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Essay Writing Unit Lesson Plans

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Persuasive Essay Writing Unit

Spring 2014

Lesson 1: Main Idea/Key Details (Reading)
Lesson 2: Boxes & Bullets
Lesson 3: Collecting Ideas
Lesson 4: Introduction & Conclusion
Lesson 5: Project Introduction & Research
Lesson 6: Research & Outlining
Lesson 7: Persuasive Essay Writing
Lesson 8: Revising & Editing

ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #_1____
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: I Printed My Robohand (Main idea/Key details) Content Area: ELA- Reading
Date: February 18
, 2014 Grade Level: 4th

RI.4.2: Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details,
summarize the text.

I pre-assessed the students abilities to interact with a non-fiction text during an
observation in the classroom last week. During this informal assessment I was able to
see that the majority of the class was able to read and understand the information
that was presented to them. They were also able to use the information that was
presented to try to write a persuasive piece for an imagined event. From my very
quick observations of the students writing it seemed that some of the students
struggled with incorporating the key details from the article into their own writings. I
talked with CT and found out that the class has talked about topic, main idea and key
details already this year however a bit of a review prior to the lesson would be

Students will identify the topic, main idea, and key details of an informational text.
Students will write a summary of the article based on main ideas and key details

Academic Language: Topic, Main idea, key details, summary

Anecdotal notes during lesson on grid form
Observe students as they work independently and make notes of understanding
Collect organizers and summary writings at the end of lesson
Formal: Writing a persuasive letter project

Scholastic News (February 17
, 2014 Edition 4)
Main Idea & Key Details organizer 1 per student
Computer with PowerPoint

Transition Movement activity (3 minutes)
o Space Counting
Partner up and compete to draw numbers 1 to 15. Hand up when done.
Draw & partner trace up 1 to 10
Switch so the drawer is now tracing and the tracer is now drawing, 1 to 10
Engagement (5 mins)
o Engage background knowledge on informational text
o Last week article on avocados
What did you do when you read that article?
Materials Needed:
& Academic

What did you write about?
How did you know the information to put in your persuasive writing?
o Today were going to look at a new article in this weeks Scholastic News.
o Before we do can anyone tell me the difference between a topic & main idea?
o What are details? How would you describe a detail?
Demonstration & Participation (10 mins)
o Using Main Idea & Key Details Power Point
Review main idea & topic (slide 2)
Topic: Subject of the article
Main idea: The point the author is trying to make in a paragraph or section
Review key details (slide 3)
Information that supports the main idea
o Practice identifying main idea (slides 3-9)
Read paragraphs identify topic & main ideas of each passage
o Hand out Scholastics News, turn to page 4 & 5
o Introduce article (slide 10)
3D printer How It Works box (pg 5)
What is a 3D printer?
What does 3D mean?
How is a 3D printer different than a regular printer?
Vocabulary: Prosthetic (see green box)
o Read opening part of article together
o Ask What is this article about? (topic)
3-D printing
o Pass out organizer
o Have students write in topic of article as determined by class
o Article is divided into 3 sections; Ask Who can name the sections?
Building a Better Hand, Do It Yourself, & A Modern Factory?
In a minute you will be reading the rest of the article and using your organizer to
write down the main idea and some of the key details of each section.
o Discuss vocabulary
Replicas (in green box)
Clunky awkward and uncomfortable (i.e. bit shoes) What is another example of
something that is clunky?
Practice (25 mins)
o Students read the rest of the article independently (slide 11 up to support students in
remembering the difference between main idea)
o After each section, write down the main idea of that section and the key details that
support it
o Turn, Pair, Share with a partner to share & compare main ideas and details
o Write summary of entire article What did this article teach me about?

Closure: (2-3 mins)
o Suggestion for student writing during centers
Imagine that you have access to a 3D printer. What would you create and why?
o Collect students organizers
o Transition back to Mrs. Nickel & writing stations

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
o Students could work with a partner to determine key details and main ideas.
o Students could read with a partner to better comprehend text.
o Walk around the room as students are working and offer support or redirection as needed.
o PowerPoint slide 11 will be up on the screen as students are working to remind students of
the definitions of main idea and key details.

ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #_2___
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Boxes & Bullets (Main idea & evidence) Content Area: ELA- Writing
Source: L. Calkins
Date: February 25
, 2013 Grade Level: 4

W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and

W.4.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Most students have a fairly good understanding of main ideas and details and how to
determine these things in informational texts based on last weeks lesson however some
students seem to still struggle with the concepts. This lesson was orginally written
using the phrase thesis statement however after reviewing papers and talking with
CT this would be a completely new concept to the class. Because there are students
still working on fully understanding main idea I have decided to elimate the phrase
thesis statement and only use main idea to help reinforce what a main idea is without
adding unnecessary confusion at this point.

