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Alhamdolillah Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Declarations From The FB Battle Station in January To October 2014 !!!

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Destiny has come full cycle now !

MashAllah, our moment has arrived in

2014 just as it did for our founding fathers in 1947. Lets start rebuilding
from where they left. Allahu Akbar ! Pakistan Paindabaad !!

Destiny has come full cycle now ! the calender of 1947 is being
repeated in 2014 also ! Allahu Akbar !

Destiny has come full cycle now ! the calender of 1947 is being repeated in 2014
also ! Lets make a new beginning and rebuild Pakistan as our founding fathers
wanted it to be -- a Pan Islamic welfare State, leader of Ummah and defender of
Millat ! This is called Mission Takmeel e Pakistan !

MashAllah, our moment has arrived in 2014 just as it did for our founding fathers
in 1947. Lets start rebuilding from where they left.

Allahu Akbar !

Pakistan Paindabaad !!

The journey took 1300 years -- from Medina to Medina e Sani ! Do
NOT betray Rasul Allah (sm) !

The journey took 1300 years -- from Medina to Medina e Sani !

The ummah took this journey to create this sacred land. Now it is handed to you to
defend, protect and rebuild. The entire Ummah is at stake ! Do NOT betray Rasul
Allah (sm) !

The paper was written in 2004 and sent to all policy makers in army
at that time !! Events have unfolded exactly as predicted in 2004
with minor variations.The Armageddon 2014 - by Syed Zaid Zaman

The paper was written in 2004 and sent to all policy makers in army at that time !!
Keep this year in mind and then read the following today in 2014 what started of
as an informed academic analysis of emerging trends in geo-politics is now fast
becoming a scary reality. Events have unfolded exactly as predicted in 2004 with
minor variations.

The Armageddon 2014 - by Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid
Road to Ghazwa e Hind - The real possibility and scenario of a major nuclear war
between Pakistan and India involving all major civilizations

This is analysis of serious geo-politics paper for serious members only who are
interested in defending Pakistan and analyzing all threats from all angles. please do
NOT comment without serious read. This is future of Pakistan and Ummah we are
talking about.

Alhamdolillah, our latest gift for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) --- our
spiritual series Halqa e Yaraan in book form also and we shall be
releasing the pdf version online.

Alhamdolillah, our latest gift for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is about to be presented
to the Ummah for khair and barakah, InshAllah.

Most of you would remember our spiritual series Halqa e Yaraan ! Now it is
almost complete in book form also and we shall be releasing the pdf version online
within the month inshAllah ! Print version may take a little longer but inshAllah,
this would be a treasure to keep for all times to come.

May Allah accept this humble gift and make it a source of spiritual and ideological
revival of the millat and Ummah ! Mubarak to all of you and to our team which
does such a sacred duty silently !

Our flag is our honor ! Quaid stunning expression of his love for
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and his association with with glorious
Muslim history and traditions. MashAllah !

Our flag is our honor !

The flag of Muslim league later became the foundation for the Sabz Hilali flag of
our beoved Pak Sarzameen ! When Quaid unfurled this flag in 1938, this is what
he had to say -- a stunning expression of his love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and
his association with with glorious Muslim history and traditions. MashAllah !

Today, Pakistan needs a leader like him else these dirty scumbags have already
sold us to the Kuffar !

What would be the fate of Musharraf? What blunders were done in
2013 ? what disasters await Pakistan in 2014 ?

What would be the fate of Musharraf? What blunders were done in 2013 ? what
disasters await Pakistan in 2014 ? How to save Pakistan under urban 4th generation
war ? How should army respond to the provocations from politicians, media and
judiciary ?

This is our brutally harsh and candid analysis in The Debate on Friday !!!

That snake Altaf Hussian has finally given a call to break Pakistan,
just as Mujeeb ur Rehman did in 1971 !

That snake Altaf Hussian has finally given a call to break Pakistan, just as Mujeeb
ur Rehman did in 1971 ! We had been warning the nation of this threat for years !
many years ago, we had recorded this message for Muslims of Sindh, Karachi and
Hyderabad but the message is for all Pakistan ! Spread this like wild fire ! The
final battle has begun ! If Karachi is set on fire, then you can be sure that Indian
tanks would also roll into Lahore and Sialkot. Hear this azaan and wake up before
it is too late !

Know how the enemies are attacking the ultimate symbol of
Pakistan's identity -- The Urdu language !

Know how the enemies are attacking the ultimate symbol of Pakistan's identity --
The Urdu language ! The sinister plans of the enemies of divide the Ummah,
trigger language wars, impose language colonialism and destroy Pakistani identity,
our faith, values, history and unity. A profound soul shaking azaan in defense of
our Urdu language !

DIN News at 8 pm, IshAllah, in The Debate !

This is the fierce azaan we gave on friday. Go to this website and
post strong positive comments and click on the video.

This is the fierce azaan we gave on friday. Go to this website and post strong
postive comments and click on the video. Bring it on top of the Zem page. This
encourages other people to watch it and helps to spread the azaan. Do your duty.
We shall post the today's program later inshAllah.

Urdu is our identity which is under attack and being decimated now by
the traitors and Beyghairat Brigade ! This soul shaking azaan is to wake
up the nation from its fatal slumber !

Urdu is our identity which is under attack and being decimated now by the traitors
and Beyghairat Brigade ! This soul shaking azaan is to wake up the nation from its
fatal slumber !

Pl comment on the site as well while you watch.

Team BrassTacks presents a gift of love and respect to our beloved Pak
army to acknowledge the sacrifices of our young sons, brothers and
Soldiars of Rasul Allah (sm).

Team BrassTacks presents a gift of love and respect to our beloved Pak army to
acknowledge the sacrifices of our young sons, brothers and Soldiars of Rasul Allah
(sm). They were the finest this nation produced, mostly died unsung, unknown to
the world but heroes of the Ummat e Rasul (sm).

Recite Fatiha for these beautiful souls who are still alive, even after their deaths !!
The true Shaheeds ! MashAllah

The time has come for Pakistan, Iran and Turkey to build a security
block to defend against Israeli and Hindu expansionist wars.

The time has come for Pakistan, Iran and Turkey to build a security block to
defend against Israeli and Hindu expansionist wars. The Arab world is decimated.
Three large Muslim nations still standing but not cooperating in a joint defense

The debate on Sunday night, breaks new grounds in historical perspective, the
relations between Pakistan and Iran and the future of the Muslim Ummah !

The time has now come for Pak millat to start prepering for final battle
of Ghazwa e Hind ! Prepare now spiritually, mentally, physically and
support Pak army with all that you have got.

The time has now come for Pak millat to start prepering for final battle of Ghazwa
e Hind ! Rasul Allah (sm) has given bisharat to this Pak millat and Pak army for
this amazing spiritual and romantic Jihad against Mushriks ! This year in May,
Indian army is bringing a Hindu Zionist snake Narender Modi into power. Modi is
a rabid mad dog, the butcher of Gujarat and a most venomous anti-Muslim and
anti-Pakistan Zionist. Within 2014, we expect Indians to launch full scale offensive
against Pak Sarzameen. Meanwhile, their assets in TTP, BLA and MQM would be
waging the urban war all over the country to make it easy for the Mushriks !

Prepare now spiritually, mentally, physically and support Pak army with all that
you have got. Our leaders have sold us to the Mushriks. Now we will take charge
ourselves ! Support Pak army. NEVER ever speak against army or allow anyone to
bark against them. Now all enemies in media and on ground are attacking Pak
army !

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

These are the tigers of Rasul Allah (sm) who sow fear into the hearts of
Mushriks and Zionists ! They are your "guardian angels" appointed by
Allah (swt).

These are the tigers of Rasul Allah (sm) who sow fear into the hearts of Mushriks
and Zionists ! May Allah give barakah to Pak Sarzameen and to Pak army and lift
it to defend the Millat e Rasul (sm) ! This is a promised destiny InshAllah !

Very soon, this nation will be tested against Mushriks and Khawarij. Those who
are not ready today, will not be ready tomorrow ! The time to prepare is NOW!
Support and respect your army. They are your "guardian angels" appointed by
Allah (swt).

FC killed terrorists in Baluchistan who were wearing FC uniforms !!
Know the reality and spread the message ! This war is more ruthless on
the front of propaganda than it is on battlefield.

FC killed terrorists in Baluchistan who were wearing FC uniforms !! This is the
reality of the dirty war imposed against Pakistan. Terrorists wear uniforms of
security forces and then the blame comes on the forces. In Nanga Parbat also, TTP
had killed the foreign tourists while wearing uniforms of forces. Now when the
reality is exposed, the media is silent still !! We know why !

Know the reality and spread the message ! This war is more ruthless on the front of
propaganda than it is on battlefield.

This Pak sarzameen carries the romantic legacy of 1400 years. We are
the children of Omer RA, Khalid RA,Tariq RA, Shalahuddin RA, Tipu RA
and Omer Mukhtar RA.

This Pak sarzameen carries the romantic legacy of 1400 years. We are the children
of Omer RA, Khalid RA,Tariq RA, Shalahuddin RA, Tipu RA and Omer Mukhtar
RA. We live with dignity and when our time comes we die with honor. We are
Musafavis, born to rebel against kufr and taghoot and liberate a man from the
slavery of men and bring him under the protection of Islam.

Now this duty is upon millat of Pak Sarzameen!

Are you prepared to meet Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) ?? Recite Durud
Shareef and watch this very emotional clip ! Assalat o Wassalam o
Alaika Ya Rasul Allah !

Are you prepared to meet Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) ??

This is the sacred month of Rabi ul Awwal ! Everyone expresses their love for
Sayyadi (sm) in their own special ways. Here, MBC TV asked some questions to
the people on streets. The result was emotional and passionate. Recite Durud
Shareef and watch this very emotional clip ! Assalat o Wassalam o Alaika Ya
Rasul Allah !

Ummat e Rasul (sm) is in pain. If you love Sayyadna Rasul Allah (sm),
the time has come to prove it !

Ummat e Rasul (sm) is in pain. If you love Sayyadna Rasul Allah (sm), the time
has come to prove it ! The greatest reward for an Ummati is to be in the company
of his beloved. Those who love Sayyadi would be in His company but this blessed
muqam has to be earned through adab and sincere devotion to duty !

It was in 2008-9 when we gave these powerful series of azaans to
complete the "hujjat" on rulers ! Today we stand at the same
crossroads ! Our advice was NOT taken by the judiciary and the army.

It was in 2008-9 when we gave these powerful series of azaans to complete the
"hujjat" on rulers ! It was back then when we talked about Drones, NATO supplies,
technocratic caretaker govt, War with India and warning to our rulers !

Today we stand at the same crossroads ! Our advice was NOT taken by the
judiciary and the army. Today we stand at the precipice of destruction ! We give
the warnings again -- The mistakes done since 2001 have now become demons but
still our rulers remain treacherous ! 2008 is going to be a decisive year for this
millat. Listen to what we had said back then !

All of you who voted these snakes into power is now responsible for
destroying Pakistan !

TTP and BLA are ruthlessly attacking Pakistan while the Hindu Saffron terrorists
in India and the Butcher of Gujarat Narender Modi watches keenly how Pakistan's
political parties are destroying Pakistan in ethnic, linguistic and provincial hatred
against each other. Indian tanks are waiting to roll into Pakistan, Modi is about to
become the PM of India, the whole country is under brutal wars, economy is
collapsing and the political leadership is busy destroying what our beloved Quaid
made with such love and pain.

All of you who voted these snakes into power is now responsible for destroying
Pakistan ! On the day of judgement, you will have NO excuse in front of Allah
(swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Prepare your answers for now you will be put
to shame on the day of judgement. Those who supported democracy, have
destroyed Ummat e Rasul (sm) and harmed Pak Sarzmeen. Shame on all of you
who voted these snakes into power. We had warned you but you did not listen.
Now the nation bleeds !! Astaghfurullah !

Pak army must understand this game that a trap is being set for an
urban war !

The Debate with Zaid Hamid 43rd Program

Chaudhery Aslam's shahadat and Taliban taking the responsibility for it. The urban
4th generation war and chaotic role of politcal parties.

Pl go to Zem site, post strong comments, fight back with Hindu Zionists
and Beyghairat Brigade.

Pl go to Zem site, post strong comments, fight back with Hindu Zionists and
Beyghairat Brigade. This website is most active on Pak TV programs and you must
comment here as well. The battle and the appreciation for the programs is seen by
all policy makers and channels here. Do not leave this battle station alone

A very good article written by secular nationalist India. Terrorism is NOT
a Muslim phenomenon but a NON Muslim one.

A very good article written by secular nationalist India. Very few Indians have the
courage to say this. Like Arundhati Roy, this man is also hated by the RSS Hindu

Muslims must know these facts about terrorism and fight back with arguments.
Terrorism is NOT a Muslim phenomenon but a NON Muslim one. Those who do
terrorism in the garb of Muslims are declared as heretics in Islamic faith --
Khawarij !!


Publication: Times Of India Mumbai;


Terrorism is certainly not a Muslim monopoly


''All Muslims may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.'' This comment ,
frequently heard after the Mumbai bomb blasts implies that terrorism is a Muslim
specialty, if not a monopoly. The facts are very different.


First, there is nothing new about terrorism. In 1881, anarchists killed the Russian
Tsar Alexander II and 21 bystanders. In 1901, anarchists killed US President
McKinley as well as King Humbert I of Italy . World War I started in 1914 when
anarchists killed Archduke Ferdinand of Austria .

These terrorist attacks were not Muslim.

Terrorism is generally defined as the killing of civilians for political reasons.
Going by this definition, the British Raj referred to Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar
Azad and many other Indian freedom fighters as terrorists.

These were Hindu and Sikh rather than Muslim.

Guerrilla fighters from Mao Zedong to Ho Chi Minh and Fidel Castro killed
civilians during their revolutionary campaigns. They too were called terrorists until
they triumphed.

Nothing Muslim about them.

In Palestine , after World War II, Jewish groups (the Haganah, Irgun and Stern
Gang) fought for the creation of a Jewish state, bombing hotels and installations
and killing civilians. The British, who then governed Palestine , rightly called these
Jewish groups terrorists. Many of these terrorists later became leaders of
independent Israel - Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Ariel
Sharon. Ironically, these former terrorists then lambasted terrorism, applying this
label only to Arabs fighting for the very same nationhood that the Jews had fought
for earlier.

In Germany in 1968-92, the Baader-Meinhoff Gang killed dozens, including the
head of Treuhand, the German privatisation agency. In Italy , the Red Brigades
kidnapped and killed Aldo Moro, former prime minister.

The Japanese Red Army was an Asian version of this. Japan was also the home of
Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist cult that tried to kill thousands in the Tokyo metro
system using nerve gas in 1995.

In Europe , the Irish Republican Army has been a Catholic terrorist organisation
for almost a century. Spain and France face a terrorist challenge from ETA, the
Basque terrorist organisation.

Africa is ravaged by so much civil war and internal strife that few people even
bother to check which groups can be labelled terrorist. They stretch across the
continent. Possibly the most notorious is the

Lord's Salvation Army in Uganda , a Christian outfit that uses children as warriors.

In Sri Lanka , the Tamil Tigers have long constituted one of the most vicious and
formidable terrorist groups in the world. They were the first to train children as
terrorists. They happen to be Hindus. Suicide bombing is widely associated with
Muslim Palestinians and Iraqis, but the Tamil Tigers were the first to use this tactic
on a large scale. One such suicide bomber assassinated Rajiv Gandhi in 1991.

In India , the militants in Kashmir are Muslim. But they are only one of several
militant groups. The Punjab militants, led by Bhindranwale, were Sikhs. The
United Liberation Front of Assam is a Hindu terrorist group that targets Muslims
rather than the other way round. Tripura has witnessed the rise and fall of several
terrorist groups, and so have Bodo strongholds in Assam . Christian Mizos
mounted an insurrection for decades, and Christian Nagas are still heading militant

But most important of all are the Maoist terrorist groups that now exist in no less
than 150 out of India 's 600 districts. They have attacked police stations, and killed
and razed entire villages that oppose them. These are secular terrorists (like the
Baader Meinhof Gang or Red Brigades).

In terms of membership and area controlled, secular terrorists are far ahead of
Muslim terrorists.

In sum, terrorism is certainly not a Muslim monopoly.

There are or have been terrorist groups among Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, and
even Buddhists. Secular terrorists (anarchists, Maoists) have been the biggest

Why then is there such a widespread impression that most or all terrorist groups
are Muslim?

I see two reasons.

First, the Indian elite keenly follows the western media, and the West feels under
attack from Islamic groups. Catholic Irish terrorists have killed far more people in
Britain than Muslims, yet the subway bombings in London and Madrid are what
Europeans remember today.
The Baader Meinhof Gang, IRA and Red Brigades no longer pose much of a
threat, but after 9/11 Americans and Europeans fear that they could be hit
anywhere anytime.

So they focus attention on Islamic militancy. They pay little notice to other forms
of terrorism in Africa, Sri Lanka or India : these pose no threat to the West.

Within India , Maoists pose a far greater threat than Muslim militants in 150
districts, one-third of India 's area. But major cities feel threatened only by Muslim

So the national elite and media focus overwhelmingly on Muslim terrorism. The
elite are hardly aware that this is an elite phenomenon.

DO NOT miss the The debate on Saturday Night. The timeline !From
Now to November

DO NOT miss the The debate on Saturday Night. It is coming on PTCL IPTV
channel 41. Most cables are blocking it. These are few of the last warnings to the
Pakistani nation, leadership and the armed forces.


The timeline !

From Now to November Urban war and chaos in Pak. Bogging down Pak army
and creating a failing state.

May 2014 Bulk of US forces withdraw anarchy escalates in Afghanistan. Rise
of Taliban but still RAW/CIA maintain presence to support TTP/BLA.

May Rise of Saffron terrorists to power in India.

October Retirement of top Military commanders of Pak.

November onward High intensity war anytime at the choosing of Modi govt.

Unless, patriots forge formidable defense alliances with China, Iran and Turkey
and annihilate the TTP not just from FATA/Pakistan but also from Afghanistan.
Alliance with Afghanistan Taliban remain critical for this. Elimination of BLA and
treacherous leadership especially in Karachi. Ruthless accountability/elimination
of corrupt, terrorists.

Otherwise, prepare for Indian tanks on Pak streets. Have said all this in Saturdays
program to be aired at 8 PM on DIN News inshAllah.

Khair inshAllah.

From Now to November Urban war and chaos in Pak. Bogging down
Pak army and creating a failing state.

From Now to November Urban war and chaos in Pak. Bogging down Pak army
and creating a failing state.

May 2014 Bulk of US forces withdraw anarchy escalates in Afghanistan. Rise
of Taliban but still RAW/CIA maintain presence to support TTP/BLA.

May Rise of Saffron terrorists to power in India.

October Retirement of top Military commanders of Pak.

November onward High intensity war anytime at the choosing of Modi govt.

Unless, patriots forge formidable defense alliances with China, Iran and Turkey
and annihilate the TTP not just from FATA/Pakistan but also from Afghanistan.
Alliance with Afghanistan Taliban remain critical for this. Elimination of BLA and
treacherous leadership especially in Karachi. Ruthless accountability/elimination
of corrupt, terrorists.

Otherwise, prepare for Indian tanks on Pak streets. Have said all this in Saturdays
program to be aired at 8 PM on DIN News inshAllah.

Khair inshAllah.

Every human being, especially those from the powerful nations
controlled by Christian, Hindu and Jewish zionists must watch this video
and ponder deep !

Every human being, especially those from the powerful nations controlled by
Christian, Hindu and Jewish zionists must watch this video and ponder deep ! How
the satanic system run by Banks use the power of media to destroy humanity,
especially in Muslim lands ! All Muslims watch this to know that the threats we
talk about are NOT hypothetical. Just because they have not reached you yet, does
NOT mean, they do not exist. They are coming to you now. Ask the Syrians, Iraqis
and Egyptians if you do not believe !

They ask us how to protect Pakistan from collapse. Here is a simple
solution ! No justice, NO peace !! This is the law of Quran ! We are
bound to enforce Quranic justice publicly !!

They ask us how to protect Pakistan from collapse. Here is a simple solution ! No
justice, NO peace !! This is the law of Quran ! We are bound to enforce Quranic
justice publicly !! The terrorists, corrupt and the Ghaddars must be hanged in
public. Then there will be peace in Pak Sarzameen ! InshAllah, soon, some tiger
will do this !

The rise of Hindu Zionists in India means the whole world is now in
danger. The debate on Sunday !

The rise of Hindu Zionists in India means the whole world is now in danger. The
debate on Sunday !

It is time to break India into smaller states. Hindu Zionists with nuclear weapons in
their hands mean death for billions of humans ! Our warning to the world !

The time has come to divide India and give freedom to nations under
Saffron terrorists !

Our message of solidarity with the Assamese minorities under Zionist rule in India.
The time has come to divide India and give freedom to nations under Saffron
terrorists !

" ".

Sitting Union Minister in India calls Narender Modi a "man eater" !


India must be divided now.

, () .

Khalistan, Kashmir, Assam must be given Independence (freedom) !

We reject Hindu Zionists' brutalities against minorities in India.

Milad un Nabi Mubarak ! Listen to this gift. This may change your life
for khair inshAllah !

Milad un Nabi Mubarak !

Listen to this gift of adab and love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and then ponder
deep. What is the status and Muqam of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in your lives ??
Do you send him gifts ? Do you express your love for him ? Do you remember him
? When you do somethng in life, do you think about our beloved Sayyadi ?

Listen to this gift. This may change your life for khair inshAllah !

In every part of Muslim Ummah, Muslims are celebrating the Milad un
Nabi !Love of Rasul Allah (sm) unites this Millat. Respect it please.

In every part of Muslim Ummah, Muslims are celebrating the Milad un Nabi !
Here we see an amazing display of love by Bosnian Muslims reciting the naat
shareef in Urdu ! Entire Turkey, gathers in grand ceremonies to pay their respects
and love to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

There are many Muslims who are against celebrating Milad and give very harsh
fatwas against the Ummah who celebrate this day. Our request to them would be to
accept this difference of opinion within the Ummah and do not drag it to Kufr or
fatwas of Bidaat. Please watch our program in Jamia Rizvia which sets the
guidelines for expressing your love for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Pl be tolerant
and NOT divisive.

Love of Rasul Allah (sm) unites this Millat. Respect it please.

This is a display of love and adab which is not written in books but
resides in the hearts of true believers ! You CANNOT put fatwas on this
adab and love !

You have the seen the protocols of tyrants of the time, of corrupt rulers and cruel
Dons but here is a protocol of amazing love and adab being given to Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm) MashAllah by the Muslims of Chechnya !! No head of the state gets
this protocol which the Chechen rulers gave to a cup of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
when it was returned to Chechnya ! This is a display of love and adab which is not
written in books but resides in the hearts of true believers ! You CANNOT put
fatwas on this adab and love ! MashAllah a million times upon Chechens for their
love of Rasul Allah (sm) !

This is the most lethal weapon of shaitan -- confuse the Ummah on
Rasul Allah (sm) !!

An emotional Urdu short film which depicts the Waswasa of shaitan when he tries
to divert the attention of an Ashiq of Rasul Allah (sm). This is the most lethal
weapon of shaitan -- confuse the Ummah on Rasul Allah (sm) !! Iqbal had clearly
mentioned this in Iblees ki Majlis e Shoora that Ibless had adviced his followers to
"take out the love of Rasul Allah from the hearts of this Ummah" !! Watch this and
do recite durud shareef !!

You have to decide NOW. Do you want this perpetual slavery or true
freedom ?

When we reject democracy and dictatorship and demand system of Khilafat e
Rashida, many people often ask us what do we mean by the system of Khilafat e
Rashida ? This one pic will explain you the fundamental difference between man
made systems and Allah made system. The leader is a benovelent dictator, leads
through example, applying the laws of Allah (swt) in a merciful way as Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) shows through His Mubarak Sunnah and then becoming a
blessings for the people and the creation.

If the people opt to be slaves of the Kufr systems and Kafir like people, then no
one can free them from the humiliaiton and insult. You have to decide NOW. Do
you want this perpetual slavery or true freedom ? you want to be led by Altaf,
Zardari, Nawaz, Fazlu, IK & Bilour or want a Sallahuddin, Quaid and Iqbal ?
Allah will only gift you great leadership IF you demand for it ! So far, nation has
NOT asked Allah (swt) for a divine system and spiritual leadership, while the
enemies are upon us now ! Ya Allah khair..

Understand the difference between Khilafat e Rashida AND System of
Khilafat e Rashida !!! If you are not part of this sacred mission, then you
are irrelevant to Allah (swt). This is written !!!

Little or corrupted knowledge is dangerous ! In these times of Fitnah, the most
powerful weapon of Dajjal is to spread confusion about the deen and its systems
which Allah has ordained for all humanity. When we talk about the system of
Khilafat e Rashida, we read many naive and ignorant comments where they
question like who will be the Khalifa, which sect would Khilafat follow or who
will bring this Khilafat ? We have answered all these questions in detail in our
book Khilafat e Rashida. Pl read and then come back for a serious mature
discussion. Ignorant comments will be deleted and abusive or sarcastic ones will be

Understand the difference between Khilafat e Rashida AND System of Khilafat e
Rashida !!! If you stop dealing with Interest based banking based on fake paper
currency and start to use real wealth based model, then you have NOT created
Khilafat e Rashida but a model of economics drawn from Khilafat e Rashida!! But
only the ones with vision, wisdom and noor can see this. The deaf,dumb and the
blind would continue to pass sarcastic comments.

Whatever has to happen will happen now. If you are not part of this sacred
mission, then you are irrelevant to Allah (swt). This is written !!!

May Allah bless Ummat e Rasul (sm) and make us from the army of Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm). Ameen.

A most profound session on ideology, identity, mission, spirituality
and duty towards Pak Sarzameen.There is wisdom in it. Ponder
deep !

Almost 3 years ago, we had a roadside sitting with students in Lahore, in the lawns
of AlHamra We all sat on the grass and had a most profound session on ideology,
identity, mission, spirituality and duty towards Pak Sarzameen. Have found it now
again and now share it with you all. There is wisdom in it. Ponder deep !

We must crush TTP and support Afghan Taliban !! Never be
confused here.

Mullah Omer once again distances himself from Khawarij of TTP in Pakistan.
Time and again, this fact has been proven beyond doubt that Afghan Taliban and
TTP are two separate groups, with separate ideologies and battle objectives. Now,
even these snake Geo group are forced to accept this fact. There are Fake websites
run by TTP pretending to be Afghan Taliban sites trying to create confusions

We must crush TTP and support Afghan Taliban !! Never be confused here.

When you sleep with your children or parents, think of the children
of the Ummat of Rasul Allah (sm) who sleep like this with their

When you sleep with your children or parents, think of the children of the Ummat
of Rasul Allah (sm) who sleep like this with their parents. Ya Allah :-( heart
bleeds, tears of blood flow to see how these Zionists have destroyed the Ummah
with the help of our own traitors !

Fear Allah and pray for Pak Sarzameen ! Pray for Muslims who are now being
hunted like animals by the Zionists and Mushriks ! Oh, Allah forgive us !

Astaghrurullah ul Azeem ! Ya Allah Karam !

Inshallah from next week you will be able to see new programs of
'The Debate with Zaid Hamid' again. Stay tuned

Dear all,
You will not be able to see new programs of 'The Debate with Zaid Hamid' this
week because the anchor of Din News is out of country for some personal reasons.
Three of our old programs will be repeated this Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Inshallah from next week you will be able to see new programs of 'The Debate
with Zaid Hamid' again. Stay tuned

Khair Inshallah

By Allah, You will be asked why you supported Democracy when it
is Kufr ?? Prepare your answers !!

This is the sick reality media and the politicians will never tell you. All those killed
AFTER 9/11 are Muslims of Middle East and Afghanistan/Pakistan. Killed by
Democracies of West, which are driven by Zionist Bankers! Millions of Muslim
children, women, old and innocent have been displaced, dislocated and killed in
their own lands. Our leaders are traitors, our scholars divided on sectarian axis, our
media have sold its souls to the devil. Pakistan is the last standing fortress of the
Ummah and now this Democracy wants to demolish it as well while the naiton
watches in dazed silence.

By Allah, you will be asked what have you done to protect Ummat e Rasul (sm) ?
You will be asked on whose side you were when Ummat was being decimated?
You will be asked why you supported Democracy when it is Kufr ?? Prepare your
answers !!

It is said that General Zia was killed because of this speech or the
plan that he gave in this speech ! Imagine, if all what the dear
General had planned could have been implemented?

Most of our children are born AFTER the Shahadat of General Zia. politicians and
enemy funded media have never told you who he was. Now listen to this speech. It
is said that he was killed because of this speech or the plan that he gave in this
speech ! Imagine, if all what the dear General had planned could have been
implemented? We have seen these times and want that you should not forget the
history and not be confused by the liberal Beyghairat brigades ! Listen yourself.....

Learn from the sunnah of Sayyadi (sm) and listen to the advice of a
faqeer when he ask you nothing in return.

my dear children and members,

the duty of this faqeer is to give azaan of Haqq in these dangerous times without
fear or favor. My duty is NOT to follow the confusions of the nation but to guide
it, advice it and encourage it to take the right path. We will NEVER offer any
apologies for our stance not give any quarter to the enemies or idiots.

I will NOT speak what you want me to speak or what you wish to hear. I will
speak what needs to be said for the sake of Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Pak
Sarzameen. I have not invited anyone on this page. You are here because you
wanted to be. If you have come on your own, then respect the policies and
ideology of this page, else you are free to follow whom you want.

If you do not trust this Faqeer, then why are you here ?? Allah has made me an
elder to most of you, have seen more world, have experienced more experiences
and have been met more teachers and elders than most of you. We have no vested
interest in doing this duty. have never asked you for money or recognition nor plan
to stand in an elections, then why do you insult, abuse or hurl profanities ? Haven't
your elders taught you adab ??

Disagreement can be done decently also. Abuses, insults, disrespect and profanities
only show that you do not deserve to be on this decent Ba-adab forum for defense
of Pak Sarzameen. You can be abusive once, but then we will block you forever
and that would be your loss not ours.

We DO NOT collect fans. We do the duty to please Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm) only. It does not matter to us if we have a million fans or only 1. We
will do the duty as we do today -- with passion, love and adab. We follow the
Sunnah of Rasul Allah (sm). He was also insulted by the naive and the foolish
when Sayyadi was trying to save them from the hell fire.

DO NOT be like those who behaved like Abu Jahals and Abu Lahabs or abdullah
Bin ubbi. Learn from the sunnah of Sayyadi (sm) and listen to the advice of a
faqeer when he ask you nothing in return. There is khair for you in listening to
what we say else you are free to do what you want and would be answerable to
Allah (swt) for what you do.

Khair inshAllah.

We lost nearly 50 sons/brothers in army today !! Innalillahe inna
ilehe rajeoon !! Pak army, we stand with you. Do what you want but
eliminate this fitnah.

We lost nearly 50 sons/brothers in army today !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!
The Mushriks and Khawarij continue to attack Ummat e Rasul (sm)! Recite Fatiha
for your fallen brothers and stay firm ! The war is going to get bloodier in the
coming days. This blood is on the hands of Iftikhar chaudrey, Zardari, Gilani,
Nawaz Shareef, Fazlu and IK who have shown cowardice and weakness in the face
of this existential threat, allowing the Khawarij to regroup and counter attack !!

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon ! Time for a most severe accountability is cose now.
We the patriots, ask General Raheel to do whatever is necessary to crush this fitnah
of Khawarij. Nation will stand with the army NOT these bloodsucking politicians.

Judiciary do not punish, government do not hang, media do not condemn and all of
these get together to attack army when army tries to control these Khawarij. It is
time that we should also hang the politicians and media along with Khawarij. Then
there would be peace in the country. Pak army, we stand with you. Do what you
want but eliminate this fitnah.

Send email to ISPR and build a massive social media campaign to
support army to start compulsory military service.

We, the patriots, demand that Pak army and government should also start
compulsory military service for all males in the country. Let the blood of sons of
politicians, industrialists, media tycoons and religious scholars also flow in defense
of Pakistan along with our sons in uniform. Defense of Pakistan is the
responsibility of the entire nation NOT just Pak army. Today, not a single son of
political leaders serve in uniform, that is why these so called political leaders are
shameless in getting army killed and do not formulate national security policies.

Send email to ISPR and build a massive social media campaign to support army to
start compulsory military service.

Iran, Turkey and now even UAE does it. why not Pakistan?? raise your voice and
build pressure on this filthy government.

Former DG ISI confirms that 21 Hindu RAW agents were doing
Imamat in Pakistani masjids !!

Former DG ISI confirms that 21 Hindu RAW agents were doing Imamat in
Pakistani masjids !! Watch this earth shaking expose from a scholar on how Raw
penetrates our Islamic organizations and religious groups. TTP Khawarij and
Congressi Mullahs are the cover behind which these RAW agnets hide and wage
war against Pak Sarzameen. All fatwas of Kufr, fatwas against Pak army and
sectarian wars are done by these RAW paid Hindu mullahs who pretend to be

The solution is simple -- Hang all those you find to put the fear of God in the
hearts of those who remain hidden !! Qisas must e enforced !

This is Pakistan's brief national security analysis which the media
and the analysts will not tell you.

This is Pakistan's brief national security analysis which the media and the analysts
will not tell you.


Pakistan army suffered a severe loss this week when a convoy of security forces
was targeted with a bomb, killing or wounding nearly 50 troops. Staggering loss
for a nation already bleeding on multiple axis. A train was blown up in Punjab,
electricity pylons were brought down in Frontier, gas pipelines was destroyed in
Baluchistan and multiple targeted assassinations of media and political gangs were
done on the streets of Karachi. This is no more 4th generation war but its higher
and more deadly version of 5th generation war where a sustained level of low
intensity conflict is designed to create a perpetual sense of fear and anarchy,
imploding the state from within while the government remains confused,
disoriented and indecisive in fear.

On the external threat axis, the government completely ignores the threats from
India and US in Afghanistan and continues to offer generous concessions to both
India and US, despite their active involvement in wars inside Pakistan. US is
blaming Pakistan for their defeat in Afghanistan where a resurgent Taliban
movement is delivering crushing blows to the occupation forces. US response is to
punish Pakistan through support to insurgent gangs and sending in drones. US
want to keep perpetually in a state of war and Indians are their primary assets in
making sure that insurgent gangs remain active in Pakistan.

Within Pakistan, the courts and the Nawaz government remain focused on
humiliating Musharraf, not trusting the reports of the army doctors on his health.
Now a team of civilian doctors will be formed which would deliver the judgment
which the government and courts want. Army is being brought under great stress
by the government and the judiciary and the breaking point may not be too far

Now it is a full blown urban war in Pakistan and the staggering losses are now
triggering the panic mode in the confused government. Nawaz Shareef seems to be
an extremely unlucky man third time! This is a dangerous trend which is not
showing any signs of improvement. As the collapse rapidly catches pace within
Pakistan, so does the panic but the response strategy from the government is
nowhere to be seen. This makes the threat doubly dangerous.

Indians wait on the wings, keenly watching the collapse within the country,
waiting for the right time to roll in. Perhaps sometimes in November this year.
Nawaz Shareef is the best bet Indians could have in demolishing Pakistan. He is
indeed doing a splendid job at it.

Ya Allah khair !!

Pakistan's Democracy is pig meat of politics. Nation vote for these
swines and then ask why are we all in haram, death and destruction

Don't ask me how this will be done but first accept that this MUST be done ! First
accept that pig meat is haram, then Allah will show you how to find Halal meat.
Pakistan's Democracy is pig meat of politics. Nation vote for these swines and then
ask why are we all in haram, death and destruction !! This is called collective
insanity of the nation, after which Allah decimates it through civil wars, urban
anarchy and hostile invasions from the enemies, as we are seeing today. Allah is
NOT interested in how you get this leadership -- whether you bring it through
shoora or a General brings it or a President but these are the criteria for a
leadership. If these golden rules are not applied, then all democracy, martial law,
presidential or even Khilafat become corrupt.

Pakistan need a bloody cleanup. If Pak army or patriots will ot do it, then
TTP/BLA/MQM and Hindu Mushriks will do it, as they are doing now. Now it is
the choice of the nation and its leaders -- self accountability or divine
accountability ?

We had warned -- 2014 would be the bloodiest year in decades !! It has begun,
astaghfurullah !! This blood is on the hands of present rulers and judges !! May
Alah's curse be upon them for bringing Pakistan to this destruction !!

Rasul Allah (sm) has ordered us to kill these snakes not cut peace
deals with them. Sayyadi (sm) even warned that if you cut peace
deals with them, they will NEVER honor their promises !

We had warned you that this year is going to be the bloodiest ! The end game has
begun now. Yesterday, there were 60 shaheed and wounded from Pak army.
Today, there are 12 more ! Instead of taking advice from Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
and crushing the "dogs of hell", these confused Siasatbaaz (political gamblers),
gamble with our honor, faith, lives, property and freedom. More blood will flow in
days to come. TTP are Khawarij, streight from hell and destined to hell ! Rasul
Allah (sm) has ordered us to kill these snakes not cut peace deals with them.
Sayyadi (sm) even warned that if you cut peace deals with them, they will NEVER
honor their promises ! We have seen this in Swat ! Same Fazlullah is now the head
of TTP monsters. Why cut another peace deal with those whom we have tested
many times before ??

Can anyone knock some sense into NS and IK ?? Perhaps TTP will, very soon !

The absurd stance by government and the reality of threat which is
not seen by the political leadership.

We appeared for a brief high intensity azaan on DAWN TV today on the issue of
war against TTP, war by BLA and Karachi's urban wars. The absurd stance by
government and the reality of threat which is not seen by the political leadership.
The fact remains -- politicians no nothing and are only confusing the nation while
the enemies are attacking us most fiercely.

Take our advice, There is khair in it.

Lal masjid is directly involved in these attacks while their leader
lives a luxurious life in Bahria town !

TTP openly and proudly claim that Lal masjid Khawarij carried out the attack in
Pindi yesterday !! Can anyone arrest the Lal masjid gangsters and put them to
accountability ?? Their Mullah Burqa still lives in luxury in Pindi, supported by
Malik Riaz and former CJ Iftikhar chaudrey filing cases against army for killing
the "massom studnets" !! Astahfurullah !! Look at their weapons and their
murderous ideology of Khawarij and Takfeer ! Know your enemies before they
enter your homes and take your women as slaves !!

The time has come to "negotiate" with Khawarij ! Our negotiation
teams are already in the air !God speed, PAF !

The time has come to "negotiate" with Khawarij ! Our negotiation teams are
already in the air ! Whether God forgives these khawarij or not, that is not our
problem. Our duty is to arrange the meeting between Khawarij and God !!

God speed, PAF !

Warning -- Pakistan is in war ! We have zero tolerance policy
towards stupidity, treason or insanity.Stay silent if you cannot
support our war against Khawarij.

Warning -- Pakistan is in war ! We have zero tolerance policy towards stupidity,
treason or insanity. Be very careful when you comment. All comments against Pak
armed forces would be deleted and person blocked immediately. Stay silent if you
cannot support our war against Khawarij. We hate democracy and freedom of
speech !

PAF continues to negotiate "peace talks" with the Khawarij for the
second day now --- Love you PAF !! Bomb their escape routes inside
Afghanistan as well !!

PAF continues to negotiate "peace talks" with the Khawarij for the second day now
and the enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) are being sent to their appointments with God
for final settlement.

Love you PAF !! Bomb their escape routes inside Afghanistan as well !!

It is time for the nation to join the battle ! against Khawarij !!

This is your moment to join the battle against Khawarij !! Supplying equipment,
resources and weapons to Pak army Mujahideen carries equal ajar as if you are
fighting yourself against the enemies. Lets support our troops who are already
fighting or about to join the battle in freezing cold. They are fighting for all of us
and it is our duty to respect them, provide for them and contribute to the cause of
purifying Pak Sarzameen from these "dogs of hell" !

Team BrassTacks and our volunteers have decided to join the physical battle as
well and offer you the same. Our troops are doing the fighting. We will back them
up with love, dua and winter clothing.

We have given the contact details and prices on these items.

Anyone who wants to contribute can contact the suppliers directly, who can then
send these equipment to us and we can send them to forward areas to fighting
units. Else, you can buy these equipment and send them yourself to your own
contacts. Your choice. when you place order, keep us informed via email so that
we remain in the loop and take deliveries.

May Allah give victory to our Pak army Mujahideen and crush the fitnah of
Khawarij ! These are final battles for our beloved Pak Sarzaeen. By Allah, we
stand with our troops in uniform under the Sabz Hilali parcham !! Labbaik Ghazwa
e Hind !!

What you give is NOT charity but gifts.What army does not need,
would be given to our fellow Muslims who escape the Zulm of

During Operation Rah e Rasat in Swat, BrassTacks had done a similar Nation-
army bonding appeal and thousands of people responded with warm clothes, socks,
jackets and eatables which were sent to Swat. They not just came in handy for the
army, they were also distributed among nearly 2 million refugees who were
pouring out of war zone. They were also the responsibility of the nation and army
as political governments were too slow to provide even the basic tents, blankets or
warm clothes.

What you give is NOT charity but gifts. Now refugees would also start to pour out
of areas where fighting has begun or is about to begin. What army does not need,
would be given to our fellow Muslims who escape the Zulm of Khawarij.

For many years, it is only army which is doing the rebuilding, relief and welfare
works in Swat and tribal areas. We trust army and would be sending them these
gifts for their use and for the poor Muslims there.

Just a reminder, those idiots who are insulting this sincere campaign of patriots to
support our troops and tribals would be instantly banned. Have no time for non-

InshAllah, at 10 PM, on ary. Watch Zaid Hamid and Lucman on
Khara Sach.
InshAllah, at 10 PM, on ary. Watch Zaid Hamid and Lucman on Khara Sach.

We appeared in Khara Sach with Luqman on ARY. The confusion
which the politicians and media spread about this 4th generation
war is so staggering that it has baffled the entire nation.

This link will activate in one hour inshAllah !!

We appeared in Khara Sach with Luqman on ARY. The confusion which the
politicians and media spread about this 4th generation war is so staggering that it
has baffled the entire nation. We rip their lies apart and challenge the government
to hang a terrorist !!

InshAllah, We shall be doing exhaustive national security analysis on Friday night
on our own program The debate on DIN News.

Now the time of punishment has begun. This democracy, this
parliament, this judiciary, this media -- all will be annihilated in the
war which is upon us now.

One of our friends from ME sent us this email today. Wanted you all to read it.
There is nothing much left to explain now. The nation and its leaders were too
arrogant to do tauba. Now the time of punishment has begun. This democracy, this
parliament, this judiciary, this media -- all will be annihilated in the war which is
upon us now. We had been warning for year but those in power mocked us and
remained arrogant. Now Allah will enforce His Hukm !

The leader will emerge from the chaos ! Khair inshAllah !

InshAllah, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on DIN News, we are
doing a harsh analysis of Pakistan's national security crisis and the
transformation of 4th GW into 5th GW.

InshAllah, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on DIN News, we are doing a harsh
analysis of Pakistan's national security crisis and the transformation of 4th GW into
5th GW. 3 weeks ago, we had warned that 2014 would be the bloodiest year in
recent years and the violence of last 3 weeks have shaken up the entire nation. The
geo-political events and security crisis is pointing towards one direction -- Pakistan
will have to fight a bloody war to reclaim its freedom and honor. Our leaders have
betrayed us. Our judiciary have sided with the Khawarij and our media remains

Look at Iraq, Libya and Syria. Their leaders remained in denial and then one day,
the punishment from Allah came and all doors of Tauba were closed. Saddam was
found in a hole and hanged. Qaddafi was found in a ditch and stabbed. This is
called closing the door of Tauba and punishment from Allah (swt). Pakistani
leaders should fear Allah. Their time also seems close now. But in the process,
Pakistani nation is already paying in blood...

Watch this stunning video -- How TTP is working for RSS and BJP
!! Know your enemies !

While we upload today's Debate on final battles for Pakistan, watch this stunning
video -- How TTP is working for RSS and BJP !! Those in doubt should ponder
over the language being used by the enemies and notice their similarities. Know
your enemies !

Every Pakistani must watch this. Stunning exposure of Modi by
Arundati Roy !!

Every Pakistani must watch this. Stunning exposure of Modi by Arundati Roy !!
You will be shocked, stunned and dazed at the filthy reality of BJP leaders who are
comming to power in Indoia now. That is why we say that 2014 would be the
bloodiest year for us and TTP/RSS would launch brutal attacks to prepare for
invasion after October. These are the last warnings to you now.

The North Waziristan operation, 4th and 5th generation wars,
treason of politicians, media and judiciary and the role of Pak army.

This is the ruthless and blunt azaan to shake the nation as the final battle for
Pakistan begins ! Our program on DIN news Friday night -- Part 1 of the 2 part
series to explain to you the North Waziristan operation, 4th and 5th generation
wars, treason of politicians, media and judiciary and the role of Pak army.

Let the battle begin....Allahu Akbar !!
All the nostalgic memories came back with sheer pain when I
received this mail today....

I grew up in that city. As schools kids, we would travel all over the city alone in
public transport and our parents were never worried. No cell phones, no internet,
no landline at home. We would go to the beach at midnight to have fish or at PIDC
to have paan or to Bahadurabad to have Spinzer icecone !! Our greatest treat would
be to take a boat at Kemari and go out crabbing in sea. It was here, where I got my
first hunting lessons with Dad where we used to go together, freezing in open
jeeps, to lakes in interior sindh for duck and partridge hunting. Imagine, we used to
go to school in Train ! Only city in the country which had local train running
through it. The service is long dead now I think.

It was city of peace, lights and nostalgic memories then MQM raised its filthy
head.. and today it is a war zone.

All the nostalgic memories came back with sheer pain when I received this mail


Zaid bhai,

PLEASE must watch this video , and post in your BlogSpot . its not Bollywood
movie acting . the real life of a volunteer of ambulance man , the reality which is
going since 1986 , After BUSHRA ZAIDI road accident at AYESHA MANZIL
FEDRAL B.AREA KARACHI . but you LEFT Karachi from 1992 . and we are
alone for 21 years . please ZAID BHAI come to KARACHI , when ever I go to
university road infront of N.E.D , I do stop the main GATE of N.E.D . I thaught
only about you , what a romantic life, when you attend JIHAD CONFERNECE
and traveling in CAR with M.M ALAM . ZAID BHAI PLEASE receive my
PHONE CALL , you didn't receive my call for 9 months .

Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official] changed their cover photo.

This is our message for Shia Muslims. Take this advice for the khair
of Ummah and Millat.

This is our message for Shia Muslims. Take this advice for the khair of Ummah
and Millat.

Note: All nonsense comments from Khawarij / enemies based on ignorance /
Jahalat will be deleted and blocked without mercy.

This is true character of our army, mashAllah ! Love you Pak army
!! Love you infinite !!

This is true character of our army, mashAllah !

Such helpless animal, so protected by our sipahi aslam MashAllah !

It is written in books that Allah (swt) forgave a sinful woman just because she fed
water to a thirsty dog !

May Allah bless Aslam for this act of kindness.

Love you Pak army !! Love you infinite !!

This is our azaan as the battle for Pakistan now enters its final
phase. Any blunders now would mean millions would perish due to
stupidity of our leaders.

Part 2 of our debate on North Waziristan war !

This is our azaan as the battle for Pakistan now enters its final phase. Any blunders
now would mean millions would perish due to stupidity of our leaders. Wake up
before the Khawarij put you to sleep.... forever.

We will fight, kill and be killed for this Medina e Sani, InshAllah !!
We owe this to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). For now, we give azaan
against Zalim rulers and Khawarij !!

InshAllah, we come on two channels today, at 8 PM. DIN and Dunya TV. Where
DIN news do not come, they can watch the Dunya TV program. InshAllah, we will
upload the DIN Debate later. DIN News is in English. Dunya TV program is in

Same topic for both.

North Waziristan Ops, 5thGW and the final battle for Pak Sarzameen.

These are the final calls for the nation to wake up, else be prepared for an urban
war like Syria/Iraq/Libya. Idiots in leaders, media and Mullahs have confused and
baffled the nation for years now and have brought the nation to the brink of
disaster. Now the price for freedom will be in blood. That is how Allah teach
lessons to Moronic leadership and naive stupid population. Astahfurullah !

Kuffar have destroyed the Ummah on lies spread by their agents within our ranks.
Iraq, Syria, Libya all destroyed through propaganda through media and using
snakes like Hamid Mir.

Now they are doing the same sinister game in Pakistan also. Let us make it clear --
Govt, Mullahs, politicians and major segment of media is Lying to you !! There are
clear proof that CIA and RAW is backing all insurgencies and bloodshed but the
rulers remain part of this demolition war against Pak Sarzameen. Those who voted
for these snakes, should now weep the most !!

We will fight, kill and be killed for this Medina e Sani, InshAllah !! We owe this to
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). For now, we give azaan against Zalim rulers and
Khawarij !!

Entire series of Debate is here. In Pakistan's media history, no
program has created such impact in shaping the national and
regional profiles as this Azaan in these dangerous times.

Entire series of Debate is here. Every third program is in English !! In Pakistan's
media history, no program has created such impact in shaping the national and
regional profiles as this Azaan in these dangerous times. Complex Geo-politics
broken down into easy to understand narrative, entire threat axis analyzed for
Pakistan and the region, role of global powers exposed and nailed, alternate to
global political, economic and judicial systems given and response strategy built to
come out of this 4th and 5th generation wars in the greater Middle East. Once you
watch and understand these programs, you can never be fooled against by snake
like politicians, media and killers in the garb of Mullahs.

Alhamdolillah, this is the Azaan of Haqq to give hope to the nation and a warning
of severe punishment to the rulers.

BrassTacks Threat Analysis: Everything else they tell you is a lie !!

BrassTacks Threat Analysis: Everything else they tell you is a lie !!

A war fought by the army cannot be regulated through corrupt civil judicial
system. This is the dilemma of the civil govt. Military can defeat the insurgents on
ground but what about the thousands of terrorists captured and who are still in
custody, only to be released slowly due to a failed judicial system?. Armys hands
are tied and judiciary is hostile to the army and supportive to the insurgents. This is
actually the controlled demolition of the state where judiciary is a party in the war
against the state. The new anti-terror law may be shot down by the judiciary.

South Waziristan operation had taught the army that unless the escape routes of the
militants are not blocked inside Afghanistan, no operation in FATA can be
successful. TTP terrorists are protected by the CIA/RAW/RAMA inside
Afghanistan. Mullah Fazlullah travels on Afghan passports and TTP/BLA supply
lines remains open from Afghanistan. Pak army and PAF will have to bomb the
bases inside Afghanistan and that demands a strong diplomatic stance from NS

Hostile media needs to be contained. The RAW funded media in Pakistan is
already creating a crisis for the army and is acting as the propaganda army of the
insurgents. The media terrorists are as lethal as the suicide bombers but the
government and the army have no strategy against them.

As we had said, 2014 would be the most bloody and decisive year in Pakistans
history. Within the first month, the nation has received a taste of it and has cried
out in pain already. There is no doubt that with these levels of violence and
anarchy, the government will not sustain for long. A full-fledged army operation
will have to be supported by full force of all state organs or the military will move
in to enforce the sanctity of the collapsing state.

For now, the government remains in panic and confusion and insists upon putting
Musharraf on trial and the judiciary and the media maintain the collision course
with the army. It is too early to say for how long army would wait and continue to
take this humiliation and casualties but the fact remains that the military leadership
cannot afford to drag this confusion for too long. If they dont act, the entire
institution of the army would be destroyed and that would be the end of the state as

Dangerous times to say the least khair inshAllah !

The Debate English -- The final battle for Pakistan begins....

The Debate English -- The final battle for Pakistan begins....

Abba Jan, passed away into the rehmat of Allah (swt). An honorable
life comes to a dignified close. Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon

Pl recite Fatiha..

Abba Jan, passed away into the rehmat of Allah (swt). An honorable life comes to
a dignified close.

Lt Col Zaman Hamid from 1st PMA, veteran of 2 wars as gunner officer fighting
the Mushriks at Sialkot front, served in 14 field and 41 HAA. A Ghazi, a Mujahid,
was always eager to fight the final battle with India. A Syed, from the family of
Hazrat Ibraheem Malik Bbiya, the great great grand son of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul
Qadir Jilani and the General who captured India with Muslims armies in early
times. Attacking and capturing India is on our blood, alhamdolillah !

My mentor, my friend, my dad. Would miss him dearly but for now leave him in
the mercy of Allah (swt), to join him later as Allah wills.

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon

Pl remember us and all the Ummah of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in your dua.

ZH and family.

Pakistan must be jealously guarded even today. Got to keep the flag
high. The battle is raging and we got to do the duty at all costs.

Left Abba jan in the mercy of Allah (swt) today. One of the most difficult
moments in my life to let go of someone so close, so passionate. Nothing prepares
you for the moment when you have to bury your parents or children ! But this is a
duty which every Muslims must do with dignity, sabr and Shukar !

As my mujahida mother, he too had the greatest influence in making what I am
today. He taught me adab e Rasul (sm), hammered into the souls of his children
that NEVER to eat Haram rizq and kept reminding me that we will have to fight a
final battle with India to defend this Pak Sarzameen. I am sure he would be on duty
on the "other side" as well while we do on "this side".

He was from the generation which made Pakistan and then joined army to defend it
jealously on the battle field as well. I grew up on his stories of the battle fields and
he himself was witness to so many miracles during these battles. This Pakistan is
sacred, my parents had always taught us.

Our duty is not done yet. Pakistan must be jealously guarded even today. While I
feel the excruciating pain within, there is no time to mourn a soldier who has fallen
in the battle. Got to keep the flag high. The battle is raging and we got to do the
duty at all costs.

InshAllah, we will be on duty without delay. May Allah raise his Darjaat even
higher. May Allah give us istiqamat to do the duty with courage and dignity. May
Allah bless Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Medina e Sani.

Recite Fatiha please.

How we long to be with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !! Dedicate this to
you Aba Jan. You taught us adab and love of Sayyadi. InshAllah,
you are in His blessed compnay now. Mubarak, alf Marra..

How we long to be with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !! Me and Abajan went on
Umra few years back. One of the most spiritual journeys I had MashAllah, sitting
at the Qadamain Shareefain with my dad. This Nasheed brought back those
memories with full intensity..

Dedicate this to you Aba Jan. You taught us adab and love of Sayyadi. InshAllah,
you are in His blessed compnay now. Mubarak, alf Marra..

No peace deals with criminals, terrorists. What ever your leaders
say, we are confident on our deen & don't need the useful idiot's

This is 2009, south Waziristan operation which the world thought is going to be
impossible to achieve.

Our memories are weak & need to be refreshed | or either the sold-out media did
not let you see this. Any way surprise yourself. No peace deals with criminals,
terrorists. What ever your leaders say, we are confident on our deen & don't need
the useful idiot's advice. Support #Pakarmy & demand ruthless accountability of
media & worst punishments for criminals, no relaxation.

See the western military technology they use and the involvement of foreign secret
agents. In recent strikes in North Waziristan, PAF have killed dozens of Rasheed
dostum Uzbeks and NATO German's posing as "Al-Qaeda" !!

The political snakes demanding Talks now, when the TTP khawarij are badly
beaten and burnt in the recent air strikes, are actually the useful idiots and the
traitors who want to give relief to these Khawarij. Critical time is being wasted
now. The coward PM cannot take the decision on allowing army to roll into TTP
sanctuaries. Blood is already spilling on our streets. It is time to fight the final
battles on our own terms else the Indian tanks, NATO and Khawarij would dictate
their terms....

Alas, a nation of tigers is led by pussy cats !! Innalillahe inna ilehe
rajeoon !!

Nawaz Shareef, Imran Khan, Munawwar Hasan and Fazlur rehman have sold us to
the swines -- again !! Mark our words -- Now the Muslims blood that would flow
would be on the hands of these politicians. TTP was severely crushed after the
PAF sir strikes. It was time to hit them hard, not give them time and space to
escape and re-group !! Alas, a nation of tigers is led by pussy cats !! Innalillahe
inna ilehe rajeoon !!

If TTP Khawarij attack anywhere in Pakistan, what should Pak
army do ?? stay silent, just watch and let people and soldiers die

Simple logic. If government wants that army must not do operation against them,
then the same rule should be applied on TTP Khawarij - no attacks on Pakistan till
the talks continue ! Right ?

If TTP Khawarij attack anywhere in Pakistan, what should Pak army do ?? stay
silent, just watch and let people and soldiers die ????

Let the government, IK, NS and JI/JUI clarify this also when they stop the army
from launching ground ops.

Let me give you a top intelligence report from an ISI officer working under cover
deep inside TTP territory. He is a dear friend and has sent this top secret inside info
-- Allahu Akbar !! This is the reason why TTP is barking for peace now. They
want time to regroup and escape before army destroys them totally. Peace talks is a
trap, nothing else. He sent this after the PAF air strike on Khawarij.

"Zaid bhai, I am in Mir Ali and am having a first hand look. They have lost over a
120 and mostly Uzbeks/foreigners. 7 top so called commanders including
Asmatullah Bathani have died. I think this was a devastating blow. One more can
finish them"

Now you tell me? should we finish them now or let them escape to fight and kill
another day ?? How stupid our leaders can be ?? They are insane, no doubt !!!

InshAllah, on Friday, Sat and sunday, we will bury the myth of
peace talks with Khawarij by these insane so called leaders.

InshAllah, on Friday, Sat and sunday, we will bury the myth of peace talks with
Khawarij by these insane so called leaders. The entire threat analysis based on
regional geo-politics and Indian game plan against Pakistan will be exposed with
solid proof and arguments. We will give our azaan, at all costs, InshAllah, when
literally, there are idols hidden in the sleeves of these munafiqs.

InshAllah, one day, these munafiqs who are talking about peace with Khawarij will
be beheaded by these Khawarij themselves. Rasul Allah (sm) has already warned
us about these Khawarij. If this badbakht NS wants to trust Mullah Fazlullah, then
I pray to Allah (swt) to let Khawarij teach him a lesson for betraying the Ummat e
Rasul (sm).

All these political leaders are liars... they have sold you to Kuffar...

Watch our azaan on DIN news at 8 pm InshAllah.

We rip apart the so called peace process and all its useful idiots. I
sincerely hope General Raheel listens to this.

The Debate on friday Night.

We rip apart the so called peace process and all its useful idiots. I sincerely hope
General Raheel listens to this.

The ultimate manifestation of how our so called pygmy rulers have auctioned us to
the dogs of hell !!

We had warned that TTP khawarij would use the peace time
during these so called peace talks to regroup, re-organzie and re-
arm themselves and would prepare for the future wars.

We had warned that TTP khawarij would use the peace time during these so
called peace talks to regroup, re-organzie and re-arm themselves and would
prepare for the future wars. They have been badly burnt in these recent air strikes
and now need funds to buy new equipment, weapons and pay their cadre and that
is why have come for peace talks to gain time.

Watch this video. Only the truly badnaseeb and insane would not believe what we

Are we making these snakes as "stake holders" in Pakistani state ??

Are these Muslims or petty criminals involved in Fasad fil ard ??? Are we making
these snakes as "stake holders" in Pakistani state ??

Know the dirty, filthy reality of Fazlullah and his RAW paid Khawarij !!

While we are being prepared for slaughter by our politicians,
narendar Modi sharpens his daggers in India.

While we are being prepared for slaughter by our politicians, narendar Modi
sharpens his daggers in India. The only way to eliminate TTP is to eject Indians
and US from Afghanistan. See the hypocrisy of JI, stupidity of PTI and insanity of
PML(N) as well as treachery of JUI (F) and media.

General Raheel, are you listening ??? Washington Post warns that a coup is
inevitable in Pakistan. How did they guess and why ?? Listen to this harsh azaan
on DIN News on Saturday.

It is your duty to spread this message. At least, this is what you can do to defend
Pak Sarzameen in these times of crisis and chaos.

Rules, protocols and adab of being on this sacred battle station for
revival of Pak Sarzameen. Respect the fact that you are part of it.

Dear members, since hundreds of new members join this page every week, we are
noticing that new members are not aware of the rules, protocols and adab of being
on this sacred battle station for revival of Pak Sarzameen. Here we repeat some
guidelines. Pl read them carefully before you start to post comments here. Lots of
new members get blocked instantly as they do not follow the protocols. To all
hostiles who join this page to insult the mission, we say to them that they can make
one hostile post but then never again. We have zero tolerance for non-sense.

1. Know this very well that this is an Islamic, patriotic and ideological page which
jealously protects our Islamic ideology, Quaid, Baba Iqbal, two nations theory and
creation of this beloved Pak Sarzameen. We DO NOT debate these established
facts and boundaries. Never disrespect these values.

2. Please write in Urdu or English. Never in Roman Urdu -- urdu written in English
letters. We normally hide or delete all such posts.

3. DO NOT comment on the page immediately after joining it. Spend few hours
reading old posts, watching previous programs of the last 15 days at least, get to
know the language, mood, flavor and ideology being discussed on the page and
then make mature serious comments. Most of the questions you have are already
answered previously. Do some homework first.

4. Never insult or humiliate Pak army. NEVER. Such posts will be blocked

5. We never lie. So never say that our post of Fake or a lie. We are the source and
we do not need outside sources to prove what we know is right. If you do not trust
us, join TTP page

6. DO NOT post propaganda, lies, disinformation by enemies and then ask us to
comment on it.

7. DO NOT use this page to advertise your pages or links. We only allow
authorized, approved links to be posted.

8. DO NOT spam -- write same post multiple times. Just once is ok.

9. As a member, it is your duty to spread the message. Like the post and share it.
Be part of this mission. We do not need fans. We need die hard fighters for

This is an azaan for defense of Pak Sarzameen and revival of the Ummah. Respect
the fact that you are part of it.

Jazak Allah.

In reality, government delegation will be negotiating with another
government delegation while TTP and their handlers will have
having fits of laughter, literally ROFL !!!!

Imagine how TTP is laughing all the way to Delhi!! Making a complete fool of the
politicians and the government, TTP announces its "OWN" team of negotiators
from PTI, JUI, JI and Lal masjid !!! This is called making a totol fool of the so
called "peace talks" and humiliating the idiots who wanted talks with these snakes.
Now TTP says that our top commanders should also be released who would be part
of the talks process !!! How stupid, insane and bofoon Nawaz shareef, IK and
political leaders can be ??? In reality, government delegation will be negotiating
with another government delegation while TTP and their handlers will have having
fits of laughter, literally ROFL !!!!

Welcome to the "peace talks" !! Idiots !!!

US state department officials travel to London to make final
preparations for supporting Baluchistan separation from Pakistan.
Cant you see???

While the enemies have engaged the entire nation into futile drama of talks with
CIA/RAW backed Khawarij, this distraction would prove fatal as Narendar Modi
sharpens his daggers in India and US State department prepares to invade and
separate Baluchistan in this last stages of 5th GW !! Astaghfurullah !! Those so
focused on drones and talks, should also explain how they plan to handle this axis
of 5th GW threat ??? Read the news slowly and seriously. Read between the lines.
Do the analysis of the language and events.

US state department officials travel to London to make final preparations for
supporting Baluchistan separation from Pakistan. Cant you see??? I am NOT a war
monger but a Moazzin to warn you well in time but the national leaders decide to
remain deaf, dumb and blind. Instead of understanding the threats and the message,
the criticism remains on my "harshness" !! Typical signs of a nation about to be
punished so severely that Halaku would look like an angel in front of it.

English Debate with ZH NATO evacuation, Rise of Modi and the
threats from 5th GW.

English Debate with ZH NATO evacuation, Rise of Modi and the threats from
5th GW.

team, pl post strong comments on Zem TV site also. This is important to fight the
perception war on social media.

This is NOT about drones or NATO supplies. It is about changing
our Map !!!

This is dangerous escalation and provocation from US. The red line has already
been crossed but Nawaz and politicians remains treacherous. Have you heard the
politicians or the media talk about this speech which is a direct declaration of war
against Pakistan ??

We are raising the alarm again and again ! This is a policy speech in US Congress
based on lies, propaganda, deceptions and clear psy-ops to justify US invasion of
Baluchistan. I am NOT making it up. When we say US is planning dismemberment
of Pakistan under 4th and 5thGW, this is the proof even for the blind, deaf and

That is why we say -- Crush the TTP NOW, eliminate the US from Afghanistan
NOW, eject the Indians from Afg NOW and prepare to face off the Butcher of
Gujarat on East ! Peace talks now will NOT save us from these
US/Israeli/Indian/Khawarij wars. This is NOT about drones or NATO supplies. It
is about changing our Map !!!

Nawaz Shareef is now on a fast track collision course with the army.
There is absolutely no two ways about it.

Nawaz Shareef is now on a fast track collision course with the army. There is
absolutely no two ways about it. Even US intelligence feels that Nawaz is crossing
the red line. The issues of Musharraf, anti-terrorism laws and operation aganst TTP
are the sore disputes which have already strained the relations between the political
government and the army. There is a reason why WP thinks there is going to be a
coup in Pakistan this year!

All axis of the deployed 5thGW are now aflame. From TTP to BLA to Karachis
urban war to Indian threat to involvement of US State department in Baluchistan to
information warfare to Indias strategic alliances with regional powers to collapse
of economy Nawaz Shareef government is not just clueless, it is actually fighting
its own army. It cannot get any worse than that.

We are seriously concerned. Khair inshAllah !

Our question to Fazlur Rehman and Imran Khan.

Our question to Fazlur Rehman and Imran Khan.

You were the biggest advocate of talks with Khawarij. Now why have you
withdrawn from it after pushing the nation into this ditch ??

Military action against TTP : Dunya News

Now when the entire government and political parties have taken the bait of peace
talks with khawarij, the enemies continue to attack at will. In one single day, a
suicide attack by TTP in Peshawar and a train was destroyed in Sindh... The urban
5thGW continues.

But the good news is that army seems to be listening to our azaan alhamdilillah.
InshAllah khair.

See this Munafiq, father of Khawarij and pro-Mushrik Mullah of
Darul Uloom deoband, India -- the famous Congressi Mullahs !!!

See this Munafiq, father of Khawarij and pro-Mushrik Mullah of Darul Uloom
deoband, India -- the famous Congressi Mullahs !!! They are the most staunch
enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen and most staunch supporters of
BJP, RSS and Narendar Modi type Hindu Zionists. Look at his face, look at his
language, look at his Nifaq that he tries to hide over his dirty face, astaghfurullah !
All those Khawarij who are attacking Pakistan today, follow this Congressi and his
fitnah gar ideology.

Allama Shhabir Ahmed Usmani was also from deoband but once he say this stance
of Hussain ahmed Madni, he left the Darul uloom and joined Quaid e Azam and
formed his own party Jamiat e Ulama e Islam, which is now hijacked by another
Congressi Mullah -- Fazlur rehman Diesal.

These are the Mullah who are most strongest opponents of Mission Takmeel e
Pakistan and have waged a most dirty war against this Faqeer.

It is the duty of Ulama of deoband to stand up NOW and speak against Khawarij
and this anti-Pak view of Mullah Madni. If they do not do it, then on the day of
judgement, they will be counted from amongst the Congressi Mullahs and their
Mushrik brothers.

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !! No words other than these after
listening to Mullah Samee ul Haq's "pearls of wisdom"! Ya Allah

All those who are representing Khawarij in so called talks and
media will now be raised with these Khawarij on the day of
judgement, astaghfurullah !!!

The Khawarij supporters are now in the open. All those who are representing
Khawarij in so called talks and media will now be raised with these Khawarij on
the day of judgement, astaghfurullah !!! These shameless apologists say that
Khawarij want to impose Shariat and that is the demand of every Muslim !!

Lets see which "Shariat" these Khawarij would bring. The same "shariat" which
they have applied so far across entire country. That is:

1. Merciless slaughter of men, women, children through blasts, suicide attacks and

2. Total slaughter of Ahl Sunnah wal Jamaat (Barelvis), Shias and Ahl hadees

3. Bomb attacks on Muqqam of aulia, hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh, Baba fareed and
dozens of other aulia.

4. Kidnapping women and keeping them as slaves.

5. Playing football with heads of Muslims.

6. Bank robberies, kidnapping for ransom and Bhatta.

7. Digging the bodies of opponents and burning them and then hanging them.

8. Attacks on Pak army, air force and defense installations making it easy for the
Hindus to attack Pak Sarzameen.

9. Killing Chinese, Polish workers in Pakistan and attacking all friendly countries.

If you want this "Shariat", then welcome the Khawarij.

May Allah's curse be upon Khawarij and their sympathizers.

Rasul Allah (sm) has given clear indications of Khawarij and all
these signs only apply on TTP, NOT on any other Mujahideen
group in Afghanistan or Kashmir.

For all new comers here, read the following critical Hadees reference on Khawarij.
Rasul Allah (sm) has given clear indications of Khawarij and all these signs only
apply on TTP, NOT on any other Mujahideen group in Afghanistan or Kashmir. In
over 100 ahadees mubarika, Rasul Allah (sm) gave all major signs which you can
read yourself. anyone supporting these Khawarij is one of them -- dog of hell !!
anyone not accepting these ahadees is dangerously close to Kufr. be very careful
when you deny what Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned us against.

