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Innovative Practice

Beyond the Journal Young Children on the Web March 2006 1

ENVIRONMENT is hard. Many complex
concepts are involved: the interactions
among everything on the planetair,
land, water, and all living things; the
systems that determine weather and climate,
food supply, energy resources, and the quality
of life for every plant and animal; systems
operating on a planetary scale or in geologic
time; the organisms living in a single water
drop. Chemistry, geology, physics, and biology
all intersect in discussions on the environment.
This article shares the experiences of one
teacher in helping preschoolers learn about the
environment. The article is based on my lifelong
concerns for the environment, on my own experi-
ence helping children learn to take care of a goldfish
in a preschool classroom, and on a composite of many
different effortsmy own and other teachershelping
children learn about the environment. It is also based on
three of my own beliefs:
1. Most young children are eager to learn about the
2. A teacher who lives an environmentally friendly life can be
effective in teaching young children about the environment.
3. The emergent curriculum approach (Rinaldi 1992; Jones
& Nimmo 1994), including documentation, is well suited
for encouraging children to develop environmentally
aware behavior.
These beliefs are reflected in this article through enthu-
siastic children, a teacher respectful of environmental
concerns, and the success of the emergent curriculum in
arousing and building on childrens interests.
Social constructivist theory
The theoretical base for the use of an emergent curricu-
lum is social constructivist theory. Briefly, we can infer
from the theory that learning occurs when children are
engaged in collaborative activity about something that
deeply interests them and that the teachers role is to
collaborate with the children in their exploration so her
knowledge can scaffold their understanding. Learning and
development emerge from the dynamic interaction of
social and individual factors (John-Steiner, Panofsky, &
One Teacher, 20 Preschoolers,
and a Goldfish
Environmental Awareness,
Emergent Curriculum, and
Ann Lewin-Benham
Ann Lewin-Benham, AB, was founder/director of the Model
Early Learning Center (MELC) and Capital Childrens Museum
in Washington, D.C. Her recent book, Possible Schools: The
Reggio Approach to Urban Education, tells MELCs story. Ann
writes and lectures on early education.
Return to the main menu of this issue of Beyond the Jour-
nal for a listing of curriculum activities and suggested books
plus a compilation of further resources on environmental educa-
tion for adults and children.
Illustrations Marti Betz
Innovative Practice
Beyond the Journal Young Children on the Web March 2006 2
Projects are
based on teachers
thoughtful listening to chil-
drens conversations to deter-
mine their deep interests and
on subsequent focused talk
with the children about
these interests.
Smith 1994, 6). Today numerous psychologists and social
theorists have confirmed the idea, first proposed by Lev
Vygotsky, that learning is a social process (Feuerstein,
Klein, & Tannenbaum 1991; John-Steiner, Panofsky,
& Smith 1994; Resnick & Hall 1998;
Bronfenbrenner 2004).
Social constructivist theory is robustly
practiced in the schools of Reggio
Emilia, Italy. In these schools projects
emerge through teacher collaboration
with small groups of children. The
projects are based on teachers
thoughtful listening to childrens
conversations to determine their deep
interests and on subsequent focused
talk with the children about these inter-
ests. The Reggio structure also involves a
carefully designed classroom that functions as
a third teacher, and as such frees the teacher to
engage in projects. Literature describing these schools
and certain Web sites will acquaint those unfamiliar with
the Reggio Emilia approach (see Jones & Nimmo 1994;
Edwards, Gandini, & Forman 1998; Lewin-Benham 2006;
visit the Web sites of NAREA and Reggio Children).
Ms. Putnam, 20 children, and a goldfish
Ms. Putnam, a preschool teacher, wanted to arouse
childrens concern for the environment and to
inspire them to think and act in ecologi-
cally sound ways. An evolving chain of
experiences about the environment
emerged from the introduction of a
goldfish to her class.
In September Ms. Putnam made
five commitments. During the
coming year she would:
bring into the classroom things re-
lated to the environment.
listen closely to childrens conversa-
tions and observe their activities and
explorations around the items, then use
the childrens interests as the basis for
use related vocabulary often and read aloud books on
the environment twice weekly.
keep parents informed so they could reinforce the topic
at home.
Rather than sets of lesson plans and objectives,
emergent curriculum is a process that roughly follows
these steps:
1. Select a topic that reflects interests expressed by
children in their conversations or that you as their
teacher suspect may be of high interest. Ms. Putnam
brought a goldfish to school with the idea that the
childrens care of the fish might interest them in explor-
ing environment-related subjects.
