The document discusses welding parameters and processes for duplex stainless steels. It outlines that virtually all welding processes used on austenitic stainless steels can also be used for duplex stainless steels, including gas tungsten arc welding and gas metal arc welding. It provides guidelines on filler metals, preheating, heat input, interpass temperature, and postweld heat treatment for duplex stainless steel welding.
The document discusses welding parameters and processes for duplex stainless steels. It outlines that virtually all welding processes used on austenitic stainless steels can also be used for duplex stainless steels, including gas tungsten arc welding and gas metal arc welding. It provides guidelines on filler metals, preheating, heat input, interpass temperature, and postweld heat treatment for duplex stainless steel welding.
The document discusses welding parameters and processes for duplex stainless steels. It outlines that virtually all welding processes used on austenitic stainless steels can also be used for duplex stainless steels, including gas tungsten arc welding and gas metal arc welding. It provides guidelines on filler metals, preheating, heat input, interpass temperature, and postweld heat treatment for duplex stainless steel welding.
The document discusses welding parameters and processes for duplex stainless steels. It outlines that virtually all welding processes used on austenitic stainless steels can also be used for duplex stainless steels, including gas tungsten arc welding and gas metal arc welding. It provides guidelines on filler metals, preheating, heat input, interpass temperature, and postweld heat treatment for duplex stainless steel welding.
Virtually all welding processes used on austenitic
stainless steels are applicable to duplex stainless
steels. This includes Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW, TIG), Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW, MIG), Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW, stick), Flux Core Wire Welding (FCW), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), and Plasma Arc Welding (PAW). Oxyacetylene welding should not be used because of the associated carbon contamination of the weld. Filler Metals Most filler metals for duplex stainless steel welding are described as matching, but typically they are overalloyed in nickel with respect to the wrought products that they are said to match. Usually there is about 2-4% more nickel than in the base metal. The nitrogen content is typically slightly lower in the weld metal than in the base metal. It is generally accepted that the more highly alloyed duplex stainless steel weld fillers are suitable for welding the lower alloyed duplex stainless steel products. The matching fillers have been reported to give acceptable results when joining duplex stainless steels to austenitic stainless steels or to carbon and alloy steels. Preheating As a general rule, preheating is not recommended because it may be detrimental. It should not be a part of a procedure unless there is a specific justification. Preheating may be beneficial when used to eliminate moisture from the steel as may occur in cold ambient conditions or from overnight condensation. When preheating to deal with moisture, the steel should be heated to about 95C (200F) uniformly and only after the weld preparation has been cleaned. Heat Input and Interpass Temperature Duplex stainless steels can tolerate relatively high heat inputs. The duplex solidification structure of the weld metal is more resistant to hot cracking than that of austenitic weld metals. Because duplex stainless steels have higher thermal conductivity and lower coefficient of thermal expansion than austenitic stainless steels, they have less tendency to warp during welding. While it is necessary to limit the severity of restraint on the weld, hot cracking is not a common problem. Exceedingly low heat input may result in fusion zones and heat-affected zones which are excessively ferritic with a corresponding loss of toughness and corrosion resistance. Exceedingly high heat input increases the danger of forming intermetallic phases. The maximum interpass temperature should be no higher than 150C (300F). Electronic temperature probes and thermocouples are the preferred instruments for monitoring the interpass temperature. When a large amount of welding is to be performed, planning the welding so there is enough time for cooling between passes is good, economical practice. Postweld Heat Treatment Postweld stress relief is not needed for duplex stainless steels and is likely to be harmful because the heat treatment may precipitate intermetallic phases or alpha prime (475C/885F) embrittlement causing a loss of toughness and corrosion resistance. Any postweld heat treatment should be a full solution anneal followed by water quenching. See Shop Sheet 101. SHOP SHEET 105 WELDING PARAMETERS FOR DUPLEX STAINLESS STEELS 36325 Shop Sheet 105:36325 Shop Sheet 105 11/1/07 21:36 Page 1 SHOP SHEET 105 Table 2. Typical Shield-Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Parameters for Welding Duplex Stainless Steels with Various Size Electrodes (Source: Avesta Sheffield AB) Table 3. Typical Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) Parameters for Welding Duplex Stainless Steels with Various Size Wire (Source: Avesta Sheffield AB) Excepted from Practical Guidelines for the Fabrication of Duplex Stainless Steels. Table 1. Typical Gas-Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Parameters for Short-Circuiting Arc Transfer and for Spray Arc Transfer for Welding Duplex Stainless Steels with Various Wire Sizes (Source: Avesta Sheffield AB) Short-Circuiting Arc Transfer Weld Wire Diameter Current Voltage mm inch (amps) (volts) 1.0 0.035 90-120 19-21 1.2 0.045 110-140 20-22 Spray Arc Transfer 1.0 0.035 170-200 26 1.2 0.045 210-280 29 1.6 0.063 270-330 30 Electrode Diameter Current Voltage mm inch ampere volt 2.0 0.078 35-60 22-28 2.5 0.094 60-80 22-28 3.25 0.125 80-120 22-28 4.0 0.156 100-160 22-28 Electrode Diameter Current Voltage mm inch ampere volt 2.5 0.094 250-450 28-32 3.25 0.125 300-500 29-34 4.0 0.156 400-600 30-35 5.0 0.203 500-700 30-35 1999 International Molybdenum Association IMOA-15 P r i n t e d b y B S C P r i n t L t d , B S C H o u s e , 4 8 W e i r R o a d , L o n d o n S W 1 9 8 U G . 36325 Shop Sheet 105:36325 Shop Sheet 105 11/1/07 21:36 Page 2
Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting
Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding together with related methods and materials used in metal working and the oxygen process for removal of carbon