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Red Kangaroo War-Chief of Gunnedah: The Ewing Texts

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Tales of Red Kangaroo,

War Leader of Gunnedah


'Old' Joe Bungaree’s tales

about Red Kangaroo, an
18th Century Gamilaraay
'Big-Man' of the central
Namoi River NSW:
The “Red Chief” of
Ion Idriess.



Documents Transcribed, With Commentary,


Michael O’Rourke
M.Phil. Cantab., MBA UNSW, BA Syd.

Sometime Keeper of the Great

Seal of Australia; member of the
Australian Institute of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander
Studies; author of Kamilaroi
Lands; etc, etc.

The Ewing Papers are published by permission of the
Gunnedah & District Historical Society.

The Preface to Idriess's Red Chief is published by

of the copyright holder: © ETT Imprint, PO Box 1388,
Bondi Junction, NSW 2022.

All else Copyright © Michael O'Rourke 2005.

Maps by Rex Bates, Canberra, and

Cartographics Ltd, 147 Unley Road, Unley, South Australia

All Rights Reserved.

Published by
The Author

Michael O'Rourke
706 Phoenix Apartments,
86-88 Northbourne Ave

Do not, repeat not, send land mail to this address. Please use the
e-mail below for all inquiries.

Prepared in 11/10 Book Antiqua font on the Author's PC.

ISBN 0-646-44637-1

I will go alone to raise a burial mound
over my best-loved brother.

Sophocles: Antigone, 80.

The painful warrior famoused for fight,

After a thousand victories once foil’d,
Is from the book of honour razéd quite,
And all the rest forgot for which he toil’d.

Shakespeare: Sonnets, XXV.

Ngurungu burrulaa yugal ganugu bawilday.

(Gamilaraay: They used to sing many songs about
him. - “Of him many songs they sang often/used
to sing.”)

‘About/of him: he-GENITIVE + many +

song[s] + they-as-doers: 3RD PERSON
PLURAL ERGATIVE + sang-always: sing-

. . . this ancient chief whose name and burial-

place have been sung and known for

The Sydney Mail 1891: Document

One, para 25.


List Of Maps And Illustrations iv


Acknowledgments 8
A Pedantic Note on Spelling and Pronunciation 11




1.1 Physical Geography and Climate 25
1.2 Fauna and Flora 30
1.3 The Kamilaroi-speaking Lands 34
1.4 The Name “Gunnedah” 42


2.1 Aborigines, Explorers and Settlers 51
2.2 Feuds, War and Disease 56
2.3 Chronology of the Central-North and Gunnedah 61
2.4 The Griffin, Cain and Orr Families of Coonabarabran and
Gunnedah 107


3.1 Material Culture in the Ewing Papers 113
3.2 Kinship and the Naming System 115


4.1 Oral Traditions: Religion, History, Entertainment 120
4.2 Oral History and the Epic 128
4.3 Authenticity "versus" Story-telling 134
4.4 Dimensions of Style 146

5. Who Was Red Kangaroo? Outline Of His

Life And Career 149












Computation and Numbers 341









Appendix 1: Outline of Idriess’s Novella “The

Red Chief” (1953) 434

Appendix 2: The Age of Carved Trees 442

Appendix 3: More on Semi-Evergreen Vine

Thicket 448

Appendix 4: Smoke Signals? 450





List Of Maps And Illustrations

A. Maps

1. The Region: Showing highways, major roads and

river basins
2. Possible Reconstruction of Communal Territories
3. Pastoral Runs
4. Gunnedah: Showing the burial ground in relation to
the modern town
5. Gunnedah in 1857
6. "The Woolshed"
7. The Mooki-Namoi Junction; also Wandobah Road
8. The Modern Town
9. Abbott (Poe) Street, showing highest flood-line
10. Black Hill and the Secret Camp
11.Black Hill, the Secret Camp and the Wallaby Catch

B. Line Illustrations

Cover illustration: ‘Burial Place Near The Budda’ [Buddah

Lagoon], the frontispiece to Sturt’s Two Expeditions
(London 1833). Sturt’s party encountered this grave near
the Macquarie River below Wellington NSW. Thus it was
made by Wiradjuri, not Kamilaroi, people. But probably
the site of Red Kangaroo’s grave at Gunnedah looked
much like this when first made.

Points to notice: The open woodland; the ‘foot-pad’

(walking line) around the mound; and the three carved

Other illustrations, placed before Document One:

1. 1818/20: Sketch of the Liverpool Plains. The earliest

illustration of the Liverpool Plains. Oxley's party climbed a
prominent hill near Curlewis, which he dubbed View Hill,
probably today's Dimberoy Mountain. The expedition's
artist made a sketch looking westwards. As published in
Oxley's book 1820: 234.

Point to notice: The very open woodland with extensive

grassland. Early travellers compared the Liverpool Plains

to the pampas of South America and the prairies of North

2. 1839-1841: Colour drawings of Red Kangaroos.

Watercolour portrait, probably by Richter, with notes by
Gould, in Gould, John: A Monograph of the Macropodidae,
or Family of Kangaroos. Two parts. London: published by
The Author, 1841-1842.

3, 4 and 5: Watercolours by anon. All dated to 1867. Rex

Nan Kivell collection, reproduced by kind permission of
the National Library of Australia:
3. The Woolshed Plain, Burburgate. Point to notice:
The forested hills versus the open treeless
4. View from Gunnible Mountain.
5. Another view from Gunnible Mountain.

6.: Carved tree from ‘Burburgate’ station. After Etheridge


C. List of Photographs (placed after Document Two).

Except for 1, all were taken by the author in April 2002.

1. 1945: Anon: Photograph 1945: Town of Gunnedah,

showing Cohen bridge and Porcupine Ridge in
distance. View is to the south-east.
2. View from Porcupine Ridge Look-Out: view to the
north-east showing the hills that include Nobby
Rock. The town is located to the left, just out of the
3. The Breeza Plains from Porcupine Ridge Look-Out:
view to the SSE.
4. View to the WNW from Porcupine Ridge Look-Out,
showing the northern edge of the Black Jack range
(left), Little Sugarloaf Mountain (the small peak in
the centre) and Sugarloaf Mountain (centre-rear).
Foreground: thick vegetation on Porcupine Ridge.
5. Porcupine Ridge from South Street. View is south.
6. Mullibah Lagoon (A): view north-west.
7. Mullibah Lagoon (B): central section. View is NNE.
8. Mullibah Lagoon (C): south-eastern end. View is
9. Abbott Street, showing where Little Conadilly
Street exits. View: east. Right: State Government
Offices. The plaque commemorating Red Kangaroo
is just out of the picture to the right.
10. View from Little Conadilly St across Abbott Street
to the Uniting (formerly Wesleyan). Church. The
Aboriginal burial ground was (is) located where the
photographer is standing. View: north.
11. View from Abbott St into Little Conadilly St.
Direction: SSE.
12.The flood-runner: view south-east from Henry
Street towards Mullibah Lagoon. The flood runner
is the channel running from lower-left to the
middle ground. The vegetation at centre-right is a
thick bed of reeds, very green at the time the
photograph was taken.
13.The flood-runner that connects Mullibah Lagoon to
the Namoi. View north-west from Henry Street, i.e.
towards the river. The flood-runner is the channel
or depression running from lower right to the mid-
ground. The water visible in the centre of the
photograph is just a culvert.
14.View south from near Cohen Bridge. The ridge in
the distance is Porcupine Ridge. Right: Cohen
Bridge. Town houses may be seen centre-left,
above the river bank.
15.Namoi River: view east (upstream) from near
Cohen Bridge. The flood-runner exits into the river
at the top of this photo.
16. View north-east from near the Mooki-Namoi
junction, showing the range of hills including
Nobby Rock. The Rock is easily distinguished with
the human eye, but hard to see in this photograph.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


I first sighted the Ewing Papers in 1980. I was

revisiting Gunnedah, the town of my birth, and Tambar
Springs where I grew up.
Until 1968-69 my parents owned a farm near
Tambar Springs, on the eastern side of Coxs Creek.
They had retired thence to Gosford. In 1980 we
undertook a northern pilgrimage, returning for the
100th anniversary of the Tambar Springs school.
We also visited Brenda Mary O’Rourke, my father’s
sister, in Gunnedah - Auntie Brenda of blessed memory
- herself a long-time resident of the town.
I was already well interested in Gunnedah’s history.
This was due partly to an interest in my family history,
and partly to my having encountered Ion L Idriess’s
novella The Red Chief when Angus & Robertson
reissued it in paperback form in 1965.1
I call his book a “novella” only because it is short:
although meant as entertainment, The Red Chief is
closely based on what can be regarded as a true story
and, to that extent, is not fiction. As Idriess explains:
see his Preface, reprinted as Document Four in this
book, his novella was closely based on a set of
handwritten notes that I have dubbed the “Ewing
Papers”, kept by the Gunnedah Historical Society.
So it was natural for me to visit the then president of
the Historical Society, Lionel Erratt, to ask if I could see
the original notes. I was curious about what more may
have existed than Idriess chose to publish.
Mr Erratt kindly agreed to show me the ‘Ewing
Transcripts’. Indeed he bravely gave me, a stranger to
him, permission to carry the precious manuscripts
down-town for photocopying. Perhaps I had an honest
face. Or he may have trusted me because he knew my

First edition 1953. For an outline of the novella, see
Appendix One. Tom Thompson of ETT Imprint Pty Ltd, who
kindly granted permission for Idriess's preface to be reprinted
here, notes that The Red Chief is also available under the Bolinda
imprint in both large print and full audio editions.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The Historical Society subsequently approved of my

lodging a photocopy with the Australian Institute of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies in

* * *

“Old” Joe Bungaree, a local Aboriginal elder, was the

source of most of the information. Police Sergeant J P
(John Peter) Ewing and his youngest son Stanley wrote
the notes, or a first recension, in about 1890. The
Sergeant published a version of the ‘Cassilis Raid’ story
in the local newspaper at that time (see Document 3B,
MS Page 34; and 3C, MS Page 34).
Evidently some of the stories were taken down
directly by the Sergeant as Joe Bungaree related them.
Other parts of the documents come from notes made
by the Sergeant but afterwards transcribed by Stanley.
And Stanley drew on his own memories, having been a
boy aged nine when the “chief’s” grave was dug up.
Noting that there are several documents explicitly
dated to the period 1938-1945, I would guess that the
main text, originally set down in about 1890, was
recopied or transcribed in neat form in the late 1930s.
The preface and postscript to Ion Idriess's The Red
Chief offer a clear and correct account, drawn nearly
verbatim from the Ewing Transcripts, of how in 1887
the bones of the so-called “Red Chief” - a term never
used by Joe Bungaree or the Ewing family - were dug
up from under the streetscape of the rising village of
Gunnedah. The “old” Sergeant was then aged 58. His
youngest son Stanley, as noted, was nine years old.
Stanley and his brothers watched the excavation,
but it seems the Sergeant was not actually present,
having gone back to work after putting the organiser of
the dig, Dr Haynes, in contact with Joe Bungaree. There
were three Aborigines (reluctantly) present at the dig.
They stood back at some distance: "old" Joe Bungaree,
aged about 70; Donny McKay, an even older man; and
Jacob Painter, a much younger man.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Idriess quotes at length, but not always exactly, from

Stanley Ewing’s account, written in 1938, of the
opening of the grave of RED KANGAROO (as he is more
correctly called). The same document goes on, after
describing the excavation, to relate the tales about Red
Kangaroo’s wife-stealing raid to Coonabarabran and
the war with the Kingstown-Bundarra men. Ewing’s
account is now published in full (Document 3B).
In addition we have a letter written in 1945 by John
Ewing junior, Stanley’s older brother, giving his
memories of what happened in 1887. This is published
here as Document 3A.
A further short document, also apparently in John
Ewing junior’s handwriting, contains an unrelated story
told by Jane (Jenny or Old “Jinnie”) Griffin. She was the
Aboriginal matriarch of Coonabarabran. Her story deals
with a clash between the Coonabarabran people and
the Cassilis people that took place when Mrs Griffin
herself was a child, in other words around 1830.
Finally there is the second longest of the documents,
which contains Joe Bungaree’s quasi-epic tale of “How
Red Kangaroo Baited His Trap to Catch the Powerful
Cassilis Tribe” (the title supplied by Stanley Ewing).
Present-day Cassilis is a small settlement south of
the Liverpool Ranges. In former times it was apparently
the seat of a substantial Aboriginal community or
'tribelet' who at different times were at war or peace
with their various neighbours. No doubt they were
often friendly with their neighbours, but of course
peace does not supply material for stories quite as
exciting as does warfare. At any rate, in Joe Bungaree’s
tale, set apparently at the turn of the 18th century, the
Cassilis people launch a raid on the Gunnedah people’s
main camp. They are decisively defeated thanks to the
coolness and cleverness of the Gunnedah leader, Red
Kangaroo/Kambu Kanuurru.

* * *

Why did Sergeant Ewing and his son choose to

record the stories? The short answer is 'we don't know'.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

As it appears, in 1887 Sergeant Ewing was called on

by the town doctor, Edward Haynes, to help persuade
Joe Bungaree to tell him (Haynes) "all you know about
the carved stump and what the carvings mean, and to
tell . . . all you can about the great warrior chief of
your tribe who lived here long, long time ago". Haynes
had already decided to dig up the grave, evidently in
search of the skull. He was a collector of "rare and fine
types of Aboriginal skulls". But Haynes seems to have
known only that the grave in question contained the
body of a 'great warrior'.
In the event, Bungaree would tell him nothing (for
religious reasons). Haynes had to cajole other
Aborigines to tell the traditions. He had succeeded by
1891 in drawing out a general account, but only in
outline - as explained in the Sydney Mail article
published here.
It seems implied that it was not until after 1891 that
Sergeant Ewing sat down to listen at length to Joe
Bungaree's stories and to make detailed notes. Why
Ewing did so is not stated. The Sergeant, from his days
at Coonabarabran, was a collector of stone axe-heads:
this may suggest he had a general or specific interest
in Aboriginal culture.
In Stanley's case, he had, or came to have, a
curiosity about the meaning of the name 'Gunnedah'
and the name of the "chief" whose grave he had
witnessed being excavated. When Stanley had grown
up - around 1900 - he asked his father, and the
Sergeant told, what he had learnt from various
Aborigines in the Gunnedah-Coonabarabran region.
As noted, the Ewing Papers as we have them today
were written, or transcribed, in the 1930s and 1940s. In
1938, an inaccurate item in The Land newspaper
provoked Stanley (then aged 60) to record his own
memories and (as it appears) also to copy out all, or
parts, of his long-dead father's notes. Evidently Stanley
meant to offer his text to the Gunnedah newspaper.
John Ewing junior wrote a further short account in
1945, evidently responding to an inquiry from Russell
McDonagh of the local historical society.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

* * *

There are several reasons why I have judged it

important to publish the documents.
First, the tales about Red Kangaroo are interesting in
their own right. Who is not interested in stories of love
and war? Second, the papers constitute a corpus of
material unique in Australia in that they deal with
events dating to well before the first British colonists
landed at Sydney Cove. As such, they provoke
questions about how oral traditions are transmitted
through time before being "captured" in writing.
The tales were told by - mainly - one Aboriginal elder
(Joe Bungaree). He related them, in English, to -
basically - one English-speaking white man (Sergeant
Ewing). This raises two questions: "What if anything
was lost, or added, in the handing down over several
generations of stories about a man said to have died in
about 1745?" And: "What if anything was lost, or
added, by their being recorded in English during the
High Victorian period, when most white people looked
down on Aborigines and Aboriginal culture, and the
'science' of anthropology was still in its infancy?"
It is impossible, of course, to give any definitive
answer to these questions. Aboriginal Australia before
1770 is a vanished world about which we can know
nothing (except for what archaeology may reveal). But
the tales contain information on how life was lived in
the period 1650-1750. Or perhaps we should say: as
life was believed to have been lived. Thus the
authenticity of the tales can be tested - but only up to a
point - by looking at what we know, from other writings,
about "traditional" life in the early 1800s.
I deal with some of these issues in the Introduction
that follows. In addition I have supplied a running
commentary alongside (or rather, in between) the text
of each document.
My commentary is intended to alert readers to the
existence of other information and hence supply a
context. For example, when smoke-signals are first

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

mentioned, I have added a note on what we know - it is

not a great deal - about Aborigines in other parts of the
continent using (or not using) smoke as signals.
On occasions I have ventured to suggest some
different conclusions from those reached by the Ewings
and Idriess. I have also drawn attention to some
inconsistencies between the various documents.
I hope I have done this charitably. If, however, my
editorial interventions make me seem a modern-day
‘smart-alec’ correcting the mistakes of poor
uneducated folk of the past, well, I apologise to the
reader. (The fine phrasing of Document 3E, “Jinnie’s
Tale”, proves that John Ewing at least was as well
educated as anyone needs to be; but libraries were
fewer and poorer in their time.)
The Ewing brothers and their father, Sergeant Ewing,
were very decidedly concerned with being accurate
and complete in what they wrote. Ion Idriess’s main
purpose, however, was to entertain his readers.
Naturally Idriess did not write as a detached scholar.
He was not seeking to be careful and correct about
every little point. So, when I note that, in certain
places, he has omitted some statement or other in the
Ewing Papers, this is not meant to suggest any failing
on his part. On the contrary, we owe a great debt to
Idriess and the Ewing family and the McDonaghs.
Evidently it was Russell McDonagh who asked John
Ewing, after Stanley had died, to write down what he
recalled. More importantly, McDonagh persuaded
Idriess to turn the Ewing Papers into a novella.
I, for one, am very admiring of the pains they took to
record, preserve and publicise these stories from long
ago. As has been said: ‘we see so far today only
because we stand on the shoulders of the giants who
preceded us’.
My commentary, like all contributions to scholarship,
can and should be criticised. If I have committed errors
of interpretation, then they deserve correction. For only
by removing errors will we more closely approach the
truth. In the Latin: judicent tamen doctiores, et
siquid probabilius habuerint, proferant. – ‘Those more

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

learned may judge [my work], and, if they have a more

probable [proposal], well, let them put it forward.’

Canberra 2005

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


I thank:
The president and members of the GUNNEDAH &
of the Ewing Papers, for agreeing to my
publishing the texts.
REX BATES, Canberra, for drawing the maps showing
Black Hill (maps 10 and 11).
SHIRLEY COOTE of Gunnedah, who assisted me with
information on people and geography.
TIM CURRAN, of Gunnedah and the Botany
Department, School of Environmental Sciences
and Natural Resource Management, University
of New England, for advice on the flora of
Porcupine Ridge and geographical features. Tim
also kindly read and commented on a pre-
publication draft.
University, at the Shellshear and Macleay
Museums respectively, who assisted me in
searching (in vain) for the apparently lost
skeletal remains of Gambu Ganuurru.
BOB FAULKNER, Djarla of the Anaiwan (Nganaywana),
Moonbi NSW, for wise guidance. Ngurunga
ngaya winangaldanha [Gamil.] = ‘I still am
hearing (listening to) him’. More precisely: ‘It is
he I still listen to’.
DEREK FRAMPTON, Canberra, for some very incisive
comments on a late draft.
PAUL GORECKI, Research Associate, Australian
Museum, Sydney, for referring me to sources of
information on the decay of skeletal remains.
KEVIN MARTIN, Queanbeyan, also for some very
incisive comments on a late draft, especially
concerning grammar. - Kevin is a Legalist (“if I
were a reader of Sir Ernest Gowers, … ”),
whereas I am a Confucianist (“if I was a reader
of Sir Ernst Gowers, …”). Obedient, however, to
the older ancestors, I have adopted the style of
the Qin dynasty in place of the later Han!

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

MAURICE McDONALD, Australian Tree Seed Centre,

CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, Kingston,
ACT, for advice on the life-spans of various tree
Tamworth, for accompanying me on the
photographic tour of Gunnedah in April 2002.
JOY PICKETTE, Ulamambri NSW, author of
Coonabarabran As It Was, for advising me on
aspects of the Griffin, Cain and Orr families.
BARBARA RICE, Honorary Research Associate in the
School of Biological Sciences, Macquarie
University, for information on the 'porcupine
grass' (spinifex) after which Porcupine Ridge is
TOM THOMPSON of ETT Imprint Pty Ltd, for permission
to reproduce the extract from The Red Chief.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Metric and Imperial Measures

1 inch = 25.4 mm 62 miles = 100 km

3.94 inches = 10 cm 100 miles = 161 km

1 foot = 30.4 cm. 1 acre = 0.405 hectares

1 yard (3 feet) = 91.5 cm 2.471 acres = 1 hectare
6 feet = 1.83 metres 1,000 square miles =
640,000 acres =
66 feet or 1 surveyor’s 259,000
chain = 20.11 hectares
metres 3,860 square miles =
100 yards = 91 metres 10,000 square
109 yards = 100 metres km

1 pound (weight) = 454


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

A Pedantic Note on Spelling and


Cumbo Gunnerah or Gambu

Ganuurru? – There is no short or simple
way of explaining pronunciation and
spelling. So I will discuss them at some
The first problem is that English has
no consistent way of spelling the
difference between a short ‘u’ and a
long ‘u’. The vowel sounds in English
‘full’ and ‘fool’ are different and spelt
differently; but the sound in ‘wool’ is
not the same as in ‘tool’. So, for writing
out Aboriginal languages, present-day
linguists tend to prefer Indonesian or
Italian-style spellings. They use ‘u’ for
the short vowel in “wool” [wul] and ‘uu’
for the long vowel in “tool” [tuul]. The
19th century missionary-anthropologist
William Ridley preferred diacritics
(“hatted letters”) to make this
A further problem arises from the
fact that in Gamilaraay word-stress
often fell on the first syllable. In
English the default (or most common)
stress is on the second syllable.
The English-style spelling of our
hero's name, ‘Cumbo Gunnerah’, has
the advantage that it prompts the
reader, correctly, to put the stress on
the first syllable of Gambu: we read it
as Cumbo Gunnerah.2 It seems,

John Giacon and his colleagues (Ash et al. 2003) prefer
Gambuu (long u). The older texts, however, suggest that both
vowels were short. I have mostly followed Ash et al.’s reading of
phonemes throughout this book, but in this case I will stay with
the short u in Gambu.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

however, that the second vowel in

‘Gunnerah’ was actually long (uu): so
correctly Ganuurru.3 Long vowels were
stressed, so a better English-style
rendering would actually be G’noora or
The old spelling also shows that
Gamilaraay-speakers would sometimes
pronounce the ‘hard C/K/G sound’ with
“voicing” (K as in English ‘come’) and
that at other times it was “unvoiced”
(G as in English ‘gum’). But there was
no difference in meaning between
Kumbo Gunnerah, Gumbo Cunnerah or
Cumbo Kunnerah.
The 19th century spelling
misrepresents some of the vowels.
There was no ‘o’ sound in Aboriginal
languages. The second vowel in
‘Cumbo’ was [pace Giacon] actually a
short ‘u’, as in English ‘wood’, and is
better written as bu. The vowel ‘e’ in
‘nner’ likewise was really a long ‘u’ and
is better written as nuu.
The –ah (+a) suffix in ‘Gunnerah’
marked the dative-ablative case,
meaning “at, on, in, by, with”.
Ganuurra means “in, at, on the red
kangaroo”. It would be more apt,
however, to use the ergative-
instrumental case (with +u) since
Ganuurru means “the red kangaroo as
the doer or agent of the verb".4
Variously rendered as ‘cannoor’ (Breton 1834); ‘ganoor’
(Greenway SM 1910: 76) and ‘ganu:r’ (Ridley). Ash et al. 2003
propose that the final consonant was a ‘rolled’ or so-called
“Scottish” r, i.e. rr.
“Cases” refer to grammatically different forms of a
word. English may be said to have three cases, as in I-me-my or
she-her-her. “I” and ”she” (the doer) are nominative or subject
case. “Me” and ”her” (to whom it is done) are accusative or
object case. “My” and ”her”, indicating ownership, are possessive

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Unfortunately, the Indonesian or

Italian-style spelling Gambu Ganuurru
will be read, wrongly, by some people
as “gaemboo g’nooroo” or “gaemboo
gannuroo”. In English-style spelling it
would be better to represent the name
as “gummbu g’noor-ru”. But this is not
very elegant. So I have reluctantly
chosen to use the Italianate ‘Gambu
Ganuurru’. The letter ‘a’ represents
the short vowel in English ‘one’, ‘come’
and ‘gun’.

In short: do not pronounce his

name as Gaemboo Gaenooroo! Say
it as Gummbu G’noor-ru.

* * *

Note too that, in the name of the

language, Gamilaraay or Kamilaroi, the
first and fourth syllables were stressed
[gàmil+aràày]. Hence the second ‘a’,
the third syllable, was effectively
silent. Arguably the best spelling would
be Gamil'raay.
So, do not say “Ka-mill-a-roy”! Say it
like the three English words

or genitive case, and so on.

In Aboriginal languages verbs take the ‘ergative-instrumental’
case when they are subject of a transitive verb (“he ate the
possum”) or the agent of an intransitive verb (“she slept”).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 1: The Region, showing highways etc

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 2: Possible Reconstruction of Communal Territories


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 3: Pastoral Runs

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 4: Gunnedah, showing the burial ground in relation

to the modern town

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 5: Surveyor’s plan for Gunnedah 1857

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 6: ‘The Woolshed’

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 7: The Mooki-Namoi junction; and Wandobah Road


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 8: The Modern Town

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 9: Abbot (Poe) Street, etc; showing highest flood line

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 10: Black Hill and the Secret Camp (tentative


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Map 11: Black Hill, The Secret Camp and the ‘Wallaby

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah



1.1 Physical Geography and Climate

unnedah is located at the centre of the
Liverpool Plains. The latter is the name that
the explorer John Oxley chose for the
generally flat, wide river-valley: the Peel-Namoi
River and its major tributaries, the Manilla River,
Mooki River and Coxs Creek [Map 2].
The Liverpool Plains can be visualised as a five-
sided basin. They, or it, are bounded by four
mountain ranges and an open fifth side. But one
has to be flying very high, or look at a map, to
actually see this. The ordinary car-traveller does
not see this pattern because of the many minor
lines of hills.
Listed clockwise, the four major ranges are the
Nandewars, the Moonbi Ranges (the edge of New
England), the Liverpool Range and the
Warrumbungles [Maps 1 and 2]. There is a fifth,
open side where the Namoi River runs out onto the
level plains country beyond Narrabri.
The Namoi catchment west of Tamworth is
generally flat, a fact disguised for car-travellers
along the New England Highway by the prominence
in the near west of the small Melville Range with its
landmark peak, Mt Duri (pronounced dyoo-rye or
The flattest segment is the central river valley
running from Breeza through Gunnedah and on to
Boggabri. Indeed fully 85% of Gunnedah Shire has
land slopes of less than three degrees. But,
because of this, the 15% that is hilly country
appears prominent: the “sweeping plains” of
Dorothea Mackellar's famous phrase.
In addition to rivers and creeks, there are many
depressions which, in seasons of heavy rainfall,
remain as shallow lakes for long periods. The

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

largest such lake-depression is Goran Lake, south of

Gunnedah. The entire floodplain, where water may
lie for weeks after a flood, extends for 12,000
square kilometres.5 See Maps 1 and 2.

The Rivers:

The Peel and Namoi Rivers, despite their distinct

names, are best seen as parts of a single river-
system. See again Map 2. It is purely a quirk of
colonial history that the major watercourse is called
the "Peel" at Tamworth and the "Namoi" at
The Peel River rises in the Liverpool Range and
flows for about 130 kilometres through the towns of
Nundle, Tamworth and Somerton. Then the name
disappears and the river takes the name Namoi at
the Peel-Namoi junction a few kilometres east of
Gunnedah. The Mooki River joins the Namoi at
Gunnedah, and Coxs Creek joins at Boggabri.
The Namoi River itself (as we have named it)
rises in New England. It runs thence to Manilla and
Keepit Dam to join the Peel a little upstream from
Carroll. The Namoi continues thence to Gunnedah,
Boggabri, Narrabri and trickles across the north-
west plains to join the Barwon River near Walgett.
The length of the whole watercourse, from its
source in the eastern highlands to distant Walgett,
is about 850 kilometres [over 500 miles] as the fish
swims, making it Australia’s fifth-longest river.
On average, the Peel-Namoi floods two years in
five. Or rather, it used to, before the Chaffey, Keepit
and Split Rock dams were built.
There is no ‘inland sea’ but certainly there seems
to be, for some weeks after a major flood.

The Slopes:

DWLC 2000. Less than three degrees in slope: (accessed September 2001).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

If we ignore the minor lines of hills, the land can

be seen to rise gently from the low flats of the
Namoi and Mooki into the surrounding mountains.
If one takes a transect to the south-east, the land
rises from 264 metres [876 feet] at Gunnedah to
389 metres [1,279 feet] at Quirindi and then 630
metres [2,073 feet] at the top of the low pass over
the Liverpool Range near Murrurundi. Or, tracking
east and north from Gunnedah, the country rises
from 264 metres [876 feet] above sea level to more
than 350 metres [1,150 feet] at Somerton, Attunga
and Manilla, while Barraba is somewhat higher at
498 metres [1,639 feet].

The Mountains:

The Nandewars extend westward from New

England. For the first 160 kilometres, the range is
an irregular upland between 600 and 900 metres in
height. At its western end, near Narrabri, there is a
series of high volcanic plugs. It is these peaks to
which the name Nandewar Mountains properly
attaches. Several summits reach over 1,300 metres
[4,300 feet], including Mt Kaputar [at over 1,500
metres, the highest], Mt Lindesay and Mt Couradda
[Map 1]. Snow sometimes falls on the highest
peaks in winter. Altogether there are 13 summits
that exceed the winter snowline of 1,200 metres
above sea level.6
The Liverpool Range, part of the main section of
the Great Dividing Range, separates the inland
Peel-Namoi basin from the coastal Goulburn-Hunter
basin [Maps 1 and 2]. About 140 kilometres long
and relatively narrow, the Liverpool Range is
volcanic in origin. Its summits average about 1,000
metres, with a handful of peaks exceeding 1,100
metres [3,700 feet]. The vegetation is mostly dry
forest but there are small patches of sub-tropical
rainforest, as for example in Cedar Brush Nature
Reserve, north-west of Scone.
Fox 1994.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The Warrumbungle Range is a mountain outcrop

separate from the Great Dividing Range. It lies at
around 600 metres [2,000 feet] above sea level. A
few peaks, all eroded volcanic plugs, rise to about
1,225 metres [4,000 feet]. The trees on northern
aspects of the mountains are cypress pine and
narrow-leafed ironbark and other dry western plains
species. The sheltered southern slopes have
vegetation more related to the eastern New
England Tableland.


Using longitude and latitude, Gunnedah’s

counterpoint in the northern hemisphere (its
“antipode”) is a spot in the eastern Atlantic Ocean
west of the Canary Islands.
More relevant in terms of understanding the
climate, north-central NSW is transected by the
same latitudes as Texas, Morocco, Iran, northern
India and central-eastern China. And, in the
southern hemisphere: northern Argentina and the
north-eastern sector of South Africa.
As would be expected, the climate of the
Liverpool Plains is similar to these regions. The
west-to-east flow of our planet’s weather means
that Gunnedah’s climate is most comparable with
that of the San Antonio-Austin-Dallas sector of the

The nearest continental “antipode” of Gunnedah is a
spot in the Morocco-Algeria border region south-east of
Marrakesh. But that region is, as a result of the world’s west-east
weather flow, rather more arid. Morocco and western Algeria
form part of what we might call the “exposed western inlands”
(like the Geraldton-Kalgoorlie section of WA). If we turn to the
world’s “sheltered eastern inlands”, and use the same latitude and
elevation, then we find that central Texas is the nearest cognate of
the Liverpool Plains.
In the Köppen system, Gunnedah's climate is classified as
“Cfa” or ‘humid sub-tropical’ (map in Encyclopaedia Britannica,
15th edition, vol 16, p.499).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

If we trace the isotherm for a summer average

temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, we find that it
runs through the Liverpool Plains of NSW, South
Africa, Argentina, southern Spain, southern Italy
and northern Greece. Thus summer in central-
eastern Australia is like that of the Mediterranean.
Winter is relatively mild, generally warmer than
in the Mediterranean. The band for a winter
average of 10-15 degrees runs through central-
eastern Australia, southern South Africa, northern
Mexico and North Africa. (In Europe only parts of
western Sicily and western Greece average over 10
degrees Celsius in winter.)
In the Liverpool Plains, the winter minimum
sometimes falls below zero. Indeed, in an average
year at Gunnedah, there are 149 days (a little short
of five months) with frost. We are not surprised
therefore to find that the Gamilaraay traditionally
wore heavy possum-skin cloaks in the cooler
seasons of the year. They went naked only in the
hot half of the year.
The rainfall band of 500-1000 millimetres per
year crosses inland east-central Australia, and, in
the northern hemisphere, southern California, the
Mexico-Texas border region and southern Spain.
The central section of the Peel-Namoi catchment
receives 600-700 mm of rain per year on average.
In any five-year run, of course, the reality may be
three years of drought, one very wet year and only
one year that approximates the average!
At Gunnedah itself rainfall averages 607 mm or
23.9 inches per year. This is similar to central Texas
(16-32 inches) and the rainier parts of South Africa,
for example the Eastern Cape (700 mm). Most of
South Africa (national average 464 mm) and much
of the eastern Mediterranean - for example Athens
406 mm and Cyprus 513 mm - are drier than
Gunnedah, as are the Great Plains in the USA
(mostly under 510 mm or 20 inches).
Cities in the United States with rainfall similar to
that of Gunnedah include Flagstaff in Arizona

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

(average 22 inches – 560 mm), Norfolk in Nebraska

(25 inches - 640 mm), Dodge City in Kansas (24
inches – 610 mm), and Abilene in Texas (also 24
A major difference is reliability: rainfall is much
more variable in Australia. We have more droughts
and more floods. As noted, the Peel-Namoi used to
flood two years in five, and sometimes two of the
other years would be (and are) dry years.

1.2 Fauna and Flora

Various animals and plants are mentioned in the

several documents published here. They constitute
a generally quite representative selection of the
fauna and flora of the central Murray-Darling basin.
It is interesting also to note that certain animals
and plants receive no mention.

** = Locally extinct or very rare today.


Mentioned in the documents: Red kangaroos;

common kangaroos (eastern greys); wallabies;
swamp wallabies; wallaroos; dingoes; possums
generally [there are two species]; “porcupines”
(echidnas); “wild cats" or "tiger-cats” (**quolls);
**kangaroo-rats; water-rats; and marsupial mice.
The documents speak of "grilling" wallaby meat,
presumably on hot coals.
Not mentioned, but known to have been
important to the Kamilaroi as totems or as foods:
bandicoots and platypuses.9

NSW Premiers Department 1952 and DWLC 2000. Data
also from various encyclopaedias and web-sites accessed in late
2001, for instance;;; and

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


Emus; ibises; cranes; pelicans; brolgas; ‘turkeys’

[probably **the bustard or plains turkey]; ducks;
“water birds”; crows; owls ("the downy owl"); and
curlews. The documents speak of cooking duck
eggs in bark ashes.
In the tale of the Cassilis Raid, one of the main
characters is called "Weetah", i.e. Wiidhaa,
“bowerbird” (the spotted bowerbird, Chlamydera
maculata), her totem name. She is “a young
married lubra”, the elder sister of Tukki [Dhagaay]
and wife of Gilwan.
Not mentioned, but known to have been
important to the Kamilaroi as totems or as foods:
wedge-tailed eagles; sparrow-hawks; swans;
kookaburras; white cockatoos; magpies; curlews;
'pee-wees' (mudlarks); "quails" so-called; and

Riverine animals:

Turtles; fish generally; yabbies; and mussels. The

documents speak of "broiling" fish on hot coals. In
north—central NSW there are several species of
yabbies and ‘shrimps’ [Gamil. giiray and
mirrindyaa] and two species of mussel: large
[Gamil. dhanngal] and small [giinbay].
The following fish were totems for the Kamilaroi:
**Murray cod; yellow-belly (golden perch); silver
perch (bidyan); bony bream; and catfish ("jewfish").

Animals as totems and foods are discussed in O'Rourke
Interestingly, Tim Curran informs me that several quolls were
found near Gunnedah in 1997; but nowadays the animal is so rare
that one of the specimens was sent the Australian Museum.
The Namoi and Manilla Rivers provided the site for the ground-
breaking studies of Harry Burrell. Or should one say 'stream-
breaking'? - See Burrell's The Platypus: Sydney, Angus &
Robertson 1927. On the importance of his work, see Ann Moyal,
Platypus, Sydney [Crows Nest], Allen & Unwin, 2002.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The golden perch or yellowbelly fish, Macquaria

ambigua [Gamil. Dhagaay = Tukki] appears as the
totem-name of a boy about nine years old, a
character in the tale of the Cassilis Raid.

Other fauna:

Goannas; lizards; snakes generally; frogs

generally; tree frogs; insects generally; centipedes;
and beetles.
The totems of the Kamilaroi included the black
snake, death adder and carpet snake.


The texts refer to trees and other plants as part

of the descriptions of the locations in which the
events unfold. No food plants are mentioned except
for yams.

a. West and south of Mullibah Lagoon camp:

Myall thickets on the western and south side of
the Mullibah Lagoon Camp; and, further south: “the
dense and hard-to-shove-your-way-through hop-
vine scrub that grew all along the Porcupine Ridge”.
In other words, "semi-evergreen vine thicket"
(SEVT) covered what is now the southern half of the
town-site. (See Appendix Three for further
discussion of SEVT.)

b. In the hop-vine scrubs:


e. Where the Uniting (formerly Methodist) Church

grounds now are:
“Big box trees”.

d. In the area of the grave:

Various box-trees; wilga (Geijera parviflora), pine
[cypress], and belah.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Boxes are the dominant tree species in the

central section of the Namoi catchment: White Box,
Eucalyptus albens, and Yellow Box, E. melliodora,
with some Grey Box, E. microcarpa, and Bimble
Box, E. populnea, on the western fringe.

e. Bloomfield Street in 1865:

“Virgin bush heavily timbered with box-tree,
wilga-pine-belah and some scrub”.

f. Mullibah Flat Lagoon:

Red gums and "yellow jackets" [probably
Euclayptus melliodora] to the east; and, on its
western and south side, myall, wilga and box.

g. On “Blackhill”, i.e. near the intersection between

Boundary Road and Kamilaroi Road (between the
railway line and Porcupine Ridge):
Hop-vine and heather scrub.

h. Lining the creek or flood-runner that connects

Mullibah Lagoon to the Namoi:
Thistles; also "clover". Thistles were likewise
found along the river itself, near where the bridge
now crosses.

i. Porcupine Ridge:
Spinifex grass and hop-vine scrub, with a large
patch of the latter at foot of Porcupine Ridge.

j. Between Gunnedah and Coonabarabran:

Pine scrub.

k. At Coonabarabran:
Reeds along watercourses.

l. In New England, near Kingstown, where RK

defeated the Bundarra men:
Pine scrub, stringy-barks and heather-scrub.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

1.3 The Kamilaroi-speaking Lands

The people of the Murray-Darling basin originally

belonged to a number of ‘culture blocs’ or ‘alliance
networks’. The largest and best known are the
Kamilaroi [Gamilaraay] in the central-north, and the
Wiradjuri [correctly: Wirraadhurraay] in the central-
south, each with originally 10,000 or more
The ‘Gamilaraay-speaking peoples’ would have
recognised themselves as a set of kindred
communities, reflected in their use of a common
tongue. Borrowing a term from Californian
anthropology, we could call the Wiradjuri and
Kamilaroi ‘ethnic nationalities’. The archaeologist
Harry Lourandos prefers the term ‘alliance
networks’. These are more convenient labels than
‘tribe’ for dispersed groups of people sharing
common linguistic, social and cultural traditions
and who recognised themselves as part of a single
culture distinct from that of other peoples.11
There were many local independent communities
or tribelets (“local groups”). Each consisted of at
least 150 people, sometimes up to 300.
If originally 10,000 people spoke the Gamilaraay
tongue, then there may have been as many as 50
or 60 such communities (before the smallpox

Wiradjuri: Originally the name was pronounced like
‘wirr-RAHD-thoo-RYE’, with stress on the long syllables
(Donaldson 1984). Hale 1845 offers the spelling Wiradurei. The
spelling ‘Wiradjuri’ is common today, with its English-influenced
pronunciation ‘w’RADJ-a-ree’.
Ten thousand people: see the population data in Milliss 1992
Chapter One and O’Rourke 1997. The figure of 10,000 should be
taken as indicative. Much depends on the severity of the several
smallpox epidemics (discussed later in the main text). It would not
be wrong, however, to imagine a regional population of even
20,000 in 1790.
Tindale 1974: 129, 201; Lourandos Continent 1997: 26
ff. California: in Encyc. Brit. 1989 under ‘American Indians’.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

pandemic).12 Alternatively, using the archaeologist

Harry Lourandos’ ‘magic figure’ of 40-60 persons
per ‘band’,13 we may envisage a pre-contact
population of 10,000 as divided seasonally into
some 200 bands.

The extent of the language and the names of the

neighbouring languages were as follows.

i. The southern sector

Gamilaraay-speaking groups held effectively the

whole of the Upper Hunter Valley and probably both
sides of the Goulburn Valley, or the northern side at
least. The topographical centre of what we might
call the ‘Lesser Kamilaroi’ lands lay at present-day
Denman, near the Hunter-Goulburn junction.
The latter-day authors N B Tindale, James Miller
and Helen Brayshaw are quite mistaken in believing
that the ‘Geawe-gal’ group lived in the Upper
Hunter Valley. The same error occurs in The
Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia (ed. Horton,
1994). The fact is that all our best sources - from
the earliest explorer Howe in 1819 and the early
tourist Breton in the 1830s, to Ridley’s and A W
Howitt’s informants later in the 19th century -
recognised Kamilaroi as the language used
upstream from Singleton. It is quite clear from

On smallpox, see Judy Campbell, Invisible Invaders
2002. It appears there were two pandemics: one in 1785-95 and
another in 1825-35.
George Clarke told Mair that "one in six" people (only 17%)
died on the middle Namoi in 1830-31 (quoted by Mair, in
Campbell 2002: 140). As Campbell argues, this was probably an
under-estimate. She proposes that overall about half the entire
Aboriginal population had died, directly or indirectly, from
smallpox by 1840, and in some regions up to 60%. This was the
compound effect of several epidemics and would include indirect
effects, i.e. people starving who were too weak to hunt and gather
(2002: 150, 222-24).
Lourandos, Aboriginal spatial organisation 1977.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

these sources that Geawe-gal was just one of

several lower Hunter Valley dialects.14
The Gamilaraay language extended east to about
Singleton. The exact point where Gamil’raay met
the Hunter basin languages, Geawe-gal , Wanarua
and Darkinyung, is not known with certainty.
Possibly the junction of Wollombi Brook with the
Hunter River immediately upstream from Singleton
formed the meeting point. Or the meeting point
may have been higher up, to the west of Jerrys

ii. The eastern sector

The ‘Corborn Comleroy’ [Gabawaan Gamilaraay]

occupied the slopes and plains to the west of New
England including the Liverpool Plains. The tag
‘Corborn Comleroy’ might be rendered as ‘Greater
Gamilaraay’ (Corborn = Gabawaan, ‘Big’ or ‘True’
A line running from Murrurundi along the
Dividing Range to the foot of the Moonbi Range
above Tamworth marked the eastern limit of the
Gamilaraay-speaking countries, according to the
one-time convict worker, Charles Naseby, who knew
the region from the 1830s.
There are several very low passes through the
Liverpool Ranges, notably Pandoras Pass near
Coolah and Doughboy Hollow near Murrurundi
[Map 1]. But even the more difficult higher passes
would have presented no barrier to people
travelling on foot. Perhaps for that reason, the hills
did not coincide with a major ‘ethnic’ boundary. We
find Gamilaraay-speaking peoples occupying both
sides of the Range.
In the east, the upland communities of New
England spoke an unrelated language that the early
chronicler William Gardner called "Ennewan", i.e.
Tindale 1974, Miller 1985 and Brayshaw 1986 versus
Howe 1819, Breton 1834, Ridley 1875 and Howitt 1904.
See O’Rourke 1997 for an extended discussion.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Anaywan or more correctly: ‘Nganyaywana’. The

border between the western slopes and the eastern
highlands coincided with a significant linguistic
In the north-east the major language was
Yugambal (“Ucumble”). According to John
MacPherson’s main informant, a Ngarabal-speaking
man from Glen Innes, the Yugambal ‘tribe’ was
limited to the Boggy Creek-Inverell-Bukkulla region.
He placed the Anaywan or Nganyaywana language
at Tingha and Bundarra.
If, however, we follow William Gardner and W T
Wyndham, then Tingha and Bundarra [Map 2] lay
in Yugambal country. Wyndham was the son of the
first squatter at ‘Bukkulla’ station, north of Inverell.
He described the country of the ‘Ucumble’
[Yugambal]-speaking people in general terms as
“the western fall of New England from the Peel to
the Sovereign" (i.e., Dumaresq River). ‘Ucumble’
was spoken, he says, on the Bundarra River,
contiguous on its south-west with ‘Cumilri’

iii. The northern sector

The whole north-central plain, from the Gwydir

River above Moree to the Namoi-Barwon junction at
Walgett in the west, was Kamilaroi-speaking
This is already clear from the work of G B White,
Major Mitchell’s deputy during the 1831-32
expedition. White compared the vocabularies used
in different areas. He found that the language
spoken on Moomin Creek, the lower Mehi River and
the upper Barwon was the same as that used on the
Liverpool Plains around Tamworth, namely
The language of the Rowena area, west of
Waterloo Creek, likewise was named as "Comileroy"
Gardner MSS; Wyndham 1889; McPherson 1904;
Crowley 1976 and 1997.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

in 1839. And we know that Kamilaroi (Gamilaraay)

was spoken around Terry Hie Hie and Moree; on Gil
Gil Creek at Garah; and along the Boomi River in
the region of Boomi township (as it now is).17
The language of the Moonie-Barwon junction too
was Gamilaraay, and Gamilaraay-speaking groups
held both banks of the Barwon River from Mungindi
through Collarenebri to Walgett. Ridley found that it
was also the language spoken on the Moonie River
below about Thallon in 1855. Fieldwork done in the
1930s by N B Tindale suggests that originally
Gamilaraay extended as far north as Nindigully,
To the west and north-west, the languages were
Yuwaaliyaay (or Yuwaalayaay), Parker’s Eu-ahl-a-yi,
and Yuwaalaraay. Significantly, the politico-
linguistic boundary, as revealed by the contrasting
speech names, Gamilaraay-Yuwaaliyaay and
Gamilaraay-Yuwaalaraay, lay between the two
rivers, the Barwon and the Narran. This is what
should be expected, as we know that the major
watercourses formed the centre-lines of tribelet

See O’Rourke 1997. The primary sources include: G B
White Journal 1832; The Australian and The Colonist both
17.8.1839; The Sydney Herald and The Monitor both 19.8.1839
(trial of Aboriginal cattle-killers); and various papers by Ridley
and Mathews.
Yuwaalaraay (Major Mitchell’s Jerwoolleroy) was the
language of the communities living along the Narran River where
it crosses the present-day Queensland-NSW border. A very closely
related form of speech, Yuwaaliyaay (Katie Parker’s Eu-ah-la-yi
or ‘Euahlayi’), belonged to the country on and around the lower
Narran River west of Lightning Ridge.
O’Byrne, Mathews and Vernon, writing late in the 19th century,
placed Yuwaalaraay and/or the closely related Yuwaaliyaay
tongue on (part of) the Moonie River including Nindigully;
O’Byrne even put Yuwaalaraay as far east as the lower Weir
River. Most writers, however, have located these two tongues on
and around the Narran. Tindale’s map shows the St George-
Nindigully region as the intersection point of four languages:
Kamilaroi, Koamu ( = Kogai), Mandandanji and Bigambul.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

iv. The western sector

The Namoi-Barwon junction near Walgett marked

a boundary-point between Gamilaraay and the
Wayilwan language, the northern variety of
Ngiyambaa. Gamilaraay was spoken at Walgett on
the Namoi River and on the upper Barwon River
above Walgett, while Wayilwan was the language of
the lower Barwon below Walgett.19
The western boundary of the Kamilaroi tongue
ran, according to Charles Naseby, from Walgett by
a line through Baradine and Coonabarabran to the
Dividing Range near the sources of the Talbragar
and Goulburn Rivers. West of Baradine, the
neighbouring language was Wayilwan (Ngiyambaa).
In short, Kamilaroi was spoken in the Namoi
basin, while Wayilwan was spoken in the lower
Castlereagh basin [Map 1].
In the Warrumbungle Mountains, and at Dubbo
and Wellington, the language was Wirraadhurraay
or, as it is more commonly spelt, “Wiradjuri”.
Wangaaybuwan ("Wongaibon"), another variety of
Ngiyambaa, was spoken further westward.20
James Günther, the Wellington Valley missionary,
and William Ridley said that Wiradjuri was used on
that section of the Castlereagh River nearest
Sources and commentary: Mitchell 1848 (Narran River); Ridley
1855 in Lang 1864; Honery quoted in Ridley MSS 1871-73;
O’Byrne in Curr 1887, iii: 258; Mathews 1902; Vernon in Howitt
1904: 688; MacPherson 1904 (map); and Tindale 1974.
White, Mitchell, Ridley and Naseby as before; and
Greenway 1910. The Barwon River above the junction of the
Gwydir was implicitly excluded from Gamilaraay country by
Charles Naseby (“down the Gwydir and Barwon to Walgett”)
(Naseby in Howitt 1904: 57); but White's journal shows that this
was an error.
Williams Grammar 1980, and earlier, Honery in Ridley
MSS 1871-73; Ridley 1873b: 259 and 1875: 47, 119; and Ridley
1878. Also Mathews in several papers, e.g. 1895b. The
Wangaaybuwan variant of Ngiyambaa differed markedly from
Gamilaraay, having only 36% total vocabulary in common (Austin
et al. 1980: 172 ff). Presumably the Wayilwan variant was
likewise only distantly related to Gamilaraay.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Wellington, while a variant of Kamilaroi called

Ko-inburri (i.e., Guyinbaraay), was spoken on the
section of the Castlereagh nearest the Liverpool
This is confirmed by an examination of place-
names. On and around the upper stretch of the
Castlereagh we find the Gamilaraay names
Ulamambri, Piambra and Uarbry (suffix –m+baraay)
[Map 2]. This indicates that the boundary between
Gamilaraay-Guyinbaraay and Wiradjuri lay in the
eastern Warrumbungles, on or west of the early
curve of the upper Castlereagh. Other place-names,
for example Dandry and Tenandra, have the
Wiradjuri suffix -dhurraay. This would suggest that
the Warrumbungle mountains themselves, or at
least their western sector, belonged to the
In short, the boundary between Kamilaroi and
Wiradjuri fell approximately along a line drawn from
Coonabarabran to Coolah.


It is obscure whether the Upper Goulburn River

community (the “Cassilis tribe”) spoke Gamilaraay
or Wiradjuri.

Most place-names in the Coolah-Cassilis region have the
Gamilaraay +bri/+aroy suffix, for instance Paiambra near
Binnaway; Bullaroy trig point, west of Coolah; Vinegaroi Road,
north-east of Uarbry; and Uarbry itself. But there are also several
names with the -ong [-aang] and -therie [-dhurraay] endings of
Wiradjuri, namely Bong Bong Creek, south-west of Coolah; and
Merotherie crossing, south-west of Uarbry.
Frank Bucknell greatly simplified in telling Howitt that
“between the Bogan and the Kamilaroi boundary, which runs
north-westward from Wonabarabra (sic: misprint for
Coonabarabran!) to the junction of the Peel River (sic: actually
Namoi) and the Darling (sic: Barwon), the language is a mixture
of Kamilaroi and Wiradjuri” (in Howitt 1904: 58).
See further the discussion and maps in O’Rourke 1997, citing
Günther 1892; Ridley 1875: 119; also Quinn 1958 (and see the
map of early stations in Pickette & Campbell 1984).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Based on Naseby’s line and Rusden’s statements

(quoted below), we would expect them to have
been Gamilaraay-speakers. And indeed several
obviously Gamilaraay-language place-names are
mentioned in the early court case R v Walker (see
the Chronology under 1836). On the other hand,
George Suttor in 1826 grouped the
Nandowey/Cassilis people with the Wiradjuri-
speakers of Mudgee, perhaps implying that they
spoke that language. 22
Rusden referred to a Gamilaraay group living on
the Talbragar River, who may have been the same
as the ‘Cassilis tribe’:
“They [the Geawe-gal of the central Hunter
Valley] were always in dread of war with the
Kamilaroi who followed down [intruded]
from the heads of the Hunter [?and23] across
from the Talbragar to the Nunmurra [sic:
Munmurra] waters ...” (the Munmurra River
being the watercourse on which modern
Cassilis is located).
This seems to imply that Gamilaraay-speakers held
the Goulburn Valley or at least its northern
tributaries. And if we turn to a modern map we find
several place-names in the upper Talbragar-
Goulburn Valley bearing the familiar Gamilaraay
suffix “bri” or -baraay, namely Uarbry, Collaroy and
Gundebri. This serves to confirm Rusden’s report.
Rusden also said that “a section of the Kamilaroi
occupied the upper sources of the waters flowing
into the Hunter River and those which form the
heads of the Goulburn River, for instance the
Munmurra Creek”. He implies - but he does not
state it explicitly - that Kamilaroi was spoken on the
Hunter River at least as far downstream as Mussel

‘Colo’ 1826; also in The Australian 14.10.1826.
The early colonial history of the area is examined in Waller’s
thesis: K G Waller, Letters relating to Collaroy Station near
Cassilis 1837-39, BA thesis, University of Queensland, 1956.
‘And’ vs ‘the’: Rusden’s words are quoted slightly
differently in 1880 and 1904.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Brook (the tributary stream at modern

Muswellbrook). As he says, the Kamilaroi “even
made raids as far as Jerrys Plains [upstream from
It would appear therefore that Kamilaroi-
speaking communities held not only both sides of
the Upper Hunter but also the region north of the
Goulburn River.
Blanket distribution records show that in 1833, at
the end of the smallpox pandemic, 111 Aborigines
(80 adults and 31 children) survived in the greater
Cassilis district. As late as 1843 the ‘tribe of
Munmurra’ numbered at least 94 people. Those
receiving blankets included one man, Nedabri,
whose name incorporates once again the distinctive
-bri/-baraay suffix of Gamilaraay.25

1.4 The Name “Gunnedah”

The exploring expedition of Surveyor-General

Major Mitchell in 1831 bypassed what is now the
site of the town of Gunnedah. Mitchell passed to the
north, crossing direct from Kelvin to Boggabri
through the back country. See Maps 3 and 4. So
his Aboriginal guide ‘Mr Brown’ did not supply the
name for the explorers to record.
‘Gunnedah’, the cattle station of that name, was
formed by the employees of John Johnston (or
Johnstone) some years later, in about 1835. By this
time the newest holdings were already established
further out, beyond ‘Narrabri’.

Rusden in Fison and Howitt Kamilaroi and Kurnai 1880:
279; and Naseby and Rusden in Howitt 1904: 57, 84, emphasis
Brayshaw 1986: 58; Distribution of Blankets, SRNSW
[State Records of NSW] 4/1133.3. By 1896, the Aboriginal
population of Cassilis consisted of just one lone individual (APB
report, in Votes & Proceedings of the NSW Parliament, VPLA
1897 vol 8 p.883).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

It was not necessarily immediately that a run

would be called by its Aboriginal name. All we can
say is that the whites began to use the name
‘Gunnedah’ sometime between 1835 and 1848. It
was not until 1859 that “Gunnedah” would displace
“Johnston’s Woolshed” as the official name of the
post office.26
Our main authority on the name, William Ridley,
having learnt a little of the Gamilaraay language,
proceeded to the Namoi River during 1853-54 as a
missionary. He revisited the district in 1855 on a
part-anthropological, part-evangelising tour, and
again, finally, in 1871. Most of the material for his
books and articles was collected on this third trip.
Thus 36 years elapsed between the first recording
of the name (around 1835) and Ridley’s note of its
meaning (1871).27
In the meantime a township was emerging at
‘Johnston’s Woolshed’, as the village was first
called. A post office was established in 1856, and
the village soon spread towards and over the burial
ground of the local Aboriginal people. The old
Kamilaroi cemetery and its remaining carved trees,
located where Little Conadilly Street now exits into
Abbott Street, were often visited as a local curiosity.
Johnson originally applied for a squatting licence in
1836: application no. 10-423, received at the Colonial Secretary’s
Office 12.12.1836 (SRNSW 4/1117.1: Applications for
Depasturing Licences Beyond the Limits of Location, 1836-37).
But it was not until the 1847 Land Act that applicants were asked
to supply the names of their runs.
Ridley 1871, 1873 and 1875. In his 1871-72 MSS,
Ridley supplied both meanings, namely ‘destitute’ (1871 letter)
and ‘place of white stone’ (1873 letter). Also Ferry 1978b: 193.
WILLIAM RIDLEY , 1819-1878, graduated from the University of
London (Kings College) in 1842. He took up an appointment as
classics professor at the Australian College, Sydney, in 1849 and
was ordained a Presbyterian minister the following year. In 1851
he was posted as curate to Dungog, north of Newcastle, where he
met an expatriate Kamilaroi man ‘Harry’, from ‘Bungul-gully’
station near the lower Namoi River. Friendship with Harry led
Ridley to become an itinerant missionary in the interior (ADB
under ‘Ridley’; also Bridges 1970, 1971).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Originally the burial ground lay in woodland or

open forest on the southern edge of the village.
Following the great flood of 1864, however, most
new buildings were located above the high flood
line [Map 12]. As part of this process, the
streetscape of the rising village spread past and
around the stumps and low mounds of the old
cemetery – by about 1870.
In 1887, Dr Edward Haynes, the town’s surgeon
and future mayor, arranged for the most important
grave, that of the ‘great chief’ Red Kangaroo
[‘Cumbo Gunnerah’ or Gàmbu Gànuru], to be dug
up from under the streetscape. Haynes was a
collector of Aboriginalia and wanted to examine the

Spelling the Sounds of the Gamilaraay


In the pages that follow, when ‘correcting’ the

spellings in the older sources, we will use the
modern linguists’ preferred Italianate style (as
detailed in Austin’s articles and books; also Ash et
al. 2003).
In Gamilaraay, as in most Australian languages,
there was no essential distinction between “voiced”
and “unvoiced” consonants. Thus “b” was the same
as “p” (bilaarr = pilaarr); “d” was the same as “t”
(dhandarr = thantarr); and “k” the same as “g”
(Kambu = Gambu). In technical terms we say the
differences were ‘not phonemic’.
It is also important to note that there were six
vowels in Gamilaraay, three long and three short;
and also two diphthongs or ‘glides’:

“Italian style” spelling; sounds represented

and examples:

aa = Australian-English ‘father’,
‘can’t’. As in gaalan ‘meat

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

ant’ (“gahl-unn”: rhymes with

Australian-English ‘marlin’).28

a = ‘come’, ‘gun’. Not as in

English ‘can’, ‘man’! Example:
gali ‘water’. Same sound as
English “gully”; not English

ii = ‘beat’, ‘beet’. Example:

dariil ‘reeds’. Say: “d’reel”.

i = ‘bit’. Example: bilaarr

‘spear’. Pronounced “b’lahrr”:
as in the first syllables of
Killarney, with the ‘r’ clearly

uu = ‘pool’, ‘rune’. Example: the

second vowel of mang.uul
‘broad, wide’ (“munng-ool”:
vowels as in English ‘dung
fool’, the first vowel short, the
second long).

u = ‘pull’, ‘wool’. Not as in

English ‘pun’, ‘one’!! Example:
gula ‘edible grass seed’.
Rhymes with Australian-
English “puller”.29

aay (= aa+y) = Like English ‘die’, ‘my’.

Example: garaay ‘sand’. In

Australians and most British English speakers pronounce
“can’t” with a long vowel [kaant]. In General American English,
“can’t” is pronounced with a quite different vowel [kaent]. Also,
in Australian English the R in “marlin” is silent. Thus: maal’n. In
most or many varieties of American English, the r is pronounced:
Ash et al. 2003: 93 prefer guli.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

English spelling, “guhr-eye”;

stress on the second syllable.

ay (= a+y) = Like English ‘day’, ‘mate’.

Example: garang.ay ‘duck,
black duck’. “Gàrang-ay”:
rhymes with English ‘wrung

* * *

William Ridley, our earliest authority, recorded

both of the meanings offered by later
i. ‘place of white stone(s)’; and
ii. ‘motherless, or, as some say, place of the
In the latter case, “The name indicates that at
some time a man was found there, destitute,
without food, fire or blanket”.30

i. Guuniidha = “The Place of White Stone(s)”?

‘White stones’ (= quartz pebbles?) is attested not

only by Ridley but also in the Ewing Transcripts
(see in this book: “The Death and the Career”,
Document 3B, MS Page 12).
Ridley obtained his information from the
Aborigines at or from ‘Burburgate’ and ‘Wandobah’,
the stations bordering Gunnedah on the north-west
and south respectively. In the case of the Ewing
MSS, it was ‘Old’ Joe Bungaree and other local

Ridley, MSS 1871-73. ‘White stone(s)’ is proposed by
Gardner 1854; Ridley MSS 1871-73 (Gunnedah and
Gunyerawarildi); Ridley 1875: 28; Günther 1892 (Wiradjuri);
Ewing MSS; MacPherson 1930: 130 (Gunyerwarildi); and
Mahaffey 1982: 105 (Conadilly). ‘Motherless’ is proposed by
Ridley 1871-73, and 1875; The Sydney Mail JFH 1891 (quoting
Old Maggie); and Cain 1922.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

people living at Gunnedah itself who supplied the

Ion Idriess pointed - evidently a guess - to a
hillock of white stone, either crushed quartz or
limestone, extant in Elgin Street in the 1870s [Map
12]. But the Ewings’ informants, ‘Old’ Joe Bungaree,
a Gunnedah man, and various Aborigines from the
Coonabarabran side known to Ewing senior, said
that the district was so-named from the white
stones often found in the soil or gravel in the
general area of the town. “It all about here” (they
told him), in hills and hillocks, “an’ now [after 1900]
make roads in town”.31
Stan Ewing represents the Aborigines’ own
pronunciation of the name as ‘gunn-e-darr’ (in
Document 3B, MS Page 13). This rendering,
unfortunately, is entirely obscure.
The first syllable may at first glance seem clear
enough, i.e., short vowel gan- as in English ‘bun’
and ‘fun’. And the separation of the third syllable ‘-
darr’ may suggest that it was stressed and hence
contained a long vowel (long vowels commonly
being the stressed vowels in Gamilaraay). But we
cannot tell what the second vowel was in
‘gunn-e-darr’, nor whether the third syllable ended
with a consonant (?daar, ?daarr) or a vowel (?daa).
Ewing’s ‘gunn-e-darr’ may be equivalent to the
Italianate form ganad(h)aa[rr] or ganidaa[rr], or
indeed something else again. 32

Document 3B, 'The Death and Career', MS Page 12,
quoted in Idriess 1953. Elgin Street: Document 4. "Walkabout
Gunnedah” (Fairfax 2001) also refers to “a sizeable outcrop” of
white stone (a vein of milky quartz?) where the public school now
stands in Broomfield Street. [Published at the
The final ‘r’ in many English words is silent (in
Australian and British pronunciation) e.g. ‘car’ (=kaa), ‘under’
(=anda) and ‘father’ (=faatha). So Ewing’s rr spelling (‘darr’)
could indicate just a long vowel (aa) or a long vowel with a rhotic
(aarr) or even a short vowel with a rhotic (arr).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

There are a number of similar names throughout

the region tagged with similar meanings.
‘Gunnandilly’ or ‘Gunadilly’ [Conadilly], the name of
Jock Allen’s early holding on the Upper Mooki, is
said to mean ‘place of stones’. It was another name
for the Mooki itself. ‘Gunyerwarildi’ (Gardner’s
'gunyaworldi') too, on Croppa Creek north-east of
Moree, is translated as ‘home of the white stones’.
Specifically the root-word "gunyer" [= guun+nyii]
alluded to ‘a kind of white stone found in the
riverbank’. And compare the form ‘gunnama’, which
in Wiradjuri meant ‘hailstones’.33
Judging from the English-style spelling of these
names, we would take the first syllable as gan.
Ridley, however, said ‘Gunyerwarildi’ was derived
from “goonee” [second vowel long: guunii or
guunyii], ‘lime or white stone’. The suffix was
‘wha:ru:-ldi’ [i.e., probably warru+ldhay34], meaning
‘spread or let out’ (warru ‘to spread out’) + past
aspectual (- ldhay)35; hence probably Guunnyii-
warruldhay, ‘the used-to-be spread out white
stones’. (Here “dh” represents a sound not known
in English, but which is similar to the ‘dth’ sound in
English “hid them”.)
The first syllable of the stem in Gunyerwarildi
seems to have been long: guun. Ridley’s spelling of
the Namoi River name likewise had a long first
vowel: Guneda: [sic: presumably Guuniidha].
Thus, if ‘place of white stones’ was the true
meaning of ‘Gunnedah’, then the form of the name
Gardner 1854; Ridley MSS 1871-73 (Gunnedah and
Gunyerawarildi); Ridley 1875: 28; Günther 1892 (Wiradjuri);
Ewing MSS below in text; MacPherson 1930: 130
(Gunyerwarildi); and Mahaffey 1982: 105 (Conadilly). In Ridley’s
spelling system, both vowels in ‘white stone’ were long, hence:
guunii. Cf Yuwaaliyaay gunu, ‘lime gypsum’ (short vowels).
Ridley has long vowels (waaruu), whereas Ash et al.
2003 consider they were probably, but not certainly, short
(warru). They give ‘wide, spread out’ as warru and the transitive
verb ‘to spread (something) out’ as warruma+.
Past fixed or past non-continous: ‘used to be spread out, was
spread always’.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

was probably GÙUNIIDHA [guunii+dha, ‘white

river-stone’ + locative/dative case**]. To see how
this was originally pronounced, say the English
words goon+need+thud but stress the first syllable
and leave off the final d from ‘thud’.

** “CASES” refer to grammatically different forms of

a word.
Compare English I-me-my, or she-her-her. “I” and
”she” (the doer) are nominative or subject case.
“Me” and ”her” (to whom it is done) are accusative
or object case. “My” and ”her”, indicating
ownership, are possessive or genitive case.
Moreover in English we signal location or origin
with subsidiary words called “prepositions”. For
example: “at school” or “on the corner”. In most
Aboriginal languages, however, this was done by
adding a syllable (“suffix”) to the end of the word.
When the meaning is “from”, we say the word takes
the ablative or source case. When the meaning is
“at”, we have the locative case.
Words ending in –ii took the suffix +dha in the
locative. Thus guuniidha (guunii+dha) meant ‘at
(the place of) the white river-stone(s)’.36

ii. Or was it Gunidhaa: “Orphan, motherless,


As reported in the Sydney Mail (Document 1), Old

Maggie [?Margaret Griffin] told Dr Haynes and the
Mail’s travelling correspondent (1891) that the
town’s name meant ‘motherless’ – “as the
blackfellow puts it, ‘no fader, no moder’”.37 This
Gamilaraay and Yuwaalaraay had as many as 10 cases,
including distinct forms for the locative and the ablative or source
case (Williams 1980).
In Yuwaalaraay a motherless child (gunidyaa) was
distinguished from a fatherless child (gawun). No term for the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

confirms Ridley’s (MS 1871-73) alternative

etymology, and corroborates a similar statement by
one of Maggie’s relatives, Mary Cain.38
It is known that Gamilaraay children called their
mothers ‘guni, gooni or goonee’ [this is gunii in our
spelling style: second vowel is long]. That is to say,
gunii was the Vocative or familiar term, used in
speaking to one’s mother. The Indicative form for
‘mother’, used in speaking about a mother, was
Compare also ‘gunnyja’ for ‘mother’, as supplied
to Curr by the Nundle police (vocabularies in Curr
1887). Plainly this was the same word as Corinne
Williams’ gunidyar, ‘mother’ [first two vowels short;
in Ash et al. the final consonant is rr - gunidjarr].39
Williams also recorded a quite distinct
Yuwaalaraay word gunidyaa, ‘motherless child,
orphan’. Once again there was a cognate Wiradjuri
form: ‘gunnindyang’ [probably guni+n+dyaa+ng,
i.e.gunindyaang], ‘motherless’.
Thus, if ‘motherless’ was the true meaning of
‘Gunnedah’, then the form of the name was
probably GUNIDYÀÀ or GUNIDHÀÀ , with stress
on the last syllable.40
Now gunidyaa (first vowel short like English
‘good’) is the linguists’ Italianate-style spelling of
latter was recorded for Gamil’raay, but probably there was one.
Ridley MS 1871-73 and book 1875; JFH 1891 (quoting
Old Maggie); and Cain 1922. Also Australian Town and Country
Journal 1873: "goono-dha", meaning 'a poor or destitute man'.
Ridley 1875: 18; Nundle police in Curr 1887 vol III;
Günther 1892; Greenway 1901; and Williams 1980.
Peter Austin’s reconstruction gunidhaa (‘orphan’), in Appleton
1992 and Austin 1992, 1993, seems unlikely, given that +dya(a)
was the final consonant at Nundle and in the Yuwaalaraay and
Wiradjuri forms. Guni as vocative: Austin 1993 says it was
"perhaps" vocative. According to Williams 1980, in Yuwaalaraay
the second vowel at least was long: gunii.
Ash et al. 2003: 96 have guessed, no doubt correctly,
that gunidyaa was a contraction of guni+dyalibaa
(“mother+without”). Since the preferred form of this suffix in
Gamilaraay is –dhalibaa, we should expect to find the form
gunidhaa to be preferred.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

sounds that we might write in English style as

‘goonidyah’ or ‘goonijah’ (rhymes with ‘goodie-jar’).
The present-day anglicised pronunciation of
‘Gunnedah’ (rhymes with ‘gunner-bar’) is actually
closer to ganudhaa, the Yuwaalaraay word for
‘deep’, but this is coincidental. There is no
suggestion that the town’s name derives from that
word, nor from gunadha, ‘boggy’.

In short, we are left with two etymologies, between

which it is almost impossible to choose. Both
versions are well attested, namely [1] ‘at [the place
of] white stone(s)’, Gùuniidha; and [2] ‘motherless
child, orphan’, Gunidhàà. But, if we wish to choose
a singular meaning, then the former, ‘PLACE OF
WHITE STONES’, should be preferred. It is better
attested, having been supplied by older local
people such as ‘Old’ Joe Bungaree. 'Maggie' Griffin
and Mary Jane Cain, by contrast, were more closely
connected to the Coonabarabran region.


2.1 Aborigines, Explorers and Settlers

The first white man, John Oxley, entered and

named the Liverpool Plains in 1818.
At that time the colonists had not settled
anywhere in the interior except in the central-west,
around Bathurst (whence Oxley commenced his
journey). Indeed there was as yet no overland route
even from Sydney to the Hunter Valley. The penal
settlement at Newcastle was a distant outpost
linked to the rest of the British colony only by sea.
Eventually, after several failed attempts, in
November 1819 John Howe and Benjamin Singleton

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

trekked north from Windsor, guided by friendly

Aborigines from the Hawkesbury. After traversing
the heavily timbered region of the Wollemi National
Park (as it now is), their party reached the middle
Hunter River below Denman. This was on the
southern edge of Gamil’raay country.41
Because of the penal settlement at Newcastle,
the colonial government was at first reluctant to let
free settlers enter the Hunter Valley. Soon,
however, it relented. A ‘road’ or track was marked
out from Windsor to “Patricks Plains” [today’s town
of Singleton] in 1823. A few British settlers and
their convict labourers quickly entered and
occupied parts of the upper Hunter in the direction
of Scone (as it now is). At the same time, other
settlers pressed north from Bathurst to the region
of Mudgee.
By 1826 the colonists held a line of mixed farms
and cattle stations as far as the Liverpool Ranges,
the boundary of Oxley’s Liverpool Plains.
The first settlers to send stock and stockmen
across the ranges and into the north-west interior
were Otto Baldwin, the erstwhile trekker Benjamin
Singleton, and William Nowland, in 1826-27. They
and their men set up temporary outposts in the
upper Mooki Valley.
Also in 1826, William Cox’s men took stock from
Mudgee west around the outer end of the Liverpool
Ranges. They set up an out-station in the basin of
Coxs Creek. Hence the name.42 See Map 2.
Ben Singleton and the others were seeking
temporary forage in the face of drought. The dry
conditions continued, however, and soon they
found it convenient to leave their cattle

See in O’Rourke 1997: - primary sources: John Oxley
1820; and Howe diary (pub. 1989). Secondary sources: J F
Campbell 1928; Perry 1963; Wood 1972; Rolls 1981; Miller 1985;
Brayshaw 1986; Milliss 1992; Johnson 2002.
Primary sources: Gardner 1854, I:3; Nowland 1861.
Secondary: Campbell 1922; Carter 1974; Rolls 1981; and Milliss

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

permanently in the interior. The result was a line of

stock-runs across the tributaries of the upper Mooki
west of present-day Willow Tree. The residents
were mainly convict workers (employed as
shepherds, cattle-hands and hut-keepers).
There was conflict with the local Gamilaraay
within the first year. At Singleton’s run
‘Yarrimanbah’ in October 1827 a party of 11
shepherds and stockmen, most of them assigned
convicts, fought off a large body of Kamilaroi, said
to have been as many as ‘200’. There were
Aboriginal women present as well as men, but if
(say) a quarter of the ‘200’ Aborigines were males,
then the stockmen were confronted by as many as
50 spearmen. One of the colonists was wounded
and a “considerable number” of Aborigines killed.
The colonists deployed their muskets with even
more devastating effect in about 1828. In that year,
if the date is right, a further force of “hundreds” of
Kamilaroi came to Joseph Onus’s run ‘Borambil’ in
the Upper Mooki Valley to challenge the white men.
Fully “200” Aborigines (no doubt a great
exaggeration) are said to have been killed on that
occasion, but not a single white man. Some of the
Aborigines were drawn from the Namoi River
country and may well have included men from
Gunnedah. 43
Among the convicts pouring musket-fire into the
Aborigines at ‘Yarrimanbah’ in 1827 was a young
Londoner called George ‘the Barber’ Clarke. The
nickname indicates his profession before he was
transported to NSW.
Yarrimanbah: Contemporary letters by Singleton and
others, quoted in Milliss 1992: 78ff. Women: mentioned in
Singleton’s letter. Borambil was not on the present-day Borambil
Creek near Quirindi, but located higher up in the foothills of the
Liverpool Ranges. The site is clear from the primary sources:
Gardner (1846 and 1854) and Cash (ed. Burke 1870). Both give an
extended description of the battle.
Roger Milliss proposes that there was really just one battle. My
own view is that the differences between the various accounts are
more consistent with two separate clashes.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Clarke absconded from Singleton’s service soon

thereafter, probably at the start of 1828, and fled to
the Namoi River. There he was taken in by the local
Aborigines at a main camp opposite Boggabri.
Clarke’s story is full of interest as the source of
some of our best information about the arrival, from
the north-west, of a devastating epidemic of
smallpox. And it was his tale of a great river called
the ‘Kindur’ that provoked the first exploring
expedition of the Surveyor–General, Major (later Sir
Thomas) Mitchell.
The ‘Barber’ lived as a ‘white Aborigine’ for about
four years. The final year of his freedom, 1831, was
devoted to ‘bushranging’, which at that period of
colonial history meant leading the Boggabri
Aborigines on cattle-stealing raids. We may guess,
although there is no direct evidence, that the
Gunnedah Aborigines joined in these raids.44
In late 1831, when Mitchell was readying himself
to set out in search of the great river Kindur, a few
white settlers already occupied the fringes of the
Liverpool Plains. The line of cattle runs extended
from near Coonabarabran and present-day Coolah
through the upper Mooki Valley to the Peel River
near Tamworth.
The holdings farthest out on the western or Mooki
River side seem to have been these: ‘Binnia’ near
Coolah; Lawson’s ‘Premer’ and ‘Bone Creek’;
Druitt's ‘Phillips Creek’ (later part of ‘Windy’);
Blaxland’s Kilcoobil (present-day ‘Kickerbell’); and,
the most remote of all, Cox’s ‘Nombi’ near Mullaley.
On the eastern or Peel River side, Eales’ holding
In the early 1800s 'bushrangers' were overseas-born
convicts, frequently unused to bush life. By contrast, in the later
1800s, they were free-born Australians, often with well developed
bush skills.
Clarke and 'Yarrimanbah': Boyce 1970: 21 and 50; and Milliss
1992: 78 ff. Clarke escaped not in early 1826, as Boyce proposes,
but rather at the end of 1827: this is clear from the contemporary
documents cited by Milliss. Smallpox: Gunn 1937, and especially
Judy Campbell 1983, 1985 and 2002. On Mitchell’s expedition,
see O’Rourke Raw Possum 1995.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

‘Duri’, Brown’s ‘Wallamoul’ and William Dangar’s

‘Waldoo’ (near present-day Tamworth) marked the
limits of British settlement.45 See Map 1.
In the decade following the return of Mitchell’s
expedition, the squatting movement, or to use a
different phrase: the ‘White Invasion’, reached a
peak of intensity. Simplifying a complex process,
we can say that in our region the cattle-men (some
were sheep-men) advanced broadly in two
directions: out along the Namoi; and northward
from the Peel into the Gwydir Basin.
This new phase of expansion was stimulated
partly by Mitchell’s positive reports of good grazing
land lying just beyond the 1831-32 frontier. Another
impetus was the pre-emptive grant of two huge
stretches of country in the Mooki and Peel Valleys
to an investment holding called the Australian
Agricultural Company (the AAC). This prompted a
number of the prior squatters on the Mooki and Peel
to lift stakes and investigate the newly explored
Namoi River country.
The Breeza Plains were already occupied, having
been settled by the colonists on a permanent basis
from about early 1831. Some of the squatters sent
their stock and employees further out, to the Namoi
River below Boggabri in 1832. By 1834 the most
remote holding in that direction was ‘Narrabri’.
Stock were also driven north, via Manilla and
Kingstown, to the Gwydir or so-called ‘Big’ River.
This was the country of the Waalaraay (“Wolaroi”)
and Yugambal people. The first cattle-holdings on
any part of the Gwydir seem to have been ‘Keera’
holding near Bingara and ‘Bungarie’ at the mouth
of the Horton River, both occupied in 1835.46
The Namoi push intersected with the push into
the Gwydir basin in 1836-37 when squatters
Rolls 1981, Wiedemann 1981 and Milliss 1992. Also
Ferry 1978a and 1978b.
Narrabri: Patrick’s Quinn’s reminiscences in Australian
Town and Country Journal, 20.5.1879, p.809. Boggabri, Baan Baa
and Therrabri; also Gwydir basin: see in Milliss 1992.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

opened a further line of penetration north from the

middle Namoi to the Mehi River. Two of the earliest
stations in that region, George Bowman’s ‘Terry Hie
Hie’ and J B Bettington’s ‘Combadello’, were
occupied from quite different directions.
Conflict between the colonists and the Aborigines
broke out in each newly penetrated district,
typically a year or so after the first sheep or cattle
were brought in. This is sometimes called “war”. It
is better to see it as a process of feuds conducted
between aggrieved individuals on either side. They
knew each other by name, or nick-name. Thus it
was not stranger killing stranger but acquaintance
killing acquaintance.
Gamil'raay men killed white workers near
Boggabri and at ‘Baan Baa’ and ‘Therrabri’ in 1833,
1834 and again in 1835. The serious “battle”
(Patrick Quinn’s word) fought at ‘Narrabri’ in 1833
or 1834, which may have been simply a massacre
of Aborigines, was doubtless part of the same

2.2 Feuds, War and Disease

Violence, where there was any violence, was

generally carried out as private enterprise. Or
perhaps we should say that violence represented a
failure of private enterprise. The squatter48, after
all, would not have wanted his convict workers or
free employees to antagonise the local Aborigines.

See references below in the section on Chronology:
under 1834.
Overseas readers should note that the ‘squatters’ were
the principals or land-holders, holding leases from the Crown.
They were generally absentee ‘capitalists’ living in Sydney or the
Hunter Valley. Their frontier holdings and the stock were put in
charge of a superintendent. Thus ‘squatter’ is equivalent in some
respects to the American term “rancher”. Ranches in Australia
were, and are, called “stations”.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Most fatal clashes involved the killing of one or

two on either side. Nevertheless, feuds between
individual whites and blacks did sometimes flare
into generalised and large-scale battles or
massacres. This occurred for example in the Mooki
Valley in the late 1820s, near Narrabri in about
1834, and on several occasions in the Gwydir Valley
in 1837-38.
This part of the story has been told by Wood,
Reece, Milliss and Connor: in Allan Wood’s Dawn in
the Valley (1972), R H W Reece’s Aborigines and
Colonists (1974), and in great detail in Roger
Milliss’s massive and moralistic study of racial
conflict on the Gwydir River frontier, Waterloo
Creek (1992). John Connor's Australian Frontier
Wars (2002) is a shorter survey.
Milliss has been correctly criticised by Keith
Windshuttle (2000) for credulity in relation to the
numbers of Aborigines killed; but the fact remains
that pogroms did occur, albeit rarely.
Sometimes, exceptionally, it was the colonial
state that did the killing, specifically the troopers of
the Mounted Police. They were a force of regular
soldiers seconded to frontier duty. Several cases
were recorded in our region. John Connor's
Australian Frontier Wars provides a good summary.
First, in 1826, troopers under Lieutenant Lowe
‘executed’ (murdered) several Kamilaroi men they
had captured in the upper Hunter Valley. Then
there were the pogroms carried out in the Gwydir
Valley during 1837 and 1838: one by a mounted
police detachment under Sergeant Temple, and
several by a large body of troopers and stockmen
under Major Nunn. (The white Border Police and the
black Native Police, two later frontier forces, are not
known to have been responsible for any fatalities in
the Namoi or Gwydir valleys.)49
For details see Milliss 1992 and Connor 2002. (The
Lowe case can be read online: see
int/abori; accessed January 2005.) The Border Police and Native

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The main motive of the white men on these

occasions was to punish Aboriginal sheep- or cattle-
killers, or to retaliate for an earlier killing or
wounding of a shepherd or stockman. On the other
side, a common motive for Aboriginal violence was
revenge for wife-stealing. The ‘borrowing’ of
Aboriginal women for sex was extremely common.
A ‘war party’ - typically Aboriginal kinsmen aiding
an aggrieved husband – would rarely kill more than
one or two white men in any one incident.
How significant was the violence? To put it in
perspective, in 1840 there were about 120
‘squatters’ or colonial proprietors holding grazing
runs in the central-north, or about 140 stations,
remembering that some licensees held more than
one run.50 In the whole preceding decade, which
was the high point of the ‘invasion’ so-called, it
appears that at least 110 of the 140 stations
experienced precisely no violence at all between
the two races.
It is not so easy to estimate how prevalent was
large-scale cattle-spearing by the blackfellows. But
again it seems clear that the great majority of
grazing runs did not see massive attacks on their
Those today who wish to see the colonial take-
over as a ‘violent invasion’ will correctly point to
the fact that in any one district there was a brief
period - a year or so - when the white workers never
ventured away from their huts unarmed, and
briefer moments when the whole population on

Police were, however, active further out, i.e. beyond the Barwon
River and along the Macintyre River. I am aware that Windshuttle
2000 has proposed that the Temple and Nunn clashes were
botched arrests rather than premeditated pogroms, and that the
numbers of casualties have been greatly exaggerated. He may well
be right, but the case has not yet been made.
Pastoral licences for Peel, Namoi and Gwydir basins and
New England: NSW Government Gazette 19.2.1840; also in
Campbell 1968: 19 ff. Ware n.d. [UNE MS no.A695] offers a
count of “164” proprietors in 1841.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

both sides, the blacks and the whites, may have felt
fearful of being killed.
On the other hand, those who wish to see the
process of white colonisation as ‘peaceful
settlement’ will correctly observe that the
Aborigines typically welcomed the first whites to
arrive in their country, and that the vast majority of
white workers, although heavily outnumbered,
never once needed to lift a musket or rifle51 in
anger against an Aborigine. They will also
emphasise that any killing of Aborigines was largely
irrelevant to the success of the British takeover.
Which view is correct? Both and neither. The
fact is that some regions saw little fighting, while
other regions saw a great deal. In general, I believe,
exotic diseases were very important, and actual
violence was much less important.52
N G Butlin has argued, rightly in my view, that
overall no amount of sporadic shooting or poisoning
could have equalled the systemic impact of exotic
foreign diseases and the ecological changes
wrought by the sheep and cattle. Indeed, such were
the indirect effects of pastoralism, said Major
Mitchell, that the herds of the whitefellows were by
themselves practically “sufficient to produce the
extirpation of the native race”.53 If so, then the

Musket = muzzle-loader. Rifle = gun with a rifled barrel.
The period 1825-1850 saw spark-ignited (“flint-lock”) muzzle-
loaders replaced by muzzle-loaders ignited with explosive pellets (
“percussion caps”). In the same period, lead “balls” (round
projectiles) were replaced by lead “bullets” (pointed projectiles).
Some muskets had rifled barrels; most did not. Modern-style
firearms, i.e. breech-loading rifles firing bullets in the form of
metal-cased cartridges, did not appear until the second half of the
19th century.
I write here of south-east Australia before 1850: it seems
that violence may have been more significant later in what is now
Mitchell 1848: 83; also Butlin 1993: 130. In his 1982
paper, Butlin assumed, for modelling purposes, that just one in
100 Aborigines each year was killed by whites (1982: 67 ff). For
the contrary view, see Reynolds (1981, 1990b).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

intensity of the feuding among settlers and

Aborigines, where it was intense, served only to
speed-up or mask an irresistible result.
An unknown, but very large, number of
Aborigines - certainly thousands - died from the
diseases that the colonists brought with them, such
as tuberculosis, measles and venereal diseases.
Smallpox, in contrast, had arrived from the interior
of the continent, having perhaps originated in
Indonesia (Dutch East Indies). The smallpox
pandemic of 1830-32 swept away at least a third
(probably more than that) of the whole native
population of inland NSW. I will repeat the point for
emphasis: at least a whole third, perhaps half,
perished from smallpox in the early 1830s.54
After the smallpox abated in the mid-1830s,
malnutrition or even starvation killed an unknown
number, perhaps hundreds. This was partly the
result of Aborigines being excluded from the best
river-sites and partly the result of the apparently
faint but in fact profound ecological changes
wrought by the intruders’ sheep and cattle. Major
Mitchell wrote of cattle trampling ponds and
lagoons, destroying “forever” the surrounding
grassland. Ridley wrote of “cattle, driving away the

Campbell 1983, 1985 and 2002.
Clarke said "one in six" (only 17%) died in the Namoi Valley
(quoted by Mair, in Campbell 2002: 140). As Campbell argues,
this was probably a conservative figure. She proposes that overall
about half the entire Aboriginal population died directly or
indirectly from smallpox in the half-century to 1840, and in some
regions up to 60%. This was the compound effect of several
epidemics and included the indirect effects, i.e. people starving
when they were rendered too weak to hunt and gather (Campbell
2002: 150, 222-24).
Early NSW was in no way unique. As Butlin 1982: 22 notes,
smallpox caused ‘kill rates’ of 50 to 60 percent of the population
across large areas in North America. On smallpox in southern
Africa and more generally throughout the Americas, see Johnson
1991: 277; also S Aronson & L Newman, Smallpox in the
Americas, 1492-1815: Contagion and Controversy (Providence,
Rhode Island, 2002).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

kangaroos” (the numbers of macropods being

much smaller in the 19th century than today).55
The population fell not only because of the high
death rate but also because of a low birth rate.
Fewer Aboriginal women survived than men, and,
because of malnutrition, venereal and other
diseases and alcohol, the women who did survive
produced few children.56
In summary, if we follow the records, we must
ascribe the post-conquest reduction in the
population of the Tamworth-Gunnedah region
primarily to measles, influenza, syphilis,
gonorrhoea and the other diseases brought by the
colonists, and secondarily to the disruption to, or
seizure of, Aboriginal food sources.57

2.3 Chronology of the Central-North and Gunnedah

9000 years before present (BP):

Ecological change: Mitchell, Tropical Australia 1848:
83; and Ridley in Lang Queensland 1864. As noted in the text,
Major Mitchell (1848) believed that the herds of the British were
by themselves “sufficient to produce the extirpation of the native
race”, such were the indirect effects of pastoralism. N G Butlin
has concurred with this judgment (1993: 130).
Fewer women: See the blanket distribution records in
Brayshaw 1986, and analysis in O’Rourke 1997. Few children:
Butlin remarks that gonorrhoea tends progressively to reduce
reproductive capacity as persistent and increasing inflammation
affects the uterus and occludes the fallopian tube. Syphilis
likewise limits the ability to produce viable children.
Many people with a certain ideological conviction reject
anything other than the simple-minded proposition that "the
Aboriginal population was reduced by the gun". Anyone interested
in the truth must ask: What evidence do we have for massacres?
What evidence do we have for epidemics? And, what else besides
the gun and imported microbes killed Aborigines? Reynolds 1981
and Milliss 1992 were fixated on the musket - because of their
anti-imperialist predilections. Having read all the same sources, I
disagree. Yes, there were a few massacres (defined, say, as
occasions on which 10 or more Aborigines were killed). But
shootings were much less important than exotic diseases and the
disruption to traditional food sources.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The oldest dated archaeological site in north-

central NSW (McBryde 1977). Future archaelogoical
work will no doubt yield dates of up to 40,000 BP.

7000 years BP:

At the end of the last ice age, Australia's climate shifted from
cold-dry to warm-dry. As a result, surface water became scarce.
Most inland lakes became completely dry or dry in certain
seasons. Most large, predominantly browsing animals lost their
habitat and retreated to a narrow band in eastern Australia,
where there was permanent water and better vegetation. One of
Australia's megafauna, Diprotodon, may have survived on the
Liverpool Plains until about 7,000 years ago.

Possibly the first-ever contact between the Gamilaraay and
white men. - According to Huntington, an “affray” (battle) took
place between a large force of Aborigines and British cedar
getters who had penetrated “70 miles” up the Hunter River. This
seems a very long way to go in boats, but if correct it means the
whites rowed perhaps as far as present-day Muswellbrook. If so
the Aborigines in question were probably Gamilaraay-speakers.
- H. W. H. Huntington, "History of Newcastle and the Northern
District no.45", Newcastle Morning Herald, 11 January 1898.58

John Oxley discovers and names the Liverpool
His party came eastwards from the Castlereagh
River through the valley of Garrawilla Creek. They
crossed Coxs59 Creek south of Mullaley [27 August]
and then the Mooki River east of present-day
Curlewis [31 August]. (There are memorials to
Oxley located three kilometres south of Mullaley
and on the Wandoba Road.)

See online at
int/abori.html; accessed January 2005.
The modern convention is not to use the possessive
apostrophe in place-names. Hence Chinamans Gully, not
Chinaman’s Gully.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Oxley's party climbed a prominent hill near

Curlewis, which he dubbed View Hill, probably
today's Dimberoy Mountain. The expedition's artist
made a sketch looking westwards which is the
earliest illustration of the Liverpool Plains.60
Although they met no Aborigines, Oxley and his
men saw “a great many smokes arising from the
fires of the natives” in the direction of Somerton or
Attunga [downstream from Tamworth].61 See Map

First overland journey to the Hunter Valley by
colonists: John Howe’s party, guided by friendly
Aborigines from the Hawkesbury, reaches the
middle Hunter River between Denman and
Singleton. Howe’s note of “Coomery Roy” as the
language of the Upper Hunter would appear to be
the first-ever record of the name Gamilaraay.
The Howe family afterwards (in the 1830s)
established ‘Carroll’ holding, east of Gunnedah, and
pioneered white settlement on what is now the
NSW-Queensland border.

