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Sequencing Lesson

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Design for Learning

Instructor: Kaitlyn Wilson Grade/Cooperating Teacher: 2

Lesson Title: Sequencing a Story Date: October 7, 2014
Curriculum Area: English Language rts Estimated Time: 40 !inutes
Standards Connection:
"#$ %escribe the o&erall structure o' a story, including describing ho( the beginning
introduces the story and the ending concludes the action# )*L#2#"+
Learning Objectie!s":
When gi&en a story and a sequencing !a, 'or the story (ith " e&ents, the students (ill correctly
sequence all " e&ents#
Learning Objectie!s" stated in #$id%&riendl'( language:
-oday (e are going to retell a story in the correct order o' (hat ha,,ened#
Ealuation o& Learning Objectie!s":
-he students (ill be gi&en a story and ,ut the story in the correct order# .' the student correctly
sequences " e&ents o' the story, they ha&e a 'ull understanding o' the conce,t# .' the student
correctly identi'ies /04 e&ents o' the story, they need 'urther instruction on the conce,t# .' the
student correctly identi'ies 002 e&ents o' the story, they need to be retaught the lesson#
-oday (e are going to tal1 about ho( to sequence o' a story# .2! going to start o'' today by
reading a story# )ead There *as an Old *ho S+allo+ed a ,at out o& order- What (as the
story about3 *ait &or students to respond and call on a couple students to ans+er- 4reat, (e
understood the story (as so!ething about an Old Lady (ho s(allo(ed di''erent things# 5an you
tell !e (hat ha,,ened at the beginning o' the story3 *ait &or students to ans+er and call on a
student to ans+er- 4reat, . don2t 1no( (hat ha,,ened at the beginning o' the story either
because . read it out o' order# So (ould you say it is i!,ortant to be able to tell a story in the
correct order3 *ait &or students to respond- 4reat, yes it is &ery i!,ortant to retell a story in
the correct order#
Learning Design:
.# -eaching6
Who can raise their hand and tell !e (hat sequence !eans3 *ait &or
students to respond and call on a student to ans+er- 4reat, sequence is the
order so!ething ha,,ens# .2! going to re0read our story in the correct order,
and (e are going to sequence the e&ents in the story# )ead There *as An
Old Lad' *ho S+allo+ed A ,at in the correct order- Stop a&ter each
thing the Old Lad' ate- What is the 'irst thing the Old Lady do3 *ait &or
students to ans+er and call on a student to ans+er- 4reat 7ob, the old lady
s(allo(ed a bat# *rite #.- In the beginning o& the stor' the old lad'
s+allo+ed a bat-( on /romethean ,oard- Continue reading the stor'-
What did the old lady s(allo( ne8t3 *ait &or students to respond and call
on a student to ans+er- Wonder'ul, the old lady s(allo(ed an o(l to shush
the bat# *rite #0- The old lad' s+allo+ed an o+l to shush the bat-( on
the /romethean ,oard- Continue reading the stor'- What did the old lady
s(allo( ne8t3 *ait &or students to respond and call on a student to
ans+er- 4reat, the old lady s(allo(ed a cat to chase the o(l# *rite #1- The
old lad' s+allo+ed a cat to chase the o+l-( on the /romethean ,oard-
Continue reading the stor'- What (as the ne8t thing the old lady
s(allo(ed3 *ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans+er-
4reat, she s(allo(ed the ghost to catch the cat# *rite #2- The old lad'
s+allo+ed the ghost to catch the cat-( on the /romethean ,oard-
Continue to read the stor'- What (as the ne8t thing the old lady
s(allo(ed3 *ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans+er-
Wonder'ul, she s(allo(ed a goblin to scare the ghost# *rite #3- The old
lad' s+allo+ed the goblin to scare the ghost-( on the /romethean ,oard-
Continue reading the stor'- What did the old lady s(allo( ne8t3 *ait &or
students to respond and call on a student to ans+er# (eso!e, the old
lady s(allo(ed so!e bones to rattle the goblin# *rite #4- The old lad'
s+allo+ed some bones to rattle the goblin-( on the /romethean ,oard-
Continue reading the stor'- What did the old lady s(allo( ne8t3 *ait &or
students to respond and call on a student to ans+er- 4reat, the old lady
s(allo(ed a (i9ard so she could yell tric1 or treat# *rite #5- The old lad'
s+allo+ed a +i6ard so she could 'ell Tric$ or Treat-( on the /romethean
,oard- Continue reading the stor'- What is the last thing that ha,,ened in
our story3 *ait &or student to ans+er and call on a student to ans+er-
4reat 7ob, e&erything the old lady s(allo(ed ca!e out o' her sto!ach# *rite
#7- At the end o& the stor' eer'thing the lad' s+allo+ed came out o& her
stomach-( on the /romethean ,oard- 4reat 7ob so (e sequenced our story
