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The Rights and Duties of Those Who Enter The Lands of Non-Muslims in A Covenant and Security

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The Rights and Duties of Those Who

Enter the Lands of Non-Muslims

In a Covenant and Security

Abdulmonem Mustafa Halimah

Abu Baseer Altartousi

In the Name of Allah,

Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Chapter One
First Introduction
Second Introduction
Third introduction
Fourth Introduction
Chapter Two
What Makes the Property and Blood of an
Unbeliever Fighter Protected
A) The Protection of Faith
B) The Protection of a Covenant and/or Peace
Chapter Three
The Characteristics of a Covenant that Fulfils
Chapter Four
Clarifying the Ruling and the Deduced
Chapter Five
What Nullifies a Covenant and a Security
A-) What nullifies the covenant and security of
a Muslim in the lands of Non-Muslims
B) What nullifies the covenant and security of
an unbeliever while he is in the lands of
Chapter Six
The Sacredness of the Blood and Possessions of
a Non-Muslim Tourist in the Lands of Muslims
1-The extent by which the security is granted to
an Unbeliever entering the lands of Muslims
2- Who is entitled to establish a security
covenant from the Muslim Community,
3- The Ruling of Treating a Non-Muslim Tourist
in the Lands of Muslims
Chapter Seven
Discussing the Proofs and Misconception
which those Opposing us Have
Glossary of Arabic Terms


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise is for Allah. We praise Him, seek His assistance and
ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils
within our souls and those of our deeds. Whomever Allah
guides, there is none who can misguide him; and whomever
Allah misguides there is none who can guide him.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah Alone; and I bear
witness that Mohammad is His servant and Messenger, peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him.
Oh, Allah, Lord of [Jibreel] Gabriel, Michael, and Israfeel,
Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Knowledgeable of the
Unseen. You will judge between your slaves on the Day of
Judgement regarding the things about which they differed,
guide us to the Right, verily You guide whomsoever You want
to the straight way.
First, a great number of Muslims -both those living in the West
as citizens and others- who enter the lands of non-Muslims in
a covenant, do not really know what rights Sharia Law gives
them and what responsibilities it assigns to them. Therefore,
we see some of them behaving in a false way -which is not
condoned or accepted by Islam- which may badly affect their
fellow Muslims living in the West, as well as the reputation of
this great religion, whether they know it or not!
And what makes this matter worse is that those wrongdoers
ignorance about the teachings, rulings and purposes and
intentions of Islam makes them commit such acts in the name
of Islam and under the impression of holding fast to Islam,
while Islam has nothing to do with such irresponsible acts!
Therefore, I have found myself bound to write this book in a
brief and concise manner to make it easier for those willing to
translate it into other languages, so that many people would be
able to benefit from it. It is important to point out that this text
has been taken from the original Arabic version of my book
AlIstehlal written on 04/05/1420 H / 15/08/1999.

It is worth mentioning that Arabic has different gender endings

for male and female in singular, dual and plural cases.
However, any Sharia message mentioned in the Sunnah of the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the
Holly Quran is meant to be addressing both men and women
unless where it specified that the meassage is meant to address
men only or vice versa.
I would like to thank the translators without whose highly
appreciated efforts this English version of my Arabic book
AlIstehlal would not have been made available for English
Language speakers and I ask Allah the Almighty to reward
them for their good deed.

I ask Allah to accept this book, guide me, make this book a
facilitator of Right and an obstacle in the face of Falsehood,
and to make it a reason for guiding those who are ignorant
about this topic, amen.
I only desire (your) betterment to the best of my
power; and my success (in my task) can only come
from Allah. In Him I trust, and unto Him I turn.
[S.11, A., 88].2

And may peace and blessings of Allah be on Muhammad, the

unlettered Messenger, his family, and his Companions.
Trasnslated as of Friday, 3rd April 2009.
Sheikh Abu Baseer Altartousi

It is unfeasible for the translation to fully capture the Arabic text.
Therefore, if the reader is concerned about anything in my book and
wishes to contact me, they must do so with reference to the original
Arabic version.
It is impotant to point out that the translators of this book have adopted
Abdullah Yousef Alis Transaltion of the Meaning of the Quran as their
main refernce.

As a preface to this book, we should mention some important
introductions -which many people are oblivious of- that may
help the reader understand the purpose and objective of this
The necessity of holding fast to the good morals that Islam
Be aware that Islam came to ordain the greatest and best of
morals, and to annihilate all bad morals. This was covered in a
wide range of Sharia texts, which urge this and make it clear.
Allah the Almighty, for example, says describing His Prophet
Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):
And surely you have sublime morals. [S.68, A., 4].
In the Hadeeth, Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
The Messenger of Allah (p.b.b.u.h) was the best among
people in his good morals. [Bukhari & Muslim]
Annawwas bin Saman (may Allah be pleased with him)
said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (p.b.b.u.h) about
Virtue and Vice. The Messenger of Allah (p.b.b.u.h)
answered: Virtue is good morals; and; Vice is what rankles
in your heart and you hate that people would come to know
of. [Muslim]
Abdullah bin Amr bin AlAas (may Allah be pleased with both
of them) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) was never obscene in his speech or
action. The Prohpet (p.b.b.u.h) used to say "The best among
you are those with good morals." [Bukhari & Muslim]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: There is nothing heavier than good morals put on the
scale of a believer on the Day of Judgment and Allah detests
the one who is obscene and foul in his speech or action.
[Tirmidhi, Hasan & Sahih]

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that

the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was
asked about the things that would get people to enter Paradise
the most. He answered, Allah fearing and good morals; and;
he was asked about the things that would get people to enter
Hell-fire the most. He answered, The mouth and the
genitals. [Tirmidhi, Hasan & Sahih]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: The ones whose faith is whole and complete among the
believers are those who have the best morals. [Tirmidhi, Hasan &

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: By his or her good morals, a believer will attain the
status of one who fasts during the day and prays during the
night. [Sahih Sunan Abi Dawood No.4013]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: I guarantee a house in the upper part of Paradise for
whoever betters his or her morals. [Sahih Sunan Abi Dawood]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: Among the dearest and closest to me on the Day of
Judgment are those who have the best of morals and the most
detested and furthest from me on the Day of Judgment are
althartharun the chatterers, almutashaddiqun (to announce
something in a boastful, bragging, loud-mouthed manner), and
almutafaihiqun They said: O Messenger of Allah
(p.b.b.u.h), we now know who althartharun the chatterers
and almutashaddiqun the boasters are, but we dont know
who are almutafaihiqun? He then said: they are those who
talk in a verbose manner because of their arrogance. [Tirmidhi,
Hadeeth Hasan ]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: I have been sent to complete the good morals. In
another narration, he said: Allah has sent me with the best of
good morals and the best of good actions. [Jami Al-Usool 4/4]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: The best among you in Islam are those with the best

morals provided that they understand religious knowledge.

[Sahih Al-Adab al-Mufrad, 223]

Usama bin Shareek reported that while he was sitting at the

Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) many
people of Arab tribes from different places came to see to him
and asked him, O Messenger of Allah, what is the best thing
given to man? He answered: Good morals. [Sahih Al-Adab alMufradi, 223]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: A believer is not a slanderer, a curser, obscene or foul in
his speech or action. [Sahih Al-Adab al-Mufrad, 237]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: Excessive cursers will be neither wintnesses nor
intercessors on the Day of Judgment. [Sahih Al-Adab al-Mufrad, 240]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: The dearest of Allahs slaves to Allah are those with the
best morals. [As-Silsila Sahiha, 432]
It was reported that Abdallah bin Masoud said: Obscenity is
the meanest of a believers morals.
It was also reported that Abdullah bin Amr said: If you
possess the following four characteristics, you shouldnt worry
about what might be kept away from you in this world as this
wouldnt harm you: having a sound physique, making a
lawful gain, delivering a true speech, and upholding a
deposition in trust [Sahih Al-Adab al-Mufrad, 221]
Abdullah bin al-Mubarak explained good morals as having a
happy cheerful face, doing what is good and right and
removing harm.
Indeed to mention all the Sharia texts in Islam which highlight
the importance of having good morals and encourage
Muslims to develop them is beyond the scope of this book.
The purpose of mentioning this number of verses from the
Holy Quran and Hadeeths from the Noble Sunnah of the
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) is to remind ourselves and others of the significance of
having good morals in Islam, and that those with the good

morals of this religion would be praised in the Heavens and

the Earth.
We also want to highlight the urgent need -especially in this
age where peoples and nations are having an ethical crisis, if
not an absence of ethics altogether- for us Muslims to honestly
live up to the level of the high morality of our great religion
so that others may see the true image of Islam which Allah
wants. It is the image that attracts and invites people to Islam
and not that which drives them away from it. Therefore, those
who have taken it upon themselves to invite people to believe
in Allah the Almighty and those in the leadership of Islamic
groups should all be on a high level of good morality and
It is unfortunate that only few people in the West read about
Islam impartially and from authentic sources. Therefore the
knowledge of the rest of them about Islam is actually based on
what they see Muslims living with them act and behave like. If
they see you -as a Muslim- act in a good manner, they would
draw a positive image about you and your religion and this
might be a reason for some of them to embrace Allahs
religion. But if you act otherwise, they would draw a negative
image about you and your religion, and you would be a reason
for preventing and driving them away from embracing Islam,
whehter you know it or not!
The necessity of fulfilling covenants and contracts, and
showing that betraying is (haram) strictly prohibited.
The essence of fulfilling covenants and contracts and the
meaning of non-betrayal have been confused and distorted in
the minds of many people. This is because these concepts have
been restricted to an inadequate implementation, which in
turn, have driven those people to underestimate the sanctity of
covenants, contracts, and sworn solemn oaths. This makes
them as well see it as halal (i.e. lawful) to betray - for trivial
reasons- the covenants they make. Unfortunately a mans word
is becoming no longer binding for men. You would see, for
instance, someone who appears to be a practising Muslim,
agreeing with you on a covenant in the morning only to violate
it after a few hours in the evening!

As a result, peoples consciences have become poor; trust,

loyalty and integrity among people have been lost; and the
number of honest and trustworthy people has tremendously
decreased. By contrast, lying, betrayal and disloyalty what
ugly characteristics they are- have become widespread and
common to the extent that they are considered -by many- as
signs of cleverness, shrewdness, and worst of all: manhood!
Unfortunately these false conceptions have led a group of
people to violate and extort other peoples rights, money, and
other sacred things. This happens not only between a Muslim
and a Non-Muslim but also between a Muslim and another
Therefore, it is necessary to make it clear and remind Muslims
of the paramount importance of fulfilling covenants and
contracts in Islam. It is also of a paramount significance to
mention that betrayal is not a characteristic of believers but
rather of hypocrites. It is considered one of the deadly sins and
any one who commits it deserves Allahs warning and torture.
Allah the Almighty says:
O you who believe! Fulfil (all) obligations.
[S.5, A.,14]

Ibn Katheer mentions in his Tafseer V.2, P.4, in explanation of

Allahs saying fulfil (all) obligations that Ibn Abbas,
Mujahid, and many others said that obligations means
covenants or pacts. In addition, Ibn Jareer conveyed the
Islamic scholars consensus on that when he said,
obligations means what they used to agree upon in alliance
and else. Ali bin Abi Talha reported that Ibn Abbas said that
obligations means covenants and also means what Allah has
ordained as halal or haram in the entirety of the Quran. All
these must neither be betrayed nor be violated.
Allah subhanahu wa taala (SW) says:
Fulfil the Covenant of Allah when you have
entered into it, and break not your oaths after
you have confirmed them; indeed you have
made Allah your surety; for Allah knows all
that you do. [S.16, A., 91]

Al-Qurtubi said in his Tafseer V.10, P.169: Allahs saying

fulfil the Covenant of Allah is a general statement which
includes all that can be covenanted orally and be binding such
as acts of merchandising, contracts, and any other agreements
made in accordance with the teachings of Islam.
Allah (SW) says:
Nor sell the Covenant of Allah for a
miserable price; for with Allah is (a prize) far
better for you, if you only knew. [S.16, A.,

Al-Qurtubi said in his Tafseer, 10/173 of Allahs saying: Nor

sell the Covenant of Allah for a miserable price that Allah is
prohibiting taking bribery and taking money for violating
covenants. This means Do not violate your covenants for a
worldly little gain.
Allah (SW) also says,
And fulfil (every) engagement, for every
engagement will be enquired into (on the Day
of Judgement. [S.17, A.,34]
Ibn Katheer said in his Tafseer: Allahs saying Fulfil every
engagement is what you agree on with one another and the
contracts you use with one another because everyone who is
involved in covenants and contracts will be enquired into
whether they have fulfilled them or not.
Al-Qurtubi said in his Tafseer, It is said that the covenant will
be questioned in order to reprimand its violator. So, he/she
will be told You violated me! in the same manner as the
female infant buried alive questions the ones who buried her
Betraying and violating a covenant are characteristics of
hypocrites and non-believers.
Allah (SW) says,
Those who break Allah's Covenant after it is
ratified, and sunder what Allah has ordered to

be joined, and do mischief on earth, these cause

loss (only) to themselves. [S.2, A. 27]
Ibn Katheer said in Tafseer, these mentioned above are the
characteristics of the non-believers, Kuffar which are
different from those of the believers.
And in another narration by Musab bin Saad bin Abi Waqqas,
he said, I asked my father about what was meant in this holy
verse, and he answered, These are the Khawarij!
Allah (SW) also says:
Is it not (the case) that every time they make a
Covenant, some party among them throw it
aside? Nay! Most of them are faithless. [S.2, A.

Al-Qurtubi said in Tafseer: Ataa said, These are the

covenants that were agreed upon between Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) be upon him] and
the Jews, who violated them, like those of Quraidha and
Allah (SW) also says:
For the worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are
those who reject Him: they will not believe.
They are those with whom you did make a
convenant, but they break their covenant every
time, and they have not the fear (of Allah). [S.8,
A.., 55-56]

Ibn Katheer said in Tafseer: Allah says that the worst among
those who are living on this earth are the non-believers who
always violate their covenants and break their sworn oaths!
Allah (SW) says:
And those who break the Covenant of Allah,
after having plighted their word thereto, and cut
asunder those things which Allah has
commanded to be joined, and work mischief in
the land; - on them is the Curse; for them is the
terrible Home! [S.13, A. 25]

Al Qurtubi says in Tafseer, Saad bin Abi Waqqas said, I

swear by Allah the One and Only God, the ones meant in this
verse are the Khawarij. He means the Khawarij who were
known as violaters and breakers of their covenants and oaths
and by what they would cause of corruption in the Earth.
Ibn Katheer said in Tafseer: This is the state of the miserable
and the wretched and what Allah has in store for them in the
Hereafter, on contrary to what the Believers will be having in
the Hereafter. This has also been confirmed in the following
Hadeeth: The signs of being a hypocrite are three: when he
talks, he lies; when he promises, he does not fulfill his promis;
and when he is entrusted with something, he betrays it. In
another narration, the Hadeeth reads like, when he enters into
a covenant, he violates it, and when he is quarrels with
someone, he goes to the extreme end of malice. That is why
Allah (SW) says: on them is the Curse which means
exclusion from Allahs mercy, and for them is the terrible
Home which is the evil end and demise.
Abul Aliah said in explaining Allahs saying: And those who
break the Covenant of Allah, :they are six traits in the
hypocrites which they would barefacedly show when they
gain the upper hand over Muslims; and these are: when they
talk, they lie; when they promise, they do not fulfill their
promise; when they are entrusted, they break and violate the
covenant of Allah after agreeing to it; they sever what Allah
ordered to be joined; they corrupt in the land. Whereas, when
the Muslims gain the upper hand over them, they the
hypocrites will only show the three traits of: lying, breaking
their promises, and betraying their covenants.
It was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) said: "He who has got the following four
Characteristics is a true hypocrite, and he who has got only
one of them he has got only one characteristic of hypocrisy
until he gives it up: If he is entrusted, he betrays the trust. If
he speaks, he lies. If he makes a covenant, he proves
treacherous. If he quarrels, he behaves in a very imprudent,
evil, and insulting manner." [Sahih Bukhari]


Anyone who has these characteristics and is known by them is

in danger of ending up in greater hypocrisy which would
oust him/her beyond the pale of Islam, God fordbid!
Al-Khattabi said: This implied a warning in the hadeeth that
a Muslim should not get used to any of these abhorrent
characteristics lest he/she may end up being a true hypocrite.
Since breaking vows and violating covenants is a
distinguishing quality of hypocrites and unbeleivers, by
contrast believers are known by fulfilling their covenants
when they make any, as Allah (SW) describes them in the
following Verse:
It is not righteousness that you turn your faces
towards East or West; but it is righteousness- to
believe in Allah and the Last Day, and the
Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to
spend of your substance, out of love for Him,
for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the
wayfarer, and for those who ask, and for the
ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and
to give Zakat, to fulfil the contracts which you
have made; and to be firm and patient in pain
(or suffering) and adversity, and thoughout all
periods of panic. Such are the people of truth,
the God-fearing. [S.2, A. 177]
I say, those who possess these characteristics including those
who fulfil the contracts which they have made are indeed
sincere in their faith and they are God-fearing.
Al-Qurtubi said in Tafseer: those who fulfil the contracts
which they have made denotes what is between them and
Allah and also what is between them and other people.
Allah (SW) also says:
Those who fulfill the Covenant of Allah and
fail not in their plighted word. [S.13, A.20]
Al-Qurtubi said in Tafseer: This is one of the characteristics
of men and women of understanding. This means that only
people of understanding who fulfill the covenant of Allah will
pay heed.

