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Implementing the

Salesforce Partner Portal

This guide applies to customers who are implementing PRM after February 14th, 2008.
This document walks through an example of the common configurations that customers make to
their PRM implementations. Your implementation requirements may vary from what is outlined
in the example. Some of the topics covered in this document include:
• Creating Profiles for Partners (Required)
• Enabling PRM (Required)
• Creating your first partner user (Required)
• Modifying your security settings (Required)
• Creating Partner Accounts and Users (Optional)
• Configuring Deal Registration (Optional)
• Common Opportunity Configurations (Optional)
• Enabling Lead Conversion via the Partner Portal (Optional)

Creating Profiles for Partners (Required)

The next step is to create Profiles for your Partners Users. Profiles are used to enforce partner
program entitlements via the partner portal. If you want to give different partner types (e.g.
Resellers, Technology, or Consulting) or different partner tiers (e.g. platinum, gold, bronze)
varying entitlements then you will need to create multiple Profiles for your partners. The
following steps explain how to create a Profile.
1) Create your first Partner Profile by navigating to
Setup | Administration Setup | Manage Users | Profiles
2) Drill into one of the Partner profiles. You could have one or more of the three PRM
profiles depending on which licenses you purchased: Bronze Partner User (Basic
Partner User), Silver Partner User (Standard Partner User), and/or Gold Partner
User (Strategic Partner User) 2 . For the sake of this demonstration, I will use the
Gold Partner User Profile. Drill into the Gold (or Strategic) Partner User profile.

In December 2007, the names of the PRM licenses were changed. The new names are Gold Partner,
Silver Partner, and Bronze Partner. These are functionality equivalent to the Strategic, Standard, and
Basic: Gold=Strategic, Silver=Standard, and Bronze=Basic. The old Partner Edition license is also
equivalent to the Strategic/Gold license. The labels that show up in your instance will
depend on when you purchased your PRM Licenses.

© Copyright 2000-2008, inc. All rights reserved. PRM Implementation Guide Page 1
3) Click the “Clone” button
4) Give the new profile a name and click “Save”. For example, “Custom - Gold Partner

5) Now edit the new Profile by clicking the “Edit” button.

6) First make sure that the “API Only” checkbox is unchecked. IF THE FIELD IS

7) If the partner will be converting leads, check the “Convert Leads” permission in the
“General User Permissions” section of the Profile. Note that only Gold Partner User
Licenses can convert leads (Silver and Bronze cannot). If you have this option

© Copyright 2000-2008, inc. All rights reserved. PRM Implementation Guide Page 2
enabled, you must also have the following permissions checked: Edit Tasks, Edit
Leads, Create Accounts, Edit Accounts, Create Contacts, and Edit Contacts.

8) Expose the appropriate tabs you would like the partner user to see on the portal. In
this example, we are exposing Accounts, Contacts, Documents, Leads, Ideas,
Opportunities, and some custom objects.

9) Modify the “Standard Object Permissions and the “Custom Object Permissions”.
You can control if the partner has the right to Read, Create, Edit, or Delete the
various objects you expose in the portal.
TIP: If you intend for partners to convert leads, make sure to give the profile
Read access to Campaigns so that they can convert Leads that are linked to

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10) Click “Save” to save your changes to the Profile.

In order to create any additional partner user Profiles, start with the profile you just created,
clone it, and then make modifications. Repeat this process for all the partner user profiles you

Enable PRM Preference (Required)

To enable PRM for your organization you must set the PRM Organization Preference.
1) Go to the Partner Setup Node in Setup
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners

2) Click Edit and Check the “Enable Partner Relationship Management” checkbox.

3) Click Save. You will get the following warning message:

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4) Once you enable PRM, you cannot disable it. This warning is just reminding you of this
so that you don’t inadvertently enable PRM. After enabling PRM you will notice that all
the User Lookups now include a Partner User drop down option. Other UI changes will
be noticeable as well. Click OK to continue.
5) After enabling PRM you will see the following:

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6) Next you need to map the Partner Profiles to the new portal 3 . Drill into the new portal
and click “Edit Profiles”.

If a partner user’s profile isn’t linked to a portal, the partner user won’t be able to log in. Also, keep in
mind that a partner user can be mapped to more than one portal. The partner user will need to go to a
different URL in order to log into a different portal.

