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Team FME

Project Management Skills

Project Management
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9

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ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9
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ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 1

Table of Contents
Preface 2
Visit Our Website 3
Introduction 4

? 7
What is a Project? 9
Types of Project 12
What is Project Management? 15
Understanding How Projects are Organized 17
Matrix-Management Environment 21
Project Management Roles and Responsibilities 26
The Project Stakeholders 26
The Project Sponsor 28
The Project Manager 30
Understanding the Project Life Cycle 32
The Initiation Phase 33
The Planning Phase 36
The Execution Phase 39
The Closure Phase 41

Guide 43

Process Groups 44

Knowledge Areas and Processes 46

Summary 50
Other Free Resources 52
References 53
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 2

Organizations are increasingly using project management techniques within their opera-
tions, and the specialist language of project management has become more and more
commonplace in managerial and executive meetings. This trend is here to stay and it
means that managers need to be familiar with project management roles, terms, and
The Project Management Institute (PMI) is a not-for-proft professional organization for
the project management profession with the purpose of advancing project management.
It is responsible for maintaining the industry standard known as The Project Manage-
ment Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), which is recognized by the American Na-
tional Standards Institute (ANSI). The PMI is also responsible for administering the most
widely recognized and respected project management credential (PMP), which is held
by over 500,000 project management professionals worldwide.
This eBook has been designed to help managers understand the principles of project
management and how the processes detailed in the PMBOK Guide support them.
You will learn:
How projects are defned and why they differ from business processes
How the structure of an organization impacts project management
How project management roles and responsibilities are defned
What the PMBOK Guide is and how it can help you
What type of projects lend themselves to the PMBOK framework
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 3

Visit Our Website
More free management eBooks along with a series of essential templates and check-
lists for managers are all available to download free of charge to your computer, iPad, or
Amazon Kindle.
We are adding new titles every month, so dont forget to check our website regularly for
the latest releases.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 4

The impact of technology and its infuence on organizational processes is an essential
aspect of any growth strategy. It is hard to fnd any development or procedural change
that does not have an information technology aspect and in many cases it is actually the
changes in available technology that drive the need to change organizational processes.
This has led to a merging of IT working practices into that of general management in-
cluding the use of project management.
(IT) now plays
a signicant
role in
IT specialist
integrate with
the most
Managers now fnd that they are frequently involved in projects that are being managed
using a formalized project management methodology. Communications forms a key part
of such projects and if you are going to be successful in your role as a manager it is
essential that you have a thorough understanding of project management terminology,
processes, and procedures.
There are various ways in which projects can be approached and a host of methodolo-
gies, frameworks, and processes have been developed over the past 60 years or so.
Some of these have their origins in academic research whereas others have grown out
of proprietary methods developed by organizations that are highly project focused, for
example management consultancies.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 5

Key Project
Each of these approaches has its own way of looking at projects and its own terminology
for the documents and processes that make up project management. There has been
some rationalization in recent years but there are still a dozen widely used methods. The
ones you are most likely to encounter are PMBOK, PRINCE2, Critical Chain, and Agile.
PMBOK is short for Project Management Body of Knowledge, which describes
project management practices that are common to most projects, most of the
time. The PMBOK is published by the Project Management Institute (PMI),
which was formed in the USA in 1969. The PMI also offers various levels of certi-
fcation and the PMBOK is widely used and respected.
PRINCE2 is a process-based approach for project management, providing an eas-
ily tailored and scalable methodology for the management of all types of projects.
The method is the standard for public sector projects in the UK and is practiced
worldwide. The acronym stands for Projects in a Controlled Environment and this
is a project management program that shares more of the functional and fnancial
authority with senior management, not just the project manager.
The Critical Chain method is not fundamentally different from the current main-
stream approaches but it differs in the way that it handles risk and contingency.
Developed in 1997 it is a method of planning and managing project execution
designed to deal with uncertainties inherent in managing projects, while taking
into consideration the limited availability of resources.
The Agile approach uses an iterative method of determining requirements for en-
gineering and software development projects in a highly fexible and interactive
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 6

manner. It is most often used in small-scale projects or in cases where the fnal
deliverables are too complex for the customer to understand and specify before
testing prototypes.
The project management eBooks on this website follow the PMBOK approach, but even
if your organization uses another approach most of the information and concepts will
still be helpful if you are relatively new to the subject.
These books are for anyone who wants to fnd out more about a structured approach to
project management and the PMBOK Guide. Each of these eBooks is designed to pro-
vide easy access to the concepts underlying the PMBOK Guide processes in a way that
can be used by team members and other stakeholders.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 7


The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the worlds largest not-for-proft membership
association for the project management profession. It has more than 700,000 members,
credential holders, and volunteers in nearly every country in the world.
The PMI is the publisher of the PMBOK Guide, now in its ffth edition. This internation-
ally recognized standard gives project managers the essential tools to practice project
management and deliver organizational results. Translations are available in Arabic, Chi-
nese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
One of the initiatives of the PMI is the development of global standards. These aim to
ensure that the basic project management framework is applied consistently in order to
reinforce a common language and approach between project stakeholders.
The PMBOK describes a professional approach to project management that is applica-
ble to most projects. This approach is based on its proven value and benefts in practice
through the contribution of thousands of project managers worldwide.
It is NOT a methodology but more of a framework, a structure that allows different busi-
ness processes to be grouped together. It also defnes common deliverables that act as
inputs to and outputs from each process. The framework can help you master a complex
topic in a relatively short time by acting as a map, which helps you to navigate around an
entire body of knowledge.
Offers a
Provides a
(rather than
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 8

You do not have to create every single document that is specifed in the PMBOK or
perform every process in exactly the way that is detailed. This fexibility means that you
can use your own judgment based on your experience, taking into account the size and
complexity of the project, to decide which elements are and are not appropriate.
It is the most widely used standard reference of industry best practices for project man-
agement and identifes generally accepted guidelines that are applicable to a wide range
of projects including:
Engineering and
Although the project management processes are described in detail, together with the
tools and techniques required, it does not prescribe the exact way that things should
be done. In practice each individual organization will fne-tune the approach depending
upon its structure, culture, and the particular type of project.
Another advantage of using the Guide is that it can prevent you from treating project
management as a series of ad hoc individual techniques and steer you towards a more
structured approach. This is particularly helpful when you are working with a new team
and everyone needs to understand a concept quickly in order to fne-tune it to your own
project. Even when this fne-tuning involves signifcant changes, at least everyone in-
volved will be using the same vocabulary and have the same understanding of what the
process is trying to achieve.
The eBooks in this series follow the structure of the PMBOK Guide because it repre-
sents a tried and tested framework. We have tried to ensure full alignment of our eBooks
with the Guide by using the numbering convention as well as the naming convention.
If you need more detailed explanation of a particular subject then you can simply refer
to the related chapter and paragraph number in the PMBOK Guide. Remember, many
of the generic project management methodologies available refer to the PMBOK Guide
as a basic framework.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 9

