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Heat Transfer Lesson Plan - Revised

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Heat Transfer Lesson

By: Donna Soriano

TITLE: Heat Transfer
GRADE LEVEL: 6th Grade
TIME FRAME & SETTING: 1 Hour 30 Min, Nanaikapono Elementary School, Room L-101
CONCEPTUAL/PROCEDURAL KNOWLEDGE: Thermal Energy, Movement of Heat, Heat Transfer,
Conduction, Convection, Radiation, Conductors, Insulators
Key Ideas:
Energy can move from one place or object to another
Substances heat or cool as a result of energy transfer
Energy transfers from warmer matter to cooler matter until both reach the same temperature
Heat transfers occur in three ways: by radiation, conduction, and convection
Next Generation Science Standards:
MS. Energy:
MS-PS3-5: Construct, use, and present arguments to support the claim that when the kinetic energy of an
object changes, energy is transferred to or from the object.
HCPS III Standards:
Strand: The Scientific Process:
Standard 1: The Scientific Process: SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION: Discover, invent, and investigate using the
skills necessary to engage in the scientific process.
Benchmark SC.6.1.1: Formulate a testable hypothesis that can be answered through a controlled
Benchmark SC.6.1.2: Use appropriate tools, equipment, and techniques safely to collect, display, and
analyze data.
Strand: Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences
Standard 6: Physical, Earth, and Space Sciences: NATURE OF MATTER AND ENERGY: Understand the nature
of matter and energy, forms of energy (including waves) and energy transformations, and their significance in
understanding the structure of the universe.
Benchmark SC.6.6.1: Compare how heat energy can be transferred through conduction, convection, and
Students will be able to:
Explain how heat moves from one place to another
Describe how heat moves by conduction, convection, and radiation.
Give examples of heat transfers that occur in everyday situations

Heat Transfer Worksheet

Large White Poster Paper

Radiation (Materials for each group):

Heat Transfer Lesson

By: Donna Soriano

Lamp with Incandescent Bulb

Aluminum can (painted black)
Aluminum can (painted white)
Two Thermometers

Conduction (Materials for each group):

- Styrofoam Cup or Bowl
- Hot Water
- Metal Object (eg. Washers on a String, Spoon)
- Wooden Object (eg. Spoon, Chopsticks)
- Plastic Object (eg. Fork, Spoon)

Convection (Materials for each group):

- Mason Jar
- (Blue Dyed) Ice Cube
- Red Dye
- Cup of Hot Water
- Gloves
- Dropper




Engage the students interest in the topic by sharing a short clip from the Youtube video: Bill Nye The
Science Guy on Heat ( [Do not play the entire 21
min video, show only first 5 min]
After watching the video, have the students work with their table peers to do a Brain Dump where the
students write down everything they know about Heat (students work in their table groups)
After a couple of minutes of jotting things down on their poster paper, each table group will hold up
their poster papers and share something about what they saw and learned about Heat, Heat Transfer,
Thermal Energy, etc.
Introduce the concepts of conduction, convection and radiation. When do they see these kinds of heat
transfer in their daily lives? Provide them with some Real-life examples: We can feel the Suns heat
radiating warmth to Earth, outside of a mug of hot cocoa is warm because the heat in the liquid is
moving to the outside of the mug through conduction. The fact that the water on the surface of a
swimming pool is warmer than the water in the deep parts is caused by convection. Connect to ocean
currents warm rises and cool sinks we had talked about currents in the 1st quarter. Also a pot of
boiling water has convection currents in it.



Have the students state the rules for conducting science activities and experiments before moving
on to do the hands-on activities.
a. Inform students: There are some important rules that need to be followed before
conducting your science experiments and each student must assume responsibility for the
safety of themselves and those around them.
b. The following safety rules should help guide you in keeping our lab a safe place to work:
Children need to pay attention and do only what teacher asks them to do.
Students should not be allowed to touch any chemicals or lab equipment unless
they are instructed to do so.
Students must follow all the written and verbal instructions when conducting the
science experiment.
It is very important to be alert and be cautious
Eating, drinking, playing pranks, etc. is strictly prohibited.
If any accident takes place, do not panic. Inform your teacher immediately

Heat Transfer Lesson

By: Donna Soriano

Students will sit in their table groups to conduct three different experiments that will explore the
different types of heat transfer:
Conduction Activity/Experiment:
Instructions will be provided on the Heat Transfer Worksheet.
Hypothesis: What do you think will happen after you sink the different objects
in hot water?
o Put all four objects into the hot water at once. Arrange them so that
they arent touching each other.
o After a minute or two, feel the difference in temperature in each object.
Students will observe conduction through testing the temperatures of objects
before and after it has been placed in hot water. The students will notice that
some objects (conductors) get hotter faster than other objects (insulators).
Radiation Activity/Experiment:
Instructions will be provided on the Heat Transfer Worksheet.
Hypothesis: Which can of water (black or white) will absorb the most heat
energy? Why?
o Cover 1 can with black paper and the other with white paper.
o Place a thermometer in each of the two cans. Record the initial
o Face the incandescent light bulb toward the two cans. Turn the light
o Record the temperature of each can at one minute intervals for 7
minutes, longer if you want. Record the results in the data table.
Students will observe radiation through waters absorption of heat energy
radiating from the incandescent lamp. The students will notice that the black
covered cup will absorb more heat energy than the white covered cup. Different
colors have the ability to reflect/absorb radiated heat.
Convection Activity/Experiment:
Instructions will be provided on the Heat Transfer Worksheet.
Hypothesis: What do you think will happen when you pour the (red) hot water
and drop the (blue) ice cube together in the Mason jar?
o Fill the Mason Jar with water.
o Wearing gloves drop the (blue) ice cube into the Mason jar. Observe
what happens.
o Put a single drop of red dye into the cup of hot water and stir with the
o Using the spoon, scoop some of the red hot water and gently pour it
into the Mason jar. Observe what happens.
Students will observe conduction through the rising and falling of hot (red) and
cold (blue) water in a mason jar.



Have the students clean up their activities/work area; gather them back for a wrap-up discussion:
How were the activities, discuss results, observations, etc.
Pass out the exit tickets and have students complete them

DIFFERENTIATION: I am using mixed ability grouping that which will allow students who are at a higher level
of learning to work and help their peers who may need more assistance and guidance.

Heat Transfer Lesson

By: Donna Soriano

ASSESSMENT: How will I know if the students have achieved my objectives and met the standards? This
includes formal and informal, formative and summative assessment. (7)
Pre-Activity Assessment
Discussion Questions:
Brain Dump Activity: Ask students what they know about heat, thermal energy, and movement.
Can heat move? If it can, how does it move?
Post-Activity Assessment:
Exit Ticket Questions:
o Name the three types of heat transfer methods. (Answer: Conduction, convection, radiation.)
o Heat moves from the Sun to the Earth through what type of heat transfer? (Answer:
o _____ is a heat transfer that works by direct contact of two materials. (Answer: Conduction)
o When a hot fluid or gas moves upwards, this type of heat movement is called _____.
(Answer: Convection)
Youtube Video: Bill Nye the Science Guy on Heat (

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