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7) Click the box next to the partner profiles you want to enable to log into this portal. They
are all checked by default so I don’t need to do anything. Just leave them all selected
and click “Cancel”.

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8) Note the URL For the Partner Portal. Cut-and-paste it somewhere so you can refer to it
later when we log in with our first partner user.

Create Your First Partner Login (Required)

1) Create or find an existing Partner Account and drill into it.

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2) Click the “Enable as Partner” button.

3) Check the “Yes” checkbox and click the “Confirm” button.

4) Now either create a new contact for this partner account or pick an existing contact for
this partner account.
5) Click the “Enable Partner Portal Login” button.

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6) Enter the user details and Pick the appropriate User License 4 (Gold/Stragetic Partner,
Silver/Standard Partner, or Bronze/Basic Partner) and Partner Profile. In this example
we picked the “Custom – Gold Partner User” profile, but you will want to select a profile
that you cloned from the “Gold Partner User” profile or whatever profile you cloned
earlier. Keep in mind that the profile drop down list is linked to the User License List. If
you pick User License=Gold Partner, then you only see profiles with this license type
associated to them. Note, if this is the first user you create for a partner account, you
don’t need to specify or create a role, it gets created for you. The partner will default to
the <Partner Account Name> Partner User role. With subsequent users for this partner
account you will be able to pick from the Partner User, Partner Manager, or Partner
Executive Roles.

Note: If you only have one user license, you will not be able to pick one. Instead it will be pre-selected
and readonly.

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7) Click Save
8) If you get an error that says “Partner Account Owner Has No Role”, then you need to
make sure that the user that owns the Partner Account you created has a role assigned
to them. Then repeat steps 5 through 7.
9) You can now log in with this user.
10) Go to the portal Login URL you cut-and-pasted after you created your portal. In our
example the URL was “https://na1-
=060D00000000RKr”, but your URL will be different.

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11) The Login page will look like this:

12) Enter the Username and password you received for your first partner user and then click
Login. You should then see the homepage for the partner portal.

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13) If you get a message that says “Your user profile is not associated with this service.
Please contact your administrator for more information” that means that you forgot to
map the partner user’s profile to this partner portal. Return to the section titled “Enable
PRM Preference” and follow steps 5 through 7 in that section. Make sure that the profile
of the partner user is active for the relevant portal.

14) If you get a message that says “Your login attempt has failed. You may have entered
your username or password incorrectly, or you may be trying to access your account
from a restricted IP address or at a restricted time. Please remember that passwords are
case sensitive and your user name must be in the form of an email address. If
necessary, contact the Salesforce administrator at your company for help.”, then you
probably forgot to uncheck the “API Only” checkbox in the partner’s profile. Make sure
the checkbox is unchecked and then attempt to log in again.

15) Repeat these steps to create additional partner users either for the same account or for
a different account. If you need to create large numbers of partner users then you
should consider using the API.

Note that as the Summer 08 Release, administrators can now log in as Partner Users using the
Login as Portal user. To use this feature, navigate to a contact record for an contact that has
been portal enabled. You should see a button on the record that says “Login as Portal User”.

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If you click that button, you will then be logged in as the partner user without needing their user
name or password. Your profile needs to have the “Manage Partners” permission in order to
see this button. Also, the button must be exposed on the Contact Page layout.

Security Controls (Required)

PRM allows you to share information such as leads, opportunities, and documents with your
Partners. However, you need make sure your security settings are set such
that your partners only see the data that you explicitly want them to see. This requires that you
change a few of your Company Wide security settings.

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1) Set Private Sharing on Leads and Opportunity
Setup | Administration Setup | Security Controls | Sharing Settings | Org Wide Defaults
Click “Edit” in the “Organization Wide Defaults” section of the detail view.

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2) If you plan to expose Accounts to Partners you should also Private Sharing on Accounts
(unless you want partners to see all of your accounts in which case you can keep it
public read/write or public read only).