A knowledge of the PMBOK processes will go a long way towards giving you an under-
standing of almost any project management methodology that your organization may
4 Managers now fnd that they are frequently involved in projects that are being
managed using a formalized project management methodology.
4 Each of these approaches has its own way of looking at projects and its own
terminology for the documents and processes that make up project manage-
4 The project management eBooks on this website follow the PMBOK but
even if you organization uses another approach most of the information and
concepts will still be helpful if you are relatively new to the subject.
4 The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the worlds largest not-for-proft
membership association for the project management profession.
4 A knowledge of the PMBOK processes will go a long way to giving you an
understanding of almost any project management methodology.
What is a Project?
Before concerning ourselves with the details of project management documents and
processes, it is a good idea to take a step back and think about what makes something
a project and why it needs to be managed differently from the day-to-day work of the
organization. In other words,
Why do we need project management?
There are many different defnitions of what constitutes a project:
Project Management InstituteA project is a temporary endeavor undertaken
to create a unique product, service or result.
PRINCE2A Project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose
of delivering one or more business products according to an agreed Business
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 10

Association for Project Management (APM)An endeavor in which human
material and fnancial resources are organized in a novel way to deliver a unique
scope of work of given specifcation often within constraints of cost and time to
achieve benefcial changes defned by quantitative and qualitative objectives.
H. KerznerProject management is the planning, organizing, directing and
controlling of company resources for a relatively short-term objective that has
been established to complete specifc goals and objectives. Furthermore, project
management utilizes the systems approach to management by having functional
personnel (the vertical hierarchy) assigned to a specifc project (the horizontal
hierarchy) (2009).
Many organizations also have their own defnition of what constitutes a project. Which-
ever defnition you prefer does not really matter; the important thing is to be able to
identify work that constitutes a project so that it can be properly managed.
A denite start &
end point
Once the end point
is reached the
project is over
It is attempting to
achieve something
Projects have some or all of the following characteristics:
They have a defnite start and endpoint
Once the endpoint is reached the project is over
They are attempting to achieve something new
Projects can vary in size and small projects can be planned and managed by the same
person whereas larger projects may employ thousands of people working on many sites
and require a dedicated group in order to manage and coordinate the activities.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 11

Everything that an organization does can be categorized either as a project or process.
A process is something that happens continually and has a low risk associated with it,
whereas a project happens once and has a relatively high level of risk.
To illustrate this, imagine an organization that has an annual staff appraisal process in
which managers make a written assessment of their staff against criteria specifed by the
HR department. This is a process because even if the criteria change from year to year
the procedure undertaken by everyone involved remains more or less the same.
Project: occurs once
with high degree of
risk & uncertainty
all activities
within an
Process: low risk
activity that happens
If the organization decided to introduce an IT system to facilitate this process then the
selection, implementation, and testing of the new system would represent a project be-
cause it would be a one-off activity which carries the risk of exceeding the budget or
timescale allocated to it.
It is perfectly logical for different organizations to see the same activity in a different
way. For example, the supplier of the computer system may see this activity as a process
because it is something that it does every time it sells a system. Each time it does so, it
gains more experience, which allows it to plan and execute future installations based on
what it has learned previously.
This distinction is important because project management is used where there is a high
degree of uncertainty and risk because there is no experience of performing the activity.
So in this scenario,
The organization buying the system would treat it as a project.
The vendor would treat it as part of a process.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 12

The vendor would see it as a process that could be refned with each iteration in order to
reduce costs and increase the quality. The distinction between projects and processes
depends on whether the organization repeats an activity often enough for it to become
routine. Once an activity is repeated often enough within an organization to become
routine it is no longer considered a projectit becomes one of their many management
Types of Project
Projects can be broadly classifed into engineering projects and management projects.
Engineering projects encompass civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering and the f-
nal deliverables are physical objects, for example a building, reservoir, bridge, refnery,
or pre-production sample. Specialist companies or consortia invariably undertake these
types of project.
Engineering Projects
Physical items
Building, bridge
Management Projects
Intangible items
Ofce move
New IT system
Management projects include things like: restructuring the organization, preparing for
an exhibition, developing an IT system, launching a new marketing campaign, moving
offces, or indeed anything where the objective is to produce an end result that is not
identifable as a physical item.
A broad range of organizations does these types of project, including: commercial com-
panies, government departments, charities and NGOs (Non Governmental Organiza-
tions), and other not-for-proft organizations.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 13

The differences between these types of project go further than just the nature of the fnal
deliverable. For example:
Use of Specialist Staff
Engineering projects almost always represent the day-to-day work of the organization.
For example, a construction company will employ people who specialize in building of-
fce blocks, public buildings, houses, or roads.
Similarly, a manufacturing company will have design engineers to take a product from
conception, through the design process and prototyping before the work is handed over
to production engineers who will then be responsible for mass production.
This is quite different from a management project where people who dont usually run
projects may fnd themselves doing much the work.
Environmental Issues
The challenges of engineering projects are often physical in nature. For example, a con-
struction project may be held up by bad weather, the discovery of archeological remains,
or other unforeseen environmental problems.
Management projects on the other hand usually take place on the organizations own
premises and are not subject to these sorts of issues.
Specifcation of Final Deliverable
In the case of engineering projects the fnal deliverable is usually specifed in detail at
the beginning of the project because it will need to comply with existing standards or
legislation. If the deliverable is a mechanical or electronic part then it will need to ft with
the rest of the fnished product.
This is not usually the case with management projects where the exact form of the fnal
deliverable may not become clear until some of the work of the project has been done.
It may also alter as the project develops, or in response to market research or other de-
Generally speaking, engineering projects and management projects are quite different
things and this eBook is aimed at managers undertaking management projects rather
than engineering projects.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 14