2. Brainstorm, alone or with colleagues, the many ways
the experience could develop to ensure that the topic
has rich generative (Perkins 1992, 9295) potential. As
it evolves, the project may or may not follow what you
3. Use something concretefrom the children, their
families, or the teacherto pique initial interest and to
maintain it. The concrete thing may be childrens own
words as recorded by the teacher. Ms. Putnam used
childrens questions about the goldfish as the starter for
many pursuits. Throughout the year she recorded,
saved, and studied the childrens conversations and
kept using their words to arouse further interest.
4. Tape or take notes of the childrens words as they
react. Study their words to determine what really grabs
their attention. You may let a day or more pass to
heighten the childrens anticipation and to allow yourself
time to study their words.
5. Continue to bring the childrens own words back to
them: On Monday you said the fishs water was really
dirty. J oey said, Its full of poop. Would you like to help
me clean the fishbowl?
6. Brainstorm what might happen before any new
activity. Knowing she wanted to build environmental
awareness, Ms. Putnam had a container available to
save the dirty water. When the children asked why she
was saving it, she asked, What do you think we could
do with this water? Again she recorded and studied the
childrens answers, and brought back those that she had
selected for their potential to spark environmental
7. Use childrens words, some particular things they
have made, or photo(s) taken during the process as the
stimulus for the next steps.
8. Document the experience as each step happens.
Record the story of the emerging project as it emerges,
using childrens words, photos of them, their drawings or
other work, and a photojournalistic-type retelling. (See
Emergent Curriculum
Innovative Practice
Beyond the Journal Young Children on the Web March 2006 3
follow an emergent curriculum approachteaching
through small group projects, documenting the projects,
and revisiting the documentation.
Where do subjects for in-depth projects come from?
Miss Putnam knew that the information she needed for
projects to emerge would come from a variety of sources:
actively conversing with the children, listening to their
conversations with each other to determine what they
already knew and what else they wanted to know, and
studying her notes on these conversations. Having de-
cided to bring a goldfish to the classroombecause she
believed it would be of great interest to the childrenshe
brainstormed concepts that might emerge over time. Her
list included the following areas:
the ecosystem a goldfish requires
energy sources for living things
clean and unclean water
waste disposal
relationships between living things and the environment
The goldfish arrives
On the day Ms. Putnam brought the goldfish to school,
Joey, the most active four-year-old in the class, spotted it
immediately: Ms. Putnam, what have we got? She knew
his enthusiasm would spread. During group time she asked
Joey to describe what he had seen: Its orange, and its
swimming, and . . . jumping up and pointing, its THERE!
Carefully, Ms. Putnam carried the
bowl to the full
class meeting.
Immediately, an
ensued. Ms.
Putnam made
notes on the childrens comments and, over the next few
days, took photos of them observing the fish. After
analyzing this information she determined which children
were most interested in the goldfish. She created a
documentation panel with the heading Joey Discovered a
New Fish and two photos of children observing the fish,
and she hung the panel in the classroom. Later she
discussed the panel with the small group of children
whom she had observed were most interested. Revisiting
the panel with the children revealed more of their ideas
because it sparked another conversation.
As the children and teacher discussed the panel, ques-
tions tumbled out:
Where did the goldfish come from? The stream near the
Where did you get the bowl?
Can we feed the fish from our lunchboxes?
How does it poop?
Can I hold it?
Will it have babies?
Can I take it home?
Will it get old and die?
What do you do with a dead fish?
Like most children, the four-year-olds in Ms. Putnams
class are interested in everything around them. Even by
age 4 they have had many experiences, and know more
than adults may realize. They are naturally empathetic,
know instinctively if living things feel sad or are hurt, and
express their concern with words and hugs. Ms. Putnam
felt certain she could focus their empathy on the environ-
ment, helping them to acquire a sense of what the environ-
ment is, an awareness of all living things needs, and some
knowledge of how those needs relate to the environment
(Gardner 1991). From the childrens comments, she added
this one to the documentation panel: How can we get this
poop out of the water? She also added a photo of the
fishbowl with its dirty water.
That evening Ms. Putnam matched the concepts she had
originally brainstormed with the childrens questions (see
Relationship between the Teachers Ideas and the
Childrens Interests). The comparison convinced her to
use the childrens own questions to begin exploring
environmental issues with them. She added two of their
most fertile questions to the panel: How can we clean the
water? and What will we do with the dirty water?
