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Aortic Arch Replacement With Frozen Elephant Trunk

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AME Publishing Company. All rights reserved. www.annalscts.

com Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2013;2(5):592-596

Keynote Lecture Series
Aortic arch replacement with frozen elephant trunkwhen not to
use it
Axel Haverich
Department of Cardiothoracic, Transplantation, and Vascular Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany
Corresponding to: Axel Haverich, MD. Klinik fr Herz-, Thorax-, Transplantations-und Gefchirurgie, OE6210, Medizinische Hochschule
Hannover, Carl-Neuberg-Strae 1, 30625 Hannover, Germany. Email:
Current scientific evidence suggests the frozen elephant trunk (FET) technique plays an important role in
modern aortic arch repair operations, both for aneurysmal disease and acute aortic dissection. Its use in
extended aneurysm is generally therapeutic, aiming for complete exclusion of the diseased descending
thoracic aorta. In acute aortic dissection type A, the application of FET is more prophylactic in nature, with
the aim of preventing late dilatation of the proximal descending thoracic aorta. This review will present the
journey of the elephant trunk from its conception to the current available technology. By tracing the
historical evolution of the FET technique and prosthesis development, we explore the challenges and
limitations of evidence-based surgical research. We present data from our growing experience in aortic
arch reconstruction, the results from our latest 27 patients undergoing the 4-branch FET indicating
substantially reduced morbidity and mortality (0%) in this complex patient cohort.
Keywords: Evidence based surgery; four finger hybrid graft; prosthesis development
Submitted Sep 06, 2013. Accepted for publication Sep 23, 2013.
doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2225-319X.2013.09.19
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The most recent scientific evidence suggests the frozen
elephant trunk (FET) technique plays a significant role in
modern aortic arch repair operations, and is equally
important for both aneurysmal disease and acute aortic
dissection. Its use in extended aneurysm usually implies a
therapeutic effect, aiming at complete exclusion of the
diseased descending thoracic aorta. In acute aortic
dissection type A (AADA), the application of FET is more
prophylactic in nature, where it is primarily inserted to
prevent the proximal descending thoracic aorta from late
dilatation. This review will present the journey of the
elephant trunk from birth to the technology currently
available by dedicated clinical research (Video 1).
A short history
My predecessor in Hannover, Hans Georg Borst, published
a case report in 1983 entitled Extensive aortic replacement
using elephant trunk prosthesis (1). He did not describe
the procedure as the elephant trunk-prosthesis but
rather just elephant trunk prosthesis, and indeed could
not have anticipated its profound development since that
time. The article was published under the somewhat
curious heading of how to do it.
In a recent article by Borst, published in the section
reflections of the pioneers (2), he states: The bright
future of the elephant trunk technique could not be
anticipated at that time. In fact, Stanley Crawford, the most
experienced surgeon in the treatment of aortic pathology at
that time, was quite skeptical when I first explained the
elephant trunk technique to him. It did not take long,
however, until his group was using this approach
extensively. There probably is no method that cannot be
improved. Then, he continues. We had performed the
distal graftto-aorta anastomosis using a continuous suture
working from within the vessel, with the elephant trunk
advanced distally. It was Lars Svensson, who simplified our
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approach by invaginating the trunk into the arch portion of
the graft, using the resulting fold for the distal graft-to-
aorta anastomosis. The trunk portion of the graft was thus
out of the way while performing this connection and was
advanced downstream just before completing the
anastomosis. The FET technique recently described by my
former coworker Matthias Karck, greatly expanded the
scope of the original approach because the aortic arch and
downstream aorta could now be grafted in one operative
act using hybrid prostheses.
In the current literature, there are many scientific
publications on the elephant trunk technique in extended
repair of thoracic aortic pathologies, the vast majority
dealing with the FET (3). This bulk of recent surgical
literature clearly underlines the tremendous importance of
this technology for our everyday practice in aortic surgery.
Nevertheless, the elephant trunk, fresh or frozen, has never
gained formal medical evidence from a controlled clinical
Evidence-based surgery
Surgical evidence is different from todays standards of
evidence-based medicine (EBM). While new
pharmaceutical agents may well be introduced into clinical
practice by randomized clinical trials (RCT), I am not
aware of any novel surgical technique in our field entering
the clinical arena by comparison to a contemporary control
group. Surgical innovations are born, such as the birth of
the elephant trunk technique (2), then modified, refined, and
optimized by our surgical community. In cardiovascular
surgery, the impetus for these innovations is often
generated by the fate of a single patient. His surgical
pathology may not be amenable for correction or would
precipitate an inacceptable risk, if corrected by
conventional surgical techniques. This type of progress, also
called disruptive innovation, is especially true for the
elephant trunk technique.
Quite often, such innovations are first published as case
reports addressed to a very limited audience, where
dissemination of the development is further assured by firstly
discussing small patient cohorts at conferences and
convincing others. Some colleagues, confronted with
patients suffering from similar pathologies at their home
unit, may adopt the technique to modify and optimize the
original, thereby initiating an iterative process that will
provide evidence for safety and efficacy. However, this
evidence keeps moving, since further modifications and
growing surgical routine may well improve both safety and
efficacy by incremental innovation.