Students will write an opinion essay using the boxes and bullet format.

Academic Language: Main idea, evidence, details

Informal: Observations during lesson and work time
Listening to students write-in-the-air
Collecting flash writing assignment
Formal: Persuasive writing project

Laptop with projector
Lets Write an Essay handout (1 per student)
Loose leaf paper

Transition: (3-5 minutes)
o Students pick partners sit nearby and can work well together
o This will be partner for later in the lesson
o Repeat mirror space activity from last week
o Competition drawing letters 1-20 (class time, not individual competition)
o Partner draw & trace number 1-15.
Dont concentrate on numbers, focus on moving your finger in a mirror
Anyone walking in the door should not be able to tell who is drawing and who is
Materials Needed:
& Academic

o Return to seats
Introduction (3 minutes)
Why should we write essays?
o Over the last few weeks I have seen many of you writing stories. Ive read through the writings
you have up on the wall and watched as you worked during stations. Some people say that
reading books can make you feel like youre traveling to new place. Almost like flying on a
magic carpet all over the world
o Last week we read an article about 3D printing. You read each of the sections of the text and
picked out the main ideas and key details and then wrote a quick summary about what you
learned from reading.
o I read through all of your papers and I think you are all ready to move on to some new and very
grown-up challenges. In a few weeks were going to be doing a very special writing project
together and to get us ready for that were going learn about writing an essay.
o How many of you have older brothers or sisters? (Thumbs up if you do) Have you ever heard
them talk about writing an essay?
o Essays are a kind of writing that people do a lot in middle school and high school and especially
when theyre in college.
o If you learn to write an essay well it can be like your own magic carpet, helping you get into
college and get scholarships. Being able to write essays will give you a magic carpet ride that will
take you amazing places in life.
Demonstration (8 minutes)
o Writing essays is probably new to you, writers. Before anyone starts a new project, it helps to see
an example of what theyre going to make.
o When you want to learn to play basketball, it helps to watch someone else make the shots you
want to do. You notice the way the player lines up their feet and positions their hands before they
throw the ball. You watch, thinking Im going to try to line up my shot just that way.
o Its no different than when you want to write a new kind of text, a new genre. It helps to study the
work of someone who has written that sort of text. So listen and look as I read you an essay written
by a writer just your age.
o As you listen, youll be thinking Im going to write in just that kind of way.
o Pay careful attention to the moves this writer makes.
o Read A True Friend and show on projector
Participation (20 minutes)
o I want to really give you the feeling of writing an essay so today were going to do something a
little different.
o Were going to do some shared writing-in-the-air where well work together to write a flash-draft
essay that youll then each write onto paper.
Writing-in-the-air it means that were going to say out loud the exact words that you
might write down.
o Youll be working with a partner in a few minutes and I am going to be excepting to hear you
writing-in-the-air, or telling your partner the exact words that you would write down if you were
writing this essay. Ill explain the flash-draft essay when we get to that point.
o Today, I want to teach you that when writers write essays about their opinions they structure or
organize their essays so that they communicate their main idea and their reasons for their main
idea. Sometimes writers call this boxes and bullets
o Usually when writers write essays, they start by making opinions of their own, but for today, were
all going to work with an opinion that I hope most of us share: I love ice cream. ( powerpoint slide
o Right now think of reasons to support this main idea. To do this, what many writers do is say the
main idea to themselves like:
I love ice cream becauseA. I love ice cream because B. And most of all, I love ice
cream because C.
o What will reasons A, B, and C be? Think in your head, whats one reason you love ice cream?
Thumbs up when you have a reason.
o Take one answer and use that for the first bullet. Add it to the chart (writing on the white board)
o Everyone well use ___s reason as our first bullet.
o With your partner, repeat the main idea and write-in-the-air your three reasons. Start by saying I
love ice cream because _(see board) and take ___s reason as your own and then add your own
reasons for the bullet B and C.
o Your voices shouldnt be any louder than a 2 while were doing this.
o Go around to pairs and coach as necessary.
Record observations on chart
Remind to write-in-the-air
Use fingers to keep track of bullets
o Pull class back together
o We will use the bullets (the way some of us use fingers) to list reasons. What are some other
reasons why you love ice cream?
o Fill in bullets B and C
o Okay we have a main idea and reasons boxes and bullets. We have our plan. Now lets write-in-
the-air one body paragraph that supports our first reason. (second half of slide 11)
o Think in your head of some details or evidence at least thee you can use to support he first
reason: I love ice cream because ____ Thumbs up when you have thought of at least three
Hold ideas in head and now were going to go on to write the rest of our paragraphs
o Go through sentence structures,
o Have student help modeling first sentences.
o Close paragraph by referring back to main idea
(ie: The toppings are the reasons I love ice cream.)
Partners write essay in the air
Go around to pairs and coach as necessary.
Record observations on chart
Remind to write-in-the-air all parts of the essay and paragraphs
Practice (12 minutes)
o Bring class back together, hand out essay format sheets & looseleaf
o Praise everyone speaking like essayists.
o Now its time to take what we just did and do it by yourself in a flash-draft essay.
o Flash-draft essay:
10 minutes
Write down the essay you just wrote in the air as quickly as possible on a sheet of
loose leaf.
Be sure to follow the format on the board & on your sheet.
Take on these three reasons as your own this time, even if these are not the
things you would pick.
Dont forget to give evidence for each reason and to wrap up each paragraph.
o Start writers writing.
Closure (5 minutes)
o Self Assessment check in
o One of the reasons to do the sort of work weve been trying out today is to make sure the
writing you do after this is a higher level right from the start. But you can always go back and
improve previous work too. One way to improve previous work is to make sure it shows all that
you have already learned to do.
o So I bet that as youve been doing this work, at least some of you have been thinking back to
opinion or persuasive writing you did in the past. If you are remembering things youve written or
maybe speeches youve given and realized the work you are doing now is a lot like that you
should be very proud of yourself. Give yourself a mental high five.
o So right now, will you remind yourself of some things you already know about opinion
writing in your head? Thumbs up when you have thought of at least one thing you already know.
Turn and talk with partner about things you already know.
o So writers whenever you are doing new work, you should always be thinking about work that
you have already learned to do and make sure that your new work shows all that you have already
learned. And you can also always push yourself to ask How can I do more? How can I make this
work even better?

