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Application Note - Power Quality On Electric Ships

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Electric power system simulation and analysis software

has been used by energy utilities for the analysis of power
quality problems for many years. Power quality problems can be
simplistically dened as cases where the electric quantities (voltage or
current) diverge from the ideal. Power quality issues involve virtually
all aspects of the power system operation, from steady state voltage
regulation to the control of high frequency transients caused by
lightning or system switching operations. Since many power quality
problems involve complex interactions between the power system,
control systems and industrial equipment, simulation tools can be
very helpful toward developing an understanding of the dynamics
of power quality problems and then evaluating the effectiveness of
various solution alternatives.
The electric power grid of a ship can be regarded as a small scale
industrial power system. A ships electric energy system consists of
a generator set and a distribution cabling system serving the loads.
In the case of a conventional ships power system, there are at least
two main AC generators driven by diesel engines, gas turbines or
the main propulsion engine. Power is supplied to the electric loads
consisting of:
the conventional auxiliary systems similar to an industrial plant
(lighting and motors driving rotating machinery)
the main and auxiliary ship propulsion systems.
Typical ship electrical networks can operate at 50/60 Hz while naval
applications often require 400 Hz systems. Increased electric power
demands in ships have led to the introduction of medium-voltage
(high in ship terms) operating levels of 3.3 and 6 kV.
Recent developments in power semiconductor and power elec-
tronics technology and their application in drive and control systems
have now enabled the integrated full electric propulsion of ships. The
term electric ship now generally refers to a ship with a full electric
propulsion system. It is the advent of AC electric propulsion in ships
that has introduced a whole new set of power quality complexities on
Characteristics of a Ships Power System
Hybrid Energy System The nature of a ships electric energy system
is highly hybrid comprising of both AC and DC subsystems of various
operation voltages and frequencies. This scenario closely resembles
the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) of energy utility electri-
cal grids (i.e. the recently developed power electronic devices, which
can attain optimal exploitation of transmission systems by accurately
controlling their real and reactive power ows through them).
Power Quality
on Electric Ships
Figure 1 Shipboard Power
Quality simulation studies.
Large Power System The total power installed per unit volume is
large, especially in propulsion applications of an electric ship. For
example, the installed power system of a modern container-ship with
electric propulsion can be in the range of 80100 MVA.
Non-Linear Loads with Non-Conventional Behaviour
The greatest amount of energy on a ship is used by electric motors
(acting either as main propulsion units or as drivers of auxiliary
engines). Besides rotating electric motors comprising of dynamic
loads, there is a signicant amount of non-linear loads with non-
conventional behaviour.
Sensitivity to Power Quality & EMI Problems
A considerable number of electronic devices installed onboard
(automation systems, controllers and navigation systems) are sensi-
tive to power quality and EMI problems provoked in particular by
the extensive use of power electronics. Hence, the power quality
problems related to harmonic distortion, voltage dips or switching
electromagnetic transients are of extreme importance and have to be
thoroughly analysed.
According to the all electric ship concept, every major or minor
system onboard the ship, propulsion being the predominant one, will
eventually be electried and served by a large scale electric system
(of several 10s of MW) with multiple redundancy in components and
Power Quality problems in ship systems can be grouped as
Propulsion Main or auxiliary propulsion motor start-up and steady-
state operation in conjunction with their power electronic converters.
Switching Transients Overvoltages and overcurrents due to making
or breaking of circuit breakers (i.e. transformer electrication, cable
disconnection, fault clearances and load shedding).
Harmonic Distortion Introduced by the use of power electronic
Consequences of Ship Power Quality Problems
Improper operation of sensitive electronic equipment due to electro-
magnetic interference,
Increased reactive losses,
Increased insulation stresses or even equipment breakdowns,
Raise of resonance phenomena, and
Increased electromagnetic signature.
Examples Two examples of power quality problems that can be
encountered on a ship system are:
The clearance of a single-phase shipboard fault occurring nearby an
induction motor
Voltage quality problems caused by pulsed loads.
Single-Phase Shipboard Fault This particular example comes from
an actual scenario that took place on a passenger ship with auxiliary
electric propulsion (thrusters). Specically, near the induction motor
driving one of the ships thrusters, a single-phase fault occurred (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2 Single-line diagram of study case.
With the trend toward electric
vehicles and transit systems,
simulation programs are no
longer just for the use of
electrical utilities.
Initially, when the electric motor starts-up, a transient inrush
over-current is absorbed by the motor leading to the rst voltage sag.
When the fault takes place in phase C, at 1.7 seconds, a signicant
over-current ows in this faulty phase resulting in a very severe volt-
age dip, especially in this phase of the motor feeding the line. A few
ms later (at 1.9 seconds), the corresponding circuit breaker protecting
the feeder trips, interrupting the power supply to the motor. This
time, the motor suffers from an abrupt voltage zero and starts
decelerating rapidly (refer to plots of voltage and current shown on
Figure 1, and Figure 3). At the same time, the circuit breaker contacts
are subjected to a transient recovery over-voltage reaching 160% of
the nominal value. Then, at 2.2 seconds the circuit breaker re-closes
identifying no further faults as the latter fault has already cleared at
2.0 seconds. The motor re-enters a starting-up procedure, absorbing
a transient inrush current, which in turn, provokes another minor
voltage sag in all three phases. Eventually, the simulated voltage
converges to its steady-state value of approximately 220 V (rms
Pulsed Loads A second example of a ship power quality issue that
can be studied with PSCAD relates to the voltage quality problems
caused by pulsed loads.
Pulsed loads have been introduced in modern shipboard energy
systems via the installation of weaponry or navigation systems. This
pulse energy demand has to be provided by the ship energy sources,
while not impacting the operation of the rest of the system. One
example of a pulsed-load on shipboard is the rail-gun weapon system
in naval ships. Also, the radar power demands on shipboard can be
regarded as pulsed-like peaks occurring on a periodic time basis.
The pulsed load behaviour can be modelled in PSCAD

