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Safety Data Sheet: SIR Chem® Dry Powder 63 Red

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Product identifier SIRCHEM DRY POWDER 6 RED
Ot!er "ean# of identification Not available.
Reco""ended u#e Non-destructive testing.
Reco""ended re#triction# None known.
Manufacturer $ I"%orter $ Su%%&ier $ Di#tri'utor infor"ation
Te&e%!one 815-286-3271
Circle Systes! "nc.
E"er(enc) %!one nu"'er C#e-tel 8$$-255-3%2&
Contract' ("S$$$16&%
)inckley! "* 6$52$
+.,. -o. 1228
&7% /est *incoln 0ve.
Co"%an) na"e
+. Ha,ard-#. identification
Not classi2ied. P!)#ica& !a,ard#
Not classi2ied. Hea&t! !a,ard#
Cobustible dusts OSHA defined !a,ard#
/a'e& e&e"ent#
Ha,ard #)"'o&
Si(na& 0ord /arning
Ha,ard #tate"ent (ay 2or cobustible dust concentrations in air.
Precautionar) #tate"ent
Pre1ention 3ee4 away 2ro #eat5s4arks5o4en 2laes5#ot sur2aces. - No soking. 3ee4 container tig#tly
closed. 6round5bond container and receiving e7ui4ent. +revent dust accuulation to inii8e
e.4losion #a8ard.
Re#%on#e 9eove and was# containated clot#ing be2ore re-use. "n case o2 2ire: ;se a44ro4riate edia 2or
Stora(e Store away 2ro inco4atible aterials.
Di#%o#a& <is4ose o2 waste and residues in accordance wit# local aut#ority re7uireents.
Not classi2ied. Ha,ard-#. not ot!er0i#e
c&a##ified -H2OC.
Su%%&e"enta& infor"ation Not a44licable.
. Co"%o#ition$infor"ation on in(redient#
7&3%-8%-6 = %5 "ron 4owder
CAS nu"'er 4 C!e"ica& na"e
516$-$2-1 > 3 +igent red
Co"%o#ition co""ent# 0ll concentrations are in 4ercent by weig#t.
5. Fir#t*aid "ea#ure#
In!a&ation (ove to 2res# air. Call a 4#ysician i2 sy4tos develo4 or 4ersist.
S6in contact /as# o22 wit# soa4 and water. 6et edical attention i2 irritation develo4s and 4ersists.
E)e contact <o not rub eyes. 9inse wit# water. 6et edical attention i2 irritation develo4s and 4ersists.
In(e#tion 9inse out#. 6et edical attention i2 sy4tos occur.
Mo#t i"%ortant
#)"%to"#$effect#7 acute and
<ust ay cause eye! skin and res4iratory tract irritation.
S"9-C)?(@ <9A +,/<?9 63 9?< S<S ;S
%15823 Bersion ': $1 9evision date: - "ssue date: 2%-,ctober-2$13 1 5 6
Safety Data Sheet
Indication of i""ediate
"edica& attention and #%ecia&
treat"ent needed
+rovide general su44ortive easures and treat sy4toatically.
8enera& infor"ation ?nsure t#at edical 4ersonnel are aware o2 t#e aterialCsD involved! and take 4recautions to
4rotect t#eselves.
9. Fire*fi(!tin( "ea#ure#
Suita'&e e3tin(ui#!in( "edia /ater 2og. Eoa. <ry c#eical 4owder. Carbon dio.ide CC,2D. 044ly e.tinguis#ing edia
care2ully to avoid creating airborne dust.
:n#uita'&e e3tin(ui#!in(
<o not use water Fet as an e.tinguis#er! as t#is will s4read t#e 2ire.
S%ecific !a,ard# ari#in( fro"
t!e c!e"ica&
?.4losion #a8ard: 0void generating dustG 2ine dust dis4ersed in air in su22icient concentrations and
in t#e 4resence o2 an ignition source is a 4otential dust e.4losion #a8ard.
S%ecia& %rotecti1e e;ui%"ent
and %recaution# for firefi(!ter#
Sel2-contained breat#ing a44aratus and 2ull 4rotective clot#ing ust be worn in case o2 2ire.
"n case o2 2ire and5or e.4losion do not breat#e 2ues. (ove containers 2ro 2ire area i2 you can do
so wit#out risk. ;se water s4ray to cool uno4ened containers.