InshAllah, tonight at 8 PM on DIN News, we will analyse the threats
from Kashmir to Baluchistan, from FATA to Karachi and the
reality of this farce called "peace talks" !

InshAllah, tonight at 8 PM on DIN News, we will analyse the threats from
Kashmir to Baluchistan, from FATA to Karachi and the reality of this farce called
"peace talks" ! Those who want Pakistan to cease fire against these khawarij now
when we can crush them, should know that very soon India and US plan to attack
Pakistan with the help of these Khawarij and BLA and MQM. If we can eliminate
the BLA/TTP and urban war now, the external enemies will not have any internal
allies to stab us in the back. Peace deals is nothing but a time gaining circus of
loony toons ! The nation would know when it is already too late. what can we say
to the people who have hell bent on committing suicide ?? Innalillahe inna ilehe
rajeoon !

Kuffar divided the Musliim world in 1918 when they destroyed one Osmani
empire. Now they want to divide the entire Muslim world again into smaller
anarchic regions. TTP is their weapon in this war. Giving it time to live will
NEVER stop the war. Only the idiots cannot understand this.

Note: PTI supporters, pl don't comment here. Your logic is so stupid that it takes
lots of courage not to block you.

To all Khawarij supporters, we say, you can comment once but then never again...

The shameless drama of Loony toones in the name of peace talks
torn to shreds in this azaan ! The debate Friday Night.

Watch how these snakes are humiliating our beloved Pak Sarzameen ? How this
nation of tigers is led by vultures, wolves and hyenas selling it to the dogs of hell.

The shameless drama of Loony toones in the name of peace talks torn to shreds in
this azaan ! The debate Friday Night.

Pl also visit the Zem site and post solid comments. This is important
as this site is an important battle station for media programs.

Pl also visit the Zem site and post solid comments. This is important as this site is
an important battle station for media programs. We have to give our azaan louder,
wider and more fiercely. do your duty here as well.

Welcome to the "shariat" of Khawarij !! This is the self made
Shariat of Khawarij, Lal masjid, Fazlullah and their supporters in
CIA and RAW.

Welcome to the "shariat" of Khawarij !! Taliban are demanding Shariat in
Pakistan. The idiots or the naive within our ranks seem to agree with these snakes.
Lets see the version of "shariat" these Khawarij would bring. We cannot post the
video of these Khawarij playing football with the heads of our soldiers. But that is
also part of "shariat" of Khawarij. Innalillahe...

This poor kid only had a song in his phone memory card. Now "Islam" is being
taught to him, astahhfrullah !! This is NOT the shariat of Rasul Allah (sm). This is
the self made Shariat of Khawarij, Lal masjid, Fazlullah and their supporters in
CIA and RAW.

This is just a glimpse to knock some sense into those who are
confused about the real Shariat.

You want to know the difference between Shariat of Rasul Allah (sm) and the
Fasad of Khawarij ??? This is just a glimpse to knock some sense into those who
are confused about the real Shariat.

Read what Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned about these
Khawarij. We are asked to kill these dogs of hell where ever we find

Read what Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) has warned about these Khawarij. We are
forbidden to treat these Khawarij as friends or brothers. We are asked to kill these
dogs of hell where ever we find them. There is a reason why Sayaydi Rasul Allah
(sm) has ordered us to eliminate these fitnah! These Khawarij bring a bad name to
Shariat of Rasul Allah (sm) and are frauds exploiting the name of Islam and
shariat. Having mercy upon these dogs of hell is showing cruelty on Ummah of
Rasul Allah (sm).

Yesterday, even before this news came today, we had clearly
mentioned these conditions in Debate that Khawarij would demand

Yesterday, even before this news came today, we had clearly mentioned these
conditions in Debate that Khawarij would demand these.

1. Enforce shariat. (TTP version)
2. Withdraw army. (handover Pakistan to them)
3. Release prisoners. (release all cut throat Khawarij)

Basically, they want all their dogs of hell released and want pak army to hand them
over Swat, Waziristan, Mohmand, Bahaur, Orakzai and Parachinar so that they can
once again start their war against Pakistan after regrouping and re-arming

Bloody Khawarij !! Now, those who want "peace" with them should tell us what
should be do ?? accept their terms ??

US have officially decided to attack Pakistan and separate
Baluchistan from Pakistan !

US have officially decided to attack Pakistan and separate Baluchistan from
Pakistan ! You dont believe me ? watch this program and hear the US State
officers speak about their filthy plan. This is the 5th Generation war.. now entering
its last stages... with TTP/BLA as their main attack dogs ! Even now if you do not
wake up, then the enemies will put you to sleep forever.... Last warnings to this
beysharam leadership.

Post strong comments on Zem. Fight them with wisdom, logic and
strength of argument. Your comments matter.

Post strong comments on Zem. Lots of Khawarij and their Mushrik masters come
here to attack Pak sarzameen. Fight them with wisdom, logic and strength of
argument. Your comments matter. Go there and fight the battle of the social media.
Barak Allah !

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is in Jalal when these sacred words were
uttered by Rasul Allah (sm).

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) is in Jalal when these sacred words were uttered by
Rasul Allah (sm). Never has he used such harsh words for any other
Kafir/Mushrik. Over a 100 ahadees exposing these dogs of hell !! Then Sayyadi
also blesses Pak army which is fighting these Khawarij today.

This Hadees Mubarak makes it clear that this fitnah can only be emilimated
through sword !! A believer never walks ahead of Rasul Allah (sm). be very
careful here.

Cursed are those who want to go soft on these Khawarij, whom Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm) hate so much !! A momin would crush this fitnah with all the power he
has. Pak army, we stand with you !! Be the Jalal of Allah (swt) and crush these
dogs of hell !!

The entire US / Indian plan to dismember Pakistan on the axis of
Kashmir, FATA and Baluchistan !!

The Debate - English

The entire US / Indian plan to dismember Pakistan on the axis of Kashmir, FATA
and Baluchistan !! The 5th generation war enters its last stages while the Nawaz
Shareef plans to auction Pakistan to India and Western Zionists !! Our death
warrants have been signed and now the army has to decide if they want to protect
democracy or the country !

Welcome to the 5thGW !! 2014 is the decisive year now...

Blowing up gas lines, power structures and Train tracks is the duty given to BLA
by the Indians/Americans. TTP is supposed to attack the State security forces, air
bases, ISI and bog down Pak army in urban war. MQM/ANP would create chaos in
Karachi and political leaders and judiciary would create economic collapse,
auctioning of Pakistan's State assets under privatization and give governmental
support to CIA/RAW. Media would play its role in spreading lies, disinformation
and deceptions.

Welcome to the 5thGW !! 2014 is the decisive year now...

To all those who voted for the golden calf of democracy, the god of
modern kufr, we wish they had taken the advice from Baba Iqbal!
Ya Allah Karam... Send us a Salahuddin !!

To all those who voted for the golden calf of democracy, the god of modern kufr,
we wish they had taken the advice from Baba Iqbal and searched for a true
Murshid/Mujahid/Faqeer/Dervesh to purify their souls for them to see the unseen.
In this information age, we have produced the most stupid generation,
astaghfurullah !

Now if this Ummah is sold to the Khawarij or auctioned by the Mushriks or
occupaied by the Yahood and Nasara then this nation has no right to complain.
When nations betray their Lord, then the Dajjal grabs them by the neck!

Ya Allah Karam... Send us a Salahuddin !!

We had warned harshly NOT to go for the elections ! Now all our
warnings have become true as we enter the last stages of our war for

We had warned harshly NOT to go for the elections ! we had warned that the
whole fraud is already fixed and the enemies would use it to bring its own touts
once again and the war would rage with furious intensity. Now all our warnings
have become true as we enter the last stages of our war for survival.

By Allah, we will fight these snakes to keep our sbaz Hilali high at al costs. From
CIA to RAW to Khawarij to BLA to political snakes to this corrupt judiciary -- the
system of Dajjal is truly spread like a canver which needs a radical surgery now.
Lets wait and see how Allah decides to clean up this muck ! khair inshAllah !

We had warned that the Khawarij would never stop their war
against Pakistan.Now their media wing is saying that TTP is not
involved in terrorism. Shame...

We had warned that the Khawarij would never stop their war against Pakistan. All
what these dogs of hell have done is that they now refuse to claim the atrocity,
which they used to do openly before. Even the Peshawar blast, few days back, was
denied first and then owned later. Now today also many blasts have been done in
Peshawar and many people have been killed in Karachi also. Now their media
wing is saying that TTP is not involved in terrorism. Shame...

Today, I attended the national day function of Iran. Guess who was there ???
Munawwar Hasan Some times back, TTP had released a video of Hakeem ullah
Mehsud where he was cursing late Qazi Hussain Ahmed for being a Kafir because
Qazi sb had attended the invitations of Iran and was friendly with these Shia
"Kafirs" !! Now what would TTP say about Munawwar Hasan, their chief
negotiator ??? May be TTP still does not know that Munawwar Hasan had a
sumptuous dinner at the function of "Kafirs" It would be interesting to see their
reaction now :))

So now you know what "Shariat" these Haramkhaor Khawarij
wants ! All those who never trusted us, are you at peace now ?? You
want shariat, it means that cut throat Mullah Radio Kharji is going
to be your Khalifa !!

So now you know what "Shariat" these Haramkhaor Khawarij wants ! All those
who never trusted us, are you at peace now ?? You want shariat, it means that cut
throat Mullah Radio Kharji is going to be your Khalifa !! astaghfurullah !!
Khawarij will continue their war against Pak Sarzameen even during the talks BUT
government should ask Pak army not to hurt these Khawarij !! Uffff.... How
audacious these snakes can be.

We had warned you, they never wanted peace talks. They only wanted time to re-
group and re-organize. Now they have got that time and would again launch their
bloody campaign as they are doing daily.... welcome to peace talks. Idiots talking
to Idiots...

InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a
fierce azaan in defense of Pak Sarzameen.

InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a fierce azaan in
defense of Pak Sarzameen, our armed forces and ISI, destroying the myth of
democracy as imposed by the CIA and RAW. As the 5th GW gets intense against
Pak Sarzameen, so is our ruthless counterattack in in the information warfare.

InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a
fierce azaan in defense of Pak Sarzameen.

InshAllah, on Saturday, on AAJ News at 7 PM, we are giving a fierce azaan in
defense of Pak Sarzameen, our armed forces and ISI, destroying the myth of
democracy as imposed by the CIA and RAW. As the 5th GW gets intense against
Pak Sarzameen, so is our ruthless counterattack in in the information warfare.

InshAllah, tonight on DIN news at 8 Pm, we will critically analyse
the so called drama of "peace talks" with Khawarij

InshAllah, tonight on DIN news at 8 Pm, we will critically analyse the so called
drama of "peace talks" with Khawarij and its future direction in the backdrop of
ongoing violence in the country. The dirty role of political parties and how the
blood is dripping from their hands now when they stopped the army from taking
any action but the Khawarij were free to attack mercilessly. A harsh Azaan to
revive a slumbering nation and to give warning to those who are siding with the
enemies today, either in their stupidity or through deliberate treachery. khair

It is time to hang the Khawarij and all the political leadership of the
country! If we don't do it, the enemies will hang all of us !! These are
the last few warnings.. the time is already up...

It is time to hang the Khawarij and all the political leadership of the country! If we
don't do it, the enemies will hang all of us !! These are the last few warnings.. the
time is already up...

InshAllah, tonight we have two programs. AAj News at 7 PM. DIN
News at 8 pm.

InshAllah, tonight we have two programs.

AAj News at 7 PM. A fierce defense of Pak army, ISI and rejection of Musharraf
treason trial by this compromised and treacherous govt and media.

DIN News at 8 pm. The US 5th GW against Pakistan -- the external threats and
how they are shaping the internal chaos.

Khair inshAllah !

A fierce defense of Pak army, ISI and rejection of Musharraf
treason trial by this compromised and treacherous govt and media.

A fierce defense of Pak army, ISI and rejection of Musharraf treason trial by this
compromised and treacherous govt and media.

"It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be
their allies " !! who knows this better than Pakistan??

"It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be their allies " !!
who knows this better than Pakistan?? The time has come to declare US an enemy
State and deal with them as such ! No more non-sense from these Zionists !

Our Debate on Sat Night DIN News.

Go to the ZEM website and post strong comments to defend Pak
Sarzameen under our videos. Do your duty. This is the least you can

Go to the ZEM website and post strong comments to defend Pak Sarzameen under
our videos. Our three videos are posted here with AAJ TV program on top listed as
featured program for today. Managing the post program battles of the perception
management is equally critical. defend Pak army and Pak Sarzameen against all
enemies. Do your duty. This is the least you can do. Jazak Allah.

Almost a year back, we had given a sharp interview on the case of
Musharraf. For those who have not seen it, this is a reminder to
keep the record straight.

Almost a year back, we had given a sharp interview on the case of Musharraf. For
those who have not seen it, this is a reminder to keep the record straight.

In these times of despair, youth of Pakistan make the largest flag in
the world in Lahore yesterday to prove that we stand united, we
stand firm and our Sabz Hilali is going to fly high always, InshAllah

Little gestures have great impacts, MashAllah ! In these times of despair, youth of
Pakistan make the largest flag in the world in Lahore yesterday to prove that we
stand united, we stand firm and our Sabz Hilali is going to fly high always,
InshAllah ! Barak Allah to all of you who stood for Pakistan when it matters most.

Pakistan is here to stay, alhamdolilah !

Pakistan has been destroyed by democracy !! Period !!

Pakistan has been destroyed by democracy !! Period !! Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
had warned us against it. Iqbal had warned us against it. We had warned you
against it. But the nation of deaf, dumb and the blind decided to give "one more
chance" to democracy and now we stand at the verge of death, destruction and
collapse, astaghfurullah !! We asked for azaab of Allah and now it is upon us. The
blunders of the leaders and the blindness of the followers will be paid by the entire

BrassTacks Policy paper on rise of Hindu Zionists in India. Now you
tell me, is it easy to fight one axis at a time or 3 deadly axis
simultaneously ?? Not a single analysis of ours have ever gone

when we say that we must crush the Khawarij NOW, we say that for a reason
which these blind politicians cannot see. For a perspective, read this BrassTacks
Policy paper on rise of Hindu Zionists in India. May Allah have mercy upon
Muslims of India after this butcher, this snake comes to power. Then Pakistan
would be well and truly surrounded from East, West and within ! Now you tell me,
is it easy to fight one axis at a time or 3 deadly axis simultaneously ?? Not a single
analysis of ours have ever gone wrong. Allah has given us a vision which is
different and a duty to give azaan. There would be khair if you listen to this
Faqeer. You can argue, ignore, insult and remain arrogant but then my duty is only
to warn you well in time. Your fate is in your own hands. Very soon you will know
how disasterly wrong all those were who decided to mock our azaan. Then there
will be no time for Tauba...
HasbunAllah Naimal Wakeel...

"It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be
their allies " !! who knows this better than Pakistan??

The Debate English Program

"It is dangerous to be the enemy of United States but it is fatal to be their allies " !!
who knows this better than Pakistan?? The time has come to declare US an enemy
State and deal with them as such ! No more non-sense from these Zionists !

All those who say that we should still have "peace talks" with
Khawarij should be hanged

All those who say that we should still have "peace talks" with Khawarij should be
hanged for stupidity, treason, insanity and criminal betrayal of the nation through
their lies, deceptions and deceit and serving the cause of the enemies in times of

Inshallah at 8pm tonight on Waqt News watch Zaid Hamid facing
off politicians in a harsh debate on TTP, 'Peace Talks' and rold of
political parties. Khair Inshallah.

Inshallah at 8pm tonight on Waqt News watch Zaid Hamid facing off politicians
in a harsh debate on TTP, 'Peace Talks' and rold of political parties. Khair

Our azaan on Waqt News today. The clueless politicians -- blind
men leading a flock of deaf, dumb and stupid !

Our azaan on Waqt News today. The clueless politicians -- blind men leading
a flock of deaf, dumb and stupid !

Zem site. post strong comments here.

Zem site. post strong comments here.

Alhamdolillah, gifts sent to our sons on the front line against
Khawarij !

Alhamdolillah, on behalf of all BrassTacks team and volunteers of Mission
Takmeel e Pakistan, we sent warm thermals, warms woolen caps and combat
winter gloves for an entire company of Pak army troops fighting on the front line
against Khawarij !

Barak Allah to all of you who contributed in this symbolic but intense gesture of
love, respect, appreciation and gratitude for our sons and brothers in uniform who
are freezing in the mountains of North West Pakistan, defending the Pak
Sarzameen and Sabz Hilali parcham against fitnahs of Khawarij.

InshAllah, we shll be regularly sending these gifts to our sons.

Once again, Jazak Allah to all of you who participated in this battle of Ghazwa e
Hind !!

This is your moment to join the battle against Khawarij! Supplying
equipment, resources and weapons to Pak Army Mujahideen

FB deleted the last post on how to send gifts to army.

Now I am posting it again. This was the broadcast we had made few weeks ago.
All details are here. Pl read carefully and follow instructions.


This is your moment to join the battle against Khawarij! Supplying equipment,
resources and weapons to Pak Army Mujahideen carries equal ajar as if you are
fighting yourself against the enemies. Lets support our troops who are already
fighting or about to join the battle in freezing cold. They are fighting for all of us
and it is our duty to respect them, provide for them and contribute to the cause of
purifying Pak Sarzameen from these dogs of hell!

Team BrassTacks and our volunteers have decided to join the physical battle as
well and offer you the same. Our troops are doing the fighting. We will back them
up with love, dua and winter clothing.

We have given the contact details and prices on these items.

Anyone who wants to contribute can contact the suppliers directly, who can then
send these equipment to us and we can send them to forward areas to fighting
units. Else, you can buy these equipment and send them yourself to your own
contacts. Your choice. when you place order, keep us informed via email so that
we remain in the loop and take deliveries.

May Allah give victory to our Pak army Mujahideen and crush the fitnah of
Khawarij ! These are final battles for our beloved Pak Sarzaeen. By Allah, we
stand with our troops in uniform under the Sabz Hilali parcham !! Labbaik Ghazwa
e Hind !!
Oh Allah bless Pak army with greatest of success against these dogs
of hell !

Go to hell Khawarij !! Allahu Akbar !

Oh Allah bless Pak army with greatest of success against these dogs of hell ! It is
time to send them where these Khawarij belong !!

To the nation we say: In wars, there would be civilian casualties, enemy counter
attacks and losses. Enemy would hit back also. But strong nations make their stand
for their honor, dignity and faith. DO NOT start blaming Pak army for the crimes
of the Khawarij. In these times, anyone barking against Pak army would be from
among the Khawarij and Mushriks. So, chose your sides carefully. There are NO
neutrals when battles rage between Momineen and Khawarij !! Note this carefully.

Ya Allah bless us with khair and victory from Yourself. Labbaik Ghazwa e HInd !!

It is key that Pakistan severely weaken the TTP by May 2014. In
order to secure our Eastern borders we must reduce the pressure on
the western side ..

As expected Pakistani Armed forces gave a befitting reply through airstrikes
against TTP in North Waziristan. The attacks started late last night. In addition to
PAF fighter planes Army helicopters took part.

In All previous analysis it was consistently stated that talks will fail and this
assertion was based on the guidance available in authentic Ahadith! If only our
rulers had the character and wisdom to take this advice we would not have wasted
valuable time.

Pak Army troop deployment is in place and they are at present trying to block
escape routes of the militants. Ground Forces blocked roads/jeep tracks/link roads
from Khurram Agency, FR Bannu, FR Tank till SWA to restrict TTP in NWA.
This was done prior to the air strikes to make them more effective!

Traitor media channels especially GEO might try to spread disinformation which
must be ignored. The air strikes are surgical not free for all and the weapons used
are highly accurate. Only specific targets were destroyed avoiding any collateral
damage. The you also have idiots who will still talk of peace negotiations. Either
these people are complete idiots or traitors (Or both). Nation should ignore them
for they. We are at war and anyone who talks against armed forces must be ignored
and ideally given a shut up call

It is key that Pakistan severely weaken the TTP by May 2014. In the Indian May
elections we can expect the Muslim hater, fanatical Modi to become PM whose
dream is to wage war against Pakistan.

In order to secure our Eastern borders we must reduce the pressure on the western
side and hence dealing with TTP is a must to counter possible Indian Threat!

Here we are posting an extract from a secret Indian documant hacked from an
Indian army defence site. They were discussing the support to the BLA and how
Pak army/ISI is countering their support to BLA snakes. Indian Cold start is
directly connected to supporting insurgencies in Pakistan.

This is just to give you an idea that how far this cancer has spread now and that we
need multiple operations to cure the cancer now. Be prepared. This is not the time
for cowards, beyghairats or ghaddars !!

khair inshAllah !

Pak army, crush these snakes, kill them fully and DO NOT take
prisoners. Nation stands with you.

One strike by PAF and these "dogs of hell" are on their knees, begging for
ceasefire and begging that their Khawarij should not be killed !! Bloody cowards
!!! They are Firouns against weak and poor people, attack from behind, break their
promises, lies, deceive and betray but when Pak army smash their filthy faces, they
start to beg for peace.... NOT NOW !!

Pak army, crush these snakes, kill them fully and DO NOT take prisoners. Nation
stands with you.

God Speed Pak army and PAF !! You are the soldiars of Rasul Allah (sm) against
Khawarij and for Ghazwa e Hind !!

Our message to the Mushriks and Khawarij -- This time we will
NOT take prisoners !!!

Our message to the Mushriks and Khawarij -- This time we will NOT take
prisoners !!! Nation stands with the army and the time for a ruthless accountability
of the Khawarij and their supporters has come ! Allahu Akbar !!

Watch DIN News Debate on Friday, Sat and Sunday Night at 8 PM
inshAllah ! Battlefield analysis and its impact on internal and
regional security.

As the final battle begins to eliminate the 'dogs of hell", we do a critical analysis of
the developing situation, its present status and future possibilities. Watch DIN
News Debate on Friday, Sat and Sunday Night at 8 PM inshAllah ! Battlefield
analysis and its impact on internal and regional security. InshAllah khair for Pak
Sarzameen as we give azaan to defend our honor, faith and ideology.

Time to crush the Khawarij and their filthy supporters. Pak army --
May Allah bless you always and forever. Go crush these enemies of
Rasul Allah (sm).

Time to crush the Khawarij and their filthy supporters. Pak army -- May Allah
bless you always and forever. Go crush these enemies of Rasul Allah (sm).

Pakistan must build a strong alliance with Iran,Turkey & Saudi

Our azaan on Saturday Night. Khair inshAllah !

The Debate episode about our predictions for 2014 !

The Debate episode about our predictions for 2014 which aired in first week of
January was repeated today on DIN News.

Iqbal Baba had wished that if "Tehran becomes the Geneva of the
East, it could change the destiny of the world" !

Iqbal Baba had wished that if "Tehran becomes the Geneva of the East, it could
change the destiny of the world" ! InshAllah, one day, we will make this block of
Muslim Ummah under the leadership of this Pak Sarzameen. DO NOT be afraid or
in despair because of the crisis you see today. These tests and trials are to separate
the Munafiqeen from the Momineen ! Khair inshAllah !!

We are all one Ummah -- either we stand united or we fall divided
!!! Take your choice !!

There is a deleberate and strong political and media campaign to divide Muslims
on sectarian lines -- specially on Shia-Sunni axis and within Sunnis on deobandi-
barelvi-ahl hadees etc. There are planted Mullahs on all sides whose duty is to
spread lies, hatred, confusion and division within the Ummah. Every sect has been
declared a Kafir by the sectarian Mullahs of other sect. If we are to go by the
fatwas, then there is NO Muslim in the world today. We have to fight this insanity.

Note one critical and interesting point. While they are alive, these sectarian fasadi
Mullahs and their followers are busy calling each others as Kafirs. But when it is
time for Hajj, they do Hajj together, Umra together, when they die they get buried
in the same graveyard also! You see the graves of shias, sunnis, deobandis, ahl
hadees side by side in Jannatul Baqee and in all graveyards of the Muslims all over
the world. You cannot tell their differences during Hajj and Umra. So think
rationally and logically -- Allah does not consider you a Kafir unless a person
openly declares that he is a Kafir or follows open Kufr according to Sharia, not
according to sectarian Mullahs.

These sectarian snakes have no problem if Pakistan makes alliances with "Kafir"
China but they have problems if we make alliance with "Shia" Iran !!! How stupid
and insane they can be ?? Such idiots have no place in the eyes of Allah (swt) nor
they will be allowed to bark their hatred in this sacred page of Mission Takmeel e
Pakistan. We are all one Ummah -- either we stand united or we fall divided !!!
Tale your choice !!

For God sake, start thinking for the Ummah, not your sect alone !!! Those who
follow their sect only and destroy the Ummah in the process are NOT part of this
Ummah, no doubt !!

Nation can never say Thank you to these sons ! By Allah, these sons
are the best we have produced !

nation can never say Thank you to these sons ! While we live in luxuries, they die
for our families, honor and dignity. Those who say that army is paid to do this job,
we tell them " we will pay you 10 times more, try facing the Khawarij in darkest of
nights in the remotest of mountains, in ice, snow and rain" ! Lets see if you can do
it for money. Bloody idiots are those who insult our brave sons like this. By Allah,
these sons are the best we have produced !

Alhamdolillah, today, we gave a brief but comprehensive azaan on
National security crisis and the stupidity of our so called pygmy

alhamdolillah, today, we gave a brief but comprehensive azaan on National
security crisis and the stupidity of our so called pygmy leaders. also, the regional
security in context of Ummah was discussed in detail. khair inshAllah.

InshAllah, our Urdu book, the translation of from Indus to Oxus --
Darya e Sind sey Darya e Amo Tak is now almost ready,
alhamdolillah !

InshAllah, our Urdu book, the translation of from Indus to Oxus -- Darya e Sind
sey Darya e Amo Tak is now almost ready, alhamdolillah ! We shall give you the
surprise soon :-) Here is a video promo of the same, with narration in my own
voice of that romantic nostalgic journey which I took as a young man in the
melting pot of history ! This is a gift for Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) from a humble
Ummati ! Allahumma Taqqabal Minna !!!

InshAllah, on Saturday, at 7 PM, on AAJ News we give an azaan on
Kargil war !!

InshAllah, on Saturday, at 7 PM, on AAJ News we give an azaan on Kargil war !!
The record needed to put streight as the battle between Politicians and army rage
over the facts of Kargil war. The time has come to give credit to the army for a
heroic military action where we were betrayed by the political leaders of the time.

InshAllah, on Friday Night at 8 PM on DIN News azaan, The
debate, we do the current threat analysis, the latest national security
policy review and the in depth analysis of latest north waziristan

InshAllah, on Friday Night at 8 PM on DIN News azaan, The debate, we do the
current threat analysis, the latest national security policy review and the in depth
analysis of latest north waziristan operation and its impact so far. Khair inshAllah !

Our fiery attack on the idiots and traitors who are trying to pass as
national leaders. The Debate Friday Night !

Our fiery attack on the idiots and traitors who are trying to pass as national leaders.
The Debate Friday Night ! A brutal analysis of national security policy and all
major national issues.

Post strong comments on Zem site also.

What would be the impact of Pak-Saudi defense cooperation on Pak
Iran relations ?? why is India buying more lethal weapons ??
What would be the impact of Pak-Saudi defense cooperation on Pak Iran relations
?? What should be Pakistan's afghan policy in the light of latest developments in
Afghanistan ? why is India buying more lethal weapons ?? why is the government
allowing TTP to escape ?? watch this azaan on Saturday Night.

Kargil was one daring operation to humiliate and damage the will of
the Mushriks ! By Allah, we will make a 1000 kargils untill we reach
the gates of Delhi !
The cowards cannot understand that it is not the victory but the courage which
counts in attempting the impossible ! Muslim armies took 900 years to capture
Constantinople ! Ghaznavi made 17 attacks on India to soften it for final victory !
Kargil was one daring operation to humiliate and damage the will of the Mushriks
! By Allah, we will make a 1000 kargils untill we reach the gates of Delhi ! But the
beyghairat Brigade cannot understand this....

This is the proof of what we said last night -- The Nawaz govt is
holding the army back and allowing the TTP Khawarij to escape !!!

This is the proof of what we said last night -- The Nawaz govt is holding the army
back and allowing the TTP Khawarij to escape !!! TTP is being beaten, cornered,
surrounded and trapped due to snow on the mountains. This is the time to crush
them and they have again tried to save themselves by calling for a ceasefire. BUT
TTP is ATTACKING !!! On the same page, you read the news of dozens of troops
being killed.... This is treason of Nawaz govt. They will NOT be forgiven for this
crime against Pak Sarzameen !! By Allah, we will hold them accountable....

There is no pleasure greater than kicking the backsides of Mushrik
Indians :-). Love you Green shirts ! You have made us proud today !

There is no pleasure greater than kicking the backsides of Mushrik Indians :-).
Love you Green shirts ! You have made us proud today ! Pak Sarzameen
Zindabaad !!! MashAllah Mubarak !

Today, another proud Muslim army of Green shirts just repeated
the history ! Dhaka, the graveyard of Indians, InshAllah !

Pakistan defeating the Indian Mushriks in Dhaka ! The revenge for East Pakistan
has just begun.... We have NOT forgotten the East Pakistan !! Then it was half a
million heavily armed Indian troops against 40 thousand lightly armed Pak army
but still revenge is long over due. For centuries Muslims have been kicking the
backsides of Mushriks. Today, another proud Muslim army of Green shirts just
repeated the history ! Dhaka, the graveyard of Indians, InshAllah !

This is a heartwarming and blood chilling message at the same time
we just received from Indian occupied Kashmir. India is our enemy.
NEVER forget this..

This is a heartwarming and blood chilling message at the same time we just
received from Indian occupied Kashmir. Pak nation should read this... India is our
enemy. NEVER forget this..


"Assalamu alaikum. CONGRATS...
Itz like Eid here in sopore
"Firecrackers everywhere"
Local news is coming that in sangrama paramilitary forces are responding
firecrackers with bullets...

Signifies blood relation between us"

The Debate in English -- Pakistan's foreign policy and national
security policy analysis.

Last night, even I missed this program as we were watching the battle in Dhaka !!
Now here is it. The Debate in English -- Pakistan's foreign policy and national
security policy analysis.

A refresher course for our team !
This one single azaan just might change the entire perspective of life
if Allah wills.

Every day we receive hundreds of emails, sms's, questions about our mission
strategy, vision, goals, objectives and personal life. Thousands of new members
join us every month and the mission outreach is growing phenomenally
MashAllah. Here we give you a program we did few years ago with our team in
Dubai -- a most comprehensive statement on what we stand for. This is about 1
hour and 20 minutes but truly is a worth listening experience for those who want to
join us in this romantic journey. InshAllah, this time will be well spent if you hear
with your heart and soul. This one single azaan just might change the entire
perspective of life if Allah wills.

Fasten your seat belts and welcome to the journey....

Nation demand that Pak army must NOT ceasefire and crush the
Khawarij with full force NOW !!!

This is the reality of 'peace talks" and "ceasefire" by the Khawarij ! One group of
Khawarij would continue to attack. Other group would continue to disown and talk
about peace ! A classic deception under Chanakya doctrine driven by the devil
itself !!

Nation demand that Pak army must NOT ceasefire and crush the Khawarij with full force
NOW !!!

It was green playing against green ! Brother competing with a
brother. West played against East -- we both won !

It was green playing against green ! Brother competing with a brother. West played
against East -- we both won ! Love you Muslims of former East Pakistan. It is
NOT your defeat. It is a victory for us both !!!

This is our only twitter account. Our members should also follow us
here ... This is a war and we must fight it together -- all guns

This is our only twitter account. Our members should also follow us here and re-
tweet our message for greater outreach. This is a war and we must fight it together
-- all guns blazing.

Pakistan's Judges and Lawyers - Questions They Must Answer

A very thought provoking piece I found on the net. Read it and was moved and
wanted to share it with those who have eyes, hearts and ears and are not deaf,
dumb and blind. The State of Pakistan has come to its lowest ebb and now the
judgement is being out against the judges too. Read it slowly, ponder deep and
then recite astaghfar for yourself, family, nation and the Ummah. Today, Allah has
made Pak army/FC as the custodians of this Millat but these very institutions are
humiliated and insulted by the judges/media/politicians. Imagine, if the army goes
on strike????

Advice: This article is NOT for idiots, beyghairat Brigade and SAFMA snakes.


The criminal terror attack on Islamabad court and death of 11 innocent persons, a
young woman included, who were just doing their daily duty, was indeed a tragedy
and must not be condoned. A Judge and some lawyers were targeted who died.
Allegedly, this judge had turned down Lal-Masjid application against President
Musharraf and the clerics-turned-terrorist decided to settle the score with the
Judge. Lawyers and passersby just became collateral damage.

Whatever be the reason, the mastermind behind this barbaric act must be hunted
down and punished.

The CJP made angry statements and wondered, "how could such great tragedy
occur despite intelligence agencies and security forces?"

And this is what creates questions, many questions which the Honourable CJP , if
he happens to see this, must try to answer. And perhaps the lawyers should also
question their blind acceptance of cases, no matter what as long as a hefty fee is
lurking on the horizon, Mr. Akram Raja and Aitzaz in particular.

The growth of terrorism in the country and indeed, even crime is primarily due to
the Judges and lawyers. The Police and witnesses take the second stage of being
blamed for providing no or not-enough evidence.

It is the judges, led by the former CJP Iftikhar Choudary who have been letting off
the criminals, insulting police, FC and Army brazenly. Iftikhar used to treat IGP
and General officers worst than a peon. He thought he is actually a LORD and
tried to settle the score with Army and its Generals for his erstwhile mistreatment.

The Police, FC and Army have remained disciplined and continue to perform their
duties at the peril of their lives. Five General Officers, several Brigadiers, several
IGP/SP level officers have been killed. Thousands of lower ranking officers and
soldiers have been killed and maimed by the terrorist attacks. But No courts ever
closed down, no CJ made a statement on soldiers' killing. No lawyers went on

Instead the courts are mindlessly pursuing cases of 'missing-persons' and releasing
known murderers for want of iron-clad evidence, something perhaps desirable
when there is peace in society. Courts look at FC and Army as criminals and look
at the terrorists and criminals as innocent persons. What makes Judges holier than
thou? More humane than the Army? Should the Judges be with the Army? Or
against the Army?

Indeed, hatedly-departed CJP Iftikhar went on a charade of 'ascertaining the causes
of anarchy in Balochistan and Sindh through regular visits to Quetta and Karachi.
He addressed media, attended social functions and enjoyed the protocol fit for a
head of state. While non-stop criticizing and insulting FC and Rangers, he
demanded Security from them only, which was indeed, not allowed by law. But he
twisted the law as per his convenience.

These visits ended up by regularly insulting the senior most Police, FC/Rangers
and Army officers. Why did the CJP not dismiss the Balochistan and Sindh
governments and ordered the trial of both the corrupt CM, their ministers and the
PM for gross violation of the oath of office?

His biggest purpose in holding these frequent meaningless Hearings started to
appear nothing but demanding presence of senior Army and Police officers so that
he could humiliate them. He started demanding their attendance on daily bases as
if they were the criminals and started threatening to send Police to arrest
Commanders of FC and Rangers. He actually wanted Police to arrest IGFC, a
Major General commanding some 45000 men and produce before him. He released
terrorists, despite the requests of Agencies not to do so. The same released-
terrorists committed murders shortly thereafter.

Perhaps one of such released terrorist attacked the Islamabad Court?

His contempt for security forces is fully reciprocated across rank and file. Police,
Rangers, FC and Army hate Choudary Iftikhar for his low and unbecoming
behaviour and hold him in highest contempt. Yet, the people in uniform have not
compromised on discipline and not abdicated their sworn duties. So they go on
diligently protecting Judges and public and almost daily some get killed. Pakistan
Army's ratio of officers being killed with that of the soldiers is highest in the
world. Do the Judges not see this?

The new CJP, Jillani is trying to copy Iftikhar, albeit, to a far far lesser degree. He
will do well if he behaves like a CJ and not like a Chief Jester with whom the
nation had to put up with for 10 years. There are 197 countries, he can study the
conduct of those CJ and try to behave accordingly.

CJ Balochistan had ordered registering FIR against President Musharraf, Governor,
Interior Ministers and so many more for killing Bugti. He belongs to Balochistan.
Did he not know the history of Bugti? Did he not know how Bugti had turned into
a terrorist and finally committed suicide? He should have asked Qadir Bugti,
defecto nawab even now, rather than try to humiliate the Army which sacrificed
several of its officers and men. Bugti had invited the Lt Col surrounding his
hideout for surrendering. Instead, he sprayed bullets of the officers killing the Col,
who had brought along three majors and a Capt to honour Bugti. Bugti, instead of
surrendering blew up the cave thus dying.

But Qazi Issa ordered registering of FIR on request of Jamil Bugti after two years.
It was again Iftikhar who wanted it to be registered. Qazi could not refuse Iftikhar
as from being a corporate lawyer in Karachi, Iftikhar had made him CJ of
Balochistan in one go.

How many such FIRs are going to be registered on orders of CJs against the
Police, Rangers/FC and Army officers in Balochistan, Sindh, FATA and
elsewhere? And why only an FIR for Bugti against the COAS/President General
Musharraf? Why not against the CJS, DGMO, Corps Commander, Division
Commander and the Brigade Commander? CJ Balochistan, Qazi Faiz Essa, Your
Lordship, you must answer this.

What will it do to the morale of the fighting forces? The FC/Rangers and Army are
fighting a war. If the judges do not accept this reality and go on humiliating
officers and soldiers, how long do they think this disciplined force will show
respect to them? Or remain effective? Please answer these questions.

Today, ask even a soldier, he thinks, Judges and lawyers are compromised and a
big, very big reason for terrorists roaming freely.

When confronted with a threatening situation, a soldier has only fraction of a
second to decide whether to shoot or be shot and get killed. He is trained to kill
first, Not trained to get killed. If he kills without malice, no charge Must be leveled
against him. He does not have the pleasure that Judges and lawyers enjoy of
indulging in endless debates sitting in comfortable court rooms with no threat to
their lives and no value of seconds. They can adjourn the court; a soldier cannot
adjourn the situation.

The Ranger's soldiers who killed a gun wielding criminals in Karachi two years
ago has been sentenced to death. SC has not mitigated his death. Why have the
circumstantial evidence, the psychological stress on the soldier been ignored by the
judges? So that the Judges look good punishing a soldier? Whipping the
Rangers/FC, Police and Army has become popular hobby with the Judges, media
ad politicians. Will it ensure security? Is it justice?

The Judges should now realize how it feels when a colleague is killed.

Soldiers are under intense strain, day in and day out under the threat to their lives,
doing duty often 18 hours a day and they can make wrong decisions. They can
even kill through that wrong decision. All such killings must be taken as done
without malice due to the fog of war.

Judges do not have the same privilege. They must make fair, well considered, wise,
balanced and just decisions, always remembering what if the tables were reversed.

Fear of God, of course, is a much higher consideration but one can leave that aside.
When one is CJP or CJB, or even a Judge, God is apparently forgotten.

Then there are several cases which have been fabricated against General Musharraf
by various characters, including the politicians who wish to belittle Army ensuring
no future coupe takes place. All the Judges have visibly handled these cases most
unlawfully. They appear prejudiced and in violation of law and rules of business.
This is obvious to all.

Do the judges understand the culture of armed forces?

Army looks at its retired officers with the same respect and affection, all over the
world, by the way. General Musharraf is still a General and enjoys the respect of
people, especially those who have been and are still in uniform.

The armed forces are the only institution where everyone takes an oath to perform
the 'assigned task' even at the peril of his life. This creates great comradeship,
loyalty and the commander and commanded become like a father and a son. This
bond is peculiar to the armed forces and far more strong than in the civil hierarchy.
This and the comparison of General's nine years' rule with the likes of Nawaz,
Gilani, Zardari and Iftikhar makes the General all the more respectable and

The judges and paid lawyers who frequently humiliate him, should know, tables
can get reversed without warning. They should inflict only that much pain, which
they should be willing to take. Is this terror act a good reminder?

The attack on Court and death of the Judge is very sad, very wrong, but why have
the Judges and the Lawyers noticed only now and gone on strike? Why not when
soldiers are being killed?

The last question; Honouarble Judges, are you with your Security Forces or With
the Terrorists? And will the Lawyers also try to mull over this question? Please?

Feel the electric energy ! Get the goosebumps !! This is Ishq !!
Kashmir is Pakistan ! This is the verdict !! Allahu Akbar !!

Feel the electric energy ! Get the goosebumps !! This is Ishq !!

These Kashmiri students under Hindu occupation had the courage to face down the
Mushriks and support Pakistan and now face treason charges for this "crime" !!!
These are the true sons of the Ummah, who live under Mushrik rule but their hearts
are pure as Noor, they passion ignites the memories of Mujahideen of earlier times

Kashmir is Pakistan ! This is the verdict !! Allahu Akbar !!

Alhamdolillah, the wait is now over :-) The Epic is now out -- Our
Urdu memoirs -- translation of "From Indus to Oxus" !

Alhamdolillah, the wait is now over :-) The Epic is now out -- Our Urdu memoirs -
- translation of "From Indus to Oxus" !

InshAllah, very soon, we will launch this fascinating book and let you know the
outlets from where you can buy them. InshAllah, we are making arrangements for
out of country sale as well.

An amazing epic adventure in Urdu, even better than the original version in
English, alhamdolillah. It has been priced at Rs: 3000/-, less than the price of most
basic cell phones :-)

The "hitler" is rising in India and then expect a "world war".Great
times of trials are coming towards Muslims of India and Pakistan.

We had raised the alarm long time ago about the rise of Hindu Zionists ! Now even
the western media is forced to acknowledge. The "hitler" is rising in India and then
expect a "world war" and Genocide of Muslims in India and elsewhere. Those who
do not trust us, should read this British paper and try to ponder deep.

Great times of trials are coming towards Muslims of India and Pakistan. A butcher
who is rabidly anti Muslim is now going to control the Indian nukes. By the way,
Darul Uloom Deoband in India, the parent organization of TTP Khawarij, have
decided to support Modi !!! We are NOT surprised.

The Debate Friday Night -- Pak army as the guardians of national
ideological and geographical frontiers

This week, we decided to repeat the powerful programs as reminder to the nation.
The issues are red hot and the leadership is not listening. It is time to hammer the
ideas again and again.

The Debate Friday Night -- Pak army as the guardians of national ideological and
geographical frontiers

NOT every deobandi is Khawarij but all Khawarij are deobandi.

Read this paper on links between Khawarij and Deoband. Read it slowly and
ponder deep. NOT every deobandi is Khawarij but all Khawarij are deobandi.
There are Good Taliban and there are bad Taliban. Similarly, there are pro-
Pakistan deobandis and there are anti-Pak deobandis. TTP are Deobandis. This fact
cannot be denied. there are people who follow their sect, even if it means
becoming the enemy of Rasul Allah (sm).

after our post that deoband has started to support Modi, many accused us of
spreading sectarianism. This is our reply to them. If you dont trust us, leave this
page please and follow anyone you like. Our duty is to give azaan, not collect fans.

Stop the Deobandis from supporting Modi and TTP !! They are
Zalims and all those who are supporting Mushriks and Khawarij
are also greatest of Zalims !!!

Now what would supporters of Congressi Deoband say ????? Modi is the worst of
the Mushriks, a butcher of Muslims, planning to annihilate all Muslims from India
and now he is trying to grab power and Deoband decides to offer full support to
this enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) in destroying the Ummah !!

There is a Hadees of Rasul Allah (sm) which says "help your brother, even if he a
Zalim or Mazloom". Upon this Sahabas asked Rasul Allah (sm), how can help our
brother if he is Zalim??? Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) responded "stop him from the
Zulm, this is your help to him" !!

That is why we talk to all those who support Deoband. Stop the Deobandis from
supporting Modi and TTP !! They are Zalims and all those who are supporting
Mushriks and Khawarij are also greatest of Zalims !!!

Have recorded a program with Sach TV today to be aired Monday
at 8 PM inshAllah candid analysis of National security profile.

Have recorded a program with Sach TV today to be aired Monday at 8 PM
inshAllah candid analysis of National security profile. Important discussion

The program also comes live on net for global audience.

Pakistan is losing this war because a corrupt and compromised
democracy is in power and the army is silent.

In an unpardonable act of stupidity, the government of Nawaz Shareef has forced
the army to back off from eliminating the CIA/RAW backed religious insurgents
of TTP, at a time when army had surrounded them in the valleys of North
Waziristan. The government is now clearly using delaying tactics to allow the
snows to melt on the mountains, opening the mountain escape routes of these
terrorists. While the army has been put on hold, only allowed limited self defense
response when under attack, the TTP continues their brutal war with audacious
impunity. TTP have changed their tactics to further be-fool the regime one group
would attack, claim responsibility as a new unknown group and the main body of
TTP would distance itself from these attack, disowning any hand in the atrocity.
The government remains ignorant, naive or even complicit in crime at this of
national calamity.

The government is under extreme stress to perform but there is no denying the fact
that it is falling apart and failing on all fronts catastrophically. The stress is causing
fissures within the ranks of the top government stalwarts while the country is
literally going to dogs. The economic plan is being driven by IMF, which can be
best described as scandalous. The entire States wealth producing organizations are
being sold out to India and western corporations with Pakistanis acting as front
men in few cases.

The country is facing worst drought in Sindh with both federal and provincial
government totally unaware of the calamity. Once again, army had to be called in
to rescue as there was NO civil administration in place to respond to a local
famine. Courts remain busy in chasing the army and security forces over the
missing persons cases while the National assembly literally remains a school
assembly with useless noises and petty debates, totally devoid of any substance or
strategy. This is chaos at its best at both political and economic levels. Now even
the media is noticing this visible collapse with disbelief and concern.

This one liner from Churchill sums up this Nawaz government comprehensively.
Now they have a war at hand and do not know how to fight. Collapse of this
regime and democracy is imminent. There is no doubt that it would be at the hands
of an army. If Pak army wont do it, then surely Indian army backed by CIA and
TTP would finish the job. That would be bloody and messy. Pakistan is losing this
war because a corrupt and compromised democracy is in power and the army is
silent. Pak army has two choices now. Take charge of the crisis now when it can or
TRY to take charge later when it wont be possible.

For now, we have to wait and see.

Candid analysis of National security profile on Sach TV. InshAllah,
khair for Pak Sarzameen.

Our azaan on Sach TV aired last night. InshAllah, khair for Pak Sarzameen.

Post strong comments here. We need to fight this war on all
platform of info warfare.
Post strong comments here. We need to fight this war on all platform of info

Today I had an interesting incident. Goes to show how stupid,
myopic, deaf, dumb and blind these TTP khawarij supporters are.

Today I had an interesting incident. Goes to show how stupid, myopic, deaf, dumb
and blind these TTP khawarij supporters are. Worth sharing with you all.

I was in a hotel lobby when a suited man, educated looking walked up to me and
asked Zaid sb why are you against deobandis ?

Me: No I am NOT. I am against Congressi deobandis only.

He: Deobandis have defeated two super powers. One Russian and One American.
They have defended Pakistan. You speak against deobandis. Why ? (he started to
raise his voices as well)

Me: Calm down and lower your voice, do you know that I have also fought in
Afghanistan against Soviets ??

He: No I dont know that (he was puzzled now).

Me: do you know that I am the biggest defender of Mullah Omer in Pakistan?

He: but you never defend Afghan Taliban in media. You never say that in public.
You are saying that in front of me alone.

Me: I have defended Afghan Taliban a thousand time in media. You have never
seen my programs surely.

Me: what is your name ??

He: I wont tell you.

Me: ( I was angry now ) I will not talk to someone who is not willing to introduce
himself. I have always defended Afghan Taliban. You have not seen my programs.
You speak total non-sence..

Then I walked away resisting the temptation of knocking him down on ground

The example is a typical I face every day with Jahils like him who are under
delusions that Afghan Taliban are deobandis or deobandis have defended Islam in
Afghanistan defeating two super powers and they think that when I speak against
Congressi Khawarij, I am speaking against Afghan Jihad and all deoband. This is
typical blind deaf and dumb Takfiri Khawarij mentality, even in so called educated
followers of TTP Congressi deobandis.

Those who follow us know our stand fully well. For the sake of record, I would
like to clarify that Afghan Jihad was NEVER fought by deobandis. There are NO
deobandi barelvis in Afghanistan. Afghan Jihad was fought by 6 sunni parties of
Afghan Mujahideen and Arabs from all over the world. NOT a single one was

1. Ustad Sayyaf a sunni, who was closer to Salafis.
2. Masood/Ustab Rabbani Sunnis closer to Ikhwan and Maulana Maududi.
3. Hekmatyar closer to Ikhwan and Maududi.
4. MUjaddadi. A sufi order of Afghanistan.
5. Pir Gilani a sufi order of Afghanistan.
6. Yunus Khalid / Haqqani typical maulvis from local afghan madrassas.
7. Sheikh abdullah azzam and arabs like Osama - all salafis.

Which Afghan Jihad was fought by deobandis ??????????????? why do deobandis
claim today that they defeated soviet union ??

Even today, Mullah Omer and his team are NOT deobandis. They are Afghan
sunnis. This deobandi barelvi fight does NOT exist anywhere in Muslim world nor
they exist anywhere else in mainstream society.

The event of today with that pro-Deobandi seemingly educated man is a sad
commentary on how ill informed, biased and prejudicded muslims have become,
where they lies, cheat, put allegations and bohtan without knowledge and harm the
ummah in their own fasad of nafs. Sad commentary indeed.

Our book launch is also close, alhamdolillah. very soon, we will let
you know from where to buy these books, inshAllah.

InshAllah, on Debate tonight, we will give breaking news on how RAW is
planning to give lethal weapons to TTP in the coming days, while the government
and the politicians remain total insane idiots in pursuing futile peace talks allowing
the Khawarij to re-arm and re-group. Watch debate at 8 pm on DIN news

Meanwhile, our book launch is also close, alhamdolillah. very soon, we will let
you know from where to buy these books, inshAllah.

Watch DEBATE at 8 pm on DIN news inshAllaah. khawarij
planning another deadly wave of attacks as the govt remains deaf
dumb and blind.

watch DEBATE at 8 pm on DIN news inshAllaah. khawarij planning another
deadly wave of attacks as the govt remains deaf dumb and blind. brutal analysis
inshAllah to wake up a slumbering nation.

This is our azaan to warn the nation that Khawarij are planning
more lethal attacks in the coming days. Debate on Friday Night.

This is our azaan to warn the nation that Khawarij are planning more lethal attacks
in the coming days. Debate on Friday Night.

Saudi Arabia is in crisis now ! The maps are changing and the wars
between brothers are being exploited by the enemies. The debate
Saturday Night !

Saudi Arabia is in crisis now ! The maps are changing and the wars between
brothers are being exploited by the enemies. The debate Saturday Night !

The Debate English -- The entire threat matrix of Pakistan on
internal and external security axis, TTP threat of chemical weapons
and reshaping of the Saudi geography.

The Debate English -- The entire threat matrix of Pakistan on internal and external
security axis, TTP threat of chemical weapons and reshaping of the Saudi
geography. Spread this on all english speaking sites and to expat Pakistanis. Khair
inshAllah. The time has come for the patriots to support the army to do the
"needful" :-)

Those snakes and idiots who say that Pakistan have wasted money
on nuclear program and should lower the defense budget should
listen to Ukrainian President...

Those snakes and idiots who say that Pakistan have wasted money on nuclear
program and should lower the defense budget should listen to Ukrainian President
who is now regretting that they gave up their nuclear program and now their
survival is threatened !!

Now his regret is too late ! Ukraine stands defenseless and Russia stands on its
borders.... Too late.... Now the cost would be their freedom....

Yesterday, March 18th, was the first death anniversary of the
Pakistani falcon MM Alam !! It was Alam's sb's last wish that I
translate this book in Urdu also. Recite Fatiha for Abba Jan and
Alam sb please..

Yesterday, March 18th, was the first death anniversary of the Pakistani falcon MM
Alam !! He was a true ace, a national hero, globally respected and a symbol of love
for Pak Sarzameen and Ummat e Rasul (sm) ! By ethnicity, he was a
Bihari/bengali who opted to stay in Medina e Sani after 1971 and then took part in
Afghan Jihad to defend this Pak Sarzameen from another dimension.
Alhamdolillah, I had a 40 years old association with this Shaheen and he is
lovingly mentioned in our Memoirs -- From Indus to Oxus !!

It was Alam's sb's last wish that I translate this book in Urdu also. We started the
work immediately and now one year after his passing away into the spiritual realm,
we are honored to announce the launch of the Urdu version -- Darya e Sindh sey
Darya e Amu tak !!

InshAllah, we will make formal announcement on March 23rd !! a Befitting day
for this epic historical and emotional account of an amazing war of freedom,
translated on the wishes of MM Alam sahib !!

So fasten your seat belts for an astounding flight roller coaster flight into the
melting pot of history. We will announce the launch on March 23rd inshAllah !!!!

Between the English version and the Urdu translation, I lost two great men who
had influenced my life, thoughts and passions -- My beloved father and my
friend/teacher/elder MM Alam sb. Both had seen the english book and both wanted
its Urdu version. Now both would over see it from heavens inshAllah !

Recite Fatiha for Abba Jan and Alam sb please. Barak Allah feek ! I miss them so
much today :-(

InshAllah, on March 23rd !! The epic is being launched all over the
country simultaneously in all major cities !! Wait for details...

InshAllah, on March 23rd !! The epic is being launched all over the country
simultaneously in all major cities !! Wait for details...

For now, this is to tease you even more :-)

little sabr :-) for now we have teasers for you :-)

Sabr Yar :-)

we said, we will give details on March 23rd !! The book will be available all over
the country inshAllah or you can ask your bookseller to get it for you or you can
order directly from BT office in Pindi. wait, we will give details for outside the
country also.

The price within Pakistan is Rs: 3000/- from the bookshop. You may have to pay a
little extra for direct orders from BT office to cover the postage costs.

little sabr :-) for now we have teasers for you :-)
Pak army, Nation is with you. Do what MUST be done NOW !!

let us explain to you the reality and secret meanings of "peace terms" being given
by Khawarij and about to be accepted by this pro-Khawarij government.

1. The region of Waziristan to be handed over to Khawarij. army to withdraw so
that the Khawarij can create their emirate of Waziristan there.

2. All Khawarij prisioners to be released and all charges against them for waging
war against Pak Sarzameen to be dropped.

3. Pakistan army will NEVER attack them but khawarij are free to attack at will.

4. Pak army will pay the Khawarij for "damage" done by Pak army for waging war
against Khawarij.

5. Mullah Fazlullah will sit in front of General Raheel to settle final peace deal.

6. Pakistani state and Khawarij will deal on terms of sovereign equality and the
terrorists will be considered as stake holders in the state and their opinion will be
taken as legal and legitimate power.

7. Media will give full coverage to Khawarij's point of view and the Khawarij
would be free to express their opinion against State and army.

8. Cases must be registered against Pak army for eliminating Khawarij in battles.
(government has already registered cases against serving officers yesterday to
fulfill this condition).

If the nation is happy to have "peace" on these terms, then the so called peace deal
must be supported. If we refuse to accept this insult and blasphemy, then Pak army
must use full force to eliminate this fitnah for good. There is NO middle path.

Pak army, Nation is with you. Do what MUST be done NOW !!

InshAllah, tonight on DIN News, we will discuss this issue in detail. May Allah's
curse be on Khawarij and all their supporters within our ranks. Khair inshAllah.

Understand why Pak army is being targeted by all enemies of Rasul
Allah (sm) and Pakistan.

Our brutally harsh program against Khawarij and their munafiq allies. Understand
why Pak army is being targeted by all enemies of Rasul Allah (sm) and Pakistan.
Our azaan on DIN News Debate Friday Night.

Post strong comments on Zem site.

InshAllah, tomorrow, on an epic day of March 23rd, we launch
another romantic adventure marching towards Mission Takmeel e
Pakistan !

InshAllah, tomorrow, on an epic day of March 23rd, we launch another romantic
adventure marching towards Mission Takmeel e Pakistan ! The trail that began in
the mountains of Afghanistan, continues even today with courage, dignity and
honor ! Here we take you along on that passionate journey of love and courage.

On Sunday night, DIN news will also air a special documentary on
the book on the launch of this epic alhamdolillah.

Alhamdolillah, DIN News is now showing our book promo video every hour !! On
Sunday night, DIN news will also air a special documentary on the book on the
launch of this epic alhamdolillah.

Just 24 hours away now, we eagerly wait for the moment to say shukar and share
this rizq with you !

Tonight on DIN News, watch our Debate on regional security threat analysis !!

Today, on March 23rd, 2014 -- we again renew our pledge to hold
our ground, stand firm, stand united and fight on for the Mission
Takmeel !

On March 23, 1940, our elders dared to dream the impossible ! Tameer e Pakistan !

On March 23rd, 2010, 70 years later, a band of patriots dares to dream another
"impossible" mission -- Takmeel e Pakistan !

Today, on March 23rd, 2014 -- we again renew our pledge to hold our ground,
stand firm, stand united and fight on for the Mission Takmeel ! We invite you to
this destiny ! Do you have the courage to dream the "impossible" ??

Ask yourself -- what have you done for Pakistan so far ?????

Imagine -- a sea of fire, sword and blood to cross, with millions of women,
children and men in the move, unarmed, defenseless -- surrounded by millions of
butchers hunting for Muslim blood !!! Result was expected -- a slaughter of
humongous magnitude, never seen in human history..... That was the journey
towards Pakistan ! They believed in Pakistan and paid through their blood, honor
and lands but marched on....

Ask yourself -- what have you done for Pakistan so far ?????

You have 3 choices now : All those who want to live a life of dignity
and honor, are welcome to join the Mission Takmeel e Pakistan !

You have 3 choices now :

1. Stand against us and join the enemies.
2. Stand neutral and watch the battle between Imaan and Kufr.
3. Join the Mission Takmeel e Pakistan and fight for the glory of faith and Ummah

All those who want to live a life of dignity and honor, are welcome to join the
Mission Takmeel e Pakistan !

When you join this page and start to spread and share its message, you are a soldier
of this sacred journey and have taken your first steps !! Our battle field is social
media and Media !

A gift to the Millat from BrassTacks team -- a rare Urdu speech of
Quaid which is incredibility relevant for the today's crisis that we
face today as a nation !

A gift to the Millat from BrassTacks team -- a rare Urdu speech of Quaid which is
incredibility relevant for the today's crisis that we face today as a nation ! Hear the
roar of this lion, feel the rush of blood and relive the moment when this lion lead
the pack of tigers !!

Our today's azaan on DIN -- regional geo-politics, sectarian wars
and tussle between Saudi arabia, Iran and Bahrain and the role of
Pakistan in this crisis. khair inshAllah

Our today's azaan on DIN -- regional geo-politics, sectarian wars and tussle
between Saudi arabia, Iran and Bahrain and the role of Pakistan in this crisis. khair

Zaid Hamid's new book available at Feroz Sons book stores all over
Pakistan. Get your copy now!

Alhamdolillah alf Marra !! mubarak to the millat and the Ummah on this day when
the creation of this Pak Sarzameen was written in Loh e Mehfooz ! We had
promised you that today, we will cross another milestone in our sacred journey
towards Takmeel e Pakistan -- launch of our gift of adab and love for Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) -- Urdu translation of our English book -- From Indus to Oxus !
MashAllah, Mubarak -- the moment has arrived !!

From today, the Urdu book would be available in all bookstores of FEROZ SONS
pvt ltd, the oldest brand name of Pakistan in Publishing quality books for the last 5
generations MashAllah. The publishing of this epic book is a joint venture of
BrassTacks and Ferozsons and now all outlets of Feroozsons in Karachi, Lahore
and Pindi would sell these masterpieces.

The sale price of this epic is Rs: 3000/- (three thousand).

If you do not have Ferozsons outlets in your cities, contact your nearest bookstore.
They will get it from Ferozsons. All book stores keep books of Ferozsons and will
happily arrange copies of our book for you.

If you are student and cannot afford the book, ask your school, collage or
university library to arrange the book for you. They will get it from Ferozsons for
you to read without having to buy it yourself.

All those who are outside Pakistan, pl contact the following email address of
Ferozsons. Their export division will dispatch the book to you in your country.

Those who are outside the country can also ask their friends and family to buy the
book in Pakistan and then send it to you through some family member or friend.
The book is published by the largest, most reputable and oldest publisher of
Pakistan and there are no issues in its export or sending it outside Pakistan.


You can buy directly from BrassTacks office in Pindi.
Our office phones are : +92 51 5598046,7
Shami or Saeed will take your details and will inform you on how to send the
funds. We can dispatch anywhere within Pakistan inshAllah. you may to pay some
extra postage cost, else you can visit us and pick your copy personally.

You can send us cheques, drafts or direct account transfer to BrassTacks or send
via easypaisa type services.

Those outside the country can use Western Union.

Please send me email directly and we shall send you bank details also.

There are some members who want to buy more copies and want us to distribute
the books among those who deserve to have this epic. We shall do this duty for

This is NOT an ordinary book, this is a milestone in creating a greater Pakistan on
the march towards Takmeel. This is not just a romantic journey for your soul but
also a source of halal rizq for the mission which keeps this mission afloat. We
never ask for donations but prefer to earn through our projects and books. This
halal rizq brings barakah which you see in this mission today, alhamdolillah.

One request : please read the above post 3 times :)) all questions have already been
answered. follow the guidelines. Any confusion, contact our office directly.

Barak Allah feekum. May Allah give infinite barakah to Pak Sarzameen and bless
this Ummat e Marhoom in dunya and Akhira !

Mubarak once again. This is your moment to contribute to the mission!

Hear the original roar of Quaid, another of his rare speech in
English !By Allah, he was a tiger of Rasul Allah (sm) !!

Another gift from BrassTacks team:

MashaAllah. Just tears. Hear the original roar of Quaid, another of his rare speech
in English !

He talked about the slaughter of Muslims at the hands of Hindus but equally
relevant today against TTP Khawarij. Asking the Pakistani armed forces to crush
the terrorists with full force and grim determination, most relevant for the present

His voice gives you goosebumps !! By Allah, he was a tiger of Rasul Allah (sm) !!

A pic says a million words ! This is Khar Bajaur tribal agency !
Death to Khawarij, InshAllah !!

A pic says a million words ! This is Khar Bajaur tribal agency ! This vegetable
seller makes a Pak flag from his vegetables, giving a crushing blow to anti-Pak
Khawarij, who once roamed free in Bajaur, killing anyone who would stand for
Pak Sarzameen ! This one pic is a huge success story written through blood of Pak
army and patriotic tribals ! MashAllah !! Death to Khawarij, InshAllah !!

Debate today will be uploaded soon inshAllah. It was an exclusive program on our
Urdu Book launched today :-) Fascinating program it was :-)

The Debate -- Special episode on launch of our epic Urdu
translation of "from Indus to Oxus" ! The journey that began 29
years ago, just got faster....

The Debate -- Special episode on launch of our epic Urdu translation of "from
Indus to Oxus" !

The journey that began 29 years ago, just got faster.....

Ferozsons Book Stores where Darye Sind Se Darye Aamoo Tak is

is now available at FEROZSONS ..

Ferozsons Bookshop
Telephone: +(92) (42) 111-62-62-62
Fax: +(92) (42) 636-9204

Ferozsons Bookshop
51-54 Gaddafi Stadium
Telephone: +(92) (42) 571-2250 & 571-2276
Fax: +(92) (42) 571-2020

Ferozsons Bookshop
Z Block, DHA
Telephone: +(92) (42) 573-5662 & 3

Ferozsons Bookshop
H Block, DHA
Telephone: +(92) (42) 574-2804 & 5

Ferozsons Bookshop
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The greatest defeat of the Kuffar was the creation of Pakistan !!
This is the secret of the revival of Khilafat !
This is what the media will never tell you ! Your education system will not teach
you. Your scholars will not speak about it.

The greatest victory of the Kuffar was destruction of Khilafat e Usmania. The
greatest defeat of the Kuffar was the creation of Pakistan !! This is the secret of the
revival of Khilafat ! This is the sacred mission, this is the sublime journey !

This is the duty of all Pakistani expats and students - spread the
azaan in all corners of the world, especially within Ummah.

This is the duty of all Pakistani expats and students - spread the azaan in all corners
of the world, especially within Ummah. These universities in Greece arranged a
program for Pakistani community and showed our Wake UP series, MashAllah !
Each one of you can do this duty and join the mission. Revive the nation, wake up
the millat !

The Debate friday Night -- Lull before the storm is about to explode
into a hurricane of blood

Musharraf's trial and the "peace talks" are a lull before a bloody storm ! A candid
analysis of the chaos in the country.

From creation to completion this romantic journey of epic
proportions continues.

From creation to completion this romantic journey of epic proportions continues.
The destiny is written and only has to manifest itself, but then who would among
the chosen ones to lead the Ummah in these desperate times. The Debate from
Saturday night.

The Debate Sunday Night - CIA's info war against Pakistan and the
role of Judiciary against Pak army, he sectarian wars within Muslim
lands and role of Pakistan.

The Debate Sunday Night - The strategy of Khawarij, peace talks drama, CIA's
info war against Pakistan and the role of Judiciary against Pak army. Also, the
sectarian wars within Muslim lands and role of Pakistan.

The Debate Sunday Night - CIA's info war against Pakistan and the
role of Judiciary against Pak army, he sectarian wars within Muslim
lands and role of Pakistan.

The Debate Sunday Night - The strategy of Khawarij, peace talks drama, CIA's
info war against Pakistan and the role of Judiciary against Pak army. Also, the
sectarian wars within Muslim lands and role of Pakistan.

Every Pakistani must read this treasure. It is not just a book but a
lifetime of experience wrapped into an epic

Every Pakistani must read this treasure. It is not just a book but a lifetime of
experience wrapped into an epic which takes you on a nostalgic, romantic
journey into the pages of history, never seen or written before. Ask your
libraries to get it for you, present this as gifts to your friends, army officers
and scholars and family.

And when you read it, write to us on how you felt after going through it. The
best comments will be included in the next editions inshAllah.

Contact our office at 051 5598046,7


Ferozsons outlets all over the country

OR ask your nearest bookseller to get it for you from Ferozsons.

You cannot put a price tag on knowledge but we have only tried to recover the
printing and production costs. This would be your direct contribution to get
the mission going as well. Barak Allah feekum.

Barring a few patriotic media, the entire liberal secular beyghairat
media takes money as bribes from government and foreign secret
services for work against Pakistan and Pak army.

Then these snakes have the shameless audacity to accuse me of taking money from
ISI :-) Lol.

Barring a few patriotic media, the entire liberal secular beyghairat media takes
money as bribes from government and foreign secret services for work against
Pakistan and Pak army. Then they attack the patriots and accuse them of being
"ISI" agents, as if working with army or ISI is a sin or a crime :-)

A word of advice --- if anyone accuse you of working for ISI, feel proud on the
allegation and know that you are on the right track ! Only the enemies of Rasul
Allah (sm) will be jealous of Pak army !

This is the tarbiat that our young generation needs while we struggle
to find our lost glory. Glory comes from Adab. Learn its mystical

Sh Hamza Yusuf is a dear brother and a friend. A revert American Muslim, we
have known each other for the past 25 years almost, since my days in Karachi and
Peshawar in 80's. We met few years back in Medina Munawwara after almost 2
decades. A true scholar, humble soul and a great preacher of deen in the West.
Here we share a great lecture from him on what love and adab is. This is the tarbiat
that our young generation needs while we struggle to find our lost glory. Glory
comes from Adab. Learn its mystical dimensions. Barak Allah feekum

After years of fighting, the great khair is that now this is an army
which is well trained in art of warfare like a well oiled fighting
machine. The sacrifices have not gone waste.

3 top notches. You can see their personalities and characters in this pic :-)

General Tariq is carefree, tough, no nonsense fighting soldier. You do not want to
mess with him. Trust me :-)

General Raheel is serious, pondering and academic. So far, he has shown a very
sensible head on his shoulders in these very tough times.

General Rashad is well suited for the office post he has.

InshAllah Khair. After years of fighting, the great khair is that now this is an army
which is well trained in art of warfare like a well oiled fighting machine. The
sacrifices have not gone waste. Alhamdolillah, this grinding mill of war and
sacrifices have produced the finest army in the world, ready to break the teeth of
Hindu Mushriks, Khawarij and Zionists InshAllah !

Today's match and the character of our nation !

The match today, is a sad commentary on the entire character and tarbiat of our
nation. We come under pressure easily, lose nerves when in crisis, behave
irrationally and erratically under panic, have no leadership to guide and encourage
in times of crisis and above all have NO planning or contingency mapping for
unexpected situations nor can adapt to changing scenario of the battlefield. In the
end, we blame the weather, moisture, lights and the crowd for our own failures
without learning anything from past mistakes nor building on strength of character
and mental robustness.

Our entire nation, at all levels, political, judicial, military -- show this trait
dangerously. This is a nation which lacks tarbiat, gets high on small victories and
crash to ground on minor setbacks. Ungrateful and thankless, quick to criticize,
exaggerating on praises -- cannot take pressure.

This is the reason Tarbiat and building strength of character is more important that
getting technology, money or resources. We don't lack talent or any wordily
resources but we lack character. Today's match should teach us all this sad, harsh
lesson. Only if we learn !!