Creating Partner Accounts (Optional)

Partner Accounts are tracked as a special type of Account—you will want to define custom
fields to track all the standard partner profile information that is important to your business.
Additionally we recommend creating both a Record Type and a Page Layout for Partner
Accounts so you can easily track and view your partner profiles. The following instructions walk
you through this process. At a high level the process includes:
• Define Custom Partner Profile fields on the Account object.
• Define a Partner Account Page Layout
• Define a Partner Account Record Type

Define Custom Partner Profile fields on the Account Object

In our example, we will want to add four custom fields to Account to track the following Partner
Profile Attributes:
• Programs: The Partner Programs they are a member of at your company
• Application Date: The date they applied to be a partner
• Contract Signed: A Checkbox that tracks if they have signed the Partnership

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1) Navigate to the Fields portion of the Accounts Object
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Accounts | Fields
2) In the “Account Custom Fields & Relationships” related list, click the “New” button to
create a new Custom Field.
3) Select “Picklist (Multi-Select)” as the Custom Field Type and then click the “Next”
button to continue with the custom field wizard. Steps 4, 5, and 6 are all part of the
4) Enter “Program” for the Field Label and the Field Name. Specify 5 for the # of
Visible Lines:

5) Make the field accessible to all Profiles through Field Level Security and then Click
6) Do not add the field to any Page Layouts—uncheck all the page layouts. We will add
it to a page layout later. Click “Save”.
7) Repeat Step 1-6 for a Application Date Field, except select Date as the custom field
type. Make the field visible to all profiles, but do not add it to any page layouts.
Label: Application Date
Name: Application_Date
Type: Date
8) Repeat Step 1-6 for a Contract Signed Field, except select Checkbox as the custom
field type. Make the field visible to all profiles, but do not add it to any page layouts.
Label: Contract Signed

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Name: Contract_Signed
Type: Checkbox
Default: Unchecked

Define a Partner Account Page Layout

We will now define a sample Partner Account Page Layout that will show a modified view of
Partner Accounts. We will take the fields we just created and add them to this new Partner
Page Layout.
1) Navigate to the Account Page Layouts
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Accounts | Page Layout
2) Click the “New” Button.
3) Clone an Existing Page Layout that you would like to start from. IN this example, we
are cloning the standard “Account Layout”. Specify “Partner Layout” as the name of
the new Page Layout. Click “Save”

4) Click the “Edit” button to edit the Page Layout.

5) Click the “Create New Section” button. To create a new section. Give the new
section a name of “Partner Profile Attributes” and set the properties as shown below.

6) The new section on the page layout will get added to the bottom of the page layout,
drag and drop it to the second position, after the Account Information Section.

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7) Drag and drop the new custom Partner Profile fields you created earlier onto the new
section. In or example, we are dragging the “Program, Application Date, and
Contract Signed” fields onto new section. When you are done it should look
something like the screenshot below.

8) Click “Save” to save your changes.

Define a Partner Account Record Type

Next we will define a Partner Account Record type that we will map to this new Page Layout that
we just created. First, we will create a “Customer” record type to use for customer accounts.
Second, we will create a Partner record type for partner accounts.
1) Define the “Customer” record type:
Navigate to the Account Record Types
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Accounts | Record Types
2) Click the “New” Button.

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3) First you’ll want to create a standard “Customer” Account Record Type. If you
already have a record type for standard Customer Accounts, please jump
ahead to Step 5. Clone from the “Master” Existing Record Type, set the Record
Type Name to “Customer”, and check the Active flag. Finally, make the record type
available to all your profiles. Also make it the default for your record types. Then
Click the “Next” button.

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4) Select the “Apply one layout to all profiles” option and select “Account Layout” as the
layout that profiles will use for records that have the “Customer” record type. Then
Click the “Save” button

5) Now we will define the “Partner” record type.

Navigate to the Account Record Types
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Accounts | Record Types
6) Click the “New” Button.
7) Clone from the “Master” Existing Record Type, set the Record Type Name to
“Partner”, and check the Active flag. Finally, make the record type available to your
channel manager, system administrator, and partner user profiles. Make it the

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default record type for Channel Manager profiles (as shown below). Then Click the
“Next” button.

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8) Select the “Apply one layout to all profiles” option and select “Partner Layout” as the
layout that profiles will use for records with the “Partner” record type.

9) Click “Save” to complete the process.

