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General Bearing Requirements and Design Criteria

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General Bearing Requirements and Design Criteria

Bearings are vital engine components; therefore, the correct bearing design and the
proper choice of bearing metal is necessary for reliable engine performance. Bearing
design criteria depend on the bearing type and, in general, on:

a) Bearing sliding surface geometry.

b) The surface roughness of the journal or pin, which determines the permissible
bearing pressure and required oil film thickness. This is necessary to ensure effective
and safe functioning of the bearing.

c) The correct flow of cooling oil to prevent heat accumulation, which is obtained through
a flow area, provided either through the clearance between the journal and the bearing
bore or through axial grooves in the bearing sliding surface.

The compactness of engines and the engine ratings influence the magnitude of the
specific load on the bearing and make the correct choice of bearing metals, production
quality and, in certain bearings, the application of overlayer an absolute necessity.

An overlayer is a thin galvanic coating of mainly lead (Pb) and tin (Sn), which is applied
directly on to the white metal or, via an intermediate layer, on to the tin aluminium sliding
surface of the bearing. The overlayer is a soft and ductile coating, its main objective is to
ensure good embedability and conformity between the bearing sliding surface and the
pin surface geometry.

Scraping of the bearing surfaces is strictly prohibited, except in those repair

situations of oil wedges, tangential run out, bore relief, removing ridges and high spots
from wiped bearing as approved by manufacturer.
Incorrect scraping has often proved to have an adverse effect on the sliding properties of
the bearing, and can result in damage.
Bearing Design
Plain bearings for MC engines are manufactured as steel shells with a sliding surface of
white metal or tin aluminium. Tin aluminium bearings are always of the thin shell design
while the white metal bearings can either be of the thick shell or thin shell design.
The bearing surface is furnished with a centrally placed oil supply groove and other
design features such as tangential run-outs, oil wedges and/or bore reliefs.

Tangential Runout
A tangential runout is transition geometry between the circumferential oil supply groove
and the bearing sliding surface. This special oil groove transition geometry prevents an
oil scraping effect and reduces the resistance to the flow of oil towards the loaded area
of the bearing

Bore Relief
The bearing sliding surface is machined at the mating faces of the upper and lower
shells to create bore reliefs. Their main objective is to compensate for misalignments
which could result in a protruding edge (step) of the lower shell's mating face to that
of the upper shell. Such a protruding edge can act as an oil scraper and cause oil
starvation. Fig A-A above.

Axial Oil Grooves and Oil Wedges

Oil grooves and wedges have the following functions:

a) To enhance the oil distribution over the load carrying surfaces. (The tapered
areas give improved oil inlet conditions).

b) Especially in the case of crosshead bearings to assist the formation of a

hydrodynamic oil film between the load carrying surfaces.
c) To provide oil cooling (oil grooves). In order to perform these functions, the oil must
flow freely from the lubricating grooves, past the oil wedges, and into the supporting
areas ! where the oil film carries the load.

Thick Shell Bearings

This type of bearing has a steel back with the required stiffness

a) To ensure against distortion of the sliding surface geometry, and

b) To support the cast-on white metal in regions where the shell lacks support, for
example in the area of the upper shell mating faces.

The top clearances in this bearing design are adjusted with shims, while the side
clearances are a predetermined result of the summation of the housing bore, shell wall
thickness, journal tolerances, and the influence of the staybolt tensioning force which
deforms the bedplate around the bearing assembly.

Thin Shell Bearings

Thin shell bearings have a wall thickness between 2% and 2.5% of the journal diameter.
The steel back does not have the sufficient stiffness to support the cast-on white metal
alone. The bearing must therefore be supported rigidly over its full length. This type of
bearing is manufactured with a circumferential overlength (crush/nip) which, when the
shells are mounted and tightened up, will produce the required radial pressure between
the shell and the bearing housing. The maximum/minimum top clearance in this shell is
predetermined and results from a summation of the housing bore, shell wall thickness,
journal/pin diameter tolerances and, for main bearings, the deformation of the bedplate
from the staybolt tensioning force.

Top Clearance
Correct top clearance in main bearings, crankpin bearings, and crosshead bearings
is necessary to sustain the required oil flow through the bearing, and hence stabilize the
bearing temperature at a level that will ensure the fatigue strength of the bearing metal.

