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Water Droplet Erosion of Laser Surface Treated Ti-6A14V

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WearlSG187 (1995)360-367
Water droplet erosion of laser surface treated Ti-6A14V
J.M. Robinson I, R.C. Reed
Department of Materials, I mperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London SW7 2BP. UK
The work reports on the effect of laser surface treatments on the water droplet erosion resistance of a commercial alloy of nominal composition
Ti-6Al4V. Use is made of a continuous wave CO2 laser to melt the TXAl4V in both inert and dilute nitrogen atmospheres. The gas
composition of the atmosphere is set at either 100% Ar, 90% Ar + 10% N, or 80% Ar + 20% N, by volume. The successive intertrack overlap
is set at either 50% or 75% of the surface width of a single melt track. The cumulative mass loss during water droplet erosion of the laser
surface melted material decreases substantially relative to the untreated material for all processing conditions examined. The enhanced erosion
resistance is attributed to increases in the surface layer microhardness as well as the resistance of the martensitic microstructure to the hydraulic
penetration mechanism of erosion. The benefits of nitrogen alloying over surface melting in an inert environment are not substantial, but this
may be attributed to pre-existing micro-cracks in the nitrogen alloyed surface layers.
Keywords: Erosion; Water droplets; Laser surface treatment; Ti-6A1-4V
1. Introduction
1.1. Water droplet erosion
Water droplet erosion in the final rows of blading in the
low pressure (LP) stage in large steam turbines is the even-
tual cause of substantial degradation of the blade surface [ 11.
Partial condensation of water droplets from the superheated
steam occurs immediately upstream of the final or penulti-
mate stage of blading in the LP stage. At the very least,
erosion degrades the aerodynamic efficiency of the blading
and sustained operation ultimately necessitates the costly dis-
mantling and reblading of the turbine.
Ti-6Al4V alloys currently rival 12Cr martensitic steels
for application in the LP stage for two reasons [ 21. In the
penultimate (L- 1) or steam transition row, Ti-6Al-W may
be used because of its high degree of immunity to pitting
initiated by corrosive condensates. Failure by corrosion
fatigue of 12-Cr blades has historically resulted in substantial
downtime. In addition, the high specific strength of the tita-
nium alloy permits longer blade lengths in the last (L-O) row
of blading. The associated larger exhaust area results in
improved thermal efficiency and a related substantial increase
in the power output. Although Ti-6A14V demonstrates a
relatively high resistance to water droplet attack [ 31, erosion
Present address: Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Pem-
broke Street, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK.
0043.1648/95/$09,50 0 1995 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved
remains a problem because the longer blades result in
increased blade tip velocities.
Conventionally, the leading edge of 12-Cr blades is pro-
tected by a brazed Co-based (Stellite) insert. However, ther-
mal expansion mismatch means that this is an inappropriate
solution for Ti alloy blading. A range of solutions to the
problem are employed by steam turbine manufacturers
around the world. Examples include the use of age-hardened
P-Ti alloy shields inserted into the leading edge by weld
overlay or brazing techniques or Tic-based sintered carbide
inserts applied by electron beam welding or brazing. How-
ever, a single stage satisfactory process remains elusive. It is
to this end that we have examined the effect of laser surface
melting in inert and dilute nitrogen atmospheres on the water
droplet erosion resistance of Ti-6Al-4V.
1.2. Laser sugace alloying
Laser surface treatment has the potential to produce
enhanced surface properties in an elegant single stage proc-
ess. Laser gas alloying (LGA) is such a process, appropriate
for producing wear resistant surface layers on Ti alloys. The
combined possibilities of precision control and process auto-
mation mean that consistent, repeatable results may be
obtained, provided that the effects of process variables are
thoroughly understood. LGA relies on the rapid, localised
melting produced by the intense optical energy of a laser
beam. Convection currents in combination with the high dif-
J.M. Robinson, R.C. Reed/ Wear 186187 (1995) 360-367 361
fusivity of solutes in the liquid state ensure that alloying
occurs throughout the melt in the atmosphere of a suitably
reactive gas.
In the case of Ti and Ti alloys, surface melting in an atmos-
phere of N, gas results in the formation of a nitrogen rich
surface layer. The microstructure of the alloyed region is
affected by a range process variables but consists primarily
of TIN dendrites within a nitrogen enriched ol-Ti matrix [ 41.