Planning for learning
In educating children about anything, a teacher needs to
determine what they already know and find the intersec-
tions between her perceptions and their interests. Teach-
ers use this information to decide what to do next (Vecchi
Innovative Practice
Beyond the Journal Young Children on the Web March 2006 4
Documentation is the process
of recording childrens thoughts
and actions on a topic to maintain
their focus and expand their
interest. It works like this:
1. As an experience begins, create
a large panel out of sturdy
cardstock or illustration board.
Write a question, repeat a childs
comment, or make up a title as a
headline for the panel. Include a
photo, a drawing, or an object to
show what sparked the project.
2. Continue to add information to
the panel as the experience
continues. Information can be key
words from the teacher or children,
a childs drawing, or a photo or
series of photos of the children,
even an object. The information
should reflect a pivotal moment
which led to next steps. Ms.
Putnam added a photo of the full
class at the first group meeting with
the fishbowl in the center, one
childs comment, and one
question each from two
other children. As the
project continued, she
added drawings of
childrens ideas for
how to clean the fish
bowlone a theory,
the other the process
the class eventually
3. Whenever a panel is hung or words or photos are added, and before
continuing the experience, gather the children who were involved, and read
the panel to them (or have them readretellto you) what has happened
thus far. This is called revisiting. Ms. Putnam and the small group revisited
the panel at least once a day.
4. Add whatever photos and comments or questions bring the experience to
a conclusion. In this case, Ms. Putnam added a series of photoscleaning
the fishbowl, discovering Big Eyes dead, everyone crying, and the fishs
grave. At the end she added two childrens questions which stimulated new
projects: What are we going to do with the dirty water? and What will
happen to the dead fish?
A finished documentation panel should convey what
started the experience, how it developed and why, and
its outcome or the open-ended questions it sparked.
As children revisit panels, they begin to retell the
experience to themselves, to one another, and to
their parents or classroom visitors. Revisiting helps
the experience move forward, keeps the children
focused, and deepens their understanding of their
experiences. Documentation gives parents and
visitors a window into life in the classroom and
builds both appreciation for and trust in the school.
A finished
documentation panel
should convey what
started the experience, how
it developed and why, and
its outcome or the open-
ended questions it
Innovative Practice
Beyond the Journal Young Children on the Web March 2006 5
1994). Through analyzing her own brainstorming list and
comparing it to the interests children expressed, Ms.
Putnam hypothesized that an environmental curriculum in
her classroom, sparked by the childrens interest in the
goldfish, could cover these topics: ecosystem; land, water,
and air; food and energy; pollution. The curriculum would
emerge as childrens investigations and activities led to
the evolution of old interests and the development of new
ideas. How she prepared the classroom environment and
documented the childrens experiences would be critical.
Ms. Putnam asked herself if she could also:
Care for an animal in addition to the plants already
maintained in the classroom?
Model environmentally conscious behaviors for the
children consistently? For example, could she
make sure to turn out lights whenever the class left
the classroom or sunshine provided adequate light and
each time tell the children her actions were taken to save
teach the children to conserve
by running only a trickle of water
then turning it off while soaping
hands or brushing teeth?
set up a system to segregate
leftover food, paper, glass, and plas-
tic, and with the children analyze
which leftovers could be reused and
how? During meals, Ms. Putnam began
to play a game with the children, Com-
post Collection, in which they discussed
what leftovers would make good com-
post. This sparked the childrens curi-
osity about what to do when the com-
post container was full, and led to a
project to develop a compost pile in
a remote corner of the play yard.
Reach beyond the classroom to en-
gage in environmentally friendly efforts? For example, she
toured the school with the children to detect how to
save resources
asked parents to send to school examples of commu-
nity environmental activities. One family sent an article
about the installation of energy-saving light bulbs in the
local public libraries. Ms. Putnam read every item to the
whole class, and discussed it in depth with those chil-
dren who were most interested. Often the children had
their own theories, which Ms. Putnam recorded, studied,
and later discussed with them. On subsequent days she
had them draw pictures or represent their ideas in other
materials, like paper, cardboard, clay, wire, or blocks.
invited parents to help on field trips. One involved a
visit to the citys waste recycling plant, another to a
nearby stream to look for effects of pollution.
Using observations and conversations
to facilitate learning
For several days after introducing the goldfish, Ms.
Putnam left a tape recorder next to the fishbowl to capture
the childrens comments. As the children observed the
fish, she took photos and added two to the panel. All the
children visited the fishbowl at least once a day, most two
or three times; five children were regulars, sometimes
checking on the fish several times a day and naming it Big
Eyes. Childrens comments on tape ranged from how fish
are born to fish weddings, death, play, and fighting. Most
often the children wondered how fish get food, what
happens when they poop in the water, and how to clean
the water.
