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Assessment Task - Peer Assessment - Rosie and Laura

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Assessment task

for learning

as learning

of learning

Lesson 1:
Task: As learning and for learning
Lesson objective: What are the features of a good poetry recital?
Students watch a YouTube clip of a quality poetry recital (Asha
Christensen ).
Teacher leads discussion in identifying how the recital was engaging
and how the text being read could be identified as a poem.
Mind map is jointly constructed.
Students break into mixed ability groups and brainstorm success
criteria for reciting an engaging, enjoyable poetry performance for an
Groups feedback information to class to create a checklist of success

Lesson 2: Assessment as and for learning
Preparation: Students are given a choice of 3 poems to learn as
part of homework program.
Students practise reciting poems in small groups at school.
Peers provide verbal feedback using the format of 2 Stars and A
Individual students self-reflect using the success criteria

Lesson 3: Summative Assessment
Students perform poems to the class and are marked by group members
using the success criteria.

Objective Outcome Content Criteria
- Identifies appropriate
expression and
techniques used to
engage the audience in a
poetry recital.

- Reflects on peer
feedback and uses an
increasing range of skills
to improve performance.
EN2-4A: uses an increasing range
of skills, strategies and knowledge
to fluently read, view and
comprehend a range of texts on
increasingly challenging topics in
different media and technologies
reads texts, including poems and
scripted drama, using appropriate
expression, e.g. pitch, pause,
emphasis and attending to
EN2-8B: identifies and compares
different kinds of texts when
reading and viewing and shows
an understanding of purpose,
audience and subject matter

discusses the nature and effects
of some language devices used to
enhance meaning and shape the
reader's reaction, including
rhythm and onomatopoeia in
poetry and prose
EN2-10C: thinks imaginatively,
creatively and interpretively about
information, ideas and texts when
responding to and composing

identify creative language
features in imaginative texts
(poetry) that contribute to

respond to a range of texts, eg
through role-play or drama, for
pleasure and enjoyment, and
express thoughtful conclusions
about those texts
EN2-11D: responds to and
composes a range of texts that
express viewpoints of the world
similar to and different from their

composes a variety of texts, eg
simple poetry, that include
aspects of home and local
community life
EN3-9E: recognises, reflects on
and assesses their strengths as a

develop criteria for the
successful completion of tasks

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