbrush” product design, Source: Company records Exhibit 10 Colgate Plus Television Advertising; Copy Strategies and Execution: 1985-1992 Date Marketing Situation | Colgate Copy Platform Execution Tag-line 1985-1986 First toothbrush with Unique head Product depicted as a “Shaped to keep your diamond-shaped head. Scientific/technical tone hero, ‘whole mouth in shape" First professional Comfort and efficacy toothbrush from a leading oraf care company. 1987-1990 | Aimentersmarket, spurring | Diamond-shaped head "Odd looking” “Od looking, increased competition. Evolution of comfort/ettcacy | toothbrush character | super-cteaning, comfy | Colgate Plus market share Lighter contemporary tone | introduced in bathroom | feeling toothbrush” suffers, Implied superiority setting, Emphasizes visual differences 1991 Need to re-energize Colgate | Diamond shape fits mouth} The "Odd looking” "Because your smile advertising copy given ong | and removes plaque from Character ina dental | was meant tolasta ‘duration of "Odd Looking” | hard-to-reach places. chair Implied dental | lifetime” campaign, recommendation 1992 increased competitive activity | Plague forus “armed tothe Teeth" | “Inthe fight against ang consequent need for Efficacy message execution where the | plaque, i's a Plus” harder- hitting copy, bristles are soldiers Source: Company records. Integrated Marketing Communications =Y 361 Exhibit 11 Advertising and Promotion Expenditures for Colgate-Palmolive Toothbrushes: 1989-1992E (Sin thousands) 1989 1990 1991 1g92e Media? $3,667 (3%) | $6,988 (ae) 38,761 (43%) $9,623, (40%) Consumer Promotions 4,541 (39%) 5,893 (35%) 5,286 (25%) 6,978 (29%) Trade Promotions 3,485 (30%) 4,134 (24%) 6,287 (31%) 2.457 (31%) Total Advertising and | $11,693 (100%) | Sin.015 (400%) | $20,334 (400%) | $24,058 (400%) Promotion Source: Company records “Includes: working media expenditures; production and operating cost; and dental professional advertising Exhibit 22 Colgate Toothbrush Point-of Sales Display Racks ea =) 4 Top Shit S > Sidekick A Counter Unit Floorstand 362 Yat 2661 yun paypune| ou xan ayy do} 591) pue xa ysaxjenby :210N splosai fuediwo) :a2.N05 osr oe revo, ou ¥s vat v5 auN0 u 0 v0 oo (934) atayduioy 15319 60 vo oo v0 (weupaag) xay ysauenby gt re v8 ve ‘(po(8) Fido 69 oF 56 ov (can) wean var e8 rot 9 (3) ave6109 eal 58 z02 SB (Gersung) sang aie ev ove eH (enatus) #1240 | Coyaeus samen sou § (1) 2eu5 HEH Suoqua § (09 wavea) puerg 2661 166 J2661-1661 :Saseys Jaysey 10 NNadwio}) :saysnaqyyoo] 104 Yay,e}y [e149 [eUOISSajold “S°f] TUG spvo3as fueduo3 24005 fon + aye fa or me [me ot ft 310 we os) ot fet) Po) saois ani) (et) 9 (m2) S| aD $s (%2) Ss |G) § (a2) S| (a 8 (uz) Ao (wiz) (Iz) 9 | (Oz) 6B (IZ) WS | (Bt) «6G (BT) | (xT) 19 (GT) siaSipupysiaw SSOyy (ute) eat (62) 08 | (wee) — abr (ru6z) ee | (uke) EL (ute) | (mee) at) saoisbnug (uty 962 (zw) wet | (zh) 261 (eh) om | CaP) «SLE (ph) dou | (rev) Set (SH) tT 591015 poo] WINS Ww sun WS rE WAS WN SHU WAS WN sun 3661 166 0661 696t 32661-6961 “sales ysmquyoo] [relay Er wquyXy Integrated rketng Communications 363 Exhibit 15 Reproductions of the Colgate Precision Toothbrush UNCONVENTIONAL DESIGN. SUPERIOR CLEANING. TT Part ——————____-_— Exhibit 16 Copies of the Advertisements used in the Consumer Concept Tests vrnonveine gem 2. (EcRouE REMOVER) DESIEOR PREVENTING GUM DISEASE BELALSETT REMOVES MOE PLAQUE rich No Tah ton oe SRMOHE THAN REACHOR ORAL | This New Toothbrush Removes More Plaque Than The Leading Toothbrus LSS oe) Tote etme tt Zim meme croeee 78 men nines Your curent ootbrush may nat be remeving enough sky Dacteral plague that la harm to your tet. This new ‘oomoruh is inicaly proven to remove more plague fan the leaging tootnbruthes because Irs decgned to clean page from those hareo-reach youble sot, Irs the unique brush design that alows me wothruch to Temove s0 much plagus.. "Shon. tignty packed Dietes ‘eoep away plaque fom the autaces of Your wet. tthe Stmme sme, ong angled bristles vearen out and remove ‘nave between tet, in reves, and ate gum Soe. NO ‘ther toatbrush designed remove plague kot. So you can remove more plague than ever before. — Brush with rae paaely Soria hoormanus. PRECISION A Better Way to Avoid Gum Disease... Because it ‘oa | RSEEEIy PRECISION ‘ntegrated Marketing Communications ¥ 365 Exhibit 17 Summary of Consumer Concept Test Results CONCEPTTEST 1. Plaque Remover Meatthier Gums Trouble Spots Probably Would Buy 0% 68% 66% [ Definitely Woue Buy 15% | 15% 10% CONCEPTTEST 2. 35% More Plaque Removal Prevent 35% More Plaque Prevent Gum Gum Disease Remaval Disease Feel the Difference Probably Would Buy 80% | 71% ue | 8 Definitely Would Buy 19% 4 19% 18% a CONCEPTTEST 3. Gum Disease/ Replacement — | Replacement Gum Disease Only Message | Trouble Spots Probably Would Buy 63% 7h 62% | 66% Definitely Would Buy 13% 16% 1% [ i CONCEPTTEST 4. 20% Price Premium to Oral-B No Price Given Prevent Gum Disease Prevent Gum Disease Probably Would Buy oh 1% Definitely Would Buy 20% 19% Source: Company records Note: "Definitely would buy" isa subset of "probably would buy” 366 Y Part

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