10) Optionally, you can modify the picklists for this record type. We will skip this step for
our example because it is not relevant to the example.

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Now, when you create a new Account, you’ll be prompted if you want to create a Customer or
Partner Account (assuming you have access to both record types). If you only have one record
type, you won’t be prompted. This is why you may not want to make this record type available
to your standard sales or support reps. A channel manager would see something like this:

After selecting “Partner” as the record type, they will get the following page layout which has the
new Partner Profile fields.

When a user drills into an Account with a record type=Partner, they will see these Partner
Profile Fields. Likewise, when a user drills into a record with record type=”Customer” they will
not see these new fields.

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Configuring Deal Registration (Optional)
To demonstrate the best practices for customizing your organization, we will use the example of
setting up and configuring deal registration. Deal registration helps to avoid channel conflict and
rewards partners for registering deals early in their sales cycles through modifications to leads.

Tip: The AppExchange offers a robust Deal Registration Program template

that you may want to consider using. The following configurations are a more
simplified implementation of deal registration. If you are interesting in
learning more about the Deal Registration Program template, please refer to
the following URL: Deal Registration Program.

Deal registration commonly follows a process similar to the following:

1) A partner user creates a new lead.
2) The partner requests to have the deal registered.
3) The channel manager is alerted to the requested deal registration.
4) The channel manager checks to see if the deal is a duplicate. If it is, the channel
manager either merges the duplicates or rejects the request.
5) The channel manager reviews the request to ensure that the deal qualifies.
6) The channel manager approves or rejects the request.
7) The channel manager notifies the partner user.
8) If approved, the partner continues to work the lead with the intent of converting the
lead to an opportunity, and eventually closing the deal.

You can configure each step to make it easier for your channel managers and partners. For our
example, we will customize lead sharing, lead status values, custom fields, page layouts, lead
processes, lead record types, lead assignment rules, and workflow. A complete deal registration
process would also typically include opportunity management, as well as reporting and

Lead Sharing
The PRM portal is only effective at controlling access to leads if you set your organization-wide
lead sharing to private. Below is a reminder of how to set lead sharing to “private”.

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1) Set Private Sharing on
Setup | Administration Setup | Security Controls | Sharing Rules | Org Wide Defaults
Click “Edit” in the “Organization Wide Defaults” section of the detail view.

Configure Lead Status

You may need extra values to the Lead Status field on leads. For example, when a partner
requests a deal to be registered, you may want to change the status to "Pending Approval." You
may also want to add "Approved," "Not Approved," and "Approved and Converted" to indicate
the status of the deal once the channel manager has reviewed it. The "Approved and
Converted" status will indicate that the deal has been converted into an opportunity.
To modify Lead Status values:
1) Navigate to the following location
Setup | Customize | Leads | Fields

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2) Click Edit next to “Lead Status” field.

3) Click New.

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4) As an example, enter "Submitted," "Approved," "Rejected", and "Approved and
Converted." Use the values you deem most appropriate for your implementation.
Put each value on its own line.

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5) Click Save.
6) In order to enable partners to convert leads, you need to designate one of the Lead
Statuses as the Converted Status. In our example, this will be the ”Approved and
Converted” status. Click Edit next to the "Approved and Converted" value.

7) Select Converted.

8) Click Save.

Page Layouts
You may want to create several custom page layouts to help your channel managers and
partner users work effectively. For example, you may choose to configure a page layout for deal
registration by adding deal registration specific custom fields you created on the Lead object.
To create a custom lead page layout:
1) Navigate to this location:
Setup | Customize | Leads | Page Layouts

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2) Click New.

3) Choose an existing page layout to base this layout on such as the “Lead Layout”.
Enter "Deal Registration" as the page layout name.

4) Click Save.

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5) Click Edit to modify the page layout.

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6) Add any Deal Registration specific custom fields you have defined to this page

7) Click Save.

Tip: We recommend that you create different page layouts for your partner
users and your channel managers.

Lead Processes
Lead processes can assist you in tracking leads within different lead lifecycles. They allow you
to display different Lead Status values to different types of users. For example, you may want to
have your channel managers and partner users use the values of "Open," "Pending Approval,"
"Approved," "Not Approved," and "Approved and Converted" when working with leads for deal
registration. To create a lead process for deal registration:
1) Navigate to
Setup | Leads | Lead Processes

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2) Click New.

