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Key Terms in Translation Studies

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Key Terms in Translation Studies

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Key Terms in Translation Studies
Giuseppe Palumbo
Continuum International Publishing Group
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Giuseppe Palumbo 2009
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Acknowledgements vi
Abbreviations used vii
Introduction 1
Key Terms in Translation Studies 5
Key Thinkers in Translation Studies 147
Key Readings and Bibliography 191
Index 207
Many friends and colleagues helped me in identifying the themes
and ideas that went into this book. I am deeply indebted to: Federica
Scarpa, Margaret Rogers, Maria Teresa Musacchio, Lawrence Venuti,
David Katan, Chris Taylor and Dimitris Asimakoulas. Other friends have
accepted to read and comment on early, partial drafts of the book.
My sincere thanks go to Nadja Blondet, Silvia Cacchiani and Annalisa
Sezzi. I am also particularly grateful to Marina Bondi, Marc Silver and
other colleagues at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, who
were enormously patient with me as I combined work on this book
with my duties as a teacher and researcher there. Thanks, finally, to
the Library staff at the School for Interpreters and Translators of the
University of Trieste for their patience and assistance.
Abbreviations used
MT machine translation
SL source language
ST source text
TL target language
TT target text
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Although translation has been practised and discussed for millennia,
systematic interest in translation at a scholarly level has emerged quite
recently and a distinct discipline having translation as its core object of
research may be seen to have developed only over the last three dec-
ades. One of the founding statements of translation studies is conven-
tionally identified with James H. Holmes paper The Name and Nature
of Translation Studies, delivered at a conference held in Copenhagen
in 1972 but only available in printed form to a wide audience several
years later. This was also the paper that provided a label for the field,
previously referred to, in English, with various other labels including
translation theory or translatology.
Starting from the 1940s and up to the 1970s, the study of transla-
tion was commonly seen as falling within the scope of applied linguis-
tics, a view which was also related to the attempts carried out in those
years at developing machine translation systems. The basic thrust of
research on translation was therefore of an applied nature, even in
most of the cases where reflection was presented as having a theor-
etical nature. Results of research also found application in the training
institutes that were being founded, especially in Europe, as a way of
responding to the increasing demand for professional translators (a
true explosion in the offer of training programmes for translators and
interpreters would occur, at least in Europe, in the 1990s).
Early linguistic approaches looked at translation essentially from a
contrastive point of view and mainly in terms of isolated stretches
of language, especially at word or sentence level. Soon, however,
interest in other levels of linguistic description emerged and, based
on work carried out in text linguistics, discourse analysis and prag-
matics, translation came to be looked at as a re-creation of texts.
2 Introduction
In the meantime, the introduction of other disciplinary perspectives
contributed to widen the scope of translation research: information
theory and communication studies brought to translation an explicitly
social dimension, emphasizing its nature as an action that involves
other participants beside the translator (e.g. clients and readers) and
is subject to considerations that go well beyond linguistic factors. In
short, functional considerations at various levels were introduced in
the study of translation and this represented a further move towards
expanding the scope of translation research.
A strong interest in translation has traditionally been shown by
literary studies and philosophy, which constitute another important
source of ideas and themes that have been channelled into contem-
porary translation studies. Historically, discourse on translation has
almost exclusively taken the form of commentaries on translation
work carried out on literary and philosophical works or sacred texts
(especially the Bible). Indeed, the oldest approach to translation can
probably be seen to be the one based on hermeneutics, where trans-
lation is taken as a paradigm for wider problems of understanding and
interpretation. Literary studies have contributed to research on trans-
lation ideas first elaborated in comparative literature and in cultural
studies, ranging from notions such as that of system or norm to
the issues linked to the representation of different cultural identities.
Hermeneutic approaches, revived by poststructuralist and deconstruc-
tionist perspectives, have recently brought to the fore questions such
as intertextuality and the uncontrollable polysemy of language, while
at the same time continuing to investigate how translations can do
justice to SL authors in spite of the incommensurability of languages
a concern felt as early as the first quarter of the 19
century, when
the German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher discussed whether
translators should bring foreign authors to readers or whether they
should lead readers to the foreign authors (his own preference was
for the latter option).
James H. Holmes programme of research as delineated in the
1972 paper mentioned above envisaged the creation of a descrip-
tive branch in translation studies, i.e. one studying the phenomena of
Introduction 3
translating and translations without the largely prescriptive bias that
Holmes detected in most existing research on the subject. A group of
researchers coming from different backgrounds has, starting from the
1970s, worked for the development of such a branch, thus leading
to one of the changes of paradigm that helped establish translation
studies as an independent discipline. Descriptive approaches operated
a complete reversal of perspective with respect to earlier research,
focusing on translated texts as facts of the target culture and studying
the socio-cultural and linguistic conditions in which these texts come
about. A similar focus on constraints and influencing factors is to be
found in another area that has recently received increased attention
from the part of researchers, i.e. the study of the cognitive processes
involved in the act of translation.
Holmes proposal also entailed a clear separation between the two
branches of pure research (theory and description) and the applied
branch of the discipline, i.e. the one concerned with translator train-
ing, the development of translation aids and the assessment of trans-
lations. While this position has for some time met with approval in a
significant section of the field, such a sharp distinction is today being
called into question, and an increasing number of scholars are work-
ing on aspects that straddle Holmes the lines of internal disciplinary
demarcation as proposed by Holmes.
Based on all of the above, the marked interdisciplinary nature of
contemporary translation studies (drawing from linguistics, literary
studies, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, computer science and
psychology, but the list is certainly incomplete) should have been made
evident. For the purposes of the present work, aimed at presenting
the key concepts of the discipline, such marked interdisciplinarity
automatically rules out any attempt at exhaustiveness. The number
of titles on translation published in the last few years and the prolif-
eration of different perspectives and angles from which translation is
being observed and researched is such that encompassing all relevant
concepts and taking stock of innovative notions all in one work is an
unattainable ideal. The list of key terms and concepts presented here
is therefore to be regarded as necessarily selective, and certainly also
4 Introduction
influenced by the particular perspective adopted by the author in his
own research on translation. An attempt has been made, however, at
ensuring that most current perspectives on translation are represented,
and that at least some of their central concepts are included. At any
rate, the terms and concepts presented in the book have been chosen
so as to represent no more than an introductory survey of the discip-
line. The section called Key Thinkers in Translation Studies presents
brief sketches of the work carried out by scholars whose ideas have
proved particularly influential in the recent development of the discip-
line. Even more than for the selection of key concepts, the inclusion
of these particular scholars and not others is ultimately to be seen as
a personal, subjective decision. In general, another decisive source of
bias in the selection has certainly been the preference accorded to
theories and research reported on in English. Finally, a decision has
been taken to restrict the present survey to current research on trans-
lation and thus leave out interpreting today probably a separate field
in its own right and, as such, deserving of wider, and more compe-
tent, treatment.
Key Terms in Translation Studies
Abusive fidelity
Philip E. Lewis (1985: 43) calls abusive fidelity a mode of translation
that values experimentation, tampers with usage, seeks to match the
polyvalencies and plurivocities or expressive stresses of the original by
producing its own. Such a practice is seen as particularly suitable for
texts that involve substantial conceptual density or complex literary
effects, e.g. poetry and philosophy. Venuti (2003: 252257) sees this
kind of translating as abusive in two senses: it resists the structures
and discourses of the target language and culture, and especially the
pressure towards idiomatic usage and transparent style; in so doing,
it also interrogates the structures and discourses of the source text,
uncovering its potentialities of meaning.