In the main and crankpin bearings, the clearance ensures the necessary space to
accommodate the journal orbit so as to avoid mechanical overload tendencies on the
bearing sliding surface (especially in the main bearing).

The bearings are checked in general by measuring the top clearances.

In service, clearance measurements can be regarded:

1. as a check of the correct re-assembly of the bearing.

For new thin shell bearings and new/ overhauled thick shell bearings the clearances
must lie within the limits specified in the maintenance manual.

2. as an indicator to determine the condition of the bearing at a periodic check

‘Checks without opening-up’

In both cases, it is vital that the clearance values from the previous check are available
for comparison. Therefore, it is necessary to enter clearances in the engine log book
with the relevant date and engine service hours.

Under normal service conditions, bearing wear is negligible. Excessive wear is due to
abrasive or corrosive contamination of the system oil which will affect the roughness of
the journal/pin and increase the wear rate of the bearing.

The reduction of shell thickness in the loaded area of the main, crankpin and crosshead
bearing in a given time interval represents the wear rate of the bearing. Average bearing
wear rate is 0.01 mm/10,000 hrs. As long as the wear rate is in the region of this value,
the bearing function can be regarded as normal.

For crosshead bearings, the wear limit is confined to about 50% reduction of the oil
wedge length


Surface Roughness
Journal/pin surface roughness is important for the bearing condition. Increased surface
roughness can be caused by:
a) Abrasive damage due to contamination of the system oil.
b) Corrosive damage due to sea water contamination of the system oil (acidic) or
oxidation of the journals due to condensate.

c) Spark erosion (only in main bearings).

With increasing journal/pin roughness, a level will be reached where the oil film
thickness is no longer sufficient, causing metal contact between journal/pin and the
bearing sliding surface. This will cause white metal to adhere to the journal/pin, giving
the surface a silvery white appearance.

When such a condition is observed, the journal/pin must be reconditioned by polishing,

and the roughness of the surface made acceptable.

In extreme cases, the journal/pin must be ground to an undersize.

Limits to surface roughness

The surface roughness should always be within the specified limits.

1. For main and crankpin journals:

a) New journals 0.8 Ra
b) Roughness approaching 1.6 Ra (journal to be reconditioned).

2. For crosshead pins:

a) New or repolished 0.05 Ra
b) Acceptable in service 0.05-0.1 Ra
c) Repolishing if over 0.1 Ra

Determination of the pin/journal roughness

Measure the roughness with an electronic roughness tester, or

Evaluate the roughness with a Ruko tester, by comparing the surface of the pin/journal
with the specimens on the Ruko tester.

When performing this test, the pin surface and the Ruko tester must be thoroughly clean
and dry.

Hold the tester close to the surface and compare the surfaces. If necessary, use your
finger nail to run over the pin/journal surface and the Ruko specimens to compare and
determine the roughness level.

Spark Erosion
Spark erosion is caused by a voltage discharge between the main bearing and journal
surface. The cause of the potential is the development of a galvanic element between
the ship’s hull, sea water, and the propeller shaft/crankshaft.

The oil film acts as a dielectric. The puncture voltage in the bearing depends on the
thickness of the oil film.

With increasing engine ratings, the specific load in the main bearing is increased. This
will reduce the oil film thickness, and enable the discharge to take place at a lower
voltage level.
Since the hydrodynamic oil film thickness varies through a rotation cycle, the discharge
will take place at roughly the same instant during each rotation cycle, i.e. when the film
thickness is at its minimum. The roughening will accordingly be concentrated in certain
areas on the journal surface.

In the early stages, the roughened areas can resemble pitting erosion - but later, as the
roughness increases, the small craters will scrape off and pick up white metal – hence
the silvery white appearance.

Therefore, to ensure protection against spark erosion, the potential level must be kept at
maximum 80 mV, which is feasible today with a high efficiency earthing device.

If an earthing device is installed, its effectiveness must be checked regularly. Spark

erosion is only observed in main bearings and main bearing journals.

The condition of the bearings must be evaluated to determine whether they can be
reconditioned or have to be discarded. Manufacturer is consulted.

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