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Electrical Machineghvhvs2tuts2013!14!1

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Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof.

(IV SEM EEE Session 2013-14)
Tutorial Sheet 1
(Basic Concepts)

1) A 3phase, 6pole, 50 Hz induction motor has a slip of 1% at no load and 3% at full load. Determine
a. synchronous speed,
b. no load and full load speed
c. frequency of rotor current at standstill and at full load

2) A three phase 50 Hz. Induction motor runs at 4% slip at full load. Determine-
a. No. Of poles
b. Synchronous Speed
c. Rotor speed
d. Frequency of rotor currents
e. Speed of rotor field w.r.t stator
f. Speed of rotor field w.r.t stator field

3) A 3 phase induction motor has 54 stator slots with 8 conductors per slots and 72 rotor slots with 4 conductors
per slot. Find the number of stator and rotor turns.
4) A 6 pole, 50 Hz. Wound rotor induction motor induction motor when supplied at rated voltage and frequency
with slip rings open circuited develop voltage of 100V between any two rings. Under the same conditions its
rotor is now driven by external means at
a. 1000 rpm opposite to the direction of rotation of stator field
b. 1500 rpm in the direction of rotation of stator field
Find the voltage available between slip rings and its frequency in each of these cases.

5) A 3 phase 4 pole, 1440 rpm 50 Hz induction motor has star connected roto winding having resistance of 0.2
ohms/phase and stand still leakage reactance of 1ohm/phase. When the stator is energised at rated voltage and
frequency, the rotor induce emf at standstill is 120V/phase.
a. Calculate rotor current and rotor pf at the time of starting and full load.
b. If an external resistance of 1ohm/phase is inserted in rotor circuit calculate rotor current and rotor pf at
the time of starting.

6) A 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor is designed to have rotor copper bars. If, instead of using copper,
aluminium is used for rotor bars, explain what happens to its speed, efficiency etc. under normal running

7) Prove that the direction of rotating magnetic field reverses by interchanging the phase sequence of the 3 phase

Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof., EED
(IV SEM EEE Session 2013-14)
Tutorial Sheet 2
(Based on equivalent circuit )
1. A 10kW, 400 V, 4pole, delta connected SCIM gave the following test results ,
N.L. test: 250W, 400V, 8A, B.R. Test : 1350W, 90V, 35A ,
The stator winding resistance/phase is 0.72 ohms/phase. Calculate rotational losses and
the equivalent circuit parameters of the motor.

2. A 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4 pole, star connected SCIM has the following per phase
constants in ohms referred to stator:
= 0.15, x
=0.45, x
=0.45, X
= 28.5
Rotational losses= 400W.
Compute stator current, rotor speed, output torque and efficiency when motor is operated
at rated voltage and frequency at 4% slip.

3. A 208 V, 60 Hz, 4 pole, star connected SCIM gave the following test results
N.L. test: 450W, 208V, 1.562A, B.R. Test : 59.4W, 27V, 2.77A
The stator winding resistance between any two terminals=2.4.
a. Compute the equivalent circuit parameters of the motor.
b. Determine the shaft torque and the efficiency of the motor if it is running at its rated
speed of 1710rpm.

4. A 400V, 6 pole, 50 Hz, Y connected induction motor running at n.l. takes 7.5A with power
input of 700W. With rotor locked and 150V supplied to stator, input current is 35A with
power input of 4000W, stator resistance per phase being 0.55 . The standstill reactances of
stator and rotor as seen on stator side are estimated to be in the ratio of 1:0.5.
a. compute the equivalent circuit parameters of the motor.
b. When the motor is operating at slip of 4%, calculate stator current, pf, net motor output,
torque and motor efficiency.

5. In case of induction motor, explain why,
a) No load current is high at poor pf.
b) the air gap length is kept small as is mechanically possible.

Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof., EED
(IV SEM EEE Session 2013-14)
Tutorial Sheet 3
(Based on power flow)
1. A 6 pole, 50 Hz, 3 phase induction motor running on full load develops a useful torque of 160Nm and the
rotor emf is absorbed to make120 cycles/min . If the mechanical torque lost in friction be 12Nm, determine
a. rotor copper loss
b. i/p to the motor
c. the shaft power o/p.
d. Efficiency (Ans 720W, 18.81kW, 16.08kW, 85.5%)