4 Everything that an organization does can be categorized either as a project or
4 A process is something that happens continually and has a low risk associ-
ated with it.
4 A project happens once and has a relatively high level of risk.
4 Projects are attempting to achieve something new, they have a defnite start
and endpoint, and once the endpoint is reached the project is over.
4 Engineering projects encompass civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering
and the fnal deliverables are physical objects, for example a building, reser-
voir, bridge, refnery, or pre-production sample.
4 Management projects include things like: restructuring the organization, pre-
paring for an exhibition, developing an IT system, launching a new marketing
campaign, moving offces, or indeed anything where the objective is to pro-
duce an end result that is not identifable as a physical item.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 15

What is Project Management?
Projects need to be managed to meet their objectives, which are defned in terms of ex-
pectations of time, cost, and quality.
For example,
Project Scope: To move the organizations head offce to another location. Its re-
quirements are:
Time: Complete by March 2015
Quality: Minimize disruption to productivity
Cost: Not spend more than $125,000
The scope of the project is defned as:
the totality of the outputs, outcomes, and benefts and the work required to
produce them.
This can change over time, and it is the project managers responsibility to ensure the
project will still deliver its defned benefts. Consequently, a project manager must main-
tain focus on the relative priorities of time, cost, and quality with reference to the scope
of the project.
The Project Management Institute (PMI) defnes project management in the following way:
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and tech-
niques to meet project requirements.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 16

This defnition begs the question Exactly what knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques
will I need to successfully manage a project? In order to answer this question, it is help-
ful to look at project management from three different perspectives.
1. How the project fts into the organizationThis refers to both the project and
the individuals who will be involved in it, including how their responsibilities are
defned and how they interact with each other.
2. How the project will evolve over timeThis is referred to as the project life cycle
and is the chronological sequence of activities that need to happen in order to
deliver the project. Whatever their differences, all projects will by defnition share
a similar life cycle; they will all have a beginning, middle, and an end.
3. What knowledge is required to successfully manage the projectThese are
usually referred to as Project Knowledge Areas because there are discrete areas
within project management that can be considered in isolation even though they
are interdependent.
Project managers ask 3 key questions:
1. How does the project t into the
2. How will the project evolve over time?
3. What knowledge is required to
successfully manage the project?
This might sound unnecessarily complicated, but looking at a project from each of these
three viewpoints will give you a much better understanding of the whole process than
using any one of them individually.
To use an analogy: Imagine that a ship is traveling from London to New York.
The organizational perspective would be concerned with which members of the
crew were responsible for doing what and how they communicated and inter-
acted with each other.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 17

The life cycle of the voyage would be concerned with where the ship was and what
it was doing at any point from the beginning to the end of the journey.
The knowledge areas would be things like navigation, collision avoidance, routine
maintenance, etc. Even though these activities would be taking place continu-
ously and interdependently, it is still possible to think about them as discrete ar-
eas of knowledge.
Life Cycle
This analogy is not perfect but it does illustrate that when you are studying a complex
activity it can be helpful to look at it from a variety of perspectives in order to gain a bet-
ter understanding of the whole.
Understanding How Projects are Organized
The way in which an organization is structured is largely a result of whether its day-to-
day work is process driven or project driven.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 18

Project Focused
These organizations day-to-day work involves delivering unique projects for external
customers for a set time period. Their management structure is designed to support
projects and everyone working in the organization is assigned to one or more projects.
Examples include:
Construction companies, Consulting organizations, Software developers,
and Advertising agencies.
Process Focused
The day-to-day work of these organizations predominantly involves continually deliver-
ing products or services for external customers. Their management structure is designed
to support the process required to deliver the product or service to the end customer.
Examples include:
Utility companies, Manufacturing companies, Government departments,
Charities, and NGOs.
In reality, even the most process-focused organizations will run occasional projects and
some may have parts of the organization that are dedicated to project-based working.
The vast majority of the staff in public utilities (electricity, gas, and water) will be em-
ployed to provide an ongoing service to their customer base. But there will be some areas
of the business concerned with physical or management infrastructure that are wholly
project driven.
For example:
Staff responsible for the development of new information systems and those
responsible for the construction of new physical infrastructure, like electrical
substations and water treatment plants.
The extent to which your organization has the necessary assets and processes to con-
duct successful projects will play a signifcant role in your project costs and level of risk.
The less experience it has, the higher your project costs will be and the greater degree of
risk compared to a project-driven organization.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 19

Every organization is unique and these classifcations are only useful in that they illus-
trate the fact that project management is likely to present more of a challenge in pro-
cess-focused organizations than in those that are project focused.
It is better to think of organizational structures existing on a continuum as described
below. This is not only more realistic but it allows us to begin thinking about how exactly
the organizational structure will impact a project in practical terms.
At one extreme are organizations in which employees are isolated within their functional
divisions as shown.
Corporate Management
Division A
Business Line
Business Line
Finance, HR,
IT, etc
Division B
Business Line
Business Line
Business Line
Division C
Business Line
Business Line
Finance, HR,
IT, etc
Finance, HR,
IT, etc
In this scenario, senior management allocate capital to each division, which then operate
autonomously to return as much proft as possible. Each division is completely indepen-
dent of the others and there is no mechanism to allow communication across divisions
other than by going up the hierarchy to senior management who would then have to pass
the decision down to the other divisions.
This type of structure makes producing a limited amount of products or services effcient
and predictable, but would make it almost impossible to run a project that cut across
divisional boundaries.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 20

A refnement of this structure is shown below and is referred to as a weak matrix. This
is because although each division operates independently, they no longer have direct
control over support functions like IT, fnance, and human resources.
This type of structure makes sense because these support functions do not need to be
duplicated and can be shared between the divisions. This saves money and enables the
support departments to be bigger and employ more specialist staff.
Division A
Business Line
Business Line
Division B
Business Line
Business Line
Business Line
Division C
Business Line
Business Line
Support Departments
Corporate Management
The implication for project management is that there will be mechanisms for commu-
nicating across divisions and that people will be more accepting of working with others
outside of their own division.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 21

