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Show123 RH BB

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Version 1.1
Copyright 2006, Computer Objectives Designed & vo!ved
"upp!ied #s $ree%#re. Code c#n be rep!ic#ted, modi&ied #nd reused #s desired .

'ui!t on #nd &or (et# )r#der version *
)his indic#tor disp!#ys 12+ p#tterns, ,oss hoo-s, #nd 'o!!inger b#nd bre#-s.
12+ p#tterns th#t &#i! ./ bre#- the 1 position be&ore triggering the 2 point0
%i!! be removed &rom the ch#rt #s soon #s they &#i!.
12+ p#tterns th#t trigger but do not meet the users speci&ied t#rget %i!! be
!o%1!ighted. )he t#rget is de&ined #s # move o& # percent#ge o& the height o&
the p#ttern to be c#!cu!#ted &rom either the 1, 2 or + point o& the p#ttern.
)hese v#!ues m#y be speci&ied by the user.
Indicator Options

DownColor 23 De&#u!t ,ed
)he co!our o& the te4t used &or 12+ p#tterns %here # DO56 direction is e4pected.
pColor 23 De&#u!t 7reen
)he co!our o& the te4t used &or 12+ p#tterns %here #n 89 direction is e4pected.
!aildncolor 23 De&#u!t D#r-"#!mon
)he Co!our o& )e4t used &or do%n 12+ p#tterns th#t &#i! to hit the user
speci&ied t#rget.
!ail"pcolor 23 De&#u!t D#r-"e#7reen
)he Co!our o& )e4t used &or 8p 12+ p#tterns th#t &#i! to hit the user speci&ied
##rea$color 23 De&#u!t Dodger'!ue
)he co!our o& te4t used to high!ight # 'o!!inger b#nd bre#-.
%a&Bars 23 De&#u!t +00
Denotes the (#4imum number o& history b#rs re!#tive to the Current :ive '#r
th#t the indic#tor %i!! use %ithin its c#!cu!#tion. ; !#rger v#!ue %i!!
high!ight more historic#! p#tterns, but the indic#tor m#y t#-e some time to
upd#te, #nd the user m#y e4perience some :#g in response
%ithin the met# tr#der #pp!ic#tion. <<<9!e#se vie% the notes on pipte4theight
reg#rding !#g in response.
'((ression 23 De&#u!t 1
Denotes ho% #ggressive the /ndic#tor %i!! be in disp!#ying 12+ p#tterns.
12 5i!! continue se#rching &rom the ne4t b#r #&ter the 1 point o& the
previous!y identi&ied 12+ p#ttern o& the s#me direction.
22 5i!! continue se#rching &rom the ne4t b#r #&ter the 2 point o& the
previous!y identi&ied 12+ p#ttern o& the s#me direction.
+2 5i!! continue se#rching &rom the ne4t b#r #&ter the + point o& the
previous!y identi&ied 12+ p#ttern o& the s#me direction.
Behavio"rswitches 23 De&#u!t 2=>
)his v#!ue comprises v#rious bin#ry s%itches th#t determine ho% the
indic#tor shou!d beh#ve. ?ero settings denote #n o&& position. @ence i&
you reAuire #!! s%itches to be turned O$$ then set beh#viours%itches 3 0
/& you %#nt on!y s%itch 6 & B O6 then #dd both those s%itch v#!ues #nd set
beh#viours%itches #ccording!y C in this c#se .+2D12B0 3 160
Switch )al"e se
1 1
O6 en#b!es 1&2 points o& the s#me 12+ to occur on the
s#me b#r. 6ote &or #n 8p 12+ the b#rs c!ose must be
higher th#n the open. / the b#r must h#ve gone EupF
De&#u!t 3 O6
2 2
O6 en#b!es 2&+ points o& the s#me 12+ to occur on the
s#me b#r. 6ote &or #n 8p 12+ the b#rs c!ose must be
!o%er th#n the open. / the b#r must h#ve done Edo%nF
De&#u!t 3 O6
+ *
O6 ;!!o%s ne% E1Fs to #ppe#r on previous!y &ound E2F
point o& the s#me direction De&#u!t 3 O$$
* B
O6 ;!!o%s ne% E1Fs to #ppe#r on previous!y &ound E+F
point o& the s#me direction. De&#u!t 3 O$$
= 16
O6 ;!!o%s ne% E2Fs to #ppe#r on previous!y &ound E2F
point o& the s#me direction. De&#u!t 3 O$$
6 +2