Ibn Katheer said in Tafseer: They are not like the hypocrites
when any one of them enters into a covenant, they betray it, if
they quarrel they act immorally, if they talk they lie and if they
are entrusted with something they betray the trust.
Allah says:
And those who respect their trusts and
covenants. [S.70, A.32]
Ibn Katheer said in Tafseer: that is, when they are entrusted,
they do not betray; and when they make covenants, they do
not violate them. Surely, these are the characteristics of
Believers the opposite of which are those of the Believers.
The emphasis of Sunnah on the necessity of fulfilling
covenants and the unlawfulness of breaking them
Under the category of Conditions in Islam, Al-Bukhari
reported in his Sahih that, When the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) made
a treaty with Suhail bin Amr; the latter stipulated "If anyone
from us (i.e. infidels) ever comes to you, though he has
embraced your religion, you should return him to us, and
should not interfere between us and him." The believers
disliked this condition, got disgusted with it, and argued about
it. As Suhail refused to conclude the truce with Allah's
Messenger (p.b.b.u.h) without that condition, Allah's
Messenger (p.b.b.u.h) accepted and concluded it. Accordingly,
Allah's Messenger then returned Abu Jandal bin Suhail to his
father, Suhail bin 'Amr, and returned every man coming to him
from them during that period even if he was a Muslim. The
Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) only did that because he was committed
and loyal to the treaty he signed with the unbelievers, and
because he did not want people to say that betrayal is an
aspect of Muhammads religion (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him)
In another narration in the Sahih it was reported that Suhail
said: "We also stipulate that you should return to us whoever
comes to you from us, even if he embraced your religion." The
Muslims then said: Praise and Glory be to Allah! How will
such a person be returned to the pagans after he has become a
Muslim? While they were in this state Abu- Jandal bin Suhail

bin 'Amr came from the valley of Makkah staggering with his
fetters and fell down amongst the Muslims. Suhail then said,
"O Muhammad! This is the very first term with which we
make peace with you, i.e. you shall return Abu Jandal to me."
Abu Jandal said, "O Muslims! Will I be returned to pagans
though I have come as a Muslim? Don't you see how much
suffering they have been inflicted upon me?" Abu Jandal had
been tortured severely in the Cause of Allah.
Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fatih, Volume 5, and Page. 407 that Ibn
Isaac added that The Prophet of Allah (p.b.b.u.h) said to Abu
Jandal: Oh Abu Jandal! Be patient. We do not violate our
covenants. Indeed Allah is going to grant you a way out of this
I say: think about how the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) preferred returning Abu Jandal-with what
they may inflict on him of torture- to the infidels rather than
breaching the treaty he had concluded with them. This can
only highlight the paramount importance that Islam has given
to the state of loyalty to covenants, and the extreme
unlawfulness of breaking them, even though this may lead to
some infliction upon some of the Muslims.
Similarly it was reported in Sahih that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered Aba Baseer to go
back to Quraish, and be handed over to the two infidels who
had come to return him. All of this was done by the Prophet
(p.b.b.u.h) as an act of being loyal to the covenant and treaty
he had signed with the infidles of Quraish in Hudaibyah.
Ibn Hajar said in Fatih, V.5, and P.411: In Ibn Isaacs
narration, the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) said: Oh Aba Baseer, you
already know about the peace treaty we have signed with these
people. And indeed, we do not break our covenants. Therefore,
go back to them. Abu Baseer then said: Are you asking me
to go back to the infidels so that they torture me and put me to
trial in order that I abandon my religion? The Prophet
(p.b.b.u.h) then said: Be patient. Indeed Allah is going to get
you out of this difficult situation.
Glory be to Allah! To such extent the sacredness of covenants
is observed in our religion! No wonder, dear Muslim reader,

since it is the morality of Prophethood which cannot be

matched. May peace and blessings Allah be upon our Prophet
and our examplar Muhammad, his family and his companions.
Thus, reflect on this, you who consider it appropriate to break
sworn oaths and covenants for a small amount of money
obtained unlawfully haram!?
Imam Muslim narrated in his Sahih that Huzaifa bin al-Yaman
said: What prevented me from participating in Badr Battle
was that the unbelievers of Quraish took us as Abi Husail-my
father- and I were heading towards Madinah. They asked us:
are you going to join Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him)? We answered: No, we dont want to join
forces with Muhammad (p.b.b.u.h) and fight for him. When
we came to the Messenger of Allah (p.b.b.u.h) and told him
the news, he said: stay away from us. We will keep your
promise and seek Allahs assistance against them.
Reflect on what had prevented Huzaifa (may Allah be pleased
with him) from taking part in Badr, the most honourable and
greatest battle that Muslims would ever fight until the
doomsday. It was the orders of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.b.u.h)
to them not to participate in the battle because he wanted them
[Huzaifa and his father] to fulfill the obligations of the
covenants they made with the infidels. Also, he, the Prophet
(p.b.b.b.u.h) did not want anything to smear the reputation of
the Islam, by giving the infidels a reason to say that
Muhammads companions do not fulfill their covenants!
Imam Nawawi in his Sharh [of Saheeh Muslim] volume: 12,
page: 144 said: what can be understood from this incident is
the importance of fulfilling ones covenants. On another level,
Islamic scholars took different points of view regarding the
case of a Muslim prisoner of war promising the infidels not to
escape. Imam Shafii, Imam Abu Hanifa, and Kufa
jurisprudence school all said that this promise is not binding,
and he should escape once he is able to. Imam Malek, on the
other hand, said that this promise is binding.
I do not wish to take sides in this matter, but I just wanted to
emphasise the value and sacredness of covenants in Islam so
much that if a Muslim prisoner enters into a covenant with the

infidels not to escape from them, he should respect his

covenant with them. This complies with Imam Maleks view.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"He who acts perfidiously in this world will have a bnner on
the Day of Judgment on which his treason will be written
[Bukhari and Muslim].

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: Every betrayer will have a banner on the Day of
Judgement by which he will be known. [Bukhari and Muslim].
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: Every betrayer will have a banner fixed behind his
buttocks on the Day of Judgement. [Muslim] And in another
narration in Sahih Muslim, the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: Every betrayer will have a banner
on the Day of Judgement. It will be raised in proportion to the
extent of his betrayal. [Muslim]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: Whoever gives protection to a man and then kills him; I
am free from him even if the murdered is an unbeliever. [AnNasai, Ibn Majah, and Ahmad, Silsila Sahiha, No. 440].

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: Whoever gives protection to a man and then kills him,
he will be given a betrayal banner on the Day of Judgment.
[Silsila Sahiha, No. 440].

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: If anyone kills a Muahid i.e. a person guaranteed
protection without a just cause, Allah will prevent him from
even smelling the fragrance of Paradise. [Sahih Sunan an-Nasai No .

Abdullah bin Omar (may Allah be pleased with both of them)

reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: He who kills a non-Muslim with
whom an agreement or a treaty has been made will not sense
the smell of Paradise, and no doubt, its smell can be sensed
from a distance covered in forty years. (Bukhari)


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: He who kills a muahid i.e. a person guaranteed
protection before his time is due (i.e the time when his
protection covenant expires, or when he is again a fighting
unbeliever), Allah will prevent him from entering Paradise.
[Sahih Sunan an-Nasai, No., 4422]

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: If a man gives another man an assurance of peace and
then kills him, he will be given a betrayal banner on the Day
of Judgment. [AlHakim, Sahih Aljame, No357]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: On the Day of Judgment, I will be protesting against
anyone who oppresses a muahid i.e. a person guaranteed
protection, belittles him, charges him to do things beyond his
ability, or extorts anything from him. [Sahih Sunan Abi Dawu, No. 2626]
What the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
means by who oppresses a muahid the following both
cases: when a Muslim in the land of non-Muslims and he is on
a security covenant with non-Muslims of that land; and; when
he is an unbeliever in the lands of the Muslims under a
security covenant with the Muslims of that land. Therefore, let
those who think of it as lawful -because of misguided
opinions- to breach the covenants with Non-Muslims in either
case, let them be careful unless they want to stand up opposed
by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on
the Day of Judgment.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: Beware, it is not lawful to eat the flesh of the fanged
beast of prey, or that of domestic asses. It is also unlawful to
take anything dropped from the property of a muahid i.e. a
person guaranteed protection, except when he gives it away
willingly. [Sahih Sunan Abi Dawu, No. 3229]
I say: if it is unlawful to take an object dropped from the
property of a muahid, how about his protected money? How
about his blood and the rest of his sacred things? Of course, it
is more unlawful to transgress over!


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

Return what you have been entrusted with to the one who
entrusted you; and; do not betray who betrays you. [Abu Dawud
and others, As-Silsila a-Sahih, No.423].

This hadeeth shows that a bad deed is not to be met by another

bad deed, but rather by a good deed. Allah (SW) says:
Repel evil with that which is best. [S.23, A.96].
Allah (SW) also says:
Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel
(Evil) with what is better: then will he between
whom and you was hatred become as it were
your friend and intimate! [S.41, A.34]
Since it is unlawful to repay the treason of someone by
another treason or a betrayal by another betrayal, it is also
unlawful to repay breaching a covenant by another breaching,
repaying robbery by another robbery, committing adultery
with the woman-relatives of the adulterer, or murdering the
children of the murderer. Repaying a sin by another sin in such
cases, under the claim of applying the rule of an eye for an
eye, is something that only an ignorant person who has a
feeble sense of religion would do. This is against many of the
Sharia texts which dictate that a person cannot be blamed for
the wrongdoing of another. Allah (SW) says:
Every soul draws the meed of its acts on none
but itself: no bearer of burdens can bear the
burden of another [S.6, A.164]
Hence the an eye for an eye rule can not be implemented all
the time, as some would think; it has some special cases to be
applied in, and only according to what the Sharia Law has
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
There is no faith or religion in the heart of he who is not loyal
to his security or his covenants. [Ahmad]. Actually, this is
one of the severest warnings about the consequences of
breaching the security and covenants in general. That is
because faith and religion would not disappear completely
from the heart of someone except for a grave wrongdoing, or a
deadly sin.

I say: if someone is never loyal to his entrustment and/or

covenants, this one is neither a believer nor a Muslim. The
forementioned is to be understood as it is, which means that
the complete absence of loyalty to covenants leads to the
absence of faith and religion i.e. Kufr disbelief, God forbid.
But in the case of someone who is sometimes not loyal to his
covenants, then the amount and quality of faith and religion
which disappears from him are relevant to the amount of
covenants he is not loyal to, and Allah knows best.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
I do not break a covenant. [Sahih Sunan Abi Dawu, No. 2396]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: He who has entered into a covenant with some people,
he cannot change it until it expires, or when he revokes the
whole covenant to them. [Sahih Sunan Abi Dawu, No. 4423]
To mention all the hadeeths in support of this topic is beyond
the scope of this book. Furthermore, it suffices the one who is
seeking Haqq [the Right] to know only one of the previouslymentioned hadeeths to abide by Haqq and hold fast to it. As a
matter of fact, this is simply what we hope this book will help
accomplish. However, for those who follow their own desires,
who have ignoble morality, and whose religion and honesty
have weakened, if we brought them all the Sharia proofs in the
Quran and Sunnah and the sayings of the Ummahs scholars,
they would not make use of them, nor will they listen to them
to begin with. These people follow only what their desires and
what their base and corrupt moralities dictate them to do.
Now, in brief: breaching the covenants and oaths is haram
unlawful, and its unlawfulness is highly emphasised in Islam
because it is one of the characteristics of unbelievers and the
hypocrites who will be in the lowest depths of Hell-Fire.
Therefore, my advice to every Muslim is to observe where he
or she stands in regards to the morality and greatness of
Allahs religion.
I also advise them to adhere to the ethics and morals of
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) and those who followed him from his Companions and
righteous earlier scholars because we were ordered to follow
their steps and learn from their morals rather than those who
came later who are liable to be subjected to trials and whose
indifference and base morals have crippled them to be up to
the high morality and dignity of this religion. Let us bear in
mind that we are living in a time that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) referred to as, People would
be doing their daily affairs but hardly will there be a
trustworthy person. It will be said, 'in such-and-such
community there is an honest man. And later, it will also be
said about some man, 'What a wise, polite, and strong man he
is although he will not have faith equal even to a mustard seed
in his heart." [Bukhari and Muslim]
We ask Allah the Almighty to keep us steadfast to His religion,
to forgive us, and to sustain our good health.
Demonstrating the high morals of this religion regarding
the non-Muslims does not contradict with the creed tenet
of Walaa and Baraa in Islam.
Unfortunately, some ignorant and amoral people would
suppose that it goes in line with the creed of Walaa and
Baraa to deal with unbelievers-even those in whose covenant
they themselves have entered- in a repulsive manner that is
characterised by harming them, cursing them, extorting from
them, cheating them, and lying to them; and the list goes on
with such abominable acts. According to these peoples bizarre
understanding, treating those unbelievers with morals other
than these listed means only one thing which is completely
giving Walaa to these unbelievers!
I say: this is a grave mistake that was not done by anyone of
those whose religious commitment is far from being
questioned! Dealing with unbelievers according to the
teachings and high morals of this religion is one thing, and
taking them as allies and helping them fight the Islam and
Muslims is another. And one of them does not necessarily lead
to the other; and here is a deeper analysis of this very thing in

Allah (SW) ordered that in case one of the unbelieversr asks

for protection and security so that he hears the Quran recited
and gets the message of Tawheed the creed of monotheism
in Islam:
If one amongst the Pagans asks you for
asylum, grant it to him so that he may hear the
Word of Allah; and then escort him to where he
can be secure , that is because they are men
without knowledge.t [S.9, A.6]
I say, none of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with all
of them) thought that there was a contradiction between
Allahs order and the creed of Baraa and enmity with the
unbelievers. They had in mind that the concept of Jeewar, ie.
Protection dictates kindness, care, and protection to be
extended to the one asking for asylum until he gets back to
the place where he came from safe and sound.
Another example would be when Allah (SW) orders that
goodness and kindness be done towards non-believing parents
and being in good terms with them when He says:
We have enjoined on man kindness to parents:
but if they (either of them) strive to (force) you
to join with Me (in worship) anything of which
you have no knowledge, obey them not. [S.29,

Allah (SW) also says:

But if they strive to make you join in worship
with Me things of which you have no
knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them
company in this life with justice (and
consideration). [S.31, A.15]
I say: the Companions and their followers did not understand
from this divine instruction that they should get into taking
unbelieving parents as intimate friends! No! For sure,
behaving kindly to ones non-believing parents and being on
good relations with them is one thing, and obeying them in
their kufr, ie.disbelief and shirk, i.e associating a partner
with Allah is another.

Asmaa bint Abi Bakr (may Allah be pleased with her) said:
My mother came to see me while she was still an unbeliever.
I then inquired with the Propet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) saying: My mother has come to see me
expecting something from me. May I oblige her? He then
replied: Yes, be kind to your mother. [Abu Dawood, Sahih
AlTargheeb, No. 2500]

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) used to be good, kind and give money to those who were
still on the edge between Islam and Kufr, i.e unbelief) to win
them to Islam and to make faith get planted in their hearts by
this kind gesture. Some of them stated later on: The
Messenger of Allah (p.b.b.u.h) gave me money and herd while
I still hated him the most. So, he kept giving me until he
became the most beloved to my heart. [see Zaad AlMiaa, 3/484)]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was
not doing this as a Muwalat or love for the unbelievers, God
forbid. It was only that he wished guidance for those people
and was trying hard in his efforts for them to enter Islam.
Once again, loving an unbeliever for his personality and his
religion is one thing, and wanting him to be guided and
making an effort to invite to Islam using legitimate Sharia
means is another!
Moreover, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) was not an ally of the unbelievers when he
used to keep safe their deposited goods in his charge in the
same time when they used to fight him! This led them to
nickname him as the Honest and Trustworthy, even though
they were his enemies!
When al-Akhnas asked Aba Jahl -the first and biggest enemy
of Islam- about the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him), he answered: Woe to you! By Allah, Muhammad
has always been honest and true, and he has never told a lie;
and I do know he is a Prophet, but since when have we
become followers of Abd Manaf family?!
This is the testimony of the bitterest enemy of Islam about the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) his
morality, uprightness, and honesty. Regardless of his professed

enmity to Islam and the Prophet of Islam (p.b.b.u.h), he could

not describe the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) with anything shameful or
reprehensible because Abu Jahl would have been known in
Arabia as a liar!
When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
said, He who kills a muahid i.e. a person guaranteed
protection before his time is due (i.e the time when his
protection covenant expires, or when he is again a fighting
unbeliever), Allah will prevent him from entering Paradise,
he was not defending the unbelievers or the infidles
unreasonably, nor was he in favour of them personally or their
Kufr unbelief, God forbid! All he was doing was just to show
the high morality of Islam, and he also wanted to plant in the
minds of his Companions and followers the sacredness of
being loyal to covenants even with their own infidle enemies!
Additionally, when the Messenger peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) ordered Aba Jandal -among others who
came to him as Muslim converts from Quraish during
Hudaibyah truce- to return to the unbelievers of Quraish,
although Abu Jandal was sure to face torture and trial in his
religion, the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) did not do that as a help to the
infidels of Quraish, God forbid! He did that because he wanted
to make it very clear that betraying the treaty he had with them
was haram unlawful and that we -Muslims- do not breach
our covenants.
Furtehrmore, when the Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: Invite people to Islam, giving them
glad tidings rather than repelling them [Sahih Muslim], he meant
to teach us the principles of good communication and moral
dialogue which should be high above swearing, hypocrisy, and
affectation, and which should be up to the greatness of this
religion and which should attract people to and not repel them
from Islam.
As a matter of fact, whoever thinks about some of the Asian
and African countries, like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Zanzibar,
among many others, and how their peoples embraced Islam in
crowds, he will find out that the reason -after Allahs
guidance- was due to the Yemeni and Omani Muslim
merchants who were in these lands and due to their high

morals which motivated millions of the natives to embrace

Imagine if those Muslim merchants had been thieves and
highwaymen who robbed people and shed their blood under
the pretext that they were infidels whose blood and money
were lawful to take, would anyone have entered Islam? Of
course not!
At present time, if you examine the reason behind the entering
of many Europeans in Islam -exceeding millions, thanks to
Allah-, you will find out that it has been due to a good
experience one of them, the Europeans must have had with
one of the Muslims. This kind of good experiences must have
encouraged them to read and know about Islam until Allah
guided them and made them comprehend His religion and
embrace it.
Allah (SW) says:
And had you been severe or harshhearted, they
would have broken away from about you [S.3,

This was said referring to the Companions of the Prophet

Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Therefore, it could also be the case with others and those who
call people to Islam! For Islam to prevail, those who are
calling to it and those believing in it should all be up to the
high level of the morals of Islam, and should also have good
morals as was our exemplar, master, and Messenger
Muhammad (p.b.b.u.h). Allah (SW) says describing him:
And surely, you have sublime morals. [S.68, A.4]
When Abraham (peace be upon him) -who also serves as a
great example for us- was kind in calling his father to believe
in Allah, he was not an ally or a supporter of infidles, God
forbid! Read the following verses from the Holy Quran and
think about what has been said so far in this respect, Allah
(Also) mention in the Book (the story of)
Abraham: he was a man of Truth, a Prophet.
Behold, he said to his father: O my father!
Why worship that which hears not and sees not,

and can profit you nothing? O my father! To

me has come knowledge which has not reached
you: So follow me: I will guide you to a Way
that is even and straight. O my father! Serve
not Satan: for Satan is a rebel against (Allah)
Most Gracious. O my father! I fear lest a
Chastisement afflict you from (Allah) Most
Gracious, so that you become to Satan a
friend. [S.19, A.41-45]
We also have an example in the Messengers (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) kindness and leniency in
calling his uncle, Abi Taleb, to believe in God; but Abu Taleb
preferred to die as an unbeliever!
Ther are so many examples in support of this very topic that
we can mention only a few:
Wen the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
ordered his Ummah-the Muslim Community- to give charity
to the people of other religions -even if they are pagans or
polytheists-; he said, Give charity to the people of other
religions [ Silsila Saheeha, 2766}, was not a helper or supporter
to unbelievers against Muslims, God forbid!
It is known in Islamic history how Umar bin al-Khattab (may
Allah be pleased with him) was just with that Christian Copt
and judged in his favour against the son of Egypts Muslim
leader, Amr bin al Aas.He asked the Coptic man to take his
avenge from the Muslim man and strike him back. Umar was
not an ally of the unbelievers against Muslims; he was just
reinforcing the principle of justice and fairness even with an
opposing unbeliever, something that he had learnt from his
leader, teacher, and exemplar, Muhammad peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him.
History also has it that Abu Ubieda bin Al-Jarrah (may Allah
be pleased with him) made a peace treaty with the Christians
of Damascus to yield the city to him without fight. While so,
another Muslim commander, Khaled bin Al-Waleed (may
Allah be pleased with him), not having an idea about the
treaty, invaded Damascus from its eastern side. Consequently,
Abu Ubieda ordered Khaleds troops to pull out of the city and

return it to Damascus people because he had made a peace

treaty with them. What Abu Ubeida did was just being loyal to
the treaty he signed with Damascus Christian people, even if
this meant to lose a whole city in the weight of Damascus!
Allah (SW) says:
O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah, as
witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others
to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from
justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah for
Allah is well-acquinted with all that you do. [S.5, A.8]
Hence, adhering to the ethics, morals and principles of Islam
is one thing, and being intimate allies with the infidles and
helping them fight Muslims is another. Neither of them by any
means does necessarily lead to the other. It is only those who
have a low sense of morality and religion who confuse these
It was reported that Muhammad bin al-Hanafiah said, He is
not wise whoever does not treat well those whom he has to
deal with. After that, Allah may make him a way out. [Sahih
AlAdab AlMufrad, No. 682].