Katayama et al. originally surface melted various Ti alloys in
a continuous stream of N, gas [ 51. They noted the difficulty
of producing a smooth, crack-free surface layer. Subse-
quently, dilutions of N2 in an inert carrier gas have been
considered (eg. [ 4,6] ) . Bell et al. have reported that surface
cracking can be eliminated by working at high feed rates [ 71
and more recently, by preheating the substrate prior to laser
processing [ 61. The previously published work has indicated
optimum values for specific variables such as scanning speed,
approximate power density and intertrack overlap [ 61. This
work has therefore utilised the previously published results
to produce laser treated surfaces; the water droplet erosion
resistance relative to the untreated material has then been
2. Experimental techniques
2.1. Laser processing
Laser surface alloying experiments were undertaken at
2 kW using a transverse flow, continuous wave 5 kW CO,
laser. The beam was focused using a 69 off-axis parabolic
mirror with a focal distance of 216 mm. The beam was char-
acterised using a hollow needle beam analyser and the power
measured at the workpiece surface using a calibrated calorim-
eter. Experiments were undertaken below the focal point
resulting in an average power density of - 1 X lo5 W cm-.
Because of the minimum depth of melting required for ade-
quate erosion protection, a set traverse velocity of 20 mm s-
was used. All melting occurred in the conduction/convection
limited melt regime at the traverse velocity employed.
The gas required for oxidation protection and alloying was
delivered via a purpose designed shroud, which included a
gas jet aimed directly at the point of interaction between the
laser beam and the substrate. The total gas flow was controlled
at 20 dm3 min- and divided evenly between the gas jet and
the shroud system. Three discrete atmospheres were utilised
i.e. pure Ar, Ar + 10% N2 and Ar + 20% N2 by volume. Sur-
faces were produced by overlapping adjacent melt tracks.
The successive overlap between tracks was either 50% or
75% of the top surface width of the melted region. 50%
overlap is the minimum requirement for producing a contin-
uously treated surface layer and the literature has indicated
[6] 75% overlap as an optimum for producing an alloyed
layer with homogeneous microstructure.
2.2. Water droplet erosion
Specimens were tested in an erosion rig consisting of two
contra rotating shafts, each carrying a mild steel overhung
disc [ 81. The specimens are mounted on the perimeter of the
larger diameter disc and the spray nozzles are located on the
smaller. The discs are sealed from the atmosphere and the
tests conducted under vacuum. Four circular specimens are
eroded in any single test by the spray from two nozzles. The
15 mm diameter specimens are machined from the material
to be evaluated and the edges protected by replaceable tool
steel guard rings. The guard rings ensure that no fragmenta-
tion or unrepresentative mass loss occurs from the specimen
Primarily, the water droplet erosion apparatus is intended
as a method for the rapid evaluation of the relative erosion
resistance of a range of materials. Conditions during testing
are, however, designed to approximate the actual operating
conditions in the LP stage of a steam turbine. The mean
droplet size has been determined, using photographs of the
spray, to be approximately 100 km. The impact velocity of
- 500 m s- is well into the regime of impact velocities
under which the wear mechanism is dominated by erosion
alone [ 91.
Testing was undertaken in continuous 5 h runs, separated
by measurements for mass loss as well as scanning electron
microscopy examination of the eroded surface. In any set of
four specimens, a comparator was included. The comparator
was manufactured from the untreated Ti-6AMV and the
surface ground to a standard finish. This allowed for an eval-
uation of the relative performance of the laser treated material
as well as maintaining a consistent standard throughout.
3. Results
3.1. Initial microstructure
A detailed analysis of the effect of laser treatment on the
initial microstructure is beyond the scope of this work, how-
ever a brief discussion is directly relevant to the resultant
erosion performance. Prior to laser treatment, the Ti-6AlAV
consists of a predominantly (Y phase microstructure contain-
ing a lower fraction of distributed B phase. Laser melting in
an inert atmosphere resulted in a homogeneous martensitic
(a) microstructure to a depth of - 400 p.m. Laser melting
in dilute nitrogen resulted in a continuous TiN surface layer
(5-20 p,rn thick) covering a relatively inhomogeneous melt
zone comprising TiN dendrites, TiN plates, (Y, and (Y
Pre-existing micro-cracks were evident in all material laser
melted in nitrogen containing atmospheres. Crack directions
were predominantly either perpendicular or parallel to the
direction of the laser tracks. Cross-sectional examination
indicated that the cracks were approximately perpendicular
to the top surface and penetrated to the depth of the melt zone.