O6 ;!!o%s ne% E2Fs to #ppe#r on previous!y &ound E+F
point o& the s#me direction. De&#u!t 3 O$$
G 6*
O6 ;!!o%s ne% E+Fs to #ppe#r on previous!y &ound E2F
point o& the s#me direction. De&#u!t 3 O$$
B 12B
O6 ;!!o%s ne% E+Fs to #ppe#r on previous!y &ound E+F
point o& the s#me direction. De&#u!t 3 O$$
> 2=6
O6 en#b!es the remov#! o& 12+ p#tterns %here the 2 point
o& the p#ttern is &ound to be # ,oss hoo-. De&#u!t 3 O6
Re*ecti+hei(htlessthan 23 De&#u!t 31=
/& # 12+ p#tterns height .&rom the 1 point to the 2 point0 is !ess th#n this
v#!ue then the p#ttern is not disp!#yed.
,ar(etpercent123 23 de&#u!t 3100
De&ines the percent#ge t#rget &or # 12+ p#ttern. )he percent#ge #pp!ies to the
height o& the p#ttern c#!cu!#ted #s the dist#nce bet%een the 1 & 2 points.
,art(etstart123 23 de&#u!t 3 2
De&ines the point position &rom %hich to c#!cu!#te the p#tterns t#rget. 6orm#!!y
the p#ttern is e4pected to #chieve 100H o& the height o& the p#ttern &rom the 2
point o& the p#ttern.
ShowRosshoo$s 23 de&#u!t 3 true
5hen true ,oss hoo-s #re disp!#yed on the ch#rt.
!ont-ame 23 De&#u!t 23 I;ri#! '!#c-I
/& this or #ny other speci&ied &ont n#me is not #v#i!#b!e on your system then
the c!osest #v#i!#b!e &ont %i!! be #utom#tic#!!y se!ected.
!ontSi.e 23 De&#u!t 23B
"peci&ies the siJe o& the &ont type&#ce.
/ip,e&t0ei(ht 23 De&#u!t 23 0
sho%12+ #ttemps to c#!cu!#te .estim#te0 the height o& the te4t objects in pips.
)his en#b!es the indic#tor code to p!#ce 12+ m#r-ers in such # &#shion th#t they
do not obscure the price b#r, #nd other 12+ m#r-ers. ;s the 8ser JoomsKscro!!s
the %indo% the sc#!e ch#nges, #nd sho%12+ #ttempts to ch#nge the !oc#tion o& its
m#r-ers #ccording!y.
@o%ever due to the &#ct th#t (et#)r#der provides !itt!e in the %#y o& visu#!
sc#!ing in&orm#tion to the progr#mmer this c#!cu!#tion is never #ccur#te &
occ#sion#!!y very in#ccur#te. )here&ore the user m#y speci&y their o%n v#!ue.
; v#!ue o& 0 denotes th#t sho%12+ shou!d estim#te the height ##utom#tic#!!y ;
positive v#!ue denotes th#t the users sc#!e shou!d be used.
<<< 5ho!e numbers shou!d be used here. /& the user thin-s # te4t m#r-ers height
is * pips on # 7'98"D ch#rt they shou!d enter # v#!ue o& * .not 0.000*0.
"imi!#ri!y on # 8"DL9M ch#rt # user shou!d enter * .not 0.0*0.
show#and#rea$s 23 De&#u!t 3 &#!se
5hen true b#rs %i!! be m#r-ed %hen they bre#- the bounds o& the outer bo!!inger
onl1show1st#rea$ 23 De&#u!t 3 true
/& this v#!ue is true then on!y the &irst b#r to bre#- the bo!!inger b#nds is
m#r-ed. 5hen &#!se #!! b#rs th#t bre#- the b#nds #re m#r-ed.
Bandperiod 23 De&#u!t 3 20
)he (; period &or the 'o!!inger b#nds
BandDev 23 De&#u!t 3 2.0
)he devi#tion setting &or the 'o!!inger b#nds
6.'. )his #pp!ies %hen 9ipte4theight 3 0 /.. %hen #utom#tic te4t height
sc#!ing is used
9!e#se be #%#re th#t once the indic#tor code h#s been initi#!ised it is
optimised to on!y re1ev#!u#te &rom the point o& the !#st -no%n 12+ p#ttern.
@o%ever, i& the sc#!e o& the ch#rt %indo% ch#nges either by the user scro!!ing K
Jooming,or %here # !#rge !ive price move #!ters the %indo%s sc#!e then #!! the
m#r-ers #re moved #ccording to the ne% sc#!e.
/& the m#4b#rs v#!ue is set too high then signi&ic#nt user response !#g c#n be
/ hope you &ind this indic#tor use&u! in your tr#ding.

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