by ,utting e&erything in the correct order# %oes the story !a1e !ore sense
this ti!e (hen (e read it3 *ait &or students to respond- 4reat, yes it did
!a1e !ore sense# Why did the story !a1e !ore sense the second ti!e (e
read the story3 *ait &or students to respond and call on a student to
ans+er- Wonder'ul, it !a1es sense because all the e&ents (ere in order,
sequenced# Who can raise their hand and re!ind !e (hat sequence !eans3
*ait &or students to respond and call on a student to ans+er- Wonder'ul,
sequence !eans to ,ut things in order# We (ere ,utting the e&ents in our
story in order to hel, retell the story 'ro! beginning to end#
..# O,,ortunity 'or :ractice6
;o( (e are going to ,ractice ,utting so!e shorter stories in order# We are
going to do an acti&ity on the :ro!ethean <oard# E&erybody (ill get a turn,
but you should be ,aying attention because in a little (hile you are going to
sequence a story by yoursel'# . (ill call you u, by table# . (ill 'irst call the
table that is sitting quietly (ith their botto!s in the chair and 'eet on the 'loor#
*ait &or students to sit 8uietl' in their seats- Call the 8uietest table up
&irst and continue until eer'one is sitting on the ground- 9a$e sure : is
sitting near the teacher and S and , are not sitting beside each other-
-able 1 ,lease co!e sit quietly on the car,et# Continue until all 3 tables o&
students are sitting on the carpet- -han1 you 'or sitting u, straight on your
botto! and not tal1ing# /ull up #Arthur Stor' Scramble( on /,S $ids
http://pbs$ids-org/arthur/games/stor'scramble/scramble-html- Call on
lo+%end learners &irst to do the Stor' Scramble- O1ay let2s listen to the
,arts o' the story, and . a! going to call on so!eone to co!e ,ut the story in
the correct order# Listen to the parts o& the stor'- Call on a student to
come up and put the stor' in order- :lease co!e u, and sequence our story#
*ait &or student to se8uence stor'- /roide support as needed; but ma$e
sure to gie them ade8uate time to &igure it out on their o+n- Wonder'ul
7ob= Continue until eer'one has had a turn- *hen 'ou &inish +ith the
Arthur Stor' Scramble or +hen all o& 'our lo+%end learners hae had a
turn continue onto #/icture Se8uencing( on Turtle Diar'
se8uencing-html- /ractice until it seems eer'one has a grasp o& the
concept- I& a student reall' struggled the &irst time; let them hae a
second tr' to practice- Wonder'ul (or1 e&erybody= ;o( ,lease stand
quietly and go bac1 to your des1# -he only thing that should be on your des1
is a ,encil#
...# ssess!ent
.n a !inute . a! going to ,ass around a story# . a! going to read the story to
you, and then you are going to read through it again to 'ill out the sequencing
!a, . a! also going to gi&e you# >ou (ill (rite do(n a sentence about (hat
ha,,ens at the beginning o' the story in bo8 labeled 1, and then (rite a
sentence to tell !e (hat ha,,ens ne8t in the bo8 labeled 2# >ou (ill continue
until you ha&e sequenced the (hole story# %o you ha&e any questions be'ore
(e start3 *ait &or students to respond and ans+er an' 8uestions the
students ma' hae- Wonder'ul, as soon as you get your ,a,er ,lease ,ut
your na!e and date at the to,, and you !ay begin reading your story (ith
your eyes# *e!e!ber this is your o(n (or1# . do not (ant to see anyone
loo1ing on anybody else2s ,a,er# 9oe students around +ho 'ou $no+
loo$ at other students< papers or hae other students loo$ing on their
papers- !S; 9; D"- =and out the stor' and se8uence map- )ead the stor'
to the students- ;o( you !ay begin your sequencing !a,# When you are
'inished (ith your sequence !a, 7ust turn your ,a,er o&er and raise your
hand# . (ill co!e around and collect your ,a,ers# Collect students< papers
as the' &inish-
.?# 5losure6
4reat 7ob today= What is so!ething in our e&eryday li&es that (e !ust do in
the correct sequence3 *ait &or students to respond and call on student to
ans+er- Wonder'ul e8a!,les, (e ha&e to (ash our hands a sequence# We get
ready 'or bed in a certain order# We !a1e our cereal in a sequence# What
(ould ha,,en i' (e did those things in the (rong order3 *ait &or students
to respond and call on a student to ans+er- 4reat, i' you do those things in
the (rong order then it (ouldn2t (or1 or things (ould be !essy# So ha&ing
things in the correct sequence is i!,ortant#
9aterials and )esources:
-here Was n Old Lady Who S(allo(ed a <at= by Lucille 5olandra
:ro!ethean <oard
story Lost in the @og Aattached$
sequencing !a, 'or Lost in the @og Aattached$
Di&&erentiation Strategies !including plans &or indiidual learners":
B needs to sit at the 'ront o' the classroo!