362 J.M. Robinson, R.C. Reed/ Wear 186-187 (1995) 360-367
2 0.03
A 0.025
1 A 20% Nitrogen i
0.01 . 0
0 1,
0.005 ; 0
: 8 $ 0
Or 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
0.05 ,
$f 0.03
s 0.02s
z 0.02
0.0 I
0 P
10 15
. .
20 25
Fig. 1, Water droplet erosion of laser processed TidAL4V: (a) 50% intertrack overlap; (b) 75% intertrack overlap.
Cracking could not be correlated with specific microstructural
features using either optical or scanning electron microscopy.
The Knoop microhardness (50 g load) of the untreated
material is 382. Laser melting in argon with either 50% or
75% overlap results in a moderate ( I 10%) increase where
as melting in nitrogen results in a more dramatic ( N 40%)
increase to -550. These figures refer to an average value
within the melt zone and do not include the particularly hard
surface layer of TiN (hardness 2 1200).
3.2. Water droplet erosion
The mass loss during water droplet erosion of Ti-6A1-4V
is plotted in Fig. 1 and can be compared to the same material
after laser surface melting in both inert and reactive atmos-
pheres. The figure shows the cumulative mass loss vs. time
at five hour intervals over 25 h. Fig. 1 (a) plots mass loss of
material laser treated with 50% overlap and Fig. 1 (b) , mate-
rial laser treated with 75% overlap. There is little overall
difference between the data in Fig. 1 (a) and Fig. 1 (b) sug-
gesting that, within the range examined, intertrack overlap is
a relatively insignificant parameter.
3.3. SEA4 examination
Examination of the wear surfaces and wear surface cross-
sections can be expected to elucidate the mechanisms of mate-
rial removal. Fig. 2 shows the eroded wear surfaces after 5 h
and Fig. 3 after 25 h exposure to water droplet erosion. It is
apparent from Fig. 2 that the erosive attack is non-uniform in
Fig. 2. Secondary electron SEM micrographs of the wear surfaces after 5 h exposure to water droplet erosion: (a) untreated; (b) laser processed in 100% Ar;
(c) laser processed in 10% NZ; (d) laser processed in 20% N,. The direction of laser traverse is vertical in all cases.
(cl Cd)
Fig. 3. Secondary electron SEM micrographs of the wear surfaces after 25 h exposure to water droplet erosion: (a) untreated; (b) laser processed in 100% Ar;
(c) laser processed in 10% NZ; (d) laser processed in 20% N,. The direction of laser traverse is vertical in all cases.
364 J.M. Robinson, R.C. Reed/ Wear 186-187(1995) 360-367
all cases. By the end of the first 5 h exposure, approximately
50% of the surface area of untreated Ti-6AL4V exhibited
erosion pits. In the case of all laser treated material, the initial
attack was macroscopically characterised by banding, cor-
related with the laser tracks.
The mechanism of material removal in the untreated mate-
rial is apparently one of initial pit formation followed by
subsurface lateral tunnel formation. This process of material
loss is illustrated in the left-hand micrograph in Fig. 4(a).
Moreover, the right-hand micrograph in Fig. 4(a) suggests
Fig. 4. Backscattered electron SEM micrographs of the erosion surface cross-sections of Ti-6AI-4V, untreated and laser processed with a 50% overlap in 100%
Ar, 10% N2 and 20% Nz atmosphere. (a) Untreated. After 5 h erosion (left) and after 25 h erosion (right). (b) Laser surface melted in 100% Ar. After 5 h
erosion (left) and after 25 h erosion (right). (c) Laser surface melted in 10% N,. After 5 h erosion (left) and after 25 h erosion (right) (d) Laser surface
melted in 20% Nz. After 5 h erosion (left) and after 25 h erosion (right).
J.M. Robinson, R.C. Reed/ Wear 186187 (1995) 360-367 365
that formation of the N 100 ym diameter surface craters
occurs by localised attack via the same mechanism.
