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CFKids Orientation Handout

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How Important is Childrens Ministry?

Vast majority of people who come to Christ do so as children.


WELCOME! You are getting ready to be a part

of a team that is:
1. Full of ___________.

For we are Gods masterpiece.

He has created us anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10
2. Full of ____________.

3. Full of _____________.


Our Mission
We are called to ______________
our world
with the _____________
and _________________
of Jesus Christ

Our Core Values

Core values express how we live out our faith in Jesus Christ. Developed by the Christ
Fellowship members and staff, these values guide, direct and represent how we do
what we do.
ALL FOR ___________:
Unity centered on Jesus and our core beliefs.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of
peace. Ephesians 4:3
INSIDE ____________:
Living a life marked by prayer and integrity.

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from
it. Proverbs 4:23
TO GO: Remaining teachable to become usable.

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,

correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God
may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Tim 3:16-17
TO __________:
Stewarding our lives for eternity.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,
who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not
your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with
your bodies (lives). 1 Corinthians 6:20
Passion FOR ___________:
Impacting humanity with the love of God.

But how can people call for help if they dont know who to trust?
And how can they know who to trust if they havent heard of the
One who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells
them? Romans 10:14: (MSG)

CFKids Principles
CFKids could not make a successful impact in the lives of our kids without you! YOU
make the difference. You are the person checking kids in, leading a life group, or
teaching a Bible story. By serving our kids, we are impacting not only our future, but we
are changing our world today. In doing this we want to make sure that you are fully
equipped to serve. This is to help you learn more about CFKids: Everything from a big
picture look, to specific goals, guidelines and expectations, along with some additional
information that will be valuable for you to know as you are serving. If you have any
additional questions, please contact your Area Coordinator.
. . . Thank you for stepping up to reach our next generation for Christ!
At CFKids, we strive to:

Make church a ____________
and ____________________
experience for kids.

I was glad when they said to me,

Let us go to the house of the Lord. ~Psalm 122:1

Provide a ________________
and secure environment.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will
keep me safe. ~Psalm 4:8

Creatively present the timeless truths of the Bible in an ___________________,
culturally relevant, and ____________-appropriate

Yes, I try to find common ground with everyone, doing

everything I can to save some. I do everything to spread the
Good News and share in its blessings.
~1 Corinthians 9:22b-23

Teach practical _______________-application,
not just information.

But dont just listen to Gods word. You must do what it

says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.
~James 1:22

with parents in their childrens spiritual growth.

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all
your soul, and all your strength. And you must commit
yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am
giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your
children. Talk about them when you are at home and when
you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when
you are getting up. Tie them to your hands and wear them
on your forehead as reminders. Write them on the doorposts
of your house and on your gates. ~Deuteronomy 6:5-9

A specific goal in CFKids is to help our kids and families do more than just attend
service each weekend. We want to see them take significant steps in their faith journey.
Thats why we promote and celebrate
A milestone is an event that clearly marks or defines
Gods work or presence in a persons live.
Milestone 1: Parent/Child Dedication
Parents will attend a class and discover how to become the spiritual leader for their child. They
will then participate in a Parent & Child Dedication ceremony in the main worship service.

Milestone 2: First Grade Bible Celebration

Parents will attend a class with their child and discover how to make the Bible a priority
in their home and lives. They will then present a Bible to their child at a special
Milestone 3: Starting Line
Parents will attend a 2-session class with their child where faith commitment and baptism are
explained. This class is a prerequisite for children who want to be baptized.
The next step out of this, and when a child is ready, is our Baptism Celebration!

Milestone 4: 5th Grade Graduation Celebration

Parents will attend a class with their 5th grader to prepare for the teen years. This is
followed by a special 5th grade graduation ceremony, which is held in collaboration with
our Student Ministry team.

CFKids Top 6 Must Knows

1. What to ________________

"hole"iness to
modesty is the best policyLeave the _______________
REMEMBER: ______________
2. Team ________________

early rather than ___________.
REMEMBER: It is always better to arrive ___________
kids and families are counting on us to be ready and waiting for them!
3. The Rule of _________:
Never ____________
with a Child

This is one of our _______-________________

There must always be ___________
volunteers in a room with kids at all times. At
least one of these must be an adult age __________
years or older.

This policy protects 3 specific groups:

1. Our _________________

2. Our _________________

3. Our _________________


4. What to ___________
When They ___________

We have _________
restrooms in our ministry areas. Adults are
NOT to use these restrooms while kids are in our care.

