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Lesson Plan K Phonics - Friendship and Kindness

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Lesson Plan

Time Introduction (Set): Teaching !!roaches
My mentor teachers teaching team has decided to
focus on a letter a week. This weeks letter is K (king
k). All activities/lessons throughout the week will
relate to the letter K.
eg "OL strategies#
($e% $no&ledge and S'ills students should achie(e in the lesson ta'en )rom
rele(ant curriculum documents*)
Recognise the letters of the alha!et and know there are lower and uer case
letters (A"#$A%&&')
Recognise that te(ts are made u of words and grous of words that make meaning
#(lore the different contri!ution of words and images to meaning in stories and
informative te(ts (A"#$A%*+,)
$isten to and resond orally to te(ts and to the communication of others in informal
and structured classroom situations (A"#$-%,&,)
.se comrehension strategies to understand and discuss te(ts listened to/ viewed
or read indeendently (A"#$-%,0')
Unit+To!ic: $ Phonics "ate: ,-
Ma% ./,0
$e% Learning rea: Literac%+English 1ear Le(el: Rece!tion
Achievement 1tandards2
34 They identify the letters of the #nglish alha!et and use the sounds reresented !y
most letters45
"ate 2
Lesson Se3uence Teaching !!roaches
Read aloud story2
8ear and "hook !y the 1ea !y $isa 1hanahan 9
#mma :uay
; <here on the title age is the letter =K>
.sing a soft !all as the talking !all say something
kind a!out someone at recess time then choose
someone who hasnt had a turn to ass it to.
#(lain the activity
(following the activity they will !e given a colouring
age of !ear and chook to colour)
1end students showing me 0$s !ack to their desks
with their encil !asket and the worksheet.
Read this !ook during
li!rary time !efore recess.
1itting on the rug after
recess ready for !ig and
little worries. ?nstead of !ig
and small worries we will !e
targeting kindness on the
layground to continue with
the kindness theme.
6ollowing !ig and small
worries/kindness on the
layground/ remain seated
to discuss the guided
friendshi activity.
Review the worksheet with
the class.
Tell the students that they
can choose to draw or write
what makes a good friend.
8rainstorm with the class on
the smart!oard some ideas
of what makes a good friend
(colla!orative learning and
@o the same for what we
like to do with our friends;
<rite and draw some ideas.
Time Conclusion: Teaching !!roaches
"lean u ready for lunch. Alay clean;u song/ ack u
and return to the rug
(?nclude eBuiment reBuired for class and/or for teacher rearation)

8ook; 8ear and "hook !y the 1ea
1oft soccer !all
Ahotocoy 8ear and "hook !y the 1ea worksheet on friendshi and colouring sheet
6ormative assessment; visual and written communication of an idea and
colla!orative engagement

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