6. Accidenta& re&ea#e "ea#ure#
Per#ona& %recaution#7
%rotecti1e e;ui%"ent and
e"er(enc) %rocedure#
3ee4 unnecessary 4ersonnel away. <ust de4osits s#ould not be allowed to accuulate on
sur2aces! as t#ese ay 2or an e.4losive i.ture i2 t#ey are released into t#e atos4#ere in
su22icient concentration. ;se only non-s4arking tools. /ear a44ro4riate 4ersonal 4rotective
e7ui4ent. ?nsure ade7uate ventilation. *ocal aut#orities s#ould be advised i2 signi2icant s4illages
cannot be contained.
Met!od# and "ateria&# for
contain"ent and c&eanin( u%
?*"("N0H? all ignition sources Cno soking! 2lares! s4arks or 2laes in iediate areaD. 0void
dis4ersal o2 dust in t#e air Ci.e.! clearing dust sur2aces wit# co4ressed airD.
*arge S4ills: Swee4 or s#ovel u4 aterial and 4lace in a clearly labeled container 2or waste.
Eollowing 4roduct recovery! 2lus# area wit# water.
Sall S4ills: Collect dust using a vacuu cleaner e7ui44ed wit# )?+0 2ilter.
Never return s4ills to original containers 2or re-use. Eor waste dis4osal! see section 13 o2 t#e
En1iron"enta& %recaution# 0void disc#arge into drains! water courses or onto t#e ground.
<. Hand&in( and #tora(e
Precaution# for #afe !and&in( (inii8e dust generation and accuulation. 9outine #ousekee4ing s#ould be instituted to ensure
t#at dusts do not accuulate on sur2aces. <ry 4owders can build static electricity c#arges w#en
subFected to t#e 2riction o2 trans2er and o4erations. +rovide ade7uate 4recautions! suc# as
electrical grounding and bonding! or inert atos4#eres. ?.4losion 4roo2 e.#aust ventilation is
recoended. /ear a44ro4riate 4ersonal 4rotective e7ui4ent. ,bserve good industrial #ygiene
4ractices. 0void 4rolonged e.4osure.
Condition# for #afe #tora(e7
inc&udin( an) inco"%ati'i&itie#
3ee4 containers tig#tly closed in a dry! cool and well-ventilated 4lace. Store away 2ro
inco4atible aterials Csee Section 1$ o2 t#e (S<SD. 3ee4 away 2ro #eat! s4arks and o4en
=. E3%o#ure contro&#$%er#ona& %rotection
Occu%ationa& e3%o#ure &i"it#
:S. OSHA Ta'&e >*1 /i"it# for Air Conta"inant# -+? CFR 1?1@.1@@@.
T)%e Co"%onent#
+?* $.5 g53 +igent red CC0S
:S. AC8IH T!re#!o&d /i"it Aa&ue#
T)%e Co"%onent#
H/0 $.5 g53 +igent red CC0S
:S 2IOSH Poc6et 8uide to C!e"ica& Ha,ard#B Reco""ended e3%o#ure &i"it -RE/.
T)%e Co"%onent#
H/0 $.5 g53 +igent red CC0S
S"9-C)?(@ <9A +,/<?9 63 9?D S<S ;S
%15823 Bersion ': $1 9evision date: - "ssue date: 2%-,ctober-2$13 2 5 6
:S. Wor6%&ace En1iron"enta& E3%o#ure /e1e& -WEE/. 8uide#
T)%e Co"%onent#
H/0 1 g53 +igent red CC0S
Cio&o(ica& &i"it 1a&ue# No biological e.4osure liits noted 2or t#e ingredientCsD.
E3%o#ure (uide&ine# No e.4osure standards allocated.
A%%ro%riate en(ineerin(
?.4losion-4roo2 general and local e.#aust ventilation. 6ood general ventilation Cty4ically 1$ air
c#anges 4er #ourD s#ould be used. Bentilation rates s#ould be atc#ed to conditions. "2
a44licable! use 4rocess enclosures! local e.#aust ventilation! or ot#er engineering controls to
aintain airborne levels below recoended e.4osure liits. "2 e.4osure liits #ave not been
establis#ed! aintain airborne levels to an acce4table level.