That is why it is critical to stay close to spiritually enlightened souls, Murshids and
Aulia Allah. They may not give you Dunya but would build you into a mysterious
soul capable of moving the mountains with the strength of your character. This
knowledge money cannot buy. Khair inshAllah !

A butcher is rising in India like a tsunami of death -- about to engulf
the entire India - promising to eliminate Muslims from India first
and then turning on Pakistan !!

A butcher is rising in India like a tsunami of death -- about to engulf the entire
India - promising to eliminate Muslims from India first and then turning on
Pakistan !! Muslims of Pakistan are still unaware of the threat which is now rising
on our East. With Khawarij and Zionists on our West, we are well and truly
surrounded now. We had been warning for long but the leadership remains deaf,
dumb and blind.

This documentary is made by decent Indian Hindus -- who know that their country
is now about to be engulfed in blood !! This is the time to prepare for the worst !

Thank Allah that He gave us Pakistan. May Allah bless Baba Iqbal and Baba
Quaid and May Allah curse Congressi Mullahs who tried to stop the creation of

If you were in India today, this would be your fate. Watch yourself.....

MashAllah, alf Marra !! Have received this mail from a brother in
Iran....This is mission Takmeel e Pakistan !!

MashAllah, alf Marra !! Have received this mail from a brother in Iran. Read it. He
has more sharper understanding of our beloved Medina e Sani than our entire
leadership. InshAllah, one day, we will unite the Ummah into one solid block as
desired by our founding fathers, inshAllah ! This is mission Takmeel e Pakistan !!


"My dear reverend brother, you fully know this reality that Pakistan is not a
country but it is only a Nazariyah (Ideology) and only created as a miracle with the
Dua of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) to establish the Ummat Muhammadi
(SAW) to unite the Muslims in the world.

Every Muslim in the world is the automatic naturalized citizen of Pakistan and the
present real population of Pakistan is two billion (the population of Muslims in the
world). Pakistan is now in its beginning stage and and the full existence of Pakistan
will be realized when the Ummat Muhammadi (SAW) will emerge into an unified
single Muslim Ummah and the greatest military, economic, political, cultural and
social power in the world with Islamabad as the capital of Ummat Muhammadi
(SAW) InshaAllah, and that unified single Muslim Ummah nation state comprising
all the Muslims in the world will be called as Pakistan. InshaAllah.

Pakistan means the Ummat Muhammadi (SAW)

The Ummat Muhammadi (SAW) means Pakistan.

This was the sacred Islamic goal which was perceived and implemented by Allama
Iqbal (RA) and Quaid Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA).

Your brother


Apologies ! The program was not complete. shall post the full
program soon.

Apologies ! The program was not complete. shall post the full program soon.

A ruthless attack on Khawarij, idiots, hypocrites and snakes. The
debate Friday Night ! This one is a bombshell !

A ruthless attack on Khawarij, idiots, hypocrites and snakes. The debate Friday
Night ! This one is a bombshell !

This is also part of the perception management war to counter the

Post strong positive comments on Zem site also. this is also part of the perception
management war to counter the enemies.

Vimeo Link.
Vimeo Link.

A soul shaking gift to Pak army the selected Mujahideen for
Ghazwa e Hind and for Jihad against Khawarij !!

Saturday, for the first time on Debate, we do an exclusive program on Ghazwa e
Hind and how the spiritual intelligence shape the modern geo-politics. A soul
shaking gift to Pak army the selected Mujahideen for Ghazwa e Hind and for
Jihad against Khawarij !! The most amazing spiritual destiny to unfold for the first
time on Pak media inshAllah

The time for Ghazwa e Hind has arrived ! The butcher of Gujarat is
making alliance with Zionist Jews against Pak Sarzameen !

The time for Ghazwa e Hind has arrived ! The butcher of Gujarat is making alliance
with Zionist Jews against Pak Sarzameen ! It is time to deploy Ghazwa e Hind as
the military doctrine of Pakistan !

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

Every battle, on every battlefront against Mushriks is part of
Ghazwa e Hind !

Mushriks will come on this site to defend their satanic ideology. be on this website
and fight the battle of the perception management. Every battle, on every
battlefront against Mushriks is part of Ghazwa e Hind !

Post comments on Zem site . Barak Allah

The Debate English -- Musharraf trial, Talks with Khawarij and
critical national and regional security issues. The truth, others are
afraid to speak !!

The Debate English -- Musharraf trial, Talks with Khawarij and critical national
and regional security issues. The truth, others are afraid to speak !!

Recite Fatiha for our Shaheeds of Ghazwa e Hind at Giyari !

Recite Fatiha for our Shaheeds of Ghazwa e Hind at Giyari ! By Allah, we have
not forgotten them nor their sacrifice for Ummat e Rasul (sm). They are the finest
among us all. Chosen to be Sabeqoon ul Awwaloon ! Barak Allah feehum !

Finally, General Raheel decides to put Nawaz shareef in his place.

Finally, General Raheel decides to put Nawaz shareef in his place. The simple
English translation of what he said to Nawaz is "If you and your ministers and
courts do not stop humiliating army and Musharraf, we will kick your backsides
very hard. DO NOT test our patience".

Well done General. Nation stands with you fully. Do what must be done. Pakistan
is sacred, not these snakes called politicians.

Listen to this snake in the parliament, attacking Pak army so
ruthlessly that even Indians were put to shame.

Many people are asking why General Raheel had to give such a harsh statement ??
Is it to protect Musharraf only or did the corrupt politicians actualy crossed the red
line ??

Listen to this snake in the parliament, attacking Pak army so ruthlessly that even
Indians were put to shame. This scumbag accused army of slaughters in FATA and
Baluchistan, in East Pakistan accused army of destroying the country. Even the
worst traitors would not attack their ow army like this. Behind him you can
recognize the supporters of Khawarij sitting happily in the parliament and grinning
as this idiot attacks our armed forces and behave like an arrogant rascal.

After this speech, General Raheel's threat makes perfect sence. nation demands that
this scumbag who is barking against Pak army in the parliament should be shown
his worth urgently. InshAllah, very soon....

we DO NOT want Democracy, We DO NOT want martial Law. WE
want system of Khilafat e Rashida !

Now you judge yourself -- are your present rulers doing what are the duties of a
Muslim ruler ?? Can democracy, Zardari, Nawaz, altaf, bilawal give us such rulers

we DO NOT want Democracy, We DO NOT want martial Law. WE want system
of Khilafat e Rashida ! Allah will only give you such a grand system and great
ruler if you ask for it. If you continue to beg for elections and Tsunamis then you
will get snakes like you have today.

Now the end game has begun. Enemies are at the gates and the state organs are
fighting within each other. With all their weaknesses and shortcomings, I give my
vote to the army ! Will trust the judgement and the leadership of the army anytime
over Zardari, Nawaz or BIlawal or altaf. We have NO other choice.

you decide -- It is going to be Fadlullah or General Bikram Singh or Hibaryar
Marri on one side and Pak army on another!

On whose side are you ???? We are definitely NOT on the side of these vulturous
politicians. That is decided.

Khair inshAllah !
Allah will not take His duty from ill informed Jahils who seek easy
path to wealth, status and glory but without having to sweat for it.

Have you collected your copy from Ferozsons ?? if not, then do it.

Educate yourself. Prepare yourself for the duties ahead. Allah will not take His
duty from ill informed Jahils who seek easy path to wealth, status and glory but
without having to sweat for it. You must be prepared mentally, spiritually as well
as physically. History never forgives the fools !

Contact All Ferozsons stores in Karachi, Lahore, Pindi and
elsewhere. or BrassTacks office in Rawalpindi.

Contact All Ferozsons stores in Karachi, Lahore, Pindi and elsewhere.
or BrassTacks office in Rawalpindi. 051 - 5598046,7
or email

It is mandatory on Pakistan nation to demand extradition of these
snakes for mass murder and also demand treason trial against the
rascal Defense Minister Khawaja Asif..

Over a 100 died or wounded, mostly burnt alive, in yestersay's train bombing in
Sibi. Today, BLA carried out another attack in Islamabad fruit market, killing or
wounding nearly 100 more !! This is slaughter at the hands of Brahmadagh Bugti
and Hyberyar Marri, both staying as guests of Karzai, CIA and RAW in various
cities of the world. It is mandatory on Pakistan nation to demand extradition of
these snakes for mass murder and also demand treason trial against the rascal
Defense Minister Khawaja Asif for his most vehement attacks on Pak army in
these times of war and crisis. We had warned, both BLA and TTP would not
launch their war ruthlessly regrouped and re-armed because of the drama of "peace
talks" ! Next few weeks are going to be bloody, made even more difficult due to
the rsacals like the present government that we have. We stand with Pak army at
all costs. Shame and death be to enemies of Medina e Sani !!!

Now you know who is your enemy !!

See how Allah humiliates His enemies !! These snakes must be
removed at all cost! we stand with Pak army and death to the
traitors !
Allahu Akbar !

See how Allah humiliates His enemies !! Khawaja Asif, the snake within our
ranks, the treacherous defense minister, barked against Pak army ! Within a day,
the nation came out against him !

This is Sialkot, his own constituency ! Patriots are hurling abuses, shoes and insults
at this traitor ! The countdown for this treacherous government has begun,
inshAllah ! These snakes must be removed at all cost! we stand with Pak army and
death to the traitors !

MashAllah, a beautiful commentary on the book by editor of the
magazine Voice of the East !

MashAllah, a beautiful commentary on the book by editor of the magazine Voice
of the East ! For those who have not yet read the book, this is a facinating window
to its mysterious world !

By the way, the video below is latest of today in Sialkot, as reported by a team
member. The last sentence in the video that Kh Asif tried to pull a political stunt
but it backfired confirms that the reaction is about the parliament barking that he
did. khair inshAllah!

InshAllah, Friday Night on DIN news debate, we are giving a jaw
breaking response to that snake Khawaja Asif and his moron bosses

InshAllah, Friday Night on DIN news debate, we are giving a jaw breaking
response to that snake Khawaja Asif and his moron bosses for the sinister attack on
pak army and betraying our shaheeds and Ghazis. InshAllah, the snakes will get
the taste of our azaan to defend Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Pak Sarzameen ! They
will curse the day they were born, inshAllah !

Allahu Akbar !! We crucified the enemies of Pak Sarzameen today
in Azaan on debate. Nation stand with Pak army.

New Zem TV link.

Allahu Akbar !! We crucified the enemies of Pak Sarzameen today in Azaan on
debate. This is our reply to the filthy scumbags and rascals who pass as politicians.

Nation stand with Pak army. Only the snakes will get crushed inshAllah !

TTP are the dogs of hell, liars, deceivers, traitors and enemies of
Ummah, the khawarij ! May Allah bless Pak army, always and
forever !!

TTP are the dogs of hell, liars, deceivers, traitors and enemies of Ummah, the
khawarij ! watch this video and know their lies and deceptions and wake up !!
NEVER fall for their lies ever again or yu will be next for beheading at the hands
of these animals.

May Allah bless Pak army, always and forever !!

Is TTP planning a coup in Islamabad using Lal masjid Khawarij ??
Why the government is supporting BLA?

Who is doing terrorism in Islamabad ?? Is TTP planning a coup in Islamabad using
Lal masjid type Khawarij ?? Why the government is supporting BLA and TTP
offering full state protocols ?? What does Modi plans for Pakistan ??? Should
Pakistan feel threatened after the new Afghan elections??

Our explosive azaan on Saturday !

When the government, judiciary and the media are at war with
their own army, the result can only be chaos, anarchy and confusion
leading to a state level meltdown.

The direction of the events is heading towards a massive collision between the
government, judiciary and media on one side and the military and the patriots on
the other. The militants, terrorists and the insurgents would hit all during this
process. Economy would continue to crash and national and regional chaos would
compound without any remedy in sight.

Everything which could go wrong for Nawaz Shareef is now going wrong
catastrophically. It is a meltdown in real sense. Every sensible analysts in media
and government or outside of it is warning of an imminent collapse of the
government, if not the state altogether if the present collision course is not altered
radically and immediately by the government. When the government, judiciary and
the media are at war with their own army, the result can only be chaos, anarchy
and confusion leading to a state level meltdown. This is exactly what we are seeing
these days.

With such snake as defense minister of the country, you can be sure that we have
been betrayed by this democracy and enemies now plan a full and final assault on
the nation.

The defense minister of the country, Khawaja Asif, is a handpicked man of Nawaz
Shareef, is the most venomous man against his own army, provoking the army into
declaring him persona non grata in military institutions. With tempers high in the
military and a resurgent insurgency attacking across the country on all axis, nawaz
Shareef has deliberately provided for a slow and painful death of his government
and democracy. He is being warned by his allies not to provoke the army but
Nawaz is intoxicated in power, venomous in nature and now throwing caution to

The only option would be a decisive intervention by the patriots to restore sanity,
cut a few heads then get after the terrorists with full force. Investing more time,
effort and hope into democracy is only suicidal now.

Our heart bleeds daily..... thousands of such sons have sacrificed
everything for the sake of this Medina e Sani ...

Our heart bleeds daily..... thousands of such sons have sacrificed everything for the
sake of this Medina e Sani and have never complained, leaving behind babies,
young widows and dried eyes mothers ....

Then that bloody rascal Khawaja Sra says that army is only exploiting the country
and does not justify its budget! He should be put on trial and then handed over to
Khawarij for a painful decapitation -- just as hundreds of our sons and brothers in
army have gone through !

May Allah give infinite Barakah to Pak armed forces ! MashAllah alf Marra !

We had warned and the events are out of control for this scumbag
democracy !

The Debate in English -- we repeated a few weeks old program for English
listeners as the geo-politics is changing fast within the country and in the region
and people tend to forget the background of the present crisis and chaos. This is a
hard hitting reminder to the nation. we had warned and the events are out of
control for this scumbag democracy !

Post strong comments on Zem pl. fight this war also.

InshAllah, one day, Allah will give us rulers like Sayyadna Umer.
But this fact is clear -- such rulers will NOT come through
democracy or martial laws.

InshAllah, one day, Allah will give us rulers like Sayyadna Umer. But this fact is
clear -- such rulers will NOT come through democracy or martial laws. It is time
we reject this Kufr and demand that khair which Allah has kept for us. Khair
inshAllah !

Follow the mission, arm yourself with knowledge, understand Baba
Iqbal and then be ready for the duty.

MashAllah, hundreds of new members join this battle station. For their tarbiat, we
give this link once again.

follow the mission, arm yourself with knowledge, understand Baba Iqbal and then
be ready for the duty. Allah will only take His duty from those who are capable.
Idiots and fools may enter paradise under His mercy, but wont be used for
Ghawwa e Hind or Takmeel e Pakistan . Momin is always wise and visionary !

MashAllah ! We Pakistanis are truly a gifted nation MashAllah ! All we
need is a leader and then its khair all the way...

Watch this incredible video, MashAllah ! This is not hollywood stunts. These are
children of Gilgit Baltistan, one of Pakistan's remotest and most under neglected
regions. Now see this talent...

MashAllah ! We Pakistanis are truly a gifted nation MashAllah ! All we need is a
leader and then its khair all the way...
Now we are headline news on Indian channels too

Now we are headline news on Indian channels too

Hindu Mushriks pretend to make fun of our analysis but the reality is that they are
extremly disturbed that we have exposed their entire game plan and their
frustration and anger is visible when they do special program on our analysis in
Debate ! This is the power of azaan alhamdolillah. Mushriks are taking note, are
angry and frustrated and now show their rage ! alhamdolillah.

Friday, we tear apart Narendar Modi and his venomous war against
Pakistan. Watch how our Debate azaan is shaking up the Hindu
Mushriks !

InshAllah, you will watch two brutally honest an dcandid program on Friday and
Saturday night on DIN news Debate.

Friday, we tear apart Narendar Modi and his venomous war against Pakistan.
Watch how our Debate azaan is shaking up the Hindu Mushriks ! Also, dissect the
present conflict between army and the government and its deeper analysis which is
not said in words normally. Govt would be wise to listen to our words else....
We also discuss the declaration of war by Khawarij and its impact.

Saturday, we discuss the crisis of Islam in Pakistan. How can we implement
Islamic sharia when the entire religious turf is divided into sects and politicians /
judiciary want secular Kufr systems ?? a most critical and game changing debate
on how to implement Islamic system in Pakistan and what does true Islam stands
for. The hijacking of Islamic by Khawarij and fake mullahs and Peers is also
discussed in detail. This one program will clear your heart and soul on what Islam
is and how it is being exploited !

Khair inshAllah !

Din News is truly happy and honored :-) They have all the right to be !

Din News is truly happy and honored :-) They have all the right to be ! When you
kick the backsides of Hindu Zionists, that is a reason to smile :-) Watch this....

Our Azaan on Debate Friday Night !! alhamdolillah, another ruthless
dissection of all enemies of Pak Sarzameen, Khawarij, siyasatbaaz and
munafiqeen !

Our Azaan on Debate Friday Night !! alhamdolillah, another ruthless dissection of
all enemies of Pak Sarzameen, Khawarij, siyasatbaaz and munafiqeen ! Post strong
comments on Zem and fight the war against Mushriks and Khawarij on this battle
field also. This is where you can contribute. Post mature strong comments and do
not sink low to the levels of Mushriks and Khawarij. Their language is the proof
that they have been defeated and cannot match with logic or wisdom. Crush them
with full force on social media too.

Vimeo Link for those who are having problems at Zem site. khair
inshAllah. spread the message.
Vimeo Link for those who are having problems at Zem site. khair inshAllah.
spread the message.

How can we implement Islamic sharia when the entire religious turf is
divided into sects and politicians / judiciary want secular Kufr systems

Tonight on 'The Debate' we discuss the crisis of Islam in Pakistan. How can we
implement Islamic sharia when the entire religious turf is divided into sects and
politicians / judiciary want secular Kufr systems ?? a most critical and game
changing debate on how to implement Islamic system in Pakistan and what does
true Islam stands for. The hijacking of Islamic ideology by Khawarij and fake
mullahs and Peers is also discussed in detail. This one program will clear your
heart and soul on what Islam is and how it is being exploited !

Khair inshAllah !

Khawaja Asif was NOT invited by the army for today's passing out
parade at Kakul. These ministers have no izzat, no self respect, no
dignity, no ghairat.

Imagine how shameless and beyghairat these Siyasatbaaz ministers are. Khawaja
Asif was NOT invited by the army for today's passing out parade at Kakul. Still,
Khawaja Asif gate crashed hiding behind Nawaz Shareef. All officers ignored him
and refused to talk to him during the entire ceremony and tea afterwards but he
remained shameless.... Astaghfurullah ! These ministers have no izzat, no self
respect, no dignity, no ghairat. they hate their own country, are enemies of own
army and serve the enemies nauseatingly.

Wheat cutting season is close now. It is time that some more crops are also cut in
the country....

Geo gangsters have NO proof but they have directly attacked,
humiliated, insulted and named DG ISI and ISI itself for planning
this attack on khabees Hamid Mir.

Geo gangsters have NO proof but they have directly attacked, humiliated, insulted
and named DG ISI and ISI itself for planning this attack on khabees Hamid Mir. It
is time that serious criminal and defamation charges be filed against Geo gangsters
for violating constituion, attacking armed forces and slandering a national security
State organ without any proof and attacking it in the media war. This is a crime for
which Geo must be held accountable.

Hamid Mir is a confirmed snake. I have filed a case of treason against him in
supreme court. I do not want him to die and become a hero. I want him to face trial
in the court and then hanged for this crimes. For now, we ask army to file cases
against Geo and break their teeth for barking without proof !

What kind of shariat we want in Pakistan ?? who will be the
"thekedaar" of deen in the country ?

What kind of shariat we want in Pakistan ?? who will be the "thekedaar" of deen in
the country ? why religious parties fail to unite Muslims ? why is the government
at war with Islam and State ?? what is the true Islam of a welfare state ??

These are the most critical questions for Pakistan as a state and nation.

The Debate Saturday Night !
It is time that we liberate our deen from the hands of cults and

Vimeo Link.
It is time that we liberate our deen from the hands of cults and gangs.

Today on ARY, patriotic media got together to attack and destroy
Geo and their war against Pak Sarzameen.
Today on ARY, patriotic media got together to attack and destroy Geo and their
war against Pak Sarzameen. Watch this fascinating program ! It is time to shut
down geo !

Fierce attack on ghaddars ibn e Ghaddars,,,, The time has come to
shut down the mouth of this beyghairat munafiq enemy of Ummat e
Rasul (sm) -- geo.

another of our fierce attack on ghaddars ibn e Ghaddars,,,, The time has come to
shut down the mouth of this beyghairat munafiq enemy of Ummat e Rasul (sm) --

Today, is Iqbal day ! The greatest gift given to this Ummah in 20th
century, whose voice was the divine message for the Ummah, a
bisharat, a warning, an advice, a hope --

Today, is Iqbal day ! The greatest gift given to this Ummah in 20th century, whose
voice was the divine message for the Ummah, a bisharat, a warning, an advice, a
hope -- heralding the era of revival of the Ummah ! Who was a man of his age, a
man ahead of his age, a man at war with his age ! A Sage, a seer, a dervesh, a
faqeer, a wali, a hakeem, an ashiq e Rasul (sm).
Recite Fatiha for Baba Iqbal ! Be his shaheen, be his banda e Momin, be his pur
israr wujood, be his faqeer that he wanted you to be ! This is your future, this is
your destiny !

InshAllah, at 10 PM, watch Waqt News. we are coming in a fierce
debate to attack geo's crimes against Pakistan

InshAllah, at 10 PM, watch Waqt News. we are coming in a fierce debate to attack
geo's crimes against Pakistan. Nadia Mirza is the host. khair inshAllah.

Geo has owned its crimes. Now the time for accountability begins.....
Time to shut down this haramkhor channel.

Geo claims that it has the right to criticize anyone. Who has given them this
right ???? who has give the right to the media to destroy everything that is
sacred ?? when they claim full freedom for themselves, why do they ally with
criminals to silence their opponents ?? when a journalist commits treason,
why he should not be punished ?? Geo has owned its crimes. Now the time for
accountability begins..... Time to shut down this haramkhor channel. Our
program on Waqt news today
Lucman on the crimes, sinister plot and nefarious game of Geo

This is an excellent program by Lucman on the crimes, sinister plot and nefarious
game of Geo. Watch first 5 minutes and you will get the gist ! Good show Lucman.
hit them harder !!

The entire patriotic media is now together to attack, expose and
condemn Geo.

another excellent program by Jasmine and Haroon Rasheed. The entire patriotic
media is now together to attack, expose and condemn Geo. This is an excellent
program and confirms our argument that traitor media must be banned and blocked
in Pakistan.

Armed forces have decided to become a direct party against this
snake. Alhamdolillah !Enough is enough !

InshAllah khair is coming ! This snake Geo will now be shut down inshAllah !
Armed forces have decided to become a direct party against this snake.
Alhamdolillah ! Time to increase pressure on these snakes and support our armed
forces ! Enough is enough !

Pak army -- we stand with you, through hell or high water ! Stand
firm, stand united and crush these snakes now. DO NOT let them
escape now.

Check my tweets. Have given details of what is going on in the background.
InshAllah great khair is coming. Our wars against Khawarij and Geo are now
firmly on course, alhamdolillah ! There was time when these two monsters thought
no body can touch them. Today, both are getting most severe and painful beating
from the patriots and Ummat e Rasul (sm). Allahu Akbar !
Pak army -- we stand with you, through hell or high water ! Stand firm, stand
united and crush these snakes now. DO NOT let them escape now.

Alhamdolillah, the battle that we started almost 6 years ago against
Geo has finally been recognized by army and ISI also.

Alhamdolillah, the battle that we started almost 6 years ago against Geo has finally
been recognized by army and ISI also. The information warfare axis of the 4th
GW, is equally ruthless against Pak Sarzameen as the physical decentralized urban
war by the Khawarij and BLA. This modern nature of warfare of the 4th and 5th
generation war was a rapidly developing concept of warfare and even ISI/army
took time to grasp its full lethal impact.
Alhamdolillah, it was back in 2007 when we explained the concept of 4th
generation war, media wars and the "Yugoslavia" doctrine of the enemies. Pak
army picked up the 4th GW concept early, redefining the ground warfare strategies
- from PMA to NDU to formations. But frankly, army was reluctant to touch the
media enemies and terrorists.
Then we took the war upon ourselves and launched our media war and legal war
against geo and SAFMA. We took the cases in the Supreme Court almost 3 years
ago, doing exactly what the army/ISI have done now. We started to attack these
media snakes in their own turf and on social media. The reaction from these snakes
was severe. Almost a dozen cases were filed against me in almost every major city
of the country -- from Peshawar to Karachi to Quetta to Sukkar and in Islamabad
too. Arrest warrants were issued for attacking Aman Ki Asha drama and massive
propaganda was done against my faith, family and mission. Assassins were planted
to eliminate me, murder cases were registered and traitors were bought from within
our ranks. It was a difficult period, tough time for us and the patriots around us,
who were isolated, surrounded and were being cornered. But we fought back
equally ruthlessly, alhamdolillah !
Alhamdolillah, we stood alone, with the help of Allah alone -- without any
backing of army or ISI or any other media group.
Alhamdolillah, then in 2013, DIN news decided to stand with us and we launched
the game changing program The Debate ! That really changed the game in these
dangerous times, in favor of Pakistan alhamdolillah ! Army and ISI and the patriots
finally started to understand the warnings we were giving about the media
terrorists, Khawarij and the Hindu Zionists rising in the East.
And now, when Geo, in their arrogance, launched another ruthless attack on the
ISI on behalf of their master Hindu Mushriks, Pak army finally decided to give a
comprehensive shut up call to Geo and have demanded their trial for treason and
crimes against Pak Sarzameen.
Mubarak to all patriots. This is a great victory for all Ummat e Rasul (sm). The
fact that Pak army and ISI have officially declared Geo as an enemy of the State is
a great victory in itself. Now the law will take its course inshAllah. These snakes
will be brought to justice and put behind bars or hanged. InshAllah, now we will
push this case to its logical conclusion. Death to the traitors. Pak Sarzameen Shaad
Baad, MashAllah !
War is NOT over yet. DO NOT relax. This is just one victory in the information
war. We have many other serious bloody battles to fight. Now we have to
eliminate the Khawarij. That is going to be bloody. Keep your guns ready, loaded.
for now, Mubarak once again. Do some sadaqa for Pakistan and recite two rakats
of Shukar.

A channel cannot air once declared security risk by ISI and
Ministry of Defense.

Build pressure on social media, through your contacts and media. GEO must be
taken off air today. A channel cannot air once declared security risk by ISI and
Ministry of Defense. Ask PEMRA to block Geo/Jang/TheNews today.
Write to PEMRA. Fight this war to its logical end. Block Geo and get their
management arrested and prosecuted.

Geo's strategy is to limit its defense argument to coverage of Hamid
Mir's case and avoid, ignore all their previous crimes. This will not
happen now.

Geo's strategy is to limit its defense argument to coverage of Hamid Mir's case
and avoid, ignore all their previous crimes. This will not happen now. All their
previous crimes will be brought out -- Khalid's Khawaja's murder, Ziarat
residency attack, Mehran base attack, Ajmal Kasab drama, Baluchistan
insurgency coverage, Lal masjid coverage..... the list is infinite... . The sinister
background of Najam sethi and Imran Aslam and Hamid Mir's role in
Bagladesh... nothing will be kept secret now and is part of the army's
complaint to PEMRA.
Watch this video and see if this coverage of Ziarat was by a Pakistani channel
or an Indian ?? Shame on Geo. Time to hang these snakes.

Allahu Akbar !! Lets follow the army. Ban Geo and all Jang group
newspapers in your homes and offices

Allahu Akbar !!
Lets follow the army. Ban Geo and all Jang group newspapers in your homes and
offices. Stop taking The News/Jang and show that we are united against enemies.
We at brasstacks have The News at our office but that is to study the language,
messages and propaganda of the enemy. But all those Pakistanis who only want
news, switch to any other paper. Ban and Block Geo and their newspapers in your
homes and offices. Do what the army is doing !

It is time Pak army and ISI deploy the Bulleh Shah doctrine with
full force! "sub kush keeta Danda" !!!!

Very few people know that Baba Bulley Shah was also a defense analyst and knew
the security doctrines very well :-)
That is called Bulley Shah doctrine of national security !! :-)
Here it is, totally and completely valid for Pakistan even today :-)
"God sent 4 books from the heavens and also sent a Danda.
Those 4 books did not do anything to fix the idiots but the Danda finally fixed
everything! (sub kuch keeta Danda)
It is time Pak army and ISI deploy the Bulleh Shah doctrine with full force!
When government decides to ban a private NGO, it simply does it through a
notification of Interior Ministry. Geo is also a private, foreign funded hostile
enemy of the State NGO waging war from within against Pak Sarzameen. It has
been declared hostile by MOD, ISI and army. It should simply be taken off air
through a notification. Else, we ask army to deply Baba Bulley Shah doctrine of
national security
"sub kush keeta Danda" !!!!

Team, make your twitter accounts and join the forces on that
battlefield as well.

Team, make your twitter accounts and join the forces on that battlefield as well. we
need thousands of more fighters in that front. you can make your ID from a
different name or pen name also. Just be there, share and spread our messages and
respond to the enemies. army cannot do this. patriotic youth on social media has to
fight this war. do NOT be a bystander in this war. be counter on the side of khair.
when the time comes, we will pick up guns also but for now, we need to support
our army in this war. They fight on the ground and we fight alongside them on
social media.
love and dua to all the fighters of Ummat e Rasul (sm).
The sentiments of entire nation are so well known :-)

Only a notification is needed NOT investigations by Pemra. How
can PEMRA reject what army/ISI/MOD say???

There is a reason why we are waging a war against Geo and now army, ISI
and MOD also consider Geo a national security threat.
Pemra can only investigate when an ordinary citizen makes a complaint. But
when MOD, Army and ISI make a complaint, then PEMRA has NO
jurisdiction to investigate further. Pakistan's entire national security
establishment considers Geo a national threat. Now this is a shut case. Only a
notification is needed NOT investigations by Pemra. How can PEMRA reject
what army/ISI/MOD say???

Geo/Jang/The News is now banned in all army units ! It is being
taken out from cables also. All patriots must do the same.

Geo/Jang/The News is now banned in all army units ! It is being taken out from
cables also. All patriots must do the same.
if you work in companies which give adds to Geo/Jang, tell your management to
stop giving adds to geo, else we will boycott their products too. When a private
NGO (Geo) has been declared a national security threat, then we as a nation must
stand with the army and not the Jews. call your cable walas and tell him to remove
geo channels else we will take legal action against them also. No mercy now.

InshAllah, on DIN News on Friday and Saturday, we ruthlessly
attack, expose and destroy Geo and its sinister frauds against Pak
Sarzameen and Sabz Hilali Parcham.

InshAllah, on DIN News on Friday and Saturday, we ruthlessly attack, expose and
destroy Geo and its sinister frauds against Pak Sarzameen and Sabz Hilali
Parcham. The entire game plan of Geo exposed inshAllah. Also, war against
Khawarij, army's strikes on their bases, the rise of Hindu Zionists and their plans
for Akhand Bharat and the war in Afghanistan. An explosive 2 program game
changer inshAllah !

Geo headline news is showing our entire FB page where we are
doing geo bashing, spreading our message to each and every village
(where geo is still coming :-) )

This is too good :-) Geo headline news is showing our entire FB page where we are
doing geo bashing, spreading our message to each and every village (where geo is
still coming :-) ) . They even read out that entire cartoon where Dadi jan said "mar
giya haramkhor" lol.... !!
Also showing our pics with guns at the clay pigeon shooting club saying that Zaid
Hamid is threatening Geo :))))
They have gone insane to the point of mental retardation... :-)

This shows Geo has gone mentally retarded and insane in fear and
panic :-) lol, spreading our message globally

This shows Geo has gone mentally retarded and insane in fear and panic :-) lol,
spreading our message globally and confirming that Hamid Mir is a haramkhor.
They said it not me ;)))))

InshAllah, we are counting days when the enemies of Pak
Sarzameen will bite the bust fully !

InshAllah, we are counting days when the enemies of Pak Sarzameen will bite the
bust fully !
Two enemies of Pak Sarzameen must be crushed with full force. Both attack on
different axis.
TTP Khawarij attack on military axis.
Geo/jang/The News group attack on media/propaganda axis.
Both are lethal in this 4th generation war stabbing Pak army in the back when the
Hindu Zionists are rising in the East. Pak army must crush the Khawarij and the
Jew media NOW. nation stand with Pak army and ISI.
Allahu Akabr -- Humiliation to the enemies of Ummat e Rasul (sm) and Medina e
The 4th generation war cannot be fought by the army/ISI alone.
Youth are the front line fighters in the war.

The 4th generation war cannot be fought by the army/ISI alone. Youth are the front
line fighters in the war. Take your battle stations and attack the enemies in media
and cyber world. This is a sacred trust and only the most blessed will be selected
for the duty. Be there when Pakistan needs you. Geo must be destroyed for all
times to come.

Now geo is challenging that proof must be brought forward against
their treason. The fact is proof was given in the SC 3 years ago !!!!!

Here is the proof :

Three years ago, I had gone to the supreme court against traitor media. But the
badbakht Chief justice IC sided with the enemies and allow the Geo/SAFMA to
wage war against Pak. If that petition was heard, geo could have been nailed 3
years ago.

read the petition to know why patriots feel that geo must be blocked. Now geo is
challenging that proof must be brought forward against their treason. The fact is
proof was given in the SC 3 years ago !!!!! This is just the petition part. proof was
shown in Debate today. shall post the link later.

It is the Iftikhar chaudrey who betrayed Pakistan. Now we will bring geo down
inshAllah !

This is the way patriots deal with the traitors :-)

This is the way patriots deal with the traitors :-)

InshAllah, we will burn the empire of lies, deceit and evil. Army /
ISI/PAF/Navy/MOD have given in writing that geo is a traitor media group. Now
we are officially at war with geo. We will not break any local laws but would deal
with geo as enemies are treated.

This is our FIR against geo. The Debate Friday Night !!

Geo said that we should bring proof of their treason. Here they are. This is our FIR
against geo.

The Debate Friday Night !!

To all new members. welcome to the battle station but pl note the
rules of this page. strict compliance is required.

To all new members. welcome to the battle station but pl note the rules of this
page. strict compliance is required.

We are extremely strict in managing this page. You cannot write against Pak
or attack Pakistan, our ideology, Islam, Pak army or ISI. All such posts will
be immediately blocked permanently.

DO NOT write in Roman Urdu. Yar kia haal hai type urdu. This is NOT
urdu. this is roman.

DO NOT abuse, use swear words or dirty language. you will be deleted or can
be blocked if repeated mistake is done.

DO NOT advertise outside links, your own pages or advertisements. all will
be deleted and spammers will be blocked.

DO NOT comment for a few days until you have become familiar with the
page. scroll down few days old posts and get the feel of the page. This is the
most active battle station on social media to defend Pakistan. we are in battle
here. be serious and be patriotic.

love and dua

This is the proof that Geo must be blocked permanently and its
management arrested. Debate Friday Night

Vimeo Link

This is the proof that Geo must be blocked permanently and its management
arrested. Debate Friday Night

Mir Shakeel, we had warned you. Every dog has his day... you
should have listened. Now no mercy.

Meanwhile, in all military organizations, all Indian channels including Geo are
banned More and more patriots are following army's proud tradition and blocking
Geo in their cities. The nation has risen in revolt against this obnoxious traitor !!
Alhamdolillah !

To all geo employees, we have a special message:

DO not worry, you will be compensated inshAllah ! Geo will be banned in
Pakistan inshAllah. Its management prosecuted, its assets seized by the State. All
those who have no editorial role like camera men, drivers, lower staff etc will be
paid one year salary in advance and then relieved of their duties, InshAllah. The
empire of Geo is now going to collapse inshAllah !

Mir Shakeel, we had warned you. Every dog has his day... you should have
listened. Now no mercy.

Post strong comments here and fight the info war as well.

This is Zem TV link. Post strong comments here and fight the info war as well.

This is tribal area of Bajaur --- A solid slap on the face of Geo.

This is tribal area of Bajaur, which was once hot bed of Khawarij and Pak army
recovered it back for the nation and people. Here, a massive demonstration was
held against geo and Hamid Mir. A solid slap on the face of Geo. May Allah bless
all those Pakistanis who are making a stand against these snakes. We stand with
Pak army and ISI. NO compromise here.

Dont forget to watch our azaan on DIN News at 8 PM. another brutal attack on
Geo and its sinister plans.

To all newcomers and members, pl follow the rules of the page. we
do not run a democracy on this page.

To all newcomers and members, pl follow the rules of the page. we do not run
a democracy on this page. All comments which are against Pakistan, Quaid,
Baba Iqbal, Pak army or ISI would be immediately deleted and the person
blocked. NO mercy here.

DO NOT use abusive language, swear words or Roman Urdu.

Please behave well on this page. This is an ideological platform to defend
Pakistan's geography and ideology and faith. We are the front line of defence
in the information warfare. We respect serious questions but you must study
our vision, mission and previous posts first before posting questions or writing

visit our website also and study what we stand for.

welcome. Jazak Allah.

Nation will rise in revolt against Pemra and govt if army's demands
are not met and Geo is not banned. iA, watch Sunday at 7 PM,
Express News inshAllah.

On Sunday night on Express News program Baat sey Baat at 7 PM, iA, watch my
candid warning on Geo's war against Pakistan & its fallouts. Nation will rise in
revolt against Pemra and govt if army's demands are not met and Geo is not
banned. Hamid Mir is also primary accused in murder of Khalid Khawaja and Col
Imam, two ISI officers. Govt has to decide if it wants to stand with the traitors or
with patriots.

Sunday at 7 PM, Express News inshAllah.

An apology from Geo is not acceptable. Geo must be blocked as
demanded by army and ISI.

We appreciate this sensible statement from Imran. But now, an apology from Geo
is not acceptable. Geo must be blocked as demanded by army and ISI. If Geo is not
punished, the nation is willing to come out on the streets and start a civil
disobedience movement against Pemra and govt.

Nexus between Geo's war and TTP's war and the rise of Hindu
Zionists in India, Geo will be blocked inshAllah !

Why Pak army must crush Geo and TTP NOW !! Why Pak army has started to
attack TTP khawarij ?? what is the nexus between Geo's war and TTP's war and
the rise of Hindu Zionists in India?? Where is Pak government standing in this war
?? What are the options for Pak army when surrounded from all sides ??

The Debate Saturday Night ! We accept the challenge ! Geo will be blocked
inshAllah !

This is the reason why we demand death sentence for Hamid Mir
and Geo after a fair judicial trial.

This is the reason why we demand death sentence for Hamid Mir and Geo
after a fair judicial trial. They are known and confirmed traitors. Watch these
few minutes and see the evidence Geo is demanding to be made public. The
information war and propaganda of RAW is being deployed in Pakistan by

Watch Express News at 7 PM program Baat sey Baat. InshAllah,w e will
further bury Geo and their gangsters inshAllah.

NewYork times confirms that Geo is penetrated by TTP and MQM
militants who give insider info to militants to kill journalists !
Very interesting indeed :-)

NewYork times confirms that Geo is penetrated by TTP and MQM militants who
give insider info to militants to kill journalists ! Also, confirm that a Geo employee
was involved in attack on Mehran base in 2011 !! Remember, Hamid Mir snake
had also accused army/ISI of staging that attack. Now it turns out that Geo
employee was involved. Also, the murder of Wali Khan Babar where MQM had
insider info from Geo. This is a damning indictment of Geo by his own masters,
confirms each and every word we have said about these snakes.

Each one of you is a soldier and must stand with Pak army and ISI
at this moment. The battle is on NOW !

Alhamdolillah, our war on the social media is seriously hurting the Jews. This
is the pressure we have to maintain on the enemies to defend our ideology,
armed forces and the nation. Each one of you is a soldier and must stand with
Pak army and ISI at this moment. The battle is on NOW !

We need elderlies who have seen creation of Pakistan.

Dear Team,

Read the mail below.

I know adeel for last few years now and he is a good energetic patriotic young man
doing important media and video projects on his own initiative.

The project he has brought up now is very important for our future generations. He
needs support as he has mentioned in this mail. Sponsorship and the names of
elderly people who have seen creation of Pakistan and are willing to give
interviews of their experiences.

Each one can contribute in some ways. If not through sponsors, then through
contacts or spreading the word. Lets do it.

You can post this mail on your sites and spread the word. We need elderlies who
have seen creation of Pakistan. Very few are left now. Find good people and let
Adeel know. Also, if you can find people who are willing to sponsor the project.

Love and dua



From: adeel arif []
Sent: Sunday, April 27, 2014 3:38 PM
Subject: please share this on your fb page.JazakAllah

Dear Zaid sahb,
Assalam o alaykum,
I have started a project titled " ma ne Pakistan bntey dekha" . The idea behind this
project is to save the personal stories of individuals who were old enough to see the
creation of Pakistan in 1947..Such people are now in their mid 70's or above &
maybe they will not be here for too long.

Initially i have decided to do VIDEO interview of 100 such individuals from all
over Pakistan.
And i have given myself a target to do this task by the month of August this year.

I require 2 important support from Pakistanis to accomplish this project

1) Sponsor 1 interview for Rs.5000 ( this covers our recording editing travelling

2) Help me to connect to such individuals who have their story & experience to
share .

Please call me on my number 0333 228 7841 if you wish to be part of this project.

Watch this short promo too

Geo is exactly following the script of an Indian movie in their
strategy, policy and propaganda

Watch this brilliant clip by Dunya News on how Geo is exactly following the
script of an Indian movie in their strategy, policy and propaganda and how they
backtrack when their plan misfires.

This is a brilliant program by Dunya which totally destroys the Geo's sinister
agenda and game plan on Hamid Mir's drama.

Chose your sides !! We want system of Khilafat e Rashida NOT this
filthy dirty western Kufr democracy. Pak army, we stand with you
heart and soul !!!

Chose your sides !!

By Allah, no God fearing ruler lives such lavish lifestyles. Only a pompous,
arrogant, moron would forget about Akhirat and indulge in Dunya like this. Then
these rulers have the shameless audacity to stand with the enemies against Pak
army and the Ummat e Rasul (sm).

By Allah, we stand with Pak army. The army of Ghazwa e Hind and army which is
fighting the Khawarij !

Oh Allah be witness, that we reject these rulers, their Kufr, their democracy and
their zulm. We want system of Khilafat e Rashida NOT this filthy dirty western
Kufr democracy.

Pak army, we stand with you heart and soul !!!

We declare revolt against democracy if Pakistan army is not
respected by these madar pidar azaad jamhoriat and awara media.

Express News program today. They heavily censored my talks where I had talked
about Hamid Mir being a suspect in Khalid Khawaja's and Col Imam murder.

The time has come. What army has written will not be taken back inshAllah. Either
Pemra and govt enforce what is asked or be prepared to face a civil disobedience.
We declare revolt against democracy if Pakistan army is not respected by these
madar pidar azaad jamhoriat and awara media.

How Media is a weapon of Mass deception in the hands of Dajjal --
masters of lies and deceit.They are doing this in Pakistan through
Geo !!!

Just 3 minutes of this video will show you how Media is a weapon of Mass
deception in the hands of Dajjal -- masters of lies and deceit. They wage wars
based on lies created and fabricated by Media. A soul less journalist is a
presstitute, who sells his camera and pen for money, and create environments for
the international criminals to destroy the world. They did this on 9/11, they did this
on Iraqi WMD's and they did this in Syria. They are doing this in Pakistan through
Geo !!!

To all Geo employees -- you have a choice -- save your pockets or save your souls.
It is time that you rise against Geo and speak up too.

Listen to this azaan which just might change the entire perspective
of your life. A gift to all new comers, a reminder to all old friends
and children on this page.

In the last 10 days, almost 12,000 new members have joined this battle station.
Most of you who are new have not heard our previous azaan's regarding our
mission, duty, vision and strategy. Take some time out and come on board. Listen
to this azaan which just might change the entire perspective of your life. A gift to
all new comers, a reminder to all old friends and children on this page. Watch this
with doors closed and TV switched off. focus and ponder. Jazak Allah khair.

We stand with the army. We are the agents of ISI ! Yes, we are !!!!

Yes, we are all agents of ISI & proud of it !!!

There is great khair in this recent attack which Geo snakes did on ISI. Every snake
and every patriot is now standing clearly in their camp.

Geo is being protected by the worst of the creatures, worst of the enemies, BJP,
Modi, Zionists and the munafiqeen within our ranks.

ISI is being protected by sons and daughters of Ummat e Rasul (sm) who stand
with Medina e Sani, Pak Sarzameen, Sabz Hilali and our faith, ideology and armed

Army has sent in writing about the treacherous crimes of Geo. The reference will
NOT be taken back. Army is giving full opportunity to the civilian govt and its
organs to deliver justice and protect the country. But army will not wait forever. If
the civilian government refuse to punish the traitors, then we patriots demand that
army should take the matters into its own hand and severely punish these enemies
and snakes. To hell with democracy which cannot protect Pakistan and violate each
and very act of Quran and sunnah and also violate our constitution. Geo has no
future in Pakistan now, inshAllah.

We stand with the army. We are the agents of ISI ! Yes, we are !!!!

While we remember our fallen sons, we promise never to betray the
sacred trust they died protecting. Geo can go to hell

Today, we will remember our Shuhada -- each one of them. The finest of the
Ummah, the pride of the millat - Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind and defenders of
the millat against Khawarij, enemies of Mushriks and snakes like

Recite Fatiha for each one of them... for they fight and die each day for us.

No politicians, media person or judge has ever gone willingly to the battle to
defend Pak Sarzameen and have never given their lives by their own choice ! Then
they have the shameless audacity to question and challenge the sacrifices of our
finest sons.

BY Allah, we stand with our army and the Ghazis and Shaheeds. May Allah's
curse be upon the enemies of Pak Sarzameen and the munafiqeen who try to
humiliate and insult the sacrifices of these honourable men.

Recite Fatiha...

By Allah, we will take revenge from Geo. This is a promise we make
on this day to remember our Shuhada !

By Allah, we have neither forgotten their Shahadat nor forgiven the enemies and
the traitors. Each of these shaheed and Ghazi is Mohsin of the Ummah and millat.
They are the Pak army/Navy/Airforce -- the pride of the millat.

NOT a single politician or a media person has ever given their life voluntarily
facing the bullets for the country. But they have the shameless audacity to question
the sacrifices of these brave lions !

By Allah, we will take revenge from Geo. Their treason has caused so many deaths
of these brave officers and men. Each one will be revenged. This is a promise we
make on this day to remember our Shuhada !

InshAllah, on Debate Friday Night, DIN News, we give advice to the
army, hope to the nation and a threat to the enemies.

InshAllah, on Debate Friday Night, DIN News, we give advice to the army, hope
to the nation and a threat to the enemies.

A candid analysis inshAllah and our sincere advice to the army and a hope to the

Where did General Raheel go wrong in his first address to the nation? What is the
strategy of army against Geo ? what is Geo planning to deflect the pressure ? What
is the nexus between Geo and terrorists ? can Nawaz Shareef intervene to protect
geo ? What is the strategy of TTP and army to face off each other ? Why
International power players and Hindu Zionists are jumping in to defend geo ? why
Geo can never be forgiven ??

don't miss. Nothing but the harsh truth, InshAllah !

DO NOT be Ihsaan faramosh, Mohsin Kush...

Try to control your tears !! Hundreds of our finest young men are dying by the
month defending our beloved Medina e Sani so that you can live in peace in your
homes, with your families. DO NOT be Ihsaan faramosh, Mohsin Kush...

Where did General Raheel go wrong in his first address to the
nation? What is the strategy of army against Geo ?

Post strong comments on Zem also.

A candid analysis inshAllah and our sincere advice to the army and a hope to the

Where did General Raheel go wrong in his first address to the nation? What is the
strategy of army against Geo ? what is Geo planning to deflect the pressure ? What
is the nexus between Geo and terrorists ? can Nawaz Shareef intervene to protect
geo ? What is the strategy of TTP and army to face off each other ? Why
International power players and Hindu Zionists are jumping in to defend geo ? why
Geo can never be forgiven ??

Nothing but the harsh truth, InshAllah !

At 11 am on Sunday morning, on AAJ News, InshAllah, watch
program Aman Barabari key sath. we are giving a kick in the teeth
to the Hindu Zionists and give a wakeup call to the millat.

At 11 am on Sunday morning, on AAJ News, InshAllah, watch program Aman
Barabari key sath. we are giving a kick in the teeth to the Hindu Zionists and give a
wakeup call to the millat. Time to prepare for a decisive and final war which is
knocking at our doorsteps. May Allah protect Muslims of India for now they will
be at the mercy of butcher of Gujarat. The massacre has already begun with over
3000 Muslims butchered in Assam ! Khair inshAllah.

The Debate Saturday Night posted below is not complete. shall be
posing complete program later.

The Debate Saturday Night posted below is not complete. shall be posing complete
program later. Deleting this incomplete post. sorry for the inconvenience.

The Debate Saturday Night . The entire axis of war against Pak
Sarzameen !

The Debate Saturday Night . The entire axis of war against Pak Sarzameen !

"One day's life of a lion is preferable to hundred years' existence of
a jackal". With these words he fought heroically to the last drop of
his blood. (Today is Youm e Shahadat of Sultan Tipu). Recite

He was advised to accept the British offer of surrender. But the reply which the
lion-hearted Tipu gave will go down as the most chivalrous recorded in history :
"One day's life of a lion is preferable to hundred years' existence of a jackal". With
these words he fought heroically to the last drop of his blood. (Today is Youm e
Shahadat of Sultan Tipu). Recite Fatiha..

The program 'Aman Barabari key sath'. Zaid Hamid gives a kick in
the teeth of the Hindu Zionists and gives a wakeup call to the millat

The program 'Aman Barabari key sath'. Zaid Hamid gives a kick in the teeth of the
Hindu Zionists and gives a wakeup call to the millat. Time to prepare for a decisive
and final war which is knocking at our doorsteps. May Allah protect Muslims of
India for now they will be at the mercy of butcher of Gujarat. The massacre has
already begun with over 3000 Muslims butchered in Assam !

Khair inshAllah.

The Debate English -- The entire axis of threat and war against
Pakistan and future of democracy in these times of chaos and

The Debate English -- The entire axis of threat and war against Pakistan and future
of democracy in these times of chaos and confusion. The truth which gives you
hope and exposes the enemies !

The countdown begins from this week.Now the ghost is haunting the
nation and there is no way out except a bloody payback...

Brief Threat Analysis as the situation develops on weekly basis:

The countdown begins from this week. Next week, the promised street protests and
charge towards Islamabad would begin by the opposition political parties. In the
already charged national environment, the frustrated citizens and the religious right
may also join the frenzy and create a serious crisis for the government if Islamabad
is besieged. With army already angry with the government, it may not offer any
substantial security cover against angry crowd. Police is highly incapable to handle
such large civil disobedience movements. The chances of a clash or lock down of
Islamabad and even bloodshed are real. So far, Imran Khan, Dr. Tahir Qadri and
even PML(Q) are waiting in the wings to launch their street power and the
government has no response strategy. With Karachi already in flames and TTP
waging the urban war, this is a deadly cocktail to say the least. It seems that Nawaz
government is going to face its toughest test yet in the coming week now.

The fraud of democracy is now coming to haunt Pakistan. We had warned against
these elections, we tried to stop them, we tried to warn the nation that these
elections would bring anarchy and chaos but back then no body listened. Now the
ghost is haunting the nation and there is no way out except a bloody payback...

Khair inshAllah !

To all patriots, fiercely defend your brothers against propaganda of the
beyghairat brigade. We owe this to our orphans and widows !

To all beyghairat beysharam liberal secular snakes, If there is any sense of shame ,
you must NEVER speak against our sons, brothers and fathers in armed forces.

To all patriots, fiercely defend your brothers against propaganda of the beyghairat
brigade. We owe this to our orphans and widows !

Who can march with us into the battle ??

The reason why all religious and political parties fail in Pakistan is that their
leadership and followers have different mission, different goals, different vested
interests and thus can never work as a solid team.

Building a spiritually enlightened, visionary, courageous and fearlessly determined
team takes sweat and blood of the leader and the comrades. NOT a single political
party in Pakistan has the capability to pull Pakistan out of the present crisis. They
ARE the problem themselves.

Without Ishq and adab of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), without a solid spiritual
enlightenment of Quran, without a profound in-depth vision of Iqbal - no leader or
group can unite or salvage this millat.

Such a team will always face trials, allegations, cases, threats and persecution at
the hands of the ruling entrenched decadent elite and the process of persecution
will continue to clean the ranks of this small die hard team of fanatics who will
hold their ground against all odds, taking casualties all along the way.

Many people write to us that they want to join our mission. Our reply to them is --
understand our mission first, prepare yourself for the persecution and then if you
feel strong enough, march with us into the battle. Our journey is dangerous, risky
and turbulent and death comes easy here. Only the selfless fanatics can march with
us. All others should do dua only.

This is the Constitution of Pakistan's first clause that all laws OUR
mission !! Everything that we do is to achieve this strategic objective
-- enforce in the country will be according to Quran and Sunnah --
the system of Khilafat e Rashida !

This is OUR mission !! Everything that we do is to achieve this strategic objective
-- enforce the Constitution of Pakistan's first clause that all laws in the country will
be according to Quran and Sunnah -- the system of Khilafat e Rashida ! We reject
Democracy, Martial law or any other form of political dispensation. We DO NOT
form political parties nor take part in fake fraud elections which are stage managed
by the corrupt elite.

In the meantime, We defend Pakistan's ideological and physical frontiers in the
information war, educate and prepare a team which has the vision, tenacity,
character and courage to revive our lost glory and then wait for the opportune time
when Allah decides to unfold the written destiny. We have NO role in creating
anarchy. We have all the role in spreading khair and uniting the millat into one

If you agree with this mission and have the courage to take the heat, then welcome.
Be on this battle station and spread the message in your circle of influence and
change YOURSELF first. Your character and courage should speak for you, not
your words.

Khair inshAllah ! Allah will bring khair for this millat when He wishes. We only
surrender ourselves to His supreme will and do our duty.
This is a dangerous development and we reject it !! Pakistan must
protest strongly and NOT surrender to this demand.

This is a dangerous development and we reject it !! Pakistan must protest strongly
and NOT surrender to this demand. When the UN and US are killing Muslims by
the millions, it is strange that they are so worried about few polio cases in Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Syria, where western forces are already involved in mass scale
genocide of Muslims.

There are reports that the Polio vaccine is being imported from India by powerful
politicians and sold to the Ministry of health. That makes it even more dangerous.
Oral vaccine is live virus and these days when there is so much load shedding in
the country, its critical temperatures cannot be maintained, which turn vaccine into
a live time bomb for the children.

We demand that government must answer all these questions before subjecting
each Pakistani traveller to compulsory vaccinations. This issue must be debated at
all levels and patriotic doctors must come forwards to explain why oral vaccine
with live are being given and not injectable which are safer and have dead virus in

This issue must be raised strongly, debated and answers found before we surrender
our freedom even more.

We are doing this mission for almost 3 decades now -- it did not
start 7 years ago !!

This documentary was made 4 years ago almost by Press TV. Here we present it to
you again, especially for the newer members who have no idea about our
background. We are doing this mission for almost 3 decades now -- it did not start
7 years ago !!

Disinformation and lies about our vision for Khilafat e Islamia and
love for Pak Sarzameen.

There are many propagandists who try to spread disinformation and lies about our
vision for Khilafat e Islamia and love for Pak Sarzameen. Every member must hear
this short interview and arm yourself with knowledge. This is critical.

Alhamdolillah, a major breakthrough today !! The largest canvas of
the legal battle is now going to begin inshAllah !

Alhamdolillah, a major breakthrough today !!

we had filed a petition against SAFMA/Geo 3 years ago but Iftikhar Chaudrey had
refused to hear it allowing the media traitors to wage war against Pakistan leading
up to the present crisis.

Today, we have been able to push the Petition in the SC and now it has been
admitted for regular hearing and is being given a formal number and now will be
put up for hearing with notices to the respondents. While army has nailed the
media snakes through the MOD, we will kick their teeth in the SC and in media
inshAllah !

All evidence against Geo/SAFMA will now become part of official record and will
be clubbed with the Media commission report and the reference sent by the ISI to
pemra. The largest canvas of the legal battle is now going to begin inshAllah !

Watch ARY News at 10 PM inshAllah. we are coming live with

Watch ARY News at 10 PM inshAllah. we are coming live with Lucman

The time has come to hold the traitors in media accountable.

Our brief analysis on Khara Sach Tuesday Night !
The time has come to hold the traitors in media accountable.

Supreme Court to hear Treason case against journalists !! The News
headline today :-) alhamdolillah !

Supreme Court to hear Treason case against journalists !! The News headline today
:-) alhamdolillah !
They mock us, make fun of our red cap, try to belittle our mission and duty, make
parodies of us to humiliate this faqeer but the fact remains -- they are most terribly
afraid and nervous that Allah is giving barakah in Mission Takmeel e Pakistan and
we are tightening our grip around the neck of the traitors ! alhamdolillah !
This is a typical sign of idiots - instead of arguing with logic and with wisdom,
they sink down to the levels of jesters, comics and cheapsters trying to mock and
belittle the focussed opponent. Every idiots does that to the idea who time has
Allah is giving barakh in the azaan and now we are a strong voice in shaping the
national security and political profile alhamdolillah ! Even the worst enemies are
forced to take us seriously now -- too late for them though :-)

Now watch this 3 minutes video which would change your entire
perspective on how much we spend on our security in times of war.
It has always been the demand of traitors in media and some politicians to reduce
the defence budget of Pakistan and they have been giving fantastic figures to
support their claims. Here we bust their myth comprehensively.
Just for record, Indian defence budget is almost 10 times higher than Pakistan's !!!
Now watch this 3 minutes video which would change your entire perspective on
how much we spend on our security in times of war.

Today, this Wali leaves for the next world. Please recite Fatiha for
Sheikh Nazim.. May Allah bless his soul with infinite khair. Fi
Aman Allah Ya Sheikh !

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!
Sheikh Nazim Adil Haqqani passes away today in Cyprus. Grand Sheikh of
Naqshband order, he is from the golden chain of Aulia who have been instrumental
in spreading Islam in western world, Turkey, Russia, Central Asia and Far East
with massive following in Pakistan and India also.
I visited Sheikh in 2005 in Cyprus and took his dua. Alhamdolillah, Sheikh gave
us all the love and blessed us with his love. I spent few days in his Masjid and had
the exclusive honour of spending time and eating privately in his company at his
table for many days. He insisted that I should stay with him and move to Syria but
I had duties in Pak Sarzameen and took my leave for the mission we do today.
Today, this Wali leaves for the next world. Please recite Fatiha for Sheikh Nazim..
May Allah bless his soul with infinite khair.
Fi Aman Allah Ya Sheikh !

InshAllah, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, DIN News Debate ---
These are going to be hard hitting battle field azaans against
enemies and a beacon of hope for the nation and armed forces. DO
NOT miss.

InshAllah, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, DIN News Debate, we do hard hitting
programs on deployed biological war against Pakistan under the facade of Polio,
The outcome of battle between army and traitor media, The petition in the supreme
court against SAFMA and what it contains, The battles on the streets of Islamabad
between political parties and the government and the role of army in this chaos,
The launch of Pakistan's nuclear capable missile, expected operation in North
Waziristan against TTP Khawarij and release of CIA/FBI agent by the sessions
court unconditionally.
These are going to be hard hitting battle field azaans against enemies and a beacon
of hope for the nation and armed forces. DO NOT miss. programs will be posted
here too inshAllah, if you do not get DIN news.
Khair inshAllah !

If PEMRA also violates the constitution and its own laws, then we
ask the army to take the matters into its own hands !!

The Debate Friday Night - If PEMRA also violates the constitution and its own
laws, then we ask the army to take the matters into its own hands !! When injustice
becomes law, rebellion becomes a duty !!

Polio is spreading NOT due to lack of immunization but due to the
suspect vaccine!

Shall I share with you a dirty secret Nawaz govt is hiding ?? Polio is spreading
NOT due to lack of immunization but due to the suspect vaccine! Do you know
that in history many times mass vaccination campaigns have gone horribly wrong
causing deaths and paralysis? why the government is not giving us the sources of
vaccine ? what is the gaurentee that the vaccine Cold chain has not been broken in
18 hour loadsheddings ?? why NYT is reporting that children given multiple doses
are contracting polio ??? we need answers. Watch our explosive program tonight
on Debate at 8 PM on DIN news. Do we need more dozes of vaccine or a thorough
analysis if the vaccine handling strategy by the government and WHO? Is a bio
war being waged against Pakistan ?
also, the analysis of Dharna by PTI and PAT and its possible fallouts

Are we facing a bio war for a total genocide of the nation and the
government is party to it ???

Western media is reporting this NOT me. Now answer this !!! Even NY times is
reporting that children given multiple dozes are contracting disease. This MUST be
answered by the government. Then they have the audacity to force us to drink
more Polio drops at airports and even before entering a province !!
Government know of this then why are they silent and not defending Pakistan in
WHO ????? why travel sanctions are being imposed on Pakistan ??? Are we facing
a bio war for a total genocide of the nation and the government is party to it ???
All those snakes who accuse militants of stopping Polio campaign and insist that
more and more drop must be given MUST answer NOW with facts or we will take
them to task for this huge crime !!

Read this !! Even NY times saying that Afghan girl who contracted
polio was given multiple drops of vaccine and then she contracted
the disease !!!!
Read this !! Even NY times saying that Afghan girl who contracted polio was
given multiple drops of vaccine and then she contracted the disease !!!!
!!!!! What is going on !!!! ????? Nation demands answers. Raise this issue
powerfully !

Read this: A scientific paper on great Polio debate in US !! Most of
this is NOT reported by media or the government ...

Read this: A scientific paper on great Polio debate in US !! Most of this is NOT
reported by media or the government due to pressure from the powerful
pharmaceutical mafias. But truth does come out and people chose to ignore it.
Read what the oral vaccine does to children.

The siege of Islamabad under protests and the isolation of Pakistan
under Polio facade.

The dirty reality, the government is paid to hide !!
The siege of Islamabad under protests and the isolation of Pakistan under Polio

Zem TV link. Post strong comments here !

Zem TV link. Post strong comments here !

Iftikhar Chaudrey was directly involved in stage managing the election
procedures and CEC was forced to resign because of that.

Listen to this from the man who was responsible for holding elections. He says it
openly that iftikhar Chaudrey was directly involved in stage managing the election
procedures and CEC was forced to resign because of that. We had said that in our
program last night that former CJ deserve to be put on trial for treason. Here is
another damning evidence against him. The former CJ not just helped rigged the
elections, he also supported the TTP and BLA to destroy Pakistan and also backed
the hostile media like Geo to wage their war against the state. It is time that a
petition be filed against him also. else, divine justice is surely going to be painful.

The entire Council of Complaints of PEMRA consist of anti-army stooges
of Geo !! we will ask army to deploy Baba Bulley Shah doctrine !!!

The entire Council of Complaints of PEMRA consist of anti-army stooges of Geo
!! Dunya News reports and expose the game plan !!
If this is how governemnt and Geo wants to play, then we will ask army to deploy
Baba Bulley Shah doctrine !!!

Mir Shakeel, we HAVE gone to the court & you are the one who is
running away from it. Such a rascal you are

Mir Shakeel, you are such a rascal !
We have already gone to court against you WITH evidence & YOU have been
blocking our petition for 3 years with the help of your pet Thief justice. You
demand that we go to the court because you feel that you can buy judges there or
get the petition delayed. WE HAVE proof of your treason and the whole nation has
seen it. Why ordinary Pakistanis are humiliating you that you are forced to paint
your Vans white and report without your logo for fear of people ???? Is ISI staging
all this ???
You have been waging a war against Pak Sarzameen for years and now even Pak
army and ISI are forced to demand your closure as an enemy mouth piece. Now
you have the shameless audacity to demand that we show tolerance towards your
war against Pak Sarzameen as "difference of opinion" !!! You sunk to the lowest of
the low when your puppy accused me of being a Qadiani, put bohtan on me that I
was trying to create mutiny in the army & you are constantly putting Bohtan on
army and ISI and then you demand that we show mercy towards you ???
See you in court ! This time your Thief Justice is not there to protect you ! Damn
you bloody snake. Time for divine retribution is near now. You are a traitor to
Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen and a slave of Hindu Mushriks and Zionists.
We will deal with you as we deal with Khawarij and Mushriks ! No mercy for you

In 1949 also, Pakistan banned a newspaper on charges of treason !!
When it can be done in 1949, it can be done now too.

In 1949 also, Pakistan banned a newspaper on charges of treason !! Here is the
story. When it can be done in 1949, it can be done now too. No Newspaper is
allowed to damage national security under the faade of freedom of expression or
Mir Shakeel, read this...

Now we beg Allah for a leader who is a General like Salahuddin Ayyubi
and a dervesh like Umer Bin Abdul Aziz at the same time !

Lets say Ameen to this dua of Hazrat Wasif Ali Wasif... we have tested
democracy, we have seen elections, we have seen martial laws, we have seen
judiciary and we have seen the political parties and their leaders. Now we beg
Allah for a leader who is a General like Salahuddin Ayyubi and a dervesh like
Umer Bin Abdul Aziz at the same time ! That leader cannot come through
elections, cannot be brought by the parties or democracy. He will be a gift of Allah
(swt) ! Lets ask Allah (swt) as now we are tired of this filth called democracy and

The Debate English -- Politics of protests & the sinister aspect of the
Polio campaign ! Debate Sunday Night.

The Debate English -- Politics of protests & the sinister aspect of the Polio
campaign ! Debate Sunday Night.

Lets attack this bio war scientifically. we need to know the facts

This is a 14 minutes clip of the Polio segment that we did.
Team, do more research and dig out the truth even more. If you have any idea as
to where the vaccine is being imported from, who are the importers, any more
details on research on live polio vuris and oral drops etc , then let us know. send
me a private email and share the knowledge here also if you wish. lets attack this
bio war scientifically. we need to know the facts urgently.

Do you know that Bill Gates polio program and Monsanto's food
genocide programs are all connected ? Bill Gates also own
Monsanto !!

Bill Gates is saying it. Hear it yourself. Do you know that Bill Gates polio program
and Monsanto's food genocide programs are all connected ? Bill Gates also own
Monsanto !! Bill Gates father was in population Control program and so is bill
gates now !
Pakistan's Polio program is funded by Bill Gates. Hear what the Russian have to
say about it. This is NOT TTP propaganda. This is Bill Gates speaking on Russian
Only the fools ignore the signs at their own peril !

This is Tribune !! In the PPP time, the inspection commision of the
PM had found that vaccine is causing deaths and disease !! Is
Pakistan facing a Bio war ?? We need answers !!!

This is Tribune !! In the PPP time, the inspection commision of the PM had found
that vaccine is causing deaths and disease !!
Now what would those idiots say who are accusing us of spreading fear and
disinformation ??
The issue needs serious debate and answers. We will NOT accept the government
version blindly. Only yesterday, the Health department has finally said (after our
program) that giving more than 2 drop of vaccine can be dangerous !!! The
government is feeling the heat.
each one of you can contribute to build pressure. if you have elders in media or
government or are doctors, you must rise and demand answers to the questions we
have raised.
Where is vaccine coming from ?
What is the guarantee that Cold Chain is NOT broken ?
What is the dosage ?? why multiple dozes are being given to children?
why are 78 % children contracting disease are those who were given multiple
dozes ?? Is vaccine tainted ??
Why Oral vaccine is being given which has live virus and have a high rate of
causing Polio??
Why Bill Gates is funding who is known to be a believer of reducing population
and controlled deaths and also believe in GMO crops for population controls ? Is
Pakistan facing a Bio war ??
We need answers !!!
We owe it to our future generations that we save and record the
history of how our forefathers created this Pak Sarzameen through
a sea of fire and blood.

Dear Members, we had posted about Azaan TV earlier. They are working on a
project to document the history of making of Pakistan and interview those elders
who have seen creation of Pakistan. we support this project and want you to
contribute to the cause. You can read details on the site. Jazak Allah to all of you.
we owe it to our future generations that we save and record the history of how our
forefathers created this Pak Sarzameen through a sea of fire and blood. Jazak
Allah. ZH.
Following is a message from Adeel.
"Just to remind you that i requested for 2 kinds of support. 1) I wanted access to
elderly people who can give video interview to me and share their personal stories
of migration plus pre partition situation in India that they witnessed. 2) I required
some support in the production cost of these interviews.The original production
cost per interview is more than Rs.10 000 but i requested for Rs.5000.
It will be very kind of you if you can remind your fans to support in the sponsor
part specially.I have sponsor of about 18 interviews up to this date.Their support
will make this work easier for me.My target is 100 interviews by August this
Anyone who wishes to support may call me on my number 0333 228 7841
Adeel Arif

Now the butcher of Gujarat and Butcher of Kashmir take power in
Mushrik Hindu State. Time for Pakistan to load its guns and crush
the snakes within our own ranks.