Acknowledging the favours and kind acts and thanking
who did them is an Islamic Sharia characteristic.
It is saddening to say that one of the bizarre things about those
ignorant people who are ill-mannered and with bad morals is
that some of them find it difficult to acknowledge favours or
be thankful for them, if they were done on the part of a nonbeliever because they think that this goes against the teachings
of our religion, and specifically the doctrine of Walaa and
Unfortunately, this leads them to being ungrateful for those
who do them good turns. It also leads them to repay good
deeds by bad ones, the beneficence with insolence, and the
security and fidelity with treachery. What is worse is that they
would tell you after all of this that this is part of our religion,

and whoever does not do what they themselves do, is fooling

themseleves and is actually supporting the infidles!
Needless to say, this is an outrageous mistake and a despicable
behaviour which characterises only those who are ignoble and
ill- natured. What follows is an answer to all of these
sickening arguments of theirs:
Allah (SW) says:
O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah,
as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the
hatred of others to you make you swerve to
wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is
next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is wellacquainted with all that you do. [S.5, A.8]
Ibn Al-Jawzi said in Zad al-Maseer V.2, P. 306: Stand out
firmly for Allah as witnesses for fair dealing, and do not let
your own hatred of some people make you be unjust. Be just
and fair to close friends as well as to enemies; this will make
you nearer to piety and being God-fearing people.
I say: it also goes in line with justice and fairness -which we
are ordered to observe- to certify that when someone -even if
he was an unbeliever- does a good deed we say he has done
good and well! And when he does something wrong we say he
has done wrong.
It was reported in hadeeth Sahih that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Testify that when
someone does a good deed that he has done good and well;
and when someone does wrong that he has done wrong.
whoever this someone is, whether a Muslim or an infidle.
You have to provide your proof exactly because other than
this, you will be committing the sin of witnessing falsehood
which is a grave sin that Islam has warned against.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
If someone is given something and finds it rewardable, let
him do the rewarding. If not, let him then praise it because
commending is thanking the doer and keeping quiet about it is
being ungrateful.[At-Tirmidhi and others. Sahih at-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb, No.


This means that he who commends -publicly- another who

does favours is actually thanking him and rewarding him;
whereas, he who keeps silent and does not acknowledge the
one who does him favours, he is actually denying the acts and
is being ungrateful.
In the Arabic text of the hadeeth, the word denying came as
Kafara. This goes to show how grave the sin of not thanking
people for what they deserve is.
In another narration, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) said: If He to whom a favour is done can only
find commendation to repay it, he is actually repaying it; but
he who keeps silent about it is actually denying it and being
ungrateful. [Ibn Habban, Sahih at-Targheeb,No. 958]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: He who receives a good turn, should reward it. If he
cannot, he should mention it [among people] because
mentioning is being gratefull for it. [Ahmad, Sahih at-Targheeb, No.962].
This means that the very act of mentioning the good turn to
people is actually paying the dues towards that favour.
In another narration, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) said: If a favour is done to someone, this
someone should mention it to others. If he mentions it, he is
thankful for it; if he does not, he is being ungrateful for it.
[Tabarani, Sahih at-Targheeb, No. 964]

The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) also said: He who is not thankful for small amounts of
good turns will not be grateful for bigger ones; and; he who
does not thank people is actually not thanking Allah. Talking
about Allahs graces is considered as being thankful for them;
but keeping silent about Allahs graces is kufr being
ungrateful [Sahih at-Targheeb, No. 966].

I say: thanking people would be in rewarding them for their favours by

doing them another favour in return or by invoking Allah to sustain them
their welfare, or by praising the one who has done the favour. The Prophet
(p.b.b.u.h) said: if a favour is done to someone, and then says to the doer
of the favour, may Allah reward you well, he has truly thanked him in a
good manner. However, thanking Allah (SW) will be in a manner of
worship. In this case, thanking Allah should take the form of abiding by
what He has ordered the slave in the things he is thanking Him for, and to


The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

said: He who does not thank Allah does not thank people.
[Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud, Sahih at-Targheeb, No. 963].

While speaking about the war prisoners of Badr Battle, The

Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
"Were Al-Mutim bin Adi alive and he interceded with me for
these filthy people, I would definitely release them for his
sake." [Sahih Bukhari], noting that Mutim bin Adi died as an
unbeliever; but because of the good turns he had done for the
Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) while he was retuning from AlTaif by
giving him protection for a few days, the Prophet wanted to
reward him and be grateful to him by releasing the prisoners
of Badr Battle, if he had been alive to ask for them.
When the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) said that, he was not a
collaborator with or liking the infidles, God forbid! He only
wanted to teach his Muslim Ummah the moral of being
grateful, and how good turns should be met by good turns, not
by treachery, rudeness, or ingratitude.
Another example is when the Companion Othman bin Mazoun
(may Allah be pleased with him) wanted to revoke the
jeewar [protection] of Al-Waleed bin al-Mughirah for
himself in Makkah, Al-Waleed said to him: Dear relative!
Has anyone of my family or people done you any wrong?
Othman replied: No; it is just that I am now seeking the
protection of Allah and nobody elses. Al-Waleed said: Then
let us head towards the Mosque, and you make it known
publicly that that you are revoking my protection as I have
been providing that for you publicly. They both went to the
mosque, and al-Waleed said: This is Othman who has come
to revoke my protection of him. Othman then said: He is
right. I have found him loyal and generous while he sheltered
me. But now, I do not wish to seek protection from anyone
other than Allah.4
use them according to Allahs Laws. That is so, because Allahs graces are
a lot and they can be apparent and hidden. Allah is the real Giver of
graces, and He has control over the reasons of livelihood and welfare, and
He directs them the way He wants and to the ones He wants. The grace is
His Grace, the money is His, and the welfare and everything good comes
from Him (SW)
Saheeh As-Seerah An-Nabawyyea by Ibrahim Al-Ali, page, 130.


See how the Companion Othman was just with Al-Waleed

who was an infidle? Not only that, but he also stated it
publicly that Al-Waleed was loyal to him; and this act of
acknowledging the favour on Othmans part was not harmful
to his faith, nor was it against the doctrine of Walaa and
Just imagine what would happen if in our time a Muslim
would come out and say the same thing Companion Othman
said, but about a country that took him in after he had asked
for protection escaping with his family the persecution
because of his religion? For sure, some of those who are not
well-behaved or decorous will discredit him for saying so!
Also, al-Bukhari reported in his Saheeh that Quraish sent
Urwa bin Masoud to negotiate with the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) on al-Hudaibiya. Some of
what Urwa said was: nobody [from your companions] will
aid you, for by Allah, I do not see (with you) dignified people,
but people from various tribes who would run away leaving
you alone." Hearing that, Abu Bakr insulted him and said, "Do
you say we would run and leave the Prophet alone?" Urwa
said, "Who is that man?" They said, "That is Abu Bakr." Urwa
said to Abu Bakr, "By Him in Whose Hands my life is, were it
not for the favour which you did to me and which I did not
return to you, I would retort on to you."
Just think of the reason that held back this man an unbeliever
he was- from retorting on to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased
with him)! It is simply because Abu Bakr had done that man a
favour, and the latter did not forget about it because it was the
reason for which he did not reply to Abu Bakrs insult.
Can this unbelieving man be more adherent to the manner of
acknowledging the favours than many of those who are born
Another example would be what Imam Muslim reported in his
Sahih that: When AlMustawrid al-Qurashi was at Amro bin
Al-As place; he said he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying: The Hour will
come when the Christians are the majority of people on this
earth. Having heard this, Amro said: Watch what you are

saying. AlMustawrid then said: I am saying what I heard

the Prophet saying: Amro bin Al-As then said: I have told
you this to let you know that they have four good
characteristics: They are the most undersatanding people in
times of crisis (fitnah); the quickest in recovering from a
disaster; the quickest in hitting back after a retreat in a battle
and the best to the poor, orphan and weak; and another
characteristic is that they do not humiliate kings they capture.
And from what we see nowadays, these five characteristics are
obvious in many of the present day European countries; this in
turn made it easy for them to obtain the prestigious and
powerful stance they have in the world.
What I want to say is that Amrs fair testimony about the
Romans -who are embodied in our time by the Christian
Europeans- and his positive account of them, cannot be
considered on his part as being with the infidles against
Muslims. No! He was only being fair and just towards them,
which is something that the morals and teachings of our
religion dictate.
Sheikh Mohammad Nasser ed-Deen al-Albani commented on
this on this hadeeth: Siddiq Hasan Khan said: Imam Nawawi
did not explain this hadeeth, nor did he say what was meant by
Romans. What I believe is that it stands for the Christians;
and these five characteristics are indeed present in them, and
they are the rulers of most of the countries in the world. This is
a clear prophetic miracle for our Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) because what he said did
happen exactly, and Allah is the Disposer of the affair of
things. [Albanis Mukhtasr Sahih Muslim].
Another example is the Prophets (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) praise of al-Fudool Alliance5 because it
was based on a true Sharia foundation; he praised it although it
was done by the chiefs of the infidles in Quraish.
It was reported that Uqba bin Nafi al-Juhani (may Allah be
pleased with him) passed by a man who looked like a Muslim.
This was a pre-Islamic alliance in which the chiefs of Quraish and other
Arab tribes gathered in Makkah and agreed upon helping and protecting
the oppressed against the oppressors.


The latter said Salaamu alaikum/peace be upon you to him.

So, Uqba said, and Allahs mercy and blessings be upon
you. Uqbas servant told him that the man was a Christian!
Immediately, Uqba followed the man and told him, Allahs
mercy and blessings are only bestowed on Believers. But I ask
Allah to make your life longer, and increase your money and
family members. This beautiful Duaa for that Christian on
Uqbas part was just because the man greeted him first! [Sahih
Al-Adab al-Mufrad, No. 847] Just reflect on it!
Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: If Pharaoh
said to me: God bless you I would reply, May He bless you
too. And Pharaoh is already dead. [Sahih Al-Adab al-Mufrad, No. 748]
All of this just to meet kindness by another kindness, and a
good deed by another good dead, and favours by good praise,
even if it came from Pharaoh.6
One of the greatest examples in Islamic jurisprudence about
how to deal with Christians is Imam Ibn Taimiyyehs famous
letter to the king of Cyprus, his ecclesiastics, and clergymen. It
should be noted that this letter is a valuable one which is
characterized by a sense of honour, energy, jurisprudence,
politics, politeness, fairness, and sophistication in addressingall in one context without affectation or flattery. I am going to
cite what is enough and suitable for my argument:
From Ahmad Ibn Taimiyyeh to Surjwas the greatest of
his people and those around him from the ecclesiastics,
chief clergymen, princes, and their followers, peace be
upon those who follow the guidance. To proceed:
We are people who wish that Allah grants everyone the
welfare of this world and the Hereafter. And the
greatest act of worshipping Allah is advising His
creatures of human beings; that is the reason for
sending down the Prophets and Messengers. Moreover,
I find it appropriate here to give an example about how rudely one of the
Muslims in Europe behaved when he stopped a woman to ask her for
directions to a place he wanted to go to. She kept standing with him for
more than ten minutes giving him directions; and when she finished, he
left without thanking her because he thought that that would be haram,
unlawful or might affect his religion! The woman was quite surprised by
this, and then stopped him to ask why he had not thanked her!


there is not better advice than that which encourges the

servant to worship his Lord.
It is known amongst the Christians that when I spoke to
the Tatars to convince them to release the prisoners,
Ghazan and Kutlushah then set them free. Then I talked
to my ruler to set them free, he only allowed the
Muslims to be released saying that he had Christian
prisoners he imprisoned from Jerusalem. I told him that
he should release all of the Jewish and Christian
prisoners because they are our Thimmah people. And
we, Muslims, have to free them and not leave a single
prisoner, whether he is a Muslim or a Dhimmi
man/woman. Finally, we were able to set the Christians
free, all thanks to Allah; this is what we did, and we
seek the reward from Allah only.
Also, everyone knows how mercifully and charitably
we treated the Christian woman-prisoners we had,
because our Messenger, the last of the Prophets,
(p.b.b.u.h) told us while he was dying to fear Allah and
take care of our prayers and those we would be under
our control.
Furthermore, is it not known to the King that the
Christians living in our lands who are Thimmah
people are countless, and only Allah knows how many
of them there are?! Our good treatment of those is
widely-known. So, why do they treat the Muslim
prisoners in such a treatment that does not satisfy those
who have a sense of honour and religion? 7
Right here, I am not referring to the King or any of his
family, because Abu al-Abbas 8is greatly thankful to the
King and his family and is grateful for the kindness
with which they received him; I am only talking about
In spite of the Christians treachery and bad treatment of the Muslim
prisoners they had, that did not drive Imam Ibn Taimiyyeh and the
Muslims with him to mistreat the Christians who entered the Muslims
lands in a covenant. This can mean one thing that the rule of an eye for
an eye does not always hold true for every single situation!
Abu al-Abbas was a prisoner who was released in exchange for a


the Kings subjects; and is it not true that the prisoners

are part of the Kings subjects?
In addition, Abu al-Abbas, the holder of this letter, has
told us many things about the merits of the King and
his brothers, and made it appealing for us to address
you. The reason I am addressing the King now is
because I heard about his desire to do good deeds and
his tendency towards knowledge and religion.
Furthermore, I myself am a follower of Christs and the
entire Messengers in extending advice and wanting
well-being to the King and his entourage.
I wish to conclude my letter by kindly asking to care of
Sheikh Abul Abbas and the rest of the prisoners, help
them, be kind to those who know Quran amognst them,
and not try to convert any of them. In return of this, we
shall reward the King with things far more than what he
wishes to see. Lord knows that I want is the welfare of
the King because Allah the Almighty ordered us so, and
instructed us to wish good to everyone, sympathise
with Allahs creatures, call them to Allah and His
religion, and ward off the evil-doers of Human beings
and Jinn.
Allah is in charge of helping the King do what he
should [i.e. releasing the Muslim prisoners] because
this is Allahs wish. And finally, I ask Allah to guide the
King to the best of words which would draw him closer
to Allah, and make his ending an honourable one.
I say: I would hope that those people with poor judgments and
low morals -after hearing the previous letter- will not now
accuse Ibn Taimiyyeh (may Allah bless his soul) of entering
into the muwalat,i.e alliance with Christians and aiding them
against the Muslims!
A misconception Refuted:
Someone may ask: Is it possible that an unbeliever would do
a good deed -that is considered in Islam as such- for which
he/she is to receive a credit from people and a full recompense
from Allah (SW)?

I say: YES! It is possible that a certain unbeliever can do one

or many good deeds which conform to Islamic Sharia
conditions i.e. sincerity and accordance with what Allah (SW)
has legislated. And for these good deeds, he/she deserves to be
thanked and will get a full recompense from Allah (SW). This
goes in line with the hadeeth in Sahih Muslim, on the
authority of Anas bin Malek (may Allah be pleased with him)
who reported that Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: Verily, Allah does not treat a
believer unjustly in regard to his virtues. He would confer
upon him (His blessing) in this world and would give him
reward in the Hereafter. And as regards a non-believer, he
would be made to taste the reward (of virtue in this world)
what he has done for himself so much that when it would be
the Hereafter, he would find no virtue for which he should be
This hadeeth establishes it that it is possible for a non-believer
to do some good deeds with which he/she seeks Allahs
pleasure, but his/her unbelief would be due to other things.
Thus, we conclude our presentation of the Necessary
Introductions as a preface to the main subject matter of this
book which should help the reader comprehend what issues
we shall discuss in the body of the book one by one. All I hope
for the reader is to remember the important Sharia texts we
have presented in the introductions whilst he/she is going over
the things discussed in the book below.

There are two rules that protect the property and blood of a
fighting unbeliever: the protection of faith, and the protection
of covenant and peace treaty.