In the theory of translation norms as elaborated by G. Toury (1980,
1995), acceptability is the result of the translators initial decision
to subject him-/herself to the norms prevailing in the target culture.
A translation is thus acceptable in the sense that it subscribes to
the the linguistic and literary norms active in the TL and in the
target literary polysystem or a certain section of it (Toury 1980:
54). Subscription to the norms prevailing in the SL would, on the
other hand, lead to an adequate translation (see also Toury 1995:
In a more general sense, but mainly in relation to assessment car-
ried out in the context of specialist translation, acceptability refers
6 Accuracy
to the adherence of the TT to the norms and conventions of text
production prevailing in the TL (Vermeer 1996: 78; see also Scarpa
2008: 207213). This implies taking into consideration aspects that
may vary according to the particular purpose served by the transla-
tion and the expectations of readers. From a linguistic-textual point
of view, the conventions to be taken into account may go from
aspects of textual organization or register to details of spelling and
See also: adequacy, accuracy, assessment, quality.
In a general sense, the notion of accuracy is often referred to in
discussing the correctness of a given translation; in this general
sense, then, an accurate translation (of a word, an utterance or
an entire text) is equivalent to a good or right translation, with
no further specifications. In discussing the assessment of transla-
tions, however, the term is sometimes used in a narrower sense and
distinguished from other parameters of assessment. In the context
of specialist translation, for instance, accuracy normally refers to
the extent to which a TT reflects the ST in terms of content. Other
assessment parameters include adequacy and acceptability
and take into account such aspects as the suitability of the TT to
its communicative purpose or its adherence to TL norms of text
See also: quality.
The term tends to be applied to forms of translation where a con-
siderable distance from the formal and lexical aspects of the ST can
be observed. For short segments or parts of a text, adaptation can
be seen as a translation technique addressing specific differences
between the SL and the TL in terms of situational contexts and cul-
tural references. An ST segment may thus need to be adapted in
Adaptation 7
translation when it has no lexical equivalents in the TL, when the
situation it refers is not familiar to TL readers or when a close trans-
lation would be inappropriate in functional terms. These criteria are
of course bound to be considered in relative terms, as they ultimately
depend on a consideration of the TL readers needs or expectations.
Vinay and Darbelnet ([1958] 1995: 39) include adaptation in their
seven translation procedures. Their own example is a translation of
the English He kissed his daughter on the mouth with the French
Il serra tendrement sa fille dans ses bras (He tenderly hugged his
daughter), felt to be more appropriate than the literal Il embrassa sa
fille sur la bouche.
At a global level, adaptation may be seen as a general translation
strategy or mode of text transfer aimed at reconstructing the purpose,
function or impact of the general text (Bastin 1998). It may be opted
for by the translator him-/herself or required by external factors (i.e. edi-
torial policy). Procedures of adaptation in this sense include expansion,
omission and the re-creation of whole ST sections aimed at preserving
the general function of the text. Adaptation in this sense tends to be
associated with particular contexts or genres such as theatre trans-
lation, audiovisual translation, advertising and childrens literature.
These are characterized by a high degree of interplay between linguistic
text and other aspects such as image and sound. A recurring debate
concerns the point at which adaptation ceases to be translation and
becomes a freer re-creation of the ST. As, historically, the concept of
translation has been observed to show enormous variability, scholars
are today inclined to include adaptation within translation, as long as
the text presented as an adaptation is based on a source text.
It is interesting to note that to people who are not directly involved
in professional translation or come to translation via different routes
from academic study or training, adaptation always seems to suggest
something different from mere translation, the latter being identi-
fied essentially with an interlinear, literal version of the ST. Illuminating
accounts in this respect are provided in Snell-Hornby (2006: 8790)
with reference to theatre translation and film dubbing, contexts where
translators are sometimes seen to play secondary roles as providers
8 Adequacy
of a text which is then passed on to someone else for a creative
The notion of adequacy has often been used in the literature on trans-
lation to characterize the relationship between the ST and the TT, with
different scholars attaching more or less different senses to the term. In
the theory of translation norms as elaborated by G. Toury (1980, 1995),
adequacy is the result of the translators initial decision to subject him-/
herself to the norms prevailing in the source culture. A translator thus
produces an adequate translation when (provided the basic rules of the
TL system are not breached), he or she subscribes to the original text,
with its textual relations and the norms expressed by it and contained
by it (Toury 1980: 54). Subscriptions to the norms active in the TL, on
the other hand, would lead to an acceptable translation. Adequacy
and acceptability are the two extremes implied by the initial norm that,
from a theoretical point of view, Toury (1995: 5658) sees as guiding
the translators decisions at both micro- and macro-contextual level.
Actual translation decision often imply some ad hoc combination of, or
compromise (Toury 1995: 57) between these two extremes.
In relation to the assessment of translations, especially when car-
ried out in the context of specialist translation, the term adequacy
may refer to the extent to which a translated text conforms to the
translation brief, from the point of view of both the communica-
tive purpose of the text and the procedural aspects of the transla-
tion task (Scarpa 2008: 211213). A translated text is thus considered
adequate when, in the TL, it serves the purpose it is meant to serve
according to the brief and when it has been produced following the
procedure established by the brief or otherwise agreed between the
client and the translator. In short, adequacy is generally taken to refer
to aspects related to the process of translation and particularly to the
balance between the time and money spent on the task and the qual-
ity of the text.
See also: acceptability, accuracy, quality.
Agency 9
The sociological notion of agency has to do with the capacity of indi-
vidual subjects to act purposefully in a social context. It has recently
attracted the attention of translation scholars interested in looking at
the interplay between translators as individual subjects and the con-
texts in which they operate, the latter being described in terms of
social and ideological values or as networks of power relations (see
e.g. Gouanvic 1997; Pym 1998; Wolf 2002). The notion has come to
the fore both in studies of translation adopting a sociological perspec-
tive and in poststructuralist and cultural studies approaches, i.e.
those that pay particular attention to the complex of social factors
and individual intentionalities forming the scenario in which translation
takes place. In particular, one question that scholars have started to
investigate is the degree of agency, i.e. of choice, of individual transla-
tors a question that may be seen to have links to issues of power
and ideology, to the concept of habitus, but also to questions such
as the level of creativity implied by translation. Agency may thus be
seen to refer to how translators act at the interface between individual
and social dimensions.
Discussions of agency can often be seen to take an activist stance
as they conform to research programmes aimed at reconsidering
the role and visibility of translators. Agency is also sometimes taken
as a point of departure for attempting a shift of perspective in the
way translation and translators are conceptualized. Scholars such as
Tymoczko (2005) are re-examining translation as a practice, char-
acterizing it as a group process (as in some non-Western theories)
rather than the result of an individual endeavour. This view also rests
on a consideration of the changing scenarios in modern-day profes-
sional translation practice, in particular the new working conditions
of translators as brought about by the process of globalization and
the introduction of new technologies, especially computer networks.
Translation is more than ever a collective endeavour as translators
become part of teams operating in online environments. Translation
jobs are, as a consequence, configured as team projects going
10 Assessment
through successive stages of production. This is seen as a significant
factor in descriptions of agency, as translation becomes an increas-
ingly decentred process and translation choices are less easily traced
back to individual decisions.