BJP wins in India ! New Indian army Chief appointed in India who is also known
as butcher of Kashmir. Now the butcher of Gujarat and Butcher of Kashmir take
power in Mushrik Hindu State. Time for Pakistan to load its guns and crush the
snakes within our own ranks. If these snakes want war, By Allah, they will get a
befitting response !
InshAllah, tonight on DIN News, we do a comprehensive analysis of Indian
elections, war of the nation against Geo and the future of this filthy dirty
democracy !!! Khair inshAllah !

IK wants midterms elections. Dr. TUQ wants to become caretaker
PM. Modi brings war to Asia. Debate Friday Night.

The politics of agitation and the rise of Hindu Zionists !!
Our Candid analysis of policies of IK and Dr. TUQ. Also, Karachi's
urban war and its final solution.

Our fair and candid analysis of policies of IK and Dr. TUQ.
Karachi's urban war and its solutions as the biggest snake Geo comes down to its
knees !
khair inshAllah !

Youtube link of Debate Saturday Night -- Policies of Dr. TUQ and IK and
Karachi's urban war.

Youtube link of Debate Saturday Night -- Policies of Dr. TUQ and IK and
Karachi's urban war.

Debate Sunday Night -- who will bring Dr. TUQ to power ??

The Debate english Sunday Night. Post strong comments on Zem TV site.
My only question is : If Dr. TUQ wants to implement his agenda, he will need full
absolute total powers in his hand and that he cannot have through elections. So
elections are out of questions for PAT.
Army must stage a coup and then bring Dr. TUQ. I do not see any chance of that.
Street power should over throw the government and then the people bring him into
power as sultan/President/ameer whatever. That seems to be the plan but how?
He is taking about changing the constitution and that cannot be done while staying
within the constitution. How our dear Dr. sahib plan to take absolute powers in his
hands?? Street power can bring governments down but cannot form them. Egypt is
a classic recent case. Tehreer square has been wasted -- all the sacrifices, all the
shaheeds, all the demand for a revolution went to waste because ordinary people
can bring governments down but CANNOT make governments !
This is an honest inquiry and would like mature decent answers to this without
getting involved in too much of emotionalism or harsh retorts. Pl only comment if
you can make decent posts. Jazak Allah.

The fact remains that to bring any real change, the Constitution has to
be changed, re-written and applied through force of an organized state

We are talking about future of Pakistan here. It is time that we debate and discuss
all aspects seriously before taking blind plunges into chaos. When we differ on
political strategies, it does not mean we are enemies. There is khair in discussing
matter which affect the Ummah and millat.
If you read the comments below on the post about the strategy of dear Dr. TUQ to
bring the change, it is clear that massive confusion exist on how would that change
come. This is the problem -- the strategy to bring the change is not defined. For
some are saying that army should bring him into power. This is not possible.
some feel that 5 million people on streets can bring him into power. This means
massive levels of bloodshed would be required, like in hundreds of thousands dead
in street battles before the group can justify its claim to power. In Iran, nearly a
hundred thousand had died on the streets before the army staged a coup in favour
of Khomaini and removed Shah. To be honest, I do not feel PAT or even the
country is ready for such levels of violence especially when we are already in a
state of deep war with Modi rising in the East as well.
some say that Dr. sb do not want to change constitution. This is not correct also.
The fact is that when you change the political system from parliamentary
democracy to Presidential type and make 36 provinces, then you HAVE to change
the constitution. To change the constitution, either you need 2/3 majority in the
parliament through democracy OR you need to be a military dictator ! Both these
qualities Dr. sahib dont have. To take power through army or street protests is also
unconstitutional. The fact remains that to bring any real change, the Constitution
has to be changed, re-written and applied through force of an organized state
To all new members, we would refer them to read our book "Khilafate e Rashida".
It is on the net and deals with changing the system of Pakistan, just as we all want.
The fact is that no organized change can come without full support of the army.
Even elections cannot be held without army. even coup cannot be staged without
army. Even a street revolution cannot succeed without the help of the army. The
only organized, stable change can come if we form a Technocratic Caretaker
government to change the clean the system in the next 3 years and then march on
the new road that we carve for ourselves. New elections, Tehreer square or even
democracy even with 62,63 applied, CANNOT change the system.
System change can only be brought by a dignified Sultan and benevolent dictator
and General like Salahuddin who has the respect of the nation and the strength of
the army behind him. Scholars can advice such a General/Leader/Sultan but the
sword would be in the hands of Sultan not scholars !
Imam Abu Haneefa would NEVER make a General despite the knowledge that he
had. Allah had defined roles for all Muslims. Even Quaid could never become
Allama Iqbal nor Baba Iqbal could become Quaid. This understanding of role and
duty is also critical especially when a bloody war is raging within the country and
Ghazwa e Hind is knocking on our doors.
This is the opinion of this faqeer. Only Allah knows best.
Khair inshAllah! Labbaik Ghaze a Hind !

Welcome Modi ! We wait for you eagerly ready to remind you that we
ruled over you for a 1000 years and will rule again inshAllah till the end
of time !

Welcome Modi ! Now your filthy presence has ignited the spirit of Qasim,
Ghaznavi, Ghauri and Abdali in us. We wait for you eagerly ready to remind you
that we ruled over you for a 1000 years and will rule again inshAllah till the end of
time ! But this time, we will NOT take prisoners from your RSS gangs !
To our members we say, prepare yourself in any ways you can. Read our book
from Indus to Oxus. It will be a profound course for you in how wars are fought
and how nations are tested. Mental and spiritual strength would be far more
important than physical power. Keep yourself physically fit, learn to use any
weapon which you can and stand united with pak army for the time when the final
battle of Ghazwa e Hind begins. Alhamdolillah, we are ready !
Now we have to kill the information warfare terrorists Geo and the
urban gangs of Karachi.

Alhamdolillah, army, FC and patriotic Baluch tribes are hunting the BLA snakes
all over Baluchistan. While TTP Khawarij are being crushed in FATA, the BLA
snakes are also being eliminated. Now we have to kill the information warfare
terrorists Geo and the urban gangs of Karachi. InshAllah, once these snakes are
neutralized fully, we can focus on the Zionist threat on the East.
May Allah give barakah to pak army and the patriots who are now fighting back
fiercely to reclaim our beloved Pak Sarzameen.
These are great news alhamdolillah !!

Our war against hostile media started many many years ago NOT today!
Today, we are only implementing the decisions unfolded by Allah (swt).

For years, we had been warning the media to behave ! Our war against hostile
media started many many years ago NOT today! Today, we are only implementing
the decisions unfolded by Allah (swt). Geo and the traitor journalists cannot say
that they were not warned. they were given enough time to repent but now this is
the time for punishment ! Death to Geo !

This is a very important article by a renowned British writer on
Narender Modi. Pakistanis must read it...

This is a very important article by a renowned British writer on Narender Modi.
Pakistanis must read it to know the real snake Modi is and what is coming for
Muslims of India now.
just one quote from this article will give you shivers for the Muslims in India.
Their fate is now in Allah's hands.
"Like the Phalange in Lebanon, the RSS was founded in direct imitation of
European fascist movements, and like its 1930s fascist models it still makes much
of daily parading in khaki drill and the giving of militaristic salutes: the RSS salute
differs from that of the Nazis only in the angle of the arm, which is held
horizontally over the chest.
The RSS sees this as an attempt to create a corps of dedicated paramilitary zealots
who, so the theory goes, will form the basis of a revival of a golden age of national
strength and racial purity. The BJP was founded as the political wing of the RSS
and most senior BJP figures have an RSS background, holding posts in both
The RSS and the BJP both believe, as the centre-piece of their ideology, that India
is in essence a Hindu nation and that minorities, especially Muslims, may live in
India only if they acknowledge this.
Madhav Golwalkar, the early RSS leader still known simply as the Guru, was
the man who formulated the outlines of the RSS world-view and looked directly to
the Nazi thinkers of 1930s Germany.
He took particular inspiration from Hitlers treatment of German religious
To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by
her purging of its Semitic Race, the Jews, Golwalkar wrote admiringly in 1938.
Race pride at its highest has been manifested there. Germany has also shown how
well-nigh impossible it is for Races and cultures having differences going to the
root to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to
learn and profit by . . .
The foreign races in Hindustan must either adopt the Hindu culture and language,
must learn to respect and hold in reverence the Hindu religion, must entertain no
ideas but those of glorification of the Hindu race and culture . . .
or may stay in the country wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming
nothing, deserving no privileges, far less any preferential treatment not even
citizens rights.
During Partition, the RSS was responsible for many of the worst atrocities against
Muslims, and it was a former RSS swayamsevak, Nathuram Godse, who
assassinated Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 for pandering to the minorities.

Bite the dust Mir Shakeel !! Pemra suspends licence of Geo. InshAllah,
soon will be cancelled permanently. Glory be to Allah !

Bite the dust Mir Shakeel !! Pemra suspends licence of Geo. InshAllah, soon will
be cancelled permanently. Glory be to Allah ! first victory but we will NOT rest till
we get Geo banned permanently and all its management arrested and prosecuted
for crimes against Pak Sarzameen.
MashAllah, Mubarak !!The battle which this faqeer started 7 years ago against
hostile media, Safma and Geo is now bearing fruit and destroying the enemies of
Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen. Shukar alf Marra !!
For the last seven years, this faqeer faced most ruthless persecution, murder cases,
cases in all major cities, allegations of blasphemy, betrayals within ranks and even
by friends, faced economic blockade and isolation in media -- still the desperate
and determined band of patriots fought on alone, isolated, abandoned. We were
tested to the extreme !!! It was dangerous to be with us and people started to keep
Then help from Allah came, alhamdolillah !!! We can only say Shukar !!
Stand United, stand firm. We have many more battles to fight !! Job is NOT done

This video is our charge sheet against the crimes of Geo and SAFMA.

Our battle against Geo and SAFMA is our battle for the heart and soul of Pakistan.
Losing this war is not an option. Pakistan was a sacred ideology much before it
became the blessed land. We will defend the ideology as fiercely as we defend this
Pak sarzameen. This video is our charge sheet against the crimes of Geo and

Youth like you, students of colleges and universities, there ishq and
junoon, dedication and struggle in the leadership of Baba Quaid made it
Youth like you, students of colleges and universities, there ishq and junoon,
dedication and struggle in the leadership of Baba Quaid made it possible.

Never forget what history has taught us. Watch these glimpses of past
and see what happened, how and why Pakistan was the only option.
Never forget what history has taught us. Watch these glimpses of past and see what
happened, how and why Pakistan was the only option.

All the Muslims specially youth unanimously chose Quaid as their one
true leader and each one became soldier of Tehreek e Pakistan.
All the Muslims specially youth unanimously chose Quaid as their one true leader
and each one became soldier of Tehreek e Pakistan. Millions sacrificed their lives,
honor, property for this sacred land now you call home.

All of us are indebted to our ancestors who made this dream of Allama
Iqbal possible. We cannot forget, we cannot rest, we cannot give up.
We were losing our identity back then also, like today, many of us stand confused
and ask 'why did we make Pakistan'. See why....

Have fatih, have courage, get connected to Rasul Allah SAW and be
prepared to do your duty for Pakistan.

These were the dreams our ancestors saw and gave everything for. Now its our
duty to make them come true. Have fatih, have courage, get connected to Rasul
Allah SAW and be prepared to do your duty for Pakistan.

A weapon worth dying for or rather worth killing Modi for :))

From the heated battles against Geo in media and in courts to the battles on ground
by the Pak army and PAF against Khawarij, the entire Pakistan is now focussed on
these epic struggles for heart and soul of Pakistan. But amongst all this chaos and
crisis, I found this very interesting news and thought to lighten up your moods with
this very interesting clip -- Pakistan made guns are getting popular in US !! :-)
MashAllah, this is a solid testimony of the quality of defence productions in our
beloved Pak sarzameen. From this MP5 "pistol":-) to JF 17 thunders Al-Khalid
battle tanks to Ghauri nuclear missiles, alhamdolilah, Pak sarzameen is the pride of
the Ummah!
In Pakistan, we call this weapon MP5 submachine gun firing 9mm rounds. For the
export model, the long Butt has been removed, it has been made semi-auto to make
it a "pistol" . As you can see, Butt can be added externally and with little
modificaiton to the selector switch, this 'semi auto pistol" can be made an
automatic machine gun, as we use in Pak army here :-)
enjoy this great intro to this very good weapon from POF :-) A weapon worth
dying for or rather worth killing Modi for :))

Prepare yourself spiritually and physically for the times ahead. You are
the future of Pakistan.

Prepare yourself spiritually and physically for the times ahead. You are the future
of Pakistan. Always remember the words of our Quaid: 'Do your duty and have
faith in God. There is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan!' InshaAllah!
People want us to do practical work :-) Do you know what Azaan really
is ??

People want us to do practical work :-) They think reviving a nation from deep
slumber and total ignorance is not "practical" work. This is what we do we give
azaan. Do you know what Azaan really is ??

Pakistan to be re-modeled on the sacred template of Khilafat e Rashida
in all spheres of life Political, Economic, Judicial, Social and Military.

Pakistan to be re-modeled on the sacred template of Khilafat e Rashida in all
spheres of life Political, Economic, Judicial, Social and Military. Pakistan would
neither be western democracy nor totalitarian dictatorship but an enacted model of
Khilafat e Rashida in all spheres of life.The institutions, norms and statutes of this
land must be informed solely by the Holy Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas (in that
order of validity).

Salam and dua. Alhamdolillah, I am in Tehran attending a conference
on Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) with special focus on use of Muslim media
and cinema in responding to the blasphemy and false allegations of
Zionists in the western world.

Dear children, members,

Salam and dua. Alhamdolillah, I am in Tehran attending a conference on Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) with special focus on use of Muslim media and cinema in
responding to the blasphemy and false allegations of Zionists in the western world.
This is an important conference where Muslims from all over the world as well as
good Christians are present and new projects in managing the media perceptions
are being discussed. Meeting some great people here especially in Iranian cinema,
who are making some serious films on life of Sayyadi Rasul Allah, and this faqeer
is representing the Pak
Sarzameen in this global forum.

Shall upload details later when we return as internet access is extremely limited in
Iran. FB, twitter and all social media video sites are blocked. I cannot even access
FB even with a proxy :-) and now our BT team would be managing the page for a

We have not recorded The Debate on DIN news for this week as we were
travelling. So, no new episodes this week. People were concerned. Now you know
the reason :-)

Stay blessed and take care of Pak Sarzameen in our absence. We are here on an
important mission of creating a Muslim media platform to defend our faith,
ideology and all that is sacred to us. InshAllah khair will come out of this visit.

As Baba Iqbal had wished "if Tehran can become the Geneva of the East (where
Muslims gather to discuss important issues), it might change the destiny of the
world" .

With love and dua from Tehran.

This conference is a great initiative in developing Muslim cinema to
counter the rubbish propaganda against Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)

Dreams are not the ones we see while we sleep but dreams are those
goals we spent our whole lives achieving.Be the Banda-e-Azad of Baba

Dreams are not the ones we see while we sleep but dreams are those goals we
spent our whole lives achieving. We dream of the Pakistan of Quroon-e-Aula, a
state modelled on the Islamic system of Medina Munawara. As youth it is your
contribution to the country to become the finest citizens of Pakistan. Learn
sciences and technology to make Pakistan stronger and gain spiritual knowledge
also to build your character. Be the Banda-e-Azad of Baba Iqbal!

Why Pakistan had to go nuclear? It is our nuclear potential which
prevents any future East Pakistan for us. Never again, InshaAllah.

Why Pakistan had to go nuclear? Because India was already waging an existential
war against Pakistan, had already attacked and dismembered East Pakistan and was
planning a total war on the remaining West Pakistan. Read what their own people
have to say about this. It is our nuclear potential which prevents any future East
Pakistan for us. Never again, InshaAllah.

The only reason Pakistan is still standing, strong and united is due to the blessing
of Allah (swt) that Pakistan has a strong army armed with nuclear weapons,
deployed and ready to use. For the Eastern front we have deployed Ghaznavis,
Ghauris and Shaheen to teach some manners to the Hindu Banya. Our concern is
the internal 4th GW under this most corrupt and treacherous regime. InshaAllah,
that will be taken care of too.

Our message to the enemies on East and West: Do not mess with us! Pakistan is
not Somalia, we are not Iraq and we will never ever become Yugoslavia,
InshaAllah! Our nuclear weapons are here for our protection and we have the will,
courage, capability and the intention to annihilate all those who plan a Somalia,
Iraq or Yugoslavia fate or us. By Allah, we will respond harshly. To hell with
Aman Ki Asha! Those who are spreading these sinister Indian psy-ops will be dealt
according to the Islamic law in due course. We have not forgotten nor forgiven
Indias crimes or their intentions in 1947, in Kashmir, in Gujarat or in East
Pakistan. It is Pakistan which is here to stay. There is no power on earth which can
undo Pakistan now, alhamdolillah!! To all Pakistanis and Muslim Ummah, Youm e
Takbeer Mubarak!!

Today, the time has come to fulfill other Ahadees of Rasul Allah (sm)
on Ghazwa Hind !The time has come. Be part of this amazing destiny !

For 900 years, Muslims built military expeditions against Constantinople based on
a Hadees of Rasul Allah (sm).

Today, the time has come to fulfill other Ahadees of Rasul Allah (sm) on Ghazwa
Hind !

The time has come. Be part of this amazing destiny !

This is the paper we presented at the Conference in Tehran on
defending the honor of Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm).

This is the paper we presented at the Conference in Tehran on defending the honor
of Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) using literature and Media. Here we share it with you
as well.

It is reported that all Afghan sultans who used to invade India for
Ghazwa e Hind would always pay their respects here first before
launching their attacks on India.

Visit to Mashad is always most fascinating. The Muqam of Imam Raza is a revered
place for both Sunnis and Shias. For the first 800 years, this muqam was being
taken care of by Sunnis. In the last 400 years when the safavi dynasty came to Iran,
then the caretakers became Shias but both sects love and respect this great Imam
from ahl e Bayt.

Do you know that Khalifa Haroon Rasheed is also buried next to Imam Reza right
here ?? Though Caliph Haroon had died earlier than Imam Raza and was buried
here, his son Mamoon ur Rasheed decided to bury Imam Raza next to him and now
both Imam Raza and Haroon ur Rasheed are buried at the same place next to each

It is reported that all Afghan sultans who used to invade India for Ghazwa e Hind
would always pay their respects here first before launching their attacks on India.
Mehmuud Ghaznavi is said to have come here 17 times -- every time he attacked

Most of the buildings are almost 1000 years old with most incredible artwork
imaginable. A true historical treasure. Stunning to the core.

The complex is almost as large as Haram Makkah with multiple galleries of
treasures within it. The Books library with over 100,000 hand written manuscripts
is one of the largest collection of Islamic hand written books from the last 1400
years! The Quran library has over 13,000 rare hand written Qurans from the last
1400 years starting from the first Usmani Quran written by Hazrat Usman. The
intensity of these treasures is stunning indeed once you get to see them.

There is a graveyard here as well where many famous people are buried. Including
General Musa Khan, governor of Baluchistan. Raja Sahib Mehmood abad, a close
friend of Quaid e Azam and a founding father of Pakistan movement is also here.

You must have heard the name of old and historical city of Ray. Ray is actually
next door to Tehran and now almost consumed within the Tehran limits. Tehran is
a comparatively new city, about 150 years old but Ray is since Persian empire

Iran a true treasure house and there is no doubt that they have preserved these
treasure with great love and care for the entire Ummah. Every Muslim can visit
these libraries, museums and relive the history.

Alhamdolillah, visiting these place is always a sublime journey through time,
connects you to your history and culture and reminds you that only the Aulia Allah
and Mujahids are the ones who have truly lived their lives though each and every
person is just a mortal in this temporal world.

With love and dua

ZH, travelling on the dusty trails of history.. searching for the footprints of those
who created it...

Pak army has surrounded the enemies and now the final clean-up has
begun. Stand united and stand firm with Pak army and fiercely attack
anyone who tries to create doubts.

Now this is what Pak army is going to do now. Talks with Khawarij led by the
idiotic govt have collapsed. There is a clear division within the enemy. Pak army
has surrounded the enemies and now the final clean-up has begun. Army Chief has
told the government that now army will not wait.

Let us make it very clear -- North Waziristan or any other part of the country
WILL NOT separate from Pakistan because Pak army wants to crush the Khawarij.
Those who spread such lies are either useful fools or deliberate enemies but NOT
our friends. If we do not crush the Khawarij, only then there is threat to the millat
and the State.

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has already passed the final verdict on Khawarij -- it is
death through sword and NO mercy to these dogs of hell !! Pak army will only
implement this judgement from Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

Stand united and stand firm with Pak army and fiercely attack anyone who tries to
create doubts. We are in war and creating doubts is an unforgiving crime.

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !

Pak army will liberate Palestine and Al-Quds. This is mentioned in
Hadees But we will NOT do it as planned by HT or MEMRI Jewish

On the surface this seems a very emotional video. It is indeed. But Muslims must
be aware of the plans and plots of the enemies.

Hizb Tehreer is a dangerous organization based in UK and do not accept the
ideology of Pakistan, Quaid, Iqbal and two nations theory and ideologically is
aligned with Khawarij, though it is not picked up arms as yet. It wants to bring
coup in Pakistan within army. It has hijacked the concept of Khilafat without the
spiritual dimension of Khilafat or Khalifa and remains identical to Khawarij in this
aspect. Ayman Zawihiri also demands Khilafat ! so demanding Khilafat does not
make an org pious or pure.

No one knows its leadership, cadre or funding and it is a secret shadowy
organization which has worked very hard to destroy Mission Takmeel e Pakistan
and BrassTacks in Pakistan. When we brought out the concept of Khilafat e
Rashida model of government and presented an alternate model to bring about this
change, HT became extremely hostile to our mission and till date remains so.
Anyone against our Mission is either a fool or an enemy no friend can deny the
critical nature of our work.

The website which is promoting this is an Israeli site. It means that Israel is
promoting HT and wants it to take the leadership of Muslims over the issue of
Khilafat hijacking the entire movement. In Palestine, where Muslims cannot even
hold Juma prayers without the permission from Israel, how could HT get
permission from Israel for this rally without any interference from Jewish forces ?

The crowd is ordinary Palestinians and they are indeed passionate about Islam,
Pakistan and Pak army. This is the only khair that has come out of this drama
created by the HT/Israel that ordinary Palestinian Muslims are now fully
demanding Pak army to come and liberate Palestine and love and respect of Pak
army has increased in their eyes of ordinary Palestinian Muslims.

They plot and plan and Allah also plot and plan. Indeed Allah is the best of the

Khair inshAllah. Now watch the video InshAllah, one day , Pak army will liberate
Palestine and Al-Quds. This is mentioned in Hadees after Ghazwa e Hind
inshAllah ! But we will NOT do it as planned by HT or MEMRI Jewish site. We
do it when Allah wills.

A damning indictment of Geo by Najam sethi himself.The traitors
openly accepting their crimes here. Must watch and curse them even

This is a must watch clip from today's Aapas Ki baat ! a damning indictment of
Geo by Najam sethi himself.

hear him carefully.. we have explained his words in brackets. what he is saying is
that :

Najam accept that they were wrong in underestimating the power of army. He says
what they did (attack army) was correct but timings were wrong. They should have
waited (to make army more weaker).

He said that they had expected that nexus between media (Geo) and Judicairy
(Iftikhar Chaudrey gang) was strong but they were wrong. That Judiciary is now
silent and in newspapers (Jang/News) which used to have anti-army news regularly
but now all papers are silent !! He tries to threaten the army saying that in the long
run, Geo will make a comeback and army will suffer though now Geo is taking the

their panic and nervousness is too visible. Loved every bit of it alhamdolillah.
There is no shame or remorse in what he says just regret that they chose wrong
timings to attack army when army was not weak enough.

The traitors openly accepting their crimes here. Must watch and curse them even

Unless spiritual forces are not on your side, we cannot win any battle,
any war !

This is a 7 years old program ! How spiritual forces change Geo-politics and war
strategy ! This is a two part program. Find the second program on net as well. You
must watch and arm yourself with knowledge that unless spiritual forces are not on
your side, we cannot win any battle, any war ! An amazing subject, never
discussed before on Pak media.

How spiritual forces change Geo-politics and war strategy !

Both programs of spiritual forces uploaded on Tune for members in Pakistan or
where youtube is blocked. Watch these amazing dimensions to know how spiritual
forces shape geo-politics.

Alhamdolillah, landed back in Pak Sarzameen last night after a hectic
visit of Iran and "somewhere" else ;-)( that's a secret :-)

Alhamdolillah, landed back in Pak Sarzameen last night after a hectic visit of Iran
and "somewhere" else ;-)( that's a secret :-)

The news of the arrest of that fat toad in London was the icing on the cake of this
wonderful journey. Shall share the details of the Iran visit later inshAllah. We shall
be doing Debate this week inshAllah, though fatigue factor is now setting in and I
desperately need some rest. But khair inshAllah !

As I write, a fierce battle is going on in Bajaur, where a huge attack by the RAW
backed Khawarij is being repulsed by Pak army, hitting them even inside
Afghanistan once the snakes retreated back into their sanctuaries in Kunar.

Just after 2 days when we left Tehran, a massive sand storm struck the city killing
many people. It was as if it was waiting for us to leave and then came in charging.
We saw the pics later. Enough to put fear of God into any heart. May Allah have
mercy upon us all always.

So, we are back in the HQ, on our battle station and will be going out all guns
blazing as the millat faces its finals tests these days.

Khair inshAllah and indeed, there is NO place like home and there is NO country
like Pak Sarzameen :-)so glad to be home. Our plants missed us and so does Maxi,
our black Labrador, and our ducks and chickens too :-) Found a new Siamese cat in
the house, which kids had found lost in the street and she and the little "chooza"
are trying to be friends with each other. I hope she does not treat the chooza like a
chicken nugget :-)

and indeed we missed taking sniper shots at Geo and enemies of Pak Sarzameen :-)
Now we will do that in Debate inshAllah :-)

Indian army propaganda film is being released in Pakistan on June
6th.All patriots MUST resist this shameful attack on Pak sarzameen.

Indian army propaganda film is being released in Pakistan on June 6th. Another
attack on our dignity, honour and faith by the enemies within our ranks. All
patriots MUST resist this shameful attack on Pak sarzameen. Set the social media
ablaze, protest, demand its blockade, write to government, PEMRA, film censor
boards and arrange peaceful sit in's outside the filming halls. DO NOT break law.
Remain decent but show your love for Pak Sarzameen and Pak army. This is least
we can do for now before we hang the traitors one day inshAllah !

Alhamdolillah have just recorded 3 powerful programs of The Debate
for Friday, Sat, Sunday.

Alhamdolillah have just recorded 3 powerful programs of The Debate for Friday,
Sat, Sunday. From arrest of Altaf Hussain to urban war in Karachi, from attacks by
khawarij in bajaur to Army operation in N. Waziristan, from Nawaz Sharifs India
visit to Geos war against Pakistan, from Russian helicopter sale to Pakistan to
grand political alliance against the govt, the entire spectrum of threats has been
candidly analysed on Din News.

The final battle will be in Karachi ! Debate Friday Night !

The final battle will be in Karachi !

Debate Friday Night !

The Debate Saturday night, Pakistan Army's final battles against the
Khawarij and the hostile media.

The Debate Saturday night, Pakistan Army's final battles against the Khawarij and
the hostile media.

Vimeo link ! Debate Saturday Night.

Vimeo link ! Debate Saturday Night.

The Debate English -- Sunday Night -- Altaf Hussian, Nawaz visit to India
and War against TTP by Pak army
The Debate English -- Sunday Night DIN News.

As expected, Karachi exploded !When Qisas is not implemented,
terrorists are released and judges auction the justice, this is what the
millat gets. We asked for it.

As expected, Karachi exploded ! airport under attack, many planes burning, close
quarter battle going on.... This is the urban war we had warned against with MQM
and TTP playing active role as urban insurgents and collaborators of the enemies.

Our contact within MQM were sending us dangerous signals that they plan to burn
Karachi and take revenge from the Pakistani state now. We had warned 2 days agi
in debate that Karachi is about to explode.

There is NO way this government can control the crisis. Army will have to take
over the city and hunt down the terrorists ruthlessly, including from all political
parties. When Qisas is not implemented, terrorists are released and judges auction
the justice, this is what the millat gets. We asked for it. We are being punished now
from Allah (swt) for our collective rebellion. khair inshAllah !

Indian weapons found on the terrorists killed at the airport !! It is time
for accountability of the Hindu Mushriks as well !!

Indian weapons found on the terrorists killed at the airport !! It is time for
accountability of the Hindu Mushriks as well !! We have been saying all along that
RAW is funding and supporting all terrorism in Pakistan. It is time for a payback !!

Once again Pak media has proven that it cannot be trusted with
responsibility to stand with the nation and the armed forces in times of
war. Shame a million on this media....

Now, after wasting precious months and allowing the terrorists to escape all over
the country, the government is considering breaking off the drama of peace talks
with Khawarij and launch military operation against their bases ! We had warned
way back in January that peace talks will fail ultimately and the government must
not allow the Khawarij to regroup but the idiots did not listen. Now after taking so
much of losses, the government is finally thinking about the military operation. If
there is blood spilling on Pakistani streets, there is hand of Nawaz shareef, Imran
Khan, Munawar Hasan and Sami ul Haq in it as well. They defended the Khawarij
when we could have crushed them way back and now Pakistan bleeds !! Tauba
astaghfar !

Once again, you saw the most stupid, crazy and insane role of the media, helping
the terrorists and exposing the positions of the troops, giving out wrong
informations all the time, spreading lies, rumours and disinformation in their wild
race for ratings ! Once again Pak media has proven that it cannot be trusted with
responsibility to stand with the nation and the armed forces in times of war. Shame
a million on this media....

MQM involved in attack on airport and both TTP and MQM have Indian
handlers !

Pl read again slowly this time. If anyone has any problem with the credibility of
the news, you may call DG Rangers direct. We know this to be true. MQM
involved in attack on airport and both TTP and MQM have Indian handlers !

we will ruthlessly block all MQM and TTP sympathisers.

In October 2013, Rangers had found Indian weapons in MQM offices.
Now the attack on the airport and same weapons prove the links.

In October 2013, Rangers had found Indian weapons in MQM offices. Now the
attack on the airport and same weapons prove the links. If DG Rangers have given
this statement, it has a background to it. Read yourself and stop being an idiot for
God sake !

Allah have NEVER proven this Faqeer wrong. NEVER, alhamdolillah.
There is NO definition of truth except that the words of a truthful man
is truth !!!!

To all members of the page who are new and still have doubts on my opinion,
analysis and views, I would like to say the following.

When you talk about Einstein, you accept and respect that he is one of the most
recognised mathematician and physicist of the time. You don't give your opinion
which contradicts Einstein theory of relativity unless you have some qualifications
to match his. Right ? Only an idiot would argue with such a mathematical genius
without having requisite knowledge. So we are good here.

All around us, we have specialists, scholars, alims, who are known to be authority
in their fields. We respect their works, accept their contribution and remain very
careful when we argue with them as our own knowledge is little in front of them.
Respecting the elders and their knowledge and experience is part of our faith.

Alhamdolillah, in our field of defence and security analysis, Allah has blessed this
Faqeer a special gift which makes us different from other analysts and intellectuals.
The work I do today is backed by an experience and knowledge of almost 28 years
-- much more than the entire age of most of the children here. Allah has shown me
the world, have met people, have travelled distances and have seen history being
created and destroyed. Have NOT spent my life in a library or home to know what
Allah has blessed today. It is NOT arrogance but utter humility when I say that
what Allah shows this faqeer, none of you can ever see. It is for this reason, we do
the duty we do and this duty is not given to you or to anyone else you know.

Geo-politics, wars, international relations, diplomacy, propaganda warfare and
psy-ops are complicated dangerous subjects. You can never learn them even in a
lifetime without the fazal of Allah (swt). we give you a crash course in these
complex subjects and you react violently heaping insults at us ! whose loss is it ??
your, not mine.

So, when we give you an analysis, opinion or view, DO NOT reject it like ignorant
people. Think over it, ponder over it, ask mature questions if you do not understand
it and show respect to an elder at least. I am 50 years of age and have to take lots of
abuses and insults from kids who are so lost in life that they do not know even
know the spellings of adab, still I have to treat them like my own children as they
are part of us and this millat.

Allah have NEVER proven this Faqeer wrong. NEVER, alhamdolillah. People
took time to understand what we say or they took time to see the proofs but those
who trusted us knew that there is khair in trusting us when there is so much lies
and confusions all around.

I ask nothing from you. NOT one of you can claim that I have demanded funds,
benefits, perks or status from you. It does not matter to us if you respect us to reject
us, we will still do our duty but by rejecting us, you will only harm yourself. don't
do that. Else, its your fate, your life, your naseeb.

before you question what this faqeer says, judge yourself -- are you qualified to
even disagree let alone challenge what we say ??

A person is known by the life he leads. There is NO definition of truth except that
the words of a truthful man is truth !!!! If you do not trust this faqeer, no amount of
evidence will convince you. If you trust this faqeer, you do not need evidence to
verify it. In any case, this mission do not need you. You need this mission and Pak

Allah will NOT deploy idiots, arrogants and beyadabs with us. If you don't like us,
unlike the page. But if you want to stay, stay with decency, dignity and adab.
Those who are incorrigibles, will be dealt with severely. Those with adab, shall
gain khair inshAllah.

Allah will get His job done any ways. You will see it very soon. If you are
beyadab, you will not be part of it. that would be the real tragedy for you. so Be
careful here.

Jazak Allah again.


Why do I say that MQM is also heavily involved in the attack ??

Why do I say that MQM is also heavily involved in the attack ??

We must keep this in mind that both MQM and TTP are controlled by RAW. Both
orgs may appear to be enemies of each other in words etc, but in reality are
collaborators, allies and assets of each other. MQM has NEVER really harmed
TTP. TTP has NEVER ever attacked MQM rallies.

When it comes to battle against Pakistan, MQM would provide logistics, support,
weapons and protection to the TTP/RAW assets to wage urban war. Indian
weapons have been found from MQM offices and from the airport as well. MQM
senior members are known to be Indian citizens. MQM offered the British MI6 to
act as their local spies for espionage if British govt can dismantle ISI !! These are
documented facts.

Given the scenario, I am sure that MQM is heavily involved in the attack, even if
there is an involvement of TTP factions. TTPs claim of the attack remains
meaningless as they remain bloody liars all the way, claiming and disowning as
they please. They had even claimed times square bombing in 2010

Watch the pics of dead terrorists. Compare them with Gorkhas.

An ordinary Pakistani cannot tell the difference between Uzbeks or Gorkhas. My
take is that these are Indian Gurkhas or Uzbeks from Dostum who were protected
by MQM in Karachi and then launched.

In Karachi, in the last 10 years, nearly 100,000 Pakistanis have been killed or
wounded and TTP has not done that. MQM has !! Now both MQM and TTP would
work together to wage the urban 5th GW. Denying this will not change the facts.

The direction of events is clear -- Indians are going to attack in Karachi
and they will deploy all their assets on this port city of Pakistan.

When we said that TTP has NOT done this attack but RAW/MQM nexus is clear,
many idiot challenged out analysis saying that TTP has already claimed it. Now
read this official press release from TTP -- They are accepting that this attack has
been done by "brotherly Jihadi bodies" , basically saying that RAW and their other
assets have done it. We know that there are NO other "Jihadi" groups in Pakistan
waging this type of war except CIA with Tattoo terrorists, RAW, TTP, BLA and
MQM. No weapons can move in Karachi without the help, assistance and
knowledge of MQM. Language of MQM leaders which is reaching us through our
contacts within them is identical to the threats being given by TTP leadership --
blockade of Karachi !!

The direction of events is clear -- Indians are going to attack in Karachi and they
will deploy all their assets on this port city of Pakistan. Their names do not mater -
TTP, MQM, BLA, Blackwaters, Gorkhas, ANP --- the attack will be on Pakistan
and this is where we will have to fight our final battle against urban insurgents !

To those who still do not understand our analysis, we say - stay silent and watch
how Allah unfolds the plans. You are not selected for the duty and would remain a
bystander always.

Whatever has begun in Karachi is the final phase of it. You will see the
dirty, filthy role of MQM with your open eyes very soon.
Thise who trust us already know this. We said this many many years ago and
wanred our nation.

Those who want to remain in denial should hear this once again -- from the devil's
mouth himself. He is explaining 4th and 5th generation wars !!!! Wars where chaos
will be created using black operations, creating TTP, supporting MQM's urban
wars -- then failed States will be created and then their nukes will be taken away --
and this will be done by JSOC -- Joint special operations task force where men like
Davis will infiltrate in various uniforms, wearing Tattoos -- and killing people on
streets and then imploding the states from within.

This is the war we are facing today !! Whatever has begun in Karachi is the final
phase of it. You will see the dirty, filthy role of MQM with your open eyes very
soon. Allah has NEVER proven this Faqeer wrong. There is khair in trusting what
we are saying. Those who disagree can only disagree now for they control nothing
or ar part of this chaos creating war.

Khair inshAllah ! Pakistan is here to stay ! It is enemies who will burn in hell, in
dunya and akhira !!

MQM is a hardcore anti-Pak, anti-ISI party which had sent a letter to
the British govt to act as their spies in Pakistan

For those idiots, who have memory of Dori in the movie Nemo, let us give another
reminder. MQM is a hardcore anti-Pak, anti-ISI party which had sent a letter to the
British govt to act as their spies in Pakistan and had demanded that British govt
should help them destroy ISI !! If this is not treason, then what is ?????

Altaf is in serious trouble in UK now. British Police wants to prosecute him but
MI6 is protecting him as usual for dirty duties in Karachi as per the letter
mentioned here. This is the secret arrangement between MQM and British govt.
That is why he keeps getting out despite being in deep mess. Got it now ???

We had warned earlier also -- we do NOT run democracy on this
page.This is our page, our opinion and our rules ! if you don't like us,
don't be here.

We had warned earlier also -- we do NOT run democracy on this page. This is a
page of patriots who keep the ideology of Pakistan sacred, defend and protect our
geography and ideology jealously , protect and defend our armed forces and ISI
and fight the information war against lies, deceptions and propaganda of the
enemies, within the country or outside. this is a battle field for us.

No enemy will get space on this page. All RAW assets, traitors, khawarij and CIA
agents or useful idiots of the enemies will be mercilessly blocked.

we say to the enemies or the idiot, You can make one dirty comment and then you
are out for good. You can post decent comments, questions and inquiries but any
sign of insult, spreading lies, disinformation or enemy propaganda will be dealt
with ruthlessly. we know the difference between an innocent question and a
sarcastic satire. No need to act smart.

This is our page, our opinion and our rules ! if you don't like us, don't be here. If
you are here because you wanted to, then follow our rules or stay silent. don't
expect mercy from us. Because we will show you none.

Pakistan Zindabaad ! All enemies can rot in hell !

Those who say that attack on airport was an intelligence failure --ISI/MI
had warned of the attack, even identified the gate

Those who say that attack on airport was an intelligence failure of ISI/MI should
hear this statement of Interior Minister in parliament after the attack. Agencies are
doing their duty. It is the provincial, federal government and the local security of
the airport which was casual. There is no director of security in CAA for the last 6
months !!! such huge quantity of weapons and men was moved within the city and
the local govt/local intel did not know about it, despite being warned that one gate
is vulnerable and could be used for attack ?? Nawaz Shareef is responsible for
abolishing the death panelty. Now he deserves one for putting Pakistan in this

Idiots called us conspiracy theorists but time is witness that it was
actually them

This is an old powerful program, most of you have not seen it. recorded way back
in 2009 I think. For years, we have maintained one straight sharp line in defence of
Pak Sarzameen. Idiots called us conspiracy theorists but time is witness that it was
actually them who were the deaf, dumb and the blind and we were the Sage,
warning them of threats well in time.

There is khair in taking our advice. Only the blind cannot see. We will do our duty
with passion, at all costs, under all risks, inshAllah !

Our humble tribute to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in the international
conference on defending the honor of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

Tehran May 25th -- Our humble tribute to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in the
international conference on defending the honor of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). The
gathering was attended by dozens of convert Muslims, western scholars, Muslims
scholars and media men from all over the world. The objective was to build a
stronger inter faith alliance to defend Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) against blasphemy
from the insane idiots in the western world.

InshAllah, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, shall be doing candid, detailed
and incisive analysis ... These ones are harsh ! Defeat or surrender is
not an option for the brave !

InshAllah, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, shall be doing candid, detailed and
incisive analysis on Karachi attacks, claims by TTP and Uzbeks terrorists, role of
political parties in Karachi's urban war, India's role in attacking Pakistan, 21st
century wars of US and balkanization of Muslim lands, role of violent non-state
actors, failure of the government in managing 4th GW and role of Pakistan army in
the present crisis and chaos.

Fasten your seat belts. These ones are harsh ! It is time that we rise and fight to
reclaim our beloved Pak Sarzameen! Defeat or surrender is not an option for the
brave !

A candid, detailed and incisive analysis on Karachi attacks, claims by TTP
and Uzbek terrorists

A candid, detailed and incisive analysis on Karachi attacks, claims by TTP and
Uzbek terrorists, role of political parties in Karachi's urban war, India's role in
attacking Pakistan, 21st century wars of US and balkanization of Muslim lands,
role of violent non-state actors, failure of the government in managing 4th GW and
role of Pakistan army in the present crisis and chaos.

The Debate Saturday Night -- North Waziristan operation and return of
politics of agitation by opposition

The Debate Saturday.

Inshallah, watch Zaid Hamid and Lt Gen Amjad in Program 'Face to
FAce' on AAJ News at 6pm tonight. Airport Attack and its fallouts, and
role of Political Govt. in this war.

Can you believe this that AAJ News Management took this program off
air half way because it was patriotic and defending Pak army !!!!

Can you believe this that AAJ News Management took this
off air half way because it was patriotic and defending Pak army !!!! This is called
traitor media which must be shut down because they have decided to side with the
enemy intentionally. They demand freedom of speech for themselves but choke
voices which defend Ummat e Rasul (sm), Pak Sarzameen and Pak armed forces in
these times of war. Shame a million on AAJ News and Shahab Zuberi, the CEO of
the channel !!

We demand that army and ISI take notice of this hostile act of AAJ news and deal
with them as we have dealt with Geo ! No mercy for the fifth column in media now
as Paka rmy launch Operation "Zarb e Azb", the strike of Azb, the "sword of Rasul
Allah " !!

al-'Azb, Sword of Prophet Muhemmed , means "cutting" or "sharp." This sword
was sent to the prophet Muhammad by one of his companions just before the
Battle of Badr.

The Debate English --The 4th generation war enters its final phase !

The Debate English -- from airport attacks to counter attack in North Waziristan --
the 4th generation war enters its final phase !

Now Operation " Strike of the sword of Rasul Allah" will bring wrath of
Allah (swt) on the Khawarij Kuffar !

Now Operation " Strike of the sword of Rasul Allah" will bring wrath of Allah
(swt) on the Khawarij Kuffar !

Yesterday, I received an email from a volunteer. Wallah, that gives you the
goosebumps. Want to share it with you all here. The war against Khawarij by the
Pak army is being directly spiritually monitored by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !
Allahu Akbar !

Remember this is a dream in which a young sincere volunteer saw Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm). We are quoting as we received it. Mubark to Pak army, Mubarak to
Pak Sarzameen !! MashAllah ! Sayyadi has given Bisharat to the Pak army which
fights the Khawarij and the Hindu Mushriks !


AoA beloved and dear Zaid sb,

I just want to share a personal dream i just saw with you. I was reading Allah's
names told me by my buzurg but the war of Paak Army was in my mind. i was
thinking what a beautiful name of operation on name of Sword of Nabi e Kareem
S.A.W kept by Pak Army !

Suddenly i went asleep.. by Allah i saw two huge mountains grassy and magrib
time. where an Army camp.. I saw Nabi e Kareem S.A.W standing there and
wearing Pak Army Dress ! And then i see face mubarik of Hazoor Pak S.A.W and
saw it was red with anger and jalal and Aap S.A.W was holding a golden n sliver
colour sword in which in Arabic same name "Zarbe Azzab"

was written in Arabic...

The main thing was that Khood Aap S.A.W was going with sword to kill militants
of north waziristan ! and soooo much jalal and cheeks mubarik of Aap S.A.W were
red with jalal against militants i saw by Allah.

Please remember in prayers.
Muhammad Islam,

Remember this clearly -- This Pak Sarzameen is Medina e Sani, created
under the direct orders and guidance of Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm).

We are shocked, disgusted and surprised at some stupid comments on our last post
on the dream about Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), supporting Pak army in war against
Khawarij !

Every sincere, Momin Pakistani knows that Pakistan is spiritually under the
protection of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). This Pak Sarzameen was created on the
direct orders of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and there are thousands of authentic
references from very reliable sincere people written and documents in thousands of
books. From Shabbir Ahmed Usmani sb, to Khan of Kallat to Quaid e Azam, each
one had their own dreams/visions of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Sayyadi guided
them towards Pakistan and gave them orders and duties. We have done dozens of
with authentic references and only a Kharji, munafiq, .. Kafir or Mushrik can deny

The Ahadees of Ghazwa e Hind are another solid proof that these wars fought by
Pakistan against Mushriks would be Ghazwa, led by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
himself. Mumtaz Mufti, Shahab sb and dozens of others including Abdul Majeed
Siddiqui advocate's book "Ziarat ul Nabi Bahalat e Bedari" are solid references.
Again, only a Jahil can deny this.

We strongly condemn and reject those idiots who doubt this spiritual Faiz of
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) upon Pak Sarzameen. No Muslim can create fake dreams
about Sayyadi. Every day, we receive mails from ordinary humble Muslims who
are blessed to have ziarat mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Ziarat of Sayyadi
in dreams is Haqq, part of our Imaan and CANNOT be denied according to Quran
and Sunnah!. anyone denying this fact is out of the deen !!

Remember this clearly -- This Pak Sarzameen is Medina e Sani, created under the
direct orders and guidance of Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm). Even Baluchistan is
connected to Pakistan on the direct orders of Sayaydi (sm) to Khan of Kallat !
Quaid came back to India on the orders of Sayyadi (sm). NEVER ever doubt this

This Pakistan is created to fight the Ghazwa e Hind under the spiritual command of
Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm). This war "Zarb e Azb" is also a sacred war against
Khawarij and we know from Ahadees that Sayyadi himself desired to kill the
Khawarij. The dream we have posted is true and seen by a member. anyone
doubting that should do that on his own peril. If you want to remain badnaseb, at
least stay silent or we will make you silent on this page.

We are the Ummatis of Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm), his soldiers for Ghazwa e Hind.
We are the sons of Pakistan !! Allahu Akbar !!

Sheikh Imran Hussian has gone catastrophically wrong here, confusing
himself and thousands others, serving the interpretation of Khawarij
and serving the Hindu Mushriks ! We reject that totally.

Also, there is a school of thought led by Khawarij and unfortunately by Sh Imran
Hussian as well which is hell bent on trying to prove that Pak army is not the army
of Ghazwa e Hind !! We totally and forcefully reject this Khurafat and non-sense.
Sheikh Imran Hussian has gone catastrophically wrong here, confusing himself and
thousands others, serving the interpretation of Khawarij and serving the Hindu
Mushriks ! We reject that totally.

Sh Imran Hussian has also gone catastrophically wrong on Capturing of
Constantinople. For the last 500 years, Muslims had NO confusion about the event
and the fulfilment of the Hadees. Now after 500 years, he has emerged creating
this bidaat that Muslims have still not captured Constantinople according to the
Hadees.!! Rubbish !

Pakistan is created by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Pakistan is the only army in the
world which is in constant state of war with Hindu Mushriks for the last 68 years !
Pakistan is the only Islamic army which have fought against Israel also along with
fighting the Hindu Mushriks. Pakistan is the only Islamic army with nuclear bombs
gifted to lead the Ummah. Pak army is the only army taken as a threat by Hindu
Mushriks, Israelis and US. Pak army is the only Muslim army beating the hell out
of Khawarij, again fulfilling the ahadees of Sayyadi on Khawarij.

If anyone thinks that Pak army is not the army to lead Ghazwa e Hind, then he is
either a nutcase, an insane moron, a kharji, a mushriks or a confused Mullah. We
DO NOT accept their version and strongly resist this pro-Mushrik Khurafat.

It is related to Hazrat Abu Hurairah(R.A) that Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H.) talked
about Hindustan(India) & said:

Definitely, one of your troop would do a war with Hindustan, Allah would grant
success to those warriors, as far as they would bring their kings by dragging them
in chains / fetters. And Allah would forgive those warriors (by the Blessing of this
great war). And when those Muslims would return, they would find Hazrat Isa Ibn-
e-Maryam(A.S.) in Syria (Shaam).

To tigers of Pak army -- Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind and war against
Khawarij !!

To tigers of Pak army -- Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind and war against Khawarij
!! These are the tigers of Rasul Allah (sm) at war with Mushriks, Zionists,
Khawarij and all enemies of Islam and Pak Sarzameen ! If you are against this
army -- you are in the lines of Mushriks, Khawarij and Zionists !

Chose your sides and words carefully.

InshaAllah, watch Zaid Hamid on Such Tv at 8pm tonight , in an
exclusive one on one interview on the entire spectrum of National and
Regional security.

InshaAllah, watch Zaid Hamid on Such Tv at 8pm tonight , in an exclusive one on
one interview on the entire spectrum of National and Regional security. Repeat
timings : 2pm Wednesday InshaAllah,

The government of Nawaz Shareef has signed their death warrant
today after the slaughter in Lahore. Watch our exclusive analysis on
Sach TV tonight at 8 PM InshAllah

The government of Nawaz Shareef has signed their death warrant today after the
slaughter in Lahore. Watch our exclusive analysis on Sach TV tonight at 8 PM
InshAllah, analysing the entire axis of threats -- internal to external to regional.

When the government decides to commit suicide, there is no power on earth than
can save them ! Khair inshAllah !

Our azaan on Sach TV. An exclusive one on one interview on the entire
spectrum of National and Regional security

Our azaan on Sach TV. You got to hear this to know what is going right and what
is not.

Khawarij of TTP are using the interpretation of Sh Imran Hussian to
attack Pakistan.

There are many myopic short-sighted fools here who are objecting to our criticism
of Sh Imran Hussian's view on Ghazwa e Hind. They even say that I am not an
alim to understand what deen is

Remember one thing: Guidance, Hidayat, Sharah Sadr and Noor e baseerat is a gift
from Allah (sm) which is radically different from a paper
on Islam. It is fazal of Allah whom He choses for guidance, hidayat and vision.
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has clearly said and its mafhoom is that "in the end
times, fitnahs will emerge and enter from those who claim to be scholars of deen"!
Ibless is the greatest of alims but he lacks Hidayat. Ilm and Hidayat are two
different things. Iqbal was not an alim but Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) chose Iqbal.
There is no greatest true alim than Iqbal despite the fact that he was not considered
alim by Mullahs. Baba Quaid was not an alim in Mullahs' terms but Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm) chose Quaid and not a mullah or alim to lead the Ummah. Think over

If any sect or alim serves the interests of Kufr, we will reject him, attack him and
expose him. Khawarij of TTP are using the interpretation of Sh Imran Hussian to
attack Pakistan. TTP is saying that attacking Pakistan is part of Ghazwa e Hind
which TTP is fighting because they consider themselves the army of Khurasan.
Bloody liars they are but unfortunatly, they are relying on the interpretation of Sh
Imran Hussian. This is a fatal catastrophic blunder of Sh Imran Hussian which is
killing muslims and destroying an Islamic state at the hands of Khawarij. I have
talked to Pak army officers who have complained to me that they are seriously
demoralzied by the interpretation of Sh Imran Hussian. Astaghfurullah !! This is
unforgivable. This has nothing to do with being an alim or ilm of deen. This is pure
wrong interpretation of deen, hadees and serving the interests of Kufr, He may be
doing it unknowingly, but his blunder is shedding Muslim blood.

Similarly, Darul Uloon Deoband is serving the interests of Kufr since creation of
Pakistan. I have NO problem with their beliefs but their political statements are
poison. They sided with the Congress against Quaid. Now they stand with Modi
against Ummah. Now they have given fatwas that Kashmir is part of India !!! They
support Khawarij of TTP as they are from their sect. This is not a question of being
an alim e deen. this is simple and pure war against Islam and Ummah.

anyone, from any sect or political party, if they attack Pakistan or Pak army or Pak
ideology, they will find us their enemies. NO Compromise here. NEVER ! In times
of war, we will show no mercy unless they apologize, mend their ways and stop
supporting the Kufr, knowingly or unknowingly.

Darul Uloom Deoband has now officially declared war against Islam and
Jihad.I ask all deoband supporters -- where do you stand now ???


Those idiots who say that we have posted the fake news, should read this also.
Darul Uloom Deoband has now officially declared war against Islam and Jihad.
Deoband supporters must either break their relations from Deoband, as Maulana
Shabbir ahmed Usmani did, or they should share the crimes and sin of this war
against Ummat e Rasul (sm) by Deoband.

I ask all deoband supporters -- where do you stand now ??? DO NOT let your
arrogance and pride stop you from sppeaking the truth against your madrassa. Stop
them from the zulm they are doing or seperate yourself from them. Else, you are
part of them.....

Kashmir Mujahideen reacted to this pro-Mushrik fasadi fatwa as :

"Two days after the Kashmiri guerrilla outfit Jamiat-ul-Mujahideen rejected the
fatwa as 'poison for all Islamic movements in the world', militant conglomerate
Muttahida Jihad Council (MJC) has termed the declaration as 'one-sided' and
asserted that 'Jihad' would continue till Doomsday" !!

Wallah, Jihad will continue against Mushriks and Khawarij !!

This is a test of all Deobandi Muslims. Where do you stand ???? Are you
with Darul Uloom deoband or are you with Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul
(sm) ????

Now this is what Allah says that he has made them deaf, dumb and blind !! I am
sharing a fatwa of Darul Uloom deoband against Kashmir Jihad which is extreme
Khiyanat with Ummat e Rasul (sm). But instead of condemning the fatwa, the
blind supporters of Deoband are attacking me for spreading sectarian hatred !!
astaghfurullah ! These people will be raised with Hindu Mushriks on the day of
judgement because they have decided to stand with Mushriks today.

All good deobandis must do what Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani did !! Openly
separate themselves from Head Quarter of Darul Uloom deoband and declare them
as enemies of Ummat e Rasul (sm). Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani rebelled
against Deoband, resigned, formed his own party and joined Quaid e Azam. He
was once a deobandi, just as Quaid was once a congressi. But Quaid left Congress
and Maulana Shabbir left Deoband ! This is true fact. Only idiots can deny.

This is a test of all Deobandi Muslims. Where do you stand ???? Are you with
Darul Uloom deoband or are you with Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul (sm) ???? this
is NOT sectarianism. This is plain defence of Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul (sm).

Allama Iqbal called Hussian ahmed Madni of deoband as followers of Abu Lahab
!!!!! This is still in Kulliyat e Iqbal. NO One can deny this. Was Iqbal spreading
sectarianism or telling the fact to protect Muslims ????? Iqbal baba also said that
Darul Uloom deoband and Qadianis have damaged Islam too much !!! Now what
would deoband say about this statement of Baba Iqbal ?????

That is why Allama Shabbir ahmed Usmani left deoband and Joined Quaid e Azam

To all blind supporters of Deoband -- if you cannot reply to the post decently, then
you will be blocked. InshAllah, on the day of judgement, Allah will raise you with
Modi and Congress and Khawarij because today, you stand with them in dunya !!!!

Today Narender Modi is preparing to attack Pakistan and Deoband has given fatwa
to support Modi. What is this if not open war against Pakistan and Ummat e Rasul
(sm). Modi is worshiping guns here to prepare for attack on Pakistan.

Darul Uloom has taken their side. Now Deobandis in Pakistan must chose their

We reject Modi. We reject Fatwas of Deoband. We support Jihad in Kashmir and
we are the soldiers of Ghazwa e Hind !!!

Allah will NOT take duty from those who prefer sects over love for
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen. It is your choice now.

TTP Khawarij of Congressi deoband have given fatwa that since Pakistan has
military alliances with non-Muslim countries, therefore Pakistan army is Kafir
army and Jihad against Pakistan is halal. Under this fatwa from Deobandi TTP,
over a 100,000 Pakistanis have been killed or wounded and today entire Pakistan is
in a state of war. Congressi deobandis like Samee ul Haq, Fazal ur Rehman etc are
the biggest mouthpiece of Khawarij, defending the dogs of hell at all forums.

Now what should be the fatwa against them when Darul Uloom deoband forms
strategic allies with Hindu Mushriks and declare war against Jihad in Kashmir and
Pakistan ???? what should we call them ??? What should we call them when
Deoband decides to fight Muslim league and support Congress in the greatest
battle for the defence of Ummah of the 20th century in creation of Pakistan ?? It
was because of deception and lies of Darul Uloom that millions of Muslims did not
prepare for migration and were slaughtered in their homes... astaghfurullah !! How
can we forget these crimes ????

I ask all those who have studied from Deoband madrassas. Separate yourself from
name Deoband. Allah has named you Muslim NOT deobandis, barelvis or
anything else. You should NOT be called Deobandis if you know that Darul
Uloom and its 10,000 Mullahs have decided to fight Allah and Rasul Allah (sm).
All Khawarij in Pakistan take their fatwas from Darul Uloom Deoband. Allama
Shabbir ahmed Usmani did exactly that. He LEFT Deoband. YOU must also do
that. Else, on the day of Judgement, in front of Rasul Allah (sm), you will NOT
have any excuse !! That would be the greatest of Khasara !!

You are a Muslim and a Pakistan !! That is it !!! Nothing else....

Allah will NOT take duty from those who prefer sects over love for Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm) and Pak Sarzameen. It is your choice now. If your name is deobandi,
you will be raised with deobandis. if you are a Muslim, you will be raised with
Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm). Your choice....

We are slaves, servants soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm). Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind!!
Labbaik Jihad e Kashmir !! Labaik Ya Rasul Allah !!!

My One hour English Interview with Dr. Kevin Berret, a dear friend
and a friend of Muslims in the West, a good Christian, fiercely
attacking the Zionists and Neo-cons.

My One hour English Interview with Dr. Kevin Berret, a dear friend and a friend
of Muslims in the West, a good Christian, fiercely attacking the Zionists and Neo-
cons. He manages the radio Truth Jihad and this interview was aired last night to
global audience.

A brilliant comprehensive discussion on all axis of regional and global issues.

InshAllah, on Friday, Sat and Sunday, we shall be doing Debate with a
new inexperienced host.The entire axis will be discussed on 3 days
inshAllah !!

InshAllah, on Friday, Sat and Sunday, we shall be doing Debate with a new
inexperienced host. Pl don't shoot him if he makes blunders Our original host has
gone on a vacation for a month and now we have to struggle with this young man

The entire axis of threat and developments on Lahore incident, development of a
civil disobedience movement, possibility of collapse of the government, mid terms
elections, martial law, caretaker government, North Waziriastan opetrations,
Pakistan's role and relaitons with Iran, Afghanistan and India and the developments
in Iraq as well fatwas of Deoband against Kashmir Jihad.... The entire axis will be
discussed on 3 days inshAllah !!

Once again, pl don't shoot the anchor He is just a kid

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind ! Labbaik Ya Sayyadi Rasul Allah !! Prepare
now. Right now, you are not ready.

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !! Prepare now. The time has come...

Right now, you are not ready.
yourself. Train yourself physically, mentally, spiritually.

Read our Memoirs From Indus to Oxus to know what guerilla wars are. How
young fighters face death in real battlefields. That book is a gift for you. Without
which, you cannot prepare for any battle ahead.

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind ! Labbaik Ya Sayyadi Rasul Allah !!

The massacre at Lahore will seal the fate of this fraud democracy and
the arrogant rulers, inshAllah !

The massacre at Lahore will seal the fate of this fraud democracy and the arrogant
rulers, inshAllah ! The Debate Friday Night and the entire axis of political
developments and the future of democracy in Pakistan.

Pakistan army's war against Congressi Deobandi Khawarij and the
entire exis of military strategy being deployed against RAW backed
pro-Hindu Mushriks Khawarij,

Pakistan army's war against Congressi Deobandi Khawarij and the entire exis of
military strategy being deployed against RAW backed pro-Hindu Mushriks

We request all deobandis LIke Mufti Tariq Jameel, Abdul Wahab sb,
Mufti Taqi Usman sb etc to openly declare that they reject these
fatwas of Deoband and reject the war of Khawarij against Pakistan.

There is a Hadees of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) whose mafhoom is that :
Help your brother, even if he Zalim or Mazloom" !

At this, Sahabas were surprised. They requested Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) for
explanation that it is understandable that we help our brother when he is mazloom,
but how can we help our brother when he is zalim ?? At this question, Sayyadi
responded that it means "stop your brother from doing Zulm, this is his help that
you can do to him " !!

You MUST help your brother when he is Zalim and stop him from doing Zulm !!

It is strange that some people here have become so blind in their love for Darul
Uloom deoband that they are ignoring their open war against Islam and Pakistan!
They accuse me of spreading firqa wariat but do not have the courage to talk about

1 Deoband fatwa against Jihad Kashmir.
2. The fact that all khawarij openly declaring themselves as Deobandis.
3. The fact that Pak army is now at war against Deobandis.
4. The fact that deoband has given fatwa to support Modi to destroy Pakistan.
5/ The fact that nearly 100,000 Muslims have been killed by Deobandi Khawarij

Instead of condemning Deoband for this kufr, they are attacking me for telling
these facts to you and giving azaan.

To all those Muslims who have studied in Deoband but disagree with this Kufr of
Deoband, pl stand up and openly reject these fatwas and actions of Darul Uloom
deoband against Ummat e Rasul and Pakistan.

We request all deobandis LIke Mufti Tariq Jameel, Abdul Wahab sb, Mufti Taqi
Usman sb etc to openly declare that they reject these fatwas of Deoband and reject
the war of Khawarij against Pakistan. They must clearly say that war against
Pakistan by Khawarij is haram and they support Pak army. They should clearly say
that Kashmir is part of Pakistan and they reject fatwa of deoband on this critical

If these great scholars stay silent at this time, then they are siding with Zulm and
harming the Ummah and Pakistan.

We have NO problem with any sect or their personal beliefs. But we will judge
them on the basis of their actions in favour or against Pakistan. If they are siding
with Hindu Mushriks, we will declare war against them. This is not firqa wariat,
this is pure love of Rasul Allah (sm) and defence of deen of Islam and Ummat e
Rasul (sm) and Pakistan.

Is Pakistan army spreading firqa wariat by attacking Deobandi Khawarij of TTP
??? NO !! Pak army is protecting Pakistan. If the Khawarij were Shias, or Barelvis
or ahl e Hadees, I would have done the same !!! Pakistan army would have done
the same as well. It is NOT about firqa. It is about Pakistan and its enemies.

So, instead of attacking me for showing the mirror to Congressi Deobandi
Khawarij, it is time that good deobandis make a stand against Congressi deobandis.
else, they would all be considered as one in the eyes of Allah (swt) and Rasul Allah
(sm) and Momineen!!

Be very clear -- if you are a Muslims -- you CANNOT support Darul
Uloom Deoband and TTP Khawarij and their supporters in Pakistan.

Everyone who follows us knows that we created these terms of Good Taliban and
Bad Taliban to make a clear distinction between Mujahideen and Khawarij !!!
Anyone defending Bad Taliban would be a anti-Pakistan, pro-Khawarij idiot.

Similarly, we have always made clear distinction between pro-Pakistan Deobandis
and Congressi deobandis. We have always supported good deobandis who reject
Khawarij and their war against Pakistan. Darul Uloom deobnand India is still the
strongest enemy of Muslims and Pakistan and they are supporting Modi and
Khawarij in Pakistan. Ony a Kharji or a Mushrik will support what Darul Uloom
Deoband India is doing to Muslims, Kashmir and Pakistan.

Be very clear -- if you are a Muslims -- you CANNOT support Darul Uloom
Deoband and TTP Khawarij and their supporters in Pakistan.

We have asked all good deobandis to stand up and make it clear that unless Darul
Uloom Deoband and TTP do tauba from their war against Rasul Allah (sm), all
good Deobandis will seperate themselves from them like Allama Shabbir ahmed
Usmani did !!! This is Farz on all good deobandis else if they defend Darul Uloom
and TTP then they are part of them !!!

What we say is pure deen, Haq and truth and NOT firqa wariat. When Fatwas are
used to declare war against Pakistan and Pak army, is that NOT fitnah in the name
of deen which Darul Uloom deoband is spreading ???????

IN our team, we have a huge majority of closest team members who were from
Deoband but they rejected Khawarij, they reject Darul Uloom deoband India and
now they are just Muslims and Ummati of Rasul Allah (sm). Darul deoband is just
a school. If that school side with Kufr, will you still support it and proudly say that
you are a deobandi?? NO !! think about it. You are a Muslim, Mujahid of Rasul
Allah (sm) for Ghazwa e Hind. Enemy of Khawarij and enemy of pro-Hindu
Mushrik, even if they appear as Muslims...

You will NOT support the Kufr of Khawarij !! Never !

If anyone stands with Khawarij and their fitnah gar sect, then he is
one of them and not from Ummat e Rasul (sm) !! Know this well.

There are many who are asking why are we attacking the Congressi Khawarij
Deobandi now on the social media?

Our reply is:

"Because Pakistan army is attacking them on ground in the final battle against
Khawarij and our war on social media is the second axis of the same war to
support Pak army operations. This was must be won both on ground and on
ideological axis. The military and ideological power of the Khawarij must be
broken totally together. Pak army can destroy them militarily but we the patriots
must attack and destroy the Khawarij through the argument of Quran and sunnah!!

All soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm) and patriots must clearly separate themselves from
Khawarij and their ideological backers -- Darul Uloom deoband India !! If anyone
stands with Khawarij and their fitnah gar sect, then he is one of them and not from
Ummat e Rasul (sm) !! Know this well.

Also, let us destroy the arguments of Khawarij that all Jihad groups in Afghanistan
and Kashmir are deobandis. This is total lies and propaganda form the Khawarij.

All Afghan (Pashtuns/Uzbeks/Tajiks) are sunni hanafis and there are NO deobandi
/ barelvi anywhere in Afghanistan. Hekmaytar, Rabbani, Khalis, Sayyaf, Mullah
Omer, Haqqani, Mujaddid, Gilani etc are NOT deobandis but Sunnis only, some
even from sufi orders. Deobandi/Beralvi sects are only names in India and
Pakistan. There are no deobandis in Iraq, syria, Libya etc or anywhere in Muslim
world, not even in Afghanistan.

In Kashmir, LeT of Hafiz saeed is Salafi NOT deobandi. Hizb ul Mujahideen of
Sallahuddin sb is Barelvi. These are the two large groups. JM, Harkat, albadr, are
deoband but many of their commanders have left Jihad and have joined the
Khawarij and are now fighting against Pakistan like Ilyas Kashmiri, Ismat ullah
Muawiyyah... etc.

The reality is that Congressi Deobandi's are NOT doing Jihad anywhere. They are
only fighting the State of Pakistan, serving the Mushriks and now have become the
Khawarij !!!! That is the reality !!

As we said, all those who love Pakistan, must speak out against Khawarij and be
counted. Else, they are one of them for staying neutral in the war between Imaan
and Kufr !!!

Indus to Oxus is now available in all over UK and Europe:)

We are sending you a reminder again.

Indus to Oxus is now available in all over UK and Europe:)

Our Memoirs of Afghan Jihad are now published and available! InshAllah, these
ground breaking historical account would change the entire perspective of the
Afghan Jihad and would decisively alter the way Afghan JIhad was viewed by the
historians and the analysts alike.

For the last 20 years, we carried this sacred trust upon our shoulders and now we
pass it on to the present and future generations. With hundreds of original and
unpublished rare photographs and written in emotional and absorbing narrative,
these memoirs are a treasure trove of untold history. (ZH)

Hard bound, packed in a beautiful box with 440 colored pages with hundreds of
fascinating pictures, these memoirs will take you back in time with the Afghan
Mujahideen in the romantic era when history was being created in the melting pot
of Afghan JIhad.

No such document exist in the world today with such first hand and authentic
account of that amazing era, critically analyzing the mistakes and blunders also
which led to the chaos and anarchy we see today in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The memoirs are priced at 25 pounds only.

You can order directly by sending the email
UK phone number.. 07411097896 or 07414911323
InshAllah, books will be dispatched within 3 to 4 working days.

May Allah bless Ummat e Rasul (sm) and accept this humble gift as our
contribution for the glory of the Ummah and defense of Pak Sarzameen........

The axis of regional threats and their impact on Pakistan's national

This program aired on Sunday was actually the first program we recorded with this
new anchor azeem. His inexperience and levels of questions will irritate you but
ignore that please. He did improve a lot in second and third program aired on
Friday and Saturday :-)

The axis of regional threats and their impact on Pakistan's national security. This
one is in Urdu as well. We will pend the English programs till our original host
return back to duty.

Now CIA openly admits Iraq does not exist any more -- Col Ralph Peters
Map implemented through ISIS.

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !! Now these snakes openly admit their crimes of
changing the maps of the Muslim world. This is what we had been warning against
for the last 7 years but beyghairat Brigade called us conspiracy theorists. Now the
dark reality is staring us in the face. Every Muslim land is being divided through
Khawarij, Takfiri gangs formed by CIA/Mossad !