A) The Protection of Faith

It means that someone forsakes unbelief and Shirk,
associating a partner with Allah and enters Islam by saying
Shahadatain [I bear witness that theres no god but Allah, and
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah], or what can stand in
for them like performing Prayers. Allah (SW) says:
But if they repent, and establish regular
prayers, and pay Zakat, then open the way for
them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most
Merciful. [S. 9, A.5]
Allah (SW) also says:
But (even so), if they repent, establish regular
prayers, and pay Zakat, they are your brethren
in Faith: (Thus) do we explain the Sighns in
detail, for those who understand. [S. 9, A.11]
This means that you do not have control or authority upon
them if they repent and perform prayers because the
brotherhood of religion and faith protects them and restraints
what was permissible before it i.e. fighting and killing the
unbeliever and obtaining his property. It also puts an end to
the war and enmity between the two parties; and the
relationship changes from hostility and hatred into one of
brotherhood and love for the sake of Allah.
Allah (SW) also says:
The Believers are nothing but a single
Brotherhood. [S.49, A.10]
It means that all of those who are Believers, regardless of their
skin colour, nationality, language, and country, are indeed
brethren in Allah and in the Islamic Faith.
The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) said: Whoever prays like us, faces our Qiblah, and eats
our slaughtered animals is a Muslim and under Allah's and His
Messenger's protection. So do not betray Allah by betraying
those who are in His protection." (Sahih Bukhari). It means
that whoever fulfils these things -which represent his faith- has
the covenant and protection of Allah and His Messenger;

therefore, it is not permissible to betray him or transgress his

sacred things [blood, property, familyetc.].
It was reported that Maimun bin Siyah asked Anas bin Malek:
"O Aba Hamza! What makes the life and property of a person
sacred?" He replied: "He who bears witness that there is not
God but Allah', faces our Qiblah during performing prayers,
prays like us and eats our slaughtered animals, then he is a
Muslim, and has got the same rights and obligations as other
Muslims have." [Sahih Bukhari]
The Prophet of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) said: A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim. He is NOT
to oppress him, forsake him, lie to him, humiliate him, or look
down upon him. It is a serious evil for a Muslim that he should
look down upon his fellow-Muslim. All things of a Muslim are
inviolable for his brother in faith: his blood, his wealth, and
his honour. [Sahih Muslim]
This is one of many other Sharia texts which indicate the same
meaning and concept. And this is agreed upon by all the
Muslims without any argument.
B) The Protection of a Covenant and/or Peace Treaty
This kind of protection is mainly concerned with nonMuslims. There are five types all of which are valid and
effective without being nullified or cancelled. They are as
1- The Protection of Thimmah9: and this one is
valid permanently and cannot be limited to a certain period of
time. This one is done when an unbeliever from the people of
the Book [i.e. a Christian or a Jew] or from Magians chooses
to enter into the protection and Thimmah of Muslims
provided that he accepts the Islamic Law be exercised on him
-as other Muslims- in return of a small amount of money -as a
Jizyah or tax- that is paid only by those who can. This state
Thimmah in Arabic means guarantee. In Islam it means the state of
a non-Muslim living under Islamic sovereign and getting protected for an
amount of money in return, Jizya or a poll-tax levied from those who
did not accept Islam but were willing to live under the protection of


holds true as long as he is living amongst Muslims. This

Thimmah contract cannot be drawn but by the Imam leader
of community or who substitutes for him from those who
have authority. Allah (SW) says:
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the
Last Day, nor hold the forbidden which has
been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger,
nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from
among the people of the Book until until they
pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel
they subdued. [S.9, A.29]
Additionally, it was reported that Sulaiman bin Buraid said
that his father said: when the Messenger of Allah (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) appointed a leader of an army
or detachment, he would especially exhort him to fear Allah
and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He would
say: Carry out military expeditions in the Name of Allah and
in the Cause of Allah. Fight those who disbelieve in Allah.
Carry out military expeditions but do not be excessive; do not
break your pledge; and do not mutilate (the dead) bodies; do
not kill children. When you meet your enemies of the
polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they
positively respond to any one of these, you must accept it and
withhold yourself from doing them any harm: Invite them to
(accept) Islam; if they positively respond to you, accept it
from them; and desist from fighting them; if they refuse to
accept Islam, demand from them pay the Jizya. If they agree to
pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they
refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them. [Sahih
I say: in return of this Jizya tax, he the unbelieve has the
whole protection and care from the Islamic State towards
himself, family, and property; moreover, he is not obliged to
fight with the Muslims, pay Zakat [that Muslims have to pay],
nor is he forced to abandon his own religion and/or convert to
2- The protection of Jiwar, Asylum Seeking : This
one is done when a fighting unbeliever seeks asylum and
security from Muslims for a specific period of time without
paying Jizya after having been insured the security from the

Muslims or one of them. After that, he he is escorted back to

his own place of residence when the period of the agreement is
expired, without being exposed to any harm, insult, or
This Jiwar, Asylum can happen for many reasons; it could
be that this unbeliever is escaping the persecution of the rulers
in his own homeland. It could be that he came to the Islamic
State for learning about a branch of science that is only
available in it. It also could be for work, for trade, for getting
treatment, or for visiting a relativeetc. Or it could be that he
wants to know about Islam and listen to the Word of Allah [i.e
Quran] and its meanings.
Allah the Almighty says:
If one of the Pagans ask you for asylum, grant
it to him, so that he may hear the Word of Allah;
and then escort him to where he can be secure,
that is because they are men without
knowledge. [S.9, A.6]
Ibn Qudama said in Al-Mughni, Volume. 9, Page. 197, said:
Whoever seeks security in order to hear the Word of Allah
and know about Islam, it is a must that he should get
protection and then be escorted to where he is secure and safe.
I do not know of a controversy about this matter; and this is
what Qatada, Makhool, al-Awzai, and Imam Shafii all have
agreed and settled upon. Also Caliph Umar bin Abdel Aziz
wrote to his subjects to adhere to it.
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyem said in his Ahkam Ahl ez-Zimmah
Vol.2. P.476: As for Al-Mustaman i.e. the one who is
granted protection and security: he is someone who comes to
the lands of Muslims not for settling in it. There are four
categories of those: envoys, merchants, asylum seekers until
they are acquainted with Islam and Quran. These can embrace
Islam if they want, and if not, they can return safely to their
own lands. Finally, the ones who need something from the
lands of Islam: like a visitetc. The ruling about all of the
aforementioned is that: they should not be deported; nor be
killed, or Jizya is taken from them. Muslims should also
present Islam and Quran to them; if they embrace it, thanks to
Allah; but if they do not, they can simply leave; and they are
not to be harmed before they reach their own land. Once they

are there, their state changes back to that of a fighting

This type of protection can be offered to the unbeliever by any
individual of the Muslims, be it a man or a woman; even if
he/she was one of the lowest rung of society. This is explained
in the following hadeeth: Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As
reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: Muslims are equal in respect of
blood. The lowest of them is entitled to give protection on
behalf of them, and the one residing far away may give
protection on behalf of them. They are like one hand over
against all those who are outside the community. Those who
have quick mounts should return to those who have slow
mounts, and those who have got out along with a detachment
(should return) to those who are stationed. A believer shall not
be killed for an unbeliever or muahid i.e. a person
guaranteed protection within the term of his covenant [Sahih
Sunan Abi Dawudi, No. 2390].

It was reported that Umm Hani, the daughter of Abu Talib,

said: I went to Allah's Messenger (p.b.b.u.h) on the day of the
conquest of Makkah and said: "O Allah's Messenger! My
brother Ali has declared that he will kill a man to whom I have
granted asylum. The Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) said, "O Um Hani!
We will grant asylum to the one whom you have granted
asylum." [Bukhari and Muslim]
It is also reported that Aisha (the Mother of Believers, may
Allah be pleased with her) said: If a woman gives asylum on
behalf of the Believers, that is approved.
For more detail about how to treat an unbeliever tourist in the
lands of Muslims, see below.
3-The Protection of Peace Treaty: this one is done
when there is a peace treaty or a truce between the Islamic
State and that of the infidles for a specific period of time
where people will be safe with their property and their
families. Some of the Islamic scholars estimated the period of
this peace treaty as not exceeding ten years, comparing that
with Hudaibyah Truce. However, others said that the period is

only determined by the interests and needs of the Islamic

State; this is what is preferable, and Allah knows best.
What also signifies the legitimacy of the Peace Protection,
and that it is not nullified, is what the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: You will make a secure
peace with the Romans; and then you and they will fight a
common enemy. [Saheeh Sunan Abi Dawud, No. 2405] Here, the
Messenger (p.b.b.u.h) is prophesizing what is going to happen
after Islam was completed. This is a clear evidence that if the
whole principle of making peace with the Romans is nullified
and not approved, the Prophet would not have allowed or even
talked about what would happen in the future regarding the
peace between the Muslims and the Christians.
Ibn Qudama said in Al-Mughni V.9.P.238: Truce means to
agree with the fighting parties to stop fighting for a period of
time, either by making up for this or not. This is simply
agreeing to a break in fighting; and this is permissible, as
Allah (SW) says:
A (declaration) of immunity from Allah and
His Messenger, to those of the Pagans with
whom you have contracted mutual alliances
[S.9, A.1]

Allah (SW) has also said:

But if the enemy incline towards peace, you
do also incline towards peace. [S.8, A.61]
4- The Protection of Envoys: this is a protection
concluded to envoys belonging to whatever party or any
religion so they can deliver letters to the other party. This
protection does not need a verbal agreement to be concluded
because it is taken for granted amongst peoples -of all
religions in the past and the present time- that this protection is
normally valid and agreed upon in an implied manner.
This kind of agreement is binding in Islam, endorsed verbally,
and is taken into account. Nu'aym bin Mas'ud said: I heard
the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) say to the envoys of Musaylimah the Liar after he had
read his letter: What do you say yourselves? They answered:
We say what he says. The Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) then said: I

swear by Allah that were it not that messengers and envoys are
not to be killed, I would cut your heads off. [Sahih Sunan Abi
Dawud, No. 2398] Noting that they did not have a previous
verbal agreement for protection; but since it was and still is an
old tradition and an implied agreement established by all
peoples, Islam has endorsed it. Moreover, envoys of whatever
religions or parties are given security and protection in Islam.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also
said: I neither break a covenant nor imprison messengers.
[Sahih Sunan Abi Dawud, No. 2396] This means that, it is not of the
Prophets morals to imprison messengers, whatever their
religions may be, or prevent them from returning to their
places of residence safe.
5- The Protection of a Muslim in a Non Muslim
As a matter of fact, this is my main concern in this book. This
one is done when a Muslim goes to the lands of Non-Muslims
for work, trade, visit, medical treatment, or because of
coercive political circumstances in his own homeland; he goes
there asking for their protection, security, and asylum. Then,
they allow him to enter their lands, give him security and
protection as long as he is peacefull and loyal to their
protection agreement.
Ibn Hazm said in Al-Muhallah, V.12, P.125 As for whoever
escapes to the lands of Non-Muslims because of a tyranny he
might be exposed to and because he does not find any Muslim
to protect him; as long as he does not go to fight the Muslims
or aid the unbelievers to fight them, there is no blame on him
because he is obliged to do so.
We have also mentioned that Az-Zuhri Mohammad bin
Muslim bin Shihab was determined to escape to the lands of
the Byzantines once Hisham bin Abdel Malek is dead, because
his successor, Al Waleed bin Yazid, declared he was going to
kill Zuhri the minute he captures him. Whose case is similar to
this, is by all means blameless.
I say: he is indeed blameless in spite of the presence of an
Islamic State and a greater Caliph who is to be protected by
and fought under his banner. Since the case is so, it is more

acceptable not to blame whoever leaves an unbelieving land

where he is faced by hostility and persecution to another an
unbelieving land with less trials in religion and less hostility.
For example, some of the Companions (may Allah be pleased
with them) left Makkah where they were subjected to the
severest types of torture to Abyssinia (Ethiopia now )
where they found a relative level of peace and security
compared to what they were exposed to by the infidles f
Quraish. This is a situation that could be true in our own time
as well because of the absence of the Islamic State and the
Muslim ruler who is supposed to protect and defend his

If I am asked: how can the above-mentioned Protection be
I answer: it is fulfilled through two forms both of which are
binding to the parties on what they agree and make covenant a
The First form: it is represented through the verbal or written
expression of asking security and asylum, or the desire to enter

the lands of the other party; and this is usually what happens
with those who seek political asylum to the host country
where he takes himself to the place where asylum is requested,
and then he goes on to tell them about the oppression he has
been suffering on the hands of his people in his own home
country, and that he wishes or rather needs to get into the
protection and security of the host country.
What usually happens is that the host party, as it is the case
with many of the European countries, gives him protection,
shelter, and many advantages he would not have got whilst he
was still amongst his own people in his own homeland. All of
this, he is granted until his application and situation are

To be fair, I say: one of the things that the a refugee gets as soon
as he is in the West, a free home, enough money to spend on himself and
his own family, and all of the medical and schooling services for free, in
addition to a full protection to them against any aggression. He also has
the full right to travel inside the country, and he gets many other facilities.
Then, within a five-year period of time, he gets the citizenship of the
country he got asylum in, which entitles him to compete with the native
citizens on the leadership of the country itself!
However, if it happens once that the people of the country commit a
mistake against one of these refugees; you will see him asking rudely for
his rights as though he is one of the natives or of the countrys founding
After all of these privileges they get, we see many of them pretending to
have what they do not; and would tell you rudely and meanly that he is a
fighting party [which means, it is lawful for him to kill the unbelievers he
is living with or seize their property, according to his sick logic], and that
there is no covenant between him and the host country to abide by!
You will see him acting in a cocky manner as if he is living in the palaces
of Harun ar-Rachid; whereas, he is living in the homes and mooching off
the other party! The Messenger of Allah [peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) perfectly described this when he said: if you are not ashamed,
do whatever you want! And he also said, He who claims to have what
he does not is like someone wearing two garments claiming they were his;
but in truth, they are not!


And this is considered as the most binding and powerful of the

manners of covenants which should be abided by and faithful
to by both parties; and whosoever breaches this covenant, he
falls under the warnings of all of the Sharia texts [listed in
introduction 2] which denounce the breaching of covenants.
The Second Form: is in a form of an implied covenant which
is customary to all people as a security covenant; its example
is that a man gets a visa to enter the other country. This visa is
essentially a reciprocal security covenant between the country
granting the visa and the one requesting it, even if there is no
verbal confirmation of it, as it is the case with the first form.
What vouches for this is the very fact that the one getting the
visa gets full security and protection from the granting country
just because he has a permission to enter its lands; this makes
this permission as a security covenant. On the other hand, this
is not the case with those who enter their lands without a visa
because they shall not obtain any of the advantages a person in
the first case has. Also, he cannot ask for protection, entry
rights, or security as opposed to those in the first case!
To push the argument further, if we examine what the visa
holder does, we find that he has stated the purposes of his visit
to the granting country, either in a verbal form or a written
one. For instance, he would go there as a student, for visiting a
relative, or for business. All of these are hints, or rather actual
statements, entailing security, and that he wishes them no
harm. Based on this, they grant him the visa to travel to and
enter their country.
This is something that no two people of understanding can
argue about; even those who oppose our attitude about the
whole thing acknowledge the fact that a visa stands for a
security covenant between the two parties.
This covenant, I mean the one done without verbal accord and
which is viewed by people as an actual covenant, is a Sharia
covenant which should be completely met as is the case with
the verbal one; and breaching this one is the same as breaching
the verbal one.
Allah (SW) says:

Hold to forgiveness, command what is right,

but turn away from the ignorant. [S.7, A.199]
This right that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) is ordered to enjoin is every good turn and every
good act that appeals to the minds and souls, and which is
not contrary to the Sharia.
It was reported in a hadeeth Sahih Bukhari and Muslim that
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
said: Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughira have requested me to
allow them to marry their daughter to Ali bin Abi Talib, but I
don't give permission, and will not give permission unless 'Ali
bin Abi Talib divorces my daughter in order to marry their
daughter, because Fatima is a part of me, and I hate what she
hates to see, and what hurts her, hurts me. Furthermore, the
daughter of Allahs Messenger can never be in one place with
the daughter of the enemy of Allah."
Ibn Al Qayyem (may Allah bless his soul) said: this ruling by
Allahs Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
includes several issues:
We can understand that if a man agrees with his wife
not to marry another one, he should fulfill this
condition. But, if he doesnot, she can ask for
It was quite known that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) let Fatima marry Ali
(may Allah be pleased with both of them) provided that
he does not hurt her or do anything she hates. Even if
this condition was not listed in the marriage contract, it
is still there and taken for granted.
And what we realize from this is that in Fiqh, the things
that people follow as traditions are equal to the
preconditions they agree upon. For example, if we
suppose that it is a convention with some people that
they do not let their married daughters leave their lands,
and they do not allow it. The convention goes on and is
established as a precondition; and this is consistent with
the Fiqh rules of Medinah.
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbals rules go like, the implied
condition and the verbal one are the same.

Therefore, based on this, if we assume that a woman is

from a family which do not allow husbands to marry
other women because of the familys honour and noble
descent, this goes as similar to a verbal condition. If
this is the case, the husband had better not marry
another woman taking into his consideration her
dignity, honour, and noble lineage. All in all, it should
be more respected with the case of the lady of all the
worlds women, and the daughter of the master of all of
Adams offspring, Muhammad (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him). Even if Ali agrees to have this
condition [of not marrying another woman along with
Fatima], it is established as a way of stressing it and not
introducing it to the marriage contract. [Cited from Fiqh asSunna by Sayyed Sabeq, 2/105].

We have seen that the envoys are not to be killed or harmed

because of an implied condition agreed on by people
conventionally; so respecting this condition must be fulfilled
as another one agreed on verbally. Furthermore, we shall read
more of what the Islamic scholars say about this which will
emphasize that dealing with the implied security conditions is
similar to those agreed upon verbally; it should be carried out,
and acted upon because there is NO difference between the
two of them.
In accordance with what has been said, I say: whoever comes
to the lands of non-Muslims for whatever reasons, once he
gets the visa, he is actually establishing an implied security
covenant. And even if they do not stipulate this verbally, he
has to abide by it and act upon it. Nevertheless, I believe that
the whole process of obtaining a visa itself is considered as a
verbal security covenant.


According to what was mentioned above, we reach the next
Sharia consistent conclusion: Whoever enters the lands of the
non-Muslims through visas or asylum, there is a security
covenant between him and the host country that makes it
unlawful for him to terrorize its people, or harm them, or steal

their property, or anything of their sacred things. And whoever

does not abide by that covenant is a violator committing one
of the deadly sins, and has fallen into the warnings of the
Sharia texts listed in the Second Introduction of this book.
Moreover, the money he extorts from these people by robbery,
cheating, lying, or fraud is unlawful, haram money and a
wicked profit that should be returned to its owners; and no
matter what he calls it as booty or lawful, halal, it is still
unlawful, haram.
It was reported that, before embracing Islam Al-Mughira was
in the company of some people. He killed them, took their
property and came to Medinah to embrace Islam. The Prophet
said to him, "As regards your Islam, I accept it, but as for the
property we do not take anything of it as it was taken through
treason. [Bukhari]
As-Sarkhasi al-Hanafi said in his book Al-Kitab al-Mabsout,
V.10, P. 96: I do not find it appropriate for a Muslim -who
gives a non-Muslim a security covenant- to breach it because
betrayal is unlawful, haram. The Messenger of Allah (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Every betrayer
will have a banner fixed behind his buttocks on the Day of
Judgement, to be known by it. [Muslim] However, if he does
violate his covenant, seize their property and take it to the land
of Islam, I hate it for for other Muslims to buy any of it -if
they know about how he obtained it- because this purchasing
will encourage him to do it once more, whereas, all of this is
unlawful, haram, for a Muslim to do. Basically, this
unlawfulness comes from the hadeeth where al-Mughira killed
some infidles, kuffar., seized their money, and came to
Medinah as Muslim. He asked the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) to take one-fifth of the money,
but the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) said I accept your Islam, but not
the money you obtained by treason.
Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fatih, 5/402,: What we understand from
al-Mughira hadeeth is that it is unlawful for Muslims to
treacherously seize the property of unbelievers whilst in a
security covenant with them because a companionship is
based on faithfulness. And faithfulness is due to its holder
whether a Muslim or a non-Muslim; and the properties of non51

Muslims can only be seized during wartime. NOT by

treachery and betrayal of the covenants established with them!
I say: what is more, there was not a verbal security covenant
between al-Mughira and those who were with him. But, since
it is established as a convention that travel companionship
necessitates security amongst the travellers, this makes the one
betraying his companions someone breaching the implied
security covenant with his travel mates. Once again, this
stresses the fact that every implied security covenant is a
binding security in Sharia Law; and it should be carried out
and not breached, as is the verbal security covenant.11
Then, pay attention to his saying, the properties of
unbelievers can only be seized during wartime, which means
not by any other means; and this is the rightful thing whereof
there is no doubt. Hence, hold to it and do not abandon it.
To illustrate the idea more, if there were two students in one
classroom: one is a Muslim, and the other is a non-Muslim. It
is not permissible for the Muslim student to steal from the
non-Muslim student under the claim that there is not a security
covenant between the two of them! This very situation is an
implied conventional security covenant because people take it
for granted that schools and universities are safe and peaceful
places where there is no war or fighting; and thus, there is no
treachery whatsoever. That is why it is not the habit of school
faculties to take individual covenants from each student not to
steal from other students because this is taken for granted, and
doing this verbally is ludicrous.12
Another example would be, if a Muslim works as a worker or
a wage earner for one of the unbelievers, he cannot steal
Consequently, I do not approve of hijacking aircrafts because it goes
under the concept of treachery which is not permissible. Also, -as stated
above- travel companionship is based on security among the travellers.
Moreover, it imperils the peaceful civilians of children, women, and old
people, and it may lead to their death which is not lawful. This will be
clarified more in the pages, inshallah.
I have been informed lately that some of the Western universities and
colleges require the students to sign a pact not to steal or vandalise
anything inside the university. They are doing this just to stress the
covenant with the students. It seems that because of the many times they
were exposed to such a thing, they became aware of such a problem.


