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Assignment: Name Kavya.V Physical Science

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Collaborative learning is not just a classroom technique. In learning

situations where pupils come together in groups , it suggests a way
of dealing with pupils which respects and highlights individual
group members abilities and group members abilities and
contributions . Collaborative learning involves the development of
collaborative communities ,where groups or pairs of learners and
solve authentic problems ,fosters constructive learning
Collaborative learning advocates distrust structure and
allow students more in forming friend ship and interest groups
.students talk is stressed as a means for working things out
.interaction with peers and teachers supports questions refinement and
reflection ,promotes a shared discourse ,and established a learner
culture ,which fosters co-operation and mutual interdependence .
Collaborative Learning

working together results in a greater understanding than

would likely have occurred if one had worked
independently .

spoken and written interactions contribute to this

increased understanding .

opportunity exists to become aware ,through classroom

experiences ,of relation ships between social interactions
and increased understanding .

some elements of this increased understanding are


articipation is voluntary and must be freely entered into

Principles of collaborative
Collaborative learning ties into the social
constructivist movement ,asserting that both
knowledge and authority of knowledge have
changed .in ideal collaborative environment ,the
authority for testing and determining
appropriateness of the group product rest with
,first ,the small group, second, the plenary group
and finally the requisite knowledge community

Collaborative learning puts students together to work in

heterogeneous groups .all perspectives of all learners are
utili!ed for enrich learning, all are seen as equal
contributors , collaborating to achieve a mutual goal .
collaborating consultation encourages shared responsibility
in planning and decision making .

Collaborative learning then ,may encompass any number of

group learning methods , emphasi!ing constructive efforts
between and among students, teachers ,researchers , parents .
both in and out side of the classroom setting the group
learning process should involve a common inquiry process
,active participation in learning and the understanding that the
creation of knowledge is inherently social .actual group si!e
vary and groups change in composition depending on the
complexity of needs.

"ased on cognitive or social constructivism

#earner with instinctive capacities

$mphasi!es cognition

%pportunities for interaction among students

$mphasi!es dialogue in learning

Considers the role of society and culture in the development of


$mphasi!es on self evaluation and peer evaluation

&eacher act as mediator opportunities for self learning , self

regulated learning
Characteristics of collaborative learning

&eacher only scaffolds

'esign experiences for learners !one of proximal development

Considers learner as knowledgeable , self determined and


(lexible class room structure

)haring of knowledge between the teacher and students

$mphasi!e on acquisition of content and process of learning for

all learners
co-operative learning is very similar to collaborating
learning except that it introduces to a more structured
setting with the teacher in total control of the learning
environment . Collaboration is a philosophical of
interaction and personal life style whereas co-operation
is a structure of interaction designed to facilitate the
accomplishment of an end product or goal . &he key
difference between them is the level of contribution
expected of each member of group . Co-operative
learning is defined as *instructional methods and
techniques in which pupils working small groups and
are rewarded in some way for the performance as a

uses small groups of four or five students

(ocuses on tasks to be accomplished

+equires group co-operation and interaction

,andates individuals responsibilities to learn

)upport division of labor .

Characteristics of co-operative

Improvement of comprehension of basic academic


+einforcement of academic skills

)tudents decision making allowed

Creation active learning environment

"oosted students self esteem

Celebration of diverse learning styles

romotion of students responsibility

(ocus of success of every one

Benets of co-operative

ositive interdependences

(ace-to- face-interaction

Individual accountability

Inter personal and small group skills

-roup evaluation
!eat"res of co-operative
In co-operative learning classrooms .students work together to
ensure the success each students . positive interdependence is a
management system that encourages students to work together
.nd teaches students that school life for each one of them is
enhanced when every one succeeds
Positive Inter#epen#ence
In co-operative learning situations, students interact, assistant
one another with learning task and promote another success . the
small group setting allow students to work directly with one
another to share ideas and opinions , to come to common
understanding and work as team
In co-operative learning setting , each student is held
accountable for his/her own academic progress and task
In#ivi#"al acco"ntabilit$
Co-operative learning offers students a chance to develop the
inter personal skills needed to succeed at school , work and
within the community .primary among this skills are effective
communication understanding and appreciation of others ,
decision among , problem solving , conflicts resolution and
Inter personal an# s%all gro"p
-roups of students need to evaluate and discuss how well they
are meeting there goal , what action help there group and what
action seem to hurt group interactions.
Gro"p eval"ation

&eacher planning is critical

)tudents engagement is mandatory

0uality work is essential

Constant student monitoring is required

.ssessment is vital

&ime requirements must be established

&rust , cohesiveness and responsibility must be promoted

Co-operative learning
#epen#ing on follo'ing
1igsaw learning ensures active individual participation and group co-
operation by arranging learning tasks . each member in the group
possesses unique information and thus plays a unique information
and thus plays a unique role .the group product cannot be completed
unless each piece is included.
In jigsaw learning the whole learning the whole learning task is cut
into pieces or jigsaw , that when filled together recreate the totality
.small groups with 2-3 students are set up .each group member is
assigned some unique learning task and then to his base group
members .each rearranged group contains an expert . 1igsaw involves
pupils researching information in groups and then reporting this back
in individually. &his requires individuals comprehension of new
material informed discussions and working collaborating with team
members .jigsaw learning promotes co-operation than competitions

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