The affidavit establishes that the individual is the child of the deceased account holder, provides documentation of their identity, and claims the deposit insurance of $20,000 from their parent's time deposit, savings, or current account held at the bank, releasing the bank from further obligations regarding the claim. The individual also agrees to refund any payment received and indemnify the bank or third parties for any losses from such payment.
The affidavit establishes that the individual is the child of the deceased account holder, provides documentation of their identity, and claims the deposit insurance of $20,000 from their parent's time deposit, savings, or current account held at the bank, releasing the bank from further obligations regarding the claim. The individual also agrees to refund any payment received and indemnify the bank or third parties for any losses from such payment.
Original Description:
(for BANK DEPOSITS) Legal Forms
The affidavit establishes that the individual is the child of the deceased account holder, provides documentation of their identity, and claims the deposit insurance of $20,000 from their parent's time deposit, savings, or current account held at the bank, releasing the bank from further obligations regarding the claim. The individual also agrees to refund any payment received and indemnify the bank or third parties for any losses from such payment.
The affidavit establishes that the individual is the child of the deceased account holder, provides documentation of their identity, and claims the deposit insurance of $20,000 from their parent's time deposit, savings, or current account held at the bank, releasing the bank from further obligations regarding the claim. The individual also agrees to refund any payment received and indemnify the bank or third parties for any losses from such payment.
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CITY OF ________________) SS.
AFFIDAVIT OF GUARDIANSHIP (for BANK DEPOSITS) I, ________________________, of legal age a Filipino citizen, married to ________________ and presently residing at ________________________, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby depose and say: 1. That, I am the child of _____________________________; 2. That, I am submitting a certified true copy of my Birth Certificate which was issued by___________________ on __________________; 3. That, _________________ maintained Time Deposit/Savings/Current Accounts No. _________________ with __________________under the account name ________________ having an amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20, 000. 00); 4. That, I, the only child, hereby lay claim to the deposit insurance due on the account; 5. That, I shall be held liable to any person, that may be prejudiced by my representations, in addition to other liabilities, civil or criminal, that may arise therefrom; hereby releasing and discharging the _______________________ from any all further obligations in connection with this claim; 6. That, I further undertake to refund _______ the amount paid to me including interests thereon and indemnify _______, the bank and/or third parties for any loss or damages occasioned by such payment. I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing facts. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my signature this ____ day of ____________ 2014 at ________________________, Philippines. ________________ Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me, a notary public in and for ______________________ this day of _______________, 2014. The affiant, whom I identified through the following competent evidence of identity:___________________, valid from________________ to __________________, issued by ___________________, personally signed the foregoing instrument before me and avowed under penalty of law tho the whole truth of the contents of said instrument. Notary Public Doc. No.______ Page No. ______ Book No. ______ Series of 2014