Assessment (or evaluation) is the activity aimed at establishing the
quality of a translated text. As the notion of quality is a relative one,
assessment is also bound to rely on relative criteria, depending on
the aims of assessment and the context in which a translated text is
assessed. Chesterman (1997: Chap. 5) proposes a broad distinction
between descriptive assessment and evaluative assessment. The
former is aimed at determining the nature or the characteristics of a
translation (i.e. what a translation is like), the aim being that of infer-
ring the translators concept of equivalence (as in Toury 1995: 3639)
or of describing the social and cultural conditions under which trans-
lations are produced (which is the focus of interest for the scholars
looking at translation from a cultural studies perspective). Evaluative
assessment, on the other hand, is made in terms of how good or bad
a translation is (Chesterman 1997: 119).
With regard to evaluative assessment, a distinction can be made
between assessment carried out in a professional context and assess-
ment that takes place in contexts of translator training (cf. Scarpa
2008: 207212). In professional translation, the criteria guiding assess-
ment may have to do as much with the translated text as with the
process that led to them. This type of assessment will thus take into
consideration (and variously prioritize) aspects having to do with the
adherence of the TT to the translation brief (in terms of the com-
municative purpose of the TT or the specifications provided for the
job), the procedure adopted to arrive at the TT, and, crucially, the time
taken by the translator to complete the job. Assessment in a trans-
lator training context (often called formative assessment) generally
has different aims (Chesterman 1997: 138141). It can be directed
at giving feedback to trainees so that they can improve their future
Assessment 11
translations or it can be aimed at accreditation, i.e. a certification that
a translator has reached a given level of competence.
Compared to assessment carried out in professional, real-life
situations, formative assessment tends to be based on ideal cri-
teria, but the two need not be seen as opposites (cf. Scarpa 2008:
207208) formative assessment may well take into consideration
criteria typical of real-life scenarios, whereas assessment at pro-
fessional level may often include a consideration of linguistic and
textual features, not only where acceptability for the TL public is
concerned but also in terms of accuracy in rendering ST terminology
or in transmitting specialist content. A central concept in all forms
of assessment is that of translation error, although the types and
gravity scales considered for translation errors will vary according to
the specific aim of the assessment. For example, in professional set-
tings there may be cases where a spelling mistake or a text format-
ting error are considered more serious errors than questionable TL
lexical choices (which, by contrast, may be one of the cornerstones
of formative assessment).
From a more explicitly scholarly viewpoint, assessment has trad-
itionally taken place in the domain of literary translation and mostly
with reference to the product of translation, i.e. texts. Scholars have
tried to lay down the principles whereby translated texts should be
assessed in relation to the original and to an assumed ideal transla-
tion. More recently, however, this notion of an ideal translation has
been problematized, while the work of some scholars (e.g. Venuti
1995, 1998) has been directed at changing the publics perception
of what a good translation is or should be, thereby trying to influ-
ence the quality assumptions on the part of publishers, TT readers
and translators themselves. Other recent works on assessment pro-
posed at academic level embrace a wider range of text types. A model
explicitly aimed at translation quality assessment from an evaluative
point of view, and one to be applied to a wide range of text types,
is Houses (1977, 1997), which is based on analysis of the ST-TT rela-
tion centred around a Hallidayan, systemic-functional view of register.
Target-oriented theories of translation such as skopos theory have
12 Audio description
also been seen as providing useful parameters for assessment, essen-
tially giving prominence to the purpose served by the translated text
(see Nord 1991, 1997).
Audio description
The term refers to a form of voiced narration used to make films, TV
programmes and theatre performances available to blind and visually
impaired people. It provides a recorded account of what happens on
the screen or on stage, describing the action, the body language of
characters and the scenery. The description is provided in between
dialogues and must not interfere with important sound-effects. The
information thus provided should not overburden the listeners but at
the same time it should supply all necessary detail.
Audiovisual translation
The term audiovisual translation refers to the translation of texts con-
tained in audiovisual products, i.e. products combining sound and
video components, such as films and TV programmes (Gambier and
Gottlieb 2001; Gambier 2004; Orero 2004). These products are often
described as multimodal texts, that is, texts relying on a wide range
of semiotic resources or modes: not only spoken text but also ges-
ture, gaze, movement, sound, colours, written language and so on.
The meaning of a multimodal text (e.g. a film or a TV ad) is seen as
the composite product of the different selected semiotic resources
(which is true, in fact, for most type of written texts, but usually to
a lesser degree). As a way of emphasizing such multimodality, the
term audiovisual translation has been gradually gaining ground over
competing labels such as film or screen translation (both of which
are still widely used; multimedia translation is another label some-
times used for this area of practice and research). Forms of audiovisual
translation include the long-established practices of subtitling and
dubbing as well as more recent forms such as voice-over and audio
Audiovisual translation 13
Subtitling and dubbing remain the two major forms of audiovisual
translation. Dubbing, which is the more expensive of the two, has
traditionally been the preferred option in countries with large mar-
kets and a homogeneous linguistic community (e.g. Germany or Italy).
Subtitling tends to be preferred in smaller markets or in countries
where dubbing is not felt to be an affordable investment. In the last
few years, however, as the market of audiovisual products sees an
increasing diversification in both the types of products and the chan-
nels of distribution, the division is less clear-cut and in bigger countries
the more common forms of audiovisual transfer are combined with
other, previously uncommon types.
Research on audiovisual translation has so far looked at how trans-
lators decision-making is affected by the particular medium of the
translation (e.g. subtitling as against dubbing), how translators cope
with the problem of synchronizing TL text to SL speech and to images,
and how the social, cultural and geographical differences emerging in
SL texts (e.g. in films) are handled in translation.
14 Back-translation
A back-translation is a word-for-word translation of a target text, or a
stretch of it, back into the source language. This is normally intended
to illustrate either the target text or the translation process to an audi-
ence that does not understand the target language.
Binary error, see error.
Black-box analogy
In relation to the cognitive and psycholinguistic processes involved in
translation, the mind of the translator is often characterized as black-
box, so as to remark the fact that those kinds of processes are avail-
able for study only indirectly. In other words, researchers cannot peer
into the black-box of translators they can only make inferences on
what goes on in their minds through empirical studies such as those
carried out in process-oriented research.
The term refers to the carrying over of a word or expression from the
ST to the TT, either to fill a lexical gap in the TL or to achieve a particu-
lar stylistic effect. A word such as lasagne in Italian may be borrowed
because it has no equivalents, while siesta in Spanish may be trans-
lated as rest or nap, or borrowed for stylistic effect. Some borrowings
become so well-established in a language that they are no longer
regarded as such. The decision whether to translate a given SL word
with a borrowing ultimately depends on such factors as the purpose
of the translation and the type of TL audience.
Category shift 15
The term refers to a translation technique applied to an SL
expression and involving the literal translation of its component
elements. Vinay and Darbelnet ([1958] 1995) distinguish between
lexical calques, which respect the TL syntactic structure, and struc-
tural calques, which introduce a new syntactic structure in the TL.
With reference to English and French, an example of lexical calque
is the translation of Compliments of the Season with Compliments
de la saison, while translating science fiction with science-fiction is
a structural calque.
