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The Emergence of Artistic Expression and Secondary Perception - April 19, 2007

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The Emergence of Artistic Expression and Secondary Perception April 19, 2007

Robert K. Logan


One can roughly classify human communication as being either verbal or non-verbal. The
verbal modes of communication include speech, writing, mathematics, science,
computing and the Internet. The non-verbal modes of communication include the visual
arts, music and dance, which we will refer to as artistic expression. Some modes like
film, theatre and opera contain elements of both. The interesting question we will
consider in this article is: What is the connection between verbal language and artistic
expression? One hint of a connection is the fact that humans are the only animals that
possess verbal language and express themselves artistically through visual images and
music. We think this is no coincidence.

We will attempt to show in this paper that the origin of artistic expression is linked to the
origin of verbal expression through what we term secondary perception which we define
as the perception influenced by verbal language and conceptual symbolic thought.
Primary perception, on the other hand, is the perception experienced by humans or their
hominids ancestors before the advent of verbal language.

An Evolutionary Chain of Languages

In a study of the verbal modes of communication in The Sixth Language (Logan 2004)
the six modes of communication of speech, writing, mathematics, science, computing and
the Internet were shown to form an evolutionary chain of languages. Each new form of
language arose as an emergent phenomenon to deal with an information overload that the
previous language created and could not cope with. Each new form of language had its
own unique semantics and syntax that differed from those of the prior languages.

Writing and mathematical notation arose for the first time in Sumer to deal with the
information overload that developed in keeping track of tributes. Farmers made tributes
to priests in the form of agricultural commodities that were redistributed to the irrigation
workers that made farming in Sumer possible. This development quickly gave rise to
formal schools and teachers to teach reading, writing and arithmetic. The teachers
became scholars creating new forms of knowledge and a new information overload that
led to science or organized knowledge. The information overload generated by science
and science-based technology led to computing and the information overload of
computing in turn led to the Internet.

From Percepts to Concepts: The Extended Mind Model of the Origin of Verbal

The linking of the five forms of notated language back to spoken language led naturally
to the question of the origin of spoken language. In an attempt to tackle this question the
Extended Mind (Logan 2000, 2006 & 2007) model was developed in which it was
proposed that speech emerged to deal with the complexity of hominid life due to tool
making, the control of fire, the increased complexity of co-operative social structures that
arose to take advantage of the hearth, large scale coordinated hunting and gathering and
the emergence of non-verbal mimetic communication of hand signals, gesture, body
language and non-verbal vocalizations. The percept-based thoughts of hominids could no
longer cope with this complexity and as a result spoken language emerged together with a
bifurcation from percept-based thinking to concept-based thinking. It is claimed that our
first words were our first concepts acting as strange attractors for and uniting all of the
percepts associated with that particular concept. The use of the word water calls to mind
and unites all our perceptions of the water we drink, we wash with, we cook with, we
swim in, and the water we associate with rivers, lakes, the sea, rain and melted snow.
Words acting as concepts allowed for the uniquely human capability to plan and think
about things that are not immediately at hand and hence could not be immediately

The abstract achievements of modern homo sapiens such as technology, science,
scholarship and literature beginning 50,000 years ago can be largely attributed to the
conceptual thought that verbal language made possible. The one exception to this claim
are the achievements of humankind in the visual arts and music which are activities
grounded in visual and auditory perception respectively. Ever since I proposed the
evolutionary relationship between the different forms of verbal language I have been
asked what about the visual arts and music. Arent they languages also? My answer has
always been: yes, they are languages also but non-verbal ones. My speculations about the
evolutionary relationship of the verbal languages did not encompass the fine arts.

Percepts, Concepts and the Link Between Verbal and Artistic Expression

I now believe I can speak of a relationship (perhaps a tenuous one but one nevertheless)
between the six verbal languages that I have suggested are related evolutionarily, on the
one hand, and the visual and auditory arts, on the other hand. In the Extended Mind
model the emergence of verbal language is linked to the bifurcation from percept-based
thinking to concept-based thinking where the words of verbal language represents our
first concepts. The insight that led to this current attempt to link the verbal languages with
those of artistic expression was the realization that the visual arts and music are both
percept-based because of the physicality of the artistic medium and, most importantly,
conceptual as well because of the symbolic and representational nature of the arts. Artists
make use of concepts as much as the scientist but artists are also grounded in their
physical media whether that is paint, marble or musical sounds. The artist engages both
our emotions through our perception of their medium and our intellect through the
symbolic representations of their composition.