Respect your army which is fighting these Khawarij otherwise, your country would
also become like Iraq .... Innalillahe.... Ya Allah Karam....

Those people who remain doubtful even now, we say to them... if you
have not seen the Haqq even now, then leave.. Allah does not need

Alhamdolillah, for the last 7 years, this Faqeer is giving azaan to revive the millat
and to defend this Medina e Sani and to ignite the passion of Ishq e Rasul (sm) and
to teach the spiritual inqilab of Baba Iqbal and the love of this Pak Sarzameen to
bring about Takmeel e Pakistan and create united states of Islam and to give azaan
for Ghazwa e Hind !!

We have done thousands of program, hundreds of lectures, dozens of papers and
books and have travelled all over the regional Muslim countries to carry the
mission forward left unfinished by our beloved founding fathers.

Not a word we have said is against Quran and sunnah, alhamdolillah! Not a rupee
of corruption or fund collection for personal gains... In all honesty, there are over
quarter of a million members on this page -- not a single one can claim that we
have asked them for favour, donation or help !! Not a single alhamdolillah ! Allah
is enough for us..

Still, there are people who say that they doubt us and our intentions. They call us
agents of ISI, agents of Iran, agents of Qadianis, working for personal gains.... but
none of them come forward and show their real faces or addresses nor bring any

You can be sure that such idiots are either Hindu Mushriks, Khawarij or the liberal
beyghairat Brigades... because NO Muslim with vision, baseerat and khair can
remain blind to the barakah and noor Allah has given in this sacred mission... Only
the worst deaf, dumb, blind would remain doubtful.

Those people who remain doubtful even now, we say to them... if you have not
seen the Haqq even now, then leave.. Allah does not need you. You have NOT
contributed a Zarra for the khair of this millat and mission and now Allah will not
deploy you for any khair also as you fail to see the biggest furqan mission of the
age to revive the Ummah ! This is a curse of Allah (swt) upon you that you cannot
see the noor ! Leave, for Pakistan DO NOT need you. Remain in your doubt all
your life and live a life of darkness and waswasa.

Yaqeen and the gift to see the Haqq is the greatest khair which Allah gives to a
Momin whom He deploys to change the destiny and history. The faith and Yaqeen
to see the truth and hold on to it strongly without the waswasa of shaitan.

Allah is enough for us alhamdolillah ! We do a duty of love and adab to our
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), NOT to collect fans or to please anyone else. We are at
war with the present times just as Baba Iqbal was at war with his times... We will
not offer any apologies for what we are, nor give any quarter to the enemies....

We are softest of soft within friends and the weak and harshest of harsh when
dealing with arrogant Kufr, Khawarij and Mushriks... for this is the attribute of

If you cannot stand with us, stand away BUT do not stand against us.. for you will
be standing along with Mushriks against the mission which is the furqan of the
time... anyone against Mission Takmeel e Pakistan, Mission Khilafat e Rashida,
Misison United states of Islam and Mission Ghazwa e Hind is an enemy of Rasul
Allah (sm) and Pakistan.

If you doubt this statement, just note the enemies we have -- Hindu Mushriks,
fascist Zionists, Zalim Khawarij, liberal Beyghairat Brigade and Qadianis. It is
your choice now if you want to stand in their company against us....

We will do our duty no matter what the cost, InshAllah !

Labbaik Sayyadi Ya Rasul Allah !!!!

Please note that this is a fake account by our name. Our real Facebook
and Twitter accounts can easily be traced by going on our websites

Dear all,
Please note that this is a fake account by our name. Our real Facebook and Twitter
accounts can easily be traced by going on our websites and and following the links given there.

Jazkallah BT Team

We will NOT forgive the Khawarij !! Only Allah can forgive if He
wishes. But it is the duty of the Pak army is to arrange the meeting
between the Khawarij and the God almighty :-)

We will NOT forgive the Khawarij !! Only Allah can forgive if He wishes. But it is
the duty of the Pak army is to arrange the meeting between the Khawarij and the
God almighty :-)

Pak army, lets arrange their meeting in quick time :-)

and with due respect to Baba Iqbal, we present this gift to Khawarij :-)

These are indeed difficult times but there is hidden khair in them also

These are indeed difficult times but there is hidden khair in them also ! Have faith
that this Pak Sarzameen is under protection of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and
Ghazwa e Hind is close and Takmeel Pakistan is our written destiny, InshAllah !

You can either make fun of this Taqdeer or stay silent and watch it unfold or have
the courage to rise and join the caravan !

We started off alone and today we march with a small band of passionate who,
against all odds, are shaping the destiny and the history, alhamdolillah ! We have
our own strategy, we offer no apologies, we give no quarter !

Be part of us or stand aside. DO NOT try to resist this sacred duty for you will be
counted in the ranks of Khawarij, Mushriks and Beyghairat Brigades....

InshAllah, friday to Sunday, watch Debate on DIN News -- entire axis
of political developments, war in North Waziristan and the Iraqi and
regional 4th and 5th GW is being discussed.

InshAllah, friday to Sunday, watch Debate on DIN News.

entire axis of political developments, war in North Waziristan and the Iraqi and
regional 4th and 5th GW is being discussed.

we will explain the statement of ISPR on Haqqani network :-) take it easy -- the
reality is different from what is being said.

khair inshAllah -- in the meantime, alhamdolillah, our tigers are hunting the dogs
of hell !! it is the army which is keeping our Medina e Sani together despite the
betrayal within at all levels...

Is Pakistan facing a constitutional collapse ?? Can Imran and Dr. TUQ
deliver ?? The Debate Friday Night DIN News

Team, listen to this carefully. Management of DIN News has changed the format
of the program a little to add some spice into it and they have asked the anchor to
play the role of devil's advocate and ask difficult questions which normally secular,
liberals or ignorants ask. So please DO NOT be angry at the anchor. He is just
doing his duty as asked to do. He is now part of our team and learning fast as well.
focus on what I reply to the questions and the solutions given. DO NOT lose your
focus on getting angry at the questions of the anchor :-) this is all part of the new
format of making the program more interactive and provides answers to stupid
arguments given by the liberal seculars. so be kind on azeem :-)

This is an important program. Listen to it carefully. all three programs this week
are equally critical.

When we defeat the Khawarij on ground, we have to defeat their
argument as well as this war is as ideological as it is military !

InshAllah, tonight, we will do a heavy duty program on the progress of Operation
Zarb e Azb. The critical aspect is the discussion of the ideological narrative of the
war, the sectarian dimension, the damage done by Sh Imran Hussian's views and
the role of pro-Khawarij Deobandi groups in the country and the duty of good
Ulama in fighting this war. When we defeat the Khawarij on ground, we have to
defeat their argument as well as this war is as ideological as it is military ! Khair
inshAllah !!

This is where we comprehensively destroy the ideological narrative of
the Khawarij and their sympathisers, alhamdolillah !

This is where we comprehensively destroy the ideological narrative of the
Khawarij and their sympathisers, alhamdolillah ! a powerful azaan which you must
absorb and spread to all corners of the world to destroy the narrative of the
khawarij for all times to come,

InshAllah, tonight we will discuss the entire spectrum of 4th GW
transforming into 5thGW -- Ramazan Mubarak to you all, especially to
our tigers in battle.

InshAllah, tonight we will discuss the entire spectrum of 4th GW transforming into
5thGW -- from Iraq to Pakistan to create soft states, failed states and ultimately
leading to NO state annihilation of the countries. A most critical strategic debate to
warn Pakistani policy makers and armed forces of the threats posing existential
crisis for Pakistan. These are extremely serious debates not for the naive or the
ignorant, game changing analysis inshAllah if understood by the Pak army and
policy makers. The role of non state violent actors like TTP, ISIS, Boko Haram etc
discussed in detail.

Khair inshAllah !! Good news is that we are winning on all axis -- much to the
despair of the Khawarij, Mushriks and the Zionists, alhamdolillah !!

Ramazan Mubarak to you all, especially to our tigers in battle. It was Ramazan
when the Sword Azb was first deployed in action by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in
battle of badr. InshAllah, this Ramazan, Pak army will again deploy the spiritual
khair of this sacred sword against Khawarij and Mushriks !! Allahu Akbar !!

An advice on the arrival of blessed Ramazan:

An advice on the arrival of blessed Ramazan:

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has given us the bisharat that planting trees is sadaqa e
Jaria. while we fight the wars to defend Pakistan and help our brothers in distress,
do not forget this duty as well.

This is the fruit season. Best of Mangoes, Water melons, Khobanis, aalo Bokhara
and cherries are here. When you eat these fruits, plant their seeds in Gumlas or in
safe place in ground and take care of them so that they grow into trees once again...
Each one must plant dozens of trees this season. I have just planted 20 trees today,
alhamdolillah. Imagine, members of this page, planting millions of fruit trees as
Sadaqa e Jaria !! It is not difficult, trust me. Make it your habbit and hobby. Never
waste seeds of good fruits. Plant them in ground.... you will be amazed at the result
within couple of years.

May Allah bring khair and barakah to this millat and Ummat e Rasul (sm). Recite
lots of durud shareef, do lots of sadaqa and control your anger and tongue.
InshAllah, this Ramazan will bring great khair for Pak Sarzameen.

Barak Allah feekum...

Pakistan is a secret from the secrets of Allah (swt). only the abu jahals
and abu lahabs of the time would try to harm it !!

While we upload our today's azaan, ignite your passion and love for Pak
Sarzameen, the beloved Medina e Sani ! Pakistan is a secret from the secrets of
Allah (swt). only the abu jahals and abu lahabs of the time would try to harm it !!

Dialouge with Khawarij or beyghairat Brigade supporters :)

Every day, I receive nearly 1000 mails, sms and whatsapps etc. It is not humanly
possible to respond to each one of them. But I do try :-)

Many are supportive to the mission, many are inquisitive, many are sceptical and
many are downright hostile. It is all part of the package.

But the most hilarious and insane ones are from the Khawarij or their allies in
Beyghairat brigades they are truly insane like their suicide bombers and reflect the
true fasadi mentality of extremism both religious and secular.

Here, I give a general idea of the type of conversation I normally have with them.
Imagine the levels of awareness I am trying to raise and the replies I get. This is
too funny :-)

Me: Pakistan is under attack in a 4th GW.
Khawarij: you are an ISI agent.

Me. Pakistan should be created on the model of Khilafat e Rashida.
Khawarij. You are a Qadiani.

Me. Ishq e Rasul (sm) is the soul of Pakistan.
Khawarij. You are a gustakh e Rasul.

Me. Pakistan is created to fight Ghazwa e Hind.
Khawarij. First tell us your sect ?

Me. Muslim Ummah should be united as United States of Islam.
Khawarij. Why you wear red cap ? are you a communist ??

Me. Saudis are playing a dirty role in Middle East.
Khawarij. You are a shia, an Iranian agent.

Me. All Khawarij are connected to Congressi Mullahs of India.
Khawarij. You are spreading sectarianism.

Me. TTP are terrorists/Khawarij.
Khawarij. You are against Jihad in Afghanistan.

In the end, all you can say is UFFFFFF, how insane these idiots are , truly deaf,
dumb and blind..

Imagine, I have to deal with these moron daily, by the dozen every day :-)

This is the reality of Khawarij -- from TTP to Al-Qaeda to ISIS to Boko
Haram to FSA -- the list is endless, the reality is same !
This is the reality of Khawarij -- from TTP to Al-Qaeda to ISIS to Boko Haram to
FSA -- the list is endless, the reality is same !

This is our Ramazan gift to the Millat ! Entire deen is adab e Rasul (sm)
and Ishq e Rasul (sm).

This is our Ramazan gift to the Millat ! Entire deen is adab e Rasul (sm) and Ishq e
Rasul (sm). These few minutes will change the way you understood these amazing
spiritual concepts. Our azaan at Jamia Rizvia few years ago, still passionate, still
soul shaking alhamdolillah ! Many have seen this before, Many have not. we
recomend you all to watch it again... May Allah bring khair and barakah for you in
this Ramazan...

Only the badnaseeb Khawarij will NEVER understand...

The Debate Sunday Night !! From Iraq to Pakistan -- the 4th and 5th
GW to re-draw the maps !

The Debate Sunday Night !! From Iraq to Pakistan -- the 4th and 5th GW to re-
draw the maps !

The wrong interpretation of Hadees of Sayaydi by the Khawarij --
"armies would come from a land BEFORE khurasan" !!

Here, we are doing to destroy the wrong interpretation of Hadees of Sayaydi by the
Khawarij, inshAllah.

Note the Hadees in pictures below. This is the Hadees used by the TTP khawarij to
prove that they are the promised army from Khurasan which has been mentioned to
establish Khilafat. Same Hadees in Arabic has been written but note the two
radically different translations.

The Hadees is always translated as "when you see black flags from Khurasan". this
is wrong translation. The word "before" or Qabl in arabic is not translated and an
attempt is made to prove that armies would come from Khurasan.

In reality, Sayyadi has said that "armies would come from a land BEFORE
khurasan" !! Pakistan was not present at that time, hence its name could not be
taken but Pakistan is the only Muslim land BEFORE khurasan !!! Also, in another
Hadees, which Baba Iqbal has also mentioned, :Mir e arab ko aai thandi hawa
Wahan sey " Sayyadi mentions Indian sub-continent and thus Pakistan !!

In another Hadees, the word Khurasan is NOT used but East is used and the same
word "Before' is used again, meaning that armies will come from a land BEFORE
East ! you can read Arabic also "Qabl al mashriq" ...

This was the reason Baba Iqbal also cried that we have destroyed our deen because
we are lost in wrong translations...

: (
, )
( : )) .
, ,
Next, we will also explain the reality of Black flags ! Even that is wrongly

The actual mafhoom of Hadees is "when you see honourable flags coming from a
land before East or before Khurasan, then you must support that army" !! That
army is the army of Ghazwa e Hind, the army which is fighting the Khawarij, dogs
of hell and the army of Medina e Sani !!! Allahu Akbar !!

The dispute about the black flags -- "If you see the honourable,
dignified flags (Sabz Hilali), emerging from Pakistan (land before
Khurasan), then you must join that army..... "

Now lets resolve the dispute about the black flags also. In Arabic of the time of
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), Aswad had many meanings. Apart from black, it also
meant dignified, honourable, graceful etc...

We are giving reference of a Hadees here:





It is a dialogue between two Sahabas where the are comparing Hazrat Umar with
Hazrat Muawiyya. One says, I have not seen more dignified man than Muawiyya
after Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm). The other sahabi asked him "you mean not Umer"
?? He replies, Umer is better than him but Muawiyya is more
generous/magnanimous and "Aswad" !

If we translate it in modern Arabic using translator, it would use the contemporary
Arabic and translate the sentence as "I have not seen anyone more BLACK than
Muawwiya after Rasul Allah (sm).

Obviously, this does not make sense as the next line would also become strange "
Muawiyya is more BLACK than Umer" ! wrong translation to say the least. Then
in the last part of the Hadees, the attributes of Hz Muawiyya are being told as
being generous, charity giver and other good attributes, NOT being black :-) but
the word used is exactly the same "sawad" !

This is where the Khawarij made a total disaster trying to be the army of Mehdi
from Khurasan, they made a horrible blunder in translation :-) Now if you read the
Hadees of "Khurasan and black flags" the real mafhoom will become crystal clear
to you.

"If you see the honourable, dignified flags (Sabz Hilali), emerging from Pakistan
(land before Khurasan), then you must join that army..... "

Mubarak to all of you, the people of Medina e Sani, the promised land in Hadees,
which is BEFORE Khurasan with a dignified, sabz hilai parcham..... MashAllah !!

Allah has blessed this Medina e Sani to be the promised land from
where Pak army is the army of Rasul Allah (sm) -- from Ghazwa e Hind
to re-capturing of Jerusalem, inshAllah !

So now, on first of Ramazan, alhamdolillah, we have decisively crushed the fake
khawarij narrative that they are the promised army from Khurasan with black flags
!! The idiots were lost in wrong translations and started to carry black flags and
called themselves army of Khurasan when in reality "The army was from a land
BEFORE khurasan (Pakistan), carrying dignified (sabz hilali) parcham.... ,
alhamdilillah !!

All Khawarij tried to be that blessed army and took black flags :-) TTP, Al-Qaeda,
ISIS.... bloody idiots.. :-) cannot fool the Ummah now... They have now announced
a fake Khilafat also in Iraq, led by Khawarij, backed by Mossad to hijack the true
Khilafat ala minhaj un Nubuwwat !! We are not fooled by that drama. It is like
Fazlullah declaring Khilafat and announcing himself as Khalifa !! :-) lol...Allah
has blessed this Medina e Sani to be the promised land from where Pak army is the
army of Rasul Allah (sm) -- from Ghazwa e Hind to re-capturing of Jerusalem,
inshAllah !

anyone against Pak army and Pak sarzameen and its sabz hilai parcham will be
with Khawarij, Mushriks or zionists ! This is a proven fact, you can see all around
us. Only these 3 types of swines are against Pakistan.... and Pak army, the blessed
army of the land BEFORE khurasan.... Allah o Akbar !!

This page is your opportunity to contribute genuinely for the defence
of Pak Sarzameen and Islam.

To all new members, please note that we have zero tolerance for gustakhi,
beyadabi and filthy language. All such posts will be immediately deleted and

This is a serious, patriotic, Islamic page of Mission Takmeel e Pakistan. we DO
NOT run a democracy on this page, nor believe in madar pidar azaad free speech.
Remain decent and read few previous posts to know what we are talking about
before you jump into a conversation. In the last few posts, we are discussing
interpretations of Hadees mubaraka, still we find filthy language used by few
members. Please be advised or leave if you cannot behave.

This page is your opportunity to contribute genuinely for the defence of Pak
Sarzameen and Islam. If you are on this page, it is because you chose to be here.
Now follow our rules and ask mature decent questions after thoroughly following
the thread and post.

Jazak Allah. ZH
Listen carefully -- The army which will win Ghazwa e Hind will the
army of Iman mehdi joining Essa (as) in Syria !!!!

Dr. Niazi and Irfan ul Haq sb are two dervesh of this era. Here, they are talking
about the Ghazwa e Hind and role of Pakistan in this great destiny. Listen carefully
-- The army which will win Ghazwa e Hind will the army of Iman mehdi joining
Essa (as) in Syria !!!! This destiny is written for Pakistan - the land before
(towards) Khurasan, with a dignified Sabz Hilali parcham, as mentioned in other
ahadees of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). There will be only ONLY one army leading
this entire campaign -- Pak army !! Other mujahideen will join us but the
leadership is in Pakistan !!!

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!!

Sayyadi said about Hind (Pakistan ) -- Pakistan is in me :) MashAllah --
There is only one army which will fight Ghazwa e Hind and also fight

The Khawarij twist the interpretation of Hadees Mubarak, trying to be the army
which will rise from the East. But here, Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) warns us against
TTP in most clear terms -- an army of Khawarij which will rise from East !!!
Allahu Akbar !!

The Hadees Mubarak clearly says that Khawarij will read quran, salat but that will
be stuck in their throats and they will leave deen just as an arrow leaves a bow" !!!

Also, Sayyadi gave glad tidings about Pakistan in two more ahadees MashAllah !!
Hind was at that time and now it is Pakistan....

Hadith, referenced by Al-Tibrani-Al-Aust ( ),

Holy Prophet (PBUH) said,
I am Arab, but Arab is not in me and I am not in Hind but Hind is in me.
(Mafhoom. Pakistan is in Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) special spiritual blessings,
under the shadow of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), MashAllah. Now you understand
the mafhoom of the term Ghazwa in Ghazwa e Hind alhamdolillah. There is only
one army which will fight Ghazwa e Hind and also fight Israel -- That is pak army
NOT the Khawarij from East !!!

Another Hadith found in Mustadrak Al-Haakim, as a saying of Sayyidina Ali

: :

I feel cool breeze coming from the earth of Hind.

Iqbal said about this Hadees mubarak mir e arab ko aai thandi hawa jahan sey,
meta watan wohi hai :-)

MUbarak to all those Muslims living in Pakistan !! Mir e Arab ko aai thandi hawa
jahan sey.... Labbai Ya Rasul Allah ! Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

Afghan Taliban have rejected the war of Khawarij and have refused to
help them when Pak army is crushing them in North Waziristan...

Now read yourself -- we have been saying it all along but the Khawarij and the
idiots in beyghairat Brigade mocked us. Now it is in their face ! alhamdolillah.

Afghan Taliban have rejected the war of Khawarij and have refused to help them
when Pak army is crushing them in North Waziristan...

Khawarij are the evil brain child of RAW and Darul Uloom deoband, India - just
as Mukti Bahini was the evil brain child of Mujeeb and RAW !! Now the time has
come to crush these dogs of hell ! Allahu Akbar !

Now you know why Kalabagh Dam was not made. Why Pak railways
was destroyed... why Karachi is burning in a ethnic war between ANP
and MQM -- both RAW assets !

I have always maintained that most of the political parties in Pakistan are directly
funded from India/CIA. Here, in an explosive book, a Hindu Mushrik RAW officer
fully expose Awami National Party's role as RAW agents. Read this book. It
explain the entire axis of how RAW bought politicians and media to break Pakistan
in East Pakistan and now repeat the same drama in our beloved Medina e Sani
through democracy, Khawarij and Geo !!

Now you know why Kalabagh Dam was not made. Why Pak railways was
destroyed... why Karachi is burning in a ethnic war between ANP and MQM --
both RAW assets !

the solution is to hang these traitors through direct court martial in military courts.
Now you know why Hamid Mir went to Bangladesh to meet all RAW agents who
broke Pakistan. Now you know the traitors....

Khurasan, Hind, Ghazwa and Pak army... The decisive argument.. This
is the destiny, this is the reality, this is your taqdeer, alhamdolillah !!!!

To continue our debate on the topic of Khurasan, Hind, Khawarij and Ghazwa, pl
note the following. (we have already posted all the relevant ahadees)

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) has used 4 terms when defining the region of India and

These are:

1. Hind.
2. Sindh.
3. Mashriq. (East)
4. Khurasan (before, towards etc)

Pakistan was not present in this form, so the name could not be taken, hence the
terms Hind, Sindh, towards Khurasan, Mashriq etc).

It is reported in a Hadees that Sayyadi (sm) clearly mentioned that Khawarij will
rise from East (Khurasan, Hind region) . Today, we witness this in the form of
TTP. Same region.

It is also reported in another hadees that an army with dignified flags will rise from
East (Khurasan, Hind region) which will be the powerful army of Iman Mehdi. It is
clear that both armies will rise from East but one would be Khawarij, other
would be the Islamic army of Ummah which will go to Jerusalem. Now this is
important to understand.

In Hadees of Ghazwa e Hind, Sayyadi has clearly mentioned that Pak army will
capture India and then it will return to go to Jerusalem and meet Essa (as). So, this
Bisharat is exclusively for Pak army and those Mujahdeen and Muslim armies
which fight under Pak army leadership.

Now, it is important to note that Sayyadi (sm) is NOT talking about two armies
which will go to Jerusalem from East (khurasan,Hind region). There will be only
one army the army of Ghazwa e Hind, which will also be the army of Imam
Mehdi !! That army is NOT Taliban. That is Pak army

Sayyadi also gives bisharat of an army rising from the East (Khurasan, Hind
region) to defend the Ummah and that army will have great weapons superior to
the weapons of all arabs !! Those weapons are nuclear weapons which only
Pakistan has.

If you know the sunnah of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and the wisdom of Allah
(swt), you can understand that it is Pakistan which is created under direct guidance,
blessings and command of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). It is Pakistan which is the
promised and blessed land to achieve what has been promised Ghazwa e Hind,
capturing of Jerusalem

We also know that Pakistan army is the only army which has fought against Hind
and Jews ! We have experience of fighting both against Hind and against Israel.
We are the nuclear armed country which is capable of fighting all enemies
Mushriks and Jews and Khawarij.

It is NOT possible that Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) invest so much
into Pakistan and then give leadership to Afghanistan or Taliban.. who have
NOT fought a single war against India nor against Israel nor Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm) has created that land through spiritual interventions.

There is a reason Sayyadi (sm) has said that I am an arab but arab are not in me. I
am not in Hind but Hind (Pakistan) is in me)!! When we talk about this Hadees
today, the Hind will be translated as Pakistan as Hind has been divided into
Mushrik Hind and Muslim Hind.

Also, Sayyadi (Rasul Allah ) had said that he smells sweet fragrance from Hind
(Pakistan) ! Baba Iqbal has a beautiful shair on this also Mir e Arab ko aai Thandi
hawa jahan sey.

Now come to the black flag issue. We have already resolved that. The translation
of that word sood can also mean dignified, as mentioned in other ahadees using
the same word of origin. Now it makes perfect sense. They are not black flags,
they are authoritarian, dignified flags

An army (Pak army), armed with powerful nuclear weapons, with dignified Sabz
Hilali parcham will rise from the East (Pakistan), from where Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm) smells sweet fragrance and which is in the spiritual protection of Sayyadi
Rasul Allah (sm) , which will capture India in Ghazwa e Hind and them turn back
to march towards Syria to fight the Jews under the command of Iman Mehdi and
Essa (As).

This is the destiny, this is the reality, this is your taqdeer, alhamdolillah !!!!

These bloody Khawarij pretend to be the Mujahideen of Khurasan and
soldiers of Imam Mehdi (as) --- running with their tails in the legs,
wearing Burqas

These bloody Khawarij pretend to be the Mujahideen of Khurasan and soldiers of
Imam Mehdi (as) and are butchers against innocent humans but when faced with
real tigers of Rasul Allah (sm), the Mujahideen of Ghazwa e Hind, our Pak army --
these Khawarij are running with their tails in the legs, wearing Burqas, dressed as
women Here is a classic pic for record Pak army caught him in North Waziristan
There are many more

It seems that wearing Burqa and running with pants down seem to the national trait
of Khawarij Remember Mullah Burqa

Bloody coward snakes !!

InshAllah, on sunday, we are doing a full program on ahadees
mubarak defining the Khawarij, ghazwa e Hind and the Khurasan

InshAllah, on sunday, we are doing a full program on ahadees mubarak defining
the Khawarij, ghazwa e Hind and the Khurasan hadees. For the first time on any
media, this critical geo-strategic picture is built on the basis of Ahadees mubaraka
and the propaganda of Khawarij is busted comprehensively. you must not miss that

Meanwhile, another Hadees of Sayyadi (sm) about Khawarij is now further
confirmed. They take help from Mushriks and fight the Momineen !!! Read this....

InshAllah, friday and sat, on DIN News at 8 PM, our prgrams on
political chaos in the country and operation against Khawarij, Iraqi
disintegration and the preperation of Modi for a final war with

InshAllah, friday and sat, on DIN News at 8 PM, our prgrams on political chaos in
the country and operation against Khawarij. we also discuss the Iraqi disintegration
and the preperation of Modi for a final war with Pakistan. On Sunday, we discuss
the ahadees on Ghazwa and Khawarij. all critical programs inshAllah.

programs will be posted here after their are aired, inshAllah. DIN News program
The Debate. (for all new comers . ,

Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) has even mentioned the the rise of ISIS in the
Ahadees of the end time.

MashAllah, it is stunning indeed that Sayaydi Rasul Allah (sm) has even
mentioned the the rise of ISIS in the Ahadees of the end time.

Those in doubt about the reality of this Khawarij gang should read this Hadees
Mubarak with serious concern.

Sayyadi (sm) has clearly mentioned that a group of Khawarij will rise with black
flags, will create a govt (Dawla), would have members whose names will not be
known but by their Kunniyats (abu Musab, abu bakr) and the names of their cities
they belong to (Baghdadi, Zarqawi etc)... It is most stunning indeed that the
definition fits exactly on ISIS (Dawlat Islami Iraq was sham), with abu bakr
Baghdadi as their leader and they being cruel brutal khawarij !!

Now Daish has threatened to attack Kaaba and also Pakistan !!

Refrence is the Kitab ul fitn by Naeem Hammad, an old book of ahadees on end

Read again and again.... Sayaydi (sm) warned you 1400 years ago....

Watch our programs on DIN News on Sat and sunday. we have discussed these
ahadees in detail.

This is the Arabic of the hadees on ISIS khawarij for those who want
original text

: wajhu .
( ) .
( ) ( )
( ) . ."
: p.157 555
This is the Arabic of the hadees on ISIS khawarij for those who want original text

Debate Friday Night ! It is time to bring the government down !!
Pakistan need a stable government NOT a corrupt democracy of the
political terrorists !!

Debate Friday Night ! It is time to bring the government down !! Pakistan need a
stable government NOT a corrupt democracy of the political terrorists !!

Tonight, inshAllah, in Debate, we discuss the entire axis of Zarb e Azb
and the sinister statement of former DG ISPR Athar Abbas

Tonight, inshAllah, in Debate, we discuss the entire axis of Zarb e Azb and the
sinister statement of former DG ISPR Athar Abbas and also comment on the role
of General Kayani. Als, the threat of Khawarij of ISIS (Daish) to the Ummah is
discussed in detail. Khair inshAllah !!

Zionists will never tolerate REAL Khilafat but would help a fake one....

Remember one thing -- From Curzon to Bush -- all have said catagorically that
they will NEVER allow Khilafat to be re-created. So, why are they fully
supporting a gang of Khawarij, which is declaring Khilafat, moving freely across
deserts of iraq and Syria and NO US/NATO/Israeli plane bombing them???? In
fact, providing them with weapons and money !! There is NO hullaballoo in
western media that Khilafat has been created and they should be afraid if it ????
why ?? because, this is NOT a Khilafat, this is a hijacking of Khilafat by a
Khawarij gang, in whose ranks Israeli army is fighting directly, rampaging across
Muslim lands, looting and plundering Muslim wealth and raping Muslim women
and attacking all Muslim countries from Iraq to Syria to Turkey to Saudi Arabia to
create greater Israel !!!

ISIS is Khawarij plus Israeli army !! That is their reality....

There are few ahadees also about ISIS. One of them suggests that these snakes will
capture Damascus finally and there will lots of slaughter after that...


. ). - \ :

: /
: ( )


Ya Allah Karam... Jews are running wild in Muslim lands... under the cover of

Our fierce criticism of the statement of Athar Abbas, analysis of Zarb e
Azb & plans of Modi !

Our fierce criticism of the statement of Athar Abbas, analysis of Zarb e Azb and
the dangerous times we live in. Pak army must secure Pakistan within weeks now
before Modi is ready to attack Pakistan !!

TTP with a US special forces commando !! May Allah Damn the
Khawarij and their Zionist backers...

We have been saying all along that US special forces from Joint special operations
command have been attacking Pakistan with the help of TTP Khawarij !! Now
watch this video.... TTP with a US special forces commando !! May Allah Damn
the Khawarij and their Zionist backers.... The same is in Iraq. Daish (ISIS) is
actually Israeli troops fighting on ground within Muslim lands...

Today, inshAllah, the program that we are going to do at DIN news at
8 pm, would be a decisive curtain raiser never done before -- a most
comprehensive analysis of Spiritual intelligence provided in sacred
Ahadees mubarak...

alhamdolillah, Over the last many years, we have done many harsh programs to
shake up the nation. Some were ground breaking ones. some were ground shaking,
some were game changers ! But today, inshAllah, the program that we are going to
do at DIN news at 8 pm, would be a decisive curtain raiser never done before.

For the first time, we do a most comprehensive analysis of Spiritual intelligence
provided in sacred Ahadees mubarak to build and understand the geo-politics of
today and tomorrow. From Ahadees of Khurasan to Ghazwa e Hind to capturing of
Jerusalem, the entire larger picture of emerging geo-politics explained in a manner
never done before.. A great blessing for Pak sarzameen and a greatest Bisharat for
Pak army inshAllah !

If you are Pakistani, you will be moved beyond words at the karam that Allah has
done upon us. If you are not a Pakistani, you will wish to become one if hearing
this... This Pak Sarzameen is one of the secret from the secrets of Allah (swt),
protected directly under the spiritual command of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). You
will see how after this passionate azaan, inshAllah !.

In the meantime, lets meet a Zionist Jewish soldiar, hiding in his face, dressed as a
Palestinian fighter but wearing a star of David !! These are the fighters of ISIS in
Iraq. dont you see they always wear these same face masks?? why a Mujahid going
for Shahada has to hide his face ??? We never did in Afghan JIhad against the
Soviets ! Only Khawarij and Jews hide their faces like this... NOT Mujahideen.

Original reference of the Hadees shareef in Kitab ul Fitn, where
Sayaydi (sm) has clearly mentioned ISIS (Daish)

Original reference of the Hadees shareef in Kitab ul Fitn, where Sayaydi (sm) has
clearly mentioned ISIS (Daish), their government, their stone hearts, their names as
Kunniyat's and cities and their fitnah and end. These Ahadees are for the end times,
so now people are making sense of them. In the past, scholars used to ignore them
as circumstances had not become as they are.

InshAllah, soon, we shall upload the Debate Sunday Night -- The epic discussion
on Khawarij, Ghazwa e Hind and Khurasan ahadees.

This single program can destroy the entire game plan of the Khawarij,
Mushriks and the Zionists !

This single program can destroy the entire game plan of the Khawarij, Mushriks
and the Zionists ! Never on Pak media, a program of this intensity has been done to
support Islamic armies of Pakistan.

Based on spiritual intelligence of Ahadees Mubaraka, the entire geo-politics have
been explained

Pak army, this is a gift for you ! Barak Allah feekum

Afghan Taliban use white flags Black flags are only used by Khawarij,
trying to be the army of Khurasan...

There are many who believe that "Black flags from Khurasan" are actually Afghan
Taliban for their info, Afghan Taliban use white flags Black flags are only used by
Khawarij, trying to be the army of Khurasan... Their tough luck that they translated
the black flags wrong also Those who are still stuck on the word Khurasan on
Hadees, pl watch our program slowly, many times over, so that you understand
what we have explained...

This is a pic of Afghan Taliban opening their office in Qatar...

Jazak Allah Khair.

The Kuffar know that real Khilafat ala minhaj un NUbuwwat is close.
Now this is the Mossad/CIA/Khawarij attempt to hijack it.

Way back in 2006, the Neocon Zionists were preparing the minds for a "Khilafat",
they planned to create in Iraq. It is strange that while they appear to be so afraid of
it, they are also funding it now with $500 million dollars to create a government,
provide them brand new SUV's, massive weapons and NO air strikes on this
"Islamic terrorist threats" !!! Hundreds and thousands of Europeans are being sent
from all across Europe to syria and Iraq to join their ranks and the trips are being
fully supported by the EU governments. In UK, the known MI6 spies, Omer Bakri
and Anjum Chaufrey are doing the recruiting for this CIA sponsored "Khilafat" !
Hundreds of Israeli troops have also joined ISIS ranks rampaging through the
Muslim lands and looting and raping Muslim women. For the first time, Israeli
army is aggressively operating in Iraqi and Syrian cities, within Muslim homes...
Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !!

Rasul Allah (sm) had clearly warned us against ISIS and now Muslims should be
very careful of this fitnah, which is hijacking our faith and deen. The Kuffar know
that real Khilafat ala minhaj un NUbuwwat is close. Now this is the
Mossad/CIA/Khawarij attempt to hijack it.

Read what Rumsfeld said in 2006.

"Mr. Rumsfeld put it on Monday: "Iraq would serve as the base of a new Islamic
caliphate to extend throughout the Middle East, and which would threaten
legitimate governments in Europe, Africa and Asia."

Only an insane idiots would follow these Khawarij and their Zionist masters !! We
declare war on them and reject their fitnah even if it comes under the name of

Over $500 million dollars promised to Syrian Rebels, who are now
cooperating with each other in this bloody civil war within Iraq and
Shaam !

Over $500 million dollars promised to Syrian Rebels, who are now cooperating
with each other in this bloody civil war within Iraq and Shaam ! Who will use this
money ???? It is the Khawarij.... There are NO US attacks on ISIS but more aid,
more funds, more support... and they claim to be so afraid of this "Khilafat" ! My
foot !

Britain/Jews and the Khawarij...

Even a snake like Obama is perplexed at the balatant support of Britain to
Khawarij and massive recruitment drives being done openly in UK under the
protection of MI6. This so balatant British involvement in creating/orchestrating
the fitnah of Khawarij is creating problems for the US foreign policy also.

Remember this -- The British are the real fitnah !! They created all the Khawarij in
Muslim world before. They created Mirza Ghulam ahmed Qadiani. They created
the crisis of Palestine and Kashmir and they destroyed Khilafat e Usmani and
created Israel. US is only an idiot elephant who is being used by the Jews and the
Britain to create greater Israel.

Their latest move is toe create ISIS and create fake Khilafat ! Read this and be
stunned at the levels of extremism and fitnah being created by the British !!

Israeli secret military hospitals to support their fighting units in Syria
with ISIS

Israeli army running field hospitals on border with Syria to support their fighting
units inside Syria. Why on earth would Israel create a field hospital for Syrian
refugees ? Which Syrian refugees have gone to Israel ????? And if they are Syrian
refugees, why is the face of the wounded patient blacked out to protect his identity
?? These are Israeli special forces being treated by their own military doctors,
fighting inside syria pretending as ISIS Khawarij. Most Israelis speak Arabic and
blend easily within Muslim lands and societies. NO Israeli attack on ISIS ever !!
Only the deaf, dumb and the blind cannot see.

In 2005, even George Bush openly talked about creation of a Khilafat
in Iraq.

In 2005, even George Bush openly talked about creation of a Khilafat in Iraq,
when US was fully occupying the country. They knew all along that this was their
plan and they were preparing the world for this day.

"George Bush today told the US public that Iraq was the main front in a global
battle with extremists as he attempted to shore up falling support for the war. The
US president said extremists were seeking to "enslave whole nations and intimidate
the world" from a starting point in Iraq. The country - suffering some of its
bloodiest months since the US-led invasion in March 2003 - is expected to face
increased violence ahead of an October 15 referendum on its constitution.

"The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses,
enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a
radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia," Mr Bush said in a
televised speech at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC"

The Americans are actually collecting weapons from the Iraqi army,
making them sitting ducks in front of ISIS.

Instead of supporting the Iraqi army, the Americans are actually collecting
weapons from the Iraqi army, making them sitting ducks in front of ISIS. This is an
Israeli article -- one of the most clear evidence that Iraqi army is being
systematically destroyed by the Americans to clear the way for the ISIS. There is
NO US support to defeat ISIS, in fact, US is now destroying the Iraqi army... ISIS
will be allowed to expand to a point, then a Shia state will be allowed to stay in
south. The final plan will then be complete for a massive sectarian war but for
now, ISIS is being helped to gain ground.

Read this.. Jewish writer is writing this in Israeli paper Haertz.

"On a searing hot June day in Baghdad, I set out to interview disgruntled Iraqi
soldiers and police officers. Not only did they find themselves out of a job, but
theyd been told to turn in all weapons, as were civilians, in a mass weapons
collection program, announced by U.S. and British forces"

Oh Muslims, Still, you dont see ??

ISIS are the gangs of Khawarij,in Iraq Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) warned
us against. Sayyadi has mentioned Iraq by name here.

ISIS are the gangs of Khawarij,in Iraq Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) warned us
against. Sayyadi has mentioned Iraq by name here. We have already posted
another Hadees from Naeem bin Hamamd book on this page below. It even defines
the names of their government and their own names through Kunniya and cities.

Remember, these Khawarij may capture Demascus also and will cause lots of
bloodshed then. Sayyadi (sm) has also warned us that when this fitnah comes, stay
indoors and dont move, till Allah creates infighting within them and then decide
their fate.

Right now, you cannot do anything to fight this fitnah. stay where you are and do
dua for your brothers and sisters in Iraq and Shaam. Their destruction is foretold in
ahadees also. These are times of fitnah. Defend Pakistan for now and make it ready
to fight against Khawarij, Mushriks and Zionist Jews. This is our only hope !!

US Senator Rand Paul spills the beans -- US is arming ISIS as its ally in
Syria !! Now what would the Kharjis say ???

US Senator Rand Paul spills the beans -- US is arming ISIS as its ally in Syria !!
Now what would the Kharjis say ???

DO NOT justify the crimes of Khawarij and Jews because Asad is a
criminal as well.

There are many ISIS supporters here who say that Bashar Asad is also a terrorist,
so they are waging a war against him. NOBODY is denying that Assad is a
terrorist criminal. But that DOES NOT make Khawarij or Mossad as angels either
!! If Asad is a terrorist, does that mean we should allow Israelis to destroy Muslim
lands ???

Sunni or shia Muslims of Syria DO NOT dig up graves of Sahabas or destroy
Muqam of Aulia but Khawarij are doing that now. Muslims are stuck between
Baathists and the Khawarij/Jews. DO NOT justify the crimes of Khawarij and Jews
because Asad is a criminal as well.

In the beginning, Sunnis of Shaam sided with the FSA/ISIS hoping that they can
get rid of Bashar ul asad. Even Turkey supported them. but later when they saw the
crimes, brutalities and fasad of the Khawarij and destruction of the holy sites, they
were repulsed and now Sunni and Shia Muslims have no place to go -- stuck
between the Khawarij and Baathist army ! This is the ultimate tragedy !!

Khawarij and the Jews are laughing all the way at the stupidity, helplessness and
destruction of Muslim lands... Inna lillahe....

Welcome to the CIA created "Khilafat" !

Welcome to the CIA created "Khilafat" ! Now US plans a gift of $500 million
dollars to the new bloody kharji imposter hijacking the Khilafat ! Israel is offering
troops and field hospitals to support the "Mujahideen" and Britain have decided to
increase the recruitment to purge their own societies of radicals but sending them
to syria to start another sectarian war and NATO has decided to stop the bombing
runs on the freely moving ISIS khawarij, so they can easily attack Saudi arabia,
Turkey and Iran while Israel breaks apart Kurdistan to make it its own colony !!
Meanwhile, the Khawarij release all Hindus in their custody, allowing the Indian
Mushriks to send planes to Mosul to fly away all captured nurses and workers. NO
Hindu was harmed but over half a million Muslims have been butchered or
wounded by khawarij so far and dozens of Muqamat of aulia, sahabas and masjids
have been demolished...

Welcome to the new Middle East and the rule of the Khawarij....


Master stroke of most filthy Zionist politics... ....The entire area of
greater Israel in Syria and Iraq is NOW under control of Khawarij,
backed by Jews.

Let us explain to you the entire game plan of Jews and Khawarij.

Watch these maps closely. The entire area of greater Israel in Syria and Iraq is
NOW under control of Khawarij, backed by Jews. That is why you find Israel
actually supporting this war inside Muslim lands. The destruction, death,
decimation, dislocation of the Muslims will be done by Israel through the so called
"Islamic Khilafat", so the Jews do not get the blame directly as they are being
blamed in Palestine. Islam will be presented as a terrorist faith and Muslim world
would be divided on sectarian lines. Not a single Israeli soldier would die and the
entire Muslim world would be decimated and divided from within....

Master stroke of most filthy Zionist politics... ....

Now Daish (ISIS) will also annihilate Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as Jews have to
come closer to Medina, near Khyber, their old colonies.

Once the entire Muslim lands under Greater Israel are fully destroyed, Israel will
physically move in and capture those places and ISIS will be sent to other Muslim
lands for destruction or destroyed by Israel themselves as useful idiots.

You will see this game unfolding in the coming months...

I only wish, we Muslims can bury our sectarian differences at this
stage when Khawarij, Jews and Crusaders are attacking our lands,
faith, honor and history --

So, this is the plan !! ISIS, FSA, Nusrat Front.... all are just names of various gangs
of Khawarij created, funded and protected by the Crusaders to destroy the lands of
Sallahuddin, Khalid Bin Waleed and Imam Mehdi ! What Jewish armies could not
do directly, would be done through misguided youth of Khawarij...

In times of differences between Sayyadna Ali (ra) and Sayyadna Muawwiya (ra),
the crusaders tried to exploit these political differences and the King of Byzantine
tried to advance into the lands of Hazrat Ali (ra). Upon watching this, Hazrat
Muawwiyya sent a message to the Byzantine King saying that "today, I may have
differences with Imam Ali but if you Crusaders try to exploit our internal
differences and attack Ali (ra), I (muawiyya) would join his armies and fight on the
front line against you to defend Muslim lands" !!! Upon hearing this threat, the
Crusader armies backed off.

I only wish, we Muslims can bury our sectarian differences at this stage when
Khawarij, Jews and Crusaders are attacking our lands, faith, honor and history --
sending the Ummah back to the stone age. I wish, we had leaders who could rise
and show the character of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Muawiyya. Ya Allah Karam....

Be part of the mission and spread the message or stay silent.

To all new comers, pl follow the rules of the page or you will be blocked
immediately. This is a serious page with a definite ideology of Takmeel e Pakistan
and uniting the Ummah. We DO NOT tolerate gustakhi, beyadabi, sectarian filth or
abuses. DO NOT make fun of the posts or the mission. DO NOT post ads of your
pages and DO NOT promote Khawarij propaganda.

We have zero tolerance towards such acts. Be part of the mission and spread the
message or stay silent. We DO NOT believe in madar pidar azaad freedom of
speech. Pl note. you have been advised.
To all new comers, pl follow the rules of the page or you will be blocked
immediately. This is a serious page with a definite ideology of Takmeel e Pakistan
and uniting the Ummah. We DO NOT tolerate gustakhi, beyadabi, sectarian filth or
abuses. DO NOT make fun of the posts or the mission. DO NOT post ads of your
pages and DO NOT promote Khawarij propaganda.

We have zero tolerance towards such acts. Be part of the mission and spread the
message or stay silent. We DO NOT believe in madar pidar azaad freedom of
speech. Pl note. you have been advised.

Some more guidelines.

Some more guidelines.

Many members want to engage us in conversations, ask questions, put allegations,
attack our views and person but do not have the courage to identify themselves.
They want to remain hidden and then attack like Khawarij, while we stand without
anything to hide. We will rarely respond to such comments. if you want detailed
discussion, pl send me a direct email but you must identify yourself and introduce
yourself properly with your contact details.

When you send me sms or email, pl DO NOT write incomplete sentences without
any adab or protocol. I DO NOT take calls from unknown numbers. If you have
my cell and want to walk, then sms me first with your details and then wait for me
to return your message or call.

I am extremely busy and not even getting time to rest but still i get calls in the
middle of the night and the person says that he has nothing to talk, just wanted to
check if this is my number or not !! or they would say that they found our number
from somewhere and just wanted to chat.... !! Or the person says that he called in
the middle of the night just to ask the repeat timings of our program... Pl dont do
this. This is very very discomforting. pl learn some adab.

There are some who just keep calling dozens of time in a go if I dont pick up the
phone...... For God sake, have some heart.

I get sms messages like "sir, I want to meet" ! but there is no detail as to who are
you, why you want to meet, which city you are calling from? etc etc ... I dont have
time to get into lengthy chats just to get this info. I ignore such messages.

Before you ask any question, you must ask "what khair will you do if you get the
answer ?? do you really need to have this answer or you are just asking for fun ??
dont ask questions which do not affect you like "what should we do to stop
modi?.even if I tell you, what can you do ??? This is not a problem of a student or
an individual who does not have State powers in his hands. ask about what affects
you directly.

I am NOT meeting people these days as all mission is on FB, media or limited
personal contacts. If you want to meet, there has to be a solid reason for that,
otherwise, pl sabr for now.

Whatever I have to say to the people and the army, we say that on media and on
the FB. whatever this nation needs to know, we will inform it well in time
inshAllah. if we have not touched it, it means that it can wait for now against other
high priority subjects that we are discussing. follow our previous programs. We
have done over 100 programs of Debate. if you have not seen them, dont ask any
quesiton please. All that you need to know has been answered already. We get
almost 7000 new members each week. They are new and we welcome them but
ask them NOT to jump into conversations without knowledge.

This is a very different page from all other FB pages. This is a battle station and we
are serious about our mission and take no non sence. Please follow the adab and be
responsible members and come here to learn and serve Pakistan. Post mature
comments and engage in healthy debate without immature cat fights.

Share the knowledge you gain on this page. It is sad that with over 300,000
members, we hardly get few hundred shares... why ?? are you ashamed to be part
of this Jihad ?? dont you feel responsible that it is your duty to participate ?? why
are you here then if you cannot even share a message ?? We dont collect fans here
dears. We need soldiers for Pakistan. This is your chance to be one.

Jazak Allah to all of you. Duty pressure is increasing upon us. I just want you all to
understand and adjust accordingly.

Read this incredible spiritual mail from a government officer in

Read this incredible spiritual mail from a government officer in Baluchistan. I have
hidden his ID. There is khair in this and great Bisharat for Pakistan. MashAllah .
Great Bisharat for Pak army MashAllah MashAllah. This mail is a damning
indictment of all the enemies of Pakistan and this filthy Kufr democracy. Pakistan
is under the direct spiritual protection of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

Recite Durud Shareef....


Subject: Asslamoalaikum sir / Spiritual Dream regarding Ghazwa-e-Hind / Pak

Asslamoalaikum sir, this is ......... .

Sir, I am currently Additional Deputy Commissioner ........ Balochistan and I
belong to the District Management Group / Pakistan Admin Service (DMG/PAS)

Sir, I have been watching your lectures/analysis etc and following you on social-
media/internet for years now and all that I can say is... it is "Brilliant" to the point
of being "spiritual".

I have been serving in Balochistan for the last 3 years and I definitely agree with
your analysis that no "KHAIR" can come out of the current system of
elections/democracy in Pakistan as I have seen the UGLINESS of this system from
the closest quarters possible as I was the "Returning Officer" in Quetta in the
"Local Government Elections" conducted in Balochistan in November 2013.

Sir, nothing urged me more to write to you than your analysis/prediction about the
general elections 2013 that these elections (if held) would 'Divide' the nation on all

Your this analysis was totally in accordance with a dream that I had seen prior to
those elections. In that dream I had seen the Holy Prophet(s.a.w) and he had said:
"these elections would divide Pakistan" (rough translation of that one sentence told
by the prophet s.a.w).

And let me acknowledge this, you were the only personality who had
predicted/said almost the same thing in one of your lectures before elections (i
don't remember your exact words).

Moreover I am totally certain/dead-sure that Pakistan and especially Pakistan army
is under the spiritual command of Holy Prophet (s.a.w) as at the time of Swat
Operation in 2009 I had seen in a dream that the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) had ordered
a Sahabi ( Hazrat Aamir r.a ) to go and assist the Pak Army in the Swat Operation.
It was also revealed in that dream that Hazrat Aamir(r.a) was a Panj Hazaari sahabi
(one man army who was equal to 5000 army men ! ).

Therefore sir, when you say that Pakistan must adopt the Ghazwa-e-Hind as WAR
STRATEGY/ WAR DOCTRINE, I must agree...because it is the only way, in my
opinion, that Pakistan have a chance of survival. There is no other option. If
Pakistan Army does not adopt ghazwa-e-hind as war doctrine/strategy then
Pakistan will only be sandwiched from both east and west and then as they say---
rest will be history.

Sir, I have related these few dreams of mine only because i was not explicitly
prohibited from telling them and that in these troubled times they may serve as
Bisharats that Allah and His Rasool(s.a.w) have not abandoned us.

Please Do Keep in Touch !


I would strongly advice all Shia Muslims ... Follow the fatwa from
Ayatullah Khamani on sectarian violence.

My this post is only for Shia Muslims... !!! Yes, you are reading it right. I am
breaking off from tradition here and addressing only Shia Muslims as the issue
involves the Shia Muslim community totally.

Understand one critical point here. Zionists and Khawarij are the enemies of both
Shias and Sunnis. The entire Muslim world, especially Syria, Iraq and Pakistan
have been decimated by the Khawaij working for the Mushriks and Zionists. The
enemies are NOT shias or sunnis but Khawarij, Mushriks and Zionists !!

It is the war strategy of the Khawarij/Mushriks/Zionists is to exploit the Shia-Sunni
divide so that they dont have to kill Muslims. Muslims would kill themselves as
now happening in Iraq and Syria with Khawarij taking advantage of that infighting.

Sunni Muslims respect and love all Sahabas and ummahat ul Momineen. Sunnis
love and respect Ahl Bayt. Sunnis love and respect all 12 Imams also. So the
problem is NOT on the sunni side.

The problem and war starts when Shia Muslims openly express their sentiments
towards 3 Khulfa e Rashideen and Bibi Aisha (ra), which provokes Sunnis. Some
pick up weapons and a war starts. Then the Khawarij and Takfiris join the battle
and it becomes totally out of control.... we have seen this a million times.

The wisest within the Shia Muslims know about this problem and have tried hard
to control it within Shias. Read the following Fatwa from Ayatullah Khamani, the
spiritual leader of Iran. He makes it haram to abuse those sacred personalities
whom Sunnis love and respect. This is a great Fatwa, which can bring great khair
for the Ummah if the Shias take this advice.

For Allah's sake and for the sake of Ummat e Rasul (sm), DO NOT provoke each
other with such abuses. How would you react if someone abuse your parents in
front of you ?? He may even kill you....

Let Allah (swt) judge who is right and who is wrong... Just DO NOT provoke each
other. Shias MUST show tolerance here as the probem is on their side and their
Rahbar has forbidden this foul practice now in this great Fatwa.

In Karbala, just check the names of the Shuhada... read the names of sons of Hazrat
Ali (RA) and Hazrat Hasan (RA). The names were Usman, Abubakr... !!! If Hazrat
Ali and Hazrat Hasan can name their children on Khulafa e Rashideen, why dont
Shia Muslims follow Sayaydna Ali and Sayyadna Hasan and do the same ?? This
will completely eliminate the perception that Shias are hostile to those personalities
who are revered by the Sunni Muslims.

In these times, Ayatullah Khamnai is a great leader of Shia Muslims. I would
strongly advice all Shia Muslims to follow his Fatwa on sectarian violence. There
is khair in this..

May Allah have mercy upon Ummat e Rasul (sm).

Barak Allah to all of you.


Be very careful when you issue Fatwas of Kufr. this brings you closer
to Kufr yourself. Be very very careful.

My this post is for Sunni Muslims who consider Shias as Kafirs and thus play into
the hands of Kuffar through sectarian wars.

Remember this -- Sunnis have strong sectarian differences with Shias but within
Sunnis also there are strong sub-sectarian differences. Some Salafis consider
Barelvis as Kafirs, Some Deobandis consider Barelvis as Kafirs and vice versa...
the list is long unfortunately.

But when you go to Hajj, all sects do Hajj together, Umra together, pray in Masjid
e Haram and Masjid e Nabwi together and when you die you get buried in Jannat
ul Baqee together -- Salafi, Barelvi, deobandi, shia... side by side... in salat and in
graves... NO fighting there

Even the most harsh and hard-line version of Islam -- the saudi salafi model -- DO
NOT consider Shias as Kafirs... otherwise no Shia could come for Hajj or Umra.
Entire Muslim Ummah is prsent in Hajj and NO one objects on the presence of
other sects..... Because there consensus in the Ummah that we have sectarian
differences but these sects are NOT kafirs..... Note this point clearly.

Let Allah judge whose aqeeda is correct. You judge on the actions and on the fact
that how that Muslim is behaving towards the Ummat e Rasul (sm). if his actions
are not hurting the Ummah, then leave his sectarian aqeeda. Allah will judge him
on that.

Quaid e Azam had all the Muslims with him fighting for Pakistan -- Barelvis, sufis,
Shias, Deobandis, salafis... Pakistan was objective and all fought against Mushriks
and Khawarij of the time.

For Allah's sake -- dont play in the hands of Khawarij. Let Allah judge the Shias.
You dont become the judge, jury and the executioner. A Muslim can NEVER be
Takfiri. It is a Takfiri who later become the Kharji. Be very careful when you issue
Fatwas of Kufr. this brings you closer to Kufr yourself. Be very very careful.

May Allah help Ummat e Rasul (sm) and unite its factions into one solid body.


Shia Muslims should read the first ten names of Shuhada of Karbala --
the children of Hazrat Ali (ra) and Hazrat Hasan -- Read their names --

Shia Muslims should read the first ten names of Shuhada of Karbala -- the children
of Hazrat Ali (ra) and Hazrat Hasan -- Read their names -- How many Usman and
Abubakr you find ????? Wallah, if you are sincere followers of Imams, then you
will also name your children as they did... and never abuse them... and would listen
to fatwa of great leader Khamnai...

Both Sunnis and Shias should clearly understand -- Khawarij consider you both as
Kafirs and would rape your women and loot your property and kill your kin
ruthlessly. DO NOT be an idiot and fight amongst yourself.

The Takfiri and the ideological venguards of Khawarij. It all starts from a fatwa of
Kufr and then they become violent and become Khawarij.... Be very very careful.
DO NOT destroy each other and the faith as Khawarij are neither Sunnis NOR

Barak Allah feekum...

This is the need of the time.. Shias must listen to this. Sunnis must
NOT become Takfiris. Both must Reject Khawarij - enemies of Ummah
and Rasul Allah (sm).

This is the need of the time.. Shias must listen to this. Sunnis must NOT become

Both must Reject Khawarij - enemies of Ummah and Rasul Allah (sm).

You would note that Takfiri Khawarij also try to shoot down our mission by
issuing fatwas against me as well, just as they did against Quaid e Azam and Baba

Takfiris call me a Qadiani, a Shia, a mushrik Barelvi etc etc and interestingly, all
these Takfiris are from the same lot of Khawarij who are waging a war against the
millat and Ummat. All these fatwas against me come from Congressi mullahs who
are the supporters and followers of Mushriks of India, like their congressi

So be very careful. Know the Takfiris and the Khawarij and crush their propaganda
and their evil designs.

Khair inshAllah !!

We NEED a Sallahuddin Ayubi and remember, Salahuddin was a
Mujahid and not a democratically elected prime minister !!!

Are we not living in these times ??? Astaghfurullah !! At a time, when the entire
Muslim Ummah is being decimated, we are ruled by the most idiotic, corrupt,
incompetent haramkhor rulers...

Those who still insist upon democracy are the worst of shayateen and ghaddars of
Ummat e Rasul (sm). We NEED a Sallahuddin Ayubi and remember, Salahuddin
was a Mujahid and not a democratically elected prime minister !!!

Any tsunami or Inqilab, which does not promise system of Khilafat e Rashida,
Ghazwa e Hind, defence of the millat from Khawarij, Mushriks and Zionists and
Pakistan's aggressive role in Middle East and Central Asia is not the change we
want. We want nizam of Khilafat e Rashida... led by team of technocratic
caretakers backed by the patriots and the army ! That is it !!!!

DO NOT be fooled by the faces of the touts they present forwards -
Arab rulers or ISIS -- there will always be Lawrence of Arabia behind

In 1918 and in 2014 -- There is hardly any difference. The western sponsored wars
within the region still rage, with traitors, mercenaries and touts from within the
Muslim lands. DO NOT be fooled by the faces of the touts they present forwards -
Arab rulers or ISIS -- there will always be Lawrence of Arabia behind them...
These are most complex geo-politics, NEVER simple as 2 + 2. You need the vision
of Baba Iqbal and Baba Quaid to understand them.

Read the following para from this article:

"The conquest of Damascus by the British in October 1918 was the outstanding
example. As the Israeli scholar Eyal Zisser points out: The aim was to create a
situation in which these towns and areas could be characterized as liberated by the
Arabs, who would then have a rightful claim.

Our advice to you would be : DO NOT react to modern warfare and geo-politics in
region unless you know EXACTLY what is happening and who is a friend or an
enemy. This is our duty to inform you. You have a choice -- trust us and protect
yourself from the fitnahs created by the Khawarij and the mushriks. Else, you can
continue to roam deaf, dumb and the blind behind every fraud "khalifa" or leader
who claim to this sacred title.

Our duty is to give azaan only. Hidayat is from Allah (swt). We will NOT come
after every idiot or blind to convince him.

Recite Fatiha for Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah ! The iron lady, who stood
with her brother to create this Pak Sarzameen !

Recite Fatiha for Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah ! The iron lady, who stood with her
brother to create this Pak Sarzameen !

We have not forgotten her nor her sacrifices for this beloved Pak Sarzameen. May
Allah bless her, keep her in infinite mercy and allow us to complete the mission of
Takmeel e Pakistan to for which so much was sacrificed by so many....

Recite Fatiha..

Taking advantage of the chaos in ME, these Zionist Jews are
decimating the Palestinian Muslims ...

Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !

Imagine if you have to live like this in your cities, with enemy bombers attacking
you with impunity right in the middle of civlean area and the world stay silent.....
The Jews hunt Muslims and there is nothing we can do about it ... astaghfurullah !
Because we have the most beyghairat leadership in the Arab world and even in
Pakistan today... Taking advantage of the chaos in ME, these Zionist Jews are
decimating the Palestinian Muslims ...

But NOT a single Palestinian is going to surrender to the Jews.. They remain
defiant, proud and fighting back with whatever they have...

InshAllah, one day, we will take revenge from Jews for these war crimes... No
mercy this time...

InshAllah, watch 3 curtain raising azaan on Friday, Sat, Sun on DIN
News. 8 PM -- the classic collapse of democracy, war in the Middle
East & Shia-Sunni divided within the Muslim world.

InshAllah, watch 3 curtain raising azaan on Friday, Sat, Sun on DIN News. 8 PM.

Friday: The analysis of the entire spectrum of political mess that is now in full
bloom in Pakistan -- from Tsunami to Inqilab to infighting amongst the ruling
party. the classic collapse of democracy and rise of the new political order in

Sat: The entire spectrum of war in the Middle East, rise of Khawarij, creation of
greater Israel and the role of world powers, as well as the slaughter of the
Palestinians by the Zionists.

Sun: This is a special bombshell for the enemies. The Shia-Sunni divided within
the Muslim world, the game plan of the enemies to ignite the sectarian wars, role
of sectarian Mullahs and gangs in Pakistan, their extermination strategy which
must be deployed by the army and the historical references how our elders dealt
with the sectarian/political differences.

All programs will be posted here inshAllah after their first airing. Khair inshAllah
!! These azaans will shake the corridors and columns of Kufr inshAllah !!

The classic collapse of democracy and rise of the new political order in

The analysis of the entire spectrum of political mess that is now in full bloom in
Pakistan -- from Tsunami to Inqilab to infighting amongst the ruling party. the
classic collapse of democracy and rise of the new political order in Pakistan.

This democracy is the greatest fitnah that we have....

This shocking video will stun you to the core !!
This shocking video will stun you to the core !! ISIS Khawarij killing people
randomly -- men, women, children on the streets of Iraq. This is the fitnah which is
now gripping the Muslims of Iraq and Syria, astaghfurullah !! Then those
haramkhor claim to form Khilafat !! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon..

When these snakes get injured in battle, they go to the Israeli hospitals for

Tonight at 8 pm on DIN News, inshAllah, we will do the entire spectrum analysis
from Iraq to Palestine.... it is a harsh curtain raising program. DO NOT miss.

And when these Khawarij in Syria get wounded, they are treated in
hospitals of Israel, visited by the prime Minister of Israel himself !!

And when these Khawarij in Syria get wounded, they are treated in hospitals of
Israel, visited by the prime Minister of Israel himself !! While the Zionists are
decimating Gaza on one hand, why are they so concerned about few fighters in
Syria ??? Because, these Khawarij are the biggest assets of Jews to destroy Muslim
lands from within to pave the way for greater Israel, start sectarian wars and hijack
Khilafat !! May Allah's curse be upon these Jews and Khawarij !!

Now you know why the Khawarij gangs of ISIS have promised to
destroy Kaaba !!!

Now you know why the Khawarij gangs of ISIS have promised to destroy Kaaba
!!! It is part of US/Zionist military doctrine but if Americans do it, it will put the
blame on the West. So, lets make the local "Sunni Muslims" do it !!! the war of
ISIS is against Islam and Ummah ! Only a blind cannot see...

Watch our program today at DIN news at 8. From Iraq to Palestine.. the arc of

The time has come that Pakistan join hands with Turkey and Iran to
aggressively threaten Israel !

The time has come that Pakistan join hands with Turkey and Iran to aggressively
threaten Israel ! The plan of greater Israel is now in motion. No Arab country is left
to resist this sinister genocide plan. Israel needs to be threatened and beaten !
InshAllah, it will be done... sooner or later.

Now we know that Zionist Jews deserve NO mercy !!

Whenever Pakistan and Israel have come face to face -- whether in air
combat or in boxing -- the result is always the same == total
demolition of Israel !!

Whenever Pakistan and Israel have come face to face -- whether in air combat or in
boxing -- the result is always the same == total demolition of Israel !! Very soon,
Israel will be demolished at the hands of Pakistan inshAllah ! Just wait.... this is the
written destiny..

This is your duty to fight this perception management battle.

Go and post strong comments on ZEM site here. This is your duty to fight this
perception management battle. Hindus come in numbers and use filthy language.
Remain decent, post argumentative strong comments and fight back. God speed !

Tonight, on DIN News Debate, for the first time in Pakistan media
history, watch an epic ground breaking azaan on most sensitive issues
of dispute between Shias and Sunnis !!

Tonight, on DIN News Debate, for the first time in Pakistan media history, watch
an epic ground breaking azaan on most sensitive issues of dispute between Shias
and Sunnis !! Never before on any media, such critical analysis has been done on
issues which are now threatening to break apart the Muslim Ummah !

Personally, I have never done more sensitive and candid program than this...
almost equal to the Ghazwa e Hind program last week !! InshAllah, great khair will
come from this azaan ! Great Khair inshAllah !!

Ask this question to yourself What does this mission mean to you ??
Where do you stand ??

Dear team,

For quite some time I was thinking to say this to you all. Today seems to be the

Ask this question to yourself What does this mission mean to you ?? The answer
would determine who would remain part of it and for how long or to what degree.

Alhamdolillah, we have thousands of members, volunteers, active team associates
all over the world but each one has a separate, individual and personal relationship
with this mission and its duties.

When you are part of a sacred mission and duty with passion, then you are
expected to do the following.

1. Give your time and best energies and skills to the cause.
2. Give your wealth and resources which Allah has given you in this dunya for the
cause of the duty.

If you are neither giving time nor resources to it NOW, when the battle is most
heated and the mission HQ team is most surrounded and hunted, then know for fact
that this mission is NOT your passion but a pastime only. you are a fan, NOT a
diehard soldier.

There are many members who are financially extremely stretched but they
compensate through their sheer dedication, hard work, time and skills that they
have. There are house wives, who are shouldering the entire segments of the
mission, taking out time from their daily family routines. There are unknown
workers who are managing the entire segments of the mission on their own,
without any demands or complaints ever. Some send me information and news
from global sources, spending hours on net and computer and become the main
source of knowledge for the programs and research. Some manage websites, some
translate and proof read works, some make Jpegs and videos.

There are members whom Allah has made financially stable but they cannot give
so much of their time but they compensate by shouldering the financial burden of
the duties and responsibilities silently. Our books are bought and distributed, bills
for the mission are paid and our legal battles are managed with no financial stress
on us. We never demand them to do so, but they insist and do it on their own as
their share to this sacred mission and we cant stop their khair, as this mission
belongs to the Ummah.

Then, there are many whose want to spend their time and Maal but it is NOT
accepted because it is either not halal or their Niyat is not pure . Not everyone
can join this khair remember this..

But there are many, who are close to the mission, have been brought close, but
their attitude towards this duty is kufran e naimat to say the least. They have
time and resources but their priority is their job, family, business, investments,
travelling and houses and they attitude towards this duty is casual and

Where do you stand ?? Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) do NOT need
fans. He needs die hard fighters who spend from their Jaan and Maal !! You will
NOT do any Ihsaan on Allah (swt) if you are part of this mission. Allah has done
Ihsaan upon you to bring you closer to it and shown you the most sacred duty of
this era defending the Ummah and millat in these times of darkness. If you do
not respect this Karam, then this is your naseeb.

The purpose of this faqeer is to give naseeha of Haq and naseeha of Sabr to those
who claim to be part of this journey.

We will not ask you over and over again to be serious Allah is watching too and
He decides who stays with the duty and who leaves..There are many who have
been taken away. There was always a reason Kufran e naimat, Gustakhi,
khayanat, buzdali, wada khilafi, haraam khori .

There are many who have been chosen to stay and they will be protected inshAllah
from the fitnahs of shaitaan for their sincerity, sabr, adab, dignity and

DO NOT take this khair for granted. Hearts are within two fingers of Allah (swt)
He turns them as He pleases and there is always a reason for Him to do it. Learn
from the badnaseebi of those who betrayed or were beyadab towards it and were
taken away, never to be brought back to the same status again That is indeed a
true loss..

Ummat e Rasul (sm) is in pain today. Momin cannot be casual nor be distracted
nor dazzled by Dunya wa ma feeha These are times of fitnah stay close to
those who are in the mission and do Tawasu Bil Haqq and Tawassu bil Sabr

Spend from your Jaan and the Maal which Allah has given you before the time
when neither your Jaan nor your maal would be of any benefit

The mission is on with full force alhamdolillah and Allah is enough for this Jamaat
of fuqara.

Barak Allah feekum. This naseeha is from an elder, given in your love, to help you
in these times of fitnah and sharr.

You have a right to ignore this but then you will not have the right to complain


The brutal truth no one dares to speak ! The choice between Fasad
and khair is now in our hands... Both Sunnis and Shias have a lot to
answer ... This is Debate Sunday Night...