3) Choose an existing lead process to copy its picklist values into the new process, or
select "Master" to copy all available picklist values.
4) Enter "Deal Registration Process" as the lead process name.

5) Click Save.

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6) Add the "Open," "Submitted," "Approved," "Rejected", and "Approved and
Converted" Lead Status values to the Selected Values box to make them available to
users working with leads in the deal registration lifecycle.

If you are creating multiple lead processes, ensure that they share the same
converted lead status fields. Users can only convert a lead if the lead status is
included in the lead process associated with their profile's default lead record type.

7) Select "Open" as the default value to apply to new leads.

8) Click Save.
9) You may want to repeat steps 1 through 8 for a Standard Lead Process and select
the appropriate statuses for this process. For example you might select “Open”,
“Contacted”, “Qualified”, and “Unqualified”. The “Open” status would be the default.

Lead Record Types

Leads that are managed by partner users can be handled differently than standard leads by
creating a record type for them. Record types allow you to control which lead processes and
page layouts your channel managers and partner users can see. For example, you can create a

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record type for deal registration and then associate it with the deal registration lead process and
page layout you already created.
To create a custom record type for deal registration
1) Navigate to
Setup | Leads | Record Types
2) Click New.

3) Choose an existing record type to base this record type on, or choose "Master."
4) Enter "Deal Registration" as the record type name.
5) Select "Deal Registration Process" as the lead process.

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6) Check Active to activate the record type and pick the appropriate partner profiles that
this record type should be enabled for.

7) Enable this record type for all your partner user and channel manager profiles. In
addition, set this record type as the default for all partner user profiles.
8) Click Next.

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9) If you created page layouts for your channel managers and partner users, choose
those page layouts; otherwise, select a page layout to apply to all profiles. Be sure to
change it to an appropriate page layout before enabling portal access for your
partner users.

10) Click Save.

11) You may want to create an additional Lead Record Type for Standard Leads. You’ll
want to map it to the “Standard Lead Process” and assign it to the “Lead Layout”
Page Layout.

For more information on creating record types, see "Creating Record Types" in the
Salesforce online help.

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Prevent Partner Users from Approving and Converting Deal
You’ll notice that on the Lead Status fields partners can still select “Approved” or “Approved and
Converted” as a status. This doesn’t make sense given that the deal registration needs to go
through an approval process. You can prevent partners from selecting these values by
implementing a quick validation rule on the Lead object.
1) Navigate to
Setup | Customize | Leads | Validation Rules
2) Click New

3) Give the validation rule a name.

4) Enter the following error condition formula:

IF(AND(ISPICKVAL( $UserRole.PortalType , "Partner") , OR( ISPICKVAL(Status ,
"Approved") ,ISPICKVAL(Status , "Approved and Converted") ) ) , true, false)

5) Enter the following message “Partner users cannot approve a deal registration”.

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6) Click Save. Make sure your validation rule is active.
7) Now when a partner tries to approve or approve and convert a deal registration they will
get an error message that looks like this:

Deal Registration Approval Process

Approval processes can be used to control the deal registration process. An approval process
can be created that will, when a deal registration request is made by a partner user, lock the
lead and notify the appropriate channel manager that an approval request has been made.
When the channel manager approves or rejects the deal registration, the lead is unlocked and
the partner user is notified.

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First, create an approval process:
1) Navigate to
Setup | Create | Workflow & Approvals | Approval Processes

2) Choose “Lead” from the drop-down list.

3) Click Create New Approval Process and choose Use Jump Start Wizard.

4) Enter "Deal Registration" as the name of the approval process.

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5) Optionally, select an email template to use for notifying users that an approval
request is assigned to them.

The same email template will be used for channel managers, partner users, and any
other users in the approval process.

6) Specify filter criteria based on the "Deal Registration" lead record type, for example,
"Lead Record Type equals Deal Registration" and “Lead Status equals Open,
Rejected, Submitted”.

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7) Set the selected approver to Let the submitter choose the approver manually. This
option, for partner users only, will automatically set the approver to the partner user's
channel manager.