4 Project management can be thought of in terms of organizational, life cycle,
and knowledge area perspectives.
4 Organizations may be either process driven or project driven.
4 Even the most process-focused organizations will run occasional projects and
some organizations may have parts that are dedicated to project-based working.
4 There are various ways of structuring the project environment depending on
the type of organization.
Matrix-Management Environment
This type of structure can be taken further to give what is known as a pure matrix-man-
agement environment.
Department A Department B Department C Department D
Project X
Project Y
Project Z
This is a type of structure in which even though an individual may belong to a particular
department, they will be assigned to different projects and report to a project manager
while working on that project. Therefore, each individual may have to work under several
managers whilst performing their role.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 22

For example,
Someone who is working in Department C and who is assigned part-time to
projects X and Z will fnd themselves reporting to three different managers,
all of whom will have some degree of authority over them.
Their line manager (Dept C)
Project Manager for project X
Project Manager for project Z
Matrix management is now fairly common and exists at some level in most large organi-
zations, particularly those that have multiple business units and international operations.
Advantages of Matrix Management
Efcient exchange of data
Democratic leadership style
Improved satisfaction & motivation for
Disadvantages of Matrix Management
Conict between line & project managers
Issues of resource allocation
Lack of recognition for individuals
One of the advantages of implementing a matrix structure is that it can lead to a more
effcient exchange of information as people from different areas work closely together.
This enhances overall productivity because it facilitates quick decision-making.
For example,
Individuals from the customer support and production departments may
confer with one another to fx problems as soon as they appear.
Rather than the production department remaining unaware that there is a
problem until it surfaces months later in a management report or memo.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 23

The matrix structure also encourages a democratic leadership style that incorporates the
input of team members before managers make decisions. The ability to contribute valu-
able information before decisions are made leads to employee satisfaction and increased
A disadvantage of the matrix structure is that it is a recipe for disagreement between the
line manager and the project managers. This is because the latter will often try to mini-
mize each departments billing to the project, whereas the departmental managers will
usually try to secure as much of the projects budget as possible.
There can also be disagreements about resource allocation and prioritization. This oc-
curs because project managers tend to view their own project as the most important
activity and forget that the line manager may have other commitments that his depart-
ment is expected to meet.
Firstly, line managers have fnite resources at their disposal and often have to juggle
these in such a way as to satisfy most of the demand for most of the time. In addition,
they often have numerous deadlines, relating to both departmental work-in-progress as
well as to each project that they are supplying resources to.
Secondly, projects in progress may be subject to changes, following the agreement and
commitment of the line resources required. This may result from a failure to achieve the
expected progress in any area of work and is likely to have a knock-on effect on the abil-
ity of the line manager to supply the resources they are committed to. As a line manager,
you may also have to accommodate unexpected resource shortages due to absenteeism
and staff turnover.
All of these factors mean that confict is unavoidable in organizations that are structured
in this way and many of these issues described may be complicated further if staff are
working on more than one project at a time.
Another feature of the matrix structure is that it can lead to staff members becoming
concerned about the extent to which the efforts they expend on project-related work will
be recognized and potentially rewarded fnancially. This problem may be compounded if
they feel their project-related work will not be recognized within their own department
and no matter how hard they work on the project it will not affect their chances of ad-
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 24

This concern is primarily an issue with staff seconded to projects on a full-time basis
as they may feel increasingly isolated and left behind in relation to their long-time col-
leagues and the departmental practices with which they are familiar. Also, individuals
involved with long-term projects may have worries about what happens to them at the
end of the project. Their fear could be that their department has learnt to cope without
them, or developed new procedures whilst they were assigned to the project.
As a project manager you should ensure each individuals performance is recorded and
reported to their line manager so that it can be assessed in their annual appraisal.
Projects are all about utilizing existing resources and expertise in an effcient and effec-
tive way to get things done. The downside of this, from a staff perspective, may be that
projects are not seen as training-oriented environments in which to develop personal
The questions raised by the problem of establishing a sound project management struc-
ture revolve around the creation of effective reporting lines. There are two organizational
extremes that can be adopted:
1. All of the personnel working on the project remain in their normal situation, re-
porting to their line managers. In this case, the project management staff will
need to coordinate the required project work through the line managers.
2. A project team is created and all personnel working on the project are drawn into
a project team and report exclusively to the project manager.
In practice a combination of these approaches is often found to be the best solution, and
is by far the most common method. However, this organizational framework risks break-
ing one of the tenets of good managementthat of matching responsibility with author-
ity. The project manager will be responsible for performance on the project but may lack
suffcient authority where contributors report to their own line managers.
All of these factors mean that unless your organization is completely project focused
then you can expect confict, disagreement, and compromise to be an integral part of
organizing a project.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 25

4 In a matrix environment, an individual may belong to a particular depart-
ment but they will be assigned to different projects and report to a project
manager while working on that project.
4 An advantage of the matrix structure is that it can lead to a more effcient
exchange of information as people from different areas work closely together.
4 A disadvantage of the matrix structure is that it is a recipe for disagreement
between the line manager and the project managers.
4 Unless your organization is completely project focused then you can expect
confict, disagreement, and compromise to be an integral part of organizing
a project.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 26

Project Management Roles and Responsibilities
Irrespective of how the organization is structured, there are certain roles and responsi-
bilities that are required in all projects. Different organizations may use different names
for these roles but the responsibilities of each one will be the same. This eBook uses the
defnitions given in the PMBOK Guide.
Project Roles
It is important that you understand the rationale for each of the roles in the project along
with their responsibilities as these are used extensively throughout the Project Manage-
ment Skills eBooks series.
The Project Stakeholders
You will hear the term stakeholders used with reference to a particular project and it is
important to understand what this term means. Stakeholders are anyone who will gain
or lose from the project.
The PMBOK defnes the project stakeholders as:
Individuals and organizations that are actively involved in the project, or
whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution of the
project or project completion. They may also exert infuence over the project
and its deliverables.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 27

Management Team
The project management team must identify the stakeholders, determine their require-
ments and expectations, and, to the extent possible, manage their infuence in relation to
the requirements to ensure a successful project.
Project Manager
Project Team Members
Project Customer
Product User Group
Project Testers Group
Suppliers & Customers
Those who have vested
interest in the change
the project offers
Those with
authority to
allocate resources
& set priorities
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 28

