Lesson Plans For Sped 101
Lesson Plans For Sped 101
Lesson Plans For Sped 101
Summer 2013
Roxanne Shepard
Standard(s): R1.5.8- explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support points
Big Idea(s)/Essential Question(s): Can the students describe how the author uses reason or evidence to support an Idea?
New Learning:
Vocabulary target vocabulary: conserving, restore, endangered, responsibility, attracted, regulate, vegetation, adapted,
unique, guardians
Concepts be able to understand the authors point of view and target vocabulary
Skills reading, understanding vocabulary, identifying authors point of view, understanding story
Applications students will recognize and understand the authors point of view
Learning Target(s)/Objective(s): I can explain the authors story and point of view using evidence and target vocabulary in the story.
Summative Assessment: Mastery of the material will be evaluated through a test over the material covered including target vocabulary.
Instructional Strategies/Activities: Explicit Teaching, guides for reading, listening, viewing, Problem Solving, Learning Centers, Games,
Brainstorming, Cooperative Learning Groups, Peer Practice
Materials and Resources: YouTube video (Oil Spill Simulation for Children), Computer for YouTube video, Vocabulary Game
YouTube Clip-Oil Spill for Children, introduce target vocabulary words, Have students discuss what
review the topic of conservation, discuss what narrative nonfiction is.
conservation is with guided
help. Go over vocabulary
with students and have
them give examples of each
examples not used in the
Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and Strategies to
Address Them
Content Input ( I do activities):Introduce the story Everglades Forever by Discussion about the story
reading about the author and photographer. Hook their interest with a and answer any questions
photo of the everglades on the SmartBoard.
they may have about the
story and/or vocabulary.
Guided Practice (We do): Read the story to the class. As we read we will
discuss the map of South Florida and photos shown in the book. We will
discuss how the author uses the target vocabulary to help us understand
the topic of the story. We will discuss whey the author chose to write
about a field trip to the Everglades
Independent Practice (You do; may include Homework): After they have
read the text with a partner they will decide what the authors point of
view is. Each group will present their idea of what the authors point of
view is to the class. Once everyone has presented their idea of the
authors point of view the class will decide what they believe is the
authors point of view.
Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and Strategies to
Address Them
Discuss the authors point of Before reading the text we will look
view and why the author over the vocabulary and the students
chose to write the story.
will be able to ask questions about
vocabulary they do not understand.
Students will present their
ideas of what the authors Students will be grouped hi/low for
point of view is to the class. reading with a partner so they can help
Students must give evidence each other. A Spanish version of the
for what they are presenting story will be available for the Hispanic
as evidence as the authors student so they can understand the
point of view.
story. Instructions for looking for the
authors point of view will be given to
Discuss any differences in the student so he/she knows what to
authors point of view.
look for. Students who have trouble
Workbook pages 72-81 will be given as homework or can be done in class After discussion students will with reading will work with the
if enough time.
decide what is the authors instructor in a small group setting while
point of view.
those who can work together in the
hi/low eading group will work together.
Home work will be assigned
and graded and discussed
the next morning.
Review what the authors point of view is. Have students make a list of what they learned from the text. Have students write ways they can help
conserve or protect wildlife in their area.
Reflection on Lesson Plan and Delivery (to be completed after lesson is taught):
The lesson was effective. Students were able to find and discuss the authors point of view. Students understood the key vocabulary. Due to timing
the students must do workbook pages at home to be gone over the next day.