8) Click Save. You will get this warning reminding you to activate the Workflow after
you are done. Click OK.

9) Click OK.
10) Click View Process Detail Page.

Next, create approval actions:

1) In the Final Approval Actions related list, click Edit next to the Record Lock action.

2) Select Unlock the record for editing, and click Save.

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3) In the Final Approval Actions related list, click Add New and choose Field Update.

4) Set the field update action name to "Approved Deal Registration"

5) From the Field to Update drop-down list, select Lead Status
6) Select “A specific value” radio button and then select the “Approved” status

7) Click Save

Then, create rejection actions:

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1) In the Final Rejection Actions related list, click Add New and choose Field Update.

2) Set the field update action name to "Rejected Deal Registration."

3) Select a specific value and set it to “Rejected”.

4) Click Save.

Edit the name of the approval step

1) Edit the First approval step

2) Change the Name of the step to “Submit to Channel Manager for Approval” or whatever
text makes the most sense for your deployment.

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Finally, activate the approval process:
1) Click Activate.

2) Click OK.

Fine-tune this process for your needs. For example, you may want to add email notification of
approvers and partner users to speed processing.
TIP: By following very similar steps but selecting the “Fund Request” or
“Fund Claim” objects in Step 2 at the start of this section, you can define
approval processes for MDF Requests and Claims.

Add Submit for Approval Button to Deal Registration Layout

In order to submit a deal registration for approval, you need to click the “Submit for Approval”
button on the Approval History related list that appears on the Deal Registration Layout.
However, because this button appears on the related list, users sometimes have trouble

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locating it. In order to make the UI a bit simpler, I recommend adding a custom Submit for
Approval button on the lead detail component. The process for doing this is outlined below.
1) Navigate to
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Leads| Buttons and Links
2) Create a new Custom Button by clicking New in the lower related list

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3) Call the button “Submit for Approval”
Display Type =Detail Page Button”
Behavior = Display in existing window with sidebar
Content Source = URL
Value = process/Submit?id={!Lead.Id}&retURL=%2F{!Lead.Id}

4) Save the button

5) Now you have to add the button to the page layout. Navigate to:
Setup | Customize | Leads | Page Layouts
6) Edit the Deal Registration Page Layout

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7) Double click on the Detail Page Buttons area

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8) Click on the checkbox next to the “Submit for Approval” button

9) Click OK
10) You might also want to move the Approval History related list higher

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11) Then click Save or Quick Save from the Page Layout editor.

Expose Approval Items list on Channel Manager Home Page

If you want to leverage Approval Processes to manage deal registration submissions, you
should expose the Approval Items list on the home page of the Channel Manager.
1) Navigate to the Home Page Layouts view
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Home | Home Page Layouts
Edit the channel manager’s home page layout
2) Check the “Items to Approve” option. Click Next.

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3) Place the Items to Approve List in the appropriate location.

4) Click Save

Deal Registration Process after Configuration

Now that you have configured your Salesforce organization, the deal registration process can
work as follows:
1) Log into the portal and click on the Leads tab

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2) Click New

3) Select “Deal Registration” record type and click Continue.

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4) The Lead Status is automatically set to "Open."

5) The partner enters relevant Deal information and Saves the record.

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6) Partner Clicks the Submit for Approval button on the Approval History related list and
it gets routed to the channel manager

7) Click “Send to Next Approver”

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8) The Channel Manager either gets an email or logs into Salesforce to see the
Approval Request on the home page.

9) Click into the lead.

10) The channel manager then reviews the request, including checking to see if it is a
duplicate lead by clicking Find Duplicates on the lead detail page.
11) The channel manager then scrolls to Approval History list on the Lead and clicks

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12) The Channel Manager should enter some comments (a reason why they are
approving or rejecting it) and then click Approve or Reject. If the partner approves
the deal registration, the approval process will set the status of the lead to
“Approved”. If the channel manager rejects the deal registration, the status will get
changed to “Rejected”.

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13) When the partner logs into the portal and drills into the lead they submitted for
approval, they will see the entire approval history.

14) If the deal registration is approved, the partner user continues to work the deal within
the PRM portal, converting it to an opportunity, and eventually closing the deal.