The brutal truth no one dares to speak ! The sinister plot enemies hatch within the
Muslim world ! The choice between Fasad and khair is now in our hands... Both
Sunnis and Shias have a lot to answer, lot to ponder about.... This is Debate
Sunday Night...

This is your duty to fight this perception management battle.

Go and post strong comments on ZEM site here. This is your duty to fight this
perception management battle. Hindus come in numbers and use filthy language.
Remain decent, post argumentative strong comments and fight back. God speed !

This is our duty, our mission, our strategy. You are welcome to join
But know that this is a going to be a harsh battle demanding sweat
and blood.

We are often asked What is your mission and how do you plan to achieve it ??
What is your sect and which school of thought you belong to??

For years, we have been explaining this phenomenon on multiple forums and once
again, we explain it here from an old video recorded in 2012 !! We started our this
phase of mission in 2007, alhamdolillah never deviating an inch from the vision,
strategy and mission defined in the first program and now after 7 years of hard
fighting, we remain fiercely determined and focused on the path and the destiny we
charted out for us and the millat.

Our enemies, khawarij, Mushriks and Zionists continue to remain in a make belief
world of denial, trying to belittle and mock our duty and mission and its astounding
success. But the reality is that this sacred Mission continues to progress in leaps
and bounds, charging forward, crushing the enemies of Rasul Allah (sm), wherever
they may be, alhamdolillah !!

This is our duty, our mission, our strategy. You are welcome to join But know
that this is a going to be a harsh battle demanding sweat and blood. This is the path
of the honorables, not the beyghairat ones.

The day of Badar.... ! For the first time you would hear a story you
thought you knew....

The day of Badar.... !

Let us take you on an amazing, emotional and stunning journey, back into the time,
into the battlefield of Badr ! For the first time you would hear a story you thought
you knew....

Today is 17th Ramazan, the day of Badr, where the sword of Rasul Allah (sm) Azb
was unleashed...

What are the attributes of those chosen for this duty ?? These 3
minutes will stir your soul....

Who will stand with us in this journey ??? why some people join the mission and
then leave ?? why some people join the mission but remain in the background ??
Should we feel sorry for those who leave ?? what are the attributes of those chosen
for this duty ??

These 3 minutes will stir your soul....

This is how you, an individual, can become an agent of true change !

This is how you, an individual, can become an agent of true change ! All those
who wish to become the soldiars of Rasul Allah (sm) and work towards Mission
Takmeel e Pakistan, this is the strategy, vision and the wisdom ! If you cannot
control yourself, you cannot bring any change... wake up and realize your potential
and the difficulties involved in this sacred journey!

Learn these 3 Muslim languages. take time out and do a serious effort
to learn them. Those who want to do the duty in the Ummah, the
time to prepare is NOW !!

Team, We need to translate our TV programs into Arabic, Turkish and Farsi
languages. Our programs need to be sub-titled and analysis translated. any
volunteers who know these languages ?? this would be a volunteer project for
those who wish to contribute..

if you can and want to do it, pl email me your details and contact numbers at

To all other children and members, Learn these 3 Muslim languages. take time out
and do a serious effort to learn them. Each language will take from 6 months to 1
year for you to become fluent. this is a time worth spending. If you can speak these
3 languages (in addition to Urdu and English), inshAllah, you can communicate
with the entire Muslim world from China to Istanbul to Morocco..

Those who want to do the duty in the Ummah, the time to prepare is NOW !!

This is a special Ramazan gift for the Millat. Halqa e Yaran is our most
profound series of Spirituality, Wisdom of Quran and the character of
Band e Momin --

This is a special Ramazan gift for the Millat. Halqa e Yaran is our most profound
series of Spirituality, Wisdom of Quran and the character of Band e Momin -- a
ground breaking series done on Royal TV few years ago. Very few of you have
seen it as it was uploaded on Youtube many years ago and new followers are now
aware of it. Now we are uploading it on Vimeo. These are 4 episodes, rest 16 will
follow soon. Book mark this page and listen to these soul shaking azaans.
InshAllah great khair will come to those who hear them with adab and love.

This is a special Ramazan gift for the Millat. Halqa e Yaran is our most
profound series of Spirituality, Wisdom of Quran and the character of
Band e Momin --

This is a special Ramazan gift for the Millat. Halqa e Yaran is our most profound
series of Spirituality, Wisdom of Quran and the character of Band e Momin -- a
ground breaking series done on Royal TV few years ago. Very few of you have
seen it as it was uploaded on Youtube many years ago and new followers are now
aware of it. Now we are uploading it on Vimeo. These are 4 episodes, rest 16 will
follow soon. Book mark this page and listen to these soul shaking azaans.
InshAllah great khair will come to those who hear them with adab and love.

Debate Friday, sat, sun inshAllah !!

Friday. The complete analysis of the political chaos, long march, collapse of the
government the re-shaping of the political order in Pakistan. Also, the sucess in
Zarb e Azab and its analysis.

Sat: The Middle East axis, Palestine and the Indian preperations for a total war
against Pakistan, exploiting the chaos in Pakistan.

Sunday: A most critical program to define the word "Inqilab" or "Tabdeeli" being
used by various parties. What is a true Inqilab and what are its elements ?? what
are the characteristics of a true revolution in Pakistan ? What are the examples of
true inqilab from Muslim history and regional countries? What does the Aulia and
spiritual world say about the promised Inqilab in Pakistan ?? Where does Ghazwa
e Hind fall in the promised inqilab??

InshAllah, this Sundya program will expecially bury all the false promises of
Tabdeeli and Inqilab for good. The time has come that we fight and rise for the true
promised revolution not the "reform" within the systems...

Khair inshAllah !!

Can Pakistan's today's leadership match his calibre ?? Gen Zia-ul-Haq's
Fabulous Speech on Palestine in OIC !!!

How we miss General Zia today :-( There is NO one in the Muslim world today
who can speak like this on international forums on Palestine... and Ummah !! He
was kileld by the Mushriks and Jews, enough proof that he was a danger to the
enemies of Islam. Listen to him.

Warning : any negative comment against Shaheed General Zia will be blocked
immediately without mercy. No non-sense will be tolerated.

Bloody snakes like Hamir Mir are accusing General Zia of killing 25K
Palestinians.use common sense for God sake !!

Bloody snakes like Hamir Mir are accusing General Zia of killing 25K
Palestinians. Many people are asking about this non-sense. You people should
have been wiser. If Hamir Mir is barking, then this must be a propaganda and it is

Watch the video below that we have posted. Yasser Arafat is sittign next to
General Zia with love and affection. That tells the entire story...

The reality is that General Zia was posted on deputation to Jordan with the
Jordanian army. After the 1967 war, thousands of PLO fighters and their factions
has entered Jordan and has started to create a security crisis for Jordan government
led by King Hussian. King Hussian ordered the Jordan army to control these
secular gangs of PLO. The fights broke out and there were many casualties on both
sides. It was a fight between Jordan army and PLO, NOT between PLO and
general Zia. If anyone is responsible for this bloodshed, it is King Hussain and
Yasser arafat. That is why Yasser Arafat NEVER blamed General Zia for these
clashes. Only the rabid dog Hamid Mir barks....

Watch the video of General Zia's speech again. Do you see hatred between Zia and
Arafat or love ???? use common sense for God sake !! Zia was the finest ruler we
had after Quaid. DO NOT insult his Shahadat....

NO ONE in the entire Muslim world blamed Zia for this clash except
Hamid Mir snake.

Read about the mess and event of Black September. It would be insanity to blame
Shaheed General Zia for this clash. He was only a Brig then, gone as an advisor to
the Jordan govt. NO ONE in the entire Muslim world blamed Zia for this clash
except Hamid Mir snake. Also, the number of casualties are highly exagerated. The
reported statement of General Mitha is unverified and Pak army NEVER took
notice of it. Accusing General Zia of murder of 15K Palestinians is a huge
Bohtan... He was an enemy of Israel and Mushriks and a defender of the Ummah !
We recite Fatiha for this mUjahid of Pak army.

Watch this pic. General Zia praying behind Imam Khomeni.. shame on
those who accuse General Zia of spreading sectarianism.

It is most unfortunate and sad that we find hatred for General Zia Shaheed from
some Shia Muslims. Their hatred is touching the levels of blindness based on
jahalat and ignorance, using filthy languages for the Shaheed. We would advice
them to open their hearts and minds and DO NOT behave like insane morons.
General Zia was killed by Mossad and RAW because he was uniting the Muslims,
ending Iraq, Iraq war, helping Iran, representing the Ummah in UN and initiating
Jihad in Kashmir.

He did NOT start sectarian wars in Pakistan. Pakistan was suffering from terrorism
in that time from RAW, Khad, KGB, Al-Zulfiqar and BLA and also due to Iran-
Iraq war which started the sectarian wars.

If you do NOT believe us and want to remain blind, pl leave this page. Pakistan
and Ummah DO NOT need you. You will remain deaf, dumb and blind. Those
who know us know that we do our duty without fear and favour and will always
speak the truth ! Remain blind in your arrogance but we will NOT let anyone insult
this great Mujahid of Islam. Now shut up and leave or behave decently...

Watch this pic. General Zia praying behind Imam Khomeni.. shame on those who
accuse General Zia of spreading sectarianism.

Debate Friday Night -- See the filth these bloody politicians are
creating in Pak Sarzameen in the name of Democracy !!

Debate Friday Night -- See the filth these bloody politicians are creating in Pak
Sarzameen in the name of Democracy !! Pak army, are you watching ??? Pakistan
is sacred, not this filthy democracy !!

General Zia Shaheed was killed by Jews and Mushriks for his great
role in uniting the Ummah.

Our point is simple. if you abuse General Zia Shaheed, we will be very harsh on
you. stay silent if you want to remain ignorant. Most of you were NOT even born
when General was Shaheed. He was killed by Jews and Mushriks for his great role
in uniting the Ummah.

He was a great friend of Iran, tried to stop Iran, Iraq war, helped Iran in times of
war when there were sanctions on Iran and was present on the JInaza of Arif
Hussian hussaini along with Iranian Ulama.

This has been told to me personally by the Iranian leadership in Tehran.

So, if any idiot thinks that Shaheed General was spreading sectarianism in the
country, then he should either stay silent or leave this page. We have zero tolerance
towards stupidity.

Watch this picture. Jinaza of arif hussian hussani. Snakes like Hamid Mir accuse
the Shaheed General of killing palestinians. Most Shias accuse him of starting SSP.
SSP call him Kafir because he prays behind Imam Khomeni. Tauba !! How insane
people can become...

InshAllah, tonight, on DIN News, we are doing an emotional program
on Palestine.... khair inshAllah !

Post strong comments on Zem site. This battle also has to be faught.

InshAllah, tonight, on DIN News, we are doing an emotional program on
Palestine.... khair inshAllah !

Debate Saturday Night -- Isn't there any Ghairatmand leader left in
the Ummah who can make a stand against Israel ??

Debate Saturday Night -- Isn't there any Ghairatmand leader left in the Ummah
who can make a stand against Israel ?? With Pak army bogged down in Pakistan,
the tragedy of the Ummah continues...

Watch DIN news at 8 Pm inshAllah. A soul shaking, eye opening, game
changing program on that constitutes a true Inqilab in Pakistan.

InshAllah, tonight on Debate, we will clear the confusion about the demands of
Inqilab or the Tsunami or Change in the country. There is only ONE true
change which can be called Inqilab ! The written destiny which must be achieved
now through great leadership.

What are the obstacles in creating a just and benevolent society in Pakistan? What
has Baba Iqbal said about the promised destiny? What has Aulia Allah told us
about the future leadership and role of Pakistan??

Watch DIN news at 8 Pm inshAllah. A soul shaking, eye opening, game changing
program on that constitutes a true Inqilab in Pakistan.

Yes, I am in rage. watch this video and you will know why....

Ya Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm), Unzur Haluna !!! Ya Sabaha,....

It is our Bad dua to Nawaz Shareef that he may be destroyed and humiliated in
Dunya and Akhira and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) refuse to look at this badbakht in
dunya and akhira. While our daughters are being humiliated and children
slaughtered, this khabees person decides to go to Umra for 15 days with 200 crates
of Mangoes to have fun in royal hospitality and could not utter a word in support
of our sisters and children in Palestine..

Yes, I am in rage. watch this video and you will know why....

The genuine 'inqilaab' Pakistan is destined for, none other will be
accepted. The Debate Snunday night.

Now Allah will NOT accept any fake Inqilab in this Pak Sarzameen. The destiny is
written, defined and foretold. This is what Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)has desired,
explained by Baba Iqbal and verified by Aulia Allah ! Listen to this soul shaking
azaan to separate the truth from Batil. Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah !!

Go and post strong comments on ZEM site here.
Go and post strong comments on ZEM site here.

Another slap on the face of Khawarij and their sick mentally retarded
supporters in Pakistan !

Another slap on the face of Khawarij and their sick mentally retarded supporters in
Pakistan ! Now what would TTP apologists say ?? Allah has humiliated them once
again.... Allahu Akbar !

This is the most dignified, honourable and tiger like stance of Quaid e
Azam on Palestine, most of you have never seen !

This is our beloved Quaid !! How we miss him today when his party is hijakced by
sood khor vultures, who can only think of metro buses when the Ummah is being
decimated. This is the most dignified, honourable and tiger like stance of Quaid e
Azam on Palestine, most of you have never seen !read and feel the surge of dignity
and honor passing through your veins and a gush of love and respect for this
Soldier of Rasul Allah (sm).

He did NOT have a country of his own at that time, still he stood tall and fought
for Palestine fiercely !! Allahu Akbar !


On October 12, 1945, Mr Jinnah said at Quetta,

Every man and woman of the Muslim world will die before Jewry seizes
Jerusalem. I hope the Jews will not succeed in their nefarious designs and I wish
Britain and America should keep their hand off and then I will see how the Jews
conquer Jerusalem. The Jews, over half a million, have already been
accommodated in Jerusalem against the wishes of the people. May I know which
other country has accommodated them? If domination and exploitation are carried
now, there will be no peace and end of wars.

Referring to the efforts made by President Truman to put pressure on British
government to allow 100,000 Jews into Palestine, Mr. Jinnah said,

here comes the President of a great country thinking entirely of Jewry and the
interests of Jews. President Truman had the effrontery to put pressure on the
British government to allow a million Jews into Palestine, while he has agreed,
after a long period of vacillation, to allow only a 100 Indians to migrate to the
United States of America.

When a section of the audience shouted, shame, shame, Mr Jinnah turned
around and exclaimed:

It is not shame. It is monstrous and criminal. Why doesnt President Truman take
one million Jews into USA? The reason is that the Jews do not want a National
Home in Palestine. What they want is to reconquer Palestine, which they lost 2000
years ago, with the help of British bayonets and American money

Now if we just translate all the above mentioned statements of Quaid, he would
sound like a Jihadi Mullah. This is why we dont read this history in our books.
Because Quaid e-Azam wanted a Pakistan that would work for and fight for the
entire muslim ummah.

In an interview with Duncan Hooper, Reuters correspondent, Mr. Jinnah warned
that, if Palestine was partitioned:

There was bound to be the gravest disaster and unprecedented conflict, not only
between the Arabs and the Authority that would undertake to enforce the Partition
plan, but the entire Muslim world will revolt Pakistan will have no other course
left but to give its fullest support to the Arabs.

These are some direct quotes from Quaid's speeches:

"May I point out to Great Britain that this question of Palestine, if not fairly and
squarely met, boldly and courageously decided, is going to be the turning point in
the history of the British Empire. I am sure I am speaking not only of the
Mussalmans of India but of the world, and all sections of right thinking and fair-
minded people will agree when I say that Great Britain will be digging its grave if
she fails to honour her original proclamation, promises and intentions-pre-war."

MA Jinnahs Presidential Address at the Lucknow Session of the All-India Muslim
League (15 to 18 October, 1937).

"The way in which the British Government have hitherto dealt with the Arabs is
the greatest blot on their national honour."

M A Jinnah on British Governments Policy (New Times, November 27, 1938).

"But no nation, no people who are worth living as a nation, can achieve anything
great without making great sacrifices, such as the Arabs of Palestine are making.
All our sympathies are with those valiant martyrs who are fighting the battle of
freedom against usurpers."

MA Jinnahs Presidential Address at the Annual Session
of the All India Muslim League held at Patna (26-29 December, 1938).

"If President Roosevelt, under the pressure of the powerful world Jewry, commits
the blunder of forcing the British Government to do injustice to the Arabs in
Palestine, it will set the whole Muslim world ablaze from one end to another.
Grave wrongs had already been done to the Arabs. If the Jewish immigration is
allowed to continue, I have no doubt that not only the Muslim League will revolt
but the whole Muslim world will revolt."
Speech of M A Jinnah at Strachey Hall Aligarh (10 March, 1944).

"We cannot remain silent and we must assure the Arabs that Indian Muslims will
stand by them."

M A Jinnahs Speech at the Council of the All-India Muslim League (10 April,

Inshallah, watch Zaid Hamid on Express News at 10 pm tonight with
Javaid Chaudhery in a passionate azan for Gaza and Palestine.
Inshallah, watch Zaid Hamid on Express News at 10 pm tonight with Javaid
Chaudhery in a passionate azan for Gaza and Palestine.
Khair Inshallah.

Now in this hour of need we should send our Pak Fauj and PAF to help
Palestine. Not only personnel should be sent but also weapons and
equipment should be dispatched by Pak Fauj ASAP!

Zaid Hamid on Express News in a passionate azan for Gaza and Palestine. There is
NOT a single leader in Muslim world today who would take such harsh stance
against Israel, Britain, US & Jewry as Quaid e Azam did even before the creation
of Pakistan. When Pakistan want not even created Quaid-e-Azam (ra) took the
defense of Muslim world in his hand.

He warned that, if Palestine was partitioned: "Pakistan will have no other course
left but to give its fullest support to the Arabs". and he said that "Every man and
woman of the Muslim world will die before Jewry seizes Jerusalem". Quaid e
Azam (ra) in 1945 addressed the western conspirators and warned them to keep
their hand off Palestine "I wish Britain and America should keep their hand off and
then I will see how the Jews conquer Jerusalem". not only that Quaid e Azam (ra)
even threatened US President by telling him that It is not shame. It is monstrous
and criminal. Why doesn't President Truman take one million Jews into USA?".

Pakistan has a history of defending Serya, Jordan, against Israeli aggression. When
the Yom Kippur (1973), ArabIsraeli (1967) war broke out, Flight Lieutenant
Sattar Alvi and Flight Lieutenant Saiful Azam were among the Pakistan Air Force
fighter pilots who participated and destroyed Israeli fighter jets without suffering
any losses.

Pakistan trains Palestinian Soldiers at Pakistan Military Academy. Now in this
hour of need we should send our Pak Fauj and PAF to help Palestine. Not only
personnl should be sent but also weapons and equipment should be dispatched by
Pak Fauj ASAP!

Sadaqa Rasul Allah (sm)!! isnt this the time we are living in ??

Sadaqa Rasul Allah (sm)!! isnt this the time we are living in ?? watch the scholars
of today, watch their character in Ramazan, watch our so called beyghairat leader
.... the entire Ummah suffers the same fate ...

This is time for astaghfar ! dont waste this time left in Ramzan. Ask Allah for
collective tauba and astaghfar and demand true and great leadership, else zillat and
ruswai is our collective fate !!

There is no curse worse than being deaf, dumb and blind....

Worst calamity that can fall upon this Ummah is that it starts to accept the
Khawarij as the representatives of the Ummah !! Many among us are still confused
about Khawarij, creating divisions within the Ummah, while the Zionists with the
help of Khawarij are rampaging within the Muslim lands...

There is no curse worse than being deaf, dumb and blind....

There is no khair better than having firasat of a Momin, sharah sadr of a Mohsin
and Haqq ul Yaqeen of a Siddeeq !!

Now our humiliation has come to this that Zionist Jews openly
demand raping our sisters and killing our mothers which produce

Now our humiliation has come to this that Zionist Jews openly demand raping our
sisters and killing our mothers which produce Mujahideen... Sayyadi Rasul Allah
(sm) had foretold us about this calamity... It is because of love of Dunya, wealth,
status, power and gold and as a result, we abandon Jihad, we became cowards and
beca,e fearful of death and then allowed the mushriks, Khawarij and the Zionists to
humiliate us by robbing our Imaan, wealth, women and lands....

In these last 5 days of Ramazan, recite lots of astaghfar, prepare for Jihad and do
baddua on the Khawarij, Mushriks and the Zionists ! If you cannot do due for your
brothers and sisters in pain today in entire in Ummah, then be sure that soon you
will also be in their place -- humiliated by the Kuffar !!

Ya Allah, Astaghfar !!!

This is dignity ! Every man, woman & child is fighting back ! Gaza is
alive ! It will NOT go down without a fight ! Khyber Khyber Ya Yahood!

This is dignity !

Every man, woman & child is fighting back ! Gaza is alive ! It will NOT go down
without a fight ! Khyber Khyber Ya Yahood!

The Khawarij & the so called Muslim rulers stand on equal footings -- corrupt to
the core, debouch, traitors !!

Hamas represents the most just, dignified, honorable resistance force in the world!
Proud of you brothers !! You are defending the honor of the Ummah when the
Ummah has abandoned you ! We are sorry !! :(((

A dream --- Rasul Allah (sm) is in Jalal for we are not helping the
Muslims in Palestine..

I received this mail today and it gave me a chill in my spine...

Pak army and Pakistani nation, you should read this mail, a dream of a Pakistani
lady who shared it with us. Rasul Allah (sm) is in Jalal for we are not helping the
Muslims in Palestine..

She is a friend of Maheen, our team member who passed away few years ago. Old
members of this page know Maheen as a Mujahida who was our front line fighter
in defense of Pak Sarzameen.

This is our moment DO NOT betray Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

DO NOT forget Palestine and Muslim Ummah in your dua. This is the least we can

Forgive us Ya Rasul Allah (sm) for we have betrayed your Ummah :((


Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2014 12:56 AM
Subject: message from RASOOL ALLAH (SAW)

dear sir ,
i am an ajiz naqis ummati of my NABI PAK salalaho allay hay wasalm.i have been
in slumber for 30 years of my life , and i am scared of facing my ALLAH swt and

i have never contacted you before , i am a friend of Maheen tirmizi

today i saw a dream i think needs to be shared with u

I saw NABI PAK saw today morning , he was siting , a white scarf hung low on
HIS glorious face , behind him are mountains and heaps of dead bodies , hands
arms , faces ,body pieces , they are flowing in from gaza and syria , HE (saw) was
siting with HIS face lowered, watching every death , there is blood everywhere.

me and a small group of ummatis are running here n there , its mayhem chaos, i see
him and i run to him , knowing he is my NABI PAK SAW, our clothes are white
but full of blood , we are weak n scared.

i went up to him , and asked me something in arabic and i cry i don't arabic , wat
ya rasool allah (saw ) wat ? then a buzurg said nabi pak ( saw ) is asking

which country are u from ? i said PAKISTAN

SYRIA ? he asked what have you done till now ?

HE then said write all their names in a register , write which country there are from
and write what they are doing to help my umatiz

sir , he was ANGRY , beyond angry he was infuriated, i have never felt such
JALAL , my heart trembles with fear.............

sir he didn't look towards us, he kept looking at gaza and syria ........... and all dying

HE STOOD UP in anger and said i will do this ghazwa myself, i will wage this
war myself.......

HE ( SAW ) is angry with us ummatis,

sir we have to wake up!!!

What can ordinary Muslim we do for Gaza ??

What can we do for Muslims in Gaza ?? I am afraid the answer would hurt you
even more.:-(

Can we go to Gaza ? No we cannot. There is only one entry point into Gaza from
Egypt and that Jew slave General Sisi has sealed it.

Can we send supplies to Gaza? No, same reason. Egypt as sealed the border.
Hundreds of international volunteers are stuck in Egypt with supplies but they are
not allowed into Gaza. An entire plane load of supplies from Tunis has been turned
back by Egypt.

Can we send money to Gaza ? only through your own personal known Palestinian
contacts if money gram services are active. you need to have a contact in Palestine
and then find out if these services are still active. otherwise, you cannot.

Only the Muslim governments can put pressure on Egypt to open the border and
allow the supplies.. but we don't have Muslim governments left. They are all sold
our beyghairats...

There is a reason why our sister saw Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) in Jalal !

What can you do ??

The social media campaign is hurting the jews. huge pressure is being built upon
them to back off. Their humiliation at the hands of Hamas fighters is also
destroying their image as a super power. We need to rub this in more.... humiliate
them, insult them, attack them, expose them and support the Mujahideen and
Ummah in Palestine. Be a ruthless soldier on social media and in your circle of

Build pressure on our own governments and army to respond. your pressure will
help. Make it part of the protests and marches that you plan to do in august. force
the political parties and media to build more pressure on the government to act and

Most importantly, feel part of the Ummah, feel their pain and in these last nights of
Ramazan, do dua for the Ummah and baddua for the Mushriks, Zionists and
Khawarij. Dua is your most powerful weapon. Deploy it well and strongly. do
astaghfar and tauba so that your dua is accepted. present yourself to Sayyadi Rasul
Allah (sm) and seek forgiveness for being an ignorant Ummati. revive yourself and
prepare for Jihad to fight the fitnahs which are coming to us from all sides.. our
time will come soon. Allah will give is better leaders inshAllah. they will not
humiliate us like this. they will not shame us in front of Allah (swt) and Rasul
Allah (sm). Little Sabr. prepare..

I know it is painful and it hurts even more to know what Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
feels. But each one will be asked about his duty from within the powers he or she
is given. We do not have worldly powers in our hands but we have social media
and we have Dua. deploy them well and strong..

Allah knows our niyats. Khair inshAllah.
If you want to hurt Israel, share such videos where Jews themselves
destroy and humiliate the illegitimate state of Israel

InshAllah, tonight we shall do a special program on Palestine, Gaza and Illegal
illegitimate state of Israel. DIN News at 8 PM inshAllah.

On Saturday, a special azaan on explaining what Khilafat e Rashida model of
governance is. a ground breaking curtain raising debate to explain the alternate,
benevolent political, economic and judicial models.

On Sunday, another special program on how to fix Pakistan,under the caretaker
setup ! Pakistan can be fixed within days but for that, we need Dandey Wali sarkar
:-) this one is truly going to unnerve many snakes and traitors inshAllah !

If you want to hurt Israel, share such videos where Jews themselves destroy and
humiliate the illegitimate state of Israel your power is social media and media.
deploy it well and build pressure on the Zionists.

InshAllah, your azaan will revive the sleeping Ummah and encourage the Pak
army to take a firm and harsh stance against Israel ! Just do your duty and leave the
results to Allah (swt). Khair inshAllah !!

It is birthday of our beloved Medina e Sani !! May Allah give us
courage to honor the sacrifices which went in creating this sacred

Today, is Friday, 27th Ramzan, just as it was in 1947 !! It is birthday of our
beloved Medina e Sani !! May Allah give us courage to honor the sacrifices which
went in creating this sacred land.

This is our paper on the Middle East crisis. Share it globally with friends in
Muslim world and as them to translate it in various languages. The debate -- ME

InshAllah, we wil be transcribing and uploading all important programs done in the
last 3 weeks.

Our Debate Friday Night ! The test of Ummah has begun.. Pak army
must rise to take charge !

Gaza will NOT go down, inshAllah !!

Our Debate Friday Night ! The test of Ummah has begun.. Pak army must rise to
take charge !

Post strong comments on Zem site also.

Post strong comments on Zem site also.

Our brief interview on history and beliefs of Zionists and what they
plan to do in Palestine. aired Friday night on Express News.

Our brief interview on history and beliefs of Zionists and what they plan to do in
Palestine. aired Friday night on Express News.

This is a better and detailed version of our program on Zionism, aired
on Express TV.

This is a better and detailed version of our program on Zionism, aired on
Express TV. We posted its link yesterday but this version has more info on
history and our analysis.

shall post Today's debate on Khilafat e Rashida soon inshAllah !

The time has come for the true 'Inqilaab,, the system of Khilafat e

The time has come for the true 'Inqilaab,, the system of Khilafat e Rashida. Allah
rejects Democracy, Allah rejects Dictatorship. Allah will only accept Khilafat e
Rashida. For those in doubt this is the sacred model of govenance, This is the
future model of the Sacred Madina e Sani Pakistan.

Allah rejects Democracy, Allah rejects Dictatorship. Allah will only
accept Khilafat e Rashida.

Vimeo link of Khilafat program.

This is our program of July 12th on Middle East crisis with ENGLISH

This is our program of July 12th on Middle East crisis. Here, we post it again with
ENGLISH subtitles for global audience. share this with your non-Urdu speaking
friends and forums. Jazak Allah

Fighting the media and perception management war is as critical as
defending the borders.. do your duty..

Pl post strong comments on Zem website and respond to Hindu Mushriks,
Khawarij and Liberal secular beyghairats who attack our ideology. Fighting the
media and perception management war is as critical as defending the borders.. do
your duty..

InshAllah, tonight we will do a special program on "Dandey Wali
Sarkar", the "Benevolent Dictatorship" !!!

InshAllah, tonight we will do a special program on "Dandey Wali Sarkar", the
"Benevolent Dictatorship" !!!

The time is close when this Pak Sarzameen will have this government and then a
massive bloody cleanup will begin, inshAllah ! How this will be done... we give
you an idea tonight in The Debate. DO NOT miss ! Time to give shivers and cold
sweats to the enemies of Pak Sarzameen.. this is the destiny coming to them soon,
inshAllah !

Those who want to read more about the system of Khilafat e Rashida,
pl read our book on the subject

Those who want to read more about the system of Khilafat e Rashida, pl read our
book on the subject, based on 17 lectures given by ZH 7 years ago ! This is
Pakistan's destiny NOT democracy or any other ism !!! arm yourself with
knowledge and fight back the agents of Dajjal and Kufr who want to retain the
Kufr of democracy, Riba and anglo-saxon laws.

Eid Mubarak to the Ummah ! We will rise, inshAllah ! Stay strong,
stand united, We will NEVER surrender !

It is Eid tomorrow in Saudi arabia and Middle East. May Allah make this day, a
beginning of the end for the Kuffar and Munafiqeen. May this day herald the
beginning of Izzat and Jalal of the Ummah. Our hearts bleed with the Muslims of
Palestine... May this day become the khair which bring Salahuddin back to us...

our dua are for the women and children are surrounded from all sides and being
butchered and whose only door open is now towards the Jannah in heaven... Ya
Allah, karam !! Ya Allah Fazal !!

Eid Mubarak to the Ummah ! We will rise, inshAllah ! Stay strong, stand united,
We will NEVER surrender !

This is our critical document on Sectarian wars within the Muslim
world -- Do your duty to destroy the enemy plans to divide the
Ummah !

Members, this is our critical document on Sectarian wars within the Muslim world
-- the text form of our program done in Debate. Spread this to all Muslim sites
which understand Urdu. We are making Arabic and English versions also

Do your duty to destroy the enemy plans to divide the Ummah !

Dear members, we have redesigned the entire Khilafat e Rashida
book. This is the future destiny of Pakistan ! Arm yourself with
knowledge to fight the war tomorrow !

Dear members, we have redesigned the entire Khilafat e Rashida book. Now if
anyone wants to get this book printed, they are welcome to do so and have our
permission for the sake of Ummah, we can then buy the book from them at the cost
price as we cannot afford to get the book printed ourselves now.

Same text as previous edition but larger size, better pictures and more attractive
design. InshAllah, it will bring great khair.

Please write to us and we shall send you the original high resolution file which you
can use to get the books printed.

This is the future destiny of Pakistan ! The model of Khilafat e Rashida !! Arm
yourself with knowledge to fight the war tomorrow !

Debate Sunday Night -- Pakistans benevolent dictator and how
Pakistan can be fixed in 15 days !! :-) A bloody inqilab is over due now.
Dandey Wali sarkar is needed.

Debate Sunday Night

Pakistans benevolent dictator and how Pakistan can be fixed in 15 days !! :-) A
bloody inqilab is over due now. Dandey Wali sarkar is needed. This is how it will
be done....

This azaan will give sleepless nights to all enemies of Pak Sarzameen inshAllah.

InshAllah, one day, we will celebrate Eid in Masjid e Aqsa in liberated
jerusalem ! Do dua for the Ummah and remember your brothers and
sisters when you celebrate eid.

InshAllah, one day, we will celebrate Eid in Masjid e Aqsa in liberated jerusalem !
InshAllah, we will pray Eid salat one day in Sirinagar in liberated Kashmir.
InshAllah, one day, we will pray Eid salat in Jamia Masjid Delhi after Ghazwa e
Hind !!

Yes, this seems a romantic dream only but remember, we Muslims have the history
of converting our dreams into reality.

Today, we fight difficult wars within the Ummah. InshAllah, khair will come out
from this fasad. Ummah will revive, unite and understand the plans of the Kuffars,
Mushriks and the Khawarij !

This is our Arabic program Debate on sectarian wars... spread it to the Arabic
Muslims for them to know the enemy game plans ..

Our hearts are with Muslims of Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Kashmir...

Do dua for the Ummah and remember your brothers and sisters when you celebrate

Eid Mubarak to the Ummah !

Team, post strong comments on Zem site link.

Team, post strong comments on Zem site link.

Our Sipah Salaar General Raheel is spending the night in North
Waziristan, in the battle zone, will do Eid with mujahideen of Pak
army and the tribals of NW !!

Our Sipah Salaar General Raheel is spending the night in North Waziristan, in the
battle zone, will do Eid with mujahideen of Pak army and the tribals of NW !! This
is called leadership. MashAllah !! Remember the Pak army and your fellow
Muslims in your dua when you celebrate eid with your families. They are giving
their blood, so that we can be with our families.

And does anyone knows where is Nawaz Shareef, Zardari, Altaf, Fazlur Rehman

Eid Mubarak to you all ! Death to Khawarij, Mushrikeen and Munafiqeen !!

Youtube link.

Youtube link.

No my son, we have NOT forgotten you ! We promise to come to you
one day and take your revenge from the Zionist Jews ! That is a
promise !!

No my son, we have NOT forgotten you ! We promise to come to you one day and
take your revenge from the Zionist Jews ! That is a promise !! Oh Allah, be our
witness !!!
Whatever we do, we never forget that we have to take our Qibla
Awwal back, have to liberate Kashmir and settle the final score with
Mushriks as given Bisharat by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

We know our destinations.. They are in our cross hairs.. whatever we do, we never
forget that we have to take our Qibla Awwal back, have to liberate Kashmir and
settle the final score with Mushriks as given Bisharat by Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).

This is the motto, aim, mission and duty of Pak army ! This is the reason why the
Mushriks, Khawarij and the Zionists fear this army of Rasul Allah (sm) !! There is
NO army more feared by the enemies than Pak army ! Each Pakistani is soldier of
Pak army -- in uniform or without it, for we are all soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm) !

Right now, Pak army is crushing the Khawarij. Soon, we will turn to Mushriks and
then finally towards the Zionist Jews... This is the destiny ...

Note. This pic is NOT a Photoshop !

Watch this stunning end of an arrogant ruler who forgot that his duty
is to serve the people not his Zionist masters !

Just 5 minutes -- watch this stunning end of an arrogant ruler who forgot that his
duty is to serve the people not his Zionist masters ! Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf,
Asfandyar wali...and all other politicians of Pakistan should watch this. This is
their end too..

No one will know their grave. No one will recite fatiha for them. They will die
alone, lonely, forgotten...

Watch a real Hamas operation in Gaza !Killing over 50 Israeli soldiers
so far alhamdolillah!

Watch a real Hamas operation in Gaza ! Mujahideen, enter Israel through long
under ground tunnels, reach behind enemy lines, surprise the Zionist soldiers at the
check post and kill many of them and escape with looted weapons -- Israeli Uzi :-)
. This takes courage, planning and ruthlessness which is being shown by the
Palestinian resistance, killing over 50 Israeli soldiers so far alhamdolillah !

Israel is paying students to fight the media and social media wars. Go
to your laptop battle stations and join the war !

we get hundreds of mails/sms every day from students who say that they want to
join the mission and do something practical. I always tell them to do what we are
doing -- fighting the information war ! But they do not seem to understand. we ask
them to be on our FB page, on twitter and spread the message we post. They think
this is not practical work.

Read this news. Israel is paying students to fight the media and social media wars.
In today's worlds, media management is as lethal as nuclear weapons or even more

Fighting the media and perception management and information war is the most
lethal and effective way of responding to the enemies and you can do that from
your homes, as we do at Brasstacks.

If you do not have the patience to defend the Ummah in information war, you will
not have the patience to fight anywhere. We are doing this war for the last 7 years
now and have never felt tired, in fact gain energy every day when we see the
enemy being humiliated, insulted and defeated in the arguments.

So, stop complaining and go to your laptop battle stations and join the war !
Israelis and Hindu Mushriks and Khawarij are your targets.

Pakisani prime minister is trying to behave like Erdogan but the
problem is that to be like Erdogan, you need ghairat like Erdogan too.

Pakisani prime minister is trying to behave like Erdogan but the problem is that to
be like Erdogan, you need ghairat like Erdogan too. That this Pakistani PM does
not have...

This one pic says it all... InshAllah, soon, we will have someone we can feel proud
to love and call our leader !!These days, we only have the scum of the earth ruling

Sabr. Do NOT be frustrated. Allah has His own plans. Just do your duty with
serious passion and sincerity.

We promise to take revenge. Not a single Jew involved in creation of
fitnah called Isarel will ever be forgiven... we have not forgotten, nor

While we live in our homes, with our families, this is what Ummah goes through in
Palestine everyday at the hands of the Jews... Try controlling your tears...

We promise to take revenge. Not a single Jew involved in creation of fitnah called
Isarel will ever be forgiven... we have not forgotten, nor forgiven...

Oh Palestine... Sabr.. hold on a little more... Just a little more...

Time to prepare for Ghzwa e Hind !!

Dear Members, it is time that you prepare for the tests ahead.

While you fight the information war, start preparing for the physical trials and tests
also. We are living in the age of urban wars as you are seeing in Iraq and Syria.
Battles are fought in streets and homes between regular armies and lightly armed
civilians, supporting their own army to defend the country.

Ghazwa e Hind will be a war to be fought by the entire nation, not just by Pak

Look for opportunities to learn survival skills, read about them. ask any army
officers for help and guidance. Join adventure clubs.

Remain physically fit. start fitness training, jogging, exercises, running, cycling...
swimming.. riding..

Learn survival skills, hunting, fishing, lighting fires, living in tents and with
minimum equipment. learn to survive without electricity. Learn about basic
medical first aid.. managing wounds and stopping blood.

Get your gear ready -- boots, backpacks, rain coats, torches, fire lighting systems,
binoculars, warm jackets, knives... ground digging tools, night vision goggles,

Get licence from the government and buy weapons and learn rifle firing skills. In
combat situations, long range weapons are needed. Pistols and Shotguns are
personal self defense guns but rifles of all types -- from AK47 to bolt action
snipers are all extremely useful. Snipers with telescopes would be the game
changers in the urban war. Learn this skill. Make an outline of a Indian Hindu
Mushrik soldier or a Kharji terrorist and target his head from 300 yards.. This is
minimum range you should master.

Be mentally prepared that tests and trials that are coming on the Muslims of
Palestine, Iraq and Shaam can also come to us. Losses of family, friends and loved
ones are bound to come. Mental and spiritual strength would be more critical and
decisive than physical strength. Be ready for very difficult times...

Pl do NOT ask me the places from where you can take this training. do some effort
yourself, use common sense and search. If you search for it seriously and feel this
is important, you will find ways and means to do it. You can educate yourself on
net, ask army officers, join clubs and self learn. There are many gun clubs in
Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Else, you can go to villages and practice. DO NOt
ask me to start a militia army. I cannot.

If you are not ready now, you will never be ready when the real times comes. DO
NOT waste your time now. You have been advised.

Khair inshAllah !

Now watch how the cowards Jewish army weeps like wet diapered
cowards when Mujahideen of Hamas take their revenge

Now watch how the cowards Jewish army weeps like wet diapered cowards when
Mujahideen of Hamas take their revenge. These terrorists are only brave against
unarmed women and children. When a real army faces them, this is what happens
in Israeli army...

InshAllah, one day, Pak army will deal with this cancer for good. For now, enjoy
yourself by these hilarious pics from an army of cry babies :-)

From this simple battle station and information warfare platform, you
can really damage the enemies !!

Our destiny is stormy but our final destination is under the shadow
of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)

Whatever needed to be said has been said and now watch the
fireworks in the next 15 days :-)

Dear Team,

We will not be recording Debate this week due to eid holidays and upgrading
works at DIN News studios. InshAllah, from next week, we will resume our
regular routine. In any case, whatever needed to be said has been said and now
watch the fireworks in the next 15 days :-) . Khair inshAlla !!

Ceasefire in Palestine ! Remember this -- Resistance to Tyranny and
oppression and occupation is called Freedom struggle NEVER
terrorism !

The Zionist media says there should be ceasefire in Palestine ! Damn them. Cease
fire is between two armies, two countries -- NOT between a terrorist state and
besieged surrounded hunted population. The land Israel is created upon is stolen
from Palestinians. The water Israelis drink is stolen from Palestinians. There is NO
war in Palestine. It is State robbery, state terrorism and Genocide of Muslims
whose lands, lives, honor and children have been stolen by the Zionist Jews. If
these helpless, hunted Muslims try to resist, they call it terrorism ! Remember this -
- Resistance to Tyranny and oppression and occupation is called Freedom struggle
NEVER terrorism !
This government can actually fall within two weeks but there are
conditions to be met by IK & Dr. TUQ -- pl check my twitter account

Team, pl check my twitter account for latest political analysis on August 14th
challenges. This government can actually fall within two weeks but there are
conditions to be met by IK & Dr. TUQ.

Open your own twitter accounts also and re-tweet our posts. Do join this battle
station also. Twitter is our main platform as well. DO NOT ignore it

Paleed Kharji Mullah from Congressi deobandi Gangs of JUI and his
party should be hanged for treason and for working for the Hindu
Mushriks and Khawarij !

Now look at this filthy, paleed Kharji Mullah from Congressi deobandi Gangs of
JUI. Their hatred for Pakistan and Pak army is so nauseatingly overflowing that the
entire filth they hide in their hearts is boiling over. They are the defenders of
Khawarij and Hindu Mushriks in dunya and inshAllah, in Akhirat also, they will be
with Khawarij and Mushriks !

He is accusing Pak army of murder, rape and kidnapping Muslim girls...
Astaghfurullah !!! These paleed see no crime of Khawarij but have been given the
duty to spread lies, disinformation and propaganda about Pak army toserve their
Hindu Mushrik masters.

He and his party should be hanged for treason and for working for the Hindu
Mushriks and Khawarij ! Badbakht insaan...

Pak army is rescuing Families who are being kidnapped by Khawarij !!

That paleed mullah from JUI says Pak army is kidnapping girls. Now listen to this
reality. Pak army is rescuing Families who are being kidnapped by Khawarij !!
That is why that these Kharji haramkhaor are furious on army !

The type of Inqilab destined for Pakistan !! The time has come that we
respect the destiny for which this Pak Sarzameen was created !

This is Urdu transcription of our program The Debate where we had discussed the
type of Inqilab destined for Pakistan !! Read it, print it, share it to those who do not
have net access.

we do not have time to waste as a nation. Our goals are defined, our destiny
written. The time has come that we respect the destiny for which this Pak
Sarzameen was created !

Every political party in Pakistan is screaming for change but which one
is really fighting for this ideal model of Rasul Allah (sm) ??

Every political party in Pakistan is screaming for change but which one is really
fighting for this ideal model of Rasul Allah (sm) ?? This model cannot be brought
through present constitution, western democracy, anglo saxon laws and riba based
banking economic system. who wants to change this system ?? NOT these
religious or political parties...

We will either establish this system or die trying but we will NEVER accept Kufr !

This spiritual Baba is telling you a secret !! This Pakistan is under
special protection of Allah (swt). There is NO leader yet who can lead
it to glory --

This spiritual Baba is telling you a secret !! This Pakistan is under special
protection of Allah (swt). There is NO leader yet who can lead it to glory -- NOT a
single one yet. But Allah will send such a soul ! Sabr, stay strong and DO NOT be
deceived by the political frauds you see around. The destiny is just around the
corner. Sabr and do your duty...

Ask yourself -- what have you given to Pakistan so far ??????? In all
honesty, the answer should embarrass you.

Everyone wants change over night but no one is willing to build even the most
basic character for it. Allah will never take His duty from arrogant scumbags who
have no adab. If such people get power, they behave like Zardari, Nawaz, Khawarij
and ISIS -- power without Tazkia and character.

Everyone wants revolution over night but no one is willing to sacrifice their
wealth, health, time and precious resources for it. ask yourself -- what have you
given to Pakistan so far ??????? In all honesty, the answer should embarrass you.

Those who do not have the character to be part of this sacred duty, nor are willing
to sacrifice for it, should rather stay slent and let the destiny unfold itself. Those
who have been given this duty are NOT sitting silent, even if you only see their FB

Nawaz Shareef is behaving like Hosni Mubarak ! Failing to read the
anger in the Tahreer Square & deploying army to threaten the crowds

Allah will NEVER give izzat to any ruler or person who seeks it by insulting
Sharia of Rasul Allah (sm). Nawaz Shareef became the Prime Minister 3rd time
but Allah is always humiliating him...

Now, InshAllah, he will be humiliated again on August 14th.

The government has 3 options at its disposal.

1. Nawaz Shareef can throw in the towel, resign and call in fresh elections.

2. Nawaz Shareef can use force to disperse the incoming human tsunami but then
risks total and complete meltdown of law and order.

3. He can try to negotiate, engage and settle the matter politically with the
opposition parties.

With the hostility in the opposition camps as it is, option 3 seems out of the
window straight away.

Nawaz is behaving like Egyptian Hosni Mubarak, failing to read the writing on the
wall, confronting the population with force of the army, which in turn becomes the
King makers. So far, Nawaz wants to pitch army between himself and the crowds.
Army would come but not to pacify the crowds and that would make the army as
the King makers here as well. If it comes to removing the regime or firing at the
crowd, the choice for the army is simple remove the government and take over.

By inviting the army into Islamabad, Nawaz has already allowed the proverbial
camels head into the tent and now it is only a matter of time that the whole camel
makes its way into the tent of the PML(N) government. :-)

Now Nawaz do not control the events. The dynamic of the events would decide his
fate. Pak army would be the ultimate arbitrator, referee and the kingmakers.

Now sit back and watch the fireworks. August 14th is the D day. :-)

They sought izzat in Kufr. They will be humiliated in Dunya and Akhira !!
All new comers, pl watch our series Debate. Everything and anything
that you want to know about everything is here alhamdolillah !

All new comers, pl watch our series Debate. Everything and anything that you
want to know about everything is here alhamdolillah ! This till episode 83.

shall post the link for 84 to 113 later.

You must educate yourself first before you are able to guide others
and lead.

This is from episode 84 to 113.

You must educate yourself first before you are able to guide others and lead.

With English sub-titles -- This is our powerful program on sectarian
wars within the Muslim world. Do your duty and fight back... this
program is your weapons...

Youtube link had problem. we are deleting that and uploading on Vimeo. pl use
this one.

With English sub-titles -- This is our powerful program on sectarian wars within
the Muslim world. Pakistanis can hear this in Urdu but all non-Urdu speaking
Muslim world should carefully ponder on the words in English subtitles. We have
already taken out the text version of this program in Urdu and Arabic languages.

Spread this far and wide. The greatest fitnah within the Ummah is sectarian wars
which is allowing the Khawarij and the Zionists to divide the millat. Do your duty
and fight back... this program is your weapons...

It was November 2000. Nearly, 10 months before 9/11.I had written a
letter to the then DG ISI ....... Allah shows this Faqeer what others
cannot see.

It was November 2000. Nearly, 10 months before 9/11. There was peace in the
country and no one could envision the storm which was about the Muslim world,
especially Pakistan.

At that time, I had written a letter to the then DG ISI, General Mehmood and
warned him of the facets of the 4th Generation war which was about to be
launched against Pakistan. The term 4th GW did not exist at that time, so I had to
explain its components.

The letter did reach the DG ISI but the concepts mentioned in it were so
unbelievable that people thought I was mad . Then in September 2001, 9/11
happened and then the hell broke lose....

Allah shows this Faqeer what others cannot see. Those who trust would remain in
khair. Those who mock and make fun would either be true enemies or total idiots,
lacking the vision to see beyond the obvious.

Here, we share that letter with you for you to know the duty of this Faqeer and the
fact that we are doing this duty for the last 28 years, since 1986, not just since
2007, when we first came on media. Our Book From Indus to Oxus has more
deeper insights into this sacred role. Alhamdolillah !

This is the greatest blessing given to Pakistan that we have been
chosen to lead Ghazwa e Hind by Allah (swt) ! Know your destiny,
create your own glory ! MashAllah

Our most profound azaan on Debate on Ghazwa e Hind, fitnah e Khawarij and role
of Pak army -- now transcribed into Urdu.

take printouts and show to those who cannot access net. spread it on all sites and

This is the greatest blessing given to Pakistan that we have been chosen to lead
Ghazwa e Hind by Allah (swt) ! Know your destiny, create your own glory !

We shall be using this backup page as our primary one for now as our
main page with nearly 400K members has been blocked by the FB for
aggressive anti-Jewish posts. :-)

Dear Members, This is Zaid Hamid here.

We shall be using this backup page as our primary one for now as our main page
with nearly 400K members has been blocked by the FB for aggressive anti-Jewish
posts. :-)

InshAllah, this blockade will not hurt the mission. Pl spread the message and invite
your friends to join this page. battle shall continue from alternate platforms
inshAllah !

follow our twitter also for updates:

Khair inshAllah ! with dua and salam

Zaid Hamid

Team, alhamdolilah, our page is back !! It was brought down but we
recovered it alhadolillah ! :-)
Team, alhamdolilah, our page is back !!

It was brought down but we recovered it alhadolillah !:-)

Back to the battle station !! All those who have been banned as well, should send
me email at . we shall try to un-ban them. They
tried to mess with the page and members but alhamdolillah, Allah fooled their
Khair inshAllah !

Team, alhamdolilah, our page is back !! It was brought down but we
recovered it alhadolillah ! :-)

Team, alhamdolilah, our page is back !!

It was brought down but we recovered it alhadolillah ! :-)

Back to the battle station !! All those who have been banned as well, should send
me email at . we shall try to un-ban them. They
tried to mess with the page and members but alhamdolillah, Allah fooled their

Khair inshAllah !

InshAllah, we will be recording new program of Debate this week ---
Now it is going to be between the government and the opposition
with Punjab police doing the dirty job of terrorizing the citizens.

InshAllah, we will be recording new program of Debate this week.

Friday Debate will be on the ongoing political chaos and the outcome of this
turmoil. InshAllah.

Saturday will be on August 14th, Independence day ideology, Pakistan's past
present and future. Are we really free ??

Sunday would be English debate on political situation and Middle East crisis,
InshAllah !

The government has decided to use brute force to crush the Tsunami and Inqilab
marches. This will only add fuel to the fire. Army has decided NOT to stand
between the people and the government, despite the powers of article 245. Now it
is going to be between the government and the opposition with Punjab police doing
the dirty job of terrorizing the citizens.

Watch our detailed analysis on Friday InshAllah !

Pl note that our FB page is being blocked, either by the FB or by the
government.Stay strong and also follow our twitter for alternate

Pl note that our FB page is being blocked, either by the FB or by the government.
You may be getting the notifications but cannot open the page. At least you are
getting the messages and you can post comments also which are appearing on our
page. So do not panic. stay strong and also follow our twitter for alternate source.

We are hurting the Kufr and we expect these kinds of messy tricks. Take it easy :-)

Dear Members, we have created a new FB page. Pl register to that
page as well. InshAllah, our mission will continue and we will not be
deterred by these roadblocks.

Dear Members, we have created a new FB page. Pl register to that page as well. It
will be our backup page for now if this page goes down as we are still having

While this page works, we are making this broadcast and you will get the
notification, inshAllah. Go to the following page and like it. InshAllah, our mission
will continue and we will not be deterred by these roadblocks.

khair inshAllah.


This is our new FB page along with our old one with nearly 400K
members. These obstacles don't bother us alhamdolillah.

Dear all, Assalam alaikum and ahlan wa sahlan.

This is our new FB page along with our old one with nearly 400K members. Since,
that page was giving us problems, we have created this one as a backup. Pl register
yourself here as well and follow it. We shall continue to use the old one for some
time and then switch to this one altogether.

We shall make the post on our original page as well for you to verify our pages.

InshAllah, mission will continue. These obstacles don't bother us alhamdolillah.

May Allah bring khair and Barakah to Pak Sarzameen.

with love and dua


MashAllah, a Moving Hadith about Palestine. Respect your brothers
and sisters of Palestine. They are truly precious in the eyes of Rasul
Allah (sm).

MashAllah, a Moving Hadith about Palestine. A great Bisharat to Muslims of
Palestine and Al-Quds shareef in Hadees of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). Respect
your brothers and sisters of Palestine. They are truly precious in the eyes of Rasul
Allah (sm).


Some people will come on the Day of Judgement and their Imaan will be
outstanding, its light will shine from their chests and from their right hands. So it
will be said to them, Glad tidings for you today, Assalamu alaikum and Goodness
for you, Enter into it (Jannah) forever! So the Angels and the Prophets will be
jealous of the Love of Allah for them.

So the Sahabah asked, Who are they, Ya Rasoolullah? He [sws] replied,

They are not from us and they are not from you. You are my companions but they
are my beloved.

They will come after you and will find the Book (the Quran) made redundant by
the people, and a Sunnah which has been killed by them. So they will grab hold of
the Book and the Sunnah and revive them.

So they read them and teach them (the Quran and the Sunnah) to the people and
they will experience in that path a punishment more severe and more ugly than
what you (O Sahabah) have experienced.

Indeed the Imaan of one of them is equivalent to the Imaan of forty of you.

The Shaheed of one of them is equivalent to forty of your Shuhadaa. Because you
found a helper towards the truth (the Prophet) and they will find no helper towards
the truth.

So they will be surrounded by tyrant rulers in every place, and they will be in the
surroundings of Bait-ul-Maqdis (Al-Quds, Masjid al-Aqsa).

The Nussrah (Help and Victory) of Allah will come to them, and they will have the
honour of it on their hands. Then he [sallahu 'alayhi wasalam] said, O Allah, give
them the Nussrah and make them my close friends in Jannah.

Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad, chain no. 77, Hadeeth no. 17561.

Team, this page can still be opened through Ipads and smart phones.
You can also visit the new page and follow it. It will be mirror of this
page inshAllah !

Team, this page can still be opened through Ipads and smart phones. Laptops and
PC's are giving problems. in any case, you will get the notification of what we post
here. You can also visit the new page and follow it. It will be mirror of this page
inshAllah !

Jazak Allah.

I wish George Galloway was a leader of some Muslim country. He has
more dignity than all the Arab leaders combined...

I wish this man was a leader of some Muslim country. He has more dignity than all
the Arab leaders combined...

Bradford is now an Israeli free zone !!

InshAllah, tonight, we will do our Urdu program on Pakistan's political chaos on
debate on DIN news at 8 PM.
Final battles have begun to bring this government down. Our analysis
on the strategies, policies and vision of both opposition groups -- PTI
and PAT !!

Final battles have begun to bring this government down. Our analysis on the
strategies, policies and vision of both opposition groups -- PTI and PAT !!
Six months before elections, we had warned that these elections
would wreck havoc in the country ! The time has come when Pak
army should do its constitutional duty..

Six months before elections, we had warned that these elections would wreck
havoc in the country ! We had warned of this chaos which we see today, but the
deaf, dumb and the blind could not see. Today, the time has come of which we had
warned so long ago...

The time has come when Pak army should do its constitutional duty..

Celebrate the Independence day with full courage, dignity, passion
and patriotism and DO NOT forget to say Shukar to Allah (swt) for
giving us this home.

Dear Children, members,

DO NOT let the crisis in the country disturb you. Celebrate the Independence day
with full courage, dignity, passion and patriotism and DO NOT forget to say
Shukar to Allah (swt) for giving us this home. Imagine, what is happening to
Muslims of Kashmir, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Palestine...

This Pak Sarzameen is a gift of Allah (swt) and Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm).
Treasure it and never be in despair because events are gloomy or tough.

We will rebuild this Pakistan, InshAllah, and then help the Ummah in their need.
Turn Pakistan green with Sabz Hilali Parcham on your homes, cars, offices...Show
to the enemies that we stand united and there is NO power on earth that can undo
Pakistan, InshAllah !

NEVER give up. NEVER surrender. !! NEVER !!

Destiny of Pakistan can change in the next few days.

Destiny of Pakistan can change in the next few days. Our candid analysis of the
policies, strategies and stupidity of the NS Government and the future of
Democracy in Pakistan.

Follow our latest tweets on the political developments. Dont miss
Follow our latest tweets on the political developments. Dont miss them.
Developing situations and their practical solutions.
Follow our Tweets also. ongoing analysis of developing events.

Now this democracy takes its revenge on the people of Pakistan ---
The solution to dignity is only one -- Military backed Technocratic govt
to do ruthless accountability

All those who voted in this democracy for any party are party in this crime.Now
this democracy takes its revenge on the people of Pakistan. CIA backed
democracies are designed to create failed States. Look at Iraq. Look at
Afghanistan. We had warned you at the top of our voices but you never listened.
Now this humiliation awaits this nation at the hands of its filthy rulers...

The solution to dignity is only one -- Military backed Technocratic govt to do
ruthless accountability and cleanup of the system and bring about major political
reforms to initiate a Presidential model of governance where President is directly
elected and selects his own technocratic caretakers. NO political parties, NO
political talk shows, NO politicians.

Otherwise, be ready to become Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and till that time,
try to make your ways from under the containers..

This is NOT Iraq or Syria. This is North Waziristan !! The CIA funded
democracy and Takfiris are two axis of attack through which the
enemies are creating failed states within Muslim countries.

This is NOT Iraq or Syria. This is North Waziristan !! The CIA funded democracy
and Takfiris are two axis of attack through which the enemies are creating failed
states within Muslim countries. Iraq had democracy brought by CIA and also ISIS
brought by CIA/Mossad and now Iraq is gone...

Afghanistan had CIA democracy and now it stands on verge of civil war.

Pakistan had CIA democracy and Khawarij Takfiris backed by CIA. If Pak army
was not there, Pakistan would have become Iraq or syria long time ago. I have
never seen more treacherous, stupid and idiotic leadership in any country other
than Pakistan. The country is on verge of collapse and they are fighting like dogs
within each other and Pak army is desperately trying to hold the country together.

If Pak army was not there to defend you, this scene would have been in Peshawar,
Islamabad and Lahore as well. The time has come that we remove this filth called
political leadership and bring a patriotic government in Pakistan. Else, be ready to
face what this picis showing you.. NO time for non-sense now.

All those wanting fresh elections, pl shut up !!

Middle east crisis and Pakistan's political chaos. Debate sunday Night.

Middle east crisis and Pakistan's political chaos. Debate sunday Night.

InshAllah, this is the future of Pakistan, which will emerge from this
present chaos....

InshAllah, this is the future of Pakistan, which will emerge from this present
chaos.... There is khair in this turmoil, InshAllah !

InshAllah, the Shahsawar will rise...

If you have not sacrificed for Pakistan, if you have not given your time, money and
talent for Pakistan and if you have voted for democracy, then you have NO right to
ask "When and how Pakistan will be fixed?" !!

Pakistan will be fixed by those who are fighting for it today. Sacrificing for it now.
Making their children orphans and their wives widows and risking all they have for
the sake of this medina e Sani. Allah will chose them for this duty.

All others who just sit on the sidelines and wait for others to take risks -- please
stay silent. Allah has NOT chosen you to do this duty and will not tell you how He
plans to make Pakistan the greatest nation on earth. You have chosen to play safe.
Now wait for Allah's Hukm...

InshAllah, Pakistan will be fixed as it is our destiny... Only the most blessed will
be part of it...

If you cannot follow the main page, follow this backup page.

if you cannot follow the main page, follow this backup page. FB is giving us
problems. Page can be opened with Ipads and smart phones. Laptops are giving
problems for now. all members should register with this backup page. Main page
can go down as we have received many warnings from FB for aggressive posts
against Israel.

Khair inshAllah !

Can we co-exist with India, Israel ?? This is our policy statement
recorded in 2010 ! We will live with dignity only..

Can we co-exist with India, Israel ?? This is our policy statement recorded in 2010
! We will live with dignity only..

This is spiritual intelligence given 600 years ago for Pakistan's geo-
politics and security. The time has come for it to become reality
inshAllah !

This is spiritual intelligence given 600 years ago for Pakistan's geo-politics and
security. The time has come for it to become reality inshAllah !

Even the hindus accept that Pakistan is the Medina e Sani, a natural
inheritor to create Khilafat in Ummah !!

Alhamdolillah, finally, even the hindus accept that Pakistan is the Medina e Sani, a
natural inheritor to create Khilafat in Ummah !!

This article in Indian paper is a slap on the face of liberal secular beyghairats who
always barked that Pakistan was made a secular state. Even Hindus know better
that Pakistan is Medina e Sani for Muslims to regroup and rise !! That is why
Hindus, Mushriks, Khawarij and Congressi deobandis are out to destroy Pakistan !!

Follow my tweets. I am doing analysis as situation develops. Make
your own twitter accounts too and join the battle there as well.

Follow my tweets. I am doing analysis as situation develops. Make your own
twitter accounts too and join the battle there as well.

stay strong. InshAllah, khair will come from this chaos.

Do you know why Ummat e Muslimah is so humiliated today ?? Baba
Iqbal had told us 80 years ago, which is valid even today, even for
Pakistan !!

Do you know why Ummat e Muslimah is so humiliated today ?? Baba Iqbal had
told us 80 years ago, which is valid even today, even for Pakistan !! Our leaders
have sold us to the dogs !!

The time has come that we take our destiny into our own hands else, zillat and
humiliation will always remain our fate.

General Sisi, the butcher of Egypt, just visited Kaaba. See how these firouns of
modern times come to the house of the King of the Kings Allah (swt). Then read
what Baba Iqbal said...

May 2013, Just after the elections -- we had given the fate of this
democracy, alhamdolillah !

May 2013 -- Just after the elections, we gave this talk to a group of guests. Each
and every word, Allah (swt) is proving it right alhamdolillah ! Now the time has
come to destroy the Idol of democracy !! Listen to this...
MashAllah, Mubarak ! But the journey is not done yet...

Mubarak to you all !! MashAllah, the most sacred day of our recent history
arrives.. Allah blessed us with His most profound gift today !! MashAllah Mubarak

For us, this is a sacred trust to be defended at all costs, against all odds, against all

Our journey started with this azaan 7 years ago ! Lets start this journey again on
this day.. Wake UP Pakistan !!!

Our interview with a youth group on the aims, objectives and ethos of
a true education system for Pakistan. Released on August 14th,
MashAllah !

InshAllah, from this day onwards.. we will march faster towards our destiny.

Our interview with a youth group on the aims, objectives and ethos of a true
education system for Pakistan. Released on August 14th, MashAllah !

Allahu Akbar !! Dozens of top Indian websites hacked, owned and
destroyed by Pakistani cyber attack teams :-)

Allahu Akbar !! Dozens of top Indian websites hacked, owned and destroyed by
Pakistani cyber attack teams :-)

Today is Pakistan's Independence day (India's fathers day :)) ) and this is a special
gift to the nation from our cyber special forces :-)

Allahu Akbar !! Yaum e azaadi Mubarak to Pakistan !! :-) Fathers day greetings to
India :))))

Like Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagarh are also Pakistan. Now we will
take entire India in revenge InshAllah !

Hyderabad Daccan was also about to join Pakistan but then the Indian govt
invaded, slaughtered and enslaved another State. Know this history also. We owe
this to Shaheeds of Hyderabad Daccan. Like Kashmir, Hyderabad and Junagarh are
also Pakistan. Now we will take entire India in revenge InshAllah !

Hyderabad Deccan 1948 - India's hidden massacre Killing of Muslims in India

August 15th is a black day in the history of Muslims -- Kashmir was
snatched from us by the Hindu Zionist forces !! Kashmir is Pakistan
and We will NEVER abandon it.

August 15th is a black day in the history of Muslims -- Kashmir was snatched from
us by the Hindu Zionist forces !! Kashmir is Pakistan and We will NEVER
abandon it.

listen to our azaan on Kashmir history and its future !! This is what you are never
told !!

Now all parties are demanding an interim "neutral" technocratic
government to do ruthless accountability and then reform the system
before any new elections.

The country is going through a decisive phase now. It is now or never ! The regime
is using all the brute state terrorism to stop the march of IK and TUQ but it has
also lost the moral and legal authority to rule. Now all parties are demanding an
interim "neutral" technocratic government to do ruthless accountability and then
reform the system before any new elections. Both IK and TUQ as well as many
opinion makers are now on board with our idea, alhamdolillah ! The government
must resign and hand over powers to a neutral government. Else, it is going to be
bloodshed, blockade and violence... leading to total chaos and breakdown of state.

So, we wait, as sanity seems to have gone on vacation...

We shall come live today in Debate on DIN news at 8 PM InshAllah !!

We did this two days ago. Our analysis of political chaos.

We did this two days ago. Todays debate will be uploaded soon inshAllah. Our
analysis on protests.

We did this two days ago. Our analysis of political chaos.

THis was special transmission of Azaadi/Inqilab march. They had a
pro-govt guest also in the studio. watch out epic battle here : )

THis was special transmission of Azaadi/Inqilab march. They had a pro-govt guest
also in the studio. watch out epic battle here : )

Follow my latest tweets on developments in Islamabad. Critical
scenario analysis.

Follow my latest tweets on developments in Islamabad. Critical scenario analysis.

Brutal analysis of behind the scene developments in Islamabad &

Debate Saturday Night !! brutal analysis of what is happening in Islamabad.

Our program Debate Saturday Night -- brutal analysis of developments in

Imran Khan almost committed political suicide today ! We dissected
his "historical" speech in the Debate

Imran Khan almost committed political suicide today ! We dissected his
"historical" speech in the Debate

All the political parties are now ganging up to save this filthy
democracy. Why ?? read this.. InshAllah, khair is comming.. Sabr..

All the political parties are now ganging up to save this filthy democracy. Why ??
read this.. InshAllah, khair is comming.. Sabr..

Follow My Tweets for latest updates on situation and legal issues
involved in this dispute.

Follow My Tweets for latest updates on situation and legal issues involved in this

Follow my Tweets for latest analysis.

Our analysis of the Constitutional crisis Pakistan face today in
Islamabad. Army's can resolve the crisis.

Our analysis of the Constitutional crisis Pakistan face today in Islamabad. Army's
can resolve the crisis.

Our analysis of todays events in Islamabad.

While, there is total anarchy in Islamabad, this mindset has taken over
India and is now preparing for total annihilation of Muslims and Pak
Sarzmameen !

While, there is total anarchy in Islamabad, this mindset has taken over India and is
now preparing for total annihilation of Muslims and Pak Sarzmameen ! DONT tell
me that this is just a movie clip ! This is the mentality of the RSS, Modi and his
Bajrang Dal gangs ! Remember Gujarat ? Remember Kashmir ?? remember
Samjhota express ?? Those were NOT movie scripts but real life dramas enacted
by this sick mentality. ...

Follow our tweets for latest updates.

Follow our tweets for latest updates.

Many ask me why I support the revolution? Simple -- I may disagree
with policies of IK & TUQ but Nawaz govt is a national security threat

Many ask me why I support the revolution? Simple -- I may disagree with policies
of IK & TUQ but Nawaz govt is a national security threat. Nawaz is a regime
brought by CIA, defended by Hindu Zionists, promoted by Geo & protected by
TTP terrorists!! Enough for me to fight against. There is a national consensus
within patriots now that this filthy regime MUST GO & be replaced with a
National/Caretaker/Techno govt!

Once this new patriotic govt takes charge, it would start with most ruthless
elimination of terrorists, accountability of the corrupt! Only after that we can start
the process of strategic fundamental reform of system. What I foresee is that for
the first time, Pakistan will see a bloody elimination of the terrorists, corrupt,
traitors & separatists! IA! Zardari, Nawaz, Altaf, Fazlu, Bilour, should be really
worried men right now! The next caretaker govt would start from their

Every patriotic Pakistani wants this dream to be fulfilled, to have peace, to have
justice! We feel that a patriotic govt is the right start. This is where patriots
converge -- Remove this filthy regime, bring in patriotic caretakers, start
accountability, reforms, and then elections!
Who should bring Caretakers? Frankly, I do NOT trust political parties, election
commission or even SC. Army should have the last say!

NS should resign now. A day of infamy for "democracy" lovers when
their "elected" PM begs army for support against a popular peoples
rebellion :-) . RIP Democracy!

NS should resign now. The writ & respect of his authority has been shattered.
Ordinary cops are disobeying orders of govt. How would he rule? Nawaz's
insatiable desire to control the army has now been comprehensively shattered. He
begs army for support, surrenders on all fours!

A day of infamy for "democracy" lovers when their "elected" PM begs army for
support against a popular peoples rebellion :-) . RIP Democracy!

When State LEAs refuse to obey, NS deploys terrorists & Takfiris to attack the
protesters. Lal masjid outfits to be deployed today in Islamabad. Why is it OK for
PM to call army to crush civilian protesters and NOT OK for protesters to call
army to remove a tyrant regime?