The influence of language is not limited to the symbolic representations of the artwork
but they also impact on the nature of the artists perceptive powers, which differs from
those of our pre-lingual hominid ancestors. The conceptual powers of the artists change
the nature of their perceptive capabilities creating what I have termed as secondary

If this hypothesis is correct then there should be a correlation between verbal language
and artistic expression as well as evidence for their simultaneous emergence in the
history of humankind. Now I must admit in all honesty that this is not a true scientific
prediction as I am well aware of the putative correlation of speech and artistic expression
claimed by a number of scholars and reviewed below. In addition to my knowledge of
this claim I must also confess to another influence or source of inspiration for my
hypothesis of the influence of secondary perception on artistic expression, namely Walter
Ongs (1991) notion of secondary orality from which I derived the notion of secondary
perception, i.e. perception influenced by verbal language and concept-based thought.

Secondary Perception

In the Extended Mind model (Logan 2007) it was suggested that before language
emerged hominid thought was purely percept-based and the brain was basically a percept
processor. With the emergence of verbal language the brain bifurcated into the brain and
the mind. The brain continued as the seat of percept-based thought and the mind became
the seat of concept-based thought. The metaphoric formulation of this notion was
captured with the equation: mind = brain + language.

The best way to understand the relationship between the brain and the mind is in terms of
complexity or emergence theory. The notion of the biosphere consisting of all living
organisms was introduced to distinguish it from the abiotic universe. Living organisms
represent a level of complexity above and beyond that of the physical components of
which they are composed. Living organisms represent emergent phenomena in the sense
that the properties of a living organism cannot be predicted from, derived from or reduced
to the properties of the physical biomolecules of which they are composed. Life
represents a higher level of organization with respect to abiotic material. The biosphere,
on the other hand, gives rise to a more complex and emergent domain, the
symbolosphere, defined as the human mind and all the products of the human mind
including symbolic abstract thought, language and culture including technology, science,
governance, economies and the forms of artistic expression. The notion of the
symbolosphere was first introduced by John Schumann (2003a & b) and later elaborated
in Logan and Schumann (2005) and Logan (2006b). It represents another emergent
phenomenon at a higher level of organization than the biosphere in the sense that its
properties cannot be predicted from, derived from or reduced to the properties of the
human brain from which it emerges. The universe constructs itself from energy, the
biosphere constructs itself from biomolecules and the symbolosphere constructs itself
from concepts acting as strange attractors for neural-based percepts in the human brain
(Logan 2007).

The new insight regarding the emergence of art is that with language and concept-based
thought secondary perception emerged in which perception is transformed by conceptual
thought in much the same way that orality was transformed by literacy giving rise to
secondary orality. Secondary orality is Walter Ongs (1991) simple idea that there is a
difference between primary and secondary orality, where primary orality is the orality of
a pre-literate culture and secondary orality is the orality of a literate culture. Ong
observed that literacy changes the nature of orality creating what he coined to be
secondary orality. Once humans acquired verbal language and conceptual symbolic
thought the nature of their perceptual sensorium changed into what we are now calling
secondary perception. Secondary perception is to primary or pre-verbal perception what
secondary orality is to primary or pre-literate orality. Secondary perception allows the
potential artists to combine their perceptual capabilities with their abilitity to create
symbols and to think symbolically, which are the necessary ingredients for artistic

This formulation yields a theory for the emergence of art as the product of secondary
perception and concept-based thought. It also explains the apparent correlation of the
emergence of speech and symbolic art. Unfortunately this hypothesis can be construed as
a just-so story as the emergence of symbolic art and verbal language were each one-time
events in the history of humankind. However, one independent prediction is possible
based on the idea that artistic expression entails secondary perception and concept-based
thought. I believe that a brain scan of an artist composing or performing a work of art
would reveal activity in both the part of the brain associated with verbal language and the
part of the brain associated with visual or auditory perception depending on the art form.

A Google search of the literature revealed that there is a definite impact of the left brain
associated with verbal language skills and conceptual thought on artistic expression
which is largely associate with right brain function.

The following excerpt from a study of an artist who suffered a minor stroke reveals the
involvement of both hemispheres in artistic expression indicating that conceptualization
plays a role in artistic expression (Annoni et al. 2005, p. 797).

Painting is a very complex behaviour and its neural correlates

involve brain areas
processing the perceptive, cognitive, and

emotional valences of stimuli; brain
damage, therefore, could

modify artistic expression Right parieto-occipital

damage resulting in spatial neglect, constructional apraxia,

or perceptual agnosia
can alter the spatial configuration of

the whole painting or individual parts, while

left hemisphere damage may be responsible for simplification

of detail
of represented objects.