via the
parallel combination of two resistive elements. The rst resistance,
RM, being alwayson-line is of fairly large value, whereas the second
branch comprises of an extremely small valued resistance, Rp, where
the current ows only when a power electronic switch is triggered.
As the current owing in the actual pulsed load device is only
positive, the corresponding model is complemented by a rectier
diode placed in series to the parallel combination of branches. The
complete circuit set-up of the study case considered is depicted in
Figure 4. Thus, the pulse load is supplied with energy via a distribu-
tion feeder.
The pulsed load waveform is approximated by a circuit model
synthesized in PSCAD via conventional components. The simulated
voltage across the load terminals is subjected to signicant sag
(see Figure 5), due to the voltage drop on the source and cable
impedances. It is noticed that the cable stray capacitance, which
is of relatively high value compared with the overhead lines or
distribution cables used in continental grids, tends to ameliorate the
phenomenon. More specically, they offer an amount of reactive
power acting as voltage stabilizers.
During the current pulse, the terminals at the generator busbars
are subjected to signicant sag if not voltage zero, which conse-
quently can cause other problems to the rest of the loads connected.
For instance, the motors would experience an abrupt deceleration
due to this sag and would restart again resembling the short-circuit
cases. A solution to this problem would be the installation of an
auxiliary power source (e.g. capacitor bank, or batteries in conjunc-
Figure 3 Motor terminal voltage (RMS-value) uctuation.
Figure 4 System with pulsed load modelled in PSCAD

Figure 5 System voltage with sag due to pulse load.
tion with an inverter) injecting temporarily the amount of
excess energy demanded by the pulsed load. It is also worth
noting that in this case, after the end of the pulse, a tran-
sient over-voltage is developed mainly due to the interaction
between distribution cable inductance and capacitance.
The two case study examples are just a sample of the power
quality issues that can be encountered on a modern ship.
The simulation of power quality phenomena occurring in
ship electric power systems and propulsion systems helps us
to better understand and mitigate the issues. Phenomena
occurring in both AC and DC ship subsystems including
voltage sags, transient inrush over-currents and transient
over-voltage spikes, are successfully simulated in PSCAD,
analysed and discussed, while the effect of certain critical
parameters are investigated.
Prepared by John Prousalidis (Greece) and Dr. Dhar-
shana Muthumuni (Canada). Please email info@pscad.
com if you have an article you would like to submit on
the use of PSCAD

Manitoba HVDC Research Centre Inc.
244 Cree Crescent
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3J 3W1
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