Your organization's business processes and needs may be different from this example. For
example, you may choose to have the Channel Manager convert the lead if he or she approves
the deal registration. This example illustrates some of the typical customizations you can make
to handle deal registration via the PRM portal.

Opportunity Setup (Optional)

We recommend that you create a opportunity page layout for your partners. In this page layout
you might want to hide certain sensitive fields. Additionally, you might want to add some
custom fields that are relevant to opportunities you run with partners.
1) Add Contact fields to the Opportunity Object
2) Make a separate Opportunity Page Layout for partners
3) Enable lead conversion on the Partner Portal (outlined in a separate section below on
lead conversion

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Page Layouts
We recommend you create a separate Opportunity Page Layout for displaying opportunities to
your partners. This page layout should include any custom opportunity fields you just created.
You should also hide any fields that you don’t want to expose to partners. To create a custom
Opportunity page layout:
1) Navigate to this location:
Setup | Customize | Opportunities | Page Layouts
2) Click New.

3) Choose an existing page layout to base this layout on such as the “Opportunity
Layout”. Enter "Opportunity Layout (Partner)" as the page layout name.

4) Click Save.

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5) Click Edit to modify the page layout.

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6) Add any custom fields you would like to the layout
7) Remove any non-relevant or sensitive opportunity fields from the page layout
8) Now we will assign this new Opportunity page layout to our Partner Profiles so they
will see this new layout with the contact information on it.
9) Navigate to the following location
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Opportunities | Page Layouts
Click “Edit Assignment” button.

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10) Click on one of the Partner Profiles then select the “Opportunity Layout (Partner)”
from the Page Layout to Use drop down list.

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11) Repeat Step 13 for each Partner Profile. In the example below, we modified the
Page Layout Assignment for both the Custom - Gold Partner User and Gold Partner
User profiles.

12) Click Save

Now when your partners log into the application, they will see the appropriate opportunity page
layout. If you use Opportunity Record types and have multiple Opportunity Page Layouts, you
will likely need create additional page layouts for partners and map them appropriately to their

Sharing Documents with Partners (Optional)

Document folders can be shared with Channel Partners--you cannot share individual
documents. The following steps walk through the example of sharing a document folder with a
channel Partner.

1) Locate the folder you want to share on the Documents tab. In this example, we are
using a folder we have created called “Partner Sales Tools”.

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2) Click on the Edit link next to the folder.

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3) Select “This folder is accessible only by the following Users”, then share the folder with
the appropriate the Roles of the partner users. Additionally, you can share this folder
with a Public Group that contains a group of partners. In the example below, we have
shared the Partner Sales Tool folder with a system maintained Public Group called “All
Partner Users”—this allows all partner users to see this document folder.

4) Once you share the folder, the folder will appear on the portal in the Document tab.

Enabling Lead Conversion on Partner Portal (Optional)

The PRM online help covers the setup and administration of the portal in depth. This section is
an overview of some of the commonly misunderstood portions of the setup.

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Enabling Lead Conversion
Only Gold Partner licenses can convert leads. To enable partners to convert leads on the portal
you must enable the following settings:
• The Partner’s Profile must have the Convert Leads Permission
• The partner must have access to a lead status value that is flagged as a Converted Status

Enable “Convert Leads” Profile Permission

1) Edit the Partners Profile by navigating here and clicking Edit
Setup | Administration Setup | Manage Users | Profiles
2) Make sure the Convert Leads permission is set in the General User Permissions section
of the profile.

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Converting Leads on the Portal
To convert leads in the Partner Portals, users will need to go through the following steps:
1) Drill into the record the want to convert
2) Click the Convert button on the Lead

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3) Give the opportunity a name. Also if the account already exists, you can select it from
the drop down list. If a similar account does not exist, then the system will create a new
account for you by default.

4) Click "Convert"
This will then convert the Lead into an Opportunity. It will either create a new account or use
the existing account. It will also create a contact. We assume you have exposed Accounts and
Contacts to partners using this implementation. If you have defined any custom field mappings
from the lead to the opportunity, these will also get triggered.

PRM Portal Branding (Recommended)

Salesforce allows you to change the header, footer, login message, colors, and fonts to match
those used by your corporate website. Changing the look-and-feel of the portal is relatively
easy for someone with basic HTML skills.