After observing and revisiting the panel with the chil-
dren and while excitement was still high, Ms. Putnam
revisited the panel again with the five most interested
children and asked, What else would you like to know
about the fish? Questions poured out. Ms. Putnam then
asked another question: How can we find out? These
two questions are powerful and universally applicable.
The first taps the wealth of experiences even very young
children have already accumulated. The second stretches
them to make connections from one particular bit of
information to their other ideas, which adults cannot
intuit (Lewin-Benham 2006, p. 51).
From this discussion Ms. Putnam realized the children
knew these things: the fish should be fed just once daily, it
pooped a lot, and its water was already dirty. This both-
ered them, and they wanted to do something about it.
Ms. Putnam asked the five children, Can you draw
pictures showing how we could clean the bowl? She added
two of the childrens drawings to the panel. Two days later,
Can we hold him?
What does he
like to eat?
Where did he
come from?
Innovative Practice
Beyond the Journal Young Children on the Web March 2006 6
found an ideal spot to bury Big Eyesunder the pussy
willow, their favorite with its soft, silky-haired blooms. Ms.
Putnam added a photo of Big Eyess grave to the documen-
tation panel. She saw the echoes of this powerful experi-
ence in many of the projects that emerged later that year.
Emerging projects
The experience with Big
Eyes sparked a new
project on the environ-
ment with these themes:
What happens when
dirty water is poured on
the earth? What is
earth? What would
happen to Big Eyes in the
earth? Ms. Putnam docu-
mented the earth project on
a second panel. A small group
went with her to the pet store to
buy a new fish in response to Joeys suggestion (the
subject of a third panel). The children were full of ques-
tions about how stores find fish. This led to a project on
ecosystems that support different fish. By years end the
childrens evolving interests led to:
Questioning whats in water and how evaporation works.
Reading the fish food label, which prompted a big project
on food sources.
Carefully watching the ceaseless swimming of the new
fish, which led to a project on energy.
Discussing how pollutants get into air and water.
Studying the labels on cleansers, which resulted in a
search for environmentally friendly cleaning products and
replacing commercial cleansers with homemade solutions
of baking soda, vinegar, and water, natural products that
the children learned would not pollute.
When the children learned how dangerous plastic can
be to wild animals, they organized a Plastic Patrol and
involved their families in a clean-up day. When they learned
that fish poop makes good fertilizer, they went on a hunt
for other waste to recycle, and visited their towns recy-
cling center.
Each project involved only a small group, generally
different for each project. Ms. Putnam documented every
project on its own panel. Usually the entire class toured
each panel, led in small groups by the children involved.
With one group, Ms. Putnam wrote to parents discussing
how to use the classrooms environmentally friendly
practices at home. The whole class read the letter; several
children added words and drawings, and everyone carried
a copy home.
It was possible for Ms. Putnam to teach to a small group
for two reasons. First, there were two adults in the class-
she gathered the five children again, revisited the panel,
and asked them to use their drawings to describe to one
another how to clean the bowl. Their ideas ranged from
fantasyusing a magic vacuum that unrolled from a long
tubeto realityfinding ways to clean the bowl without
hurting Big Eyes, since cleaning utensils might be rough
and cleansers could poison him. Danielle, one of the chil-
dren, had been to a pet store where she gleaned this infor-
mation, which she then shared with the others during one
of their many small group discussions.
Ms. Putnam suggested that the group discuss which
method would be best and then make one drawing to
represent it. Several more days passed as the children
debated among themselves, sometimes arguing fiercely,
often joined by Ms. Putnam. They finally agreed on how to
clean the bowl: Catch Big Eyes in a fish net (Danielle had
seen this in the pet store also), put him quickly into a
pitcher of clean water, empty the old water, carefully
scour the bowl, then pour in Big Eyes, clean water and all.
The group collaborated on making one drawing of this
process, which Ms. Putnam added to the panel.
Big Eyes dies!
Because the class had not allowed the changing water to
stand overnight so the chlorine could evaporate, Big Eyes
did not survive the change. Ms. Putnam had not told the
children this vital knowledge, some-
thing she knew but, in the ex-
citement, had forgotten to
share with them. The chil-
dren were distraught. Ms.
Putnam blamed herself. The
children saw how sad she was.
Hey! I know, Joey exclaimed.
Lets go to the pet store and buy
a new fish!