Indi1idua& %rotection "ea#ure#7 #uc! a# %er#ona& %rotecti1e e;ui%"ent
E)e$face %rotection /ear sa2ety glasses wit# side s#ields Cor gogglesD.
S6in %rotection
Hand %rotection Eor 4rolonged or re4eated skin contact use suitable 4rotective gloves.
Ot!er /ear suitable 4rotective clot#ing.
Re#%irator) %rotection "2 engineering controls do not aintain airborne concentrations below recoended e.4osure
liits Cw#ere a44licableD or to an acce4table level Cin countries w#ere e.4osure liits #ave not
been establis#edD! an a44roved res4irator ust be worn.
T!er"a& !a,ard# /ear a44ro4riate t#eral 4rotective clot#ing! w#en necessary.
8enera& !)(iene
/#en using! do not eat! drink or soke. 0lways observe good 4ersonal #ygiene easures! suc#
as was#ing a2ter #andling t#e aterial and be2ore eating! drinking! and5or soking. 9outinely
was# work clot#ing and 4rotective e7ui4ent to reove containants.
?. P!)#ica& and c!e"ica& %ro%ertie#
P!)#ica& #tate Solid.
For" +owder.
Co&or 9ed.
Odor ,dorless.
Odor t!re#!o&d Not available.
%H Not a44licable.
Me&tin( %oint$free,in( %oint 27%5 IE C1535 ICD
Initia& 'oi&in( %oint and 'oi&in(
Not available.
F&a#! %oint Not a44licable.
E1a%oration rate Not a44licable.
F&a""a'i&it) -#o&id7 (a#. Not available.
:%%er$&o0er f&a""a'i&it) or e3%&o#i1e &i"it#
F&a""a'i&it) &i"it * &o0er
Not a44licable.
F&a""a'i&it) &i"it * u%%er
Not a44licable.
E3%&o#i1e &i"it * &o0er -4. Not available.
E3%&o#i1e &i"it * u%%er -4. Not available.
Aa%or %re##ure Not a44licable.
Aa%or den#it) Not a44licable.
Re&ati1e den#it) 2.5
Re&ati1e den#it) te"%erature 68 IE C2$ ICD
So&u'i&it)-ie#. "nsoluble in water.
Partition coefficient
Not a44licable.
Auto*i(nition te"%erature Not a44licable.
Deco"%o#ition te"%erature Not available.
Ai#co#it) Not a44licable.
S"9-C)?(@ <9A +,/<?9 63 9?< S<S ;S
%15823 Bersion ': $1 9evision date: - "ssue date: 2%-,ctober-2$13 3 5 6
Ot!er infor"ation
AOC -Wei(!t 4. Not a44licable.
1@. Sta'i&it) and reacti1it)
Reacti1it) H#e 4roduct is stable and non-reactive under noral conditions o2 use! storage and trans4ort.
C!e"ica& #ta'i&it) (aterial is stable under noral conditions.
Po##i'i&it) of !a,ardou#
No dangerous reaction known under conditions o2 noral use.
Condition# to a1oid 3ee4 away 2ro #eat! s4arks and o4en 2lae. (inii8e dust generation and accuulation.
Contact wit# inco4atible aterials.
Inco"%ati'&e "ateria&# Strong o.idi8ing agents.
Ha,ardou# deco"%o#ition
No #a8ardous deco4osition 4roducts are known.
11. To3ico&o(ica& infor"ation
Infor"ation on &i6e&) route# of e3%o#ure
In(e#tion ?.4ected to be a low ingestion #a8ard.
In!a&ation "n#alation o2 dusts ay cause res4iratory irritation.
S6in contact <ust or 4owder ay irritate t#e skin.
E)e contact <ust ay irritate t#e eyes.
S)"%to"# re&ated to t!e
%!)#ica&7 c!e"ica& and
to3ico&o(ica& c!aracteri#tic#
<ust ay cause eye! skin and res4iratory tract irritation.
Infor"ation on to3ico&o(ica& effect#
Acute to3icit) ?.4ected to be a low #a8ard 2or usual industrial or coercial #andling by trained 4ersonnel.
S6in corro#ion$irritation +rolonged skin contact ay cause te4orary irritation.
Seriou# e)e da"a(e$e)e
<irect contact wit# eyes ay cause te4orary irritation.
Re#%irator) #en#iti,ation Not a res4iratory sensiti8er.