CFKids Restroom Policy

Volunteers should provide assistance only as needed to a child using the
restroom and only if the child is kindergarten or younger or has special
needs requiring extra assistance. Only female volunteers should provide
this assistance. If a child in elementary requires assistance, a
parent/guardian should be called.
Restrooms located between classrooms: One volunteer may provide
assistance for a child three years or younger in one of these restrooms, as
long as the door to the restroom remains open and one or more
volunteers are present in the room adjoining the restroom and is aware of
what is going on in the restroom.
Multi-stall restrooms: Two volunteers are required to take children to these
restrooms. One volunteer should check the restroom before the child
enters and then hold the door of the restroom open while the child(ren)
goes (go) into a stall. The other volunteer remains in the sink area of the
restroom to provide assistance as needed. This procedure applies
whether the restroom is located within our secured environment or not.
Single-stall restrooms: Two volunteers are required to take children to
these restrooms. Only a child four years old or older may use these
restrooms. One volunteer should check the restroom before the child
enters. Both volunteers should remain outside the restroom to wait for the
child. The door to the single-stall restroom must remain slightly open. This
procedure applies whether the restroom is located within our secured
environment or not.
Diaper procedure: All children must have their diaper changed during
their time in the nursery classrooms. Volunteers must adhere to the
following procedure when changing diapers:

Never move away from or turn your back on the changing table
while changing a diaper.
Wear disposable gloves while changing diapers and use new
gloves with each change.
Place a clean disposable changing pad under each child before
changing a diaper.
Place an Ive Been Changed sticker on the front of the childs
clean diaper.

Dispose of diaper, gloves, and changing pad in provided trashcan.

Disinfect your hands after changing diapers.
Disinfect diaper-changing area at the end of each service.

Only female volunteers are to change diapers. Male volunteers should

care for other children in the room while female volunteer changes
5. ________________
good behavior

CFKids is _________
SCHOOL! Remember that we do not want our weekend

experience, or anytime in CFKids, to feel like school. Our time with the kids should
be Full of ____________!

Keep kids ______________.
The best guard against discipline issues is to keep

kids engaged and active. We design our lessons to keep kids moving and learning
at the same time.

strike Plan. When needed, the following steps should be used to

The ____-___________

encourage good behavior:

1. Strike 1 get the childs _______________,
letting them know they need to stop

whatever action they are doing and _____________

redirect their attention to the activity
in progress.
2. Strike 2 if the redirection in step 1 is not effective, have the child move _______

to you and help them engage in the activity in progress.

3. Strike 3 _____________
on your Service Coach or Area Coordinator for

assistance and explain the steps youve taken.

ministry opportunities.
REMEMBER: Behavioral challenges are most often ______________
Always remember to pray for and with your kids!
tag Procedure
6. Got _________?
Missing _________

non negotiable policy of CFKids and is an essential

This is another ________-___________
security step which ______________
be compromised.

Every child who enters your ministry area MUST have a ____________

Each tag that prints for a child has a matching tag for the parents to pick them up
with; both have a unique and matching security ______________
which MUST be

match up before the kids are allowed to leave the room with their parents.

Always check to make sure parents have their _____________
tag BEFORE they

enter the ministry room to pick-up their children. (IMPORTANT: No adult should
be allowed in the room without a parent tag.)
Child pick-up with tag_______________.
Child pick-up without tag___________________!



If a parent loses their tag, we direct them or escort them to Guest Services.
They will be directed to fill out a Lost Tag form, and will be required to show their
drivers license for identification purposes.
We will look them up in our church database to make sure they are allowed to
pick up the child.
If everything checks out, they are given a special replacement tag to be
presented in their childs room and allowed to pick up their child.
Each childs security tag number is recorded as they enter their classroom on our
evacuation sheets.
If they lose their tag, we match the parents tag to the kids security code on
these sheets.
If the numbers match, the child is released with the adult.
If the numbers do not match, follow the steps outlined in the Lost Parent Tag
procedure above.

Next Steps
Ministry area in which you will be serving: ____________________________________
Volunteer Coordinators name: _____________________________________________
Contact Info:
Email: __________________________________________________________


As we do ministry, lets remember:

In the __________
for a childs _____________,
the __________
one there __________.
~George Barna

Lets win the race to win the hearts of our kids for Jesus!

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