3.3.1. Surface melting in Ar
For material melted in Ar, the initial erosive attack con-
sisted of a combination of grain boundary erosion and surface
roughening or localised erosion pit ( 4 = 10-50 km) forma-
tion. Roughened bands on the surface were observed to
broaden into the adjacent pitted regions as the erosion process
developed until the surface assumed a more uniformly eroded
appearance. After 15 h exposure to erosion, the banded ero-
sion pattern was less clear than after the initial five hour period
and the surface exhibited an approximately uniformly rough-
ened appearance with some local pitting at a developed stage
(cratering). Higher magnification examination indicated that
the banding is a result of less developed erosion in thin (50-
100 pm wide) * parallel regions interspersed by more heavily
eroded strips ( -400 p,m wide) *. The macroscopic pattern
of erosion developed within the first 5 h is therefore main-
tained. However, no crater or tunnel formation occurred
within the initial five hour erosion period. 25 h exposure
resulted in a surface dominated by fine roughening and exten-
sive cratering ( 4 = 100 km). Limited subsurface tunnel for-
mation was evident; where this occurred, the origin was the
base of a surface crater.
Cross-sectional examination indicates that the initial attack
is approximately uniform, consistent with the underlying
microstructural uniformity. Small pit formation occurs but
the lack of subsurface tunnel formation suggests that the
martensitic lath microstructure may be more resistant to the
lateral propagation of subsurface erosion than the untreated
material. After 25 h exposure to erosion, cross-sectional
examination confirms that small tunnel formation occurs but
subsurface branching is not observed.
3.3.2. Sur$ace melting in 10% N,
A significant portion of the wear surface of the material
melted in 10% N2 maintains its surface integrity after 5 h
exposure to erosion. Surface layer removal is concentrated in
narrow ( N 50 pm wide) * bands interspersed by regions dec-
orated with fine (+= 2-10 pm) erosion pits. Development
of the erosion process is facilitated by an increase in the area
of the pits, without a concurrent increase in depth. Initiation
of this surface layer removal was observed to be locally
enhanced in the vicinity of surface cracks. After 15-25 h
exposure to erosion, the process of surface layer removal was
complete except for in isolated resistant regions. Some cra-
tering (4 = 50-100 km) was observed to have developed
within the narrow banded regions which had suffered the
initially more severe attack.
In the case of material melted using 50% overlap.
3.3.3. Sur$ace melting in 20% N2
Material melted in 20% N, exhibited similar characteristics
to material melted in 10% N,. Localised breakdown of the
surface layer occurred and was emphasised in the vicinity of
pre-existing surface cracks. Heavily eroded regions of the
surface exhibited almost complete removal of the surface
layer after the initial 5 h exposure to erosion. Heavy cratering
of the surface was apparent after exposure to 15 h erosion
and some tunnel formation was evident. Orthogonal short
(20-75 pm) cracks were also occasionally evident, emanat-
ing from the rims of some surface craters. The direction of
the cracks matched with the larger cracks present prior to
processing i.e. primarily parallel and perpendicular to the
direction of laser tracks.
Cross-sectional examination of laser nitrided material indi-
cated that the initial erosive attack comprised of the removal
of the brittle TIN surface layer. Micrographs in Fig. 4(c) and
(d) illustrate the localised removal of the thin surface layer.
This supports evidence from SEM observations of the wear
surface which suggest that the initial attack occurred by local
removal of the surface layer followed by the approximately
uniform spreading of the erosive attack over the specimen
surface. Cross-sections of erosion samples after 25 h expo-
sure indicated that total removal of the TIN surface layer was
complete. Material melted in 10% N, demonstrated a more
uniform profile with localised attack favoured in regions of
coarser microstructure. Heavy cratering and deep (30 p,m)
tunnel formation was evident in the case of material melted
in 20% N2.
4. Discussion
The alloy Ti-6Al-4V has been previously observed to
demonstrate particularly high water droplet erosion resistance
relative to other structural alloys [ 11. The results of the pres-
ent work indicate that laser surface treatments have resulted
in an encouraging improvement with reference to the pro-
duction of erosion resistant surfaces on Ti-6Al-4V turbine
blading. An analysis of this performance requires an attempt
to define the mechanism of material loss (erosion) in the
untreated material and how this is affected by the micros-
tructural changes induced by laser surface treatment. In this
regard, recent research [ 101 correlating the water droplet
erosion resistance of pure Ti and a range of Ti alloys suggests
a good correlation between Vickers hardness and erosion
resistance of the alloys.