There are narrower views of the term stakeholder, focusing on the infuencers and de-
cision-makers of a business or technological change. In this context, stakeholders are
managers who have the organizational authority to allocate resources (people, money,
services) and set priorities for their own organizations in support of a change.
If you intend to manage a project then you will need a detailed knowledge of these roles
and their responsibilities. However, in order to understand the basic principles of project
management there are only two roles that you need to know about in any detail.
The Project Sponsor
The sponsor is responsible for securing the fnancing and overall resource budget approval
and owns the opportunities and risks related to the fnancial outcome of the project. They
may be referred to as the business sponsor, project sponsor, or executive and are usually
a senior manager with a direct interest in the business case behind the project.
The PMBOK defnition of a project sponsor is:
The person or group with the fnancial resources in cash or in kind for the
Even though this implies that the project sponsor can be a group of people, it is usually
far better if there is one named individual who has been given this role. An effective
sponsor will be someone with the authority and personal drive to overcome major ob-
stacles to completing the project.
Appoint project
Approve &
fund budget
Authority & drive
to overcome issues
or cancel project
business case
Is a named
Identify &
dene project
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 29

The sponsor does not concern himself or herself with the day-to-day running of the proj-
ect (that is the responsibility of the project manager), but represents the buyer of the
project on behalf of the organization. It can be helpful to think about this in terms of the
project manager working for the sponsor who is in turn working for the organization.
The project sponsor may be either internal or external to the organization that will be
undertaking the project work. Many different permutations are possiblefor example,
an internal sponsor may commission a project that will call only on resources within the
organization. Alternatively, the entire project may be outsourced to a third party.
The role of the project sponsor is to approve and fund the project, but not to get involved
in day-to-day management or fnancial control. The project sponsor should appoint a
project manager to take on the responsibility for delivering the project in accordance
with its objectives.
Project Sponsor
Identies & denes
project. Produces
business case & can
cancel if no longer
meets needs.
Project Manager
Responsible for
delivery of dened
project & its day-to-
day management.
There are two main differences between project sponsorship and project management.
Firstly, project sponsorship includes the identifcation and defnition of the project,
whereas project management is concerned with delivering a project that is already de-
fned, if only quite loosely.
Secondly, the project sponsor is responsible for the projects business case and should
not hesitate to recommend cancellation of the project if the business case no longer
justifes the project.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 30

It is important for every project to have a sponsor to:
Ensure separation of decision-making responsibilities between project manager
and project sponsor
Ensure accountability for the realization of project benefts
Ensure oversight of the project management function
Carry out senior stakeholder management
The Project Manager
The project manager is appointed to deliver the project as it is defned in the project
charter or project plan. The PMBOK defnition is:
The person assigned by the performing organization to achieve the project
The project manager has the authority to use cash and other resources up to the limit
set in the project charter. If they believe at any stage that the project cannot be delivered
within the assigned budget and timescale then they must notify the project sponsor so
that remedial action can be taken.
Delivery of dened project
Use of funds & resources up
to project charter limits
Day-to-day management
Reporting signicant issues to
Project Sponsor
Experience in domain of the
Knowledge of project
management processes
must have:
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 31

A project manager should have experience in the project domain and should also be fa-
miliar with the processes that make up project management.
You should now have an understanding of some of the problems involved when setting
up a project that needs to run across organizations, which tend to have vertical man-
agement structures. You should also be aware of some of the issues that are raised when
assigning people to projects, particularly if they have continuing duties in their own de-
partment, and you can bring attention to potential issues before they arise.
Finally, with the knowledge of the specifc roles and responsibilities of the project spon-
sor and the project manager you can ensure that others within your organization are
aware of these requirements when developing a project.
4 Irrespective of how the organization is structured, there are certain roles and
responsibilities that are required in all projects.
4 Project stakeholders are individuals and organizations that are actively in-
volved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively af-
fected by execution of the project or project completion.
4 The sponsor is responsible for securing the fnancing and overall resource
budget approval and owns the opportunities and risks related to the fnancial
outcome of the project.
4 The project manager is appointed to deliver the project as it is defned in the
project charter or project plan.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 32

Understanding the Project Life Cycle
There is very little agreement about the life cycle phases of a project and many organiza-
tions have their own internal defnitions and templates. This is understandable because
of the complicated nature and diversity of projects, which can vary enormously in size
and complexity.
Project Life
starting the
closing the
organizing &
carrying out
the work
Despite this, all projects can be mapped to the following simple life cycle structure:
1. Starting the project
2. Organizing and preparing
3. Carrying out the work
4. Closing the project
This is known as a four-phase life cycle and the phases are usually referred to as:
1. Initiation
2. Planning
3. Execution
4. Closure
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 33

Each of these phases is made up of discrete activities, each of which has an associated
defnition and guidelines. The number of activities depends on the scope of the project.
A simple project will involve only a few activities while a more complex project may in-
volve hundreds or thousands of individual activities. This model can be applied to a vari-
ety of project scenarios although the cost and duration of each phase will vary according
to the particular project.
The PMBOK defnes the project life cycle as:
A collection of generally sequential project phases whose names and num-
ber are determined by the control needs of the organization or organizations
involved in the project.
The remainder of this section looks at each of these aspects of the life cycle in greater
The Initiation Phase
The aim of this phase is to answer the questions what is this project trying to achieve
and why?
The PMBOK defnes initiation as:
Those processes performed to authorize and defne the scope of a new phase
or project or that can result in the continuation of halted project work.
A large number of the initiating processes are typically done outside the proj-
ects scope of control by the organization, program, or portfolio processes
and those processes provide input to the projects initiating processes group.
At each phase of the life cycle there are certain outputs that must be produced before
the project can move onto the next phase.
Outputs of
the Initiation
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 34

