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Copyrightnot Control of Your Name

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Common Law Copyright Notice

1. All rights are hereby reserved with regard to common law copyright of trade
names/trademar!s" as well as any and all derivatives and variations in the
spelling of said tradenames/trademar!s belonging to #[colin] of the family
[m$llen]" which shall incl$de [witho$t all limitation] all $sernames/handles $sed
in [his or hers] online activities. %aid names may neither be $sed" nor
reprod$ced" neither in whole nor in part" nor in any manner whatsoever" witho$t
the prior" e&press" written consent and ac!nowledgment of #[colin] of the family
[m$llen] 'hereinafter !nown as (%ec$red )arty*+" or by [his or hers] implied
consent in the event that [he or she] has p$blished" distrib$ted or broadcast any
of [his or hers] intellect$al property for ed$cational or entertainment p$rposes in
any medi$m" which will be a$tomatically revo!ed in the event of false and
malicio$s statements being made or bad faith being demonstrated by any
individ$al or ,$ristic person" as well as the agent of said individ$al or ,$ristic
person" 'hereinafter !nown as (the -ser*+" who may not $se any wor! associated
with %ec$red )arty.s names for /nancial gain or bene/t of any !ind" $nder any
circ$mstances" for any p$rposes whatsoever.
2. 0ith the intent of being contract$ally bo$nd" the -ser consents and
agrees that $pon service of" and/or )$blic 1otice of these terms of $se"
they shall not display" recreate" reprod$ce" nor otherwise $se in any
manner" whether !nowingly or $n!nowingly" any of the common law
tradenames/trademar!s 'and all versions and derivatives thereof+
belonging to %ec$red )arty" nor the artwor! of any of [his or hers] names"
nor any derivative thereof" nor any variation in the spelling of any of [his
or hers] names 'and all versions and derivatives thereof+ witho$t [his or
hers] prior" e&press" written consent and ac!nowledgment" $nless
otherwise e&pressly agreed between the -ser and %ec$red )arty or
stip$lated by the terms and conditions of this notice.
2. 3or the avoidance of do$bt" %ec$red )arty neither grants" nor implies"
nor otherwise gives consent for any $na$thorised $se of [his or hers]
names 'and all variations and derivatives thereof+ or intellect$al property"
and any s$ch $na$thorised $se is strictly prohibited and the -na$thorised
-ser will become liable for s$bstantial charges.
4. %ec$red )arty is not now" nor has ever been" an accommodation party"
nor a s$rety" for any of [his or hers] names" nor for any derivative thereof"
nor for any variation in the spelling of said names" nor for any other
,$ristic person" legal entity or individ$al" and is here$nder indemni/ed
against any and all claims" legal actions" orders" warrants" ,$dgments"
demands" liabilities" losses" depositions" s$mmonses" laws$its" costs"
/nes" liens" levies" penalties" damages" interests and e&penses
whatsoever" both absol$te and contingent" as are d$e and as might
become d$e" now e&isting and as might hereafter arise" and as might be
s$4ered by" imposed $pon and inc$rred by any of [his or hers] names for
any and every reason" p$rpose and/or ca$se whatsoever" iss$ed witho$t
%ec$red )arty.s e&press a$thorisation or consent or material evidence
demonstrating [his or hers] direct involvement in any action for which [his
or hers] name's+ is/are alleged to be liable.
5. 6ommon 7aw 6opyright is also claimed by %ec$red )arty over any and
all means of identi/cation of [his or hers] person" de/ned as8 all
/ngerprints" footprints" palm prints" th$mbprints" handprints" toe
prints" 91A materials" :1A materials" blood and blood fractions" biopsies"
s$rgically removed tiss$e" body parts" organs" hair" teeth" nails" semen"
$rine" faeces" e&crement" other body ;$ids and matter of any !ind" and
breath samples" voiceprint" retinal image" and the description thereof"
and all other corporeal identi/cation factors" and said factors physical
co$nterparts" any and all body tiss$es of any !ind" in any form" and all
records and record n$mbers" incl$ding the res$lts" recorded or otherwise"
of all and any tests performed on any material relating to [his or hers]