Travelling from Bathurst, William Lawson explores
and names the upper Goulburn River including the
Cassilis district (Jervis 1954: 78). Cf 1825.

North-east of Mudgee, near present-day Coolah. the
botanist-explorer Allan Cunningham found, but did

Oxley p.234; Johnson 2002: 128.
See generally Johnson 2002. The coordinates of
Curlewis itself are 31o07’30” East, 150o15’00” South. Oxley’s
bearing of 31o07’E and 150o10’S, taken on 30 August, if accurate,
places his party about 15 kilometres directly west of the present-
day village of Curlewis. Thus on 31 August they passed either
through or very near the future site of Curlewis.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

not cross through, an easy pass into the Liverpool

Plains. He named it Pandora’s Pass.62

1. The first whites to visit the Warrumbungle
Ranges were several convict workmen from William
Lawson’s holding on the Talbragar River near
Mudgee (Jervis 1954: 83).

2. A year of much rain. Cunningham travels north

through Pandora’s Pass and into the Liverpool
Plains along the muddy and marshy flats of Coxs
Creek. His party penetrated almost to Boggabri
before turning back. Their only significant meeting
with Aborigines was on Coxs Creek upstream from
When at about Tambar Springs, they saw smoke
from fires about 60 kilometres away in the direction
of Gunnedah. Later, when about halfway between
Mullaley and Boggabri, they came upon a deserted
group of 14 large huts or houses ("conical
habitations"). Nearer Boggabri, at a point north-
west of Gunnedah, again they saw smoke ahead at
several points: that is, along the Namoi River.
Cunningham himself was not aware that a major
river lay just ahead, and he turned back without
quite reaching Boggabri.63

The first cattlemen enter and occupy the edges of
the Liverpool Plains, west of present-day Willow


After Oxley [1818: published 1820], Cunningham in
1823 was one of the first to record how the Aborigines’ of the
interior buried their dead: see his unpublished journal entry, 9
May 1823, noting a “burial mound of Aborigines” (SRNSW: Reel
6035; SZ15 pp 34, 122).
Cunningham, Journal, May 1825: SRNSW Reel 6035,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Presumed date of "Jinnie" Griffin's childhood. She

stated that the attack by the Cassilis men on the
"tribe" of Coonabarabran took place "when I was
very small piccaninni" (Document 3E, "Jinnie's
Tale"). It appears too that "Cuttabush", in later
years the patriarch of the Coonabarabran
Aborigines, was born around this time.

1. Travelling north, Allan Cunningham passes to the
east of Breeza and crosses the Namoi River near
present-day Carroll. Far to the north, in what is now
Queensland, he will discover and name the Darling
Downs. On his return journey, the botanist crossed
the Namoi River between Gunnedah and Emerald
• Cunningham’s party may well have been the
first white men ever to be noticed (although he
did not see them) by the Aborigines of the
immediate Gunnedah district.

2. (1827 or 1828:) Aborigines from the Namoi are

said to have been involved in a major battle or
battles with settlers (convict stockmen) recently
arrived in the Upper Mooki Valley, west of Willow
Tree. After the battle proper, the white workers on
horseback pursued the surviving Aborigines to an
area called ‘Waterloo Plains’, probably a section of
the Breeza Plains. More Aborigines were killed

McMinn 1970. Excerpts from Cunningham's journal
have been published by Lee 1925: see at pp 548 ff for the
botanist's crossing of the Liverpool Plains. The full text of Lee’s
book is available on line: see details in Bibliography.
Gardner 1846 and 1854; Cash 1870; Reece 1974: 29 and
Milliss 1992: 78 ff. Gardner refers to the Aborigines in question
as the "Namoi tribes" or "Manilla and Namoi tribes" [in Calvert
1846: 40 and 1854 ii: 76], but we may believe that the local
Mooki River bands also participated. Waterloo Plains is not to be
confused with a later battle or massacre at Waterloo Creek in the
lower Gwydir-Mehi valley.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

3. George ‘the Barber’66 Clarke, a young convict,

escapes from ‘Yarrimanbah’ station in the Upper
Mooki Valley. He makes his way to Boggabri, where
he joins the local Aboriginal community. See 1830.

It was reported that cattle from 'Mooki' station were
never allowed to go past “the rocky crossing place”
(at modern Caroona) “on account of the blacks”
(Carter 1974: 27).

From 1828:
Proceeding north down the Mooki River, the
squatters' men gradually occupy the Breeza Plains
(as related in Allan Wood’s, Eric Rolls’ and Roger
Milliss’s books).
There are conflicting claims about who the first
arrivals were. John Rotton of Patricks Plains in 1828-
30 briefly occupied part of what became Walhalla
run [modern ‘Walhallow’]. He may have been the
first. Burns’ superintendent Bloomfield took Burns’
cattle further down the Mooki at about the same
time. ‘Breeza’ station, or the area that would
become 'Breeza', was first occupied for T P
Macqueen in 1831 by Donald McLauchlan, or at
least McLauchlan temporarily grazed some of
Macqueen’s bullocks there; later McLauchlan held a
licence of his own for nearby ‘Long Point’.
Casual grazing gave way to full occupation in
1832 when J M Blaxland’s men formed a permanent
run at ‘Breeza’.67


Clarke had worked in London as an apprentice barber
before being transported.
See Mitchell 1839, I: 32; Nowland 1861; Campbell
1922: 229, Wood Dawn in the Valley 1972: 224; Rolls 1981: 79
and 100; and Milliss 1992: 75 and 570. Milliss prefers to date
‘Walhallow’ to about 1831.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Drought. Charles Sturt explores along the nearly

dry Castlereagh River.

Late 1830:
Having lived free for nearly three years with the
Gamilaraay people of Boggabri, Clarke came in to
‘The Barber’ told florid tales of a massive river
called the Kindur. It lay, he said, beyond a lesser
river called the “Gnammoy” (our earliest record of
the name Namoi). The story about an inland sea
can be explained by his having seen, from high
ground, a very large flood.68 (On average, the
Namoi floods two years in five. Or rather, it used to,
before the Chaffey, Split Rock and Keepit dams
were built.)

Smallpox ravages the Aboriginal population of the
Namoi Valley. George Clarke said that the disease
came up-river, from the interior, to Narrabri. It
spread thence to Boggabri and Gunnedah in
October-November 1830. Among the many who
died was the "king" (patriarch) of the Boggabri
band. 69

1. Clarke absconded again. He guided the squatters
Richard Yeomans and Ben Singleton to the Peel,
which they followed down in the direction of

Boyce 1970. The Aborigines were full of stories about
great floods. Naseby mentions a great flood “long, long ago” that,
they said, covered the land "from mountain to mountain" north of
the Warrumbungles, a distance of at least "80 to 90 miles". And
Telfer mentions Aboriginal traditions of a "cobbong flood"
[cobbong = gabawaang, meaning ‘big’] some "300 miles long
[with] a large lot of islands in the middle of it". "The ridges about
Gunnedah were swept away by the great rush of water in its
course down the Namoi country" (Naseby and Telfer, quoted in
Milliss 1992: 29).
Judy Campbell 1983, 1985, 2002.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunnedah. Clarke escaped somewhere before

Gunnedah, presumably in the present-day Keepit
area. It seems that Yeomans and Singleton went on
as far as the Peel-Namoi junction below Keepit, and
probably further. After Clarke himself and
Cunningham, they were the first white men to reach
the modern Carroll area.
With other convict runaways (as many as seven
men), Clarke now began to lead the Boggabri
Aborigines on cattle-stealing raids. It is highly likely
that Aborigines from Gunnedah were involved, as
Clarke organised raids as far east as the new runs
around Tamworth. ‘The Barber’ was captured by
the Mounted Police not far from ‘Nombi’ holding
(near Mullaley) in October 1831.70



3. December 1831: Major, afterwards Sir Thomas,

Mitchell arrives in search of Clarke’s Kindur River.
Travelling broadly westwards from the lower Peel
River, Mitchell’s expedition crossed into the Kelvin
They ascended Nobby Rock in the hills 15
kilometres north-east of Gunnedah, and observed
Mt Binalong [near Boggabri] in the middle distance.
Mitchell recorded the Gamilaraay name of Nobby
Rock as Ydire, whereas his second-in-charge, G B
White, said it was called Coorial. See Map 3;
photograph no.2.
The expedition bypassed the site of Gunnedah
itself. They proceeded from the Kelvin district
nearly direct to Boggabri. So there was no
opportunity for Mitchell to ask his Aboriginal guide,
a Kamilaroi man nicknamed ‘Mr Brown’, for the
name of the area at the Mooki-Namoi junction.


Boyce 1970: 30-32; Milliss 1992: 82.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

1. Edward Parry visits the Manilla River on behalf of

the Australian Agricultural Company (AAC). He
crossed to the Manilla River from the Peel, and did
not visit the Gunnedah area [Map 2].
The AAC was a conglomerate whose principals in
London were able to engineer the grant of
pre-emptive rights to two large segments of the
Liverpool Plains: one on the Upper Mooki
(“Warrah”), the other including the left or western
bank of the Peel River (“Goonoo Goonoo” and

2. Expedition to the Nandewars by a Mounted Police

patrol under Captain J D Forbes in search of
runaway convicts (April-May). There were as yet no
cattlemen at Gunnedah. Forbes found that the
frontier was located on the lower Mooki River
around Breeza (see in McLachlan 1981).

3. First stations formed on the Namoi. The first,

according to Eric Rolls, were Sir John Jamison's two
runs: ‘Barbers Lagoon', opposite present-day
Boggabri, formed in about May or June 1832, and
'Baan Baa'.71 Cf 1833.

4. First survey map of the Tamworth-Gunnedah

stretch of the Peel-Namoi Rivers, by G B White [July-
August 1832]. No sheep or cattle stations are
marked, because none had yet been formed in that
sector. White gives the following spellings:
"Namoy"; "Coonadilly" [sic: our Mooki River];
"Mooloworindi" [the Namoi above the Mooki-Namoi
junction]; and "Coorial" [Nobby Rock, a landmark
north-east of Gunnedah].72

The Breeza Plains were described thus by an

early tourist: "From its summit [a hill near
Rolls 1981. The date of 1832 derives from Jamison's
1836 letter of application for a squatting licence; he said his stock
had occupied ‘Baan Baa’ for four years.
White: SRNSW, Map 4882; Wood 1972: 226.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

‘Kickerbell’ station] we could see, even to the

horizon, immense plains of the greatest verdure,
without a tree upon them. ... I can only compare
them [the Plains] to the boundless savannahs or
pampas of America" (William Breton 1834: 95).

The frontier of British settlement was extended
along the Namoi River from ‘Baan Baa’ to ‘Narrabri’
in 1832-34. Then ‘Wee Waa’ was occupied in about
1836 or 1837.
The first runs on the ‘Big River’ or Gwydir can be
dated to 1835-36, while the Moree district was
reached from two directions in 1837-38.

1. This year saw a number of squatters reach and
form stations in the Manilla-Gunnedah-Boggabri
sector of the Namoi River. The following list is in
alphabetical order of the stock-holder’s name.
Whose men and stock arrived first - as between
Baldwin's, Bowman's, Onus's, Parnell's,
Robertson's, Thorley's, Wentworth's and Williams' -
is not clear.73

[i]. Otto Baldwin’s men formed ‘Diniwarindi’,

opposite present-day Manilla, the FIRST HOLDING ON
THE UPPER NAMOI RIVER (says Eric Rolls; or in “about
1834” if one prefers to follow Roger Milliss).

[ii]. (1833 or 1834:) George Bowman's men set

up a temporary station, which remained unnamed,
at the Mooki-Namoi junction, where the town of
Gunnedah now stands. They held it for only about
two years before moving north into the Gwydir

[iii]. Joseph Onus and Robert Williams (also

Thomas Parnell and Philip Thorley) were early
Longmuir 1956; Jeans 1972; Rolls 1981: 103 ff; 105 ff;
Milliss 1992: 77 etc.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

stockholders on the Upper Mooki who faced eviction

in favour of Australian Agricultural Company (AAC).
Onus's men moved his stock out to ‘THERIBRY’, while
Williams' men set up 'BOGGABRI', both in 1833 (if we
follow Rolls’ account).

[iv]. Thomas Parnell senior was another of the

early stockholders on the Upper Mooki who faced
eviction in favour of the AAC. Thomas Parnell junior
set up 'BULL ' run near Boggabri on behalf of his
father in the early 1830s.
Presumably the Parnells also formed ‘BURRELL ’ and
‘WEETALIBA’ stations soon thereafter (say between
1833 and 1838). 'Burrell' lay north-west of
Gunnedah while 'Weetaliba' is eight kilometres
upstream from Gunnedah [Map 3]. In the 1848
squatter lists, Parnell held ‘Bull’ and ‘Burrell’;
‘Weetaliba’ appears on a map of 1852.74 Station
names only became fixed during the 1840s.

[v]. James Robertson’s superintendent, Alexander

Bloomfield, briefly held ‘COWMORE’ run, "just north"
[sic] of Gunnedah in 1833, according to Eric Rolls.
As Rolls places it, the station seems to have been
located where the eastern boundary of 'Burburgate'
met the western boundary of 'Weetaliba'. If so, then
perhaps Rolls is saying that Bloomfield was only
The lagoon named Burrell is located about eight
kilometres (five miles) downstream from Gunnedah on the
Boggabri road.
According to the Gunnedah Committee 1935: 5, Parnell’s
original stations were ‘Burrell’ and ‘Weetalibah’, the latter
afterwards subsumed within ‘Gunnible’. The three stations were
later combined into one massive holding called ‘Gunnible’ (cf
Longmuir 1956: 17, and Pastoral Maps).
By the 1880s ‘Gunnible’ took in the whole northern side of the
Namoi, opposite Gunnedah (see land maps at The NW sector, i.e. north of Gunnible
Mountain, was known as ‘Burril’ [sic], while ‘Gunnible’ proper
and Gunnible Lagoon fell in the station’s far western sector. The
combined run extended as far as the north side of the Namoi
upstream from the Mooki junction, taking in the old ‘Weetaliba’

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

there for a matter of months.75 By 1848, John

Robertson also held 'Arrarownie' run (or
‘Arrarrowme’, as it is spelt in the NSW Government
Gazette;), located to the west of Boggabri. Rolls
suggests that this station was formed in about

[vi]. According to Rolls, Phillip Thorley formed

‘BONDABOLLA’, located below Gunnedah on the left
bank opposite ‘Burburgate’, i.e. east of present-day
Emerald Hill. (‘Bondabolla’ station is dated by other
historians to about 1835) [Map 3]. Thorley was yet
another of the land-holders with stock on old-
established runs on the Upper Mooki who knew
they would be forced out by the AAC and moved in

[vii]. W C Wentworth’s men formed ‘BURBURGATE ’

station, 12 kilometres downstream from present-
day Gunnedah. It ran 2,000 sheep as early as 1833,
rising to 6,000 by 1837.

2. Violence between settlers and Aborigines near

Boggabri: at ‘Barber's Lagoon’ and ‘Baan Baa’
stations (reported in The Australian, 3 May 1833,

3. A large group of escapee convicts (“20 men with

firearms”) was rumoured to be based in the
Nandewars at a place called "Gourada”. The
rumours proved to be either false or exaggerated.76

Irritatingly, Rolls does not cite his sources. It is never
possible therefore to check his conclusions.
Hunt 1980: 22. A mounted police expedition led by
Commandant Williams scoured the area in August-September
1833 and failed to find any trace of the ‘Gourada’ hide-out
(SRNSW 4/2199.1; also Wood 1972: 228). As against this, we
must note the "shed" and cattle-pads that Cunningham had found
north-east of the Nandewars in 1827. And in 1831 (see there)
Clarke had been joined by apparently seven other runaways.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

4. Late 1833: The first AAC sheep reach ‘Warrah’.

Blanket distribution records show that the
Aboriginal population of the Upper Goulburn Valley,
around present-day Cassilis, was relatively stable in
this period: falling from 111 people [80 adults and
31 children] in 1833 to 94 [77 adults and 17
children] in 1843.77 (Cf 1836 below.) This post-dated
the smallpox pandemic, so the "pre-contact"
population in the 1820s was probably at least 220.
The Upper Goulburn people appear as the
enemies of the Gunnedah tribelet in Document 3C,
"The Cassilis Raid", set at about the turn of the 18th
century. Document 3E, "Jinnie's Tale", deals with a
much later clash - in about 1825 - between the
Cassilis and Coonabarabran groups.

1. Patrick Quinn, superintendent for the Doyle
family, establishes a holding at ‘Narrabri’ on 17
March, St Patricks Day:
“Just prior to the occupancy of Narrabri, and
quite close to the site of the township, now
known by that name, a serious battle …
raged between the blacks and the whites,
many of the former falling before their
better-armed foes who got entire possession
of their camping ground” (obituary of Quinn
in Australian Town and Country Journal,
1876: it may be implied that Quinn himself
did not precipitate this clash).

2. As noted, in 1833 or 1834, George Bowman’s

convict foreman John ‘Black’ Johnston – who is not
to be confused with the Sydney-based squatter John
Johnston - formed a temporary cattle station at or
near Gunnedah (until 1836).78

SRNSW 1133.3, Brayshaw 1986: 58, and O'Rourke
1997: 221 ff.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

We know that the local Kamilaroi community had

camp-sites in several places. Their burial ground
was located only a few hundred metres from what
would become a dray-route and then the main
street of the town of Gunnedah. But we have no
information at all about the relations between the
local Kamilaroi and the first white settlers, except
for a brief comment by Joe Bungaree: “plenty white
man coming all about – and bring plenty cattle.
Tribe get small. White men take our young lubras.
Young warriors go away for lubras down Nammoy
River, never come back no more” (Document 3B,
MS Page 5).

3. The first cattle station in the Gwydir basin was

Robert Pringle’s holding ‘Rocky Creek’ on the
watercourse of that name. It was established, the
Australian Town and Country Journal said, ‘in the
latter end of 1834 or beginning of 1835’. Roger
Milliss suggests that Pringle’s men probably drove
his stock from the Namoi through the Nandewar
Range via the Killarney Gap.

1. Charles Coxen leads an expedition down the
Namoi as far as about Pilliga in search of animal,
bird and plant specimens. He was working in
collaboration with his England-based brother-in-law,
the ornithologist John Gould (see 1839-40).

2. ‘Gunnedah’ itself, the sheep- and cattle-station of

that name,79 was formed relatively late: probably in
the second half of 1835 by John Farrell, foreman for

Cash ed. Burke 1870; Wood 1972: 165-67; Rolls 1981:
107; Milliss 1992: 77 ff.
Names did not become fixed until the 1840s. The
Gunnedah Committee, 1935: 5, state that Johnston’s station was
known as ‘Bulomin’ before it came to be called ‘Gunnedah’. This
looks to me like a misreading of ‘Pullaming’, which was a quite
distinct run, east of Curlewis. [In Gamilaraay bulamin means
apple tree (angophora spp.) – Ash et al. 2003: 44.]

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the Sydney-based squatter John Johnston (or

Johnstone). By that time, the newest stations were
already further out, beyond ‘Narrabri’.
A later description of the boundaries of the run
reads as follows: "Bounded on the north by the
Namoi River; on the east by Howe's and Brown's
runs ['Carroll' and 'Pullaming'], by a line about
south-west to the dividing range from the station of
Sumner ['Wandobah']; on the south by Sumner;
and on the west by Robertson ['Arrarownie'],
commencing at a lagoon by the river Namoi".80 See
Maps 2, 3 and 10.
Buchanan (1985) suggests that Farrell and his
men built a slab hut and a woolshed as early as
1834. Such a date seems a little too early, noting
that Johnston did not apply for a licence until late
1836.81 A date of 1835 seems the safer conclusion.
The Tourist Bureau booklet (1967) notes that
Johnston’s slab hut (“homestead”) was located on
the northern side of what is now Maitland Street,
between Marquis and Elgin Streets. Johnston’s
woolshed was on the Namoi river-bank,
downstream from the Mooki junction. The Mooki
divided ‘Gunnedah West’ from ‘Gunnedah East’.
See Maps 3 and 8.

3. If we follow Roger Milliss’s reading of the early

sources, Parnell and Thorley formed several runs
between Gunnedah and Boggabri probably in the
first half of 1835.82 But, given that they were forced
out by the AAC, this probably occurred before 1835
(as Rolls proposes).

Gazette 1848; also Gunnedah Committee 1935: 5.
Johnston: application no. 10-423, letter of application
dated 22.11.1836. Johnston was asked to fill out the required
form, which he did: it was subsequently received at the Colonial
Secretary’s Office on 12.12.1836 (SRNSW 4/1117.1: Applications
for Depasturing Licences beyond the Limits of Location, 1836-37).
For a near contemporary document, see R Muir’s Diary [Breeza
station 1841], Mitchell Library MS no. B-1496.
Milliss 1992: 91.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

1. According to Rolls, this was the year that W C
Wentworth's employee, James Watson, formed
'Burburgate' and other stations for Wentworth (the
true date would seem to be earlier). Cf 1837.

2. Aborigines killed one of Jamison's men on the

Namoi River, presumably at his ‘Baan Baa’
holding. 83

3. Upper Goulburn Valley: Alexander Busby

establishes ‘Cassilis’ station: see next.

Some interesting details occur in the records of the court case R
v Walker and Gore [online at
37/html/r_v_walker_and_gore__1836.htm; accessed January
Walker was convicted of murdering certain Thomas Woods at
or near Cassilis and Gore of aiding and abetting this. A local
Aboriginal “boy” (youth) was used to track the suspects: “We
could not see any tracks, but the black boy ran them easily, and
said in his native tongue that there were four [men]. Blacks are
so quick in tracking, that he showed us where they had stumbled
over bushes in the night, and the cause of their fall.” Key place-
names mentioned in testimony have the familiar Gamilaraay
suffix –araay, namely Binnagaray or Binn[e]goroy station;
and Bennegillaroy. Cf 1840.

The “war” or feuding between Aborigines and
whites shifts to the lower Namoi and the new
Gwydir River frontier.

'Burburgate' had developed into a substantial
station, almost the size of a small village, with 10
convict shepherds, five hutkeepers, four bullock-

Milliss 1992: 99, citing The Colonist 22.9.1838.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

drivers, a manager and a house-servant (Jeans

1972: 142).

Alexander Paterson, the first Commissioner of
Crown Lands for the Liverpool Plains, made several
trips through the region, including to the Gunnedah
area. The commissioners were charged with
collecting leasehold fees, settling boundary
disputes and protecting the Aborigines.
Paterson reported that Aborigines were still
killing some cattle on the (upper) Namoi and
Manilla Rivers (cf below: 1838-39). But the major
locus of conflict was further out, in the Wee Waa-
Merah region. Fear of the Aborigines prompted the
workers at 'Merah' holding, west of Wee Waa,
briefly to abandon the run in 1838.84

The Myall Creek massacre: Seven white workers
were hanged in Sydney for killing, in cold blood, 28
“tame” Aborigines camped at ‘Myall Creek’ station,
west of present-day Inverell.

Namoi River Aborigines were said to be assisting
the Waalaraay people of the Horton River in cattle-
spearing raids (Milliss 1992: 574, 665). The Namoi
men were probably from the Upper Namoi (above
Manilla) rather than the Gunnedah region. Cf 1841,

1. "Between the Rivers Namoi, Peel and Gwyder
[sic] . . . there is a black native population of
between 2,000 and 3,000", reported Commissioner
Mayne. If we include the Upper Barwon region (with
which Mayne was not yet familiar), then the entire

Paterson in HRA xx: 253; also Reece 1974; and Milliss
1992: 154-55.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

surviving Kamilaroi-speaking population may have

been as large as 7,000.85 Compare 1841.

2. Compared with about "80" runs in 1837, at the

end of 1839 there were 120 squatters altogether
with stations in the Peel, Namoi and Gwydir

In this period, inland NSW was governed by
Commissioners of Crown Lands, each now
supported by a detachment of Border Police.
The second Commissioner for the Liverpool
Plains inspectorate was Edward Mayne, based on
the lower Peel River at ‘Goora’ station (modern
Somerton), between present-day Tamworth and
Gunnedah. See 1841.
The inspectorate of Bligh comprised the
Castlereagh basin and the eastern half of the
Macquarie basin. It was supervised by a
Commissioner located at ‘Coolah’ holding (until
1847, when ‘Dubbo’ station became his base).

John Gould, the future author of Birds of Australia,
travelled to the “Mokai” River (his spelling of our
Mooki) collecting specimens. He proceeded thence
to ‘Gunnedah’ and along the Namoi for about 150
miles - some 240 kilometres, or almost as far as
Walgett - before returning to the Hunter Valley.
Near “Brezi” station (our Breeza), where he was
assisted by the local Gamil'raay people, Gould
discovered and drew the budgerigar, among many
other species. He also mentions red kangaroos.87
Mayne in VPLC 1839: 23; and the data collated in O’Rourke
1997: 228 ff.
Milliss 1992: 158 and 804 n8, citing Paterson 1837; and
list of Liverpool Plains and New England licences: Government
Gazette, 19.2.1840. Also Campbell 1968: 19 ff.
Datta, 1997: 131 ff and Tree 1991: 121-122. Red
kangaroos: see Gould, Macropodidae 1841. In Birds of Australia

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

1. The first recorded major flood on the Namoi,
described in the Sydney Gazette, 18 February (also
by John Gould, above). Until dams were built in the
20th century, the Namoi used to flood two years in

2. Winter 1840: Blankets, supplied by the colonial

government, were distributed to 87 Aborigines by
Joseph Threlkeld at his holding near the Manilla
River [Barraba-Rocky Creek area]. The Aborigines
were a heterogeneous group drawn from the
Manilla and Peel Rivers, the Muntara [sic: ?
Bundarra], Big River [Gwydir] and Macintyre
(papers of Threlkeld snr, ed. Gunson 1974: 275).

3. The Wellington missionary James Gunther visits

“Mr Busby’s farm” at Cassilis; and mentions
encountering Aborigines in the vicinity:
3/191; accessed January 2004. C f above 1833.

Commissioner Mayne described the surviving
Gamilaraay of the Liverpool Plains as “perfectly
harmless”. The ‘war’ between Aborigines and
settlers had shifted to the Barwon-Macintyre River
frontier. But see 1843.
Mayne said that already the Aboriginal
population had "dwindled away" in the longer-
settled half of his inspectorate, i.e. south-east of a
line drawn from about Narrabri to about Bingara.
Only about "1,000" survived in that sector. We have

Gould wrote: "On arriving at Brezi, to the north of the Liverpool

plains, in the beginning of December [1839], I found myself
surrounded by numbers [of budgerigars], breeding in all the
hollow spouts of the large Eucalypti bordering the Mokai”. Gould
took the first living budgerigar specimens to England in 1840. He
reclassified them as Melopsittacus undulatus, the scientific name
they bear today.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

no exact count of the size of the white population in

the south-east sector, but it was already of the
order of 900 people.88

A number of “tame” blacks from the Namoi River,
along with "myalls” [i.e., Aborigines still living free]
from the Gwydir basin, were reported to be killing
cattle at ‘Rocky Creek’ (SMH, 1 February 1843).

Mary Jane Cain (nee Griffin), daughter of "Jinnie"
and Eugene Griffin, born at ‘Toorawandi’ station,
east of Coonabrabran. See Document 3E.

The records of the Crown Lands Commissioner list
James Hall as the stockholder at "Gunedah" [sic:
one N]; and his partner John Johnson as the resident
superintendent [sic: corrected to Johnston in later
records]. According to the Gunnedah Committee
1935, Hall was a relative of Johnston's. 89
Including Johnston, there were 13 people residing
on the run. There were seven free males; two free
Aborigines: Mayne, SRNSW 4/2565.1, HRA xxii: 170
and Millis 1992: 766.
For the white population, compare the count of "626" whites for
the inner sector [broadly Tamworth-Bingara-Narrabri-
Coonabarabran], or an average of over seven people per station on
"80" stations, in 1837: Commissioner Paterson's estimate,
published as an appendix to the Report on the Crown Lands Bill,
VPLC March 1839; also Milliss 1992: 158, 804 note 80.
In the 1846 Census, the count was 2,110 whites in the whole
"Liverpool Plains" inspectorate [the Mungindi-Goondiwindi-
Tamworth-Coonabarabran-Walgett sector]. Perhaps two-thirds
(say 1,400) of this total lived in the longer-settled half. Thus, by
back extrapolation, a fair guess would be about 900 for the inner
sector in 1841. Compare Ware's [UNE MS no.A695] count of
“164” proprietors in 1841: if we use a figure of five employees per
squatter as an absolute minimum, Ware's figure yields a
population of at least 820.
SRNSW 4/5498; reel 1483: Returns of Population and
Livestock, and Gunnedah Committee 1935: 5.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

females; three ‘bond’ males and one ‘bond’ female

(convicts on parole). They had in their charge 1,170
sheep, 832 cattle and eight horses. Note that there
were about two people for every one horse, the
reason being that shepherds walked rather than
‘Burrell’ and ‘Carroll’, like ‘Gunnedah’, were
small-to-medium-size stations, staffed by 10-15
people. They ran up to 2,000 sheep as well as
1,000 or more cattle (sheep outnumbered cattle on
most Namoi River stations). For comparison, a very
large station, such as Wentworth’s ‘Burburgate’,
was staffed by over 30 workers, running over 3,000
head of cattle and, in some years, over 10,000

"The Namoi and Maniella [sic: Manilla River] tribe
are a powerful tribe and considered by both the
settlers and the blacks to be a superior tribe to
those who border them". Thus writes the early
chronicler William Gardner. This should be read as
a general statement about the lowland Aborigines
living to the west of New England, where Gardner
was based [Map 1]. The word “superior” perhaps
translates as ‘more extroverted’ or ‘arrogant’.
Gardner also mentions Johnstone’s [sic] “sheep
and cattle [station at the] junction of the Muckie
[Mooki] River”.

The colonial government reorganised the
framework of government in inland NSW. Fixity of
tenure was ceded to the squatters in the form of
long-term leases of land, and Courts of Petty
Sessions were established. In the central-north, the
courts sat at Wee Waa and Warialda.
SRNSW 4/5498; reel 1483: Returns of Population and
Returns of Population and Livestock, Reels 1441, 1483,
2847 and 3123.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Surveyor Gorman surveys the Mooki junction
stretch of the Namoi River. For the Mooki, he gives
the spelling "Mucki or Connaadilly". The area south-
west of the Mooki-Namoi junction - the north-east
quadrant of today’s township - is marked on his
map “thickly timbered”.
The first three stations below the Mooki-Namoi
junction appear as 1. Robinson's [sic: Robertson's
'Arrarownie'], 2. Thorley's [‘Bondabolla']; and 3.
Wentworth's ['Burburgate’]. Gorman's map records
only an "old woolshed" at the site of Gunnedah.
This is curious, as the records of the Crown Lands
Commissioner show that in late 1847 John Johnston
was running over 3,000 of his and his partner James
Hall’s sheep at "Gunedah" [sic: spelt ‘Gunnadah’ in
the Return for 1850].92

Beginnings of a future village: Daniel Macfarlane
purchased the homestead or main hut of the
‘Gunnedah’ run and converted it into the Golden
Fleece Inn (Longmuir 1956:17) [Map 9].
A map of 1849 shows “The Woolshed Reserve”
as a group of five huts or houses. The huts were
located immediately west of Johnston’s stockyards,
broadly along what would later become Maitland
Street. They included the Golden Fleece Inn, a store
and a police hut. One dwelling was marked
‘Johnston’s hut’, although it was Hall, not Johnston,
who held the station licence until at least 1852. See

From 1851:
Period of the Gold Rushes in south-east Australia.
The 1851 census, taken on the eve of the discovery
of gold in various parts of the colony, showed a

Sheep: SRNSW, 5/5498: Reel 1441; Gorman: SRNSW,
L.1.1307, Map 3392.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

total of 2,335 whites living in the Liverpool Plains

pastoral district. Only 27% of the white population
were women and girls. The number of Aborigines in
the region was "about 1,000".93
The latter estimate covered the whole Tamworth-
Walgett-Mungindi sector, so we may guess that
only about 400 Aborigines survived in the longer
settled half nearer Tamworth: a loss of more than
50% in one decade (cf 1841).94
The white population included 254 and 68 people
in the villages of Tamworth and Wee Waa
respectively. Tiny Wee Waa was the "capital" of the
Liverpool Plains, being the seat of the Court of Petty
Sessions and the headquarters of the Crown Lands
The departure of many white workers to the
goldfields meant that the pastoralists had to recruit
Aborigines as stockmen and shearers. This brought
an improvement in the material living conditions of
the surviving Gamilaraay people after 1851.
Aborigines: Commissioner’s Report, Liverpool Plains,
1851, SRNSW 4/1146.4.
Indeed 400 may be an overestimate for 1851. Already in
1844, Commissioner Allman had estimated there were only 750
survivors in the Peel-Namoi sector (Milliss 1992: 727). The
Commissioners put the total Aboriginal population of the entire
inspectorate (as far as Walgett) at just 345, 330 and 250 in 1853,
1854 and 1859 respectively [Huwthwaite and Durbin in SRNSW
4/1146.4]. These figures suggest that the 1851 estimate of "1,000"
was probably an over-estimate. Ridley's observations during his
tour of 1855 (see in Lang 1864) are fully consistent with the tiny
number of survivors reported by the Huwthwaite and Durbin.
The presumed total of up to "1,300" Aborigines for 1851 [1,000
in the greater Liverpool Plains and 300 in Gwydir] might be raised
to about 1,500 if mixed-race people were included. This can be
compared with a population of 1,469, now including people of
mixed race, counted in 1882 in the North-West and Namoi police
regions (police census for the APB published in VPLA 1883).
The numbers of "full-bloods" (among whom deaths exceeded
births) continued to decline. It was not until the period 1890-1900
that the rising number of people of mixed-race (among whom
births would eventually exceed deaths) began first to slow the rate
of decline and then (after 1900) to increase the size of the overall

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

A further map by surveyor Gorman lists the stations
upstream from the Mooki-Namoi junction as: 1. J
Parnell's 'Weetalibah' (north bank); 2. "J Hall's
sheep station" i.e. 'Gunnedah'; south bank; 3.
"J. Howe's sheep station", the western-most run in a
series of runs held by the Howe-Dight families; 4.
"H Dight's sheep station", i.e. Hannah Dight's
'Carroll'; 5. H Dight's ‘Kaybah’: his spelling,
nowadays spelt Kibah; and 6. J Howe's ‘Carroll’.95

1. Petition to the colonial government from
residents in the district proposing that The
Woolshed Reserve was “a fit and proper place for a
township” (Gunnedah Committee 1935: 9;
Longmuir 1956: 17). This was in due course agreed
to: see 1856.

2. William Gardner described ‘Gunnedah’ station

(“formerly Johnstone’s” [cf 1856]) as “a principal
camping place” for the bullock drays that took
supplies to the holdings further out. It was also a
major node on one of the droving routes from the
Darling Downs.
In the 1850s, large numbers of cattle were driven
south from northern NSW, including what is now
Queensland, to feed the diggers on the goldfields of
Port Phillip (present-day Victoria). Three main
routes ran from the Darling Downs to Dubbo: [i.]
through Tamworth to Pandoras Pass near Coolah;
[ii.] through Gunnedah also to Pandoras Pass; and
[iii.] through Wee Waa westwards around the
Warrumbungles to the Castlereagh River [Map 1].96

3. The diary of C W Lloyd of ‘Burburgate’ station

mentions that “two or three” Aboriginal gunyahs
were to be seen at Gunnedah in 1854.
SRNSW, Map 3431.
Jervis 1962; Jeans 1972: 166-68.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

c. 1855:
Last Aboriginal initiation in the Gunnedah region?
This date is approximate, deduced from the fact
that the Bora [Buurra] ceremonies were no longer
being held in the Wandobah-Gunnedah-Burburgate
district by 1871.97 Cf 1860/61 – Bora at Wee Waa.
It is possible, of course, that some Gunnedah
boys were still being initiated elsewhere after 1855,
perhaps for example at Wee Waa and Terry Hie Hie
(on the northern side of the Nandewars). Bora
ceremonies were held at Terry Hie Hie until about

1. The records of the Crown Lands Commissioner
show John Johnston as now the stockholder at
'Gunnedah' station (his name replacing that of his
partner Hall). Compared with the fewer than 3,000
sheep that he and Hall ran in the 1840s, Johnston
was now running over 9,000.99

2. Post office opened. The village was known at first

as “The Woolshed” as it was located beside
Johnston’s woolshed [Map 9].

3. Surveyor B C Flide draws up a design for a future

town-site, with a grid of proposed streets drawn
over the existing huts and tracks [Map 8]. His map
Ridley 1871, 1873, 1875.
See in O’Rourke 1997. Ridley travelled from
Murrurundi across the Breeza Plains. At ‘Burburgate’ station,
downstream from Gunnedah, his main informant was a
‘Koinbere’-speaking man ‘Murri Bundar’ (i.e., Marii Bandaarr,
‘Grey Kangaroo’), nicknamed ‘Old Billy’. The latter's father,
‘Ippai Mute’ (Yibaay Mudhay, ‘Brush-tail Possum’), had “lived
near Wundubar on Liverpool Plains” or “Wundula [sic] near the
Mooki”, i.e., present-day Wandobah, south of Gunnedah, west of
SRNSW 4/5498 reel 1483. Hall still held Gunnedah in
1851; thus his partner Johnston took over (or took back) the
licence some time in the early 1850s.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

shows seven or eight existing buildings, including a

police hut, a smithy, the inn and a store. Although
not labelled as such, the eastern-most huts were
presumably the 'old woolshed'. 100
Longmuir (1956: 17) notes that there was a flood
in progress when the surveyor visited the area. So
Flide decided to abandon his original idea of a
township on both banks of the river and instead
restricted the town lands to the southern side
(where the slopes of Porcupine Ridge lie well above
the flood line: see Maps 8 and 12).
• Flide's town plan was gazetted on 26 November

4. First fenced paddocks on the Liverpool Plains. A

fenced lambing paddock on ‘Burburgate’ holding
(where J C Lloyd had replaced W C Wentworth as
the licensee) was the first large paddock ever to be
fenced in any part of Australia, according to Eric
Rolls (1981: 166). Cf 1858.

First sale of town lands. - Longmuir correctly
imagines the village as basically a group of slab
huts. As he says, it was “a line of straggling
cypress-pine slab huts along a bullock track beside
the Namoi River, with just an odd slightly more
pretentious but similar building serving as taverns,
[and] bullock wagons drawn up on the
common land nearby, [and] the glow of the camp
fires of bearded teamsters ... . [B]eyond the rutted
tracks of Maitland Street, with only a clearing here
and there for a rude hut or two, dense scrub
stretched towards the hills south of Gunnedah”
(1956: 23, emphasis added) [Map 8].


SRNSW, Map 2877. His name was Flide, not ‘Hide’ as
the Gunnedah Committee has it (1935: 9). This error is repeated in
Longmuir (1956: 17).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Cuttabush kills Togee, a leading man of the

Butheroo band (south of Coonabarabran). See
Document 3E.

William Telfer junior wrote thus of the wild
grassland of the Liverpool Plains in the era before
paddocks were fenced off:
"In 1858 I saw grass on those plains [Breeza
Plains] 10 feet [over three metres] high,
which you don't see [these] days - now the
country has been fenced in and overstocked
- of the wild oaten variety - and a few inches
from the ground. In the middle of this forest
of long grass were wild carrots, crowsfoot
and a splendid lot of herbage of all
descriptions of the most fattening kind"
(Telfer 1980: 128, emphasis added).

The post office ceases to be called ‘The Woolshed’.
The name Gunnedah is adopted, from the name of
the pastoral station.

By 1860:
Gunnedah became a two-hotel village with the
establishment of the Ben Bolt Inn, afterwards
renamed the Bridge Hotel. Counting taverns, it
seems there were at least four establishments
serving alcohol.101

1860 or 1861:
Bora held at or near Wee Waa (Glass, quoted in
Mathews 1994: 103).

Gunnedah Committee 1935: 17. But the booklet also
quotes Surveyor Flide’s report of 1856, which spoke of four
“hotels”, namely the Golden Fleece (Grover’s); the Ben Bolt
(Smith’s); the Caledonian (Boland’s); and the Paragon (Mrs
Nowland’s). Perhaps all four served alcohol while only two
provided accommodation?

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The Census shows 247 whites living at Gunnedah.
Tamworth had 654 white people, and the Liverpool
Plains, meaning broadly the whole Peel-Namoi
basin, 4,852 whites (Milliss 1980: 306).

First (failed) attempt to promote “closer
settlement” under the Crown Lands Alienation Act
of 1861, commonly known as the ‘Free Selection
Individuals could purchase from 40 to 320 acres
(16 to 130 hectares) of land for £1 [one pound] per
acre, including land already held under pastoral
leases. The Act had limited effect, however,
because the squatters had sufficient capital to
purchase the choicest areas from their leases and
so could deny most ‘selectors’ the chance to buy
any large pieces of good land. Cf 1884.

1. Private primary school opened at Gunnedah. Cf

2. Further serious flood.

1. The town's white population was about 300.

2. First church built: an Anglican Church; and also

the first coach services (Longmuir, pp.27, 33). A
four-horse coach service ran from Narrabri to
Gunnedah and thence to the rail-head at
Murrurundi. Another service ran three times a week
from Gunnedah to Coonabarabran.

3. A great flood, the highest flood in the 19th

century. Many of the buildings in Maitland Street
were washed away.102
The 1864 flood [9.44 metres] was the highest in the 19th
century, exceeded only by the flood of 1955 [9.60 metres].

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Retailers and others began thereafter to relocate

from the flood-prone section along Maitland Street
to the higher ground in Conadilly Street. As a result,
Conadilly replaced Maitland Street as the main
street by 1875.
“Prior to 1864 Conadilly Street was a thick scrub
and allotments could be purchased for a mere £4.
Carriers [had] built shanties there to house their
families while they were outback with station
supplies” (Gunnedah Committee 1935: 17,
emphasis added). This is confirmed by the words
“thickly timbered” on Gorman’s survey map of
1848 and by the statement in the Ewing MSS that
“big box trees [grew] where the Wesleyan Church
grounds now are” (Abbot Street) [Map 12].

Frederick Ward, the bushranger known as
“Thunderbolt”, was active in the Hunter Valley-
Tamworth-New England region. In one incident
(1865) he robbed the patrons of the hotel at Carroll
east of Gunnedah. A nearby hill with a prominent
outcrop on top is called Thunderbolt Lookout.
A partial list of the crimes ascribed to Ward (NB: Gunnedah
district only) is as follows.103 Manilla appears to have been a
favourite striking point for ‘Thunderbolt’:
From February 1865: With John Hogan, William
McIntosh and 16-year-old John Thomson, Ward commits a
series of armed robberies around the Bourke and Narrabri
districts. He adopts the name 'Captain Thunderbolt'. Then:
1865: Manilla - robbery of two horses from Messrs. Lloyd;
Manilla - robbery of the Warialda mail; Currabubula -
robbery of Tamworth mail; Currabubula - robbery of Davis
hotel; Quirindi - robbery of Cook's hotel; Carroll - robbery of
Griffin's hotel.
= 8 December 1865: Ward and gang hold up the town of
Quirindi. Police Constable Agate was wounded in the ensuing
Heights above the Cohen Bridge: from
(accessed September 2001).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

1866: Liverpool Plains - theft of Mr. Ross's horses;

Liverpool Plains - robbery of Warialda mail; Liverpool Plains
- robbery of Mr. Duff's Eucalyptus racer; Liverpool Plains -
robbery of stations; Currabubula - robbery of hotel; Manilla -
robbery of travelers; Manilla - robbery of Warialda-Tamworth
mail; Manilla - robbery of Mr. Arndell's Rocky Creek station;
Manilla - theft of a grey racer of Mr. Cobcroft;

Ward’s common law wife was Mary Ann Bugg, a ‘half-

caste’ Aboriginal woman. Despite having two children (and a
third in March 1866) all evidence indicates that Mary Ann
accompanied Ward and the gang on some of their
depredations although she may not have been armed. Also,
she seems to have been very adept at finding food and shelter
for the gang in the mountainous terrain in which they
concentrated most of their activities, including catching and
butchering stolen cattle. She also seems adept at going into
townships undetected to obtain supplies or information about
police and coach movements as well as the latest gossip.
Several reports describe her as looking like a young man
wearing knee-length, Wellington boots, moleskin trousers,
Crimean shirt, monkey jacket and a cabbage tree hat, the
dress of the flash stockmen of the day (and at a time when
women didn't wear men's clothing). Also, she rode astride and
not sidesaddle. 104

1867: Manilla - robbery of Warialda mail; Manilla -

robbery of Hill's hotel; Manilla - robbery of Veness' Inn;
Manilla - robbery of Bowden Mail; Manilla - robbery of
Warialda mail.
25 May 1867: Reward of £200 offered for Ward's capture
plus £50 for each of his accomplices.
(1868-69: nil crimes in the Gunnedah region.)
1870: Manilla - robbery of Warialda mail; Manilla - theft of
Mr. McDonald's horse. 25 May 1870: Ward commits several
robberies near Blanch's Inn on the road south of Uralla. Ward
was chased and caught by Police Constable Alexander Walker
and killed in the ensuing fight.


104; accessed July 2004.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Newly arrived in Gunnedah, Arthur Turner senior

comes across “quite a number of marked stumps”
[old carved trees] in the scrub or woodland on the
south-east side of the village. Mentioning this to the
villagers, he finds - as we would expect - that they
have known about the Aboriginal burial ground for
many years.

First bank branch opened at Gunnedah (Longmuir

Date of the watercolours by Anon. published in this
book - see illustrations no’s 3, 4, 5.

Telegraph office opened at Gunnedah. - The
telegraph has been described as "the Internet of
the mid 19th century".

Manilla: Final robberies by Thunderbolt (see
Further flood. The Australian Town and Country
Journal (Nov. 1873) reported that in 1870 the
floodwaters lay along Maitland Street for six weeks
after the flood.
Gunnedah’s white population was growing fairly
rapidly, reaching about 500 in 1873. By 1891 the
town would have 1,362 white people. The
Aboriginal population was perhaps 50-60 in 1873
(cf 45 people in 1882).105


Australian Town and Country Journal Nov 1873; Census
of Aborigines, in VPLA 1883; Longmuir 1956; Rolls 1981: 110;
and Buchanan 1985: 19. Among residents of Gunnedah in 1866
was the present author’s great-grandfather, the saddler/sawyer
John O’Rourke.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The missionary-anthropologist William Ridley visits

Gunnedah and 'Burburgate' station. See the
Bibliography for a list of his writings.

1. Further flood.

2. First timber reserves gazetted, in what is now

Doona State Forest, south-east of Breeza. (The first
State Forest as such came 40 years later: Breeza
State Forest, dedicated in 1914.)

First public (state) school opened. Cf 1878/79.

First newspaper published, The Namoi Independent.
A second paper, The Gunnedah Advertiser, was
established in 1881. (They amalgamated in 1919.)

Catholic nuns (the Sisters of Mercy) establish a
convent and school at Gunnedah.

1. Railway line built from Breeza to Gunnedah.
Gunnedah railway station was opened on 11
September. (Until the Hawkesbury River rail bridge
was built in 1889, trains ran only to Newcastle.)

2. Building of the courthouse; and the convent-

school of the Sisters of Mercy.

3. First resident Methodist minister. The parsonage,

today's Uniting Church, was built in 1880 – near the
site of the old Aboriginal burial ground.

4. A new electorate called Gunnedah was created

for the enlarged NSW Legislative Assembly of 1880.
J P (later Sir Joseph) Abbott, a Murrurundi-based
solicitor whose father had worked at Gunnedah as a

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

land agent, held the seat until 1887. Abbott later

became Speaker of the Assembly (1890-1900).

Gunnedah's Aboriginal Population in 1882

The Aboriginal population of the district comprised

45 men, women and children:

Age: Aged 20-40 40- Over Totals

under 60 60

Aborigines --- 13 3 2 18
1. Men:
2. Women: --- 3 3 2 8
3. Children
and others 5 --- --- --- 5
under 20:
Subtotal: 5 16 6 4 31

, called
castes": --- 4 --- --- 4
1. Men:
2. Women: --- 4 --- --- 4
3. Children 6 --- --- --- 6
and others
under 20:
Subtotal: 6 8 0 0 14

TOTALS 11 24 6 4 45

Source: Police census 1882, taken for the Protector

of Aborigines, published in Votes and Proceedings

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

of the Legislative Assembly of NSW 1883, vol. ii, pp.

NB: The terms "full-bloods" and "half-castes" are
the terms used in the 19th century; in using them,
the present author in no way endorses them.

Points to notice:
• Anyone aged 52 or under was born in 1830 or
later. Thus as many as 10, certainly at least
four, people had been born before the coming
of the white man.
• None of the 'half castes' was older than 40, i.e.
all had been born since about 1842.
• Among people of full ancestry, men greatly
outnumbered women. This is a demographic
pattern consistently observed in 'post-invasion'
populations in Australia.106
• There were 10 women over 20, but just 11
people aged under 20 (teenagers and children).
In other words, it would seem that the mothers
who survived had only about one surviving child

The police in each area also supplied short

answers to a questionnaire. The answers for
Gunnedah, which Sergeant Ewing's predecessor
would have supplied, were as follows:
Q: How are they [the local Aboriginal people]
employed, if at all? A: "On cattle and sheep
Judging by the answers for Breeza, the
Aboriginal men of Gunnedah would have worked as
general labourers, for example as shepherds and
boundary riders. Perhaps one or two were skilled
workers who may have received above average
pay, for example bullock-drivers.
If in need of government aid, why? "No". - This
may imply that every family at Gunnedah had some
access to a monetary income.

See data and discussion in O'Rourke 1997: 223-225.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Any receiving education? "None". In some other

towns in the region a tiny minority of mixed-blood
children were attending public schools. This was at
the beginning of the era of state-funded "secular,
free and compulsory" primary education.
The questionnaire continued thus: - Supplied
with Government blankets? "All supplied with
blankets." - Any needing supply of clothing from the
government? "No." - Any addicted to intemperance?
"Yes, addicted to intemperance at wineshops and
public houses." - How are they medically tended
when sick? "By Govt doctor" [i.e. by Dr Haynes]. -
Other remarks? "They are well employed and taken
as much care of as possible by the squatters and
selectors in this district."
The Aboriginal populations of neighbouring
towns or police circuits were: Narrabri 150, Breeza
51, Coonabarabran 27, Carroll five and Boggabri
three. Of the children at Narrabri, most did not
attend school, but three were enrolled at the public
school. As for Breeza, "many are employed
shepherding, boundary riding and bullock-driving".
Among the children at Breeza, just one individual
was attending school. "All can be supplied with
Government blankets by going to Gunnedah, but
none has gone for them."

A new steel bridge replaced the old wooden bridge
across the Namoi. It was called the Cohen Bridge in
honour of George Cohen, the town’s leading
shopkeeper since 1861.

“Free selection” or closer settlement began in
earnest. Under a new Land Act, large parts of the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

great squatting runs were carved out and sold in

blocks to small graziers and farmers.107
• The Member for Gunnedah, J P Abbott, was at
this time the NSW Secretary (minister) for

Gunnedah was proclaimed a municipality. The
white population of the town exceeded 1,000.
• The Member for Gunnedah, J P Abbott, was at
this time the Secretary (minister) for Lands.

Red Kangaroo’s grave dug up. This is related in
Document 3A, “The 1945 Letter” and Document 3B,
“The Death and Career”.

1. First Gunnedah Show.

2. Tamworth became the first town in the southern

hemisphere to be lit by electric lights. Coal from
Gunnedah powered the power-station. Compare
1891 and 1908.

In 1888, after a century of white settlement, the

whole Aboriginal population of NSW had fallen to
just 7,485. It had now begun, at first imperceptibly,

For example, the present author’s grandfather, James N
O’Rourke, purchased a 'selection' east of Tambar Springs. It was a
tiny part of a large excision from the great ‘Bando’ station (and
adjoined another old squatterage: 'Merrigula').

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

to stabilise as the number of births rose to about

equal the number of deaths.108 In the following
decade (by 1898), the population would begin very
slowly to rise as the number of babies being born
began - for the first time since the "white invasion"
- to exceed the number of old and young people
In 1888 only 1,386 (or 19%) received any food
("rations") or other aid from the NSW Aborigines
Protection Board (APB). Most people were self-
supporting, relying on wages or bush food or
perhaps their own vegetable gardens and stock (or
all of these).
The police census counted 2,954 Aboriginal
people aged under 20 in the colony of NSW. The
APB reported that 379 were attending school. If
about 1,000 were of statutory school age, then the
attendance rate in 1888 was perhaps greater than
one in three. This was a quite respectable
proportion, given that a network of free public
schools was still being established. By 1896 (see
there), schooling for Aborigines, as for whites, was
effectively universal.
There was no population figure published for
Gunnedah, but we would expect the number of
Aborigines, including mixed-race people, to be
about 30 (compare 1882 above and 1896 below).
The APB reported that four adults at Gunnedah
received "aid", meaning some food rations, in 1888.
The other 26 or so people would have supported
themselves with wages and bush food.

Annual census of Aborigines, taken by the police for the
Aborigines Protection Board (APB), published in VPLA 1889, vol
5, p.656. There are counts of the Aboriginal population for most
years from 1885 to 1915 and beyond (published as appendices to
the annual reports of the APB in VPLA).
In 1888 the picture was somewhat complicated by the
movement of people into and out of NSW on the Queensland,
Victoria and South Australian borders, as the Board itself noted.
The total fell from 7,902 people in 1887 to 7,485 in 1888, but such
movements masked a small underlying increase.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Approximate date that Police Sergeant J P Ewing
wrote down, or began to write down, Joe Bungaree’s
tale about Red Kangaroo’s ‘greatest exploit’, the
defeat of the Cassilis raiders (see Document 3B, MS
Page 34; also 3D: Fragment 1). As it appears, other
tales were written down by the Sergeant's son
Stanley in the period 1901-11.

Early highpoint of the “land rush” by ‘free
Wheat growing expanded dramatically during the
1890s: wheat acreage in NSW stood at 420,000 in
1890, more than trebling to 1.4 million acres or
570,000 hectares by 1901. But it was not until 1923
that NSW would overtake South Australia and
Victoria as the leading wheat-growing state.
The extension of the railways was a necessary
but not sufficient condition. The development of
rust-resistant varieties by William Farrer and others,
and the use of superphosphates, were also vital
(see Bromby 1986: 95-97).
Land clearing would lead to the near extinction of
the koala in the period 1898-1925. Evidently small
remnant populations survived in the Milroy-
Wandoba Forest and probably also in Black Jack
State Forest [Map 10]. Koala numbers have grown
in recent decades and Gunnedah is sometimes
styled “the koala capital of the world”.109

1. First street lamps at Gunnedah: kerosene lamps
were installed at four intersections.

Smith 1992. Today the koala population around
Gunnedah is considered one of the most significant populations in
NSW. Koalas may be seen at Gunnedah itself on the Bindea
Walking Track and in the last decade or so have been regularly
sighted in the township itself, including (conveniently for tourists)
opposite the Visitor Information Centre (Curran pers. comm.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

2. Gunnedah's white population was 1,362 people;

and the Aboriginal population was 30 or 38 (see
discussion below). At Coonabarabran, or at least in
the Coonabarabran district, Aborigines and part-
Aborigines numbered about 45.110

Gunnedah's Aboriginal population in 1891

The counts of the Aboriginal population made for

the APB can be compared with the returns from the
1891 general census of NSW, the first (since that of
1841) for which the full returns have survived.
The data collected by the collectors in 1891 was
quite limited. They recorded the name of household
head; number of males; number of females; and
location of the dwelling. The ages and relationships
of people were not recorded. But, which is helpful
for our purposes, people were classified into three
racial categories: whites, Chinese (or part Chinese)
and Aboriginal (full and "half-caste").
There were 11 households at Gunnedah with at
least one Aboriginal person: 30 persons in total.
That the census was a full count is not to be
doubted: every inhabited house or shack was
recorded as such.111
All 30 Aborigines are recorded as "half castes",
meaning (probably) that the collectors considered
that all had at least some European blood, or else
they failed to distinguish a few individuals (such as
Joe Bungaree) who were "full bloods".112
Wood 2001: 211, citing a report of 1891. The context
was a proposal for the establishment of an all-Aboriginal school,
so we may guess that "45" took in those Aboriginal people within
a few hours’ ride of the town. The census figures from 1891 put
the district population a little larger.
Census of NSW, Collectors returns, Book no 55: NLA
mfm G.22629.
The APB figures report a majority of "full bloods" and a
minority of "half-castes" at Gunnedah in the period 1880-1900.
"Full blood" is perhaps to be interpreted as people having more
than 50% Aboriginal ancestry in the opinion of the APB agent,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Of the 11 households, six were "mixed" and five

were all-Aboriginal (all members "half castes").
In the case of the six mixed households, it would
appear that five were headed by non-Aboriginal
men: three by white men or 'Anglos'; one by a
Chinese man; and one by a Japanese man [the
latter case is noted as such in the Remarks column
of the census form]. The sixth household contained
no white males, and so (probably) was headed by
an Aboriginal man: a white woman was living in a
dwelling with five "half caste" Aboriginal men, one
of whom we may presume was her husband. These
six households all resided in the town itself
(Maitland Street, Conadilly Street and Chandos
The five all-Aboriginal households were smaller
and more heterogeneous. In the town proper there
was one household of two females (presumably
mother and daughter) and one Aboriginal woman
who was living alone. Two households (a single
man, and a household of three people headed by a
woman) were living "on [the] Reserve". This meant
probably a stock reserve, as there were also several
"all-white" families residing at the "reserve". The
two all-Aboriginal households there were probably a
single family living in two dwellings, as the names
of the two household heads were the same. The
fifth and final all-Aboriginal household was made up
of a male and a female living "south of [the]
In addition there were several mixed families
(and indeed several all-white families) living
outside the municipal boundaries on the
"Gunnedah Common" on the Boggabri side of the
town. If we add the Aboriginal members of these
households, the total in and around the town
recorded as "half caste" becomes 38 people.

namely Sergeant Ewing. Ewing also served as the "enumerator"

(supervisor) for the general census, but the collectors working for
him were other (white) townspeople.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Interestingly, there is no sign in these records

that there was any large "blacks' camp" at
Gunnedah, notwithstanding Stan Ewing's allusion to
one in Document 3B at MS Page 4: "somewhere in
the vicinity of where the municipal sale yards are
today". Or was this a reference to the Aboriginal
people living on the Common? - At any rate, from
the census we have a picture of 11 Aboriginal
families or households living integrated in and
around the town. (It should be noted that the policy
of confining darker-skinned people to Aboriginal
reserves and forcing lighter skinned people to live
elsewhere was a policy not instigated until after
Joe Bungaree does not appear as the head of
any household. But only the name of the self-
identified household head was taken, and he may
have been counted elsewhere. Jacob Painter
[mentioned in Document 3A] is recorded as the
nominal head of a household of two Aboriginal
males living outside the municipal boundaries on
the Mullaley side of Gunnedah ("no fixed abode",
camped at or near "Sugarloaf"). It is possible that
the second male was Joe Bungaree.

Aboriginal Population of the Greater Gunnedah


The census district of Gunnedah extended east

towards Carroll, south-east to beyond Curlewis and
in the south-west to beyond Tambar Springs. There
were altogether 41 Aboriginal ("half caste") people
living in the district (or 31 if we subtract the several
people at Gunnedah Common and Jacob Painter's
two-person camp). They lived mostly in single
households on or near several pastoral stations. So
we may guess the men were employed by the

c. 1885-95:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

(Before 1896:) Small reserves, ie residential lands,

for Aborigines were set aside at Gunnedah, Borah
Crossing [Manilla], Narrabri, Wee Waa, Cuttabri and

The Aboriginal population of Gunnedah fell from 45
people in 1882 to 30-38 in 1891 and just 17 in
1896. We may guess that, in the following table,
the lone "full blood" man aged over 60 was Joe

Age: Aged 20- 40-60 Over Totals

under 40 60
1. "Full-
Men: 1 3 1 5
Women: 1 2 0 3
teenagers 4 0 0 0 4
subtotal 4 2 5 1 12

2. "Half-
Men: 0 0 0 0
Women: 0 2 1 3
teenagers 2 0 0 0 2
subtotal 2 0 2 1 5

TOTAL: 6 2 7 2 17

Source: Report of the Aborigines

Protection Board, in VPLA 1897.

The same report records that just four of the 17

people at Gunnedah were receiving aid from the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Board. Supplementary "rations" and some clothing

were provided to four (of 11) adults at an annual
cost of £26 10s 1d [about 30 pence per person, or
less than three shillings, per week]. We may guess
that the other seven adults had some access to
wage income (and no doubt "free" bush foods). The
six children or teenagers presumably belonged to
the self-supporting families.
Medical expenses paid at Gunnedah by the APB
were 10 shillings (the number receiving medical
attention was not reported).

The Aboriginal populations of the other towns or

districts in the region were: Coonabarabran 44;
Manilla 36; Baradine 27; Narrabri 25; Boggabri 23;
Werris Creek 20; Tamworth two people; and
Tambar Springs one person.
No separate total was given for Breeza, but it is
stated that three adults and five children there
received aid. Presumably they were counted as part
of either the Gunnedah or the Werris Creek
populations. 113

In the whole colony of NSW there were

altogether just 6,984 Aborigines in 1896, down
from 7,485 in 1888. The population of Aborigines of
full ancestry was still falling: 3,503 "full-bloods" in
1896, down from 3,660 in 1895. They still slightly
outnumbered the now rising population of mixed
ancestry: 3,481 people, up from 3,386 in 1895.114

The census was taken by each police station. Thus the
figure does not necessarily mean the town. At a guess, the
"Baradine" figure included Cuttabri reserve and "Werris Creek"
included Quirindi-Walhallow.
1896 figures, published in VPLA 1897. Taking the
whole of NSW, there were 1,217 full-blood males aged
20-60 in 1896. With only 79 full-ancestry births, this
means that fully 1,138 potentially fertile men - more
than nine in every 10 - failed to father a child during
1896. No doubt there were psycho-social factors at

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The 1896 census of Aborigines in the colony

recorded 2,997 "children" (including teenagers, i.e.
aged 19 and younger), of whom 1,033 were "full-
bloods" and 1,964 (66%) "half-castes".
We may guess that about 1,000 were of school
age. The Board reported that 690 children were
attending school: 564 at government schools and
126 at "private" schools, the latter presumably
mostly at Catholic schools.115 Thus it is clear that
primary schooling among Aborigines (at 70% or
more) was not too far from universal at this time.
See also entry below for 1899-1929.

The NSW Aborigines Protection Board set up
supervised estates or ‘Aboriginal Stations’.
The people on these so-called ‘missions’ came
under the control of NSW government officials.
There was also a large number of old and new
‘reserves’, where small groups of Aborigines
camped free of supervision, except for the irregular
control exercised by the police and any employers
of casual labour.116 The reserves were just small
portions set aside for Aborigines: parcels of land
not available to white farmer-selectors.

work (not seeing the point of having children in a

"cruel white-man's world"). But probably the more
important reason was biological: disease, especially
venereal disease, had rendered many men and
women unable to produce children.
The number of "half-caste" births in 1896 was 153.
Of course, because some or even many women would
have had white partners (but probably very few men
had white wives or partners), it is not possible to
calculate the actual fertility of "half-caste" men.
There were also all-Aboriginal schools on a few of the
larger "managed" reserves known as 'Aboriginal Stations'.
Local police sergeants exercised de facto control until
1909, and were formally appointed as "Guardians of Aborigines"
under the Aborigines Protection Act of that year. The local police
station continued to serve as the ration point for people living on
reserves (Horner 1974, Chapter One).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

In the central-north, the first APB-managed

‘station’ was Caroona (Walhallow), near Quirindi,
gazetted in 1896. It was followed by Burra Bee Dee
near Coonabarabran, 1910; Sevington near Inverell,
also 1910; Terry Hie Hie, 1912; Euraba (Old
Kunopia), 1912; and Angledool.
By 1896 there were altogether 110 Aboriginal
reserves across NSW, some large and many quite
small. The average size was 230 acres or 93
hectares [APB data in VPLA 1897]. On the Namoi
River there were reserves were at Borah Crossing
[Manilla], Gunnedah, Narrabri, Wee Waa, Cuttabri
and Pilliga.117

Extensive coal mining begun by the Gunnedah
Colliery Company (coal had first been discovered
during the sinking of a well in 1877).

This was a difficult period for Aborigines and people
of mixed Aboriginal-white descent.
It was believed that 'full-blood' Aborigines would,
over a generation or two, die out. For their part, the
people of mixed blood were expected to adopt a
lifestyle identical to that of white citizens. So the
NSW Government pursued a policy (see under
1909) of restricting "full-bloods" to living on the
reserves and forcing away people of mixed
descent, expecting or hoping that the latter would
"merge" into white society. As part of this program,
many of the smaller reserves were abolished during
and after World War One.
On the other hand, however, white society itself
was frequently, indeed almost universally, hostile
to anyone with Aboriginal ancestry. In many
country towns white parents began to exert
pressure on state schools not to enrol Aboriginal
Goodall 1996. I have not been able to trace when the
Guunedah reserve was established (presumably some time in the
early 1890s).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and part-Aboriginal children. Catholic schools

continued to take in Aboriginal children, but after
1900 many received little or no schooling. This
further undermined their desire and ability to make
their way in the wider society.118

First telephone exchange at Gunnedah.

1. Flood.
2. Electricity generating station built at Gunnedah:
electric streetlights replaced kerosene street lamps.
Also a reticulated water supply was installed
(Gunnedah Committee 1935: 35).

The NSW Parliament passed the Aborigines
Protection Act (1909) and associated Regulations
(1910). For the first time, the Aborigines Protection
Board (APB) had statutory power to enforce its
Under the Act, people of mixed ancestry were
not defined as 'Aborigines' unless they were
residing on a reserve or had applied for or were in
receipt of rations or aid from the Board. In other
words, those part-Aborigines who were able to
support themselves were free from the control of
the APB. At the same time, however, the Act
empowered the Board to "move on" anyone at all
having any degree of Aboriginal ancestry.
The government's aim was to sever any
connection between ‘full-bloods’ and people of
mixed ancestry. The policy was forcefully
implemented under the regime of Robert
Donaldson, the "feared and hated" CEO of the

See discussion in Horner 1974 and Goodall 1996.
Readers interested in the human, or rather: inhumane, impact of
these policies are referred to the autobiography of James Barker,
Two Worlds, 1977.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Board from 1915 to 1929 (as Horner tags him:

1974, chapter one).

Major flood on the Namoi, the second highest in the
20th century, exceeded only by that of 1955. The
floodwaters were about 25 kilometres [15 miles]
wide at or near Gunnedah. 119

Gunnedah’s white population reached 3,005
(Federal Census, cited in Milliss 1980: 306).

Breeza State Forest was the first to be dedicated in
the Gunnedah region. Wondoba [sic] State Forest
followed in 1918.

As noted earlier, the Aborigines Protection Board
revoked or leased out many of the small Aboriginal
Most of the larger supervised estates or
'Aboriginal Stations' continued, including Caroona
[Quirindi], Burra Bee Dee [Coonabarabran], Pilliga,
Moree and Gingie [Walgett]. They were maintained
into the era of ‘welfare’, in the 1940s, when the
Aborigines Protection Board became a partly
Aboriginal-elected Welfare Board (the AWB) (see
Goodall 1996).

2.4 The Griffin, Cain and Orr Families of

Coonabarabran and Gunnedah

Two Aboriginal women, “Jinnie” Griffin and “Old

Maggie", figure prominently in the documents.

Data from, accessed
September 2001. Also NSW Premiers Dept 1952.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“Jinnie” (Jane or Jenny) Griffin is the main

character in Document 3E and the narrator of the
tale of how the Cassilis men attacked the
Coonabarabran people. This ocuurred in about
1830 when she was a child.
Old Maggie is mentioned as a main informant of
Dr Haynes of Gunnedah, the man who dug up Red
Kangaroo’s grave in 1887.
The birth-date of "Jinnie" Griffin is not known with
certainty, but it was probably around 1826. (A
genealogical source says “1822”.120) She married in
about 1840 and had a (second) daughter in 1844.
Mrs Griffin is described as "a full blooded
Aboriginal" who was brought up in the Mudgee area
by the pioneer Cox family, or perhaps by an
employee of theirs. This may imply that she
belonged to the Wiradjuri people, but this is not
certain. In the later 1820s-early 1830s the Coxes
set up several stations in the direction of
Coonabarabran. It cannot be ruled out that Jinnie
was, by birth, a Kamilaroi woman. Indeed she
related the tale of the raid on Coonabarabran by
the Cassilis men (in 1830 or earlier, perhaps around
1827) in terms that seem to imply she belonged to
the Coonabarabran country (“we”, “our”: see
Document 3E). It may also be relevant that her
daughter, Mary Jane Griffin Cain, knew the
meanings of both Kamilaroi and Wiradjuri place-
names. Mary Jane herself was born at ‘Toorawandi’
station near Coonabarabran, just inside Kamilaroi
Based on Mrs Cain’s account, Marilyn Wood has
suggested that Jinnie moved with the Coxes or their

Http:// Altona-Porter family
tree; accessed January 2003.
Place names: Cain 1922. Marilyn Wood (2001: 208)
rather too confidently supposes that Jinnie was an orphan of the
"war" of the mid 1820s between the colonists and the Wiradjuri
(which ranged over the triangle Bathurst-Mudgee-Wellington).
This is possible but by no means certain. The fact is: we do not

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

employees to the south-west Liverpool Plains

probably in the 1830s.
Jinnie married an Irishman Eugene Griffin
[variously ‘Griffis’ or ‘Griffith’, 1801-1860] in
Muswellbrook in about 1840. They already had a
daughter (Sarah, born 1838).122 Griffin had arrived
in the region as an assigned convict, working
initially for the squatter Hayes at 'Belar' station
south of Coonabarabran. Having married Jinnie,
Griffin sometimes worked as a hawker trading
goods along the line Maitland to Coonabarabran. At
other times he and Jinnie did pastoral work on
various stations in that sector.
The date of their marriage is confirmed by her
daughter, Mary Jane Griffin Cain, who mentions an
encounter between her newly wedded parents and
the bushranger known as ‘the Jew Boy’ (Edward
Davis, hanged 1841). Davis's gang was active in
the Tamworth-Quirindi-Muswellbrook region during
Jinnie and Eugene Griffin were working for James
Hale at 'Bomera' run near present-day Tambar
Springs in the early 1840s. Evidently they moved to
J B Bettington’s nearby holding ‘Toorawandi’
(between Tambar Springs and Coonabarabran) by
1844. At any rate their daughter, Mary Jane Griffin
(later Cain) [1844-1929], was born at 'Toorawandi'
in 1844.
After a period at ‘Toorawandi’ station, the Griffins
returned to ‘Bomera’ in the 1850s. The birth-places
of their children are a guide to their movements:
Sarah 1838-1873: birthplace unknown; died
Wandobah; Mary Jane 1844-1929: born at
‘Toorawandi’ station; Ellen 1849-??: born at
‘Bomera’ station; Margaret 1851-1904: born at
Binnie Mountain (near Quirindi); and Eliza Griffin
Allan 1858-1913: born at Coonabarabran. 124

Http:// Altona-Porter family
tree; accessed January 2003.
Wood 2001. Also ADB under “Davis” and Popinjay 1989.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Their second daughter Mary Jane married a white

worker named Joseph Budsworth, in the late 1850s
when she was aged about 14. Joseph and Mary's
second child, James Budsworth, was born at
Coonabarabran in 1860.
Budsworth senior died, however, and in 1865
Mary Jane remarried: to "Yellow George” [George
William] Cain, a white workman employed at
'Weetaliba' station near Coolah.
Jinnie Griffin too may have been living at
Coonabarabran by the late 1850s. At any rate
Document 3E has her there by the early 1870s. She
is described as the "consort of King Cuttabush of
the Coonabarabran blacks", the words "king" and
"consort" simply meaning that the couple were the
patriarch and matriarch of the "small band" of
Aborigines (27 people) living at Coonabarabran.
(Eugene Griffin had died in 1860.).
As recorded in Document 3E, Jane "Jinnie" Griffin
died in 1882, when her daughter Mary Jane was
aged 38. Jinnie herself would have been about

* * *

The identity of "Old Maggie" is rather less

In Document 3E it is stated that “there was
another daughter Margaret [by implication: another
daughter of Eugene and Jinnie Griffin] - once of
Garrawilla Station - who fell on evil days with the
passing of the Orr regime at Garrawilla. Margaret,
or Mag as she was known for many years around
Altona-Porter family tree, loc cit. Binnie Mountain is a
hill between Pine Ridge and Colly Blue; west of Quirindi.
Cain 1922. Also Pickette & Campbell 1984: 54-55;
Wilkin 1987; Sommerville 1994, chapter two; and Wood 2001. A
photograph of Mrs Cain, taken in about 1918, has been published
in Wilkin's booklet.
‘Toorawandi’: Variously Turawandie, Tarawindi and
Terrawindi in the lists of squatters’ licensees (NSW Government
Gazette 1848, p.1418 and in Pickette & Campbell 1984).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunnedah, eventually finished up at her camp on

the Namoi - near the Burrell water hole. = had 3
children, Emma Orr, Georgie Griffin & …
This passage would seem to be describing
Margaret Griffin (1851-1904: born at Binnie
Mountain west of Quirindi; died Gunnedah). As it
appears, some of her children took the name Orr
(after their father) while her later children took her
birth-name, Griffin - no doubt because their white
father (a subsequent partner of Mag's) did not wish
to recognise them.
The Orr brothers, James and Ebenezer, had first
arrived in the region in the late 1840s, taking work
as stockmen on ‘Borah’ holding north-east of
Coonabarabran. In 1852 they took over the grazing
licence for the station and became self-employed.
Ebenezer later transferred his grazing licence to
‘Yaminba’ and ‘Garrawilla’, two other stations to the
north-east of Coonabarabran, or about half-way to
Mary Jane Griffin Cain mentions how the Orrs
relied on Aboriginal labour when most white
workers departed during the Gold Rushes of the
If we follow Eric Rolls (in A Million Wild Acres),
Ebenezer Orr was living with "two" Aboriginal
women, at ‘Garrawilla’ in the 1860s. One was
named Betsy. The other, one imagines, was a very
young (teenage) Margaret Griffin, although this is
not stated.
The Coonabarabran historian Joy Pickette
informs me that the Orr family adopted the natural
Aboriginal children of Ebenezer Orr, namely Jane

Emphasis added. Pickette and Campbell (1984: 45)
mention a Jane and a Mary as the daughters of Ebenezer Orr “and
his favourite dusky shepherdess of the time”. This claim follows
Rolls 1981: 172, who unfortunately does not cite his sources. He
speaks of Mary, Ebenezer Orr’s daughter, marrying a man called
Sommerville 1994: 67.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Orr and Mary Orr.128 In addition by 1873 there was a

white daughter, Ethel Orr, born in that year to
Ebenezer's white wife, Tryphena. 129
The "passing" of the Orr regime at 'Garrawilla'
came with Ebenezer Orr's death in 1874.
Presumably "Mag" Griffin moved to Gunnedah
thereafter (or possibly earlier, noting that in 1869
Ebenezer had married a white woman, Tryphena
Bird,). Certainly "Mag" was living at Gunnedah in
the period 1882-92.
The Sydney Mail (Document 1) states that “the
story of Cumbo has been drawn piecemeal from
Old Maggie, who is now about 91 years old, and
others who verify it”. "Now" would mean either
1887, the year that Ganuurru’s grave was dug up,
or 1891, the dateline of the article in the Sydney
If Maggie really was 91, then she was born in
either 1796 or 1800. If, however, as Document 3E
implies, she was the sister of Mary Jane Griffin
Cain’s sister, then Maggie had been born in 1851.
That would have made her at most 36 when Haynes
dug up Red Kangaroo’s grave (or 40, calculating to
1891). (Document One, para. 19 speaks of
“blackfellows’ way of counting”. Now 91 divided by
Conversation 1.11.2001 with Joy Pickette. Eric Rolls
states that Mary, the younger of Ebenezer Orr’s mixed-race
daughters, married a man called Cain. This is difficult to follow
unless there were two men named Cain, one who married Mary
Jane Griffin and another who married Mary Orr. (This is not
impossible: a Thomas Cain, “settler” at Coonabarabran, is listed in
Greville’s Post Office Directory for 1872.)
Rolls 1981: 160, 166, 172, 173. Pickette and Campbell
(1984: 45) add that Ebenezer Orr and “his favourite dusky
shepherdess of the time” had two daughters Jane and Mary. But
the source for this is Rolls.
“Died 1874”: as shown in the State records, death no. 66/1874:
Orr Ebenezer, son of James and Sarah. The only child of Ebenezer
to appear in the BDM records is Ethel M Orr [1873-1886],
daughter of Ebenezer or "Eben" and Tryphena or "Trophina" Orr
[sic: Tryphena was a not uncommon woman's name in the later
19th century]. 'Eben' Orr had married 'Trophina' Bird in 1869
(marriage no. 1159).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

two gives 45.5; and added to 1851 45.5 years

yields 1896, which is near enough to the date of
Maggie’s death: unfortunately we have no record of
half a whitefellows’ year constituting a blackfellows'
year …) .
Much is obscure here, and it is to be hoped that
future researchers will be able to clear up the story.


3.1 Material Culture in the Ewing Papers

The Ewing Papers generally confirm what we

know from other sources about Aboriginal clothes,
tools and equipment.
There are one or two details that are new.
Especially interesting is a unique and obviously
authentic listing of the contents of a woman’s

Items used by both men and women:

Possum-skin robes; and water-bags or so-called

‘water gourds’ made of sewn animal skin.
Possum-skin robes were often large: “The
possum rug [will be] rolled about stick[s] tied in
bundles, or about grass, to look like a man wrapped
in his possum rug asleep [by] the dead fires. At
each man-like form in its possum rug, a spear will
stand upright in the ground” (Document 3C, “The
Cassilis Raid”, MS Page 11).130

Used by men:

Spears for hunting and for war; woomeras

(“wommerahs”); shields; boomerangs of various

For more on possum-skin rugs, see the commentary
on para. 20 of Document One, “The Grave and Bones”.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

kinds, including the “heavy war boomerang”;

waddies and nulla-nullas; and “tomahawks” (stone
hatchets).131 Evidently a distinction was made
between the tools of war and of hunting: the text at
one stage speaks of men “being unarmed for war,
only having their hunting weapons with them".
Men wore a wide girdle woven from animal hair,
from which their hatchet was suspended in an
animal-hide “carrier” (see “The Death and Career”,
Document 3B, MS Page 26).

Used by women:

Yam sticks; large and small plaited bags;

needles; and grinding mills:

i. Yam sticks: of hard wood, about 1.5 metres

long, used as a digging tool, staff and
weapon (Document 3C, MS Page 13; and 3B,
MS Page 35).

ii. Large plaited bags: described variously as a

‘game-bag’ or “pack” slung across the
shoulders; “bark-plaited bags slung across
shoulders"; and "bark- or rushes-plaited

iii. Small plaited bags, namely the familiar dilly-

bag: “a dilly bag contains many useful
things for an Aboriginal woman: needles of
bone; wood; sewing thread of hair; bark;
sinews of animals; tying cords of animal
hide; flint knives; tinder to dust on her two

The following is a select list of references in earlier
texts. Barbed spears: Sturt 1833: 129 (Castlereagh River).
Woomeras: Mitchell 1839: 109. Nulla-nullas: Mitchell 1839: 71,
109 (Gwydir basin). For the Gamilaraay names of various items,
see in Curr 1887: 304 ff.
No doubt there were many types of bags used for many
purposes. Curr’s informants list names for just two types (1887:
III, 305).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

fire-stick[s] as she rubs them together; balls

of clay wetted and used to put over a
wound; and many other things” (from “The
Cassilis Raid”, Document 3C, MS Page 5).

iv. Needles made from fish bones, kangaroo

and emu bone: mentioned as prized by
white collectors in the later 1800s.

v. Stone seed-grinding mills: also collectors’ items.

3.2 Kinship and the Naming System

To understand the system of names in use

among the Gamilaraay, it is useful to start with our
own Western or English naming system.
In our society, ‘John Andrew Smith’ has three
names: two are given names (John and Andrew:
chosen by his parents, who sometimes will choose
his paternal grandfather’s given name). The third of
course is a family name inherited from his father.
He is variously called ‘Mr Smith’ or ‘John’ or ‘Uncle’.
I might call him ‘Mr Smith’ if he is an older man
and only distantly related to me or not related at
all. I would call him ‘John’ if we had a close
relationship as equals or presumed equals. Or I
could call him ‘Uncle’ if he happened to be my
mother’s brother. But in our society there are other
kin terms that we do not use as forms of address.
Mothers’ sons do not call each other “brother”,
except in jest or sarcasm. “Brother” is, for us, a
dead or dying form of address: so moribund that
even the members of Masonic lodges and trade
unions no longer call each other ‘brother’. As for
‘sister’, even the feminists have failed to revive that
noble title.
Turning to Aboriginal society, we may take as an
example our Gunnedah Big Man, ‘Red Kangaroo’ or
Kambu Kanuurru. Like all the Gamil’raay, he bore

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

three names: a section name (his was Gambu); a

matri-clan or totem name (his was Ganuurr or
Ganuurru, ‘red kangaroo’);133 and a personal name
or sobriquet which unfortunately has not survived
in our sources.134
The section name was inherited from his
maternal grandmother; the totem name was
inherited from his mother; and his sobriquet was
acquired or ascribed (often from an incident or
event occurring when the person in question was a
baby).135 Section and totem names are further
explained below.
To call Red Kangaroo by his (unrecorded)
personal name was very intimate, whereas to use
‘Gambu’ or 'Ganuurru' was fairly neutral (many
others also bore these names). More often he would
have been called ‘Brother’ or ‘Uncle’ or ‘Cousin’,
not only by his actual sisters or nieces or cousins,
but also by his classificatory kin: people who, via
section and matri-clan connections, were his
notional or ascribed relatives. His ‘brothers’ might

The largest of living marsupials, the plains kangaroo,
Macropus rufus (formerly Megaleia rufa). In Gamilaraay RED
KANGAROO was Kanuurr or Ganuurr; also “bawurra”. Variously
rendered as ‘cannoor’ (Breton 1834); ‘ganoor’ (Greenway SM
1910: 76) and ‘ganu:r’ (Ridley). The suffix +ah in “Gunnerah”
(Document 1) may have indicated the locative-dative case (+a):
hence Ganuurra, “at/from/in the red kangaroo” or perhaps the
ergative-instrumental case +u, Ganuurru.
Three names including a sobriquet or nickname: Ridley
1875: 163, 267. Ridley 1875 gives the following examples of
names (section name first, totem name second, personal name
third – NB: his spellings): Murri Bundar Ngumera-Gunaga (“Old
Billy” of ‘Burburgate’); Murri Bundar Gungguele (“Gungguele”
meaning “charcoal”); Murri Ganurr Yawirawira; and Murri Duli
Wagura. A futher example is given in Ash et al. 2003: Mrs Ginny
Rose, a Yuwwaaliyaay woman, born in 1880, was given the name
Dhaay-galiyawaay, literally ‘this way-climbing’, an allusion to
the rising floodwaters at the time of her birth.
Totems and totem names are explained in O’Rourke,
Kamilaroi Lands 1997. See earlier Coxen 1866, Ridley 1875 and
Mathews 1895c on Kamilaroi names; and Howitt 1904: 737 ff for
south-east Australia generally.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

be true or ‘close’ brothers. Or they might be distant,

classificatory brothers, not unlike the union or lodge
mates of our exemplar John A Smith.

Two Moieties and Four Sections

‘Moiety’ is the anthropologist’s term for the two

widest categories into which Aborigines divided all
natural phenomena, animate and inanimate.
Because literally everything was so classified, we
may call them “cosmographic” divisions.
The Kamilaroi moieties, as we know from the
early settler Cyrus Doyle, were Dhilbay (‘dilbi’) and
Gubadhin (‘kupathin’).136 A human being or any
other living thing belonged to one moiety or the
other, never to both.
Each moiety was further divided into two,
creating four ‘sections’. In northern Australia,
sections are sometimes called, in English, ‘skin
groups’. They were additional categories or
subcategories into which nature and culture alike
were divided “so as to give formal and systematic
order to the world”. Each man, woman and child
belonged by birth to one section and only one.137
The names of the four Kamilaroi sections took a
masculine form for men and boys and a feminine
form for women and girls:

i. Masculine gambu (‘kumbo’, ‘combo’) =

feminine buudhaa (‘butha’, ‘booda’);

ii. Masc. yibaay (‘ipai’, ‘hippi’) = fem. yibadhaa

(‘ipatha’, ‘hippithaa’);

iii. Masc. gabii (‘kubbi’, ‘coppa’) = fem. gabudhaa

(‘kubbitha’, ‘coppethaa’); and

Howitt South-East Australia 1904: 104, citing Cyrus E
Doyle of Moree.
“Formal and systematic”: Maddock 1974. Also von
Brandenstein 1982.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

iv. Masc. marrii (‘murri’, ‘murra’) = fem. madhaa

(‘matha’, ‘maathaa’).138

Here, as earlier, “dh” represents a sound not found

in English. It resembled the ‘dth’ sound in English
“hid them”. Thus madhaa sounded like English
‘mud thar’ without the final ‘r’.
Membership of a section was inherited from the
mother, but indirectly. A person’s section was the
same as his or her maternal grandmother’s. For
example, a grandmother of Buudhaa section would
have a daughter of Yibadhaa section; her son (the
grandson) would be Gambu (the male equivalent of
his grandmother’s Buudhaa).

The Totemic “Clans”

In anthropology ‘clan’ is a technical term for

descent groups (real or notional descent lines).
Each descent line took its name and identity from a
totem, usually an animal or plant species, such as
‘Grey Kangaroo’, ‘Bandicoot’, ‘Brolga’, ‘Wood-duck’,
‘Catfish’ or ‘Cypress Pine’.
The word ‘clan’ must not be read to imply that
the Kamilaroi clans were localised units. On the
contrary, in inland NSW the totemic clans were
notional matrilineal descent lines, with
representatives throughout the region: “The people
of any given locality are not all of the same totem,
nor are the people of any one ... totem collected in

Preferred spellings as in Ash et al. 2003; except for
gambu (long uu is preferred by Ash et al. (Austin 1993 analysed
certain vowels differently.) Fison remarked that “The Kamilaroi
class [Section] names were first published, I believe, by the Rev
W Ridley, MA, whose attention had been called to them by Mr T
E Lance [i.e., before 1871]” (Lorimer Fison in Fison & Howitt
1880: 37n).
Ridley, letters to Col. Sec. 1871-73, explained that the name of
the section, marrii - second vowel long, was quite distinct from
the word for ‘person, human being, people’, mari (“murri”) -
second vowel short. The r’s were also different: rr = trill alveolar
r; r = plain or retroflex r.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the same locality”.139 There were (or could be)

Bandicoot women and Bandicoot men at Walgett
and Bandicoot women and Bandicoot men at
Because the recognised line of descent was
matrilineal, and because marriage within one’s own
matri-line or clan was forbidden, fathers and sons
belonged to distinct clans. A woman of the
Ganuurru (Red Kangaroo) totem had a son (and
daughter) of the same totem; the boy’s father
would belong to a different totem.
The latter-day Gamil'raay people, when they had
learnt English, chose ‘meat’ to translate their term
for a clan or totem (Gamilaraay dhii, ‘meat, flesh,
kin, relation, totem species, matri-clan’). Not that
the totem was food (yuri, ‘meat food’). On the
contrary, to eat one’s totem was anathema. Rather,
the idea being rendered by ‘meat’ was that of
‘body’ or ‘flesh’ in the sense of totem-body.140


Fison and Howitt 1885; also Mathews, Kamilaroi class
system 1895c: 20. Non-anthropologists often apply the term ‘clan’
to residential groupings. Anthropologists use ‘clan’ for the kinship
grouping, and prefer other terms such as ‘band’ for residential
groupings. ‘Clan’, then, is the modern anthropological term for a
real or notional descent line, either matrilineal or patrilineal. Fison
and Howitt themselves had used it to label patrilineal local groups
(cf Hiatt 1996: 21).
Clan as “meat”: Taylor and Jardine 1924: 279; Dunbar
1943; and Elkin 1945a. Ash et al. distinguish the noun dhii ‘meat,
totem, animal’ from –dhi, the kinship or possessor suffix, but
probably they were the same (i.e. dhii)
The sky-god Baayama (“Baiame”) was the source of all totems:
every part of his body, even the fingers and toes, had a totem
name, and he gave a totem to sets of people as he departed
(proceeding on his mythic travels). His wife Birrang-ulu likewise
retained all the totems on or in parts of her body. So all the matri-
clans claimed her as kin (Parker 1905: 7).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

4.1 Oral Traditions: Religion, History,


In Aboriginal societies, as in other ‘traditional

societies’, everyone had some basic understanding
of the group’s and their own family’s past. The
knowledge was contained in songs, spoken tales
and anecdotes. There were songs and tales of all
kinds: stories about tricksters and malignant spirits,
tales of love and amorous adventure, stories of
feuds and killings.
It is not possible to sort the songs and tales
neatly into discrete categories such as religious
versus secular, or historical versus non-historical.
Some tales would have dealt with the doings of
one’s immediate ancestors, e.g. one’s own
grandfather(s). Other tales would deal only
incidentally with the past doings of real people.
The group’s major religious myths were
embedded in the often long songs chanted
privately by the men during the secret phases of
the initiation festivals. The myths (or parts of them)
were also related in simpler, public versions. There
were simple narratives about how the natural
species came to have the shapes they have today;
how certain topographical features came about;
and how human beings came to be as they are.141
In Aboriginal Australia, religious stories, which
featured the doings of the sky-gods and other
mythic beings, and were set at the time of creation,
tended to be sung. Secular tales, including those
about one’s immediate, real ancestors, tended to
be told in narrative prose. But this is only a broad
generalisation. Sometimes the creation myths
would be recounted in narrative prose, and of
course there were any number of secular songs,
some of which would take as their topic events in
the recent past.142 In Document 3B Joe Bungaree
says that the information about Red Kangaroo
Berndt & Berndt 1996: 391.
Berndt & Berndt 1996: 387-88.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

"came down by song and tale on [sic] our tribe as

told by the old men" (at MS Page 33).
Oral traditions served to entertain, to teach and
to reinforce people’s moral understanding. To make
the same point a different way, oral traditions
fulfilled multiple social functions.
Not the least important of the many reasons for
the existence and perpetuation of "folk literature"
was the need for release from the boredom that
comes from sitting around in camp (especially
perhaps on long winter evenings).
In addition to their value as entertainment,
stories were a means of teaching the values and
beliefs that were integral to the culture - the proper
relationship between humans and animals, for
example, or the obligations of kinship and affinity.
Thus the oral traditions served to reinforce people's
moral understanding. In Joe Bungaree's tales, for
example, Red Kangaroo protests against the elders’
flouting of age-old laws relating to marriage. In
other words, as Tosh (1991) remarks, stories helped
to validate the particular social and political
arrangements that currently prevailed - the
distribution of land, the share that each lineage had
to potential marriage partners and the pattern of
relations with neighbouring groups.
Traditions about origins and great migrations
might fall into one category (teaching), while those
which recounted the doings of particular groups
and individuals might belong to another
(validating). But again there was no hard-and-fast
division: many traditions were both cosmological
statements and also political charters.143

* * *

In ‘non-literate’ or traditional societies the

traditions of the group were (from our perspective)
narrowly circumscribed. 144 First, they did not go
back very far. The collective memory usually did
Tosh, Pursuit of History 1991: 221.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

not exceed a century, although some special

events might be recalled for as long as 250 years.145
Beyond that, one came to an indefinite, pre-
historical past. This distant or ‘pre-remembered’
past is sometimes called “the Dreamtime” in
(latter-day) discussions of Australian Aboriginal
stories. Thus at one point Red Kangaroo says, “our
laws come to us by word of mouth, handed down
from each group of elders going back to long, long
ago in the time of our first elders and when our
tribe was formed” (Document 3B, MS p.21). In this
statement we see the immediate, remembered past
linked to the long-distant pre-remembered past.
For example in one Kenyan story, the arrival, life and
eventual departure of the first colonial officer in an isolated
district has been explained as standing in the place of 60 years of
colonial history. The tribe's memory of an individual Englishman
passed as a metaphor for their experience under colonialism. This
was described as “a dreamlike or poetic sort of condensation”; it
compressed years of the memory and significance of a vast region
under colonialism into the more prosaic story of cultural contact
between a tribe and a colonial officer. - John Murphy, The Voice
of Memory: History, Autobiography and Oral Memory, Historical
Studies, 22 (1986), p.160, citing L. Haring, 'Gusii Oral Texts', The
International Journal of African Historical Studies, vol. 7, 1974,
p. 116.
For example, in the stories of one group of Papua New
Guinea Highlands people, there was an ancient “Time of
Darkness” marked by the eruption of a certain volcano, now no
longer active. A study of the ashes shows that the earliest date for
its last eruption was 1640, or at most 300 years “before present”
(Vansina, Oral Tradition as History 1985: 188).
Sometimes memory did not extend even that far. A Dutch
expedition landed on the west coast of Cape York peninsula in
1623, alarming the local Aborigines, who were the ancestors of
the latter-day Yir Yiront people. The Dutch gave gifts of iron and
beads. No memory of this remained in 1935, 312 years later. That
may not be surprising. But the next encounter with whites, a party
of cattlemen who entered Cape York with a small herd of cattle,
took place in 1864. For whatever reason, the Yir Yiront attacked
the intruders, but suffered defeat. The cattlemen killed about 30
Yir Yiront men. The whites retired, however, abandoning their
idea of setting up a cattle station. Again, but very surprisingly, no
memory of this survived in 1935, after only three generations (71
years) (Sharp 1952/1990: 261).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Stories about the doings of the great sky-god

Baayama 146 and other supernatural creatures
belonged of course to the distant or pre-
remembered past.147 Such stories can be called
myths. The tales about our hero Red Kangaroo,
however, because they concern a real human being
acting in remembered time, can be called legends.
(Compare Box One below.)
In traditional societies oral traditions were
restricted in space as well as in time. The songs,
spoken tales and anecdotes were usually limited to
events in the lands that the group inhabited and
those of its immediate neighbours. This is in no way
surprising: literate Rome and literate ancient China
had only the vaguest knowledge of each other’s
So we find that the Aborigines of inland New
South Wales knew about the Pacific Ocean (it is 265
kilometres from Gunnedah in a straight line to the
Pacific near Kempsey).148 In the other direction, the
most distant locality mentioned in Joe Bungaree’s

Ash et al. 2003 prefer the spelling Baayami.
The creation myths of the Kamilaroi are recorded in
scattered and fragmentary form in the writings of Greenway,
Ridley, Mathews and Parker (see the Bibliography). I give the
myths only a brief treatment in my own Kamilaroi Lands (1997).
The most accessible source for people interested in this topic is
Parker’s Euahlayi Tribe (1905).
Breton 1834: 205 remarks that the “Corborn Comleroy”
[the ‘Greater’ Gamilaraay’, from the Liverpool Plains] attended
ceremonies at Port Macquarie on the Pacific Coast. Likewise
George 'the Barber' Clarke mentions a shaman ("kradjee") from
Boggabri who travelled to the sea, also perhaps the Port
Macquarie area. He lived there for some time before returning to
Boggabri (cited in Campbell 2002: 140). Moreover it seems that
the Gamilaraay group interviewed by Major Mitchell near
Mungindi in 1832 knew about the penal settlement at Moreton
Bay [modern Brisbane]. “When Callidé, ‘the sea’ was pronounced
to them, they pointed in the direction of Moreton Bay, repeating
very frequently the word ‘Wallingall’” [Mitchell, 6 February
1832: discussion in O’Rourke 1995: 38]. Callidé was galidhaay,
“water(s) running thence”. Wallingall was walaayngal, ‘many
camps’ (i.e., of white men).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

tales is Walgett. It is located 230 kilometres from

Gunnedah as the crow flies (Document 3B, MS Page
30). In other words, effectively the whole known
world of the Gunnedah people was contained within
a radius of less than 300 kilometres.