Another neurologists, Anjan Chatterjee (2004, p. 1573), based on studies of artists with
neurological deficits also links conceptualization with artistic expression:

Thus, from the limited data available, the art of patients with visual agnosias
seems to be largely determined by whether their deficit is closer to the perceptual
or the conceptual end of object recognition processes. If the deficit is at the
perceptual end, patients are likely to not produce the overall form and
composition of images, but continue to render individual features of objects. By
contrast, patients with deficits at the conceptual end are still able to draw very
well if copying from a rich source, but fall apart when having to draw from
memory or if guided by their knowledge of the world.

Ellen Dissanayake (1988, p. 112) argues that the elements of art are human natures
fundamental elements of which she includes Language and speech - Classification and
concept formation - Symbolization. She goes on to suggest the connection between
these elements, Inseparable from abstract or conceptual thought and language is the
ability to symbolize, to recognize one thing as standing for or representing another (ibid.,
p 118).

The Joint Emergence of Verbal Language and Artistic Expression

A number of scholars have suggested that the emergence of language, symbolic or
conceptual thought and artistic expression were all connected and simultaneously began
about 50,000 years ago in what Jared Diamond called the great leap forward and what
Pfeiffer (1982) and Tattersall (1998) call the creative explosion. It was at this time
there was an explosion of human inventiveness when for the first time there emerged a
profusion of new tools, clothing made from animal hides, decoration of tools, jewelry,
rituals such as ceremonial burials, artistic expression in the form of cave paintings and
carved figurines and musical instruments.

To many archaeologists, art--or symbolic representation, as they prefer to call it--
burst on the scene 50,000 years ago, a time when modern humans are widely
thought to have migrated out of Africa to the far corners of the globe. These
scholars say the migrants brought with them an ability to manipulate symbols and
make images that earlier humans had lacked As Richard Klein of Stanford
University puts it, "There was a kind of behavioral revolution [in Africa] 50,000
years ago. Nobody made art before 50,000 years ago; everybody did afterward."
(Appenzeller 1998)

Dunbar (1998, p. 105) reaches a similar conclusion

Symbolic language (the language of metaphysics and religion, of science and
instruction) would have emerged later as a form of software development (it
embodies no new structural or cognitive features not already present in social
language), probably at the time of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution some 50,000
years ago when we see the first unequivocal archaeological evidence for
symbolism (including a dramatic improvement in the quality and form of tools,
the possible use of ochre for decorative purposes, followed in short order by
evidence of deliberate burials, art and non-functional jewelry).

Emanuel Anati (1989, p. 209), an expert on rock art, maintains that art, language and
religion have a single root. He also dates the advent of visual art to 50,000 BCE.

There is no evidence of a full scale use of visual art until 50,000 years ago. The
consistency throughout the world of the same basic repertory of symbols and
images exhibited in the early phases of rock art testifies to the common origin of
Homo sapiens and of his uniquely human intellect Early prehistoric men
already operated within a framework of mental mechanisms of association,
symbolism, and abstraction, which still today are defining characteristics of our
species. In comparison to the preceding hominids, using these cognitive skills was
not only an evolution, but also a true revolution: a leap forward that once taken
has made us forever a very different Primate (Anati 2004, p. 53 &).

David Lewis-Williams (2004), an art historian in his book The Mind in the Cave:
Consciousness and the Origins of Art, as the title of his book indicates, links the origin of
art to consciousness. Like Anati he also links the origin of art to religion. In the Extended
Mind model (Logan 2007) that we base this study upon both religion and consciousness
depends on conceptual thinking and hence language. We therefore consider the work of
Lewis-Williams and Anati as supporting the link between the origin of language and the
origin of art.

Similarities and Differences of Verbal Language and Artistic Expression

Both verbal language and artistic expression communicate the intentions of the speaker or
writer and the artist and hence both entail a theory of mind, which we will explicate in a
separate section. Both forms of communication can be used to express emotions. Both
require thought and planning although speech and some forms of musical performance
tends to be more spontaneous and less planned. But even conversational speech entails a
certain amount of planning even though it takes place as the speaker speaks and hence is
not a very lengthy process. Both language and art are abstract in that they represent
transformations of reality into words or uttereances in the case of language and visual
forms or sounds in the case of art. As a result both language and art are representational
and symbolic. From a Piercian semiotic perspective, however, verbal language is always
symbolic but art can be iconic, indexical or symbolic. Iconic representation is
representation by similarity as a photograph represents a person. An indexical
representation is a sign that is associated with the thing being represented as smoke
indexically represents fire. Symbolic representation is when the sign stands for something
else by convention. Like the word dog represents the four-legged animal that we think of
as mans best friend.