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
o The majority of this lesson will be done as a full group or partner activities allowing for additional
support as needed
o I will circulate around the room during partner time offering coaching and support to students.

ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #__3____
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Collecting Ideas for Essays Content Area: ELA- Writing .
Date: March 4
, 2014 Grade Level: 4th

W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
and information.

W.4.3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequence.

Based on my assessments from my last lesson and the flash-draft essay I have found
that there are some students that are struggle with developing evidence to support their
reasons behind their main idea. Some students have just skipped over giving any
evidence at all while others are giving very vague or one word evidence. Three
students put all of their ideas into one large paragraph instead of giving each reason its
own space. Students are starting to develop voice in their writing. By continuing to
work on adding supporting evidence and organzing the format of the essay this could
help bring out their individual voices in their writing.

Students will generate a list of ideas they could write a strong essay about, select one
idea, and write the essay using the boxes and bullets outline.

Academic Language: Essay, main idea, evidence, details

Informal: Observations on grid during the lesson and work time
Collect idea lists, Boxes & Bullets outline, and essay

Formal: Persuasive writing project.

Idea page
Boxes & Bullets guide (handed out last week)
Boxes & Bullets outline
Writing binders w/loose leaf paper
Whiteboard marker

o Group mirroring
Nodding: Yes, No
Arms: Stretching up, side, across, open wide
Legs: Bounce, bend, knee lifts
Midline: Elbows to knees, Upper body twists, hug self
Materials Needed:
& Academic