anything from him or cheat him claiming that the unbelievers,

Kafirs money is lawful to seize and that there is no verbal
security covenant between the two of them. He is not allowed
to do such a thing because work itself is an implied security
covenant between the two parties; and the very fact that that
uneliever hires a worker -who agrees to work-is a security
covenant between the two parties, and it must not be breached.
Furthermore, it is absurd for someone who wants to hire a
worker to tell him Upon you is exercised the covenant of
Allah not to steal from me or betray me, because it is taken
for granted once the two parties agree to the work. If in any
way this happens, it would be considered on the part of the
worker as an insult and suspecting his honesty and honour;
and it may lead him not to work for him at all because this
assertion the man uttered is stressing what is already agreed
upon among all people!
Additionally, examples about the implied security in our life
cannot be limited here if we want to mention them. Therefore,
watch for yourself and your religion, dear Muslim reader, and
seek to be one of the people who are faithful and not of the
ones who betray others. Be careful that your gain, food, and
clothing are all obtained by lawful means; and do not be
tempted by the misdirected verdicts fatawa, otherwise, you
will be led astray away from the Right path.
Imam Shafii (may Allah bless his soul) said in his Al-Umm,
V.4, P.284,: If a Muslim man enters the lands of fighting
infidles Kuffar in a security covenant and was able to take
some of their money, it is not permissible for him to do so,
whether it was some or a lot. This is because if he is safe and
secure from them, so are they. And also, when there is a
security covenant between him and the infidles, their property
is as unlawful to seize as that of Muslims and people of
Thimmah. In Islamic jurisprudence, fiqh , money is
unlawful to seize in several cases, first of which is the Islam of
its owner, secondly, the money of the people of Thimmah,
and finally, the money of those who establish a security
covenant with Muslims as long as the period of the covenant is
And he (may Allah bless his soul) said, V.4, P.296, If a
fighting unbeliever enters the lands of Islam in a security

covenant and then dies, the covenant goes on to be valid on

himself and his money, and no one is allowed to take anything
of it; the Muslim leader should return the money to those who
are inheriting the unbeliever wherever they may be.
He also said (may Allah bless his soul), V.4, P.292,: If the
enemy imprisons one of the Muslims, and then releases him
offering him safety, this offer should be a mutual one; so, he is
not to trespass over or betray them. He also said, He is not
to trespass over their money or their persons, because when
they give him security, they are expecting the same on his part.
And I do not know of any opinion in Fiqh that goes against
I say: think about what Imam Shafii himself said, I do not
know of any opinion in Islamic jurisprudence, fiqh that goes
against this. In spite of his vast knowledge of the variety of
Islamic scholars opinions, he did not hear of anything that
contradicts his own opinion in this matter, because it is more
or less like a consensus on their part.
Imam Nawawi (may Allah bless his soul) said in Ar-Rawdah,
V.10, P.291,: If a Muslim enters the lands of fighting
unbelievers, and he borrows or steals any money and then gets
back to the land of Islam, he must return it because he is not
allowed to do that if he enters there on a security covenant.
Reflect on how he described that act as stealing, and that that
Muslim must return what he seized. This contradicts what
some of those who have irresponsible opinions would claim
about such an act as being booty and a lawful gain!
Al Qadhi Abu Yala said in his al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyeah,
P.152,: If a Muslim enters the lands of fighting unbeliever in
a security covenant, or if he is a prisoner with them, and then
they release him and give him security, it is NOT permissible
for him to trespass over their people or money; and he has to
guarantee them security as they have guaranteed him a
Furthermore, Ibn Qudamah said in his valuable book AlMughni, V.9, P.237: The case of whoever enters the lands of

enemy in a security covenant, he is not to betray them or deal

with them in usury riba.
Now, as for the dealing with usury in the lands of nonMuslims, it is unlawful, haram because of Allahs saying
Allah has forbidden usury riba among many other verses
of the Holy Quran and hadeeths which all talk about the
unlawfulness of usury riba everywhere and every time.
As for betraying those non-Muslims, it is also unlawful
because when they guarantee him security, it is conditioned
that he must not betray them, and that he also should
guarantee them security, even if this is not mentioned verbally
because it is understood indirectly. Therefore, whoever comes
to us from the non-Muslims in a security covenant, and then
he betrays us, this is a breach of the covenant; but this does
not make it lawful to any Muslim to betray them because it is
treachery which is acceptable in our religion. The Messenger
of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah) said: Muslims are
loyal to their covenants and conditions. Hence, if anyone of
them [Muslims] betrays the non-Muslims, who have a
covenant with him, steals anything, or borrows anything, he
should return it to its owners; and if the owners enter the lands
of Islam in a security covenant, or if they embrace Islam, he
should return what he took or send it to them because he took
that in an unlawful manner. And the ruling of his seizure of
this money/property in this case is similar to his seizing that
from a Muslim.
Ibn Qudama, (may Allah bless his soul) also said in AlMuqni: An adult Muslim -whether a male or a female, a
master or a slave, free or a prisoner- is entitled to make a
security covenant. Also, the valid security covenants include,
the Imams protection for all unbelievers, any chiefs
protection to whomever near him [of the unbelievers], and one
of the individual Muslims to another individual or more. If
any Muslim says to a a non-Muslim, You are safe, No harm
should be inflicted on you, I will protect you, or Stop and
drop your weapon, once this non-Muslim answers any of
those, he is now to be safe and secured. Furthermore, if a nonMuslim prisoner claims that he has been guaranteed security
and protection, and the Muslim denies it, then the non-Muslim
prisoner is to be believed!.

In al-Sharh al-Kabeer by Al-Maqdisi, V.10, P.555, he said: If

a security covenant is given to fighting non-Muslims, it is
unlawful, haram to kill them, take their money, or harm
Ibn Mufleh said in al-Mubdi, V.3, P.396,: If non-Muslims
release a Muslim and give him security, he can escape but not
betray them. He has to return whatever he takes from them
because now he and they are on a covenant, but if he breaks
this, he is a violator. In another case, if they release him
provided that he sends them money, he must do it when he is
able to. But if he could not, he should return to them! This is
what Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal confirmed, because if that
released prisoner is loyal to his covenant, it will be in the
interest of the other prisoners; but if he is not, this is going to
harm them, because non-Muslims will not guarantee security
to any of them after that.
Ibn Humam al-Hanafi said in his Explanation of Fatih alQadeer, V.6, P.17: If a Muslim enters the lands of fighting
non-Muslims as a merchant, he cannot trespass over anything
of their money or people, because when they trust him -as
being a merchant-, he is guaranteeing them -indirectly- that he
is not going to harm them. Therefore, his violation will be
considered as a treachery which is unlawful, haram by
consensus of all Muslims.
It was reported in Sunan Abi Dawud that the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Every betrayer will
have a banner on the Day of Judgement, and it will be
announced (publicly) 'This is the betrayal (perfidy) of so-andso. It has already been mentioned that the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h)
used to order the leaders of armies or detachments saying: do
not be excessive; do not break your pledge.
This is similar to what is mentioned in Hashiyet Ibn Abdeen,
V.4, and P.166: If a Muslim enters the lands of fighting
unbelievers in a security covenant, it is unlawful for him to
shed blood, seize money, or capture a woman prisoner as
[Sabi] because Muslims are loyal to their covenants. For this
reason, if he takes out to the lands of Muslims something that
he extorted from the unbelievers in an unlawful manner

[perfidy], he must give it away. I am saying takes out

because if he obtains something while he is still in their lands,
the Islamic ruling that he must return it immediately.
Imam Mohammad Shaibani said in his book As-Siyar, V.2,
P.66,: Suppose that a group of Muslims come to the first
point of the Unbelievers, and tell them, we are envoys of the
Caliph, and then they present a letter similar to that of the
Caliph -or even if they do not show it- having in mind to
deceive the unbelievers. If the latters admit them, those
Muslims are not allowed to kill anyone of the fighting
unbelievers in the country they enter; neither can they seize
any of their money. Additionally, if these Muslims show
themselves to be of a certain trade, this showing is basically
asking the unbelievers for a security covenant; and if the
unbelievers guarantee them security, these Muslims should be
loyal to this covenant. For example, these Muslims would say
to the Unbelievers: We are here on business.
Sarkhasi in his explanation said: That is so because if what
these Muslims showed was true, they would be safe and
secured from the fighting unbelievers, and likewise, the
unbelievers would be safe and secured from the Muslims who
should not harm them in any manner. This is similar to the
case of the envoys when they enter the lands of the
unbelievers. Moreover, this is the case when these Muslims
show themselves to be of a certain status, it is not possible for
the unbelievers to know for sure what they are truly, but their
decision is based on what they see. We know that the security
covenant issue is extremely sensitive; and the smallest
indication of it is enough for it to be established. This makes
what these Muslims claim to be -upon which the unbelievers
believe them- as equal to actually asking for a security
covenant; and if the unbelievers consent to this covenant, the
Muslims should be loyal to it. Two other similar cases where
the covenant is established on both sides would be: if they
[Muslims] show the non-Muslims what seems to be an
indication for security on their part. Also, if the Muslims tell
the non-Muslims that they are tradesmen, even if in fact, they
intend to murder them. Indeed, if they are truly merchants, it is
not lawful for them to betray those fighting unbelievers, which
is the case if those Muslims show those unbelievers that they
are merchants.

I say: the reason why a merchant should be loyal to the

covenant because it is common that merchants are not fighters;
and if they do anything otherwise, this is considered as a
breaching of the security covenant granted to them in the
implied manner.
What we can use as a proof about the unlawfulness of
robberies called Istihlal [i.e. taking unbelievers money as
halal], is the behaviour of the Companions (may Allah be
pleased with them) who took refuge seeking safety in
Abyssinia when its king was An-Najashi although he was still
an unbeliever, and his land is a land of infidles. The
Companions, due to their high morals, were the noblest of
people who represented the essence of this religion, where
there was not a single act of treachery known on their side in
contrast to those who nowadays ask for asylum in the Western
countries but are not loyal to their covenants.
Another example is the hadeeth in which the Messenger of
Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Vice
is what rankles in your heart and that you hate that people
should come to know of. [Sahih Muslim]
It has been known about each of those who steal from the
unbelievers that they find it most embarrassing that any act of
this should be ascribed to him, and he also hates it that people
should know about any of this!
Morefover, if you tell him that he is one of the Istihlal
people, he would get angry with you; and maybe he will
quarrel with and ostracize you because he considers this as an
insult to his dignity, his manliness, and morals. But what is
worse is that he will tell you after all of this that what he does
is lawful, halal and asks you to present a proof from Sharia
for its unlawfulness!
It was also reported that some of those who were caught redhanded doing such abominable acts, when they were asked if
Islam approves of what they were doing, they wished they had
vanished into thin air before being caught doing such a vile


Also, one of the sisters who had done some of this in a

moment of weakness, and got caught, told me that she wished
she was not veiled right then because of the negative
consequences of such an act upon Islam, Muslims, and
especially on the reputation of our Muslim sisters wearing
veils, hijab.
After all of this, they ask you rudely: bring us a proof that
this thing is unlawful, haram, and that we are on a security
covenant with these unbelieving people!
I answer by telling them what the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Vice is what rankles in
your heart and you hate that people should come to know of.
Also, if the issue [of stealing from the unbelievers they are
living with] is lawful, as they claim, why does it bother them
to say they do it? And why do they consider ascribing it to
them as an insult to them and their manliness?
In addition to all what has been said, this wrong path leads the
one doing it into other sins and evil acts which are not less
sinful than stealing and treachery of covenants; for example it
necessarily leads to lying, cheating, falsehood witnessing,
accompanying evil mates, and being away from the virtuous,
and many other evil acts which are necessitated and made to
happen by the vice of stealing.
This is because it is the nature of vice to lead its doer into
another vice until it is too difficult for him to repent. Imam
Ibn al-Qayyem said in his Al-Jawab al-Kafi,: Vice and sins
produce other sins until it is difficult for the doer to abandon
them. As some of the predecessors, salaf said: one aspect
about the punishment of the vice is that it brings another one
after it; and one aspect about the reward of the good deed is
that it brings another one after it. Therefore, if a man does a
good deed, he is guided to doing another and anotheretc.
which will make his reward increased as well as the number of
the good deeds. And it is also true in the case of vice.
In short, dear Muslim reader, I have listed for you the hadeeths
of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the
sayings of his Companions, and the sayings of the major
prestigious Islamic scholars. Hence, adhere and hold to them;

and do not abandon them for what the ignorant say about this
matter, those who have low morals and behaviour. Otherwise,
you will be led astray and lose in this world and the hearafter.

For the sake of accuracy, there should be a distinction between
what nullifies the covenant of a Muslim while he is still in the
lands of Non-Mulsims, and what nullifies the covenant of an
unbeliever in the lands of Muslims.
A-) What nullifies the covenant and security of a Muslim
in the lands of Non-Muslims

What nullifies the covenant and security of a Muslim in the

lands of Non-Muslims comes about in the following
1- When the Muslim betrays the unbelievers. This
makes them absolved and exempt from the bindings of the
breached covenant! And it is only the Muslim to blame for the
2-When the period of the covenant expires. In this case,
he should leave their land and be out of their control; and it is
not lawful for him to transgress on them -because of the expiry
of the covenant- until he gets out of their lands.
3- When he gets out of their land and country, and ends
the state of the security covenant and their protection, jiwar
before it expires. In this case, he should notify them about this
so that they also become aware of their being exempt from the
conditions of the covenant towards him. In our own time, this
case is done when a Muslim leaves the country in an official
way from the ports of departure specialized for such things.
If he was holding any papers which bind them to provide him
with security and protection inside and outside their country,
he must return them to them. This is one of the fullest forms of
revoking the protection one would have. Allah the Almighty
If you fear treachery from any group throw
back (their covenant) to them (so as to be) on
equal terms: for Allah loves not the
treacherous. [S.8, A.58]
In Sahih al-Bukhari, Aicha (may Allah be pleased with her)
said: Ibn Ad-Daghna came to Abu Bakr and said, "You know
the conditions on which I gave you protection, so you should
either abide by those conditions13 or revoke my protection, as I
do not like to hear the Arabs saying that Ibn Ad-Daghna gave
the pledge of protection to a person and his people did not
respect it." Abu Bakr said, "I hereby revoke your pledge of
protection and am satisfied with Allah's protection.

Those were that Abu Bakr should only pray inside his house not
publicly or even in his house yard.


Another example is when Othman bin Mazoun (may Allah be

pleased with him) was under the protection of Al-Waleed bin
al-Mughira, so no one of Quraish could harm him. Then, when
it seemed to Othman what hardship the Companions of the
Prophet were undergoing, while he was safe and sound under
the protection of ibn Al-Mughira, he decided to revoke his
protection. Therefore, he said to him, Oh, Abu Abd Shams,
you fulfilled your pledge, and here I am revoking your
protection. Al-Waleed asked him: Dear relative! Has anyone
of my family or people done you any wrong? Othman said,
No; it is just that I am now seeking the protection of Allah
and nobody elses. So, al-Waleed said to him, Then, let us
head towards the mosque, and you make it known publicly
that you are revoking my protection as I have been providing
that for you publicly. Once they arrived in the Mosque, alWaleed said, This is Othman who has come to revoke my
protection of him. Othman said, He is right. I found him
loyal and generous while he sheltered me. But now, I do not
wish to seek protection from anyone other than Allah.14
Ash-Shaibani said in as-Siyar, V.1, P.184, The cancellation of
the security is only done by informing the unbelievers, and
changing back to the state before the security covenant.
4-When the protective side, al-mujeer breaches the
security covenant with the protected Muslim, al-mustajeer.
For example, if the protecting party tries to deport the
protected Muslim to the land where he had been terrorized and
persecuted and the reason for which he requested asylum in
the host country in the first place! Therefore, handing this
Muslim over to that oppressive country which he had escaped
from is a breach of the covenant of security that was agreed
upon, and goes against what the asylum was asked for.
In this case and other similar cases which threathen the
security and life of a Muslim, the Muslim concerned is free
from their covenant and protection as they have start the
However, although he is free to maintain the status of a
fighting party who has neither a covenant nor a sectrutiy

Saheeh As-Seerah An-Nabawyyea by Ibrahim Al-Ali, page, 130.


agreement with them, he should not confuse his war against

them with what might be interpreted as security on his part
towards them. For example, he is not to pretend that he is in
peace with them, exchange expressions of welcoming or else
which may be interpreted as security, or ask them for the rights
of a protected one, and then -when he has the chance to-, he
deals with them as he deals with the people of war! This is not
permissible because it is treachery; and it is like doing the
thing and its opposite at the same time.
If it is argued: it was they who started the treachery and
betrayal, what is the harm if he treats them similarly and in the
same manner where he shows them security on one hand and
war on another whenever he has the chance to?
I answer by saying: treating them similarly in this situation is
not permissible, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: And do not betray he who betrays
you. Hence, it is not lawful to meet treachery by another
treachery, or betrayal by betrayal. Allah the Almighty says:
Repel evil with that which is best. [S.23, A.96] He also
says: Nor can Goodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with
what is better [S.41, A.34]
Moreover, the transgression we think of as nullifying the
covenant and security is the one coming from the host country
or any official authority representing it because it is the only
party which establishes the security covenant with the Muslim.
However, if the transgression happens to the protected Muslim
from some individuals in the protecting society or on the
hands of some racists who do not represent the country or the
totality of the society, that does not call for nullifying the
covenant; neither can the covenant be considered as breached
when the host country sentences the protected Muslim for
some punishments because of civil lawbreaking or because of
violations done on his part which breaks what has been agreed
upon by both parties. Cases like these cannot be considered as
breaching the covenant on the part of the host country because
the covenant agreed upon does not include -either orally or in
an implied manner- that the protected party is not to be
punished in case of breaking the law!