The most important output from this phase is a document that answers the questions:
What is this project going to achieve?
What is the business case for doing it?
What is the timeframe involved?
Who is going to sponsor it?
Who is going to manage it?
The answers to these questions are provisional at this point in time and will be subject to
revision when and if the project proceeds to the next phase. This document is known as
the Project Charter, the Project Brief, or the Project Initiation Document (PID) depending
on the project management method being used.
Denes and outlines the
expectations of the project
Project Charter
If this phase is omitted or rushed then there may be misunderstandings that could cause
serious problems when the project moves into the planning phase and the various peo-
ple involved realize that their expectations are quite different.
For example,
A sponsor may think that the project will produce a working piece of soft-
ware, while the members of the project team think they are developing a pro-
totype to prove that the concept is feasible.
Remember, if the project does not begin with a clear idea of what it is setting out to
achieve and why, then it will need to evolve these things as it progresses, which will al-
ways carry far more risk than doing it from the start.
The most important function of this document is that it ensures that everyone involved
is in agreement about what the project is going to deliver and that no one has any false
expectations. The document itself may only be a single page in the case of a small project
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 35

and it should be made clear to everyone involved that it is subject to change in the plan-
ning phase.
As well as the Project Charter (PID or Project Brief) it is a good idea to produce what the
PMBOK refers to as a Project Scope Statement. Scope statements may take many forms
depending on the type of project being implemented and the nature of the organization.
Work of project,
Project deliverables,
Major objectives,
Customers business
Impacts on
Time, Cost
& Quality
of overall
The Project Scope Statement details the project deliverables and describes the major ob-
jectives, including measurable success criteria for the project. A scope statement should
be written before the statement of work and it should capture, in very broad terms, the
product of the project.
For example,
Developing a software-based system to capture and track customer orders.
It also specifes who is going to use the product and gives an estimate of the
anticipated cost.
A scope statement is an agreement that defnes the work of the project and the cus-
tomers business objectives. It can help you identify changes in scope after the project
has started and help you plan for any modifcations or adjustments that might be needed
as it progresses. The frst draft of this document/statement is referred to as a baseline
scope statement and should detail:
Project owner, sponsors, and stakeholders
Project goals and objectives
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 36

Project requirements
Project deliverables
What is out of scope
Cost estimates
Work on the scope statement can begin before the project charter is completed and in
the case of small projects it can be incorporated into the charter. However, irrespective
of the size of the project, scope is absolutely critical in project management because of
the impact it has on time, cost, and quality. Consequently, it must be specifed as early
as possible even though this will be subject to agreed changes later on.
The Planning Phase
As its name suggests, the planning process aims to create a plan that can be used to
manage the project. The PMBOK defnes it as:
Those processes performed to defne and mature the project scope, develop
the project management plan, and identify and schedule the project activi-
ties that occur within a project.
A common misconception is that this phase must be completed before the actual work
of the project can begin. This is not true; planning is an activity that continues almost to
the very end if the project. In any project, there will always be factors that change as it
Aims to
give realistic
estimate of
Time, Cost &
Manage Risks.
process as the
Plan alters as
factors change
In fact, it can be a serious mistake to spend too much time on planning in the early stages
of the project as this not only wastes time but can give everyone involved a false impres-
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 37

sion of how much is really known at this stage. In contrast to the initiation phase (which
does have a defnite endpoint), it is simply impossible to plan a project and then execute
the plan without taking account of changing circumstances.
The main purpose of this phase is to plan time, cost, and resources adequately to esti-
mate the work needed and to effectively manage risk. Initial planning generally consists
Developing the scope statement
Selecting the planning team
Identifying deliverables
Creating the work breakdown structure
Identifying the activities needed to complete those deliverables
Sequencing the activities in a logical way
Estimating the resources needed
Estimating the time needed
Estimating the costs
Developing the schedule
Developing the budget
Gaining formal approval to begin
However, it must be understood that as soon as work begins new factors will become ap-
parent, priorities will change, and promised resources will not materialize. If the planning
process is not suffciently fexible to take account of these things then the project will fail.
The need for re-planning should be built in from the beginning of the project and deci-
sions will need to be made regarding:
How often to re-plan
How to manage the information that is needed for this re-planning
How to control changes to the plan
How to communicate these changes
How and when to involve stakeholders
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 38

Even if the answers to these questions are not clear at the outset, the important thing is
to make decisions about them and then modify those decisions as it becomes clear what
is and is not working.
Outputs of Planning Phase
Project Management Plan
9 Knowledge Area
Management Plans
Ongoing Plan Updates
The main output of this phase is the project plan and its associated updates. It also pro-
duces the management plans for the nine knowledge areasscope, time, cost, quality,
human resources, communications, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management.
According to the PMBOK, a project plan is defned as:
A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and proj-
ect control. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning
assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders,
and document approved scope, cost, and schedule baselines.
A project plan may be summarized or detailed.
The PRINCE2 defnition states:
The Project plan is a statement of how and when a projects objectives are
to be achieved, by showing the major products, milestones, activities and re-
sources required on the project.
The project plan must also describe the execution, management, and control of the
project and typically covers the following areas:
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 39

Scope Management
Requirements Management
Schedule Management
Financial Management
Quality Management
Resource Management
Communications Management
Project Change Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management
The emphasis of the planning phase is to develop an understanding of how the project
will be executed and a plan for acquiring the resources needed to execute it. Although
much of the planning activity takes place during the planning phase, it is important to re-
member that the project plan will continue to be adjusted to respond to new challenges
and opportunities.
The Execution Phase
The whole point of a project is to produce deliverables of some sort. The execution phase
is where this happens. Essentially, work is done according to the project plan and that
work is monitored and the results fed back to the people responsible for the plan so that
it can be updated to refect the progress made.
1. Performing
required tasks for
The Execution
2. Monitoring &
Controlling of this
It is possible to see this phase of the project as consisting of two processes: the doing or
executing, and the monitoring and controlling. This is how the PMBOK views this phase
of the project.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 40

& Controlling
Planning &
This phase is often called Execution and Control because it does not represent a blind
implementation of the initial project plan but rather a cyclical process. As you can see
from the diagram above, the planning, executing, and the monitoring and controlling pro-
cesses are all interdependent.
Executing consists of the processes used to complete the work defned in the project
plan to accomplish the projects requirements. Execution process involves coordinating
people and resources, as well as integrating and performing the activities of the project
in accordance with the project management plan.
The PMBOK defnes the executing process as:
Those processes performed to complete the work defned in the project
management plan to accomplish the projects objectives defned in the proj-
ect scope statement.
The main output of this process is the project deliverables and producing these will be
the responsibility of the project team who will be working to the project plan.
The PMBOK defnes the monitoring and controlling process as:
Those processes performed to measure and monitor project execution so
that corrective action can be taken when necessary to control the execution
of the phase or project.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 41

