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Biblical Priesthood

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The priesthood of all believers an evangelical catchphrase since Luthers day used to bash RC
But a robust biblical-theological understanding of the doctrine?[ii]
How do the dual concepts of kingdom (sovereignty) and cultus (holiness) relate?

a) Within the framework of Covenant Theology.[iii]
b) Patterns/types/design of a) the sanctuary, b) priestly responsibilities and functions.
Main thesis
1. The OT Priests (Aaron + sons) prefigure and find fulfilment in Jesus Christ.
2. The OT Levites prefigure and find fulfilment in the Church.
The Sanctuary
The Divine Sanctuary: 3 levels of graded holiness. A holy dwelling-place for God and his people.
Various expressions: Garden of Eden, tabernacle/temple, Christ (in earth/heaven), the Church and
the New Creation.
Nb movement from perishable to imperishable.
Sanctuary closely associated with Sabbath rest (cf Leviticus 19:30).


Genesis 1 Genesis 2
Adams role Kingly: to rule in Gods image Priestly: to guard (shamar) and serve it
(abad). Levitical concepts
Gods Name Elohim YHWH
Geography The World (general) The Garden sanctuary (specific)
A definition of biblical priesthood
The priesthood (in the Bible) is a people called and set apart by God to
maintain and guard and mediate to others the conditions necessary for
enjoying permanent fellowship with God and divine blessing.
Mandate To govern/order and fill the
To serve and guard the sanctuary (and redeem
the world)
Gen 2 describes a garden with features of a divine sanctuary; precious stones, rivers, trees in
abundance, cherubim.
Adams job: to serve it (abad) and guard it (shamar). Levitical concepts used together of
Levites in the tabernacle.
Adams disobedience results in being ejected and barred from the Tree of Life and the Garden
Cherubim appointed as guardians to execute by sword anyone who enters without authorisation.
Adam must guard Gods word, the sanctuary, and himself. Gods plan to extend the sanctuary over
the whole cosmos (cf Rev 21).

No institutionalised priesthood/sanctuary; cult in embryo form.
Patriarchs build altars, and either pitch a tent (Gen 12-33) or set up stone pillars (Gen 28-Ex 24).

Cult now institutionalised. Israel redeemed for worship on Mt Sinai.
But Israels status as a kingdom of priests and holy nation[v] is forfeited at Golden Calf.
The Tabernacle
A mobile Eden; materials of tabernacle (Ex 26) like priestly garments (Ex 28)[vi]: the priest was a
walking tabernacle;
containing Ark of the Covenant and Decalogue, ie the locus of Gods rule.
The Priestly Tribe of Levi
The name "Levi" (ywIle) given at birth by Leah (Genesis 29:34)[vii] as a pun on the Hebrew
word lw (to join or attach).[viii]
In Num, the Levites are joined to Aaron to assist in tabernacle service. (cf Union with
The tribe is characterised by a fighting spirit (Genesis 49:5) = zeal for the LORD.[ix]
Cf Golden Calf incident when all the Levites rallied to [Moses] (Exodus 32:26). Like the
cherubim guarding Eden.
This loyalty and fighting spirit are good qualities for priestly work[x] (cf Christian
discipleship in Matt 10:32-39).
A priestly tribe; The Levites [tribe] have no portion among you, for the priesthood of the LORD
is their heritage." (Josh 18:7)
The Priests
Ordination: ceremonial washing in Bronze Sea, + priestly garments.
Aaron and his sons (alone) had unique priestly role:
to serve at the altar and inside the curtain (Num 18:7);[xi]
offer sacrifices, burn incense (Num 16:40), mediate for sinners (Num 25:13), bear
responsibility for offences against the priesthood (Num 17:1). Plus a teaching role (Deut
31:9-13),esp to distinguish between clean and unclean (Lev 10:8-11).
The High Priest alone entered the MHP once a year on the Day of Atonement.
The Levites
Levites given to Aaron in place of all the firstborn of the Israelites (Num 3:12, 41, 45)[xii] as gifts
to help assist him in guard-duty and service of the tabernacle (Num 3:5f).[xiii]
Levites are not Priests (Num 16);[xiv] clean rather than holy (Numbers 8:6-7).[xv]
The tribe of Levi not counted in the census (Num 1:47). The Lord is their inheritance (Num
In the Israelite camp, the Levites encamped on three adjacent sides of the tabernacle as
guards (Aarons sons on fourth side).
Transportation duties for tabernacle are delegated and divided among the 3 Levite clans.

A Golden Age of Israels history. Military and political rest from Israels enemies; Jerusalem a
place of rest for the Ark.
Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7) God promises a house (royal line) for David. Solomon builds the
Role of Levites as tent-bearers redundant. Levite responsibilities diversified to include:
Music, singing, gatekeepers, supervisors of temple-work, treasurers, distribution of gifts, officials
and judges, administrators, caterers, food preparation, purification, prophesying, etc. (1 Chr 9, 23-
26, 2 Chr 29) and instructors of Gods word (Neh 8:7f).