Army will indeed not wait indefinitely. If there is a prolonged deadlock or violence
on streets, then army will be forced to intervene !

How can this man be the PM of Pakistan when he violates every
article of Pakistan's Constitution through his Khurafat !

How can this man be the PM of Pakistan when he violates every article of
Pakistan's Constitution through his Khurafat !

If IK and TUQ can understand this, the game can be over in a day with
their victory ! Part 1.

This is Part 1. If IK and TUQ can understand this, the game can be over in a day
with their victory !

part 2 will be uploaded later when they air it. inshAllah.

Complete program Debate Friday Night ! It is NOW or NEVER for PTI
and PAT. If they show weakness, they are done !

Complete Program Debate Friday Night.

Now Nwaz Shareef has hired these same Congressi gangs to launch a
sectarian war against TUQ team, while IK is being engaged in a
political dialogue fraud

Now Nwaz Shareef has hired these same Congressi gangs to launch a sectarian war
against TUQ team, while IK is being engaged in a political dialogue fraud to gain
time, while the government tries to find an exit strategy.

InshAllah, at 8 PM on Debate, we discuss this critical situation.

How will this crisis end in Islamabad ?? Our program The debate
Saturday Night ! Blunders of govt, IK & TUQ !

Debate Saturday Night -- How will this crisis end ??

If Zardari, Nawaz, Fazlu, Altaf, Geo, CIA, India & TTP are trying to
protect democracy, then it MUST be destroyed !!

If Zardari, Nawaz, Fazlu, Altaf, Geo, CIA, India & TTP are trying to protect
democracy, then it MUST be destroyed !!

simple logic, basic common sense about politics.

There should be only 1 demand from TUQ & IK -- Neutral Caretaker
govt NOW !! Whatever it takes to do it, must be done -- even asking

IK is on his way to a political suicide by surrendering all his initial legit demands
of resignation, caretakers, reforms & re-elections! If he falls in the trap of 1 month
suspended Nawaz, judicial commission & return of the status quo, then he will face
rebellion within PTI. The govt is seriously debating to accept the 1 month
suspension deal. IK still has little time to reject it & return to original demands!

There is NO way IK & TUQ can get justice except under a neutral caretaker govt.
Anything else offered by NS is a bloody trap & drama only. Govt has already
conveyed to the army that they have got the situation under control & would find a
pol solution to this deadlock. IK is being misled by some of his top advisers. Now
it is up to the PTI ground troops to rescue their leader from betrayal & pol suicide.
Govt is also trying to bait TUQ with the same 1 month suspension trick!! If TUQ
falls for it, govt would also offer the same to PTI as trap.
There should be only 1 demand from TUQ & IK -- Neutral Caretaker govt NOW !!
Whatever it takes to do it, must be done -- even asking army!

Govt is spending billions to buy off media houses, anchors, lawyers & even
advisers from within IK & TUQ group. PTI/PAT have little time now. The deal
between Fazlur Rehman, Jamat e Islami & govt is also close now. Mullahs will get
Khyber govt if they help bring down PTI & IK. The battlefield is shifting rapidly
& IK & TUQ are frozen in indecision, confusion & bad advice. Unless they stand
firm united, they are losing.

Debate Sunday Night !! The battles will now be fought on the streets !

Debate Sunday Night !! The battles will now be fought on the streets !

Pl post strong comments on Zem site

Pl post strong comments on Zem site

InshAllah, at 8 PM Monday night, Sach TV will air our interview on
present political chaos.

InshAllah, at 8 PM Monday night, Sach TV will air our interview on present
political chaos.

Our program on Sach TV Monday. Entire spectrum of analysis on the
present rapidly deteriorating crisis in Ibd.

Our azaan on Sach TV program Goya !!

Tuesday is a critical day in Islamabad. Govt plans to use force now.

Tuesday is a critical day in Islamabad. Govt plans to use force now. Gangs of
JUI/PML(N) have been brought in. Police ready under SC orders.

NS has a history of instigating coups within army. Gen Raheel should be careful.
In 1998, NS bought DG ISI Gen Butt & tried a coup against Musharraf. NS asked
General JK to leave office in 90s & General Asif Nawaz was mysteriously
poisoned! A coup against Musharraf backfired! This is Nawaz Sharif! Even today,
NS is furious with Raheel for not openly supporting govt against protesters.
Frictions are rising rapidly as showdown approaches.

After 1998, NS was put on trial for hijacking the aircraft but NEVER for
instigating a rebellion within army against sitting COAS. PML(N) circles openly
accuse army & ISI for backing this rebellion in Islamabad despite public denials.
There are reports of NS wanting new DG ISI.

Now Supreme Court has given a legal mandate to Interior Ministry to use force
against protesters in Red zone. Govt will fully exploit it now. If there is bloodshed,
then even SC would be responsible for giving approval to this butcher govt with
dozens of murders on their hands! Honorable SC judges want govt to clear roads
before their office starts on Tuesday, even if it means unleashing brute force on

Let us give you a breaking new -- Quaid e Azam wanted a Presidential
form of govt in Pakistan and knew that parliamentary democracy will
NOT work in Pakistan.

Let us gve you a breaking new -- Quaid e Azam wanted a Presidential form of govt
in Pakistan and knew that parliamentary democracy will NOT work in Pakistan.
Read his own original handwriting. The time has now come that we change our
governance model closest to Khilafat e Rashida and elect an Amieer, ruler, Sultan,
President directly and let him select his team of advisors -- techno govt. Even
Quaid wanted this form of govt !!

Understand this -- war is total strategy with different duties. Just do
your work and don't bother or challenge our duty. we know what we
are doing, alhamdolillah !
There are many innocent, naive and simpleton souls who think that we are not
doing any practical work & just sitting in our homes, on FB and commenting :-)
They urge us to come out and join the Dharnas and shout slogans and join the
dances& songs :-)

Though we don't have to offer any explanations to anyone for our strategy, mission
and duty, we would only add that those who think that we are just sitting at home
on social media are totally ignorant of our work. We don't share with you what we
do. We don't have to.

We started this mission 7 years ago, have defended the nation in all battles, against
all enemies, in all threats, guiding, advising and leading the attacks against all

We are a Think Tank, whose duty is to guide the policy makers & rulers. We are
doing that alhamdolillah ! We are NOT followers. We guide, advice and lead in
war of ideas and strategy..

Just giving an example for simple minds : An F-16 pilot, does not fight on ground
:-) His duty is high in the sky. Only a fool would ask a pilot to come down on
ground and fight like a foot soldier. An F-16 pilot cannot fight without the man on
a Radar, who guides him all the way. Only a fool would ask a Radar operator to
leave his duty and join the fight on ground.. Only a fool would ask Army chief to
leave his Control room in GHQ and go on a front to fight like a foot soldier.

Understand this -- war is total strategy with different duties. Just do your work and
don't bother or challenge our duty. we know what we are doing, alhamdolillah !

This is the true Inqilab we are fighting for !! InshAllah our destiny very

This is the true Inqilab we are fighting for !! InshAllah our destiny very soon.
Follow the tweets for latest updates and analysis.

Follow the tweets for latest updates and analysis.

This is Gaza, the spirit of resistance !! MashAllah ! DO NOT forget your
brothers and sisters in Gaza while we fight our own battles here.

This is Gaza, the spirit of resistance !! MashAllah ! DO NOT forget your brothers
and sisters in Gaza while we fight our own battles here. Despite brutal slaughter by
Jews, the Gazans are alive, defiant and will NEVER surrender !!

Debate Friday Night !!

Debate Friday Night !!

Both IK & TUQ are stuck now ! It is a deadlock, only blood or army can
break !

Both IK & TUQ are stuck now ! They have come this far and dont know where to
go from here. Only army can bail them out or they should go back now. They wait
for the army to come but dont have the courage to ask for it openly. Their
confusion is obvious..

The govt of NS is also equally confused and fatally weak. It is a deadlock, only
blood or army can break !
Even before it happened, we had warned each and every step which
would unfold. The debate sat night

Even before it happened, we had warned each and every step which would unfold.
The debate sat night

I see everyone calling for army. But why are the leaders silent ? TUQ
& IK ---

These are my tweets from last night:

I strongly appreciate IK for keeping women behind at safe distance. I strongly
condemn PAT for using women as human shield around TUQ jeep. You NEVER
go into battle surrounding yourself with women & children. We knew NS/SS are
animals & kill ruthlessly. PAT has made a blunder!

I see everyone calling for army. But why are the leaders silent ? TUQ & IK have
openly said that they want democracy. Army hears that too. Now this "democracy"
is also beating the hell out of media ! To be honest, we as an ungrateful stupid
nation deserve these filthy leaders! Months before the elections, I had warned the
nation NOT to go for elections. I was most insulted by PTI members. Today, they
want army ??

Army does not have any plans for martial law. The only solution they are thinking
is to bring a caretaker govt. But IK &TUQ must demand that. If leaders are too
afraid to demand army's intervention to remove this govt & bring in a caretaker
govt, then they should handle it themselves. Pakistan is under the protection of
Allah (swt). Pakistanis are being punished & tested for our collective blunders. DO
NOT panic. Khair IA.

IA, This is Pakistan's future -- Army backed Techno govt to radically transform
Pakistan into a strong Pan Islamic welfare state! As a nation, we have tested all
forms of systems - Democracy, Martial Laws!! All failed. Now lets raise voice for
army backed Techno Govt!
Army is already fighting a war Zarb e Azab & defending the nation with incredible
courage. But what is happening in Islamabad is political crisis. Army does NOT
even blink before responding to a military threat. But intervention into politics,
removing a regime is difficult choice. I want army to intervene NOW but can you
all promise to defend the army against liberal pro-democracy beyyghairats who
will bark then? Police fired thousands of live shot gun rounds, tear gas shells.
There is also private militia of SS called Shahbaz force dressed as Police.

Listen to this carefully -- army will come IF IK or TUQ invite them & share
responsibility OR if the anarchy gets totally get out of control. I have been saying
this for ages now. Why are IK & TUQ so afraid to call army for help? Army has
taken enough beating alone from politicians. Problem with you is that you want
army to come on YOUR terms! This will NOT happen. If army comes, it will be
their terms, their Law. If TUQ & IK cannot call the army for support, then they
will be held responsible too. They started this, now they should take responsibility.

Army is debating 3 options - Martial Law, Civilian Caretakers, NO interference. I
will accept 1 & 2 but NOT 3. You should also accept & say it. Till last night both
IK & TUQ were most vocal that they will block army & support democracy! Now
if PTI/PAT want army, then INVITE them!

Debate Sunday Night -- after the clash analysis, while the army decide
the fate of democracy.

Debate Sunday Night -- after the clash analysis, while the army decide the fate of

Just before the Corp Commanders conference ended, we gave a
situation analysis on HTV.

Just before the Corp Commanders conference ended, we gave a situation analysis
on HTV. Here it is.

My detailed analysis of the present crisis and the calculated
predictions for the next 48 hours !

Latest analysis for the next 48 hours ! HTV live broadcast.

The chaos & confusion in Pakistan would stop over night if we stop all
political talk shows! This is NOT journalism, but media terrorism!

Latest Tweets:

The chaos & confusion in Pakistan would stop over night if we stop all political
talk shows! This is NOT journalism, but media terrorism!
What people consider as "free opinion" of "independent media" is actually a
carefully crafted information warfare op. Pakistani media has also been totally &
shamefully exposed in this crisis. How the "Presstitutes" pawned themselves to the
highest bidder!

Just as the politicians have proved that they are not yet mature enough for
"democracy", the media has also committed suicide this time!

When former army chief can be booked for treason & present PM can be booked
for terrorism & murder, surely Presstitutes can also be hanged!

US says it will not support any unconstitutional change in Pakistan. Surely the
savage bloody "change" US brought in ME are "Constitutional"
Latest Tweets after parliament session:

Today, sense of survival even unites a Congress of monkeys for
protecting their interests against demands of change!

Today, sense of survival even unites a Congress of monkeys for protecting their
interests against demands of change! Curse of Allah (swt) on Achakzai for talking
about the beloved Prophet Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) with utmost disrespect in
parliament today. Achakzai is a known enemy of Pakistan and today he proved that
he is a known enemy of Rasul Allah (sm) also. That insolent traitor !!

Aitzaz, Fazal, Achakzai, MQM, Javed Kashmi -- They spitted their venom one
after another - all known suspects, enemies of Pakistan, Munafiqs. Direction of
their sinister strategy is clear - they are instigating the parliament to order army to
attack & remove the Dharna !! Snakes !!

To the utter disappointment of these parties of liars, thieves & munafiqs, Pak army
will NEVER attack our own people ! Rest assured IA !!

It was Najam Sethi who instigated this plan to use Supreme Court to order army to
attack & remove Dharna. Now parliament takes the same line.

Now when the anti-terrorism clauses have also been added to the 14 murder FIR
against the PM & the CM, it is time to arrest the two accused! Entire parliament
should be ashamed of itself -- all political parties. NO ONE spoke for 14 killed in
Model Town by NS & SS despite the FIR! The legal legitimate demand of Dharna
is FIR against killers & their arrest. Why the political opposition is supporting
NS/SS in murders? These political parties only want to save their filthy vested
interest & DO NOT stand for law, justice & constitution. NO respect for liars.

They say MQM, Aitzaz & JH did speak on model town ! But then what ?? Did
they demand arrest of the killers, demanded their resignations?? Now it is proven -
- they are only blood sucking leeches NOT interested in justice. Now this
parliament has NO respect, NO authority !

After today's session is proven beyond doubt that IK & TUQ were right ! This is a
congress of killers & election fraudsters. All together ! These gangsters only talked
about saving the system, protecting their democracy, threatening the army & NOT
about the people & Justice !

First the accused were the two killer brothers -- NS/SS. Now they are all partners
in crime -- JUI, PPP, MQM, Achakzai !! Fully exposed now! None of these snakes
want involvement of ISI/ Pak army into politics. But they fully support RAW's
involvement in Pak politics! Traitors!

Army is NOT indifferent ! It is only giving more time to these snakes to expose
themselves, spit their venom against Pak & people! Wait!!

All what PTI & TUQ do now is to sit tight & wait ! Their blockade of Red zone is
creating crisis for the govt. Army will NEVER attack them. As things have shaped
out today, it is going to be a long drawn out battle of nerves -- may stretch into
next 10 days. PTI/PAT remain firm!

NS, Aitzaz, Fazal, MQM, Achakzai -- they hate the guts of army BUT also want
army to protect their backsides from lynching by the people!
Aitzaz Ahsan, you are one of the most shameless characterless
imbecile seen in recent history - You DID all this too!

Aitzaz Ahsan, you are one of the most shameless characterless imbecile seen in
recent history - You DID all this too!

Now you have the audacity to come to the parliament and accuse those who have
been wronged and who fight to get justice !!!

Army got FIR registered against NS/SS, then NS lied in parliament,
then army refused to attack protesters, then message from GHQ! Got
it? :-)


The direction of the parliament is clear - they blame army for being behind Dharna
& want army to use force. What if army refuses to obey? :-) Under any order,
either from the parliament or the SC, army will NEVER use force against own
unarmed citizens. The police has disappeared :-)

Now NS has a real crisis at hand - Police has refused, army has forbidden use of
force, army will NOT do it ! This is called being in a hole. But despite being in a
hole, NS is still digging frantically :-) Everyday that Dharna stays there, his govt
remains suspended, humiliatingly.

I am amused by the foolish bravado of the Parliamentarians against the army :-).
They are only accelerating the inevitable :-) now GHQ is fuming. Army got FIR
registered against NS/SS, then NS lied in parliament, then army refused to attack
protesters, then message from GHQ! Got it? :-)

If army can get the FIR registered despite the most fierce resistance by the sitting
PM & CM, army can also get them arrested on murder. Previous IG Police refused.
The new IG is faking a heart attack & have taken admission in hospital! NS is
pulling his transplanted hair out! NS & this fake parliament is hanging by a thread,
already mortally wounded, humiliated & hopelessly without any authority even in
Islamabad :-)

To add insult to injury, now TUQ has ordered to turn the parliament grounds into a
cricket academy, washing area, camping site & toilets :-)

Yes, I am a snake, I am an Indian tout and my objective is to serve
Hindu dominance. My name is Aitzaz Ahsan !

Yes, I am a snake, I am an Indian tout and my objective is to serve Hindu
dominance. My name is Aitzaz Ahsan !

In this age of confusion, what do we mean by Inqilab & Tabdeeli ?

In this age of confusion, what do we mean by Inqilab & Tabdeeli ?

Read my book Khilafat e Rashida !! Both IK & TUQ have used this term also but
what is real Khilafat e Rashida model and how ccan we start to implement it
through a patriotic caretaker government, read this book. Every person wanting
inqilab should read this to have solid arguments for the system of Khilafat e

New second edition, with beautiful design, pics, maps, references and hard bound
in mat paper finish will now be available from next week. inshAllah !

Book your copy at: 051 -- 5598046,7 Shami will be here.


Email me at

Price is Rs: 1000/= (one thousand) within Pakistan which also include TCS/Urgent
mail charges.

All those outside Pakistan can read the online version of the book from our

Alhamdolillah, even the enemies are confirming that our analysis has
always been right !!

Oh My God !! Hamid Mir Jaffar now knows who wrote the script for todays's
politics :))) This is too good :))

Alhamdolillah, even the enemies are confirming that our analysis has always been
right !!

Those who cannot buy the book, you can download for free. Khilafat e

Those who cannot buy the book, you can download for free.

Khilafat e Rashida.

Alhamdolillah, our other book on Baba Iqbal and his amazing vision
for the Ummah, presented here as free downloadable gift.

Alhamdolillah, our other book on Baba Iqbal and his amazing vision for the
Ummah, presented here as free downloadable gift.

Hard copy is not printed here yet.

Another downloadable link for Iqbal book.

Another downloadable link for Iqbal book.

I would ask PTI/PAT to change their flags to Pakistan flags only. NO
party flags! They are speaking for Pakistan & must become Pakistan!

As expected, the circus in the parliament has become a mud slinging, venom
spitting session towards each other as PPP & PMLN bite each other. These
political rascals have united only for self preservation as their system of corruption
is crumbling but cant hide hatred for each other. They sinisterly complain that
parliament has been attacked but themselves fiercely attack army & ISI & support
Geo's war against the State.

While the poor protesters are braving the weather outside, we have to wait for the
parliaments final resolutions to know the fate of govt. Army has sent their message
loud & clear which has sent panic in the morons in Parliament. Supreme Court is
also cautious. So, now wait!
It is a nerve shattering game. You can see the pressure & panic on the faces of
parliamentarians. Something is going to snap early next week. Those who say
army is not doing anything should stop following politics. It was harsh warning
from army that started this parliament session.

Dharna is doing its job. Pressure is mounting exponentially on NS as entire
Secretariat remain blocked, govt suspended & being humiliated!

I would ask PTI/PAT to change their flags to Pakistan flags only. NO party flags!
They are speaking for Pakistan & must become Pakistan! PTI/PAT have built this
pressure against very difficult odds. Now they too need to come out of party
politics & represent Pakistan only!

You wanted this democracy and now you get these looters ! Now ask
Allah (swt) to help you else ...

This is the difference between leaders and looters !!

You wanted this democracy and now you get these looters ! Now ask Allah (swt)
to help you else these looters will remain on your heads...

Today is Friday ! Let us all do this dua :)))

Alhamdolillah, our program The Debate on DIN News have reached its
conclusion. Mission accomplished :). We shall move to larger projects

Alhamdolillah, project The debate with Zaid Hamid on DIN News has now come
to its logical conclusion. Mission accomplished after one year of hard hitting game
changing programs, alhamdolillah ! We shall soon inform you of our next project
at bigger and larger scale InshAllah ! We have decided not to renew our agreement
with DIN news.

Alhamdolillah Kaseera for this barakah in our azaan on The Debate ! Now we
move on ....
Defense of Pakistan day has arrived !! The time has come to rise, gear
up and once again head for the battlefield !

Defense of Pakistan day has arrived !! The time has come to rise, gear up and once
again head for the battlefield ! The time has come to re-ignite the same passion
which created Pakistan and then defended it.

Our Radio interview on 6th September defense day ! Emotional
history you never heard before !

Our Radio interview on 6th September defense day ! Emotional history you never
heard before !

Let us give you a surprise -- Meet my mom ! The mother who made
me what I am today.

Let us give you a surprise -- Meet my mom ! The mother who made me what I am

On 6th September 1965, when my Gunner father was commanding an artillery
battery in Sialkot, blasting the Indian tank attack on Sialkot, my dear mom
washaving an adventure of her own. With two small children -- me and my elder
sister - she made a memorable journey when the war had started. Here she narrates
it for her grand children and for all the grand children of the millat !

Recite Fatiha for Abba Jan please. Today, when Pakistan is again threatened from
all sides, missing him very much today -- his fighting gunner spirit !

This is part 1

Part 2

Those idiots who were vehemently opposing Zarb e Azb should now
answer as to why TTP terror has gone down 95% since ops started?

Those idiots who were vehemently opposing Zarb e Azb should now answer as to
why TTP terror has gone down 95% since ops started? From NS to Fazal to
Munawwar hasan -- are all criminals & traitors who kept holding the army back for
months allowing the terror to rule!

These supporters of TTP Takfiri terrorists lied, tried to deceive & scare the nation
that a backlash would come if army launches Zarb-e-Azb! We were the only one
strongly pushing for Zarb-e-Azb demanding a total ruthless surgery of the
insurgency & now proven right again! Shukar.

We are truly thankful to sleazy Hindu Zionists for creating TTP Khawarij :-) Their
war woke up Pak nation & now we have a battle hardened army. Alhamdolillah !!

Alhamdolillah, our Twitter battlefield is ranked as most effective
along with Pak army platforms to fight the info wars !! This is where
you all can contribute.

Alhamdolillah, our Twitter battlefield is ranked as most effective along with Pak
army platforms to fight the info wars !! This is where you all can contribute.

Give us one reason why we need this filthy democracy run by these
corrupt political rascals??

Reminder about the show today. 9pm Pakistan time inshAllah. The
interview will be in Urdu. Radio Ikhlas is a UK Radio.


Reminder about the show today. 9pm Pakistan time inshAllah. The interview will
be in Urdu. Radio Ikhlas is a UK Radio.

Below is a link to live streaming.

Every Pakistani should read this about Bhutto:

Every Pakistani should read this about Bhutto:

British High Commissioner in Pakistan prophetic opinion about ZABhutto 14
years before he was hanged

Here is what the British High Commissioner, Sir Maurice James had to say about

" Bhutto certainly had the right qualities for reaching the heights--drive, charm,
imagination, a quick and penetrating mind, zest for life, eloquence, energy, a
strong constitution, a sense of humor, and a thick skin. Such a blend is rare
anywhere, and Bhutto deserved his swift rise to power.......

But there was -- how shall I put it?-- a rank odour of hellfire about him. It was a
case of CORRUPTO OPTIMA PESSOMA a flawed angel. I believe that at heart
he lacked a sense of dignity and value of other people; his own self was what
counted. I sensed in him a ruthlessness and capacity for ill-doing which went far
beyond what is natural.

Except at university abroad, he was surrounded by mediocrities, and all his life, for
want of competition, his triumphs came too easily for his own good. Lacking
humility, he thus came to believe himself infallible, even when yawning gaps his
own experience (e.g. of military matters) laid him---as over the 1965 war--wide
open to disastrous error.

Despite his gifts, I judged that one day Bhutto would destroy himself -- when, I
could not tell. In 1965, I so reported in one of my dispatches from Pakistan as
British High Commissioner. I wrote by way of clinching the point that BHUTTO
WAS BORN TO BE HANGED. {emphasis added}.

I did not intend this comment as a precise prophecy of what was going to happen
to him, but fourteen years later that was what it turned out to be". MAN

We need to get our Iqbal book printed in hard copy book, just as we
have done Khilafat e Rashida and From Indus to Oxus.

Team, we are offering a project to anyone who is interested in taking it.

We need to get our Iqbal book printed in hard copy book, just as we have done
Khilafat e Rashida and From Indus to Oxus.

We at BrassTacks don't have the resources to print it, so we are offering it to any
one of you who want to take this project. There can be many ways to do it.

1. Project can be taken by a publishing house/Individual and they can distribute the
books and earn from it also. We will buy our own books from them at cost price
for our own distribution list and sale to our members.

2. The project can be fully sponsored by someone and we at BrassTacks can get it
printed ourselves with due credit to the sponsors for their contribution in this great
cause. We don't run or print ads in our books so we will have to do with a page of
appreciation and gratitude only.

The project cost is Rs: 200K PKR only. We will give the design, specs, quality the
paper requirements and size. Our books are now standardized to a high quality

Any publishing house or individual interested in taking on this project, pl email me
directly at with your details. I shall get back to

May Allah give you all barakah and khair. We need to spread the ideology and
your contribution in this mission is critical.

Jazak Allah


Those willing to do it also, should wait for some time when our next
book Halqa e Yaran would be ready for printing inshAllah.


Jazak Allah. We have found sponsor for the project, alhamdolillah. Those willing
to do it also, should wait for some time when our next book Halqa e Yaran would
be ready for printing inshAllah.

Jazak Allah to all of you.

love and dua


One thing is definite -- The democracy is mortally wounded in this
battle & Pakistan will change for good, IA ! PTI/PAT/Govt all wounded

TUQ & PTI want justice & judiciary wont given them that. Whats left? It is a
deadly mistake both PTI & PAT are making. They must muster courage to ask
COAS to intervene just as NS had done earlier! Why NOT? When NS can ask the
army Chief to help break deadlock, then why cant PTI/PAT do the same? Justice
MUST be done in murder FIR and in rigging!

Army is already heavily involved in preventing another govt attack on the
protesters. Then why cant it be called to break the deadlock too? Army had warned
the govt NOT to use force & not to delay the resolution else! Govt has not used
force BUT has NOT resolved either !

So, while the army is busy in flood relief for now, the clock is ticking against the
NS. His govt is stalled & army will not wait forever !!
Those who grumble that army is not doing anything, for their info, it is army which
is doing EVERYTHING! Its is the govt which is dead in track. The only thing
army is NOT doing right now is staging a coup & is allowing the politicians to
make one last desperate attempt to find solution.

There is an opinion within PTI/PAT that a military intervention will make a hero
out of NS. A killer is NEVER a hero if arrested for murder!

One thing is definite -- The democracy is mortally wounded in this battle &
Pakistan will change for good, IA ! PTI/PAT/Govt all wounded !!

This vacuum of power in Islamabad cannot sustain itself for long! If army does not
restore order/balance it would also be fatally wounded!

The book Iqbal Pur Israr will get a completely new face inshAllah, with
much more powerful language and grammar.

Dear team,

Now when were about to send the Iqbal Pur Israr for printing, I detected many
errors in language, grammar and hence have decided to redo the whole book again.
Just did first chapter today in office.

All of you who have the book pdf or link, pl consider that as draft copy now and
not the final version.

The book will get a completely new face inshAllah, with much more powerful
language and grammar.

It is a gift for the Ummah of Sayyadi Rasul Allah and we cannot afford to be
casual here. Hopefully, shall complete the editing in next 10 days and then it can
be sent for printing. we have found a sponsor for the project alhamdolillah !

With love and dua


Zaid Hamid interview to Radio Ikhlas UK. India's water war cause
floods in Pakistan but the govt stays silent !!

Our interview to Radio Ikhalas UK.
Recite Fatiha for Baba Quaid.Today is his death anniversary.Indeed a
gift to the Ummah, a soldiar of Rasul Allah (sm), changed the course
of history,...

Recite Fatiha for Baba Quaid.Today is his death anniversary.

Indeed a gift to the Ummah, a soldiar of Rasul Allah (sm), changed the course of
history, created this Medina e Sani and emerged as the greatest Muslim leader after
Tipu Sultan !!

We owe a debt to our Baba Quaid. Thre time has come to pay it back.
Pakistani youth must listen and take responsibility !!!

We owe a debt to our Baba Quaid. Thre time has come to pay it back. Pakistani
youth must listen and take responsibility !!!

Hear the original voice of Quaid -- still soul shaking, still mind blowing,
still pure dignity and courage !!

Hear the original voice of Quaid -- still soul shaking, still mind blowing, still pure
dignity and courage !!

This is a mission of the Ummah & you all have the right &
responsibility to contribute in whatever way you can. This is one way
you can do it.

Dear Team,

Ever since we offered the Iqbal book project, we are receiving requests from many
volunteers that they want to sponsor this project to contribute their share in the
mission Takmeel e Pakistan. But as we have mentioned earlier also, this project
has already been taken by a volunteer. May Allah give infinite barakah to all those
who contributed or wished to contribute.

But, there are still ways on how you can sponsor the mission. Since we do not take
donations, you can buy our books already available and send them to people who
matter in opinion making, policy creation, education and who are public leaders.
Everyone can contribute here freely.

We have just dispatched 50 Khilafat e Rashida books to major libraries and
universities of the country on behalf of a volunteer who bought the books and
sponsored the project, MashAllah !! This way you spread the message and
contribute to our mission also, as sale proceeds from these books sustain our
mission too in these times when we are being choked from all sides by the Kufr.

We DO NOT collect or take donations nor accept charity.

Right now we have 3 books for sale and distribution:

1. From Indus to Oxus. English. Rs: 25,00/= ($25)
2. From Indus to Oxus Urdu. Rs: 3000/= ($30)
3. Khilafat e Rashida Urdu. Rs: 1000/= ($10)

It is your choice now. You can distribute these books or wait for the next project of
Halqa e Yaran due in couple of months. Iqbal Pur Israr has already been taken and
should be out within weeks now inshAllah. we are giving it final proof reading

This is a mission of the Ummah & you all have the right & responsibility to
contribute in whatever way you can. This is one way you can do it.

with love and dua to all of you, Jazak Allah


Pakistan need a fresh start today -- a full Ctrl-Alt-Del of the Colonial
system & installing of Khilafat e Rashida model! Need a Quaid badly.


9/11 and WoT

Today is also 9/11 day, the day of infamy when Neo-Cons launched their global
war to dismember Muslim world in "WoT"! Neo-con American Enterprise
Institute's document, "Project for New American Century" created its "Pearl
Harbor" on 9/11 in a false flag op!
While the so called "planes" had only hit 2 WTC buildings, the 3rd building WTC7
was also mysteriously brought down??
The new global war was launched on 9/11. Condoleezza Rice called it birth pangs
of a new Middle East ! Since then, 3 million Muslims have died / become refugees.

Poor Robin Cook, died for telling the truth that there is NO alqaeda, just a fake
database created by the CIA! The myth of "Al-Qaeda", ISIS, Shabab, TTP is the
greatest strategic deception created to justify invasion of ME!

WoT = Defense of Israel, denuking Muslim world, Control of Fuel assets & global
waterways, destroying Pol Islam, containment of Russia/China.

Since 9/11, Arab Muslim world has been effectively over run by the Zionists! Now
Turkey, Iran & Pakistan remain next targets of 4thGW! A time of extreme
calamity & crisis for the Muslim world in ME, never seen since invasion of Halaku
Khan 1000 years ago! Arab world decimated. What is even more alarming is that
there is NO ME policy of the Muslim world! Arabs are in tatters, Turks, Iranians
follow their own policy. Pakistan is the strongest Muslim nation with the most
weakest political leadership, abandoning the Muslim world to the dogs literally!

How we miss Jinnah today!

How we miss Quaid e Azam today, a true Pan-Islamic leader. Even before 1947,
he fought for Palestine & worked to create a Muslim block! These times of
staggering crisis in the lives of civilizations are the rare opportunities for the
greatest leaders to rise & shine! We wait.
Creation of Pakistan is a historic sign that era of Muslim renaissance has begun
after 3 centuries of decadence & fall as a civilization. Creation of Pakistan, by
dividing a sub-continent, was considered a political impossibility but Iqbal &
Jinnah performed this miracle! Creation of Pakistan was the first organized Muslim
victorious response after suffering setbacks for the last 250 years! Stunning indeed!

Muslims had lost battle of Plassey in Bengal in 1757 to the British ! It took 190
years of blood & sweat to fight back to create Pakistan. Creation of Pakistan, at the
hands of two stunning personalities - Jinnah & Iqbal - was the most decisive defeat
of the British & Hindus! Now you would know the stature of Jinnah & why he is
called Quaid e Azam, the great leader! He led the Muslim counter attack after 250

Pakistan need a fresh start today -- a full Ctrl-Alt-Del of the Colonial system &
installing of Khilafat e Rashida model! Need a Quaid badly.

This is Islamic mode of government which is NOT this God Damn
democracy nor evil dictatorship !!

Any real political change in Pakistan would also radically reject parliamentary
democracy as envisioned by QuaideAzam.

Presidential/Caliph/sultan/Ameer - with NO political parties, direct election of the
Ameer from the selected few finest of the finest & then allowing the Ameer to
select his own advisers, shoora, Wazirs, technocrats -- accountable to the nation at
all times, rule subject to Quran & Sunnah being the supreme law -- Ameer acting
only as the vicegerent of Allah (swt) in the world, responsible to protect the life,
honor, faith and dignity of the Ummah !!

This is Islamic mode of government which is NOT this God Damn democracy nor
evil dictatorship !!

Mark these words -- Without the covert/overt intervention of the
army, this crisis can never be resolved peacefully.

Imran is a brave man but not able to muster the courage to openly call the COAS to
intervene to give justice to the nation under such Zulm!

Today IK talked about Iqbal when I had strongly tweeted couple of days ago on the
necessity of Iqbal. Then they blame ISI for the script

Mark these words -- Without the covert/overt intervention of the army, this crisis
can never be resolved peacefully. Take your choice now Sitting Prime Minister
begs army to intervene & then lies in the parliament. Why cant IK & TUQ do the
same & be truthful about it? Simple!

When the govt beats the hell out of protesters, all PTI/PAT ask me why army is not
coming. When I ask them to call army, they refuse

This NS act is typical munafiqat of our leaders. They want army to do the dirty job
but don't want to share the responsibility of blame! Confident that both IK/TUQ
are too afraid to call army, the govt is now going to start beating the hell out of
PTI/PAT. So called sacred constitution is torn apart & humiliated by the judiciary,
political parties & parliament but they want army to respect it

The harsh reality is that there is NO constitution in the country today! Only the
worst violates of it are hiding behind its fake facade! We Pakistanis have to make a
harsh choice - Shall we destroy the state & save the Constitution OR save the State
& write a new Constitution? Pakistan's present constitution is silent on the crisis
we face - how to save the state when judiciary is compromised & PM is a
criminal? Pakistan is not just facing a Constitutional failure, but also a catastrophic
state organ failure also where judiciary/parliament collapses.

The crisis for the army is also huge -- if they intervene too late & state collapse
continues, then recovering the state would be impossible. Army wants to remain
within Constitution but cannot allow the state to collapse like Iraq or Syria!
Yugoslavia used to be a country once! Yugoslavian army intervened too late, could
not recover the country & state disintegrated. Soviet army just waited & saw USSR
fall apart! So Pak army has to make a choice now. Wait like Yugoslavian or Soviet
army or move like Thai army -- remove corrupt govt & form a new system.

The reason Geo, NajamSethi, Hamid Mir & SAFMA are barking to prevent a
military intervention is because they all will be hanged if army come. The crimes
of Geo & its presstitutes are too horrendous to be forgiven but we promise them
mercy -- a merciful lynching & benevolent hanging. Najam Sethi should have been
hanged by the army in 1975 when he was arrested for fighting against Pakistan
along with BLA killers. Traitor!

It was Gen Zia who showed mercy towards the traitors & spared the life of this
snake Najam Sethi but today, he constantly barks against Zia! The fact is that this
democracy, govt & Geo now cannot co-exist with the patriots, armed forces & the
nation. One of these groups has to die.

Love you Pak army - MashAllah, watch a desperate and dangerous
rescue attempt by Pak army heli to save a drowning boy and they
succeed by the grace of Allah(swt) !!

Love you Pak army - MashAllah, watch a desperate and dangerous rescue attempt
by Pak army heli to save a drowning boy and they succeed by the grace of
Allah(swt) !! One senior Jawan died later in another similar rescue attempt. This is
Pak army, MashAllah !!

In these times, prepare yourself for the duties ahead. follow our
series Halqa e Yaran !

In these times, prepare yourself for the duties ahead. follow our series Halqa e
Yaran ! You can find it on net. 20 episodes of this spiritual series will change your
perspective forever inshAllah for khair !

We are working on its book also along with book on Baba Iqbal. These days, while
do are not doing any TV series, the precious time is being used to edit and
complete these spiritual books.

Every Pakistani must watch this series as a compulsory course of
spirituality, Iqbal and how to extract the wisdom of Quran and
Sunnah !!

Every Pakistani must watch this series as a compulsory course of spirituality, Iqbal
and how to extract the wisdom of Quran and Sunnah !! 20 episodes...

"Avoid democracy & follow a wise one for 100 donkeys cannot equal
the wisdom of a one wise man.. " This is Iqbal on democracy!


These days I am not doing any new TV series & spending time in completing two
upcoming books on Iqbal & on spiritual dimension of Inqilab! Whatever needs to
be said about Pakistan's politics and security is being said on Twitter and FB.
These are solid platforms for our azaan!

"Avoid democracy & follow a wise one for 100 donkeys cannot equal the wisdom
of a one wise man.. " This is Iqbal on democracy!
NS wants to hold on to democracy. Imran wants fresh elections to have democracy.
TUQ wants national govt to save real democracy. Inqilab?

Despite IK & TUQ sticking together for now, their ultimate goals are diametrically
different. TUQ wants his national govt. IK wants elections. It is a deadlock! Nation
is now fed up of this crisis & wants army to intervene. Army is reluctant but may
have no choice now but to intervene.

The revolution has really begun !! Watch this zillat of rehman Malik !!
Passengers threw him out of the plane for delaying it for 2 hours !!

The revolution has really begun !! Watch this zillat of rehman Malik !! Passengers
threw him out of the plane for delaying it for 2 hours !!

The requirement is simple -- Pakistan needs a strong patriotic govt to
salvage the sinking ship FAST & this democracy MUST be buried

So army has said once again, loud and clear that it is NOT supporting the Govt
either :-) We are Neutral says ISPR! That's why NS is fuming.
This is for the first time in Pak history that political battles are being fought by
youth on Social Media without any govt control or check. Traditionally powerful
players in judiciary, political parties, religious groups & journalists have been
stripped nude by the social media. The good side of this uncontrolled social media
battles is that the whole nation has now seen the hypocrisy of politicians, system &
media! Now we don't have to argue against democracy, "free media", free
judiciary! They have all destroyed themselves totally & fully exposed! Now no
sane, dignified, honorable, Pakistani would ever allow Zardari, Bilawal, Altaf toad,
Nawaz, Fazlu, Hamza or Achakzai to rule upon us.

Dignified Ayub Khan resigned within minutes when crowd called him a dog ! But
today's rascals remain shameless! This is a decisive time in our history ! If our
COAS will not clean up the filth, then Allah will send the Indian COAS to do it as
Azaab! While Pakistan continues to slide towards a failed dysfunctional state,
Hindu Zionist Modi is sharpening his daggers but you don't see that. We NEVER
learn from history ! in 1971, it was internal political chaos & disputes which
allowed Indians to roll in their tanks! Only a deaf, dumb, blind insane idiot would
ignore the rapidly building threat of invasion from India. Now they are softening
us in 5thGW!

The requirement is simple -- Pakistan needs a strong patriotic govt to salvage the
sinking ship FAST & this democracy MUST be buried NOW! Enemies don't
follow our Constitution. Wars cannot be fought by legal experts or by being
politically correct. Fighting 5GW is dirty business. The reason Pakistan bled
profusely in this dirty war is because politicians & judiciary tried to deal with it
with 1860 laws in civil courts.

Pak nation must understand this - keeping political chaos through democracy,
creating failed state through IMF terms is part of this 5GenWar! Creating
ideological anarchy through media, creating system failure through judiciary &
imploding the state thru urban insurgents is 5GenWar. It is a miracle that Pakistan
has survived the era of Zardari, Iftikhar Chaudhry, Kayani, Geo, TTP, BLA &
MQM/ANP, acting together in this 5thGW. Today, Geo, TTP, BLA are mortally
wounded, Zardari, Iftikhar Chaudhry, Kayani gone - but we have a traitor PM,
weak judiciary & Patriotic COAS!

Love it or hate it ! Role of Gen Raheel will decide if Pakistan to emerge as the
greatest nation on earth or end up like Iraq/Syria now! I would only trust the
COAS today in this total madhouse which we have in the country. We have NO
choice. Cant trust NS, parliament or judges. There is NO point cribbing now. We
have to wait for the decision by the COAS. Nation opted for democracy. Now we
have to pay for our sins!

Gen Raheel is NO slave of NS. He is a true patriot & dignified sipah salaar. His is
NOT sleeping nor indifferent. Will make his move IA! Sabr.

Managing the State is a sensitive complex matter. COAS has to tread carefully.
Half of Corp Commanders & DG ISI are retiring in 3 weeks! Even if NS somehow
survives the Dharna for now, he is already too wounded, humiliated & weakened
to continue as before. This is a good sign.

The revolution is now touching the red hot levels -- watch this.
Another MNA thrown out of the plane before Rehman Malik !!

The revolution is now touching the red hot levels -- watch this. Another MNA
thrown out of the plane before Rehman Malik !! Now the rebellion has begun by
the patriots and the civil society.

The time is NOW ! This system must go, to be replaced with a new
Benevolent Dictatorship or Spiritual democracy as Baba Iqbal calls the
system of Khilafat e Rashida !!

The time is NOW ! This system must go, to be replaced with a new Benevolent
Dictatorship or Spiritual democracy as Baba Iqbal calls the system of Khilafat e
Rashida !! We have had enough of western democracy and anglo-saxon law &
interest based banking ! Enough ! DO NOT settle for less. Ask for total change and
InshAllah, Allah will bless you with it.

SMS received from Saudi Arabia : "Come Nawaz Come" :-) Lolz

Campaign in Saudi Arabia "Come Nawaz Come" lolz :))))

In Ukraine, they also had enough of their corrupt politicians and
finally decided to throw them into dustbin literally :)) Time to do the
same in Pak also :))

In Ukraine, they also had enough of their corrupt politicians and finally decided to
throw them into dustbin literally :)) Time to do the same in Pak also :))

Read this seriously and know the disease and the solutions.

Know this reality !!

Present provinces form the word PAKISTAN: P = Punjab, A = Afghania,
K= Kashmir, S = Sindh & TAN = Baluchistan! Quaid himself said this!


Altaf, the toad, again barked that if new provinces are not made, Pakistan would be
dismembered! Only this toad will be dismembered not Pakistan IA!

Present provinces form the word PAKISTAN: P = Punjab, A = Afghania, K=
Kashmir, S = Sindh & TAN = Baluchistan! Quaid himself said this!

Provinces must stay as they are. Entire Political structure to be revamped to
Presidential system & administration on Divisional lines! Pakistan's security is
threatened NOT because of 4 provinces but because of corrupt politicians, filthy
democracy & Anglo-Saxon laws!

For example - Punjab has many divisions. To improve governance/justice, each
division should have independent administration & judiciary!

Pakistan need a strong federal government which has a strong Ameer, President,
Leader ! InshAllah, then the destiny will change. Our crisis is NOT provinces but
the poorest quality of retarded leadership !!

Pakistan is NOT about just its geography or provinces. It is a romantic
spiritual ideology with phenomenal Pan Islamic vision of Iqbal!

Tweets on Allama Iqbal's great vision

Pakistan spiritually envisioned by Baba Iqbal did NOT have Bengal in it!
Incredibly, he knew that Bengalis are not ready to be with Pakistan! Allahabad
address of Allama Iqbal only mentioned the North Western provinces of India!
Bengal was added after his death in 1940 resolution.

Chaudrey Rehmat Ali had envisioned an unrealistic plan of creating 3 Muslim
states in India - Pakistan, Osmanistan, Bengalistan. Even Chadrey Rehmat Ali
knew that Bengal would never stay with West Pakistan, hence he proposed 3
Muslim states as against Iqbal's 1 in the West.

Pakistan is NOT about just its geography or provinces. It is a romantic spiritual
ideology with phenomenal Pan Islamic vision of Iqbal! Creation of Pakistan was a
critical stepping stone in the long Pan-Islamic Muslim struggle to regain their lost
glory in the last 300 years.

You can NEVER understand Pakistan's spiritual destiny & role without a mature
sound academic understanding of Iqbal's vision & mission. All the pseudo-
intellectuals, political rascals and presstitutes who bark on Pakistan today have
zilch understanding of the depth of Iqbal! Those who have not done a profound
reading of Iqbal & do not understand the spiritual bond between Iqbal & Jinnah,
should NEVER speak on Pakistan!

Our crisis is not provinces but the petty Jahil leadership who dont even know the
names of 3 books of Iqbal & then pretend to be Aristotles. Any one who tries to be
wiser, smarter, more visionary than Iqbal should be relegated to the dustbin
anyways! Speak Iqbal or shut up please!

Anyone who does not understand Iqbal, does not know his vision, mission &
spirituality has NO credibility whatsoever. Not to be taken seriously.

What is the practical work for a real change or Inqilab? It is defining,
refining & infusing the ideology in the cadre for final push!

Tweets :

Iqbal died in 1938, when Pakistan resolution was not even passed, which was done
in 1940. Does that mean Iqbal did not do anything for Pakistan?? Understand the
wisdom! NO movement, inqilab, change can come without a thorough in depth
pure profound ideology. Ideologues create Inqilabs. The time an ideologue,
visionary thinker spends creating the ideology of freedom & dignity is NOT
wasted. It is a critical prerequisite!

Quaid e Azam fully respected & accepted the fact that Allama Iqbal is the
ideologue & visionary of Pakistan movement. Undeniable Fact!
What is the practical work for a real change or Inqilab? It is defining, refining &
infusing the ideology in the cadre for final push! Today's Pakistan's young
generation has been destroyed by the private schools where they go to study - NO
Urdu, NO Iqbal, NO vision! Beacon house, City, Froebels, Roots, Headstart,
Educators - These private schools have destroyed Pakistan's entire future
generations!!! The breed of our children being produced by these highly
westernized schools is neither Muslims nor Pakistanis nor visionary characters!!
If IK wants to start Iqbal in schools, he should start from the schools owned by the
lady who stands behind him! The Qasuri family! If a person cannot read or write
his own language, do not know his own history & religion, then he rally cannot be
called educated!! This is what our Inqilabis should understand ! Without their
ideology, religion, history & tarbiat, there is NO inqilab but upheaval only! Urdu is
being systematically destroyed in all schools, media & govt. Without Urdu, we are
finished as a Muslim civilization. Know this game! Civilizations are NOT made on
economic growth or politics. They rise or are destroyed because of ideology,
languages, social sciences.

Ever noticed why Mustapha Kamal attacked the Turkish language first? 1300 years
of Muslim history in old Turkish lost to new generation! Today, same is being
done with Urdu. It is being forgotten, not taught in schools, not developed, written
in Roman script & hated by youth. Understand this - English was imposed as a
colonial weapon of dominance & control, as a sign of imposing civilization over
natives. Learning English or any other language is NOT an issue. The issue of
crisis is forgetting & hating your own language, literature, history! The issue of
humiliation &shame is when all govt correspondence is done in English, when
oaths are taken in parliament in English! Slaves!

I will consider ourselves as free & dignified nation when we will talk to Americans
in Urdu, when ruling class will read Iqbal in Urdu!!

New ISI chief is due in 3 weeks & epic battle has begun! This is the
cardinal rule in Pakistan - whoever controls the ISI, controls Pakistan!

Tweets on army and ISI

Next immediate project of Nawaz & his Indian Hindu masters is to control the ISI.
New ISI chief is due in 3 weeks & epic battle has begun! This is the cardinal rule
in Pakistan - whoever controls the ISI, controls Pakistan! In the past, Pakistan
suffered when ISI had weak DGs.

Benazir had brought in a retired General Shams Kallu as the DG ISI as she did not
trust the serving Generals. Nawaz wants a loyalist too. Next 5 weeks will see
massive overhauling of the entire army's topmost command including the ISI. This
is Gen Raheel's moment to take control.

When Zardari was President, Iftikhar was CJ & Kayani was COAS, Pakistan
survived this lethal combination because it had a patriotic DG ISI! You would note
that every snake in the country and outside hates General Pasha! Why? Because he
was the pillar who kept Pakistan united.

General Raheel is NO Kayani. Raheel has risen & responded with courage on all
occasions when needed. He is not rash but not indifferent either.

Calm down! NS is doomed IA ! He is only breathing in extra time.. Dharna is not
going anywhere :-) Raheel not in hurry either :-) Yes, I also want NS to resign
today & Raheel to be aggressive but see the reality - there is War, flood & new
Generals to come ! Wait..:-)

Nawaz cannot interfere into the promotions of the 5 Lt Generals but he has a say in
appointment of the DG ISI from these promoted Generals. I am sure Gen Javed
Ramdey is a patriotic officer but his association with Justice Ramdey & being NS
choice has surely made hm controversial.

Administratively, DG ISI reports to the PM. But Organizationally all DG ISIs are
under the COAS, hence closer to the army than govt !

Why we need Baba Iqbal in these times of crisis and confusion ??

Why we need Baba Iqbal in these times of crisis and confusion ?? A Nation who
has been blessed with Iqbal would be an unfortunate nation if it disrespects this gift

The Khawarij are actually Jews, Zionists from the Israeli Secret
Intelligence service (ISIS ) !!

The Khawarij are actually Jews, Zionists from the Israeli Secret Intelligence
service (ISIS ) !! Now you will know the reality of butchery, slaughter, rape and
plunder in the Muslim lands by these gangs created, managed, run, lead by the
Jews themselves !!

This is a beautiful page on Khilafat e Usmania and the richest history
of Muslims under Usmani Khilafat.

This is a beautiful page on Khilafat e Usmania and the richest history of Muslims
under Usmani Khilafat. Educate yourself with your rich heritage and history and
know the reason why the Kufr so wanted to destroy this Khilafat, the centre of
unity of Muslim political, economic and military power. I found this site very
nostalgic and wanted to share it with you.. When you read Kalam e Iqbal and see
such rich history and heritage, the fire to regain your lost glory rages even more
within your heart !!

Watch how much Indians are paranoid of Zaid Hamid :)) This is an
Indian documentary on this faqeer :))

Allahu Akbar !! There is no greater pleasure than kicking the back sides of Hindu
Mushriks specially when these animals accept it openly that they have been burnt
by this faqeer, alhamdolillah !!:-) watch this latest Indian TV show where they
discuss this faqeer and you can feel that the intensity of our azaan has burnt their
hearts and soul, alhamdolillah. This is a true appreciation from the worst enemies
whom we will fight in Ghazwa e Hind !! our war has already begun !!

Every Muslim should hear this Hamza Yusuf amazing lecture on
Khawarij, Takfiris and fitnahs of end times.

Hamza Yusuf is adear friend and one of the most sound scholars in US today.
Every Muslim should hear this amazing lecture on Khawarij, Takfiris and fitnahs
of end times.

Who wrote the script ?? Those snakes who accused the army of
writing the script should now be hanged !! Treason cannot be

Alhamdolillah, our worst enemies have accepted that we are their
ultimate nightmare !!

Alhamdolillah, our worst enemies have accepted that we are their ultimate
nightmare !! This is a blessing, a sign that Allah has accepted our azaan,ur Jihad,
alhamdolillah !! All those who stand against this mission of Takmeel e Pakistan
now stand with these Mushriks !!

Chose your sides !!

New DG ISI is a gift to Pakistan, MashAllah ! A patriotic clean upright
officer with hunter killer instincts! Bad news for enemies of Pak :-)
After shamelessly accusing army, ISI & Gen Pasha of writing the 'script", now the
Moron N league goes international - Iran, UK, US, London! All those who accused
army, ISI and Gen Pasha now should face trial for shameless allegations by govt,
MNAs & Media ! NO MERCY for Treason.

The entire democracy, since 2007, has been brought & protected under a script
from the CIA/RAW to implode Pakistan from within in urban 4GW.

Blatant Indian & Geo support to Nawaz is also a sinister Script to destroy Pakistan.
When Indians support a snake, he must be crushed!

General Aslam Beg has disappointed. He is a co accused in Mehran Bank case
along with Nawaz Shareef & this seems an attempt to save himself.

Nawaz Shareef is dangerous & a RAW's dream asset. Even if IK & TUQ are part
of a "London Plan", we will still destroy NS & ask army to come. One can have
doubts about the "London Plan" but one does NOT have any doubt about the
"Delhi Plan" of NS. The solution is army backed govt!

The actual "London/Delhi/Washington" plan is to create a failed state in Pakistan,
take away nukes & redraw the maps through Democracy!!!

A brilliant master stroke by the COAS Gen Raheel! Appointing all the Lt Generals
of his choice, even the DG ISI, bypassing a shocked NS :-)
Today's announcements by the Army should send a strong message to all those
snakes who think they can control the new COAS & the ISI!
New DG ISI is a gift to Pakistan, MashAllah ! A patriotic clean upright officer
with hunter killer instincts! Bad news for enemies of Pak :-)
It is time to put on trial those who accused army and the ISI of writing the script.
Just like Geo, they deserve it!

Whatever analysis need to be done, is being done on social media, FB
and twitter. let the events take shape. things are going in the right
direction alhamdolillah !

Team, I am not coming on media these days because I don't need to. Whatever
analysis need to be done, is being done on social media, FB and twitter. Indians are
doing enough publicity for us already :-) lol.

Our voice is reaching to millions even on social media and twitter. I am also busy
in editing our new books and need time to focus.

If there is a need, we will come on TV also. for now, let the events take shape.
things are going in the right direction alhamdolillah !

The book Iqbal e Pur Israr has been completely re-written from the
older version and inshAllah, will be an Urdu epic of its own class on
Baba Iqbal.

Alhamdolillah, completed editing 12 chapters of Iqbal e Pur Israr today. 4 more to
go inshAllah ! The book has been completely re-written from the older version and
inshAllah, will be an Urdu epic of its own class on Baba Iqbal. InshAllah, will
send for printing after Eid inshAllah.

Other book we are working on is Halqa e Yaran, the spiritual ideological, mystical
series for our younger generation. May Allah accept these humble efforts - gifts for
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). InshAllah, will bring great khair. Once Iqbal is done, we
shall announce plans for its printing, next month inshAllah.

The mutual distrust of Arabs, Iranians & Turks can ONLY be pacified
by a strong Pak leadership, which has good terms with all 3 nations.

Tweets on sectarian wars, Middle East !

Shia militants attack Yemen's Sunni govt in Capital. Sunni Arabs join US to attack
Shia Syrian govt! Is this anything to be proud of ? :-(
Syria becomes the 7th Muslim country to be bombed by US since 2003. ISIS is a
Mossad front. Now US uses the "boogey" to annihilate Syria! Saudi Salafis are
ruthless against Shia Iranians & vice versa. The sectarian war within the Muslim
world is a strategic weapon used by CIA.

Allama Iqbal had warned 90 years ago against these sectarian wars "Oh those who
are obsessed with AbuBakr & Ali, wake up before its too late."

Pakistan MUST NOT fall in this sectarian war between Arabs & Iranians. Pakistan
must have Independent good terms with both Arabs & Iran. Pakistan's relations
with Tehran or Riyadh MUST NOT be hostage to their bilateral hatred & wars.
Pakistan MUST be a pacifier NOT a party.

First CIA/Mossad, Sunni Arabs create ISIS. Then they join hands "against" it,
creating justification for invasion of Syria for Greater Israel. Iran joins hands with
US to overthrow Saddam & bring a Shia govt. Then Mossad creates "Sunni" ISIS.
Now US join hands with Iran against it. This is the insanity & complexity of the
ME crisis. You are a NATO Sunni & a Russian Shia in Syria, but a NATO Shia in
Iraq against Jew ISIS. The sectarian wars of the ME have reached Pakistan also. If
you praise Iran, you are branded as a Shia agent, else a Saudi wahabi terrorist.

It MUST be clearly understood by all Pakistanis. Pakistan's interest lies in building
strongest regional blocks with Tehran, Riyadh, Ankara. The mutual distrust of
Arabs, Iranians & Turks can ONLY be pacified by a strong Pak leadership, which
has good terms with all 3 nations.
In this entire Shia-Sunni, Arab-Persian wars, the net beneficiary is Israel,
decimating Muslim countries around it, expanding its borders!

Saudis/CIA created FSA, Al Nusrat front in Syria. Israel created ISIS, which is
actually IDF Jews. Iran created Houti Militia & Iraqi army. Iran fully cooperated
with CIA in overthrowing Saddam in Iraq & Taliban in Afg. Now Israeli ISIS
killing Shias in Iraq. Tehran in panic. Both Saudis and Iranians must realize that
their proxy wars against each other will destroy them both. Israel targets both
Riyadh & Tehran!

A brilliant brief talk by Hamza Yusuf on the Ahadees of Rasul Allah
(sm), on the times we live in today. This will shake you to the core !!

A brilliant brief talk by Hamza Yusuf on the Ahadees of Rasul Allah (sm), on the
times we live in today. This will shake you to the core !!

Indian democracy is led by a religious fascist, rapist, killer. US
democracy is led by a War criminal. Then they want us to follow

Just because Modi has become Indian PM, does that mean that his direct
involvement in rape, murder of 3000 Muslims of Gujarat is forgiven?

Many countries including US had refused him visa on account of genocide. Today,
that killer, rapist is in NY.

Indian democracy is led by a religious fascist, rapist, killer. US democracy is led
by a War criminal. Then they want us to follow democracy. Ehsan Jaffery was the
Muslim MP, stripped, chopped & killed by Modi's men.

Hear the testimony of his grandson.

Mark these words -- MQM are the urban Mukti Bahini, their Don is
protected by anti-Pak forces, their plan is dismemberment of Pak in
disband-ISI-letter-is-authenticTweets on MQM:

In Karachi, MQM is protesting a raid on its office, where dozens of known target
killers have been arrested by the Rangers! About 10 days back, over 40 assassins
of MQM had arrived back in Karachi from South Africa and US. The plan was
massive urban war in Karachi.

Today's attack on the Police SSP in a car bomb seems like a retaliation by the
MQM against Police for raiding its office along with Rangers. MQM is pretending
innocent but they also know that their main assassins have been captured. The ring
leader Adil escaped however.

I always knew that once we break down the power base of TTP & BLA, the final
battle will always be fought on the streets of Karachi against MQM.

MQM are the classic urban guerrillas, the organized assassin Mafia led by a cut
throat toad like Don in London, protected by the Brit MI6. We have not forgotten
the letter written by Altaf to British govt, offering full espionage support in
Karachi & demanding disbanding of ISI! British govt confirmed that the "Disband
ISI" letter is authentic.This is treason for which that fat toad must hang.

Rangers are led by Pak army. They are not crazy to raid the office of a political
party without solid evidence that an urban war was planned. DG Rangers who was
leading the ops against urban terrorists in Karachi is now the DG ISI, with massive
powers to deal with these insurgents.

Proof of every murder, extortion & anti-Pak activity of MQM is present but the
problem is that govt uses that to control MQM not punish them. Any other
Pakistani in UK would have been nailed for life by now over acts of terror &
money laundering but NOT Altaf, as MI6 protects him. British Police was begging
Zardari for two killers of Imran Farooq but Zardari refused. Now NS doing the
same - controlling MQM like this!

I would advice that toad in London to cool it. Else, one by one, his assassins would
be brought on media to confess. They are singing now :-)

Pak media has voluntarily surrendered its freedom to two gangs - MQM & TTP.
NO channel can dare to show anti-MQM footage, such is the terror. I am not
invited by channels live because they fear that I will bash MQM live and then the
channel will have to take the heat from MQM :-)

I am in the media too for the last 7 years, have done thousands of programs. Every
channel knows that MQM would kill & shut them if angry!

Mark these words -- MQM are the urban Mukti Bahini, their Don is protected by
anti-Pak forces, their plan is dismemberment of Pak in 5GWar. In 2007, I was the
first person to say that TTP are RAW/CIA backed & NOT part of Afghan Taliban.
People mocked me. Later it was in their face.

It is NOT the poverty of the nation but the dignity of the leaders which
earn respect from the world.

It is NOT the poverty of the nation but the dignity of the leaders which earn respect
from the world. Pakistan was poor back in 60's as well but look how we were
treated by the global powers. Pakistan is more powerful today, more richer, more
important but our today's leaders are scumbag rascals, not respected even in their
own countries, let alone in the world.

Ayub was an honest upright man. He made many mistakes but all leaders make
mistakes. What matters is, whether they sold their souls or not. Zardari and Nawaz
has NO soul left in them, thats why they behave like rascals and imbeciles.

InshAllah, Allah will give us a leader who would defend our honor in the world.
Then the world would respect us, even if we are poor.

The time has come to reclaim Pakistan from generational snakes like
MQM, ANP, PPP, PML(N), JUI. If Pakistan has to survive, they have to
die now!

Altaf Hussian is now showing his true sinister rebellious murderous colors. His
language, his tone, his demeanor is now of Sh Mujeeb before revolt.

My grandparents, parents also migrated from India at partition. my own elders
helped create Pakistan. I am born in Karachi & we speak Urdu. According to
definition by that toad Altaf, I am a Muhajir too, BUT I reject Altaf, his sinister
war against Pakistan. He DOES NOT represent Pakistan.

Altaf DOES NOT represent those who created Pakistan! We disown this fat toad.
Our elders lived & died for Ummah, Pakistan, Islam. Just as TTP & Khawarij do
not represent Islam, similarly, this terrorist fat toad, does NOT represent Urdu
speaking migrants of Pakistan! My parents, grand parents migrated. I speak Urdu,
born in Karachi BUT I am NOT a Muhajir but a Pakistani Muslim only. Altaf toad
is a liar!
If you become a Muhajir, just because your forefathers migrated, then every settled
Muslim in India in last 1000 years is a Muhajir too :-)
Fat toad cannot challenge my credentials. My father is from Bihar, created & then
defended Pakistan in army. My mother is from occupied Kashmir. For 3
generations, we are fighting for Pakistan. My grandfather and father in Pakistan
movement, father in Pak army in multiple wars, now our turn.

The time has come to reclaim Pakistan from generational snakes like MQM, ANP,
PPP, PML(N), JUI. If Pakistan has to survive, they have to die now!

If you dont want Altaf, Fazlu, Zardari & NS as your leaders, then why allow their
parties to exist which breed these terrorists rascals? Only a most characterless,
honorless, deaf, dumb, blind would accept Altaf, Zardari, Bilawal, Fazlu, NS,
Hamza as their leaders! We WONT!

It is time to wrap up this system & start afresh! A New constitution,
new political model, new team of daring leaders.

If IK & TUQ are sincere to Pakistan, they MUST clearly demand an
army backed technocratic govt for 3 years! Their own solutions are

My tweets last night on IK and Dr. TUQ. Time to jolt them into some serious

Remember this - Pakistan has also been destroyed by sincere people, who were
idiots in personal capacity, without any vision, wisdom!! The crisis which Pakistan
faces today is unprecedented & existential. There is NO political leader alive today
who knows the solutions! Fact.

I will be blunt - Both IK & Dr. TUQ do NOT have the capacity & the experience
to develop response to this deployed 5th Gen War, as in ME!

I do not doubt the sincerity of IK, but his capacity to understand the complex geo-
politics of the reshaping of the greater ME is dangerous.
Dr. TUQ is a scholar only. I would pray behind him but would NEVER go to battle
under his command. Imam Abu Haneefa could NEVER be a Leader.

The political plans given by both IK & TUQ are a disaster to say the least, as far as
developing response to the deployed bloody 5thGW.

Can you appoint Dr. TUQ or IK as heads of Kahuta research Labs?? NO. Why?
because it needs a specialist technical person like Dr. AQ Khan.

Similarly, Pakistan today faces a war of Balkanization, just as Iraq, Syria! The axis
of 5thGW are bloody complex. NO leader even understands. I have absolutely NO
doubt that Pakistan will sink under the solutions given by Dr. TUQ & IK. National
govt or Mid Term elecitons - Suicide.

I totally agree that NS is a threat to Pakistan & that's why I support Dharnas. But I
also want IK & TUQ to understand their limitations!
My support to IK & TUQ is NOT unconditional. They MUST NOT act as sincere
BUT Naive useful tools in the hands of sinister advisers. If IK & TUQ are sincere
to Pakistan, they MUST clearly demand an army backed technocratic govt for 3
years! Their own solutions are disaster.

If you dont like my opinion, un-follow me. But the fact cannot be changed -
Pakistan's crisis cannot be resolved within solutions of IK/TUQ.

If army does not bring a civilian techno govt, then wait for the destiny to unfold,
just as Muslims of Iraq & Syria are suffering today!!
What vested interest do I have to risk my life & family for years, almost alone
against such ruthless enemies of Pakistan?? Money?? Rubbish!

I am NOT into democracy nor making any party nor taking money from any group
or party or army. It is my duty of passion to defend Pakistan.

I will say to all followers of IK & TUQ. I am NOT your enemy. I appreciate your
sincere efforts BUT Your solutions are disaster for Pakistan.

When we speak, it is based on a proven track record of last 28 years of being into
hardcore geo-politics of the region. This is NOT theory.
There are also naive who think that we are arm chair analysts, write on twitter only
with no practical experience! Ignorance is so rampant.
If IK & TUQ feel that their strategy is correct, then they are welcome to pursue it.
But I will give my views! Take it leave - their choice.

It is my duty to give azaan, to speak the truth, educate & advice the nation & the
policy makers - irrespective of the threats & risks! Allah has NEVER proven me
wrong in the last 28 years of my professional life. I run a hardcore Security Org &
I am NOT a theoretical analyst. Read my book from Indus to Oxus - my memoirs
of Afghan war! in 1992, I could foresee the present Afghan war & ethnic divisions
of today.

You can ignore my analysis, but then be prepared to face the bloody consequences
also. I had clearly warned you about these elections also.

You will NEVER know my other duties, away from social media :-) But use
common sense. Why Indians, Geo, TTP, BLA, CIA, RAW are after my blood? If
the known staunch enemies of Pakistan & Islam are not trying to destroy you, then
you should stop & ponder! You are NOT hurting them hard.

I could NEVER understand how can a known traitor, enemy, murderer, rapist &
anarchist like toad Altaf Hussain be called his brother by TUQ.

IK's disastrous stance on talks with TTP caused so much bloodshed & violence in
the country, allowing the Khawarij to kill! He is responsible.

To followers of IK & Dr. TUQ -- don't get me started on the disastrous blunders of
your leaders! Your leaders read what I write, & respect.
My point is - Its is proven that both IK & TUQ have made blunders & still making
them. They should stop & ponder - Techno govt for 3 years.

Just last advice before I break. If you dont like my analysis & views, please un-
follow. I will NOT offer any apologies nor give any quarter!
And one last point - I am NOT jealous of IK or TUQ :-) Dont want what they have,
nor wish to be what they are. NEVER! My duty is different.

To all IK and TUQ followers !! You will NOT get what you want
InshAllah !
To all IK and TUQ teams

When the whole country, including Imran Khan & TUQ were supporting Iftikhar
chaudrey, I was the only one saying that he is a snake and will bite a poisonous
sting to the nation. Everyone made fun of me, especially the PTI team. Then Allah
humiliated those who refused to listen.

About the elections, I warned against them and demanded a techno caretakers.
Again, PTI mocked and made fun of me. Now they are regretting and protesting
about rigging.

About TTP, whole world was in favor of talks and giving time to the snakes. I was
the only one demanding war. In the end, this faqeer was proven right and all pro-
talks were humiliated.

About peace talks with India, all political parties, including PTI wanted peace talks
with India. I warned against sinister plots of the Hindu zionists. Six months before
the elections, I had told that Modi will come to power. People made fun of me
back then also. In the end, Modi came to power and now prepares for war against

I call Altaf Hussain as the greatest enemy of Pakistan, Islam and Rasul Allah (sm).
Dr. TUQ calls him his brother.... Innalillahe..

It is interesting that kids of 20, 30 years of age, arrogantly question and insult the
analysis of this Faqeer whose 28 years of life have been spent in battlefields of war
and info wars. In these times, wisdom has been taken away, truth seems false, false
seems truth. Cunning appear as honest, honest is considered as fool. Idiots pretend
to be leaders, sensible are mocked and humiliated.

I could give 100 examples of poorest political vision of IK & TUQ, where my
opinion directly clashed with theirs and they were dead wrong !!

Go on and do what you want ! To tell you the truth, there is nothing in your hands
now. The destiny is now controlled by Allah (swt) himself. You dont know what
Allah wills, plans. It would have been wiser to follow the will of Allah (swt), than
arrogantly following what your desires are.

There will be NO National govt as TUQ desires. There will be NO Elections as IK
desires. There will be what Allah wills. Dont argue with me. do what you want and
we will do what Allah asks us to do. In the end, very soon, you will know and see
the truth !

It is time to ut some record straight with IK and TUQ -- Tweets - My
personal vested interest

Tweets on Ik and Dr. TUQ movements: Read this carefully and tryto understand
their plans and our plan.


My candid message to all PTI/PAT followers - You can do what you want but
Allah has His own plans...