In literary translation, an approach proposed by the Brazilian poets and
translators Augusto and Haroldo de Campos in which the translator is
equated with a cannibal consuming the flesh of writers and benefiting
from their strength (see Vieira 1999). As cannibals, translators take, and
do with their ST, what they please, their purpose being that of benefiting
the target culture. STs thus become food to be digested and exploited
for purposes that are different from those of the original texts.
Category shift
For Catford (1965), a type of translation shift that involves chan-
ging the category of the SL item (with categories described follow-
ing Hallidayan grammar). In particular, the four categories considered
by Catford (1965: 73f.) in describing shifts are: unit, structure, class
and system. The category of unit includes the following elements:
sentences, clauses, group, words and morphemes, which are seen to
form a scale of ranks. Translating a word with a phrase would be an
example of a unit shift, as in the translation of Be prepared to . . . with
Preparati a . . . in Italian, where the English verbal group comprising
a predicative adjective corresponds to a single verb in Italian (a literal
translation would have been: Sii preparato a . . .).
16 Coherence
Structure refers to the internal organization of units, e.g. into sub-
ject, predicator and complement if considered at clause rank, or into
modifier and head if seen at group rank. An example provided by
Catford for a shift at clause rank is the translation of the English sen-
tence John loves Mary into Gaelic: Tha gradh aig Iain air Mairi (back-
translated as Is love at John on Mary).
Class is a particular grouping or set that a given unit belongs to
(e.g. nouns vs verbs or modifiers vs qualifiers). Translating the English
a medical student into un tudiant en mdecine in French involves a
category shift in terms of the change from medical (a modifier) into en
mdecine (a qualifier) as well as the change from adjective (medical)
into noun (mdecine).
Finally, in relation to the category of system Catford identifies
intra-system shifts, i.e. cases where the shifts occur within a closed
set of alternatives, such as active/passive or singular/plural, between
languages where these sets of alternatives largely correspond. The
translation of advice (singular) with des conseils (plural) in French rep-
resents an intra-system shift as normally English singular nouns are
translated with French singular nouns.
See also: level shift, rank-bound translation, unbounded
The related notions of coherence and cohesion concern the way
utterances or texts are organized so as to constitute meaningful and
integrated wholes. In particular, coherence refers to the ways in which
an utterance is seen to establish meaningful relations between its parts
from a conceptual (i.e. semantic or logical) point of view (cohesion,
on the other hand, has to do with the connections established in the
surface text by lexical and grammatical devices). Coherence depends
on the organization of the utterance as much as on the receivers
interpretation of it, which in turn changes according to the receivers
expectations and knowledge of the world. Thus, a single sentence
such as Have you bought it yet? constitutes a coherent whole only
inasmuch as the hearer can, according to the context or situation,
Cohesion 17
easily interpret the reference for it (a DVD, a book, a house, etc.). In
longer texts, coherence results from the relations established between
sentences, which speaker or writers may organize according to differ-
ent types of sequences (e.g. narrative, causal or argumentative). Again,
however, the interpretation of such relations and sequences implies
an active role on the part of readers, whose knowledge and presup-
positions play a crucial role in establishing relations between different
parts of a text. In translation, such knowledge and presuppositions
may not be the same for ST and TT readers. This may affect the transla-
tors decision as regards a variety of aspects, ranging from intersenten-
tial links (which may have to be made more explicit) to the treatment
of elements as diverse as pronouns, metaphors and culture-bound
terms which, if not transparent enough for the TT reader, may affect
the way he or she makes sense of the text (for coherence and explicita-
tion, see Blum Kulka 1986). In short, the notion of coherence has much
to do with aspects of pragmatic equivalence in translation (see Baker
1992: Chap. 7).
The related notions of cohesion and coherence concern the way
utterances or texts are organized so as to constitute meaningful and
integrated wholes. In particular, cohesion refers to the ways in which
an utterance establishes meaningful relations between its elements
by using grammatical and lexical devices. An utterance is said to be
cohesive when its elements can be interpreted with reference to other
elements within the co-text. Cohesion thus establishes relations at
the surface level of language, whereas coherence concerns concep-
tual relations underlying the surface text.
Following the model of cohesion elaborated by Halliday and
Hasan (1976), two broad classes of cohesive devices can be identi-
fied: grammatical and lexical devices. Grammatical cohesive devices
include anaphora (reference backwards in the text), cataphora (refer-
ence forwards in the text), substitution and ellipsis (i.e. reference to
other elements in the text by replacement or by omission of certain
elements respectively), and conjunctions. In the following exchange
18 Colligation
taken from a hypothetical ongoing conversation:
A: Have they moved?
B: No, but they will soon to the more expensive one
they is an anaphoric reference to people mentioned earlier in the
conversation, will is the auxiliary for the omitted main verb (a case
of contrastive ellipsis), but is a conjunction and one is a case of sub-
stitution for a referent (a house or flat) that was mentioned earlier. In
this other sentence:
As a boy, he would never watch football. Later, John became one
of Aresenals wildest supporters
the noun group a boy and the pronoun he are both cataphoric refer-
ences to John. Lexical cohesion is primarily established through reiter-
ation and collocation. Reiteration comprises the repetition of lexical
items (repetition of the exact form of a word or of morphologically dis-
tinct forms) or the use of items that are semantically related (through
relations such as synoymy, hyponymy, meronymy and antonymy).
Collocation is the tendency of words to occur in regular combinations
and can be seen as a cohesive device in that it contributes to textuality
and generates expectations in hearers/readers. Thus, in a text about
journalism, mentions of freedom (and not liberty) of the press are very
likely in English. As far as translation is concerned, the relevance of
cohesion lies in the fact that different languages prefer certain sets of
cohesive devices over others (see Baker 1992: Chap. 6).
The term refers to a particular form of collocation involving relationships
at the grammatical rather than at the lexical level. In other words, a colliga-
tion is either the frequent co-occurrence between a given word or phrase
and words belonging to a certain grammatical class or the association of
a word or phrase with a particular grammatical function. For example, as
Collocation 19
shown by the linguist Michael Hoey in his book Lexical Priming (2005), in
English the phrase in consequence colligates with (i.e. is frequently found
in) theme position (see theme/rheme) and has an aversion to being
The term collocation refers to the tendency of certain sets of words to
occur regularly together, in such a way that the meaning of an individual
word can be identified in relation to the words it collocates with. The
notion was first explicitly introduced by the British linguist J. R. Firth in
the 1950s; it was then refined by M. A. K. Halliday and the late John M.
Sinclair and became a central concept in their study of lexis and the way
lexis interacts with syntax in the construction of units of meaning. In par-
ticular, Sinclair, and other researchers working in what became known
as the Natural Language Processing community, exploited the increasing
memory capacity of computers to store ever larger collections of authen-
tic texts. In these, they tried to establish regular patterns of co-occurrence
between given lexical items: the point was to show how the meaning of
the individual items in such patterns can be described in relation to the
patterns themselves, i.e. as a function of the linguistic (and ultimately
situational) context in which an individual item appears. So, for instance,
a noun such as discussion can be seen, in English, to be accompanied by
a restricted set of adjectives (as in a heated discussion), making it unlikely
to find it combined with other adjectives having similar meaning (cf. an
inflamed discussion). Attempts at describing the patterns entered into
by lexical and grammatical items (see also colligation) are leading to a
reconsideration of meaning, now seen by some linguists as constructed
around units that may be larger than was previously assumed. Ultimately,
this reconsideration may lead to questioning the way the interaction
between grammar and lexis has traditionally been presented.