Exile: Prophets speak against the sin and failure of the Priests and Levites (cf Mal 1-2, Zech 3).
Temple destroyed (2 Kings 25).
BUT a new temple (Ezekiel 40-44);[xvi]
Levites will be refined like gold and silver (Malachi 3:3);
Levites as countless as the stars in the sky (Jer 33:22);
foreigners will (lawa) join (or bind NIV) themselves to the LORD to serve him (ebed) all who
keep (shamar) the Sabbath (Isaiah 56).[xvii]

Jesus the true tabernacle in flesh (John 1:14) & the true temple in resn (John 2).[xviii] As Adam
in Eden, Jesus is now the sanctuary were called to guard and serve to ensure blessings/relationship
with God. But not with real swords (cf Js rebuke in Gethsemane).
He also fulfils the priestly functions of the OT.
1. 1. He fulfils the OT role of Aaronic priest
2. 2. He fulfils the OT role of the High Priest
3. 3. Displays the characteristics of faithful Levites.
THE CHURCH on whom the fulfilment of the ages has come (1 Cor 10:11)
The Dwelling-place of God
Individually: an earthly tent/body, a heavenly dwelling (oikos/temple) 2Cor 5:1-5.
Corporately: the Church is the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16). House/household building and
The Priesthood of All Believers (1 Pet 2:5, 9; Rev 1:6, 5:10, 7:14-15, 20:6, 22:14)
By faith and baptism in Christ we are ordained into Christs priesthood.[xix] Like the OT
priesthood, the NT priesthood has two aspects (priestly and Levite):
1. 1. We participate in Christs priesthood: we serve God offering spiritual (non-bloody)
sacrifices and prayer:
a) We offer our bodies as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1-2)
b) We offer spiritual sacrifices pleasing to God (1 Peter 2:5)
c) We offer a sacrifice of thanks and praise (Heb 13:15)
d) We offer good works and share with others (Heb 13:16)
e) We offer the incense that is prayer (Rev 8:3)
f) Priestly ministry of proclaiming gospel (Rom 15:16)
g) We receive food of grace from spiritual altar (Heb 13:9-10)

2. We fulfil the role of Levite united/joined to the High Priest to assist in his ministry (with
practical works of service).
Based on Levitical ministry (1 Chron 9, 23-26, 2 Chron 29, Neh 8:7f):-
a) Gate-Keepers/Guardians Contending for the faith & guarding doctrine and holiness
(Jude 3)
b) Builders Evangelists/ Proclaiming Christ (Eph 4:11, 1 Peter 2:9, cf
enlarging the tent Is 54:2)
c) Instructors of Gods Word Bible Teachers (Rom 12:7)
d) Prophesying Preaching/ Prophesying (Rom 12:6)
e) Project Managers/supervisors Christian Leadership (Rom 12:8)
f) Administrators Administration (1 Cor 12:28)
g) Musicians/singers Music and Praise in Worship (1 Peter 2:9)
h) Treasurers, distribution of gifts Treasurers/Practical Service (Eph 4:12)
i) Meal-times (caterers/ food prep) The Lords Supper (Fellowship Meal)

Questions for discussion and/or further thought
To what extent does all this enlarge our vision of what NT priesthood is?
Are we serving Christ with due care? Are we guarding the doctrine of Christ? Or letting unclean
doctrine slip in.
Are we serving the Church with due care? Are we guarding our lives individually and corporately
with the same zeal that the Levites did?
To what extent should we adopt/increase the use of cultic language into our corporate life?