Introduction: (8-10 minutes)
o Recap last week learned about writing an essay and Boxes & Bullets
Read essay written by a 4
grade student
What made that essay so good?
o Details
o Organized/flow
o Writer knew a lot about the topic
o Could hear writers voice
o Rubric
Based on what you told me made that essay so good
1-4 scale
Used to look at flash-draft essay
Main idea
o Had topic sentence with reasons got a 4
o Did your evidence support your reasons and have good detail or were
they just one word.
o Crossed out convincing because this was not persuasive writing (thats
coming later)
o Could I tell that it was you talking or could it have been anyone?
I was outraged
I was mad
Didnt look at organization & conventions because you only had 10 minutes to
write and I know a lot of you were working really hard just to get as much on
the page as you could.
Will work on conventions when we start revising and editing.
You can use this rubric when you are writing to double check that youre on the
right track or to help you make your writing stronger.
Any questions about the rubric or how we are going to use it?
o Today we are going to talk about how writers choose an idea to write about and you will be
writing an essay about a topic that you choose.
Demonstration & Participation (10 minutes)
o Choosing what to write about (Ask for suggestions)
o Only choose things that you really know a lot about
Ask Why wouldnt you want to pick something you dont know a lot about?
o Model brainstorming topics
My kids
Cats make a great pet
Going to college
Summer Family camp (vacation)
o Selecting a topic
Think about which of the ideas I know a LOT about
What idea would I really want to write about?
My topic: Summer family camp vacation
One of my favorite things to do with my family
Thinking about camp make me think about summer!
I remember a lot of details about when Ive gone to camp
Practice (30 minutes)
o Students brainstorm ideas (3-5 minutes)
Handout Brainstorming page
Walk around and conference with students who seem to be struggling to develop ideas
After 3-5 minutes pull class back together and ask students to talk about how to select
a topic.
Something you really know a lot about
Want to write about today
Give a couple minutes to look over ideas and select a topic
(Signal with a thumbs up when you have an idea selected)
o Boxes & Bullets outline (put outline on board when students are selecting topic)
Put my idea in the box
Each bullet
I love going to family camp because theres a lot to do
o Fishing
o Singing
o Arts and crafts
I love going to family camp because its fun.
o Theme dinner nights
o Campfire every night
o Playing games
I love going to family camp because you meet a lot of new people
o Other campers
o Our counselors
o Other people who work at camp
o Handout Boxes & Bullets outline
Have students write their idea in the Main Idea box
Have students write main idea because next to each bullet
Have student fill in all three reasons and their evidence
Pull small group to front table for additional support:
Terriana, Savannah, Aniyah, and Kalviana
o Bring ideas and outline
o Check that reasons support main idea
o Check for evidence that supports reasons
Circulate around the room and check in with students
o Write the essay
As students finish their outline have them bring out their Boxes & Bullets Lets Write
an Essay guide from last week and begin writing their essay.
Closure (2-3 minutes)
o Ask what can you think about when you are trying to come up with an idea for a writing
People I know, Places Ive been, Things I like
o After you made a list of your ideas, how did you choose which one you would write about?
Anyone want to share their topic?
o Self Assessment
How are you feeling about choosing a topic for your essay?
How are you feeling about writing an essay?
o Next week: Revising and editing
o Collect idea brainstorm, boxes & bullets outline and essays

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
o I have planned to pull a group of students who have already demonstrated that they will most
likely needs some extra support in determining reasons and evidence during work time so I
can check in with them before they begin writing their essays. During this time I will talk with
these students about what their main ideas area and guide students to find strong reasons that
they can back up with evidence on their outlines.
o As I am circulating around the room I will conference with students. If I find there is another
group of students that could use additional support on a specific part of the lesson I will pull
them together in a small group for an extra review of that topic.

ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #__4____
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Introduction & Conclusion Content Area: ELA-Writing
Date: March 11
, 2014 Grade Level: 4th

W.4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with
reasons and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, ad create an organizational
structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writers purpose.
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

W.4.5With Guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.

The students have really started to grasp the idea of essay writing. The majority of
the class is eager and excited to write and get their ideas on paper. Extra small group
time was very beneficial for the students that needed some extra assistance moving
from step to step in the writing process, especially in the outlining process. Small
group and one-on-one conferencing should be included during student work time
whenever possible to ensure every learner is moving to the next step in their writing

Students will write an introduction and conclusion for the essay on the topic of their

Academic Language: Introduction, Conclusion, Essay, Main Idea, Reasons,

Informal: Observation grid throughout the lesson and small group/one-on-one
meetings noting topics of focus.
Collect essays and evaluate using rubric.

Formal: Opinion letter writing project (will be introduced next week)

Student essays and Boxes & Bullets outline from last week
Loose leaf paper
OREO Opinion Writing organizer handout
Introduction / Conclusion handout

Transition Activity: (3-5 minutes)
o Group stretching mirroring
Nodding: Yes, No
Arms: Stretching up, side, across, open wide
Legs: Bounce, bend, knee lifts
& Academic