Monitoring and controlling consists of monitoring project execution so that potential
problems can be identifed in a timely manner and corrective action taken as necessary.
Monitoring and controlling includes measuring the ongoing project activities and the
project variables (cost, effort, scope, etc.) against the project management plan and the
project performance baseline. It then identifes what needs to be done in order to get the
project back on track.
Over the course of any project, the scope may change either as the result of necessary
design modifcations, differing site conditions, material availability, contractor-request-
ed changes, value engineering and impacts from third parties, to name a few.
Outputs of Execution Phase
Project Deliverablestested, accepted &
Measurement of project activities against
plan & performance baseline
Identication of what needs to be done to
keep project on track
Change management documents
The change normally needs to be documented to show what was actually done; this is
referred to as change management. This phase continues until all of the relevant parties
acknowledge that all of the outputs delivered have been tested, accepted, and approved.
The Closure Phase
This represents the formal completion of the project deliverables and their transfer to
the fnal benefciariesusually internal or external customers. This phase also includes
administrative closure, which is the termination of the activities of the project team, the
completion of all project documentation, and a formal sign-off of any contracts.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 42

The PMBOK defnes closure as:
Those processes performed to terminate formally all activities of a project
or project phase, and the transfer of the completed product to others or close
a cancelled project.
All deliverables exit criteria are met
Transfer of deliverables to customer and
support functions
Project review recommendations and
lessons learnt are recorded for future use
Outputs of
Closure Phase
Project documents are usually archived so that they can be referred to if the organization
takes on a similar project where the experience gained and the lessons learned in the
current project would prove useful.
4 All projects can be mapped to the following simple life cycle structure: start-
ing the project, organizing and preparing, carrying out the work, and closing
the project.
4 This is known as a four-phase life cycle and the phases are usually referred to
as: initiation, planning, execution, and closure.
4 The aim of the initiation phase is to answer the questions what is this project
trying to achieve and why?
4 The planning process aims to create a plan that can be used to manage the
4 The execution phase is made up of two processes: the doing process and the
monitoring and controlling process.
4 The closure phase represents the formal completion of the project deliver-
ables and their transfer to the fnal benefciaries.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 43


So far in this eBook, we have dealt with the organizational aspects of the project (how
it fts into the organizational structure and the responsibilities of the two key high-level
roles) and the project life cycle.
Now we will outline how the PMBOK Guide approaches the task of project manage-
ment. The guide uses two frameworks:
Firstly, that of the process groups and,
Secondly, from the knowledge areas and their individual processes.
Each of these aspects is explored in the following sections.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 44


Process Groups
This overview of the phases of a project is designed to give you an idea of a typical proj-
ect life cycle in order to help you understand project management as a whole. The reason
the PMBOK Guide gives for categorizing processes into process groups is:
Process groups and their constituent processes are guides for applying ap-
propriate project management knowledge and skills during the project.
2 processes
24 processes
8 processes
2 processes
& Monitoring
11 processes
The PMBOK divides the project life cycle into fve process groups:
InitiatingSetting up the project for success by identifying the right team and
scope, as well as determining the relationship between the project and its align-
ment with the organizations overall charter.
This group is made up of 2 processes.
PlanningDeveloping the relevant resources, timelines, and milestones, and map-
ping project delivery to business priorities (i.e. risk management, communications,
quality, cost/budgeting, duration and sequencing, external dependencies).
This group is made up of 24 processes.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 45

ExecutingAssigning the project team and distributing information to ensure
the proper activities are undertaken. This process also includes ensuring quality
assurance methods are in place to address change management, organizational
updates, possible changes to the plan, etc.
This group is made up of 8 processes.
Controlling and MonitoringEnsuring the resulting product maps back to the
original plan, and risk from uncontrolled external actions is mitigated.
This group is made up of 11 processes.
ClosingMaking sure you have delivered everything expected of the project.
Once you close, you need to review the project vis--vis the plan and likewise
ensure contract closure.
This group is made up of 2 processes.
The PMBOK Guide explains the characteristics of how these process groups are likely
to work in reality. The fve process groups (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring &
Controlling, Closing):
Have clear dependencies
Are typically performed in the same sequence on each project
Are independent of application areas or industry focus
Individual Process Groups and individual constituent processes are often iterated
prior to completing the project.
The Guide makes it clear that the process groups are not meant to be prescriptive activi-
ties that are executed one after the other. It is very important that you understand that
they are not phases in a life cycle that are completed in sequence. You do NOT perform
project initiation, then do the planning, then do the execution, then monitor and control,
and then close the project. Projects in the real world simply do not work like that.
However, when you are learning about project management it does make sense to think
about things in this way because it makes what is often an apparently chaotic process
easier to understand. Why this is so is described in detail in the eBook Project Manage-
ment Process Groups which you can download free from this website.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 46


Knowledge Areas and Processes

So far in this eBook, we have dealt with the organizational aspects of the project and the
project life cycle, which can be described in terms of the PMBOK Process Groups. This
way of looking at projects can help you to appreciate the principles of project manage-
ment. However, you can also look at project management in the context of the individual
processes involved. These processes are grouped into Knowledge Areas by the PMBOK
Knowledge areas
Complex high-level
tasks to be broken
down into smaller more
manageable tasks
The reason for doing this is that it allows complex high-level tasks to be broken down into
smaller tasks, a common practice when learning something new.
For example, when learning to drive you concentrate on specifc tasks, such
as gear changing, hill starts etc., before you drive on an interstate road or
Extending this approach to project management makes the smaller tasks easier to man-
age, resource, and control. Therefore, considering project management activities like
scoping, scheduling, quality, and risk in isolation before trying to integrate them into a
real/live project makes sense.
The PMBOK Guide recognizes 47 processes arranged into ten supporting knowledge
areas. These are numbered 4 to 13 according to their chapters in the PMBOK Guide.
These areas are defned by the specifc knowledge requirements the project manager
should be familiar with in order to do a professional job.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 47