Imam Shafii (may Allah bless his soul) said in his Al-Umm,
V.4, P.263: If a group of Muslims enter the lands of fighting
unbelievers on a security covenant, the enemy is to be safe
from them until they leave or the covenant expires; and those
Muslims are not to mistreat or betray them. And if the enemy
imprisons Muslim children and women, I do not approve of
Muslims betraying the enemy. What I prefer that Muslims
should ask the unbelievers to revoke their protection and
covenant; and once they have done that, it is lawful for
Muslims to fight unbelievers in order to free imprisoned
Muslim children and women.
B) What nullifies the covenant and security of an
unbeliever while he is in the lands of Muslims
What nullifies the covenant and security of an unbeliever
while he is in the lands of Muslims comes about in the
following situations:
1- The protection and security of an unbeliever in the
lands of Muslims is cancelled when the period of the security
covenant is expired; in this case, he should be accompanied to
his own homeland safely, and he is not to be harmed. Allah
(SW) says:
If one amongst the Pagans ask you for asylum,
grant it to him, so that he may hear the Word of
Allah; and then escort him to where he can be
secure, that is because they are men without
knowledge. [S.9, A.6]
2-The security and covenant of an unbeliever are
nullified when he commits betrayal and changes into a
fighting unbeliever. An example would be, if he comes to the
lands of Muslims as a spy for their enemies, then he is
discovered. By this, his security covenant is actually breached
because security cannot be granted to a party who is spying on
and secretly fighting the party who has given him security!
3- An unbelievers covenant and security are nullified
when he is charged of committing mischief in the lands of
Muslims, like: transgressing over the honours of Muslims and
their sacred things, circulating drugs amongst them, or trying

to repel Muslims from their religion making other religions

seem more desirable.
4- Finally, an unbelievers covenant and security are
nullified if he insults Allah the Almighty, Islam, Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Moses (peace be
upon him), Jesus ([peace be upon him), or any of the Prophets
or Messengers. No security can be granted to whoever does
any of this. However, what the Christians believe of ascribing
a son to Allah (WS) is not a breaching of the covenant because
they do this thinking they are glorifying Him, and is not meant
as an insult. The Sharia proof for all of this is what Allah (SW)
The punshiment of those who wage war
against Allah and His Messenger, and strive
with might and main mischief through the land
is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of
hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile
from the land: that is their disgrace in this worl,
and a heavy punishment is theirs in the
Hereafter. [S.5, A.33]
Allah (SW) also says:
But if they violate their oaths after their
covenant, and attack your Faith, fight (you) the
chiefs of Unfaith: for their oaths are nothing to
them that thus they may be restrained. [S.9, A.12].
This proves that whoever attacks Islam is actually breaching
the covenant and oaths, and he is a chief of disbelief! Hence,
no security can be granted to those who fight our Religion.
It is important to point out here that if someone commits what
nullifies his covenant and security, he is not to have a Sharia
Law applied to him, but rather terminating his covenant and
security and be retuned to his homeland safe and sound,
without being fought or killed but only if he becomes a fighter.


This is an issue I find myself obliged to discuss and show the
Sharia ruling in it because it is related to this research on the

one hand; and on the other hand because of the wrong

implementations some of the Islamists in some countries
commit while dealing with tourists in a non-Sharia and
irresponsible manner. This proves that they have not done a
sufficient Sharia research about this issue, unaffected by
emotions and other side influences which may affect the
neutrality of the serious Sharia research.
I say: I have already talked about the security of a Muslim
while he is in the lands of the Non-Muslims; and here I am
going to talk about the ruling of dealing with the protected
unbeliever in the lands of Muslims. However, before I get into
the Sharia rulings and explain them, I have to start by
specifying the extent by which the security is granted to the
unbeliever entering the lands of Muslims, then who is entitled
-from the Islamic Ummah- to grant him this security.
1-The extent by which the security is granted to an
Unbeliever entering the lands of Muslims
It has been mentioned previously from the things we cited the
Islamic scholars talking about, which is: the indication of
security is considered security. Thus, whatever word is uttered
or a signal given on the part of a Muslim which might be
interpreted by an unbeliever as a sign of security, it is a
binding security that should be met. Moreover, what is taken
into account in this situation is what the [protected] unbeliever
understands and not what the [protecting] Muslim intends! For
example, a Muslim signals to a fighting unbeliever to proceed
while the first intends to kill the latter, if this unbeleiver draws
near to the Muslim thinking he guarantees him security, he is
indeed under security because what is taken into consideration
in such cases is what the protected party understands, not what
the protecting party intends. Now, if security is established at
this level of indication and hinting, it is more binding when it
is accompanied by the expressions of welcoming. The
following are some of the sayings of Islamic scholars
regarding this matter:
Ash-Shaibani said in As-Siyar, V.1, P.183: it was reported that
Omar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: If
a Muslim gestures to whoever from the enemy by his finger
meaning that if he comes near him he[the Muslim] is going to

kill him [the unbeliever]. If the unbeliever does draw near the
Muslim [misinterpreting the gesture], he [the unbeliver] is
now under security and must not be killed. After this, I say, if
the Muslim gestures or signals in a manner that might be
interpreted as guaranteeing security and protection to the
unbeliever -who is not aware of the meaning of the gesture-,
he [the unbeliever] is indeed secured.
As-Sarkhasi in his Explanation of Siyar said:This unbeliever
is safe and secured because when the Muslim signals to him to
get closer; and this is done only to someone who is granted
security. Moreover, what the Muslim says if you [the
unbeliever] come, I am going to kill you cannot be fathomed
by the Unbeliever without actually getting closer to the
Muslim to check what it is. Therefore, the ruling is that the
security is established by this mere gesture, and other
intentions [on the Muslims side] are not taken into
consideration for the sake of avoiding treachery because his
signal might be interpreted by the unbeleiver as guaranteeing
security. Additionally, the Muslims saying if you come, I am
going to kill you is a statement revoking the security; but
since the unbeliever is not aware of it, he will still be under
security because Allah says: throw back their covenant to
them so as to be on equal terms i.e. equal terms regarding
your awareness and theirs about the revoking of the security
covenant of whatever form. Allah also says: Surely Allah
likes not the treacherous. In fact, security can be established
in various manners, including what might be interpreted from
speech or gesture.
The example of this is the incident of Hurmuzan; when he was
captured and brought to Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be
pleased with him), Omar asked him to talk. Hurmuzan said:
Do I talk in a manner of one who is living or dying? Omar
said: In a manner of one who is living. So he said, We
-Persians- and you -Arabs- were two peoples living in
ignorance without religion. We used to consider you as dogs.
And even when Allah gave you glory by this religion and sent
His Messenger from among you, we shall not submit to you!
Omar then retorted How dare you say such things whilst you
are a prisoner in our hands? Guards! Kill him! Hurmuzan
then said, Was it the teachings of your Prophet to guarantee a
prisoner security and then kill him? Omar said, When did I

give you security? Hurmuzan said, When you told me to

speak in a manner of one who is living; and the one who is
afraid about his own life may be taken away is not living.
Omar said, Woe to him! He extricated security from me in a
shrewd manner!
Hence, this is a clear example about the variety of manners
that security covenants can be based on and established as
binding to both parties.
Ash-Shiabani also said in As-Siyar, V.1, P.199: If the Muslims
call out to the fighting infidles that they [the infidles] are
secured, they really are no matter what language the Muslims
use while calling. This is evidenced in a hadeeth where Omar
bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote in a
letter to his troops in Iraq: If you say to any infidle do not be
afraid or its Persian equivalent matras, he is to be
guaranteed security because Allah will hold you responsible
for this no matter what language you use. This is right
because guaranteeing security to those infidles necessitates
that the Muslims must abstain from killing them or
imprisoning their women; this is done for the sake of Allah (in
Whose Name the covenant is given), and nothing can escape
the knowledge of Allah even if it was a small atom. Even if
the Muslims call out the fighting infidles in a language those
infidles do not understand, the infidles are still to be secured.
And if the Muslims say to the fighting infidles: You are safe,
Do not be afraid, No harm will befall you, or anything
similar, this is all considered as a security covenant.
And he also said: If a Muslim signals to an infidle who is in a
fortress or a stronghold to come to him, if he signals to the
infidles to open the gate, or if he points towards the sky, and as
a result, the infidles suppose that this is a security on his part,
it is indeed a security and must be dealt with as such on both
sides. This is even equal to his saying: I guarantee you
security and safety. This is also an evidence proved by the
previous hadeeth about Omar bin Al-Khattab, If a Muslim
gestures to anyone from the infidles to come near him, and he
[the infidle] does so [not being aware of the meaning of the
gesture], he is to be secured even if the Muslim meant to kill
the infidle by that gesture.

As-Sarkhasi said in his Explanation of as-Siyar: It is an

approved security covenant which is similar to him saying I
guarantee you security because the issue of security
guaranteeing can be established in numerous manners, and
avoiding the breaking of covenants -or anything close to it- is
a must. Therefore, we are in front of two cases: Firstly, if it is
known among the fighting Muslims and infidles that such
gestures denote security, the security covenant is established
because what is confirmed by conventions is equal to what is
confirmed by written agreements. And if the Muslim does not
hold to this covenant, it is considered as breaching. Secondly,
if such gestures were not recognized, the indications of this
Muslims state which are coupled with the gestures are equal
to implied agreements or even more confirmed. This happens
when the infidles act upon what the Muslim tells them to;
therefore, this act of theirs is the clearest proofs about their
agreeing to security.
Ash-Shaibani said in his Siyar, V.2, and P.4: Suppose that
some of the Muslims ask four of the fighting infidles -who are
in a fortress- to come down, and that they are safe because
they [Muslims] want to negotiate with them a peace treaty, and
then twenty men come down among which are those four.
Now, the Muslims do not know the four personally, and
everyone from the twenty men is claiming he is one of the
four; this makes all of the twenty secured and safe, none of
them is to be killed or imprisoned; they all must be secured
and escorted to their safe haven as if they were all guaranteed
He also said: Suppose that an infidle calls out from inside his
fortress, Safety! Safety and a Muslim replies to him Safety!
Safety, and then the infidle submits himself to the Muslims.
If the Muslim who gave the verbal security covenant to the
infidle claims that he was actually threatening him, this is not
to be accepted, and the Mushrik must be released.
I say: look at how the understanding of the one who is asking
for protection and safety outweighed the intention of the
Ibn Qudama said in his al-Mughni, V.9, P.199: If a fighting
infidle enters the lands of Islam without a security covenant,

and he has something to sell, and it has been the convention

that these infidles enter to our lands as merchants without a
security covenant, no one is allowed to harm them. Imam
Ahmad said: If some Muslims were sailing in the sea and
then come across some unbelieveing merchants who are
heading to the lands of Islam, the Muslims are not allowed to
harm or fight them. And anyone from the fighting infidles who
enters the lands of Islam on business, he is to be dealt with,
and none can question him.
I say: the reason why the security covenant must be accepted
from the merchants without verbally establishing it is because
they depended on the implied security common between the
people of that time, which sustained that merchants were
usually peaceful, they had no purpose other than trading, and
that they did not come to fight. Therefore, these merchants
depended on this type of covenant and took it for granted that
they did not need to confirm it verbally after they obtained it
conventionally. For this reason, Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
(may Allah bless his soul) -among other Islamic scholarsruled that these merchants must be safe, and that none can
harm them.
Another example would be what is mentioned in The
Explanation of al-Muqni by Ibn Muflih, V.3, P.394: Whoever
enters the lands of Muslims without establishing a covenant
but claiming to be an ennvoy or a merchant with some goods
to sell, his claim must be accepted because it is possible; and
also because it is hard to verify his claim. Therefore, this
acceptance protects him against getting killed or meddled
with. This is the consensus of Ahmad bin Hanbal and his
students and followers. As for the envoy, he is to be safe
because it is the norm; and as for the merchant, he is to be safe
because if he comes with only his property and no arms, this
indicates his peaceful state and intentions. Ibn Qudama did not
set it as a condition that the convention must have it about
these merchants being safe all the time, but the Madhab of
Imam Ahmad stipulated it as a condition because the
convention is treated in the same manner as a condition.
In Sharh as-Sunna by al-Baghawi, V.11, P.90: If an infidle
enters the lands of Islam under the protection of a boy thinking
it is approved amongst Muslims, he is to be returned to his

place of safety because of his ignorance about the ruling.

Shaqiq bin Salamah said: Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be
pleased with him) wrote to us while we were fighting in
Khanqeen: If any of you say to a fighting infidle Matras
[Persian for do not be afraid], he has actually guaranteed
him security of [Allah] because Allah knows all languages.
It was also reported that Amr bin Al-Hamiq said: I heard the
Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) saying: Whoever guarantees a man security and then
kills him, he will be given a banner of treachery on the Day of
In Al-Istithkar by Ibn Adel Barr, V.14, and P.84: Imam Malek
was asked if gesturing for security is the same as the verbal
agreement. He said: It is. And I believe that the Muslim
armies must be taught not to kill anyone to whom they signal
his security, because I consider signalling for security as the
same as the verbal agreement. Also, I was informed that
Abdallahi bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both)
said: if any group of Muslims breach their covenants, Allah
will inflict enemies upon them.
Ibn Abdel Barr continues saying: if it is unlawful to shed the
blood of the fighting infidle because of a security covenant,
how about the Muslim who is all the time under Allahs
Then he mentioned the incident that took place between Omar
bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) and the
Hurmuzan (see above).
Finally, he said: I do not know of any disagreement amongst
Islamic scholars on the ruling that whoever guarantees
security to a fighting infidle using any sort of languages or
gestures that the security covenant is established indeed. And
most of them [the Islamic scholars] consider the gesture of
security as equal to the verbal agreement if it is understood.
I say: this is the extent by which security is guaranteed to
unbelievers; this security covenant is binding and is approved
whether a Muslim gives it while he is in the lands of NonMuslims or in the lands of Muslims. What we have said about

the responsibilities attached to any Muslim entering the lands

of Non-Muslims in a security covenant and that he must be
loyal to it, also applies to the Muslims holding the citizenship
of the countries of Non-Muslims; this is because the
citizenship, on the one hand, emphasizes the covenants and
makes them more confirmed and unlawful to break; and on the
other hand, it means more rights and advantages given to them
by the host country.
Hence, after we have been introduced to the extent by which
the security covenant is established with the fighting
unbeliever, we now need to know who in the Islamic
community Ummah, is entitled to give such covenants, and
whether their covenants are approved and binding to the rest
of the community, Ummah.
2. Who is entitled to establish a security covenant
from the Muslim Community, Ummah?
It has been mentioned before that the lowest of
Muslims is entitled to give protection on their behalf, and that
this type of protection can be given to the unbeliever by any
individual from the Muslims -whether a male or a female, a
nobleman or a poor, a righteous or an evil-doer, or a freeman
or a slave! The Islamic scholars did not exclude but the boy
who has not come of age yet and the insane.
Ash-Shaibani said in As-Siyar, V.1, P.175: The security
covenants that a free Muslim man, whether virtuous or
immoral, gives are binding to all the other Muslims because of
the hadeeth, Muslims are equal in respect of blood. They are
like one hand over against all those who are outside the
community. The lowest of them is entitled to give protection
on their behalf. The meaning of protection is the security
covenant whether it is temporary or permanent.
There is also another example when Zeinab, the daughter of
the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), granted
protection to her husband Abu Al-As bin Rabiea, and the
Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) approved of her protection.
It was reported that Umm Hani said: I granted asylum to two
infidle relatives of mine, and then Ali bin Abi Taleb (may

Allah be pleased with him) came upon them to kill them. So I

told him, you are not going to kill them unless you kill me
first! Then, I locked my door on them and went to the
Messenger of Allah (p.b.b.u.h) and told him about what
happened. He said: Ali is not allowed to kill them. We grant
asylum and protection to the ones you have granted asylum
and protection.
It was reported that Omar (may Allah be pleased with him)
said: If a woman gives protection to an infidle on behalf of
the Muslims, this is approved. And in another narration, If
she guarantees a security covenant and peace, it is also
approved. And this is what the Mother of Believers Aisha
(may Allah be pleased with her) said.
As for a Muslim slave, his giving protection is not to be
approved unless he is fighting in the Muslims army. It was
reported that Al-Fadl ar-Ruqashi said, We besieged a fortress
of the infidles. Then a Muslim slave wrote a security covenant
to them and threw it to them using an arrow. When we sent a
letter to the Caliph Omar (may Allah be pleased with him), he
replied: He [the slave] is one of the Muslims, and his security
covenant is approved.
I would have to disagree about what Shaibani said about
restricting the validity of the Muslim salves protection on the
condition of him being a fighter. This is against what most of
the Islamic scholars agreed upon; and this is evidenced in the
following hadeeth: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) said: And the asylum granted by any Muslim is
to be secured by all the Muslims even if it is granted by one of
the lowest social status among them. And whoever betrays a
Muslim in this respect will incur the curse of Allah, the angels,
and all the people. His compulsory and optional good deeds of
worship will not be accepted. [Sahih Bukhari]
Ibn Qudama said in Al-Mughni, V.9, and P.195: The basic
concept is that if security is granted to fighting infidles, it is
unlawful to kill them, seize their money, or harm them.
Moreover, security and protection can be granted to infidles by
any adult, sane, and willing Muslim, a male or a female, free
or slave. This is what Ath-Thawri, al-Awzai, Shafii, Isaac bin
Rahaweh, and ibn al-Qasem amongst the majority of Islamic
scholars said.

In Al-Istithkar by Ibn Abel Barr, V.14, P.87: The security

guaranteed by the noble and the lowly is approved by a group
of Islamic scholars; whereas, the one guaranteed by a slave or
a woman is approved by the Jumhur i.e. the majority of
Muslim scholars.
It was reported that Omar approved of the Muslim slaves
guaranteeing security. There is not a disagreement between the
predecessors, salaf unless what is considered as contradicting
to the consensus.
Imam Tirmidhi said in his As-Sunan: The Prophets saying to
Umm Hani: We grant asylum and protection to the ones you
have granted asylum and protection. is a Sahih hadeeth which
is acted upon by the Islamic scholars who approved of the
security covenant given by Muslim women or slaves. This is
also what Imam Ahmad and Isaac chose. Also, it was reported
that Omar bin Al-Khattab approved of the Muslim slaves
Moreover, it was reported that Ali bin Abi Taleb and Abdullah
bin Amr (may Allah be pleased with them) said that the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The
lowest of Muslims is entitled to give protection on their
behalf. Islamic scholars explained that this means, if any
Muslim gives protection to anyone, the rest of the Muslims
must approve of it.
Now, if the following question is raised: what is the number
of Muslims who are supposed to abide by the covenant of
security a Muslim guaranteed to an unbeliever? Is it all of the
Muslims on Earth? What is the geographical area of the
Muslims lands which must abide by this covenant?
I answer: if the one giving protection is a leader, his security
covenant is binding to whoever is under his rule. Also, if it is
one of that leaders subjects, this type of covenant is the same
as that of his ruler; consequently, it is binding to all of those
living under the rule of this leader. This can be proved by AlHudaibya Truce and the events following it done by the
Companion Abu Basir (may Allah be pleased with him). The
case was like this, whoever is under the reign of Medina

-represented by the leadership of the master of Adams

offspring, Muhammad (peace and blessing sof Allah be upon
him) -, was obliged to abide by the articles of Al-Hudaibya
Truce; but those who were beyond the borders of Medinah and
the authority of its leader, were not obliged to abide by any of
these articles unless they themselves sign on it and agree to
them. Abu Basir (may Allah be pleased with him) was outside
the Medinah in the time of Hudaibya Truce, so he was not
obliged to follow any of its articles; that is why he, among
others, fought the infidles of Quraish.
Ibn Al-Qayyem said in Zad al-Miad, V.3, P.141: When the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) made a
peace treaty with Quraish agreeing to send them back anyone
who comes to him as Muslim, he did so; but he did not force
them to return, nor did he order them to doing so. And if one
of these Muslims kills any of Quraish or seizes their money,
while he has not joined the Prophet, the Prophet would not
criticize him or try to hand him to Quraish simply because that
Muslim is not under the authority of the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h),
and he did not ask him to do so. The peace truce that was
agreed upon by the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) and Quraish included
only the Muslims who were under his rule, and it did not
include those who were outside his control. This is taken as a
proof that if a group of Muslims -who are not under the power
of the Muslim leader Imam- attack the muahideen i.e.
infidles under security covenants, he is not supposed to fight
them off, prevent them, or compensate for what they seized or
I say: it is clear that those who are under the Imams control
are those who are living under his rule inside the borders of
his country.
Now, if it is asked: In our time, there is not a ruler for
Muslims by whose covenants they are obliged to abide by.
Therefore, how are we supposed to specify the range of the
areas and numbers of Muslims who must abide by a covenant
a Muslim gives to an unbeliever?
I answer: any Muslim who is living in one of the modern
countries in which Muslims live, his security covenant obliges
the Muslims who are living in the same country as well as the