Midline: Elbows to knees, Upper body twists, hug self
Introduction: (5 minutes)
o Activate background knowledge
Generating ideas and choosing topics
What makes a good essay
o Today I want to teach you that essay writers use the beginning and ending of an essay as a
place to convey to readers that the ideas in the essay are important and then youre going
some time to work on your essays from last week.
o Introduce OREO framework as an expansion of Boxes & Bullets
Demonstration & Participation: (20 minutes)
o Ive been studying other peoples essays and, in particular, looking closely at the way they
begin & end their essay. Ive been asking myself, How do essayists introduce topics
clearly? and How do they wrap it all up?
o Writers do a couple of important things when they are introducing their topics
Give a little bit of background to get the readers mind revved up
Hook them in
Let the reader know this is important
Let them know what they will be reading about
o Dont just say This essay is important! Listen up!
o Want reader to take them seriously so they use a serious and a more formal tone.
o Ive made a list of some common ways that essayists begin essays.
o Each of these ways to introduce an essay clearly tells readers the topics, and each way
conveys, or tells, that this essay is important.
Hand out Introduction/Conclusion handout, direct students to the front of the page
o These are just ideas to get you thinking. None of these ideas will work for every essay. You
will probably have to change the wording around to work with your own essay topic.
o Read introduction examples from Writing Pathways (pg. 108 & 121)
Point out the hooks/phrases from bottom of the page & outlining of the essay
o Students play with writing an introduction to their essay from last week. (about 5 minutes)
Rotate around the room and support students as needed
o Pull class back together
o Having a strong conclusion, or ending, for your essay is just as important as having a strong
o Have students turn Intro/Conclusion sheet over
o Strong conclusions
Restate your opinion
Make sure the reader understands what you have said
Give a quick summary of what you have already told the reader
Reflect on what you said what should be done with this information
o Some ideas of ways to wrap up your essays
Just like introductions you will need to change the words to make it fit your own essay
o Read conclusion examples from Writing Pathways (pg. 108 & 121)
Point out the suggestions for what should happen and summaries as well as the
working from bottom of the page.
o Students play with writing a conclusion to their essay from last week. (about 5 minutes)
Rotate around the room and support students as needed
o Do you think you have written the perfect introduction and conclusion for your essays?
Maybe but I bet you could work on making them even better.
Maybe you could try one of the other ideas from the page
Make sure you talk about your reasons in both the introduction and conclusion
Practice: (30 minutes)
o Students will continue working on adding a strong introduction and conclusion to their essays
Rewrite into a full essay, checking for spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors
o Pull together small groups or individuals for conferences and additional support
Be sure to meet with: Terriana, Savannah, Aniyah, and Kalviana
Note topics students have chosen and what support was given on assessment grid
o Who can tell me something that goes into writing a strong introduction?
o What about a strong conclusion?
o You have all done a really Next week we will be starting on our next writing project. Well be
wring a new essay after you do some research to help make sure you have strong reasons and
evidence to support your main idea.
Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
o I will meet pull together the small group of student who I have identified as most likely to
need additional support as well as conferencing one-on-on with as many students as possible
during work time to offer the support each student needs to move ahead in their essay writing

ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #___5__
Name: Introduction of Writing/Research Project Content Area: ELA- Writing
Date: March 18
, 2014 Grade Level: 4

W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the
writers purpose.
b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details
c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g. for instance, in
order to, in addition)
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
W.4.4.: Produce a clear and coherent writing in which the development and
organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
W.4.5.: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W.4.6.: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the
Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with
others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of
one page in a single sitting.
W.4.7.: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of
different aspects of a topic.
L.4.1.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
L.4.2.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing,
a. Use correct capitalization.
b. Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from
a text.
c. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
d. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
L.4.3.: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking,
reading or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.*
b. Choose punctuation for effect.

Students have been working on developing the skills to write a complete essay over
the past several week. Informal assessment of student work has shown that many
students are progressing well with writing the body section, and some students have
begun to develop an understanding of construction the introduction and conclusion
sections as well. Several students will need additional support in finding ways to
expand their writing to include strong evidence to support their ideas as well as
developing their introductions and conclusions. This lesson will be the beginning of
the final project for this unit. From my understanding, through discussions with my
CT, the students have conducted research before and are familiar with the web
organizer I will be presenting to help document the information they find as they are
investigating their tourist attractions.


Unit: Students will write and a persuasive essay, including an introduction, body, and
conclusion, about a selected Wisconsin tourist attraction.
Lesson: Students will select a Wisconsin tourist attraction for their essay topic and
begin researching the attraction online.

Academic Language: Main idea, evidence, reasons, introduction, conclusion,
persuasive essay, tourism/tourist attraction,

Informal: Assignment grid tracking research topic selection, using accurate sources,
support offered, and asked questions

Formal: Completed persuasive essay project

Persuasive Opinion Essay Writing Project handouts (with self assessment)
Computers (in computer lab)
Research web handout e needed:

Introduction & Engagement: (3 minutes)
o Activate prior knowledge
Key parts of an essay
Selecting a topic
Essays from the last couple of weeks looked at most but still waiting on a few before
I hand them back.
Demonstration (15 minutes)
o Introduce writing project
Handout Writing Project handout
Read task
Review steps
Review Wisconsin tourist attractions
Review Self Assessment
o Students will select their research topic
o Handout Research web
Write topic in center
Use lines to write down information you find out about your attraction
Add more lines as you need to
Use your own words, dont just copy the words from what you see in your research

