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October Newsletter

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Many thanks for making the 2014 Fa Festi!a s"#h a s"##ess$ %es&ite the
#o'( f"n )as ha' *y a+ Fa Festi!a is the *ig f"n'raiser for SJES an'
*e#a"se of it( o"r )on'erf" ,T- is a*e to a)ar' an SJES ,T- .1(000
s#hoarshi& to one of o"r st"'ents gra'"ating from /0S$ 1ike)ise( Book Fair
gift #ertifi#ates are a)ar'e' ann"ay to a&&ro2imatey 130 st"'ents )ho
rea#h Rea'ing goas$ Money aso goes to)ar' Re)ar's Fie' Tri&s( Santa ,a
Worksho&( Fie' an' F"n %ay( an' st"'ent an' s#hoo s"&&ies$ This year )e
ho&e to &"r#hase a''itiona i&a's for o"r #assrooms$ 4f yo" ha!e i'eas
reate' to he&ing o"r st"'ents( tea#hers( an' s#hoo( &ease share them )ith
o"r E2e#"ti!e Boar' mem*ers$ We5' o!e to hear from yo"+ -gain( a s&e#ia
T0-N6 7O8 to Ms$ Jenkins( Ms$ Rooney( an' Ms$ Best for s&earhea'ing o"r
2014 Festi!a effort$ 4t )as WON%ERF81 an' so are 7O8+
Parent-Teacher Conferences #ontin"e$ 4f yo" ha!e not area'y *een
#onta#te'( &ease #a yo"r #hi'5s tea#her to set a #onferen#e 'ate an' time$
O"r goa is to meet )ith ea#h an' e!ery famiy$ 692 &arents )i not re#ei!e a
re&ort #ar' so yo"r #onferen#e is &arti#"ary im&ortant$ On T"es'ay(
O#to*er 21( :ra'es ;93 famiies )i re#ei!e yo"r #hi'5s first re&ort #ar' for
the 201492013 s#hoo year$ Re!ie) it #aref"y an' 'is#"ss the re&ort )ith
yo"r #hi'$ -s a)ays( if yo" ha!e <"estions( &ease #onta#t yo"r #hi'5s
tea#her=s or the offi#e$
Dates to Remember:
O#to*er >?@>A00 &$m$ Centra Offi#eB??S#hoo Boar' Re#ognition of
st"'ents )ith ,erfe#t @>00B SO1 s#ores
O#to*er 10??????????S#hoo ,i#t"re %ay
,re 6 Fie' Tri& to Sti#key Farm
O#to*er 13????$SJES B"#ks Re)ar' Tri& @Corn MaCeB for :ra'es ;( 4( an' 3
O#to*er 1> ??????1A00 %ismissa an' O#to*er 1D?No S#hoo?$F-11 BRE-6
O#to*er 20924$??????$$Rea'9-o"' to a Chi' Week
7WC- Week Witho"t /ioen#e
S#hoo B"s Safety Week
,ease thank yo"r #hi'5s B"s %ri!er=s thro"gho"t this )eek$
SJES %ri!ers )i *e in!ite' to "n#h at SJ on We'nes'ay( O#to*er 22$
O#to*er 21??????Re&orts :o 0ome
O#to*er ;1??????Ba#k an' Orange %ay at SJES
Happy Halloween!

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