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Elc093 Ass 2 Outline

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Title: Should Rapists Be Sentenced to death penalty?

Thesis Statement: Rapists should not be sentenced to death because life is the most
precious gift from God and the state has no right to take away the life of its citizens,
capital punishment is a violation of human rights as each person has the right to life,
and death penalty is a financial burden on the state.

1.0 Life is the most precious gift from God and the state has no right to take away the
life of its citizens.
1.1 The act of death penalty is contradicted by Islamic teaching.
1.1.1 Death penalty is not allowed in Islam unless it is an order from Allah
S.W.T and the Holy Prophet (S). In Islam, the punishment for rape
does not amount to death penalty. (Fifth greater sin, n. d.).
1.1.2 The verses in Holy Quran clearly stated the divine punishment for the
murderer. And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is
Hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and
curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement (Surah an-Nisa

1.2 The act of death sentence is prohibited as it is equivalent to murder which
forbidden in Christian and Buddha practice.

1.2.1 In the Christian Bible, it is stated that Ye have heard that it was said
by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall
be in danger of the judgment. (Matthew 5:21). Therefore it is said that
murder is against the Christianity belief.

1.2.2 The Buddhist also stated that one is strictly forbidden to kill another
person in the name of religion, a religious leader or whatsoever
religious pretext or worldly excuse (Buddhism major differences, n.
2.0 Capital punishment is a violation of human rights as each person has the right
to life.
2.1 All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the

2.1.1 Article 3 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights stated that
everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

2.1.2 Article 5 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights claimed that
no one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment or punishment.

2.2 Death penalty sentence to rapist absolutely cruel and not acceptable as
compared to their mistakes which doesnt involved any life.

2.2.1 The Tibetan leader has been a steadfast opponent of the death
penalty, which contradicts the Buddhist philosophy of nonviolence
(Smith, 2013).

2.2.2 The UN Special Rapporteur, Mr. Mendez argued that the death
punishment can violate the prohibition on torture, cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment in practice, because the death row
phenomenon or methods of execution involve unnecessary
suffering and indignity (Special rapporteur says death penalty may
amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, 2012).

3.0 Death penalty is a financial burden on the state.
3.1 Capital punishment imposes a very high cost on taxpayers.

3.1.1 A New Jersey Policy Perspectives report concluded that the state's
death penalty has cost taxpayers $253 million over 20-year period.
In federal court death penalty cases, the average cost is nearly
eight times that of a murder case not seeking the death penalty.
(Costs of the, n. d.).

3.1.2 In California, death row costs taxpayers $114 million a year beyond
the cost of imprisoning convicts for life. (Costs of the, n. d.).

3.2 Life imprisonment is much cheaper than death penalty.

3.2.1 California could save 1 billion over five years by replacing the death
penalty with permanent imprisonment.

3.2.2 California death penalty was found to cost the state $137 million as
compared to the cost of maximum penalty of life without parole
which only cost $11.5 million.

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