names" and information pertaining thereto" as well as any vis$al image"
photographic or electronic" notwithstanding any and all claims to the
6. %ec$red )arty retains absol$te control and mastery over the peacef$l
possession of [his or hers] body" mind and mental fac$lties" to the e&tent
that no medications" foods or otherwise may be administered to [him or
her] in the absence of [his or hers] freely given f$ll formal consent witho$t
breaching the terms of this notice.
Self-executing Security Agreement in Eent of !nauthori"e# !"e
<. -nder the terms of this notice" the -ser consents and agrees that any
$se of any of %ec$red )arty.s names 'and all variations and derivatives
thereof+ or intellect$al property [other than A$thorised $sage]" constit$tes
$na$thorised $sage" which a$tomatically contract$ally binds the -ser and
renders this notice a %ec$rity Agreement" wherein the -ser becomes the
:ebtor of %ec$red )arty and $nreservedly agrees that=
'1+ >he -ser grants %ec$red )arty a sec$rity interest in all its assets" land
and personal property" and all of the -ser.s interest in assets" land and
personal property" in the s$m of ?1"000"000.00 '@1A BC77C@1 )@-1:%+
per occ$rrence of the $na$thorised $se of any of the names belonging to
%ec$red )arty [the $na$thorised $se fee] " as well as for each and every
occ$rrence of the $se of any and all variations and derivatives thereof" as
well as any variations in the spelling of those names" pl$s costs and the
right to claim triple damages in the event of the -ser.s fail$re to c$re its
'2+ >he -ser a$thenticates this %ec$rity Agreement wherein the -ser is
(:ebtor* and #[colin] of the family [m$llen] is (%ec$red )arty*" and
wherein the -ser pledges all of its assets" land" cons$mer goods" farm
prod$cts" inventory" eD$ipment" money" investment property" commercial
tort claims" letters of credit" letterofcredit rights" chattel paper"
negotiable and/or non negotiable instr$ments" deposit acco$nts"
acco$nts" doc$ments and general intangibles" as well as all its interests in
all s$ch foregoing property" now owned and hereafter acD$ired" now
e&isting and hereafter arising" and wherever located" as collateral for
sec$ring the -ser.s contract$al obligation in favo$r of %ec$red )arty" for
its $na$thorised $se of %ec$red )arty.s name's+ and/or intellect$al
'2+ >he -ser consents and agrees with %ec$red )arty.s /ling of a 3inancing
%tatement in the -66 /ling oEce" and/or with any co$nty recorder or
registrar" wherein the -ser is named as (:ebtor* and the name $sed
witho$t a$thorisation is named as (%ec$red )arty*" or any other name
that %ec$red )arty deems appropriate.
'4+ >he -ser consents and agrees that said 3inancing %tatement described
above in paragraph ('2+* is considered contin$ing" and f$rther consents
and agrees with %ec$red )arty.s /ling of any contin$ation statement
necessary for maintaining %ec$red )arty.s sec$rity interest in all of the
-ser.s property and interest in property" pledged as collateral in this
%ec$rity Agreement and described above in paragraph ('2+"* $ntil the
-ser.s contract$al obligation theretofore inc$rred has been f$lly satis/ed
or a waiver has been e&pressly granted in signed writing by %ec$red )arty.
'5+ >he -ser consents and agrees with %ec$red )arty.s /ling of any
3inancing %tatement" as described above in paragraph.s ('2+* and ('4+"*
as well as the /ling of any %ec$rity Agreement" as described above in
paragraph ('2+*" in any legal proceeding deemed necessary by %ec$red
)arty in the enforcement of the terms of this notice.
'6+ >he -ser consents and agrees that any and all s$ch /lings described in
paragraphs ('4+* and ('5+* above are not deemed to be $nfair or
$nenforceable or $nconscionable" and that the -ser will not claim that any
s$ch /ling is false" frivolo$s or ve&atio$s" on the basis that" in good faith"
%ec$red )arty here$nder agrees to waive any obligation that arises from
an innocent error or omission that is s$bseD$ently recti/ed by the -ser
within 14 days of service of notice of its copyright infringement.
'<+ >he -ser agrees that it is estopped from claiming that it has not been
noti/ed of the charges inc$rred for $na$thorised $se of %ec$red )arty.s
copyrighted names and intellect$al property and/or that it is not bo$nd by