& Academic

focus Assessment:

o Discuss computer research
Look for sites that are giving you real and true information
What would make a website good to use for your research?
Use sites that are set up the company or the state of Wisconsin
Use Google and type in your attraction.
You might have to add words like Wisconsin or the city where the attraction is
located to help narrow down the search results and get the best information
Read the blurbs under the website names to help determine if it is going to be a
good website for your research.
Who made it? When was it last updated? How much information does it give?
Question what you read. Not all sites on the internet are good or true
Participation & Practice (35 minutes)
o Move to computer lab bring research organizer and pencil
o Students begin researching selected topics
o I will move around the room conferencing with students and checking to see if they are using
accurate sites for their research.
o Return to classroom and put research in ELA folders for next week.
Closure: (5 minutes)
o Have a couple students share interesting facts about their attraction they did not know.
o Have a couple students share good websites they have found and how they knew they were
o Self assessment on researching their selected topics
o We will continue with more research next week Friday

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
o Students could work in pairs if they have selected the same topic and are struggling with
finding dependable websites
o I will circulate as students are researching to provide support for students as needed and will
ask CT to do the same to ensure as many students as possible are using creditable websites
and are staying on task.
o As students complete their research (either this week or next week) I will have the OREO
boxes and bullets outline available so students can begin outlining their essay and determine
what details from their research they will want to include.
ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #___6__
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Persuasive Essay Writing Content Area: ELA- Writing
Date: April 1
, 2014 Grade Level: 4

W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational
structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writers purpose.
b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details
c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g. for instance, in order
to, in addition)
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
W.4.4.: Produce a clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
W.4.5.: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W.4.6.: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the
Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with
others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one
page in a single sitting.
W.4.7.: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of
different aspects of a topic.
L.4.1.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
L.4.2.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing,
a. Use correct capitalization.
b. Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from a
c. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
d. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
L.4.3.: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading
or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ides precisely.*
b. Choose punctuation for effect.

Student began their research during my previous lesson. Based on my informal
assessments I knew that all students needed some additional time for research but many
were getting close to having all of the information they would need gathered and would
be looking to move on to the next step soon. As in previous lesson I know that there are
some students that will require additional support to complete their research and outline.
I plan on having these students continue to work with their partner for the research
portion of the lesson and will then be sure to conference with the students earlier on in
the outlining worktime to make sure they have a solid place to start from in their work.


Unit: Students will write and a persuasive essay, including an introduction, body, and
conclusion, about a selected Wisconsin tourist attraction.
Lesson: Student will complete the research on their selected tourist attraction.
Student will outline their essay using the Oreo Persuasive Writing organizer.

Academic Language: Main idea, evidence, reasons, introduction, conclusion,
persuasive essay, tourism/tourist attraction,

Informal: Observation of student work in computer lab and one-on-one conferencing
with students, noting use of accurate websites, participation, clear main idea, strong
reasons and strong evidence on assessment grid.
Formal: Completed persuasive essay project

Computers with internet access
Research organizer (handed out last week)
Oreo Boxes and Bullets (1 per student)

(I nclude time allotments)
Introduction: 3 minutes
o Have students pull out their research organizer and a pencil
o Recall what we did last week selected topic, computer lab, research
o Plan for today: finish research then return to the room to work on outlining essay
o Move to computer lab
Computer Lab 30 minutes
o Students continue researching previously selected topic.
Meet with student who was absent last week and catch him up on project info.
o Circulate around room, conferencing with students to verify accurate websites
o As students finish research, pass out Oreo Boxes and Bullets and quickly review how to use
the form.
o Pull class back together, log out of computer and return to classroom
Classroom: 30 minutes
o Review boxes & bullets form
What goes into an introduction & conclusion?
What is evidence?
Research should be included in essay
o Students create main idea statement with three strong reasons. (I want to go to ___ because
o Check in with students to verify strong statements, prompt to add evidence if student has not
& Academic

already done so.
o If students fully complete Boxes & Bullets they can begin writing essay on the back of the
boxes and bullets sheet.
o Gather all material in ELA folders, will be needed again on Tuesday
o Homework: Boxes & Bullets form must be completed by Monday
Be sure to add strong evidence for each reason
o Give me an example of strong evidence? Be sure to tell us your attraction and reason.

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
o Student work in pairs in computer lab
o I will circulate around lab and offer support to any student as needed
o Conference with students to check for strong opinion statements, reasons, and evidence
o Allow students to move head to writing if they complete the full outline.

ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #___7__
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Persuasive Essay Writing Content Area: ELA- Writing
Source: Lucy Calkins, Boxes & Bullets, Grade 4, Unit 2

Date: April 1
, 2014 Grade Level: 4

W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational
structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writers purpose.
b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details
c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g. for instance, in order to, in
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
W.4.4.: Produce a clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
W.4.5.: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W.4.6.: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the
Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with
others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one
page in a single sitting.
W.4.7.: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of
different aspects of a topic.
L.4.1.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
L.4.2.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing,
a. Use correct capitalization.
b. Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from a text.
c. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
d. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
L.4.3.: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading
or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.*
b. Choose punctuation for effect.