The loss of material due to liquid impingement erosion
characteristically comprises up to five time-dependent stages
(periods) [ 31. However, not all stages are necessarily present
under all test conditions. The lack of a defined incubation
period may occur under conditions of particularly severe
impact and the lack of a terminal (steady-state) period may
result from a continuing increase in-alternatively, ongoing
fluctuations in-the erosion rate. Erosion experiments under-
366 J.M. Robinson, R.C. Reed/ Wear 186-187 (1995) 360-367
taken in the present work were unable to resolve either a
defined incubation period in the rate of mass loss vs. time nor
the onset of a terminal steady state period (constant rate of
mass loss). The lack of a defined incubation period is almost
certainly the result of the severity of the water droplet erosion
under the testing conditions employed. Particularly severe
erosion conditions can be expected to result in material
removal from the onset of testing, thereby obscuring the incu-
bation stage of erosion (which is characterised by surface
deformation with no material removal [ 11). In this regard,
detailed measurement of mass loss within the first 5 h could
be expected to define the incubation period, however short.
Recent cavitation erosion experiments [ 111 on the same
material demonstrated a defined incubation period for both
untreated Ti6Al4V and the same alloy laser surface melted
in argon. However, for nitrogen alloyed material the lack of
an incubation period was attributed to the early erosion of the
continuous brittle TiN surface layer under cavitation condi-
Longer testing times under the same erosion conditions
reported in this work have demonstrated the onset of steady
state erosion for untreatedTi-6Al4V after 25-30 h exposure
[ 121. The data presented in this work can therefore be used
as a useful indication of the potential effectiveness of the laser
surface treatments and this can be correlated with changes in
the surface-layer microstructure. However it is important to
emphasise that the data is insufficient to determine the relative
erosion resistance of the laser surface treated samples relative
to the bulk under steady-state erosion conditions.
A mechanism of localised damage followed by the nucle-
ation of erosion pits and subsequent development of erosion
tunnels from these pits has been previously reported for Ti-
6A14V [ 131. Progressive sectioning of the samples indi-
cated subsurface tunnelling, which was proposed to arise
from a hydraulic penetration mechanism initiating within the
erosion pits. In the experiments reported in the present work,
5 h exposure to erosion was sufficient to have initiated sub-
surface tunnel formation below an approximately uniformly
eroded surface in the case of untreated material (see Fig.
4(a) ) The features observed were therefore consistent with
an erosion mechanism dominated by hydraulic penetration at
local damage sites. Hydraulic penetration is acknowledged
to be the most damaging mode for material removal for two
reasons. It has the capacity to substantially develop sub-
micron sized cracks and pits and moreover, it is effective
throughout the erosive process. The development of erosion
pits to the size of (p 2 100 pm (craters) was observed to occur
by a similar localised mechanism within the craters (see Fig.
4(a) ). The development of the erosion process until the end
of the test period resulted from an increase in the size of the
surface craters as well as the development of large diameter
(100-200 pm) tunnels from within these craters.
A rationalisation for the enhanced erosion resistance of the
laser melted material should at least consider the microhard-
ness of the melted layer as well as the surface features and
cross-sections of the eroded samples. Knoop microhardness
tests indicate that material melted in Ar exhibits a marginally
increased ( - 10%) microhardness within the melt zone com-
pared to the bulk. An approximate calculation based on data
for the erosion rate dependence on hardness of a range of
titanium alloys [lo] shows that a 10% increase in hardness
can be expected to produce a relative erosion resistance of
- 1.3. The ratio of the steady state erosion rate of laser surface
melted ( 100% Ar, overlap = 25%) Ti-6A1-4V relative to
that of the untreated material has been previously measured
to be - 1.7 [ 121 (under the same erosion conditions as the
present work). The experiments reported in the present work
( 100% AR, overlap250%) show a decrease in the rate of
mass loss relative to the previous data and therefore suggest
that further improvements to the steady-state relative erosion
resistance would become evident over longer testing times.
Microstructural evidence from examination of the erosion
surface cross-section indicates why an improvement over and
above that expected from microhardness data may arise.