As far as translation is concerned, collocational appropriateness is
one of the factors that are taken into account either at the moment of
providing an appropriate TL equivalent or when evaluating a translated
text. To go back to the example given above (a heated discussion),
20 Communicative translation
what should the equivalent for heated be in other languages? Taken
alone, the word may have a set of possible equivalents in each of the
languages considered, but it is highly probable that, when combined
with the equivalent for discussion, only one or two of these equiva-
lents will be preferred (cf. une violente discussion in French, una dis-
cussione accesa or violenta in Italian, and una discusin acalorada in
Deviations from collocational patterns in the TL may in some cases
give rise to criticisms (e.g. where translation aims at acceptability in the
TL). In other cases, e.g. in fiction, advertisements or humour, unlikely col-
locations may be a motivated feature of the ST itself, which may have to
be taken into account in providing TL equivalents. Baker (1992: 51) gives
two examples of collocations showing an increased degree of marked-
ness, or deviation from common collocational usage: one is heavy gam-
bler, as opposed to the more usual compulsive gambler; the other, taken
from a novel by John Le Carr, is in the sentence Could real peace break
out?, where peace is seen to combine with break out, a verb normally
associated with war (peace would normally prevail). Specialized domains
have their own typical collocations which may not be reflected in gen-
eral language usage. In economics, for instance, growth can be accom-
panied by adjectives such as healthy, sustained or sluggish; in translation,
equivalent collocations may have to be used, especially when the TT is
addressed to an audience of domain specialists.
Communicative translation
For Newmark (1981: 22, 39), this is a mode of translation that gives
priority to the informative function of the ST or reproduces on TL read-
ers the effect obtained on readers of the original. A communicative
translation of the French Dfense de marcher sur le gazon would be
Keep of the grass, while a semantic translation would yield Walking
on the turf is forbidden (Newmark 1981: 54). Communicative transla-
tion is presented by Newmark as suited for all those texts (the major-
ity) where originality of expression is not an important aspect (see also
Peter Newmark in the Key Thinkers section).
Competence 21
Comparable corpus
In translation studies, the term is commonly used to refer to a col-
lection of non-translated and translated texts selected according to
principled criteria as regards proportion, textual genre, subject-matter
domain and sampling period. In a broader sense, a comparable cor-
pus is any collection of texts containing components in different lan-
guages that are collected using the same sampling frame and similar
balance and representativeness (McEnery and Xiao 2007: 20).
See also: corpora, parallel corpus.
This term indicates the use of a translation technique aimed at making
up for the loss of an ST effect, such as a pun or an alliteration. Two main
types of compensation can be distinguished (cf. Harvey 1995): compensa-
tion in kind tries to re-create the ST effect by strategically using TL linguistic
devices (e.g. turning an ST alliteration into a rhyme in the TL); compensa-
tion in place re-produces the effect in a different part of the text.
Translation competence has to do with what enables an individual to
translate (a text, a sentence or an individual item) from one language
to another. Traditionally, this competence tended to be equated with
linguistic competence and no distinction was made between the com-
petence of professional translators and that of bilingual individuals with
no specific training in translation (or, at any rate, bilinguals not acting as
professional translators). In recent years, the focus of interest is on trans-
lation competence as observed in professional translators. The specific
areas of interest for researchers include: the particular strategies adopted
by translators in performing a task; their competence in using transla-
tion aids and researching vocabulary; the way they develop and apply
so-called translation routines, i.e. standard transfer operations leading
to TL equivalents that are appropriate to the task at hand.
22 Componential analysis
Translation competence is thus today understood as the set of
knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable an individual to act as a
professional translator, although there are scholars (e.g. Kiraly 2000)
who still keep translation competence distinct from translator com-
petence. Various studies (cf. Schffner and Adab 2000; PACTE 2005)
have investigated how translation competence develops or how it can
be acquired by trainees. Little consensus remains, however, on how
competence (whether it is translator or translation competence) can
be defined in more detail, or what its distinctive components are.
Following Pym (2003), in the various models of competence pro-
posed so far, four tendencies can be identified: (1) competence as
a summation of linguistic competencies (SL competence + TL com-
petence), which is the more traditional view; (2) competence as no
competence: as translation deals with the actual use of languages,
Pym (2003: 484) notes that it would be paradoxical, in Chomskyan
terms, to describe as competence something which is really per-
formance the term has thus variously been replaced by the scholars
who took this approach with cognate notions such as proficiency,
strategies, expertise, etc.; (3) competence as a multicomponential
notion, i.e. one made up of several skills (but, as Pym notes, lists of
skills can be expanded ad infinitum, thus proving scarcely useful from
both a theoretical and applicative point of view); (4) competence
as supercompetence, i.e. something which defines translating and
nothing but translating. Pym (2003: 489) himself opts for a minim-
alist notion of competence, seen as the ability to generate a series
of more than one viable target text (TT
, TT
. . . TT
) for a pertinent
source text (ST) plus the ability to select only one viable TT from this
series, quickly and with justified confidence.
Componential analysis
The term refers to the analysis of the basic components of the mean-
ing of a given word. It implies a view of lexical meaning as based
on sense and sense components. For example, the word bachelor
could be seen as having the following components: man, adult,
unmarried. As a method for analysing word meaning with a view
Computer-assisted translation 23
to translation it is extensively treated in Nida (1964) and Newmark
(1981). Once an SL word or expression is submitted to componential
analysis, a TL equivalent can be chosen that matches the sense com-
ponents relevant in the context at hand. So, for instance, the word
portire in French may be seen to equate in English to door + of rail-
way carriage or car, therefore car door or carriage door depending on
the context. In particular, in a word or lexical unit a distinction can be
made between referential and pragmatic sense components, the lat-
ter referring to aspects such as cultural context, connotation, degree
of formality and even suggestive sound composition (as in onomato-
poeia). Thus, chair in English and Stuhl in German could be seen to
have the same referential sense components, while jolly as in jolly
good would have sense components associated with social class that
the German intensifier ganz (quite, as in ganz gut) does not share
(Newmark 1988: 114115).
Computer-assisted translation
Also called computer-aided translation, computer-assisted translation,
or CAT, is translation carried out, generally at a professional level, with
the help of specific computer tools aimed at improving the efficiency
of the translation process. CAT was traditionally distinguished from
fully automatic machine translation (MT), i.e. MT with no human
intervention, and was seen to include human-aided MT and machine-
aided human translation (Hutchins and Somers 1992). More recent
typologies (e.g. in Quah 2006) revise this distinction and equate CAT
with translation performed principally by humans using computerized
tools (or, in other words, with machine-aided human translation). It
is unanimously acknowledged, however, that clear-cut distinctions
between these categories are becoming impossible as numerous tools
integrate technologies that were once seen as belonging to one or
the other category. MT, for instance, is sometimes used in combin-
ation with translation memories, a tool that is usually associated
with CAT scenarios. Other tools associated with CAT are terminology
management systems (see termbase) and the more specific software
tools used in localization.
24 Connotative meaning
Connotative meaning
The connotative meaning of a linguistic expression is the emotive, affect-
ive, largely context-independent component of meaning, distinguished
from its more stable, denotative meaning. The word sunset refers,
denotatively, to the daily disappearance of the sun behind the horizon,
while connotatively it might be associated either with romance or with
the final stage in a period of time, e.g. in a persons life.