* * *

There were individuals who specialised in

becoming knowledgeable about all aspects of local
history. Jan Vansina in his book Oral Tradition as
History (1985) calls these people ‘men of memory’
or ‘encyclopaedic informants’. Some of them, of
course, were women.
The specialisation is, or was, relative: every man
made spears, everyone hunted or gathered food
and everyone knew something about the group’s
history. But of course some individuals were much
better at making spears, while others were better at
remembering and relating whose grandfather had
done what. Doubtless there were some who
preferred to sing and others who liked to conjure up
the past in prose tales.
R M Berndt and C H Berndt have noted that in
some areas of Australia the community’s repertoire
comprised as many as 400 or 500 distinct myths
and major secular stories. Of course many people
would not have known even a quarter of them, and
only a few individuals would have known all of the
Anthropologists and folklorists collecting
historical and mythological material may obtain it
from all and any members of the group. Obviously
it makes all the difference when an especially

Berndt & Berndt 1996: 389.
We moderns tend to under-estimate the power of memory in
non-literate societies. The American Homeric scholar Millman
Parry took down from an illiterate bard in southern Serbia an epic
poem of 12,000 lines – equal to the length of the Odyssey (itself
an a "written" epic) (Encyc. Brit 15th ed, entry on "Heroic

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

interested and talented performer - a Man of

Memory - does the telling or performs the story
rather than an average member of the group who
may have little interest or capability in relating the
group’s historical tales.150
Ion Idriess claims that Joe Bungaree of Gunnedah
was such a Man of Memory: “In every tribe there
are men trained to remember. And so my father
trained me!” (Document 4: Idriess’s Preface to The
Red Chief). In truth, this idea does not occur in the
source document, “The Death and Career”
(Document 3B). What Bungaree actually said to
Ewing in Document 3B was simply this: “Yes, my
father told me lot of tribe-talk about what Red
Kangaroo and him warriors do … . My father an’ old
men in tribe tell me, an’ tell all young boy of tribe,
about great warriors of the Nammoy River tribe: all
about wars … .” No specialisation seems implied.

Box One

Oral traditions can be classified in various ways.

In one classification, a story is a ‘legend’ if the main
actor is a human being, and a ‘myth’ if the actor is
divine. When the tone is less elevated, as for

If contemporary western culture awards the highest
creative value to the imagination, our ancient and medieval
forebears considered those with the greatest creative powers to be
those with the best memories. Ancient and medieval scholars
would not even understand a definition of intelligence that did not
include a superior memory. As Carruthers notes, "in their
understanding of the matter, it was memory that made knowledge
into useful experience, and memory that combined these pieces of
information-become-experience into what we call "ideas", what
they were more likely to call judgments" (Mary Carruthers, The
Book of Memory, Cambridge University Press, 1990, p.3).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

example in versions designed for children, the story

may be called a “fairy tale” or a “fable”.151

1. Legends:

In folklore theory, a legend is a traditional

narrative about a person, place or object that really
exists, existed or is believed to have existed. Thus
the stories about Red Kangaroo are technically-
speaking legends.
Even when a story recounts a supernatural or
highly unusual event, the event is claimed to have
occurred in real life. Legends offer information,
moral judgments and warnings. In some cases the
truth of the tradition is a matter for heated dispute,
e.g. King Arthur or Robin Hood.
• The word ‘legend’ originally denoted oral and
written lives of the (Christian) saints, which of
course we know today to contain some very
fanciful elements.
• In modern English, in secular discourse, ‘legend’
tends to mean a traditional story popularly
regarded as basically true, even if its truth is
nearly buried beneath the fanciful elements. For
example, the legend of Ned Kelly. (Obviously
Kelly was a real person. The question is: "was
he just a charismatic thug?")

2. Myths:

Put simply, myths are stories about divine

beings. The stories are (or were) revered as true
and sacred, and closely linked to religion.
But the word ‘myth’ is somewhat plastic in
modern English discourse. On the one hand it can
mean any narrative or story of religious

This is a "native" classification: supplied by the
Trobriand Islanders to Malinowski (in his Myth in Primitive
Psychology, 1926). The original Trobriand terms are liliu,
rendered as 'myth' by Malinowski; libwogwo 'legend' and
kukwanebu 'fairy tale'.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

significance. On the other it can mean a secular

belief that is wholly false, as in “urban myths”. The
latter are sometimes called ‘contemporary
Traditional religious stories, of course, are
considered true by believers. Unbelievers will
distinguish between pure myths, i.e. stories whose
core elements most scholars would regard as false,
such as “the Resurrection myth” or “myth of the
Virgin Birth”, and historical myths, i.e. stories that
contain some important truths beneath a heavy
layer of colour, e.g. “the myth of Jesus”.
Troy is both a legend and a myth. The early
Greeks probably did attack such a city in Asia
Minor, and there probably was a hero called
Achilles. But the Greek expedition to Troy is a myth
to the extent that the story attributes the outcome
of many events to the intervention of the gods.
Like the early Greeks, the Kamilaroi had many
gods and many myths. But the myths about the
sky-gods such as Baayama and his several wives
were located in a distant pre-remembered past, the
so-called ‘Dreamtime’. The sky-gods were “otiose”
or hidden gods [Latin otiosus, “hidden or neutral”].
Baayama and the others, having anciently retired
to the world beyond the sky, no longer intervened
in the present-day life of the Aborigines.152

3. Folktales:

Folktales are simple stories that lack a high

religious tone, including those designed to be told
to children. We call them fairy tales and fables.

See the discussion in O’Rourke 1997: 171 ff. Baayama
was wholly “otiose”, never revealing himself except in thunder,
which was his voice. Dharramalan, Baayama’s half-brother and
legate or messenger, did sometimes appear on earth, but not to
intervene by way of interfering with human actions. A third major
supernatural being, Garriya the rainbow-snake, seems to have
been part-god, part-monster and moved between living in the
lower world and living in the sky.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The principal characters can be gods and

superhuman beings, or heroes, or animals and
humans. Sometimes folktales are myths that have
degenerated. The link with religion has broken, and
the actors in the stories are no longer regarded as
gods but as human heroes, giants, monsters or
As the Berndts have pointed out, Australian
Aborigines had many ordinary ‘camp stories’, some
meant for an adult audience and some specifically
tailored to children. Sometimes these camp stories
were outline versions of the great religious myths
or altered ‘exoteric’ versions of them. Important
parts of the religious myths were reserved for
initiated men and so were kept back from women
and children.153

4.2 Oral History and the Epic

Can we call the stories of Red Kangaroo an

The long stories that we call epics - and an epic
"must" be long - often involve a confrontation
between humans and fabulous (divine or demonic)
The term is often reserved for full-scale works in
verse such as the Greek Iliad and Odyssey. But
sometimes we find other, shorter genres being
called epics, e.g. the 'heroic prose' texts of
medieval Ireland containing the old Irish Ulaid
(‘Ulster’) cycle of stories, which originated probably
in the first century BC, and the 13th century AD
Icelandic sagas.
The Irish Ulaid cycle consists mostly of stories
that are quite short, although The Cattle Raid of
Cooley has the scope of an epic. The Anglo-Saxon

R M & C H Berndt 1996: 241, 388.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

historical poem about the Battle of Maldon (10th

century), describing a Viking raid on Essex, is in
verse and deals with heroic acts. But it is too short
to perhaps qualify as an 'epic'.154
Sometimes all the elements of the grand epic -
deities, humans and grand tribal or national
struggles - may be present, as in the Sumerian epic
of Gilgamesh; the stories in the Hebrew Bible; the
Iliad of the Greeks (the story of Troy); and the
Mahabharata of ancient and modern India.
In the 'classical' Greek and Roman epics,
typically we find a great man displaying his heroic
qualities by enduring some form of crisis or by
engaging in a war or great quest. Importantly, the
gods intervene to help or hinder him. Famous
examples include the wanderer Odysseus in the
Greek epic called The Odyssey (ascribed to Homer)
and the Trojan prince Aeneas in the Latin epic by
Virgil [Lat.: Vergilius] known after its hero as The
Aeneid, which deals with the founding of Rome.
As Peter Toohey has explained, the epic starts
with the hero at odds with his community. Some
difficulty or tragedy develops, often brought on by
his disrespect for the gods or his companions, and
the tragedy allows him to gain a greater
understanding of his own nature. Sometimes this
involves a fight in which he kills a prominent
In the works of Homer and Virgil, and in some
medieval European epics, the key event may be a
confrontation between an intruder-hero
(representing the Individual) and an establishment-
king (representing Society).
Having become, as a result, the possessor of
great qualities such as loyalty, patience or
endurance, and a proper attitude towards his
community, the hero finally returns to his people to
occupy his rightful place.
Heroes challenge, and thereby define, the
limitations imposed by the gods, fate, or self-
Encyc. Brit., 15th ed, "Epic".

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

absorption, as well as those social, political,

economic, religious and sexual roles by which
humans define themselves.155
Much the same applies to the 'Quest Story', a
type of tale found in many cultures. As analysed by
the Russian anthropologist Vladimir Propp, a Quest
Story always begins with some injury or need. The
hero is told to go somewhere. He has adventures
which usually involve meeting a man or creature
who sets him various tasks or tests; this often
involve combat. In the end, after various
adventures, following an almost standard pattern,
the hero is always rewarded, or married, or
becomes king.156

* * *

A number of these elements appear in the stories

of Red Kangaroo (hereafter “RK”). Equally, there
are crucial differences from the style and content of
a Greco-Roman epic.
Consider, for example, the tale of the Ambush of
the Cassilis Raiders. As we will see, in this tale RK is
a great man (or a young man ready for greatness).
He goes on an expedition; he displays strong
leadership qualities; and he engages in combat. But
there is no sense of psychological change. Nor does
his status change.

i. A great man?

In the Ambush of the Cassilis Raiders, RK has

been ‘warrior chief’ for two years, and plainly he is
more gifted intellectually, morally and physically
than the rest. But, unlike an ancient Greek hero, he
is not disrespectful to the gods or his companions.
Toohey Reading Epic 1984. Also W T H Jackson, The
Hero and the King: an Epic Theme, New York 1982.
Propp, Morphology of the Folktale, Austin Texas 1968.
Also the early essay 'The Hero of Tradition' [1934] by F R
Somerset (Lord Raglan), in Dundes, ed, 1965: 152 ff.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

ii. At odds with his community?

RK is not at odds with his community. But, when

the tale opens, the young warriors are not being
allowed to go on a hunting expedition and they are
grumbling. As a consequence their wives are
gossiping negatively. Fearing dissension, RK
berates the younger men and instructs them in
their rightful duty to the community.
In another tale, RK goes to Coonabarabran on a
quest to capture his first wives (Document 3B, "The
Death and Career"). He is driven to do so because
the dominant elders of his Gunnedah tribelet have
bent the age-old laws concerning the allocation of
women (or so it is presented). When he returns, RK
kills the leading "chief" Jerrabri and re-proclaims
the age-old laws.
In this story, he is a little like a medieval
European hero who challenges, and thereby
defines, or overcomes, the limitations that an
unhappy world imposes: in this case imposed by
local politics.

iii. Quest, war or crisis?

In the Cassilis story, when the enemy raiders are

detected, RK rushes back from his hunting
expedition. The crisis he faces is that the Cassilis
war-party heavily outnumbers the available
Gunnedah men. But, whereas in ancient Greco-
Roman epics the hero will often leave his
community, RK takes the whole body of Gunnedah
warriors with him in a counter-raid on Cassilis.
In the other tale, where he goes to
Coonabarabran on a quest to capture his first
wives, RK faces and defeats the 'war-chief' Kulki,
"the bravest and most fearless warrior in the
Coonabarabran tribe" (Document 3B, MS Page 27).
Returning from Coonabarabran to Gunnedah, he
confronts the "chief" Jerrabri and kills him in a duel.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

This is perhaps reminiscent of a Propp-style 'Quest

Story' and the confrontation between the intruder-
hero and the establishment-king that we see in
Homer, Virgil and some medieval European epics.

iv. Heroic qualities?

In the Cassilis tale, RK devises a clever ambush

plan and convinces the others that this is the best
form of defence. In heroic fashion, he leads the
defence and the counter-attack.

v. Understands himself?

This is precisely where the Cassilis Raid fails as

an epic if we choose a (pagan) Greco-Roman
yardstick.157 RK may well have come to understand
himself better (no doubt he did), but no trace of this
appears in the tales as we have them.
At the same time there is a moral, already drawn
by RK at the start of the tale: that ‘duty comes
before pleasure’. Young men must understand that
their enjoyment of hunting cannot be put ahead of
their duty to defend the women and children. In
other words, RK shows his wisdom before the crisis

vi. His rightful place?

The defeat of the Cassilis men is presented as

RK’s first major exploit and the beginning of his
great reputation in the region. “It was many years
before the warlike Cassilis tribe built up to be [a]

In the Christian Roman Empire of Constantinople
("Byzantium"), the epic is a late phenomenon: the tale of
Diogenes Akritas was not possible during Byzantium's first 700
years. It has often been asserted that the epic is lacking too in
Chinese literature. But to inquire whether this is actually so, and
why it should be so, would take us too far from our present topic.
Cherchez- y qui peut ("those who can may search this out").

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

menace to other tribes. But never again did Cassilis

warriors venture to attack the Nammoy tribe.”

No Golden Age

In the Greco-Roman epics, the ‘world’ of the

heroes presents a past time that is in some ways
more desirable than the present. The epic evokes a
self-contained and appealing world in which heroes
were braver and more numerous; issues more
clear-cut; and things altogether more noble. The
past is thereby glorified. 158
We also encounter an idealised picture of a
remote past in some - but not all - of the medieval
Icelandic sagas, namely in the aristocratic "kings'
Again, there is almost nothing of this in the Red
Kangaroo stories. RK himself is braver and more
clever than others, certainly, but the world of his
time is not presented as intrinsically more noble
than later times.
This is in no way surprising. Only three or four
generations separated his time from that of Joe
Bungaree's parents. Moreover Aboriginal societies
were in principle wholly egalitarian, with no room
for princes and paupers.
The Red Kangaroo stories are more like a
standard Icelandic saga, in which the saga-authors
depict life as they themselves experienced it or as
they imagined life to have actually been in the past.
Most of the sagas of medieval Iceland deal with
people who are fully integrated members of
society.159 Just as the leading figure in the sagas is
either an ordinary farmer or a farmer who also acts
as a chieftain, so Red Kangaroo is presented as a
real, albeit exceptionally skilled, hunter-warrior: "a
man for a' that".

Toohey 1992: 19.
Encyc. Brit. 15th ed (1989), entry on "The Art of Literature".

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

4.3 Authenticity "versus" Story-telling

Can we regard the Ewing papers as fully

authentic? How much ‘story-telling’ or convenient
invention was added or found its way into the
In terms of elapsed time, this question breaks
into two parts: first, 'did Bungaree accurately tell
the Ewings what he heard from his father
[transmission from 1800 to 1890]?' This we can
examine. Second: 'were the results of this retelling
an accurate representation of what happened
before Bungaree's father was born [transmission
from before 1750 to 1800]?' This we cannot test.161
Except for the scraps that archaeology may reveal,
we do not know how life was lived before 1750.162
By authenticity I mean genuine and accurate. A tradition
is authentic if (1) it is sincerely believed to be true by a teller
intent on telling it faithfully and also (2) it does in fact represent
the past (however well or badly). The post-modernists per contra
argue for (or rather, they dogmatise about) the ‘negotiated’ quality
of authenticity. They see “‘authenticity’ as a negotiable concept
whose precise connotation is different for intellectuals, experts
and ordinary members of the public…” Thus: “Authenticity is not
about factuality or reality. It is about authority. Objects have no
authority; people do”. So writes JoAnn Martin, Contesting
Authenticity: Battles over the Representation of History in
Morelos, Mexico. Working Paper #194 - June 1993; at [accessed Feb 2003].
There has been a long debate about the question “how much are
oral accounts of the past actually telling us about the past, and
how much about the present?” The Belgian historian Jan Vansina,
who worked in the Congo, proposed that oral traditions in non-
literate societies can be regarded as authentic documents from the
past. He later modified this in the second edition of his influential
book (1985: xii), saying that oral traditions were ‘representations
of the past in the present’. In either case, it is an open question
whether the oral traditions are true. This is a problem familiar
from the history of Christianity: “how much of the oral tradition
captured in the Four Gospels is true?”
From Red Kangaroo's time to our own is less than 300
years. In its present state, archaeology can tell us next to nothing
about life-style changes over so short a period. And what it can

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The core of the material is beyond doubt

authentic for the period 1800-1890 (even if some
aspects are subject to question, e.g. the exactness
of the numbers of people taking part in each
incident). There are many points of detail that can
be confirmed from other sources. For example:
hunting for yabbies by muddying the creek-bed;
and the use of echidna fat for medicinal purposes.
And even when not confirmed in other sources,
many points of detail are convincing in themselves.
For example, the contents of a woman’s dilly-bag
are described in terms that could hardly have been
imagined by white men in the later 1800s, writing
many decades after dilly-bags had fallen out of use
(see in Document 3C, MS Page Five).
A further example is the difference between
lowland and highland spears. We read that the New
Englanders (as we may call them) used spears
shorter and thicker than those of the lowlanders of
the Liverpool Plains. The highland spears were too
thick to fit into a plains woomera. So the Liverpool
Plainsmen could not pick them up and re-use them
(Document 3B, MS Page 32). It is conceivable of
course that the Ewings invented this detail. It is
much more likely to be an authentic record of a
centuries-old difference between the culture of the
plains and that of the highlands.
As for what may appear to be misrepresentations
or misunderstandings of traditional Aboriginal life, it
is important to draw a distinction between fanciful
inventions on the one hand and the appropriate
‘translation’ of Aboriginal ideas or expressions into
Western terms on the other. For example, the
Ewing Papers speak of “six o’clock”. We may decide
that this was an appropriate translation into white
man’s terms of a phrase like “not very long before
sunset”. Alternatively, Joe Bungaree, who grew to
middle-age when the country was already
dominated by the white settlers, may himself have
tell us, e.g. the declining use of macropods and the increasing
reliance on possums in the diet, is not pertinent.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

used the words “six o’clock”. He knew both cultures

and therefore had a choice of words when speaking
to white men.
It is possible too that at certain points the Ewings
may have misunderstood Bungaree’s intentions as
storyteller, or they may have added some
‘colouring’ that was not actually conveyed in
Bungaree’s narrative.
If we can detect such errors, then we would be
expect them to be innocent ones. The Ewings père
et fils (John senior and Stanley) were obviously
serious men of integrity, seeking to record no more
and no less than they heard. But they, and indeed
Joe Bungaree too, may have added some colour.
There is, after all, no black and white distinction (as
it were) between legends as history and legends as
In any case, it matters little whether we believe
that Red Kangaroo was everywhere and at all times
an admirable and mighty hero. Presumably he was
a very capable leader (“the Napoleon of his
times”163) and otherwise just a human being.
Of more interest (at least to the present editor) is
to see where “factual” errors may have crept in
concerning traditional Aboriginal life as we know it
from New South Wales in the early 19th century or
from northern Australia in the early 20th century.
We are allowed to assume that Joe Bungaree
imagined the style of life lived by Red Kangaroo in
the 18th century to be the same as Bungaree
himself had lived - before seed-cakes, possum-
meat and yabbies were supplanted by ‘sugar, flour,
jam and tea’.

* * *

What do the documents contain that is probably

false or at least very hard to believe? - I have drawn
attention to a few possible errors or lapses in my

Document 1, para. 16.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Commentary. Here I will list only some of the more

interesting cases.

i. Numbers of People and Distances Cited

Many readers will ask, 'how can one possibly

believe all the exact details related about events
that occurred probably more than a century before
Bungaree heard the RK legends?' In other words:
Are there any details that would need to be
imagined ("invented"), or, alternatively, that
purport to be exact information conveyed from RK's
time, transmitted without change over four or five
I will deal first with enumeration and the
numbers of people, before coming to the
specification of distances.
It is widely believed today that numbers and
counting were not known and used in traditional
times. It is supposed that Aborigines were unable to
count beyond ‘one, two, many’. This is an entirely
mistaken opinion. In fact, they are known to have
counted to at least 150. (The evidence for this is
presented later: see the introductory section to
Document 3C, "The Cassilis Raid".)
When the Ewing documents list numbers of
people, we may distinguish between a plausible
order of magnitude and what might be called
'spurious precision'.164
A major battle would sometimes have involved
several tens of men. Thus, if the documents contain
a rounded figure of "150" men coming to blows
(about 75 on either side) then we will not
automatically reject this as unbelievable. On the
other hand, one must query whether oral tradition
was capable of reliably transmitting exact figures
like "152" or "157", "73" or “78".
Some examples are listed below.

I thank Derek Frampton for pointing out the need to deal
with this issue.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

It is not impossible, given that Aborigines could

count, that such numbers were conveyed through
several generations and remembered precisely by
Joe Bungaree. But this is highly unlikely. One can
only suppose that the numbers were supplied by
the Ewings, no doubt after getting Bungaree's best
guess about the general size of "tribes" or the
numbers typically involved in war-parties. The
Ewings may have been seeking to give the story
more authority. Or perhaps the exact numbers were
supplied to make the tale easier to follow, as a
modern reader or listener would soon become
bored by vague expressions like "some", "several",
"many", "a big mob".
Perhaps J P Ewing and/or Stanley asked
Bungaree, 'about how many men were in that war-
party, Joe?' And he may have offered an educated
guess: 'oh, about 15'. If so, then the order of
magnitude could well have been based on his
memory of group sizes from when he was young, in
the early 1800s. But it is hard to believe that exact
figures like "81", "34" and "31" really represent the
'true' numbers from RK's own heyday around the
year 1700. Consider the following list:

* = Not multiples of five or

ten; thus cases of "spurious

150: "We know there are tribes 100 and even some
with 150 spears [i.e., 150 men], four to seven suns’
march from us" (Life and Career, MS Page 30).

140: "Before he was 40 years old, his tribe had 140

spears and young warriors coming into the war-
parties every year. Six small tribes had been
absorbed into the original, and every warrior had a
wife" (Life and Career, MS Page 30).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

*Eighty-one: "Had they come on and not camped,

most would have been killed as they came loaded
with meat amongst 81 Cassilis warriors" (Cassilis
Raid, MS Page 16).

Sixty-five: " … They [the Gunnedah “tribe”] had lost

six killed and only two with crippling wounds for life
– but [word omitted?] had made two raids had
brought into [the] tribe 27 young women and had
had only five warriors killed. The tribe now
mustered 65 fighting warriors. But 15 were old
warriors of 60 years of age; 20 were men from 35 to
40 years old; and 30 young warriors from 17 to 26
years old.” (Cassilis, MS Page 1).

Sixty: "Of the original 60 spears [=men] that were

trapped into the U, there were now only 15 warriors
left and they now fled in panic … " (MS Page 15)

Thirty-five: "we must get every man we have at the

secret camp. That would give us 35 spears" (MS
Page 13).

*Thirty-four: "Burradella counted 34 killed and six

badly wounded inside the first 60 yards of the U
[and] with the three killed at other end by Red
Kangaroo and some of his warriors. (Cassilis, MS
Page 15)

*Thirsty-three: "Counting heads, the tally gave RK

33 warriors, and the combined force 32, out of 90.
Losses of the Nammoy tribe: seven; combined
force: 18 [i.e., 33 + 32 survivors + 7 + 18 losses =
90]; and numbers with wounds" (Life and Career,
MS Page 32).

*Twenty-seven: “… two raids had brought into

tribe (sic: “the” omitted) 27 young women
and [we] had had only five warriors killed …”
(Cassilis, MS Page 1).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

*Twenty-six: “ … 15 were old warriors of 60 years of

age; 20 were men from 35 to 40 years old and 30
young warriors from 17 to 26 years old " (Cassilis,
MS Page 1).

*Seventeen: "17 warriors with Burradella on one

side of the trap" (Cassilis, MS Page 11).

Fifteen: “Why weren’t those 15 old warriors left to

guard the camp – and let the rest of the warriors
pull lot [sic] to see what nine of them had to stop
and guard camp also …” (MS Page 2).

*Fourteen and Thirteen: “ … Sending another

warrior to take the fifteen boys to from 12 to 14
years old to the edge of the hop scrub. Two were
sent to the smoke signal post to tell the three
warriors there that Burradella wanted them [by)
sunset to join him on edge of hop-scrub, boys to
guide them. The 13 left […] warriors, he stationed
10 yds [yards] apart ... (MS Page 7).

*Twelve: "12 guards ran off for their life [sic]

chased by 10 of Red Kangaroo['s] warriors” (MS
Page 17).

*Seven: "[They] counted 15 dead enemy. And they

had four killed and seven wounded but only one
seriously" (Life and Career, MS Page 31).

Distances Cited

As will be seen from the next list, the distances

cited seem purely conventional, chosen to be
consistent with what the hearer of the tale would
expect. Certain sites are described exactly by their
spatial size or distance, but here of course they
were real places known intimately to Bungaree (and
indeed the Ewings). The key point is: There are no
distances stated that would definitely require being

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

remembered and transmitted in precise terms

through several generations of re-telling.

1. "There was a cave 100 yards away hidden in

scrub. I’d found it chasing a snake to make a meal
of" (''The Death and Career', MS Page 23): - This
looks like simply a conventional rounded number,
not an attempt at historical specificity.

2. "Two men, one carrying a kangaroo, came out of

the scrubby timber onto clear ground on [the]
opposite side of creek 60 yards away" ('Death and
Career', MS Page 26): - The next events in the story
are that the two Coonabarabran men will call out to
the women held captive by RK and the two men will
proceed to attack him. In this context, "60 yards"
looks like the sort of distance any narrator might

3. "They were to use all war weapons, standing 100

yards apart" ('Career', MS Page 28): - Again a
rounded and conventional figure.

4. "No other tribe claimed to have a chief his equal

for 100 miles [160 km] all around Gunnedarr"
('Career', MS Page 33): - This looks like simply a
generalised statement, a round figure again, not an
exact fact needing to be transmitted in precise
terms through several generations of re-telling.
Indeed, we might expect Bungaree or the Ewings
actually to have said '300' miles, given that RK's
reputation was a regional one.

5. "He and nine seasoned warriors ran 15 miles to

save their women and children" (‘Career', MS Page
34): - This refers to the return of RK with a hunting
party from the Breeza Plains. Again it looks like a
round figure (15 being halfway between 10 and 20
miles), and so can be regarded as a generalised
remark, not a memory conveyed though oral

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

6. "They ran fast along the low banks of [the] creek

but [in] the last 200 yds [yards] the variegated
thistles grew seven and eight feet high [over two
metres] and densely along both banks and out for
hundreds of years [sic: yards]. So they ran along
the creek bed, a dry one unless after a flood or
heavy rain. Within 50 yards of where the creek ran
into river, they slowed down to walk … ." ('The
Cassilis Raid', MS Page 5):
- The site here is the creeklet or flood-runner at
Gunnedah connecting Mullibah Lagoon to the
Namoi River, a place known intimately to both Joe
Bungaree and the Ewings. Note too that the
distances are rounded. The thistles of course were
the same in RK's time, and the Ewings and
Bungaree both would have known how high they

7. "They [Red Kangaroo and others] looked out

onto a small clearing 300 yards wide and a length
of 1,700 yds. Not a tree, bush or stump and only
short grass was on the clearing” ('The Cassilis Raid',
MS Page 7):
- This was at Gunnedah itself, Bungaree's home. So
he is describing a site known to him personally.
Moreover it is easy to believe - and plainly
Bungaree made the same assumption - that the site
had not changed since RK's time.

8. "He (RK) caught [up with] them after they had

done four miles of their journey" (The Cassilis Raid,
MS Page 8): - 'Four' may seem overly specific, and
hence dubious, but perhaps Bungaree was simply
imagining that 'four' miles [six km] was about right
for a good runner paced against a group of average

9. "[A] clearing that stretched for a mile and 300

yards wide on the east of the Porcupine Ridges
hop-vine-edge scrub" ('Raid', MS Page 10): - Again,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

a site known personally to Bungaree and the


10. "You Burradella will have 17 warriors and

yourself on one side of the U [u-shaped clearing] 40
yards from U mouth. You will stand back two feet in
hop-vine" ('Raid', MS Page 11): - It is not necessary
to see this a precise memory handed down for over
100 years. Knowing that a large body of the enemy
warriors was to enter the clearing, and all of them
would enter, '40 yards' would strike any narrator as
about right. And "two" feet would have seemed
enough for the thick hop-vine to conceal a
Gunnedah ambusher.

ii. Stone hatchets (“axes”) wrongly presented

as weapons:

Hatchets are known to have been valuable tools.

They were used in warfare only when normal
weapons were not at hand. 165 The Ewing Papers,
however, present hatchets as routine instruments
of war (see especially in Document 3B, at MS Page
32: the battle in New England).
I would attribute this error to the Ewings rather
than Joe Bungaree. Already a young man of about
15 in the 1830s, Bungaree must have known the
conditions of warfare even before steel hatchets
were acquired by the Namoi River Aborigines.
The mistake is easily understood. In the western
world, cutting instruments such as two-handed axes
were, from ancient times, used both as wood-
cutting tools and as weapons (e.g., famously by the
‘Tomahawk’, of course, is an indigenous
American term for the stone-headed war-maces of
North America.166 The word was borrowed and
See the commentary below against para. 16 of
Document One.
Tomahawk - 1612, tamahaac, from
Algonquian (probably Powhatan) tamahack "what is

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

transferred to Australia as a name for stone- and

iron-headed hatchets.
Knowing that Native Americans used tomahawks
for war, white men not closely familiar with
Aboriginal life would readily, but wrongly, have
guessed that Aborigines used stone hatchets as a
primary fighting instrument. In truth, hatchets were
essentially wood-working tools.

iii. Smoke signals:

The Ewing Papers present the Gamilaraay people

as able to use smoke to send fairly complex coded
Unfortunately it is not possible to say, drawing on
other sources, whether this is a definitely a case of
romantic invention or a true report about traditional
practices. The fact is that the use of smoke by
Aborigines was little studied. As far as I know,
almost nothing has been written about it (see
Appendix Four).
My own best guess is that, in central NSW,
Aborigines did indeed use smoke to send coded
messages. But probably only simple messages
could be sent (see again Appendix Four).

iv. Moons and Months, Suns and Days:

Interestingly, some references to time seem to

reflect traditional categories. Other terms such as
"hours" seem to have been supplied by the
narrator-transcriber (Stanley Ewing) or perhaps
they reflect the 'English' measures of time that Joe
Bungaree would have learnt from the white men
(by, say, 1840).

Point in time:

One phrase frequently used is “sun”, as in “at

high sun (midday)” or “on the 8th sun”. This strikes
used in cutting," from tamaham "he cuts."

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

one as plainly a traditional concept. So does “every

evening at full moon” (Old Maggie speaking). But
apparently non-Aboriginal terms are also used:
“The sun was still three quarters of an hour high”;
“at three o’clock every guard will crawl to the scrub
edge”; and “up to [until] 10 o'clock”.
It is not clear whether these phrases were
supplied by Joe Bungaree or by Stan Ewing, but
obviously Aborigines living in the time of Red
Kangaroo did not count by hours.
As to the 'truth' of these statements, there are
two possibilities: 1. they were authentic
(unvarnished) details conveyed via the tales told to
Bungaree when he was a boy, or 2. they were
added for colour, in the sense that when the tale
was re-told by someone else, this was an optional
So, did RK really instruct his men that they must
have the ambush ready by mid afternoon ("three
o'clock")? - We cannot know. But one possible
answer is "yes, he did". This point may have been a
precisely recounted element in the tales passed
down to Bungaree when he was a boy, around
1830. The older men of course would have used a
phrase in Gamilaraay like "the half-way point
between noon and dusk". If so, the English
equivalent "three o'clock" would have been a
natural translation. Compare the Yuwaalaraay term
ngadaa dhuni, ‘mid-afternoon’, literally ‘the sun [is
preparing to] go down’; evidently it was used to
mean what we in English would express as “around
4pm”. In similar fashion ngarribaa dhuni, literally
‘the sun [is now well] up’, meant mid-morning. It
was used for “around 10 o’clock”.167


Aboriginal concepts such as “one sun” and “two

moons” are used, but so too are “minutes”, “hours”

Ian Sim, quoted in Ash et al. 2003: 120.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and “months”. "Years" (one cycle of seasons)

might be regarded as both Aboriginal and Western.
Examples include: “20 minutes passed”; “for an
hour”; “they slept two hours each man”, “six hours
of sunlight”, “for the next seven suns”; “for almost
[a] whole moon”; “a month in enemy country” (RK
speaking); “ three months after he was made a
warrior”; “he was 17 years old”; “in the last two
years”; “he had years of war experience” (RK
speaking); and “many years of fighting”.
In several places the two styles are combined:
“for three hours by the star-setting time” and “after
nine o’clock setting of Djurrabl (evening star)”.
The number of hours is the measure of duration
used most frequently. Again, it is not clear whether
the duration in hours was supplied by Joe Bungaree
or Stan Ewing. Plainly hours are a non-Aboriginal
concept, and so could not have been used in
narrating the tales until after about 1840. But, as
we have said, Joe Bungaree would have come to
learn the white-man’s system of telling time. Thus
he could have begun injecting hours into his tales
about RK from about 1840.

Distance by time:

In one place, distance is presented in walking

time: “four to seven suns’ march from us”
(Document 3B, MS Page 31).

4.4 Dimensions of Style

The Ewing Papers have some interesting stylistic

features, all of which seem to confirm their origin in
tales told by Aborigines to fellow Aborigines who of
course were listeners, not readers.
It may be going too far to say that the style
validates the authenticity of the tales' content. But
the style is certainly not inconsistent with the tales

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

being authentic in most respects (as we established

in section 4.3).
First, there is much repetition, with ‘the story so
far’ summarised from time to time. Plainly this is
done for the sake of refreshment. It allows the
listener to remember what has already happened
and so keep track of the 'big picture'. Narrative
repetition is a characteristic of all 'oral literature'
and indeed of written literature containing stories
designed to be read to an audience.168
Second, characters are sometimes introduced
without a name. They acquire a name only after
having become actors in the story. For example, in
"The Death and Career" (Document 3B), Naroo and
Nareen are captured by Red Kangaroo before we
learn their names. And we find out who Kulki is only
after Red Kangaroo has killed him. This may reflect
how "fixed" the story was. The listener already
knew, from many hearings, who the new character
was and so their name was not of great importance.
Third, there are occasional figures of speech that
may echo expressions in the original Gamil'raay, for
example “the night smelt cold” (3B, MS Page 14)
and listening "with both ears" (3C, MS Page 3).
Finally, perhaps the most striking stylistic
feature of the stories about Red Kangaroo (at least
for us moderns) is the Byzantine flatness of the
In a Byzantine Life of the Saint ("hagiography")
there is no sense of the individuality of the actors
as people. One looks in vain for any sense of the
Saint's psychological development. He (rarely she)
always routs demons; puts physicians to shame;
offers alms to poor widows; never wavers in his
purpose. Byzantine mosaics are the same: the
Virgin cradling the Christ-child always stares into
space; Christ Pantocrator [the 'Ruler of All'] wears a
beard invariably parted down the middle.
Toohey p.14. Olrik goes so far as to write of repetition
as a "law": in "Epic laws of folk narrative", in Dundes, ed, 1965:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Individuality is missing, or rather it is not

Likewise in the Kamilaroi tales: the actors think
and feel, but their thoughts and feelings are wholly
predictable. The actors behave as stereotypes. The
young Coonabarabran captive-wives, Nareen and
Naroo, both act as any strong-hearted young
woman would act. Indeed there is nothing at all to
tell the pair apart. If you know how a young woman
with a strong heart should act, then you already
know how they will both act. Likewise Red
Kangaroo's older friend, Burradella, acts as any
wise and loyal friend should act. And the selfish
"chief" Jerrabri is suitably jealous, envious of and
angry with Red Kangaroo. In short, they are stock
figures (I almost wrote stick figures!)169
The same applies to Red Kangaroo himself. He
behaves as any powerful war-leader would behave.
In this he is just like a Byzantine saint: a paragon of
power and ability from his earliest childhood, with
no negative aspects, and whose spiritual strength

Part of the reason may have been a different ‘culture of
emotion’ in ‘pre-modern’ societies (Byzantine, Icelandic and
Aboriginal). In the Icelandic sagas, the characters seem to us to
have crude thoughts and rudimentary feelings. They almost never
talk in any depth about what they are feeling, and words for
emotional states (as distinct from behaviours) are rare. William I
Miller has argued (in various essays and books including The
Anatomy of Disgust and Humiliation) that this difference is more
than a difference between our norms and the codes of honour in
the Middle Ages. He proposes that in pre-modern societies,
emotion was overwhelming a social matter, nota private one.
People did not usually experience emotion as an essentially
personal experience (as perhaps we moderns do). They did not
“feel” angry; they just “were” angry. A any rate, the saga writers
present their characters as having distinctive and usually
permanent dispositions: cunning, fierce, affectionate and so on. As
a result, when a character’s behaviour is at odds with his known
disposition, there is (or was) a pronounced emotional charge for
the saga’s audience, especially when a situation hinges on rules of
honour and revenge.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

(or war-fighting skills), we know in advance, will

remain the same throughout his life.170
This 'Byzantine flatness' is by no means unique
to Byzantium and Aboriginal Australia. Indeed it is a
hallmark of folklore everywhere, to the extent that
"mere" folklore is distinguishable from "true"
literature. All folklore uses conventional themes and
stylistic devices and makes no effort to disguise its
conventional quality. Literature (or post-medieval
literature at least) by contrast tries to avoid cliches
of either form or matter. Folk ballads are very
different from the poetry of "art".171
Probably a Kamilaroi camp-audience enjoyed the
predictability of the tales just as the Byzantine
reading public enjoyed a Saint's Life or as we
ourselves enjoy the predicability of a Western
movie. Camp tales, hagiographies and westerns, in
their different ways, all offer edification and also
wish-fulfilment. It is precisely because they are so
utterly predictable that they are so deeply
Or to make the point in a cruel way: originality
and individualism are the sickness of modernity (as
in Freud's Civilisation and Its Discontents).

5. Who Was Red Kangaroo? Outline Of His Life

And Career

Before proceeding to the documents, it is useful

to present a summary of Red Kangaroo's (“RK’s”)
life, career and character.

His Life

On the "anti-originality" of Byzantine writing and art,
see Cyril Mango, Byzantium: The Empire of the New Rome,
London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988, pp 248-50.
Taylor, Folklore and the Student of Literature, in
Dundes, ed, Folklore 1965: 39-40.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The documents172 call RK variously “chief”, “war-

chief”, “great warrior chief” and “great chief and
warrior”. For example: Document 3B, p2 and p6. He
was the “greatest warrior chief the Nammoy River
[Gunnedah] tribe ever had” (3B, p98). On the other
hand, he is also called a “headman” (3A, p8).
He lived before the time of a great flood, said to
have occurred in about 1750 (Document 1: paras
14-15). This may imply that he 'flourished' [Latin
floruit] in about 1730. If so, then we may guess that
he was born in about 1680, making him 50 in about
1730. The Sydney Mail proposes that he died in
"about 1745” (1:21).
We can construct the broad outlines of his life
from the references to his age at the time he
carried out various exploits:

Age 17: RK’s age at the time of his expedition

into Coonabarabran territory to
capture wives (Document 3B, p17).

Age 17-18: By this time RK had already killed five

men: two raiders from Narrabri, two
Coonabarabran men who tried to
prevent him taking two wives, and
the leading "chief" at Gunnedah, a
man called Jerrabri (3B, pp17, 29).
But RK declined the community’s
request to become their war-leader.
He preferred to serve as one among
several band leaders for two years:
"[M]y head is only a boy’s now, and
the tribe needs middle-aged heads to
think and plan for wars … Give me a
Here the Sydney Mail article (Document One) is cited by
paragraph number. So “1:7” means the seventh paragraph in
Document One. I have used the paragraph number for the 1945
letter, Document 3A. The longer documents, 3B and 3C, are cited
by the page numbering of the manuscripts (not the pagination of
this book). Thus “3B, p7” means at the seventh page of the
manuscript of Document 3B, not paragraph 7 or page 7 of this

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

fighting-party leadership under your

new chief" (3B, p30).

Age 19: Became “warrior chief”.

Age 21: RK had been “a chief of two years”

when he led the counter-raid against
the Cassilis men. This was regarded
as his greatest exploit (3B, p34; 3C,

Late 30s: By this time, the Gunnedah

community or tribelet had been built
up, and RK had led raids against
Walgett, Moree, Murrurundi and into
New England (3B, pp30-31).

Aged 40: He led the Gunnedah, Goonoo

Goonoo and Manilla men on a grand
expedition into New England (3B,

Age at death: Not mentioned.

His Physical and Moral Qualities

Red Kangaroo (RK) was a tall and large man. The

size and structure of the arm-bones make clear that
he was “a man of powerful nerves and muscles”
(Document 1: 26). He was, said Dr Haynes, “simply
a giant” (1:26).
Haynes, who examined the skeleton, deduced
that RK was over 190 cm tall (“6 ft 3in or 4in”)
(Document 1: 30), which was some 12-14% above
the average height of Aboriginal people in the 19th
century. (The average for both Aboriginal and white
people has risen noticeably since then.)
To quote Document 3B: "He was so tall and
broad to look upon that enemies quailed on sight of
him. His war weapons were heavier and bigger
than other warriors’. And shields had to be made of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

tough wood because he often split a shield with his

second spear if the spears had been taken point on
Joe Bungaree speaks of him as “deep-chested
and broad-shouldered” (3B, p17). The documents
also stress his “loud and feared” voice (3C, p15). As
a teenager, his voice got stronger “every month”
(3B, p17).
There is some confusion about whether RK’s
skeleton lacked an upper tooth, the removal of the
first bi-cuspid being the sign of an initiated man.
John and Stan Ewing say the tooth was indeed
missing, as one would expect (3A, p9; 3B, p8 and
p10). According to the Sydney Mail, however, all his
teeth were present (1:31).
It is almost certain that the Ewings were right
and the Mail was wrong on this point. After all,
archaeology shows that the practice of tooth
avulsion goes back over 7,000 years in southern
Australia. In Kamilaroi country itself we have a jaw
with an avulsed tooth from Collarenebri that is over
1,000 years old.173
Strong-willed: As a teenager, RK already had
“strong ideas” about people’s rights and duties
under customary law (3B, p17). Although he was
still young, already the older men could see that he
would one day become the leader in war (3B, p19).

War Wounds

According to the Sydney Mail, RK had both his

arms broken. “The old traditions state that [he] had
both arms broken, his thigh speared, many ribs
smashed and wounds in the head” (Document 1:
16, 1: 28).
An examination of the skeleton confirmed most
of this, and showed also that both lower bones in
one leg had been fractured (1: 27-29). Stan Ewing,
however, was adamant that just one arm was

Campbell & Prokopec 1984; and Pardoe 1987.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

broken. John Ewing too seems to imply that only

one was broken (3B, p83; A:5). This is very difficult
to accept. RK was the leader in many battles and
surely would have been wounded many times. So it
is much more likely that, here, the Sydney Mail was

Family and Friends

RK’s father had been killed when RK was still a

child (Document 3B, p19). Accordingly it was an
uncle, rather than his father, who gave him fire with
which to light his first campfire as a married man
(3B, p19).
RK inherited from his father a prized shield with a
V-shaped end (3B, p26). As Joe Bungaree
explained, “War weapons were hard to make, so
old, old men of tribe long, long time ago said ‘give
dead man’s weapons to his blood kin or best
There is no mention of his mother. All we know
about her is that given the rules of descent she
must have belonged to the Yibadhaa kinship-group
or section (their sons were all Gambu section) and,
like her son, she must have belonged to the Red
Kangaroo (Ganuurru) totem. Thus her kin-names
were Yibadhaa Ganuurru.
RK had two wives, Nareen and Naroo, who he
captured from the Coonabarabran people (3B, p25;
3C, p12). He fathered at least two children. We are
told that both his wives had a baby child at the time
of the raid on Gunnedah by the Cassilis men (3C,
p12). In Aboriginal society the influential men
tended to have many wives. It is highly likely
therefore that he took more than two wives and had
many children. But this is not attested.
Document 3B speaks generally of RK’s “friends
and relations” (3B, p18). Little else is said on this
topic. Burradella, a man about 38 years old, is
described in the tale of the counter-raid against
Cassilis, as “a close friend of Red Kangaroo’s . . .

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

wise in the tribe’s councils, fearless in war and 2nd

chief of the tribe”. It may seem odd that a 38-year
old would befriend a 21–year old. But perhaps
Burradella had seen that the younger man
represented the community’s best hope as their
future “first chief”.


RK achieved his first notable exploit when he was

a "newly made warrior". This probably meant at age
15 or 16. A strong raiding party from Narrabri came
to Gunnedah looking to steal women. RK killed two
of the raiders (Document 3B, p17).
It was not only at fighting that he excelled. As a
teenager he was already a good dancer in
corroborees, “the strongest dancer and the most
active of all” (3B, p17).
Next, when still 17, RK went into the country of
the Coonabarabran people and captured two young
women as his first wives (3B, p22). On this
expedition he was challenged by a leading
Coonabarabran man, killing him with his father’s
pointed or V-edged shield (3B, p26).
On his return RK spoke against the elders, and
then defeated the 38-year old “chief” Jerrabri in a
duel, killing him too with the V-edged shield (3B,
pp22 ff; 3B, p29).
As noted, RK became ‘chief’ at age 19, and in a
two year period defeated four raids by wife-seeking
raiders from four other communities and led the
Gunnedah men on two successful wife-stealing
raids (3C, p1).
At the age of about 21, after two years as “a
chief”, he achieved what was regarded as his most
impressive feat. He rallied the Gunnedah men
against a large raiding party from powerful Cassilis,
ambushed them, and then led a decisive counter-
raid on the Cassilis home-camp (3B, pp 34-45, and
3C, pp1-2 ff). This brought Gunnedah to the early
peak of its power: “with the downfall of Cassilis

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

came the strength of the Nammoy River tribe under

RK” (3C, p17).
In addition, in his prime, he led wars against ( - in
alphabetical order): Barraba-Bingara (the "Walleri
or Gwydir blacks"), Bundarra, Coonabarabran,
Goonoo Goonoo, Kingstown, Manilla, Narrabri,
Quirindi, Terry Hie Hie and Walgett (1: 21; 3B, p16;
and 3B, pp30-31).174 “Before he was 40 years old,
his tribe had 140 spears, and young warriors
coming into the war-parties every year. Six small
tribes had been absorbed into the original, and
every warrior had a wife” (3B, p31).
By the time RK was 40, peace had been
negotiated with Goonoo Goonoo and Manilla. He led
a large combined force of their men and his against
the highland Kingstown-Bundarra people. RK killed
the leading Bundarra man, Kibbi, using on this
occasion a spear rather than the special sharp-
pointed shield (3B, p32).
As it appears, the Gunnedah community reached
its greatest strength during RK’s 40s, after the raid
into New England (3B, pp30-31).
As noted earlier, RK died “20 moons” before a
great flood that is supposed to have taken place in
about 1750. This is interpreted by the Mail reporter
(or by his white informant Dr Haynes) as meaning
that our hero died in “about 1745” (Document
1: 21).
His age at death is not recorded. It seems implied
(by omission) that he died a natural death. Quite
possibly, but this must be a guess, he lived out his
allotted "three score years and 10".

According to Idriess 1953, chapter 34, the Gunnedah
men under Red Kangaroo’s leadership also raided Coonamble,
Gulargambone, Moree, Murrurundi, Tamworth [presumably
distinct from Goonoo Goonoo], Walcha, Warialda and Wingen.
The surviving MSS as published here do not list these names.
Idriess may have drawn on other papers now lost, or perhaps he
created an imaginary list.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Line Illustrations

1. Sketch of the Liverpool Plains 1818-20: view west from

near Curlewis

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

2. Red Kangaroos 1839, drawn by Richter for Gould

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

3. ‘Woolshed Plain’, water colour by anon. 1867

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

4. View from ‘Gunnible’ run, water colour by anon. 1867

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

5. Another view from ‘Gunnible’ run, water colour by anon.


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

6. Drawing of caved tree from ‘Burburgate’: after Etheridge


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah



Source: The Sydney Mail, 8 August 1891, page 292:

Under the heading “The Tourist”: an article entitled
The Grave and Bones of Cumbo Gunerah, The
Legend Chief of the Kamelroi, by JFH, ‘Our Own
Travelling Correspondent’.
The paragraph numbers have been added.


The numbered paragraphs are the text of the
document; my commentary is indented between
the horizontal lines. The italics, which have been
added, signal points on which I provide comments

he town of Gunnedah is a beautiful quiet
village in the Liverpool Plains. Its people have
formed themselves into a collection of happy
cliques, each trying to tell the other what to do, but
eventually helping them to do it. Its large main
street seems to have been laid out and planted to
inspire poetry and court the mind to leisure and lull
it to rest. Some excellent buildings break the
unpleasant monotony of the small rookeries that
housed the pioneer fathers of the happy homes
that make this the substantial easy-going place it

Village: With a white population of 1,362
according to the NSW census of 1891, and
probably about 30-35 Aborigines. A
photograph taken in 1887, reproduced in
Buchanan’s booklet, shows Gunnedah

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

looking more like a large village than a small


Small rookeries: Possibly meaning the

carriers’ shanties mentioned under 1864 in
our chronology of Gunnedah (see earlier).

2. “The “City of the Dry Plains” as Gunnedah is

known by the whites, or the “Home of the
Fatherless and Motherless” as its name implies in
the nomenclature of the Kamelroi [sic] blacks, is
inhabited by some 1,200 people, and has a
reputation for cattle and sheep growing second to
but very few places in this colony or out of it.”

Motherless: As explained in the Introduction,

there are two overlapping or competing
traditions concerning the town’s name.
Some sources said that it was Gùuniidha,
meaning ‘at [the place of] white stone(s)’
(perhaps more likely). Others said that it was
Gunidyàà, meaning ‘motherless child;
orphan’ (probably less likely).

Kamelroi: More usually ‘Kamilaroi’. In the

style of the modern linguists: Kamil'raay or
Gamil'raay. Pronounced as if composed of
the three English words ‘gum+ill+rye’. The
third syllable was often omitted or at least
left unstressed.
The difference between K and G is ‘not
phonemic’. That is to say, the difference
between the two sounds never changed the
meaning of a word. ‘Cambu Canuru’,
‘Gambu Ganuurru’ and ‘Kambu Kanuurru’ all
had the same meaning.
Photograph and census data: Buchanan 1985: 7, 19.
Aborigines: cf 45 people counted in 1882 and 17 in 1896 (VPLA

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

3. “The ‘city’ is destined, by its location in a large

and fertile district, to some day make a name in the
commercial and industrial history of the white man
commensurate with that it held in the annals of the
blacks, who now transmit its history in their
descending legendary song.
4. As the archaeology and ethnology of the
[A]boriginal tribes of Australia are always
interesting, I took the pains to search out all
authentic information I could relating to a great
chief whose deeds I have so often heard related
elsewhere. The finding of Cumbo Gunerah’s grave
and bones, with all the marks to verify the
traditional tales and songs of his prowess, is an
interesting item in aboriginal history.”

Great chief: The majority opinion among

anthropologists holds that there were NO
the Aborigines.176
CHIEFS: Whether there existed a (male) gerontocracy is a
much debated point. For the history of the debate, see Hiatt 1965:
143 ff, Hiatt 1996: 86 ff and 96 ff and Hiatt 1998; also Keen 1989
and Edwards 1998. The minority who believe there were councils
of elders includes some eminent names, notably R M and C H
Berndt and T G H Strehlow.
Certainly Aboriginal society was very patriarchal. The difficult
question is how far older men influenced or even controlled the
decisions affecting a whole tribelet or community.
A W Howitt, for one, preferred to believe that ‘headmen’ did
have a power of control, at least among the Wiradjuri of south-
central NSW (1904: 303 ff; 319 ff). But he was relying on
people’s latter-day memories of how traditional society had
previously operated. When we turn to James Günther, who knew
the Wiradjuri in the earliest period (before 1840), we find that he
reported the elders’ influence as quite limited (Günther’s Lecture,
Mitchell Library MS no. B.505, cited in Reynolds, With the White
People 1990: 96-97).
The problem is to explain how old men could have managed to
control young men, something that usually the proponents of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Older Aboriginal men usually took the

lead in influencing community affairs. The
oldest men would speak freely, while
middle-aged men - especially those with the
reputation of fighting well or speaking well -
would sometimes speak. Women and
younger men usually remained silent. So,
because the community deliberated as a
group, and because the older men spoke
more than the rest, it often appeared that
there was a (male) council of elders.
It is important to remark that the absence
of chiefs is not the same thing as the
absence of leaders. Individuals would
become LEADERS because their knowledge or
ability persuaded others to follow them in
certain contexts. The term ‘Big-Man’ is
sometimes used for influential men. So we
may speak of Red Kangaroo as a leader (in
war) even if we may not properly speak of
him as a chief. No doubt there were others
who took the lead in other communal
pursuits such as hunting, religious
ceremonies and secular dancing
(“corroborees”). We need not believe that
Red Kangaroo organised or decisively
influenced everything that the Gunnedah
people did as a group.

Cumbo Gunerah: First mention of his name.

In the "Italian-style" spelling style preferred
by linguists, this is GAMBU GANUURRU . Cumbo
or Gambu was his Section name. Gunerah [=
Kanuurr +u or +a] was his totem or matri-
clan name.

‘headmen’ do not do. Warner states that the elders controlled

younger men by prohibiting, or threatening to prohibit, their
initiation into certain ceremonies. But he also concedes that the
secular power of a religious or ceremonial leader was slight and
that the senior elders exercised their leadership in the field of
ritual rather than government (Warner 1937/1958: 131, 389).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Kanuurr or Ganuurr meant ‘RED KANGAROO ’.

This was his totem name. It is not certain
which suffix is represented by “ah”, but I will
guess that it was +u, the suffix marking the
ergative-instrumental case.177 Ganuurr was
spelt as “ganoor” by the squatter-
ethnographer-clergyman Charles Greenway,
and as “canuhr” on the 1984 plaque
installed in Abbott Street. Stress fell on the
long vowel, thus: ganuurr and ganuurru.
One of the earliest formal accounts of the
red kangaroo, Macropus rufus, was by the
English zoologist John Gould, who is best
remembered for his studies of bird life.178
Gould described the red kangaroo's range as
including the Liverpool Plains (“the plains
bordering the rivers Gywdyr [sic], Namoi and
Morumbidgee [sic]”). He mentions seeing a
pair of the animals resting under a group of
myall trees on “the plains near the Namoi”
in 1839. This was probably a reference to
the Breeza Plains.179
Population numbers in 1839 were small,
and Gould feared that the guns of the
settlers might soon exterminate the species.
This fear was indeed almost realised. The
Ergative-instrumental case: subject of a transitive verb;
agent of an intransitive verb.
Your humble editor had the honour, at Tambar Springs
in 1961, to be one of many members of the Gould League of Bird
Lovers. Cf St Augustine: "Love calls us to the things of this
world". Literally: the lovely things of Your creation: in his
Confessions X: 27.
As I recall, our main duty was to stop other boys stealing birds'
eggs from their nests. I thought this a quaint idea, as I had never
imagined boys stealing birds' eggs. They did of course; but I had
never seen my favourite cousin do so, and if he didn't, well
nobody did.
Gould used the name “Osphranter rufus” for our
Macropus rufus. See the watercolour portrait, probably by Richter,
with notes by Gould, in Gould, John: A Monograph of the
Macropodidae, or Family of Kangaroos. Two parts. London:
published by The Author, 1841-1842.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

red kangaroo was nearly extinct on the

Liverpool Plains during the century 1860-
1960 (although increasingly numerous
further west). Eric Rolls, the historian of the
Pilliga Scrub [Map 1], notes that in the mid
20th century red kangaroos spread east into
heavily timbered country “that they had
never encountered before” (i.e. since about
1860). They were seen in increasing
numbers in the east from the 1960s.180

5. “I am indebted to Dr Haynes for very valuable

assistance in collecting the information in this
article. Dr Haynes is a brother of Mr John Haynes,
MLA for Mudgee. He is Government medical officer,
surgeon to the hospital, captain of the rifle corps
and Mayor of Gunnedah - a perfect encyclopaedia
of industry.
6. In his capacity of medical officer he has a lot to
do with the blacks in the district. These blacks now
belong to two different tribes that speak different
languages. These languages are the languages of
the old tribes, but those now in existence are
themselves a mixture or aggregate of many
remnants of the tribes.”

Haynes: Dr EDWARD J A HAYNES, c.1830-1909,

the town’s physician, was an alderman in
1890, and, for less than a year, in 1891, the
mayor of Gunnedah. Born in West Maitland,
Haynes studied at Sydney University and the
London Medical College. He died at Hamilton
NSW in 1909 [BDM record no.13605, 1909].

Tribes: This confusing sentence seems to

slip from ‘tribes’ defined by dialect (“the old

Gould 1841: 16, 19; Greenway 1910: 76; Rolls 1981: 366-67.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

tribes”) to ‘tribes’ defined by residence

(“those now in existence”).

Different languages: Three languages are

mentioned in the present document:
Gamilaraay proper; Guyinbaraay or
“Coonbri” (itself as variant of Gamilaraay);
and Waalaraay or “Walleri”.
‘Old Maggie’ placed the speech-variant
Coonbri or Guyinbaraay at Terry Hie Hie, on
the north side of the Nandewars [Map 2].
This seems to be an error, which is to say:
probably an error on the part of Haynes or
the Travelling Correspondent. The standard
sources, Ridley and Mathews, locate the
Guyinbaraay dialect at and around
Gunnedah itself.
Waalaraay was the language of the area
where the Horton River enters the Gwydir
River, west of Bingara (O’Rourke, Kamilaroi
Lands 1997).
Maggie is quoted in the article as saying,
“There are very few of our tribes left now.
We are mixed up with the Coonbri. When
the Walleri or Big River [Gwydir] Blacks
fought us they killed a great number of our
tribe, but when the white man came we
began to die right out.” At a guess, these
statements would translate as follows:
>>There are few Aboriginal people still
surviving. My own group is nowadays mixed
up with the Gunnedah people known as the
Guyinbaraay. When the Waalaraay or
Horton-Gwydir River men fought the
Gunnedah men, they killed a great number.
… <<

7. “The story of Cumbo has been drawn piecemeal

from Old Maggie, who is now about 91 years old,
and others who verify it. Cumbo’s grave was

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

discovered by Dr Haynes himself upon information

obtained. I prefer letting him tell the story; here it

Old Maggie: As explained in the Introduction,

this was probably Margaret "Mag" Griffin,
born at Binnie Mountain 1851; died at
Gunnedah 1904.
Age 91: This figure is very puzzling. If we
are right in believing she was Margaret
Griffin, Maggie was aged only 36 in 1887
and 40 in 1891, when this document was

Others: This probably refers to Joe Bungaree

(see Document 3B).

8. >> Since my arrival here, I [Haynes] have spent

much time in drawing from the old blacks some
account of the tribes before the white man came
among them. I could buy but little information and
found that kindness drew the most from them. They
are cautious about divulging their race traditions,
being considered tribal secrets and sacred to the
tribe. I could never get a full account of Cumbo
Gunerah, whose bones you see there, until Old
Maggie - who has lived here for years, sometimes
going down the Mooki to Breeza - gave it to me.<<

Came among them: As noted in the

Introduction, the first explorers - Oxley in
1818, Cunningham in 1827 and Mitchell in
1831 - all skirted the district. Cunningham
came the closest, crossing the Namoi River
near Carroll (between Tamworth and
Gunnedah, nearer the latter). See Map 2.
The first white man known to have
reached the site of Gunnedah itself - the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Mooki-Namoi junction - was the convict

escapee, George ‘the Barber’ Clarke. He
joined the Gamil'raay band at Boggabri in
the late 1820s. Cattlemen crossed the
Liverpool Ranges and advanced into the
Namoi basin during 1826-31; it was not until
1832 that they began to occupy the
immediate area of Gunnedah on a
permanent basis.

Down the Mooki: The Mooki River enters the

Namoi on the north-east of the town.
Although the word “down” is used, Breeza is
actually upstream from Gunnedah on the
Mooki River. See Map 2.

9. “It appears that, from the accounts given by the

old blacks (and there are some 70, 80 and 90 years
old about here), Gunnedah, being pretty well
surrounded by mountains and on the edge of a
great plain, was selected as the seat and main
camp of the powerful Kamelroi tribe. <<

Mountains … great plain: The front (northern

section) of Porcupine Ridge overlooks the
town from the south. Otherwise the country
is open on all sides and generally flat. There
are hills here and there, but the only major
line of hills is the Melville Range which cuts
into the basin from the south-east. The
Melville hills divide the Mooki River from the
Peel River. The landmark peak, Duri
Mountain, lies a little over 50 kilometres
from Gunnedah.
Thus the mountains "surround" Gunnedah
only to the extent of forming a far horizon:
the heights of the Nandewars are over 50
kilometres away (the nearest high peak, Mt
Byar, is fully 55 kilometres away and the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

highest points closer to 80 kilometres away),

while the Liverpool Ranges lie 90 kilometres
distant, and the Warrumbungles are 110
kilometres away.

The seat: Gunnedah was a ‘seat’ only in the

sense of being the main summer campsite
of one community or tribelet. It was far from
being the only such “seat”. Other
Gamilaraay-speaking communities had their
main summer camps as close as Manilla (50
kilometres) and Goonoo Goonoo (65
kilometres). It must be emphasised
moreover that during a large part of the year
each community or tribelet dispersed across
its territory in smaller groups. 181
Nor should we imagine Gunnedah as
having many huts packed closely together,
like a Native American encampment in a
movie. It is clear enough that the people
were often spread out, or they shifted camp,
across eight or nine kilometres along the

Manilla and Goonoo Goonoo: see in the text, Document
3B, MS Page 31. Harry Allen, cited by Keen 2004: 112, proposes
that in central NSW more than half of the population lived away
from the main river during winter.
COMMUNITIES : The 19th century sources tended to call all groups
‘tribes’, whether they numbered 10, 30, 150 or 1,200 people.
Modern writers prefer to distinguish between hearth-groups,
bands and communities.
The smallest residential grouping, a household or ‘HEARTH
GROUP’, comprised a man, his wife or wives and their dependent
children: about 10 people. In winter, hearthgroups retirede
separately into the hinterland.
Several hearth-groups would regularly but temporarily camp
together in a residential grouping of up to 60 people, but
frequently fewer than that. This temporary aggregation is called a
‘BAND’ by many of today’s writers.
The whole COMMUNITY or tribelet, 200 or more people,
came together in one camp or group of camps normally once a
year and usually in summer, as summer was the season of greatest
stream-flow (Allen 1974; O’Rourke 1997: 131-133; Keen 2004:
112 ff).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunnedah stretch of the Namoi: from the

Mullibah Lagoon camp near the Mooki River
junction to the Burrell Lagoon camp. (There
is a whole series of billabongs or lagoons
along the 12 kilometres of the river from
Gunnedah down to 'Burburgate'.)

10. “I looked out to the north of the town, about

15 miles, and met the bold, precipitous
Warrumbungle Range, and standing out in bold
relief from this range is ‘The Rock’, a huge block of
sandstone such as checked the great Hannibal [sic]
in his descent upon the inland plains.”

Warrumbungle Range: An error. It is the

Nandewars that lie north of Gunnedah, at
about 80 kilometres (or 40 kilometres or 25
miles if we count just to the foothills). The
Warrumbungles lie south-west, and much
further away.

The Rock: Perhaps a reference to Mt

Ningadhun in the Nandewars, a volcanic
plug that juts out of the side of the larger
mass of Mt Kaputar. But more likely, “15
miles” [about 25 kilometres] indicates that
the author meant Nobby Rock. This is a
prominent feature in the hills 15 kilometres
north-east of Gunnedah in the direction of
the present-day Keepit Dam. The words
"huge block" are accurate, if Nobby Rock is

His descent: Here the Travelling

Correspondent, or a sub-editor at The
Sydney Mail, may be confusing ancient
Rome’s great opponent, Hannibal, with the
latter-day explorer Major Mitchell. Perhaps

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the Sydney Mail’s sub-editor simply

mis-corrected ‘Mitchell’ to ‘Hannibal’?
The Carthaginian general Hannibal
crossed the Alps into northern Italy to
confront the ancient Romans. It was the
Scotsman Mitchell who (in 1831) was
checked in the Nandewars before
descending onto the inland plains of modern

11. “To the south west is Black Jack, the bold, lone
mountain of coal, joining, by its spurs, a bit to the
west, the Sugarloaf Mountain and Binalong Range.
Here in this fortress valley were gathered the
helpless, the old and the infirm, the women and
children, where they could be easily defended, and
left with tolerable safety while the chief led his
warriors to battle or away in the more peaceful hunt
for wallaby, turkey or emu. “

Black Jack Mountain: A prominent hill of 600

metres, about seven kilometres south-west
of the town. See Map 3. A major deposit of
coal was discovered there in the 1880s.
Sugarloaf Mountain: Map 4.

We may doubt that Gunnedah really served

as a “fortress valley”. This tag, I think, is just
a rhetorical flourish on the part of the
Sydney Mail journalist.
Certainly there was a “secret camp”
nearby, used as a place of refuge. Its
location is never quite specified; only that it
was somewhere in the hop-vine scrub on the
slopes of Porcupine Ridge (see in ‘The
Cassilis Raid”, Document 3C). Otherwise, the
stretch of the Namoi River at Gunnedah was
just as open and defenceless as many
another site.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

It follows, I believe, that Gunnedah was

simply the summer base for this community.
Naturally their base was raided by enemies
on more than one occasion. People camped
at Gunnedah, I would suggest, not because
of any special defensive features the site
possessed, but simply because, being near
the Mooki junction and rich in river foods, it
was a very good part of the river on which to
meet during summer. There were (are)
many large billabongs along the
Gunnedah-'Burburgate' stretch of the river.

Turkey: It is not clear whether this refers to

the plains turkey (bustard) or the brush
turkey, which are different species. Since the
bird in question is mentioned alongside the
emu, we may guess that it is the bustard
that is meant.
The Australian bustard, Ardedotis
australis, was known to the Kamilaroi as
barawa (spelt ‘burrowar’ by Bucknell). The
brush turkey or scrub turkey, Alectura
lathami, was known to the Kamilaroi as
wagun; also wirrilaa (spelt ‘wirraller’ by
Bucknell). Both species are now locally
extinct - except in the Pilliga Scrub, where,
as Rolls 1981 notes, some brush turkeys
survive, or did, in the 1970s.182

12. “The plain and the hillside scrub were well

supplied with food and water, thus fairly entitling
Gunnedah to its name, ‘the Home of the Fatherless
and Motherless’, or, as the blackfellow puts it, ‘no
fader, no moder’. The wallaby, wallaroo, bundarra
(Kamelroi for kangaroo) and the delicious
opossum 183 of Gunnedah were noted far beyond the
Bucknell 1933; Rolls 1981.
This means Australian possums, not the opossum of the
Americas (MO'R).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

ranges for their flavour and tenderness. The o’cow

and the o’sheep have taken up the running and do
no discredit to their indigenous forerunner, the
opossum. To the head camp all the old people and
the widows and orphans of those who fell in battle
were sent. It seemed that those who suffered by
some misfortune were principally housed and
defended in this Eden. <<

Entitling: It is hard to see how “fatherless

and motherless” might have a connection
with good supplies of food and water. Ridley
said the name implied ‘place of the
destitute’. But perhaps the Sydney Mail
author was proposing that those who arrived
destitute soon revived when they gained
access to Gunnedah’s plentiful food and

Fader/moder: The two ‘th’ sounds of English

(this and then) are not found in Aboriginal
languages. So people who learnt English
imperfectly would tend to say 'faa-dha' and

Bundarra: i.e., bandaarr +a. The suffix +a

marks the locative/dative case. Thus the
name meant “at (the place of) the kangaroo
[eastern grey kangaroo]".

To the head camp + defended: As noted

earlier, I believe that the Mooki-Namoi
junction was simply the main summer
camping site of the Gunnedah community
and not a special place of refuge.

13. “All along the banks of the Namoi existed

camps of Cumbo’s followers. Wherever there was a
‘bri’ there was a camp. Bri means plentiful supply

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

of water. Hence we have Boggabri (long water),

Narrabri (shallow water), Therrabri (swampy water),
and so on. From all these bris were collected the
inhabitants of the main camp whose qualifications
were something like the following - years of
residence on the river, having grown old or infirm,
or having displayed great valour as a warrior, or
great skill as a game-catcher, and being unable to
further practise these avocations. <<

Cumbo’s followers: In truth, the middle

Namoi River groups were often mutually
hostile. Ridley 1875 recorded, for example,
an old man's account of a clash between the
Wee Waa people and the band living around
‘Burburgate’ (downstream from Gunnedah).
And, in the Ewing transcripts, the Narrabri
men - possibly the same as Ridley's Wee
Waa community - are enemy raiders killed
by a very young Red Kangaroo/Gambu
Ganuurru in one of his first exploits
(Document 3B, MS Page 17) [cf map of
territories: Map 2].
On the other hand, relationships could
also be friendly. For example, Document 3B
relates how Ganuurru struck an alliance with
the men of Manilla and Goonoo Goonoo to
attack an enemy group in what is now New

Bri = +baraay, a suffix that also occurs as

+mbaraay and +araay (“-aroi”).
The “bri” or “roi” suffix did not mean
‘plentiful water’. Literally it meant “with” or
“having”. But, if water was not part of the
actual denotation, then it may well have
been implied in the place-names. Compare
Boggabri: one tradition renders its meaning
as “with (many) creeks”, i.e., Bagaaybaraay,
from bagaay ‘creeks’ + baraay ‘having’.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

It should be noted that no other source

gives “long water” as the meaning of
Boggabri, nor “shallow water” for Narrabri.184

Collected … from all these bris: This is not

likely to be correct, because the various
communities were often hostile to each
other. As mentioned earlier, the Ewing
Papers record that Ganuurru fought against
the Narrabri men (Document 3B, MS page
17). On the other hand, Document 3B also
records that in Red Kangaroo’s heyday the
Gunnedah community absorbed a number of
smaller, neighbouring groups.

14. “There are records of certain great epochs

handed down in the legendary stories or songs.
One of these is the great flood that must have
happened in about 1750, when, through a
protracted wet winter, many of the old hands died
off with a cough or what medical science would call
an epidemic pneumonia. This is fairly inferred, as
those who were moved across the river to a drier
and healthier spot, known afterwards as the
‘Wietalabah’, lost the cough. But the continued rain,
and the reported prophecy of a great flood by the
old blacks, caused all the people to be moved to
the hills. It is said that no sooner had this been
done than the flood came. It deluged the whole
country and even the camp fires at ‘Wietalabah’
were submerged. Hence the name ‘Wietalabah’,
meaning ‘fires all gone out’. There are
unmistakable traces and evidences that the Mooki
and Namoi have changed their courses which
doubtless happened at the time of this great flood.

The sources, and the difficulties of reconstructing the
meanings of place-names, are discussed in O’Rourke 1997.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Great flood: William Telfer junior of

Tamworth mentions Aboriginal traditions of
a "cobbong flood" [cobbong = gabawaang,
pidgin for ‘very big’] in which "the ridges
about Gunnedah were swept away by the
great rush of water in its course down the
Namoi country" (emphasis added). The
flood-waters covered an immense area "300
miles long [with] a large lot of islands in the
middle of it".185
This reads like an overstatement, given
that "300 miles", more than 480 kilometres,
is longer (as the crow flies) than the entire
length of the Namoi Valley. But Telfer’s point
would be that he was told that the larger
part of the Peel-Mooki-Namoi basin was
submerged, from above Quirindi and
Tamworth through Narrabri to beyond
It is stated (below: para. 15) that the
"great flood" came after Red Kangaroo's
death. The burial ground where he was
interred was located barely above the
highest modern flood (see Map 12). But the
grave and the trees around it survived. It
would seem to follow either (a) that the flood
of "about 1750" was not so overwhelming as
to wash away the burial ground; or (b) that
the line of the Namoi ran more to the north
than it now does.

Wietalabah . . . across the river: Doubtless a

reference to the high ground north-east from
Gunnedah that afterwards formed the
hinterland of Parnell’s station ‘Weetaliba’ [as
it is spelt today].186 The modern homestead
Telfer, quoted in Milliss Waterloo Creek 1992: 29.
Spelt "Wee Tuliba" in the NSW Government Gazette
1848. The homestead or huts of Parnell’s ‘Weetaliba’ station were
located on the north-east side of the Namoi-Mooki junction, i.e.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

of 'Weetaliba' is on the Namoi eight

kilometres upstream from Gunnedah [Map
It seems implied ( - “even the camp fires
at ‘Wietalabah’ were submerged”) that the
people moved thence into the Nandewar
foothills or, perhaps more likely, into the
small range (“the hills”) that includes Nobby
Rock. See Map 4.
‘Wietalabah’ [wiidhalibaa] meant literally
“lacking fire or firewood”, from ‘fire [wii-]
+lacking [-dhalibaa]’; the understood
meaning was probably ‘hearthless,
unpartnered, having no one to cook for
him’.187 Plainly there was always plenty of
firewood in the district. The name possibly
referred to the time of the great flood, when
no dry wood could be found; or it may have
referred to some particular event, when a
person lived there on their own.

About 1750: It is not clear why this “must”

have been the date. Perhaps the author was
imagining there had been a proverbial 100
year flood, and 100 years subtracted from
1850 is 1750. As will be seen, the article
says later that Gambu Ganuurru died “20
moons” before the great flood. This is
interpreted by the reporter, or by Haynes, as
meaning that he died in “about 1745”.
The dating of 1745/1750 ought be
testable against the life-span and decay
rates of trees. Any such test, of course, will
be very crude. "What is the longest time

diagonally across from ‘Gunnedah’. The run itself extended over

most of the hinterland north of the river, i.e. towards Kelvin.
Longmuir 1956:17 says that ‘Gunnible' was “another name for”
‘Weetaliba’ or Wee Tuliba, Thomas Parnell’s run. He means that
the two runs were later joined into one vast holding (cf Gunnedah
Committee 1935: 9).
Ash et al. 2003: 141.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

that Gambu's grave-marker might have

survived?" Unfortunately, all we can say is
that 1745/1750 is 'not inconsistent' with
what we know about the longevity of box-
trees, and it cannot be ruled out that Gambu
died even earlier (see discussion Appendix

15. “The other epoch marks the powerful and

daring chief or king, Cumbo Gunerah, who lived
before the great flood, and to whose prowess may
be attributed the superiority of the Kamelroi tribe
which for over a hundred years, according to
aboriginal tradition, had possession of the country
from Singleton to above Narrabri and whose power
was dreaded by all the adjacent tribes. <<

Tribe/tribes: As noted earlier, this term was

used very loosely in the 1800s. It could
mean either a band (several tens of people)
or a local community (several hundred
people) or the whole wider population,
distributed in many communities, who
shared the one language (sometimes
thousands of people).

Attributed - prowess: One person’s efforts

around the year 1700 would not explain the
wide extent of the Gamilaraay language. But
“condensation” around heroes is common in
historical tales. Jan Vansina in his Oral
Tradition as History (1985) stresses the
tendency in oral tradition to keep updating
legendary foundational events, keeping
them always at a short distance, a couple of
generations before one's own time. And
heroes are always placed at the centre of
foundational events.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The more rational explanation for the

wide extent of the Gamilaraay language is of
course materialistic, namely ease of
communication on the open slopes, and
grass-seed as a rich and reliable staple food,
allowing bands to visit and camp together
for relatively long periods. The archaeologist
Harry Lourandos, in Continent 1997, has
shown that this "intensification", as he calls
it, took place over several millenniums,
having begun about 3,500 years ago.

Singleton to above Narrabri: The language

was actually spoken from the Upper Hunter
basin to beyond the present-day Queensland
border. The centre-point of the Gamilaraay-
speaking lands lay near Narrabri (see map
and discussion in O’Rourke 1997).

16. “His deeds, exploits, name and fame have

been handed down in the camp legends, songs and
traditions of the Kamelroi and surrounding tribes to
this day. That fact alone would make the great
warrior the Napoleon of his times, as there is a
custom among the blacks of Australia that when a
man dies his name is never again spoken by the
tribe, and no one is permitted to take such a name.
To thus preserve a name is tantamount to saying
that the man was practically worshipped or feared
as a god in his day. Old Maggie said that so great
was the fear of Cumbo, to this day his name was
used to frighten or hush children to sleep; she
spoke as a mother. Her story is confirmed by the
old blacks of the other tribes about, and they also
state that his illustrious name was used to fortify
the warrior and cheer him on to battle as late as the
advent of the white man among themselves. That
was in her and their early days. The legends relate
that Cumbo won every battle, was in the front rank
of attack, and by personal valour and prowess

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

urged his men on to victory. The old traditions state

that this soldier king had both arms broken, his
thigh speared, many bones (ribs) smashed and
wounds in the head from the tomahawk or battle-
axe.<< [Evidently the direct quote from Haynes
ends here. MO’R]

Never again spoken/Permitted to take:

Personal names were indeed suppressed. It
is perhaps for that reason that the Gambu’s
personal name is lost to us. But section
names such as Gambu and totem-names
such as Ganuurru were borne by hundreds
of individuals in the 1800s, just as they were
in the 1700s.188 Far from being forbidden to
take such names, people were obliged to
bear section and totem names!
Joe Bungaree explained to Sergeant Ewing
that he knew Red Kangaroo’s section and
totem names, but could speak them only
when away from the burial ground. Thus, in
1887, when the grave was being dug up and
Bungaree was standing nearby, he would
not tell Haynes the name of the buried man
(see in Document 3B, ‘The Death and
Career”, MS Page 14).

As a god: This is simply a colourful

journalistic phrase. The Kamilaroi were
faithful believers in the Thunder-God
Baayama and other transcendent beings
(see in O’Rourke 1997). They were not likely
Howitt 1904: 440 ff, 466.
"1700s": Strictly speaking: Totem names were probably
millennia-old, whereas section names were probably only
hundreds of years old. This we may deduce from the fact that in
historical times [1810-1860] totem names were in use across the
whole continent, while section names were spreading from inland
Australia eastward and southward towards the coasts (see in
Howitt 1904 etc). We may believe that in Gamilaraay culture the
four-section system was already deeply embedded by 1700.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

to have seen a fellow human as literally or

even figuratively a ‘god’.

As a mother: Maggie seems not to have

belonged to Gunnedah by birth. Her
people’s origins evidently lay on the
Coonabarabran side. If so, then Gambu’s
ghost would have been ( - when she was
young) the ghost of an enemy.

Both arms broken: In Document 3A John

Ewing records that “the left upper arm bone
(humerus)” was broken. This perhaps - not
definitely - implies that just one arm was
broken. Stan Ewing was insistent that only
one arm had been broken (see Document 3B
at MS Page 8). But we may doubt this. It is
very difficult to imagine that Red Kangaroo
could have led the men of Gunnedah in
many battles over several decades and yet
have broken just the one arm.

Battle-axe: In truth, “tomahawks” or STONE

HATCHETS [Gamil. yuundu] were wood-cutting
tools, not weapons. They were too valuable
to be risked routinely in combat, a token of
their high value being the vast area over
which they were traded (axe blanks from the
Tamworth district were traded to beyond
Walgett). Moreover their short handles made
them quite unsuitable for fighting. 189
Andrew Abbie (1969) simplifies in stating
that stone hatchets were used for fighting
and hunting as well as for wood-working.

In exact terminology, a hatchet is a chopping instrument
used with one hand, whereas an axe requires two hands. A
tomahawk originally meant a one-handed weapon tipped with
either a blunt or a sharp stone or metal head, or what we might
call a ‘Native American mace’. As we use it in Australia,
however, tomahawk means a hatchet: Aboriginal stone hatchet
and/or British steel hatchet.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

True, sometimes they were used in warfare,

but only by default, when no better and
cheaper instrument was available.190
Spears were the primary weapon of war.
For hand-to-hand combat, which was rare,
Aborigines ordinarily used waddies and
nulla-nullas, i.e., wooden maces and clubs.
This is already clear in Bungaree’s narrative
(see Document 3C below, e.g. MS Page 11:
the ambush).

17. “Having been engaged on the surgical staff of

Prince Alexander, the gallant Roumanian [sic]
Sovereign in his brilliant campaign against the then
King (Milan) of Servia [sic], the doctor became
much interested in Maggie’s story of the historic
war king of her tribe. So was I [the Travelling
Correspondent]. Having been very kind to her, the
story she and the other blacks refused to divulge,
flowed freely. She would never more give the burial
place and no one else would. It was sacred to the
tribe and the power of Cumbo still lived in the spirit
of the black.”

Clubs as main weapons and stone hatchets as primarily
implements: Warner Black Civilisation 1958: 156. Hatchets as
primarily implements and only default weapons: Warner 1930:
458. Hatchets unsuitable for fighting: Dickson 1981: 2 ff, 5 ff and
McCarthy 1976, versus Abbie 1969: 112. Trade: Binns &
McBryde; and other publications by McBryde.
Binns and McBryde (1972: 1) usefully list the main uses to
which hatchets were put: (a) cutting notches in trees for climbing;
(b) cutting open trees (to get possums etc); (c) cutting down trees;
(d) cutting off sheets of bark; (e) shaping wooden implements; and
(f) cutting/dressing meat and skins.
Surviving hatchets from Manilla, Moree, Walgett and Lake
Narran etc are held by the Australian Museum (see in White 1993;
and Pulverstaft & Gordon 1994).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Alexander: In 1859, recently freed from

centuries of Turkish domination, the
Moldavians and Wallachians elected Prince
Alexander Cuza to be their first native ruler.
In 1861 the two regions were united as
Romania, and Alexander took the title King.
He was deposed in 1866.

Her tribe: Maggie’s birth-community may

have spoken Gamil'raay, but on such
evidence as we have, she herself was not
from Gunnedah (see Introduction: 2.4 "The
Griffin, Cain and Orr Families of
Coonabarabran and Gunnedah").

The burial place: It is clear from the Ewing

Papers that the townspeople definitely knew
the place of his burial.
How could it be otherwise? After all, the
carved tree, or trees, was located in the
bush just a few hundred metres from the old
main street and former dray-track (Maitland
Street). White people knew generally that
mounds in the vicinity of carved trees were
Aboriginal graves. The townspeople also
knew very early (it was “common
knowledge”, writes John Ewing: Document
3A, MS Page 2) that one of the carved
stumps marked the buried remains of a
“great warrior and chief”.
Perhaps what the whites did not know was
the great warrior's name and the exact
nature of his exploits.

18. “A few days before the old woman’s death,

when the doctor’s kindness with a little stimulating
rum had won her confidence, she divulged the site
so many generations a secret in the tribe.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

A secret: It is not correct that burial sites

were kept secret. On the contrary, their
location was advertised, at least in the case
of leading men, by the presence of carved
trees beside the grave.
As noted, in Stan Ewing’s account,
Sergeant Ewing and the rest of the white
community already knew, before it was dug
up, that the grave contained the remains of
a “chief” who had lived at Gunnedah a long
time in the past.

19. “This is her story put in plain English. >>I am

now about 91 years old by blackfellows’ way of
counting. When I was a girl we used to go to the
grave and put out possum rugs over it every
evening at full moon<< (a custom she could not
exactly account for; only it had been the traditional
custom of the blacks, who were then very old when
they were young, too, a kind of reverence, she
thought, to inspire the young).
20. >>There are very few of our tribes left now.
We are mixed up with the Coonbri. When the
Walleri or Big River [Gwydir] Blacks fought us they
killed a great number of our tribe, but when the
white man came we began to die right out (or in her
own words, white feller swell [sic] kill all Murri

Plain English: As is shown when her words

are quoted verbatim, Maggie seems to have
spoken in ‘frontier pidgin’ rather than
standard English. 191 This may appear odd,
given that she was born in 1851 to an Irish
Frontier pidgin: The lingua franca used between whites
and Aborigines in the early colonial days. Australian pidgin was
constructed largely from English and the Dharruk language of
western Sydney: see Dixon et al. 1990 and Troy 1990. For
verbatim exchanges in pidgin, see Dawson 1830.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

father and an Aboriginal mother raised

among white people. But the colonists
continued to use pidgin rather than standard
English when conversing with Aborigines to
at least mid century (see, for example, in
Telfer’s Wallabadah Manuscript).

POSSUM RUGS OR ROBES: Traditionally the major

item of clothing of Aborigines in south-
eastern Australia.
Although called ‘rugs’, they served as
coat, robe, cloak and blanket, and were
sometimes very large (over 1.5 metres long
or high). They were made from many skins
of the common or brush-tail possum sewn
together with animal sinew.192

Mitchell noted that the Aborigines on the edges of the colonised

regions in 1831 supposed "low slang words" to be the colonists’
language. Many of the colonists likewise, in using pidgin,
imagined that they were speaking the Aborigines’ language
(Mitchell 1839: 63-64).
Wright 1979; Block 1987. See also the concise and clear
accounts in Flanagan 1888: 56-58 and Beveridge 1889: 138.
Large: see Document 3B MS Page 14 - man-sized logs wholly
wrapped in cloaks. Alexander Harris 1847 (1953: 75) mentions
rugs of 30-60 skins. One rug from Victoria was made from 81 (!!)
skins and measured 7'6" by 5'6" [2.29 metres by 1.68 metres]
(Mulvaney 1969: 81).
Early drawings and photographs show "rugs" of differing sizes.
Some were more like stoles or shoulder-wraps, while others were
like huge cloaks. Only 15 examples have survived, held in
museums in Australia and overseas.
A NSW example: Mountford 1963: 534-35 reproduces a unique
drawing of the incised designs on the skin side of a rug from the
Hunter Valley nearly five feet (149 cm) long, made from 22 skins.
The original is held in the USA, catalogued thus: “Smithsonian
Institution, Washington DC: Registration No: 5803. Animal:
Possum. Place: Australia “near Sydney” (almost certainly from
the Hunter River area). Collector: Wilkes’ exploring expedition.
Date: 1838-42. Size: L - 58 ½" [149 cm]. W - 57" [145 cm].
Description: Features rectangular pelts. The skins are laid in four
rows of six skins each, and sewn on the back, edge to edge with
very fine overhand stitch of cotton cord sinew [hence post-
colonial: MO'R]. Fur has been left on and the backside of the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Their value can be judged from the fact

that the Namoi basin experiences up to five
months of frost-days each year.