Christians who are living in the same country along the

Muslims under a social covenant of security. This very
security covenant is not binding to Muslims in other countries.
The proof about this is convention and what the protecting
party considers as security; for example, an unbeliever who is
holding a visa of any Muslim country considers his visa to be
a security covenant for himself in that very country but not
anywhere else. It has been mentioned above that what is taken
into consideration is what the protected party believes not
what the protecting party intends. This has become a valid
convention amongst all the peoples of the Earth, and which
cannot be disregarded or underestimated because it is an
implied covenant that must be fulfilled.
Furthermore, If it is asked: How many infidles an individual
Muslim is entitled to guarantee security to which will make
his covenant obliging to Muslims?
I answer: An individual Muslim is not entitled to give security
to a whole country, an army, or hundreds or thousands of
soldiers because all of this is only the jurisdiction of the
Muslim ruler or who represents him. An individual can only
give security to a couple of individuals or tens of people not
exceeding a hundred. This is evidenced in Al-Hudaibya Truce
from the hadeeth narrated by Abdallah al-Muzni (may Allah
be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Write down,
this is what Muhammai bin Abdullah bin Abdel Muttaleb
made a peace treaty about; and indeed I am the Messenger of
Allah While we were in the middle of this, we were surprised
by thirty men fully armed who swooped upon us; immediately,
the Messenger of Allah invoked Allah against them, so they
got all blinded. We reached them, and the Prophet (peace be
upon him) asked them: Are you here under the protection of
anyone, or do you have a security covenant? They said: No.
After that, he allowed them all of them to go 15. In Muslims
narration, they were eighty men from Makkah.
What can be concluded from the Prophets saying: Are you
here under the protection of anyone, or do you have security
Narrated by Ahmad and others. See Sahih As-Seera An-Nabawiyya by
Ibrahim al-Ali, 531.


covenant is that he considered one individual Muslim as

entitled to give security to this number of fighting men who
were thirty or eighty!
Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi said in Al-Mughni, An individual
Muslim is entitled to guarantee security of one infidle, ten
infidles, or a caravan of unbelieving people.
3- The Ruling of Treating a Non-Muslim Tourist in
the Lands of Muslims,
We have showed -by the Sharia proofs and the sayings of our
righteous predecessors Salaf- the extent by which security is
established to the fighting infidle, the parties entitled by Sharia
Law to give this security, and the number and area which
must abide by the security an individual Muslim gives. This
has been a necessary introduction to the topic under
discussion. It is also necessary for the reader because it
enables him/her to judge properly such issues and to know
what is considered as a binding security covenant and what is
not, and what a valid covenant is and what is not. Now, we
start to explain the Sharia ruling about the treatment of a nonMuslim tourist in the lands of Muslims.
I say: if any non-Muslim enters the lands of Muslims as a
tourist by means of a visa or any similar documents or
invitations which are usually sent from the Muslim citizens of
the country to those living abroad, he is secured and safe and
his blood and possessions are sacred. He is not to be terrorized
or harmed in whatever manner; and any trespassing over him
or his sacred things, even if it is little, is considered as
breaching of the security covenant he has. The following is
more in-depth explanation:16
1- It has been mentioned above that in our time, visas
and similar travel documents are considered as an implied
security covenant established and recognized by all people
who consider them as an implied covenant between the two
This type of tourists includes, merchants, workers, students, teachers,
relative visitors, envoys, patients to be treated, or media reporters, and
many other jobs or occupations which do not fall under the category of
war or fighting. All of these are to be safe unless it is known for sure that
they are working as spies for the enemy.


[or more] parties concerned, regardless of the nationality,

faith, or religion of the one granting this visa. When such a
non-Muslim tourist enters the lands of Muslims, he depends
on what he thinks of as a security convention among all people
to be a covenant binding and approved by all of them as well.
We have seen how the implied condition/covenant is binding
and approved of as is the verbal one; and thus, it is a legal
security that must not be breached.
We have also seen how the Sharia ruling is based on what the
protected one, mustamin thinks of or interprets as security,
and not on what the protecting party intends. Hence, this nonMuslim thinks that this visa is enough for him to be
guaranteed security, and consequently, he does not need to
emphasise his security by another covenant. So, this is another
reason why a non-Muslim tourist should not be harmed or
Now, let us suppose that an unbelieving envoy to the lands of
Muslims enters under a visa or a security covenant given to
him by an infidle dhimmi living in the Muslim society, or an
apostate hypocrite, or an apostate ruler, does this influence his
security negatively?
The answer is that although the non-Muslim [living in the land
of Muslims] covenant sent to that infidle [intending to enter
the land of Muslims] is null, but that does not influence
negatively the security because it is known that envoys are not
to be killed because they are protected by an implied
conventional security; and it does not make much of a
difference what party grants them the visa. Similarly, in our
topic, the tourist infidle is protected by an implied security
regardless of the party granting him the visa.
2- Another implied security requires that in our time,
tourists usually enter the lands of other peoples peacefully and
not intending to fight. In this case, they are similar to
merchants who are known to enter the lands of others in order
to trade and not to fight. These merchants are considered by
Imam Ahmad amongst other Muslim scholars as secured and
safe because of the implied security covenant, and they are not
to be harmed.


3- The unfaith of many of the Muslims rulers in this

age is not agreed upon by all of the modern scholars.
Therefore, there is a possibility that this visiting tourists
relying on the covenant of this ruler thinking he is a Muslim,
and that his security covenant is approved by all Muslims, is
based on the opinion of those scholars who do not see this
ruler as an unbeliever. Also, this unbeliever may not have
heard about those who consider this ruler as an unbeliever, let
alone hearing about what they think of him. Therefore, this is
an error that is taken into consideration in Sharia Law, and we
have seen that the slightest indication of security is considered
as security.
Moreover, does not this case strike you as similar to the case
of an unbeliever who enters the lands of Muslims relying on a
Muslim boys security mistaking him for an adult In this case,
the unbeliever is excused because of his ignorance and
mistake as we have seen, and because the security is based on
what the protected party thinks and supposes, but not on what
the protecting party intends.
Also, if we excuse some of the current distinguished Muslim
scholars for disagreeing with us about the unbelief of some of
the rulers, is it not more acceptable to excuse an ignorant
unbeliever about disagreeing with us on the same issue,
especially if we bear in mind that he thinks of that ruler as
Muslim because of the attitudes of the official scholars
towards this ruler?!
4- In our time, any tourist does not enter the lands of
Muslims unless he goes through a series of verbal security
covenants -by many different parties- all of which are
approved and must be fulfilled and taken into consideration.
First, he gets the expressions of welcome and safety from the
Muslim workers of the flying company carrying him. Then, he
will be welcomed by the aircrafts staff and attendants. After
that, he will be welcomed by the workers of the hotel he is
staying in for which he has already booked. After that, he will
be welcomed by the owners of the shops and restaurants he
visits. Also, he will be welcomed by his own Muslim
acquaintances and friends, not to mention the welcome of the
workers in the educational institutions as well as the tourism
and Dawa centres with which he may have had previous
arrangements to visit. And finally, he will be greeted and

welcomed by the people of the country in the streets who will

be smiling at him and offering him hospitality.
All of the previous acts are security covenants which are
strongly-made, consolidated and firmed up by one another,
none of which is to be breached or belittled. Also, it is more
dangerous to claim that none of the above-mentioned people is
a Muslim who is entitled to guarantee security because this is
a claim nobody dares to say other than the extremist Khawarij
of this age. My advice for dealing with those is to punish them
severely because I have had tens of debates with those on
many occasions. Anyway, the ones opposing us in this issue
are not of Khawarij; therefore, it is a good idea not to take this
point any further fearing of digression from the main topic.
5- A tourist usually enters other countries to get
acquainted with their culture and civilization and peoples
traditions. Therefore, when it applies to the lands of Muslims,
a tourist will be asking for protection in order to hear the Word
of Allah i.e. Quran, and to get to know the Muslims traditions.
In this case, he has the right to be protected, be introduced to
the Quran, and be safe with no one terrorizing or trying to
murder him. This will give him the chance to know the great
truth about Islam from its own sources and not what he has
heard about it in his own country. Allah (SW) says:
If one amongst the Pagans ask you for asylum,
grant it to him, so that he may hear the Word of
Allah; and then escort him to where he can be
secure, that is because they are men ithout
knowledge [S.9, A.6]
This is his right; and he must be protected and hospitable to.
His covenant must not be breached, and he must not be killed,
robbed, or terrorized.
Now, this manner of asking protection and security until an
unbeliever gets to hear Quran where he would come to the
borders of Muslims and ask for his security until he hears
Quran, this manner no longer exists in our time. The only way
all the people of all religions do in our time is that someone
gets a visa for the country he wishes to enter without being
exposed to any sort of problems or obstacles.


In this case, the Muslims have two choices, either they refuse
to deal in such a manner, and consequently, hindering the
Dawa calling to Allah and preventing others to enter their
lands in order to hear Quran and know about Iman.
Apparently, this is an unwise choice.
Or, they can deal with such a manner as an implied security
whereby they guarantee the unbelievers entering this way
security until they can hear the Word of Allah. This is what we
think of as right and appropriate because it goes in line with
the teachings of Sharia, and Allah knows best.
As a matter of fact, we have heard and read about many cases
where a large number of unbelieving people embraced Islam
because of what they saw and experienced in the Muslims
lands. Indeed, this is a great interest in the advantage of Islam
that must be taken into account and not overlooked.
It was reported in a Sahih hadeeth that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said to Ali bin Abi Taleb (may
Allah be pleased with him): By Allah! If a single person
embraces Islam through you that will be better for you than
the red camels."
Some of Muslim scholars went as far as deeming as an
unbeliever any Muslim who delays an unbeliever who comes
to him to learn how to embrace Islam whilst he [the Muslim]
is on a pulpit delivering Friday oration. This is because he is
actually extending the states of unbelief and and infidelity for
a period of time until he finishes the oration!
I would ask, how about those who -in one way or another- say
to the unbeliever who is asking about Islam and seeking the
truth, Wait until we finish our struggle with the ruling tyrant
taghut, which may take years and years, then we shall allow
you to enter our country and explain Islam and monotheism
tawheed to you.!
6- Come to think of it, a tourist is an envoy of his own
people, and we have seen that envoys are guaranteed security
and not to be killed. This is because when he returns to his
own country after visiting a Muslim country, he tells his own
people and friends about what he saw in that country, the

things he heard from its people, the things they heard from
him, and about the things which caught his eyes and charmed
him in that country.
In this case, he is actually reporting what he saw and
experienced; therefore, if he sees Islam on its bright true
image and nature, then he will report a side of the truth, no
matter how much he tries to lie or distort the truth. For Islam,
this is an important goal to be achieved.
Allah (SW) said:
O mankind! We have created you from a single
(pair) of a male and a female, and made you
into nations and tribes, that you may know each
other. (Not that you may despise each other).
Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of
Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you.
And Allah has full knowledge and is well
acquainted (with all things). [S. 49, A.13]
This getting to know each other amongst nations and peoples
is one of the purposes of existence and which cannot be done
unless within a certain amount of safety. Otherwise, how are
the peoples of the world going to know one anothers cultures,
civilizations, and sciences if they are not safe about one
another, and if everyone is afraid of everyone?!
Hence, whoever permanently cancels the implementation of
security is not faithful to covenants and security, and goes on
to breach the Muslims protection of others is actually
suspending one purpose of the human existence and diversity.
Also, he is blatantly opposing Allahs saying so that you may
know each another!
7- Some statistics maintain that the number of Muslims
in Europe alone is more than forty million most of whom are
there because of their hard circumstances and the persecution
they suffered back home. Now, is it wise, fair, and reasonable
to say to the Europeans [with whom these Muslims are living],
if anyone of your tourists enters our lands, he is to be
terrorized, robbed, kidnapped, or even killed? However, if
anyone of our tourists enters your lands, he is to be safe,
secured, and protected?!!

This cannot be considered as fair, not at all. And the Sharia

Law of Allah the Merciful -which is based on ultimate justicedoes not approve of such acts because one of its greatest aims
is to fight off injustice and the unjust.
I also would like to ask those who issue such irresponsible
threats to foreign tourists, have you taken into your
consideration the interests of the millions of Muslims
unwillingly living in the West? Or do you consider these
millions as non-Muslims without sanctity to observe?
Therefore, because of all the above-mentioned points -one of
which is enough-, I say without doubt that, if any unbeliever
enters the lands of Muslims as a tourist, he is under a Sharia
security covenant which cannot be breached. Hence, it is
unlawful to shed his blood, seize his possessions, or terrorize
him in whatever manner. And if anyone inflicts harm on him,
he is a perfidious person sinful of betrayal even if he claims
his acts are Jihad or ascribes himself to Mujahideen.
Furthermore, if any Muslim dares to kill a tourist, he has to
pay his blood-money [Diya] because he has killed someone
who is secured. This is proved with the Prophets act when he
paid the blood-money of the group that Khaled bin Al-Waleed
(may Allah be pleased with him) killed when he
misunderstood their saying, We changed our religion while
what they wanted to say is We embraced Islam.
Imam Muhammad Shaibani said in As-Siyar V.1, P.179, if a
Muslim man guarantees a group of infidles security, but then
other Muslims attack them killing their men, imprisoning their
women and seizing their possessions, once they become aware
of the security covenant, they must pay blood-money for the
murder of the men etc
Right here, I find it appropriate to highlight the mistake some
of the modern Islamic Jihadi movements commit when they
intentionally target the tourists under the false conception that
a tourist only has the security covenant of the apostate ruler
which is not binding in the first place! This is wrong because
we have seen that a tourist does not only depend on the
covenant of the ruler, but he is surrounded by a series of
security covenants which guarantees him safety.

We have already seen the following hadeeths when the The

Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Whoever gives protection to a man and then kills him; I am
free from him even if the murdered is an unbeliever. He also
said: If anyone kills a Muahid i.e. a person guaranteed
protection without a just cause, Allah will prevent him from
even smelling the fragrance of Paradise.
It was also reported that Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with
them) said, if Muslims breach their covenants, Allah will
inflict enemies upon them. Therefore, fear Allah, slaves of
Allah, do not underestimate the sanctity of covenants because
of meagre gains, and do not be the cause of inflicting enemies
on yourselves by breaching the covenants and security. If you
do so, do not blame anyone else other than yourselves if Allah
grants the unbelievers a way to triumph over you.

Having very carefully considered the sayings and proofs of
those opposing us in this matter, I have found out that their
proofs or arguments do not reach the level of a marjouh
proof, left-out for other stronger proofs that is can not be
accepted. They are merely a number of misconceptions they
think of as proofs in addition to other feeble baseless

opinions the objective of which is to confuse the minds of

young people and their manners.
Here I will take them one by one to refute their false claims,
by the help of Allah:
1- First Misconception
They say we agree that there is a covenant between us and the
unbelievers, but because it includes invalid articles, for
example, the necessity of referring to their judicial system
whenever a conflict or any problem comes up, this makes the
whole covenant invalid and null. Consequently, it is not
binding for us to do anything towards the other side. They
supported their view by the the following Sahih Hadith where
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
Any condition that is not in Allahs Book (Laws) is invalid
even if they were one hundred conditions, for Allah's
ordinance is the right one and Allahs conditions are the
stronger ones (firmer).
Firstly, for the sake of accuracy, I shall provide the reader
with other narrations of the above-mentioned hadeeth, and the
occasion on which it was said, which will make it easier to
him/her to understand what is meant by it.
Al-Bukhari narrated in his Sahih that Urwa said that Aisha
had told him that Buraira came to seek her help in her writing
of emancipation (for a certain sum) and that time she had not
paid anything of it. Aisha said to her, "Go back to your
masters, and if they agree that I will pay the amount of your
writing of emancipation and get your inheritance, I will do
so." Buraira informed her masters of that but they refused and
said, "If she (i.e. Aisha) is seeking Allah's reward, then she can
do so, but your inheritance will be for us." Aisha then
mentioned that to Allah's Messenger who said to her, "Buy and
manumit her as inheritance is for the liberator." Allah's
Messenger then stood up and said: "What about those people
who stipulate conditions which are not mentioned in Allah's
Book Laws. Whoever stipulates a condition which is not
mentioned in Allah's Book, this condition will be invalid, even
if he stipulated a hundred conditions. Allah's condition (Law)
is the truth and is stronger and more solid."