This is a broad notion that can be used to refer to various aspects of
the situation in which an act of translation takes place. According to
the perspective adopted in observing a text, the context may refer
either to the immediate situation or to the culture in which a text is
produced or received. Historically, the importance of the notion of con-
text was made evident by the work of Bronislaw Malinowski, a social
anthropologist studying the Trobriand islanders of New Guinea in the
second decade of the twentieth century. In carrying out his ethno-
graphic work, Malinowski realized that, in order to provide English
equivalents for the native language terms and texts that he wished to
study, contextual specifications were often needed, i.e. reference had
to be made to the situation and culture in which the linguistic items
had originally been placed. Based on the work by Malinowski and,
later, other linguists working within the same tradition (e.g. M. A. K.
Halliday), a distinction is often made between the context of situ-
ation, i.e. the immediate context in which an utterance is produced,
and the context of culture, i.e. the institutions and customs of a given
linguistic community. The term co-text is sometimes used to refer to
the immediate linguistic context surrounding a given word or phrase.
Contrastive analysis
The term contrastive analysis refers to the study of a pair of languages
aimed at observing differences and similarities between them at the
Corpora 25
phonological, syntactic and semantic levels. It is a kind of analysis fre-
quent in studies of foreign language learning, where its aim is mostly
that of observing cases of actual or potential interference between
languages. Some foreign speakers of English, for example, may say I
dont see them for three years (instead of I havent seen them . . .) as
a result of the negative influence exerted by the present tense used
in similar sentences in their native language. Contrastive studies have
traditionally compared languages at the systemic level, i.e. with little
attention to the specific communicative contexts in which utterances
take place, but in recent years they have also increasingly taken into
account pragmatic aspects. Although contrastive linguists tend to
draw a sharp demarcation line between contrastive analysis and the
study of translation, it has been shown (cf. Chesterman 1998: 37f.) that
the borderline between the two is a fuzzy one, as contrastive analysis is
bound to resort to ideas of translation equivalence in the testing of its
hypotheses, at least at the syntactic and semantic levels. As argued by
Chesterman (1998: 39), both contrastive analysis and translation theory
can be seen to be interested in how the same thing can be said in two
languages, although each field puts this information to different ends.
Contrastive analysis, in particular, may be seen to aim at establishing
the conditions under which two utterances may be seen to be poten-
tially equivalent, while translation theory ultimately aims at explaining
why translators opt for certain TL choices rather than others.
Conventionalization, see normalization.
Cooperative Principle, see implicature.
Language corpora are collections of texts put together in a principled
way and prepared for computer processing. They are being applied to
an increasing number of studies in descriptive/empirical and applied
linguistics. The first corpus-based studies of language appeared in the
1960s, but the significant growth in what came to be known as corpus
linguistics occurred during the 1980s and 1990s, when scholars such
26 Corpora
as John M. Sinclair started to exploit the increasing memory capacity
of computers to collect ever larger collection of authentic texts. Today
corpora of texts in machine-readable form are available in a large
number of languages. They are being used for purposes of research
and as an aid to lexicographers engaged in dictionary making.
Corpora can be of different types. General corpora contain text of
different types and not related to any specific domain. Specialized cor-
pora contain texts of a particular type or relating to a particular domain.
Learner corpora contain texts produced by learners of a second lan-
guage. Monitor corpora are designed so as to track changes in lan-
guage over time, while historical corpora contain texts from different
historical periods. All of these types of corpora can be designed so as
to include texts in more than one language. Besides translation-related
research and practice (see below), multilingual corpora can be used to
look at language-specific, typological and cultural differences, and for
practical applications (mainly in language teaching and lexicography).
Signs of interest in corpus-based studies of translation emerged
in the 1980s, when corpora were first used to describe the features
characterizing translated texts (as opposed to non-translated texts).
In particular, corpora were seen as lending themselves to the study
of translation (especially literary translation, in the early stages) as
advocated in G. Tourys descriptive approach. Within this approach,
corpora could contribute to the identification of the norms implicitly
adhered to by a community of translators.
It was in the 1990s, however, that the potential for corpus use
in the study of translation became more apparent and a carefully
defined programme of research was laid out (see Baker 1995, 1996;
Laviosa 2002; Olohan 2004). Researchers have since been compiling
different types of multilingual corpora (see parallel corpus and com-
parable corpus; notice that the terminology surrounding multilin-
gual corpora is still somewhat confused). Various hypotheses about
translation are being tested in such corpora, most of them coming
under the umbrella term universals of translation (a notion that
itself evolved from the description of the above-mentioned translation
norms; see also product-oriented research).
Covert error 27
As far as translation practice is concerned, corpora are used as ref-
erence materials in translator training and are exploited in the devel-
opment of computer-assisted translation systems and machine
translation systems. In particular, they can serve as repositories
of past translations (see translation memory), thus complement-
ing dictionaries, or as archives of texts written in the language the
translator works into (what were previously often called parallel
texts). These corpora can be used to check authentic usage in various
scenarios: when translating into the second language; when trans-
lating texts from a specialized domain of which the translator is not
an expert; when the translator fears interference from the source
language. It is easy to imagine, however, that in such scenarios the
internet has today become the first port of call for most professional
The term is often used to indicate the linguistic elements surrounding
a given word or phrase, as distinguished from the situational, extra-
linguistic context in which an utterance takes place.
Covert error
A type of error characterized in relation to the strategy of covert
translation as identified by House (1977, 1997). Covert errors are
mismatches between the ST and the TT along a functional dimen-
sion, i.e. TT elements that fail to establish functional equivalence
with the corresponding ST elements. The identification of covert
errors presupposes that the ST and the TT generate comparable
expectations in the respective groups of readers, that no secondary
function is added to the TT and that there is basic inter-translatability
between the languages involved (i.e. that linguistic means are avail-
able to provide equivalents for such SL distinctions as that between
Du and Sie in German as forms of address). Translation errors iden-
tified on the basis of an implicit comparison with comparable texts
28 Covert translation
written by native speakers could also be seen as falling within this
category. Such errors would have to do with aspects such as over-
or under-use of a given word or structure or with unusual sentence
See also: error, overt error.
Covert translation
This is a term introduced by House (1977, 1997) to indicate a transla-
tion strategy leading to the creation of a text that enjoys the status
of an original source text in the target culture (1997: 69). In particu-
lar, a covert translation is one that reproduces the function of the ST
where this function has no particular ties to the source culture. Texts
that lead to a covert translation include scientific and economic texts,
tourist brochures, journalistic texts and in general all authorless texts
or texts that have dispensable authors (House 1997: 163). The ori-
ginal and its covert translation need not, for House, be equivalent at
the linguistic, textual and register level. At these levels the translator
may legitimately manipulate the original using what House calls a cul-
tural filter, i.e. a motivated intervention on the ST aimed at adjusting
the translation in terms of the usage norms and the stylistic conven-
tions prevalent in the TL community. Covert translation is opposed by
House to overt translation, thus resulting in one of the many dis-
tinctions that can ultimately be traced back to the German theologian
Friedrich Schleiermachers identification of two general approaches to
translating a text: Verfremdung, or moving the TL reader towards the
SL author, and Entfremdung, or moving the SL author towards the
TL reader (see also domestication and foreignization, and docu-
mentary and instrumental translation). Houses distinction, in par-
ticular, is proposed as part of a theory of translation assessment; as
stressed by Hatim (2001: 96), it has played a pioneering role in guiding
the attention of scholars towards issues such as the nature of the rela-
tionship between ST and TT, the way texts relate to their users and
the difference between what is and what is not translation (see also
Juliane House in the Key Thinkers section).