2. An 8-pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz induction motor runs at a speed of 710 rpm with an input power of 35kW. The
stator copper losses at this operating condition is 1200W, while the rotational losses are 600W. Find
a. Rotor copper losses
b. Gross torque and mechanical power developed
c. Net torque and mechanical power output
3. The power input of the rotor of 440V, 50 Hz, 6 pole, 3 phase induction motor is80 KW. The motor emf is
observed to make 100 complete alternations/min. Calculate
a. Slip and motor speed
b. mechanical power developed
c. motor copper loss per phase
d. motor resistance per phase if the motor current is 65 A
4. A 3-phase, 400 V, 50 Hz induction motor takes a power input of 35kW at its full-load speed of 980 r.p.m.
The total stator losses are 1kW and the friction and windage losses are 1.5KW. Calculate
(a) slip (b) rotor ohmic losses (c) shaft power
(d) shaft torque and (e) efficiency.
5. A 3 phase star connected, 4 pole, 50 Hz, 440V induction motor draws a current of 100 A from the mains
at a power factor of 0.8 lag. The motor losses under this condition are: Stator copper losses= 1000W, rotor
copper losses= 1300W, stator core losses= 500W, Friction and windage losses= 600W. Find
a. Power transferred across the air gap
b. Internal torque developed
c. Mechanical power developed
d. Torque at the output shaft
e. Efficiency of the motor
6. What are the various classes of squirrel cage induction motor? Explain the application areas for each class?

Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof., EED
(IV SEM EEE Session 2013-14)
Tutorial Sheet 4
(Based on Starting Methods)
1. Calculate the ratio of transformation of an auto transformer starter for a 25kW, 400 V, 3 phase
induction motor if the starting torque is to be 75% of full load torque. Assume the slip at full load
to be 3.5% and the short circuit current to be six times full load current. Ignore the magnetizing
current of the transformer and of the motor. (ans 0.77)
2. A 30kW, 440 V, 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor develops a starting torque of 182Nm at
rated voltage and has a full load torque of 135Nm. The starting current of the motor is 207A at
rated voltage. If the motor is started using auto transformer starting, determine:
a. The starting torque when the voltage is reduced to 254V.
b. The voltage that must be applied for the motor to develop a starting torque equal to full load
c. The starting currents in parts (a) and (b).
d. The starting voltage to limit the starting current at 40A and corresponding starting voltage.

3. A 3 phase, squirrel cage induction motor has maximum torque equal to twice the full load torque.
Determine the ratio of motor starting torque to its full load torque, if it is started by
a. D.O.L. starter., (b) Star- delta starter, (c) Auto transformer starter with 70% tapping.
The per phase rotor resistance and per phase stand still reactance referred to stator are 0.2
ohms and 2 ohms resp. Neglect stator impedance.
4. A 3 phase, 4 pole wound rotor induction motor has star connected rotor winding with rotor
resistance of 0.12ohms/phase. With slip rings shorted, the motor develops rated torque at slip of
0.04 and line current of 100A. Calculate
a. External resistance to be inserted in each rotor phase to limit current to 100A.
b. pu torque developed at above rotor resistance starting.
c. External resistance to be inserted in per phase to develop f.l. torque at synchronous speed
with line current of 100A. Neglect magnetising current. (2.4ohms, 1pu, 0.525ohms)
5. A 3 phase, 4 pole wound rotor induction motor has star connected rotor winding with rotor
resistance of 4.5ohms/phase and standstill leakage reactance of 8.5ohms/phase. With no external
resistance in the rotor circuit, the motor develops starting torque of 85Nm,
a. What is the rotor voltage at stand still?
b. What would be the starting torque if a 3 ohms resistance were added in each rotor phase?
c. Neglecting stator voltage drop, what would be the induced rotor voltage and torque at a slip
of 0.03.

Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof., EED
(IV SEM EEE Session 2013-14)
Tutorial Sheet 5
(Based on Speed control)
1. A 20kW, 3-phase, 400V, 4 pole, 50 Hz. Squirrel cage induction motor, when working at rated voltage
and frequency, develops a full load torque at 1470 rpm. If the motor is fed from 40Hz source, with its
voltage adjusted to give the same air gap flux as at 50 Hz, then calculate
a) The magnitude of the 40Hz voltage source
b) The speed at which the motor would run so that the same full load torque, as at 50Hz, is
developed. (320 V, 1170 rpm)
2. A 3-phase, 400V, 12 pole, 50 Hz induction motor has star connected rotor and the resistance measured
across any two slip rings is 0.04 ohms. Its full load slip is 0.02. Calculate the resistance to be inserted in
the rotor circuit to reduce the full load slip to 350rpm. The torque required by the load varies as the speed
squared. Assume torque slip curve to be straight line in the normal operating region. (Ans. 0.568 ).
3. A 3 phase, 4 pole wound rotor induction motor has a rating of 110kW, 1760 rpm, 2.3kV, 60 Hz. Three
external resistors of 2 ohms are connected in Y across rotor slip rings. Under these conditions the motor
develops a torque of 300 Nm at a speed of 1000rpm. If the torque is increased to 400 Nm, calculate the
corresponding speed. Assume linear torque slip characteristic . (Ans. 734 rpm) .
4. A 3 phase, 480V, 6 pole, 60 Hz, Star connected induction motor has the rotor resistance referred to
stator as 0.3 ohms. Assume the load torque to be constant and equal to 120Nm. Calculate
a. The rotor speed at rated voltage.
b. Find the speed if the voltage is reduced to 20%
c. The external resistance to be added in rotor circuit if the speed is to be decreased by 20%.
1. A 480V, 2 pole, 60 Hz, Star connected induction motor has an equivalent series inductive
reactance of 4 ohms and a stator resistance of 0.2 ohms. The rotor resistance referred to stator is
0.3 ohms. The motor is driving a constant torque load of 60 Nm at a speed of 3500rpm. Calculate
a. The maximum frequency of the supply voltage that would not result in stalling of the motor.
b. The motor current and power at 60Hz.
c. Motor speed and current if the frequency is decreased to 50Hz and voltage kept constant at
rated voltage.
d. motor speed and current if the frequency is decreased to 50Hz but in such a way that V/f ratio
is kept constant.

Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof., EED
(IV SEM EEE Session 2013-14)
Tutorial Sheet 6
1. A 40hp, 1760 rpm, 440V, 3 phase squirrel cage induction machine has to be used
as an asynchronous generator. The rated current of the motor is 41A and the full
load pf is 84%.
a. Calculate the capacitance required per phase if the capacitors are connected in delta.
b. At what speed should the driving engine run to generate a frequency of 60Hz at full
load, assuming f.l. slip of motor and generator to be same. (Ans. 78F, 1840 rpm)

2. A 400V, 50Hz, 4 pole, 3 phase star connected induction motor has the following
data: Stator and rotor leakage impedance per phase=(0.5+j1.2) ohms and
(0.3+j1.0) ohms. Full load slip=0.05
Determine the initial braking torque soon after plugging.

3. If the standstill impedance of the outer cage of a double cage machine is
(0.3+j0.4) ohms and of the inner cage is (0.1+j1.5) ohms, compare the relative
currents and torques of the two cages
a. at standstill b. At a slip of 5%. (3.007, 27.12, 0.41574, 0.51853)

4. The two cages of a 3 phase, 50 Hz, 4 pole, delta connected induction motor have
respective standstill leakage impedance of (2+j8) and (9+j2) per phase. Estimate
the gross torque developed:
a. At standstill, the effective rotor voltage being 230V/phase.
b. At 1450 rpm

Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof., EED
(IV SEM EEE Session 2013-14)
Tutorial Sheet 6
Synchronous Generators
1. A turbine turning at 200rpm is connected to a synchronous generator. If the induced voltage has a frequency of
60 Hz.,
a. How many poles does the rotor have?
b. Which type of construction is used for rotor?
c. Which type of turbine is used as primemover?

2. A 3 phase star connected synchronous generator produces an open circuit line voltage of 6928V when the dc
exciting current is 50A. The ac terminals are then short circuited, and the three line currents are found to be
a. Calculate the synchronous reactance per phase.
b. Calculate the terminal voltage if three 12 ohms resistors are connected in star across the terminals.

3. A 30MVA, 15kV, 60 Hz. Ac generator has a synchronous reactance of 1.2p.u. and a resistance of 0.02p.u.
a. the base voltage, base power and base impedance of the generator.
b. The actual value of the synchronous reactance.
c. The actual winding resistance, per phase.
d. The total full load copper losses.

4. A test taken on the 500MVA, 3 phase, 60Hz., 200rpm star connected alternator gives open circuit voltage of
15kV for a dc exciting current of 1400A. With the same dc current, with the armature short circuited the
resulting line current is 21000A. Calculate
a. the base impedance of the generator per phase.
b. The value of the synchronous reactance per phase
c. The per unit value of X

5. The 3 phase star connected generator has the following parameters
=2440V, X
=144ohms, r
= 17ohms, load impedance=175ohms(resistive). Calculate
a. the synchronous impedance per phase
b. the total resistance of the circuit per phase
c. the total reactance of the circuit per phase
d. the line current
e. the line voltage across the load
f. the phase angle between E
and the voltage across the load

6. A 3 phase, star connected synchronous alternator has excitation voltage of 12kV and synchronous reactance of
2ohms. If for a given load, corresponding terminal voltage is 14kV.
a. Calculate the total active power output of the generator
b. Calculate the power factor of the load
c. Whether the generator is delivering or receiving the reactive power?
d. Draw the corresponding phasor diagram for one phase. Given E
leads E by 30

7. A given steam turbine generator of 732 MVA has a synchronous reactance of 1.3p.u. The excitation voltage is
adjusted to 1.2p.u. and the machine is connected to an infinite bus of 19kV. If the torque angle is 20
a. the active power output and the line current
b. draw the phasor diagram for one phase
c. if the steam valves of the generator are closed:
i. calculate the active power output of the generator
ii. does the alternator receive or deliver the reactive power and how much?
Priya Mahajan, Asst. Prof., EED

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