COONBRI or Guyinbaraay: Recorded also by

Ridley and Matthews as the name of a local
variant of Gamilaraay.
The Coonbri or Guyinbaraay dialect of
Gamilaraay belonged to the Burburgate-
Gunnedah-Wandobah region. It may have
extended to the south-west almost as far as
Coonabarabran. In short, Guyinbaraay was
the name of the variant of Gamilaraay
spoken on and south-west of the central
Namoi, the distinctive name being a
recognition of some differences in
vocabulary from other variants of
'Old Maggie' (see below: para. 20) seems
to place the Coonbri-speaking people
around Terry Hie Hie, or so we have it from
the Sydney Mail reporter. According to
Ridley and Mathews, Gamilaraay proper was
the language spoken in that region [Map

skins are completely covered with large diamond shaped designs

made by scraping up a thin layer of the skin so that it stands up in
a little curl.” [Source:; consulted
December 2002].
Coonbri: Ridley, on his first major journey in 1855,
found Kamilaroi spoken along the Namoi’s southern tributary, the
“Mukai” (Mooki) River. On a further trip to the Namoi in 1871,
however, he found “Koinbere” or “Goinberai” spoken at
Gunnedah, or rather, at ‘Burburgate’ station 15 kilometres
On the latter journey Ridley travelled from Murrurundi across
the Breeza Plains. At ‘Burburgate’, on the other side of Gunnedah,
his main informant was a ‘Koinbere’-speaking man named ‘Murri
Bundar’ (Marii Bandaarr, ‘Grey Kangaroo’), nicknamed ‘Old
Billy’. Bandaarr’s father, ‘Ippai Mute’ (Yibaay Mudhay, ‘Brush-
tail Possum’), “lived [i.e. had lived] near Wundubar on Liverpool
Plains”, or “Wundula [sic] near the Mooki”, that is, ‘Wandobah’
station, south of Gunnedah.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Walleri was Waalaraay, the language of

the region west of Bingara where the Horton
River joins the Gwydir River.194

White feller kill: As noted in the Introduction,

there is no record of whites killing Aborigines
in the Gunnedah district, although there
were certainly clashes on the upper Mooki
River (south-west of Quirindi) in the later
1820s and in the Boggabri-Narrabri region in
the early 1830s.
Namoi River Aborigines were reported to
have joined in the clashes on the Upper
Mooki. But, if we follow the records, we must
ascribe the reduction in the population of
the Tamworth-Gunnedah region primarily to
the diseases brought by the colonists and
secondarily to the disruption to Aboriginal
food sources. (We may distinguish, I
suppose, between the 'primary' diseases
such as measles, gonorrhoea and syphilis,
Thus the language of ‘Wandobah’ and, by implication, of
‘Burburgate’ and Gunnedah was Guinberai or Koinberai (Austin’s
Guyinbaraay). It was, said Ridley, the language spoken “on part
of the Liverpool Plains and the Castlereagh River”, with
‘Wirathere’ (Wiradjuri) spoken "lower down the Castlereagh". His
placement of the ‘+bri’ language ‘Goinberri’ on the Castlereagh
River and part of the Liverpool Plains agrees with the evidence of
place-names (map in O'Rourke 1997).
The work of the surveyor and ethnographer R H Mathews, who
first visited north-central NSW in 1867, generally confirms
Ridley’s results. Mathews too found ‘Guinbarai’ spoken "about
Gunnedah". It was, he explained, a variant of Kamilaroi. The only
difference was some lexical items (Ridley 1873: 273 and 1875:
140; Mathews 1903b: 270; Austin et al. 1980).
The Waalaraay or ‘Walroy’ tribelet were mentioned in
the reports of the Crown Lands Commissioner in 1840s and 1850s.
As it appears, their country lay on the north side of the Gwydir,
from near Bingara to about Pallamallawa and including Warialda,
and also on the south side, extending up the Horton River.
The band of 12 blackfellows that Ridley encountered at
Warialda in 1855, who knew or could speak Kamilaroi “as well as
Uolaroi (sic)”, were Waalaraay speakers (see discussion in
O’Rourke 1997).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and the 'second order' diseases 'released'

by impoverishment, namely influenza and
kidney disease or heart failure manifesting
as body-swelling or oedema: "dropsy" as it
was known in the 19th century.)

Murri: ‘Man, human being, Aboriginal

person’. In Italian-style spelling, mari.
Rhymes with English curry and worry.

21. “Long before she was born, her ‘old man

blackfellow’ (father) said, the Coonbri tribes around
Terry-hi-hi [sic] were very powerful, and had made
many depredations on the Kamelroi tribe around
Narrabri. To avenge these hostile attacks, Cumbo
Gunerah led his warriors against them, and
slaughtered every warrior of the Coonbri tribe that
fought him. In this battle his arm was broken badly
and he died at Gunnedah 20 moons before the
great flood. This would be about 1745.”

“Slaughtered every warrior”: This would be

an allusion to individual contests, not a mass
killing. Not every man in the "tribe" - but
rather every individual who came up against
Ganuurru - was killed.

About 1745: There was mention earlier of

“about 1750”. It is difficult to see how 1745
plus 20 months could yield ‘1750’.

22. “His grave, said the old aboriginal, is near the

courthouse, for >>when I was there about 10 years
ago [?1881] getting blankets, we were afraid that
the white people would build a house over Cumbo’s

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Getting blankets: The Aborigines Protection

Board, created in 1883, revived the old
colonial practice of donating one blanket a
year to each Aborigine, usually on Queen
Victoria's birthday. The distribution was
managed by each local magistrate, which in
practice meant the local officer in charge of

Finding The Grave

[sub-heading in the original]

23. “The great secret having been drawn out, and

the legendary story confirmed by talks and queries
among the male members of the old tribes now
living, the interesting search for the grave began.”

Male members: Joe Bungaree is mentioned,

but not by name (see next paragraph).
Curiously, there is no reference to Sergeant
Ewing. In the Ewing transcripts the Sergeant
plays a key role, introducing Haynes to

24. “In front of the Wesleyan Church and near the

court house, on the street crossing the main street
of Gunnedah, stood a peculiarly marked old stump.
There was a boomerang cut on each side with a
yeliman [shield figure] at the bottom. The tree
seemed to have been down for years. The carvings
were in the bark but the second growth around it
showed the growth of many years of development
in the tree since the engraver had been there. The
search was conducted with the black of another
tribe. On reaching the stump he stopped, pointed at
the crude headstone and said, “Great man him; big

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

chief that feller”. Indicating a place near the street,

he continued, “You dig him here all round about
two feet, you find him somewhere. Keep out from
root. Blackfeller no put grave where root is, for
water get in by root”.

Street crossing the main street: Abbott

(earlier Poe) Street, which runs broadly
north-south. See Map 12.195
The site of the Wesleyan (Methodist)
Church - now the Uniting Church - was
gazetted in 1871; the parsonage itself was
built in 1880.
Stan Ewing, in Document 3B (below), said
“the stump stood opposite the old Wesleyan
Parsonage, well back from the roadside of
Poe Street (later Abbott Street)”. This shows
that the grave was located on the eastern
side of Abbott Street. More specifically, the
site was at “the outlet of Little Conadilly St
… into Abbott St”.
In 1887 the site was on vacant land. In
saying that the stump was “in front” of the
Wesleyan Church, the Sydney Mail writer
meant, I take it, to convey ‘directly across
from’ the church.196

Boomerang cut: That is, an incised design or

designs carved in the shape of a
boomerang. A comparable carved burial-tree

Poe Street: Renamed Abbott Street in honour of a long-
serving Member of the NSW Parliament, Sir Joseph (J P) Abbott
(1842-1901), the Member for Gunnedah during the 1880s and
afterwards Speaker of the NSW Legislative Assembly (see in
ADB vol 3).
The site for Wesleyan Church site, on the western side of Poe
Street, was gazetted in 1871. The first resident minister arrived in
1879 (Longmuir, p.44).
Document 3B, MS Pages 6 and 11; Gunnedah
Committee 1935: 53; and 1972 Department of Lands map.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

with boomerang-shaped incisions is known

from the Bingara area.197

Yeliman: A parrying shield; more often spelt

‘hieliman’. ‘Heilamon’ in Ewing’s spelling;
elsewhere variously ‘hielamon’ and
‘hielaman’. Cf Dunbar: “The eeliman or
shield was of two types, one for spear attack
and one for warding off boomerangs and
throwing sticks. The former was wider and
flatter than the latter” (1943: 172).
The word was borrowed into pidgin and
English from the Aboriginal language of
Sydney. The Gamilaraay word for a shield
was burriin.198

Was conducted: In 1887, according to “The

1945 Letter”, Document 3A.

Black of another tribe: Presumably Joe

Bungaree. He was certainly a Gunnedah
man, so the reference to "another tribe"
probably alludes to Maggie’s not being a
Gunnedah woman by birth.
In Stan Ewing’s account Joe Bungaree did
not approve of the digging up: “He [Dr
Haynes] do very bad thing: get Mr Ashby to
dig grave of one of my tribe open when I still
on bury ground”. The tracker Bundaar too,
although he was not a Namoi River man,
was unhappy: “I know ghost blame me for
not [leave] him bones in his grave”
(Document 3B, MS Pages 14 and 9).

Crude headstone: A reference to the stump,

i.e., not literally a head-stone.

Illustrations in Emma McPherson, My Experiences
1860: 225, reproduced in McBryde 1974: 149.
Etheridge 1897; Dunbar 1943: 173; Blake 1981: 94;
Austin’s Dictionary 1992.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

25. “The excavating was begun, but no price or

persuasion could induce the, that, or any black to
assist in looking for the bones of this ancient chief
whose name and burial-place have been sung and
known for generations. Soon the remains were
found. By carefully digging around so as not to
disturb the original posture of the remains, the
illustrious black was discovered in a sitting posture,
as if squatting, with his face to the east, and his
tomahawk at his feet.”

As if squatting: That is, with the knees doubled

up; as also reported among the Hunter Valley
Kamilaroi. The technical term in archaeology is
“flexed”. This FORM OF BURIAL was widely
practised throughout south-east Australia.199
In 1887 the excavators dug for “several feet”
before reaching Red Kangaroo’s bones
(Document 3A, para. 4). Thus the depth of his
grave was probably at least a metre.
Cf Telfer: "They used to bury their dead in an
opossum cloak sitting up in the grave, about
four feet in height [i.e., about 120 cm deep],
Kamilaroi burials: Breton 1834: 179; McDonald 1878:
256; Naseby in Howitt 1904: 466; and Greenway 1910: 198. For
northern NSW more generally, see McBryde 1974: 147 ff, citing
Oxley, Gardner, Emma McPherson 1860 and others. Also
Henderson 1832: 149; Wyndham 1889: 39-40; Howitt 1904: 468,
646; White 1934: 225; and Dunbar 1943.
Cunningham was one of the first to record details of an
Aboriginal grave: see journal entry, 9 May 1823: “Burial mound
of Aborigines” (SRNSW: Reel 6035; SZ15 pp.34, 122).
Ridley states that the bodies of highly respected men were
placed in hollow trees or in the ground in bark coffins up to 13
feet long (over 4 metres) (1875: 271). That is to say: burial in the
ground was the usual practice, with a hollow tree being used only
if there was insufficient soft soil (cf Bucknell 1933: 36). Among
the “Wollaroi” (i.e., the Yuwaalaraay: to the north-west of the
Kamilaroi) and on the Maranoa River in south-west Queensland,
the body was sometimes laid out on a “stage” before being buried
(Crowthers and Lethbridge in Howitt 1904: 467-68).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

covered over with a lot of saplings to keep away

any animals, and, if he was a chief, they would
carve three trees with symbols, diamond shape"
(Telfer, ed Milliss 1980: 120, emphasis
And Dunbar, describing the customs of the
Wayilwan people: “The deceased was prepared
for burial by being bound in the twice-bent
sitting position until rigor mortis had set in. He
was then buried in a grave some four or five
feet [up to 150 cm] deep in that position, with
his face towards the east. The weapons and
other personal property of the deceased were
placed in the grave at his feet. Bark was then
placed over the corpse and the hole filled in”
(1943: 145, emphasis added).

Tomahawk at his feet: The Ewing brothers were

present at the excavation. They stated that no
weapons were found in the grave (John Ewing in
Document 3A, “The 1945 Letter”, MS Page 1;
and Stan Ewing in "The Death and Career",
Document 3B, MS Page 8).

26. So much for the grave mark of the illustrious

black, and the confirmation of Maggie’s story about the
27. “Now”, said Dr Haynes, “we will go through the
bones and see if they give the evidences of strength
and valour related by those who never saw Cumbo.
The legends say that both arms were broken. Several
of these bones are nearly, and some completely
petrified. This is the bone of the right arm. It is broken.
The crude way in which it is spliced is very interesting,
as showing the crude surgery of the blacks. It is
shortened, as you see, at least 3in [three inches, i.e.
eight centimetres] by this break. Now here is the right
Three trees: For any one grave, there were usually at
least two trees and sometimes up to seven (Etheridge 1918: 15;
Bell 1982: 6).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

arm (similar) bone of an Englishman - an anatomical

subject, and they are selected from large and well-
made men. By measuring them you see that the
black’s bone is still as long as the one you hold. It was
thus at least 3in longer unbroken. You will notice
another extraordinary thing, that the black’s bone is
larger than this, and the tubicles [sic: tubercles, i.e.
projections from the bone 201] show that he was a man
of powerful nerves and muscles. He was simply a

Both arms broken: As noted earlier, John Ewing

states that “the left upper arm bone (humerus)”
was broken. This perhaps - but not definitely -
implies that just one arm was broken. For his
part Stan Ewing was quite adamant that only
one arm was broken.

Petrified: It is literally impossible for bone to

become stone in only a few hundred years.
Haynes’ word ‘petrification’ probably meant
simply a hardening of the remains. This can be
caused by encrustation by soil carbonates. Or it
may result from the beginnings of
mineralisation through the uptake into the
bones of soil minerals such as manganese and

The greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus or upper
arm bone: "The tubercles are separated from each other by a deep
groove, the inter-tubercular groove (bicipital groove), which
lodges the long tendon of the muscle (Biceps brachii) and
transmits a branch of the anterior humeral circumflex artery to the
shoulder-joint" (Gray's Anatomy).
The ratio of the radius to the humerus between racial groups
was studied by the founder of French anthropology, Pierre Paul
Broca, 1824 -1880, the first head of the French Society of
Anthropology (1859) and the first School of Anthropology (1876).
But it is unlikely Haynes knew of Broca's work.
I owe this point to Paul Gorecki. For particulars, see
Mays 1998 and Ubelaker 1999.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Crude surgery: On Ewing’s testimony, what Dr

Haynes in fact said at the time was that “a
clever surgeon-doctor in the tribe … did his job
excellently” (Document 3B, MS Page 8).

27. “Take the left arm (following up the traditions of

him). Both bones of the forearm of the left arm have
been broken but as very little shortening has taken
place a better comparison can be instituted. It is much
longer than the other. That would show him to be
about 4in longer in the reach, and with a more
powerful arm, than the white subject.

Following up: That is, in order to check whether

the stories about him were confirmed by any
breaks in the arm or arms.

28. “There is a spear wound in the thigh bone,

showing that a fearful abscess had formed over it and
that the bone was diseased by some poison. The two
lower bones of the next leg were also fractured. Here
are two broken ribs. They have knitted well.”

Poison: Probably infection; not a reference to

poisoned spears.

29. “Picking up the skull, I ventured to remark that

Cumbo was an animal, and not an intellectual
development; that he lived by main strength or
prowess and not by intellect. “Yes”, said the doctor,
“he has a low sloping forehead and narrow across the
temples but the back of his head is a perfect mountain,
and he had a neck you couldn’t break by pulling. The
camp fire stories say that [?he] was clouted, and he
has the record. His skull has been opened over the left

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

eye and has been bashed by some blunt instrument

behind.” I laid this skull down convinced that if Cumbo
was not great I wondered how much more it took to
make a man great.”

Picking up: It seems implied that in 1891 - four

years after the grave was excavated - Haynes
still had the skeletal remains and had not yet
dispatched them to the Australian Museum (cf
para. 32 below).

Not by intellect: To the contrary, one of the

major themes in the Ewing documents
(Documents 3B, 3C) is how intelligent Gambu
was, as well as being strong and physically
skilful: - able to "think quickly and plan out"
what needed to be done.

Low sloping forehead: It was a presumption,

deeply entrenched and believed nearly
universally before about 1950, that a group’s
physique revealed its racial superiority or
Of course it was always one’s own group that
was superior: we Africans have fine muscles; we
East Asians have the least hair on our body; we
Indians have straight noses; we Europeans have
white skin … . Naturally it helped to believe this
if one prevailed in battle!
In the 19th century 'phrenology' was
regarded as respectable science, in Australia as
elsewhere. It was based on the supposition that
the shape and size of the skull determined, or at
least revealed, human intellectual and
emotional capacity. Given the prejudices of the
time, it is perhaps not surprising that
phrenological investigation tended to reaffirm
the 'great chain of being' [God, angels, men,
beasts] and to confirm that Aborigines were on
the lowest scale of humanity. It also was used to

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

emphasise Aboriginal savagery, as for example

in Barron Field's suggestion in 1820 that
phrenology demonstrated (his words) the
"animality of Aboriginal behaviour".203

30. “This man”, the genial surgeon remarked, “is

reputed to have been over 6ft high. Here is the thigh of
a big, powerful white man who was one of the first to
be run over by the Sydney trams. Being [from] a large
well-formed man, this bone after amputation was kept
as a study. Now measure them. That blackfellow’s bone
is 1½ in. longer than this one. If you follow the
proportion you will get 1½ in. [longer] from ground to
knee and over 2 in. from the hip up; or in other words
he was approximately about 5in taller than this man,
who was about 5ft 11½ in. high, so Cumbo must have
been about 6ft 3in or 4in high. His thigh bones are
larger than that of this large white man and he is built
like an athlete across the hips.” The grave, the size of
the man and the body marks on the skeleton all verify
the legendary history of this mighty nigger [sic].”

6ft high: = 183 cm; and 6ft 4 in = 193 cm.

Historically the average for male Aborigines
was 168-173 cm or 5 ft 6 to 5 ft 8 in. This was
just the average. Some individuals of course
were over 180 cm tall. As John Mathew
remarked (1889), “There is . . . hardly a
community in which two or three six-footers will
not be found”. 204

See M. John Thearle, 1993, The rise and fall of
phrenology in Australia, Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Psychiatry 27, 518-525.
J Mathew, 1889: 385. Average stature: Fraser 1892 and
Abbie 1969: 36. For comparison, 23 Kamilaroi descendants in the
1920s measured by Taylor and Jardine (1924: 280) averaged 66.2
inches [168 cm]. The average statures of whites and Aborigines
were, and are, approximately the same; but stature has increased
in both races since about 1930, due to better nutrition.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

31. “I looked in his mouth and found all his teeth

there at burial which goes to show that he lived prior to
the Deborrah custom of knocking out the first bi-cuspid
tooth205 as an announcement of the passage of the boy
to manhood. This custom has been in existence ever
since the advent of the white man so far as I am able to

All his teeth there: John Ewing recalled, more

credibly, that “the skull had a perfect set of
teeth, except one that was missing from [the]
upper jaw” (below: Document 3A, MS Page 2,
emphasis added). Stan Ewing likewise was
adamant that one tooth was missing (Document
3B, MS Page 8).

Deborrah: More usually ‘BORA’ or BUURRA , the

ceremony and ceremonial site at which boys
were initiated into manhood. Literally “at /the
place of/ the girdle of manhood”, from buurr
‘belt of manhood, rope, string’ +a, locative
The girdle or belt of manhood, woven from
human and/or animal hair, was presented to the
initiate at the larger of the two rings that formed
the Bora ceremonial ground: hence the name.206

That is, the "maxillary first bicuspid": counting back
from the middle, it is the fifth tooth in the upper mouth (or the
fourth if one counts forward from the back). It is the tooth with
two points immediately behind the "canine". There are four
bicuspids: - two in the upper mouth ("maxillary") and two in the
lower ("mandibular"). They do not appear until a child is about 10
years old.
O'Rourke 1997. The proceedings at Kamilaroi initiation
ceremonies have been described in detail by R H Mathews (see in
Bibliography). For a more recent discussion, describing the
broadly similar proceedings at Wiradjuri ceremonies, see
Maddock 1974.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Has been: Ridley found that the Bora and the

practice of tooth avulsion were already defunct
on the Namoi by 1871. The Bora had still been
going strong in the later 1840s. Hence it seems
likely that, on the Liverpool Plains, initiation
ceased by about 1860. In the farther north-west,
the Bora was kept up until the end of the

32. “Dr Haynes has kindly consented to send the

skeleton of Cumbo to the Sydney Museum; also the
stump headstone. The word Cumbo means, in
Kamelroi, cousin.”

Museum: Idriess (Document 4) notes that a

search was made in the early 1950s but it
yielded no trace of the skeleton (also White
1993). Nor is it held by either of the two
museums at Sydney University. (One imagines
that the skeleton was indeed sent, but has since
been misplaced.)

Means cousin: Gambu was, strictly speaking,

one of the four section names. Everyone, all in
the known world, belonged to one or other of
the four sections.
Although “Gambu” does not literally mean
‘cousin’, the section system was a summary of,
or ‘ready reference index’ for, kinship
connections. Ridley remarked, for example, that
a Yibaay man regarded all Yibaay-section men
(all the children of Buudhaa-section women) as
his ‘brothers’, and all Gambu-section men -
depending upon their age - as either his ‘uncles’

1840s: Roderick Mitchell 1846 in HRA xxv: 565, and
Ridley 1871 MS p.21. See generally O’Rourke 1997.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

(‘mothers’ brothers’) or ‘nephews’ (‘sisters’


33. “The blacks here lived largely on the nardoo plant,

which was ground into a powder by a kind of stone
pestle-and-mortar mill. One of these is now in
existence in the Lands Office, Gunnedah. The
explorers, in passing through here, lived, by the
assistance of the blacks, on this plant.”

Lived largely: Grass seed from “native millet”,

Panicum species, not nardoo, was a major food
source in inland NSW. (Nardoo, Marsilea
drummondii, is more commonly found in the
further inland. 209) Panicum and other seeds were
ground on a stone mill and cooked in the form
of tiny cakes. But meat, especially possum, and
river foods including fish were at least as
important. Thus it is quite wrong to say that the
Kamilaroi depended “largely” on grass-seed.210
Ridley 1875. Also Mathews 1895c; Elkin 1945 and
1975-76; and Maddock 1974.
To be precise: nardoo is the common name of the fern
Marsilea drummondii the seeds of which were fed to Burke and
Wills by the Dieri/Diyari people of Cooper/s Creek. I am not
aware of any references to its use for food in the Gamil’raay
region, although Ash et al. 2003: 30 give bal as the Gamil’raay
name for M. drummondii. Since there is evidence that it was eaten
in the Narran River area, probably it was also used by the
Gamil’raay; but presumably much less than other species. In our
region we also meet the Aboriginal (Yuwaalaraay language) word
nhaadhuu, but it referred primarily to seed from south-eastern
grasses such as genus Panicum, and seems to have been a word
borrowed from elsewhere (Williams 1980; Ash et al. 2003).
Tim Curran informs me that common nardoo (i.e. M.
drummondii) is found in low-laying areas of the Liverpool Plains,
e.g. along the floodplains and indeed there is some at Mullibah
Lagoon. But, as noted, our sources do not record it as a food in
this region.
See O’Rourke 1997 pp. 150-54, citing Greenway,
Ridley, Dunbar, Allen and McBryde. Also Tindale 1974: 98 ff,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The explorers lived: In truth, there is no record

of Oxley, Cunningham or Mitchell ever relying
on grass-seed. To my knowledge, John Oxley
and Allan Cunningham never even mentioned
grass-seed cakes. Major Mitchell tasted ‘native
millet’ only out of curiosity.
At a later period members of the Burke and
Wills expedition briefly survived on nardoo
seeds (Marsilea drummondii), but of course they
travelled through what is now the far west of
NSW and far western Queensland, not through
north-central NSW. (Not all the party survived:
nardoo has to be carefully processed before it
can be eaten safely: the local Diyari people
knew how to do this, but not the explorers.)211

34. “Many of the grinding beds, where the warriors

sharpened and made their stone tomahawks, are still
to be seen down the banks of the Namoi River. The
Government should make some effort in the interest of
ethnology to trace out, while some of the old hands still
live, all the historic matter that can be gathered from
35-36. [Two final paragraphs thanking the people of
Gunnedah are omitted here.] [Text ends.]

Grinding beds: Isabel McBryde has published a

map of the locations of hatchet-grinding
grooves throughout northern NSW, including
several in the Boggabri district. There are also
grinding sites still extant in the Breeza and
Trinkey State Forests.212

Australian Department of Environment and Heritage:
Marsilea drummondii, at
2004/marsilea-drummondii, accessed June 2004.
McBryde 1974: 158; NSW Forestry Commission 1985.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Ethnology: In 1891, R H Mathews, a surveyor

and coroner, was already hard at work
gathering material, but in his spare time. See
the Bibliography for a list of his publications. 213

R H Mathews, 1841-1918, surveyor, coroner and
Born in Narellan NSW, Mathews worked for the NSW
Railways as a surveyor. He helped to survey the northern rail
route to Tamworth in 1867-69. Then, having received a
professional surveyor’s licence in 1870, he worked as a licensed
land surveyor throughout the central-north. Much of his
knowledge of the Kamilaroi and other Aborigines dates from this
period. He settled at Singleton, where in 1883 he was appointed
coroner. Mathews published many papers on the Aborigines while
serving at Parramatta as deputy coroner in the 1890s.
He made several visits back to Kamilaroi country, e.g. to
Kunopia near Boomi in 1892, to Talwood (Qld) in 1895 to witness
one of the last Boras, and to Terry Hie Hie in 1901 to inspect a
disused old Bora ground.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Document 2: Article In The Land: “Gunnedah’s Aboriginal

God-Father and His Deeds”

Source: The Land, 6 May 1938: short article by

Edward C Prescott.
The article supplies no fresh information. Indeed
Prescott succeeds only in adding a couple of errors. I
have reproduced his article only because it prompted
Stanley Ewing to write Document 3B.
Prescott’s own source was The Sydney Mail article of
1891. This is clear from the fact that he copied the
spelling “yeliman” for 'shield' and “hi-hi” for Hie Hie on
the end of the place-name Terry Hie Hie.


The sub-headings are those of the original.

t may not be generally known that the town of
Gunnedah takes its name from a famous aboriginal,
Cumbo Guuerah [sic: misprint for Gunnerah], who
was the hero of the Kamilaroi tribe long before the
coming of the whites to the district.”

Takes its name: This is an error. The name of

the "hero" was Gànur/Gànuru, which means
‘Red Kangaroo’. As explained in our
Introduction, the name of the town-site was
either Gùuniidha, meaning ‘at [the place of]
white stone(s)’, or Gunidyàà, meaning
‘motherless child, orphan’.

“Toward the end of the 19th century, Dr Haynes,

well known throughout the district as mayor of the
town, Government medical officer, surgeon of the
district hospital and captain of the local rifle club, often
found himself intrigued by the presence in Abbott
Street of an old gum stump from which, years before, a
large sheet of bark had been removed.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gum stump: Stanley Ewing, in Document 3B

below, was insistent that the stump was a box-
tree (a rough-barked Eucalyptus such as yellow
box or poplar/bimble box) and not a gum-tree (a
smooth thin-barked Eucalyptus species). This is
likely to be correct, since carvings were made
on the inner wood (“heartwood”), after the
removal of an oval or cigar-shaped section of
the bark. This would not work so well with a
smooth-bark tree.
Bell & Wakelin-King (1985) note that most
extant examples of carved trees are box-trees,
although some are Callitris (cypress pine). For
example, the carved trees surrounding a
Wiradjuri grave-mound at Dubbo were yellow
boxes (Eucalyptus melliodora).214

“Carved on the wood were intricate criss-cross

designs, with a boomerang carved on each side and a
yeliman at the bottom.
One day the doctor questioned an old aboriginal
about the stump. Speaking in soft tones, so as not to
disturb the spirit which might be about, the old man
replied, “Great man him. Big chief that pfellar”.

Pfellar: “feller” in The Sydney Mail.

Before the White Man

Towards the end of the 17th century a black boy was

born somewhere along the Namoi. Possibly because of
a likeness to his cousin Gunerah, the boy was given the
grown-up name of Cumbo Gunnerah, or Cousin of

Thomas 1899: 64 (Dubbo); McCarthy 1940: 164
(heartwood); Bell &Wakelin-King 1985.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunnerah. [words missing] manhood he developed a

strong physique, great muscles and a stature of about
6 ft 4 in.”

Possibly … cousin: This is a distorted and

erroneous reading of the inaccurate statement
in The Sydney Mail that “Cumbo means cousin”.
Ganuurru was the man’s own totem name (Red
Kangaroo), and Gambu does not mean ‘cousin’.
Totem names were inherited from one's mother.

“Cumbo Gunnerah became a mighty fighter and had

many wives. His fame extended from Narrabri to
Breeza and from Tamworth to Coonabarabran. There
was plenty of food and plenty of water along the
Namoi, and here were the camps of Gunerah and his
followers. Narrabri (Shallow Water), Boggabri (Long
Water), and Therrabri (Swampy Water) were all
included in his excursions, friendly and otherwise.”

Shallow Water etc: As noted above, these

meanings are not to be relied upon.

A Mighty Warrior

When the tribes went to war (and tradition says that

Gunerah never lost), the women and children, with the
old and weak men, were gathered about the present
site of Gunnedah, and the champions sallied forth to
The tribe of Cumbo Gunnerah was always superior in
battle owing to the prowess of its champion, and his
power was dreaded by all the adjacent tribes. His
deeds were handed down by camp legends and songs,
even to the last days of the tribe.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

He was in the foremost of every battle and attack

and fearless in fight against his foes, chief among
whom were the Coonbri blacks about Terri-hi-hi, and
the Walleri or Big River blacks.

The Big Flood

Many years before the coming of the whites, and

somewhere about the year 1750, a great flood
changed the courses of the Namoi and its tributary the
Mooki. Tradition tells that Cumbo Gunnerah lived
before this flood, which almost decimated the tribe,
many dying from pneumonia. Thus, by the time of the
coming of the white man, there were only a few of the
tribe left.
The songs say that the great fighter died about 20
moons before the great flood. That would place his
death about 1745 to 1747.

One of the Last

"One of the last surviving blacks of the pre-white era

was Old Maggie, who knew all the tribe’s history,
stories and legends. One day poor old Maggie lay dying
in hospital, with Dr Haynes as her attendant, and to
him, in whispers, she told the whole story of Cumbo
He was a great fighter, she said. He had had both
arms broken, his thigh speared, many ribs smashed,
and his head gashed by tomahawks on several
Facing death, Old Maggie, as with all blacks, told her
secrets; and one of the secrets was that of the burial
place of the great warrior. And so dies Old Maggie, the
last of those who knew the tribal secrets.”

The last/dying: The source article in the Sydney

Mail was published in 1891. Other records
suggest that Maggie (if she was Margaret

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Griffin) died at Gunnedah in 1904. See the

discussion in the Introduction.

Proof of the Story

"Dr Haynes at once began excavating, and soon

found the remains. Cumbo Gunnerah had been buried
in a sitting position with his face to the east and with a
tomahawk at his feet. The bone-breaks and smashes
were all there, just as had been told, and the bones
were those of a man of 6 ft 3 ins to 6 ft 4 ins in height.
All the teeth were present, so he must have lived
before the time of knocking out a front tooth at the
tribal initiation ceremony.”

A tomahawk at his feet: As will be seen, this is

disputed by Stan Ewing. He also says that a
tooth was missing, as we would expect
(Document 3B, MS Page 10).

Name of Gunnedah

"The first whites coming to a district always asked

the blacks the name of the district, but the blacks
usually had no name for big areas, though rivers,
rocks, hills and gullies all had names. So the Gunnedah
blacks, like their brethren all over Australia, would give
the first name that came into their heads.
The white man’s question would be accompanied by
a sweep of the hand and the Kamilaroi with no other
thought than that of Gunnerah, the hero of his tribe,
would reply “Gunnerah”, with a hard nasal twang on
the last syllable; and the pronunciation which occurred
to the white man would be “Gunnedah”.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The first name that came into their heads + no

name for big areas: Taken literally, Prescott’s
claim is wrong. We find, for example, names for
the whole of the Liverpool Plains and names for
the smaller districts occupied by each tribelet or
community. But certainly there was much scope
for misunderstanding when whites asked
Aborigines how far a name extended. The
reason was that Aborigines had a choice of
names and different contexts called forth
different names.215

‘Gunnerah’ heard as ‘Gunnedah’: This is

unwarranted speculation, and almost certainly
false. The only white man to whom this notion
has occurred is Prescott.

“Among the so-called civilised nations, the name of

such a man would have been long preserved and
remembered. He would have been honoured by a
bronze statue. But the chief of the Kamilaroi has no

Cf Donaldson’s important paper ‘What’s in a name?’
The Aborigines of the Hunter called the Liverpool Plains
‘Corborn Comleroy’ [gabawaan gamilaraay] or "Greater
Kamilaroi", from gabawaan, the frontier pidgin for ‘great’ +
gamilaraay (Breton 1834: 90, 179, 205). The Liverpool Plains, or
at least that section north of Pandoras Pass, were known as
Uraboon or Eurambone to Mudgee people, and perhaps also to the
local people ['Uraboon' in Lawson’s journal 8.12.1822, quoted in
Jervis 1954: 78; 'Eurambone' in Cunningham’s journal 8.5.1823
and 6.6.1823: Reel SZ15, SZ16, State Records of NSW].
At a lower level, the Baradine district north of Coonabarabran
was known as Burigaly or Burriigalu ie burii+galu: ‘having many
myall trees’, literally ‘myall-tree + human plural’. [Myall, Acacia
pendula, is usually maayaal but sometimes is ?mis?recorded as
burrii; burrii is usually Acacia harpophylla, brigalow wattle].
Following Ash et al. 2003: 83, the form of suffix may have been –
gaaluu; they render it as ‘dweller in’, ‘inhabitant of’. Although a
territorial name, the primary reference of Burriigaaluu was to
people: in this case, ‘those who inhabit the brigalow/myall
country’ or the ‘brigalow/myall mob’.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

monument. Surely it is not too late to erect a tablet

near the place of his burial to the man and his record –
the man after whom Gunnedah is named.” [Text

Monument . . . tablet near the place of his

burial: A plaque was installed at the front of the
nearby office building in 1984, a little short of a
century after the excavation of Red Kangaroo’s

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


1. Anon: Photograph 1945: Town of Gunnedah,

showing Cohen bridge and Porcupine Ridge in
distance. View is to the south-east.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

2. View from Porcupine Ridge Look-Out: view to

the north-east showing the hills that included
Nobby Rock. The town is located to the left, just
out of the photo.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

3. The Breeza Plains from Porcupine Ridge Look-

Out: view to the SSE.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

4. View to the WNW from Porcupine Ridge Look-

Out, showing the northern edge of the Black
Jack range (left), Little Sugarloaf Mountain (the
small peak in the centre) and Sugarloaf
Mountain (centre-rear).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

5. Porcupine Ridge from South Street. View is


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

6. Mullibah Lagoon (A): view north-west.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

7. Mullibah Lagoon (B): central section. View is


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

8. Mullibah Lagoon (C): south-eastern end. View is


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

9. Abbott Street, showing where Little Conadilly

Street exits. View: east. Right: State
Government Offices. The plaque
commemorating Red Kangaroo is just out of the
picture to the right.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

10. View from Little Conadilly St across Abbott

Street to the Uniting (formerly Wesleyan)
Church. The Aboriginal burial ground was (is)
located where the photographer is standing.
View: north.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

11. View from Abbott St into Little Conadilly St.

Direction: SSE.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

12.The flood-runner: view south-east from Henry

Street towards Mullibah Lagoon. The flood
runner is the channel running from lower-left to
the middle ground. The vegetation at centre-
right is a thick bed of reeds, very green at the
time the photograph was taken.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

13.The flood-runner that connects Mullibah Lagoon

to the Namoi. View north-west from Henry
Street, i.e. towards the river. The flood-runner is
the channel running from lower right to the mid-

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

14.View south from near Cohen Bridge. The ridge

in the distance is Porcupine Ridge. Right: Cohen
Bridge. Town houses may be seen centre-left,
above the river bank.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

15.Namoi River: view east (upstream) from near

Cohen Bridge. The flood-runner exits into the
river at the top of this photo.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

16. View north-east from near the Mooki-Namoi

junction, showing the range of hills including
Nobby Rock. The Rock is easily distinguished
with the human eye, but hard to see in this

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


The Gunnedah Historical Society holds notes on the

Aboriginal history of Gunnedah and Coonabarabran
produced by the family of Police Sergeant J P Ewing
John Peter Ewing was a young Scots merchant-
marine officer who arrived in Australia at the age of 24
in 1853. He joined the New South Wales (NSW) Police
in 1856. After service at Forbes and the Merlo
goldfields, he was transferred to Coonabarabran in
1865 at the age of 36. By 1872 he held the rank of
senior constable. A photograph in Idriess's Red Chief
(page 134 of the 1953 edition) shows him aged about
40, with alert eyes, short hair and a massive beard
heavily streaked with grey.
After 20 years at Coonabarabran, Ewing was
appointed Sergeant at Gunnedah in 1885. He died at
Gunnedah in 1911, aged 82.
The Sergeant’s youngest son, Stanley Craig Ewing,
was born at Coonabarabran in 1878. Although already
36 years old when the Great War broke out in 1914,
Stan enlisted and was wounded. There is a photograph
of him in army uniform in Idriess's Red Chief (page 134
of the 1953 edition). He died at Gunnedah on 18
October 1938, aged 60.216
The texts here are transcribed from my photocopy of
the original MSS held by the Historical Society.217 As will

Idriess 1953; also NSW State Records of Births, Deaths
and Marriages (BDM: Internet): Stanley Ewing, born 1878: record
no 11390 of 1878, died 1938: no 13231; son of John Peter and
Eleanor Ewing.
John and Eleanor had nine children: Grace (1859-1944);
William (1861-1882); Alexander (born 1864); Christina (1866),
Janet (1868), Robert (1871-1936); John Peter junior (born 1874),
Jessie (1876) and Stanley (1878-1938).
In 1980 I made two photocopies. By kind permission of
the Historical Society, one set was lodged with AIATSIS. The
other I kept for myself.
Pickette & Campbell 1984: 122-123 mention that J P Ewing
wrote a “Diary of reminiscences .. With the Gold Escort and
Mounted Police of NSW 1857-1890”. This I have not been able to

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

be seen, there are four documents that have survived

in full. In addition there are some lost papers of which
the Society holds only fragments. The Society has
explained that in 1956 the full set of papers was lent
for a display. Not all were returned. The lost papers
have been mislaid ever since, despite strenuous efforts
over the years by Mr Don McDonagh (Russell
McDonagh’s nephew) to locate them.218

Document 3A. Short Title: “The 1945 Letter”: John Ewing's

Letter to Russell McDonagh: The Opening of Red
Kangaroo’s Grave.

Manuscript in the possession of the Gunnedah

Historical Society: a two-page letter to Russell
McDonagh dated 1945.
The mention of “Rob and Stan and myself” and the
signature JE indicate that the author of the letter was
Stanley's older brother John P. Ewing (junior), aged 71
in 1945.
The original is well written, with few lapses in either
spelling or punctuation. But there is no paragraphing.
To make the narrative more readable, I have added
paragraphs; supplied an occasional pronoun where the
text itself slips into note form; and changed a few
capitals to lower case. One peculiarity of punctuation
has been retained: the author’s favoured used of the
double-dash or ‘equals mark’ (=).
The paragraph numbers have likewise been added
by me (MO’R).


“G’dah [sic] Aug [?]/45.
Mr R[ussell] McDonagh:
= In reference to the inquiry re the exhumation of an
aboriginal skeleton in Abbott St Gunnedah. = In 1887
Correspondence 20 August 2001.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

we were then living in the Police Barracks in Abbott St

(then called Poe St).”

R McDonagh: The McDonagh family, arriving

from Carroll, opened their store at Gunnedah in
1908 (Buchanan 1985: 96).
Russell McDonagh came to be interested in
local history. In 1947, with Fred Bridge, he
published a booklet entitled Carroll Centenary
1847-1947, Back to Church Sunday Official
Souvenir (34 pages, printed by the Gunnedah
Independent Advertiser). It was he who
persuaded Ion Idriess to turn the Ewing Papers
into a novella.

= (double dashes) – a form of punctuation in the


1887: Emphasis added. 219 We: The family of

Sergeant J P Ewing.

Poe St: The name was changed to honour a

long-serving member of Parliament, J P (Sir
Joseph) Abbott, the Member for Gunnedah from
1880 to 1887. Abbott was later Speaker of the
NSW Legislative Assembly, and knighted Sir
Joseph in 1891. An associate of the future first
Prime Minister, Edmund Barton, Sir Joseph
played a leading role in the push for Federation
and the drafting of the Australian Constitution.

2. “Dr Haynes had been shown some dead stumps

nearly opposite the Barracks = with mounds [sic:
plural] of earth near them resembling abandoned ants
nests. = One [stump] in particular interested him as it
had deep cuts in it V V V like these, and also had a

Roworth’s date of “1865” for the digging up of the grave
is an error (Roworth Kamilaroi Dreaming 2000: 9).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

small earth mound at its foot. He got permission to

have this one opened up. And [he] employed the late
Mr Jim Ashby to carry out the job.”

Mounds, plural: Document 3B (MS Page 7) says

one mound, singular. But there were at least
several graves, and probably many, at the site
(see 3B, MS Page 6). Thus mounds would be

V V V = The cuts were v-shaped.

Permission: Presumably it was the lot-owner or

nearest white householder who agreed to the
excavation. As might be expected, the
Aborigines disapproved. Joe Bungaree said “he
[Dr Haynes] do very bad thing: get Mr Ashby to
dig grave of one of my tribe open when I still on
bury ground”. And “Dr Haynes has done a
terrible thing to send Red Kangaroo’s bones way
from his country” (sent to a Sydney Museum).
The tracker Bundaar too was unhappy: “I
know ghost blame me for not [leave] him bones
in his grave” (Document 3B, MS Pages 9, 14,

3. “Just as the work started, my brothers Rob & Stan

& myself came home from school to dinner, and,
seeing what was in progress, of course we soon joined
the Dr’s [Doctor’s] party of three - i.e., Dr Haynes, Jim
Ashby and young Bill.”

Rob & Stan & myself:

Rob = Robert B Ewing, 1871-1936; aged 16 in
Stan = Stanley C Ewing, 1878-1938: aged nine
in 1887.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Myself = John P Ewing junior, born 1874; aged

13 in 1887; died after 1945.

Dinner: The midday meal, as we country-bred

people prefer to call it. The evening meal of
course is tea.

4. “As soon as the mound was removed it was found

that the hole was circular, about 2.5 feet diameter [less
than one metre]. About several feet down, Dr Haynes
said, “Go steady now, don’t break any bones”.
5. “The skull was first reached, as the Aboriginal had
been buried in a sitting position facing towards the
Wesleyan Church site. Then the left upper arm bone
(humerus) was found to have been broken at some
time during life, and had knitted with a lump about mid
way up the bone. Dr [the doctor] had a look at it and
said, “A good mend but not a Gunnedah Hospital job”.
6. When all the skeleton was recovered the hole was
found to be quite circular and about five feet deep
[about 1.5 metres]. But there were no weapons found
in the grave. Anything such as [possum-] rugs would
have decayed long before.”

Facing towards: Facing west (or perhaps north-

Built in 1880, the Wesleyan Church, now the
Uniting Church, is located on the western side of
Abbot Street. The word “towards” confirms that
the grave was located on (or rather: beneath)
the eastern side of the street, not the western
side as implied by the Sydney Mail article. See
Maps 9 and 12.

Five feet or about 1.5 metres: Naseby spoke of a

“shallow” hole used by the southern

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gamilaraay. Bucknell says the hole was typically

about four feet [1.2 metres] deep.220

7. “While this job was on, three of the local

aboriginals, Old Joe Bungaree, Donny McKay & Jacob
Painter, drifted along to the intersection of Bloomfield
& Abbott St (Tennis court site). But [they] firmly
declined Dr Haynes’ invite to come up any closer. //MS
Page 2//
8. They said it was the grave of a headman or chief,
called “Red Kangaroo”, but seemed rather hazy as to
how long he had been buried. In fact [they] were none
too anxious to have anything to do with the business at

“Donny”: Elsewhere ‘Donal’ and ‘Donald’ McKay

(see Document 3B, MS Page 13).

“Red Kangaroo”: The first reference to his name

in this document. Interestingly, The Sydney Mail
article (Document 1) did not report that
Gunerah or Ganuurru meant ‘Red Kangaroo’.

9. The skull had a perfect set of teeth, except one

that was missing from [the] upper jaw, probably
knocked out in some tribal ceremony. = The site would
be about where the lane that [is] called Nowlands Lane
came onto the street. At that time [it was] mostly
unoccupied land, with many stumps & some trees
10. The skeleton and portion of stump with markings
was sent down [to] the Sydney [Museum], by the Dr
[doctor] & probably is still there.

Naseby in Howitt 1904: 466; Bucknell 1933: 36.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Upper jaw … knocked out: An upper bicuspid or

incisor was removed when a boy was initiated at
about age 12.

Nowlands Lane: As noted in Document 3B, MS

Page 6, Nowlands Lane was an informal name
for what is called officially Little Conadilly Street
(see Map 9; photographs 9 and 10).221

“Museum”: Omitted in the original. Compare

Document 4, where Ion Idriess says that the
Australian Museum (College Street, Sydney) no
longer had any record of the skeleton or stump.
The Anatomy Museum and the Macleay Museum
at Sydney University likewise have informed me
that they do not hold them.222

11. “The late Sam Turner used to tell us he

remembered quite a number of marked stumps
/illegible/ thereabouts that were destroyed for
firewood. [So] no doubt there are still other skeletons
under the street & sidewalk on that side, that cannot
be located now. =
12. That’s about all I can remember now of this
incident, and of all who were there that day. I believe
[my]self & Bill Ashby of Curlewis are the only survivors.
But I don’t think Bill will be able to add to this [or]
locate the exact spot of this grave either. =
13. So if you decide to use this letter, rewrite [it] in a
more concise form maybe. And so to save time & space
Nowland is a well-known name at Gunnedah. James
Nowland was one of the first purchasers of town blocks in 1857,
and an E J Nowland owned various allotments in the block formed
by Abbott, Bloomfield, Henry and Conadilly Streets. R J Nowland
ran the first coach service from 1864 (Gunnedah Committee 1935:
17, 21; Longmuir 1956: 19). Later Catherine Nowland's Paragon
Hotel, managed by her son in law, was in Bloomfield Street, at the
eastern end.
Pers. comm. 2001: Denise Donlon and Rose Stack of
Sydney University, at the Shellshear (Anatomy) and Macleay
Museums (Archaeology) respectively (by e-mail, 2001).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

in your address on the subject of Old Gunnedah doings

& history.

Remain yrs etc

NB: Think the name Conadilly St was probably a
surveyor’s name for it. Never heard of any Abor. Con or
Dilly here. That’s probably a fake name.” [Text ends.]

Sam Turner: Arthur Turner is listed as a

teamster (bullock-dray driver) in Greville’s Post
Office Directory for 1872.

Your address: Presumably Russell McDonagh

was to address the Historical Society. Exact
spot: We may guess that this was what
McDonagh had asked Ewing to recall.

JE = Presumably John Ewing jnr.

‘Conadilly’ is certainly genuine. It appears as

"Coonadilly" and "Conidilli" on the first survey
maps, by G B White and Henry Dangar in 1832.
It was also the name of John “Jock” Allen’s
station, ‘Gunnadilly’ or ‘Gunandilly’, on the
upper Mooki River. Allen first occupied the run
in about 1828. Possibly what was originally a
name for a stretch of the upper Mooki became
(for the whites) an alternative name for the
Mooki as a whole.223

See my discussion of place-names, in O’Rourke 1997:
94-95. Dangar surveyed the “range that divides the Peel and
Conidilli Rivers” (i.e., the Melville Range) in December 1832:
Map no.3363, State Records of NSW [formerly Archives Office].
The name Conadilly is also mentioned by Mitchell, Telfer,
Greenway and Mahaffey. Allen’s ‘Gunandilly’: Grazing Licence
no.167 in the supplementary list for 1849. Also Campbell 1968:
42 and Wood 1972: 226.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Document 3b. Short Title: “The Death And Career”. Stanley

Ewing’s Account Of The Excavation; and Joe Bungaree’s
Tales of Red Kangaroo, as Related to Sergeant Ewing.

A manuscript, or rather two MSS, in the possession

of the Gunnedah Historical Society.
The longer document, 36 pages, is in the form of a
letter, or a draft for a letter, to the editor of the
Gunnedah newspaper, the Namoi Independent &
Advertiser. It is written neatly in ink, i.e. with a fountain
The second MS, two pages, is in the same hand, but
in pencil, and with less carefully crafted characters.
This MS reproduces parts of Prescott’s article at greater
length. It is, in effect, an appendix to the ink letter. But
much of the text of Prescott’s article is missing, as
apparently the writer only wanted to copy out the key
parts of it.
The main letter, or first MS, 36 pages, is written in a
thick, neat and clear hand. The handwriting is the same
as that of the document ( - see next) detailing ‘How
Red Kangaroo Baited His Trap’. And it has the same
occasional errors in spelling, notably “piccinnies” for
piccaninnies. This shows that the author was the same
as the author or transcriber of “The Cassilis Raid”,
Document 3C, known to be Stanley Ewing.
We know that the author (or author-transcriber) was
one of the Ewing brothers because he says “my father
was senior sergeant in charge of Gunnedah station”
(MS Page 3). As noted, he quotes (MS Page 1) from the
article by Prescott published in The Land on 6 May
1938. Thus the letter was almost certainly written by
Stanley Ewing in mid 1938, not long before he died.
The main document starts out as a letter to the
editor, and begins by quoting the first few paragraphs
of Prescott’s article. Then follow 13 pages devoted to
an explanation, in Stan Ewing’s voice, of how the grave
was dug up in 1887. Joe Bungaree is quoted speaking
in pidgin-influenced English. Then, at about page 14,
Ewing turns to recording what Bungaree told Sergeant

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Ewing about Red Kangaroo/Kambu Kanuurru’s exploits.

Here the voice of Joe Bungaree takes over, or rather
the voice of a neutral narrator.
In short, what begins as a letter about the digging up
of the grave turns into an adventure story or epic set in
the early 18th century.
Ewing quotes explicitly (see MS Page 4) from notes
his father made when Joe Bungaree was still alive.
Indeed it is not always clear whether it is Stanley who
is presenting the tales told by Joe Bungaree, or his
The text is continuous without paragraphing. The
punctuation is idiosyncratic. Often capitals and full-
stops mark out phrases rather than whole sentences.
Nouns are often wrongly capitalised, almost as if the
text were in German rather than English. For the sake
of readability I have added paragraphing, quotation
marks and other punctuation, and replaced the
Germanic capitals with lower-case. Once again, words
have been italicised to emphasise points of interest.
Section headings in capitals have been added.
I have also restored missing words and placed them
in square brackets. For example Ewing’s “to police
station” becomes, in this edition, “to [the] police
station”. But I have not done this on every occasion, in
order that not all of the original flavour should be lost.
Where it appears to me that Ewing was specifically
recording the style in which an Aborigine spoke, I have
not restored any missing words. At MS Page 15, for
example, Joe Bungaree says, “Sarjun, you know what it
like in thick scrub! That good place to wait for young
lubras you come to steal away.” We might call this
style of speech ‘pidgin-influenced standard English’. If
the passage were translated into correct standard
English by restoring ‘missing’ words, the authenticity of
the old man’s speech would be lost, thus: >>Sergeant,
you know what it is like in the thick scrub! It is a good
place to wait for the young lubras that you have come
to steal away.<<
By contrast, when Red Kangaroo himself is speaking,
I have treated this as narrative, restoring an occasional

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

word to correct grammatical mistakes made by Joe

Bungaree or Stan Ewing. In other words, the character
of Red Kangaroo is deemed always to speak in
standard English.

The Players and The Narrative

i. People
* = 18th century characters in the tales about Red
Kangaroo (RK).

Ashby, James/Jim: A workman engaged by Haynes in

1887 to dig up the grave.

Bundaar: Aboriginal tracker employed at

Gunnedah police station. Not a
local Gunnedah man. Bundaar =
bandaarr, 'grey kangaroo'.

Bungaree, Joe: Patriarch of the Aboriginal people

of Gunnedah. So-called “King of
the Nammoy Tribe”. Aged “about
70” in about 1890.

*Cumbo Gunnerah: Gambu Ganuurru, or Red

Kangaroo (“RK”). Our buried hero.
Aged 17 when he travelled into
the Coonabarabran lands and
captured two wives. Became ‘war-
chief’ at age 19: see MS Pages 17,
29, 34.

“Donal’”: Donald McKay, an old Aboriginal

man. Joe Bungaree’s predecessor
as “warrior-chief". By 1887
“Donal[d]” was mentally feeble. It
seems implied that he had led the
Gunnedah “tribe” until about
1860. At any event he had
developed some form of mental
illness well before 1887.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Ewing, J P, Sgt: Stan Ewing’s father (MS Page 3).

Haynes, Edward: Medical practitioner at Gunnedah;

Mayor in 1891.

*Ilparra: “The Goonoo Goonoo chief”. The

leading warrior from Goonoo
Goonoo in the expedition into the

*Jerrabri: “Chief” of Gunnedah when RK

was a teenager. Killed by RK. At
MS Page 21, it is said that Jerrabri
had “four wives and [was] 38
summers and winters old”, while
at MS Page 29 it is said he had
“three” wives.

*Kibbi: The “great war chief” of Bundarra. Killed by RK.

*Kulki: War-chief of Coonabarabran, a “middle aged

warrior”. "The bravest and most
fearless warrior in the
Coonabarabran tribe”. Killed by

*Mooti: “The Maneela [Manilla] chief.”

“Mooti”, meaning ‘brushtail
possum’, was his totem name.
Better rendered as Mudhay
(rhymes with English

*Nareen: One of the two Coonabarabran

girls or young women captured by

*Naroo: The other Coonabarabran girl

captured by RK. In the story, she
warms first to RK (MS Page 26).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

She is also mentioned in the

story of the raid by the Cassilis
men, but is not identified there as
RK’s wife (Document 3C, Ms Page

Painter, Jacob: Aboriginal man of the Gunnedah

community. Relatively old in
1887, although younger than Joe
Bungaree. He is listed in the 1891
census as the nominal head of a
household of two Aboriginal
males living outside the municipal
boundaries on the Mullaley side of
Gunnedah ("no fixed abode",
camped at or near "Sugarloaf").

Prescott: Author of the 1938 article in The


Turner, Arthur, jnr: An old Gunnedah identity who

could recall the 1860s. He would
be the teamster listed in
Greville’s Post Office Directory for

Turner, Mr S [Sam]: One of the on-lookers at the


ii. Locales

Bloomfield Street: A street running broadly west-

east, with the heart of the original
village to its north, and the
present site of the Uniting Church
(built in 1880) and Red
Kangaroo’s grave to its south.
See Maps 8, 9 and 12.
According to Ewing (confirmed
by the old timers consulted by the
Gunnedah Committee, 1935: 17),

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

this area was in 1865 “virgin bush

heavily timbered with box-tree,
wilga-pine-belah and some
scrub”. In other words, the
Aboriginal burial ground with its
carved trees was originally
surrounded by woodland or open

Breeza Plains: South-east of Gunnedah.

Gunnedah’s neighbours on the
south-east were the communities
of Goonoo Goonoo and Quirindi
(MS Page 16). It follows that only
the north-western sector of the
Breeza Plains can have belonged
to the Gunnedah community. See
Map 2.

Bundarra and
Kingstown: Located north-east of Manilla in
the Gwydir basin. Their raids on
the Manilla and Goonoo Goonoo
communities prompted the latter
to seek an alliance with the
Gunnedah men.

Goonoo Goonoo and

Manilla: Head-camps of communities
allied to Gunnedah in the tale of
the war with the New Englanders.
The Manilla people are also listed
as a group with whom the
Gunnedah men fought at other
times (MS Page 16).

Narrabri: Red Kangaroo, when still in his

teens, “killed two [men] who
came with a strong raiding party
from Narrabri” (MS Page 17).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Railway Hill: Located not far from Burrell

Lagoon (MS Pages 13 and 19).
Thus probably one of the hills on
the left (south side) of the railway
line between Gunnedah and
Emerald Hill, about 10 km west-
north-west of Gunnedah.

iii. The Narrative

Page references to the original manuscript pages, not

the pages of this book:

1-2: Criticism of Prescott’s article. Turner’s memories
of the 1860s.
3-4: Dr Haynes as a collector. Sergeant Ewing
arranges for Haynes to meet Joe Bungaree.
Bungaree described.
5-6: Bungaree explains Gunnedah’s history. Playing
with the bullroarer. Haynes is introduced. The
meaning of the carved stump. People gather to
watch the grave being dug up.
7-8: Bungaree refuses to divulge the buried man’s
name. The excavation begins. The Aboriginal
people flee. Bones uncovered. One arm-bone
has a healed break.
9-10: Stan Ewing tells Bundaar, the tracker, what has
happened. Bundaar complains to Sergeant
Ewing. The bones later sent to Sydney. Ewing
again objects to Prescott’s errors.
11-13: Further criticism of Prescott’s article. Was there
a tomahawk in the grave? Meaning of the name
“Gunnedah”. Jacob Painter, Joe Bungaree and
“Old Barney”. Bungaree consults Stan Ewing
about Old “Donal”.
14-16: Bungaree tells the dead man’s name, Red
Kangaroo (RK), and starts to relate the tales
about him. Abduction of wives. How RK noted
the shortages of wives. Need to build up the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

tribe. The entitlements of young men. RK not

supported by fellow younger men.
17-19: Young RK seen as a future rival of the chiefs. RK
disappears; he is nowhere to be found.
Speculation that he has been killed by the
elders. After nearly a month, RK re-appears,
accompanied by two unknown young women.
20-21: “Who are these women?” RK tells how he went
away in search of a wife or wives. He criticises
the elders for not respecting the law.
22-24: RK tells of his JOURNEY INTO THE LANDS OF
the foraging parties of Coonabarabran women
and children. Two young women fall behind,
and RK captures them.
25-26: Nareen and Naroo resist when RK tries to force
them to go with him to Gunnedah. Eventually
they submit. Suddenly searchers from
Coonabarabran appear. Two men attack RK, but
he kills them. One of the dead men turns out to
be Kulki, war-chief of Coonabarabran.
27-28: RK takes Nareen and Naroo on to the Mullaley
Plains and thence to Gunnedah. Jerrabri and the
elders confront RK. Jerrabri tries to take Naroo.
RK challenges him to a duel.
29: The duel. RK kills Jerrabri and then gives
Jerrabri’s wives to other men. RK refuses the
community’s request to become war-chief, but
agrees to do so in two years’ time [i.e., when
aged 19]. RK’s fame grows.
30: RK becomes war-chief. He persuades the
Gunnedah people that additional wives must be
found and that neighbouring groups must be
attacked or made into allies. Summary of RK’s
achievements from age 19 to age 39.
31-33: Alliance with Goonoo Goonoo and Manilla
against the Kingstown-Bundarra people. RK
A pitched battle takes place near present-day
Kingstown. Tactical retreat to the scrub brings
victory for RK’s lowlanders. RK kills the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bundarra war-chief, Kibbi. Peace is imposed and

many of the Bundarra women are surrendered.
34-36: RK as greatest-ever war-chief. Mention of his
greatest exploit, the ambush of the Cassilis
raiders. How children were taught to track. How
boys learnt to use weapons. Mention again of
the grave and the meaning of the name


The Editor Gunnedah Ind & Adv:

Recently in an old paper of The Land I read an
interesting XXXX narrative by Mr Edward C Prescott
entitled “Gunnedah’s Aboriginal Godfather and his
And Mr Prescott goes on to say “it may not be
generally known that the town of Gunnedah takes its
name from a famous aboriginal Cumbo Gunnerah who
was the hero of the Kamilaroi tribe long before the
coming of the whites to the district.”
Then Mr Prescott speaks how “towards the end of
the 19th century Dr Haynes of Gunnedah often found
himself intrigued by the presence of an old gum tree
stump in Abbott St which had years before had its bark
removed, and carved on the wood were intricate criss-
cross designs with a boomerang on each side and a
yeliman on the bottom. Dr Haynes questioned an old
Aboriginal about the stump. The old man speaking in a
soft voice said, ‘Great Man him – Big Chief that
pfellar.’” [Here the extract from Prescott’s article ends.]

XXXX: Word/s blacked out in the MS.

Prescott’s narrative: Document 2 above.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

I enclose with this letter a copy XXXaccount of Mr

Edward C Prescott’s letter to The Land on ‘Gunnedah’s
Aboriginal Godfather’.
Now, Mr Editor, as one of a small party present over
50 years ago [I can recall] when Dr Haynes got Mr
James Ashby to dig up for him the remains of an
ancient aboriginal buried close by the stone tomahawk-
carved box tree stump (-not gum tree stump) that
stood almost opposite the small entrance gate of the
old Wesleyan Parsonage and well back from the
roadside of Poe Street, for it was named Poe Street
then and changed to Abbott St later.

I enclose: This refers to the appendix in pencil, a

long, but only partial, transcript from the
Prescott article.

XXXaccount: The words are struck out in the MS.

Stan Ewing, we know, died in 1938. Document

3A says that the grave was dug up in 1887. This
is consistent with the statement “over 50 years
ago”, since 1887+51 years = 1938.

Not gum: ‘Box’ trees are rough-barked

Eucalyptus species such as white box and
yellow box. ‘Gum tree’ by contrast tends to
mean smooth-barked Eucalyptus. Given the
location of the grave-site, close to the flood
plains, just above the high flood mark, quite
likely the tree-stump was either yellow box
(Eucalyptus melliodora) or poplar/bimble box (E.

Curran pers. comm. 2002. White Box or Eucalyptus
albens, Yellow Box or E. melliodora and Bimble Box or E.
populanea are the dominant tree species in the central section of
the Namoi catchment, with some Grey Box or E. microcarpa
scattered throughout.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Well back from the roadside of Poe Street +

almost opposite the small entrance gate of the
old Wesleyan Parsonage: In Document 3A, it is
stated that "the site would be about where the
lane that [is] called Nowlands Lane [= Little
Conadilly Street] came onto the street [Abbott
Street]" (3A, Ms Page 2). The Wesleyan
parsonage, today's Uniting Church, was and is
on the western side of Abbott (Poe). Little
Conadilly Street exits from the east into Abbott
(Poe) Street between the State Government
Office and a private house. Thus it would appear
that Red Kangaroo's grave was located where
the private house now stands, on the northern
corner of the Abbott and Little Conadilly
intersection. Compare Map 12.

“Now, there was no great mystery or secret made

about //MS Page 2// the burial place of an ancient
warrior chief of the Nammoy river tribe who had had its
main camping area where Gunnedah is today.
As an instance, shortly after Mr Arthur Turner Senr
came to reside in Gunnedah in 1865, [and] in following
the tracks of his straying horses across Bloomfield
Street, they headed west along what is now Abbott
Street. But at that date, once you had crossed over
Bloomfield Street and struck south, west or north-west,
you were entering virgin bush heavily timbered with
box-tree, wilga-pine-belah and some scrub. Conadilly
Street lay years away in the future.”

No secret: This corrects also the Sydney Mail,

which was the source of Prescott’s error.

Nammoy: It is not clear why the name of the

river should be spelt thus, unless to reproduce
the stress pattern of the original name
(Ngamaay). In Gamil'raay, stress fell on long
vowels, thus: Ngamàày.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Crossed over Bloomfield: Bloomfield Street runs

broadly west-east. The heart of the original
village was located to its north, with the present
site of the Wesleyan, now Uniting, Church (built
in 1880) to its south. Thus Turner would have
had to cross Bloomfield to reach the Aboriginal
burial ground. But it is curious that Ewing should
say “west” along Poe/Abbott Street, as that
street runs broadly north-south. Perhaps he
meant that the horses kept to the western side
of Poe/Abbott. See Maps 8, 9 and 12.

Conadilly Street+the future: Maitland Street,

which runs near the river, was originally
designated as the main street (it was the route
of the old bullock track) [Map 12]. The great
flood of 1864 showed that Maitland Street was
too low down, and the new shops etc built in the
next decade were built in Conadilly Street. Thus,
by 1885, the year that the Ewing family
transferred to Gunnedah, Conadilly had
replaced Maitland Street as the dominant
commercial precinct.
In 1865, the white population of the village
was some 250-300. In that year Conadilly may
well have appeared as a marked-out street, but
with few buildings.

“Following the horse tracks amongst the big box

trees growing where the Wesleyan Church grounds
now are, the tracks continued on but headed across to
McDonagh’s store’s side [i.e., the eastern side] of
what’s Abbott St now. The horses were camped
amongst a thicket of wilgas. Driving them back towards
Bloomfield Street, Mr Turner rode close to a box tree
stump 12 feet [four metres] high. From six inches
above ground, right up to the stump’s jaggered [sic]
broken-off top, the box tree stump had been skilfully

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

carved by some aboriginal who used a stone

tomahawk to do the work with.”

CARVED TREES (“dendroglyphs”): Those marking

graves are sometimes called ‘taphoglyphs’
[coined from the Greek words for
‘tomb+carving’]. Carved trees, in larger
numbers, were also located at initiation
grounds, where they served as instruments for
the teaching of initiates.225
The bark was first removed in a large oval or
cigar-shape and then the exposed wood was
carved. The shapes carved on burial trees were
mostly non-figurative - ovals, diamonds, curved
lines, wavy lines, zigzags, chevrons, loops,
spirals and/or cross-hatching. 226
Carved trees at initiation grounds are sometimes called
“teleteglyphs”. The general term “dendroglyphs” covers both
The most comprehensive recent account of CARVED TREES
is by Bell 1982; the fullest early study was by Etheridge 1918.
Also: Mathews 1896a; McCarthy 1940 and 1945; McBryde 1974:
126 ff; and Bell & Wakelin-King 1985.
Carved trees at ceremonial grounds were found on the NSW
coast as well as in inland central NSW; carved burial trees,
however, were limited to the inland (the eastern sector of the
Murray-Darling basin). In New England at least, carved trees also
marked out group territories (Gardner 1854).
Illustrations can be found in Sturt, Mitchell, McDonald and
Etheridge. (Etheridge's book contains illustrations of tens of
carved trees, mainly initiation-ground trees and mainly from
northern Wiradjuri country.) - Charles Sturt first of all published a
very clear but plainly idealised drawing of a "burial place" from
north-west NSW: frontispiece to Sturt 1833. The drawing shows a
lone, large grave-mound with a pad or foot-path running around it,
and three carved trees.
Mitchell published a drawing of a large burial ground in the
Darling basin showing many old, weathered and depressed grave-
mounds: in Mitchell 1839 vol 2.
McDonald’s (1878) drawings of Kamilaroi ceremonial trees
from the Upper Hunter are reproduced in Brayshaw 1986. Burial
trees at ‘Burburgate’, down-river from Gunnedah, are illustrated
in Etheridge 1918: Plate 36.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Compare Dunbar 1943, p.146: “In some

cases, on a tree south of the grave a piece of
bark was removed and marks similar to the
cicatrices on the men’s chests were marked on
a tree; aged Aborigines declared that they could
identify the man who was buried nearby
whenever one of these marked trees was
F D McCarthy says, citing Howitt, that the
spirit of the dead man went to the sky-world by
means of – spiralling upwards from - the burial
tree. It was believed that the spirit of each
individual came down from the sky-world via the
trees and at his death returned in the same

12 feet or four metres: This was by no means

exceptional. Breton (1834) mentions burial trees
carved with incisions to a height of 20 feet or
over six metres.

Stone tomahawk: Steel hatchets were traded

from group to group ahead of the advancing
frontier of white settlement in the period 1826-

Further drawings and photographs of carved trees are available

in Bell & Wakelin-King’s article and Newman & Green 1998, pp
15-16. Also a good illustration in the "Illustrated Sydney
News" for 30 October, 1880 captioned "Burial Place of
the Last of the Native Kings at Wallerawang": see
copy online at; accessed
January 2005.
EXTANT CARVED TREES : Fully 78 carved trees still survived at
their original locations in NSW in the 1970s (Bell & Wakelin-
King p.302). Examples removed to the Australian Museum,
Sydney, include one from west of Gunnedah (from ‘Derwent Park’
station) and two from Wee Waa (Brigalow Creek). Five specimens
from Boggabri were ‘repatriated’ from the museum to an unstated
place - presumably to a local Aboriginal organisation (Pulvertaft
and Gordon 1994; also White 1993).
McCarthy 1940: 165. On the sky-world as the home of
Baayama the ‘All-Father’ and the resting place of the soul, see
O’Rourke 1997.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

32. Doubtless steel quickly made stone

obsolete.228 Thus, if a carving was made using a
stone hatchet, it dates to before that time.

“Mr Turner knew the carved box tree stump marked

an aboriginal burial ground – and that it also marked
bore the totems of some great warrior chief buried
nearby. Mr Turner reckoned the carved box-tree stump
might have been a green tree 20 ft [nearly seven
metres] high when it was originally carved. But time
and weather had rotted the top away from time to

[“The Blackfellows’ Tree”:]

Mentioning his find to townspeople, he learned it

was common knowledge about the aboriginal burial
ground, the carved tree stump and knowledge [missing
word] that a one-time great chief & warrior was buried
close by that carved tree stump. Numbers of white
women had gone from time to time for a Sunday
afternoon walk to see ‘the Blackfellows’ Tree’.
Some of the oldest residents remembered the box-
tree stump when it was all of five feet higher. But it had
rotted off or blown off in a windy time years ago.”

Common knowledge: ‘Gunnedah’ station was

set up in about 1835. It would indeed be
extremely odd if, 30 years later, the whites were
not aware of the carved trees. They were
located in scrub just 500 metres from the route
used by bullock-drays, already re-designated
Maitland Street, the settlement’s main road!
Cunningham found both stone and steel hatchets in use
near Boggabri in 1827; and Mitchell noticed trees felled with steel
hatchets to the north-east of Narrabri in 1831. About two-thirds of
all the surviving carved trees inspected by Etheridge (1918: 14)
had been cut with steel tomahawks. In other words, only about
one-third pre-dated white settlement.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

//MS Page 3// Some considerable time in years had

slipped away when Mr Turner heard that the old carved
box tree stump had crashed to the ground. Going up to
see for himself, he found there still remained a stump
four feet high. But the fallen timber had been eaten to
a thin shell by white ants and on its fall crumbled to
dust and fragments.
When Dr Haynes came to reside in Gunnedah he was
enthusiastic on [sic] collecting ancient aboriginal
weapons of war and domestic implements like stone
grinding mills, needles made from fish bones, kangaroo
and emu bone and kangaroo teeth. He found here
some keen collectors in J Smyth, T B Roberts and J P
Ewing. But the Dr was keenest about getting
possession of some rare and fine types of Aboriginal
skulls. None of the other three collectors’ keenness ran
that far. They preferred something extra in a
boomerang; the material, shape and fixings of a stone
tomahawk; the shape and carvings on a nulla-nulla,
heilamon or wommerah [sic].”

Grinding mills: For the grinding of grass-seed, a

principal food. The ground seeds were baked in
ashes in the form of small loaves or cakes.
Fruits and nuts too were ground 229

Nulla nulla: The Gamilaraay name was bundi,

‘club or throwing stick’, which Bootle (1899: 4)
renders as “big nulla nulla”.

Wommerah: i.e., woomera, or spear-thrower. A

word originally borrowed from a Sydney district
language (Blake 1981: 106).

Greenway 1910: 16; and Bucknell 1933: 35

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“My father was Senior Sergeant in charge of

Gunnedah Station and lived in the same quarters as
the officer in charge of Gunnedah does today. One
Friday afternoon Dr Haynes came to the police
barracks to get my father to arrange a meeting
between the Dr and Bungaree, the ‘king of the Namoi
River tribe at Gunnedah’. For so the brass half moon
swung by a cord about Bungaree’s neck was

Brass half moon: Throughout the 19th century

the settlers gave inscribed metal gorgets or
‘king plates’ to the strongest or oldest or most
respected local man. They were worn so as to
hang across the chest, hence 'breast-plates'.
“These kings, however, are no better than the
rest and are looked upon [by the whites] with
contempt” (said Ludwig Leichhardt in 1842:
translated in Aurousseau p.548).
In general terms king-plates ceased to be
presented and worn by the time of the Great
War, 1914-18; but there are accounts of plates
still being worn in a few areas even into the
Joe Bungaree’s own plate may have survived.
One plate in a private collection bears the
inscription “Joe Bungaree, King of the Blacks,
1886”. Among other extant plates are one for
“Jerry, Overseer of Woolshed” (Gunnedah?) and
one each from Breeza, Piallaway and Werris

“Arriving just at that time from school, [I] was given

a message for Bundaar the tracker down at the stables:
to saddle his horse and come quickly to the office.
Bundaar was //MS Page 4// to ride down to the camp

McCarthy 1952: 328; Cleary Poignant Regalia 1993:
131; Troy Gorgets 1993; and Pulvertaft & Gordon 1994.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and tell Bungaree to come to police station by half past

nine next morning and that Dr Haynes left a plug of
Conqueror tobacco at the police station for him. Dr
Haynes said, “Sergeant, if you’re not too busy, come
over to the old carved stump with me to have a look
about it. Afterwards I’ll drive down and arrange with Mr
Ashby about his job tomorrow.”

Bundaar: Gamilaraay bandaarr (rhymes with

English ‘bun+bar’, but with the final rr strongly
pronounced), meaning ‘Grey Kangaroo’. His
totem or clan name.

To police station: “The” is omitted. Ewing

frequently leaves out the article.

“Next morning at 8 a.m. Bungaree, accompanied by

a one-eyed and much younger aboriginal known as
Jacob Painter, arrived at police station. Very soon their
pipes were going full blast on some of the Conqueror

At police station: Again “the” is omitted.

“The blacks’ camp at that time was somewhere in

the vicinity of where the municipal sale yards are
today. – I take this from notes my father made at that
time. – There are about 40 in the blacks' camp. The
majority are half caste men, women and children. But
there are some full blood aboriginals: mostly old or
middle-aged men, and the women are all old ones.
‘“Bungaree, King of the Nammoy Tribe”: Bungaree is
the king but there is no Nammoy River Tribe at
Gunnedah now. On inquiry I find that many drift here
from all about this district and from other localities as
far away as Walgett and Coonabarabran.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Sale yards: Immediately west of the town,

where Conadilly Street becomes the road to

Notes my father made: Emphasis added by me

It is not clear when the notes were made.
Document 3B, "The Death and Career", seems
to imply that Ewing senior, died 1911, made the
notes in, or a little before, 1890 (see at MS Page
34). Document 3D likewise seems to imply that
the Ewing senior originally took down some if
not all of Joe Bungaree’s tales in about 1887-
1893. But Stanley Ewing also states there that
he (Stanley) had extensive discussions with his
father thereafter, or in other words, in the
period 1896-1911.
Idriess for his part suggests that it was
Stanley who took down the tales "long after he
[Stanley] had reached manhood", meaning well
after 1899, but "in the presence of the old
sergeant", who we know died in 1911. "Young
Ewing got the old aboriginal and the old
sergeant together" (Document 4).
At a guess, the surviving documents,
transcribed in the 1930s, contain both material
written before 1911 by J P Ewing and material
added after 1911 by his son. I would guess
further that Joe Bungaree's tales were mostly
taken down by J P Ewing, while the account of
the digging up of the grave and the other "non-
oral" traditions are due wholly to Stanley Ewing.

There are about 40 … (including) half-castes:

The police, i.e. Sergeant Ewing himself, took a
census of Aborigines in 1882 for the NSW
Protector of Aborigines. At that time, people of
mixed ancestry still formed the minority: only
14 of 45 at Gunnedah. In the general NSW

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

census of 1891, the count was 30 Aboriginal

people in the town people (or about 38 if one
counts those living just outside the municipal
boundaries). All are recorded as being "half
caste". By 1896 the population had fallen
further, the APB census recording just 17
people, 12 of full ancestry and only five people
of mixed ancestry.231
The number "about 40 . . . in the blacks
camp" would fit best with a dateline of 1887, i.e.
when the grave was excavated. On the other
hand, the reference to "half-castes" as a
majority fits better with the period after 1911,
i.e. when (as it appears) Stanley recorded his
own recollections.
The 1891 general census returns seem to
indicate that there was no longer any large
"camp" by that time, nearly all Aborigines being
integrated in the town proper (see discussion
under 1891 in the Chronology).

Nammoy: Presumably the spelling inscribed on

the king-plate.

No Nammoy tribe … now: There were of course

people of Aboriginal ancestry living at
APB censuses: Published in Votes and Proceedings of
the NSW Legislative Assembly: for 1882, see 1883 vol III at pp
891 ff. For 1896, see the 1897 volume. General census of NSW,
1891: NLA microfilm copy.
That there were no full-ancestry people at all, as the 1891
general census suggests, seems unlikely (albeit possible). Perhaps
to the collectors of the 1891 census, everyone "appeared" of
mixed blood? The APB counts perhaps reflected Sergeant Ewing's
more intimate knowledge of people's racial background. At a
guess, the true position was that even as late as 1896 most of the
17 people were more than 50% Aboriginal.
The APB records show much variation between districts in the
proportions of “full-bloods” and people of mixed ancestry. Full-
ancestry people were still the majority in most places in 1882, but
already the police census (undertaken for the government by
police officers) recorded a majority of mixed-race people in some
districts, for example, at Breeza and Manilla.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunnedah in 1938. But, because they were all

of mixed ancestry, and lived in much the same
style as their white neighbours, Ewing junior
doubtless would not have regarded them as a

“Bungaree himself is a full blood Aboriginal about 70

years old and a very active man in his movements still.
He has a well-formed massive head. His face is large
and round, enhanced greatly by a long and wide
growth of grey beard that adorns it. He has a smiling
face and is given to hearty laughter. He is about five
foot seven in height [170 cm], has a broad and deep
chest and wide shoulders, good eyes, teeth and
hearing. He has a decidedly potty or Falstaffian
stomach, and in talking with him, one realises he is an
intelligent man.”

This paragraph appears to be a direct quote

from the Sergeant’s notes. (Falstaff is a portly
character in Shakespeare.)
If aged 70 in, say, 1890, Bungaree would
have been born in about 1820. So he was
already a teenager when the first white settlers
appeared on the middle Namoi River.

“Bungaree from many years' association with white

people could speak a very fair type of English. I have
always found that the Australian Aboriginal will quickly
learn to talk a good class of English //MS Page 5// if
you teach and make that talk to them. It’s easier for
you to talk your natural tongue to an aboriginal than to
try and talk and teach him pidgin English. How puzzled
the pidgin English Aboriginal talker is to hear [two]
English-speaking white men talking.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

I have always found: These would be the

Sergeant’s words, rather than his son’s.

English: Bungaree’s own English (see text

below) was somewhat non-standard.
Presumably a number of other Aborigines spoke
a style of English that was even less standard. It
seems implied too that some, perhaps most,
whites, when conversing with Aborigines, still –
before World War I - used a bastardised form of
English, or more politely: ‘frontier pidgin’.
It will be noticed that Dr Haynes prefers to
use pseudo-pidgin while the Sergeant always
speaks respectfully to Joe Bungaree in correct
standard English.

“There was a very old aboriginal in the camp:

‘Donal’ he was called by townspeople. He was quite
childish. Bungaree said he was a very old man; had
been a warrior in the tribe when he, Bungaree, was a
small picinny [sic] playing with the piccinnies 232 [sic] of
the tribe – and Donal’s own piccinnies amongst them.
“He [Donal] became the warrior chief [said Joe
Bungaree] and led [us] against enemies for long time
after I [was] made a warrior. Then he get very old and I
[was] made warrior chief.

Donal: Elsewhere called Donald or ‘Donny’

McKay (Document 3A, MS Page 2). It is clear
that he was a generation older than Joe
Bungaree. If aged, say, 90 in 1887, then Donal
would have been in his prime (aged 21-36) at
the time the first whites entered the district.

But plenty white man coming all about – and bring

plenty cattle. Tribe get small. White men take our

Piccinnies: spelled thus throughout.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

young lubras. Young warriors go away for lubras down

Nammoy River, never come back no more. Old man
[i.e., Donal] get sick here”, touching head; “no get
better. But him happy: he eat, he drink, he sleep. Me, I
getting old man; some day I finish. Then no more king;
no more Nammoy River tribe. All gone, finish – .”
On seeing Bungaree and Jacob Painter squatted
down at the stable talking to Bundaar the tracker, like
any other schoolboy [would], it was no time before I’d
joined them, carrying the bull-roarer Bundaar had
made for me. Then the three of them took it in turn to
whirl the bull-roarer round, producing roaring buzzing

Like any other schoolboy: It appears that here

Stanley Ewing ends the quote from his father’s
notes and resumes in his own voice.

Tribe get small: There is no record of whites

killing Aborigines in the immediate Gunnedah
district, although there were certainly serious
clashes on the upper Mooki River in the late
1820s and in the Boggabri-Narrabri region in
the early 1830s. As explained in the
Introduction, the reduction in the population
was due rather to diseases brought by the
colonists, such as influenza, syphilis and
gonorrhoea, and the damage done
(ecologically) to Aboriginal food sources.233 An
True, 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.
But William Telfer senior lived through the period, and his son
William Telfer junior [born Tamworth 1841] was a keen recorder
of battles and massacres. It is certain that Telfer senior would
have told Telfer junior of any cases of shooting, cutlassing or
poisoning of Aborigines in the Tamworth-Gunnedah sector. The
latter says there were none, and no other source avers that there
were any.
The reasons are not hard to guess: first, the smallpox pandemic
would have gutted the morale of the Peel-Namoi groups; second,
they would have already noted what the white man's guns could
do: on the Upper Mooki in 1827/28 and then in the Boggabri-

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

earlier major factor in depopulation was a

smallpox pandemic that had swept through
Gamilaraay country in 1830-31; but this took
place before the first sheep and cattle reached
the Namoi.234

Take our young lubras: The detaining or

‘borrowing’ of Aboriginal women and girls as
concubines is mentioned repeatedly in the early
sources. Indeed, so common was the practice in
the 1830s and 1840s that practically every
white man living Beyond the Boundaries “took”
an Aboriginal wife.235

Bull-roarer: When the traditional culture was still

strong, the bullroarer had been a secret-sacred
object. It was not permitted to be seen by
females and uninitiated boys (Gamil. yirra-
murrun, from yira ‘teeth’ and murrun ‘alive’:
‘those with their teeth still all alive’).
Its sound was, or represented, the feared
voice of the evil god Dharramalan. Women and
children believed, or were expected to believe,
that the distant sound of the bullroarer was
literally Dharramalan speaking. The initiated
men knew that really it was they who swung the
bullroarer and that its sound simply symbolised
or re-enacted the god's voice.236

Narrabri sector in 1833-34. See further details in the Chronology.

Judy Campbell 1983, 1985, 2002, citing George ‘the
Barber’ Clarke and others.
Taking Aboriginal women: see the discussion in Reece
1974: 52, 126; Ferry 1979: 34-35; and Reynolds 1990b: 117,
citing such early sources as Watson, Gunther and Bingham. The
original reports by Watson, Gunther etc, are available on-line: see
in Carey and Roberts 1995. Other primary sources include CCL
Hunter, quoted in Rolls 1981: 131; Leichhardt 1843 (in
Aurousseau pp.671-72); and Telfer, Wallabadah Manuscript p.37.
Secret-sacred: Naseby and Doyle, cited by Fison &
Howitt 1880: 268 and in Howitt 1904: 594-95; also Parker 1905:
81 and Mathews 1989h and 1907.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bull-roarers were known in many parts of the

world. Andrew Abbie (1969: 183) notes that
they were used in secular contexts in Devon,
England, as late as 1800.

“During a lull in the whirling Warder Neil on sentry

go-along the promenade on top of gaol’s turreted
towered wall told Bungaree to take the bullroarer and
his friends down into the far end of horse paddock and
make his blinking noise there.
“Just at this time Dr Haynes drove into [the] police
yard station and he and my father walked down to
where we were. “Bungaree, this is Dr Haynes. He wants
you to tell him all you know about the carved stump
and what the carvings mean, and to tell the Dr all you
can about the great warrior chief of your tribe who
lived here long, long time ago. Will you go with the Dr

Of gaol’s towered wall: In the manuscript “the”

is omitted, and “turreted” is struck out.

"Bungaree, this is Dr Haynes": It is odd that

Haynes, the doctor and later the mayor of a
small town, should need to be introduced to

My father went back to his office work [words

missing?]. //MS Page 6// A constable went with the Dr
and Bungaree.
Jacob Painter wasn’t a Nammoy River tribesman. He
walked on the centre of [the] street keeping off the
burial ground side.

For an illustration of a Kamilaroi bullroarer, see Mathews

1898h: 57-58. For a short account of Baayama, Dharramulan and
the other gods, see O’Rourke 1997: 171 ff.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

My brother who [sic: mis-constructed sentence] had

been seated with Mr Ashby on a log on [the] other side
of the street amongst a clump of box trees alongside
Roache’s two-rail fence. He and some other boys told
me Mr Ashby had a pick and shovel to dig a blackfellow
out of a grave for Dr Haynes.”

A constable: Constable Lambert, named in a

later paragraph, below.

Centre of the street: Red Kangaroo’s grave itself

was located “well back from the roadside” on
the eastern side of Abbott Street (Document 1).
The burial ground, which may have been
large,237 extended “under the street & sidewalk
[sic] on that side” (Document 3A).

Roache's fence: The Post Office Directory for

1878 lists a D. Roach, contractor, in Conadilly

“At that time my interest was centred on Dr Haynes

and Bungaree – and I write now only of those things I
saw with my own eyes and heard with my own ears.
Coming to the old carved stump, Dr Haynes said, ‘Why
was this stump carved like this?’ Bungaree put his
hands on his head and said, ‘Stump long time ago was
tall live tree. Blackfellow, come, carve him plenty,
make all about bury ground for my tribe. That time,
long long ago, great warrior chief of Nammoy River
tribe, him die, and him sit down close up this stump. All
blackfellows, look it, this stump, know great warrior
chief sit down close up’ (meaning that from the totems
carved on the stump any Aboriginal would see that a
great warrior chief of the Nammoy River tribe was

Some burial grounds contained hundreds of graves
(Ridley 1875: 159, 100; and Honery 1878: 254).
I owe this reference to Shirley Coote.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

buried nearby and, according to the customs of this

tribe, buried in a sitting up position).”

Sit down: This ‘Aboriginalism’ derives from a

distinctive verb that occurs in all Aboriginal
languages, meaning variously ‘to stay, sleep,
camp, sit’. In Gamilaraay: stem baabi-, past
continuous form baabilaay, ‘[he] was sitting
down, staying, camping [there]’.

From the totems carved on the stump: The

number of totems was far larger than the
number of different designs used on burial
trees. And, from what we know of totemic
designs, they were figurative, quite different
from the (mostly) non-figurative geometric
carvings on burial trees. It seems to me unlikely
therefore that the tree carvings can have been
totem designs (pace McCarthy 1940: 161, 165).
More likely, I would guess, they were a kind of
personal heraldic badge.
Or, were the designs on carved trees a
combination of totem and personal and other
emblems? - We know from Katie Parker that,
among the Yuwaaliyaay, at least some of the
incisions on possum-skin cloaks (also weapons)
were the totem marks of their owners. (Incised
on the outside, skin-side: the cloaks or “rugs”
were worn fur-side in.) And we have it on good
authority (Greenway, Fraser, Howitt) that the
marks on a leading man's burial tree were the
same as were incised on his possum-skin cloak
during life. Putting these two points together, it
is not possible to rule out that some of the
carvings on burial tress were totemic.239
O’Rourke 1997 for number of totems; Bell 1982 for
number of designs; also the discussion in Etheridge 1918: 22-24.
Same symbols on cloaks as on burial trees: Greenway in
Science of Man 1910: 198 and Fraser in JRSNSW 1893, cited by
Etheridge 1918: 29. Howitt too discusses the designs found on the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Customs of this tribe: As we noted earlier, the

sitting-up position was a method of burial
common throughout much of the continent.

“Dr Haynes said, “Are there many more sit down

close up?” Bungaree didn’t speak for a time. Then he
walked a few steps towards Poe, now Abbott, Street
and turned and pointed towards the outlet of Little
Conadilly St (known as Nowland Lane then) into Abbott
St. “Young lubra an’ her little bit piccinny sit down
close about there.”
At this time those present near [the] carved stump
were Dr Haynes, Constable Lambert, Bungaree and we
four schoolboys. Mr Ashby was near Roache’s fence
talking to Mr S Turner who had not long arrived. This
small group, gathered near the old marked stump, had
raised the curiosity of half a dozen people who wended
their way down from off Conadilly St towards us.
Dr Haynes said, “Bungaree, this great warrior chief:
what name that one?” //MS Page 7// Bungaree put his
hands over [his] mouth and shook his head from side
to side. "Come, come", the Dr said, "tell him name if
you know that one." Bungaree said, "I bin know that
name; I no tell name here.”
“Why not, why not?” the Dr said a bit angrily.
Bungaree said, “Bad talk blackfellers speakin’ name of
dead alonga bury ground”. “Oh, all right Bungaree, I
don’t want you any longer. You can go.”

cloaks and how these could be used to identify the wearer. He

states: “each man's rug is particularly marked to signify its
particular ownership. A man's designs from his possum-skin rug
were put onto trees around the site of his burial” (1904: 123).
Parker 1905 (quoted by Ash et al. 2003: 103) says that among
the Yuwaaliyaay rug incisions designated the owner’s totem and
sub-totem or local group, eg an arrow head [emu’s foot] pointing
down to indicate the emu clan along with the figure of a kurrajong
leaf to show that the owner belonged to the kurrajong country. In
contrast, the carvings on burial trees were almost invariably non-
figurative geometric shapes.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[The Excavation:]

Bungaree started to walk away slowly. The Dr

beckoned Mr Ashby to come to him. “Here Ashby, dig
there.” ‘There’ was a slight mound in the ground that
looked like an old abandoned red ants’ nest. It stood
not far away from [the] stump and it was the grave of
the warrior chief of the Nammoy River tribe.

Mound: This text speaks of one mound, singular.

Document 3A speaks of mounds plural (3A, at
MS Page 1). We may guess that some or all of
the mounds were flattened out by road and
house construction in the period 1865-1887.

“Thud”, the pick struck the ground. Bungaree, just

30 feet away, turned round to see the pick thud down
for the second time into the grave. He let out a pitiful
wailing cry as he ran, waving his hands about his head.
In front of him down past Bloomfield St ran Jacob
Painter wailing loudly. They ran on to their camp near
the lagoon. Near the present-day municipal sale

Near the municipal sale yards: Struck through in

the manuscript.

“There wasn’t an Aboriginal in the town or camp that

night except Bundaar the police tracker. The
Aboriginals went into camp somewhere down near
Doubledah Reserve and it was a month before they
came back to a new camp on the river above Burrell
waterhole. And nearly half their number had drifted
down-river to Narrabri and Wee Waa.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Doubledah Reserve: North-west of the town, at

the Emerald Hill turn-off on the Boggabri road
from Gunnedah. There was an inn (pub) there
as late as 1872.240 A land-parish of the same
name, spelt Dubbleda, takes in the Emerald Hill

Burrell waterhole: A long lagoon or billabong

beside the Boggabri road some eight kilometres
[five miles] from Gunnedah, i.e. upstream from
'Burburgate' and 'Bondabolla' stations.
Elsewhere it is called "Burrell fishing hole"
(Document 3B: MS Page 13). See Map 3.
The Gunnedah Committee 1935: 35 mentions
"Burrell Hole" as located "near Pritchard's
slaughter yards" in the context of a proposal (in
1901) to create a town water supply. The plan,
never implemented, was to pump water to a
reservoir that would have been built on
Pensioners Hill [Map 11].

