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Adjectives - Ed / - Ing.: 1) Exercise Bored

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1)EXERCISE Circle the correct option:

0) It was a terrible play and I was bored / boring from start to finish.
1) Im very excited / exciting because Im going to New York tomorrow.
2) Are you surprised / surprising or were you expecting this news?
3) Im reading a very interested / interesting book at the moment.
4) Ive had a very tired / tiring day at work today and I want to go to bed.
5) Most people were surprised / surprising that he won the championship.
6) Im bored / boring. Lets go out for a cup of coffee somewhere.
7) Visit our excited / exciting new shop!
8) His speech was very long and very bored / boring.

1. Could I have a (quick) word with you?
2. This is a (slow) train.
3. He talked very (interesting) about his work.
4. Youve cooked that meat (wonderful)
5. Ive got an (easy) job for you.
6. She writes in (perfect) English.
7. She sings very (good)
8. Could you speak more (quiet), please?

1. ________________ person
2. ________________ books
3. ________________ bag
4. ________________ 3 cokes
5. There is no ________________ way
6. The ________________ students
7. The ________________ child
8. ________________ opportunity
9. I have three bags. One is here, where are the ________________ ?
10. I have 20 students. Twelve students love English. The ________________
hate it.

A). Supply suitable verb forms with used to, be/get used to.
E.g. When we were children we _________________ (spend) our holidays with our
When we were children we used to spend our holidays with our grandparents.
1. At school we do lots of pair work. So, we _____________ (work) in groups.
2. My father ________________ (have) everything done for him. But now he
himself has to do most of the things.
3. In the past people _______________ (think) that the Earth was flat.
4. When the Industrial Revolution started, people ______________ (work) long
5. Starting a first job can be difficult if you ________________ (get up) early.
6. Im sure it wont be difficult for you _______________(get up) early.
7. I ___________________ (stay) in bed till late in the morning on Sundays
8. When she arrived in Britain, she ______________ (not/drive) on the left, but she
soon got used to it.
9. I ________________ ( not/have) milk for breakfast. I only had coffee.
10. When I was a child I _________________ (not/go) to the beach.
11. I _______________ (not/go) out alone until I was 18.
B. Fill in the blanks with used to; be/get used to.
1. When I was a child I go to the church every Sunday.
2. Before school started we .. walk along the river.
3. We .. travelling around the country on the holidays.
4. The Richardsons never fly on business before.
5. I will never .. cooking my own meals at home.
6. At weekends we (not) getting up before eight oclock.
7. Didnt Susan work part time before?
8. Susan doesnt mind doing night shifts. She . going to bed late.
9. I suppose it will be difficult for her to working overtime.
10. Tourists in the UK find it difficult to drive. They . (not)
driving on the left.
11. When I worked abroad, I phone home every week.
12. I . (not) getting up early at weekends
- Cuanto ms grande es un coche, ms gasolina utiliza.

- Cuanto ms joven eres, ms feliz.

- Cuanto ms deporte hagas, ms en forma estars.

- Cuanto ms caro es un producto, mejor es su calidad.

- Cuanto ms grande, mejor.

- Cuanto ms idiomas hables, ms fcil ser encontrar un trabajo.

EJERCICIO: translate into English:
1. A pesar de que tienen un buen sueldo, no llegan a fin de mes.

2. A pesar de que tienen mucho dinero, no son felices.

3. A pesar de estudiar mucho, suspendi el examen de ingls.

4. A pesar de no sentirse bien, fue a la escuela.

5. A pesar de no ser buen profesor, a sus alumnos les cae bien.

Exercise 1. Do we use for or since with the following time references?
I havent phoned home _________ Christmas.
Weve been here _________ nine oclock.
I have worked for International House _________ more than eight years.
I havent visited my home town _________ I left school.
I havent been to the cinema _________ ages.
I have studied non-stop _________ 9.15.
I have had a driving licence _________ I was eighteen.
She hasnt had a day off _________ 1999.
Johan has been in England _________ more than two weeks now.
Peter has been my best friend _________ we were nine.
Exercise 2. Decide if you need for or since with these time expressions.


ten seconds

Christmas Eve

a decade

I finished school

a couple of days

my birthday

a long time

ten centuries

the 70s

I was a boy


the last month

fifteen years

the accident


we bought this house

last month

a millennium

I met you

EXERCISE Translate these sentences into English.
1. Me puedes hacer un favor?
2. Ya he hecho la cama.

2. No pongas una escusa.

3. A mi abuela le gusta hacerse su propio pan.

4. Tengo que hacer la compra.

5. Har todo lo que pueda, pero no te prometo nada.

6. Cometer errores es positivo para el aprendizaje.

7. Nos llev 5 horas hacer el viaje.

8. Tengo que tomar una decisin lo antes posible.

9. No pude hablar con l porque estaba haciendo una llamada.

10. Te importa fregar?

Traducir espaol ingls:
1. En Espaa no hace tanto fro como en el Reino Unido.
2. Mi hermano se parece a mi padre.

3. Estos zapatos son como los tuyos.

4. Mientras ella se duchaba, l haca la cena.

5. Mi padre es electricista.

6. Mi ordenador no es como el tuyo, es ms viejo.
7. Como sabes, no me gusta ir al cine.

8. Los nios estn discutiendo, como de costumbre.

10. Mientras me duchaba, son el telfono dos veces.

10. Huele a pintura.

EXERCISE: translate these sentences into English:
1. Dnde vas?

2. Espera un momento, ya voy.

3. Me voy a Londres con unos amigos.

4. Voy a tu casa a tomar caf.

5. Vas a venir a la reunin familiar? Claro que voy a ir.

6. Me gusta ir al cine una vez a la semana.

7. Creo que Martin no va a venir a la fiesta.

8. Puedes venir? S, voy.

9. Venir a tu casa es siempre un placer.

10. De donde eres?

Complete the following sentences using whether, whether
or not or if.
(Choose if when it is possible to use it.
1. I cant decide ______________________ to buy a
2. Tom asked Julie ___________________ shed like to
go to the cinema.
3. Youve got to go to school __________________ you
like it or not!
4. Caroline might come. It depends on
_________________ she has a car or not.
5. Were not sure ___________________ were going to
change offices.
6. _________________ I buy the cake or make it myself
wont make it less fattening!
7. I wonder ____________________ I should mention it
to my boss.
8. He really doesnt care ____________________ it suits
9. Im not sure _________________ Ill have time to go to
the hairdressers.
10. The price doesnt change ______________ you travel
by car or by train.

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