Despite supporting their movements, I will fiercely resist their end plans of re-
elections & National govt! Pakistan cannot afford jokes!
Without system reform, without accountability, without cleanup and hanging of
traitors, elections would mean total death.
NS wants democracy. IK wants re-elections. TUQ wants National govt. We want
Techno govt. NO ONE wants Martial Law but need army to succeed :-)

TUQ's National govt means that rascals from each political party are collected and
a govt is formed with TUQ as its head! Impossible idea!
Both IK & TUQ fear that if an army backed patriotic techno govt comes for 3
years, their role would be eliminated, hence their resistance!

That is why Altaf the toad and beaten up, corrupt politicians are supporting Dr.
TUQ. They want their share in the National govt! Got it?

My dear Dr. sahib, how on earth you can bring Inqilab with Altaf Hussian, the
killer, Chaudhrys, Sh Rasheed, Khar, Sardar Asif & Ch Sarwar??

Yes, I have a personal vested interest in army backed techno govt. It will hang all
terrorists & corrupt, create the Pakistan of Iqbal, IA!

Pakistan need a new start, new constitution, new leadership, new
laws, new system... or wait for Allah's judgment.

Our mission, our duty and the solution to the present chaos in Pakistan !! There is
khair in listening to this azaan.

Only the fools destined for punishment would argue, haggle, rebut and show
arrogance !

Pakistan need a new start, new constitution, new leadership, new laws, new
system... or wait for Allah's judgment. Then there will be NO tauba, no naseeha, no
repentance.. just a long chain of azaab ! watch Syria, Watch Iraq, Watch Libya... if
you think we are making it up !!

IK & TUQ both refused to take our advice, as they dont want a techno
caretaker govt for 3 years backed by army !! We have given azaan.

People are constantly asking that why dont I meet both IK & TUQ and convey to
them my views :-) . I have told time and again, that top advisers of both IK & TUQ
are fully aware of our views, messages and likes/dislikes. They have both refused
to take our advice, as they dont want a techno caretaker govt for 3 years backed by
army !!

In fact, they dont want to meet me in public just as they don't want to meet General
Pasha in public, for fear of false propaganda that their movement is backed by us,
as even I am considered as an ISI man :)) lolz.

So, as far as conveying the message is concerned, that job has been done through
mutual friends. They are fully aware and have taken a conscious decision to take
their own course and NOT take our advice.

We have given azaan. It is upto them to take it or leave it. They never took our
advice before starting this Dharna. we tried to help but it seems that they have
better advisers :)) .

Khair inshAllah !!

You blame army but NOT IK & TUQ for NOT calling army ???? stay
silent or beat up your own leaders. don't blame army !!

By the way, one more point. If anyone thinks army is neutral, not interested in
politics or is supporting democracy - then he is dead wrong !! Army is fully active,
observing each move, concerned, NOT happy at this democracy & busy organizing
itself in the face of huge challenges already at hand -- War, floods, promotions,
restructuring, developing response to Indian threats !!

Try being in the shows of Gen Raheel for a day and you will have a nervous
breakdown over intense pressure of work and threats that he has to respond to

Calm down a bit. If the crisis stays at is, deadlocked -- then army will make an
intervention -- soft or hard, is their choice. They made an intervention when govt
attacked the protesters. It was you people who wanted army to stop the govt. army
did and government has not used force ever since. If that level of violence had
continued for another night, army was all ready to move in.. ! you want revolutions
but don't want to give sacrifices. You want army to come, but don't want to share
the burden of responsibility. You blame army but NOT IK & TUQ for NOT calling
army ???? this is NOT fair..

Your leaders don't want army to come. that's why army has not come. they wanted
army to act as mediators. army agreed. then the politicians backed out, not army.

Now settle it within yourself. army WILL move but at its own terms, not when
kids want it. if leaders want army's help, ask them to demand it openly !! then see
what army does..

till that time, stay silent or beat up your own leaders. don't blame army !!

InshAllah, this Eid, we will be presenting a most humble gift of love
and adab to Sayyadi Rasul Allah(sm) -- our most sincere effort to bring
Iqbal the mysterious to the Ummah !

InshAllah, this Eid, we will be presenting a most humble gift of love and adab to
Sayyadi Rasul Allah(sm) -- our most sincere effort to bring Iqbal the mysterious to
the Ummah !

Alhamdolillah, giving last touches to the design and layout of the new book, a
completely new version of the old Iqbal e Pur Israr !

InshAllah, pdf will be uploaded as gift to the Ummah on Eid ! You are welcome to
share, spread and even get them printed in book form.

InshAllah, we will also send the book for hard copy printing after Eid, but pdf will
be available to you within the week inshAllah !

InshAllah, this will be one of the most profound recent works on Baba Iqbal,
written for the new generation of Pakistan. No such work exist in Urdu or in any
other language and inshAllah, will become the textbook on Baba Iqbal for as along
as Allah wills !!

Barak Allah Allah to all of you whose dua, effort and sponsorship has made this
rizq possible for the Ummah !

Labbaik Ya Rasul Allah ! Please accept this gift of love and adab for your Ummah

Every Pakistani MUST read this book -- available in both Urdu and
English ! If you have not seen a real life battlefield, this book will take
you into one, holding your hand, you will fight alongside the author...

Every Pakistani MUST read this book -- available in both Urdu and English ! This
is not just an epic real life war story of a young man, this is also a stunning course
in training and education for any young resistance fighter who wish to join battle
for defense of Pakistan in the coming wars in the Muslim world. If you have not
seen a real life battlefield, this book will take you into one, holding your hand, you
will fight alongside the author for a first hand experience in war and regional geo-

You cannot miss this book. Call our office at 051 -- 5598046,7 for details on how
to get it or email me directly at

OR you can get them from Ferozsons book shop all over the country. Or you can
ask your local bookstore to get them from Ferozsons for you. Ferozsons have Urdu
versions only. English, is with BrassTacks only.

Barak Allah feek.

You can read the first 2 chapters here :)) These are enough to set your
soul on fire to long for more.

You can read the first 2 chapters here :)) These are enough to set your soul on fire
to long for more.

Then you call office to buy it or visit Feroz sons or ask your nearest bookseller to
get from Ferozsons.

our office phone: 051 5598046,7

InshAllah, on Eid, you will be shaken too... Iqbal the Mysterious !!

"When I will be gone, they will read my poetry, understand it and then say "what a
self aware soul he was, shook the entire universe" !! Baba Iqbal.

InshAllah, on Eid, you will be shaken too... Iqbal the Mysterious !!

"The earth, sky, Seat of God himself, even his Throne, is within the
reach of a man who has discovered his real self - Khudi" .. Baba Iqbal!

"The earth, sky, Seat of God himself, even his Throne, is within the reach of a man
who has discovered his real self - Khudi" ..
Baba Iqbal!

InshAllah, the epic journey is about to begin for you as well...

InshAllah, by Yaum e Arafat, this gift will be ready. InshAllah, this will
be the ultimate text book on Iqbal for all ages, for a long time !!

Alhamdolillah, we worked hard and late today as well to complete the gift for
Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm). InshAllah, by Yaum e Arafat, this gift will be ready.
May Allah accept ! I am excited :-) This is a stunning document alhamdolillah,
only possible through special blessing and barakh from Allah (swt) ! InshAllah,
this will be the ultimate text book on Iqbal for all ages, for a long time !!

Now the destiny will unfold itself. If Allah has any khair for Pakistan,
Pak army will intervene & restore the balance, else Modi will. Wait.


Dr. TUQ finally announces to take part in next elections, as just another party
within the existing system! Dharna in Islamabad is over for now. Both IK & TUQ
owe serious explanations to those who followed them, supported them & trusted
them on their words! Where is Inqilab/Azadi ??

If Dr TUQ takes part in the next elections, as a party, then where are resignations
of NS, system reform, accountability, national govt ???
It also means, Dr. TUQ has accepted the same multi-party parliamentary
democracy, with PAT just another party in the filthy crowd ! Inqilab?

The question is NOT of bringing awareness alone. Results had to be achieved.
Leadership promised resignations, reform, accountability also. I have personally no
doubt that days of NS are numbered. He is a genuine national security threat. But
the credit wont go to IK or TUQ.

US & India formed a strategic alliance against Pak. US & Afghanistan have signed
BSA, means US wont leave Afghanistan ever. Moron NS applauds it!

What does fixing the system mean? Same multi-party parliamentary democracy or
NO party Presidential system?? Who will fix the system??

Both IK & TUQ promised which they could not deliver, now making
compromises, excuses. Fact is, nothing can be done w/o army's full support!

What the moron at all levels cannot see is that this political chaos & anarchy has
created the right environs for Modi/US to encircle Pakistan!

I am amazed at the levels of insanity of the political elite in the country. Both
govt/opposition are blind to the regional threats rising! With NS govt in place,
Pakistan is on a fast track path to state failure, auction of state assets, debts,
inflation, forex reserve depletion.
With a compromised, weak judiciary, there is NO hope of Justice, recovery of the
State or stopping the staggering collapse. Now what??

All those who bark that army must stay out of politics, must come with a solution
or shut up!!! Can the politicians find a solution???

The politicians, including TUQ/IK think that they have the luxury of time at their
disposal & can drag this chaos indefinitely! Insanity!!
Within weeks, Modi plans to move aggressively against Pakistan, under recently
signed agreement with US - pretext of LeT, JM, Dawood Ibrahim.

Pakistani politicians remind me of the decadent rotten filth of Baghdad, when
Halaku Khan was preparing to annihilate them, & he did later.

I am warning you against threats being built around Pakistan & morons mock &
make fun! Yes, signs of those who wish to be like Iraq, Syria.

The Caliph of Baghdad realized his folly too late when he was being wrapped in
the carpet to be crushed under Mongol horses! We never learn.

That is why I have stopped coming on the media. The nation & its leaders have
become insane, deaf, dumb, blind - worshiping the god of democracy. Now the
destiny will unfold itself. If Allah has any khair for Pakistan, Pak army will
intervene & restore the balance, else Modi will. Wait.

I see Pakistan being encircled, destroyed & humiliated, betrayed and all these
morons can come up with is why are you so harsh! Sad indeed.

Media Policy by Allama Iqbal -- unless you silence the idiots of media,
they will destroy the nation...

Why there is so much confusion and doubt in the society?? why truth is never
known and lies are so rampant ? what are the cause of moral, political, ideological,
religious anarchy in the society ??

Ask Baba Iqbal ! When Jahils get the power to speak at will, with no control over
their content, then the nations are destroyed...

InshAllah, This Eid, this khair will come to the Ummah ! You can join
the khair..

InshAllah, This Eid, this khair will come to the Ummah !

A gift of love and adab for Sayyadi RasulAllah (sm).

InshAllah, the book will be available free for the Ummah to download, print and
spread. You are welcome. Make best use of it. Our ajr remains with Allah (swt)

But will will be printing the hard copies also. For that we already have the
sponsorship for printing 500 copies.

We are under extreme pressure from our team members, volunteers and patriots
that they also want to contribute/sponsor in getting more copies printed for
distribution within the nation. OK, we give in. you can join in this khair if you
wish. You may sponsor the printing of these books to contribute your khair in this

Either you can download the pdf or take the Coral files from us and take them to
your printer and get them printed.


We can get them printed from our own printer and you can sponsor the cost. Since
we already have the sponsor for first edition of 500 copies, the secondary editions
would cost slightly less as films and plates would already be there.

For next editions of Khilafat e Rashida and Iqbal book, the cost would be almost

For Each extra 500 copies the cost would be Rs: 1,50,000/= ($1500, aprox). you
can chose between Khilafat or Iqbal books.

It is your choice now. Do as you please and share the khair. we have made these
books available for free -- download, print.. as you please.

Or later you can buy these books when they are printed and distribute them.

May Allah accept this humble effort for the revival of the Ummah and especially
for the Pakistani millat. InshAllah, great khair will come from this khidmat. you
can indeed help to spread it.

Jazak Allah and Eid Mubarak to you all.


Alhamdolillah Kaseera ! It is here finally ! Download NOW !! we
present this humble gift of love and adab to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)

Alhamdolillah Kaseera ! It is here finally ! Download NOW !!

we present this humble gift of love and adab to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) !! May
Allah and Sayyadi accept !!

You are allowed to share, download, print, spread this for the sake of the Ummah !
Barak Allah feek !!

Shukar Alhamdolillah !


4 Shared link

Google drive link

Slideshare Link

Follow what Baba has said or be ready for total punishment. You have
NO excuse now. NO excuse at all.

Dear Members,

have to do some heart to heart talk with you all. I am sad. Very sad...

I see a severe punishment coming towards this nation -- azaab of Allah (swt) is
upon us but this nation refuses to do tauba, refuses to listen to sincere advice,
continues to follow idiots who pass as leaders and continue to follow the path of
Kufr -- while the enemies are encircling us from all sides ! Astaghfurullah !!

Watch the talk shows, hear the speeches of so called leaders, read the comments of
youth on social media -- total confusion, chaos, arrogance, filth, corruption to the

It is for this reason that I have stopped coming on TV nowadays. NO One is
listening.... and now I fear for a bloody punishment.

Thats why we are focusing on spreading the wisdom of Iqbal Baba, so that these
blind leaders and their even more blind followers should get some wisdom at least.
NO ONE has read Iqbal Baba and still pretend to be wiser than him, Innalillahe...

I have NEVER seen so much jahalat in any nation before... This is scary !!

If the situation remains as it is, then be ready. We have asked for Azaab. DO NOT
blame anyone else. We are all responsible.

We have worked all our life and have produced this book on Baba Iqbal for FREE
on the day it is written/ WHY ??? For money ?? for fame ?? for status ??

Astaghfurullah, cant you see that we are afraid that the whole nation is heading on
a destructive path and NO ONE is guiding it to the wisdom of Baba Iqbal. Thats
why, we are in such a hurry to get his message across to you and to the nation. DO
NOT insult this khair !!

For God sake, read the book, spread it, share it and force your leaders to follow
what baba has said. DO NOT try to be smarter and wiser than Baba Iqbal. Pl DO
NOT do this insanity. Listen to him and stop your own arguments.

We HAVE to HAVE an ideology before we build revolutions. The change will
NOT come through Dharnas alone but through movement with a vision !!!

DO NOT argue with me until you have read the book. DO NOT be ignorant to
what Baba has said. You have NOT read him. You do NOT know him. This is
going to be your first ever intro of that faqeer. stop asking quesitons of jahalat like
Bani Israel. Follow what Baba has said or be ready for total punishment. You have
NO excuse now. NO excuse at all.

There is great khair for Pakistan. I am NOT worried about Pak Sarzameen. But I
am afraid for the nation, for you who refuse to listen.

Oh Allah, be witness that I warned them... Now they are in your hands ! .

HasbunAllah Naimal Wakeel, Naimal Maula wa Naimal Wakeel !

Is democracy different from Dictatorship or just another facade of the
same old monster of tyranny ? Ask Iqbal

Those worshiping the god of democracy, should ask Baba Iqbal what he says about
it ?? is there any difference between democracy and dictatorship ?? NOT really !!
Only the fools cannot see this..

In 1400 years of Muslim history,have Muslims societies ever practiced
modern multiparty western democracy ?Never !

Baba Iqbal has destroyed democracy and Dictatorship. In fact, he goes step further
to prove that both are exactly the same -- two sides of the same cruel coin,
designed to enslave and destroy the humanity !

in 1400 years of Muslim history, we have NEVER practiced multi party western
democracy in Muslim societies. It is NOT in our blood. We can never accept it...

Our solution is Khilafat... or Khilafat Model of governance...

Momin of Iqbal is a mystical super man, a weapon in the arsenal of
God, a lion from the lions of Allah, a destiny creating ....

Momin of Iqbal is a mystical super man, a weapon in the arsenal of God, a lion
from the lions of Allah, a destiny creating, history shaping being, driven by the
power gifted to him for his extreme love of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and
unconditional total obedience and love of Allah (swt).

Each one of you can achieve these levels ! Have courage and faith -- go for it...
Only then Allah will use you for His duty !

Eid Mubarak to you all ! While we sacrifice animals, remember those
also who are sacrificing themselves for this millat, #PakArmy love you

A nation which ignores Iqbal will NEVER be given Izzat ! Understand
the magnanimity of the concept !!
One thing I know for sure - This present system is collapsing rapidly.
Who will replace it is not clear - Pak army or Anarchy or Indians!


Iran, no political party. China One party. US/UK 2 parties. Pakistan 150 political
parties divided on sects, ethnicity, provinces. Result = Chaos!

Its hilarious when people give the example of China for economic growth & in the
same breadth bark to promote multiparty democracy also

China has proved that if economic & military growth is the only benchmark of
progress, then there should be total ideological dictatorship!

Iran has proven that there can be total national participatory election process of the
President, even without any political party!
In US, there is NO democracy where ordinary people elect or select. That is a
facade only for PR. Its the Jews and Corporations that decide!

US President Jefferson: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51
percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49"

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is
a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. Ben Franklin

Democracy is the most vile form of government... spectacles of turbulence and
contention.. James Madison

Pakistani nation is at a crossroads now. Either we continue to remain slaves of
British laws or we chart out our own course as free men! What is most unfortunate
is that both IK & TUQ also support multi-party anarchic democracy focusing only
on procedural reforms not System. Real system change would mean abolishing of
all parties, direct selection of Ameer/President/Sultan, Islamic laws, Consultative
Techno govt.

Personally, I will continue to offer fierce resistance to democracy, while reviving
the ideology of Iqbal & defending Pakistan in imposed wars!

Followers of TUQ & IK should remember that this corrupt system is designed to
suck in good people & destroy them! I would rather let the destiny take its course,
then be part of corrupt incorrigible system of CIA democracy/Anglo-Saxon
laws/political parties. One thing I know for sure - This present system is collapsing
rapidly. Who will replace it is not clear - Pak army or Anarchy or Indians!

Visit of Indian PM Modi to US and a joint declaration of US and India
against Pakistan, has suddenly increased the threat levels for

The threat analysis no one will tell you about:

Visit of Indian PM Modi to US and a joint declaration of US and India against
Pakistan, has suddenly increased the threat levels for Pakistan. For the last 14
years, Pakistan is subjected to 3 different types of wars.

1. Af-Pak The war launched inside Pakistan through drones, JSOC and insurgent
groups based inside Pakistan.

2. 4th Generation war war designed to implode Pakistan from within through
political chaos, economic collapse and information war through media.

3. Indian Cold Start designed by the Indians to coordinate with Af-Pak and 4GW
to roll into Pakistan when the state becomes too soft, anarchic and chaotic through
the deployed wars from the Western borders.

Suddenly, all the 3 axis of the wars have become very alive, as the chaos and the
confusion in Islamabad continue to cripple the state from within.

US drone strikes, the resurgent terrorism in both frontier and Baluchistan, urban
anarchy in Karachi, clashes between Pakistan and India along the line of Control in
Kashmir and the political meltdown in Islamabad, fully backed by a hostile media
war by the Geo group.

US have just signed a security pact with the new Afghan President, basically
meaning that US is NOT leaving Afghanistan for at least 10 years! The
government in Islamabad is so nave that it is actually celebrating this disastrous

But the dangerous part is that the political leadership remains criminally nave of
the threats and remains in NO urgency to resolve the political chaos in the country.
All political parties are partying as if they have all the time in the world at their
disposal while the wars continue to pick up momentum against the state and the
country. Zardari and the PPP fear that the chaos might roll up the democracy and
have decided to fully support the NS against Imran Khan. But none of the political
parties are serious about the national security crisis.

Pakistan needs a strong political government immediately. The present setup has
become dysfunctional practically. The government of NS is now too under stress,
confused, corrupt, disoriented and hated to be able to deliver in these dangerous
times. For how long this regime stays in power would depend upon when army
would decide to pull the plug. Else, the regime would remain on respirator,
bringing the country down with it. Political chaos will continue for the foreseeable
future. The opposition may not be able to bring down the government, but it can
surely incapacitate it, which it has already done to a great extent.

For the enemies of Pakistan, this is the right moment to increase the pressure,
which they have done radically since the last 2 weeks. But the Pakistani national
leaders of all sorts remain too dumb to notice this.

Army, ISI should note -- Enemies now plan a full fledged 5thGenWar
against Pakistan - Tweets - 08-10-14

Tweets on October 8th.

It seems that NS gave a tacit approval to both US & India to launch simultaneous
attacks on Western & Eastern borders. AfPak-Cold start-4GW. In the last 40 hours,
4 drone strikes by CIA, dozens killed or wounded by Indian army fire across LoC,
multiple attacks by TTP/BLA ! 4GenWar

Why we don't hear any parliamentarian, politician or even TUQ/IK talking about
this simultaneous upsurge in all AfPak-ColdStart-4Genwar. It is NOT about just
condemning these attacks, it is about understanding the bigger game of
annihilating Muslim lands through 4thGenWar. Now, with US signing the BSA in
Afghanistan & Modi in India & total political chaos in Pakistan, the end game of
creating the failed state has begun. 4GW

They ask what is army doing about this? I ask them "what should army do when
PM, Judiciary, media & parliament are compromised? Tell me.

Army is not foolish. They see these threats, betrayals & collapse of the state but the
national leaders do not support them to do the needful. If army says this democracy
has collapsed, who will support the army to bring a new techno govt? None! Not
even TUQ & IK. Then why blame?

You want the bitter truth? Army is NOT removing the regime because it does not
want to hold another elections to bring back same idiots. This is the ultimate
tragedy. We are seeing the fatal threats & we know the solutions also but the
national leaders want collective suicide. When all political leaders refuse to
support the army, then why should Army remove the govt to get the blame later for
"derailing" democracy.

The only option left to the army is to keep watching the collapse at political,
diplomatic, economic levels & fight where it can on ground. Army is the only
institution left which is still fighting but is totally isolated, surrounded &
humiliated even by own govt/judiciary/media. This was the ultimate aim of the
enemies when they brought in this CIA backed democracy - to create a failed state
of Pakistan. All those who are insisting on this present multi-party democratic
circus are actually collaborating with the arch enemies to destroy Pakistan!
My duty is to warn you like a radar which sees earlier, further than what eye can
see. You can mock but then will face the consequences also.

What I do professionally is called Threat Analysis - a highly specialized science
based on experience, intelligence, observation & luck! Without a correct, timely
Threat Analysis, all national response strategies collapse! Govts, armies rely on
timely advice from Analysts! So when I speak about emerging threats, listen to
them carefully. Threat is like a shape shifting monster - changes rapidly,

It was our Think Tank BrassTacks which analysed the threat of 4thGW , Explained
the Af-Pak threats, exposed Indian Cold start, years ago! Enemies of Pakistan
know our worth - that's why every enemy of the state attacks us - from Indians to
TTP to BLA to Geo to CIA to Kharjis!

If our work was so useless & confused, why bringing down Zaid Hamid has
become the most aggressive strategy of every enemy of Pakistan?

You reject my professional analysis just because it does not suit your political or
religious views but then be ready to pay the price also. I don't collect fans or
members nor voters! That makes me totally independent to speak the brutal truth
which most of the people don't want. I am telling you again - Pakistan DOES NOT
have time now! A most brutal war has been launched to create total chaos,
balkanize, denuclearize.

This govt must be removed. National govt of TUQ CANNOT be formed. Re-
elections of IK CANNOT be done. Only Techno govt can salvage Pakistan now. It
is naive to expect that our political leaders & the media would understand the
complex & bloody geo-political chaos of the greater ME.

Every policy maker, media analyst or politician I have met privately accepts that
my threat analysis & solutions are the only options left. Even Imran once
demanded Technocratic Caretakers but then was brought under such intense
pressure from the vested groups that he backtracked.

Now you routinely find analysts, even politicians & media talking about Techno
govt for 3 years But they will never accept the source But the point is that not
just that we need a Techno govt, we need it NOW! Delay would only create
anarchy unmanageable even for new govt! So, NS wont resign, IK/TUQ will
continue Dharna/Jalsas, army wont takeover, chaos will remain,
US/India/TTP/BLA/MQM would wage military war.

Give me a solution if you disagree with my threat analysis & solution of a Techno
govt. Remember, Enemies now plan a full fledged 5thGenWar. Their prime
objective & sequence of attack is - Create Chaos/anarchy, Take away nukes, attack
physically, dismember, annihilate! 5thGenWar!

If anyone thinks, this is hypothetical scenario, then just explain the wars in ME,
sequence of annihilation of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen..!!

In 4GW, they achieve defined objectives like controlled dismemberment of
Yugoslavia. In 5GW, there is total annihilation/chaos as in Iraq. CIA/RAW started
with 4thGW against Pakistan but they could not dismember Pakistan like
Yugoslavia, so now a total war of annihilation 5GW has begun. US launched 4GW
against Pak after 9/11. Got ready to roll into Pakistan under Obama with Af-Pak,
while India prepared their ColdStart to follow.

In Europe, they never allowed the war in Yugoslavia to spill into the region. But in
Iraq, they have! This is the difference between 4GW & 5GW!

How could Pak Army fight the political, judicial, economic & media axis of the
war when Zardari is President, Iftikhar Chaudry is Chief Justice? How can Pak
Army fight this 4GW when major political parties & Media have been bought by
the enemies - MQM, JUI, PPP, PML(N), ANP.. Geo..

How can Pak Army use nuclear weapons when the battlefield is not the border but
Karachi, FATA & urban Pakistan? This is the nature of 4GWar.

To launch the 4GW/5GW, the political parties, media & judiciary is bought by the
enemies. That stabs the army in the back to allow invasion. You can clearly see
that our media, political parties are enemies of the state, urban insurgents are
bogging army in cities, borders exposed. The objective of the enemies is to turn
army into a glorified police force so that borders are undefended. You see that
happening in Pakistan now. With heavy engagement of army into the country -
from election duties to polio drops to fighting the rebels, borders are exposed
dangerously. That is why this CIA backed democracy destroys all civil
departments so that army has to be called in even for most minor civil duties.

The Zionist plan is to take the war to 4 Muslim countries now -- SA,
Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. We need a govt in Islamabad NOW else we
are done!


The hatred between Salafis & Shias has allowed the CIA/Mossad to deploy this
fault line as a strategic weapon of war within Muslim lands. Both Iran & Saudi
Arabia has gone to such extremes in destroying each other that both have no
hesitation taking help from US in ME wars.

Americans & Israelis are fully playing the sectarian card - siding with Sunnis in
Syria but with Shias in Yemen. ISIS is actually IDF troops. For the Saudis, there
are only 2 enemies in the Middle East -- Sunni Akhwan ul Muslameen & Shias.
Riyadh does not take Israel to be enemies.

For the Iranians, Saudis/salafis are a bigger threat & where their interests demand,
Tehran has fully supported US in overthrowing Sunnis. In Saudi Arabia, there are
two power centers - The Al-Saud Royal Family, which is pretty secular & Salafi
Wahabi sect & its extreme views. So, while there is panic within the Saudi Royal
family over the rise of Khawarij like ISIS, the militants actually have a strong base
in SA.

Saudi problem with Sunni Akhwan ul Muslameen & Hamas is not on religious
lines but on political ideology. Both Akhwan & Hamas against Kings. So Saudis
played havoc in Egypt, over threw the Akhwan govt, brought in half Jew Sisi as
President, crushed Akhwan, neutralized Akhwan govt. But Tehran was equally
ruthless & aggressive in the ME, exploiting the blunders of the Saudis to increase
influence in the Arab world. When a Shia govt was formed in Baghdad after
Saddam, Shias went on rampage to avenge former Sunni rulers, turning Baghdad
red! Sad fact!

In Iraq, now the Mossad/IDF ISIS army is pretending to be Sunnis, destroying both
Sunnis & Shias - dragging Iran into ground war in Iraq. Iran has now major
influence in 4 Arab capitals - Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and now Sanaa, Yemen,
which is last to fall to Shia Houti tribe. ISIS, the Israeli State Intel Service, now
targets both Saudi Arabia & Iran but both Riyadh & Tehran continue to take each
other as enemies. Wars of Saudis or Iranians anywhere in the Muslim world,
against each other, would be a defeat for the Ummah as a whole & victory for

A Saudi backed Sunni govt has been over thrown in Yemen by Iran backed Shia
militants. US & Israel are the net beneficiaries in this chaos. In Syria, an Iran
backed Shia government is being over thrown by the Saudi backed Sunni militants!
Same story -- only Muslims die in process. Sunni Muslims of Syria are crushed
between 3 opposing gangs -- Iran backed Shias, Saudi backed militants, Israeli
backed ISIS! Bloody chaos.

Keep this entire bloody anarchy in ME in front of you & now read my yesterdays
tweets again! This is called 5thGenWar, now in Pakistan also. Keeping this entire
larger bloody picture of the Ummah in front, I ask Pak nation to abandon
democracy & ask army to bring a Techno govt NOW. The Zionist plan is to take
the war to 4 Muslim countries now -- SA, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. We need a
govt in Islamabad NOW else we are done! Turkey & Iran have strong nationalist
patriotic govt who have the capacity to protect their countries. SA is weak.
Pakistan is weakest! Sad

Pakistan's present political, judicial, social structure is too weak to sustain an
anarchic 5th GenWar which is imposed on us now. Wake up!

This is 5th Gen War explained graphically ! Total anarchy, chaos, bloodshed in
Syria, Iraq. failed dismembered states

This same 5GenWar is now deployed aggressively against Pak. Response?? Re-
elections?? National govt?? Democracy?? PTI/PAT must answer! By NOT
understanding the threats & axis of attacks of the 5GW against Pak, PTI/PAT have
proven that their vision cannot be trusted in crisis. Democracy, Zardari, NS, Altaf,
Fazlu are part of this deadly war. By not understanding & responding to this war,
PTI/PAT have also lost it. All political parties, including the Dharna walas, should
realize that they don't have time till eternity. Enemy has sharpened his knives!

I am totally, utterly disappointed from the vision, understanding, mission of both
PTI & PAT! Dangerous policies in times of such 5GenWars. PTI/PAT should have
shown the moral courage & political wisdom to realize that their solutions are
dangerous & only Techno govt is viable. Nawaz & democracy are a curse.
PTI/PAT policies are totally confused, cannot be trusted now. Army wanted
support of PTI/PAT but both refused. Now patriots have no choice but to wait for
the enemies to make their move to break the deadlock. Enemy is advancing
rapidly!! So we wait!

But Pak nation must realize now that price for freedom would now be million
times higher when enemies enter our homes! Now we pay heavily! Pakistan was
under attack for the last decade, we lost over a 100 thousand of us still everyone
behaved as if they control the events! Shame.

You will see now. Every axis of violence would explode against Pak. MQM will
burn Karachi, TTP, BLA CIA drones & Indian army would attack! The war against
Pakistan is totally out of control for the govt & politicians.

Only the enemy has the initiative or the Pak Army responds! With an active bloody
war already at hand, it was natural that army would want political parties to
support Techno govt idea. PTI/PAT refused!

Read slowly and Understand ! we dont have time for arguments now.
If the nation and its leaders cannot understand this, then wait ...
Allah's judgement is close. !

Indian Hindus should remember that Pak missiles are named - Ghauri,
Ghaznavi, Abdali - the names remind Hindus of humiliation, shame,


While the insane Pak politicians are having swine fights, Indians are moving heavy
artillery & Tanks closer to border & attacking across LoC. The battles across the
LoC are no more clashes between border guards only. Both Armies are ferociously
attacking each other with heavy guns.

Pak army is cautious as there are Muslim villages on the other side of LoC in
Kashmir. Indians are ruthlessly targeting civilians in Pak. Months back, we at
BrassTacks had predicted that October would be the month for Indians to start their
military attacks on Pakistan! Spot on.

How could we know the exact date of Indian attack on Pak months before??? This
is called Threat Analysis, our professional duty to warn you. Why October?? We
knew Pak's political chaos would be at peak, Modi would be well settled &
General Tariq Khan would retire. Indians feared him most.

This threat from Modi was precisely the reason why I was resisting the elections &
demanded a techno govt. Now political chaos is sinking us. General Tariq Khan
retired on October 1st. Indians launched their attacks on October 2nd!! He was the
Pak Army tiger Hindus were afraid of.

General Tariq Khan has retired but he has created many more tigers like him.
Indians would be insane fools to assume that they will get a walkover.

Indian Hindus have a compulsive disorder. I am their archest enemy, they hate my
existence but suffer from terrible inferiority complex too. While the entire Indian
Hindu establishment & their cow piss drinking armies pretend that I am a "joke",
they take my words as from Bhagwan!

Pakistan's tactical short range battlefield nuke tipped Ghaznavi missiles are fully
deployed, armed & locked. Modi should wake up from his dream. Indian Hindus
should remember that Pak missiles are named - Ghauri, Ghaznavi, Abdali - the
names remind Hindus of humiliation, shame, defeat.

We had warned the nation 6 months before Modi came to power that Hindu
Zionists will bring him with a plan for a total war with Pakistan!
We had given the exact month of Indian attack ONE year ago !!

We had given the exact month of Indian attack ONE year ago !! Nation did not
listen, political leaders kept on fighting amongst each other. Now the price for
freedom would be heavy and bloody...

They say why dont the army remove the government. If army does that, what
should it do ?????? bring martial law ?? Bring caretakers?? bring national govt ??
Do re-elections ?? National politicians are not clear, divided and even against

Even TUQ and IK have said that they will resist coming of the army. Then why
should army get involved to get insulted by these politicians ?? . Wait now.. and
see what Allah decides... we have been failed by all -- by the government and by
the PTI/PAT !!

All those, including PTI/PAT who could not see the threats & kept
resisting army backed Techno govt have sold us to the Zionist/Kharji

When a Zionist Hindu mass murderer Modi was being brought to power in India,
we knew a war was coming to South Asia.

The Nexus against Pakistan is bloody sinister - Indian Hindu radicals, US Christian
Neo-cons, Israeli Jewish Zionists & Takfiri Khawarij!

With such levels of staggering threats, we have NS as PM & IK/TUQ as opposition
with Bilawal, Altaf, Zardari, Fazlu fighting for power turf.
If Pak army cleans up this political mess in Pak, the cost would be lower in
bloodshed. Else, cost of anarchy would be staggering as in Iraq.

Both IK & TUQ have made it extremely difficult for the army by repeatedly saying
that they will resist any army intervention. Now what ???

All those, including PTI/PAT who could not see the threats & kept resisting army
backed Techno govt have sold us to the Zionist/Kharji dogs.

Zaid Hamid warned early in January 2014 about Indian attack in
October 2014

Every threat we are facing today, including Indian attacks were sharply predicted
in January. No body listened..

Now we say again -- we cannot go to war with Nawaz as PM. All political parties
have contributed to bring Pakistan to this dangerous crisis, including IK and TUQ,
who resisted army backed Techno govt. Now we pay a staggering price..
Astaghfurullah !!

If slaughtering Million Muslims can get Nobel peace prize to Obama,
then I wonder what Malala has done to deserve it?

We have neither forgotten nor forgiven the genocide by this butcher
of Gujarat.We ll not give any quarter. Promise

Sultan Shahabuddin Ghauri had captured the Hindu Zionist king Prithvi Raj alive
in the battle, then dragged him in chains to Kabul to be killed mercilessly.

InshAllah, this we will do again with this butcher of Gujarat also -- In the final
battle of Ghazwa e Hind, we will drag him in chains to be humiliate and killed...

we have NOT forgotten their slaughter of 1947, we have not forgotten the
treachery of 1971. we have not forgotten the genocide in Kashmir. we have NOT
forgotten the burnt , raped bodies of Gujarat !

Modi will pay for his crimes. Promise you this...

Labbaik Ghazwa e Hind !!

Who will be the "mehdi" of the time ??

Pakistan need a reformer, revivalist, a Mujahid, visionary, thinker, ideologue !
Iqbal Baba gives you hope that you should rise and become that Imam of the millat

"The one who is ignited by the passion of Ishq& Jalal with who discovers his real
potential, would the Imam, the "Mehdi" of the time" ! Iqbal.

Fascinating interpretation of Iqbal'c concept of Mehdi, read in Iqbal e Pur Israr...

Why our political and religious parties fail ?? why there is no taseer in
Dawah and Tableegh ?? why policies, strategies and plans fail ??

The crisis of Pak politics and the Ummah, as explained by the wisdom of Baba

Jalal uddin Rumi knew the cancer of Pakistan 600 years ago ! This is
the tragedy of Pakistan today! Moronic leaders !

This is what happens when Army of a country is depleted or

This painful photo published in The Guardian this week shows the line for food at
Syria's Yarmouk refugee camp. The UN says that some people in this camp have
been reduced to eating animal feed!

Extremely small amounts of aid have gotten in recently but delivery has been
suspended repeatedly due to ongoing security concerns. The situation is dire!

Respect Pak army. Once the syrian army was desrtoyed at the hands of Khawarij &
CIA backed gangs, then the cities and the people are now reduced to scavange like
animals. Today, you are safe in your homes because Pak army is fighting... even
when democracy and Nawaz are trying to sell you to Hindu Mushriks and Khawarij.

Do dua for Muslims of Iraq and Syria... it can happen to you also..

Ya Allah Karam... Ya Allah Astghfar..

Voice of the East Magazine does an analysis and commentary on Iqbal
e Pur Israr. Worth a read, MashAllah !

Voice of the East Magazine does an analysis and commentary on Iqbal e Pur Israr.
Worth a read, MashAllah !

Pakistan has many enemies, few allies, fewer friends but only ONE
brother -- That is Turkey! No matter what, Turks will NEVER be
abandoned by Pakistan.

Turkey has to decide which is a bigger threat or both? ISIS is attacking PKK
controlled Kobane, just 1 mile away!

Turks will have to be extremely careful here. They should know that Israel wants
Turkey dismembered also or at least in total chaos as in Syria.

Muslim nations which are left standing - Pak-Iran-Turkey have still not grasped the
concept of 4th & 5th GenWars & are not cooperating still.
Pakistan has many enemies, few allies, fewer friends but only ONE brother -- That
is Turkey!

No matter what, Turks will NEVER be abandoned by Pakistan.

A change of regime in Islamabad & a collective security alliance within
the region - Two strategic moves are critical

Pakistan will not be able to face the threats we face today with this levels of filthy
leadership & political chaos.

A change of regime in Islamabad & a collective security alliance within the region
- Two strategic moves are critical

Responsibility of the entire coming generations is now upon your
shoulders but you are NOT ready yet ! For God sake, prepare !

Prepare yourself children. Responsibility of the entire coming generations is now
upon your shoulders but you are NOT ready yet !

For God sake, prepare !
This scumbag RAW terrorists now wants to issue fatwa against Imran
Khan. He should be lashed for drinking!!

This snake Haram Charbi Ka Drum is part of Islamic Ideology Council responsible
for making "Islamic" laws in Pakistan ! He wants to issue fatwa against Imran
Khan but according to sharia, himself deserves to be lashed for drinking Alcohol !

Astaghfurullah !! This is the test of Deobandi Clergy. HCKD is one of the leaders
of Deobandi Mullahs. Lets see if Deoband disown this snake or not now when he
is stripped of all dignity by nature's wrath !

This is punishment from Allah (swt) to this snake !! Beysharam, beyghairat, paleed
haramkhor... I have ran out of decent words ..

Imam Malik (r.a) and Today's Scholars

Dont argue about your sects. Dont try to prove your aqeeda is better than the other.
PROVE it through you character, Ikhlaq, courage, honesty, refinement, dignity and
truthfulness. If these qualities are not present in you or in your scholars, then your
aqeeda is fasid !! There is NO such thing as correct aqeeda and fasid Ikhlaq in a
person !

Today, we have filthy snakes as HCKD passing as Alim eDeen. you want to know
what a real Alim e Deen is ?? Read about Imam Malik below.

Can any sect today show this character ?? I see all Mullahs from all sects eating at
the Iftar of MQM, knowing fully well that the rizq they are eating is Haram, from
Bhatta money !!! Now whose aqeeda is correct ??

When we expose the terrorists, we will also expose their sect to force
the scholars of their sect to come out and speak against them.

To all new comers on this page or those who still do not understand our ideology.

Pakistan is facing a brutal religious war which is also sectarian in nature. Religious
groups are using Islam as an argument to wage their dirty sectarian wars. When we
expose the enemy tactics, we also destroy their arguments and propaganda and
expose their sources, links, ideology and sect. This is part of our duty that we do
without fear or favor.

If a sectarian gang kills Muslims and calls itself Shia militants, then we will call
them Shia terrorists.

If a Barelvi group becomes violent, we will call them Barelvi terrorists.

If a Salafi gang become violent, we will expose them as Salafi terrorist gang.

If a Deobandi gang wages a war againnst Pakistan, we WILL call it Deobandi

This is NOT spreading sectarianism. This is destroying the sectarian war of the
terrorists !!

In Pakistan, the fact is the militant groups only listen to the scholars from their own
sect !! Shias will only follow Shias, Barelvis will only follow Barelvis, Salafis will
only follow salafis and Deobandis will only follow Deobandis.

So, if a Deobandi terrorist is waging a war against the State and the Muslims and
the other Deobandis are silent about it, then all Deobandi scholars are guilty of

If a Shia terrorist is NOT condemned by the Shias, then all Shia scholars would be

In Pakistan, the sectarian scholars stay silent when the terrorist is from their sect !!
This we can NEVER do.

When we expose the terrorists, we will also expose their sect to force the scholars
of their sect to come out and speak against them.

This is an old tactic of the terrorists that whenever you speak about their sect, they
start shouting that we are spreading sectarianism. We know this old tactic and are
not impressed.

If TTP, Lej, HCKD, Lal masjid are Deobandi terrorists, we will say it openly.

If SM is a Shia terrorist organization, we will say it openly.

If you don't like us to mention Deibandi or Shia terrorists, then tell them to stop
terrorism, otherwise, we will rip them apart without mercy. Know this well.

In Pakistan, both Deobandis & Shias have terrorist gangs. Difference is
that while Shias only target Deobandis, Deobandis target Shias &


In Pakistan, both Deobandis & Shias have terrorist gangs. Difference is that while
Shias only target Deobandis, Deobandis target Shias & State! In a sectarian war, it
is the responsibility of the scholars of that sect to stop the terrorists of their own
sect, as only they can!

If deobandi or Shia scholars do not condemn the terrorists from their own sect,
then they are guilty of the war & genocide & must be punished. In a religious war,
it is critical to identity the sect of the enemy which is using the cover of faith to
justify their sinister war!

In Iraq, Mehdi Militia of Shias butchered Sunnis ruthlessly. In Pakistan, Deobandi
TTP/Lej brutally killing Shias, Sunnis & army alike! In Pakistan, all anti-State
terrorist religious groups are from Deobandi sect. TTP, LeJ, Punjabi Taliban etc..
Where are deobandi scholars?

With sectarian wars being used as a strategic weapon of 5GW against Ummah by
the Zionists, we must identify their local partners in Pakistan.

Know the enemies - MQM is secular. BLA is Marxist. SM is Shia. TTP is
Deobandi. ANP is Marxist. Sindh Lib Army is Marxist. Al-Qaeda Salafi.

Watch this stunning Video -- PNS Babar and Indian battleship come
face to face in highs seas !

PS - Ignore the abusive language of Indian sailors, it comes with their DNA.

Watch this exciting stunning video. How Pak Navy ship shoved the Indian ship !!

Pak Navy battleship comes face to face with an Indian Navy war ship in the high
seas in 2011. This video is made by the Hindus. Pak Navy sailors are reciting
Allahu Akbar but the dirty Indian Hindus are only abusing.

InshAllah, soon, we will meet them in Ghazwa e Hind ! Then we will use our
missiles, not just a shove !!

Supreme Court of Pakistan has lost its entire izzat, credibility & reason
to exist after this almost blasphemous remark violating

SC Judge says Constitution silent on definition of "Sadiq" & "Ameen". It is clear
that Judge has NOT read the Constitution.

The first line of Constitution says Quran & Sunnah are the Supreme Law of
Pakistan. Entire Deen & Sunnah is definition of Sadiq and Ameen. Article 62, 63 is
explicitly clear also - defining the three conditions for eligibility or otherwise of
the Parliamentarians. NO Confusion.

If an Islamic state SC, with Quran & Sunnah as supreme law, cannot decide who is
Sadiq & Ameen, then we should roll up SC altogether.

Our Constitution is indeed silent on what to do when Chief Justice like Iftikhar
Chaudhry becomes part of the 5thGenWar & destroys the state!

Our Constitution is indeed silent on what to do when entire elections are rigged,
President is snake like Zadari, PM like NS & CJ like Iftikhar Chaudhry.

Supreme Court of Pakistan has lost its entire izzat, credibility & reason to exist
after this almost blasphemous remark violating Quran/Sunnah.

When Quran & Sunnah is the Supreme Law, then if you don't find anything in man
made Constitution, then you should refer it to Quran/Sunnah!

You must read this to know why creation of Pakistan was a matter of
life and death for the Muslims and why Quaid and Baba Iqbal fought
tooth and nail to create this Pak Sarzameen.

You must read this to know why creation of Pakistan was a matter of life and death
for the Muslims and why Quiad and Baba Iqbal fought tooth and nail to create this
Pak Sarzameen.

All those snakes like Altaf the toad, who say that creation of Pakistan was the
greatest blunder, they are the true traitors ! Pakistan was NOT created for a
Punjabi, sindhi Baluchi, Kashmiri or Pathan or Hindustani. It was created for
Muslims of sub-continent because ALL Muslims were being destroyed, decimated
and humiliated by the Hindus.

Read this sobering account published in Dawn. worth a serious read.

There will be NO elections in the country now, IA. This present chaos
will lead to anarchy, to war to cleanup ! If Pak army does not clean up
the mess now, then Indian army will.

When we see the shameless political circus all around, rascal politicians and the
corruption of those in power to dispense justice, then we rather walk alone then
with the crowds these snakes lead.

The silence of those who have the power to correct the wrong is more painful than
the crimes of those who commit them.

We have done our duty literally alone for the last 7 years.. InshAllah, we will
march strongly even now but we have said what had to be said on TV. Now we
dont feel the need.

These rascal politicians are preparing for the elections, not knowing that there will
be NO elections in the country now, IA. This present chaos will lead to anarchy, to
war to cleanup ! If Pak army does not clean up the mess now, then Indian army
will. This is the destiny we are warning you about. You dont want to listen, your

All of you who are still following these rascal politicians are part of this sin. Be
prepared to answer for your deeds in dunya and akhira. Now Allah will be ruthless.

Zaid Hamid's open letter to the Iranian government.

Recently, there has been a clash between border guards of Iran and Pakistan. The
incident was a local mistake emerged out as a group of terrorists had attacked an
Iranian patrol & in the confusion, Iranians fired at the Pakistani patrol. Both
governments are trying to handle the crisis but we have also decided to send an
open letter to the Iranian government.


Dear brothers in Iran,

This is with reference to the latest clash between Pakistan and Iran on the
Baluchistan border. This is most sad, unfortunate event between two brothers,
which could have been avoided, should never have taken place. It is based on
confusion, misunderstanding and lack of communication between the two brothers
and only our mutual enemies Jews, Takfiri Khawarij and Hindus will benefit
from it.

There is absolutely NO truth in the assumption that Pakistan is supporting any
terrorism inside Iran. Why should Pakistan do that ??
Pakistan is suffering from most violent terrorism itself in Baluchistan but we have
NEVER blamed Iran. We know that the problem is in Afghanistan where BLA,
Khawarij and CIA are based waging a war against both Pakistan and Iran.

If Iran feel that Pakistan was not doing enough to check these attacks, then the
solution should be that we form a joint border patrol and collective security
arrangement where both brother countries should guard the borders together
instead of accusing each other and attacking and even killing.

Pakistan does NOT feel any threat from Iran. We dont have a single regular army
soldier along Iran border. Pakistan is already under attack from all sides
Khawarij, BLA, CIA, Afghan army and now serious war threats exist on East
against India also. We in Pakistan are seriously preparing for a war against India as
diplomatic and military moves by Indian PM Modi are provocative and dangerous.

In these times, Pakistan would be a total fool to start any problems for its western
brother Iran. Iran must understand that Pakistan is passing through a very
dangerous and difficult phase of its life. There is serious political turmoil in
Pakistan and the whole country is in total confusion. Pakistan army is the only
institution left standing fighting a difficult war against multiple enemies.

In these times, we expect Iran to show patience and understanding towards
Pakistan. Using harsh language, attacking at the para military forces or sending in
threats would only help our common enemies.

Pl advice Irans foreign office and border forces to show restraint. They should
make an official visit to Islamabad and deal directly.

With salam and dua for the Ummah and Muslims of Iran and Pakistan.

Zaid Hamid

Pakistan is going to erupt -- Sindh is the battle ground

How would history judge our political elite, our judiciary, our media, our
"Ashrafia", the shameless ruling class!

How did Caliph of Baghdad feel when he was being wrapped in a carpet to be
trampled under the Tatar horsemen?? His cries were not audible! When the ruling
elite is as debouch as they were in Baghdad back then and now in Pakistan, then
the Providence sends Halakus of the era!

I have personally no doubt now that Pakistan is about to erupt ! Modi is not a fool.
His RSS has waited for this moment for 90 years! I am particularly concerned at
the sinister games being played in Karachi by MQM & PPP. Militants of
MQM/BLA being trained in Oman, UAE, Afghanistan.

Altaf the toad is now on the last leg of a very dangerous mission of staging an
uprising in urban Sindh. CIA/RAW/MI6 fully backing the plan.

CIA need to cripple the port city Karachi, like they did in Benghazi in Libya. They
already have MQM/BLA as local insurgents for the 5thGW. In this point in time,
strategic interests of India, US, Britain & Afghanistan have converged against
Pakistan. They have enough local support inside.

The plan had begun in 2001, when Altaf wrote a letter to MI6, offering full
support, demanding disbanding of ISI. While ISI could not be disbanded, Altaf the
toad was sub-contracted by MI6 to act as local informers, urban fighters to block

The political rallies, Dharnas on streets, total chaos on media helps to create the
strategic deception for the enemies, keeping nation blind! The controversy of more
provinces on ethnic lines in times of war is the direction towards total secession &
dismemberment of the State! On MQM's demand of "mohajir" province, you saw
the violent reaction of PPP & Sindhi sub-nationalists. Ground is ready for an urban

Scenario in Karachi -
MQM = MI6,
Sindhi sub-national = RAW,
- their mutual war would only create required anarchy!

MQM & enemies are in a hurry now. They hated the DG Rangers. Now Gen
Rizwan is DG ISI. Enemies want to launch asap before he takes charge.

"Who would listen to Iqbal when they say that times have changed
and Iqbal talks of things of the past...

"Who would listen to Iqbal when they say that times have changed and Iqbal talks
of things of the past. These Muslims rulers who draw their inspirations from the
West, have nothing to do with this Ummah, are busy destroying the very
foundations of the deen"

Isnt this the conditions of the Ummah and its leaders today ?? Iqbal lamented 90
years ago.... We have not learnt anything from Baba Iqbal... Innalillah...

So, the Inqilab has come !!! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon ! Dr. sahib,
you will be arrested now. The govt will not show any mercy towards

So, the Inqilab has come !!! Innalillahe inna ilehe rajeoon !

We knew of this end. We tried to warn them, stop them from making blunders.
They never listened. Only if they had asked army to come and help them in getting
justice in Model Town FIR, Dr. TUQ would be celebrating victory today. But now,
the government is going to rip him apart. The judiciary is with the government. All
cases against NS and his team are being quashed by the judiciary. NO action will
be taken on Model town murders, ARY has been brought under pressure. Now
Dharna has also died...

Dr. sahib, you will be arrested now. The govt will not show any mercy towards
you. You have disappointed your followers, failed again.. .Now who would trust
you ever ??

We knew this end. Now the destiny unfolds..

Army will do what must be done. But this time, the respect and credit
for Change will NOT go to the politicians. The politicians have failed.

Why should army intervene when all the politicians humiliate, insult and degrade
army for interventions. They all want help from the army when in crisis, but then
refuse later on that they asked for it. Remember what Nawaz did with Raheel ??

If TUQ and IK can ask for army's help in FIR, then they could also ask for
arresting the nominated. TUQ & IK wanted the benefits of army's intervention but
refused to share the responsibility ?? sorry, army is NOT going to be fooled by the
politicians now. DO NOT blame army. Blame your leaders who are too afraid to
demand army's help in public.

Army will do what must be done. But this time, the respect and credit for Change
will NOT go to the politicians. The politicians have failed.

Wait for Allah's judgment now. Don't complain. You asked for it...

While the nation remains blind and the political scumbags busy in protecting their
own petty self interests, the war is upon us now. Sindh will be the new
battleground with Modi and Khawarij joining in.

All those who wanted democracy are now asking why army does not take over !
How tragic, how sad.. when nations make collective blunders, then they have to
face collective punishments as well.

Now face what comes your way.. and do astaghfar. Maybe Allah decides to go soft
on these arrogant and foolish people.

The time is close, when in Pakistan also, we will also have to produce
tigers like Omer Mukhtar. His Libya Bleeds again today ! How his
nation misses him...

Every free man, true revolutionary would be hunted, persecuted or killed by the
Kufr of the time. These are truly the free men who spend ther lives in battlefields
or on gallows to be hanged !

Lived a life of dignity. Died a death of honor.

Omer Mukhtar - Never forget this brave lion from Libya ! The time is close, when
in Pakistan also, we will also have to produce tigers like Omer Mukhtar. Today, his
Libya is again under foreign occupation but there is no Omer Mukhtar there.

Ya Allah Karam... Ya Allah reham..

TTP claimed responsibility for attacking Fazlur Rahman today ! May
God damn these terrorists. They cant even kill a rascal

TTP claimed responsibility for attacking Fazlur Rahman today! So sad that they
missed the rascal Fazlur Rehman & his JUI are the political arm of the same
TTP. There are some infighting within TTP these days, so this fratricide.

The same pro-TTP Khawarij Mullahs are in Council of Islamic Ideology as well,
using the State org to protect TTP Khawarij & attack army. Council of Islamic
ideology's kharji Mullahs say protection of Pakistan ordinance & National security
policy is un-Islamic! ROFL!!!

You can imagine the caliber of CII when its head is a pro-TTP Kharji Mullah and
the Mufti is that HCKD sharabi Mullah Tahir Ashrafi LOl

Tauba If Islam is defined by Tahir Ashrafi, then surely Modi is a Santa Claus ))

My message to followers of Dr. TUQ who are angry at the army and

Many followers of Dr. Qadri are angry at me and asking why army did not come to
help them ??

My reply is to these followers is:

1.When Dr Qadri started his inqilab, did he plan that army will help him when he
got into trouble ??

2. When he started his Inqilab, did he take army into confidence ??

3. Why should army help him when he says He will be the first person to resist
army intervention ??

4. When he got into trouble, I still asked him to call army for help. he refused to do
it. Then why should army even consider helping him ?

When the crisis was on its peak, I and our team members were in close contact
with team of Dr. TUQ. I must say, their arrogance was strange. When we advised
them on how to get out of this mess, they actually insulted us and replies we got

1. Zaid sahib, you have done your duty. you should sit back now and watch the
show. We will take the mission from here. you are not needed.

2. Zaid sahib, dont try to be like Dr. TUQ. you are jealous of him. you can never be
like him. (uff)

3. There are great spiritual powers with us. We have full backing of Huzur and
Sheikh Abdul Qadir we don't need anyone to bring this Inqilab. if you know the
spiritual muqam of Dr. Qadri, you will come and sit in his feet...

Now what can I do with this mindset ???? Now if you are disappointed, don't
blame army. There is some serious pondering to do for you all who follow Dr.

Sit back and think, why you have failed again. Think hard and stop blaming me or
the army ! I am not stopping you from bringing inqilab. bring it if you can. I tried
to help but was insulted and advice was rejected. Now manage yourself.

For the Pakistani nation, now only few options are left--rise & take its
destiny in hand or pay a staggering cost !

Alhamdolillah, alf Marra, just received first copy of Iqbal e Pus Israr !!
Also, completed the text of Halq e Yaran ! alhamdolillah !

Alhamdolillah, alf Marra, just received first copy of Iqbal e Pus Israr !! MashAllah,
full delivery from next week. you can collect your copies from our office from next
week inshAllah !

Also, completed the text of Halq e Yaran ! alhamdolillah ! another spiritual
journey for our present and future generations inshAllah ! after designing it, shall
upload for you all next week inshAllah !

New Islamic Year Mubarak to all of you. May Allah bring khair and Afiat for the
Ummah and the Millat in this year !

Shukar Alhamdolillah once again for these books !

Finally, "Mukti Bahini" of MQM has demanded a "separate province",
read separate country -- For Pak army and patriots, this is time to load
guns !

Finally, "Mukti Bahini" of MQM has demanded a "separate province", read
separate country, for Altaf & his gangs. heading towards civil war.

Withdrawal of case against Altaf in London, resignations from Sindh, AJK govt,
demand for separate province -- preamble for declaring war! Altaf should learn
from the fate of Mujeeb. He was used by RAW KGB to break Pakistan, then
assassinated like a rat. Same fate awaits Altaf.

I see identical language & demands between Mujeeb & Altaf - both useful idiots of
RAW & foreign secret services to harm Pakistan.

"Time to turn the heat on Pakistan", former Indian HC to Pakistan,
PARTHASARATHY's advice to Modi. Modi is sensing blood as Pak already
bleeds. Beware!

For Pak army and patriots, this is time to load guns ! Those who made fun of us for
years, will taste the blood of their own loved ones at the hands of Kuffar, Khawarij
and Munafiqeen.

Ya Allah khair....

For years, we have been warning our nation of the threats from this
toad Altaf. Now, this snake is out to bite ...

For years, we have been warning our nation of the threats from this toad Altaf. We
own every word we have said. This is from 2009-10 Wakeup Pakistan series. Now,
this snake is out to bite as his master Modi comes to power in Mushrik India.

Alhamdolillah, our new book Halqa e Yaran is also ready now to be
uploaded next week. A gift of love ad adab to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)

Alhamdolillah, our new book Halqa e Yaran is also ready now to be uploaded next
week. A gift of love ad adab to Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) for the sake of this
Ummah !

a spiritual journey of epic proportions into mystical dimensions of Quran and
Sunnah -- the secret wisdom of the Fuqara and Derveshes opened up for the young
generation of the millat.

Allahuma Taqqabal Minna !!

Today is the time to make a stand for Pak Sarzameen ! Those who stay
silent or betray this Medina e Sani are the Khaseroon, the born losers.

Today is the time to make a stand for Pak Sarzameen ! Those who stay silent or
betray this Medina e Sani are the Khaseroon, the born losers.

This nation will be tested harshly and violently very soon. Be prepared mentally,
spiritually and physically and make your stand at all cost!

Imagine if you are told, you will never see Rasul Allah (sm) again ???
Ya Allah Karam.. save us from the Hijr of Sayyadi Rasul Allah !

Imagine if you are told, you will never see Rasul Allah (sm) again ??? This
emotional story from the life of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) and Hazrat Muadh Bin
Jabal ! cry you heart out !!

May Allah make this new Islamic year a source of khair and Barakah for the
Ummah !! Ya Allah Karam.. save us from the Hijr of Sayyadi Rasul Allah !

Halqa e Yaran - it is time to re-connect with Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm)
for a most epic spiritual journey.

Today is Yaum e Shahadat of the greatest ruler administrator world
has ever seen after Rasul Allah (sm) -- Khalifa e Rashid Sayyadna Umer

Today is Yaum e Shahadat of the greatest ruler administrator world has ever seen
after Rasul Allah (sm). Known for his justice, his rule extended from Central Asia
to Africa and he created the first organized welfare state in human history. The
bench marks he created served as beacon of governance, administration and
financial management for all times to come !

His personal conduct as Caliph is stuff of the legends !

Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) said about him "If there was a prophet after me, it would
have been Umer" !

InshAllah, one day, we will re-create the systems and justice given by Khalifa e
Rashid Sayyadna Umer (RA).

May Allah increase his Muqam and send showers of noor upon him !

Mothers will not produce anyone like him again ! His political, judicial
and economic model is our goal!Assalam o Alaika Ya Khalifat ur
Rasool Umer !!

Mothers will not produce anyone like him again ! Ummah still misses his
benevolence and justice ! Humanity needs someone like him !

His political, judicial and economic model is our goal!

Assalam o Alaika Ya Khalifat ur Rasool Umer !!

Gear up -- tough times ahead ! time for great leadership to rise also !

Next 2 weeks would be the most sensitive times in Pakistan. From Karachi to
Peshawar to Quetta to Gilgit - the sectarian violence, attacks by urban terrorists,
political unrest in Karachi and threats from the Indian side would remain
maximum. There is no doubt that Pakistan stands at its weakest moment in time
and space. The threats converge to create a most volatile mix which would surely
be exploited by the Indians. Pakistan army's newly promoted leadership is still in
the process of taking charge of their battle stations. Even the army is in a process
of transition.

What better time Modi would ask for to exploit? Incredibly, Indian media is
already creating hype and even giving astrological predictions that a war between
India and Pakistan is inevitable in November!!

Pakistan army will have to take some serious and urgent decisions if they want to
come out of this crisis. Too much space has been given to the anarchists in the
politics and on ground to push Pakistan to a point of no return. Recovering that
space back under intense internal and external threats would be a herculean task for
the new Pak army leadership and the DG ISI. All the newly promoted Generals
have landed in a hot battlefield and it is going to be even more rough in days to
come !

These may be difficult times but these are also the times when great
leadership is born !

These may be difficult times but these are also the times when great leadership is
born ! Sabr and ask Allah for His Karam ! InshAllah, from this dust will rise a
rider who will lead !

Why is it critical to have rulers whose not just hands are clean but also
their hearts are pure and vision is pure.

Why is it critical to have rulers whose not just hands are clean but also their hearts
are pure and vision is pure. The Barakah of a pious ruler flows down into the
society as Noor. A cursed ruler brings fitnah into the society. The fitnah you see
today because we have cursed rulers, Ulama e Soo are greater in numbers than
Ulama e Haqq and jahil people pass as wise men in the society !

No matter what system you bring, the quality, piousness, vision, wisdom, purity of
the leadership is the decisive factor ! This quality can NEVER come through
elections, democracy and multi-party systems. It never has anywhere !

Indian Media programming their nation for a major war with Pakistan

Watch this clip from Indian media recently. They are programming their people
that a major war with Pakistan is due and close. He is actually warning of a brief
war in November ! This is clearly a mass programming of the collective Indian
national psyche to prepare them for what Modi wants -- a war with Pak.

These are signs that we have to monitor to know and connect the dots to predict the
geo-political scenarios. This is our job to do and when we make an analysis, the
wise understand but the idiots can only mock and make fun !

Hear these Hindu Zionists yourself !

Why are our political and religious parties and leaders failing to bring
any khair??

Why are our political and religious parties and leaders failing to bring any khair??

The secret lies in the permission from Allah (swt). They are doing this duty
without permission, hence have no barakah and khair in what they do. If they have
permission and support from Allah (swt), you will find great Taseer in their speech
and actions.

Our battles on the social media -- changing the game, making the
rules, controlling the destiny !

I see many members here who are angry with us for not doing anything practical.
They make fun of us, mock us, insult us that we only sit on the social media and do
nothing else and have never done anything practical. I do not wish to reply to these
deaf, dumb and blind who do not see the khair in this mission.

But I will only write a message for those members who trust our opinion and
judgement and have understanding of the mission.

Dear Team, Just maintain the strategy of spreading this azaan to the deepest
corners of the world and in our society. Each one of you, who is sitting on social
media is a soldier in this war of mind control, perception management, psy-ops and
counter propaganda.

Despite all the sharr you see around, there is great khair emerging as well. This
azaan is NOT going waste. It has exposed the game plan of the enemies, have
given hope to the millat, have revived the ideology and faith, have cleared the
confusions in these times of lies and fitnah, have exposed the enemies within, have
supported the armed forces and patriots to hit the Khawarij and traitors hard and
have damaged the entire game plan of the enemies which they had planned in Af-
Pak, Cold Start and 5thGenWars.

What you do is the greatest Jihad of this time -- to revive a dead nation and give it
hope to stand against impossible odds to reclaim its dignity and lost glory! There is
NO practical work more precious than this.

Soon, this nation will be tested harshly and shaken up violently. All these political
parties, gangs, leaders that you see with disappear in the crisis. Only the patriots
will remain standing with the armed forces to defend this Medina e Sani. Your
work will remain on the battlefield of the information warfare. Pak army will do
the fighting on the ground. We will protect their backs as we do now !

stay strong and stay firm. This is our moment to fight and we are on duty 24/7 !!! if
any one thinks, this is a waste of time, he can climb the highest pole or jump in the
Indus. We dont give a damn !

Allah will soon decide whose strategy was right and who had His
permission to do duty InshAllah !

And in the end, those who think we are wasting time and no good will come out of
our azaan, we tell them to go ahead and bring any revolution you want. we are not
stopping you and so, you should also not bother our mission. We have never asked
you for help, have never asked you for donations and we have not reached here
with your help. We did not invite you on our page. you have absolutely NO right to

We know our role. We know our duties. We know our resources. We know our
potential. We know our limitations. We know our enemies. We know our friends.
We make our own strategy and will remain focused on it. If you are in a hurry, go
and do what you want. we will do what we want.:-) Allah will soon decide whose
strategy was right and who had His permission to do duty InshAllah !

What practical work did Iqbal do for creation of Pakistan when he
died in 1938, even before Pak resolution of 1940 ??

What practical work did Iqbal do for creation of Pakistan when he died in 1938,
even before Pak resolution of 1940 ??

what practical work are we doing now ??

Tauheed is not a debate or a belief only -- It is a lifestyle of free
honorable men !

Every sect claims that its aqeeda is based on tauheed and is correct ! But what is
the manifestation of believing in Tauheed ? Tauheed is not a debate or a belief only
-- It is a lifestyle of free honorable men ! If the men are not free, not honorable, not
brave then their Tauheedis fake !!

If you say Allah u Akbar but accept the slavery of Kufr systems,
Taghoot, Banks - then you God is NOT Allah but Taghoot !

Saying Allahu Akbar is also not just a slogan -- It is a declaration of war against
Kufr of present times -- from democracy to Riba to injustices to all Taghoot ! It is a
mission statement of revival and defense of our faith ! If you say Allah u Akbar but
accept the slavery of Kufr systems, Taghoot, Banks - then you God is NOT Allah
but Taghoot !

What kind of leadership we need ? Can this democracy give us such
quality leaders ??

What kind of leadership we need ? Can this democracy give us such quality leaders
?? Can nations rise by only doing progress in wordly materialistic fields ?? What
stuff create great nations and great leadership ??

This Faqeer has a duty to give azaan, not collect fans ! Come to us
with love and adab and inshAllah, you will gain khair.

This Faqeer has a duty to give azaan, not collect fans ! Come to us with love and
adab and inshAllah, you will gain khair. Come to criticize and insult, then that is
your naseeb !

Iqbal said, when people are slaves, their thought is cheap & petty,
then "Ijtihad" of the slaves is most destructive!

This is our tragedy ! Even our leaders and Ulama are NOT free ! Slaves cannot
bring Inqilab ! only free men can ! slaves can create anarchy, bring governments
down but they cannot reform the society !

Never be despondent and disappointed ! Your faith in your mission is
your strongest weapon !

Never be despondent and disappointed ! Your faith in your mission is your
strongest weapon ! I see our youth getting impatient too easily, always remain in a
haste and when results are not achieved, they get dejected all too easily !

We have been fighting for this mission for the last 29 years !!! Have you ever seen
me disappointed, dejected, defeated ??????

It is the quality of the leader which bring true change! If the leaders r
filthy, then NO revolution can bring change

A corrupt leadership CANNOT bring revolution or change ! It is the quality of the
leadership which create quality followers, quality vision, quality mission, quality

Let your enemies say that you are "Sadiq and Ameen" ! Then you are qualified to
lead else you would bring total destruction.

Now you know why our so called national leaders always fail !

Watch this and Thank Allah that we have Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) to

Watch this and Thank Allah that we have Sayyadi Rasul Allah (sm) to follow..
Next time when you buy food or nice stuff for yourself, give some sadaqa also as
Shukar !! Share what Allah has given you !

Wanted to share with you something different, to shake your souls in softer ways..

Watch this video. The society which everyone dreams to live in, created by the
capitalist bankers... they have everything but NO humanity. If you cant feel the
hunger of a hungry man, then you are not a human. even animals share their food...

Those who have nothing have the greatest of treasure of having humanity !!!

You want Allah to use you for duty ?? This is the criteria for the job !

Altaf the fat toad in London is a bloody liar! There is NO ISIS (Daish) in
Pakistan. He is using their name to justify his own militancy!

Altaf the fat toad in London is a bloody liar! There is NO ISIS (Daish) in Pakistan.
He is using their name to justify his own militancy!

MQM changed its name also from Muhajir movement to Mutahhida movement.
Does it change anything in real terms ?? NO ! Just a media stunt. Similarly, TTP's
few commanders have changed their name from TTP to ISIS. That does NOT
change anything in real terms. Dont fall for lies..

There are serious divisions within TTP these days. Their factions are falling apart.
One faction calls itself Ahrar, other ISIS All same.

Since ISIS is an international celebrity, hence the petty thieves of TTP want some
international recognition/attention also, hence the drama.

Altaf the toad is using the ISIS drama to justify arming the cadre of MQM and
igniting an urban war in Karachi. Liar!

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