Lo(0end learners ,ractice shorter story sequencing on :<S 1ids
Cigh0end learners ,ractice longer story sequencing on -urtle %iary
*ead the story aloud 'or the assess!ent 'or !y lo(0end learners
Data Anal'sis:
-he grades (ere based on the correct sequence o' the story and including all the ,arts o' the story#
. e8,lained the assess!ent be'ore, and a'ter . handed out the assess!ent# -he students had the
story to read and re'lect to ans(er the questions# -he students 'irst thought it (as by ,age, and .
e8,lained they had to su!!ari9e ,arts in order to sequence the story into the " ,art sequencing
!a, 'ro! the beginning to the end# <elo( are ho( the grades 'ell#
100 A!issed 0$0 D students
E0 A!issed 1$0 " students
D0 A!issed 2$0 " students
40 A!issed /$0 1 student
20 A!issed 4$0 1 student
Total Students0 1E AFFSa!,les attached at end o' lessonFF$
According to 5- records$
<elo(0Le&el Students in class0 D
On0Le&el Students in class0 D
d&anced0 D
-he grou, o' students (ho !ade 100 are in the ad&anced and on le&el learners# -hey correctly
sequenced the story 'ro! the beginning to the end# -he students (ho scored E0 !ainly 'ell in the
on0le&el learners# -hese students correctly sequenced the story, but they did not include the
ending o' the story# -hey did not do as !uch su!!ari9ing o' the story and 7ust sto,,ed a'ter they
'illed in the (hole sequencing !a,# . (ould li1e to gi&e their assess!ent bac1 and see i' they can
correct their !ista1e to add all e&ents 'ro! beginning to ending instead o' 7ust sto,,ing (hen all
o' the sequencing bloc1s (ere 'illed in# -he students scoring D0 and belo( on the assess!ent did
not sequence the e&ents in the correct order# Most students only !i8ed u, 2 e&ents# -he !a7ority
o' these students 'ell into the lo(0end learners o' the class# . a! not satis'ied (ith this data
because during teaching and ,ractice !ost students see!ed to understand the conce,t# Co(e&er
according to the data and the criteria . set 'or the assess!ent, !ost o' these students need 'urther
instruction on the conce,t# Only 2 see! not to ha&e a gras, o' the to,ic and need to be retaught
the lesson (ith one on one instruction# . (ould ha&e li1ed to see !ore o' the class on le&el (ith
this conce,t because (e had been tal1ing about sequencing all (ee1# .' . could, . (ould li1e to
do another lesson on sequencing to ,ro&ide !ore e8,osure and ,ractice (or1ing (ith sequence in
order to correctly retell a story#
-oday . (as not 'eeling 100G, and . 'elt li1e that did ha&e an a''ect !y lesson because it !ade
!e 'eel a little less engaged then . nor!ally a! and not Hon !y ga!eI# .2! not sure i' that
a''ected their assess!ents scores, but . do 'eel it a''ected so!e o' !y teaching (hich in turn
could result in lo(er test scores# .' . could change anything, . (ould ha&e gone to the co!,uter
lab 'or the ,ractice ,art o' the lesson and allo(ed students to (or1 in ,airs and ta1e turns in order
to ,ractice sequencing using the online acti&ities# . really li1ed the acti&ities because it did not let
students ,rogress until they correctly sequenced the story# Co(e&er doing it as a (hole class (as
good because it allo(ed !e to better !onitor e&eryone# So!eti!es during the ,ractice ,art o'
the lesson . do not al(ays get to e&ery grou, or student because . a! ha&ing to 'ocus gi&ing one
on one attention to a ,articular student or grou, o' students# . !ay choose another boo1 to
sequence as a class# .t !ade sense to sequence this boo1 because it (as a direct order and is a
great (ay to introduce sequencing, but . (ould choose a !ore challenging boo1 to sequence
together as a class that had &arying cause and e''ect# O&erall the lesson (as good, but . 'elt li1e it
could ha&e been better# .' . could reteach this lesson to rein'orce sequencing . (ould use a
di''erent boo1, ho(e&er i' . (as 7ust introducing sequencing . (ould still use the sa!e boo1 or
one si!ilar because it has a straight 'or(ard sequencing o' cause and e''ect, Athe old lady did this
to do this$ and all ,arts connected#
Samford University
Design for Learning

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