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Algebra 1 Syllabus2014

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Algebra 1 Syllabus

Course: Algebra 1
Teacher: Mr. Slomka

I want to welcome you to Algebra 1! Algebra 1 is intended for students who wish to develop their
thinking processes, as well as for those who intend to pursue a career directly related to the use of
mathematics. The student must successfully complete Pre-Algebra before beginning Algebra 1.

I have made a commitment to you that with a positive attitude, I will do my best each and everyday to
be prepared and do my best in order to for you to succeed. It is my desire for you to make the same
commitment to yourself that you will do all you can to ensure your success.

Any question you have is a good question, so please ask away. My classroom is a warm and
accepting environment. Together, with both of our commitments, we will certainly have a fantastic

Standards taught in Algebra 1:

Students will demonstrate the skills, properties, applications, and representations associated with

Number Types and Operations
Introduction to Exponents and Square Roots
Expressions, Equations, and functions
Solving Linear Equations
Graphing Linear Equations and Functions
Writing Linear Equations
Solving and Graphing Linear Equations
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Exponents and Exponential Functions
Polynomials and Factoring
Quadratic Equations and Functions
Rational Functions
Statistics and Probability

Materials youll need for this class:
The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes. - Benjamin Disraeli

1. Scientific Calculator (TI84 or TI83 are nice but not required until Algebra 2) - Free Version is
available on some android devices
2. Glencoe Algebra 1 Common Core Edition ISBN-13: 978-0076639236
3. Planner
4. Lined Paper
5. Pen/Pencil

Breakdown for Semester Grading:

Homework and Tasks 30%
Standards Based Quizzes 25%
Unit Tests 25%
Comprehensive Semester Exam 20%
Forum Discussion Bonus 5%

Tests and Projects:
Too often we give our children answers to remember rather than problems to solve. Roger Lewin

There will be a 100-point test or Project at the end of each unit.
No retakes (Benchmark Grading)
All work must be shown to receive full credit.
Notes, homework problems, and quiz questions should be utilized to prepare.


Short quizzes (10 points) will be given regularly and will be based on information from the text,
notes, examples, and classwork/homework.
All work must be shown to receive full credit.
Quizzes can be retaken (Standards Based Grading)

Homework and Tasks:
The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but
rather a lack of will. Vince Lombardi

Students are graded daily (5 points) on their class participation for each school day. Participation
points are given for:
(1 point) entering class on time,
(1 point) having materials for class,
(1 point) working at fullest capacity during the class,
(1 point) following all rules and regulations of the class, and
(1 point) working cooperatively with others.
Forum Discussion (optional):

This is an optional addition to the class, but every weekend I will post a new topic that will be open to
both my algebra 1 classes to discuss and debate. You may also use the forums to post questions
from homework for your peers or me to answer (not quiz questions unless stated) or other world
events in general. Please be respectful on the forums. I will moderate it to make sure things do not
get out of hand. Also, if replying to a question, please stay on topic.

Students are also graded on watching videos, taking notes, completing homework and binder checks.
Binder checks will be graded randomly throughout the course to ensure students are staying

Video Lesson Notes
(10 points each)
(10 points each)
Binder Checks
(10 points each)

Students have
watched entire video
full screen.

Students have taken
notes from video
lesson or answered
main idea questions
in sentence form.

All problems are complete
and work is shown.

The student put the proper
heading on his/her paper.

Points will be deducted for late

All assignments are turned

Assignments are organized
and in order.

Papers are in good condition
with no frayed edges

Classroom Expectations:
The price of greatest is great responsibility - Winston Churchill

1. Come Prepared
Each day you should bring: a pencil, binder, book, calculator, and your homework
task completed.

2. Speak and act respectfully
Students should respect teacher/student property, follow directions immediately,
raise hand for permission to speak or leave room, follow restroom procedures, etc.
Students should save personal questions (ones that do not affect the whole class)
for after school, before class, or during individual work time. Do not ask during
instruction or direct teach time.

3. Use Your Time Well
You may be given time in class to begin homework, complete an in-class activity,
or participate in group-interactions. If you fail to use your time wisely in class, you
will lose participation points and free time after school in order to get caught up
with your classmates.

4. Ask Questions
If you dont understand something, you must ask--this is the only way I will know
that you dont understand prior to a quiz or test. This course will build upon itself
and it is important that you understand the material in one lesson before moving
ahead. Refusing to ask a question or seek help when you need it most will create a
lot more stress for you in the long run.

5. Technology and Bathroom Procedures
Comply with Aim High Schools Code of Conduct in the student/parent handbook

**If you follow these expectations, theres no need to worry!**

I am very excited about our year together. I am confident it will be a great experience for us all.


Mr. Slomka

I have read and discussed the Algebra 1 syllabus with _____________________________.

Parents Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________

Points Possible: ____________ / 10

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