the conditions contained herein" following service and/or p$blic notice of
'F+ >he -ser appoints %ec$red )arty as its A$thorised 9epresentative"
e4ective $pon the -ser being fo$nd to be in defa$lt of its contract$al
obligations" following service and/or p$blic notice of these terms" as set
forth $nder ()ayment >erms* and (:efa$lt >erms* below" granting %ec$red
)arty f$ll a$thorisation and power to engage in certain actions for and on
behalf of the -ser" incl$ding" b$t not limited by" a$thentication of a record
on behalf of the -ser" as %ec$red )arty to a 3inancing %tatement" and the
-ser f$rther consents and agrees that this appointment of %ec$red )arty
as A$thorised 9epresentative is e4ective $pon -ser.s defa$lt and
irrevocable $ntil redemption of its /nancial obligations to %ec$red )arty.
-ser f$rther consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms
of this %elfe&ec$ting %ec$rity Agreement in Avent of -na$thorised -se.
$ayment Term"
F. >he -ser hereby consents and agrees that it shall pay %ec$red )arty all
$na$thorised $se fees in f$ll within thirty '20+ days of the date
when 1@>C6A @3 :A3A-7> 6GA9HA% is served by %ec$red )arty" itemising
said charges and e&pressing the terms of payment.
%efault Term"
I. Cn event of nonpayment in f$ll of all $na$thorised $se fees by the -ser
within thirty '20+ days of the date 1@>C6A @3 :A3A-7> 6GA9HA% is
served" the -ser shall be deemed in defa$lt" and agrees that=
a. %ec$red )arty will be granted a legal charge over the -ser.s property
pledged as collateral by the -ser" as set forth above in paragraph <'2+.
b. %ec$red )arty will be a$tomatically appointed the -ser.s A$thorised
9epresentative as set forth above in <'F+.
c. >he -ser consents and agrees that %ec$red )arty may ta!e possession
of" as well as otherwise dispose of" in any manner that %ec$red )arty
deems appropriate" incl$ding" b$t not limited by" sale at a$ction" at any
time following the -ser.s notice of its fail$re to c$re its defa$lt" and
witho$t f$rther notice or co$rt proceedings" any and all of -ser.s property
and interest" described above in paragraph '2+" in respect of this %elf
e&ec$ting %ec$rity Agreement in Avent of -na$thorised -se" that %ec$red
)arty deems appropriate.
Term" for Curing %efault
10. Cn the event of defa$lt" irrespective of any and all of the -ser.s former
property and interest in property" described above in paragraph '2+" in the
possession of" as well as disposed of by" %ec$red )arty" the -ser may c$re
its defa$lt only by payment in f$ll or by providing material evidence that
demonstrates it breached the terms of this notice witho$t being cogniJant
of the fact that it was doing so and witho$t bad faith" in which case
%ec$red )arty may grant a waiver of the $npaid fees.
Term" of Strict &oreclo"ure
11. >he -ser.s nonpayment in f$ll of all $na$thorised $se fees within the
thirty '20+ day period for c$ring defa$lts a$thorises %ec$red )arty.s
immediate non,$dicial strict foreclos$re on any and all of the pledged
property and interest in property" for which %ec$red )arty will be granted
a legal charge by the -ser $ntil redemption.
12. -na$thorised $se of (#[colin] of the family [m$llen]* 'and/or any
derivatives or variations thereof+ and/or [his or hers] internet
$sernames/handles inc$rs the same $na$thorised $se fees as those
associated with [his or hers] tradenames/trademar!s 'and all derivatives
and variations thereof+ and intellect$al property.
12. >his 6opyright 1otice applies to any and all legal /ctions of any and all
nat$res and descriptions owned and/or $sed by %ec$red )arty for any
p$rpose whatsoever" and to all -sers of those legal /ctions and the
intellect$al property associated with the name's+ $sed witho$t %ec$red
)arty. a$thorisation.
@riginally e&ec$ted by #[colin] of the family [m$llen] $nder seal on
C have the right to amend this 6ommon 7aw 6opyright 1otice" as and
when necessary" and at my sole discretion.

>his 6opyright 1otice incl$des any and all b$siness names owned by
[colin m$llen]K 'and all derivatives thereof+.

A$tograph L %eal My= %ec$red )arty 6reditorNNcolin m$llenN

:ated= [16/10/2014]

:ated= [>GA :A>A]

:ated= [>GA :A>A]

0C>G@-> 9A6@-9%A 1@1A%%-B)%C>
All 9ights 9eserved O Arrors L @missions A&cepted

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