Over the past several weeks I have observed the students as they have been introduced
to the various aspects of essay writing. Some students have caught on very quickly
however many have needed, and continue to need, additional support to understand the
structure of an essay, the importance of a strong introduction and conclusion, as well as
how to write an introduction and conclusion that is more than a single sentence long. In
speaking with my CT and observing other lessons I know that the students have been
briefly introduced to persusaive writing previosuly this year in terms of writing a letter
to their principal to change a school rule. There has not been much practice beyond this
letter. As with all other aspects of letter writing I believe many of the students will need
additional support in moving from basic opinion writing to persusaive writing which
will be provided during the worktime following this lesson and in the editing and
revising lesson next week.

Unit: Students will research and write a persuasive essay, including an introduction,
body, and conclusion, about a selected Wisconsin tourist attraction.
Lesson: Students will understand the difference between opinion and persuasive essay
writing and will begin writing their own persuasive essay.

Academic Language: Main idea, evidence, reasons, introduction, conclusion,
persuasive essay, persuade, tourism/tourist attraction

Informal: Observations throughout the lesson using data collection page and
conferencing with students one on one during work time.

Formal: Completed persuasive essay project

Persuasive writing handout
Main idea example pages
Loose leaf paper
OREO Outline (completed last week in class/as homework)
Laptop computers

Transition (3-5 minutes)
o Stretching arms, necks, back, legs, crossing midline, etc.
Introduction (5 minutes)
o Activate background knowledge
Researching, outlining essay, intro & conclusion
o Today were going to be talking about persuasive writing with our essays
What can you tell me about persuasive writing?
Demonstration 10 minutes
o Watch carefully while I show you how another student, named Yvette, turned her personal
opinion into a persuasive one. Pay careful attention to what Yvette did so that youll be able to
try this in a few minutes.
o So this was Yvettes personal essay main idea: Its hard for me to be a good friend. Hold up
page with this sentence for students to see..
o So to make this a persuasive main idea, first she revised it so it could be one that lots of
people could state, not just her. So she crossed out the part about herself. Cross out for me
o Then Yvette asked herself if other people could disagree with her about this. And she thought
that some people might disagree with her and say that it isnt hard to be a good friend.
& Academic

o And then she asked herself if this was a main idea that she wanted other to believe. And she
realized she did.
o So she decided this was a good start to write a persuasive main idea.
o Do you see how Yvette took out the part of her main idea statement that was just about her
and pictured lots of people saying the opinion to help her make a main idea that could be
stated by many people? Give me a thumbs up if you noticed that.
o Then do you notice how she made sure she had a brave statement by checking to see if others
could disagree with it? Show me if you did with another thumbs up.
o And finally did you notice that last she checked that this was a main idea she wanted others to
believe? Thumbs up
Participation 10 minutes
o Now youre going to get a chance to try it. Im hoping you can help me turn my personal
essay main idea into a persuasive one.
o So heres one of the main ideas from my big essay I told you about a few weeks ago:
I think all students should be confident in their reading and writing skills.
What does confident mean?
o Remember that first youll want me to help me revise my personal opinion so that its an
opinion that could be stated by many people, not just me.
o Next youll want to check that the opinion is persuasive by making sure that it is an opinion
that others could disagree with. If not, keep working on it so it is a brave and bold main idea.
o Then make sure that its an opinion is one that I would want other people to believe.
o Study this for a minute and think about how you could revise it.
Wait a minute and ask for a thumbs up
Turn and talk with partner to share revision ideas
o Take it back
o So what I heard some people saying is that the first thing I would need to do is cross out
words like I, me, mine, m. Cross out I think
o So now the main idea is:
All students should be confident in their reading and writing skills.
o Then I heard someone look at their handout and try out some of the starters on the bottom of
the page.
Some people left thought this was okay the way it was and some said It is important
that all students are confident in their reading and writing skills.
o Is this something that many people could say?
o Could some people disagree with this statement?
o Do you think this is this something I want people to believe?
Practice 30 minutes
o If you remember from the assignment page I gave you for our essay project, one of the big
pieces that I am going to be looking for is that you write persuasively. So now its your turn to
start revising your main idea statement you came up with last week and turn it into a
persuasive statement.
o Use the back of your OREO boxes and bullets sheet to rewrite your main idea statement.
o Once you think you have a strong persuasive statement check with a neighbor and see if they
agree. Voices should be no louder than a 1 since everyone will be working on their own.
If youre looking at your neighbors statement and you dont think it is persuasive
make a suggestion for a change they could make.
o After you and your neighbor agree that your statement is a persuasive one, and if your OREO
outline is completely filled you can go ahead and get a laptop and begin typing your essay.
Make sure you have your new persuasive main idea statement in your introduction
paragraph and then again when you wrap things up in your conclusion.
o I will call people up to the table one by one to check in first on your persuasive statement and
if I didnt get to look at your OREO sheet on Friday well talk about that too.
o You should be working on writing as much of your essay as you can until lunch.
If you finish typing your entire essay you should pull out your assignment checklist
and self assessment page that I handed out last week and start comparing what you
have written to the rubric to see what you could do to make your writing even
o If you need to ask a question when Im meeting with students I will have a Post-it note on the
table that you can sign your name on and I will call you up when I am done talking to
whoever Im meeting with at that point.
o Who can tell me what youre going to be doing now?
o Make sure all students save their essays to the computer.
o Next step: Revising and editing next week so typing will need to be done.
o What are the big questions you should be asking yourself when youre writing a persuasive
main idea statement?
o Self Assessment on writing a persuasive main idea statement.