Another similarity is the fact that every human culture that we know of possesses both
verbal language and artistic expression. They are both universals of the human condition
and unique to our species.

Hominids had been evolving for 4 million years, but art only appeared with Homo
sapiens and proved to be an exquisitely human expression. The creation of art
was a revolution (Anati 2004, p. 67).

Our ancestor early sapiens was characterised by the neurological capacity of
creating an ideology, whose basic matrix is still present at the core of modern
mans conceptual cognition. This framework included a capacity for synthesis
and abstraction which, among other things, led man to produce art and abstract
thought, and to develop an articulate and complex language (ibid., p. 60).

And finally to conclude this catalog of similarities it is important to remember that
painting, sculpture and music are often referred to as languages and verbal language in
the form of oratory, poetry and literature is often referred to as an art form. There are
many crossovers between verbal and artistic expression but let us now examine some of
the differences.

The arts appeal immediately to the sensual aspect of human thought and then to the
intellectual side. Verbal language, on the other hand, appeals immediately to the intellect
and then possibly through imagery to the sensual side of our mentality. Verbal language
is linear whereas the arts are multidimensional. Even music, which has a temporal linear
progression is multi-dimensional because it is composed of pitch, timbre, tempo, volume,
melody and harmony. Verbal language can be analytic and has led to mathematics,
science and computing whereas the arts are synthetic and aesthetic. Both verbal language
and artistic expression can express both ideas and feelings but the arts tend to be more
about feelings and verbal language more about expressing ideas.

A Theory of Mind Art as Creating an Effect

As was already noted both the arts and verbal language are about communicating
intentions and expressing thoughts and feelings. Both forms of communication therefore
are based on a theory of mind, i.e. the notion that the communicator believes those who
are their audience have a mind similar to their own and hence will comprehend their
communication whether that is verbal or artistic. Those who study the origin of language
consider the human capability of a theory of mind was a cognitive capability unique to
humans that made verbal language possible. Dunbar (1998, p. 102) defines a theory of
mind as the ability to understand another's individual mental state without which he

there would be no language in the form we know it....Language requires more
than the mere coding and deciphering of well-formed grammatical statements.
Indeed, as has been often pointed out, many everyday conversations are
conspicuous by their lack of grammatical structure (Gumperz 1982). However,
important formal grammar may be in the precision of information transfer, it is
surely the intentionality of speech that is the most demanding feature for both
speaker and listener. (ibid., p. 101)

I believe that a theory of mind is just as critical for the origin of artistic expression as it
was for the origin of language. Artistic expression is also a uniquely human attribute and
also requires a theory of mind mind-set on the part of the artist to be executed. Artists
through their artwork are trying to create an effect on their audience and this requires a
theory of mind on the part of the artists to believe that they can create effects on their
audience like the ones they experience. McLuhan described the artists methodology as
working backwards from the effect they want to create to the causal elements that will
produce the effect they have in mind. In order to work in this manner the artists obviously
must have a theory of mind.

Social Communication

Both verbal language and artistic expression are forms of social communication.
Speech serves two functions, that of social communication, and the representation of
and a medium for abstract thought (Logan 2007). The same may be said of artistic
expression. Both verbal language and artistic expression are forms of abstract thought.
While both are vehicles for the expresssion of emotions the visual and musical arts tend
to favour emotional expression over analytic thought more so than verbal language. This
generalization is only a general trend as one can find superb examples of emotional
expression through verbal language and music and visual art that is extremely analytic
and everything in between.

Verbal language has been a very important tool for creating social cohesion and
cooperation. There is a very strong correlation between altruism and the origin of verbal
language. Speech entails the sharing of information which in itself is an altruistic act.
Without the desire to help conspecifics there would have been no motivation to want to
communicate with fellow humans so there is no doubt that verbal language and altruism
go hand in hand. But a similar argument can be made for artistic expression.

Explore the connection of art, religion and altruism


Why did humans have the need to record their own thoughts and emotive stimulation?
No doubt this is part of the nature of Homo sapiens, like socialisation, the sense of
aesthetic, love, ambition, and solidarity (Anati 2004, p. 67).