Dr Haynes said “Go carefully Ashby, and only use

the shovel. Ah, that’s a skull: give it to me.” The Dr
shook the damp earth off the skull and wiped it all over
with a handkerchief. “This is a very fine skull”, he said,
holding it out to [the] townspeople standing around
[the] grave, for about 20 more [people] had joined us
since Mr Ashby started to dig down into the old grave.
The Dr said, “This man had a perfect set of teeth,
none decayed: //MS Page 8// not even a crack in any.
Of course the missing tooth in [the] front jaw was
knocked out when this man was a youth and
undergoing all the endurance tests of the Bora
ceremonies to prove him fit to be a warrior.”
Mr Ashby was kept going handing the Dr human
bones out of the grave. The Dr kept saying the names
of these bones but said nothing else about them until
I thank Shirley Coote and John Buchanan of the
Gunnedah Historical Society for advice on geographical names.
Doubledah Inn: Greville’s Post Office Directory for 1872.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

he got an arm bone. “Ah, now, this is a fine exhibit.

See: it was broken here. And a very bad break it was
too. And though there was no Gunnedah hospital here
then, there was nevertheless a clever surgeon-doctor
in the tribe who did his job excellently. It is a fine job to
look at.” Numbers of other bones were handed put of
the grave to the Dr. But he never made any remark
about any of them having been broken.

Missing tooth: This corrects the error in The

Sydney Mail, repeated in Prescott’s article, that
the skull had all its teeth. As explained earlier, a
missing tooth was the sign of an initiated man.
It seems doubtful that Red Kangaroo would
have had literally “a perfect set of teeth, none
decayed: not even a crack in any”. After all, he
would have been fed with the best cakes made
from ground grass-seeds, bones, nuts, fruits etc,
all ground with a grind-stone and pestle,
resulting in a diet of grit that would have worn
down his teeth seriously.241

Broken: Here Ewing is implicitly querying the

Sydney Mail account, which said that Red
Kangaroo had “both arms broken, his thigh
speared, many bones (ribs) smashed and
wounds in the head”. On first principles, the
Mail's version is likely to be true. It is very
difficult, after all, to imagine that Red Kangaroo
could have led the men of Gunnedah in many
battles over several decades and yet suffered
just one broken arm.

“Mr Ashby cleaned the narrow and shallow grave of

all loose earth. Dr Haynes said to various men present,
‘It’s a strange thing that there are no war weapons
I owe this point to Paul Gorecki (pers. comm. 2001).
Grass-seeds were collected, ground on grinding slabs and cooked
in hot ashes in the form of tiny loaves or cakes.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

buried with such a great warrior chief.’ No one present

at [the] gravesite saw any war weapons taken up from
the grave.”

War weapons buried: Wooden weapons of

course could have decayed. But it does seem
odd (if true) that no stone hatchet-head was
found in the grave. We have many reports of a
person’s property being buried with them, e.g.
in the Hunter Valley; on the lower Barwon River;
and on the NSW north coast.242
On the other hand, Ewing quotes Joe
Bungaree as saying explicitly that, “In my tribe
we don’t put war weapons in grave along with
dead. War weapons were hard to make, so [the]
old, old men of tribe long, long time ago said
‘give dead man’s weapons to his blood kin or
best friends’” (this Document, below, at MS
Page 14). This is consistent with the statement
that Red Kangaroo inherited his special pointed
or V-edged shield from his father (3B, MS Page

Dr Haynes remained at [the] grave side until Mr

Ashby had scraped it clean of all loose earth. Then he
wrapped the skull and the broken arm in some sacking;
told Mr Ashby to put all the other bones in sacking and
tie [them] up in a bundle; and take them over to [the]
police stable and leave [it] in [the] forage store room.
Then [to] get a cross-cut saw and saw a good thick slab
of wood from top to bottom of the old carved box-tree
stump, making a cut across [the] stump above [the]
grass line to get [the] totems of [the] warrior chief
stone-tomahawk-carved into the stump. And to fill in
and flatten the old grave down again. The Dr took the
skull and broken arm away with him.

Howitt 1904: 441 and and 464 ff; Dunbar 1943: 15;
McBryde 1974: 148.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The small gathering about [the] grave soon

dispersed, leaving when Mr Ashby began to fill in [the]
old grave.
[I] went home by stable-yard front gate, and, seeing
Bundaar outside stable sea-sanding the stirrup irons, [I]
went down to tell him about the digging-up of the old
grave. But Bundaar, who was mostly keen to hear any
news, said, “Now don’t tell me nothing. //MS Page 9// I
won't listen to you and won’t look at anything you got
from that place.” “Well [I said], Mr Ashby is carrying
most of the bones from that grave rolled up in sacking;
and he is going to put them in the forage store room
where you sleep. There he is now, coming in [the] front
Bundaar jumped for [the] stable door, went inside for
[the] key and out in a flash: locked door and raced for
[the] police office where my father was. My father said
he burst into the room with eyes staring and cried out,
“Sarjun, Sarjun: I clear out dreckly this minnit [sic]: I no
stand this: I sack myself. Guvment can [keep] my last
two week pay! When I roll my swag, will bring you key
of stable. I go back horse-breaking for Mr Mosley on
‘Tibbereena’ [a station near Narrabri. MO'R].”
“Sit down Bundaar, and tell me what’s the trouble.
Have those two young constables been playing more
larks up at the stable?” They had mixed brown sugar in
the sea-sand [with which] Bundaar polished stirrup
irons, buckles, bits etc, and caused him to have a
sticky mess on [his] hands and stable gear.
“No, Sarjun, it not them. It’s that Dr Haynes and Jim
Ashby. They dig up old warrior chief grave. Old
Bungaree nearly die from fright. Everyone in camp
clear out Boggabri way. Now Jim Ashby bring a bundle
of that old warrior chief's bones for Dr Haynes to leave
in forage store room where I sleep. I leave, Sarjun!
Can’t stand that. I no Nammoy River Tribe man, but I
blackfellow, and tonight I can’t stop in my bed in forage
room along that old warrior chief’s bones. Tonight I
know, him ghost sit on bundle of bones and look and
look at me and I know ghost blame me for not bury him

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

bones in his grave. Now all his tribe run away

“Light up your pipe, Bundaar. Don’t worry: no one is
going to put the old warrior chief’s remains in the
forage room with you. I’ll go and tell Ashby to take
them away from here. And while you’re here: sweep
this room out for me.”
Down at the stable Jim Ashby waited. But [he] went
along with my father to the gaol and took [the] bones
[to the] tower up on [the] wall. Bundaar was too good a
man with sick //MS Page 10// or injured horses to lose,
and had given proof of being able to track over stony
land away from road – or soft ground animal pads.
At a later date Dr Haynes cleaned and packed the
remains of the old warrior chief and sent them to the
College Street Museum [in] Sydney. And also the old
sawn-off slab from the old box-tree carved stump.
Some years ago the old sawn-off box-stump slab was
still [there] amongst other Aboriginal tree carvings. The
set-up skeleton of the old warrior may be there also,
though such exhibits are loaned or exchanged with
other Australian museums, I am informed.

Museum + may be there: The Australian

Museum, in College Street Sydney.
Perhaps Ewing failed to see it when he visited
the museum? At any rate, by 1953 the skeleton
had been misplaced (see Idriess’s Preface:
Document 4 below). Nor is it held at either of
the two museums at Sydney University.

“In reading Mr Edward Prescott’s narrative about Dr

Haynes, and how he put on to discovering where the
grave of an ancient warrior chief was, and how that
chief had no teeth missing, a proof that he lived in the
pre-Bora ceremony times: well, Dr Haynes himself
pointed out to all present at the old chief’s grave side
that there was one tooth missing. But Dr Haynes said
that would be knocked out in the Bora ceremonies.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Ewing here turns to commenting on Prescott’s

article. He will return to Joe Bungaree several
pages later.

“Then Mr Prescott speaks of a stone tomahawk got

at the feet of the old chief in his grave. At the time, no
one saw that tomahawk [and] no one spoke of it in
after years. Dr Haynes remarked on more than one
occasion that day that it was strange that a great
warrior chief like this one should have no war weapon
in the grave with him.
Thinking since reading Mr Prescott’s narrative, where
he mentions the stone tomahawk found in [the] grave
at [the] old chief’s feet, that possibly I and my brother
didn’t see (and we were all eyes and ears that day) the
tomahawk lifted out of the grave, I looked Mr S Turner
up some weeks ago. He was a young man at that time
and was present at [the] grave-side. He never heard of
the stone tomahawk found in [the] grave until he read
Mr Prescott’s narrative. He, like myself, saw the skull
with missing tooth; also the broken arm reset by some
Aboriginal doctor, for whose skill for setting such a bad
break Dr Haynes spoke highly at that time. //MS Page
11// Yet Mr Turner never heard Dr Haynes remark on
any other bones as having been broken. Neither did I,
and it seems strange for the Dr to point out the broken
bone in one bone of the old chief and not refer to the
numerous broken bones Mr Prescott refers to.
Then again it does seem particularly strange that Dr
Haynes never gave to his friend T B Roberts, editor of
[the] Gunnedah Advt [Advertiser] that tale of “Cumbo
Gunnerah, Gunnedah’s Aboriginal God Father”. The
Gdh Advt of that date merely recorded how Dr Haynes
had had the remains of an ancient Aboriginal chief dug
up from the vacant land opposite [the] Wesleyan
Parsonage and off Poe St.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunnedah Advertiser: Regrettably, issues of the

newspaper from 1887 have not survived. The
Advertiser amalgamated with the other paper,
the Namoi Valley Independent in 1919. The
State Library of NSW holds copies only from
1894, and the National Library holds copies only
from 1969.

Vacant land: The historical parish maps and the

1972 Department of Lands map of the town
show that the blocks opposite the Wesleyan
(Uniting) Church were owned, or at least
originally purchased, by the local squatter John

“At one time the old Aboriginal had sustained a

badly broken arm, but some Aboriginal doctor had
reset it and made an excellent job, the Dr said. At no
time did J J Smyth, T B Roberts or J P Ewing ever
mention the name Cumbo Gunnerah. Evidently Dr
Haynes kept it a secret and it comes to light 50 years
later in the narrative of Mr Prescott in The Land. But
that stone tomahawk must have been well suppressed
the day the old chief’s grave was opened up. My father
was a keen collector of stone tomahawks. [He] Had
salvaged some hidden away up in caves up in the
Warrumbungle Ranges out from Coonabarabran. It
seems strange that Dr Haynes, such an enthusiast to
show his latest Aboriginal find in war or domestic
impliments [sic], and to see those of his co-enthusiasts,
should button up on one stone tomahawk and the tale
about Cumbo Gunnerah.”

Mention the name: The name ‘Cumbo

Gunnerah’ [Gambu Ganuurru] was first
published in the Sydney Mail article of 1891
(see Document 1). It is unquestionably genuine.
Ewing himself records the “chief’s” name as
Red Kangaroo, and we know that the Gamil'raay

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

word for ‘red kangaroo’ was Ganuurr or

Ganuurru (“Gunnerah”).
As explained earlier, Cumbo/Gambu was a
kinship title. It would seem that Stanley Ewing
was not aware of this.

[The Name of the Town:]

“And now before concluding I would speak on the

name Gunnedah and why the Aboriginal called this
locality Gunnedah, as we spell the name.
I was too young to have had the inclination to
inquire of the old Aboriginals around here why they
called //MS Page 12// this place Gunnedah. But when I
had grown up to manhood all the old Aboriginals in this
locality had died off. There were young Aboriginals but
most I talked with knew next to nothing or nothing
about their tribal customs. They had been born and
reared about the town or on stations. Few had ever
seen a corroboree or could throw a boomerang or
spear, let alone know how to make one. There were
middle-aged Aboriginals [who] drift here and stay for
some years but they didn’t know the meaning of local
Aboriginal names.
Jacob Painter was about the oldest here. But Jacob
could never tell the same tale the same [?way] on his
second attempt. If cornered over some change in his
second telling, he said, “Well, that how Bungaree or old
Barney bin tellit me, an’ Bungaree him dead and
Barney him worst liar in camp”.
When grown up [I] asked my father did he ever ask
the old Aboriginals why Gunnedah was called that
name. And [I] also asked him did he ever find out the
name of that old Aboriginal chief that Mr Ashby dug up
for Dr Haynes. My father told me he had often talked
with old Aboriginals about [around] Breeza, Tambar
Springs and Rocky Glen when on mounted patrol. And
when he asked them what Gunnedah meant in their
talk, they said “The Place of White Stone.” “Yes, but
where is the white stone?” Everyone he ever asked

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

would laugh when he asked where the white stone was.

“Why, it all about there: in little hills near [the] Carroll
road close to [the] Common; [?on the] trucking yard;
hill all ‘long [the] railway line; that big hill; and along
lot other little hills: you must see white stone, all them
place, an’ now make roads in town.”

Grown to manhood … Grown up: Elsewhere it

seems implied that Sergeant Ewing began to
record Joe Bungaree’s tales in about 1890
(below: MS Page 34). Stanley grew to manhood,
i.e. turned 21, in 1899. His father died in 1911.

Tambar Springs and Rocky Glen: On the far side

(south-west) of Mullaley from Gunnedah; nearer
to Coonabarabran.

Carroll Road + white stone: On the Tamworth

side of Gunnedah: the present Oxley Highway
[Map 11].
The white stones were probably quartz
pebbles. Quartz is a very common crystalline
mineral whose many varieties include rock
crystal, rose quartz and amethyst. The principal
difference between clear rock crystal and white
or milky quartz is the presence of innumerable
microscopic bubbles or fluid-filled cavities,
which scatter the light, producing a white
The sedimentary rocks around Gunnedah,
when originally laid down (Permian and Triassic
ages), would have incorporated old ‘fossil’ river
or beach pebbles. Erosion over many thousands
of years would have freed the pebbles, leaving
them scattered locally on the surface.243
Certain types of quartz were used as tools: cf Patrick
Gaynor, 1996, The Importance of Quartz in Stone Artefact
Assemblages: A Technological Analysis of Aboriginal Sites of the
Coonabarabran-Warrumbungles Region. MA Thesis, University
of New England, Armidale.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Little hills: According to Idriess (1953: 225),

there was, in the 1880s, a small hill of white
stones in Elgin Street, on the site of what is now
the High School. (This probably read the
primary school, which was established in 1873
on the corner of Elgin and Conadilly Streets. The
high school is actually on Marquis Street.)
The hillock was afterwards removed, says
Idriess, and the stones used in street-making.

“Tell me how you talk ‘the Place of White Stone’.” In

nearly every case they //MS Page 13// pronounced it
with a sound like Gunn-e-darr. And when they talked of
the river, its name was pronounced Nammoy, not
Namoi as we whites call it. And I think it was the
explorer Major Thomas Mitchell who on 16th of
December 1831 discovered a river not very far from
where the town of Boggabri is today. The Aboriginals in
that locality called it the Nammoy.”

Gunn-e-darr: Ewing’s spelling ‘gunn’ might

suggest that the first vowel was short (as in
English “gunman”). As noted in the Introduction,
we believe that it was actually a long u (as in
English "goon"). If so, then in Italianate style the
spelling would be Guuniidha (rhymes with
English ‘goon+need+thud’ but leaving off the
final -d and placing stress on the first syllable).

Namoi-Nammoy: In our English pronunciation,

the stress falls on the first syllable (“nàemoi”).
In using the spelling “Nammoy”, Ewing was
probably trying to indicate that in Gamilaraay
the stress correctly fell on the second syllable. If
so, then the second vowel was probably long.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Thus: Ngamàày (to rhyme with English


Mitchell: The exploring expedition led by the

Surveyor-General, Major Thomas Mitchell,
crossed our Namoi River below present-day
Keepit Dam on 14 December 1831.
Guided by a Kamilaroi man nicknamed “Mr
Brown”, the expedition proceeded into the back
country, and, after inspecting Nobby Rock, a
prominent outcrop in the hills north-east of
Gunnedah, continued on past Kelvin, heading
broadly westwards. In other words, Mitchell and
his men passed to the north of Gunnedah. They
regained the Namoi at a point a little upstream
from Boggabri on 16 December (map in
O’Rourke, Raw Possum 1995).
The name of the Boggabri stretch of the river
was given by Mitchell’s guide as “Nammoy” (as
Ewing correctly observes). This was, it should be
noted, the name of the section downstream
from Gunnedah. The Gamilaraay knew the
section of the river upstream from Gunnedah,
our Upper Namoi River, as the ‘Mooleuarinda’ or

First consonant Ng- (velar nasal consonant) as in the
English word ringing: cf Clarke’s rendering ‘Gnammoy’ (in
Boyce 1970).
The stress patterns in English words can reflect the number of
syllables or the pattern may be unique to each word. Cf: HAPpy;
reMINDer; BYZantine; unUSual; periODical; invinciBILity. In
Gamilaraay, stress was governed by the type of vowel: the
primary stress normally fell on the long vowel [aa, ii, or uu].
When there was no long vowel in the word, the first syllable took
the primary stress (see in Austin 1992 etc). For example, in the
following sentence, the accents indicate the stressed syllables:
Ngàya yànawàanha walàaygu gùndidha bàabilìgu.
Parry, White, Mitchell etc, cited in O’Rourke Raw
Possum 1995: 18-19, esp. footnote 25.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“Some months after, Bungaree and most of the old

Aboriginals and some of the half-castes and their
families […] returned to Gunnedah and selected a new
camp site nearer the river and up-river above the deep
water of the Burrell fishing hole.”
“One day Bungaree came to me very worried about
‘the old man’ – he never called him Donal as the whites
and half-castes did.
“Old Man [said Bungaree] more [?] sick in head: he
say him see a bunyip in Burrell fish hole – him clear out
in night, carry him camp an’ everything. An’ we find
him next day camped otherside [sic] railway up on side
Railway Hill. We carry him and camp back to our camp;
fix it all up for him: he go and eat and drink tea at
every camp and come back and go to sleep in him own
Next morning Old Man gone and all his camp. We
find him camped [on] Railway Hill. We carry camp back
and make him well; put camp up: he walk about
cadging drink of tea and tucker. Sunday him go to bed.
This morning Old Man gone an’ camp and things. He up
on railway hill. You tell me what I better do for Old
Man”. “Send two of the old lubras [Ewing responded] to
camp up there to look after him.”
That seemed to fix things satisfactorily, though in his
periodical tantrums old Donal sent two screeching
lubras in flight down the hillside, as he chased and
threw blazing fire-sticks after them!

New camp above Burrell: Burrell Lagoon is

about eight kilometres from Gunnedah,
alongside the Boggabri road. It seems implied
that the new camp was upstream, nearer the
Cohen Bridge, possibly opposite the present site
of the airfield.

Donal: Elsewhere Donald or ‘Donny’ McKay.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bunyip: The Bunyip was the rainbow snake or

rainbow serpent. In Kamilaroi: Garriya or
“Kurrea”. In Wiradjuri: Wawii.
Multiple lagoons and river water-holes were
simultaneously inhabited. Garriya also lived in
the night sky. So perhaps we should use the
plural: rainbow-serpents. People feared being
devoured by the Garriyas, but the shamans or
“Clever-Men” had the ability to ‘charm’ the
monsters, and indeed they learnt their best
songs from them.246

Railway Hill: Evidently one of the hills on the left

of the railway line and the Boggabri Road, about
10 kilometres west-north-west of Gunnedah.
(Given the proximity to Burrell Lagoon, I think
this is not a reference to the hill in the town
centre south side of the railway line, nor to
Pensioners Hill, a landmark on the immediate
west of the town.)

[“I Can Tell You Here”: Joe Bungaree’s Stories of

Red Kangaroo:]

One day my father asked Bungaree: ‘Are you

allowed to speak the name of that dead old warrior
chief of your tribe? – that one that was buried near the
carved box-tree stump.’ //MS Page 14// Bungaree was
O’Rourke Kamilaroi Lands 1997: 179-180, citing
Mathews 1904a, etc.
Mud-sculptures show that the rainbow-serpent had a snake-like
head, a forked tongue and it lacked legs. But the bunyip could also
be represented as a kind of walrus or dugong with legs, as in the
sketch by "Liverpool, King of the Eurambone” [the SW Liverpool
Plains]. 'Liverpool' served as guide to the Mounted Police in 1832.
His drawing is reproduced in Maclachlan 1981 and Mulvaney
As Radcliffe-Brown 1930 remarks, Katie Parker 1905 wrongly
confused the rainbow-serpent with the “alligator” (i.e., crocodile).
Regrettably, this error has been perpetuated by Ash et al. 2003:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

sitting down. He got to his feet and turned to face the

west. He said, ‘I can tell you here. That old warrior chief
of the Nammoy River tribe was name of Red Kangaroo’.
‘But Bungaree, why couldn’t you tell his name to Dr
Haynes that day when he asked you?’
‘Because we stood on my tribe’s bury ground. Not
one of my tribe must ever speak aloud the names of
the dead when on the tribe’s bury ground. It very bad
thing of everyone in tribe – because ghost of the dead
are called back to the ground of the bury ground.
Someone in the tribe has to die to let the ghost go
away off the bury ground. In my tribe everyone was
killed quick, no matter who they were, if two of their
tribe heard them speak aloud the name of the dead on
the tribe’s bury ground.
That why I no tell Dr Haynes name of old warrior
chief. Dr Haynes gettem [sic] angry at me. But I bin tell
him I no speak that name there. But Dr Haynes no
understand an’ he get more angry an’ tell me to go, he
no want me any longer. Then he do very bad thing: get
Mr Ashby to dig grave of one of my tribe open when I
still on bury ground.’
‘Bungaree, why weren’t there war weapons buried in
the old chief’s grave?’ ‘In my tribe we don’t put war
weapons in grave along with dead. War weapons were
hard to make, so old, old men of tribe long, long time
ago said “give dead man’s weapons to his blood kin or
best friends.”’

[“My Father Told Me”:]

“Bungaree, did you ever hear about the great battles

Red Kangaroo fought and led the Nammoy River tribe
“Yes, my father told me lot of tribe-talk about what
Red Kangaroo and him warriors do to other tribes come
here to make war, or come here, travel in night and
hide and sleep in day: all strong young warriors been in
war [at] other times now come to steal our young
women for wife.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Sometimes tribe’s warriors away on raid after wives

themselves, or young women get too careless and go
to far along river or to lagoons for fish, mussel, //MS
Page 15// duck, ibis, pelican eggs or young birds not
able to fly yet. Or they go dig yams in scrub like here.
Walk 20 strides into hop-vine scrub an’ look back: you
no see them others with you if they stop where you left
them. You lay down an’ look back way you come: you
might see feet and leg up to knee if no tree or scrub
hide it. Sarjun, you know what it like in thick scrub!
That good place to wait for young lubras you come to
steal away.”


Make war: The best discussion of feuding and
warfare is by W L Warner (1930, 1958). He
devotes a whole chapter to the topic (as did
Wheeler 1906).
In the Top End of the Northern Territory there
were three types of group-battles: [i.]
unannounced night-time ambush-assassinations
in which the enemy camp would be surrounded;
[ii.] pre-arranged “general open fights” or mass
duels in daytime; and [iii.] all-out, pitched
battles, also conducted in daytime.247 (The same
general typology appears in Buckley's [1852]
reminiscences of pre-colonial Victoria in the
early 1800s.)
Pitched battles – a sort of “fight to end all
fights” – were very rare, at least in the Top End
during the early 20th century. Warner’s
informants were able to count altogether 70

Not enough was recorded about the Gamil’raay language
for us to know the conceptual distinctions that were drawn in
north-central NSW. One source gives yiilinhi (from yiili ‘angry’)
as the word for ‘war’ in Gamil’raay. And in Yuwaalaraay we have
girray ‘a battle’ and girraybaa ‘battle ground’; these two words
presumably allude to individual duels rather than true battles (Ash
et al. 2003: 89). But no Yuwaalaraay word for ‘war’ has survived,
nor any Gamilaraay word for ‘battle’ or ‘duel’.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

battles in a period of 20 years, or up to four a

year on average, in a region containing a
population of some 3,000 people. But just two
clashes in the whole 20 years were true pitched
The main cause of armed conflict, says
Warner, was vengeance, specifically pay-back
for prior killings. Other killings not directly
involving blood revenge were carried out to
punish: people were punished for abducting
women (wife stealing), for using black magic
and for breaking religious taboos.
Les Hiatt says that alleged sorcery was the
main cause of fights between widely separated
communities, while between neighbouring
groups the acquisition of wives, adultery, insult
and injury could lead to fighting. Again, the
same picture is presented in Buckley's (1852)
account of pre-colonial Victoria.
The Central Australian informants of Deborah
Rose likewise explained Aboriginal “war” as
most commonly caused by the abduction of
women. The killing of wife-stealers, they said,
was fully authorised by traditional Aboriginal
law ( - a law that, in later years, after payback
killings had ceased, they came to see as harsh
and unreasonable).249

On this data we can calculate a rough fatality rate. Let us
assume that 800 of the 3,000 people were males of fighting age. If
an average of five men were killed in each battle, then we have an
average of about 20 dying each year, or one in every 40 males of
fighting age, or one in 150 people (children, women and men).
Geoffrey Blainey, citing Buckley, suggests that in south-central
Victoria (around Geelong) the annual death rate in warfare
probably equalled one in every 270 people, but perhaps as high as
one in 150, the same as Germany's causalities in World War Two.
He notes that that the death of two men in a battle involving 40
men represented casualties on the scale of the Battle of the
Somme in World War One (1975: 109-10).
Warner 1930: 458, 481; Warner 1958, Chapter Six, esp.
pp.148-49; Hiatt 1965: 123; and Rose 1991: 101 ff.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Steal for wife: Wives were obtained primarily by

negotiation and betrothal, not by abduction.
Girls were allocated to future husbands soon
after birth or even before they were born. But all
accounts of “traditional” Aboriginal societies
also mention wife-raiding parties and marriage
with captured women.250
Doubtless wife-stealing received more
attention in story-telling because it was (for
men) a more exciting and glorious way of
obtaining a spouse.

HOP-VINE SCRUB: The Yuwaalaraay name was

yiilay, from yii- ‘to bite’ (also ‘cooked’ or ‘ripe’,
alluding to its medicinal use, for it was the
plant’s ‘bite’ that did the curing: Ash et al. 2003
p.153, quoting Ian Sim). The Gamilaray name
has not survived, but we might expect it to take
the form yiilar with an –r.
Hop-vines or hopbushes are a genus of large
shrubs that can grow up to three metres high.
For example, Dodonaea viscosa, the “Giant Hop
Bush”. Hop-vine typically forms ground-level
thickets, or a dense under-storey, in woodlands
of blue-leaved ironbark and bimble box.251
Coxen 1866; Fison and Howiit 1880: 344 [quoting
Doyle]; Howitt and Spencer & Gillen: cited by the Berndts 1996:
201; Warner 1958: 66, 75, 77 and passim; and Hiatt 1965: 123.
In northern Arnhem Land, wife stealing had ceased by the late
1950s; but older people well remembered the phenomenon of
wife-stealing expeditions as practised in earlier times (Hiatt 1965:
There are 55 species in Australia. Nine species are found
in north-central NSW, the two most common being Dodonaea
viscosa and D. attenuata. Also found is the hairy hop-vine, D.
boroniifolia (Rolls 1981: 256; Forestry Commission 1985).
D. viscosa may constitute the dense under-storey in woodlands
of blue-leaved ironbark (Eucalyptus fibrosa), bimble box (E.
populnea), grey box (E. woollsiana) and pilliga box (E.
pilligaensis). Dodonaea attenuata likewise may form thickets
beneath blue-leaved ironbark and bimble box; and under narrow-
leaved ironbark (E. crebra) (see in Beadle 1981). In the
Nandewars, hop-bush typically forms a dense shrub layer on

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Hop-vine was not the only type of thicket.

Indeed on Porcupine Hill today there are still
patches of over-ground thicket formed from tree
branches and tree-vines. This forms patches of
‘dry rainforest’ with a nearly closed canopy.
Botanists call it “semi-evergreen vine thicket”
(SEVT) (see Appendix Three).
Tim Curran, University of New England, has
suggested that much of the eastern and
northern slopes of Porcupine Ridge would have
supported SEVT at the time of white
settlement.252 That is no doubt true, but it would
appear from the Ewing Papers that hop-vine
scrub was even more extensive on the northern
slope and toward the present town-site.

“Young lubras my tribe, all tribes, no take advice of

older lubras to keep together with old lubras an’
picinnies [sic253]. Some always sneak away ahead or
hide and drop behind: might do it often and often
nothing happen. Other[s] do it and first time warrior
raiding party been watching and when lubras get to
some thick scrub or reedy banks on river or creek or
swamp, they jump out behind lubras and knock them
on head with their nulla-nulla: they stunned. Then put
bit of wood in mouth, tie it with cord made of bark or
animal skin.
Lubra, when she get over being stunned, can’t
squeal and make any noise to let any one of her tribe
hear. Warrior have a cord about lubra’s neck and hold
in one hand. When lubra can stand up, warrior point or
tell her to if he can talk her tribe talk: “you run now in
that direction!” She no move: he give her two light tap

woodland slopes in association with hill red gum (or “tumbledown

red gum”: E. dealbata), narrow-leaved ironbark (E. crebra) and
black cypress (Callitris endlicheri).
Tim Curran 1997 and pers. com. 2002. I am very
grateful to Tim for the careful and patient guidance he gave me on
botanics and geography.
Consistently misspelled thus.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

with nulla [sic] on her head. She still stand; no make a

move. Warrior jerk cord around her neck, choke her
wind off. Both her hands tied behind back, so no can
undo cord choking her. Warrior watching her; then he
undo cord to let her breathe again. Soon get her on
feet, tell her, or point way, to go.
Some lubras, strong heart, and have to be choked
down lot of times before they walk and then run ahead
of their captor.
Red Kangaroo tell his warriors lubras who are strong
heart when captured are the mothers for our warriors’
sons. And the raiding party must try and bring such
lubras into our tribe, even if they have to let the quiet
lubras free, to have more warriors to drop behind and
keep back the rescuing tribesmen.”

Talk her tribe talk: Neighbouring groups usually

understood each other’s speech. Linguists
speak of 'dialect continuums'. The farther away
a foreign community lived, the more likely its
speech would be hard to understand. The
Wayilwan language, for example, spoken in the
middle and lower Castlereagh basin, shared
only about 36% of vocabulary with Gamilaraay
(Austin et al. 1980: 172 ff).

‘My father an’ old men in tribe tell me, an’ tell //MS
Page 16// all young boy of tribe, about great warriors
of the Nammoy River tribe: all about wars against most
of the tribes as far away as Quirindi, Cassilis,
Coonabarabran, Narrabri [and] Manilla. And raids for
wives for young warriors that Red Kangaroo led.’

[The Shortage of Women:]

Red Kangaroo said all young warriors just gone

through the Bora ceremonies that proved them to be a
warrior had to get a wife from the lubras of the tribe.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

But, as often happened, there weren’t enough

marriageable lubras in our tribe.

Quirindi etc: The mention of these neighbours

allows us to make a very broad calculation of
the EXTENT OF TERRITORY occupied by each
“tribe” - a community or collection of allied
From Gunnedah to Manilla is 50 kilometres as
the crow flies; to Quirindi 70 kilometres; to
Narrabri 85 kilometres; to Coonabarabran 100
kilometres; and to Cassilis 115 kilometres.
Goonoo Goonoo Creek too is named as the seat
or main summer camp of a community; it is
about 60 kilometres from Gunnedah. See Maps
1 and 2.
Thus a communal territory may have been as
small as 50 by 50 kilometres ( = 2,500 square
kilometres) and was not usually larger than 85
by 85 kilometres ( = 7,225 square
In the case of Gunnedah, we can perhaps
make a calculation using the two axes
Coonabarabran-Gunnedah-Manilla (150
kilometres) and Narrabri-Gunnedah-Quirindi
(155 km). These lines lie broadly at right-angles.
We assume that half the distance along each
axis was the territory of the 'Burburgate'-
Gunnedah-'Wandobah' people (our "Gunnedah
tribe": speakers of the Guyinbaraary dialect of
Gamil'raay). The result is 5,625 sq km (i.e., 75
km x 75 km).
Alternatively, if one multiplies the distance
from their nearest neighbours (Manilla, 50 km)
by the distance from their farthest immediate
neighbours (Coonabarabran, 100 km), then the
result is 5,000 square kilometres.
For comparison, Keen 2004: 113 posits an average of
about 2,000 sq km for the six or seven “countries” making up the
lands of the Yuwaaliyaay (Narran River: NW of Walgett).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Or again one might ask: "How far along the

Namoi did their territory run, and how far out
onto the plains?" Along the river valley
(floodplain), the length of the axis Narrabri-
Gunnedah-Goonoo Goonoo is about 150
kilometres. Let us generously imagine (it must
be a guess) that as much as two-thirds or 100
km of this axis was held by the Gunnedah
"tribe". As for the plains, we know [below, MS
Page 22] that the Gunnedah-Coonabarabran
boundary lay around Mullaley: probably a little
to the south-west of Mullaley (at say 40 km). On
the northern side of the Namoi, let us imagine,
again generously, that the Gunnedah people
controlled the country for three-fifths of the
distance to Manilla. This yields a territory as
large as perhaps 7,000 sq km (i.e., 100 x [40
+30] km).
[For older readers more accustomed to
imperial measures: 6,500 sq kilometres is about
the same as 50 miles by 50 miles or 2,500 sq

Just gone through the Bora: A young man was

not allowed a wife until he had gone through
several Boras. Parker 1905: 81 remarks that a
man was regarded as an "elder" (fully initiated)
as soon as he had been through five Boras.

Weren’t enough: The shortage of wives was due

fundamentally to POLYGAMY [or to be

The treatment here of territorial size is obviously
abstract, speculative and notional. Watercourses formed the
summer home-bases, so one could also look at major creek basins
to draw up hypothetical territories. ("As between say Narrabri and
Gunnedah, which major tributaries might have fallen on either
side of a common boundary?" Etc.)
On Guyinbaraay: see the discussion of Ridley's work in the
Introduction, and the commentary to Document 1, para 6. And, for
an equivalent discussion of population densities (people per
square kilometre), see O'Rourke 1997: 133 ff.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

pedantic: polygyny]. The older and more

powerful men took more than one wife.
In north-east Arnhem Land, the average per
middle-aged man was over three wives. Quite
exceptionally, one man is known to have had 17
wives. The corollary of course was that some or
many younger men had to remain unmarried
(until aged about 30). The level of polygyny was
possibly lower in inland NSW. According to Parker – but
she was writing after the breakdown of the traditional life –
most Yuwaaliyaay men had only one wife and it was
exceptional to have three wives.256
As Warner and Hiatt have noted, the chronic
shortage of unmarried women was a major
stimulus to feuding. And, if such feuds were not
settled, all-out war could result. Conversely,
according to Warner, polygamy was only
possible because warfare killed off a significant
number of younger men, thus allowing older
men to have more than one wife.257

Because Red Kangaroo’s command was that all five-

season warriors had to get a second wife: the tribe had
to be strong in warriors to hold such a wonderful
territory, as theirs was a big plain country (Breeza
Plains) swarming with all kinds of kangaroos and emus
to be found everywhere about it; fish in every lagoon,
besides the swarms anywhere in the Mooki; and water
birds everywhere. Then their own Nammoy River: that
teemed with fish and water birds, and every lagoon
alive with fish, mussels and yabbies about the tribe’s
main camping locality, Gunnedarr, and the ridges
behind swarming with scrub wallabies. And the big
mtns [sic] across the river to the rising sun and to the
north, alive with wallabies, kangaroos, wallaroos.
No one would ever starve for food or perish for water
in the Nammoy River tribe’s territory. That [was] why
See discussion of regional patterns in Keen 2004: 186;
Parker 1905.
Warner 1958: 66, 144 and 147; Hiatt 1965: xiv.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

all the other tribes near or far away had come from
time to time and made war on them, to try and take
their territory. And so many wars caused our tribe to
have continual losses in warriors killed or injured.

All kinds of kangaroos etc: The Aborigines of

north-central NSW ate a wide variety of
The staples included possums; fish and other
river-foods; grass-seed ‘bread’; larger land
mammals; birds; honey; and insect larvae or
‘grubs’. Especially favoured were possum-meat
and the flesh of aquatic animals such as fish,
crayfish (“yabbies”) and freshwater mussels.
In north—central NSW there are several
species of yabbies and ‘shrimps’ [Gamil. giiray
and mirrindyaa] and two species of mussel: the
large [Gamil. dhanngal] and the small [giinbay].
Although grass-seed 'bread' – seeds ground
and cooked in the form of tiny loaves or cakes -
was a staple, the Gamilaraay seem to have
preferred animal foods (Gamilaraay yuri, ‘meat
food’) overall.
Green plants, fruits, roots and tubers (Gamil.
yuul or manhdha, ‘vegetable food, bread’)
formed a lesser proportion of the diet, if we may
rely on the contemporary sources. This
contrasts with some other parts of Australia,
where plant foods formed a vital part of the diet
and indeed were more important than animal
foods (or so it is argued).258
For sources and commentary, see O’Rourke 1997. On
regional differences in diet across Australia, now see Keen 2004
(including the seasonality of food sources in north-central NSW at
pp 40 ff).
Many modern writers believe that, in the early literature, the
use of plant foods was systematically under-reported, at least in
south-east Australia. The early writers (they propose) found the
hunting done by men to be more interesting. For that reason (it is
argued) meat foods were mentioned more often than the plant
foods typically gathered by women.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

If we look at the provenance of the favoured

foods in north-central NSW, we find that the
woodland foods: possums especially; also
honey, ‘grubs’ and plant-creepers, were
mentioned most often in the sources. Indeed
Ridley (1875) called the possum "the staff of
life". Next came the river foods: fish, yabbies
and mussels. Finally there were what we might
call the foods of the open plains: grass-seed
cakes, kangaroos, wallabies, bandicoots, emus,
bustards, lizards, snakes, roots and yams.259

Take their territory: There is no record that war

was ever fought for territory in Aboriginal
society. Indeed all our authorities are adamant
that territory simply could not be acquired by
war.260 Perhaps what Joe Bungaree was trying to

One male observer who did insist on the vital importance of

plant foods in central NSW was Dunbar 1943: 80, 175 (Wayilwan
people, lower Barwon River).
The case for the ‘vegetarian-feminist’ thesis is summarised in
Blainey 1975: 167 ff. See also Allen 1968: 34 ff and Betty Hiatt
1978. The counter-thesis is that animal foods formed at least half
the total intake in better-watered regions (O'Rourke 1997).
Allen 1968 and McBryde 1976 have analysed the
sources at length. ‘Grubs’ meant various insect larvae, “especially
a certain fat kind” (Ridley 1875: 151, also Greenway 1910: 16).
Especially Warner 1958: 18-19.
Fraser 1892: 37 claims, on the testimony of an early settler in
Yuwaalaraay country [Narran River: west of Collarenebri and
Mungindi], that one group, its population having grown too large
to be easily supported in its own country, threatened by force of
arms to take over the land of a neighbouring group. This
assertedly happened in about 1842. But Fraser also records that
the land was not in fact taken by force. The issue was actually
settled by a duel between individuals. So we may prefer to believe
that the dispute really concerned resources (hunting rights) on the
borderland between the two groups.
Deborah Rose writes of armed conflict in the Victoria River
Downs sector of the Northern Territory as a matter of “territorial
expansion”. But she is describing people temporarily pushed out
of their own territory (by fear of aggressive neighbours). If
enemies made it too dangerous to stay, groups would temporarily
leave their own country. It was not the title to the land that was

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

convey was that neighbours were contesting

hunting rights on or across the borders of the
Gunnedah people.

And the old men had been told by the old men of the
tribe when they were like us - had been only boys -
how those other old men had told them all about their
tribe’s great men and about the greatest one of all,
Red Kangaroo: how he, when just made a warrior from
the Bora ceremonies, found there weren’t enough
young lubras in the tribe to supply each new young
warrior with a wife. The chief and the tribal elders
didn’t bother about the young warriors. But //MS Page
17// the young warrior Red Kangaroo had strong ideas
about the tribal rights of the newly made warriors and
the duty the chief and elders of [the] tribe owed to the
young warriors. But he could not rouse the other young
warriors to claim their tribal rights. They wouldn’t back
him up in anything.

Warrior, elder etc: The term "warrior" has no

special significance in terms of what people did.
Ewing (or Joe Bungaree) uses it simply a
convenient term for any initiated man, including
a teenager who has gone through the Bora
ceremonies. Later the document speaks of
“elder, chief, medicine man (doctor) or warrior”.

being contested but the use of its resources: the retreating group
was being denied the use of the resources from its own land (Rose
1991: 104).
It must not be thought, however, that territory was never
acquired in 40,000+ years. Rather, in Aboriginal ideology it was
not permitted to take land by force and living people had never
known it to happen. Sometimes small groups must have died out,
or were effectively destroyed by warfare. Their land must have
been used subsequently by neighbouring groups. Doubtless, over
time, mythological title would have been gradually extended to
bring the new stretches of land within their ownership. But, to
repeat, in ideology it was not possible to acquire title to land by
force, and living people had never known land to change hands.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

But elders, “chiefs” and doctors all fought in

battles like the rest; in that sense they too were
Parker 1905: 81 notes that a man was
regarded as an elder as soon as he had been
through five Boras. If a Bora was held every two
or three years, then there would have been
‘elders’ (in the sense of full initiates) aged under

[The Young RK Disappears:]

The moons came and passed away, and a summer

and a winter had come and gone since Red Kangaroo
had become a warrior. He was 17 years old and few
men of the tribe were as tall as he. And he was deep-
chested and broad-shouldered. No one could throw a
spear so far and to its object.
When not out hunting game or taking his turn on
some post as a watchman, he was always ready to
stand in some clear ground armed with a shield
(heilamon) and a nulla-nulla. And [he would] let the
other warriors throw - from a distance of 100 yds or 80
yards – their spear or boomerang at him, each man
throwing in rotation after he had would block it spear
or boomerang with his shield or nulla. But only the best
warriors would stand up and let him throw a spear or
boomerang at them.
He was the only new-made warrior to kill his man: he
killed two who came with a strong raiding party from
Narrabri to steal their young women (lubras)261 for their
wife. He made his skills three months after he was
made a warrior, spearing one and nulla-nullaring [sic]
the other in a close hand fight.
His voice got stronger every month. His cooee
[yell]262 could be heard a very long way. The chief
Ewing's note.
For overseas readers: A cooee is a slow, loud utterance
designed to carry a long distance. The first syllable is enunciated
very slowly, with a rising pitch on the shorter second syllable,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

didn’t like him. He was jealous of how the old men

predicted he [RK] will be a great leader in battles.
A new moon was born in the sky, and, as was the
custom, a big corroboree dance was held to welcome
the new moon. For days everyone carried wood to a
great heap that would keep the corroboree fire burning
big and brightly for hours and light up all around the
corroboree ring.
But Red Kangaroo, the strongest dancer and the
most active of all, wasn’t there for the corroboree. //MS
Page 18// His friends and relations made much talk
and inquiries, and no one could remember seeing him
from early dark of the night before when he carried
into camp and tossed on [the] corroboree wood-stack a
great pine log no other man in tribe could carry three
No one could say they had seen him since sunrise.
His hunting spears [and] boomerangs were still in his
gunyah (camp made out of tree-bark263). But his war
weapons were all gone, and a possum rug, and he
hadn’t been in any of the parties whose turn it was to
go to lookout posts to watch for enemies.
Nor [was he] in the strong party that camped in the
caves of the big rock on the side of the mountain range
across the Nammoy River east of Gunnedar [sic]. It was
a lookout place that spied upon many open tracts of
country that an enemy had to cross before gaining
cover again. And, from the mountain skyline above, the
watchers could keep their eyes on any enemies coming
up the other side of the ranges from Manilla or from
the fierce New England tribes, particularly those about
Bundarra [and] Kingstown. Then there were the
Barraba-Bingara blacks more to the north. But in every
case they would come in war or a sudden raid to steal
the young women of the Nammoy River Tribe if their
scouts spied out and found the time favourable for a
sudden attack.

thus: kuuuu …. wii! It was used to attract attention, announce

one’s presence, rally one’s companions or call for help.
Ewing’s note.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Big rock . . . east of Gunnedar: Almost certainly

a reference to Nobby Rock, a large outcrop in
the hills 15 kilometres north-east of Gunnedah.
See Map 4 and photographs 2 and 16.
It is impossible to believe that people
standing on the Rock could have seen (“keep
their eyes on”) human figures at a distance of
10 kilometres and more. But the men on look-
out duty would have been able to see the camp-
smokes of a group of foreigners encroaching
into or towards Gunnedah's territory.

But nothing hid that big rock by day from the eyes of
the watchers of the Nammoy River Tribe. Nor even
from those in the various camps about Gunnedarr [sic].
All could see the smoke signals sent off the top of that
great rock by day – and the flash of a fire’s blaze being
screened and unscreened at night – to send warning
messages to the watchers in Gunnedarr. But RK was on
no lookout posts. But [sic] no sign of or tiding of Red
The tribe[s]people talked in secret or where no one
could creep up and hear what they said. Some said
openly and loud in all listeners' ears: “Some party of
enemy tribesmen prowling about spying on the camps,
or on watch to steal some of our young women,
ambushed and captured and took Red Kangaroo away
as a prisoner, or killed him and threw his body in the
Nammoy”, which has been in small floods //MS Page
19// for weeks.
But those who talked in secret and where no one
could hear them said, “This is the chief and elders’
work. They have murdered him in a sudden and
treacherous attack. And perhaps his body is in the
Nammoy River.”
The chief and elders could see Red Kangaroo was
soon going to be chosen as the warrior chief to lead the
tribe in wars or raids by the tribesmen. Distrust and
suspicion had the whole tribe worked up. Any day

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

something said or done would cause the tribe to take


[The Return of RK:]

The moon had waned almost to the end of its last

quarter – and [there was] no tiding of Red Kangaroo.
One morning, as the camp was gathered about its
own gunyah cooking fires, they were startled by a loud
cooeeing [yelling] that came down to them camped at
the Burrell Lagoon from the top of Railway Hill.
Everyone at the sound of the first cooeeing call froze.
But on the cooeeing being repeated, [they] woke to
life. “It’s Red Kangaroo come back!”

Railway Hill: One of the hills west-north-west of

Gunnedah, on the left-hand or western side of
the railway line.
From these hills to the line of the river it is
over six kilometres. Or at least four kilometres,
if we picture a camp-site located west of Burrell
Lagoon where the Boggabri Road now runs. A
strong cooee (I suppose) might just carry so

Warriors grabbed weapons and ran cooing [sic:

cooeeing] to meet him. Lubras and piccinnies [sic]
streamed after them jabbering excitedly. Again they
were all struck dumb when they saw RK marching
behind two young women, holding in his left hand the
ends of the cords about their necks and his heavy war
boomerang in his right hand. The two young women,
carrying wallaby meat across shoulders, walked with
heads up, looking everyone in the eyes.

Geoffrey Blainey hazards three kilometres as possibly
the useful maximum reach of a cooee on a still night (in his Black
Kettle and Full Moon: Daily Life in a Vanished Australia,
Viking/Penguin, Camberwell Vic, 2003, page 125).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

There was greater excitement on seeing Red

Kangaroo had returned to his tribe. He went to his own
gunyah - followed by everyone who had left the camp
to meet him - telling his wives to cast their bundles off.
He took the cords off their necks. “Make a fire and cook
a meal” [he said]. One got wood as the other got the
meat ready.
An uncle of Red Kangaroo came up to him with a
lighted fire stick and handed it to him. Red Kangaroo’s
father had been killed years before in a war. So it was
his uncle’s right to give him fire to light his first
campfire with the tribe now he had brought a wife or
wives //MS Page 20// to live amongst the tribe.
Then RK and his two wives were left to themselves.
But the whole camp were excited to know how, and
itching with curiosity to know how and where, RK got
his two wives. The seven elders of the tribe sent a
command to RK to meet them and all the warriors of
the tribe in camp upon the corroboree ground and to
bring his wives, as all the wives in camp were
commanded to be there.

[Many Wives and No Wives:]

At high sun (mid day) a great muster of the tribe’s

people were there to listen to what RK had to say.
When the oldest elder commanded him to tell them -
why he had gone away from his tribe for almost [a]
whole moon?265 And where he had gone to? And what
he did there in that time? And how he came possessed
of two wives? One wife was all a young warrior of one
summer and winter was entitled to in the laws of their

An uncle: Perhaps his mother's brother. In

Kamilaroi society it was the female line who

Here the punctuation and sentence structure are left as in
the original.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

took most interest in the welfare of its junior


High sun . . . whole moon: “Time was kept in the

day by the sun, and in the night by the position
of the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters in the
northern sky, the time being reckoned by its
position above the horizon. Days [and weeks]
were reckoned by the moon, and elapsed time
by the season” (Dunbar 1943). In Yuwaaliyaay
the word for midday was ngarribaa bidyunda,
from ngarribaa (up) [referring to the sun] and
bidyun-da (middle-at).266

RK had come to the corroboree ground bearing the

war weapon he carried into camp that morning. His two
wives carried something rolled up in possum rugs
slung across their shoulders as when they came into
camp. The wallaby meat they had carried was either
eaten or hanging in RK’s gunyah. There were no cords
around their necks now.
RK in a strong, loud voice said: why had he gone
away from his tribe for almost a whole moon? “I went
away to get myself a wife, and if I hadn’t got one in one
moon, I’d have been away yet for another moon, or
moon after moon. That should not be: that the young
newly-made warriors of this tribe are all wifeless
(except me), a summer or winter after they are Bora-
made warriors.”
“We know there were no marriageable lubras in our
tribe just at that time or even now. But who is to
blame? We all know. It’s the elders and the chief who
have taken as many as three and not less than two
wives each in the last two years – all young wives – and
give their old wives to the new Bora warriors. No
warrior in our tribe should take more than one wife
from our tribeswomen. If he wants other wives, then let
him and other warriors who want more wives make up

Dunbar 1943: 179 and Ash et al. 2003: 124.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

a strong raiding party and raid some other tribe for

their young women. That was done by the chief and
warriors of our tribe long, long ago, and up to the time
of our present chief.” //MS Page 21//
“But the elders with our chief’s agreement and
backing, or our chief with the elders’ consent and
backing in our tribal councils, have made new laws for
themselves, not for the good of our tribe. These new
laws are to suit only themselves.”

High sun: This phrase, meaning “mid day”,

occurs regularly, e.g, below at MS page 25 and
in “The Cassilis Raid”, Document 3C, MS Page 3.
Presumably it was an expression used by Joe
Bungaree himself as the original narrator.

Our chief + elders + council: As noted earlier,

there was no formal post of chief in Aboriginal
society. The man in question, Jerrabri, was no
doubt simply the most powerful fighter -
“warrior chief” being the tag used elsewhere. At
age 38 he was sufficiently influential to have
taken four wives.

“Who gave these elders the right to make these

laws? And who gave our chief the right to either agree
with and back these elders up in making these new
laws? They never called for a tribal council to discuss
their proposed new laws on the rights of elders and
chief to take one or more wives from our tribe’s young
and marriageable lubras. Yet they have done so, in
spite of our old tribal law that has come to us from
word of mouth from even these elders who had been
told from young boyhood by the elders of our tribe
then. And they had been told when boys by the elders
of tribe. So did our laws come to us by word of mouth,
handed down from each group of elders going back to
long, long ago in the time of our first elders and when
our tribe was formed.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

And that tribal law said no man of the tribe – elder,

chief, medicine man (doctor) or warrior – can take
more than one wife from the tribal women if there be
unmarried men in tribe: young new-made warriors or
men whose wife has died. But the young warrior must
get a wife before the widower can put his claim in to
elders’ council that he be allowed to take a wife from
the marriageable young tribeswomen. But no man who
has had a wife from the tribal women can claim for a
second tribal woman for his wife unless there be more
marriageable young tribal women in the tribal women
[words struck out] than there are new Bora-made
warriors. And the youths preparing themselves for next
Bora have to have their right of a wife safeguarded
before any tribesman can take a second wife from the
marriageable young tribeswomen.”
“Yet, when I and the last lot of newly made warriors
passed our Bora tests, there were no marriageable
young women in our tribe for us, because the elders
had all taken a wife, some two wives, and our chief two
young wives although he had a wife and had given his
oldest and first wife to a previous Bora ceremony test[?
ed] warrior.
So you see: our chief has had four wives and is 38
summers and winters old. And our tribal law said those
who want more than one wife must seek them from
other tribes by making up a raiding party to go and
steal some tribe’s young marriageable women and
take //MS Page 22// the risk of losing their life in trying
to steal a wife and carry her off from her tribesmen.
But the elders and chief of our tribe took the
marriageable young lubras for wives, and when the last
Bora ceremony made young warriors for our tribe,
there were no wives for them!”

Medicine man (doctor): The Gamilaraay term

was wiringin or wirringan. In Aboriginal English,
“Clever Men”. Called ‘SHAMANS’ by the
anthropologists [pronounced "shey-m'nz",
singular: shaman].

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

‘Clever Men’ were believed to possess a

supernatural belt or cord; invisible wings; magic
stones (crystals of clear quartz); and a mystical
personal flame. These they used to fly or climb
though the air: a power they displayed by
crossing from tree-top to tree-top unsupported;
and to walk on fire; to perceive events at
impossible distances; and run at incredible
speeds. In a world in which all serious illness
was due to sorcery, they cured ailments within
their own groups and inflicted sickness on
distant enemies.267
In The Red Chief (chapter 11), Idriess
presents the leading Clever-Man of Gunnedah
as the malign influence behind the self-serving
group of elders led by “chief” Jerrabri. This
theme does not occur in the surviving Ewing

No more than one wife from the tribal women,

etc: It is very difficult to interpret this passage.
We know that most marriages were pre-
arranged through betrothal or promises when
girls were still babies, sometimes even before
the girl-babies were born. And certainly tensions
and jealousies could have built up, given that it
was entirely normal for middle-aged men to
have three or more WIVES. But there was no need
for any explicit rule about taking just one wife
from within one’s own group. The fact is that the
small size of a community, and the rule of 'clan
exogamy' (never marrying a person of one's
own totem), meant that most marriages had to
be with people from a different community.
Young women left their own ‘tribe’ (band) when
they married and moved to live with their
husband’s ‘tribe’ (band).
One can only speculate that the strife was
due to the older men taking too many of the
Elkin Aboriginal Men of High Degree 1945/1977; O’Rourke 1997:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

available women, with the result that young

men could not obtain wives from nearby groups
(members of the same “tribe” in the sense of
using the same dialect). The younger men may
have felt too that the older men were being
unhelpful in declining to join wife-stealing raids
to obtain women from more distant groups.
An alternative guess is that the issue was
simply Red Kangaroo himself as an individual.
Possibly there was no quarrel about rules or
principles. Perhaps it was a quarrel about him
and his cohort getting wives (“I and the last
lot”). Although already physically powerful at
the age of 17, RK would have lacked moral
influence. Perhaps he was seeking moral
authority by criticising the more influential
members of his community?
RK’s uncle is mentioned (see earlier).
Unfortunately we do not know anything about
the role played by RK’s immediate kin, not even
whether this uncle was a paternal uncle or a
maternal uncle. Ordinarily it would have been
RK’s maternal uncle who sought out a marriage
partner for him. Fathers took less of an
interest.268 But in any case RK’s father was dead.
Conceivably - but this is very speculative - the
problem arose because RK lacked a maternal
uncle to find him a wife.

“That is why, after a year, I went to get a wife for

myself from some other tribe. And it took a month in
enemy country before I did get not only one wife but
“And you my tribesmen have heard the elder say
one wife is all that a warrior of one year is entitled to
by the laws of our tribe! But you my tribesmen know
that the elder who speaks for the elders’ council has
not fully spoken our tribal law that a year-old warrior is
On baby bestowal and the role of the maternal uncle, see
O'Rourke 1997: 167-69.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

entitled to one wife only. The law says “to one wife
only out of the tribal young marriageable women”. And
that is the law for all men in our tribe unless there are
times when there are more marriageable women than
men in the tribe. And also when a warrior’s wife dies:
then he may get a 2nd wife from the tribal women if all
other claimants have been supplied. But just listen to
me with both ears. I have no tribal wife! But I have
every right by our tribal laws to a wife from out of my
tribal unmarried young women. Our laws don’t make a
limit of the wives we should have, whom we get from
other tribes. And my two wives are women from
another tribe to ours.”

[RK’s Visit to Coonabarabran:]

“Now I will tell you where I went to get a wife: into

the territory of the Coonabarabran tribe. And mostly by
day I slept in caves because I roamed the country in
the young moonlight, and in the dark too, spying on
various camps. They are numerous those
Coonabarabran tribe and have their camps – large ones
– miles apart. But there are small parties camped in
numbers of places, some within a day’s walk of here.”

Coonabarabran tribe: From the mention of

Mullaley as a borderland area (below: MS Page
27), we would assume that the Coonabarabran
and Gunnedah peoples constituted adjoining
Idriess, 1953, chapter five, also speaks of
groups or grouplets at “Coolah, Bomera,
Weetalibah, Deringulla, Ulamambri, right to the
fighting tribes of the Warrumbungle Ranges”
[all in the Coonabarabran-Cassilis sector].269 One
can only guess that some of these grouplets,
e.g at Ulamambri, were bands within the
Coonabarabran community, while others, e.g. at
Weetalibah near Coolah is not to be confused with
Weetaliba near Gunnedah.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Coolah, belonged to the wider community of


Within a day’s walk of here: In the next

document, we will read of RK’s attack on
Cassilis. He led a war-band from Gunnedah to
Cassilis – more than 115 kilometres away -
apparently in less than two days. This was a
forced march, so we are safe in believing that
Aborigines could very easily make 25 kilometres
in a day travelling at a steady but deliberate
pace. After all, they were well-trained walkers.
From Gunnedah to Coonabarabran it is about
100 kilometres as the crow flies. Mullaley lies on
Coxs Creek about 35 kilometres southwest of
Gunnedah. See Maps 1 and 2. Thus RK seems
to be saying that some Coonabarabran people
were camped on the Gunnedah side of Mullaley
(which is not referred to by name until later: see
MS Page 27: there the Mullaley Plains are
mentioned as a borderland between the
Coonabarabran and Gunnedah territories).
Presumably a few Coonabarabran people were
trespassing on Gunnedah land.
It is odd that RK should need to point this out,
because the Gunnedah people would have
known where Coonabarabran territory began.
But the narrator, Joe Bungaree, was telling the
tale to white men.

Up in the Warrumbungles there are many caves:

great ones that our whole tribe couldn’t fill. Up there in
daylight you could see a man coming up the mtns [sic]
a half-day before he could get up to you.
When the moon got bigger and gave longer light, I
left the high mountains and came down into the
scrubby land and day after day watched parties of
women and children leave camp to go fishing:
musselling in creeks and rivers or hunting small game.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

There were young women with the older women and

picinnies [sic]. But they kept close together.
Going down the river one night, in the dark because
the moon was late, I saw camp fires. Creeping near, [I]
could see a lot of children and old & young women and
a number of warriors about fires. When the moon rose
[I] sought for a place to sleep and hide in next day and
spy on that camp.
The reeds were six and more feet high, and in
daylight [I] could see the creek was shallow with a
white-sand bottom, with here and there a small deep
hole of water. The river had great lengths of tall reedy
banks on both sides.
When daylight came, [I] could see the camp was a
temporary one and only made not many weeks before,
judging by small ash-heap of fire places.
Soon the camp fires were alight and everyone
seemed to be grouped about them. After a time, the 10
warriors in camp got together and later two stayed in
camp and eight went off in parties across the river to
hunt big game: kangaroo or wallaby. //MS Page 23//
After a lot of yabbering, the lubras and some young
women and a lot of piccinnies came wading up the
river – about 30 of them. They were laughing and
shouting and the youngest boys racing in the shallow
water, until two lubras took command and put them all
[to] looking for mussels and set older ones netting
potholes or spearing fish in shallow holes. But they
kept coming up-river, and all the hunting party of men
had gone into the thick scrub down-river but across on
other side.

[Left Behind:]

Two young lubras carrying bark-plaited bags slung

across shoulders seemed to be getting mussels and
putting [them] in their bags as they worked along the
reedy edge of river bank, and they were being left
Watching them from reeds of creek now only 100
yds away, [I] saw the two young lubras step quickly

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

into the reeds of river bank. And the picciniies and

older lubras were now wading upriver 50 yds away:
would they leave river and come into reedy creek [or]
perhaps divide party into creek & river? But a shout
from a boy who had speared a big fish in a mid-river
pothole caused all to rush over to see the fish, and
other boys eager to spear a fish as big or bigger rushed
ahead causing the lubras to hurry after and switch
them all back to a proper line across the shallow water.
By that time, all were past the creek’s mouth and going

Switch them: Herding them using a branchlet or

switch from a tree?

Where had those two young lubras gone? After a

good wait, the reeds along [the] river bank began to
sway about. Looking quickly across river, [I] could see
none of the hunting party. The lubras and piccinny
party were going fast up-river. The camp fires were out
and only a few old lubras about. The two warriors were
under the bushes-and-grass mia-mias.

Bushes-and-grass mia-mias: The statements

here and also in Document 3C: MS Page 2
("bushes & tree-bark mia-mias") seem to
confirm that on the Liverpool Plains huts were
sometimes substantial dwellings, more like
those of the far western plains.
This is already clear from Cunningham’s
discovery in 1825 of large solidly-built huts with
conical roofs between Mullaley and Boggabri
(see the chronology in the Introduction).
Elsewhere, including in New England, many
Aboriginal groups usually built simple lean-to’s
using just one or two sheets of bark. The
Gunnedah people too sometimes built simple

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

shelters of this kind ("lean-to mia-mias",

mentioned in Document 3C at MS Page 12).270

Hidden in the creek reeds, [I] saw the two young

lubras slip out of reeds and run to mouth of creek and
wade along it. They didn’t stop to tread for mussel[s],
just walked quick along for half as mile. And I followed
through the reeds, keeping them in sight. Thinking
they were going to meet some other party unknown to
their camp people, I had my weapons ready against
surprise by someone sitting in the reeds.
The young lubras came suddenly across to my side
of the creek, climbed up to bank and they laughed and
pointed to the older lubras and the piccinny party.
They talked, and I knew all they said: ‘Let’s go up to
the big rock where we got so many fish the last time
we slipped away from the old women and piccinnies.
We will get duck eggs in the reeds now it’s nesting
time.’ ‘Won’t our mothers be angry with us?’ ‘Oh, when
they see the fish and eggs they won’t say much!’
I knew that rock: I’d drunk water there and eaten
fresh duck eggs two mornings ago. There was a cave
100 yards away hidden in scrub. I’d found it chasing a
snake to make a meal off [sic].

[RK Captures Nareen and Naroo:]

Keeping well in cover and behind, [I] followed them

to the big rock. They put a net in [the] rock hole and
then went duck egg hunting in reeds of creek. I slipped
into reeds and waited until they separated. One said,
“Oh, I’ve got a lot of eggs: come and see them”. “So
have I got some here.”
They wandered apart, eyes watching ground. I
slipped through reeds as one lubra knelt putting eggs
in her [xxx] bag. The other one was walking away with
[her] back to me about 30 yds. With my nulla [I gave]
Bushes used to build huts: see sketch in Parker 1905
(plate 4). Western plains: Oxley 1820 and Sturt 1833. For a survey
of the sources, see Allen 1968.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the one kneeling a crack on skull to stun her. She

dropped instantly, and [I] gagged her mouth and tied
her hands behind her back and looked for the
other //MS Page 24// lubra.
She came walking towards me 20 yds away. I held
all the reeds about me. She said, ‘Where are you,
Nareen?” Then she said, “Oh here’s the best nest of
all”. And she dropped down with bag and began to put
eggs in.
One crack and she lay still! And I gagged and tied
her hands also. Then ran back to first one. She was
coming conscious.
I fixed my weapons about me and carried her on my
shoulders with my boomerang in right hand, put her
inside cave, returned for the other one. And then tied
both their legs and looked at gags and saw they were
secure. Then went out and got the bags with eggs and
fish-net with four fish: put all in cave. Then crept up to
spy on the river camp and the scrub where hunting
party had gone. All quiet: no one in sight. Returned and
wiped out all tracks about rock hole and duck nests.
Hurried to cave. Found both lubras fully recovered their
I rolled up my cooked meat keeping out enough for
my high-sun meal. Packed my food and rolled it up in
my possum rug – had my water gourd of skin full. Ate
good meal – offered the two lubras a drink but they
only glared like tiger-cats.

Nareen: Here we learn her name for the first


Tiger-cats: Quolls or native cats, genus

Dasyurus, nowadays locally extinct (or at least
very, very rare). Compare Native Cat Creek and
Native Cat Plain, place-names to the west of
Gunnedah. Historically quolls were first
recorded by Gould in 1839 (see in Datta 1997:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

To stop in cave until darkness came was too risky.

There was too much daylight and we were too close to
the camp and there were bigger camps not many miles
away. Once the young lubras were found to be missing
from the lubras & piccinny party, and were not up with
party at high sun, then that party would hurry back to
camp. And when they hadn’t gone back to the camp,
and hadn’t kept up with the older women and
piccinnies, then the alarm would be sent out by smoke
signals and runners to other camps.
It was safer to go now in my journey back home in
the high-sun time and chance meeting some small
party out hunting. If I saw them first, might have time
to take cover and let them pass by. The lubras couldn’t
call out or strike a stone or stick on something to make
a noise to call attention to them. Whilst to hide in cave
until dark meant six hours of sunlight, and with all the
women and the piccinnies scouting to pick up the
young lubras’ track from where they were last seen,
near river’s reedy bank before coming up past where
the reedy creek ran into river, [sentence not
And the lubras of 30 years old are the best trackers
in a tribe, from their lifetime of running the tracks of all
small game for food – animals – birds - reptiles –
insects. All that hop run, creep or wriggle on the
ground leave tracks the lubra knows and can follow.
And they had only to get my track to tell them an
enemy had trailed and spied on them and their camp,
and had by now stolen the two young lubras. And, with
all eyes on my track, they would find the cave I hid in
and held the lubras prisoners.

[“With Tears Falling From Their Eyes”:]

Putting a hide cord about each lubra’s neck //MS

Page 25// [I] told them they were to be my wives. And
that they were to walk or run in front of me all the way
to my tribe’s camps at Gunnedah.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Undoing the cords about their ankles, [I] told them to

stand up. They sat and scowled at me. “Get up.” – Not
a move. I jerked the neck cords. It cut off their wind,
choked them. Their hands were tied; they could not
unloose the cord. I watched their eyes and lips. Then I
unloosed cord, gave them breathing time, then said,
“Get to your feet”. Nareen stood up; Naroo sat and
scowled at me. I jerked her neck cord again, and told
Nareen to stand whilst I put her game-bag across her
shoulders. She lifted a foot and held it out at Naroo.
“Yes, when your pack is on your shoulders.”

Naroo: Here we are given her name for the first

time. She also appears in the tale about the
raiders from Cassilis (Document 3C).
Naroo would have been her totem name:
possibly Ridley’s “Gnaroo” [?Ngaru], Black

For five times Naroo forced me to choke her with

cord. Then on sixth time, she jumped and stood for me
to put her game-bag across her shoulders.
Leaving them standing in cave, [I] went and spied
about and found all quiet and no-one in sight and no
sound of voices. Went [to] cave and said, “Come out.”
And pointing said, “Jog along ahead of me”. They
turned about, looked to their camp and then turned,
jogged on in front the way I pointed, with tears falling
from their eyes. For three hours we walked and ran and
[then] came to a cave up in a hard place to get to, a

Austin gives garrang-ay (Bucknell’s “curring-a”) for
Black Duck, i.e. Anas superciliosa, the Pacific black duck. More
likely, as Ash et al. 2003: 81. 173 propose, garrang-ay meant
duck in general (name for any duck); they note that in
Yuwaalaraay black duck was budhanbaa. They record no
Gamil’raay word for black duck. Thus Ridley’s (1875) “gnaroo”
may well have been the correct Gamilaraay word. Cf Gamil’raay
ngaru+ stem word for the verb ‘to drink (something)’; and ngaarr,
‘hard, strong’.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

place one could see all about for a long way in

Undoing Naroo’s arms, [I] helped her up into cave
and tied her arms again and went back for Nareen
whose arms had to be free also. She climbed up
quickly and went into cave. I said, “Naroo: I am going
to eat and drink. Will you eat and drink if I free your
arms? We will travel all tonight and where and when
we eat again is hard to say”.
She spoke for the first time: “I am thirsty and I could
eat some eggs. I won’t scream or call out here”. So she
drank and ate some eggs. Then I tied her up, hands
now in front, but tied so she couldn’t lift [them] up to
mouth to pull her gag out. Nareen drank and ate some
cooked meat, no eggs raw.
As we were in the high mountains, we could only
walk. So, whilst the daylight lasted, I pushed on.
Another drink and cooked meat before dark. And then
all night we travelled. I had walked this part by dark
and the moonlight.
Towards morning, it got cold in the mtns [sic] and
the sun wouldn’t rise for three hours. I knew a small
cave not very far away. Coming near it, tied the two
lubras about a sapling and crept to cave and listened
for any breathing, hearing none. Crawled in and felt
about with spear in left hand and tomahawk in right.
No one there. Brought the lubras, got the big bundle of
grass I’d left propped up along wall on a forky pole,
spread it down and took lubras’ bags off and undid my
possum rug. Taking a cord, tied their right feet
together. Told them to lie on the grass on cave floor,
spread the possum rug over us. Woke [?], and
listening, heard birds. Got up, looked out: just breaking
Our cooked meat was almost finished. This place
was safest to make a small fire to cook with. Got fire
wood and made a fire. When [?] the lubras up, freed
their hands but gagged them and kept their right foot
[sic] tethered together. Cooked all the duck eggs in
bark ashes and grilled the wallaby meat I had in my
pack. We ate a good meal, for we had a long way to go

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

through my enemies’ country and by now a strong

party was on my track waiting for daylight.
Packing each lubra and securing their arms to side.
[Sic: incomplete sentence.] They were carrying my
possum rug and water gourd, for I must be free for
action for using [my] spear, boomerang, shield or other
weapons should I be attacked.
We went along now at a jog-trot, stopping once
when I killed a big wallaroo, and chopped best meat off
with my tomahawk. At high sun we stopped in a thick
pine scrub and I ate a good meal and so did Nareen
who was freed first. Then, tying Nareen’s arms & fixing
gag, unloosed Naroo. //MS Page 26// She ate a big
meal quickly and drank deeply of our water.
We had to get more water to fill the gourd. Naroo
said, “Can’t you let our arms be unbound now? We
could travel faster.” “Not until you get to my tribe’s
camps.” She laughed and said, “Nareen: what do you
think of your husband man?”

[Intercepted by Coonabarabran Men:]

We jogged along for two hours and came to a creek

with water. [I was] Filling the gourd - I had just tied it to
Naroo’s pack - when two men, one carrying a
kangaroo, came out of the scrubby timber onto clear
ground on [the] opposite side of creek 60 yards away.
They called out, “Naroo – Nareen – When did you come
here? Where is your camp?”
I was standing just behind the lubras. “Who’s the
warrior with you?” the oldest said. The young man
shouted as he fitted a spear to his wommerah [sic].
“See, they are gagged & arms tied! He is some
enemy!” He raised his arm to cast his spear. But mine
was on the way and took him through the chest.
“Throw yourselves on the ground, girls!” the elder
man shouted. But they stood still on their feet. He ran
up the creek to get a clear throw at me. And I didn’t
know if they were alone or the first of some party
making camp for the night on this creek.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

He had a spear; I had none now. But had my war

boomerang, tomahawk, nulla [sic] and my father’s
shield that had V-shaped sharp ends.

V-shaped: Shaped thus to serve as an extra

offensive weapon - to cut an opponent's throat
(see the next several paragraphs in the text). In
the battle with the Bundarra men, we will find
Red Kangaroo telling his companions, “Don’t
forget you have V-ends on your shields” (below:
MS Page 32). Presumably, when he became war-
leader, he required all the Gunnedah men to
shape their shields with sharp v-ends.
In The Red Chief, chapter 7, Idriess makes the
shield his grandfather’s.

He threw his spear which I blocked with my shield. I

threw my boomerang which he turned away with his
shield. I moved back to get his spear. He must have
thought I was trying to get away from him. He ran
towards me and cast his boomerang. I turned it aside,
and, keeping my eyes on him, went in search of his
spear. He ran across the creek and towards me. I threw
a stone and hit him on the chest. And still walked and
looked for his spear in the long grass. He came close
swinging his nulla. We met circling and hitting with
nulla but blocking with shield or nulla. He kept rushing
me and I could see his wind was failing him. But he had
years of war experience and I was looking for a chance
to end this fight quick. I feared others of his tribe might
arrive any moment.
He ran at me and threw his nulla [sic] at my knee. I
was watching him but not for that! But I managed to
jump high and his nulla [sic] hit the ground and
skidded away. I landed on the ground, ran at him and
threw my nulla at his belly. He blocked it with his shield
but I had come right up to him now and jabbed him in
the throat, a slashing sweep with my sharp-ended
shield. He went down, almost a dead man as he hit the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

ground. I’d cut his throat right across and to his neck-
Quickly I ran across creek, pulled my spear out of the
young warrior, took his boomerang and tomahawk and
his possum rug. Also the older man’s rug he had
thrown down with his tomahawk wrapped in it. Found
my own boomerang. Ran back and picked up the nulla
and spear of the elder man. Went to the two young
lubras. They pointed to my nulla and where the other
spear was. My own tomahawk I’d lost. It had //MS Page
27// come loose in its hide carrier fastened to my
girdle and had slipped out where I’d filled my water
Had that middle aged warrior Kulki, whom the young
lubras xxx [illegible] me [sic: incomplete sentence].
[He] was reckoned the bravest and most fearless
warrior in the Coonabarabran tribe. His brother was the
chief but he led all war parties. The warriors of the tribe
wanted him to be their chief. But he said his brother
was the best chief for them, whilst he only could fight
to kill men.
Taking the lubras away down the creek into thick
scrub, [I] made up two bundles of possum rugs with
war weapon[s] and gave each lubra one to carry.
Bearing away from the creek, [we] struck for the hill-
ranges that would lead out onto Mullaley Plains. Once
across the Plains [I] would be in my own territory.

Girdle: Men wore a girdle or belt (Gamil: buurr).

It was woven from human and/or animal hair, up
to six inches [150 cm] wide and long enough to
be wound several times around the waist.272

Kulki: His name is introduced entirely casually,

just as earlier Nareen and Naroo began their
part in the story before the narrator had
supplied their names.

Document 3B, MS Page 26; also Mathews 1904a: 267;
Parker 1905: 120; and Dunbar 1943: 141.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“The bravest and most fearless …”: Here we

have an epic-like element. In Greco-Roman and
other epics it is always a prominent opponent
that the hero kills at a key point (see the
discussion of Epics in the Introduction).

Mullaley: First mention. One imagines that the

“hill-ranges” were those around 'Garrawilla',
south-west of Mullaley.

At dusk we came to the range that leads down to the

plains. Here we rested, after a good meal, for three
hours by the star-setting time. “Why didn’t you girls
throw yourselves onto the ground when the warrior
called to you to do so? Had you done that, he would
have had a close target in me to spear at.” “We knew
that, but we are your wives now.”
We crossed Mullaley Plains and made camp before
morning on Railway Hill.
“There, you have heard why I left the tribe for a
moon’s time; where I went; what I did there; and how I
got myself two wives.”
The elders had been angry but also very uneasy
whilst RK talked, and the chief was angry, jealous and
envious of RK. But he meant to show his chief-ship
authority backed by the elders. He strode across to RK
and his two wives, followed by his oldest wife. He said,
“I am giving you a tribeswoman for a wife. As you said,
there were no marriageable women in the tribe when
you were made a new warrior. Here she is: take her!”
RK said, “You can’t give what I haven’t asked you to
give. I don’t refuse to take a wife from amongst my
tribeswomen. But until I demand my just right, no-one
can force their wife on me.”
The chief said, “It’s the order of the elders and my
right as chief that I take one of these women of the
Coonabarabran tribe as my wife in exchange for the
tribeswoman wife I give you. I will take this one”, he
said, seizing Naroo by the hair and pulling her towards

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Her hand flashed to his girdle and tore his nulla from
it. Then Naroo struck him in the face, knocking him
down with blood spurting from his nostrils. Naroo stood
with nulla upraised and said, “Handle your own wives
as you wish! But I’m Red Kangaroo’s wife, and I’ll kill
any man but him who dares lay hand on me.”
The chief got to his feet and grabbed a boomerang
from his girdle to throw //MS Page 28// at Naroo. But
RK had rushed up and tore it from his hand. “If you are
a man, Chief Jerrabri, you’ll fight Red Kangaroo and not
his woman! Here’s your boomerang!” [he said],
dropping it at [the] chief’s feet. “But it needs a man to
throw it in a fight against a man.”

Star-setting time: Dunbar (1943: 179) has

explained that time was kept in the night by the
position of the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters in
the northern sky, the time being reckoned by its
position above the horizon.

Jerrabri: First use of his name. As with other

characters, he enters the story for some time
before being accorded his name.

The whole of the warriors and elders knew that RK

challenged chief Jerrabri to fight him - and he couldn’t
refuse - because he had broken two tribal laws. [First:]
to take, or attempt to take, by force from a tribesman a
wife or wives he has stolen by raiding from another
tribe. Such wife or wives cannot be taken by any
tribesman from the tribesman who stole them. But the
tribesman who stole the woman or women can give her
or them to any of his tribesmen. And [second:] no
tribesman has the right to throw a war or hunting
weapon, or hold in hand and strike with one, to hurt or
kill the wife or wives of a tribesman. The tribesman
alone has that right to use against his wife or wives.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

RK’s friends, and they were many, rushed about him,

and the chief’s friends and the elders gathered about
The chief was furious with anger and hate, jealousy,
envy of RK; but Naroo had injured his pride and made
him a byword in the tribe. He had to fight RK by the
tribal law’s penalties for breaking them. If he refused,
he would be driven out from tribe or [made] outcast.
But he wanted to fight RK. Jealousy and envy had
spurred him on the moment he saw RK returning to
tribe bring[ing] two wives from another tribe. And the
more he heard and saw of RK’s raiding, and the sight of
his two wives, made his hate more bitter and his envy
greater. He would fight and kill RK and then the victor
took [sic] the vanquished[’s] property. He would show
that Naroo who was her master then! And she would
feel the weight of his nulla, to make her sorry for many

[The Duel with Jerrabri:]

The fight came off in seven days’ time on the open

plain where the grass had been burnt off: nothing but
clear level ground. They were to use all war weapons,
standing 100 yards apart. They had two spears each;
two boomerangs; [a] tomahawk; nulla; and their
Relatives and close friends of each man inspected
the war weapons and took them to each man’s position
and laid [them] upon the ground. Then they all left,
except one man from each party. They stayed until the
contestants came out. They helped to fix weapon[s] in
girdle. When each man had fitted a spear in
wommerah and stuck the second spear upright in
ground, these two men walked to centre between [the]
fighters and walked backwards facing the centre of
duelling ground; stopped at distance of 20 yds to one
side; and then they shouted loudly one call.
Each man’s spear left its wommerah and the lookers-
on saw the shields turn them aside. Whilst Jerrabri’s
had taken the spear in one edge and right through, just

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

grazing his hip [sic: ill-formed sentence.] He trod and

broke spear and had to ward off boomerang. He threw
his and it was glanced away. Each man blocked the
second boomerang //MS Page 29//. Then they moved
up closer to each other, tomahawk and shield in hand,
each watching for an opening to throw or jump in close
and chop. But both th[rew?] at each other’s tomahawk
hand and warded away with shield. Nullas were now in
use to strike blows or block one.
RK stepped back and back to draw Jerrabri to rush
him, and Jerrabri came at him shouting abuse. Lifting
his nulla high and throwing it low, RK used the trick the
great Coonabarabran warrior had used, though
unsuccessfully, against him (owing to RK’s nimbleness
and good eyesight).
The nulla struck Jerrabri on his left kneecap. As he
fell backwards, RK ran in on him, snatched his nulla out
of his hand and smashed it to his left temple. Then
slashed the sharp V-end of his [RK’s] heilamon
(shield)273 across his throat.
After the fight RK claimed the victor’s rights: all the
three wives of Jerrabri and all his war weapons, hunting
weapons and household (gunyah) goods.
There were seven who were Bora-made warriors at
the same time as RK; none of these had got a wife yet.
So RK told them he would let them draw lot for the two
young lubra widows of Jerrabri. The warrior who drew
the longest emu feather and the warrior who drew the
shortest feather, from seven feathers he held in his
shut fist with only the seven quill-tips showing, would
win a wife.
The middle-aged widow of Jerrabri he gave to a
warrior whose wife had died not long before and left
two young children.
Jerrabri had no children by his wives. He divided the
household goods among the three widows before they
became wives again. He kept Jerrabri’s nulla-nulla and

Ewing's note. Round brackets mark wording in the
original manuscript. Square brackets are used when I as editor
have added a few words. MO’R.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

gave the hunting weapons and war [ones] to Jerrabri’s

The tribe held a big tribal council of warriors, and
nine picked warriors with seven to 20 years’
experience in wars and raid[s] came to [ask] RK to be
their war-chief. He said, “I am still a boy, although in
fair fight I have killed five grown warriors. In two more
years, if I am still alive and in health and strength, if
the tribe wants me then to be their warrior chief, I will
accept. But my head is only a boy’s now, and the tribe
needs middle-aged heads to think and plan for wars
and scheme how to get out of a tight place when the
enemy are many and your party a small one. Give me
a fighting-party leadership under your new chief.”
So the tribe chose his uncle as war-chief for two
years. And before those two years had half gone, the
name of Red Kangaroo was known and feared by
our //MS Page 30// tribe’s enemies. And those three
rapid blows RK struck to kill Jerrabri in their duel were
put into song and tale by the tribe. And the fame of
those blows, and the man RK who made them, was
carried far down the Nammoy River and many miles N,
S, E and West about the camps of RK at Gunnedah.

Tribal council of warriors (and) a fighting-party

leadership: We noted earlier (see commentary
under para. 3 in Document One) that the
majority opinion among anthropologists holds
that there were no chiefs and no formal councils
of elders among the Aborigines. But sometimes
groups did deliberate as whole groups, and
there were people who took the lead in various
The Gamil’raay term was dhuurranmay,
literally ‘that which is top of its group or kind’,
applied to any group of things or people (Ash et
al. 2003: 68). We may guess that this would
have been the term covering ‘a fighting-party
leadership’ as well as leadership at a corroboree
or of a hunting party.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[RK Plans to Strengthen the Tribe:]

When RK was made warrior chief he told the warriors

at his first council with them that the old seven elders
had never had the tribe’s good first in their thoughts.
Such old men with such young wives! In a tribe with
young warriors with old wives or no wives at all! New
elders this tribe must get and get th… [illegible] day.
And the old elders would be allowed to keep one wife.
But each other wife who was a tribeswoman would be
taken back to the tribe.
“You all know [he said] no man, chief, elder,
medicine-man can have two tribeswomen-wives in our
tribe unless [there are] special circumstances. This
tribe must find wives for its newly made warriors. If
there are not enough in the tribeswomen, then we
must raid other tribes to get wives for our young
warriors. Our tribe will die out if there are no wives and
children. For where are the new warriors to come from
to take the place of the warriors killed? “
“We are not a strong tribe now, though we are 60
spears. We can’t hold & keep our wonderful territory
for long, because next Bora only six warriors will be
made. We know there are tribes 100 and even some
with 150 spears, four to seven suns’ march from us.
But there are tribes near us with no more spears than
we have.”
“Shall we hunt and fish and eat & sleep and grow fat
and lazy, not able to run or to throw a spear 40 yards?
Then one day a new and a numerous enemy comes
suddenly on us, and we are killed because we have
forgotten how to use war weapons or never learned. Do
you want that to happen in your lifetime?"
“No! Then I will tell you what we must do: carry war
to the tribes near, of our own strength. Kill in fight the
warriors who fight against us. Give life to those who
come in to our tribe. Let them bring their wives and
children to build up our tribe’s strength. We can do this
to four tribes close to us. We lose men fighting with

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

them as small parties out hunting or on a small raid.

Let us next attack them suddenly as a war party!”

60-100 spears etc: The authenticity or

credibility of these figures can be tested in
broad terms using data from the 1800s.
If men of fighting age constituted from one-
third to one quarter of the total community,
then we have group populations of 180-400
(men, women and children) [minimum 60 x 3 =
180; maximum 100 x 4 = 400].
As we noted earlier, territories seem to have
ranged from 2,500 sq km to over 7,000 sq km
(above: commentary to 3B, MS Page 16). Thus
the typical POPULATION DENSITY in RK's time
would appear to have been from 14 to 18
square kilometres per person; a high figure
would be six sq km per person [2,500/180 =
13.8; 7,250/400 =18.1; and high figure:
2,500/400 = 6.25].
These densities are quite consistent with
latter-day observations from the 1800s and
1900s. The "typical" figure of 14-18 is of the
same order as inland Arnhem Land [one person
per 20 sq km there]. The "high" figure of six is
of the same order as for inland western Victoria
and on the lower Darling River, NSW (three to
nine sq km per person).
If anything, the implied population densities
in RK's time are too low. As noted in the
Introduction, smallpox swept across south-east
Australia after RK's time, in the period 1790-
1840, and large numbers died. We would expect
the population before 1790 to have been
correspondingly higher.274
For a general discussion: O'Rourke 1997: 135 ff.
Arnhem Land: Warner 1958: 16. Inland western Victoria:
Lourandos 1977, 1997 and Critchett 1990. Lower Murray River
basin: Teulon in Curr 1886 (and commentary by Kefous 1988).
Smallpox: Judy Campbell Invisible Invaders 2001.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

In short, Joe Bungaree’s presentation in the

Ewing Papers does not contain implied
population densities that are obviously

And RK carried out this plan. Before he was 40 years

old, his tribe had 140 spears and young warriors
coming into the war-parties every year. Six small tribes
had been absorbed into the original, and every warrior
had a wife. Five-year warriors had two or three. The
children were numerous. And RK had led strong raiding
parties of one and five year warriors to as far as [the]
Barwon River-Nammoy junction, about where Walgett
is now, to raid the Barwon tribes of their young women.
They were successful. [Also] Raids as far as Moree
and //MS Page 31// Murrurundi and into New England

140 spears: This implies a total community

figure of (say) 560; or perhaps as many as 700
if one prefers to imagine that there were four
babies, boys, girls, women and old men for
every one "warrior".
As noted earlier, the territory of the
Gunnedah "tribe" extended for perhaps 5,000 to
7,000 sq km. This suggests that the population
density at the peak of RK's career was of the
order of one person per nine or 10 sq km
[5,000/560 = 8.9; 7,000/700 = 10.0].
Again, this is not a higher density than was
observed in historical times (sparser than the
estimates for inland western Victoria and the
lower Darling River NSW around 1840).

The tribe holding the territory where Bundarra and

Kingstown towns now are were a very fierce warlike
tribe. They had raided the Goonoo-goonoo [sic] tribe
near where Tamworth is and also the Maneela river

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

(Manilla river) tribe, and took many young lubras away

and killed a number of the warriors who gave fight to
Both these tribes sent envoys to RK asking his help
with a strong force, to go with their small combined
forces, to help them get their women back. And RK’s
party were to have all the Bundarra young women
taken. But if many were taken perhaps RK would give
some to them.

Raiding to Walgett, Moree, New England etc: As

the crow flies, the distance from Gunnedah to
each of these districts is: Walgett 230
kilometres; Moree 180 km; Murrurundi 105 km;
New England [Kingstown] 100 km; Goonoo
Goonoo 65 km; and Manilla 50 km.
Goonoo Goonoo Creek enters the Peel River
at Tamworth. Presumably there was one
community or tribelet holding the triangle
formed by Goonoo Goonoo Creek and the
middle Peel [Map 2].
In the 19th century these were all Gamil'raay-
speaking territories, except for New England.
The language of the highlanders of the
Kingstown-Bundarra region was Yugambal.
It may seem incredible that the Gunnedah
men raided as far as Walgett. After all, we would
expect to find, in 230+ kilometres of river-land,
four or five potentially hostile communities. RK
would first have had to “absorb” or make
alliances with (say) the communities as far as
Wee Waa. Even then, between Wee Waa and
Walgett there would still have been (say) two
further communities whose permission was
needed for the Gunnedah men to transit their
territories and so reach Walgett. On the other
hand, we have record of Aboriginal war-bands

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

sometimes travelling as far as 160 kilometres

[100 miles] to fight distant enemies.275
The Walgett men may have been known
personally to the Gunnedah men from their
having met at ceremonies, for a Bora
sometimes drew in groups from hundreds of
kilometres away. And sorcery was the most
common grievance between widely separated
groups (as we know from the Top End of the
Northern Territory: cf Hiatt 1965: 123). In
Aboriginal societies black magic was believed to
explain nearly all deaths, including those that
today we would attribute to natural causes.
(Suppose someone died by being struck from a
falling tree branch. We would say ‘just a freak
accident’. To the Aboriginal mind, however, the
question was ‘who influenced the person to be
there when the branch fell?’)
We may guess, therefore, although it is only a
guess, that the Gunnedah men believed that
one of more of their people had been killed by
the sorcery of the Walgett people. We may
further guess that the intervening communities
concurred, and, for that reason, allowed the
Gunnedah men to travel through their lands to
reach Walgett.
So, if difficult to believe, it is not impossible
that the Gunnedah men may have raided

RK took a full day to consider the [illegible] proposal

in council with his warriors. The prizes of the Bundarra
young women from a raid were of no great concern to
our tribe. But, “It’s another thing to have this Bundarra
tribe come raiding so close to our territory. Next time, if
they are not dealt with very soon, they will catch us off
our camps away hunting or [away on?] a raid
HRA xxiv: 266, report by Commissioner Hunter; quoted
in O’Rourke 1997: 128; and for a Northern Australian reference:
Warner 1930: 478.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

ourselves. And come and steal our young women. We

are strong now, and we have to break any strong tribe
who is a danger to us. This tribe must be strong to raid
so far from their territory and they are fighting
warriors! Now let us test out who is the strongest tribe!
The Nammoy River Tribe will die out in the life of two
generations if it’s going to be second tribe and
Bundarra first. Next thing, some other tribe will make
us third tribe for strength and soon a tribe will absorb
us as we have done to a lot of tribes. We don’t want to
fight Bundarra tribe for their young women. But, do you
agree with me that we fight the Bundarra warriors to
prove whose tribe is the ruling tribe, first and last?”

[The New England Expedition:]

So the envoys went back to their two tribes to tell

them RK and a force of warriors would help them
against Bundarra, taking a force of 40 men, and the
Goonoogoonoo [sic] and Maneela tribes mustered 50
They had no chance of making a surprise-raid attack
because small parties [of the enemy] hung about on
each flank and behind, in their front, spying on them
and driving game they needed for food away. But
[soon] a bigger force than theirs came to give them
battle on a long granite sand-flat through which a wide
stony creek ran.
RK led his men, and the Goonoogoonoo chief,
Ilparra, the combined forces of his and Maneela tribe’s
warriors. Mooti, the Maneela chief, was second in

Wide stony creek: The watershed between the

Namoi and Gwydir basins runs a little to the
west of Kingstown. RK remarks that “we don’t
know this country, only the track we came here
by” (below: MS Page 32). This shows that the
battle was fought inside the territory of the
Kingstown-Bundarra people. And, after the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

battle, RK and his lowlanders quickly reached

Bundarra itself [Map 2]. Thus the “wide stony
creek” was probably one of the tributaries that
enter the Upper Gwydir (or Bundarra) River from
the left (west), below Kingstown.