Cultural studies approaches 29
Creativity is often considered as one of the aspects of translation
seen as problem-solving, thus in relation not only to the translation
of genres commonly identified as involving creative writing (e.g. fic-
tion and poetry) but also to the translation of any text that poses
some kind of problem to the translator (see translation problem).
A creative strategy may therefore be characterized as one that helps
the translator to overcome the problem represented by a particular
ST element for which no automatic TL solution is provided. Kussmaul
(1995: Chap. 2) discusses hypotheses on how creative translation
solutions are achieved through the deployment of various strategies,
showing in particular how the translator can overcome a blockage
problem by changing strategies. For example, he observes transla-
tion trainees faced with the translation of the following phrase (taken
from a magazine article): . . . fanned by the flattery of murmuring
machos (said of someone who is on holidays, sitting on an exotic
beach) and notes how the translation into German proposed by some
trainees (. . . umschmeichelt von bewundernden Blicken, or caressed
by admiring looks) is arrived at by what he calls divergent thinking,
i.e. in this case looking for a translation of the word machos on the
basis of a different feature than that of HUMAN BEING (Kussmaul
1995: 42). Using a completely different analytical frame, Kenny (2001)
shows how a parallel corpus can be used first to locate examples of
single-word and collocational creativity in STs and then to check how
these elements have been handled in translation.
Cultural studies approaches
Generally speaking, scholars looking at translation from the perspec-
tive of cultural studies are interested in the social and cultural condi-
tions under which translations, and especially literary translations, are
produced (see Bassnett [1980] 2002; Bassnett and Lefevere 1990).
In particular, they look at the values which motivate the decisions
taken by translators (especially values of an ideological, political and
30 Cultural turn
ethical nature), investigate the effects that these decisions have on texts,
their readers and the cultures in which they are produced, and examine
aspects such as identity and conflict as emerging in the work of transla-
tors in different historical periods or in given societies. While scholars
working within the tradition of descriptive translation studies gen-
erally refrain from making evaluative judgements on translated texts,
some scholars examining translation within a cultural studies approach
can often be seen to take an activist stance, suggesting for instance that
translators take on a more visible role than they are accustomed to (cf.
Venuti [1995] 2008; Tymoczko 2007). Such attitudes sometimes trans-
late into new forms of prescriptivism inspired by a programme of social
and ideological change merging the study and practice of translation.
See also: cultural turn, culture, ideology, power.
Cultural turn
The so-called cultural turn is an attempt at moving the study of trans-
lation from a more formalist approach to one that laid emphasis on
extra-textual factors related to cultural context, history and convention.
The scholars who promoted it (see especially Bassnett and Lefevere
1990) felt that the study of translation should embrace the tools of
cultural history and cultural studies and start asking new questions
having to do, for instance, with the role translation plays in shaping lit-
erary systems, the power negotiations translators are involved in and
the status of translated texts as rewritings of the originals. Attention
to such questions had already emerged in the work of the scholars
associated with Polysystem Theory in the 1970s (see also descrip-
tive translation studies). In the intervening years, the attention of
many more scholars coming from different traditions has turned to
questions related to culture and the related realms of ideology and
ethics (see cultural studies approaches). This has marked a gen-
eralized shift away from source-oriented to target-oriented theories.
Outside the field of literary translation, other scholars have followed
a similar path, moving from source-focused approaches to theories
that emphasized the role of social and cultural factors operating in
Culture 31
the target environment. Skopos theory and other functionalist
approaches have been pioneers in this respect.
Culture is a much debated notion in terms of both its definition and
its significance for the practice and study of translation. A simplis-
tic definition of culture based on the way it has traditionally been
considered by translation scholars might see it as that dimension
which is linked to the knowledge, activities and artefacts associated
with a given language community and which provides added mean-
ing to the basic linguistic, referential meaning of words. Various
procedures have been identified for the interlinguistic transfer of
such meaning, each implying greater or lesser degrees of meaning
loss. Some particular linguistic items are traditionally presented as
culture-bound terms, i.e. as having a meaning that is particu-
larly closely associated with a given culture. More recently, largely
as a consequence of the cultural turn experienced in translation
studies, the role of culture has been reassessed and its significance
for both the practice and the study of translation is felt by some
scholars (e.g. Snell-Hornby 1988; Bassnett and Lefevere 1990) to be
a central concern of the field.
Adopting a perspective derived largely from anthropology, Katan
(2004: 26) defines culture as a shared mental model or map of the
world, or a system of congruent and interrelated beliefs, values,
strategies and cognitive environments which guide the shared basis
of behaviour. In such a view, culture forms a hierarchical system in
which three fundamental levels can be identified: a technical level,
a formal level and an informal or out-of-awareness level, each pro-
gressing towards the more hidden, unquestioned assumptions that
individuals in a culture share about the world and their own iden-
tities. The technical level is the visible part of culture, the one cor-
responding to the traditional view mentioned above. It is the level at
which culture is acquired through explicit instruction, the one con-
cerning artefacts, concepts and ideas; linguistically, this is the level
32 Culture
at which culture-bound terms operate. It is mostly at this level that
translation theory has traditionally attempted to describe types and
degrees of equivalence and ways of securing them in translation. The
second, formal level of culture is that of shared practices; it echoes
H. J. Vermeers (1986) definition of culture as everything that should
be known, mastered and felt in order to assess if members of a given
society are behaving acceptably or deviantly in their various roles
(quoted in Snell-Hornby 2006: 55). Linguistically, this is the level of
patterns of practices variously seen as genres or text types. It is also
the level at which recent notions proposed by translation studies such
as norms and skopos (see skopos theory) can be seen to operate.
The third level, that of informal culture, is the invisible layer of cul-
ture, the one at which individuals operate out of awareness. It com-
prises the unquestioned core values and beliefs that guide cultural
choices at the formal level and are acquired through inculcation via
family, school and the media. At this level, culture can be seen to echo
a notion which has recently acquired centrality in translation stud-
ies adopting a sociological slant, that of habitus. This view of cul-
ture as a triadic, hierarchical system is essentially aimed at providing
a more comprehensive view of its role in translation. In so doing, it
is also meant to provide conceptual support both to translator train-
ing and to attempts at raising the professional status of translators as
mediators between languages and cultures.
A slightly different view of culture and its significance in transla-
tion is proposed by cultural studies approaches, which adopt a
more activist stance in their attempts at rendering the role of transla-
tors more visible. In general, these approaches emphasize the social
and ideological pressures urging individuals to conform to established
practices and see culture not so much as a set of levels but as an
integrated system through which text meanings are to be negotiated.
On this basis, both individuals and texts cannot be assigned to one
culture in particular but are seen to have various allegiances, some of
which can be brought to bear on translation questioning the prevail-
ing norms (as is proposed, for instance, by feminist theories of trans-
lation and postcolonial approaches). Seen from this angle, culture
Culture-bound terms 33
has close links to issues of power: translators intervene between
competing power systems that are often unequal; they are no longer
impartial mediators but agents of social change (Tymoczko 2007) or
activists (Baker 2006).