This may be the case even decades after the initial
innovative step, as seen in the elephant trunk technique.
In the setting of our daily operative routine, we find this
pattern to be the most common way of generating evidence
in surgery. Consider mitral valve reconstruction, the use of
cardioplegia and mammary artery grafts, bilateral
sequential lung transplantation, the Bentall procedure, and
all other decisive innovative steps in our specialty. Such
evidence is considerably different from the RCTs conducted
for drugs. In the case of frozen elephant trunk, the body of
evidence still increases month by month, generated by
numerous center-specific publications, which also suggest
new fields of indications. We should keep in mind before
proposing new paradigms that the surgical theater rarely
qualifies for a RCT, as best commented on by some of our
international experts in the field of aortic surgery, because
acute aortic dissections will never be studied in a
randomized way. Thus, despite the general lack of RCTs in
surgical science, we should not be accused of disregarding
hypothesis driven research.
Hypotheses in surgical innovation
Non-RCT evaluation of innovation does not imply lack of a
hypothesis. The initial hypothesis of Borst was that the
elephant trunk lowers the risk of the second, distal aortic
procedure, including the risk of lung, vessel, and nerve
injury, as well as duration of descending aortic cross-clamp
times. In AADA, it was hoped that the use of the elephant
trunk would initiate thrombosis of the false lumen. This
second hypothesis could never have been proven in a RCT,
since emergency treatment is excluded from formal trials
due to the issue of informed consent. The same, of course,
applies to the FET. Even if we could generate a
standardized population large enough for RCT, regulation
would not allow us to include emergency patients. We are
therefore left with single center data and registries. Such
registries, despite being multi-surgeon, multi-center and
multinational by nature, unfortunately lack reproducible
risk adjustment in many cases. Nevertheless, the
introduction of early FETs and the development of the 4-
finger hybrid graft generated new hypotheses based on the
results of the conventional elephant trunk technique, a
typical feature in stepwise innovation.
What are these new hypotheses to be tested and proven
in ongoing and future clinical series? In aneurysmal disease,
complete exclusion of the descending thoracic aneurysm
can be expected, if the disease is limited to its proximal
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Figure 1 Hypothesis-driven surgical research in aortic surgery.
Following the initial disrupted innovation with the introduction of
the elephant trunk technique, two incremental steps of innovation
were driven by subsequently developed hypotheses
Compared to conventional elephant trunks, the FET should
exhibit significant improvement in morbidity and mortality,
since the combined risk of interim mortality and the second
intervention is abolished. In AADA, expansion of the false
lumen in the proximal descending aorta is expected to
result in a higher rate of false lumen thrombosis, as well as
increase distal flow in cases of malperfusion due to proximal
compression of the true lumen. This new approach,
however, has to be closely monitored for central neurologic
complications from both brain and spinal cord injury.
In terms of clinical science, surgical research in aortic
arch surgery utilizing novel implants is clearly
hypothesisdriven. Establishing evidence by RCTs under
current guidelines will be very difficult in aneurysm
surgery and impossible in acute dissections, due to the
inherent complexity of the patient, the disease, and the
procedure. This bears an important message for us as
cardiovascular surgeons. In order to provide clinical
evidence, very honest reporting of single center results is of
utmost importance. Such reports should clearly stratify
results according to the risk profile of the population
studied, with special reference to inclusion and exclusion
criteria. If we fail to do so, it may be very difficult to
recommend specific surgical interventions for an individual
patient in the future. For registries, an additional high level
of scrutiny of reporting is required to enable the
investigators to produce reliable evidence. Again, risk
profiling and inclusion as well as exclusion criteria have to
be thoroughly monitored to allow for meaningful
recommendations based on registry data. For the time
being, such registries would represent the most powerful
tool to produce evidence for new procedures and devices
from clinical research in cardiovascular surgery.
The technology
The original elephant trunk is nothing but a simple tube,
loosely placed into the descending thoracic aorta (4), but is
considered to be the most versatile and most useful
appendage on earth by some surgeons (5). Applied by a
growing number of surgeons at high numbers, this has
clearly facilitated distal arch surgery (6-8).
The first elephant trunks using an aortic stent graft for
distal reconstruction were hand-made (9). After the first
few cases, the author contacted the retired innovator, Hans
Borst, asking for an appropriate name for the new graft. He
called back in less than 24 hours and suggested FET, and
so it has been named ever since. There was growing
evidence that the secondary step of descending aortic repair
could be avoided in many instances. If applied in acute
aortic dissection, complete thrombosis of the false lumen
was observed in the majority of patients resulting in
beneficial shrinking of the aortic diameter (Figure 1). Later, a
commercially available hybrid graft was applied in many
cases and this led to Dr. Heinz Jakob from Essen, Germany,
to construct a registry for these cases. From this data
(n=274), it was deduced that in more than 90% of cases
operated on for AADA, there was long-term thrombosis of
the false lumen in the descending aorta. In 77% of all
aneurysms, complete exclusion of the diseased aortic
segment could be achieved (10). By this means, further
distal surgery can be avoided in selected patients,
594 Haverich. Frozen elephant trunk-when not to use it
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preventing morbidity and mortality in the interim phase
and during reoperation.