In another narration in Sahih, Ibn Omar said, Aisha (may

Allah be pleased with her) wanted to buy a slave-girl in order
to manumit her. The masters of the girl told her that the girls
inheritance must be theirs! Having heard about this, the
Messenger of Allah told Ai\sha: Let that not stop you [from
buying and freeing the girl] because inheritance is for the one
who liberates the slave.
In another narration, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) said: Buy and manumit Buraira and let them
stipulate that her inheritance will be theirs, as the inheritance
is for the manumitter. Then he said, What about some
people who impose conditions which are not mentioned in
Allah's Book? So, any condition which is not mentioned in
Allah's Book is invalid even if they were one-hundred
conditions. Allah's ordinance is the truth, and Allah's condition
is stronger and more solid. Why do some men from you say, O
so-and-so! Manumit the slave but the inheritance will be
mine? Verily, the inheritance is for the liberator.
In another narration, The Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said: "Buy and manumit her and let them
stipulate whatever they like." So, Aisha bought and
manumitted her, and her masters stipulated that her inheritance
should be theirs." The Prophet said, "The inheritance would be
for the liberator even if they stipulated a hundred conditions."
All of the previous hadeeths are narrated in Sahih Bukhari.
Secondly, the various narrations of this hadeeth indicated that
an invalid condition or article about a covenant does not
nullify the whole covenant altogether, nor will it stand in the
face of achieving a good deed or an interest like manumitting
a Muslim from slavery.
Read back what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) said, Do not let that stop you because the
inheritance is for the liberator i.e. do not let their invalid
condition [to have the slaves inheritance as theirs] stop you
from concluding your rightful covenant which enables you to
buy her and then free her. After you buy her, none will take
place other than what is correct and of Sharia because there

will be no obligation on your part towards their null and

invalid condition.
In the other narration: Buy and manumit Buraira and let
them stipulate that her inheritance will be theirs, as the
inheritance is for the manumitter. What he (p.b.b.u.h) means
is, accept their invalid condition which will not change the
very fact that the inheritance is for the one who frees the girl!
In a different narration, "Buy and manumit her and let them
stipulate whatever they like of invalid conditions, because
this must not nullify the rightful buying contract, nor must it
stop you from going ahead in finishing the good deed you
intended to do.
Ibn Abdel Barr said in Al-Istithkar, V.23, P.202: This hadeeth
makes it clear that any invalid condition in purchasing does
not nullify the purchase process; but it [the invalid condition]
only nullifies itself, and the purchase process is to be
Similarly, with regard to the issue under discussion pertaining
to the covenant with unbelievers, the security covenant in
general is valid, and we must be faithful to all of the valid and
Sharia conditions in it. However, as for the conditions which
contradict Sharia Law, these are invalid ones by which we do
not have to abide by unless forced to and unwillingly bearing
in mind what interests can be obtained from them and what
hardships can be avoided.
If someone is to asks: why did the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered Aisha (may Allah be
pleased with her) to agree to the masters condition about
inheritance and then tell her not to fulfill that?
Ibn Abdel Barr (may Allah bless his soul) actually answered
this question in Al-Istithkar, V.23, P.202: What the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) meant: agree to
them having the girls inheritance because this will not make
any difference about the fact that their stipulation is invalid
after their knowing that it is not of Sharai in the first place.
Furthermore, the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) told Aisha to agree to
their invalid stipulation until the purchase process takes place,

then, the process will be concluded, and the invalid condition

will be nullified. The Prophet wanted the whole process to
take place in order to warn those who did not listen to his
ruling or follow his own way about the unlawfulness of
keeping the right to the inheritance of ones slave after selling
him or her.
Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani said in Fatih al-Bari, V.5, P. 226:
others said that the idea behind the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) telling
Aisha to let them stipulate is to rule that this stipulation
makes no difference. It is as though he was telling her,
whether you agree to their stipulation or not, that would not
benefit them. This interpretation is supported by Aymans
narration where the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) said to her, "Buy and
manumit her [Buraira] and let them stipulate whatever they
like." It is also said, since they wanted to go ahead stipulating
what they already knew of as null, the Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) let
them hold to their stipulation because he wanted to warn them
about the bad consequence of the whole affair. This is similar
to Moses (peace be upon him) addressing -and actually
defying- the magicians, throw whatever you are going to
throw! i.e. this is not going to be of any good to you.
Likewise, the Messenger of Allah (p.b.b.u.h) is basically
saying, agree to their stipulation because in the end, they shall
realize that this is not going to be of any use to them. This is
supported by what he said when he stood up on the pulpit:
What is wrong with some people who impose conditions
which are not mentioned in Allah's Book? Hence, he
criticized them by saying so in a reference to him already
explaining Allahs ruling of nullifying such stipulations.
Ash-Shafi said in Al-Umm, since the one who is stipulating
conditions against what Allah and His Messenger have already
ruled against is considered a sinner, and that for sinners, there
are certain disciplining procedures and confinements, it is a
sinners punishment that their conditions are not fulfilled so
that they are restrained from their sin. And this is also done to
serve as an example for others in the previous procedure
which could not be easier.
Other scholars said: the meaning of agree to their stipulation
is actually, do not contradict them in what they want to
stipulate. And do not show that you oppose to their
stipulation. This is because the Prophet (peace and blessings

of Allah be upon him) wanted the purchase of the slave to be

concluded as soon as possible for the priority of manumitting
the salve-girl.
Al-Khattabi said: This hadeeth indicates that inheritance is
equal to the relationship of parenthood. For example, if a man
and a woman give birth to a child, the parenthood is attributed
to them even if the child was ascribed to other parents.
Likewise, if anyone frees a slave, the inheritance of this slave
is attributed to the one who frees him. And even if he [the
salve] wanted to ascribe his inheritance to other than the
liberator, it is not approved. That is why the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him] did not care about their
stipulation to keep the inheritance, but he told Aisha (may
Allah be pleased with her) to agree to this null condition
because this could not affect the whole purchase contract.
Actually, what those masters were stipulating was considered
as ineffectual talk; and the Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) wanted to delay informing them in order
to make his nullifying of such an invalid condition as a wellknown ruling to be announced on the pulpit in front of all the
Muslims. By doing this, he severely criticized them for not
abiding by Allahs Laws in an eloquent manner. [End of Citations
from Fatih al-Bari.]

Thirdly, those opposing us claim that the security covenant

with unbelievers includes an implied condition which is
referring to their man-made laws whenever there is a problem;
and this is an invalid condition for which we nullified the
validity of the whole covenant -as binding or approved ofalong with the other valid conditions which do not contradict
Sharia Law!
I ask them in return, once you have breached the security
covenant with them while you are still in their lands under
their protection, what sort of rulings are you under? Are they
the rulings of Islam or the rulings of unbelief?
If they say, the rulings of Islam, they are just lying and do not
want to admit the truth. Honestly, I do not think they would
choose this answer.


However, if they say, the rulings and laws of unbelief, they are
So I ask them, what makes you breach your covenants and
security? What is the use of doing it if nothing of what you
want has been accomplished?
Then, what is more sinful, to abide by their rules, while you
have no other choice and while you are full of hate towards
them, without breaching the security covenant, or to abide by
their rules while you are actually breaking their security
covenants on which you both agreed?
No doubt, a wise person would say, the combination of the
two bad things on a person is way worse than him being
obliged to abide by one bad thing!
Therefore, if we look at the whole thing from this angle, those
people would be choosing the worst of the bad things, and the
biggest of offences, without any of this being repaid by any
sort of gain or interest, except the little things they steal under
the night cover; if these things obtained through unlawful
means can be considered as gain in the first place!
Suppose they claim, It is coercion what forces us to breach
the covenant and security whilst still living under and
submitting -outwardly- to their control, protection, and laws.
My reply would be, if this supposed coercion is a reason for
you to justify your breaking the covenants which is unlawful
and that leads only to harm without any benefit gained, why
do not you make this coercion motivate you to do what is
lawful and of Sharia law, which is being faithful towards
covenants and security which can lead to welfare?
Why do you see coercion as a justification for you to commit
sins and not a justification to do good-deeds and what is
dictated by Sharia Law?
Fourthly, all of the Muslim scholars who talked about the
security of a Muslim in the lands of the enemy know that the
unbelievers laws will be the ones under which that Muslim is
going to be living. Nevertheless, they did not consider this as a

condition which can nullify the validity of the security

covenant, nor did they say that this case goes under the
hadeeth, Any condition that is not in Allahs Book (Laws) is
Consider what as-Sarkhasi said in his Al-Mabsout, V.10, P.97:
If a group of Muslims are living under the protection of
unbelievers in their lands, and then another fighting group of
unbeleivers invades the land, those Muslims are not allowed to
fight because this will be jeopardizing their safety, something
which is only restricted to raise the Word of Allah and religion
which is not the case here. This is because these Muslims are
living under the laws of unbelief and cannot be ruled by Islam
laws, and their fighting now would be to raise the authority of
unbelief which cannot be. Therefore, their fighting is unlawful
unless they think these invaders will harm them; so they can
fight them away, but not to establish the unbelief authority but
rather to defend themselves.
What we need to focus on from this is what he said: these
Muslims are living under the laws of unbelief and cannot be
ruled by Islam laws. Even so, he did not consider this as a
reason for the Muslims to break their covenants and turn into
fighters against the people of the land they are in, nor did he
support his argument by the hadeeth, any conditionetc.
Fifthly, the returning of a few of the Muslims -according to
the Hudaibya Truce- to the land of infidles where they would
be subject to trials in their religion, torture, infidles laws, as
well as their whips, is far severer than the case of a Muslim
living under the laws of infidles whilst he is in their own lands
without him being subjected to any of the above. Although the
case is so, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) was faithful to his covenant with the infidles and did
return whoever came to him as a Muslim; and he did not
breach his covenant, God forbid.
Now, can those who are opposing us dare to say that the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has
concluded a stipulation -which is not mentioned in Allahs
Book- with the infidles, which may have made the whole
covenant invalid and liable to breach?

I do not think that any believer -who has an atom of faith in

his heart- would even dare to think of it let alone utter it!
Similarly, can anyone dare say that when Huzaifa bin alYaman (may Allah be pleased with him) agreed to the
condition of infidles of Quraish not to fight them, that he
agreed to an invalid condition not in the Book of Allah?
Before anyone answers, listen to what the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) said to him, Stay away from
us, we will fulfill the covenant you made with them and seek
God's help against them.!
Sixthly, what can be said about the dealings amongst Muslims
regarding purchases or contracts -as it is the case with this
hadeeth which seems problematic to the opposing peoplecannot be said about the case of coercion and compulsion
which forces the Muslim to deal with the unbelievers as the
weak party who needs them while they do not!
The Islamic rulings about the cases of well-being and
affluence are different from those applied to the cases of
hardship, necessity, affliction, and difficulty. Also, what can be
said about the case of strength and authority cannot be said
about the cases of weakness and homelessness while the
Muslim is suffering persecution from everyone! Similarly,
what can be said about the fields of wars and combat cannot
be equal to what is said about the fields of security and
The Sharia and Fiqh rule says, If a situation gets difficult, a
Muslim has a choice to get out of it by any possible means
only without going into extremes.
Allah the Almighty says: So, verily, with every difficulty,
there is relief. [S.94, A. 6]. One difficulty can never overcome
two reliefs.
Seventhly, sometimes an invalid condition must be fulfilled
without affecting the whole covenant just because there is a
general interest for Muslims, and a graver hardship is going to
be fended off. This case happens a lot in the situations where
Muslims are weak and oppressed in our present time.

Take a look at what Ibn Muflih said in his Al-Mubdi, If they

release a Muslim prisoner provided that he sends them money,
he must do it when he is able to. But if he could not, he should
return to them! That is because if that released prisoner is
loyal to his covenant, it will be in the interest of the other
prisoners; but if he is not, this is going to harm them, because
the unbelievers will not guarantee security to any of them after
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyyeh (may God bless his soul) said,
Whoever is advising against that [fulfilling a covenant with
one invalid condition] so a small amount of oppression will
not happen, if people listen to him, oppression and corruption
exercised on them will increase. This is equal to the case of a
caravan of people who are on their way, and then a group of
highwaymen obstructs their way asking them to either give
them some money or get killed. Now, when someone says to
these people, you cannot give them anything of your money,
he is actually trying to preserve the small amount he is
advising them against giving. However, if these people listen
to him, that small amount along with a bigger price will be
paid! This is something that not a wise man will suggest
doing! Allah (SW) sent the Messengers to attain the interests
and welfare of the believers and to suspend and prevent
hardships as much as possible.

To conclude my refutation of the first misconception I list

the following points:
1- The hadeeth which the opposing people based their own
argument on is not a proof about the area under discussion and
has nothing to do with what we are disagreeing about. The
proof is the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) hadeeth, Muslims are loyal to their covenants and
2- If the covenant includes an invalid condition, this only
condition is null and void, but the whole covenant is still valid.
This is because the nullity of one article does not necessarily
lead to the invalidity of the entire covenant, as Ibn Abdel Barr
among other scholars said.

3- This null and void condition or article must be avoided as

much as possible; and we do not see that it should be applied
unless in the case of coercion and compulsion.
4- When the null and void article is to be applied, we should
take into consideration what interests can be obtained of it and
what hardships can be avoided. And the rule that must be
borne in mind is, commit the lesser of two evils, and fend off
the bigger of two hardships.
2- The Second Misconception
It is what they say that the protecting party [the Westerners]
sometimes does what indicates that they are in war against
Islam and Muslims; and this is enough for them to breach the
covenant and security between themselves and the
I reply to this misconception in the following points:
1- This claim is said when the unbeliever is the one who enters
in the security and protection of Muslims in their lands, and
then it is discovered that he is a fighting unbeliever, or if he
actually changes his state into a fighting unbeliever after being
guaranteed security, and not vice versa!
2- This protecting country of yours has been -before and after
giving you asylum- in war against Islam and Muslims.
Therefore, when it grants you this special individual asylum
and security covenant, it has not turned into a security land for
all of the Muslims on Earth, nor is it supposed to!
3- The validity of this special security covenant between
yourself and the host country cannot be tentative unless it
grants security to the totality of the Islamic Ummah! Not even
one distinguished scholar would say this! In other words, this
security covenant between you and the unbeliever is a partial
one specially for you, and is not binding for them to apply to
anyone else from the Ummah, whether in case of war or


4- The Muslim scholars who talked about the security of a

Muslim in the lands of non-Muslims were actually talking
about his obligation to fulfill their covenant even if there was
an Islamic State of group fighting these very unbelievers. This
is because what binds you does not bind them, and vice versa.
Allah the Almighty said:
Those who believed, and emigrated, and
fought for the Faith, with their property and
their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well as
those who gave (them) asylum and aid,- these
are (all) friends and protectors, one of another.
As to those who believed but emigrate, you owe
no duty of protection to them until they
emigrate; but if they seek your aid in religion, it
is your duty to help them, except against a
people with whom you have a treaty of mutual
alliance. And (remember) Allah sees all that you
do [S.8.A.72]
This noble verse prohibits Muslims from fighting the
unbeliever with whom they are in convenant, even though
they were involved in fighting another group of Muslims.
Ibn Katheer said in the Tafseer: In the verse: but if they seek
your aid in religion, it is your duty to help them Allah (SW)
says that you should give aid to the Arabian Bedauins who did
not emigrate for the purpose of a religious struggle and were
involved in a struggle against an enemey of theirs, for it is
obligatory upon you to give aid to them because they are your
brothers in religion, unless they ask you for aid against a
group of infidles with whom you have entered into convenant,
that is a peace treaty for a measured period, in which case do
not nulify your contract and do not invalidate your promise
with those whom you have a contract of peace. This
understanding has been reported by Ibn Abbas (May Allah be
pleased with him).
Ash-Shafii (may Allah bless his soul) said in Al-Umm, V.4,
P.293, If a group of Muslims enters the lands of fighting
infidles on a security covenant, and then those infidles
imprison a group of Muslims, those Muslims on the security
covenant with the infidles are not to fight the infidles to

liberate the imprisoned Muslims until they revoke their

covenant. If the infidles become aware of this, and the
covenant was nullified, the Muslims can fight the infidles.
But, if they were still in the period of the infidles protection,
they cannot fight them.
I say: this is what Sunnah has ordained. It was narrated in
Sahih hadeeth that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him) was fighting the infidles of Quraish, but at the
same time, there was a security covenant between Huzaifa bin
al-Yaman and Quraish which prevented Huzaifa from fighting
with the Prophet in Badr. The Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) said about
this, We will fulfill the covenant you hav emade with them
and seek God's help against them.
Also, when there was a security covenant between the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Quraish after
al-Hudaibya Truce, there was also a group of Muslims led by
the companion Abu Basir (may Allah be pleased with him)
who was in war against Quraish on a separate front away from
Medinah and from what had been agreed on in Hudaibya. The
Prophet (p.b.b.u.h) and the believers who witnessed Hudaibya
were not to be held responsible for the acts of the group of
Abu Basir.
In conclusion, if non-Muslim country is in war against the
Muslim Ummah, this does not mean that an individual Muslim
or a group of Muslims cannot enter the lands of that country in
a special security covenant provided that they are loyal to that
covenant. Also, this situation of war does not mean that a
group of the infidles of that country cannot enter the lands of
Muslims in a special security covenant provided that they are
loyal to that covenant.
3- The Third Misconception
It is their claim that the security given by unbelievers to a
Muslim does not mean that the Muslim should return this
security, and that there are scholars who said so!
I reply by these points:


1- This is a strange and baseless claim which is against the

Sharia proofs and what the majority of Muslim scholars have
agreed upon. Therefore, it should not be taken into account
because it is logically and practically impossible that a party
gives safety to another, but the other party still holds the state
of fighting! This has never happened in history! The security
that is guaranteed by one party means a mutual security
between the two parties; and this is understood by everyone
who establishes a security covenant with others. This is
supported by the logic, Sharia Law, and convention.
2- No matter how much effort these people put while looking
up and searching amongst the weak and baseless opinions,
they will not find one sentence by a distinguished scholar
saying that the security that a Muslim gives to an unbeliever
-when he enters their lands- is not binding for him!
As a matter of fact, the Muslim who enters the lands of nonMuslims is the one who starts by presenting the expressions
and indications suggestive of his requesting security,
protection, and permission to enter their lands before the other
party even answers his request. Therefore, the previous
baseless claim does not concern us!
3- Let it be known that whoever seeks the pitfulls and errors
of scholars in order to take them up as his own ways in
religion, he will end up forming a new religion of his own
where you would find that, robbery, wine, usury, fornication
and adultery, and musical instrumentsetc. are all lawfull,
halal. Surely, he can get a mistaken and misguided opinion
by one or few of Muslim scholars which will vouch for the
lawfulness of each one of the previous!
However, this is not the true religion of Allah, nor is this the
right path that a truth haqq seeker takes. It was reported- and
it is true- that whoever follows the pitfalls of scholars, he is
irreligious and almost leaving the realm of Islam.
In conclusion, I do know that there may be other
misconceptions which may spring to the mind of the reader or
which he/she may hear of. If this happens, I refer him/her to
the Arabic complete and comprehsive version of my book
The ruling of Istihlal the properties of Non-Muslims by the
Muslims who enter their lands under covenant and security

which is published on my website, maybe you will find there

what you seek.
I ask Allah to help us hold fast on His religion, to make our
endings honourable, and to guide us to do the best of morals
and deeds; it is He only who does so. And I ask him to keep us
away from the bad morals and bad deeds; it is He only who
does so. He is the All-Hearing, Near, and Responsive.
May Allah send His mercies and blessings on His Prophet
Muhammad and his family and companions.
Abdulmonem Mustafa Halimah
Abu Baseer Altartousi
12/6/1426 Hijri 18/7/2005

Glossary of Arabic Terms



One of the most Beautiful names of

Allah which denotes the actual being of
the Creator and means that he is the
God worthy of worship.
Praise be to Allah.
Khariites are the dissenters sect who
brokeaway from Ali bin Abi Taleb (May
Allah be pleased with him) and turned
against him and the other Caliphs who

came after him. They were known as

being extremists who considered
Muslims as unbelievers and their
possessions and blood as lawful to take
over in case of committing deadly sins
which do not normally turn a Muslim
They are those who talk in a verbose
manner because of their arrogance.
Almutashaddiqun They are those who announce
something in a boastful, bragging, loudmouthed manner
Love, helping, and fiendliness
wa albaraa
Hatred, aggression, disagreement
Bearing witness that there is no god but
Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah
The sayings of Prophets Companions
(may Allah be pleased with them) and
their good followers
The Prophets Saying, Doing, Practice,
explicit or implicit Approval or
A Muslim leader.
Literally means submission to the will
of Allah. It is the religion of all the
Prophets of Allah confirmed finally by
the mission of the Prophet Muhammad
It is a poll-tax levied from those who
did not accept Islam but were willing to
live under the protection of Islam.
It means a person who rejects faith in
Allah and/or any of His orders, His
Angels, His Messengers, His Revealed
One who professes the faith of Islam or
born to a Muslim family.
Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon
Prophet Muhammad (p.b.b.u.h)





It is the Word of Allah revealed in

Arabic to Muhammad (p.b.b.u.h)
through Angel Gabriel, over a period of
twenty-three years. It is the most
authoritative source of the Islamic law.
(Sound) which means that the hadeeth is
utterly faultless in which there is neither
weakness in the chain of transmission or
in the text nor is there tendency to
contradict any established belief of
It involves the Sayings, Doings,
Practices, explicit or implicit Approvals
or Disapprovals of the Prophet
(p.b.b.u.h) expressed in the form of
Hadeeths. It comes after the Holy Quran
in order of lisgislative authority in
A chapter of the Quran.
Subhanahu wa tala means Glory and
Praise be to Allah.
Making one , unicity of Allah (SW)
In Arabic means guarantee. In Islam it
means the state of a non-Muslim living
under Islamic sovereign and getting
protected for an amount of money in
return called Jizya


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