Mooti: That is, Mudhay. His totem name,

meaning ‘Possum’ (the common or brush-tail
possum). Rhymes with English ‘wood-they’.
Ilparra: Possibly a mis-rendering of Yapaa+ra,
‘Carpet Snake [+suffix]’.

Ilparra was killed early with a spear through his

throat. Mooti [then] led the combined force, and for two
hours neither his nor the Bundarra force opposing him
gained or lost ground. And [they] counted 15 dead
enemy. And they had four killed and seven wounded
but only one seriously. //MS Page 32//
RK could see his party were getting too far ahead
and out of touch with Mooti & party. He swung his
warriors across to take the party fighting Mooti’s party
in their flank. But three shouts were sent up by the
main party fighting against RK: just a shout, a pause of
time to count four, another shout, and then the third
shout. At once those warriors opposite Mooti’s party
turned and ran back to main party. And Mooti’s party
chased them in spite of RK’s calls to hold back until his
party and theirs linked up again.
RK’s party had thrown all but one spear each and
found that the Bundarra tribe had broken every one
they could lay hands on. Their spears [i.e., the
lowlanders'] were from 6 ft to 6 ft 6 inches [i.e., up to
two metres] long and had a small tapered butt-end to
fit into the small hole of their wommerah from which
their spear is cast when thrown. The spear [of] those
Bundarra tribesmen was five foot [about 1.5 metres]
long, thicker all along its length than RK’s and his
warriors’, or the Maneela and Goonoogoonoo warriors’.
It was found that the Bundarra spear-butt was too
thick to be thrust into the hole of the wommerah of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

RK’s warriors or Mooti’s warriors. RK gave orders to

break every Bundarra spear. “We have to make them
spear-less also. As we are now in a tight corner, we
must make across into that pine scrub where neither
spears nor boomerangs can be thrown. It will be close
together then for tomahawk and nulla-nulla fighting.
Don’t forget you have V-ends on your shields, and keep
together! Get separated in this fight and you’ll be cut
off and killed! We don’t know this country, only the
track we came here by.”
So the fight became hand to hand. And RK had an
advantage over most men: his height & size and loud
voice for his men to rally to, if getting behind or to one
Mooti was killed by tomahawk blows given by two
Bundarra men who ambushed him from a clump of
heather-scrub. His party broke and fell back in small
groups and were attacked and many killed before they
rallied to the voice of RK.
Counting heads, the tally gave RK 33 warriors, and
the combined force 32, out of 90. Losses of the
Nammoy tribe: seven; combined force: 18 [i.e., 33 + 32
survivors + 7 + 18 losses = 90]; and numbers with

Losses of [7 + 18 = 25 men lost or killed]: On

the use of number-systems for counting in
traditional times, see the discussion of Harris’
work in my introduction to Document 3C, ‘The
Cassilis Raid’.
The number of fatalities may seem massively
large, indeed even impossible. Most accounts of
Aboriginal warfare in NSW in the 19th century
state that only a handful were ever killed in any
one clash. A typical example is Harvie (1927):
he reports a battle in the hinterland behind
Coffs Harbour between "500 men" (i.e. up to

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

250 spearmen on either aside) in which only

"three" men died.276
On the other hand, in Arnhem Land in the
early 20th century, 14 and 15 men respectively
are known to have died in two pitched battles,
and there is record of even larger numbers of
dead in battles and ambushes in Central

Keeping together in a half-moon shape with strong-

voiced men calling at each end and RK in the centre,
the Bundarra tribe was driven back through the pine
scrub and stringybark.278
Coming in sight of another clear space, RK told his
men to have their last spear ready for use and to send
it to kill or wound their man.
The Bundarra tribe had lost heavily in the hand to
hand fighting in the scrub. They had fought alone or in
small parties, not as one party keeping together and
directed by strong voices. They broke cover and ran to
get cover across the open space to use their spears on
the pursuing enemy. But they lost heavily and fled
Their great war chief Kibbi was killed by RK’s spear
as he ran to reach the cover of scrub across flat, from
where he [Kibbi] and his men would send flights of
spears into the pursuing Nammoy warriors. He had told
his men to break the spears of the Nammoy tribe
warriors pursuing in a close-together //MS Page 33//

While the number killed in Harvie’s account is credible,
the dating (c. 1883) is odd. It is extremely difficult to believe that
as late as the 1880s 500 men - with women and children bringing
the total to at least 750 - would have assembled near Coffs
Harbour. More likely, the clash was observed by Harvie's father at
about the time Harvie was born (i.e., around 1844).
Warner 1958: 147, 156; Kimber 1990.
This sentence is mis-constructed. It was of course the
Gunnedah men who kept together in a half-moon shape and the
Bundarra men who were driven back.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[The Terms of Peace:]

RK and warriors [now] came to the main camp of the

Bundarra tribe.
Only old men and old women were there. RK had the
old men brought to him. "Go out, find your oldest
warriors, and tell them Red Kangaroo has sharpened
the ends of the Bundarra spears to fit into his and his
warriors’ wommerahs. Tell those oldest warriors to
bring their women and children back to this camp. And
all the women taken from the Goonoogoonoo and
Maneela tribes. No warrior who comes back to this
camp will be harmed. But those that stay out lurking in
the scrub: my warriors will get on their tracks and run
them down and kill them. If a warrior, with or without
women, can’t get to camp before the sun sets, then
they must not try to come into the camp after dark. My
warriors will spear or nulla anyone trying to come in
once the sun has set. Go now and carry my words to
your people!"
Some came in before sunset but all came in next
The rescued women were given to the Maneela &
Goonoogoonoo tribesmen. Five women of the Bundarra
tribe were given to each of those tribes. Thirty-four
young women and five young boys and girls were also
taken by RK & warriors. RK wanted those boys for
future warriors and girls as wives for his tribe. [The]
Bundarra tribe, still strong in men, would have to get
young wives somewhere [else].
RK[‘s] voice in the distance [had] rallied his warriors
to a fearlessness, though a small party and hard
pressed. He was so tall and broad to look upon that
enemies quailed on sight of him. His war weapons were
heavier and bigger than other warriors’. And shields
had to be made of tough wood because he often split a
shield with his second spear if the spears had been
taken point on shield. To glance a spear away with
shield needed practice and experience.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

He was the greatest warrior chief the Nammoy River

tribe ever had. And in his time no other tribe claimed to
have a chief his equal for 100 miles all around
Gunnedarr. "So it came down by song and tale on our
tribe as told by the old men to the young and they
grew up and told //MS Page 34// the young folk and so
on by word of mouth, by song or story. We heard of our
greatest warrior chief and the deeds he did in battles
and raiding.”

[“His Greatest Deed:”]

“But”, said old chief Bungaree, “of all the wars and
raids RK took part in, his tribe claim his greatest deed
and victory was won when he and nine seasoned
warriors ran 15 miles [24 kilometres] to save their
women and children and help the 25 warriors left to
guard the children in the Gunnedarr camps. Because
80 Cassilis warriors had come on a raid to take the
young women and fight a battle if they had to.
And in that time RK was a chief of two years and a
very powerful young man. And there were 65 warriors
in the tribe counting every spear. And 15 of the
warriors were 60 years old.”
This tale [was] told by King Bungaree to Mr J P Ewing
(who made notes of it as Bungaree talked). Said
Bungaree: “This fight of Red Kangaroo and his small
force of 35 warriors against 80 fierce and warlike
Cassilis warriors proved that RK could think quickly and
plan out a way to trap [the] Cassilis warriors even
though they outnumbered the Nammoy warriors by
more than two to one”.
From the facts told by King Bungaree, Mr J P Ewing
wrote an account of that clever trap-ambushing of the
Cassilis warriors by RK and his warriors. This account
was printed by Mr T B Roberts in the Gunnedah
Advertiser somewhere about 48 years ago. Appended, I
have attached a fuller account of that ambushing of
the Cassilis warriors.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Made notes … + … Wrote an account . . . 48

years ago: That is, in about 1890. Unfortunately
copies of the Gunnedah Advertiser from that
period apparently have not survived (the State
Library of NSW holds issues only from 1894).

Appended: Document 3C, below: the account of

“The Cassilis Raid”.

“Tell me, Bungaree, how you learned to be so good

at tracking – not one man only but so many?”
“When we all little piccinnies, we stop along our
mother: old women, young women and all other
piccinnies. Every day in good weather we taken along
with women. ‘Boy’, my mother say, ‘you look at this
track (in dust or mud). You know what made that
track?’ ‘No.’ ‘That track possum. Now see: you can
follow that track to possum home.’
“I follow track little way, then lose tracks. My mother
say, ‘Come back to where you see last track’. ‘Show
me.’ ‘There it is. Now you look close all about. What
you see?’ ‘No track at all.’ ‘You see this tree?’ ‘Yes.’
‘What you see there on bark? Little mark like scratch
my own fingernail?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Possum claws do that,
climbing tree to his home. He out all night; he sleep all
day. Now you see me climb up to that hollow limb and
cut possum out. We eat possum for our dinner.’
Mother or other old woman show me tracks. ‘That
emu track – curlew – ibis – brolga – kangaroo – wild cat
– mouse – dingo – wallaby. See this: that snake
wriggles crossing dusty or sandy place. This [is]
goanna – lizard – centipede – beetles – frog.’
Mother or other women tell us what make the track
and set us to track along following it. ‘See this track:
that kangaroo-rat. Now we follow it.’ It gone into grass.
Mother say, ‘You creep up quiet after me. Look there in
that grass: what you //MS Page 35// see? Only grass?
‘Yes.’ ‘But don’t you see the grass there (pointing) is in
a mound shape?’ ‘Yes I see.’ ‘Well now you watch me
hit that mound with my yam-stick.’ Crack! The mound

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

kicks and struggles and then lays still. Mother says,

‘You go and see what you find in that mound of grass.’
‘It’s a kangaroo-rat!’ ‘Yes, and it was asleep in its nest.
Kangaroo-rat out all night; sleep in nest all day.’

[Learning to Dig for Mussels:]

Then mother takes me to the river or lagoon to net

fish or tread lagoon mud bottom for mussels.
In clear water of river in sandy bottom and only a
foot or two deep, my mother point to a mark in sandy
bottom, like you dragged a small stick point along sand
and then lifted stick off sand. ‘You see that mark in
sand?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘You know who made it? ‘No.’ ‘Well, that
made by a mussel. You run its track and find it.’ ‘But
mother, the mussel’s not there.’ ‘Can’t you see the
sand’s clear of any mussel?’ ‘Yes, I see there’s no
mussel on top of sand.’ ‘But come and see what I point
out. You see this end of mark in sand?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Well,
there’s bubbles coming up out of the sand all of the
time at this end. Go and look at other end and tell me if
you see bubbles coming up there.’ ‘No bubbles here at
all.’ ‘Come back this end. Those bubbles are coming up
from the mussel buried under sand. You dig down with
your hand where bubbles coming up. What you got?’
‘Why, a mussel!’ ‘Yes: old mussel, when he move
about, he open his shell and his body make a thin line
along sand or mud bottom and when finish his walk he
dig down a hand’s depth or more. So water-rat – old
crane or fish can’t get at him. Now you know how to
find mussel.’

To net fish: Fish net-traps, often very large,

were made from the fibre of kurrajong bark.
Bucknell remarked that a single net-haul
sometimes yielded enough fish to feed a group
of 40 people for one day.279

Mitchell 1839: 100; Greenway 1910: 15; and Bucknell
1933: 34.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

In a few years every piccinny [sic] can track and

know who made the tracks. We are set to track our
mother, or some piccinny, or one of the old men. We
learn all tracks’ shapes, and if a man or woman, a boy
or a girl. We are taught to find birds’ nests in trees –
rocks – or in reeds or on the ground. We learn to spear
fish, net or trap animals.

[Learning to use Weapons:]

When a boy gets seven or eight years old he goes to

the old men to be taught how to throw a spear,
boomerang, and use a shield.
The first spears are made from dry river reeds or dry
thistle stalks: no sharp end. Our wommerahs are made
with [a] small hole to fit the reed spear [or] in bigger
hole for thistle stalk.
Our boomerangs are small and made of thin bark off
trees. These we throw at one another from places the
old men stand us at, facing each other and we have
our shield (heilamon) to block spear or boomerang. But
we have small real spears & boomerangs to throw with
wommerah at a target: a skin of a kangaroo dried and
stretched on a wooden frame. We are taught to throw a
boomerang at some mark or throw it in different ways.
As we grow older, our weapons … [sentence
illegible] … until we are judged fit to throw [illegible]
spears at each other using our shield to block the
spear, and also boomerang when we practise with
them. Then we - when growing up 12 or 13 - stand with
a shield and nulla in our hands, and the other boys
throw a spear or boomerang at us, each throwing in his
turn, and we have to block the spear or boomerang on
shield or with nulla.
That was how I was first taught to track by my
mother & other tribeswomen. //MS Page 36// Then the
old men taught us how to throw a spear, boomerang,
how to guard with shield, or with nulla, using both. And
as we got older we learned how to fight and defend

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

ourselves, getting us prepared all the time. We would

go through the Bora ceremonies and be judged to be fit
for warriors to fight for our tribespeople against any
attacking enemy.
“That, Sarjun, was how the women of our tribe
taught boy and girl how to track and all kinds of
bushcraft. None of us would starve for food if game
was about and we knew where to look for water in
drought times.”
“Tell me, Bungaree, were the bones taken out of that
old grave those of that great warrior chief?” “Yes,
Sarjun, they were Red Kangaroo’s and no other man’s.
And Dr Haynes has done a terrible thing to send Red
Kangaroo’s bones way from his country. Never again
will I point out where others of my tribespeople are
buried! Not only in that place but more places not far
from this town, and others miles way.”
“What does the name Gunnedarr [sic] mean,
Bungaree?” “The Place of White Stone. You see white
stone in the hills all about this place.” [Text ends.]

As noted earlier, there is a second document or

enclosure in pencil. I have not reproduced it,
because it is simply an extract from Prescott’s

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah



Manuscript in the possession of the Gunnedah

Historical Society: 17 pages, not in the same hand as
the 1945 letter (Document 3A).
We are told that J P Ewing senior made notes as
Bungaree narrated the tales and that a recension of
the Cassilis Raid was published in the local newspaper
in about 1890. The extant document looks like a later
Based on the handwriting, it would seem that the
writer or transcriber was Stanley Ewing rather than
John Ewing junior.
Variant spellings seem to confirm that we have here
a different author, or a different transcriber, from "JE’s"
1945 letter to Russell McDonagh (Document 3A). Here
‘Aboriginal’ is spelt with a capital, and, whereas John
Ewing in Document 3E ("Jinnie’s Tale") spelt
piccaninnies correctly, the writer here writes
“piccinnies”. This is perhaps just an idiosyncrasy of
spelling: 280 The use of words such as “ineradicable”
and “variegated” [albeit mis-spelt ‘varigated’] suggest
that the author was far from uneducated. - Or, do we
say that a primary school education in the late 19th
century provided a superior grounding in basics to a
high school education in the early 21st century?
The text is written in a continuous flow without any
paragraphing, in a thick-drawn and very clear hand
with few spelling mistakes. But there are too many
capitals, as if it were written by a German: e.g. capital-
w ‘Warriors’ instead of ‘warriors’ and capital-t ‘Tribe’.
The punctuation is also unusual: full stops occur at
the end of phrases rather than at the end of sentences;
apostrophes and commas are sometimes omitted; and
It may be that Stanley Ewing knew well enough how to
spell 'piccaninny', and perhaps "picinnies" was how Joe Bungaree
spoke the word.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

frequent use is made of dashes. The dashes seem to

be the author’s own ‘stream of consciousness’ style (cf
the start of page 2 in the MS). It is possible, however,
that the dashes were a way of representing the
narrator’s (Joe Bungaree’s) pauses in the original oral
To make the text more readable, I have added
paragraph breaks, changed the superfluous capitals
into lower case, and corrected the punctuation.
Quotation marks have been added where it is clear that
direct speech is being used. Square brackets mark my
interpolations (M.O’R.).

The Players, The Locales and The Action

i. The Players:

Boobuk: “A seasoned warrior”. He led the

29 warriors who were left to
continue hunting on the Breeza
Plains. Later he led one of the two
war-bands of Gunnedah men who
routed the Cassilis men on the
south-west side of Black Jack

Burradella: “A close friend of Red Kangaroo’s,

about 38 years old, wise in the
tribe’s councils, fearless in war
and 2nd chief of the tribe”.

Gilwan: Weetah’s husband. He led a small

band to spy on the Cassilis men
when they reached Burrell

Kuribri: A “warrior”. One who

accompanied RK on the hunting
expedition to Breeza Plains.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Red Kangaroo (RK): “Cumbo Gunerah” [Kàmbu

Kànuru]: When the story opens he
has been “the warrior chief of the
tribe for two years”. In Document
3B, “The Death and Career”, it is
stated that he became war-chief
at about age 19, which would
make him about 21 in this tale
(3B, MS pages 17, 29, 34).

Tukki: Probably Thagaay or (Ridley’s

“dukkai”), i.e., the Golden Perch
or Yellowbelly fish, Macquaria
ambigua. The totem name of a
boy “about nine years old”.
Younger brother of Weetah.
Dhagaay rhymes with English
“the guy”, but the first consonant
was a ‘dental stop’: similar to the
‘dth’ sound in English “hid them”.

Weetah: That is, wiidhaa, “Bowerbird”, her

totem name. A “young married
lubra”, presumably aged about
14-16. Elder sister of Tukki and
wife of Gilwan.
As before, the middle consonant dh was a
‘dental’: similar to the ‘dth’ sound
in English “hid them”.

2. Locales:

or Black Hill: Location uncertain, but probably
one of the knolls or hillocks south
of the present railway line, north
of the foot of Porcupine Ridge.
The best candidate would seem to
be a knoll immediately south of
the intersection of Boundary Road

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and Kamilaroi Road.281 See map

Idriess seems to have erred in
saying that Black Hill was a small
rise on Porcupine Ridge itself
(Red Chief, chapter 24).
According to the Ewing Papers,
below: MS Page 12, a "rib"
connected 'Blackhill' to Porcupine
Ridge. This seem to be a
reference to the low ridge that
extends NNE from the main
The reference in the Ewing
Papers to the north-westerly side
of the Blackhill as the “back” side
may imply that its south-east side
was regarded by Aborigines as its
front (perhaps because that was
the side nearest the Secret

Burrell Lagoon: A large billabong, site of the

western camp of the Gunnedah
people. Located beside the
Boggabri Road eight or nine
kilometres from Mullibah Lagoon,
i.e. about two-thirds of the way to
'Burburgate' station [Map 4].

Mullibah Lagoon: The eastern camp at Gunnedah.

Located nowadays at the north-
eastern edge of the town [Map
A usually dry creek or marshy
“flood-runner” - running parallel
with Maitland Street - connects
the lagoon to the Namoi. In this
book the photographs of the
I thank Tim Curran for his advice and suggestions on
this point (pers. comm. 8 November 2002 and earlier e-mails).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

flood-runner were shot from the

northern section of Henry Street
(Photographs No’s 12, 13;
Maps 8, 10).

Porcupine Ridge/s: On the southern side of the town

of Gunnedah. Site of the present-
day tourist look-out [Map 5].
Connected via a low ridge or “rib”
to Blackhill (MS Page 12). There
was a hop-vine scrub leading to
Porcupine Ridge and on the north
westerly side of Blackhill, i.e.
where the built-up edge of the
modern town is now located.

The secret camp: Nowhere is its location stated

precisely. Evidently it lay in the
hop-vine (Dodonaea) scrub
between Mullibah Lagoon and
Porcupine Ridge, nearer the latter.
On Maps 10, 11 I have placed it
conjecturally at the northern foot
of Porcupine Ridge, but this
remains a guess.

U-shaped clearing: The text speaks variously of [1] "a

small clearing 300 yards wide and
a length of 1,700 yds" (MS Page
7); and [2] a "mile-long-by-300-
yard-wide strip" (MS Page 15),
which would appear to be the
same feature. In addition there
was [3] a U-shaped clearing "130
yards deep by 40 wide" in the
thick hop scrub at the “back” or
north westerly side of Blackhill
(MS Page 11).
The smaller u-shaped clearing
was ordinarily used as a ‘wallaby-
catch’ but in this case it served as

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

an ambush site for human

visitors. Its exact location is
unclear but presumably where the
edge of the town now stands.

iii. The Action:

The main events in the story can be summarised as


A. Time: Two years since Red Kangaroo ( = RK) has

become warrior chief.
Place: Gunnedah: from Burrell Lagoon to Mullibah Flat
1. Shifting camp.
2. RK plans to go emu hunting, but the younger
warriors who would be left behind grumble.
3. RK calls a “high sun council” and rebukes the young

B. The next day:

Gunnedah/Breeza Plains.
4. RK leads most of the men out to hunt emus and
kangaroos, while Burradella and others stay behind as
guards for the women and children.

C. After eight days:

Breeza Plains.
5. They start back to Gunnedah, bearing kangaroo
Lagoon on the north side of the Namoi (downstream
from the modern bridge):
6. Women, children and guards go mussel hunting.
7. Women head back to Mullibah. Weetah has forgotten
her dillybag, and, with her brother Tukki, returns to get
it. Strangers are seen. Tukki is sent back to warn
Burradella, while Weetah stays to observe the enemy
scouts (from Cassilis).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

D. The secret camp of the Gunnedah people:

8. Burradella orders all to go there for safety.
9. A smoke signal is sent up to warn RK.

E. On the 8th sun:

Mooki River:
10. RK leads a small group back from Breeza Plains; at
the Mooki River they see the warning smoke signal.
(The rest under Boobuk follow behind slowly.)
On the Namoi, just downstream from the present-day
11. A group of Gunnedah men led by Gilwan spy on the
Cassilis interlopers.

F. End of the 8th day:

Secret camp:
12. RK arrives. Weetah tells her tale.
Mullibah Lagoon:
13. The main Cassilis war party arrives from down-
14. RK rules out a counter-attack for the moment. Then
he thinks of a way to ambush the large Cassilis raiding

G. At the U-shaped clearing in the hop-bush scrub (?

north-west of Porcupine Ridge):
15. RK shows Burradella the site of the intended
ambush. He explains how they will lure the Cassilis
men into the trap by having the Gunnedah women
make a camp in the clearing and act as if all is normal
while the Gunnedah men hide on both sides of the U,
just inside the surrounding scrub.
Mooki River:
16. Boobuk’s party arrives back from the Breeza Plains,
quite unaware of what is in train.

H. Day nine:
The u-shaped clearing.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

17. The ambush is prepared.

I. Evening of day nine:

The u-shaped clearing.
18. Cassilis scouts observe the Gunnedah people: all
appears normal.
19. The Cassilis men enter the trap. Many are killed;
others retreat into the scrub. The Gunnedah men follow
and attack them again.

J. The next day:

20. The surviving Cassilis men fall back to Mullibah,
where they are surprised by Boobuk’s group, who have
just arrived from the Mooki. Some surviving Cassilis
men escape south-westwards.

K. South-west of Gunnedah, probably about where the

Wandoba Road meets Black Jack State Forest:
21. The retreating Cassilis survivors are attacked again
by the pursuing Gunnedah men.

L. The next day:

Towards Cassilis:
22. RK orders a forced march direct to Cassilis, leaving
behind the remnants of the Cassilis raiding party.

M. Evidently after one more day:

23. RK attacks and routs the Cassilis camp. The
Gunnedah men capture 40 Cassilis women.

Computation and Numbers

It is a common but entirely mistaken view that in

traditional times Aborigines were unable to count
beyond ‘one, two, many’.
John Harris has shown that many, indeed probably
most, Aboriginal groups counted by fives. Five is of
course the number of one’s fingers or toes. The use of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

five and 10, based on the five-fingered hand, is basic

to the vast majority of the world’s counting systems.282
In Central Australia, writes Harris,
The old people were able to explain … some
of the circumstances under which [in
traditional times] the number system was
used. Hunting was one context. Another was
that it was used to count the number of
warriors who went out to fight and the
number who returned. Combining the use
of the terms with tallies on the ground
[marks in the soil], one person carried out
the operation 50-10=40.283
Harris’s thesis is confirmed for our area. Charles
Greenway, who knew the Kamilaroi people of the Upper
Barwon River as early as the 1840s, and learnt their
language well, recorded names for the numbers from
one to 20.284
Another careful student of the language, William
Ridley, mentions Aborigines on the Barwon in NSW and
the Balonne River in south-central Queensland
counting to 20 using words for “hand” and “foot”. The
name for 19, for example, was “bular-bular-dinna-
mulanbu”, i.e., two+two+one's feet (10)+one hand
(five). More accurately rendered, the words are: bulaarr
‘two’; and dhina ‘foot/feet’. Ridley’s “mulanbu” [?
maalanbu], evidently meaning ‘you count (the hand)
once’, was probably derived from the word maalan
‘once’. The Gamilaraay word for ‘hand’ was mara.285

Harris 1982 and 1987; also *Hale 1975: 269. For a
comprehensive list of basic numbers in a range of Australian
languages, see
Harris notes that numbers up to at least 40 were used in Central
Australia (by the Aranda people); numbers to 100 or more in
western Victoria (Tjapwurong people); and to at least 150 in the
Gulf of Carpentaria (Groote Eylandt).
Among those wrongly asserting that Aborigines were unable to
count beyond four is Blake 1981: 3-4.
Harris 1982: 169.
See listed online at; accessed January 2005.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Katie Parker likewise mentions numerals up to at

least 15 in use among the Yuwaaliyaay, the neighbours
of the Kamilaroi in the north-west.286
We must therefore reject Bucknell’s claim that the
Gamilaraay could not count beyond ‘one’ (“marl”),
‘two’ (“boolar”), ‘three’ (“coolabar”) and ‘many’
(“boodalarbar”) (Bucknell’s spellings).287 More correctly
rendered, Bucknell’s “coolabar” is kulibaa or gulibaa
‘three’. His “boodalarbar” (burrulaabaa) was a variant
on burrulaa, ‘many’.288 We also have record of a word
for ‘four’, namely buligaa.289
In this document, “39” is the highest number which
is not a multiple of five; “65” is the largest number not
a multiple of ten; and “130” the largest number
mentioned (see Table One below). In the earlier major
document, we encounter "140 spears" and "150
spears" [meaning the number of warriors] (3B, MS
Pages 30, 31).
But, were these numbers supplied by Stan Ewing? Or
did Bungaree learn from the whites to count in the
European style and then invent or inject precise
numbers that were not originally part of the tale? Or
were the Gamilaraay actually able to count beyond 20,
For comparison, counting systems based on composite
units of five and 20 are common in Papua New Guinea. The 800
different language groups have their own counting systems with a
variety of basic number words. Commonly used number words are
‘hand’ as five, and ‘person’ (10 fingers and 10 toes) as 20. A few
groups have a hand as four (without the thumb) or as six (with the
thumb as two knuckles). See Owens, K. (2001), The work of
Glendon Lean on the counting systems of Papua New Guinea and
Oceania, Mathematics Education Research Journal 13(1), 47-71.
See also in The Helix, Dec 2002-Jan 2003, pp 19-22, ‘Ethno-
mathematics, a worlds of numbers (introduction to ethno-
mathematics using examples for the Pacific region)’.
Greenway 1910: 55; Ridley MS 1871, 1872 article,
p.261 and book 1875: 32, 140; and Parker 1905: 11.
Bucknell 1933: 33.
Austin’s spelling; also Ash et al. 2003. Cf Bootle’s
“boorallabba” for ‘many’ (1899: 4). This is probably to be
rendered as burrulaabaa. The suffix - baa meant
'domain/time/place'. Thus "condition of being many".
Ash et al. 2003: 44.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

even though this was not recorded by certain early

Harris notes how in the 1920s the anthropologist N B
Tindale bargained with Groote Eylandters
(Anindilyagwa people) demanding 150 spears which
he, Tindale, indicated as 10 x 15, i.e. 10 fingers x 15
sticks. The Groote Eylandters brought him the correct
number, 140 of them being tied in bundles of 20 (plus
10 loose) because that was obviously how they
preferred to group them.290
Accordingly, although it cannot be proven, I would
suggest that probably the Kamilaroi could count above
20 when they needed to. (For details of counting above
20 in Northern Australian languages, see Harris 1982.)

Table One:


Children in the Gunnedah “tribe” (below: at
page 4 of the MS).

Wives in “our tribe”, including 20 no longer
able to bear children (MS Page 4). (At MS
p.6, however, it is said that there were 20
women aged 60 to 80. This is odd given that
there must have been further women aged
40-60 who were no longer able to conceive.)

Harris 1987: 30, citing Tindale 1925. Also Harris’ other
publications at:
ethno_contents.htm (accessed July 2004). Compare the
Yuwaaliyaay words ganduwi ‘one emu’, wugalwugal ‘four emus’,
gayaangay ‘five or six emus’ and ganurran ‘14 or 15 emus’ (Ash
et al. 2003: 79). Presumably these were ‘rough estimate’ terms
rather than numbers as such, perhaps meaning respectively “fewer
than a handful of emus”, “nearly a hands-worth of emus”, “about a
hands-worth of emus” and “about three hands-worth of emus”?

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Number of fighting warriors in the
Gunnedah “tribe” two years after RK
became their war-leader (MS Page 1). This
included 24 younger, inexperienced men
(MS Page 2). (Note: 130 children + 90 wives
+ 65 warriors = total 285 in the “tribe”, if
we assume that the three categories are

Cassilis men who entered RK’s trap (MS
Page 15).

Number of men who went hunting on the
Breeza Plains with RK (MS Page 4).

Strength of the combined Gunnedah party
under RK and Burradella after the first
ambush (MS Page 15).

Cassilis men killed in the first ambush: 34
died at the mouth of the clearing plus three
more at the other end (=37; MS Page 15).
Apart from “six” wounded, there were
“17” survivors whom Red Kangaroo
pursued: …“Burradella counted 34 killed
and six badly wounded inside the first 60
yards of the U (and) with the three killed at
other end by Red Kangaroo and some of his

“… two raids had brought into tribe (sic:
“the” omitted) 27 young women and had
had only five warriors killed …” (MS Page

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“ … 15 were old warriors of 60 years of age;
20 were men from 35 to 40 years old and
30 young warriors from 17 to 26 years old
(MS Page 1).

“ … along with 24 young warriors in age but
(who were) warriors of three or four years
experience in war” (MS Page 2).

15 and 9:
“Why weren’t those 15 old warriors left to
guard the camp – and let the rest of the
warriors pull lot [sic] to see what nine of
them had to stop and guard camp also …”
(MS Page 2).

14, 13, 12:

“ … Sending another warrior to take the
fifteen boys to from 12 to 14 years old to
the edge of the hop scrub. Two were sent to
the smoke signal post to tell the three
warriors there that Burradella wanted them
[by) sunset to join him on edge of hop-
scrub, boys to guide them. The 13 left […]
warriors, he stationed 10 yds [yards]
apart ... (MS Page 7).

“ … So Red Kangaroo picked the 20
unmarried lubras and 40 of the youngest of
the 70 lubras in camp, and Tukki and all
boys and girls from eight to 11 years old”
(MS Page 12).

“On the 8th sun Red Kangaroo order[ed] the
final emu hunt ...” (MS Page 4).


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“You all want to go for your own pleasure,

hunting the emu and gorging on its meat for
the next seven suns and leave the 15 old
warriors and some nine of you to guard this
camp” (MS Page 3).

“They had lost six killed and only two with
crippling wounds for life” (MS Page 1).


As before, I have added italics to emphasise points

of interest. Words placed in square brackets are words
that seem to have been omitted, or else brief
comments by the present editor (MO’R). The section
headings, in capitals, likewise are not original, but have
been added to make reading easier.

t was now the season of the year for the warriors,
especially the last Bora-made ones, to go emu
hunting and feasting on its meat to make them
strong in strength and strong-hearted against enemies
in fighting. And the emu fat mixed with ashes they
would rub all over their body.”

The tale begins abruptly, as if part of a longer

saga. Red Kangaroo/Gambu Kanuurru is
introduced (below: paragraph 2 in the text)
without any explanation.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bora-made: Initiated as men in the ceremonies

of the Bora.291

Emu meat: Certain foods were forbidden to the

young, e.g. emu and emu eggs; also ‘wild
turkey’ and their eggs: probably meaning the
bustard or plains turkey, Ardedotis australis.
The food taboos were successively released
during the course of a boy’s (and a girl’s)
several initiations.292
In this case, the young initiates’ keenness for
emu meat may reflect the novelty of their being
allowed to eat it. "Forbidden fruit is sweetest."

Rub all over: Emu fat and goanna fat were used
medicinally. Possum fat, echidna fat and fish fat
too were used for various purposes.
Modern studies show that some animal fats at
least contain anti-inflammatory agents that
work through the skin.293

“Red Kangaroo had been the warrior chief of the

tribe for two years and no women had been stolen
away by the raiding parties from four tribes in that time
– and a number of enemy warriors had been killed.
They [the Gunnedah “tribe”] had lost six killed and

Gamilaraay Buurra = English Bora, the initiation or
man-making ceremonies. Literally ‘at the /place of/ the Belt of
Manhood’, from buurr ‘belt of manhood’ +a, locative case:.
As many as six or eight communities would assemble,
primarily to initiate boys as men, but also to trade and negotiate
marriages. For example, about 800 men, women and children
came together north of the middle Gwydir River in the winter of
1841. They were drawn from the Macintyre River as well as the
Namoi and the Gwydir (SMH, 27.10.1842; and Mayne 1842,
SRNSW 4/2565.1).
Ridley 1875: 151 and 155; Mathews 1904a: 263 ff and
268; and Doyle, Naseby and Crowthers, cited in Howitt 1904: 593
ff and 769.
Mathews 1904a; Parker 1905: 38; Whitehouse 1999:
University of Queensland natural medicines group.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

only two with crippling wounds for life – but [word

omitted?] had made two raids had brought into [the]
tribe 27 young women and had had only five warriors
killed. The tribe now mustered 65 fighting warriors. But
15 were old warriors of 60 years of age; 20 were men
from 35 to 40 years old; and 30 young warriors from 17
to 26 years old.”

‘Warrior chief’: As we observed earlier, it is not

thought that individuals occupied positions of
authority as such. The phrase ‘warrior chief’
would simply mean that Red Kangaroo was
recognised as the community’s best fighter and
best strategist.

Raiding parties from four tribes (in two years) +

six killed, etc: For comparison, deaths from
warfare averaged about 10 men per year in
north-east Arnhem Land in the early 20th
century (Warner 1958: 147).

Brought … young women: The abduction of

women is emphasised as if it were the main or
typical method of acquiring a wife. Certainly the
practice of wife-raiding parties and marriage
with captured women is reported by every
writer describing "traditional” Aboriginal
societies. But the primary and usual means of
obtaining marriage partners was by negotiation,
not abduction.
Girls were allocated to future husbands soon
after birth, or indeed sometimes even before
the baby girl was born (by agreeing that a
particular woman should be acknowledged as
the man’s "future mother in law").294

Fighting warriors + years old: Curiously, the

group aged 27-34 seems to have been omitted.
Mathews 1895c; also Ridley 1875, Elkin 1945 and 1975-
76, Maddock 1974 and O'Rourke 1997: 167 ff.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

It is most unlikely that there was no-one of that


“All was bustling about and excited [?among the]

women and piccinnies [sic]295 at the camp because Red
Kangaroo had ordered that they would shift from the
Burrell Lagoon camp up to the Mullibah Flat lagoon,
where, on its western and south side, myall, wilga and
box grew thickly. On the eastern side, on the open flat
country, big red gumtrees and yellow jacket (white
man’s name) Mullibah grew plentifully. But there was
no scrub or other cover for an enemy to hide behind
except the big tree trunks. But behind the camp, to the
west-western and south-southern, three quarters of a
mile [about one kilometre] away, [lay] the dense and
hard to shove your way through hop-vine scrub that
grew all along the Porcupine Ridges [sic: plural], Black
Hill and extended over a great area of land in the
Gunnedah district (old residents of town and district
will remember those dense hop scrubs that seemed
ineradicable – yet when Brother Rabbit came here in
millions, they ate the bark of hop-vine roots and the
hop-vine scrubs disappeared). ///”

/// - punctuation in the original.

Burrell and Mullibah: About eight kilometres

[five miles] apart.
The former is located beside the Boggabri
road some seven kilometres from Gunnedah.
Elsewhere called “Burrell fishing hole”
(Document 3B: MS Page 13). It is also
mentioned in the manuscript about Jinnie Griffin
(Document 3E).
The Mullibah Flat Lagoon is a section of the
flood-overflow, or billabong, in what is now the

‘Piccinnies’: Spelled thus throughout.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

north-east sector of the town. See photograph


Porcupine Ridge and Black Hill: See Maps 10

and 11. Open flat: Evidently this meant the
area east of the Mooki-Namoi junction in the
direction of Carroll.
Tim Curran has suggested that Black Hill
means one of a series of knolls or small hills
scattered between Mullibah Lagoon and
Porcupine Ridge. The most likely candidate is a
knoll near the intersection of Boundary Road
and Kamilaroi Road (i.e, much nearer Porcupine
Ridge than Mullibah). See map 10.

Hard to shove your way: The reference to “the

dense and hard to shove your way through
hop-vine scrub” would mean thickets of hop-
bush (Dodonaea spp.). Such thickets typically
form beneath blue-leaved ironbark and bimble
box trees.
In addition, on parts of Porcupine Hill or Ridge
the canopy was (and is) so dense as to justify
being called ‘semi-evergreen vine thicket’
(“SEVT”). Tim Curran notes that there is a
particularly dense (though very small) stand of
SEVT on the eastern slopes immediately below
a sandstone cave known locally as ‘Red Chief

Yellow jacket: It may be implied that the word

Mullibah was the Gamil'raay name for ‘yellow
jacket’. This name ordinarily refers to
Eucalyptus similis or Corymbia leichhardtii
(found in Queensland). In the case of Gunnedah,
however, it probably meant Yellow Box,
Eucalyptus melliodora. Tim Curran has noted
that there are several very old yellow-boxes at
Mullibah Lagoon.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Brother rabbit + hop-vine disappeared: Rabbit

numbers exploded from about 1895, reaching a
peak in the 1920s. The rabbits ate so many
seedlings that already by 1900 the regeneration
of woodland was stopped, especially cypress

//MS Page 2// “On top of the Porcupine Ridge – that

part above where the spinifex still grows (though
locally white people call it needle or porcupine grass
owing to its sharp points) – that was one of the
Nammoy River Tribe’s smoke signalling and look-out
Anyone who has been up there on a clear day has an
idea of the distance to be looked across to the east and
south across that plain country. And to the Aboriginal
eyes - out somewhere on those plains - they would see
the smoke signals being sent up and repeated, calling
on the tribesmen to hurry home as danger threatened
the women and piccinnies [sic] and the warriors from a
very strong enemy force resting in cover, unaware they
had been seen.”

Spinifex, needle or PORCUPINE GRASS:

According to Idriess, the Gamilaraay name for
Porcupine Ridge was “Bindea” [bindiyaa or
bindayaa], meaning ‘the place where the
spinifex and shrubs with thorns-like-porcupine-
quills grow’ (Red Chief, chapter 24).
Strictly, bindiyaa does not mean spinifex as
such; rather it was a generic name for ‘prickle’
or any kind of sharp or prickly plant, including
‘roly-poly’ plants. The word has been adopted
into English as ‘bindi-eye’.297 (The actual animal

Forestry Commission 1985; and Smith 1992, citing
Ash et al. 2003: 40.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

itself, the echidna or ‘porcupine’, was known in

Gamil’raay as marrawal and bigibila.)
There are several species of coarse grass
called 'porcupine grass' or ‘needle grass’ (genus
Triodia). The botanist Barbara Rice has advised
me that the species found around Gunnedah is
Triodia scariosa. In the past it has been called
Triodia irritans var. laxispicata and Triodia
scariosa subspecies scariosa.298
Triodia grows in tufts or hummocks to a
height of about one metre. The species is most
commonly found in the semi-arid and arid
climatic zones. At Gunnedah, it grows on a slope
of Porcupine Ridge where the soil moisture is
much lower than that of the adjacent areas and
hence appears to occupy a relatively dry
microclimatic position (Curran 1997; and pers.
comm. 2002).
The Ewing Papers indicate that originally the
porcupine grass extended down to the foot of
the Ridge, where today it abuts the remaining
"semi-evergreen vine thicket" [SEVT]. (As
explained in Appendix Three, SEVT originally
covered what is now the southern half of the

Looked across to the east and south [from

Porcupine Ridge]: In other words, to the plains
country in the direction of Breeza. See
Illustration xyz.


Barbara Rice (pers. comm. 1998) considers that the
species was probably more common in the area before the country
was cleared, and no doubt it would have been considered an
annoyance by anyone walking or riding through it. Dr Rice herself
collected specimens from Porcupine Hill (or Ridge) in Gunnedah
in 1990, and from an “extraordinarily dense” population on a hill
near Nea (between Curlewis and Breeza). Tim Curran (pers.
comm, 2002) adds that the porcupine grass at Nea is very spiky,
capable of hurting as well as annoying.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The nature of Aboriginal use of smoke is

disputed. At one extreme, it is denied that
Aborigines used smoke for signalling. A less
extreme position is that they used smoke to
send pre-arranged messages. The third position
is that there was a fixed code or vocabulary
used to convey at least simple messages and
perhaps quite complex statements.
I am prepared to accept that the Kamilaroi
were able (in the right weather conditions) to
send a relatively large number of coded signals.
But I doubt that the shape of smoke has enough
potential variations for the Kamilaroi to have
had a smoke-symbol for, say, very many
numerals (as in “four been seen on creek”).
(See Appendix Four for more discussion and

“Having got the whole tribe into their new camp of

bushes & tree-bark mia-mias, Red Kangaroo [RK]
pick[ed] the warriors to guard the women and children.
Burradella, a close friend of RK's, about 38 years old,
wise in the tribe’s councils, fearless in war and 2nd
chief of the tribe, was to remain and guard the women
& children, along with 24 young warriors in age but
[who were] warriors of three or four years’ experience
in war.

Mia-mia: A dwelling or shelter. Rhymes with

‘higher-higher’. The word was originally
borrowed into pidgin English from a Victorian
language. From pidgin it was adopted into
Yuwaalaraay as mayi-mayi. The word ‘gunyah’
is also used in this document (e.g. MS Page 3).
The local Gamilaraay term for hut or house
was gundhi ‘bark shelter’ - short ‘u’ as in English

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

‘good’. Another term was dhaadharr, ‘bark hut;

slab of bark used for shelter’.299

Burradella: First mention.

“There was a great discontent and talking among

these warriors. “Why weren’t those 15 old warriors left
to guard the camp – and let the rest of the warriors pull
lot [sic] to see what nine of them had to stop and guard
camp also? It was only right [that] the young new Bora-
made warriors had gone to many [?] huntings of the
emus and feastings on their meat! It was only right that
now they should stop and guard camp and let the
younger warriors go to the hunt and feasting on the
emu meat!” And the old warriors, fathers and uncles of
a number of the discontented three or four-year
warriors, talked among themselves and with the
discontented ones, saying they would stop and guard
camp. They didn't care whether they went to the emu
hunting and feasting on the meat or stopped behind at
camp. But RK with the //MS Page 3// backing of
Burradella had chosen the guard to stop in camp with
the women and children, and who amongst them would
refuse to obey RK's command?
But RK and Burradella heard the camp gossip of the
women and had heard the younger warriors grumbling.
So the two chiefs […] sent the message-stick bearer to
every warrior of the tribe, commanding them to a high
sun council of the warriors that day.”

Message sticks: Called maang in Gamilaraay;

also dhulu, literally ‘stick’. Message sticks bore
notches simply to remind the bearer of the
message he was conveying. They were not a
form of writing.300
Ash et al. 2003: 53, 96. Also Blake 1981: 99; Austin Dict. 1992.
Bucknell 1897; Howitt 1904: 692 ff; Dunbar 1943: 178;
Austin Dict. 1992; and Ash et al. 2003. The terminal –ng in
maang is not a typical Gamil’raay form; Ash et al. correctly

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[The ‘High Sun’ Council:]

Every warrior was present and curious to know what

this council was called for. They sat in a circle around
their first & second chiefs seated on the ground.
Burradella stood up and every warrior struck the
ground hard with his nulla nulla once. “This council is
called because there is [sic] much murmurings of
discontent amongst the younger warriors. Talk gets to
women’s ears and they add to that, talk it back to the
warrior or warriors of their gunyah (home). And it is not
good that that this should be in our tribe – because the
women will take their warrior [sic: warrior’s] side
against the warrior side of the other womens [sic] and
as the women continue to tell talk about other
women’s warriors, the warriors hear it, and then the
warriors begin to row and finally fight and kill each
“You younger warriors are only murmuring now, but
already the women are gossiping about it in every
gunyah. Now RK is going to talk to every warrior here,
and I say to all to listen to him with both ears, for much
good it will do to all!”

Nulla nulla: The local Gamil'raay name was

bundi - with a short u, as in English ‘wood’ or
‘pull’ - denoting the long-handled club with a
round knob at the end. Various other types of
clubs had their own names, e.g. murrula ‘game
club’, a plain type of pointed club used for
killing game; and gudhurru ‘small club’, possibly
from gudhurr ‘belt’: small enough to be carried
on one’s belt (Austin, Dictionary 1992; Ash et al.

propose that probably it was borrowed from another language (I

would guess from Wiradjuri).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunyah: Bark shelter. As noted earlier, ‘mia-

mia’ is also used.

“With both ears”: This is not an English figure of

speech, so it was probably an idiom in

“As Red Kangaroo stood up, every warrior struck his

shield with his [?] nulla-nulla. Speaking in his deep
strong voice, Red Kangaroo said: ’You three and four
year warriors have only thoughts for yourselves. You
have been grumbling because you are to remain the
guard back at this camp. Your discontent made our
tribeswomen quarrel with each other. You all want to
go for your own pleasure, hunting the emu and gorging
on its meat for the next seven suns and leave the 15
old warriors and some nine of you to guard this
camp. //MS Page 4// Now all you three and four year
warriors are married and have one or two wives and
one or more piccinnies [sic]. Are not our wives and
piccinnies and our near-to-marriageable-age young
lubras worth fighting for and protecting from any
enemy come here to attack us and steal our women
‘“Yes, yes” – you say now.’ ‘Then why did you strong
young warriors of three or more years want to go to the
emu hunting and feasting on its meat? And leave it to
these 15 old warriors to stop and guard the women and
children – your women, your children as well as mine
and other married warriors?
‘Have not these old warriors done many years of
fighting to protect the women & piccinnies of our tribe
long before you or I were born? And do we not know
how they have fought against enemies to protect us all
when we were piccinnies?’
‘And yet you want to shirk your duty to the women
and children of our tribe, so you can chase the emu
and gorge on its meat and leave the old warriors to
guard our women & children! What chance would the
old warriors have against young strong enemy warriors

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

of equal numbers to them? The old warriors would fight

to the last to save our women and children. But even
with the help of the nine young warriors you would
leave with them, are you still ready to risk an enemy
attack of, say, 25 young strong warriors when you
know there are 90 wives in our tribe – 20 are old
women – but 70 can still be mothers of piccinnies and
there are 20 young lubras who will soon be of
marriageable age? And there are 130 160 boy & girl
'Do you strong, young warriors of three or more
years still want to go to the emu hunting and feasting
on its meat?' 'No, no, Red Kangaroo, we will guard the
women & children of our tribe – your words burn us like

Seven suns: “Time was kept in the day by the

sun, and in the night by the position of the
Pleiades or the Seven Sisters in the northern
sky, the time being reckoned by its position
above the horizon. Days were reckoned by the
moon, and elapsed time by the season” (Dunbar
1943: 179).

One or two wives: Middle-aged men tended to

have two, three or four wives. So, ordinarily,
young men would not have expected to marry
until they were perhaps 25. As the manuscript
notes, “when just made a warrior from the Bora
ceremonies, [Red Kangaroo had] found there
weren’t enough young lubras in the tribe to
supply each new young warrior with a wife”
(Document 3B, MS page 16). Thus, for young
men to have one or even two wives was
presumably a token of the power and influence
that the Gunnedah group had already achieved
under Red Kangaroo’s leadership.

Lubras: ‘Women’. First occurrence in this text.

‘Lubra’ was borrowed into pidgin from a

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Tasmanian language. The term ‘gin’ is older,

having been adopted very early from a Sydney
district language (Blake 1981: 94, 98). The
Gamil’raay word for ‘women, woman’ was
yinaar, often spelt “einer” by the early writers.

“160”: Crossed out in the text.

Next day Red Kangaroo, with 39 men, went to hunt

emu on Breeza Plains and for seven suns the new Bora-
made warriors hunted and feasted to their great
On the 8th sun Red Kangaroo order[ed] the final
emu hunt to get a good quantity of the best meat to
carry back [. . . ] the guard over camp. Red Kangaroo
and nine picked warriors would start for their camp.
When they had enough meat and go leisurely home
xxx [illegible]. Boobuk, a seasoned warrior, was left in
command of the remaining 29 warriors. //MS Page 5//
His party were to get a supply of best kangaroo meat
and return to camp before sunset [the] next day.

Emu hunt: One method used by the Kamilaroi

when they stalked emus was to deploy a bush,
held in the hand, as a hide or disguise. The
birds were killed with a heavy specific-purpose
emu spear.301

Breeza Plains: The large flat plain of the Mooki

River valley, south-east of Gunnedah. The
village of Breeza is about 35 kilometres from
Gunnedah as the crow flies.
Oxley noted in his journal for 31 August 1818
that “the abundance of game, such as emus
and kangaroos, and of wild ducks on the stream
[the Mooki], was wonderful”.
Greenway in Science of Man, vol.14, 1912, p.15; and
Bucknell 1933: 34. Also Fred Reece, quoted in Ash et al. 2003:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Boobuk: First mention.

On the morning of the 8th sun, the women and

piccinnies, accompanied by guards, went netting and
spearing fish in Nammoy [sic] (where bridge spans it
A small party went up-river to wade the shallows to
cross over. And [from there] they went to a lagoon (left
side of Road going to Gunnible) to tread for mussels
and at the same time they stirred up [the] mud-bottom
to thicken the water muddily. This caused the fish to
rise to surface, smothering, with mud-clogged gills.
And the yabbies and turtle crawled out up the bank
mud-sick. And everyone filled their bark- or rushes-
plaited game-bags, besides having a feast for their
Burradella was strict. Any lubra straying from party
or stopping behind, he order[ed] the guards to rap on
head with their nulla [sic]. Piccinnies running ahead or
hiding and not coming when called must be well
switched. And at 4. p.m. [sic] everyone had to muster
at a named place and keep together going back to
Mullibah Lagoon camp.

Note the frequent omission of “the”. This may

mirror Joe Bungaree’s pidgin style of speech.

Netting and spearing fish: The Gamilaraay made

fish-nets from the twisted or spun fibre of
kurrajong bark (Greenway 1910: 15).

Where bridge spans it: That is, the stretch of

river where the Mullibah flood-runner enters.
Opened in 1884, Cohen Bridge replaced an
earlier, more basic wooden bridge. The new
bridge was named for George Cohen, the first
storekeeper at Gunnedah [Maps 5 and 9].

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Road to Gunnible [Gunnible Mountain]: North-

west, which is to say: downstream.302 The “road
going to Gunnible” presumably means modern
Blue Vale Road (the first road going left after
one crosses to the northern side of the river).
The lagoon in question was perhaps the one
near the present-day Gunnedah airfield. See
Maps 4, 6 and 7.

Yabbies: Muddying the water to force out

yabbies is also mentioned by Greenway 1878:
235 and Dunbar 1944: 176, 179. Again this
serves to confirm the essential authenticity of
the Ewing Papers (even if the numbers of
people are invented or exaggerated).

Switched: Beaten with a tree switch?

“This [?] 8th sun the party who had been to lagoon
on other side of river had crossed back and were
hurried by their guards to catch up the main party
waiting for them before starting back to camp.
When the party got as far as where the Osric St
drain empties out on Mullibah Flat, a young married
lubra named Weetah found she had lost her dilly bag
[she] had left it on a log at crossing place to go across
to lagoon on other side. And a dilly bag contains many
useful things for an Aboriginal woman: needles of
bone; wood; sewing thread of hair; bark; sinews of
animals; tying cords of animal hide; flint knives; tinder
to dust on her two fire-stick[s] as she rubs them
together; balls of clay wetted and used to put over a
wound; and many other things.”

For an excellent illustration of the open woodland
country around Gunnible Mountain in 1867, see the watercolour
painting at: [accessed January

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Where the Osric St drain empties out: Osric

Street runs north-eastwards, terminating at the
lower or north-western end of Mullibah Lagoon.
The drain is at the far eastern end of Marquis
Street: See Maps 11 and 12.

Weetah: Gamilaraay wiidhaa, ‘Bowerbird’, her

totem name. The spotted bowerbird,
Chlamydera maculata.
Totems were inherited from one’s mother.
Thus the fact that her totem name was different
from her brother’s (Dhagaay or Tukki,
‘yellowbelly fish’) would mean that they had
different mothers but the same father.

To go across: Struck out in the original MS.

A dilly bag contains …: This list is not one that

could easily be invented by a white man and
serves to confirm the tale’s essential
authenticity. Such detail plainly represents Joe
Bungaree’s memories of traditional life.
The Gamil'raay for ‘dilly bag’ was gulay,
‘carrying bag’. They were made from fibres
spun from the bark of kurrajong trees (Bucknell
in Curr III: 305).

She told her guard-husband and said, “You take our

piccanny [sic] to camp. I’ll run back for it and take
Tukki my young brother with me. Run quickly there and
back: I’ll tell Burradella why you had to go back – and
go and come back the creek way”. – That creek way is
still the natural run of water from Mullibah Lagoon to
enter river.
Tukki was about nine years old. They ran fast along
the low banks of creek but [in] the last 200 yds [yards]
the variegated thistles grew seven and eight feet high
[over two metres] and densely along both banks and
out for hundreds of years [sic: yards]. So they ran
along the creek bed, a dry one unless after a flood or

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

heavy rain. Within fifty yards of where the creek ran

into river, they slowed down to walk across sticks and
logs. They didn’t talk as their fast run had made them
feel winded.

Tukki: First mention. Almost certainly Thagaay

or Dhagaay (Ridley’s “dukkai”), i.e., the golden
perch or yellowbelly fish, Macquaria ambigua.
The boy’s totem or clan name.

The natural run: The creeklet - or “flood-

runner”, to use the technical term303 - drains
north-westwards from Mullibah Lagoon. It enters
the Namoi a little upstream from the Cohen
Bridge. See Maps 5, 6 and 7, and
Illustration xyz.

[Enemies Appear:]

“Within 20 yds of the river they froze in their tracks

when they heard a man’s guttural voice say, “Look at
Weetah put her hand over Tukki’s mouth, and
pointing to the dense thistle[s] growing on [the] bank,
whispered, “Enemies – creep like a snake after me into
Creeping in some distance, Weetah whispered,
“Tukki //MS Page 6// crawl in thistles as far as they
grow. There look all about you for enemies. None in
sight, slide into creek and run where creek banks are
high and crawl on creek-bed where banks are low. Tell
Burradella [that] Weetah and you heard the voice of an
enemy talking on this side the river at our crossing

The English term is awkward and non-standardised.
Being indigenous, the Gamilaraay language naturally had an
ordinary, standard word: warrambul (typically spelt Warrambool
in present-day place-names), ‘overflow channel, watercourse that
contains water only during flood times’ (Ash et al. 2003: 139).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

place. But who to, and how many others, we don’t

Weetah had pulled some green […] vine, twisted
some strands into cords, made a head cover of clover
and thistle leave [sic] and tied [it] with cords to Tukki’s
head to hide his dark hair from enemy eyes as he
crawled on his belly, low down on [the] clover and

A man’s voice: The narrator – Joe Bungaree or

Stan Ewing - usually prefers “warrior”, except
when there is a contrast of genders. The words
“man” and “men” are avoided. By contrast,
“women” is used frequently, as well as “lubras”.

“Say: Weetah will stop to spy and find out how many
warriors and what tribe and [I] will come as quick as I
can to camp by creek way. Go now: be careful not to
show much of yourself in the open places.”
Tukki did the last 400 yards in quick time into camp.
Some of his people ran to meet him and said, ‘Where is
Weetah, what’s happened? Is she hurt?’ ‘Where’s
Burradella?’ Tukki asked: ‘Take me to Burradella’. Tukki
told him all Weetah had told him to say.

[Withdrawal from Mullibah Lagoon:]

Burradella ordered all the women and piccinnies to

start for the secret camp taking food and water. And 15
warriors were sent to guard them, leaving Burradella
and six warriors at camp with him: three others were
on the smoke-signal and look-out post on Porcupine

THE SECRET CAMP. First mention. Nowhere is

its whereabouts stated precisely. Presumably -
see the next two paragraphs - it was located in
the scrub somewhere between Mullibah Lagoon

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and the foot of Porcupine Ridge, most likely

below the northern or north-eastern face of
Porcupine Ridge. That is to say, at the foot of
Porcupine Ridge, immediately below the present
look-out point. [see Map 11]. Hop-vine scrub
can grow up to three metres, and so would have
afforded suitable cover.

There were 20 old women, none under 60 years of

age and some 80 years old. As they couldn’t keep up
with the younger women and piccinies hurried along by
the guards, Burradella told them to take their time and
make to the edge of the hop-vine scrub, push through
it along some wallaby pad keeping together, to come
out of hop-vine scrub on the edge of spinifex grass
patch at foot of Porcupine Ridge.
They were to [shelter?] back in the hop scrub, make
no fire, eat some food and lay [sic] down and sleep
close together - until Burradella sent a message to
them just as Djurrabl (The Evening Star) was going
down. Burradella knew that few enemies killed the old
women of a tribe, though they did kill at times the old
men because they were makers of war weapons for
their tribe.”

The Evening Star: i.e., Venus. Note that the

Morning Star, the morning appearance of
Venus, was believed to be a quite different star,
called Maliyan ‘Eagle’ (the wedge-tailed eagle).
William Ridley gave two different Namoi River
names for the Evening Star: Bioian-gummer and
Gunu or Goonoo. Neither looks like ‘Djurrabl’.
John Giacon and his colleagues (Ash et al. 2003:
123) list the Gamilaraay name as Nganundi
Gindamalaa, literally ‘(he) laughs at me’
[nganundi, ‘at me’: source case + gindama,
‘laugh’ +?laa, ‘then’].
The latter is similar to Ridley’s Ngindi-
gindoer [ngindaay-gindawaa], evidently the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Wayilwan or lower Barwon River name for the

evening appearance of Venus. In his book
(1875), Ridley spells this Ngindi-kindawa,
meaning “the one that laughs (at you)” [here
ngindaay = ‘the one who’ ie the relative clause
marker]. The Wayilwan also called the evening-
Venus Ngaije-kindamawa [ngay-kindama-waa],
“the one who laughs [always laughs] at me”
[ngay ‘to or at me’, and kindama-, ‘laugh’ +waa,
continous aspectual].304
In traditional lore, the star was an old man
who once laughed at an old woman’s bum
(bottom), for which indiscretion he was
banished into the sky. Now when Venus
changes colour, he is said to be still laughing
(Yuwaalaraay version: Ash et al. 2003: 116).
Aborigines were of course keen observers of
the patterned movements of the sun, moon and
stars. As Dunbar says, “Time was kept in the
day by the sun, and in the night by the position
of the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters in the
northern sky, the time being reckoned by its
position above the horizon. Days were reckoned
by the moon, and elapsed time by the

Sending two warriors along with Gilwan, the husband

of Weetah, to find and send back to camp and to spy
on [the] enemy - find out how many and where camped
– and who they were if possible – and to get back to
Some of these renderings are uncertain. Evidently the
object of ‘laugh’ sometimes took the genitive case: ngay, ‘to me’
in the sense of ‘done for’ me; while in other contexts it could take
the source case: nganundi, ‘at me’, or even the dative case:
nganunda, ‘to me’, in the sense of ‘movement to’ me [see further
Ash et al. 2003].
Ridley 1873: 273; Dunbar 1943: 179.
Like ancient Greek and some other languages, Gamilaraay had
singular, dual and plural forms. You singular: cf old English
‘thou’ = nginda. You two (dual) = ngindaali. You (plural): ‘you-
all’, three or more = ngindaay.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

camp by sunset: if delayed until later, go to smoke

signal post instead of camp.
Burradella had taken 15 boys aged 12 to 14 to stay
with him, and the best runner of the 15 guards, taking
women and piccinies to secret camp. He sent [the
runner] ahead with message to [the] smoke signal
post: “signal to Red Kangaroo – ‘enemies been heard
speaking on river between Burrell Lagoon camp and
Mullibah Flat Lagoon camp – women and children
rushed off to secret camp under strong guard.’” –
Weetah came //MS Page 7// back to camp, had met
Gilwan and other two warriors as she came along
creek-way [sic]. They [she and Tukki] went on to spy on
the Cassilis warriors – she had crept into the thistles to
river bank and saw two warriors of Cassilis tribe on [?
lagoon/long] camp side of river at the crossing. They
[the Cassilis men] had found the dilly bag and had its
contents spread on log looking at them – a crow called
twice down the river: they jumped up, put the things in
dillybag and ran off one having the dilly bag. Two other
warriors came to meet them. They stopped to talk and
point to the tracks of the main party of women &
piccinies and their guard going back to camp. They
were too far away to hear what they said but they
pointed in the camp’s direction. And turned and ran
toward Burrell Lagoon.

Narratively, the repetition serves to remind the

listener of the story.

Sending two … : The text is not always in the

form of full sentences. Large parts of it read like
notes taken down from speech. As we have
remarked, “the” is often omitted. This perhaps
reflects the original pidgin or non-standard
English spoken by Joe Bungaree.

Gilwan: First mention of this person.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Message: As noted earlier, there are differing

views on how simple or complex Aboriginal
smoke signals were, and whether signals had
any fixed meanings or were just pre-arranged
The message that Burradella asked to be sent
was: “enemies been heard speaking on river
between Burrell Lagoon camp and Mullibah Flat
Lagoon camp – women and children rushed off
to secret camp under strong guard”. This
contains at least five elements: 1. >Enemies<;
2. >Here [“on river” implied]<; 3.
>Women+childen<; 4. >Secret camp<; and 5.
>Safe/under strong guard/all is well for the
moment<. Presumably this would have required
a signal in five parts or “words” which would be
repeated. In the actual message, as sent to and
read by Red Kangaroo ( - see in text below),
there were as few as three elements i.
>Enemy<; ii. >here/on Nammoy/secret-camp<;
and iii. >Come<. In Ewing’s words: “Enemy
near on Nammoy River – come quickly – secret

CASSILIS: First mention. Present-day Cassilis is a

hamlet on an upper tributary of the Goulburn
River north-west of Mudgee [Map 2]. From
Gunnedah, it lies to the south, over the
Liverpool Ranges, at a distance of 115
kilometres. The Cassilis people also figure in
Jinnie Griffin’s tale (Document 3E).
As explained in the Introduction, it is
uncertain whether the language of the Upper
Goulburn River community was Kamilaroi or
Wiradjuri. Such evidence as we do have
indicates that they spoke Kamilaroi.

“Weetah got some food & water and possum rugs

and set off for [the] secret camp. The sun was still
three quarters of an hour high [?meanwhile: missing

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

word] – sending one warrior to smoke-signal post to

send up a message [reading] “enemies – Cassilis tribe
– four been seen on river – looks like a war party is
camped close”. Sending another warrior to take the 15
boys from 12 to 14 years old to the edge of the hop
scrub. Two were sent to the smoke-signal post to tell
the three warriors there that Burradella wanted them
[by] sunset to join him on edge of hop-scrub, boys to
guide them. The 13 left […] warrior, he [Red Kangaroo]
stationed 10 yds [yards] apart between every pair of
boys, he and one boy in the centre. They looked out
onto a small clearing 300 yards wide and a length of
1,700 yds. Not a tree, bush or stump and only short
grass was on the clearing.”

Here again the text reads like notes taken down

from a narrator.

Three quarters of an hour: Presumably Joe

Bungaree's rendering of "a short period". Plainly
Aborigines in the 1700s did not use hours and

“Gilwan and the two other warriors ran into camp at

a fast pace to find only Burradella and one warrior
waiting there. Gilwan said, ‘They are in Burrell Lagoon
camp and we crept as close as we dare [sic] - they
were eating a meal and there are more warriors there
than all warriors of our tribe. We crept away to [get?] ...
cover to watch – then warriors have been sent out to
find our camp. They ran off to river to get our lubra &
piccinny & guards’ tracks to follow to our camp. Then
we hurried here. They won’t be long coming in sight.’
Burradella and his warriors left the camp and
watched from trees, lying flat or seated in forks with
bushes in their hands. As soon as the first scout spies
showed up, Burradella order[ed] his men to jog back to
the edge of the hop-vine scrub. There he found the
boys and his warrior. The sun was going down when

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the warrior returned from smoke-signal post, making

Burradella’s party seven warriors and 13 boys, with
three warriors yet to come.
Choosing two boys from his 13, Burradella told them
to go up to [the] smoke-signal post [and] get the other
two boys, and all of them, without talk, were to [go to
the] secret camp. One was to give two calls of a curlew,
[and] an owl would hoot twice but from different
directions. Then the boy was to make only one curlew
call and they were to stop where they were, until a
voice said ‘come to me’ – and they walked up to one of
their guards in /sic/ his wommerah ready to throw: they
were to say ‘Burradella sent us as //MS Page 8//
guides for Red Kangaroo to where Burradella is’. The
guard croaked twice like a tree frog and another armed
guard came out of the dark. “Burradella’s guides for
Red Kangaroo: take them inside the camp.”

[Red Kangaroo Returns:]

On the eighth sun, Red Kangaroo and his nine war-

seasoned warriors, having got good supper of best
emu meat, started leisurely on the journey back to
their camp … coming to the Mooki. They followed its
course, and, where there was a narrow shallow weedy
hole, they saw fish splashing and jumping in the thick
Quickly they waded in with spear and nulla [sic] and
soon had a great lot of fish flapping about on the bank.
Making a fire, they broiled the fish on the coals. After a
week of emu-meat meals, the fish were a very
welcome change, and every warrior ate a strongman’s
meal. They sat and talked whether they shouldn’t get
some more fish to take back to camp some [14?] miles
Suddenly Kuribri jumped to his feet to [see?] smoke
coming up from their Porcupine Ridge smoke signal
and lookout post.
Red Kangaroo and his nine warriors’ eyes were now
all on the smoke that went up in the sky in a big ball, or
small one, dies out, then another big one, or a series of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

big ones or small ones – some very black smoke –

oth[erwise] white – or bluish smoke.”

Kuribri: First reference to this person. It is not

explained exactly who he was, and he is
mentioned only in passing.

Red Kangaroo, still keeping his eyes on the smoke

signal, said, “Kuribri: tell me what you read in the
smoke.” “Enemy near on Nammoy River – come
quickly – secret camp.” Burradella xxx [illegible] I have
seen that in smoke just now. “What have you seen?”
he asked … his warriors. “Same as you’ve seen.”
Red Kangaroo said, “Leave the emu meat here. See
that all your war weapons are secure on you. I will stop
here and send up three smoke signals to warn
Boobuk’s party in case they miss our lookout-post
signals. It won’t take me long to send a smoke signal
up off your cooking fire. You nine will run for the secret
camp. I will soon be following you there. /word inked
out/ And we have [?an hour] and a half before sunset.”

Half: Struck out in the manuscript.

Red Kangaroo [hereafter RK] made up the cook [sic]

fire and gathered arms-full [sic] of dry leaves. Some he
wetted in [the] Mooki to place upon a strong fire blaze
and cause[d] it to burn the wet grass and make it give
off dark smoke.
RK was soon running after his nine warriors and he
caught them after they had done four miles [six
kilometres] of their journey. Running with them, he told
them to go to [the] secret camp. There he could leave
them a message. Then RK ran off again, and his
warriors watched his long powerful legs carrying him
further & further ahead of them.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The sun had set when RK arrived at secret

camp. //MS Page 9// RK’s two wives rubbed him from
neck to ankles with porcupine [echidna] fat to take the
stiffness from muscles and limbs. Then they brought
him food and water.
One of the guards told him how Weetah and her little
brother Tukki had gone back to river to get Weetah’s
dillybag, and whilst in cover they heard an enemy
voice at crossing place. “Weetah sent Tukki back to
warn Burradella. He crawled on belly through thistles
along bed of creek where bank was low and ran where
banks were high. And told him all Weetah had told him
to say. And also that Weetah said she would stop and
spy to find out who enemy was: how many and where
they were camping. Burradella [had] sent the lubras
and piccinnies off to secret camp. Everyone who could
carried food and water. Twenty of the old lubras
haven’t come in yet, nor Weetah.”

Notice how the tale of the dillybag is repeated,

presumably for the sake of narrative

Four miles: Miles of course are an English, not

Gamilaraay, measure of distance. But Joe
Bungaree would have learnt English distances.
In "The Death and Career", we even have RK
himself speaking the word "miles": camps of the
Coonabarabran people "miles apart". But an
Aboriginal measure is also supplied: "a day's
walk" (Document 3B, MS Page 22).

Porcupine: The old term for the echidna,

Tachyglossus aculeatus. Animal fat was still
being used medicinally as late as the 1940s in
the farther north-west of NSW (Reay MS 1944,
p.43). Traditionally it was also used as hair oil
(Ash et al. 2003: 37).

River: As before, “the” is often omitted.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“Send Tukki to me”, RK said, and seated him

alongside of him when he came and gave him some of
his food to eat. Weetah came into camp with another
guard who said to RK, “Weetah has news to tell you”.
“Tell me everything Weetah.”

[Weetah Reports to Red Kangaroo:]

“I spied on the enemy [she began] at [the] crossing

place on river. They were two Cassilis warriors and they
had found my dillybag and had it spread out on [the]
log they sat on. A crow called down river. They jumped
up, put things into my dillybag again and ran off with it
to join the other another two warriors. They all ran [?
beside] our tracks for a little way, stooping and
pointing. But too far off for me to hear what they said.
But think they spoke of so many women and piccinnies
and so few warriors with them. They pointed along
tracks in direction of our camp on Mullibah Lagoon.
Then they turned and ran fast towards our Burrell
Lagoon camp. And I ran for our camp along the creek
and met Gilwan my m[…] [?man and] two other
warriors sent by Burradella (to find me and send to
camp) and to go and spy on the enemy – telling them
they were Cassilis warriors, the four I’d seen, and they
were [in?] our Burrell Lagoon camp.”
“They went on to spy and I went to camp and told
Burradella and he sent me to secret camp – and [said]
to tell you everything if you were here, and/or when
you got here.”

So many … so few: That is, deduced from their


“Weetah” [said RK] “you’ve done a warrior’s job to

spy alone on the enemy and get to Burradella and me
such good information about the Cassilis warriors.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“And here”, he said to the warrior guard, tapping his

index figure over Tukki’s heart, “is a brave warrior
growing up fast - inside here.”
Shortly after, the nine warriors came into camp. RK
ordered them to get their wives to rub porcupine
[echidna] fat on them from head to ankles. Then they
were to eat a meal and sleep for two hours. He was
taking nine of the 14 guards of the camp with him
down to Burradella. The guard would wake five of them
in two hours to do guard over camp, and the other four,
they would wake in an hour along with one of the five
guards. Everyone would do one hour guard at each
guard. To keep their ears and eyes alert. Sleepy guards
see things that are not there and miss those that do
come close and they don’t hear the thumping of a
wallaroo in flight, passing near. Wakeful guards hear
even the downy owl’s wings whirr as they flit near in

To keep their ears: Here again the text lapses

into notes, rather than full sentences.

[He also directed that] If Boobuk and his 13 young

warriors came in early in the night, they were to rub
themselves with porcupine fat, neck to ankles – eat –
and sleep two hours and take over the camp guard. If
they came in at two or three in the morning, they must
take over the camp guard, as RK would want his nine
warriors and the other five warriors to come to
him. //MS Page 10// Taking two of the four boys
Burradella had sent to guide RK to him […]. The other
two would guide the next party.
[RK then proceeded to Burradella’s position:]
Burradella told RK that Gilwan and two other warriors
had spied on the Burrell Lagoon camp. They reported a
big party of Cassilis warriors were eating a meal there.
More warriors than their tribe had.
When 10 warriors left the camp at a run going
towards river, where they had got on the tracks of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Lubras & picinnies [sic] and the small party of warriors

with them, Gilwan and his companions ran in a straight
route for the Mullibah Lagoon […]. Burradella left two
other warriors to spy on the 10 warriors.

Towards river: As so often throughout the text,

“the” is omitted.

[Here it seems that Gilwan is narrating what he saw:]

“They warily crept close to camp and two crawled into
it from opposite ends. They signalled to the other eight
who ran in from various points. They were excited and
ran from mia-mia to mia-mia. And picked up the tracks
of the lubras & picinnies and their warrior guards
headed for the open country. That would bring them to
the Mooki through a sparsely timbered scrubless open
country below the Blackhill [sic]. Three ran [?] the
tracks for a short distance, but they had no cover, and
might be easily seen, so they ran back to Mullibah
Lagoon camp.”
“Burradella had purposely sent the women and
children and guards out in the open country as if going
[east] to a camp on Mooki. But had ordered they turn
south, when they got in the long grass and go up into
the hop-vine & heather scrub on Blackhill.”
“Five spies ran off at a fast run back towards Burrell
Lagoon Camp. The other five hid in the myall thickets
on the western and south side of the Mullibah Lagoon

Blackhill: First mention. Located apparently

south-east or south of Mullibah Lagoon. As
noted earlier, it was one of the knolls south of
the present railway line, possibly the knoll near
the intersection of Boundary Road and Kamilaroi
Road (which is nearly due south of Mullibah).
The document says (below: MS Page 12) that a

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

"rib" (a line of higher ground) connected

Blackhill to Porcupine Ridge [Map 10].

Myall thickets: 'Western' and 'south' means

where the town now stands, or to be precise:
the north-east quadrant of the town.

[Enter the Cassilis Warriors:]

“The sun was setting behind the ridges to the west

when a great number of Cassilis warriors came at a jog-
trot into the Mullibah camp. They lit no fire – they lay or
sat in groups and talked. The two Nammoy River spies
crawled up and could hear some of the talk. “Where
was the camp the lubras & picinnies were going to?”
“Not far away on the Mooki.” Their spies [i.e., Cassilis
scouts] would soon bring news of it now. If it was dark,
their [the Gunnedah people’s] fires would show – There
weren’t many warriors with them. They had a lot of
camps to move about to. This one they had seen in
/sic/ that morning. The ashes were still hot.”
“Burradella had ordered that the wood of every fire
burning when Tukki brought warning of an enemy on
river was to be taken to the lagoon, put out and every
charred stick thrust below water into the muddy
bottom out some yards from shore. The oldest
picinnies with some young lubras [were] to show how
to do it. [They] Did this job whilst the other lubras
packed up food & water and possum rugs and personal
belongings ready to get away to the secret camp.
The [Cassilis] spies came back in half an hour to
report no sign of [a] camp on Mooki, nor any camp-fire
showing in the ridges to the south. “We will get on their
tracks early in the morning and fight their warriors.
They must have a camp not far away. Their tracks are
not hurrying ones like they would be if in flight from an
enemy. They might be up on that place (Black Hill
[sic]): we will send spies up to it.”
The Nammoy warriors crept away and then ran to
tell Burradella. He sent three warriors to try and see

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the Cassilis spies if they tried to cross the clearing that

stretched for a mile and 300 yards [about two
kilometres] wide on the east of the Porcupine Ridges
hop-vine-edge scrub.
RK and Burradella discussed whether to make a raid
attack with their 19 [?] warriors and themselves or risk
all on a putting-in of the 14 warriors guarding the
secret camp with every one of the 35 of them in a night
raid. The enemy had, according to all their warrior
spies, [& for] [?illegible] of two warriors to their one.
Some said there were more warriors still than two to
one in the Cassilis tribe against their force.
RK took one man with him and went to spy on the
Cassilis warriors. Leaving his warrior, he crept near the
camp to find they had lit fires and had posted guards
all around. That did away with a surprise night raid.
They ran back to Burradella.”

East: Burradella and his men were facing

northwards. Thus the three main features were,
from west to east: (a) the hopvine scrub that ran
down from the high ground of the Porcupine
ridges, (b) the clearing; and (c) Mullibah.

Man: A rare use of this word. Usually “warrior” is


[Planning the Ambush:]

“Then RK thought of a way he might trap the Cassilis

warriors into an ambush. Burradella spoke [about]
going or sending someone to guide the 20 old lubras to
the secret camp. ‘Let //MS Page 11// them stay there
a bit longer until I come back to you’, RK said. He went
away along the edge of the hop vine scrub making to
the back of the, or north westerly side of the, Blackhill
[sic] and its thick hop scrub. Into this scrub a U-shaped
clearing penetrate[d] 130 yards deep by 40 wide.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

North-westerly side: It is difficult to follow the

movements of the various war bands. As far as I
can make out, the u-shaped clearing was (as
Tim Curran proposes) below the north-west
slope of Porcupine Ridge, whence it would be
possible to see (about 1.5 kilometres away) "the
twinkle of fires on Mullibah Lagoon camp". That
is to say, where today there is open ground,
between the fringes of the town and the Ridge
[below: MS page 11: compare Map 11].
The survivors from among the defeated
Cassilis men (see below) fled south-eastwards in
the direction of Black Jack Mountain and then no
doubt turned south (given that they were
headed ultimately for Cassilis). In other words,
they probably travelled broadly in the direction
that the Wandoba Road now takes. There were
two further encounters when the Gunnedah
men caught up with several bands of fleeing
Cassilis men. Presumably these clashes took
place about where the Wandoba Road intersects
with the western reaches of Black Jack State
Forest. See Maps 7 and 8.

“On [the] full moon the whole tribe, armed with

waddies, used to line along the fringe of hop scrub
leading to Porcupine Ridge and the fringe of the hop
scrub on the north westerly side of Blackhill. Inside the
U, warriors with spear and nulla lined the U all around
from its mouth entrance. Out on the narrow strip of
clear ground, warriors and picinnies hunted the
wallabies feeding on the open grass land. They hopped
[?into] their scrubs and the lubras and picinnies threw
waddies at them and made many [?noises] to turn the
wallabies away in frightened bewilderment until
eventually a fair number entered the U, followed to its
entrance by lubras and piccinnies who hit any trying to
get past them out of the U again and away from the
warrior’s spear or nulla.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Going over to the gap into the thick hedge of hop

vines and heather, [?Red Kangaroo realised] it offered
a possible trap to anyone who rushed heedlessly into
it. Looking from a small tree growing in [sic] end of this
U pocket, Red Kangaroo could see the twinkle of fire on
Mullibah Lagoon camp.

Again, “the” is frequently omitted.

Open grassland: This would be a reference to

the creek-valley feeding out of the northern face
of Porcupine Ridge which today still supports
open grassland. 306

RK could see the twinkle: In other words, he was

looking from the U pocket (below the northern
face of Porcupine Ridge) NNE towards Mullibah -
about one kilometre away [Map 11].

Waddies: First use of this term. Usually ‘nulla

nulla’ is preferred. One might suppose that a
‘waddy’ meant a hunting club and that ‘nulla
nulla’ denoted a mace or war club. But on one
occasion at least (above: MS Page 8) ‘nulla
nullas’ were used to kill fish.

Going back to Burradella, he took him to the U gap in

hop-vine scrub and told him to plan to try to trap the
Cassilis warriors. Walking inside the U mouth 40 yards,
[he said] “Here is where the guards will have their fires
that will burn to ashes and warm coals before grey
dawn. The guards will sit, lay about and walk about fire
in the early part of night. Then they will all lay down
about fire to sleep, except for a few guards posted here
and there. But there will be no guards sleeping or
awake about the died-out fires after two in the

I thank Tim Curran for comments on the geographical
clues concerning the battle sites.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

morning. The possum rug [will be] rolled about stick[s]

tied in bundles, or about grass, to look like a man
wrapped in his possum rug asleep [by] the dead fires.
At each man-like form in its possum rug, a spear will
stand upright in the ground.”

… like a man wrapped in his possum rug: Possum-skin

cloaks or “rugs” were sometimes very large. A cloak from
the Hunter Valley nearly five feet (149 cm) long, made
from 22 skins, is pictured in C P Mountford 1963 (a unique
drawing of incised designs, cut on the skin side of posssum
skin cloaks); and Alexander Harris 1847 mentions rugs of
30-60 skins. One rug from Victoria was sewn from 81 (!)
skins and measured 7'6" by 5'6" [2.29 metres by 1.68

“At the far end of the U and along its sides for 20
yards each way there will be bushes leant against the
hop scrub to make a mia-mia for the night. And early
and up to 10 o'clock there will be fires at each mia-mia,
and young lubras not yet married will walk from fire to
fire and talk with young married women, and the
picinnies, boys and girls of nine or [10] years old, who
will run about the camp in early part of night until sent
to bed by the older lubras after nine o’clock setting of
Djurrabl (evening star). Some old women will have a
row and some guards will stop the row. Then every
lubra & piccinnie will go to bed and sleep.”
“But a young (baby) picinin [sic] will start to cry and
cry. Its mother will get up and make up her fire and sit
at fire to warm piccinin. At different time[s] during the
night picinnies will cry and cry, and their mothers will
get up and make up her fire and sit it with piccinin –
until three in the morning, when they will slip away in

Mountford 1963: 534-35; Harris ed, Clarke 1953: 75
(first published 1847); and Mulvaney 1969: 81. See also the cover
picture of my Kamilaroi Lands 1997 – a drawing from the 1860s
of a man wrapped in a large cloak with incised designs on the
outer, skin side.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the scrub and go back to the secret camp where all the
others will be, except 10 old women left in camp. At
three o’clock every guard will crawl to the scrub edge
either side of U leaving a spear at the head of a
possum-rugged figure asleep by the died-out guard
“You Burradella will have 17 warriors and yourself on
one side of the U 40 yards from U mouth. You will
stand back two feet in hop-vine. On the other side I will
have 16 warriors and myself, and we will stand two feet
back in hop scrub from three in the morning until grey
dawn is coming. Then, if the trap is good, the Cassilis
warriors will creep through mouth of U and along the
hop vine scrub edge. Then they will throw the spears at
the possum-rugged figures on guard and rush with
tribal war-shouts to nulla-nulla any of our warriors they
didn’t spear. We will in that time //MS Page 12// [?
steal] out of scrub and send a shower of spears into
them and no one is to rush to nulla nulla any warrior he
can get near. They must run to the end of the U and let
us give them a second spear. Then our warriors can get
up close for using nulla nulla.”

As before, ‘the’ is often omitted in the


[Burradella and Boobuk Approve Red Kangaroo’s


“What do you say about my plan, Burradella?” – “We

are forced to take risks [replied B.], either to wait for
daylight and fight against a much stronger force than
ours, or risk a raid on them with only 21 of us. And our
warriors who have seen their war party say there are
70 or 80 warriors in it. We can’t surprise-raid them in
the night as you have seen for yourself. We must risk a
fight in the dark when they can’t see how few we are to
them. And we must get every man we have at the
secret camp. That would give us 35 spears. We have to

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

risk all to keep our women and picinnies. But how are
you going to get the women to come here and camp as
if they didn’t know an enemy was near them?”
Red Kangaroo said, “I can depend on my two wives”.
“And my three will come”, said Burradella. “Then
there’s Weetah: she would come, and that little Tukki.
Then there’s the 14 warriors in [camp?]. Their wifes
[sic] and piccinnies old enough to come will join us
“We will take the risk Burradella!” “You get 10 of the
old women here. Put the boys with you gathering
firewood for the mia-mia fires – and some warriors
getting small leafy trees to lean against the hop-vine to
make a makeshift camp for a night for the women and
children. And keep a strong double guard out in front of
the U in case any Cassilis spies find it before I get the
women here and picinnies. My wives both have a
(baby) picinin [sic].”
Red Kangaroo ran all the way, as only a strong man
like him could do. Boobuk’s party had arrived. Red
Kangaroo told the guards of the enemy forces [?
ranged] against theirs and his plan to try to trap them
in the U wallaby-catch308 by baiting it with his young
wives and Burradella’s.
Were the other warriors prepared to risk their wives
[he asked]? Or would they stay in secret camp until
tracked down and killed by the Cassilis warriors who
had killed off [??would kill off] Red Kangaroo and their
19 warriors and 13 boys?
“We follow where you lead us, Red Kangaroo, and so
must our lubras and piccinies!”
So Red Kangaroo picked the 20 unmarried lubras
and 40 of the youngest of the 70 lubras in camp, and
Tukki and all boys and girls from eight to 11 years old.
Taking six guards and 40 young women, Red Kangaroo
started back. The other eight guards came at a slower
pace to give the younger picinnies every chance of not
getting exhausted before [illegible: ?three-fourths?] of
the journey had been done.

Photo: (2004).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Halting his party at the top of Porcupine Ridge, Red

Kangaroo went down the rib that leads to Blackhill and
got in touch with Burradella. All was going well: bush
lean-to mia mias; wood for camp fires; wood for
guards’ fires; and plenty of grass and bundles of sticks
tied up [and] hid under grass. And some of the old
women came to their place: Burradella had told them
what he wanted them to do. The younger women were
all settled down. The strongest picinnies were coming
in with the other lubras and the smallest picinnies were
being brought in short stages until all had arrived.
Weetah had borrowed a baby (picinin) 309 from a woman
left in the camp.

Down the rib that leads to Blackhill: That is, in

modern-day terms: NNE from Porcupine Ridge
following the low ridge or slope down towards
Boundary Road. To reach the "wallaby catch",
he would then have turned west. See Maps 10
and 11.

“When all was arranged in the camp, the fires were

lit, and one lit at the mouth of U to catch the eyes and
roving scouts/spies of the Cassilis tribe.
Red Kangaroo and seven warriors [lay?] watching for
Cassilis scouts. And when it looked as if they didn’t see
[?] //MS Page 13// the fire. [?]
Burradella had gone with six warriors on to Blackhill
to watch the Cassilis partie’s [sic] fires in Mullibah
Lagoon Camp. Suddenly they all went out – been put
out. He and his warriors ran back to tell Red Kangaroo.
Then they robbed the fire in the U of its wood, taking it
to the guards’ fire. The hot ashes were swept into a
heap and a hole dug with tomahawk where fire had
been made. Then hot ashes were swept into it, dirt put
back and stamped flat, and loose grass scattered over

Ewing's note. It may be implied that "picinin" was how
Joe Bungaree said 'piccaninny'.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[the] dug-up ground. Now the Cassilis spies would have

to move around to the north-west to look at the fires
inside the U and they would have to cross the narrow
strip of treeless scrubless ground to get north-west of
the U.
The two chiefs and seven warriors lay on the edge of
the Porcupine Ridge hop scrub waiting to see if the
Cassilis spies had seen their fire and put theirs out
because of it. Twenty minutes passed; then a man was
seen to raise himself from the ground and beckon with
his hand. He showed up in the firelight of the guards'
fire to Red Kangaroo and party. Then he dropped to
earth and made to the east of the U entrance. Crossing
that guard’s firelight, 15 warriors were seen: their head
or back as they crawled on ground.

To Blackhill to watch the Cassilis partie’s [sic]

fires: As noted earlier, Blackhill was possibly the
knoll near the intersection of Boundary Road
and Kamilaroi Road. The distance from there to
Mullibah lagoon is 1.5 kilometres. Compare Map

Twenty minutes: Minutes were not a division of

time that Aborigines used in the 17th and 18th
centuries. We must imagine that Joe Bungaree,
with his good knowledge of English, chose '20
minutes' to convey a short, but not very short,

[The Cassilis Spies Inspect the Gunnedah Camp:]

“The picinnies [?as they now saw?] were laughing

and talking and chasing one another about their
bushes-lean-to shelter[s] leant against hop scrub at
back of U and 20 yards along both sides. Some lubras
came and shouted at them to go to bed and chased
boys who ran to some other camp fire. And the 20
unmarried young lubras stood talking in groups at the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

fires until the camp-owners covered the fires with

ashes. Then some of the old women started rowing.
Some chief or leading warriors [i.e., Cassilis men?]
had been brought up by some spies sent for them.
They crept to U mouth when the young unmarried
lubras stood about the camp fires talking to the young
married women. The old women started to fight with
their yam-sticks until some guards ran to them and
bumped their heads together. The guards began to
come up to the fire and a number stuck a spear upright
in ground, rolled their possum rug about them and lay
down to sleep. Other guards sat at fire wrapped in rug
and others walked about across U entrance or as far as
the women and picinnies camp and they stood at hop-
vine edge and leaned against it.”

Yam-sticks: The Gamilaraay name was ganay.

Dunbar writes that “The women . . . carried a
digging stick . . . approximately five feet long
[about 1.5 metres], undecorated, and made of
mulga wood, hardened and pointed at each
end; it was used as a weapon of offence and
defence, and for digging out bilbies, yams, roots
etc, in the ground, as a staff, and for handling
the fire in cooking operations.”
When women fought - and fighting was far
from rare among women - they usually relied on
their digging sticks.310

Leaned against it: Hop-vine or Dodonea is too

slight for a grown man to lean against it; but the
small trees forming part of the 'SEVT' complex
("semi-evergreen vine thicket") would provide
such support.311

Dunbar 1943: 172; Warner 1958: 165.
Tim Curran, pers. comm. 2002.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[Seeing this …] The chief or some leading warriors

went away towards Mullibah Lagoon camp and //MS
Page 14// left seven spies. They stayed on until it got
late at night. Then Naroo’s (baby) piccinin /sic/ started
to cry and cry. She got up and made up her fire and sat
over it with piccinin and self wrapped in her possum
rug. After [that] she went back to her camp and all
became quiet and the night smelt cold. A piccinin
started crying in another camp, and Weetah, another
young woman, got up and started her fire into a blaze
and sat over it with her wailing piccinin. Then the
piccinin stopped crying and, covering over her fire, she
stood a while and then went into her bushes-camp.

Naroo: First mention in this document. She is

introduced into the story without explanation.
As we know from "The Death and Career"
(Document 3B, MS Pages 25 ff), she was Red
Kangaroo’s wife, originally from Coonabarabran.
Following Ridley, Naroo was probably “Gnaroo”
[?Ngaaru], Black Duck, her totem name.312

The night smelt cold: This is not a normal

expression in English. It may represent a figure
of speech in Gamilaraay.

“The spies murmured together and one pointed to

the Southern Cross and the emu and two hunters.
Another cry of a piccinin sounded high on the cool
night air and the spies watched another young woman
come from the other side of camp and make up her
fire. And the piccinin kept on crying. Then two grey-
haired old lubras got up and talked with the young
mother and they warmed something at the fire to put
on the piccinin. And it stopped crying and the young
In northern Gamilaraay, Black Duck (Anas superciliosa,
the 'Pacific black duck') was garrang-ay [Bucknell’s “curring-a”]
(Austin Dict.) Ridley’s “gnaroo” may well have been a southern
Gamilaraay word.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

mother went to her camp and the old lubras wrapped

their possum rugs about them, covered the fire over,
and lay in [sic!] the hot ashes.”

Murmured together: One of my readers

suggested that this scene is a little theatrical,
and sounds like the sort of embellishment that a
white man would add (i.e., the Ewings). This
need not be so. We must allow for the fact that
some, even many, Aborigines were clever and
subtle narrators of camp-tales. There is no
reason to believe that they were unable,
imaginatively, to recreate the feelings and
attitudes of the enemy side.