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance:
Students will work with partners and check in with partners to develop and check their persuasive
I will conference with students during work time to check for understanding and find out where they
are in their writing process.
Students who complete writing of their essays can use the assignment checklist and rubric to further
develop writing and being moving onto the revising stage.

D 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #___8__
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Revising & Editing Writing Content Area: ELA- Writing
Date: April 7
, 2014 Grade Level: 4

W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons
and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational
structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writers purpose.
b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details
c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g. for instance, in order to, in
d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
W.4.4.: Produce a clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization
are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
W.4.5.: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
W.4.6.: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the
Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with
others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one
page in a single sitting.
W.4.7.: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of
different aspects of a topic.
L.4.1.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and
usage when writing or speaking.
L.4.2.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing,
a. Use correct capitalization.
b. Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from a text.
c. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
d. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
L.4.3.: Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading
or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ides precisely.*
b. Choose punctuation for effect.

For the last several weeks the students have been learning about writing persusive
essays. A few students have really grasped each step in this learning process however
many still require support in one or more areas of the essay writing process. Specifically
introductions and conclusions seem to be the most challenging aspect of this writing
process for a large percentage of the group. Students began writing (typing) their essays
last week during our lesson and were given additional time over the past week to finish
their first drafts. It is my understanding, based on my personal observations and
conversations with students, that revising will be a new concept to most of the students.
While students are familiar with the concepts of roughdrafts and final copies, working to
really expand their writing based on peer suggestions may be very challenging. The
dynamic between many students in the class may also add to this challenge.


Unit: Students will write and a persuasive essay, including an introduction, body, and
conclusion, about a selected Wisconsin tourist attraction.

Lesson: Students will revise their essays based on peer suggestions and independently.

Academic Language: Main idea, evidence, reasons, introduction, conclusion,
persuasive essay, tourism/tourist attraction, revise, edit.

Informal: Observation of students as they make revision suggestions for classmates and
as they make revisions of their own writing.

Formal: Completed persuasive essay project

Smart Board with Computer, internet, and speakers
Peer Editing Handout (2-3 per student)
Print outs & saved copies of students essays

Introduction: 5 minutes
o Need writing print out, rubric, research organizer, pencil
o Review what we have been doing the last few weeks.
o Today we will be work on making your essays even stronger revising them.
What does revise mean?
Have you ever revised any of your work?
o Essays are due this Friday.
o Bring students to front carpet area.

Engagement 10 minutes
o Watch revision video
There are kindergarteners 1
, 2
, and 4
graders in the video.
Focusing on a lesson science but I afterwards Im going to ask how this same process
could be used for writing.
o Ask: How could this be used for writing?

Demonstration & Participation 15 minutes
o Show list of things we will be looking for in our peer editing
& Academic

Based off of rubric!
o Show writing sample on SmartBoard and talk through how to suggest revisions using handout
First 3-5 as a class
Turn and talk for the rest of the list.
Practice 40 minutes
o Students are divided into groups of 3-4 students by the teacher into separate areas of the room
Front table, writing table, word work table, flashcard table, rug area, pull a few desks
o Students share their writing with their classmates and use the Peer Editing handout to make
any suggestions for their classmates.
o Writings are returned to author so they can consider all revision suggestions
o Writers begin revising their essay.
Closure 5minutes
o Save essays, shut down computers, return them to the cart by number.
o What were some of the suggestions you found the most helpful when you were doing your
o Did getting suggestions from your classmates help you figure out a way to make your essays
stronger? How?
o Next week will be my last week with you.

Strategies for students requiring additional assistance
o Student will be working in small groups to revise and edit each others work.
o Students who are struggling may see the writing of stronger writers in peer editing and may
get more ideas of how to improve their own writing
o I will be rotating around the room, checking in with each group as they are working to offer
support or suggestions as needed.

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