Updating the logo

If you just want to update the company logo on the portal, you do not need to define a different
Header and Footer file for your portal. Just follow the steps below if you only want to update the
logo. Do not touch the header and footer files. Defining a header and footer allow you more
granularity but require you to define a little bit of HTML.
1) Go to the Document tab

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2) Create a folder or use an existing folder. Drill into that folder.
3) Upload your logo image into the folder. Make sure to check the “Externally Available
Image” setting on the file.

4) Navigate to
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings
5) Drill into the portal you want to customize

6) If you only want to update the Logo, Click Edit

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7) Click the browse icon on the logo.

8) Select the file you uploaded

9) Click Save
10) Log into the portal and refresh the portal screen.

Updating the Header, Footer, and Login Message

If you want to have a custom header and footer, you will need o define your header and footer
HTML files. These files make up the sections highlighted in the screenshot below.

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If you define your own HTML Header, you’ll need to reference the logo or images you uploaded
in your html code. In order to reference images within your HTML you will need to use a URL
with this type of format:
<img src = "/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=<doc id>&oid=<org id>">

For example:

<img src = "/servlet/servlet.ImageServer?id=015D0000000DY09&oid=00DD0000000EwGs">

1) Go to the Document tab

2) Create a folder or use an existing folder. Drill into that folder.
3) Upload your Header, Footer, and Login Message HTML documents. Note you don’t
need all three—just upload the ones you want to modify.
4) Navigate to
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings
5) Drill into the portal you want to customize

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6) Click Edit

7) Click the lookup next to the Header

8) Browse for the Header html file you uploaded and select it.
9) Repeat steps 7 and 8 for the Footer and Login Message html files.
10) Click save
11) Refresh the partner portal to see your changes reflected.

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Updating the Fonts and Colors
1) Navigate to
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Partners | Settings
2) Drill into the portal you want to customize

3) Click the “Change Portal Fonts and Colors”

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4) Update the Tab Styles, Page Styles, Section Styles, and List Styles to use the fonts and
colors used by your corporate branding.

5) Click Save
6) Refresh the portal to see your changes.

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HTML Messages on Home Page (Recommended)
Finally, you want to configure the home page layout for the partner portal. Additionally, you’ll
want to define some html messages to put on the partner portal home page. These messages
can be leveraged for partner communications via the homepage.

Define a New Home Page Component

1) Navigate to
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Home | Home Page Components
2) Click New to create a new home page component

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3) If you see this page, review it. Click Next. If you don’t want to see I again

4) Give the component a name and select “HTML Area” as the type.

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5) Write your HTML in the component

6) Click Save

Define a New Home Page Layout and Add HTML Component

1) Navigate to
Setup | App Setup | Customize | Home | Home Page Layouts
2) Click New

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3) Select the Home Page Default to clone and give the layout a name like “Partner Home
Page Layout”

4) Select the components you want. Make sure to select the Partner Message custom
HTML component you defined earlier. You might also want to select Tasks, Search,
Document Search, Create New, and Recent Items.

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5) Order the components on the Narrow and Wide sections of the page layout.

6) Click “Save and Assign”. Alternatively, you can click Save and then click the “Page
Layout Assignment” button.
7) The next step is to map the home page layout to the partner profiles. Assign all the
partner profiles you have to this page layout

8) Click Save
9) Log into the portal and refresh the screen to see your changes reflected.

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AppExchange Applications has released several free AppExchange applications that deliver important
PRM functionality. These Applications include both best practice implementations and new
functionality. We encourage you to visit the AppExchange and leverage these applications.
These applications include:
• Deal Registration Program Template 1.0:
• Partner Account Management:
• MDF:
• Channel Planning:
• Partner Recruitment and Ramp Up 1.0:
• Lead Distribution Template 1.0:

Other Resources
Please visit the PRM Blog at The PRM Blog is constantly
updated with implementation best practices and tools. Examples of recent topics are list below:
• PRM Learning Center:
• New and improved PRM home page components :

We highly recommend that you install the “New and improved PRM home page
components” listed above. This is a package that provides you with a Lead Inbox, a list
of items submitted for approval, and a component with the name of the partner’s channel
manager. Please see the blog post above for details.

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