Emu and two hunters: This would be the name

of a constellation.

The leader of the spies pointed to sleeping guards

by their dying fire and the four guards leaning sleeping
against hop-scrub. Then they crept away for a short
distance and ran for their camp.
Red Kangaroo and nine warriors scouted in search of
other Cassilis scout-spies but there were none.
Burradella had taken the 10 old lubras back into the
thick hop-scrub. And the sleeping guards were grouped
about the dying fires. Every bundle of sticks and grass
[was] rolled into a possum rug. Two guards made of
man-sized logs wrapped in possum rugs leant sleepily
against the thick hop-vine sides of the U, 50 yards from
the entrance into it.
Red Kangaroo sent one warrior with his two wives
and Weetah to top of Porcupine Ridge at smoke-signal
post – and they were to go to secret camp.

[The Ambush Is Ready:]

“Red Kangaroo and his warriors stood along one side

of the U and Burradella and his warriors along the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

other side. All were hidden back three feet in hop-vine

scrub, and no one was to attack the Cassilis warriors
until they threw their spears into the possum-rug-and-
sticks guard[s] seemingly asleep about fire. Then each
man would step clear of the scrub as the Cassilis
warriors rushed past to nulla-nulla any Nammoy River
warrior not speared. And send a flight of spears into
the Cassilis warriors. And each man must throw a
second spear into the Cassilis warriors still on their feet
before rushing them with nulla-nulla. They may not
send all their warriors to attack us in first rush.
The time passed slowly but at last there came a
change in the sky in the east. Then different ones
caught sight of creeping warriors. They [had] sent their
spies to see how things were.
Quickly they signalled [?the presence of] a sleeping
guard. Then the Cassilis warriors ran through the
mouth of the U in the greying light before day when
certain birds gave their call.
They ran in 10 yards //MS Page 15// and launched
60 spears into the sleeping possum-rugged guard[s].
Then, with the war cries, they ran forward to nulla nulla
any un-speared guard and ... they running close
together and so many of them became an easy target
for 35 spear-throwers. Those un-hit either stood still or
fled in terror up the [?missing word]. But a second
shower of spears was launched at them. Then the loud
and feared voice of Red Kangaroo to his warriors, “Get
your spears! There’s more Cassilis warriors somewhere
about!” Every warrior pulled his spear from [the] dead
or dying. “Now Burradella, you and your warriors look
to the U mouth and any Cassilis warriors that may try
to slip by. I’ll take my warriors to deal with those
Cassilis warriors getting away at U end.”

Gave their call: This may refer to imitation bird

calls, used as a prearranged signal. Or, was it
just the dawn bird chorus?

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“They speared three trying to break their way

through the thick hop-vine scrub. But a number
escaped into hop scrub. They [the Gunnedah men]
followed with shield and nullas [sic] in hand.
Burradella counted 34 killed and six badly wounded
inside the first 60 yards of the U [and] with the three
killed at other end by Red Kangaroo and some of his
Burradella and his party went through their side of
the U and beat (keeping close together) back through
hop-vine scrub towards Blackhill. Nothing came
towards them from the Mullibah Lagoon Camp or break
[sic] out of the scrub to cross the mile-long-by-300-
yard-wide strip that fringed the hop-vine scrub of the
Porcupine Ridges – or lay on the north-west edge of
Blackhill scrub. But after a while, battle cries of the
Nammoy River tribe and Cassilis war cries [came] from
the south-east side of Black Hill [sic].
Red Kangaroo’s party had been on the tracks of the
17 survivors of the trap, and they weren’t standing to
fight. They were hoping to join in with 21 warriors sent
around to the south of Black Hill to cut off the fleeing
lubras and picinnies from the U camp. It was this party,
now combined, that came to attack Red Kangaroo’s
party of 17.

Counted 34 killed and six badly wounded: These

numbers may seem massively large, as we
remarked earlier. But they are by no means
impossible. Warner listed two pitched battles in
Arnhem Land in the early 20th century that
resulted the deaths of 14 and 15 men
Likewise in Central Australia there were
lengthy feuds which sometimes culminated in
Kimber has proposed, based on a reading of the
early sources, that this endemic feuding may
have involved a death rate of "possibly five
percent every generation . . . for the regions of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

least conflict and a high death-rate of perhaps

20% every three generations elsewhere". He
cites one clash, remembered from the period
1875-78, in which an attacking party of
"perhaps 50-60" warriors killed as many as "80-
100" men, women and children among an
enemy group. And the kinsmen of the victims
retaliated remorselessly. Over the following
three years, in a series of clashes, all of the "50-
60" killers save one were themselves killed in
'pay-back'. This was related many years later to
T G H Strehlow by the old men who as children
had survived these ‘wars’.
All this should be read against the
background that the arid interior is regarded by
most authors as having the lowest rate of
deaths from warfare.
In the case of north-central NSW, the figures
are more credible if we posit a much higher
population density in the 17th and 18th
centuries than in the 19th century. It is known
that smallpox struck Aboriginal Australia very
heavily in the later 18th-early 19th centuries.
There was at least one and probably two
pandemics, namely in 1785-95 and in 1825-35.
Judy Campbell proposes - rightly in my view -
that smallpox may have killed over half the
population of south-east Australia between
1785 and 1835.313

"Mile-long-by-300-yard-wide strip that fringed

the hop-vine scrub of the Porcupine Ridges –
[and] Blackhill scrub": It seems implied that this
"strip" was distinct from the 'wallaby catch'
itself, which is described as a U-shaped clearing
(only) "130 yards deep by 40 wide" (MS Page
11). On my Maps 10 and 11, the location of
the wallaby catch is speculative.

Warner 1958: 147, 156; Kimber 1990: 163 citing
Strehlow's Journey to Horseshoe Bend 1969; and Campbell 2002.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[Hand to Hand Battle in the Hop Scrub:]

Red Kangaroo and his warriors fell back into the hop
scrub where only tomahawk or nullas could be used.
And Burradella and his men got in touch with RK,
making them 35 strong. Then Red Kangaroo led his
warriors to attack again, roaring his battle cry. And the
warriors of Burradella worked through [the] scrub, and
on an agreed battle cry, they rushed from two
directions at the centre of the Cassilis warriors. It was
nulla and shield or tomahawk and shield – no spears or
boomerangs could be thrown in that scrub and
Cutting the Cassilis party in two, both Nammoy River
tribe parties turned on the same Cassilis-separated
party and killing [sic] two Cassilis warriors. The rest fled
for the open country, and every warrior ran for his life.
RK and Burradella let them go, to attack the other
party and put them to flight [too], with no casualties
among them.”

Tomahawk: As noted earlier, tomahawks were

tools, not weapons. But tools would normally
have been carried, and thus available for use as
as emergency weapons.

“Of the original 60 spears that were trapped into the

U, there were now only 15 warriors left and they now
fled in panic, scattering in twos and threes and running
over the open country and keeping in the scrub
country as much as they could. They headed for Black
Jack Mtn and would keep to the scrub country as long
as they could in their desperation to get home to
Cassilis and as far away from Red Kangaroo and his
warriors as they could.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Black Jack: First mention. - Black Jack Mountain,

700 metres, lies south-west, about eight
kilometres as the crow flies, from Gunnedah
[Maps 3 and 7]. Scrub country: The ridges
north and south of Black Jack Mountain all still
support 'semi-evergreen vine thicket' (SEVT).

The 21 Cassilis warriors who were to have cut off the

flight of the lubras and picinnies from the [illegible]
camp: when they broke and fled before the attack of
RK’s force and Burradella’s force, they ran for Mullibah
Lagoon Camp to get their possum //MS Page 16// rugs
and extra spear, boomerang. And, as they got close to
the camp, another party of Nammoy warriors jumped
out of the ground and rushed with their war cries at
them and three spears and boomerangs. They fled
without throwing a spear and made for Black Jack, a
landmark standing high over all others in the west of
Mullibah Lagoon Camp. Later they found three [of]
their warriors were missing. They were strong young
warriors and fresh, so they soon outran their pursuers
and they headed to the west.”

Another party: Under Boobuk.

West: More exactly, Black Jack Mountain is to

the south-west.

“The party who attacked them had only come into

the camp a short time. They had travelled from Breeza
Plains with a heavy load of best kangaroo meat and
had travelled most of the night until they came to the
Mooki, two miles from Mullibah Lagoon Camp. They
decided to camp on Mooki and come into camp next
Had they come on and not camped, most would
have been killed as they came loaded with meat
amongst 81 Cassilis warriors. They hadn’t seen the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

smoke signals. They had come upon a big mob of

kangaroos and chased and made their kills over miles
of plain country. After the first kill by the 21 of them,
the old warriors cut off the best meat from the kills and
made heaps of it here and there on the tussocky grass
on the plain, to be got when the meat hunt was over.
They all had a meal and all slept, except two on guard
for an hour, each pair of guards.”

Night: Conventionally Aborigines are said to

have avoided night travel, being afraid of
ghosts and demons. On the other hand, we
know from Warner that, at least in Northern
Australia, most war-raids were conducted as
night attacks. Fighting, he says, rarely took
place in the daytime. In north-east Arnhem
Land, the only type of mass fighting held in the
daytime was the uncommon type of pre-
arranged pitched battle (Warner 1930 and
1958: 155-56, 161).

Kangaroos: There were various methods of

hunting kangaroos and wallabies: not just by
spearing them. The Aborigines of north-central
NSW also used long nets strung between trees,
neck-nooses, and traps with foot-nooses.314

“Had they come into the camp that night, it would

have upset Red Kangaroo's plan to trap the Cassilis
warriors. And they, by coming in that morning, had
jumped out of the ground. To the eyes of the Cassilis
warriors, running to a deserted camp to get their

Gould [1839] in Datta 1997; and Katie Parker 1905: 106,
107. Gould recorded the use of nets "about 25 yards [metres] long
by three and a half feet [over one metre] wide", strung between
trees in woodland. Gardner (1854) reported similar methods used
in New England. The use of nets was common in the Murray-
Darling basin (Keen 2004: 41).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

belongings, nothing would ever make them believe

that the Nammoy River tribe hadn’t many warriors.
Red Kangaroo soon came at a run, followed by his
warriors, to the camp and spoke with Boobuk, and
[asked?] how they hadn’t seen the smoke signals. He
looked at the three Cassilis warriors they had killed.
Burradella came limping into camp. He had jumped
onto a sharp root that cut deep into sole of foot.
RK ordered that a lot of meat be cooked at once. He
sent the 15 old warriors to secret camp well supplied
with meat. He and Burradella sat apart and had a long
talk. Then everyone ate a strong [?meal of] meat [?
meat meal].

[The Counter-Raid:]

Then he picked 35 warriors including himself and

told them he wanted them to come with him to chase
the Cassilis warriors. “Few must get home! We will
steal their women instead of them stealing ours. Who
will come with me?” The whole tribe would have. But
he had left 30 including Burradella to guard the women
and picinnies.
Each man took cooked food, a possum rug and his
war weapons. And RK led them across the lower ridges
of the Porcupine Ranges [sic] and his well-fed warriors
travelled fast. They were ahead of the 18 who had got
such a surprise to have more Nammoy River warriors
come out of the Mullibah Lagoon Camp.
These 18 warriors were keeping together and were
hungry. They decided to get some wallabies. And RK’s
party, from some low ridges, watched wallabies break
out from the scrub on the south side of Black Jack and
come across in their direction. After a while six
warriors, each carrying a wallaby on his shoulder, came
down the mtn [sic] side followed by 12 warriors. They
went into a dry deep gully and maked [sic] fire to cook
their meat.
Dividing his force into two parties: Boobuk took
one, //MS Page 17// RK the other. They skirted wide
out to approach from down-gully and up-gully, and

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

crept into the gully. Then, when within easy spearing,

they yelled and threw their spears. The Cassilis
warriors not speared raced up the steep gully side and
fled for the Black Jack scrub. Only seven got into it.
The younger warriors of Red Kangaroo wanted to
follow them. “No [said RK], we must get to Cassilis
before any Cassilis warrior – to surprise the guard left
with their women. Those seven won’t leave the scrub
unless driven out. They won’t follow on our tracks too
close. We have to get ahead of the other party now.”
They travelled fast and stopped to eat at three, and
with strong guards circling them. They slept two hours
each man. At dusk they went on again and travelled
until one in the morning. Then half the party slept
whilst the other half kept guard.

Across the lower ridges + Black Jack scrub +

steep gully side: The present-day Black Jack
State Forest lies east of Black Jack Mountain. It
would seem that the Cassilis men headed south-
west across the lower western ridges of
Porcupine Ridge and thence southwards past
Black Jack Mountain ("steep gully side"). In other
words, they probably travelled between the
Mountain and the State Forest: perhaps a little
west of where the Wandoba Road now runs [cf
Map 7].

Two hours each man: It seems implied that they

slept in two shifts for two hours each, i.e. from 3
pm to 7 pm.

At day-dawn a big meal was eaten and they

travelled fast, stopping to kill some kangaroos. Coming
to a creek with water, they found tracks. Following
them, they saw five Cassilis warriors eating. They
swept down on them and none got away. And right
along they gave no mercy: they were going to teach
[the] Cassilis tribe a lesson they wouldn’t forget.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Travelled fast: As noted earlier, the distance

from Gunnedah to Cassilis is 115 kilometres as
the crow flies. Of course, allowing for
topography, the distance would be longer on
foot, say 125 kilometres. If it seems that RK’s
party covered the distance in very good time,
then we must remember that 18th century
Aborigines were much better trained at walking
than we are today.

[Attack on the Cassilis Home Camp:]

“They came upon the camp in the early morning and

took the guard of 30 men by surprise, when Red
Kangaroo gave his war-cry and his warriors repeated it.
The Cassilis guards were scattered about their camp at
their gunyah cook-fires. The women and piccinnies fled
in all directions screaming. Then RK threw his spear
and his warriors looked for targets. The guards rushed
together and RK threw his second spear, and a flight of
spears were sent by his warriors. Yelling his loudest,
Red Kangaroo with tomahawk and shield charged
followed by his warriors. But 12 guards ran off for their
life [sic] chased by 10 of Red Kangaroo['s] warriors.”

The camp: The Cassilis head camp.

Tomahawk: As already remarked several times,

Aborigines used wooden weapons for close
combat, i.e. waddies and nulla-nullas.
Tomahawks were too valuable to be risked
being broken in fighting, except in an

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

They rounded up the women and piccinies, ordered

the women to eat a meal and had one themselves.
Then, choosing 40 young women and 10 piccinies of 10
to 11 years, Red Kangaroo started back from
Gunnedah. He never lost a man in the fighting, and of
the 11 wounded, no wounds were more than flesh
It was many years before the warlike Cassilis tribe
built up to be [a] menace to other tribes. But never
again did Cassilis warriors venture to attack the
Nammoy River Tribe.
With the downfall of Cassilis came the strength of
the Nammoy River Tribe under RK. In much later times
Cassilis warriors made a raid on [the] Coonabarabran
tribe and not one warrior lived to get back to Cassilis.
But that was a tale told by the old chief Cuttibrish 60
years ago. But [it] has nothing to do with Red Kangaroo
and how he set a trap and caught the Cassilis war party
and women-stealers.” [Text ends.]

Cuttibrish: Spelt “Cutterbush” by May Nevell,

and “Cuttabush” in Jinnie’s Tale, Document 3E
(see there). Cuttabush is supposed to have been
born in 1825. That would have made him only
53 in 1878. But no doubt he seemed old to
young boys.
Told 60 years ago: 1938 less 60 years =
1878, i.e. when the Ewings were still living at

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


Some of the original papers have not survived, or at

least they are unlocatable. The Gunnedah Historical
Society has explained that in 1956 the full Ewing
papers were lent for a display. Some pages have been
mislaid ever since, despite strenuous efforts over the
years by Mr Don McDonagh (Russell McDonagh’s
nephew) to locate them.
As with the other documents, I have corrected the
punctuation, or added it, and also added italics to
highlight points of interest.

Fragment 1.
[Isolated page numbered “2”. Discusses the big box
stump; Prescott; Haynes; Ashby and Bandaar. Written
in Stanley Ewing’s handwriting. As it appears, it was
another letter, or another draft of the same letter, to
the Namoi Advertiser.]


… [“Page 2”] “… Gunnedah. There was a big box tree
stump about (9) nine feet [three metres] high and it
was carved by stone tomahawk work from a foot above
the ground up to its then rotten top. Mr Turner said the
old stump must have been a green tree 20 foot high
when it was stone-tomahawk carved, but time and the
varying climatic conditions gradually rotted it away bit
by bit from the top. Some years later another big part,
eaten to a shell by white ants, cracked off and fell into
pieces on the ground leaving only a big stump four feet
[120 cm] high and 20 inches [50 cm] in diameter and
having a four inch [100 mm] diameter pipe in its centre
going down to roots.

Here the text is very similar to, but not identical

with, Document 3B. The comparable passage in

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

3B, MS Page 2, reads thus: >>Mr Turner

reckoned the carved box-tree stump might have
been a green tree 20 ft high when it was
originally carved. But time and weather had
rotted the top away from time to time. [. . . . .]
he found there still remained a stump four feet
high. But the fallen timber had been eaten to a
thin shell by white ants and on its fall crumbled
to dust and fragments.<<

20 foor high + 20 inches in diameter: 20 feet

[nearly six metres] would indicate that the tree
was relatively young when carved. On the other
hand, a 20 inch (50 cm) diameter would suggest
that it grew to be reasonably large and quite old
for a box (Tim Curran pers. comm. 2002).

“This is the stump Mr E C Prescott speaks of as an

old gum-tree stump. Thinking it may be of interest to
you and the readers of your paper, I am setting down
other facts about that [sic] ancient [A]boriginal's bones,
and what I heard Dr Haynes say about that
[A]boriginal’s bones at the grave-side and other
remarks he made there at that time. Also what
happened when Dr Haynes instructed Mr Ashby to start
digging “down here”, scoring ground with his boot
heel, and what effect it had on Bundaar the black-
tracker when told that Mr Ashby was coming with a
sack of old blackfellow’s bones, to put them in the
police stables forage room until Dr Haynes had time to
classify them. And Bundaar slept in that forage room! –
Writing about things I had looked at with my own
eyes and heard with my own ears, besides having the
notes written about them at the time by my father. Or
recollection of many conversations I had with my father
during later years about the digging up of the ancient
[A]boriginal’s remains and incidents that occurred that
day, and notes my father wrote down from talks he had
with Bungaree, King of the Namoi [sic] tribe.
Bungaree ...” [SURVIVING TEXT ENDS.]

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The phrase ‘my own eyes’ also occurs in

Document 3B, MS Page 6. Thus: - >> … At that
time my interest was centred on Dr Haynes and
Bungaree – and I write now only of those things
I saw with my own eyes and heard with my own
ears. Coming to the old carved stump, Dr
Haynes said, “Why was this stump carved like
this?” …<<

* * *

Fragment 2.
[Isolated page numbered “5”]. The reference to
Coonabarabran police station ("my 19 years") shows
that this document was written, or at least composed,
by Sergeant Ewing himself. But it is in Stan Ewing’s
The tone and style is markedly smoother than the
other texts written by Stanley Ewing, although the
word “the” is several times omitted. On the other hand,
the sometimes disconnected sentences are
reminiscent of Stanley’s own style. Quite possibly it is
part of a transcription by Stanley of his father’s (now
lost?) Diary of reminiscences .. with the Gold Escort
and Mounted Police of NSW 1857-1890, which Pickette
& Campbell mention (1984 p.123.)


“. . . scrub and rock wallabies, wallaroos, and the mtn
kangaroo species.
Mtn ranges are well watered. Many creeks and
gullies are running seven or eight months in a year and
a chain of waterholes for the rest of the year. Even in a
big drought there are good waterholes in many creeks
that last out until drought-breaking rain falls. Amongst
those mtn ranges there are numbers of springs.
In my 19 years as Officer in charge of the
Coonabarabran police station I spent hundreds of days

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and nights among the Warrumbungle Mtn Ranges, and

in my patrols about those Ranges on horseback as well
as on foot, I gathered a general knowledge of the mtn
ranges that cannot be conveyed by word of mouth nor
by written instructions to any other person for their
Only by going up amongst those ranges by day and
by night could a first-timer gain a practical knowledge
of those mtn ranges, by hearing what was told him and
seeing what was shown him by someone who had
spent many days and nights amongst those ranges
over a number of years in the getting of worthwhile
knowing. That by following a certain gully one could
lead a horse up from or down into some particular
gorge-valley whose sides were too steep for a man to
even clamber on foot into or out of. Whilst in other
places the gorge-valley’s sides went sheer up in places
20 feet. To get out of that gorge-valley, one would
have to ride back three miles to find a place up which
horse could be lead. To get into gorge valley from the
mtn side above meant five miles of riding and walking
through scrub and masses of fallen rock and great
trees before a place could be found to get the horse
down the gorge side into valley below. Whereas once
the first-timer learned where the gully was blinded
hidden by scrub and big rocks.
In a scrub patch of some five acres in extent, below
where a pinnacle had weathered away and huge
masses of rock had fallen over the flight of time, a man
on foot could go down to the valley below in 15
minutes easily . . .” [SURVIVING TEXT ENDS].

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah



Manuscript in the possession of the Gunnedah

Historical Society: three foolscap pages, undated;
written in apparently the same hand as the 1945 letter
to Russell McDonagh, whose author was almost
certainly John Ewing junior.
Part of the text has been published in Pickette &
Campbell 1984 and by Sommerville 1994.
The authorship seems confirmed by the writer’s
preference for the word “site” and his favoured use of
the double-dash or ‘equals’ sign ( = ) as a punctuation
mark. Accordingly we can be fairly sure that the text
was written by John P Ewing junior, Stanley’s older
brother. What is not clear is whether the original
recorder was J P Ewing senior, the old sergeant, or his
son J P Ewing junior. Quite possibly the younger Ewing
was simply the transcriber.
Sergeant Ewing and his family left Coonabarabran
for Gunnedah in 1885. The youngest son Stanley had
been born in 1878. "Jinnie" (Jane or Jenny) Griffin died
in about 1882 when he was aged four - surely too
young for him to remember anything she told him.
Possibly the tale was related, just before Mrs Griffin's
death, to Stanley's brother John junior, who was eight
in 1882. His authorship seems confirmed by para.4:
“us children”. Perhaps some or all of the material was
originally put down in writing by the ‘old’ Sergeant and
adpted later by John junior?315
When the text says (see first paragraphs) that “she
died some years ago”, it is unclear whether the
reference is to Jinnie Griffin (d. 1882) or her daughter
Mary Jane Cain (d. 1929). If Mary is meant, then the
document was probably written-out in the 1930s,

Even at age eight, John junior would seem too young to
have remembered many details of Jinnie's tales. But he would
have remembered finding her tomahawk (see end of this text).
And perhaps his father, Sergeant Ewing, over the years had
refreshed their memory of what they had heard from Jinnie.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

although obviously the tale was remembered from

before 1882. The events described took place when
Jinnie was a "very small piccaninni", presumably
around 1827-1830.
The story is presented dramatically, like a tale to be
read out aloud. It is related mainly in Ewing’s own
words. When Jinnie Griffin’s words are quoted they are
rendered usually in standard English but occasionally
with some of the flavour of 19th century pidgin. At
other times Ewing’s words seem to blend with hers.
As before, the paragraph numbers, italics and the
interpolations in square brackets have been added by
the present editor. The words struck through are
crossed out in the original MS.


n the early Eighties XXX/seventies at Coonabarabran
XXX there was an elderly middle-aged Aboriginal gin
living at the blacks' camp - Parkers Paddock site on
the Castlereagh River.
2. She was known locally as Jinnie Griffin and was the
consort of King Cuttabush of the Coonabarabran
blacks, a small scattered wandering band that is still
represented at Burrabadee [sic] Mission Station
(Forked Mountain) (Gunnedah-Coonabarabran Road).
(Burrabeedee is the Aboriginal name for the small
flying mice) = By the Cain family who are direct
descendants of Jinnie Griffin = through their mother
Mary Cain (nee Griffin), who, until she [?Jinnie or Mary]
died some years ago, was regarded as their born and
hereditary leader. =

Eighties XXX = Wording crossed out.

Seventies: As noted above, Sergeant Ewing
and family left Coonabarabran for Gunnedah in

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Blacks' camp: A census of Aborigines was taken

by the Police in 1882 for the Protector of
Aborigines. The count for Coonabarabran, which
would have been supplied by Sergeant Ewing,
was 27 people: five were of full ancestry
(including three men over 60; nil children), and
22 people were recorded as “half castes”.
Among the latter were 11 "children", defined as
those under age 20 including teenagers.316
“Burrabadee” Mission Station: The former
Aboriginal Station near Coonabarabran, more
properly spelt Burra Bee Dee. 'Mission' is simply
the vernacular name for a Reserve: there was
no church involvement.
The site was gazetted as a Reserve by the
NSW Aborigines Protection Board in 1910-1912.
The Forked Mountain site was older, having
been gazetted in 1892; it was subsumed within
Burra Bee Dee.317

Jinnie Griffin: Lived c.1826-1882. Her

daughter Mary Jane Griffin Cain lived 1844-

Cuttabush: As explained in F M Nevell’s notes,

Cutterbush [sic]318 was an Aboriginal man from
Coonabarabran known for having killed Togee,
“king of the Butheroe tribe”. This is a reference
to 'Butheroo' station, west of Coolah; north-west
of Mendooran. Togee is described as “an early
friend of the whites”.
Cutterbush was born in about 1825. That
would have made him a toddler when the first
colonists arrived, and a "young man" (as Miss
Nevell describes him) in 1845. By that time, his

Published in Votes and Proceedings of the NSW
Legislative Assembly, 1883, vol. iii.
Wilkin 1987 and Sommerville 1994.
The –sh sound is not found in Aboriginal languages. We
may guess, therefore, that his name was actually an English
nickname, perhaps from “bush cutter/cutter of bushes”.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

future victim Togee was already working from

time to time as a stockman for the squatter
Vincent at 'Butheroo' station.
Miss Nevell says Cutterbush killed Togee
"probably" in the 1850s. The date must have
been 1857 or soon thereafter, since it was her
grandfather H H Nevell of 'Coolah' who buried
Togee, Nevell having come to the district in that
year. Although it is not stated, we may guess
that a duel took place.319
Togee is called a ‘friend of the whites’, but it
must not be assumed that Cutterbush killed him
for that reason. No surviving Aborigine could
have been an active enemy of the settlers by
1857. A better guess would be that the pair
duelled over some private matter.
If Cutterbush was born in 1825, then he was
aged 32 in 1857. He later became "king"
[patriarch] of the Coonabarabran tribe (aged 60
in about 1885).

Flying mice: Written between the lines. A

species of glider: perhaps the squirrel glider,
Petaurus norfolcensis, or the feather-tail glider,
Acrobates pygmaeus.

3. “There was another daughter Margaret - once of

Garrawilla Station - who fell on evil days with the
passing of the Orr regime at Garrawilla. Margaret, or
Mag as she was known for many years around
Gunnedah, eventually finished up at her camp on the
Namoi - near the Burrell water hole. = She had three
children, Emma Orr, Georgie Griffin & a waxx [illegible]
little girl [illegible phrase running down the side . . . ]

The grave of ‘King’ Togee is to be found 29 km west of
Coolah on the left-hand side of the Neilrex Road, just past the
'Langdon' homestead. Presumably this site is where Cutterbush
killed him. The grave consists simply of a weather-worn
sandstone headstone surrounded by four white posts with a sign
overhead reading: 'Togee King Of The Butheroe Tribe'.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

dies as a very young child. . . . If (?) the Police dxx. . .

of . . . G’dah [sic: partly illegible].”

Another daughter: By implication, Margaret

Griffin, sister of Mary Jane Griffin Cain. (See the
discussion in the Introduction.)

Garrawilla: A property near Mullaley, located

about half-way between Gunnedah and
Coonabarabran. First formed in about 1830, the
station was acquired in 1852 by the Orr
brothers, James and Ebenezer. The “passing of
the Orr regime” presumably means 1874, when
Ebenezer died.

4. “Jinnie sometimes, when in a confidential mood,

would tell us very young children about old happenings
amongst the Aboriginals of the district & their
immediate enemies - raiding (?) from her /?other/
blacks from other districts, when food was scarce
through droughts etc. “One time, long time ago”, she
would start off, as we settled down to listen to her
always interesting tales. =
5. One very wet winter’s day, she came up to the town
& of course called at the house where she was always
sure of a warm reception. [Interpolated text, illegible,
running down from the left hand margin:] .. methodical
in his camp life .. Mrs Griffin ... her early life ... who
followed up station work, was very clean (??) [text
uncertain] … . //MS Page 2//

[Jinnie’s Tale:]

6. Probably the cold wet day and the cheerful log fire
in the kitchen woke up some long forgotten incident in
her early life. Without any further preamble, she
started off = “Long time ago, when I was very small
piccaninni [sic], = the men = hunting party = started
off early one bright day to hunt for kangaroos, wallaby

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

and other big game. = = Leaving only a few old men

and the gins and piccaninnies & the dogs = to look
after the camping ground.”

“When I was very small piccaninni”: Presumably

around 1830. At that time, the colonists had
already settled part of the Cassilis district, while
Coonabarabran lay just beyond the advancing
frontier (see the Chronology in the Introduction).

Gins: Women. This writer does not use ‘lubras’,

which is further evidence that he was John
Ewing rather than Stanley Ewing.

7. “About middle of that day we were all scared by the

arrival of a raiding party of the Cassillis [sic] district
blacks. It wasn’t known then as the Cassilis district
though. = Our hunting party returned earlier than we
expected & caught the raiders at a disadvantage, =
they being unarmed for war, only having their hunting
weapons with them. So, in a running fight, the Cassilis
blacks were forced back from the river to some caves
(overlooking the town of Coonabarabran).
8. “In desperation these raiders took shelter in one
large cave which had only an entrance but no other
outlet. A fatal move, as the Coonabarabran tribe closed
in on it. And their chief ordered all the piccaninnies &
gins to go up on the hill above the cave mouth and
throw down dead bushes and dry sticks to close the
mouth of the cave, which we all did cheerfully as we
were quite safe up there.
9. As soon as a big heap was ready, a lighted spear
was thrown by one of the men. And soon it was a great
blazing fire we kept going. //MS Page 3//
10. The heat and smoke forced some out of the cave
through the blazing rubbish, when they were
immediately clubbed & killed by the waiting tribesmen.
Those who preferred to stop in the shelter all perished

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

of suffocation, as was found next day when the cave

was opened up & searched by the victorious tribe.”
11. The telling of this episode quite scared us all, but it
cheered up Jinnie considerably, and she left for the
camp whistling cheerfully through the steady
12. Jinnie died at the camp near Parkers Paddock in
the year 1882, I think it was; greatly regretted by all
the white children who knew her as well. Her camp
gear etc was burnt with her gunyah, including a
treasured steel-headed tomahawk, before the few
other blacks shifted holus bolus to a new site about ½
[half a] mile away.”

Died … in 1882: If she was aged (say) 18 in

1844 when her daughter Mary Jane was born,
then Jinnie was born in about 1826. That would
make her about 56 when she died. (Or, if she
was born in 1822, 60 years old.320)

13. “A few days later one enterprising boy, searching

through the ashes turned up the steel tomahawk head,
greatly to the chagrin of the other XXX [inkblot]
searchers, who had no sentimental qualms in this
respect. This envied boy cleaned up the tool & and put
it in a new handle & kept it for the rest of his boyhood
to use & also braggingly display as old Jinnie’s special
tomahawk. What the other blacks thought of it we
never knew; perhaps it was just as well we didn’t
know.” [Text ends.]

One enterprising/envied boy: Presumably the

author himself, John Ewing junior.

XXX: An inkblot obscures a word in the MS.

Born 1822: Altona-
Porter family tree; accessed January 2003.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah




Ion Llewellyn “Jack” Idriess - born Waverly, Sydney,

1889; died Mona Vale, Sydney, 1979 - was the author
of a number of books that have been instrumental in
helping Australians to see themselves as a distinctive
His books include Lasseter’s Last Ride, 1931: about a
fabulous gold reef in Central Australia; The Desert
Column, 1932: about the Australian Light Horse in
World War One; Flynn of The Inland, 1932: about the
missionary John Flynn, founder of the Royal Flying
Doctor Service; The Cattle King, 1936: about the
grazier Sidney Kidman; and Lightning Ridge, 1940.
Idriess was the son of a mines inspector. His father
was frequently posted to new appointments. So the
family moved around NSW, including to Tamworth in
'Jack" himself briefly attended the School of Mines at
Broken Hill, but found working as an assayer
uninteresting. At about age 16 he started a nomadic
existence that would last for a quarter of a century and
provide him with the experience that informs his
writing. This included a stint at opal-mining at
Lightning Ridge in 1909-11 and tin-mining near Cairns
in 1911-13.
With the outbreak of the Great War, Idriess [age 25]
enlisted in the 5th Australian Light Horse and served at
Gallipoli, where he was wounded, and in the Sinai and
Palestine. He witnessed the charge at Beersheba and
was wounded again in the fighting after the battle of
Gaza. Much of The Desert Column (1932) was drawn
from personal experience.
During the 1920s, Idriess travelled and worked in
many places, from Central Australia through south-
west Queensland to Cape York Peninsula, Torres Strait,
Croft, Ion Idriess, in ADB 1983.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the Gulf Country and across to the Northern Territory.

He worked variously as a pearler, a gold-fossicker, an
explorer, a surveyor and a hunter of buffaloes and

Idriess’s Writing Career

Idriess’s first publications were articles in the famous

Bulletin magazine in 1910 when he was a 21-year old
opal miner at Lightning Ridge. It was not until 1927,
however, that his first book, Madman’s Island, was
Having settled in Sydney in 1928, Idriess became a
free-lance contributor to the Sunday Pictorial. In 1931
Prospecting for Gold, a fossicker’s guide, was written
and published all within five weeks. It sold 2,000 copies
on the day of its release (helped of course by the Great
His first great literary, or yarn-telling, success came
with Lasseter’s Last Ride, also in 1931, when he was
42. This was the now-famous account of the expedition
to search for a rich gold reef that Harold Lasseter
claimed to have found in Central Australia in the late
1920s. The book was subsequently published in Britain
by Jonathan Cape (1936).
Idriess produced at least a book a year from 1931 to
1964 and twice published three books in a single year
(1932 and 1940). Most are factually based stories,
imaginatively recreated. A few are novels, namely
Drums of Mer, 1933, and Forty Fathoms Deep, 1937.
It was a measure of his success that Flynn of the
Inland (1932) and The Cattle King (1936) were to go
through 40 to 50 reprintings.
In 1964, aged 75, Idriess suffered a stroke. This
effectively ended his writing career, although he
continued to travel widely to Angus & Robertson
bookshops to autograph his books. He was awarded an
OBE in 1968.
Idriess contracted typhoid when young, was twice
wounded in war, and in his later years suffered from

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

recurring malaria. Having suffered a stroke, he

nevertheless lived to the age of 90.
Julian Croft summarises his achievement thus:
“Idriess’s contribution to Australian publishing and
literature was profound. His combination of the bush
yarn and historical or geographical subjects brought a
new vision of Australia to its city-bound readers. . . .
Idriess was no stylist but his writing was immediate,
colourful, well paced and, despite the speed at which it
was written, always well structured.”322

Preface to ‘The Red Chief’

As will be seen, when Idriess quotes Stan Ewing,

Ewing’s words are not cited exactly at every point from
Document 3B. This may indicate that there was yet
another recension of the document, one of the lost
papers mentioned earlier, or, more probably, that
Idriess did not quote the papers word for word.
Idriess chose in a few places to 'smooth out’ the
original text. And while sometimes he quotes Joe
Bungaree’s words exactly in the semi-pidgin style in
which they appear in the Ewing MSS (e.g. “sarjun” and
“Me go soon!”), at other times he renders the quasi-
pidgin of the MSS in fully standard English (e.g. “no
one of my tribe must ever speak aloud the name”).
As before, the italics have been added for emphasis;
also the bracketed interpolations. And I have supplied
some headings (bold in brackets) to break up the long


Ion Idriess: Preface to The Red Chief (1953).

Reproduced with the kind permission of the copyright

In ADB 1983.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

owner, ETT Imprint: © Tom Thompson, Publisher, ETT

Imprint, PO Box 1388, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022.

his story [writes Idriess] needs an explanatory
note, otherwise many readers could be forgiven
for doubting that it is a factual story. …. The
notes were lent me – or rather forced upon me in such
a nice way that I had to grudgingly promise “Oh well,
I’ll have a look at them!” – by Mr Russell McDonagh, of
McDonagh Pty Ltd, Gunnedah, NSW.
Mr Russell McDonagh is very keen on recording the
old pioneering records of his district. He has an
interesting collection, painstakingly gathered through
the years. Among these were notes, actually the
aboriginal [sic: lower case a] /?missing word/ in
straight-out form, of far and away the best
remembered chief of the now extinct Gunnedah tribe.
This story was written down word by word years ago by
another well-known Gunnedah identity, the late Mr
Stan Ewing. The story was from the lips of old
Bungaree, last full-blood aboriginal of the tribe.
The late Stan Ewing was the son of Senior Sergeant
John P Ewing who was in charge of the Gunnedah
Police District of those days. Sergeant Ewing, like J J
Smyth, T B Roberts, Doctor Hayne [sic]323 the
Government Medical Officer at Gunnedah, and others,
was a keen collector of aboriginal stories and relics.
Stanley and his brother Ernest, with their school boy
mates in those happy old bush days, grew up to play
with and know the last of the local aboriginal
youngsters as well as they did their own mates.
[Stanley was aged seven when his father was
transferred from Coonabarabran to Gunnedah in
1884/85. MO’R]. And young Ewing reached manhood
imbued with a great sympathy towards the last of the
local tribesmen. [Born in 1878, Stanley reached the
age of 21 in 1899.] The brothers were respected, but

Correctly ‘Haynes’, with an –s.
NB: All footnotes to this document have been added by me: MO'R.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

above all trusted by them – as was the father, though

they were always in awe of his official position.

His brother Ernest: There is no record of an

Ernest, son of J P and Eleanor Ewing in the
Births, Marriages and Deaths records of NSW.

Time slowly passed, and the old sergeant was

ageing too. It was fitting then that young Stan Ewing,
long after he had reached manhood [presumably after
1899 -MO'R], in the presence of the old sergeant and
the old aboriginal, should receive this story he had long
been curious to hear from the lips of the last of the
tribe – but only after the very remnants of the tribe had
faded away and the old “King” Bungaree knew that he
was going too. [This may imply that the story was told
and recorded sometime between 1899 and the year of
Ewing senior’s death, 1911, and perhaps nearer 1911
than 1899. It is also implied in Document 3B, MS Page
34, that some of the story at least was recorded as
early as 1890. MO’R.] Yes, just as the wind blows the
last stem of dried grass that was once upstanding and
rich and green and “covered all the earth” – as the
aboriginals believed they did, long before the white
man came.
And now for Stan Ewing’s own written description of
old Bungaree, the real teller of this tale:

[Stanley Ewing’s Account, as quoted by Idriess:]

“At the time of the digging up of the old chief’s

grave [in 1887 – MO’R], there were only 40 people in
the Black’s Camp – I take this from notes my father
made at the time.324 The majority were half-castes but
there were still a few full-bloods amongst them, mostly

Compare the population figures in the Chronology under
1891 and 1896. - MO'R.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

middle-aged or old. Bungaree was 'king' of the tribe,

but there is no Namoi River tribe at Gunnedah now.”

This is a condensed extract from Document 3B

above (see the text in Document 3B at MS Page

“Bungaree was a full-blooded aboriginal about 70

years old, and a very active old man in his movements.
He had a well formed massive head. His face was large
and round, enhanced greatly by a long and wide
growth of beard that adorned it. His was a smiling face,
given to hearty laughter. He was about five feet seven
[1.68 m] in height, a broad and deep chest, wide
shoulders, good eyes, teeth and hearing, with a
decidedly poddy or Falstaffian stomach, while in talking
to him one realised he was an intelligent man.
Bungaree, from many years’ association with white
people, could talk a very fair type of English. I have
always found that the Australian aboriginal will quickly
learn to talk a good class of English if you teach him,
and talk that way to him.”

Talk that way to him: The original MS has “make

that talk to them”.

So much for the teller of the tale [continues Idriess].

It would never have been told except for the
professional interest and the curiosity of a hunter after
relics. But let Stan Ewing carry on:

[The ‘Blackfellow’s Tree’:]

“It all came about because of the Blackfellow’s Tree.

Even before 1865 the Blackfellow’s Tree was well
known in the little township, very different then to the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gunnedah of today. The “tree” then was only a huge

box-tree stump some 12 feet [four metres] high,
carved from base to top with intricate totemic designs,
the work done by stone tomahawk. The stump stood
opposite the old Wesleyan Parsonage, well back from
the roadside of Poe Street (later Abbott Street). All
knew the stump as the burial site of some great
aboriginal chief and warrior, the stump carved with his
totemic designs when the tree was hale and hearty in
the long-gone days when the tribe had its favourite
camping site where Gunnedah is today. Numbers of
white women for a Sunday afternoon stroll used to walk
to the Blackfellow’s Tree. Even by 1865 it had
weathered and blown down and [was] rotted and eaten
to a shell by white ants. It was then only a 12-foot
stump. In that year Mr Arthur Turner, following tracks of
his straying horses across Bloomfield Street [i.e., in a
direction south-east from the township proper - MO'R],
examined it. All around him then was virgin bush
heavily timbered with box-trees, wilga, pine, belah and
patches of scrub. Box-trees grew where the Wesleyan
Church grounds are now.”

This text is somewhat different from the original

MS (Document 3B above). Either there was
another document now lost, or, more probably,
Idriess was quoting fairly freely from Document

"Old" Parsonage: Old by 1953. The site of the

Wesleyan/Methodist, now Uniting, Church, was
dedicated (gazetted) in 1871: marked thus on
the 1972 Department of Lands map. The
Gunnedah Committee (1935: 53) records that
the parsonage itself was built in 1880.

Heavily timbered: By the early 1860s there were

247 white people living at Gunnedah and an
unknown, no doubt small, number of Aborigines.
Some clearing would have taken place for

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

houses. So we may doubt that what is now the

town centre was still “all” heavily timbered. But
certainly it once had been so: the survey map of
1848 drawn by Gorman is annotated “thickly
timbered” (SRNSW, L.1.1307, Map 3392).

“Years slipped away. Gunnedah slowly grew. When

Dr Hayne came to reside in Gunnedah he was an
enthusiast on [sic] collecting ancient aboriginal
weapons of war and domestic implements, such as
stone grinding-mills, needles from fish-bones,
kangaroo and emu bones and kangaroo teeth. He
found here some keen collectors in J J Smyth, T B
Roberts and my father J P Ewing. But the doctor was
keenest about getting possession of fine types of
aboriginal skulls. The others preferred something extra
in a boomerang or in the material, shape and fixings of
a stone tomahawk or in the shape and carvings of a
nulla-nulla, heilamon (shield) or wommera [sic].
My father was Senior Sergeant in Charge of
Gunnedah Station and lived in the same quarters as
the Officer in Charge of Gunnedah does today. One
Friday afternoon Dr Hayne came to the Police Barracks
to get my father to arrange a meeting between the
doctor and Bungaree, the King of the Namoi River Tribe
at Gunnedah – for so the brass half-moon swung by a
cord about Bungaree’s neck was inscribed.
Arriving just at this time from school, I was given a
message to deliver to Bundaar, the tracker, down at
the police stables, telling him to saddle his horse and
come quickly to the office. Bundaar was then told to
ride down to the Blacks’ camp and tell Bungaree to
come to the Police Station by half past nine next
morning, and that Dr Hayne had left a plug of
Conqueror tobacco at the Police Station for him.
Doctor Hayne said, “Sergeant, if you are not too
busy come over to the old carved stump with me to
have a look about the job. Afterwards I’ll drive down
and arrange with Mr Ashby about his job tomorrow.”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Drive down: i.e., in a sulky.

“Next morning at 8 am Bungaree, accompanied by a

one-eyed and much younger aboriginal known as Jacob
Painter, arrived at the Police Station. Very soon their
pipes were going full blast on the doctor’s Conqueror
On seeing Bungaree and Jacob Painter squatted
down at the stable talking to Bundaar the tracker, as
any other schoolboy would, I joined them, carrying the
bull-roarer Bundaar had made for me. The three of
them took it in turn to whirl the bullroarer round,
producing roaring buzzing noises. During a lull in the
whirling, Warder Neil, on sentry-go along the
promenade on top of the jail wall, shouted to Bundaar
to take the bullroarer and his friends too down into the
far end of the horse paddock, and make his blinking
noise there! Dr Hayne drove into the Police Station
yard, and he and my father walked down to where we

As any other schoolboy would, I joined them:

The MS actually reads “like any other schoolboy
it was no time before I’d joined them”. Idriess
has slightly smoothed the text.

“Bungaree”, said Dad, “this is Dr Hayne, he wants

you to tell him all you know about the old carved
stump, and what the carvings mean, and tell the doctor
all you can about the great warrior chief of your tribe
who lived here long, long time ago. Will you go with the
doctor now?”

Said Dad: Words added by Idriess; not in the

original MS.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“My father went back to his office work. A constable

went with the doctor and Bungaree. Jacob Painter
wasn’t a Namoi River tribesman; he walked on the
centre of the Road, keeping off the burial-ground site.
My brother Ernest, who had been seated with Mr Ashby
on the other side of the street amongst a clump of box-
trees along Roache’s two-rail fence, came running to
join us. He and some other boys told me that Mr Ashby
carried a pick and shovel to dig a blackfellow out of a
grave for Dr Hayne. At that time my interest centred on
Dr Hayne and Bungaree – and I write now of only those
things I saw with my own eyes, and heard with my own
ears. Coming to the old carved stump, Dr Hayne said to
Bungaree, “Why was this stump carved like this?”

My brother Ernest: In “The Death and Career”,

Document 3B at MS Page 6, the original text
simply says “my brother” and does not give the
name “Ernest”. Moreover, there is no record of
an Ernest, son of J P and Eleanor Ewing in the
Births, Deaths and Marriages 8records of NSW.
This looks to be an error by Idriess.

Bungaree put his hands on his head and said,

“Stump long, long time ago was tall, live tree.
Blackfellow come, carve him plenty, make all about
bury ground for my tribe. That long, long ago … Great
warrior chief of Namoi River tribe, him die, and him sit
down close up this stump – all blackfellows look at it,
this stump, know great warrior chief sit down close up”
– meaning that from the totems carved on the stump
any aboriginal would know that a great warrior of the
Namoi River tribe was buried nearby, and, according to
the customs of this tribe, buried in a sitting position.
At this time those present at the carved stump were
Doctor Hayne, Constable Lambert, Bungaree, and we
four schoolboys. Mr Ashby was standing near Roache’s

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

fence talking to Mr S Turner, who had not long arrived.

This small group gathered near the old marked stump
had aroused the curiosity of half a dozen people who
wended their way down from off Conadilly Street
towards us.
Dr Hayne said, “Bungaree, this great warrior chief
buried here, what name that one?” Bungaree put his
hands over his mouth and shook his head from side to
side. “Come, come,” the doctor urged, “tell him name
if you know that one.” Bungaree answered, “I bin know
that name – I no tell him name!” “Why not, why not?”,
the doctor said a bit angrily. Bungaree replied, “Bad
talk, blackfeller speakin’ a name of dead alonga burial
“Oh, all right, Bungaree, I don’t want you any longer,
you can go”, said the doctor. Bungaree started to walk
slowly away. The doctor beckoned Mr Ashby to come to
him. “Here, Ashby, dig there.”

[Excavating the Grave:]

There was a slight mound in the ground that looked

like an old abandoned red ant’s nest. It stood not far
away from the stump. It was the grave of the warrior
chief of the Namoi River tribe. “Thud!” The pick struck
the ground. Bungaree, just 30 feet [10 metres] away,
turned round to see the pick thud down for the second
time into the grave. He let out a pitiful wailing cry and
ran, waving his hands above his head. In front of him,
down past the Wesleyan Church grounds and round the
corner into Broomfield Street, also ran Jacob Painter,
wailing loudly. They ran on to the camp near the
lagoon. There was not an aboriginal in the town or
camp that night except Bundaar the police tracker. It
was a month before a few returned to a new camp
above the Burrell waterhole. But most of them drifted
down river to Narrabri and Wee Waa.”

Lagoon: i.e., Mullibah.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Narrabri and Wee Waa: The original MS explains

that, after a month, about half the Aborigines
came back to a new camp on the river above
Burrell waterhole. The other half remained at
Narrabri and Wee Waa.

“Dr Hayne said, “Go carefully, Ashby, and only use

the shovel. Ah, that’s the skull, give it to me.” The
doctor shook the damp earth off the skull and wiped it
all over with a handkerchief.
“This is a very fine skull!” he said, holding it out to
the townspeople standing round the grave, for about
20 more had joined us since Mr Ashby started to dig.
The doctor said, “This man had a perfect set of teeth –
none decayed – not even a crack in any. Of course, the
missing tooth in the front jaw was knocked out when
this man was a youth undergoing all the endurance
test of the Bora ceremonies to prove him fit to be a
Mr Ashby was kept going handing the doctor human
bones out of the grave. The doctor kept saying the
names of these bones, but said nothing else about
them until he got an arm bone.
“Ah, now! This is a fine exhibit! See, it was broken
here, and a very bad break it was, too. And though
there was no Gunnedah Hospital here then, there was,
nevertheless, a clever surgeon doctor in the tribe who
did his job excellently. It is a fine job to look at.”

Clever surgeon doctor: Dunbar likewise

remarked the skill of Aboriginal surgeons:
“Broken bones were handled skilfully with a
splint. The limb was straightened out, soft bark
bound around it and kept in place with a
mixture of blood and beefwood gum” (1943:
178, emphasis added). This contradicts the
Sydney Mail: “The crude way in which it is
spliced is very interesting, as showing the crude
surgery of the blacks” (above: Document 1).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

“Numbers of other bones were handed out of the

grave to the doctor, but he never made any remark
about any of them having been broken. Mr Ashby
cleaned the narrow and shallow grave of all loose
earth. Dr Hayne said to various men present, “It’s a
strange thing there are no war weapons buried with
such a great warrior chief.”
No one present at the grave-side saw any war
weapon taken from the grave. Dr Hayne remained at
the grave-side until Mr Ashby had scraped it clean of all
loose earth, then he wrapped the skull and the broken
arm in some sacking – told Mt Ashby to put all the
other bones in a packing bag and tie up in a bundle
and take them over to the Police Stable and leave in
the forage store-room. Then to get a cross-cut saw and
[take] a good thick slab of wood from top to bottom of
the old carved box tree stump, making a cut across the
stump above the ground grass line to get the totems of
the Warrior Chief, and the stone tomahawk carved into
the stump. Then to fill in and flatten the old grave
down again.”

[Bundaar complains to Sergeant Ewing:]

“The doctor took the skull and broken arm away with
him. The small gathering about the grave dispersed,
leaving when Mr Ashby began to fill in the old grave. I
went home by the stable-yard front gate and, seeing
Bundaar the tracker outside the stable clean-sanding
the stirrup irons, I went down to tell him about the
digging up of the old grave. But Bundaar, who was
generally very keen to hear any news, said, “Now,
don’t tell me nothing – I won’t listen to you and won’t
look at anything you got from that place”.
"Well”, I replied, “Mr Ashby is carrying most of the
bones from that grave rolled up in the sacking, and he
is going to put them in the forage store-room where
you sleep. There he is now coming in the front gate!”

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bundaar ran for the stable door, sprang inside for

the key and was out in a flash, locked the door and
raced for the Post Office where my father was. He burst
into the room with eyes staring from his head and cried
out “Sarjun, sarjun, I clear out dreckly [sic], this
minute! I no stand this, I sack myself – Government can
keep my last two weeks pay. When I roll my swag I will
bring you the key of the stable. I go back horse-
breaking for Mr Mosely on Tibbereena.”
“Sit down, Bundaar”, ordered my father, “and tell
me what’s the trouble. Have those two young
constables been playing more larks up at the stable?”
They had mixed brown sugar in the sand Bundaar used
to polish the stirrup irons, buckles, etc, and had caused
him to have a stickiness on his hands and the stable
“No, sarjun, it is not them”, answered Bundaar
urgently, “it is that Dr Hayne and Jim Ashby! They dig
up the old warrior chief’s grave. Old Bungaree nearly
die from fright – everyone in camp clear out Boggabri
way. Now Jim Ashby bring a bundle of that old warrior
chief’s bones for Dr Hayne to leave in forage store-
room where I sleep. I leave, sarjun, can’t stand that! I
no Namoi River tribe man, but I blackfellow and tonight
I can’t stop in my bed in forage room along that old
warrior chief’s bones. Tonight I know, him ghost sit on
bundle of bones and look at me for not bury him bones
in his grave now all his tribe run away frightened. And I
know ghost will blame me now!”
“Light up your pipe, Bundaar,” said my father
soothingly. “Don’t worry, no one is going to put the old
warrior’s remains in the forage room with you. I’ll go
and tell Ashby to take them away from here. And while
you are waiting here sweep this room out for me.”
Down at the stable Jim Ashby was waiting for the
key, but went along with my father to the gaol, and
took the bones to the tower up on the wall. Bundaar
the tracker was too good a man with sick or injured
horses to lose, and had given proof of being able to
track over stony land away from a road, or upon soft
ground, or over animal pads. And father was not going

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

to lose him if he could help it. At a later date Dr Hayne

cleaned and packed the remains of the old warrior
chief and sent them to the Australian Museum in
College Street Sydney, and also the sawn off slab from
the old box-tree carved stump. Some years ago the old
sawn off box stump slab was still there amongst other
aboriginal tree carvings. The set up skeleton of the old
warrior may be there also.”

Tower: Presumably part of the wall of the police


Museum/still there: As Idriess notes later, by

1953 there was no trace of the skeleton in the

So that was that [writes Idriess], as told by Stan

Ewing. Watching the digging up of the old chief’s
skeleton, the wailing despair of Bungaree, the horror of
Bundaar the tracker, the immediate fly-away reaction
of his friends the blacks, made a lasting impression on
the white boy’s mind. Years later when he reached
manhood, and the ageing Bungaree had confided to
the “sarjun”, “Me go soon!” young Ewing got the old
aboriginal and the old sergeant together. Bungaree
was now the last of his tribe. And the young man asked
his father to try hard, before it was too late to get the
story of that long dead warrior chief from old

[Joe Bungaree Relates the Story to Sergeant


“At first, quietly they smoked the pipe of fellowship,

of long years of understanding. Presently the old
sergeant said, “Bungaree, are you allowed now to
speak the name of that dead old warrior chief of your
tribe, that one that was buried by the carved box tree

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bungaree was sitting down by the sergeant’s feet.

Slowly he arose, took the pipe from his mouth, turned
to face the west. He stood silently for a while, then
turned to the sergeant.
“I can tell you here, sarjun, now. That old warrior
chief of the Namoi River tribe was name of Red
Kangaroo – the Red Chief!”

RED CHIEF: First use of this tag, which does not

occur in any of the Ewing documents. John
Ewing writes simply of “a headman or chief,
called Red Kangaroo” (Document 3A, MS Page
2). Stan Ewing, quoting Joe Bungaree directly,
refers to him as simply a “great warrior chief”
(Document 3B, MS Page 3).

“Now why, Bungaree”, said the sergeant gently,

“why couldn’t you tell his name to Dr Hayne that day
years ago when he asked you?”
Bungaree’s old form straightened, a gleam came to
his eyes.
“Because”, he answered defiantly, “we stood upon
my tribal burying ground. No one of my tribe must ever
speak aloud the name of the dead when standing upon
the tribal burying ground, because the ghost of the
dead is called back to the burying ground. Then
someone in the tribe must die, to allow the ghost to go
away again. In my tribe anyone was killed quick, no
matter who he was, if two of the tribe heard him speak
the name of the dead on the tribe’s burying ground!”

Must ever: It will be noticed how Bungaree’s

English suddenly becomes fully standard here.
The same passage in Document 3B reads thus:
“It very bad thing of everyone in tribe – because
ghost of the dead are called back to the ground
of the bury ground. Someone in the tribe has to
die to let the ghost go away off the bury ground.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

In my tribe everyone was killed quick, no matter

who they were, if two of their tribe heard them
speak aloud the name of the dead on the tribe’s
bury ground. That why I no tell Dr Haynes name
of old warrior chief.”

“I see”, said the sergeant slowly.

“Yes. That why I no tell Dr Hayne name of old warrior
chief. But Dr Hayne no understand. He get more angry.
He tell me to go! Then he do very bad thing – he get Mr
Ashby to dig grave of one of my tribe when I still on my
tribal burying ground!”

That: Emphasis in the original.

“I see”, said the sergeant. And there was silence for

a while.
“Bungaree”, asked the sergeant quietly, “did you
ever hear of any great deeds, of raids or battles, in
which that Red Chief led your Namoi River tribe?”
“Ah, yes!” breathed Bungaree, and he seemed to
have grown in stature. “In every tribe there are men
trained to remember. And so my father trained me!”

Trained to remember: This idea does not occur

in the Ewing Papers. What Joe Bungaree says to
Ewing in Document 3B is simply this: “‘Yes, my
father told me lot of tribe-talk about what Red
Kangaroo and him warriors do …. My father an’
old men in tribe tell me, an’ tell all young boy of
tribe, about great warriors of the Nammoy River
tribe: all about wars …”.
Of course the detailed tapestry of the tales
does show that Bungaree had an excellent
memory. But whether he was specifically

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

trained in this by his father it is impossible to


“And thus Bungaree, with feelings and memory

unleashed, started on his long, continuous story, a
goodly feat of memory. As much of it as I could [I] have
used, almost just as Sergeant Ewing’s son years ago
wrote it down from the mouth of old Bungaree.

[Idriess' Other Sources:]

“With but slight deviations to help make the story

more plain every here and there, this book is, in the
main, practically word for word as handed down by the
legend-memory of the Gunn-e-darr tribe. I have had
help from a little book, Kamilaroi and Other Australian
Languages, by the Rev. William Ridley, MA, published
in Sydney in 1875.”

Gunn-e-darr: Ewing’s spelling.

“Ridley, way back in the eighteen-fifties, was

working among the then numerous aboriginal tribes
along the Namoi, Barwon and other New South Wales
Rivers. Later he worked over the Liverpool Plains, along
the Barwon, Darling, Macintyre, Moonie, Condamine
and Bundarra. In 1871 he again visited the Barwon and
Namoi on behalf of the Government to obtain further
information of the Kamilaroi tribes, their languages,
traditions, songs, habits and manners, institutions and

Then numerous: In truth, Ridley found the

Gamil'raay people of the Namoi basin already
“much reduced”. Whereas earlier they had

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

numbered in the thousands, by 1855 they

numbered only in the hundreds.325

“And the information in this little book, painstakingly

complied from the aboriginals themselves while many
of the Kamilaroi were still in their wild state, was one of
those lucky finds. It has helped me to relieve slightly
the “straight-out” story of old Bungaree, confined as it
is mostly to jealousies, raids, fears, hunting and
I have also been glad to refer, for reasons of clarity
upon several subjects, to several short articles luckily
preserved from the pens of two old-timers, W A
Squire[s]326 and Rev C C Greenway.
Names of aboriginal characters mentioned are
nearly all as given by Bungaree. Where he, or Stan
Ewing who took down his story, missed out a name, I
have taken an appropriate name from Ridley’s
vocabulary of the Kamilaroi, strictly, in so far as I was
able, fitting the name to the character’s totem.
Some of the names given by Bungaree are those of
Jerrabri, war chief of the Gunn-e-darr tribe, Red
Kangaroo’s uncle Tulumi, the warriors Buradella,
Boobuk, and Kuribri, Red Kangaroo’s friend Giluram,
the boys Gilwan and Tuki, the girls Weetah, Nareen and
Naroo, Kulki of the Coonabarabran tribe, Ilpara of the
Goonoo Goonoo, Mooti of the Manellae and Kibbi of the

Tulumi and Giluram: These names do not occur

in the documents available to me. Possibly
Idriess found them in the other papers that have

Ridley 1855 in Lang 1864. See the discussion of
population decline in my Kamilaroi Lands (O’Rourke 1997). Also
the Chronology in the introduction to this book.
A copy of the booklet by Squire is held by the National
Library of Australia (MO'R). For Ridley's many works, see the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

since been misplaced or lost. (‘Tulumi’ looks like

Dhuluumay, meaning ‘thunder’.)

Boys: Gilwan was already married, so hardly a


Tuki: More correctly Tukki, i.e. Thagaay or

Dhagaay, meaning Yellowbelly Fish or Golden
Perch, his totem name.
Totems were inherited from one’s mother.
Thus the fact his sister’s totem was different
(Wiidhaa or Weetah, ‘bowerbird’) would mean
that they had different mothers but the same

“The accounts of the strength of tribes and of their

losses in raids and fights are as given by Bungaree.
The losses given here will surprise many people. In our
very incomplete knowledge of the aboriginal, a
straight-out fight is believed to mean a shower of
spears until a man is killed or wounded, when the fight
is over. In general, this is correct. But before the whites
came, tribes here and there over the continent were
again and again wiped out. The fighting and losses
then must have been far more severe than has
generally come to the later knowledge of the whites. In
his story I have given Bungaree’s own figures. All
through his long narrative he was explicit in figures, to
every man, woman and child, and their ages, in a tribe.
And his account of the various fightings and losses are
exactly as he gave them to Sergeant Ewing and his

Wiped out: Certainly warfare between Aboriginal

bands was sometimes severe.327

See for example Buckley/Morgan 1852; Warner
1937/1958; also Berndt & Berndt 1996: 358.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Deborah Rose has hypothesised that the

intensity of warfare was related to regional
population densities. Warfare was possibly more
intense, she thinks, where the population was
relatively dense, for instance in Arnhem Land
and along the Murray River, but rare or even
unknown in less populated areas such as the
Western Desert. R G Kimber has taken a
different view, proposing that major conflicts
were by no means unknown in Central Australia.
If small scale conflict was the norm in the arid
regions, there are also reliable reports of large
scale battles.
Either way, the historical record contains
nothing to suggest that whole bands would
frequently wipe each other out. Even Warner,
who emphasises the occasional savagery of
Aboriginal war, allows only for the rare wiping-
out of a hearth-group or small band. When he
says that “if a camp has been ambushed and
the men all killed in a general tribal war, the
women and children are taken by the
conquerors”, it is clear that he means all the
men in a small camp, and that such an event
was not common. 328

“Red Kangaroo’s speech before the chief, Jerrabri,

and the tribe complaining of the injustices of the
council of the elders, is practically as given in
Bungaree’s own words, as also is his speech on his
return with his captive girls, Naroo and Nareen. The
capture and escape back to the tribe are told in
Bungaree’s own words also. So is the duel with Jerrabri,
and other duels.”

Warner 1958: 60 emph. add.; Kimber 1990: 163; and
Rose 1991: 108, 111.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Council of the elders: In my opinion (there are

contrary opinions), it was because the
community deliberated as a group, and the
older men spoke more than the rest, that it
often appeared there was a (male) council of
elders. In truth, I believe, there was no formal
council with a fixed membership.

“The capture of the women and the use of the

strangling cord were according to custom, and are set
down as Bungaree described them. The spying by the
girl Weetah, and her little brother Tuki, on the enemy
scouts and the fighting along the Porcupine Ridges and
the Wallaby Trap also follow Bungaree’s account. The
Red Chief’s address to the discontented guards and the
instructions to the lads who were to creep to the Secret
Camp are in Bungaree’s own words.
The little love story of Giluram and Weetah is fact,
though enlarged by me, the subject obviously being
considered as of little account by Bungaree, except for
convenient mention here and there. To many of us it
would come as a surprise to be told that the
[A]boriginal man and wife, young fellow and girl, can
“love” more or less in the sense of the term as we use
The wild aboriginal man or woman can be as fiercely
jealous, faithful or unfaithful, can ‘put up with it’ or
simply ‘just not care’, as we can. In my wandering days
in the far north I’ve known young couples in the ‘hot-
house’ stage, who, in utter despair at the tribal laws
that would hold them apart forever, made a run for it in
the face of almost certain death just to snatch a few
precious hours of love into eternity.
It may surprise some readers, too, that wild
Australian aboriginals, among the last Stone Age men
remaining upon earth, should put into words the
sentiments “I love you” (“kurridu zinundun inda”) and
“You are my love” (“Da zinda gulirdul”). In this case
the actual aboriginal words used have been taken

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

down from tribesmen of the Kamilaroi, in his

translation of the language.”

Actual Aboriginal words: In fact the Z sound

does not occur in Australian languages. Idriess
failed to notice that Ridley (1873) used z simply
as a convenient symbol for the ‘ng’ sound: the
“velar nasal” consonant, as in English ‘sing’.
Thus zinundun is actually nginundun or more
probably nginunha ‘you, singular, objective
case’. Likewise ‘zinda’ should be nginda (you,
singular, ergative case).

Translation: Literally, the statement ‘da nginda

gulirdul’ translates as “you [nginda] are
somewhat spouse-like [guliirrdhuul: a little wife-
like] (to me)” (Ridley 1875).

“Ideas of Baia-me, too, and of the Bora have been

taken from this source. Although, in my experience,
belief in the Great Spirit, and the meaning and action
of the Bora ceremonies are practically the same all
over Australia, here I have stuck to the conscientious
though incomplete account of the man who put these
beliefs of the Kamilaroi on paper, from the lips of the
Kamilaroi themselves.”

Baia-me: The high god of Aboriginal NSW,

whose voice was thunder.329 The name rhymes
with English "high hummer". Pronounced with
stress on the first syllable. Preferred spelling:

See Hiatt’s 1996 chapter on High Gods, and O’Rourke
Kamilaroi Lands 1997: 171-177.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

[… Then follow eight short paragraphs which we omit

as they do not bear on the Red Kangaroo’s story or the
ethnography of the region.]

POSTSCRIPT [by Idriess]

As mentioned above, Stan Ewing and several of the

old hands refer to the Red Chief’s skeleton and part of
the carved burial tree as having been forwarded to the
Museum in Sydney. My publishers and I were anxious
to verify this [ . . . ]. We asked the Australian Museum
to if it would be possible to make a search.
Under considerable difficulties a search was made,
but unfortunately it yielded no trace of the skeleton of
the Red Chief. But the officials got very close [ . . . ].
Here is an extract from the report the Australian
Museum officials forwarded to my publishers:
“The tree mentioned by Mr Idriess is listed in a
Memoir [by Etheridge on the carved trees of NSW as 48
in the Taphoglyphs [burial carvings], and the following
quotation is given at p.50:

“[Tree number] 48. Gunnedah, Liverpool Plains.

The ‘City of the Dry Plains’ or the ‘Home of the
Fatherless and Motherless’ as the name is said
to imply in the Kamilaroi dialect. [The author,
Etheridge, then proceeds to quote from The
Sydney Mail article as above.] [ . . . ] “

Etheridge did not illustrate this tree [i.e., the stump

that marked Red Kangaroo’s grave] but he figured
several others from the Gunnedah district in plate viii,
fig.4 and pl. xxxvi, figs 2-3, and describes their
situation on pages 49 and 50.” [Text ends.]

No trace of the skeleton: As noted elsewhere,

nor does either of the two Sydney University
museums hold the remains.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Appendix 1: Outline of Idriess’s Novella “The Red

Chief” (1953)

Chapter 1. “The Warrior Lad”:

Red Kangaroo (RK hereafter) is introduced as a
shrewd-thinking teenager. A warrior in training, he
challenges anyone and everyone to fight him for
practice. The self-serving chief Jerrabri responds, and
deviously tries to kill RK but fails.

2. “An Uneasy Camp”:

RK gains a reputation for disagreeing with Jerrabri and
the "tribal council", while at the same time becoming
something of a hero to the rest of the Gunnedah
community. Influenced by RK, the young men complain
that there are no unmarried women left for them to

3. “The Life of Stone Age Man”:

One morning, RK leads other youths out to Nobby Rock
for look-out duty. The rest of the camp wakes and
prepares to go on a day’s gathering and hunting.
Burradella trains a group of boys aged 10-14. Nundoba
the evil “witchdoctor” is introduced into the story.

4. “The Tribe Trains its Future Warriors”:

Burradella trains the boys including Gilwan. Gilwan kills
some ducks.

5. “The Lone Look-Out”:

RK and the other boys reach Nobby Rock. Idriess
explains the status of the Kamilaroi as the second most
wide-spread tribal network in NSW, and imagines RK as
wishing they would unite.

6. “Every Woman Teaches while She Hunts”:

The women, girls and younger boys head out in search
of food. Weetah and her younger brother Tuki [sic:
Thagaay] are introduced. Weetah teaches Tuki how to
track possums. Despite the warnings about the danger

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

of enemy raiders, they fall behind. Nevertheless the

whole party returns safely to camp at Gunnedah. A
night’s dancing follows, in which RK and Giluram take
the lead. Weetah tells Giluram she loves him.

7. “The New Weapon”:

RK reflects on how Jerrabri and the other elders have
distorted the law. By taking all of the younger women
as their wives, they have disadvantaged the
community, which is shrinking. Burradella warns RK to
be careful what he says.
RK examines his grandfather’s shield and discovers
he can turn it into an offensive throat-cutting weapon
by sharpening one end.

8. “Man Must Find Food to Live”:

Description of gunyahs and life in camp at Gunnedah.
Weetah teaches Tuki/Thagaay and other younger
children how to track animals.

9. “The Woman Stealers”:

By his kindness to all, RK becomes popular with
everyone except the self-serving group of elders. He
leaves for Tambar Springs to join up there with various
friends, including Giluram, who are on a hunting
expedition. At about the half-way mark, he sees three
enemy raiders from Terry Hie Hie preparing to capture
several young Gunnedah women. He kills two of the
raiders using his new sharp-shield weapon. Having
counted the tracks of 26 raiders from Terry Hie Hie, all
the Gunnedah people retreat home. Fortunately the
enemy fails to follow up and does not attack.

10. “The Troubles of Boobuk”:

RK spends a sleepless night worrying about
Gunnedah’s vulnerability. The rest of the chapter deals
humorously with how Boobuk is dominated by his
harridan wife.

11. “The Deadly Black Snake”:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The Gunnedah people perform a newly composed

corroboree. Burradella warns RK not to be outspoken,
explaining that the true power behind Jerrabri’s group
is the “witchdoctor” Nundoba [a name meaning ‘black
snake’]. RK resolves to talk less and think more.

12. “The Vengeance Party”:

Terry Hie Hie raiders attack a group of Gunnedah men,
killing three. A vengeance party is selected, to be led
by Burradella, which excludes RK. RK fears his friend
has been chosen in the hope that he will be killed and
so removed as a force opposing Jerrabri’s group.
Burradella succeeds in punishing the Terry Hie Hie
men. But he comes home wounded, a spear-head
embedded in his thigh.

13. “The False Alarm”:

The Gunnedah people face threats from neighbouring
communities. They resolve that if trouble comes they
will take refuge in their secret camp near Porcupine
Ridge. Enemies set off a bushfire, but this turns out to
be a false alarm. RK reflects on the fading strength of
the Gunnedah people.

14. “The Cord”:

RK weaves cords from human hair and possum fur for a
special purpose only he knows. The next morning he is
missing from the camp.

15. “He Treads Alone in Enemy Country”:

RK is absent for seven nights. The camp fears he has
been killed. In fact he has travelled to the
Warrumbungles, where he spies on the camps of the
Coonabarabran people.

16. “The Menace”:

RK is watching a large camp of the Coonabarabran
people. The women go along a creek fishing. When two
young women fall behind, RK prepares to capture

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

17. “Woman and the Club”:

As he watches, RK admires the beauty of the two
young women. They are hunting for duck eggs. He
waits. They converse, and we learn that one is named
Nareen. Then RK strikes with his club. He ties and gags
them and carries them to a nearby cave.

18. “The Master”:

RK tells Nareen and Naroo “you are to be my wives”.
He brings out the special cord. They refuse to
cooperate, but secretly their anger pleases him
(because it shows their strong spirit). He forces them to
walk ahead. After proceeding some distance in the
direction of Gunnedah, he takes them to another cave.

19. “Runaways in the Night”:

They proceed onward, RK having to force the two
women. RK briefly leaves them while he scouts back in
search of pursuers, but finds no one.

20. “The Fight”:

RK kills a wallaroo for them to eat. Suddenly smoke
signals appear behind and in front of them. Nareen and
Naroo ask RK to leave off their gags. Two
Coonabarabran men appear. RK kills them both, the
younger man with a spear and the older man with his
sharp-ended shield.

21. “Red Kangaroo Returns Home”:

They proceed to the Mullaley Plains. Nareen and Naroo
explain that they did not cry out when seeing their
tribesmen because they now accepted RK as their
husband. They tell RK that the older man was Kulki,
“best and bravest” of the Coonabarabran men. They
reach Gunnedah.

22. The Challenge”:

The elders summon RK. He accuses them of ignoring
ancient law. This has forced him to seek elsewhere for
wives. Jerrabri insists that RK take Jerrabri’s oldest wife

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

in return for Nareen. Nareen resists, and when Jerrabri

physically threatens her, RK challenges him to a duel.

23. “The Duel”:

The whole Gunnedah community watches. The duel is
hard-fought. Finally RK uses his sharp-edged shield to
slashing Jerrabri’s throat, and the chief dies. RK gives
the younger widows of Jerrabri to the young men
aligned with him. RK is asked to become war-chief, but

24. “The Wallaby Trap”:

RK leads a night-hunt of wallabies on Porcupine Ridge.
They catch them in a natural U-shaped clearing known
as ‘the Wallaby Trap’.

25. “The Speech of the Red Chief”:

After two years, RK becomes war-chief. He restores the
former laws of marriage. Some 20 wives who are
improperly married to older husbands are taken from
them and given to younger men. He further proposes
to build up the Gunnedah community by stealing wives
from other groups.

26. “Making Men Strong”:

The Gunnedah people grow in strength, and begin to
prevail in fights with their neighbours. This will soon
precipitate an emergency. For the present, however,
the young men are complaining about having to guard
women and children and not being allowed to go with
RK on a hunting expedition. Their wives grumble too.
RK rebukes them. The hunt proceeds on Breeza Plains.

27. “The Lost Dilly-Bag”:

The next morning the women and children go out
gathering food under the strict guard of Burradella. In
the afternoon, as they return, Weetah realises she has
left behind her dilly-bag. Going back with her brother
Tuki, she sees foreign warriors, raiders from Cassilis.
Weetah hides, to spy on the raiders, and sends Tuki
back to warn the Gunnedah guards.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

28. “Abandon Camp”:

The Cassilis warriors find Weetah’s dilly-bag.
Meanwhile Tuki reaches Burradella and warns him.
Burradella sends a small party under Giluram to go to
Weetah’s aid and orders that a smoke signal be sent
up to warn RK. He tells the women and children to
pretend they are headed east for the Mooki River but in
fact to turn south and go to the secret camp.

29. “Danger Comes Fast”:

Weetah and Giluram reach the secret camp. A further
signal is sent to RK. As sunset approaches, 60 Cassilis
warriors appear, but they find the Gunnedah main-
camp abandoned. Burradella is informed that a signal
has been received saying RK is returning.

30. “The Tribe in Desperate Straits”:

Having seen the signals, RK decides to return. He
signals in turn to the main party under Boobuk, far out
on the Breeza Plains, telling them to follow behind. (As
it turns out, they fail to see his signal, an accident that
will have a happy result.) When RK reaches the secret
camp he listens to Tuki and Weetah relate what has
happened. Night falls. A number of Gunnedah boys are
sent down to spy on the camp of Cassilis warriors.

31. “The Great Plan”:

RK worries that Boobuk may not have seen his signal.
Without Boobuk's party the Gunnedah men will not be
strong enough to deal with the large number of Cassilis
enemies. As morning dawns, the boys sent to scout on
the Cassilis men report back. RK learns that the Cassilis
men have dispatched their own scouts. Soon they will
realise from foot-prints where the Gunnedah people
are hidden and how weak in numbers they are. Giving
thought to what might be done, RK thinks of luring the
Cassilis men into the Wallaby Trap. They can be
ambushed there like wallabies.

32. “The Trap is Baited”:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

They set up the ambush. The plan is to hide the men in

the scrub on the edges of the clearing while a few
women and children occupy the centre of the clearing
as decoys. But there are only 35 Gunnedah men to
face 60 Cassilis men. Or rather, 81, for the Gunnedah
spies have reported that an extra 21Cassilis warriors
have arrived.

33. “The Death Trap”:

Boobuk’s hunting party on Breeza Plains is heading
back. They can see the faint light of fires at Gunnedah
but do not know they are the camp fires of the enemy.
Believing all is well, they decide to camp beside the
Mooki, intending to go in to Gunnedah in the morning.
Meanwhile the Cassilis scouts detect fire-lights
within the Wallaby Trap and of course fail to realise it is
a trap. As dawn breaks, the main force of Cassilis
warriors (60 men) moves towards the mouth of the
clearing. A smaller force (21 men) circles around to the
rear to block any retreat by the Gunnedah people. The
main force enters the clearing and is cut down by RK’s
men. The surviving Cassilis men pull back to the site of
the main Gunnedah camp only to be confronted and
attacked by Boobuk’s men who have fortuitously
arrived from the Mooki. Boobuk’s party kills several;
the rest flee in the direction of Cassilis.

34. “Friends, My Tribal Lands, Farewell”:

RK decides to pursue the survivors and to attack their
home-base at Cassilis. The Gunnedah men catch up
with the retreating enemy survivors near Black Jack
Mountain and kill a further 11 men. A few escape, but
RK decides to ignore them and marches straight to
Cassilis. As he proceeds, it happens that the Gunnedah
men catch up with this group and they kill a few more.
Proceeding on to Cassilis, the Gunnedah men surprise
and capture the enemy home-camp. They seize women
and children and take them to Gunnedah to become
members of the Gunnedah tribe.

35. “The Red Chief”:

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The final chapter sketches the future career of RK: how

he will defeat other enemies and will build up the tribe
of Gunnedah. The expedition into New England to fight
the Kingstown-Bundarra men is briefly described. Later
in life, RK dies and is buried at Gunnedah beneath a
large box tree.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Appendix 2: The Age of Carved Trees

It is interesting to see whether estimates of the age

of trees can shed any light on the stated date of Red
Kangaroo's interment.

1. Introduction

The carved burial tree beside Red Kangaroo’s grave

was a species of box-tree, “box” meaning a sub-group
of rough-barked trees within genus Eucalyptus. There
are many such species, some of the better known
being yellow box, Eucalyptus melliodora; bimble box,
E. populnea; and white box, E. albens.330
When Sam Turner saw it in 1865, the burial tree was
reduced to a stump that “had weathered and blown
down and [was] rotted and eaten to a shell by white
ants. Some of the oldest residents remembered the
box-tree stump when it was all of five feet higher. But
[by 1865] it had rotted off or blown off in a windy time
years ago". The extent of the carved area was “20 ft
[nearly seven metres] high when it was originally
carved” (Document 3B, MS Page 2).
In other words, it seems that the tree died some time
in the first half of the 1800s.
Its age when it was carved is a question we will
come to presently.

2. The Age of Specific Trees

John Oxley in 1817 was the first to report the

existence of graves with carved trees in inland NSW.
Travelling near the Lachlan River on 29 July 1817, his
exploring party came upon a single grave located
between two carved cypress trees (Callitris species).

Yellow box can grow quite tall (30m) while white box
and grey box may reach 25m (Boland et al. 1984). Bimble box (E.
populnea) and grey box (E. woollsiana) were often found in
association with Dodonaea viscosa, the “Giant Hop Bush” which
grew profusely at Gunnedah.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The grave was “apparently of recent construction”.

When the site was rediscovered or relocated in 1913,
one tree survived in good condition. The other had
decayed to a stump with only a fragment of the carving
remaining. 331
In other words, in the course of a century, some
cypress trees would die and decay, while others would
still survive.
Turning to box trees (Eucalyptus), we find Etheridge
quoting N W Thomas's guesstimate of "at least 150
years old" for the age of a burial tree near Dubbo,
based on "the growth of (its) sapwood". In other words,
Thomas was proposing that this tree had been carved
in the mid 1700s, perhaps even before 1750.332

3. Stone versus Steel

We know from the botanist Cunningham and the

surveyor Mitchell that steel hatchets (“tomahawks”)
were being traded into Aboriginal north-central NSW in
the period 1827-31, ahead of the frontier of white
settlement. Probably stone hatchets were still more
common in 1831.333
About two-thirds of the carved trees surveyed by
Etheridge were carved with steel implements: only
one-third had been shaped with stone implements. If
we assume that steel hatchets were the preferred
instrument by 1830, then it follows that a good number
of the stone-carved trees recorded by Etheridge dated
from before 1830.334 In other words, the trees carved
with stone hatchets were probably all at least 88 years
Etheridge 1918; Bell & Wakelin-King 1985: 304. The
good tree was afterwards (after 1913) removed to the Australian
Museum: McCarthy 1940: 161.
Etheridge 1918: 35.
Strictly speaking, a hatchet can be used in one hand,
while an axe is a larger implement requiring two hands. But
hatchets are frequently called “axes”. “Tomahawk” is also used,
but inappropriately, because hatchets were tools, not weapons.
Cunningham found both stone and steel hatchets in use near
Boggabri in 1827. Mitchell noted trees felled with steel hatchets to
the north-east of Narrabri in 1831.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

old when Etheridge published his monograph in 1918,

and we may surmise that quite a few were 100 years
old or more.
It also follows that the 50 or more carved trees
surviving in situ today – nearly all are box-trees cut
with steel hatchets - could now be up to 170 years old
(2004 less 1834 = 170).335 Of course they would have
grown for tens of years before being carved, and 190
years old would be more correct. To be conservative,
we might use a figure of (say) 150 years old.
In short, some box trees will have died after about
150-160 years, but some will survive beyond that age.

Longevity Datum Source;

/age of tree comments

Over 100 years Seedling in 1780? – Oxley’s Oxley. If we assume the

old: carved cypress tree: carved tree was at least 27 years
c.1817; died after 1913: old when carved.
longevity over 135 years.

150+ years: Carved eucalypt near Dubbo. Thomas’s guesstimate.

158-311 years: “The ages of a limited “What is Old Growth

number of very old Forest and how is it
('senescing') trees in Damp being Managed in
Forest in one part of the Victoria?“ at
study area were determined
by counting tree rings. The u/dse/nrenfor.nsf/childdo
oldest of these senescing cs [accessed July 2004].
trees was found to be
Etheridge 1918: 14. The carvings were often intricate
and the work laborious. As the work was a prestigious task, it is
almost certain that steel hatchets would have been used for
carving burial trees as soon as they became available.
Fifty or more: a survey in 1979-80 found “78” trees
surviving on their original sites in NSW (Bell & Wakelin-King
1985: 302). McCarthy 1940: 166 notes that altogether over 600
carved trees were recorded, and at that time the Australian
Museum (Sydney) held over 50. In other words, over 400 have
been lost due to natural and human factors - bushfires, land
clearing and of course vandalism.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

between 236 and 311 years.

Trees considered to be
'mature' but not senescing
were aged between 158 and
171 years.”

Up to 200 A few trees with carvings In central NSW steel

years: made using stone tools that tomahawks replaced
still survive in 2004. stone hatchets during the

200-400 years: Informal guesstimates for the Curran and Benson (see
maximum longevity of footnotes).
eucalypts in general.

275 years: “Oldest living tree in Informal guesstimate

Victoria”. (see in footnotes).

400, 460 years: Informal estimates for Tasmanian and coastal

certain very long-lived NSW eucalypts (see
species of eucalypts. sources in footnotes).

4. Using the Age of Box Trees Generally

Unfortunately it seems that no studies have been

done on the longevity of box trees in general. A major
problem is that, because of rotting inner cores and fire
damage, the counting of tree rings to deduce age
(“dendrochronology”) usually fails with Eucalypts.336
As noted, Document 3D states that RK's burial tree
may have been only 20 feet (six metres) high when
carved, which is to say, still quite young. Alternatively,
Pers. comm. Tim Curran, University of New
England, and John Benson Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, 2002.
The problem of rotted cores is also noted in Hickey et al. (1999),
"Fire history [in Tasmania]", Australian Forestry 62 (1), 66-71. Cf
also Argent, R. M., McMahon, T. A., Bowler, J. M. &
Finlayson, B. L. (2004), The Dendroecological
Potential of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis Dehnhardt
(River Red Gum) from the Barmah Forest, Victoria,
Australian Geographical Studies 42 (1), 89-102.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

if 20 feet was just the length of the carved area, then

its total height when the carving was done may have
been over 40 feet (12+ metres). Yellow boxes can grow
to 30 metres.337 So quite possibly the tree chosen for
RK’s grave-maker was not especially large or especially
It had decayed by 1865, "leaving only a big stump
four feet high and 20 inches [50 cm] in diameter and
having a four inch diameter pipe in its centre going
down to roots". A diameter of 50 cm would suggest
that it grew to be reasonably large and old enough for
a box tree.
A number of botanists I consulted hazarded the
guess that Eucalypts "might" live for as long as 400
years at an extreme. Putting this into conservative
terms, many Eucalypts will live for over 200 years and
some to over 300 years.338
If we suppose that RK's burial tree was alive for 200
years, then we have the following scenario: it was a
seedling in 1640; grew for say 50 years before being
carved at the time of RK's death (in say 1690); then
lived for another 150 years before dying in say 1840;
and 25 years later it was rotting and half fallen (1865).
Alternatively, if we imagine the tree living for 300
years, we have: seedling in 1540, carved in 1590; lived
on until 1840, and, after dying, had rotted by 1865.

5. Conclusion

It cannot be ruled out, then, that Red Kangaroo may

have lived and died much earlier than the claimed date
of "1745". But this tells us very little. That we cannot
Boland et al. 1984.
Pers. comm. Curran and Benson 2002. The trees
believed (absent dendrochronology) to be the oldest in Australia
include: (1) a stand of Tasmanian eucalypt species up to "460"
years old; (2) a specific Flooded Gum tree, Eucalyptus grandis, in
Bulahdelah State Forest, NSW, considered the tallest extant tree in
NSW and aged perhaps “400” years; and (3) one in Victoria,
species not noted, said to be the oldest tree in NE Victoria, at
about 275 years ( and,
accessed November 2002).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

rule out this possibility is not positive evidence for an

earlier date.
All that can be said is that the reporter’s (or Dr
Haynes’) estimate of “1745” is not inconsistent with
what we know about the life-spans of box-trees. But, if
we had no other information, and were using only the
supposed longevity of a typical large box tree, then we
would probably place the time of RK's death before

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah



As noted in the commentary to Document 3B (see

under MS Page 15), the canopy on parts of Porcupine
Hill or Ridge was (and is) so dense as to justify being
called ‘semi-evergreen vine thicket’ (“SEVT”). There is
a particularly dense - though very small - stand of SEVT
on the eastern slopes immediately below a sandstone
cave known locally as ‘Red Chief Cave’.
SEVT is sometimes, although not exclusively, found
on generally fire-free sites, e.g. stony rises (such as the
slopes of Porcupine and Black Hill). In the case of
Porcupine Hill, the botanist Tim Curran tells me the
largest surviving stand of SEVT occurs on the northern
slope of the hill where there are many large rocks
breaking up the understorey. A rocky outcrop runs
down the eastern edge of the stand, similarly offering
protection from fire.
We do not know how extensive this so-called “dry
rainforest” was in pre-settlement days. At a guess,
however, it covered much more of the hill than it does
today. It is also likely that it extended down the
foot-slopes, given that some large individuals of SEVT
species can still be found at the base of the northern
face. SEVT species also exists on several of the
scattered knolls that run off the north-east slope of
Porcupine Ridge, Furthermore, considerable patches of
SEVT currently occupy such landscape positions (foot
slope) to the north of Narrabri.
Nowadays the heavy thicket (SEVT) is patchily
distributed on both the northern and eastern slopes of
the ridge.
The main tree species found in the SEVT on
Porcupine Hill are: Notelaea microcarpa (native olive),
Geijera parviflora (wilga), Ehretia membranifolia (peach
bush), and Alphitonia excelsa (red ash). As the name
vine thicket implies, there are also vines: on Porcupine

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

these include Pandorea pandorana (wonga wonga vine)

and Parsonsia eucalyptophylla (gargaloo).339

Tim Curran pers. comm.: emails December
2001/January 2002 and September 2002; also Curran 1997.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Appendix 4: Smoke Signals?

There is no agreement on how much or even

whether Aborigines used smoke for signalling. At one
extreme, it is denied that Aborigines used smoke for
signalling. A less extreme position is that they used
smoke to send pre-arranged messages. The third
position is that there was a fixed code or vocabulary
able to convey at least simple messages and perhaps
quite complex statements.
Let us look at each of these propositions in turn.

1. No signals ?

Donald Thomson (1956) argues, based on his

experiences in Cape York Peninsula and Arnhem Land
in the 1930s, that signalling with smoke was unknown
in Aboriginal Australia.
It is a white man's myth, he proposes, that
Aborigines used "a kind of morse code". He found that,
although they could see the smoke from their
compatriots' fires a long way off, his Aboriginal guides
were quite unable to make contact by signalling. To
rejoin their people they were forced to find their
kinsmen's foot-tracks and follow them to their camps.
If so, there is the problem of explaining how
Aborigines were so often able to know in some detail
what was happening among their countrymen many
kilometres distant. Thomson suggests that they were
making simple deductions based on known seasonal
and cultural patterns.
Knowing intimately the geographical conditions and
natural history of her country, an Aborigine was able to
"know" what her countrymen would be doing, because
they tended to be doing similar things in certain similar
places at a particular time. "They are hunting
wallabies", she would say, knowing that if it was
autumn in the hills then the people there were highly
likely to be looking for wallabies. The accuracy of such
a statement, confirmed later, so amazed the whites
(says Thomson) that they attributed to Aborigines a

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

power of communicating with smoke. This was a

natural conclusion, he proposes, because the whites
were already deeply impressed by the ability of
Aborigines to follow animal tracks where the whites
could see nothing.

2. Just confirmation ?

An intermediate position is that smoke was indeed

used for signalling, but only if the two parties had
already arranged what lighting a fire would mean. "If
you see our smoke it will mean we have found
kangaroos." Or perhaps they might agree to use two
kinds of smoke, dark smoke (say) to mean "found" and
light smoke to indicate "not found".
In the older literature on south-east Australia, A W
Howitt proposes that messages were always pre-
arranged. He cites Charles Naseby as asserting this
was the case among the southern Kamilaroi. R A Gould
reports the same for the Western Desert in the 1960s.
Writing generally of Australia, S A Würm has said
that “the smoke signals do not appear to convey
detailed messages in coded form but are [sic: used to
be] used to attract attention for certain purposes and
to serve as a guide. For instance, visitors approaching
a camp send smoke signals to betray their presence
and friendly intentions, hunters to direct their family or
local group to killed game, and men establishing a
campsite to inform food-gathering women of the camp.
They are also used in ceremonial life and tribal
gatherings to signal the approach of groups, and to
constitute a call for groups in initiation ceremonies”.340
A possible instance of signalling to one’s kinsmen of
the approach of outsiders is seen in Major Mitchell’s
account of his first expedition into Kamilaroi country in
On the return journey, travelling back along a line
from Mungindi to Narrabri, Mitchell made a radical
Howitt 1904: 720 ff; Gould 1971; and Würm 1983 in the
Grolier Society’s Australian Encyclopaedia, vol. 1, p.177,
emphasis added.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

detour from his line of march. He wanted to find and

inspect the site near Gurley [south-east of Moree]
where earlier a Kamilaroi band had killed two members
of a back-up party travelling behind the main party
bringing extra supplies. This involved Mitchell turning
north-east for a detour of some 30 kilometres.
Reaching Gurley, he found and buried the bodies.
Then, as his party returned, they saw a series of
smokes arise in a line along the base of the Nandewar
a dense column of smoke arose from Mt Frazer
[present-day Haystack Mountain] and
subsequently other smokes arose extending in
telegraphic line far to the south along the base
of the mountains [south from his perspective:
the western foothills of the Nandewars] ...
communicating [as he supposed] to the natives
who might be upon our route homeward, the
tidings of our return.341

3. Simple semantic signals ?

Others have argued that Aborigines assigned simple,

standard meanings to a just few broad types of smoke:
light versus dark smoke; straight-up plumes versus
puffs or spirals; and so on.
There are reports, for example, of semantic systems
being used in Central Australia. The Waramanga
people are said to have used spiral coils of pale smoke
to indicate “animal prey+come to me” (“All about,
come quick, plenty of kangaroos”). Various techniques
and instruments were used to produce a variety of
smoke-shapes. For example: green or damp material
for dark smoke; sheets of bark to direct the smoke;
animals skins to create whirling shapes; animal-skin
bags to capture puffs; and so on.

