Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Lenae Olson
Professional Semester Three
September-December 2014
PSIII Classroom Management Plan
1. Classroom Management Checklist
a) Familiarization with School Schedule & Policies:
Bell Times
Lunch procedures (supervision, where students eat)
Location of staff washrooms, staff room, photocopier
Fire drill and Lockdown procedures
School rules on late students, dismissals, dress code, behaviour plans
Library and computer room schedules & rules
Teacher online grade book
Meet school staff members
Learn about teams & clubs at the school
b) Classroom & Student Organization:
Student seating plan
Student names, learning styles, & behaviour
Agenda board
Teacher desk placement and organization
Storage of student textbooks, and additional supplies
Laboratory storage, materials, rules, procedures
Placement and use of computer/projector
c) Classroom Expectations, Procedures & Rules:
Late students
Start of class procedure
Classroom rules (questioning procedure, phone policy, seatwork vs group work,
assignment hand-ins, absent procedure)
Laboratory safety rules and expectations
Taking attendance
Class closure
d) Material & Resource Preparation:
Lesson plans
Relationship building activity
Log book, mark book, substitute teacher folder
2. Classroom Rules
1. Come to class prepared and on time.
Arrive to class before the bell rings, and bring all materials you will need
(agenda and water bottle).
2. Be respectful to yourself and others.
Raise your hand, work cooperatively with others, do assigned work, ask for
assistance when needed, follow classroom rules & expectations.
3. Keep the classroom clean.
Take all your agenda home each day, tidy up the floor and your desk at the end
of the day
3. Classroom Procedures:
1. Beginning of Class: Sit in your assigned seat, check board for daily agenda, quietly color in
your sponge book, or activity books until class begins
2. Attention-Getting Procedure: stand at the front of the room and count down from 5 with
fingers, wait quietly for full classroom attention, use attention getters (1-2-3 eyes on me,
etc.) students: bring focus to teacher when she begins counting down, put all materials
down and listen for instructions
3. Question-Answering Procedures: raise your hand when you want to say something
4. Transition Procedures: Listen to full instructions before moving on to a new task, put
materials away in your pencil case after finishing a task.
5. Individual Seatwork and Group Procedure: Work at your desk, ask neighbors to
help/clarification, and ask the teacher if it still isnt clear, work respectfully and
cooperatively with others, keep the noise level down.
6. Laboratory, and Art Procedures: get all instructions before starting, be cautious, follow
directions carefully, clean up materials used, always ask for assistance if you are confused
about something, dont ever ingest or smell materials used in labs.
Teach/Reinforce Procedures:
Go over all of my classroom procedures on the first day
Recap procedures at the end of class 1 and beginning of class 2
Use consistency in every lesson (use all procedures each day)
Be prompt to correct: if procedures are not being met by students, I will address them to the
entire class
4. Relationship-Building Plan
a) Building Relationships with students:
Students learn about Miss Olson on the first day
Student interests will be incorporated into lessons (ongoing throughout practicum)
Monday: discuss what people did on the weekend at the beginning of class
Greet students in the hallway at the beginning of class (entire practicum)
Share stories relating to class material & ask for student stories (ongoing)
Have check-ins where students get assignments reviewed or discuss class topics
with teacher (ongoing)
b) Building Relationships among students:
Students will participate in an ice-breaker to interact with one another (class 1 & 2)
Student seating plan will be changed often to ensure everyone gets to sit and work
with a variety of different people (ongoing)
Students are encouraged to find other areas in the room to work to have a chance to
work with new people.
Think-pair-share activities (ongoing)
5. Intervention Plan
Low Level Intervention:
Proximity, eye contact, pause in speech for attention
Say students name to gain their attention again
Quietly approach disruptive student ask for attention politely, continue with lesson
High Level Intervention:
Offer choices: you may start on your work, or come sit by my desk, you may work
with your group, or work alone
Private conversation: if student does not cooperate with choices, student will be
asked to move to the hall where I will have a conversation with them at a time that
does not distract the rest of the class.
If the class disturbances continue, the childs parent will be contacted via a note in
his/her agenda or via a phone call home.
If student becomes violent (verbally or physically) and is uncontrollable, they will
be asked to go to the office, or I will get the neighboring classroom teacher for back
Relation to school-wide policies:
Student are to be sent to the office if they are being violent towards themselves or
Students are expected to work cooperatively with others, and be respectful in the
6. Reflections on Classroom Management
**To be completed at a later date**
A. Successes/Strengths:
B. Problem Areas/Areas for Growth:
C. Alternative Strategies/Things to Try