S6in #en#iti,ation H#is 4roduct is not e.4ected to cause skin sensiti8ation.
8er" ce&& "uta(enicit) No data available to indicate 4roduct or any co4onents 4resent at greater t#an $.1J are
utagenic or genoto.ic.
Carcino(enicit) H#is 4roduct is not considered to be a carcinogen by "09C! 0C6")! NH+! or ,S)0.
IARC Mono(ra%!#. O1era&& E1a&uation of Carcino(enicit)
+igent red CC0S 516$-$2-1D 3 Not classi2iable as to carcinogenicity to #uans.
Re%roducti1e to3icit) H#is 4roduct is not e.4ected to cause re4roductive or develo4ental e22ects.
S%ecific tar(et or(an to3icit) *
#in(&e e3%o#ure
Not classi2ied.
S%ecific tar(et or(an to3icit) *
re%eated e3%o#ure
Not classi2ied.
A#%iration !a,ard Not an as4iration #a8ard.
C!ronic effect# +rolonged in#alation ay be #ar2ul.
1+. Eco&o(ica& infor"ation
Ecoto3icit) H#e 4roduct is not classi2ied as environentally #a8ardous. )owever! t#is does not e.clude t#e
4ossibility t#at large or 2re7uent s4ills can #ave a #ar2ul or daaging e22ect on t#e environent.
Per#i#tence and de(rada'i&it) No data is available on t#e degradability o2 t#is 4roduct.
Cioaccu"u&ati1e %otentia& No data available 2or t#is 4roduct.
Mo'i&it) in #oi& Not available.
Ot!er ad1er#e effect# No ot#er adverse environental e22ects Ce.g. o8one de4letion! 4#otoc#eical o8one creation
4otential! endocrine disru4tion! global waring 4otentialD are e.4ected 2ro t#is co4onent.
1. Di#%o#a& con#ideration#
Di#%o#a& in#truction# Collect and reclai or dis4ose in sealed containers at licensed waste dis4osal site. H#is aterial
and its container ust be dis4osed o2 as #a8ardous waste. <o not allow t#is aterial to drain into
sewers5water su44lies. <o not containate 4onds! waterways or ditc#es wit# c#eical or used
container. <is4ose o2 contents5container in accordance wit# local5regional5national5international
S"9-C)?(@ <9A +,/<?9 63 9?D S<S ;S
%15823 Bersion ': $1 9evision date: - "ssue date: 2%-,ctober-2$13 & 5 6
Ha,ardou# 0a#te code H#e waste code s#ould be assigned in discussion between t#e user! t#e 4roducer and t#e waste
dis4osal co4any.
Wa#te fro" re#idue# $ unu#ed
<is4ose o2 in accordance wit# local regulations. ?4ty containers or liners ay retain soe
4roduct residues. H#is aterial and its container ust be dis4osed o2 in a sa2e anner Csee:
<is4osal instructionsD.
Conta"inated %ac6a(in( ?4ty containers s#ould be taken to an a44roved waste #andling site 2or recycling or dis4osal.
Since e4tied containers ay retain 4roduct residue! 2ollow label warnings even a2ter container is
15. Tran#%ort infor"ation
Not regulated as a #a8ardous aterial by <,H.
Not regulated as a dangerous good.
Not regulated as a dangerous good.
Tran#%ort in 'u&6 accordin( to
Anne3 II of MARPO/ <$<= and
t!e ICC Code
Not a44licable.
19. Re(u&ator) infor"ation
:S federa& re(u&ation# H#is 4roduct is a K)a8ardous C#eicalK as de2ined by t#e ,S)0 )a8ard Counication
Standard! 2% CE9 1%1$.12$$.
TSCA Section 1+-'. E3%ort 2otification -5@ CFR <@<7 Su'%t. D.
Not regulated.
:S. OSHA S%ecifica&&) Re(u&ated Su'#tance# -+? CFR 1?1@.1@@1*1@9@.
Not listed.
CERC/A Ha,ardou# Su'#tance /i#t -5@ CFR @+.5.
Not listed.
Su%erfund A"end"ent# and Reaut!ori,ation Act of 1?=6 -SARA.
Ha,ard cate(orie# "ediate )a8ard - No
<elayed )a8ard - No
Eire )a8ard - No
+ressure )a8ard - No
9eactivity )a8ard - No
SARA @+ E3tre"e&)
!a,ardou# #u'#tance
SARA 11$1+ Ha,ardou#
SARA 1 -TRI re%ortin(.