PMBOK Project Knowledge Areas
4 Integration Mgmt 5 Scope Mgmt
6 Time
7 Cost
8 Quality
9 Human Resource
10 Communications
11 Risk
12 Procurement
13 Stakeholder
Each process has identifed inputs and outputs along with referenced tools and tech-
niques. The following descriptions outline the purpose of each knowledge area and the
number of processes it contains.
4Project Integration Management
This process coordinates the other areas to work together throughout the project. It con-
tains all of the skills, tools, and techniques required to integrate all of the components so
that everything is done at the right time, in the right sequence, and connected in the right
way. There are 6 processes in this knowledge area.
5Project Scope Management
This is the process by which the project manager defnes the boundaries of the project
and ensures that any changes to the original scope are carefully managed. It defnes ex-
actly what is included in the project and what is excluded. There are 6 processes in this
knowledge area.
6Project Time Management
This involves making sure that things happen on time and keeping the project on sched-
ule. It includes techniques to estimate how long things will take, to plan accordingly, and
then to keep everything on track. There are 7 processes in this knowledge area.
7Project Cost Management
This involves keeping the project on budget and includes techniques for estimating costs
planning and budgeting as well as monitoring and controlling the costs. There are 4 pro-
cesses in this knowledge area.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 48

8Project Quality Management
This ensures that the project meets its requirements and that the deliverables do what is
expected of them. There are 3 processes in this knowledge area.
9Project Human Resource Management
This includes all of the processes used to put together, develop, and manage the project
team. There are 4 processes in this knowledge area.
10Project Communications Management
This includes identifying what information needs to be communicated and to whom it
needs to be disseminated. It ensures that the right people get the right information at the
right time. There are 3 processes in this knowledge area.
11Project Risk Management
This involves the identifcation and evaluation of risk as well as planning responses to
ensure that corrective action is taken if the risks materialize. There are 6 processes in
this knowledge area.
12Project Procurement Management
This group of processes is used to acquire the materials and services needed to complete
the project. There are 4 processes in this knowledge area.
13Project Stakeholder Management
This group of processes is used to identify the people, groups, or organizations that could
impact or be impacted by the project. These processes also develop the appropriate
management strategies to communicate with the stakeholders during the life of the proj-
ect. There are 4 processes in this knowledge area.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 49

4 The PMBOK Guide says: Process groups and their constituent processes
are guides for applying appropriate project management knowledge and skills
during the project.
4 It divides the project life cycle into fve process groups: initiating, planning,
executing, controlling and monitoring, and closing.
4 The fve process groups have clear dependencies, are typically performed in
the same sequence on each project, are independent of application areas or
industry focus, and are often iterated prior to completing the project.
4 The PMBOK Guide recognizes 47 processes arranged into ten supporting
knowledge areas. These are numbered 4 to 13 according to their chapters in
the PMBOK Guide.
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 50

Project management is a complex activity that requires a structure and process that are
appropriate to your project. The process groups ensure that you manage the inevitable
changes that occur throughout a projects lifespan in a professional manner to ensure
success. The descriptions of the knowledge areas explain what expertise and skills you
will need for your project and what tools will assist you.
The question you must now consider is: Does the PMBOK approach to project man-
agement suit your projects needs and your organizational structure? After all, 47 de-
tailed processes sounds like a lot to learn and you may be asking yourself if its really
necessary to take the time and effort to study the subject in that level of detail.
Before you make that decision, here are a few things that are worth considering.
1. You dont need to actually learn the processes in that much detail if you are not
studying for the PMI exam.
2. You only need to know that the PMBOK has a process for each project activity,
and where to fnd it described when you need to do it. In this respect, the PM-
BOK is more like a toolkit than a recipe.
3. You dont need to follow all of the instructions in sequence in order to have a
fnished project at the end. You can use the process groups as a basic framework
and then pick and choose from the processes they describe based on the needs
of your individual project.
4. Within the processes themselves you will rarely use every input, tool, and tech-
nique, or output.
5. For the majority of projects it will be rare to use everything offered. These things are
specifed so that you are aware of what could be input to the process, which tools
and techniques could be used to perform it, and what could be output from it.
6. Some of these things will obviously be required in your particular project, but
many will be entirely optional. This means that you can use the process descrip-
tions as a checklist to make sure that you have covered everything even if you
decide that there are elements that you dont need.
7. Even if the PMBOK seems like overkill on your current project, that wont always
be the case. Sooner or later you will be given responsibility for something where
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 51

your understanding of a proven project management framework will be the dif-
ference between success and failure.
8. Knowledge and experience of the PMBOK, with or without the PMP certifca-
tion, will improve your career prospects and your earning potential.
So much work is now run as projects and so few people have the necessary skills to
manage them properly that there is a huge demand for good project managers and that
demand is increasing all the time.
The other project management skills eBooks available from
com provide you with an opportunity to read a more in-depth description of each knowl-
edge area.
Process Groups
Integration Management
Scope Management
Time Management
Cost Management
Quality Management
Human Resource Management
Communications Management
Risk Management
Procurement Management
Stakeholder Management
ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 52

Other Free Resources
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it is easy to overlook something or forget to ask a key question. These management
checklists will help you to break down complex management tasks into small control-
lable steps.
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ISBN 978-1-62620-958-9 53

Billingham, V. (2008), Project Management: How to Plan and Deliver a Successful Project
(Studymates), 3rd edn, The Project Management Excellence Centre Inc.
Kerzner, H. (2009), Project ManagementA Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and
Controlling, 10th edn, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Knapp, B.W. (2010) Essential Project Management Templates, The Project Management
Excellence Centre Inc.
Larson, E.W. and Gray, C.F. (2010), Project Management: The Managerial Process, 5th edn,
McGraw-Hill Higher Ed.
Lock, D. (2007), The Essential Project Management, 3rd edn, Gower Publishing Ltd.
Lock, D. (2007). Project Management, 9th edn, MPG Books Ltd.
Maylor, H. (2010), Project Management (with MS Project CD-Rom). 4th edn, Prentice Hill,
Financial Times.
Newton, R. (2007), Project Management Step by StepHow to Plan and Manage a Highly
Successful Project, Pearson Business.
Nokes S. and Kelly, S. (2007), The Defnitive Guide to Project Management, 2nd edn, Pren-
tice Hill, Financial Times.
Project Management Institute Global Standard (2008), A Guide to the Project Manage-
ment Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 4th edn, Project Management Institute.
Shenhar, A.J. and Dvir, D. (2007), Reinventing Project Management: The Diamond Approach
to Successful Growth and Innovation, Pearson Business.
Snijders, P., Wuttke, T. and Zandhuis, A. (2013), A Pocket Companion to PMIs PMBOK
Guide, 5th edn, Van Haren Publishing.

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