Art Arising from Mimetic Communication

Merlin Donald has suggested that mimetic communication was the cognitive laboratory
in which verbal language developed. The roots of the fine arts can also be traced to
percept-based mimetic communication whose basic elements were prosody (the tones of
vocalization), facial gesture, hand signals and mime (or body language). The very first art
forms were all non-verbal and grew out of mimetic communication. They included
music, painting, sculpture and dance all of which were a part of ritual. Music can be
traced to the variation of tone and rhythm and hence to prosody. Dance is basically a
form of body language set to music. The first forms of painting were body and face
painting and the first forms of sculpture were masks and costumes, which can be seen as
attempts to enhance and intensify facial gesture and mime. With the advent of spoken
language new hybrid forms of the arts emerged which combined mimetic communication
with words to produce modern (post-verbal) art forms such as poetry, which include both
words and prosody, songs which combine words and music and theater which combines
words with mime and dance (Logan 2007).

The Artist and Secondary Perception Musings - Feb 25 - 07
How does secondary perception lead to art
Discuss how technology inventors make use of secondary perception as well as
conceptual thought

9.2 Tertiary or Digital Orality and Perception

I obtained an insight into the nature of Internet-mediated written communication from an
exchange on an academic listserv on which I am an active participant. We were having a
free reeling exchange on our media ecology listserv that lurched from one topic to
another when one of the participants complained that the thread was getting hard to
follow because the responders were not responding directly to what had been said before.
In other words new posts were not following logically from the previous posts. I
understood the frustration of the person who complained, which, I believe, can be
explained in media ecology terms. The listserv is used by academics whose language of
discourse is literate even when they are speaking to each other. As a result because the
content of the listserv is that of academics and their interest in their field of study there is
an expectation on the part of some that the listserv discourse should follow suit with the
usual literate discourse in which one response follows logically from another. However,
the medium of the listserv is actually an oral medium as I have argued above and is
highly conversational in which the input of one participant can give rise to some random
thought on the part of another participant, who because the listserv is conversation-like,
can go off on a tangent. For those users who operate in this fashion the listserv is a
vehicle for exploration rather than a medium for carrying out a polished logical argument.
As a result of this incident and the discussion that ensued I was led to an insight into the
nature of Internet-mediated text-based communication. I concluded that listservs and
email exchanges in general although they are written have the structure of oral discourse
and hence represent a form of orality.

Walter Ong (1991, p. 11) in his study of orality made a distinction between primary and
secondary orality. I style the orality of a culture totally untouched by any knowledge of
writing or print, primary orality. It is primary by contrast with secondary orality of
present-day high-technology culture. Based on the conversational nature of Internet and
text based communication I would like to suggest that there exists a third kind of orality,
namely, tertiary or digital orality. Tertiary or digital orality is the orality of emails, blog
posts, listservs, instant messages (IM) and SMS, which are mediated paradoxically by
written text transmitted by the Internet.

When I first shared this insight on the very same media ecology listserv I received an
email from Frank Dance indicating that he too had independently and much earlier than I
had formulated the notion of tertiary orality and associated it with digital media:
Digitality is the source of a tertiary orality (Dance 2004). I also received an email from
Roxanne OConnell who said I have been coming to call this post-secondary orality
digital orality. Once again an independent confirmation of the notion that text-based
Internet communications are a form of orality tertiary or digital orality the unspoken
form of orality.

An added insight into the range of oralities that I have cited above was provided by
Catharine Macintosh at the Ontario College of Art and Design who suggested that there
was a fourth kind of orality that preceded all of the above oralities, namely gestural
orality. In fact what Catharine put her finger on was the mimetic form of communication
that preceded speech, which we discussed in detail in Chapter 3. Gestural or mimetic
orality, another form of unspoken orality, is the ground zero of orality. It is the beginning
of an evolutionary chain of oralities where the term orality has been exploded to
encompass all forms of human communication in which the players converse
spontaneously by taking turns.

Mimetic or gestural orality is non-verbal and unspoken. Primary orality is spoken in
which the semantics and syntax are characteristic of oral culture. Secondary orality is also
spoken but the semantics and syntax are characteristic of literate culture. And finally,
tertiary or digital orality is written in which the semantics and syntax are characteristic of
digital culture.


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Diane Mnard (transl.). Paris: Albin Michel.

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Appenzeller, Tim. 1998. Art: Evolution or revolution. Science 282, 1451-54.

Chatterjee, Anjan. 2004. The neuropsychology of visual artistic production.
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Dissanayake, Ellen. 1988. What is Art For. Seattle: University of Washington Press.

Dunbar, Robin. 1998. Theory of mind and the evolution of language. In James Hurford,
Michael Studdert-Kennedy, Chris Knight (eds), Approaches to the Evolution of
Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 92-110.

Gumperz, J. J., 1982. Discourse Strategies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lewis-Williams, David. 2004. The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of
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