C!e"ica& na"e CAS nu"'er 4 ') 0t.
+igent red 516$-$2-1 > 3
Ot!er federa& re(u&ation#
C&ean Air Act -CAA. Section 11+ Ha,ardou# Air Po&&utant# -HAP#. /i#t
+igent red CC0S 516$-$2-1D
C&ean Air Act -CAA. Section 11+-r. Accidenta& Re&ea#e Pre1ention -5@ CFR 6=.1@.
Not regulated.
Safe Drin6in( Water Act
Not regulated.
Food and Dru(
Ad"ini#tration -FDA.
Not regulated.
:S #tate re(u&ation#
:S. Ma##ac!u#ett# RTD * Su'#tance /i#t
Not regulated.
:S. 2e0 Eer#e) Wor6er and Co""unit) Ri(!t*to*Dno0 Act
+igent red CC0S 516$-$2-1D 5$$ lbs
:S. Penn#)&1ania RTD * Ha,ardou# Su'#tance#
Not regulated.
:S. R!ode I#&and RTD
Not regulated.
S"9-C)?(@ <9A +,/<?9 63 9?< S<S ;S
%15823 Bersion ': $1 9evision date: - "ssue date: 2%-,ctober-2$13 5 5 6
:S. Ca&ifornia Pro%o#ition 69
/09N"N6: H#is 4roduct contains a c#eical known to t#e State o2 Cali2ornia to cause cancer.
:S * Ca&ifornia Pro%o#ition 69 * Carcino(en# F Re%roducti1e To3icit) -CRT.B /i#ted #u'#tance
+igent red CC0S 516$-$2-1D
Internationa& In1entorie#
Countr)-#. or re(ion In1entor) na"e On in1entor) -)e#$no.G
0ustralian "nventory o2 C#eical Substances C0"CSD Aes 0ustralia
<oestic Substances *ist C<S*D Aes Canada
Non-<oestic Substances *ist CN<S*D No Canada
"nventory o2 ?.isting C#eical Substances in C#ina C"?CSCD Aes C#ina
?uro4ean "nventory o2 ?.isting Coercial C#eical
Substances C?"N?CSD
Aes ?uro4e
?uro4ean *ist o2 Noti2ied C#eical Substances C?*"NCSD No ?uro4e
"nventory o2 ?.isting and New C#eical Substances C?NCSD Aes La4an
?.isting C#eicals *ist C?C*D Aes 3orea
New Mealand "nventory Aes New Mealand
+#ili44ine "nventory o2 C#eicals and C#eical Substances
Aes +#ili44ines
N0 KAesK indicates t#is 4roduct co4lies wit# t#e inventory re7uireents adinistered by t#e governing countryCsD.
0 KNoK indicates t#at one or ore co4onents o2 t#e 4roduct are not listed or e.e4t 2ro listing on t#e inventory adinistered by t#e governing
Ho.ic Substances Control 0ct CHSC0D "nventory Aes ;nited States O +uerto 9ico
16. Ot!er infor"ation7 inc&udin( date of %re%aration or &a#t re1i#ion
I##ue date 2%-,ctober-2$13
Re1i#ion date -
Aer#ion H $1
Furt!er infor"ation 9e2er to NE+0 65&! Standard 2or t#e +revention o2 Eire and <ust ?.4losions 2ro t#e
(anu2acturing! +rocessing! and )andling o2 Cobustible +articulate Solids! 2or sa2e #andling.
2FPA Ratin(#
/i#t of a''re1iation# H/0: Hie weig#ted average.
Reference# )S<-@ - )a8ardous Substances <ata -ank
Di#c&ai"er H#e in2oration in t#is C(DS<S was obtained 2ro sources w#ic# we believe are reliable but
cannot guarantee. 0dditionally! your use o2 t#is in2oration is beyond our control and ay be
beyond our knowledge. H#ere2ore! t#e in2oration is 4rovided wit#out any re4resentation or
warranty e.4ress or i4lied.
S"9-C)?(@ <9A +,/<?9 63 9?< S<S ;S
%15823 Bersion ': $1 9evision date: - "ssue date: 2%-,ctober-2$13 6 5 6

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