Teacher and children criedall
still sad about Big Eyes, Donnie and
Charles in distress at Ms. Putnams
sadness, Danielle and Darrell not to be
left out, Ms. Putnam upset at her
omission and deeply moved by the
childrens compassion.
What are we gonna do with Big Eyes?
asked Joey. Crying ceased as the children
began a
tion that
Many ideas
later, they
toured the
yard and
When the
children learned how
dangerous plastic can be
to wild animals, they orga-
nized a Plastic Patrol and
involved their families
in a clean-up day.
Innovative Practice
Beyond the Journal Young Children on the Web March 2006 7
room. Second, the classroom environment was richly
prepared. In practice this means . . . [the teachers] trust
the environment as much as they trust one another, and
create a three-member team from two teachers and an
environment. Their painstaking organization results in
environment-guided activity that is as valuable as teacher-
guided activity (Lewin-Benham 2006, 1415).
A year in review
At the end of the year Ms. Putnam reviewed her teach-
ing and the childrens learning. Projects on a wide range of
areas covered 10 different panels. She had learned to be
more thoughtful about when to add her own knowledge to
the childrens explorations. This is the essence of emer-
gent curriculum: the learning that results for children and
teacher from the teachers knowledge and skills through
collaboration with the children. Because the teacher
scaffolds the childrens ability, it makes it possible for her
knowledge to merge with, expand, or alter their knowl-
edge. What the children learned was evident in their
favorite books, like Cactus Hotel, about a saguaros life
cycle and relationship to other desert plants and animals;
daily vocabulary, which now included words like envi-
ronment, relationship, impact, pollutant, and earth-friendly;
drawings, which showed increasingly thoughtful ideas
about the environment;
interest in food content, concern about clean air and
water, and knowledge of the plants and animals that lived
near the school;
comments, like Joeys after burying Big Eyes: You see, were
all connected to everything, fish to insects, insects to earth,
earth to goldfish, what we eat to earth. Its all connected.
Ms. Putnams experience illustrates how to raise pre-
school childrens environmental awareness. Her approach
was grounded in the social constructivist theory that we
learn through relationships with others who mediate our
interactions with things around us. Her approach was influ-
enced by Reggio Emilia school practices, especially belief in
childrens ability; attentive listening to childrens ideas;
collaborative small-group projects including the teacher;
the use of a well-designed environment as a third teacher;
extensive use of various materials as vehicles for children
to express and reformulate ideas; and documentation.
Teachers wanting to raise childrens environmental
awareness can use a fish, a plant, an insect, a book, an
environmentally focused local event, or many other
things. Wherever they start, teachers should allow plenty
of time for conversation and should use the childrens own
reactions, comments, and questions as the basis for what
they do next.
The interconnectedness of everything on our planet
dovetails with a teaching approach based on collaboration
and a theory of learning based on relationships. In this
case the childrens interest in the life and death of a gold-
fish enabled the teacher to arouse their concern for the
well-being of the environment and to help the children
think and act in ecologically sound ways.
Bronfenbrenner, U. 2004. Making human beings human. London: Sage.
Edwards, C., L. Gandini, G. Forman, eds. 1998. The hundred lan-
guages of children: The Reggio Emilia approachAdvanced reflec-
tions. 2nd ed. Greenwich, CT: Ablex.
Feuerstein, R., P. Klein, A. Tannenbaum. 1991. Mediated learning
experience (MLE): Theoretical, psychosocial and learning implica-
tions. London: Freund.
Gardner, H. 1991. The uschooled mind. New York: Basic Books.
John-Steiner, V., C.P. Panofsky, & L.W. Smith. 1994. Sociocultural
approaches to language and literacy. New York: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press.
Jones, E., & J. Nimmo. 1994. Emergent curriculum. Washington, DC:
Lewin-Benham, A. 2006. Possible schools: The Reggio approach to
urban education. New York: Teachers College Press.
NAREA (North American Reggio Emilia Alliance). Online:
Perkins, D. 1992. Smart schools. New York: Free Press.
Reggio Children. Online:
Resnick, L.B., & M.W. Hall. 1998. Learning organizations for sustain-
able education reform. Daedalus 127 (4): 89118. Online:
Rinaldi, C. 1992. Lecture. Ida College, Newton Centre, Massachusetts,
Vecchi, V. 1994. Lecture/Study Seminar. Experience of the Munici-
pal Infant-Toddler Centers and Preprimary Schools. June. Reggio
Emilia, Italy.
Copyright 2006 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children. See
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