Small subsurface erosion tunnels readily develop from the
surface of the material. However, the tunnels observed do not
develop orthogonal branches (see Fig. 4(b) ) This micros-
tructural evidence suggests that the hydraulic penetration
mechanism of erosion may be constrained by the martensitic
lath microstructure. Further evidence for this hypothesis
comes from a consideration of a cavitation erosion evaluation
[ 1 l] of the same material. Under cavitation erosion condi-
tions, the steady state erosion rate of Ti-6A1-4V was not
improved by laser surface melting. Cross-sectional exami-
nation showed that subsurface tunnel formation did not occur
i.e. hydraulic penetration was not the operative mechanism
in this case. The mechanism of material removal under cav-
itation erosion was rather one of the accumulation of plastic
deformation and subsequent spalling off of the surface. The
martensitic microstructure was therefore not particularly
advantageous in the case of cavitation erosion.
In the case of material melted in nitrogen, the continuous
surface layer of TIN acts as an initial barrier to erosion. The
mechanism of material loss is one of local pitting of the brittle
TIN surface layer and increased local spalling off of the TIN
in the vicinity of cracks. In the case of material melted in a
20% N, atmosphere, a higher density of cracks is therefore
likely to contribute to the increased initial rate of material
loss. Nitrogen alloying in all cases (10 and 20% NZ, 50 and
75% overlap) resulted in a substantial increase ( - 40%) in
the microhardness of the melted layer matrix relative to the
untreated Ti-6Al4V. This alone can be expected to contrib-
ute to an improved erosion resistance. However, it is impor-
tant to consider the relative inhomogeneity of the
microstructure of the material melted in dilute nitrogen
atmospheres relative to that melted in an inert atmosphere.
Microstructural inhomogeneity in nitrogen alloyed material
was observed to influence the local erosive attack in that
regions of coarse microstructure were more vulnerable to
erosion through local attack of the softer phase (see Fig.
4(c)). It is likely therefore, that the inhomogeneity of
the microstructure in conjunction with the pre-existing
J.M. Robinson, R.C. Reed/ Wear 186187 (1995) 360-367 361
micro-cracks resulted in a less dramatic improvement in
erosion resistance than the hardness increases may have indi-
The experiments presented in this work have demon-
strated the potential benefits of laser surface melting and
nitrogen alloying on the water droplet erosion resistance
of Ti-6A1-4V. Melting in both inert and dilute nitrogen
atmospheres results in a substantial decrease in mass loss
during exposure to water droplet erosion relative to
untreated Ti-6AlAV.
In the case of material melted in argon, the improved
resistance to water droplet erosion can be attributed to a
combination of increased hardness in combination with
the effect of the martensitic microstructure on the hydrau-
lic penetration mechanism of erosion.
For Ti-6AlAV laser alloyed with nitrogen, the explana-
tion is apparently less straightforward. Initially, the brittle
TiN layer acts as a barrier to the onset of erosion damage.
However, the non-uniformity of the microstructure in
combination with pre-existing cracks influence the ero-
sion mechanism, making it more difficult to rationalise
the observed behaviour. Further experiments on material
without pre-existing cracks and, ideally, with a more
homogeneous microstructure are necessary.
It is imperative that methods are devised to eliminate
micro-cracking which occurs within the laser treated sur-
face layers; such cracking is likely to have an effect on
the fatigue resistance of the surface treated component.
Even if cracking does not occur, methods to minimise the
tensile residual stresses which exist in the melted surface
layer must be devised. The use of a two stage laser treat-
ment to anneal the melted layer may hold some promise
in this regard.
The authors are grateful to Mr E. Tate and colleagues of
the Materials Engineering Department, Parsons Steam Tur-
bines Ltd for useful discussions and technical support. In
addition, the support of Parsons for the supply of material as
well as the provision of water droplet erosion test facilities is
acknowledged. Primary financial support for the work from
the Science and Engineering Research Council (Grant ref.
GR/H 36535) is also acknowledged. We are particularly
grateful to professor D.R.F. West for useful discussions and
enthusiastic support of the work. Professor M. McLean is
thanked for the provision of research facilities at Imperial
[ 11 J.H. Brunton and M.C. Rochester, Erosion of solid surfaces by the
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[ 121 NE1 Parsons, Ltd., unpublished test results, April 1991.
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