Mitchell 1839: 129; discussed in O'Rourke Raw Possum
1995: 44. Mitchell also reported his movements being monitored
and apparently reported by smoke signals on the Darling River in

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

The Waramanga messages listed by A T Magarey

were mostly informational, conveying good news or
bad news. And they usually related to people, for
example “strangers have been sighted” or “someone
has died”. He cites relatively few messages concerned
with action or requests, e.g. “come to me/don’t come
to me/stay put”.342
Magarey even claims that there were fixed signals
signifying “we are bringing boys for initiation” or “we
are travelling to an initiation ceremony”. This seems
unlikely on first principles. After all, initiations were not
held very frequently (only once every two or three
years). One might guess that the message “we are
bringing boys for initiation” was actually pre-arranged,
serving to confirm a message that had previously been
conveyed face-to-face.
Geoffrey Blainey, citing McLaren's reports from Cape
York Peninsula, proposes that signals were probably
more sophisticated on the coast. McLaren claimed to
have first heard of the outbreak of the First World War
from Aborigines who said they had received the
message by smoke signal.343 [One wonders, however,
how exactly "Germany" was rendered!]

4. Complex Messages ?

On the evidence of the Ewing Papers, the Gunnedah

people - and by extension other Kamilaroi groups,
perhaps indeed all Aborigines in the Murray-Darling
basin – were able to do much more than the Central
Australians. It is claimed that the Kamilaroi could send
messages bearing quite complex meanings. They used
big balls of smoke, small balls, variously in black, white
and bluish smoke. Dark smoke was produced with
wetted grass (see Document 3C at MS Page 8).
If so, then the code or vocabulary might have been
relatively complex. Consider for example the message
“Enemies – Cassilis tribe – four been seen on river –
looks like a war party is camped close” (Document 3C,
Magary 1893.
Blainey 1975: 75, citing McLaren 1966.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

MS Page 7). This contains a minimum of four elements

or ideas: i. “Enemy or enemy war-party”; ii. “Cassilis”;
iii. “Four men”; and iv. “Close/camped close” (“close”
implying ‘on the river’). Or three elements, if "Cassilis"
by definition meant "enemy". Each idea or component
would have needed its own distinct smoke-shape or


For Thomson to be right, the Aborigines in central

Australia and NSW must have been lying. Or, more
charitably, faced with white men fixed in an erroneous
belief about what Aborigines could do, they chose to
humour them ("leg pulling"). It may be significant that
Thomson’s area of fieldwork, Arnhem Land and Cape
York Peninsula, is in many places densely forested,
while Central Australia and inland NSW are often flat
country with open woodland or low shrubland.
On first principles, one might query whether smoke
could convey the complex messages suggested in the
text. Moreover, on a windy day, smoke would be of
little use, preventing the deployment of big balls of
smoke, small balls, variously in black, white and bluish
smoke, etc.
Faced with some evidence in favour, and some
evidence against, we can suggest an "on balance"
conclusion, and I think that the evidence for some sort
of signalling outweighs the evidence against.
We have seen how the arithmetical or
computational capabilities of Aborigines have been
wrongly underestimated. If they could count, then I
think that Aborigines could also have devised at least a
simple code of smoke messages. Indeed I am prepared
to accept that the Kamilaroi were able (in the right
weather conditions) to send a relatively large number
of coded signals. But I doubt that the shape of smoke
has enough potential variations for the Kamilaroi to
have had a smoke-symbol for, say, many numerals (as
in “four been seen on creek”).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Let us imagine, however, that there were as many

as, say, 20-30 fixed meanings attached to different
smoke-shapes. This would surely have included
signifiers for “us” versus “them” (friends versus
enemies); for “a long way off” versus “close/near me”
(“near me” implying 'on my river/the Namoi'); and for
(say) the four cardinal directions (with “south” implying
from Cassilis).
Thus, just a three-part signal would have been
enough to convey “[i.] Enemies + [ii.] From south +
[iii.] Near me”. This is close to the message given by
Ewing: “Enemies – Cassilis tribe –seen on river – looks
like a war party is camped close”.

Maps and Illustrations

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Abbreviations, References and Further Reading


AAC: Australian Agricultural Company. An investment

firm granted leases on the Mooki
and Peel Rivers ("Warrah",
"Goono Goonoo" and "Calala") in

ADB: Australian Dictionary of Biography. Volume 1,

A-H, 1788-1850; and volume 2, I-
Z, 1788-1850. General editor,
Douglas Pike. Melbourne
University Press 1966 and 1967.
Later volumes cover 1851

AIATSIS: The Australian Institute of

Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander Studies, Canberra.

APB: NSW Aborigines Protection Board.

BDM: Birth, Death and Marriage records [formerly the

NSW Registrar-General’s Office].
Accessible in short form on the

CCL: Commissioner of Crown Lands.

Col. Sec.: The Colonial Secretary: the

Governor's chief of staff.

DLWC: NSW Department of Lands and Water


ed. editor, edited by.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

GN: Greenway number – as listed in John

Greenway’s bibliography of 1963.

HRA: Historical Records of Australia. Early colonial

documents published in a multi-
volume series. Available in most
larger libraries.

MS: Manuscript, i.e. an unpublished document,

usually handwritten but
sometimes typed with a

MSS: Manuscripts.

NSW: New South Wales: Until the 1850s, the colony

that covered the whole eastern
third of New Holland/Australia. (It
was reduced to its present-day
boundaries in the 1850s with the
separation of Victoria and then

pers. comm.: personal communications, i.e.

usually via e-mails to the author.

RK: Red Kangaroo.

sic: Latin "thus". Used to mark words that are

misspelt in the original text or
incorrect grammar.

SMH: Sydney Morning Herald.

SRNSW: State Records of NSW; formerly

the Archives Office.

Pedants are asked not to write to the author pointing out
that Van Diemens Land, South Australia and Port Phillip were
established earlier. I am just summarising the position for non-
Australian readers!

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

VPLA: Votes and Proceedings of the NSW Legislative


Manuscripts, Articles and Books

* = works not cited; listed here as a guide to

further work that can be done.

Abbie, Andrew,
1969: The Original Australians. Sydney:

Allen, Harry, 1968: Western Plain and Eastern Hill: a

Reconstruction of the Subsistence
Activities of the Aborigines of
Central-Eastern Australia. BA
thesis, Sydney University.

---, 1972: Where the Crow Flies Backwards:

Man and Land in the Darling
Basin. PhD thesis, Australian
National University, Canberra.

---, 1974: The Bagundji of the Darling basin:

cereal gatherers in an uncertain
environment, World Archaeology,
5(3), 309-322.

*Anon., 1901: Aboriginal numerals: Gooninee

numerals and method of counting
... , The Queenslander, 21.9.1901,

Appleton, R & B,
1992: The Cambridge Dictionary of
Australian Places. Melbourne:
Cambridge University Press.

Ash, Anna; Giacon,

John; and Lissarague,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Amanda, 2003: Gamilaraay, Yuwaalaraay &

Yuwalayaay Dictionary. Alice
Springs: IAD Press. Includes a long
discussion of grammar and usage
etc. Highly recommended for
those wanting a simple and clear
introduction to linguistics.

Aurousseau, M,
1968, ed: The Letters of Ludwig Leichhardt.
Cambridge UK: Cambridge
University Press.

Austin, Peter, 1986: Structural change in language

obsolescence: some eastern
Australian examples (Gamilaraay
and Ngiyambaa etc), Australian
Journal of Linguistics, 6 (2), 201-

---, 1989: Notes on Gamilaraay, an

Aboriginal Language of Northern
NSW. Unpublished course notes,
Latrobe University, Melbourne.

---, 1992: A Dictionary of Gamilaraay.

Bundoora, Vic: Linguistics
Department, Latrobe University.
Also published 1996 on the
lang/gamdict/gamdict.htm (still
cuurent at July 2004).

---, 1993: A Reference Grammar of

Gamilaraay. Bundoora, Vic:
Linguistics Department, Latrobe

Austin, Peter, and

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Tindale, N B, 1985: Emu and brolga, a

Kamilaroi myth [related by Harry
Doolan], Aboriginal History, 9 (1),

Austin, Peter,
Williams, Cori,
and Würm, S A,
1980: The linguistic situation in north-
central NSW, pp 167-180. In B
Rigsby and P Sutton, eds, Papers
in Australian Linguistics, No 13:
Contributions to Australian
Linguistics. Canberra: Pacific
Linguistics, Series A, No. 59.

Encyclopaedia: Published by the Grolier Society,
Sydney. Ed. Richard Appleton.
Fourth edition, 1983.

Australian Town
and Country
Journal, 1873: A Tour to the North, Liverpool
Plains, Gunnedah: November,

---, 1876: Obituary of Patrick Quinn,


*Balme, Jane, 1986: The North-Central Rivers

Archaeological Rescue Project:
Report to the NSW National Parks
and Wildlife Service. Two vols,
213 pp. Copy in AIATSIS.

---, 1995: 30,000 years of fishery in western

NSW [the middle Darling River],
Archaeology in Oceania, 30, 1-21.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Barker, James, 1977: The Two Worlds of Jimmie Barker.

Canberra: Aborigianal Studies

Bell, David, 1982: Aboriginal Carved Trees of South-

East Australia: A Research Report.
Unpublished report to the NSW
National Park & Wildlife Service,
copy held by AIATSIS. (The most
comprehensive study of carved
trees; discusses the early
literature and reviews the designs
on surviving trees.)

Bell, David, and

Wakelin-King, Zoe,
1985: Living monuments: carved trees
of NSW, Australian Natural History
21(7), 302-305. (A good, short

*Berndt, R M, 1965: Law and order in Aboriginal

Australia, pp. 167-206. In R M & C
H Berndt, eds, Aboriginal Man in
Australia. Sydney: Angus &

Berndt, R M & C H,
1996: The World of the First Australians:
Aboriginal Traditional Life Past
and Present. 5th edition. Canberra:
Aboriginal Studies Press.

Beveridge, P, 1889: The Aborigines of Victoria and the

Riverina. Melbourne: Hutchinson.
(Pages 136-37 offer a good
account of the making and use of
skin rugs or robes.)

Binns, R, and

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

McBryde, I, 1972: A Petrological Analysis of Ground-

Edge Artefacts from Northern
NSW. Canberra: AIATSIS.

Black, Lindsay, 1941: Burial Trees. Melbourne:

Robertson & Mullens. Copy held
by AIATSIS: ref Rp 1281.

Blainey, G, 1975: Triumph of the Nomads: A History

of Ancient Australia. South
Melbourne: Macmillan. (And a
later revised edition.)

Blake, Barry, 1981: Australian Aboriginal Languages.

Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

*Block, E, 1987: Possum skin rugs. BA Hons thesis,

Australian National University,

Boland, D J
et al., 1984: Forest Trees of Australia.
Melbourne: Nelson Wadsworth.

Bootle, J, 1899: Aboriginal words [Kamilaroi, from

the Terry Hie Hie/Moree region],
Science of Man 2, 3-4.

Boyce, Dean, 1970: Clarke of the Kindur: Convict,

Bushranger, Explorer. Carlton:
Melbourne University Press. (On
George ‘the Barber’ Clarke, the
first white man to live on the
Namoi River.)

Helen, 1986: Aborigines of the Hunter Valley: a
Study of Colonial Records. Scone:
Scone & District Historical Society.
(With a good selection of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

illustrations from before 1850

including carved trees.)

Breton, W H, 1834: Excursions in New South Wales,

Western Australia and Van
Diemens Land, 1830-33. London:
Richard Bentley. Reprinted New
York, 1970: Johnson. (Among
other places, Breton visited the
Hunter Valley and Liverpool

Bridges, B J, 1970: William Ridley, Queensland

Historical Review 2, 14: 22.

---, 1971: William Ridley, itinerating

missionary, Armidale and District
Historical Society Journal 15, 40-

Bromby, Robin, 1986: Unlocking the Land: The

Saga of Farming in Australia.
Melbourne: Lothian.

Buchanan, John,
1985: A Century of Progress: History of
Local Government in Gunnedah
and District. Gunnedah Shire
Council. Copy in State Library of
NSW [cat. Q994.4/36].

Buckley, W, 1852: Life and Adventures of William

Buckley. As recorded by John
Morgan. Originally published
Hobart 1852. Reprinted in several
modern editions. (Buckley lived
“wild” for several decades with
Aborigines west of present-day

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bucknell, A W, 1933: Some Aboriginal beliefs and

customs (Kamilaroi), Australian
Museum Magazine, 5 (1), 33-36.

Bucknell, F N, 1896: Commealroy dialect, Australian

Anthropological Journal 1 (1).

---, 1897: Message sticks and their meaning

(Moree region), Australian
Anthropological Journal 1 (3), 10.

---, 1899: ‘Ugul’, a song sung by the

Aborigines (Kamilaroi language),
Science of Man 2 (6), 105.

---, 1902: Kamilari tribe, marriage rites and

relationships, Science of Man 5
(4), 67.

Bucknell, F N,
and others, 1886: The Kamilaroi language. In Curr’s
Australian Race, vol iii, 304-323.

Bucknell, W W, 1899: An investigation into the

names of places in Australia and
other countries, Science of Man,
60-61, 105-107.

---, 1910 (1911): Notes on the Kamilaroi and

Wiradjuri, Science of Man, 8 (8),

Butlin, N G, 1982: Close encounters of the worst

kind: modelling Aboriginal
depopulation and resource
competition, 1788-1850, Working
Papers in Economic History No.8.
Canberra: Australian National

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1983: Our Original Aggression:

Aboriginal Populations of South-
Eastern Australia 1788-1850.
Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

---, 1993: Economics and the Dreamtime: A

Hypothetical History. Melbourne:
Cambridge University Press.

Cain, Mary J, 1893: Letter to the Colonial Secretary,

State Records of NSW, file CSIL
5/6137. (See photograph of the
letter and a discussion in
Sommerville 1994.)

---, 1922: Coonabarabran in the 1860s,

Journal of the Royal Australian
Historical Society, 8, 370-373.

*---, c.1926: Recollections of Coonabarabran,

Mitchell Library, Sydney, MS
no.2696. Also typescript copy
held by AIATSIS, Canberra, with
annotations by Tamsin
Donaldson, 1990.

Campbell, A.H,
and Prokopec,
M, 1984: Antiquity of tooth avulsion in
Australia, Artefact, 8, 3-9.

Campbell, J F, 1922: Discovery and early pastoral

settlement of New England,
Journal of the Royal Australian
Historical Society, 8 (5), 225-273.

---, 1923: The first decade of the Australian

Agricultural Company 1824-34,
Journal of the Royal Australian
Historical Society, 9 (3), 113-160.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1928: John Howe’s exploratory journey

from Windsor to the Hunter in
1819, Journal of the Royal
Australian Historical Society, 14,

---, 1968: Squatting on Crown Lands in

NSW. Ed. B Dowd. Sydney: Royal
Australian Historical Society.

Campbell, Judy,
1983: Smallpox in Aboriginal Australia,
1829-31, Historical Studies, 20
(81), 536-556.

---, 1985: Smallpox in Aboriginal Australia,

the early 1830s, Historical
Studies, 21 (84), 337-358.

---, 2002: Invisible Invaders: Smallpox and

Other Diseases in Aboriginal
Australia 1780-1880. Melbourne
University Press.

Carey, Hilary
and Roberts David,
2002 (1995), eds:
The Wellington Valley Project.
Letters and Journals relating to
the Church Missionary Society
Mission to Wellington Valley,
NSW, 1830-45. A Critical
Electronic Edition, 2002.
up/amrhd/wvp/> (accessed July
2004). (A fascinating day to day
record of interaction between

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Aborigines, missionaries and

white workers.)

Carter, H R, 1974: The Upper Mooki. Quirindi:

Quirindi & District Historical

Cash, Martin, 1870: The Life and Adventures of Martin

Cash. As told to J L Burke. Hobart:
Mercury Steam Press Office.
(Describes thr battle/s in the
upper Mooki basin.)

Census, 1891: General census of NSW, Collectors

returns, Book no 55: Microfilm
copy in National Library of
Australia, mfm G.22629.

Central Mapping
Authority of NSW,
1981: Map of Gunnedah, scale 1:25,000.
Copy in National Library of
Australia, Canberra, Map G8970-

Cleary, Tania, 1993: Poignant Regalia: 19th Century

Aboriginal Images and
Breastplates. Sydney: Historic
Houses Trust of NSW.

“Collect/Ion”, 2000: Website on Ion Idriess:
usrpages/collect/ion/. Consulted
December 2000.

Connor, John, 2002: The Australian Frontier Wars

1788-1838. Sydney: University of
NSW Press. (Not a general
account, but rather a series of
episodic chapters focussed on the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

limited role played by regular

troops and police.)

Coxen, Charles, 1866: The Kimmillaroy tribe,

Philosophical Society of
Queensland, Transactions.
Unpaginated = 28th article in the
bound volume for 1859-72. (A
sympathetic account, based on
first hand experience, by the
brother-in-law of the naturalist
John Gould.)

Critchett, Jan, 1009: A Distant Field of Murder.

Melbourne University Press. (An
outstanding and carefully
balanced study of the frontier in
western Victoria.)

Croft, Julian, 1983: Ion Idriess, at p.426. In Australian

Dictionary of Biography 1981-
1939, Vol. 9.

Crowley, T, 1976: Phonological change in New

England, pp 19-50. In R M W
Dixon, ed, Grammatical
Categories in Australian
Languages. Canberra: AIATSIS.

---, 1997: Chipping away at the past: a

northern NSW perspective
[Nganyaywana], pp 275-296. In P
McConvell & N Evans, eds,
Archaeology and Linguistics:
Aboriginal Australia in Global
Perspective. Melbourne University

Curr, E, 1886-87: The Australian Race: Its Origin,

Languages and Customs. Four
vols. Melbourne: Ferris.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Vol iii (1887) pp 304 ff contains

Kamilaroi vocabularies and other
information from Bucknell, Ridley,
Moseley and the ‘police
magistrates’ of Nundle, Barraba,
Boggabri, Wee Waa and Moree.

Curran, Tim, 1997: Significant Plant Communities of

Porcupine Reserve, Gunnedah.
Unpublished paper, prepared for
the Gunnedah Urban Landcare
Group; for inclusion in the
Porcupine Reserve Management

Datta, Ann, 1997: John Gould in Australia: Letters

and Drawings. Melbourne: The
Miegunyah Press.

Davidson, D S, 1937: A preliminary consideration of

Australian Aboriginal decorative
art. Philadelphia: American
Philosophical Society, Memoirs
volume 9.

Dawson, Robert, 1830: The Present State of

Australia. London 1830. Reprint,
Alburgh, UK: 1987. (Deals with the
Port Stephens region of NSW.)

DLWC, 2000: Namoi: State of the River Report.

Sydney: NSW Department of
Lands and Water Conservation.

Department of Lands,
NSW, 1972: Map of the Town of Gunnedah.
“8th edition”. Scale is 5 cm/2
inches to 16 chains. Sold by the
Map Shop, 23 Bridge Street,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Dickson, F, 1981: Australian Stone Hatchets: A

Study in Design and Dynamics.
Canberra: Academic Press.

Dixon, R M W,
Ramson, W, and
Thomas, M, 1990: Australian Aboriginal Words in
English: Their Origin and Meaning.
Melbourne: Oxford University

Tamsin, 1979: Translating oral literature:
Aboriginal (Wangaaybuwan) song
texts, Aboriginal History 1 (2), 62-

---, 1980: Ngiyambaa, the Language of the

Wangaaybuwan. Cambridge
University Press. (A full academic
analysis of the central New South
Wales language.)

---, 1984: What’s in a name? An

etymological view of land,
language and social identification
from central western New South
Wales, Aboriginal History 8 (1),
21-44. (Discusses 19th century
amateur linguistics and the work
of 20th century professionals.)

---, 1985: Hearing the first Australians. In

Ian and Tamsin Donaldson eds,
Seeing the First Australians.
Sydney: Allen & Unwin.

*Doyle, C E, 1877
and 1878: Letters to A W Howitt. In Howitt
Papers, Box 5, folder 2, National
Museum, Victoria, and copies in

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

AIATSIS. Kunopia/Moree area.

Explains Kamilaroi “family”
names and classificatory kin

Dunbar, G K, 1943: Notes on the Ngemba

[Ngiyambaa] tribe of the central
Darling River NSW, Mankind 3
(15), 140-148 and 172-180.
(Recollections from before 1880;
one of the best short accounts of
the 'traditional' way of life in
inland NSW.)

Dundes, Alan, 1965, ed: The Study of Folklore.

Eaglewood Cliffs, USA: Prentice-

Edwards, W H,
1998: Leadership in Aboriginal society,
pp 161-181. In his (ed.)
Traditional Aboriginal Society.
Second edition. Sydney:

Elkin, A P, 1945a: Notes on the Aborigines of the

Walgett district, Mankind 3 (7),

---, 1945b (1977): Aboriginal Men of High Degree.

Revised edition 1977. Brisbane:
University of Queensland Press.

---, 1975-76: R H Mathews: his contribution to

Aboriginal studies, Oceania 46 (1-
3), 1-24; 126-152; and 206-235.

Etheridge, R, 1897: Australian shields, Journal of the

Royal Anthropological Institute
26, 123-28.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1918: The Dendroglyphs or Carved

Trees of NSW. Memoirs of the
Geological Survey of NSW,
Ethnological Series No. 3. Sydney:
NSW Department of Mines. (With
many illustrations.)
Available online at:
/abori.html; accessed January

Fairfax, 2000: “Walkabout Gunnedah NSW”:

website on Gunnedah:
the Age/locations/NSW/Gunnedah.
Consulted December 2000. Later
ations/NSWGunnedah.shtml (July

Ferry, John, 1978a: European Expansion and

Settlement 1821-1850: a History
of the North-west Plains of NSW.
Moree: NSW Department of
Education. Reprinted 1983.

---, 1978b: Walgett before the Motor Car.

Walgett: Walgett Shire Council.

Fison, L, and
Howitt, A W, 1880: Kamilaroi and Kurnai.
Melbourne: George Robertson.
Facsimile reprint 1977.

Flanagan, R J, 1888: The Aborigines of Australia.

Sydney: Flanagan & Robertson.

Flide, B C, 1856: Town Plan of the Woolshed

Reserve, Gunnedah, Map no.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

G.1619 (2877), held in State

Records of NSW, Sydney [formerly
NSW Archives Office].

Forestry Commission,
NSW, 1985: Management Plan for the
Gunnedah Management Area.

Fox, Peter, 1994: Mt Kaputar National Park. Sydney:

NPWS/Beaten Track Press.

Fraser, J, 1882: see Naseby.

---, 1883: The Aborigines of New South

Wales [Kamilaroi and Yualarai],
Journal of the Royal Society of
New South Wales 16, 193-233.

---, 1889: The Aborigines of Australia, Their

Ethnic Position and Relations.
Sydney: Robertson.

---, 1892: The Aborigines of New South

Wales. Sydney: New South Wales
Government Printer.

Gardner, William,
1846: Description of a Map of the Five
Northern Districts (of) NSW. In
Calvert, J, Mineral and
Topographical Survey, MS no.
ZA3951, Mitchell Library, Sydney.

---, 1854: ‘Production and Resources of the

Northern and Western Districts of
NSW’ (c. 1844-1854). Notebooks:
MSS no’s A176 and A176-2,
Mitchell Library, Sydney. (Extracts
published in McBryde 1978: see

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Giacon, John, 1999: Yaama Maliyaa: Yuwaalaay-

Gamilaraay Aboriginal Languages
Textbook. Printed at Dubbo for
Walgett High School. (Work-book
materials for schools; very
professionally done; good on

*Giapoulos, G, 1985: Edge-ground axes of south-east

Australia. B.Sc. Hons thesis,
University of Sydney.

Gilbert, Lionel, 1974: New England from Old

Photographs. Sydney: John
Ferguson Pty Ltd.

Goodall, Heather,
1982: A History of Aboriginal
Communities in NSW 1909-1938.
PhD thesis, University of Sydney.

---, 1996: Invasion to Embassy: Land in

Aboriginal Politics in NSW 1770-
1972. St Leonards NSW: Allen &
Unwin/Black Books.

Gould, John, 1841: A Monograph of the Macropodidae or

Family of Kangaroos (2 parts, 30 plates
1841 - 42). London: The author.

Gould, R A, 1971: Uses and effects of fire among the

Western Desert Aborigines of
Australia, Mankind, 8, 14-24.

Greenway, Charles
1878: Kamilaroi languages and
traditions (ed. W Ridley), Journal
of the Royal Anthropological
Institute 7 (3), 232-246

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1901a: The borah, boohra or boorbung

man-making ceremony, Science
of Man 4 (7), 117-118.

---, 1901b: The constellation of Pleiades: Mei

Mei (Kamilaroi myths), Science of
Man 4 (11), 190-191.

---, 1901c: Berryberry, Aboriginal myth,

Science of Man 4 (7), 168.

---, 1902a: Burribiam or Myanbah (Kamilaroi

myth of the Milky Way), Science
of Man 5 (3), 52.

---, 1902b: Kamilaroi marriage relationships,

Science of Man, 5 (10), 160.

---, 1903: Papers 1817-1903. MSS, State

Library of New South Wales.

---, 1910-11: Kamilari tribe, Science of Man vols

11-13. A series of short articles
from vol 11 (9) to 13 (9).

---, 1912: Scripture narratives in Kamilaroi

(written for Ridley), Science of
Man 13 (4, 5, 6) (4 pages).

Greenway, John, 1963: Bibliography of the

Australian Aborigines … to 1959.
Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

Committee, 1935: Back to Gunnedah Week:
Gunnedah Municipal Jubilee.
Printed in Tamworth by the
Northern Daily Leader. Copy in
the National Library, Canberra, at
NP 994.44/B126.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

*Gunnedah Shire,
1982: Gunnedah Environmental Study
[town buildings etc]. Copy in NSW
State Library.

Gunnedah Tourist
Bureau, c. 1967: Welcome to Gunnedah NSW.
Pamphlet held by State Library of

*Hale, K, 1975: Gaps in grammar and culture, in

M. Kinkade et al., eds, Linguistics
and Anthropology: Essays in
Honour of C G Voegelin. Lisse.
Netherlands: Peter de Rider Press.

Harris, Alexander,
1847: Settlers and Convicts. Manning
Clarke, ed., Melbourne University
Press 1953. Originally published
in London, 1847.

Harris, J W, 1982: Facts and Fallacies of Aboriginal

Number Systems. Darwin:
Summer Institute of Linguistics
Work Papers, Series B, Volume 8.

---, 1987: Australian Aboriginal

mathematics, Australian
Aboriginal Studies, 2, 29-37.

Harvie, Walter, 1927: "Blacks' Tribal Fight: A Unique

Experience", Coffs Harbour and
Dorrigo Advocate, Thursday 14
April 1927. Online at
hive/battle [accessed 2003 and

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Henderson, J, 1832: Observations on the Colonies of

New South Wales and Van
Diemens Land. Calcutta: Baptist
Mission Press. (Several pages on
the Wiradjuri community of

---, 1851: Excursions and Adventures in

New South Wales, 2 vols. London:
W Shobert.

Hiatt, Betty, 1978: Woman the gatherer, pp.4-15. In

Faye Gale, ed, Women’s Role in
Aboriginal Society. 3rd edition.
Canberra: AIATSIS.

Hiatt, L R, 1965: Kinship and Conflict A Study of

[an] Aboriginal Community in
Northern Arnhem Land. Canberra:
Australian National University

---, 1996: Arguments about Aborigines:

Australia and the evolution of
social anthropology. Cambridge
UK: Cambridge University Press.

---, 1998: Aboriginal political life, pp 182-

196. In W H Edwards, ed,
Traditional Aboriginal Society.
Second edition. Sydney:

Howe, John, (1819): Hunter Journey: The Diary [1819]

of John Howe, Free Settler and
Chief Constable, Windsor NSW.
With an introduction by D
Waterson and T Parsons. Sydney:
St Marks Press, 1989.

Honery, T, 1873: Cited in Ridley MSS, 1871-73.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1878: Wailwun language and traditions,

Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute, 7 (3),

Howitt, A W, nd: Papers. National Museum

Melbourne; copy in AIATSIS.

---, 1887: On Australian medicine men, or

doctors and wizards of some
Australian tribes, Journal of the
Royal Anthropological Institute
16, 23-59.

---, 1889: On the organisation of Australian

tribes, Royal Society of Victoria,
Transactions 1 (2), 96-137.

---, 1904: The Native Tribes of South East

Australia. London: Macmillan.
(The most comprehensive
account of ‘traditional’ society, as
it was remembered. Howitt
obtained material on north-central
New South Wales from Cyrus E
Doyle, T E Lance, Charles Naseby,
E R Vernon and others.)

*---, 1907: Notes [on Kamilaroi smoke

signalling, elopement, tooth
avulsion etc…], Howitt Papers Box
8, Folder 6, Paper 1. Copy in

Hunt, G L, 1980: When Narrabri Was Young.

Narrabri Municipal Council.

Idriess, Ion, 1953: The Red Chief. Sydney: Angus &


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

*Illustrated Sydney
News, 1880: Burial place of a native king at
Wallerawang, Illustrated Sydney
News, 30 October 1880.

Jeans, D N, 1972: An Historical Geography of NSW

to 1901. Sydney: Reed.

Jervis, James, 1954: William Lawson, explorer and

pioneer [Mudgee-Goulburn River
region], Journal of the Royal
Australian Historical Society, 40
(2), 65-93.

---, 1962: Exploration and settlement of the

north-western plains, Journal of
the Royal Australian Historical
Society, 48 (5), 377-394.

Johnson, Richard,
2002: The Search for the Inland Sea:
John Oxley, Explorer, 1783-1828.
Melbourne University Press.

Johnson, Paul, 1991: The Birth of the Modern: World

Society 1815-1830. London:
Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

Keen, Ian, 1989: Aboriginal governance, pp.17-42.

In J C Altman, ed, Emergent
Inequalities in Aboriginal
Australia. University of Sydney

---, 2004: Aboriginal Society and Economy:

Australia at the Threshold of
Colonisation. Melbourne: Oxford
University Press. (An excellent
account of the differences among
Aboriginal groups across the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Kefous, K C, 1988: Butlin’s bootstraps: Aboriginal

population in the pre-contact
Murray-Darling region. In B
Meehan and R Jones eds,
Archaeology with Ethnography,
an Australian Perspective.
Canberra: Australian National

Kimber, R G, 1990: Hunter gatherer demography: the

recent past in Central Australia,
pp 160-170. In B Meehan & N
White, eds, Hunter-Gatherer
Demography Past and Present.
University of Sydney Press.

*Lalor, James, 1883: Letter to Howitt [Bigambal

numbers, smoke signals etc],
Howitt Papers, Box 1, folder 4. MS,
National Museum of Victoria,

Lee, Ida, 1925: Early Australian Explorers.

London: Methuen. Full text
available online:
0301141h.html [accessed July

*Lloyd, Charles W: Papers vol 2: Family and Personal

Reminiscences, 285 pp.
(‘Burburgate’ station.) MS No.M-
A14602, State Library of NSW,

Longmuir, J, 1956, ed: Gunnedah Centenary

1856-1956. Gunnedah: Gunnedah
Centenary Committee.


‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Harry, 1977: Aboriginal spatial organisation

and population: south-west
Victoria reconsidered,
Archaeology and Physical
Anthropology in Oceania, 12 (3),

---, 1997: Continent of Hunter-Gatherers:

New Perspectives in Australian
Prehistory. Cambridge UK:
Cambridge University Press.

*Mackie, R C, 1906: Aboriginal letters or message

sticks [Namoi area, etc], Science
of Man, 8 (1), 11.

Maddock, Kenneth,
1972 (1974): The Australian Aborigines, a
Portrait of their Society. UK
Penguin edition 1972, Australian
Penguin 1974. (Includes a good
account of the Bora cults of inland
New South Wales.)

A T, 1893: Smoke signals of Australian
Aborigines, Reports of the
Australasian Association for the
Advancement of Science, 5, 498-
513. (Mainly Northern Territory
examples; smoke types are said
to have carried fixed meanings.)

Kath, 1980/82: Pioneers of the North West Plains.
Volume One, 1980: Volume Two,
1982. Moree: Moree & District
Historical Society.

Mair, John, 1831: Observations on the Eruptive

Febrile Disease … , Report to the

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

NSW Colonial Secretary, SRNSW

4/2130. (The key source on the
impact of smallpox.)

Mathew, John, 1889: The Australian Aborigines [with

special reference to S.E.
Queensland], Journal of the Royal
Society of NSW, 23, 354-447.

Mathews, R H
(Robert Hamilton)
1868: Notebooks and Papers (c.1868-
1912). AIATSIS, MS no.299.
(Notebooks 1, 2 nd 3: Kamilaroi.
Notebook 3: Darkinyoong, etc.).
Copies also in the National Library
of Australia, MS no. 8006.

---, 1893 (1894): Rock paintings ... near Singleton,

Journal of the Royal Society of
New South Wales, 27 and 28, 353-
358. (GN 6536.)345

---, 1894: Aboriginal Bora held at

Gundabloui in 1894, Journal of the
Royal Society of New South Wales
28, 98-129.
Copy available in pdf form
online at:
/abori.html; accessed January

---, 1895a: The Bora or initiation ceremonies

of the Kamilaroi tribes (at
Gundabloui) Part I, Journal of the
Royal Anthropological Institute
24, 411-427. (Thorough acccount
of the male initiation rituals.)
GN = as numbered in John Greenway’s bibliography, 1963.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1895c: The Kamilaroi class (Section)

system of the Australian
Aborigines, Proceedings of the
Royal Geographical Society of
Queensland 10, 18-34. (GN 6475.)

---, 1895d: Some stone implements of New

South Wales, Journal of the Royal
Society of New South Wales 28,
301-305. (GN 6558.)

---, 1895e (1896): Rock paintings and carvings,

Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute 25, 145-
163 and (1898) 27, 532-541.

---, 1896a: Aboriginal ground and tree

drawings, American
Anthropologist 9, 33-49. (GN

---, 1896b: The Australian class (Section)

systems, American Anthropologist
9, 411-416 and 10, 345-347. (GN

---, 1896c: The Bora of the Kamilaroi tribe

(Gundabloui), Part II, Journal of
the Royal Anthropological
Institute 25, 318-339. (GN 6425.)

---, 1896d: The Burbung of the Wiradthuri

(sic: Wongaibon) Part I, Journal of
the Royal Anthropological
Institute 25, 295-318.

---, 1896f: Australian class systems,

American Anthropologist 9, 411-
416. (GN 6416.)

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1896g: The Barbung [initiation ceremony]

of the New England tribes,
Proceedings of the Royal Society
of Victoria 9, 120-136. (GN 6431.)

Mathews, R H,
1897a: The Australian class [Section]
systems, Part II, American
Anthropologist 10, 345-347. (GN

---, 1897b: Bullroarers ... , Journal of the

Royal Anthropological Institute
[London] 27, 52-60.

---, 1897c: The Bora of the Kamilaroi tribe

(Talwood), Proceedings, Royal
Society of Victoria 9, 137-173.
(GN 6426.)
Copy available in pdf form
online at:
/abori.html; accessed January

---, 1897d: The totemic divisions of

Australian tribes ..., Journal of the
Royal Society of New South Wales
31, 154-176. (Includes a list of
Kamilaroi matri-clans.)

---, 1897e: The Burbung of the Wiradthuri

(sic: Wongaibon) tribes ... Part II,
Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute 26, 272-
285. (GN 6433.)

---, 1897f: The Burbung of the Darkinung

tribes, Proceedings, Royal Society
of Victoria 10, 1-12. (GN 6430.)

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1898a: Folklore of the Australian

Aborigines (Kamilaroi etc),
Science of Man 1 (3-6), 69-143.
(Tales include the destruction of
the Eaglehawk, the journey to
Kurrilwan, and a warrior’s fight
with the Rainbow Serpent.)

---, 1898b: Aboriginal initiation ceremonies

(Kamilaroi), Science of Man 1 (4),
79-80 and 1 (9), 202-206. (GN

---, 1898d: (Totemic) Divisions of the

Australian tribes, Proceedings of
the American Philosophical
Society 37, 151-154. (GN 6442.)

---, 1898e: Initiation ceremonies of Australian

tribes (Gumbaingeri), Proceedings
of the American Philosophical
Society 37, 54-73. (GN 6468.)
(Contains ‘tribal’ maps listing
Kamilaroi and Weilwan.)

---, 1898f: Divisions of the Queensland

Aborigines, Proceedings of the
American Philosophical Society
37, 327-336. (GN 6444.)

---, 1898g: The Kamilaroi divisions [sections

and totemic clans], Science of
Man 1 (7), 155-158. (GN 6476.)

---, 1898h: Bullroarers used by the Australian

Aborigines, Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute, 27.

Mathews, R H,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

1899a: Folklore of the Australian

Aborigines. Sydney: Hennessy
and Harper.

---, 1899b: Pictorial Art among the Australian

Aborigines. London: Harrison.

---, 1902: Languages of some native tribes

of Queensland, New South Wales
and Victoria (incl. Bigambul and
Kawambarai), Journal of the Royal
Society of New South Wales 36,
135-190. (GN 6487.)

---, 1903a: Aboriginal Bora held at

Gundabloui in 1894, Journal of the
Royal Society of New South Wales
37, 98-129. (GN 6395.)

---, 1903b: Languages of the Kamilaroi and

other tribes of New South Wales
[Bigambul and Guinbrai], Journal
of the Royal Anthropological
Institute 33, 259-283. (GN 6489.)

---, 1903c: Languages of the New England

Aborigines, New South Wales,
Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society, 42, 249-
263. (GN 6490.)

---, 1903d: Le langage Wailwan, Bull. Memo.

Socièté d’Anthropologie [Paris],
ser. 5 (4), 69-81.

---, 1903e: The Aboriginal fisheries at

Brewarrina, Journal of the Royal
Australian Historical Society 37,
---, 1904a

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

(1905): Ethnological notes on the

Aboriginal tribes of New South
Wales and Victoria, Journal of the
Royal Society of New South Wales
38, 203-381. (Including ‘Sociology
of the Kamilaroi tribe’ at pp. 208-
214). Also printed Sydney 1905 as
a monograph.

---, 1904b: Language ... of the Kogai tribe,

Qld, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie,
336, 28-38.

---, 1904c: The Wiradjuri and other

languages, Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute 334,

---, 1905: Ethnological Notes on the

Aboriginal Tribes of New South
Wales and Victoria. Sydney: New
South Wales Government Printer.
(Reprint of 1904a.)

R H, 1906a: Sociology of Aboriginal tribes in
Australia (Kamilaroi, Warramanga
etc), American Antiquarian 28 (1),

---, 1906b: Australian tribes (New South

Wales and Victoria): their
formation and government,
Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 38 (6),

---, 1907a: Literature relating to the

Australian Aborigines, Nature
(London) 77, 80.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1907b: Beiträge zur Ethnographie der

Australien, Mitt. Anthrop.
Gesellschaft in Wien [Vienna] 37,
18-38. (GN 6423.)

---, 1907c: Notes on the Aborigines of New

South Wales (religion etc),
American Antiquarian 29, 148-

---, 1907d: Notes on the Aborigines of New

South Wales. Sydney: NSW
Government Printer. (GN 6510.)
(Includes ‘The Bora of the
Kamilaroi Tribes’, pp 5-19.)

---, 1907e: Notes on some Australian tribes

(Kamilaroi, Aranda etc), Journal of
the Royal Society of New South
Wales 41, 67-86.

---, 1907f: Initiation ceremonies of the

Murawarri ..., Journal of the Royal
Geographical Society,
Queensland, 22, 64-73. (GN

---, 1908a: Some mythology of the

Gundungurra tribe, New South
Wales, Zeitschrift für Ethnologie
40, 203-206.

---, 1908b: Folktales of the New South Wales

Aborigines ... , Folklore 19, 224-
227 and 303-308. (GN 6460.)

---, 1908c: Social organisation of the

Ngeumba tribe, NSW, Man 10, 83.
(GN 6540).

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, 1909: Australian folktales (Kamilaroi

etc), Folk-Lore 20, 485-487. (GN

---, 1917: Description of two Bora grounds

of the Kamilaroi tribes (at Terry
Hie Hie and Kunopia), Journal of
the Royal Society of New South
Wales 51, 423-430. (GN 6438.)

---, 1918: The Australian Aborigines

(collected papers 1895-1918).
Sydney: State Library of New
South Wales.

Mays, Simon, 1998: The Archaeology of Human

Bones. New York: Routledge.

Isabel, 1966: An Archaeological Survey of the
New England Region in New South
Wales, PhD thesis, 2 vols.,
University of New England.
(Largely reproduced in her 1974a

---, 1974a: Aboriginal Prehistory in New

England: an Archaeological
Survey. Sydney University Press.
(Covers the inland slopes as well
as New England proper.)

---, 1974b: R H Mathews. In Australian

Dictionary of Biography 5, 225-

---, 1976: Subsistence Patterns in New

England Prehistory. Occasional
Papers in Anthropology no. 6.
University of Queensland
Anthropology Museum. (Includes

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

discussion of the ‘ethno-historical’

sources for the 19th century.)

---, 1977: Determinants of assemblage

variation in New England
prehistory, pp 225-250. In R V S
Wright, ed, Stone Tools as
Cultural Markers. Canberra:

---, 1978, ed: Records of Times Past: Ethno-

historical essays on the culture
and ecology of the New England
Tribes. Canberra: AIATSIS. (Here
‘New England’ includes the east
coast and the slopes country to
the west. Includes extracts from
Gardner’s notebooks.)

---, 1979: Ethno-history in an Australian

context: independent discipline or
convenient data quarry?
Aboriginal History 3 (2), 128-151.

McCarthy, F D, 1940: The carved trees of New South

Wales, Australian Museum
Magazine 7 (5), 161-166. Includes
an excellent photograph of a
carved tree at Dubbo.

*---, 1941a: Aboriginal grindstones and

mortars, Australian Museum
Magazine, 329-333.

---, 1941b: An axe quarry at Moore Creek,

Tamworth, Records of the
Australian Museum, 21 (1), 19-20.

---, 1945: Catalogue of Aboriginal relics of

New South Wales. Part 3: Carved

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

trees or dendroglyphs, Mankind, 3

(7), 199-206.

---, 1952: Breastplates, the blackfellows’

reward, Australian Museum
Magazine 10 (10), 327-331.

---, 1976: Australian Aboriginal Stone

Implements. Sydney: The
Australian Museum Trust.

McDonald, Albert,
1878: see Ridley 1878.

*McGuiggan, Anne,
1983: Aboriginal Reserves in NSW …
Sydney: NSW Ministry for
Aboriginal Affairs. Copy in
National Library of Australia:

McLachlan, Robin,
1981: 'Far from the joyless glare'
(Captain Forbes' expedition of
1832), Hemisphere, 25 (6), 349-

McLaren, Jack, 1966

(repr. 1990): My Crowded Solitude. Melbourne:
Sun Books.

Emma, 1860: My Experiences in Australia.
London: J F Hope. (Contains notes
on the Aborigines of the Bingara
district, NSW.)

MacPherson, John,
1930: Some Aboriginal place names,
Journal of the Royal Australian

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Historical Society 23 (16), 120-


Milliss, Roger, 1980: City on the Peel: a History of

Tamworth and District 1818-1976.
Sydney: Reed.

---, 1992: Waterloo Creek: The Australia

Day Massacre of 1838, George
Gipps and the British Conquest of
NSW. Ringwood, Vic: McPhee

Milson, Rachel Dunlop,

c.1840: Words of the Wollombi tribe of
Aboriginal natives, NSW
(Kamilaroi vocabulary and
translations of two songs), MSS
ZA1668 [17 pages] and CY2355,
State Library of NSW.

Mitchell, B R, 1975: European Historical Statistics.

London: Macmillan.

---, 1995: International Historical Statistics:

Africa, Asia and Oceania. New
York: Stockton.

Mitchell, Thomas: Papers and Field Books. MSS no’s

A290-295-3 and C47-8, Mitchell
Library, Sydney. In 89 volumes:
vols 47-48 cover the 1831-32
expedition to north-central NSW.

---, 1839: Three Expeditions into the Interior

of Eastern Australia, 2 vols;
second edition. London: T W
Boone. (Vol 1 relates the journey
to Kamilaroi country in search of
the Kindur River; vol 2, appendix,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

contains a short list of Gamilaraay


---, 1848: Journal of an Expedition into the

Interior of Tropical Australia.
London: Longman, Brown, Green
& Longman. (The expedition of
1845-46 to the Barwon and
Narran Rivers and thence into
what is now Queensland.)

C P, 1963: Aboriginal skin rugs, Records of
the South Australian Museum, vol
14 (3), 525-43.

Mulvaney, D J, 1969: The Prehistory of Australia.

London: Thames & Hudson.

---, 1994: The Namoi bunyip, Australian

Aboriginal Studies No 1, 36-38.

*Murphy, D A, 1992: Plant taphonomy: sandstone rock-

shelters near Coonabarabran.
M.Litt thesis, University of New

Naseby, Charles,
1882: The Aborigines of Australia:
Stories about the Kamilaroi Tribe.
As told to J Fraser. Maitland:
Maitland Mercury.

Nevell, May, c. 1980?: Notes on the history of

'Butheroe' station. MS held by
AIATSIS: ref PMS 4693. [The
author's name is wrongly listed in
the AIATSIS catalogue as 'J May';
in fact May was Miss Nevell's first

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Newman, W,
and Green, L,
1998: Tamworth, A Pictorial History.
Avalon, NSW: Hallbooks.

Nowland, William,
1861: Letter [on the early history of the
Liverpool Plains], in Sydney
Morning Herald, 23.1.1861.

NSW Premiers
Department, 1952: The Namoi Region: A Preliminary
Survey of Resources. Sydney:
NSW Government.

Michael, 1979: Who were the Kamilaroi?
Aboriginal Quarterly (NSW), vol 1,

---, 1995: Raw Possum and Salted Pork:

Major Mitchell and the Kamilaroi
Aborigines. Kambah, ACT: the
author. (Describes Surveyor-
General Mitchell’s dealings with
the Aborigines on his northern

---, 1997: The Kamilaroi Lands: North-

Central NSW in the Early 19th
Century. Griffith, ACT: the author.
(A full account of the traditional
way of life, with an extended
discussion of place-names and
totem-names, etc, etc.)

Oxley, John, 1820: Journals of Two Expeditions into

the Interior of NSW in 1817 and
1818. London: John Murray.
(Oxley’s party were the first

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

colonists to traverse Kamilaroi


Pardoe, Colin, 1987: Prehistoric burial at Collarenebri,

c. 1,500 BP. Report held by
AIATSIS: ref. PMS 4493.

Pastoral and
parish maps: Historical maps from the period
1880-1930 are available on-line
at the website of the Land and
Property Information office: There are
maps of pastoral holdings as well
as land parish maps.

Parker, Katie, 1905: The Euahlayi Tribe: A Study of

Aboriginal Life in Australia.
London: Archibald Castle. (“Eu-ah-
la-yi” = the Yuwaaliyaay people
of the NSW-Qld border region, NW
of Walgett, west of Mungindi.)

Pearson, Michael, 1984: Bathurst Plains and

beyond: European colonisation
and Aboriginal resistance,
Aboriginal History, 8 (1), 63-78.

Pickette, Joy, and

Campbell, Mervyn,
1984: Coonabarabran As It Was in the
Beginning, a History of
Coonabarabran to 1900.
Coonabarabran: the authors.

Popinjay Publications,
1989: Edward Davis and the Jewboy
Gang. Woden ACT: Popinjay.

Pulvertaft, B, and

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Gordon, P, 1994: The Australian Museum’s

Aboriginal Collections: NSW
Catalogue. Sydney: The
Australian Museum.

A R, 1930: The rainbow-serpent myth in
south-east Australia, Oceania 1
(3), 342-346.

Reay, Marie, 1944: Report on Walgett Aborigines. MS

held by AIATSIS, Canberra.

---, 1949: Native thought in rural NSW,

Oceania, 20 (2), 89-118.

Reece, R H W, 1974: Aborigines and Colonists:

Aborigines and Colonial Society in
NSW in the 1830s and 1840s.
Sydney University Press.

Reynolds, Henry,
1981 (=1990a): The Other Side of the Frontier:
Aboriginal Resistance to the
European Invasion of Australia.
Ringwood Vic: Penguin 1990.
(First published 1981.)

---, 1990b: With the White People: the crucial

role of Aborigines in the
exploration and development of
Australia. Ringwood: Penguin.

William A, nd: Report on Australian languages
and traditions, MS no. 71/8203
(special bundle), State Records of
New South Wales [formerly
Archives Office].

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

---, nd: Grammar of Kamilaroi. MS no. ML

499.6/13A6, State Library of New
South Wales.

---, 1871-73: Letters to the Colonial Secretary,

MSS 4/788.2, State Records of
New South Wales [formerly the
Archives Office]. (Includes a brief
report of his 1871 journey and
information from Greenway and
Honery; these papers formed the
basis of his 1873b article and
1875 book, below.)

---, 1873b: Report on Australian languages

and traditions, Part I, Journal of
the Royal Anthropological
Institute 2 (2), 257-291.

---, 1874: The Aboriginal ‘Murri’ race of

Australia, Nature (London) vol 10
(October 29th), 521-522.

---, 1875: Kamilaroi and Other Australian

Languages. Sydney: NSW
Government Printer. (Ridley’s key

Roads and Traffic

Authority, NSW,
1993: Environmental Impact Statement:
State Highway 11: Oxley
Highway: Improvements at the
Mooki River and Carroll Creek
Flood Plain near Gunnedah.
Sydney: NSW Government. Copy
in State Library of NSW, cat. no.
CRB93.102. (Surprisingly, an
archaeological survey of the
western side of Gunnedah found
no Aboriginal relics at all.)

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Rolls, Eric, 1981: A Million Wild Acres [history of the

Pilliga Scrub]. Page references are
to the paperback edition, Penguin

Rose, Deborah, 1991: Blackfellow wars, pp. 101-

112. In her Hidden Histories:
Black Stories from Victoria River
Downs, Humbert River and Wave
Hill. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies

Roworth, Heather,
2000: A Kamilaroi Dreaming: A History
of the Aboriginal People of
Quirindi before 1850. Sydney:
NSW Department of Education.
(Material for schools, with
extensive references. Deals
broadly with north-central NSW,
not just Quirindi.)

Sharp, Lauriston, 1952: Steel axes for stone age

Australians. First published in
Human Organisation 11 (2), 17-22
[1952]. Reprinted at pp 261-266
in P Whitten et al., eds.,
Anthropology: Contemporary
Perspectives. New York: Harper-
Collins 1990.

Smith, Martin, 1992: Koalas and Land Use in Gunnedah

Shire: a report on the bear-care
project. Sydney: NSW National
Parks and Wildlife Service.

*Smithson, M A, 1990: A Misunderstood Gift:

Blankets ... 1826-62 ... M.Litt
thesis, University of New England,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Armidale. Copy held by AIATSIS:

MS 2933.

Margaret, 1994: The Sun Dancin’: People and
Place in Coonabarabran.
Canberra: Aboriginal Studies
Press. Written with assistance
from Marie Dundas, May Mead,
Janet Robinson and Maureen

Stanner, W E H,
1960: Durmugam, a Nangiomeri, pp 64-
100. In J Casagrande, ed, In the
Company of Man. New York:
Harper. (Reprinted in Stanner

---, 1979: White Man Got No Dreaming:

Essays 1938-1973. Canberra:
Australian National University

Sturt, Charles, 1833/34: Two Expeditions into the

Interior of Southern Australia
during the years 1828, 1829,
1830 and 1831 ... London: Smith,
Elder. 2 vols. (Includes Sturt’s
travels along the Castlereagh
River, NSW, in 1829.)

Office, NSW, 1857: Plan of the [future] town of
Gunnedah. Scale 1:6,000. Copy in
the National Library of Australia,
Canberra, Map no. F440.

Taylor, Griffith,
& Jardine, F, 1924: Kamilaroi and white: a study of
racial mixture in NSW, Journal of

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

the Royal Society of NSW 58, 268-

294. (Deals mainly with people's
physiology - height, skin colour
etc; includes some very valuable
photographs of the Aboriginal
people of Caroona and Pilliga.)

Telfer, William jnr,

1980: The Wallabadah Manuscript:
Recollections of the Early Days,
ed. Roger Milliss. Sydney
University Press. (Telfer was born
at Tamworth in 1841.)

Thomas, W Y, 1899: An Aboriginal’s grave and marked

trees [at Dubbo], Science of Man
2, 64. Includes a good drawing of
the trees and grave-mound.

Thomson, D F, 1956: Exploding the myths of

smoke signals and boomerangs,
The Age: Literary Supplement, 21

Threlkeld, L E, 1974: Australian Papers, ed N Gunson.

Canberra: AIATSIS. (Letters and
other documents from 1825-35.)

Tindale, N B, 1925: Natives of Groote Eylandt and of

the west coast of the Gulf of
Carpentaria, parts 1 and 2,
Records of the South Australian
Museusm, 3, 61-134.

*---, N B, 1946: Australian Aboriginal literature, pp

74-78. In Joseph Shipley, ed,
Encyclopaedia of Literature, New
York, vol 1.

---, 1974: The Aboriginal Tribes of Australia.

Their terrain, environmental

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

controls, distribution, limits and

proper names. Canberra:
Australian National University

Toohey, Peter, 1992: Reading Epic: an introduction to

the ancient narratives. London:

Tosh, John, 1991: The Pursuit of History, 2nd

edition. New York. Includes
“History by Word of Mouth”,
pages 217-227.

Tree, I, 1991: The Ruling Passion of John Gould.

London: Barrie & Jenkins.

Troy, Jakelin, 1990: Australian Aboriginal Contact with

the English Language in New
South Wales 1788-1845. Pacific
Linguistics, Series B, no. 103.
Canberra: Australian National

---, 1993: King Plates: A History of

Aboriginal Gorgets. Canberra:
AIATSIS and the National Museum
of Australia.

Ubelaker, D H, 1999: Human Skeletal Remains:

Excavation, Analysis,
Interpretation. New York:

Vansina, Jan, 1985: Oral Tradition as History. Madison,

USA: University of Wisconsin

Von Brandenstein,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

C G, 1982: Names and Substance of the

Australian Subsection System.
Chicago University Press.

Waller, K G, 1956: Letters relating to Collaroy Station

near Cassilis 1837-39. BA thesis,
University of Queensland.

Ware, S H, n.d.: ‘Who Was Who on the Liverpool

Plains In 1841?’ A gazetteer based
on the Liverpool Plains entries in
the Census of 1841. MS in
Archives of University of New
England, Armidale, NSW: MS

Warner, W L, 1930: Murngin warfare, Oceania 1 (4),


---, 1958 (1969): A Black Civilisation: A Social

Study of an Australian Tribe. [The
Yolngu of Arnhem Land.] Revised
edition. Reprinted 1969: Peter
Smith Publishers, Gloucester,
Mass. (First published 1937, on
the basis of fieldwork going back
to the 1920s.)

Water Resources
Commission, NSW,
1978: Flood inundation map, town of
Gunnedah. Scale 1:10,000. Copy
in National Library of Australia,
Canberra: Map no. G8971.C32.

Watson, William,
1830s: Journal and other papers: see
Carey and Roberts 1995.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Wheeler, G C, 1906: The Tribe and Intertribal Relations

in Australia. London; reprint New
York 1968.

White, G B, 1832: Journal of ..., on Expedition with

Sir Thomas L Mitchell, 1831-32.
MS no. M-B182, Mitchell Library,
Sydney. (Quoted extensively in
O’Rourke 1995.)

---, 1832: Sketch map of Mitchell's

expedition. Map SZ166, State
Records [formerly Archives Office]
of NSW.

White, H O’S, 1934: Some recollections of the

Aborigines of NSW in 1848-1850,
Mankind 1 (9), 223-227. (By the
son of the explorer and surveyor
G B White.)

White, Peter, 1993: The Australian Museum’s

Aboriginal Collections: Tamworth
Region. Sydney: The Australian

Whitehouse, M, 1999: Natural medicines group

web page, University of
/qmcg/natural. Accessed 2001.
(Evidence of the medicinal value
of animal fat.)

Elizabeth, 1981: A World of Its Own: Inverell’s Early
Years 1827 – 1920. Inverell Historical
Society. (Local history at its best, crafted
on the basis of a close understanding of
the sources.)

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Wilkin, J, 1987, ed: Life on Burra Bee Dee. Dubbo:

Development and Advisory
Publications. (Burra Bee Dee at
Coonabarabran was formerly a
government ‘mission’ station.)

Williams, Cori, 1980: A Grammar of Yuwaalaraay.

Pacific Linguistics Series B, no. 74.
Canberra: Australian National

Keith, 2000: The myths of frontier massacres,
Quadrant vol. 44: Oct, Nov and
Dec 2000 (in three parts).
(Criticism - correct in my view - of
Reynolds and Milliss for credulity
in relation to the numbers of
Aborigines killed.)

Wood, Marilyn, 2001: The journey to Forked

Mountain [on the Griffin-Cain
family of Coonabarabran],
Aboriginal History 25, 200-215.

Wood, W A
(Allan), 1972: Dawn in the Valley. The Story of
the Settlement in the Hunter
River Valley to 1833. Sydney:
Wentworth Books.

Wright, Richard, 1978: A modicum of taste:

Aboriginal cloaks and rugs, AIAS
Newsletter 11, 51-68. A clear and
authoritative survey of the topic.
(AIAS: former name of AIATSIS.)

Wyndham, W T,
1889: The Aborigines of Australia
[Ucumble tribe: north of Inverell],

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Journal of the Royal Society of

New South Wales 23, 36-48.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


Abbott Street...........193 archaeology.....62, 134,

Abbott, J P..................92 152
abduction of women arm-bones...............151
............282, 283, 349 Armidale..................502
Aboriginal concepts.145 arms broken, RK.....152,
Aboriginal population of 183, 184, 197, 209,
Gunnedah, 1896..102 268
Aboriginal population of Arnhem Land..288, 320,
the district.............93 327, 349, 389, 393,
Aboriginal women....53, 430, 450, 454
58, 61, 107, 111 Ashby family. .194, 232,
Aboriginal women, 235, 240, 247, 255,
concubines..........261 263, 265, 266, 267,
Aborigines Protection 268, 269, 270, 271,
Act.......................106 274, 280, 398, 399,
Aborigines Protection 417, 419, 420, 421,
Board....97, 102, 104, 422, 423, 426
106, 107, 404, 456 Australian Agricultural
absorption of Company.........55, 69
neighbouring bands Australian Institute of
............................321 Aboriginal and Torres
age at death, R K.....155 Strait Islander Studies
age of trees.............442 ................................2
ambush at Gunnedah.... Australian Museum.199,
defeat of the Cassilis 271, 424, 433
men.................388 authenticity....134, 145,
Ambush of the Cassilis 147, 239, 320
Raiders................130 Baayama, Baiame. .123,
ambushes.......132, 145, 183, 432
185, 246, 281, 294, babies.. . .116, 153, 380,
339, 340, 341, 345, 382, 383, 386
377, 440 babies, betrothal.....349
animal fat................372 bags, plaited bark. . .304
animal foods...........289 bands.......35, 172, 182,
animals and plants, 286, 302, 322, 335,
listed......................30 378, 429, 430

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Baradine............39, 103 171, 177, 178, 190,

Barber, The...............53 204, 208, 256, 260,
Barbers Lagoon, station 267, 270, 276, 277,
..............................69 278, 279, 295, 305,
Barraba-Bingara blacks 337, 350, 423
............................293 Boggabri, Clarke at....66
battle in the hop-scrub Boggabri, station.......71
............................391 Bondabolla station....72
battles or massacres. 57 bones broken, R K. . .268
battles with settlers...65 Boobuk...335, 340, 359,
Berndt, RM & CH.....124 360, 371, 374, 382,
betrothal.................300 392, 394, 428
Big-Man...................166 boomerang-shaped
billabongs................173 incisions..............194
Black Hill, also \......336, boomerang, hunting vs
337, 350, 351, 376, war......................293
389, 448 boomerangs...194, 292,
Black Jack Mountain 392 332
Black Jack scrub......395 Bora.........................292
Black Jack State Forest Bora-made warriors297,
......98, 341, 378, 395 317
black magic.............282 Bora, buurra............287
Blackfellowís...........415 boundary between
Blackfellowís Tree. . .415 Kamilaroi and
Blackhill....33, 336, 337, Wiradjuri................40
338, 375, 377, 378, box trees....32, 89, 249,
383, 384, 389, 390 263, 351, 442, 443,
Blackhill scrub.........389 444
Blacks' Camp...101, 257 Breeza Plains 55, 65, 87,
Blacksí Camp..255, 414, 167, 243, 392
417 Breeza Plains, treeless
Blainey, Geoffrey. . . .453 ..............................69
blankets.....42, 95, 191, Breton, W H. 35, 70, 251
192 brolgas....................330
Bloomfield Street.....33, Buchanan, John 75, 163,
242, 248, 249, 266, 231
416 budgerigars...............78
Blue Vale Road........361 bullock drays.............84
Boggabri.26, 42, 54, 55, bullroarers......244, 261,
56, 64, 67, 68, 69, 262, 418
71, 72, 75, 95, 103,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Bundaar, tracker.. . .194, Bungaree, Joe,

232, 240, 244, 254, appearance.........415
255, 260, 266, 270, Burburgate. .46, 71, 337
271, 399, 417, 418, Burburgate station. . .72,
420, 422, 423, 424 82
Bundarra 3, 33, 37, 155, burial forms.............195
176, 241, 243, 245, burial ground at
312, 322, 323, 324, Gunnedah............179
325, 326, 327, 328, burial tree near Dubbo
428 ............................443
Bundarra main camp burial trees..............264
............................328 Burra Bee Dee.........404
Bundarra tribe 293, 321, Burradella.......140, 143,
325, 328 148, 153, 335, 340,
Bundarra tribesmen 325 345, 354, 355, 356,
Bungaree, \.....2, 3, 4, 5, 360, 362, 363, 364,
46, 47, 51, 74, 98, 365, 367, 368, 369,
99, 101, 102, 120, 370, 371, 372, 373,
121, 123, 125, 133, 374, 375, 376, 377,
134, 135, 136, 137, 379, 381, 382, 383,
138, 140, 141, 142, 387, 388, 389, 391,
143, 144, 145, 146, 392, 394, 438
152, 153, 170, 183, Burrell Lagoon 173, 244,
185, 192, 194, 232, 278, 279, 295, 335,
234, 238, 239, 240, 337, 350, 367, 368,
242, 244, 254, 255, 369, 373, 374, 375,
256, 258, 259, 260, 405, 420
262, 263, 265, 266, bustard or plains
269, 270, 274, 275, turkey, Ardedotis
278, 279, 280, 290, australis...............348
291, 298, 303, 329, Butheroe.................404
330, 333, 334, 335, Butlin, N G.................59
343, 360, 362, 364, Cain family..............403
367, 369, 372, 384, Cain, Mary Jane Griffin
399, 400, 412, 413, .......51, 80, 108, 109,
414, 415, 417, 418, 110, 111, 112, 402,
419, 420, 423, 424, 404, 406, 408
425, 426, 427, 428, camp stories............128
429, 430, 431 Campbell, Judy........390
Bungaree, biography Caroona.....................66

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

carriers of animal hide, caves overlooking

for affixing Coonabarabran....407
tomahawks..........114 census of 1891..........99
Carroll......................170 chiefs.......................298
carved box tree stump chiefs so-called......165,
. . .247, 252, 253, 422, 166, 245, 292, 318,
424 355, 356, 384
carved trees. . .207, 250, chiefs, old men,
442 dominance of.......165
carvings......4, 192, 207, children of RK..........153
253, 262, 264, 271, Chinese.....................99
417, 418, 424, 433, clans........................118
483 Clarke, George..........53
carvings, shapes.....250 clashes.....53, 190, 260,
carvings, significance 282, 378, 390
............................264 Clever†Men..............299
Cassilis district....42, 63 climate......................28
Cassilis home-camp 154 cloaks......................264
Cassilis men.....65, 108, clothes, tools and
132, 151, 153, 242, equipment,
335, 341, 345, 367, Aboriginal............113
378, 385, 439, 440 clover................33, 364
Cassilis party, attacked clubs206, 253, 356, 379
by RK...................391 Coffs Harbour..........326
Cassilis people.....3, 41, Cohen, 95,
368 226, 227, 278, 360,
Cassilis tribe.......40, 41, 363
132, 367, 369, 377, Commissioners, Crown
383, 395, 397, 453, Lands.....................77
455 communal territories
Cassilis, raided by R K ............................286
............................396 communities.............34
casualties........349, 391 communities, size of320
cattle stations............52, 43, 48, 89,
cattle-spearing..........58 100, 193, 221, 236,
caves......141, 306, 307, 248, 249, 256, 263,
308, 309, 310, 351, 265, 276, 420
407, 408, 437, 448 conical habitations,
caves in Boggabri................64
Warrumbungles...303 consonants. 44, 47, 336,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

conventional rounded Dharramulan...........261

numbers..............141 digging sticks..........385
cooees (yells). .292, 295 dilly bags.........114, 362
Coolah....36, 40, 54, 63, dilly-bags.................135
78, 84, 110, 302, dillybag...................372
404, 405 dillybags..................373
Coonabarabran.......131 diseases.......59, 60, 61,
Coonabarabran tribe 191, 260
............302, 314, 407 distances.........140, 146
Coonabarabran, drawing lots.............317
expedition...........302 dropsy.....................191
Coonbri....................169 drought.....................29
corroborees....154, 166, Dubbleda, Doubledah
293 ............................267
council of elders......431 duck nests...............307
counting systems....342 ducks.................31, 359
cousins............116, 207 duel, R K vs Jerrabri. 316
creek running from duels.......................245
Mullibah Lagoon. .362 Dunbar, G K....194, 195,
creek running off 196, 203, 251, 269,
Porcupine Ridge. .379 290, 297, 313, 315,
criss-cross designs. .207 355, 358, 361, 385,
Cumbo Gunerah......170 421
Cumbo Gunnerah......11 echidnas..................372
Cunningham, Allan....63 egg hunting.............306
Curlewisiv, 62, 101, 235 eggs. 31, 281, 306, 307,
Curran, Tim......31, 284, 310, 348
351, 353, 378, 399, eggs (duck eggs),
448, 449 cooked.................310
Cuttabush...65, 87, 110, elders.....121, 122, 131,
397, 403, 404 154, 165, 166, 245,
cypress.......32, 86, 207, 291, 292, 294, 296,
352, 442, 443 297, 298, 299, 300,
dancing...................293 301, 314, 315, 316,
date of R K's death. .180 318, 319, 430, 431,
dating of great flood in 435, 437
18th cent.............180 emu 115, 174, 175, 253,
deaths from warfare390 317, 330, 347, 348,
dendrochronology...445 355, 357, 358, 359,
dendroglyphs..........250 370, 371, 386, 417
Dhagaay = Tukki.....429 emu meat................355

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

English-style spelling11, fats, animal....135, 319,

13 347, 348, 372, 374
envoys.............322, 324 fauna and flora..........30
epics........................128 fenced paddocks.......86
Erratt, Lionel................1 fertility.....................104
errors......136, 143, 206, feuding.....60, 281, 288,
208 389
ethnic nationalities....34 feuds.........................56
Evening Star....365, 380 figures of speech....147,
Ewing brothers........232 357, 386
Ewing Papers.......1, 146 first white at Gunnedah
Ewing, J P....2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ............................170
57, 94, 98, 183, 187, fish-nets..................360
192, 229, 231, 238, fish, broiled.............370
239, 244, 254, 255, fishing.....304, 331, 360
256, 258, 259, 275, floods26, 30, 67, 86, 88,
400, 402, 403, 404, 178, 179, 180, 294
413, 417, 422, 427, folk literature...........121
429 folklore theory.........126
Ewing, J P, biography foods.......268, 290, 348
............................229 fragments. lost papers
Ewing, John..4, 334, 402 ............................398
Ewing, Robert..........232 Frontier Wars.............57
Ewing, Stanley......2, 47, frost...................29, 189
101, 145, 146, 152, fruits, roots and tubers
184, 187, 193, 194, ............................289
196, 197, 201, 210, Gambu..........................
229, 230, 232, 238, section name......117
240, 244, 247, 343, Gambu Ganuru.13, 164,
364, 400, 412, 413, 240
414, 415, 424, 425, Gambu Ganuru = Red
428, 433 Kangaroo.............167
Ewing, Stanley, Gamilaraay....................
biography............229 how to pronounce.13
excavation of RK's Gamilaraay-speaking
grave...................195 lands....................182
fairy tales and fables Gamilaraay, boundaries
............................127 ..............................36
fanciful inventions...135 Geawegal language. .36
fatalities....57, 326, 389
father of RK.............153

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

ghost of R K....184, 194, Griffin family...........109

232, 270, 280, 423, Griffin, Eugene. 80, 109,
425 110
Gilwan......31, 335, 336, Griffin, Jane, 'Jinnie'. 108
367, 369, 373, 374, Griffin, Margaret.....111,
375, 428, 429 405
Gilwan, Weetahís grinding of grass-seed
husband..............366 ............................253
gin, pidgin term.......359 gum trees........246, 247
girdle, belt of manhood Gunerah [= Kanur +u or
. . .114, 201, 313, 315, +a]......................166
316 Gunidy‡‡. . . .50, 51, 164,
golden perch...........363 206
Goonoo Goonoo69, 151, Gunnedah Common 100
155, 172, 177, 241, Gunnedah Historical
243, 245, 286, 287, Society....1, 229, 230,
322, 428 238, 334, 398, 402
Goonoo Goonoo tribe Gunnedah, meaning of
....................243, 321 name.....................46
Goran Lake................26 Gunnedarr, Ewing's
gossiping.........131, 356 spelling.......141, 288,
Gould, John...74, 78, 79, 294, 329, 333
167 gunyahs. . .84, 293, 295,
Gould, R A...............451 296, 297, 317, 354,
gourd, skin waterbag 356, 396, 408
............307, 311, 313 Gurley.....................452
grass-seed......182, 203, Guyinbaraay, Koinbere
204, 289, 290 ..............40, 169, 189
grass-seed cakes....204, half caste................257
290 half-caste........104, 257
grasslands.................87 Harris, John..............341
grave mounds 207, 232, hatchet-grinding
233, 266, 330, 331, grooves................204
420, 500 hatchets, tomahawks
grave of R K dug up...96 . . .114, 143, 144, 184,
graves.....................196 251, 443, 444
Greek and Roman epics Hayne............................
............................129 see Haynes 413, 417,
Greenway, Charles. 167, 418, 419, 420, 421,
342, 360, 361, 428, 422, 423, 424, 425,
474 426

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Haynes, Edward2, 4, 44, Hunter Valley............51

49, 95, 108, 112, hunting kangaroos. .393
151, 155, 168, 169, huts. .58, 64, 82, 85, 86,
170, 180, 183, 192, 172, 179, 305, 306
194, 196, 197, 198, ibises.......................281
199, 202, 206, 209, Idriess, Ion...........1, 410
210, 231, 232, 233, Idriess, writing career
234, 240, 241, 244, ............................411
246, 247, 253, 254, Ilparra......241, 324, 325
255, 259, 262, 263, Ilparra, killed...........325
265, 267, 268, 269, incisions to a height of
270, 271, 272, 273, 20 feet.................251
274, 280, 333, 398, individuality of the
399, 400, 426, 447 actors..................147
head camps.....176, 396 Indonesian or Italian-
height of Aboriginal style spellings........11
people.................151 initiation...85, 120, 202,
Henry, 224, 210, 250, 451
338 initiations, ended......85
heroes.....................129 Italianate-style spelling
Hiatt, L R 282, 288, 323, ..............................50
432 Jerrabri............241, 315
hide carrier..............313 Jinnie.............................
high flood mark.......247 Jane Griffin.3, 65, 73,
high sun council......355 80, 107, 108, 109,
highland spears.......135 110, 350, 368, 397,
historical myths.......127 402, 403, 404, 406,
Homer.....................129 408
honey..............289, 290 Jinnie's tale..............406
hop scrubs...............350 Johnston, John...........73
hop vine..................385 Kamilaroi = Gamilaraay
hop-vines or hopbushes ..............................13
............................283 Kamilaroi Road. 33, 337,
hopvine scrub.....32, 33, 351, 375, 384
174, 281, 284, 338, Kaputar, Mt........27, 173
350, 351, 365, 369, Keepit........................68
379, 388, 389, 390 Keepit Dam26, 173, 277
Howe family..............63 Kelly, Ned................126
Howitt, A E...............478 Kelvin..........42, 68, 277
Howitt, A W35, 251, 451 Kibbi........155, 246, 428
humerus. .184, 197, 233

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Kibbi, Bundarra leader long vowels.........11, 47

............................241 look-out posts..........352
Kibbi, killed by R K. .327 lookout posts...........370
Kimber, R G.....389, 430 lookout/s.........293, 294
kin terms.................115 lubra, pidgin term. . .358
king plates...............254 Magarey, A T...........453
kings so-called185, 186, Maggie..........................
240, 254, 255, 329, Margaret Griffin. . .49,
399, 403, 410, 414, 50, 51, 107, 108,
417, 501 110, 112, 145, 169,
Kingstown.......3, 33, 55, 170, 182, 184, 185,
155, 243, 245, 293, 186, 187, 189, 194,
321, 322 196, 209
Kingstown, battle near Maitland Street...75, 82,
............................324 86, 88, 89, 91, 186,
kinship....121, 153, 202, 249, 252, 337
274 Maneela = Manilla...324
koalas........................98 Manilla.....................287
Kulki.......131, 147, 241, Manilla people.........243
245, 313, 428, 437 Manilla tribe....322, 324
Kulki, killed by R K...312 Marquis Street. .75, 276,
Kuribri.. . .335, 370, 371, 362
428 marriageable women
lackfellowís..............416 ............299, 302, 314
languages.........39, 169 marriages................283
large scale battles...430 mass duels..............281
Lasseterís Last Ride.411 Mathews, R H..........205
leaders vs \..............166 Matthews, R H.........189
legends, about real McCarthy, F D. 251, 264,
people.................126 490
legends, myths, tales McDonagh, Russell. 4, 6,
. . .123, 127, 136, 137, 230, 231, 236, 334,
182, 196, 208, 209 398, 402, 413
life-span and decay McKay, \...................234
rates of trees.......180 measures of duration
Little Conadilly Street ............................146
............................248 meat.30, 119, 136, 139,
Liverpool Plains. .25, 64, 203, 289, 295, 296,
167 297, 307, 310, 311,
Liverpool Range........27 347, 348, 357, 358,
Liverpool Ranges.......52

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

359, 370, 371, 392, Mullibah Lagoon.. . .v, vi,

394 32, 33, 142, 173,
medieval European 218, 219, 220, 224,
epics............129, 132 225, 337, 338, 340,
Melville Range...25, 171 351, 360, 362, 363,
men of memory.......124 364, 373, 375, 378,
message sticks........355 379, 383, 386, 389,
mia-mias. 305, 306, 354 392, 394
Milliss, Roger.............57 multiples of five or ten
missions so-called...104 ............................138
Mitchell, at Peel River68 Murrurundi. . .36, 88, 92,
Mitchell, T L. .37, 42, 54, 151, 321, 322
55, 59, 60, 68, 114, mussel-hunting......303,
170, 173, 174, 204, 306, 331
276, 277, 443, 451 mussels...........281, 331
moieties..................117 Myall Creek massacre77
Mooki junction....75, 82, myths, stories about
175 divine beings.......126
Mooti......324, 325, 326, name, Gunnedah.......42
428 names.....................273
Mooti = Mudhay......241 names for smaller
Mooti, killed.............326 districts................211
Moree.....37, 38, 48, 70, names supressed....183
107, 151, 322, 481 names, personal.....116,
Moree, attacked by R K 183
............................321 Namoi Independent &
mother of RK...........153 Advertiser............238
motherless, name.. . .46, Namoi River tribe. . .254,
49, 50, 51, 164, 176, 415, 419, 420, 423,
206 425, 426
mound, mounds.......44, Namoi, Nammoy,
186, 231, 232, 266 Ngamaay.............248
Mounted Police..........57 Nandewars. . .25, 27, 69,
Mullaley..54, 62, 64, 68, 72, 169, 171, 173,
101, 242, 245, 275, 174, 452
287, 302, 303, 305, Napoleon of his times
314, 406, 437 ............................182
Mullaley Plains 303, 313 nardoo.....................203
Mullibah Flat.....33, 339, Nareen. . .147, 148, 153,
350, 361, 367, 368 241, 245, 307, 309,

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

310, 311, 313, 428, New England, raid into

430, 437, 438 ............................321
Naroo.....147, 148, 153, Nganyaywana language
241, 245, 309, 310, ..............................37
311, 313, 314, 315, night attacks...........393
316, 386, 428, 430, Nobby Rock....v, 68, 69,
437 173, 180, 214, 277,
Narrabri. .25, 26, 27, 42, 294, 434
55, 56, 57, 67, 70, Nombi..................54, 68
73, 75, 88, 95, 102, nulla-nullas.....114, 185,
103, 105, 150, 154, 417
155, 177, 178, 179, number of births.......97
181, 182, 190, 191, numbers and counting
208, 243, 260, 266, ............................137
270, 286, 287, 292, numbers of people. .137
420, 421, 448, 451 numbers, counting,
Narrabri station.........73 numerals......99, 137,
Narrabri, raided.......285 138, 145, 173, 281,
narrative.120, 126, 136, 325, 341, 342, 343,
230, 239, 246, 372, 344, 404, 454
429 numerals. 343, 354, 454
narrative refreshment oral traditions.....5, 121,
............................372 123, 125, 298
Naseby, Charles........36 Orr family.......110, 111,
neck-cord254, 284, 285, 112, 186, 405, 406
300, 308, 309, 310, Osric Street.....361, 362
417, 431 Oxley, Cunningham,
neck-cords......114, 295, Mitchell................170
296, 297, 309, 361, Oxley, John................62
364 Pacific Ocean...........123
needles. .114, 253, 361, Painter, Jacob.....2, 101,
417 234, 242, 244, 255,
nets.........................393 260, 262, 266, 274,
Nevell, May..............404 418, 419, 420
New England 25, 26, 27, Parker, K L......287, 292,
28, 33, 36, 37, 81, 343
89, 151, 155, 177, payback killings......282,
245, 322, 493 390
New England expedition peaceful settlement?.59
............................324 Peel and Namoi Rivers
New England tribes. 293 ..............................26

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Pensioners Hill.267, 279 porcupine grass.......353

perch, golden............32 Porcupine Ridge.....v, vi,
petrification of bones 32, 33, 171, 174,
............................197 213, 214, 215, 216,
phrenology..............199 217, 226, 284, 336,
piccaninnies, spelt 337, 338, 340, 351,
'piccinnies'...........238 352, 353, 364, 365,
Pickette, Joy.............111 370, 376, 378, 379,
pidgin.....187, 194, 238, 383, 384, 387, 395,
239, 258, 259, 354, 438, 448
358, 360, 367, 403, Porcupine Ridge, name
412 ............................352
Pilliga74, 102, 105, 107, possum rugs...113, 293,
168, 175 307, 310, 311, 313,
pitched battle. .245, 393 380, 385, 386, 387,
pitched battles.......281, 394
327, 389 possums...29, 113, 136,
place-names......40, 206 187, 188, 203, 233,
plains turkey (bustard) 241, 264, 289, 290,
............................175 293, 297, 307, 310,
plaited bags............114 311, 313, 325, 330,
plant foods..............289 368, 376, 380, 381,, 221 385, 386, 387, 388,
plaque, Abbott Street 392, 394, 436
....................167, 212 pre-historical past. . .122
Pleiades..297, 315, 358, predictability of the
366, 475 tales.....................149
pneumonia......178, 209 prehistory................182
Poe Street.......193, 247, Prescott, Edward.....206
248, 416 primary schooling. . .104
pogroms....................57 pronunciation and
Police census 1882....93 spelling..................11
polygamy.......288, 299, Protection................192
315, 319, 358 quartz pebbles 275, 300
population decline.....79 Queensland. .59, 63, 65,
population densities320 84, 182, 204, 342,
population density. 320, 468, 482, 485, 486,
321, 390 502
populations.............320 Quest Stories...........130
populations before

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

Quirindi.. . .27, 105, 107, repertoire of myths and

109, 111, 155, 179, major secular stories
190, 243, 286 ............................124
Quirindi, raided.......285 reserves. .102, 104, 107
quolls, native cats....30, ribs broken, R K.......183
31, 307 Rice, Barbara...........353
rabbits.....................352 Ridley, William. . .11, 35,
racial categories........99 38, 39, 43, 46, 48,
raids for wives.........285 50, 60, 92, 116, 169,
Railway Hill.....244, 278, 176, 177, 189, 202,
279, 295, 314 290, 336, 342, 363,
rainbow snake or 365, 386, 427, 428,
rainbow serpent. .279 432, 469, 491
rainfall.......................29 Roach, D..................263
Raw Possum and Salted Rocky Glen......274, 275
Pork.....................522 Rolls, Eric66, 69, 70, 71,
recensions...................2 72, 75, 76, 86, 111,
Red Chief....1, 2, 3, 125, 168, 175
229, 300, 312, 337, romantic invention. .144
352, 412, 425, 426, Rose, Deborah.282, 430
431, 433, 440, 448 rounded and
Red Chief cave........351 conventional figures
Red Chief Cave........448 ............................141
Red Chief, coined by rugs, possum-skin. .187,
Idriess..................425 188, 233, 297, 313,
Red Kangaroo = Gambu 368, 376, 387, 392
Ganuru................167 sagas.......................128
Red Kangaroo, birth 150 savagery.........200, 430
Red Kangaroo, career schools.....1, 49, 88, 92,
............................149 95, 97, 104, 232,
Red Kangaroo, death 276, 334, 413
............................155 scouts......293, 383, 431
red kangaroo, Macropus scrubless open country
rufus....................167 ............................375
Red Kangaroo, named seasoned warriors. .141,
in Document One.234 329, 370
reedy banks, secret camp. . .139, 174,
Castlereagh River 304 338, 340, 364, 367,
religious myths........120 368, 370, 371, 372,
373, 376, 377, 381,
382, 387, 394

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

secret camp, location Southern Cross........386

obscure................364 spear wound, RK.....198
section names.........202 spear, emu..............359
section system........202 spears.. . .135, 152, 185,
seed-grinding mills..115 327, 392, 429
segregation.............105 spears, boysí...........332
semi-evergreen vine spears, shape..........325
thicket. .32, 284, 351, spellings....................44
353, 385, 392, 448 spies, scouts............376
shepherding, boundary spinifex...................352
riding and bullock- spinifex or porcupine
driving...................95 grass............352, 365
shield with V-end.....317 spurious precision...137
shield, R Kís.............312 square kilometres per
shields....152, 153, 154, person.................320
155, 192, 194, 206, stature.....200, 208, 426
269, 292, 311, 312, stock figures............148
317, 328, 332, 357, stone tomahawks...247,
389, 391, 396, 417, 250, 253, 272, 273,
435, 437 398, 416, 417, 422
shields, two types....194 stressed syllables.....11,
shortage of unmarried 49, 50, 248, 276, 432
women.................288 stump of carved tree, R
signal posts....140, 346, Kís grave.............249
367, 369, 370, 387 stumps4, 142, 192, 193,
skeleton, RK. . .151, 152, 194, 202, 206, 207,
200, 202, 230, 233, 231, 234, 235, 244,
234, 235, 271, 424, 246, 247, 249, 252,
433 253, 255, 262, 263,
skin groups..............117 264, 265, 266, 269,
skull of R K..............198 271, 279, 369, 398,
small tribes.............321 399, 400, 416, 417,
smallpox.34, 42, 54, 60, 418, 419, 420, 422,
67, 73, 261, 320, 482 424, 433, 442, 443,
smallpox, impact.....390 446
smoke signals 144, 354, Sturt, Charles............67
368, 371, 393, 450 stylistic features.....146,
songs and tales.......120 147
songs, spoken tales and suffixes...12, 40, 41, 42,
anecdotes............120 48, 49, 167, 176,
sorcery....282, 300, 323 177, 325

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

sugar, flour, jam and thigh speared, R K...209

tea.......................136 Thomson, D F..........450
summer camp.........172 throat-cutting weapon
surgeons, Aboriginal ............................435
....................273, 421 Tibbereena..............423
surgery, Aboriginal. 196, time keeping...........297
198, 421 time measurement..144
survey map of 1848 417 Togee..............404, 405
Sydney University. .168, tomahawk...............408
202, 235, 271, 433 tomahawks, steel....443
tactics..............317, 327 Toohey, Peter..........129
Talbragar River...39, 41, tooth avulsion 152, 202,
64 235
Tambar Springs....1, 64, totem names....31, 116,
101, 103, 109, 274, 167, 208, 241, 309,
275 325, 336, 362, 386,
Tamworth.....26, 36, 37, 429
54, 55, 61, 63, 68, totems.....................118
69, 78, 83, 84, 88, townsite, surveyed....85
89, 96, 103, 109, tracks, tracking.52, 147,
170, 179, 184, 208, 186, 246, 271, 308,
275, 322, 503 311, 324, 326, 330,
taphoglyphs............250 331, 332, 333, 423,
teeth.......152, 201, 210, 434
253, 258, 267, 268, tree frog..................370
415, 417 trees and other plants,
teeth R K.................271 listed......................32
teeth, R K........234, 421 tribal law.........298, 299
Telfer, William. .87, 179, Tukki.......................429
188, 195, 196, 500 Tukki, Dhagaay 31, 336,
territories................287 346, 362, 363, 364,
territory, conquest...290 367, 372, 373, 374,
Terry Hie Hie 38, 56, 85, 376, 382
105, 155, 169, 189, Tulumi.....................429
206, 209 Turner family....91, 235,
Terry Hie Hie tribe...191 236, 242, 244, 248,
The Land.............4, 247 249, 252, 253, 265,
thickets. . . .32, 249, 283, 272, 398, 399, 416,
284, 351, 375, 376, 420, 442
448 U wallaby-catch.......382
thickets of hop-bush351

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

U-shaped clearing. .338, Warrumbungles,

340, 377, 390 discovered by
Ulamambri........40, 302 colonists................64
uncle of R K.............296 wars125, 150, 155, 285,
uncle of RK..............301 289, 294, 318, 329,
unique corpus.............5 426
Uniting Church building water gourds, water
......92, 193, 233, 416 bags.....................113
V-ends on your shields Wayilwan language. .39,
....................312, 326 285, 366
v-shaped shield.......312 weapons. 114, 141, 143,
V-shaped shield......153, 151, 153, 184, 196,
312 233, 246, 253, 268,
violence.........56, 58, 59 269, 280, 293, 295,
Virgil........................129 306, 307, 311, 316,
volcanoes, ancient....27 317, 318, 319, 328,
vowels.......................44 332, 365, 371, 391,
Waalaraay, Wolaroi. 169 394, 396, 407, 417,
waddies. .114, 185, 378, 422
379, 396 weapons not in grave
Walgett............124, 322 ............................196
Walgett, raid on.......322 Wee Waa 70, 77, 81, 83,
Walgett, raided by R K 84, 102, 105, 177,
............................321 266, 322, 420, 421
wallaby, grilled........310 Wee Waa people.....177
Wandoba Road........378 Weetah.....31, 335, 336,
Wandobah.................46 361, 363, 364, 367,
war-chiefs................318 368, 372, 373, 382,
war-leader...............150 383, 386, 387, 428,
war-parties.....138, 155, 429, 431, 438
321 Weetah = Wiidhaa. .362
warfare. .3, 56, 281, 429 Weetah, Giwanís wife
Warner, Lloyd. 281, 282, ............................366
288, 349, 389, 393, Weetaliba................179
430 Wesleyan Church.iv, 89,
warriors killed.139, 289, 192, 193, 233, 249,
319, 345, 390 416, 420
Warrumbungle Range western movies.......149
..............................28 wheat........................98
Warrumbungles..25, 40, white box........247, 442
172, 173 White Invasion..........55

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

white males.............100 wives of RK..............153

white stone...47, 48, 51, wives, R K................386
164, 206, 274, 275, woodland...44, 243, 352
333 woodland foods.......290
white stones..............46 woomera.................253
white stones in Elgin wounded many times
Street...................276 ............................153
widows....147, 176, 317 yabbies (crayfish).....31,
wife-stealing.3, 58, 154, 135, 288, 289, 360,
283, 301 361
Wiidhaa.............31, 429 yam sticks...............114
winter. 27, 29, 121, 178, yam-stick.................330
296, 406 yams. 32, 281, 290, 385
wiping-out of a hearth- Yarrimanbah..............53
group...................430 yellow box......207, 247,
Wiradjuri = 442
Wirraadhurraay....34, young women.139, 154,
39, 40, 41, 48, 50, 241, 245, 280, 281,
108, 207, 279, 368 292, 293, 294, 295,
Wiradjuri language....39 298, 299, 302, 304,
wives......3, 31, 58, 112, 321, 322, 323, 328,
138, 154, 155, 242, 329, 330, 345, 349,
245, 261, 280, 282, 382
283, 285, 287, 288, young women, captured
291, 292, 296, 297, at Cassilis............397
299, 300, 301, 302, Yugambal language. .37
314, 315, 317, 319, Yuwaalaraay language
321, 328, 336, 349, ..............................38
358, 431, 432, 437 flexed burials.........195

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah

About the author

Michael O'Rourke was born in 1951 and

grew up near Tambar Springs NSW,
between Gunnedah and Coonabarabran.
His parents were farmers and graziers.
His father’s parents likewise were 'on the
land'. His paternal great-grand-parents
before that ran one of the two pubs that
graced the village of Tambar Springs in the
19th century.
Mr O'Rourke was schooled at Tambar
Springs Primary School; De La Salle College,
Armidale; and the Universities of Sydney,
New South Wales, and Cambridge UK; but of
course he received his true education in the
shadow of those fine institutions.
From 1990 to 2003 he worked for the
Department of the Prime Minister and
Cabinet in Canberra, and for a period was
Secretary to the Federal Executive Council
and Keeper of the Great Seal of Australia.
He now works for the Office of Indigenous
Policy Coordination in the Department of
Immigration and Multicultural and
Indigenous Affairs.
He is the author of Raw Possum and
Salted Pork, 1995, a study of the northern
expeditions of the explorer Major Mitchell;
and The Kamilaroi Lands, 1997, a
monograph on the pre-colonial Aboriginal
culture of north-central NSW.

‘Red Kangaroo’ of Gunnedah


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