It was Kazui who first used branched aortic grafts to
facilitate supraaortic vessel anastomosis, which was initially
regarded as cumbersome and time-consuming, considering
that arch vessel reconstruction has to be done under
circulatory arrest (11). His hypothesis was that the
branched aortic arch graft would avoid pitfalls with the
conventional island technique (aortic segment carrying the
3 supraaortic vessel ostia), such as bleeding during surgery
and dilatation during follow-up. Our growing experience in
aortic arch reconstruction initiated broader application of
branched grafts worldwide and consequently, the branched
FET was introduced. A fourth finger was added to enable
simple access for arterial blood return from the
extracorporeal circulation to the graft. The 4-finger graft
now also allows for more
Annals of cardiothoracic surgery, Vol 2, No 5 September 2013 595
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Figure 2 The Hannover concept of perfusion in aortic arch surgery
using the frozen elephant trunk technique
proximal positioning of the distal suture line, following
occlusion of the proximal left subclavian artery. This vessel
may be reconnected after reestablishing blood flow to the heart,
distal body, and the brain through the aortic prosthesis, thus
shortening circulatory arrest times. Placement of the distal
suture line just distal to the orifice of the left carotid artery (or
even proximal) bears an indispensable advantage in all cases
with lateral displacement of the left subclavian artery, which is
commonly seen in aortic arch disease (12).
A more recent design (Thoraflex Hybrid, Vascutek) also
provides a Dacron collar at the site of the distal anastomosis to
allow for proper adaption of the graft diameter to the aortic
diameter, which may differ substantially in aneurysmal disease.
Finally, the 4-branch FET allows for early reperfusion of the
heart and the distal body since no direct implantation of the
supraaortic vessels into the (non-perfused) aortic arch graft is
required. Early results with the use of this technique have been
consecutively reported (13,14). The evolution of our
refinements in perfusion technology and surgical technique has
resulted in continuous modification of application of this graft,
with the most recent procedural characteristics delineated in
Figure 2. The results of our latest 27 patients operated on using
the 4-branch FET and applying the above-mentioned
procedural details were compiled by Shrestha from our group
(Table 1). To our greatest satisfaction, the results
596 Haverich. Frozen elephant trunk-when not to use it
indicated a substantially reduced morbidity and mortality
in the complex cohort of patients with aortic arch
replacement, both for aneurysmal disease and for type A
acute dissections as also described by others (15,16). We
now can envision outcome data for aortic arch repair
comparable to those of aortic root reconstruction alone,
based on these results.
In effect this type of FET, using the above-mentioned
procedural details, may be advocated in all pathologies
where total arch replacement and proximal descending
repair is warranted or desirable. If such results become a
global reality by development of evidence as described
Table 1 The Hannover Medical School data on the most recent
consecutive series of 27 patients undergoing aortic arch
surgery using the 4-branch frozen elephant trunk technique
Pre-operative data
Total patients (n) 27
Sex (male/female) (n) 19/8
Age (years) 5613.9
Marfan syndrome (n) 4
Aneurysm (n) 12
Acute aortic dissection type A (n) 11
Chronic aortic dissection type A (n) 4
Re-do (n) 9
Emergent (n) 11
Elective (n) 16
Intra-operative data
Aortic cross-clamp time (minutes) 12264
Bypass time (minutes) 23965 MHCA time (minutes)
SACP time (minutes) 10938
Operation time (minutes) 37182
Concomitant procedures:
Bentall (n) 2
Valve sparing root operation (n) 11 (David: 9)
CABG (n) 2
MVR (n) 1
Intra-operative blood products:
Packed Red blood cells (U) 65
Platelets (U) 31
Fresh frozen plasma (U) 64
Post-operative data
Mech. ventilation time (days) 1.21.4
ICU stay (days) 64
Hospital stay (days) 2012
Rethoracotomy for bleeding [n (%)] 3 (11.1%)
Stroke (n) 0
Resp. insuff. needing tracheostoma (n) 0
Acute renal failure; Temp dialysis (n) 0
Paraparesis (temporary) [n (%)] 2 (7.4%)
In hospital mortality (n) 0
Operative mortality (n) 0
CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; ICU, intensive care unit;
MHCA, moderate hypothermic circulatory arrest; MVR, mitral
valve replacement; SACP, selective antegrade cerebral
AME Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Ann Cardiothorac Surg 2013;2(5):592-596
before, this approach will be the new standard of care. We
would then define specific patients and procedural
characteristics for application of the FETwhen not to use
it. This is our new hypothesis. Let us work together as a
cardiovascular community to generate the evidence.
Disclosure: The author declares no conflict of interest.
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Cite this article as: Haverich A. Aortic arch surgery with
frozen elephant trunkwhen not to use it. Ann Cardiothorac
Surg 2013;2(5):592-596. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2225-
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