[i] Currently, ironically, official RC doctrine explicitly affirms the priesthood of all believers, but
adds a three-fold priestly office derived from the OT priesthood.
[ii] Helpful books on the cultus of Israel include Van Gemerens Progress of Redemption, W.
Dumbrells Covenant and Creation, Noel Dues Made for Worship, and David Petersons Engaging
With God. Also Greg Beales, The Temple and the Churchs Mission where he argues from a
thorough exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures that the Garden of Eden was the first (typological)
temple. He explores Adam and Eves role as that of extending the Garden/temple throughout the
whole earth.
[iii] Most Reformed scholars consider this to be the architectonic principle of Scripture, the lens
through which theology is best understood.
[iv] The Noahic covenant is a renewal of the Covenant of Creation. Noah becomes a new Adam
whose responsibility it is to have dominion over the earth.
[v] Some scholars maintain (from Judges 17:10) that prior to the Levitical priesthood the father of
the family acted as the family priest.
[vi] The sons of Aaron had to wear special garments specified by God to give them dignity and
honour (Exodus 28:2, 40). These were to be worn so that they may serve me as priests says God
(Exodus 28:4). The fact that precious stones were attached with the names of the sons of Israel
suggests that they represented the sons of Israel when they brought their offerings to God in the
tabernacle. A priest also wore a breastpiece, a turban, a tunic, a sash and a headband. Wearing the
right clothes was essential for drawing near to God and serving him acceptably (cf Leviticus 16:23-
24). And on certain occasions these garments needed to be washed, cf the Levites ordination
(Numbers 8). Repeatedly, God makes it clear that the priests are to be holy to their God because
they present the offering to the LORD by fire. Their special role within Israel gives them a different
status. Their holiness is rooted Gods holiness; Consider them holy, because I the LORD am holy
I who make you holy. (Lev 12:8, cf 22:15,23, 22:9,16,32).
[vii] Again she conceived, and when she gave birth to a son she said, "Now at last my husband will
become attached to me, because I have borne him three sons." So he was named Levi. Genesis
[viii] The word lawa can also be used for military alliances (Psalm 83:8). The TWOT Hebrew
Lexicon also states; As a term referring to conversion [lawa] describes those who, impressed by
God's work in restoring his people, will join themselves to the Hebrews in the worship and service
of God, i.e. will be spiritually converted (Isa 14:1). Others will join themselves to God as a result of
some divine judgment (Zech 2:5; cf. Est 9:27). Such Gentile converts are assured that they will not
be separated from God's Covenant (Isa 56:3-6). Someday God's repentant people will (re)join
themselves to a true covenant relationship to God (Jer 50:5).
[ix] When Shechem, a Hivite, rapes Jacobs daughter Dinah, Simeon and Levi respond by attacking
their city killing every male (Gen 34:25). Jacob rebukes them fearing recrimination from the
surrounding Canaanites, but their answer reveals their zeal for purity and holiness; Should he have
treated our sister like a prostitute?(Gen 34:31). The rest of the blessing is more a curse than a
blessing (cursed be their anger I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel). God
takes worldly war-craft and turns it into spiritual war-craft.
[x] This zeal to defend the honour of God as one of the main characteristics of priesthood is
confirmed in one particular incident when Israel had been joining in worshipping the Baal of Peor
(Numbers 25). After Moses tells Israels judges to put to death all the men who have joined in the
worship, one of the Israelite men brings a Midianite woman to the Tent of Meeting Phinehas, the
grandson of Aaron, takes a spear and follows the Israelite into the tent and kills them both. The
plague then stops. The LORD then says to Moses;
"Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron,
the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my
honour among them, so that in my zeal I did not put an end to them.
Therefore tell him I am
making my covenant of peace with him.
He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting
priesthood, because he was zealous for the honour of his God and made atonement for the
Israelites." (Numbers 25:10-13).
[xi] God says to Aaron; only you and your sons may serve as priests in connection with everything
at the altar and inside the curtain. I am giving you the service of the priesthood as a gift. Anyone
else who comes near the sanctuary [inc Levites] must be put to death. (Numbers 18:7).
[xii] At the Golden Calf, the covenant was effectively broken. It was so disastrous for Israel that her
status as firstborn son was taken from her and given to the Levites instead. The Hebrew word tahat
(eg Num 3:12) can mean in place of, instead of, under (ie to succeed [as in royal
The LORD said to Moses,
"Bring [lit. bring near] the tribe of Levi and present them to
Aaron the priest to assist him.
They are to perform duties for him and for the whole community at
the Tent of Meeting by doing the work of the tabernacle.
They are to take care of all the
furnishings of the Tent of Meeting, fulfilling the obligations of the Israelites by doing the work of
the tabernacle.
Give the Levites to Aaron and his sons; they are the Israelites who are to be given
wholly to him. (Numbers 3:5-9).
[xiv] This particular distinction between Levites and priests comes into sharp focus in Numbers 16-
18, when Moses and Aaron and the Aaronic priesthood as a whole face a leadership challenge.
The ringleaders are Korah (a Levite), Dathan, Abiram and On, plus 250 Israelites many of whom
wielded some clout within the community. Specifically, their issue is with the very concept and
authority of the priesthood and a perceived priestly authoritarianism within Israel. So they come to
Moses and Aaron and say; You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of
them, and the LORD is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the LORDs assembly?
(Numbers 16:3). The budding of Aarons staff alone in the Tent of Meeting (Numbers 17) confirms
that Aaron and his sons alone are authorised to serve as priests behind the curtain in the Most Holy
[xv] Philip Jenson, NIDOTTE, Vol 2, p773.
[xvi] In Ezekiel 40-44, Ezekiel paints a picture of a glorious new three-tiered temple in Jerusalem.
As a type of divine dwelling place there is escalation on previous types. It includes a pavement,
many rooms, from its threshold a stream of water flows that grows into a river too wide to cross that
irrigates the trees on the banks of the river and flows into the Dead Sea turning the salt water fresh
and giving life.
[xvii] these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayerfor my
house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.
[xviii] Were familiar with the tabernacle and temple being types of Christ. Its tempting to see the
journey of the tabernacle as a type of Jesus earthly ministry and Solomons temple as a shadow of
his exalted heavenly ministry. Thus, his incarnation (cf the Ark gets clothed at Sinai), his arrest (cf
the Philistine Gentile capture of the Ark), his death (foreshadowed by the gold rats on the cart of the
Ark on its return), and his resurrection/ascension (cf the building of the temple).
[xix] Martin Luther says that Through baptism we have all been ordained as priests. Luthers
Works Volume 6.

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