Culture-bound terms
These are terms or expressions referring to elements or concepts that
are closely associated with a certain language and culture, e.g. sar-
ong in Malay, tortilla or siesta in Spanish, five o clock tea in English
and other terms referring to geography, traditions, institutions and
technologies (a synonym for culture-bound terms that is perhaps
most common in some non-English speaking countries is realia).
Various techniques are employed for the translation of such elements,
depending on whether the audience is already familiar with the term
or concept, or the possibility to find functional equivalents in the TL,
i.e. terms that refer to analogous concepts in the TL culture. So, for
example, some terms are translated by borrowing (where necessary
with transliteration), e.g. Weltanschauung from German or samo-
var, transliterated from Russian. Others are translated by calque, e.g.
English Prime Minister, Italian Primo Ministro. In other cases a func-
tional equivalent may be provided, e.g. Abitur in German for English
A-levels, or the SL item may be retained and a short explanation
added, e.g. the Daily Telegraph translated into Italian as il quotidiano
Daily Telegraph (where quotidiano is daily newspaper).
34 Denotative meaning
Denotative meaning
The denotative, or referential, meaning of a linguistic expression is its
stable, abstract meaning independent of the context and situation.
It is usually contrasted with connotative meaning, which is the
emotive, subjectively variable component of meaning. For example,
the word night has the denotative meaning of a period of darkness
between sunset and sunrise but can also be associated with connota-
tive meanings relating to scariness or loneliness.
Descriptive translation studies
The term is today used as a general label for those approaches to
the study of translation that start from an interest in translation as it
actually occurs and as part of cultural history. The label Descriptive
Translation Studies was originally used by the scholar James S.
Holmes in a paper delivered in 1972 but published much later (in
Holmes 1988) to indicate one of the branches of translation stud-
ies as a discipline of scientific inquiry. Holmes thought that, much as
what happens in other scientific fields, the theoretical branch of the
discipline should draw on a substantial body of results coming from
genuinely descriptive studies, i.e. observations of what translations are
like, how they are produced and how they affect the cultural contexts
in which they emerge. This was a deliberate attempt at moving away
from the prescriptive attitude that was previously found in many stud-
ies of translation, which were aimed primarily at either formulating
rules and guidelines for the practice and evaluation of translation or at
developing instruments for translator training tasks that Holmes saw
as belonging to a third branch of the discipline, Applied Translation
Studies, falling outside the scope of pure research.
Holmes ideas initially circulated, in the 1970s, among a restricted
number of scholars (including Gideon Toury, Itamar Even-Zohar, Anton
Popovic and Andr Lefevere) who, in the next two decades, gradually
developed and propagated them. The term descriptive translation stud-
ies has today come to indicate the work of these and the other scholars
Deverbalization 35
(such as Jos Lambert and Theo Hermans) who have consolidated and
expanded this tradition of research (also referred to with other labels
such as systemic approach or Manipulation school). In general, the
various approaches to the study of translation adopted by these scholars
can be said to share an interest in the following aspects (Hermans 1985:
1011; see also Hermans 1999: 3145): the norms governing the pro-
duction and reception of translations (Toury 1995; Chesterman 1997);
the relation between translation and other types of text production;
the role and place of translations within a given culture. Translations are
seen primarily as empirical facts of the target culture, which implies that
research on translation should start not from the STs but with the trans-
lated texts (hence the more general label of target-oriented approaches
sometimes used for this body of research). In the target culture, transla-
tions are seen as part of a complex system of texts and expectations,
which often implies abandoning the attention traditionally paid to the
relationship between translation and original, especially as seen in terms
of equivalence. The constraints acting on the activity of translators are
seen to be not only of a linguistic but also of an aesthetic, economic and
ideological nature. Describing these constraints is seen by scholars work-
ing in this tradition as a fundamental task of translation studies and one
which, in line with Holmes initial proposal, can provide the basis for the
explanations and predictions put forward at a theoretical level.
While descriptive translation studies have traditionally focused
their attention on questions related to the production, reception and
impact of translations (and especially literary translations) from a socio-
cultural or historical perspective, more recent lines of inquiry based on
empirical approaches include the cognitive and behavioural aspects of
the process of translation at individual level and the development of
translation competence (see process-oriented research).
See also: Polysystem Theory.
The term refers to the idea that a translator or interpreter should move
away from the surface structure (the verbal expression) of the ST, thus
36 Difculty
arriving at the intended meaning of the text to be expressed in the
target language. It is often presented as a way of avoiding formal
interference of the source language or text. The term is associated
with the Thorie du sens elaborated, with reference to interpreting,
by Danica Seleskovitch (1976) and other scholars of the so-called Paris
School (see also interpretive approach).
Difficulty in translation can be characterized as the question of what
makes a text difficult to translate. Answers to this question are bound,
more often than not, to receive relative answers, as the sources and
nature of the difficulty attached to a given source text or, more gen-
erally, to a translation task may be seen to vary according to a number
of diverse factors and to the particular types of translation problem
the text presents. First, a text may be difficult to translate because of
the particular pair of languages involved. Some researchers (e.g. Hale
and Campbell 2002) have looked at whether the same text can be
equally difficult to translate into typologically different languages. In
other words, they looked at whether the difficulty emerging in the
translation from English to a given TL (Spanish) is of the same nature
as that emerging in relation to another, maybe very distant TL (say,
Arabic). Their findings suggest that English ST items such as words
low in propositional content and complex nouns phrases are difficult
to translate irrespective of the target language.
Linked to this is the question whether translation difficulty is related
to features of the ST (e.g. compound nouns in English STs) or to TL
aspects (e.g. lexical lacunae, or gaps, with respect to certain ST items).
Another factor difficulty can be linked to is the level of competence
of the translator. A given text or task may turn out to be particularly
difficult for novice translators but be considered relatively easy by more
experienced translators. The reason for such different responses to dif-
ficulty may be seen to lie not only in the better TL skills of experienced
translators but also in the fact that their experience makes them better
equipped to face difficulties related to the subject matter of the ST and
Difculty 37
to the genre conventions applying in the two languages involved. The
perception of difficulty may also vary between less and more experi-
enced translators, as the former may, for instance, be more preoccu-
pied with questions of lexical equivalence while the latter are more
interested in ensuring functional or genre equivalence between the ST
and TT. Other potential sources of difficulty, which may or may be not
related to the above aspects, include the translators background, their
emotional involvement in the task and their ability in using reference
materials. In short, labelling a given ST as inherently difficult for transla-
tion purposes is no straightforward matter as the extent and nature of
the difficulty it poses may vary according to a series of often interrelated
factors. A distinction between the two notions of translation difficulty
and translation problem is found in Nord (1991, 1997), where prob-
lems are seen as objectively identified phenomena of a textual, prag-
matic, cultural or linguistic nature while difficulties are characterized as
a subjective phenomenon that depends on the individual translator (or
translation trainee) and arises because of deficient linguistic, cultural
or translational competence or because of a lack of appropriate docu-
mentation (Nord 1997: 64). In particular, Nord (1991: 151155) distin-
guishes between four types of difficulties: (1) those depending on the
degree of comprehensibility of the source text; (2) those depending on
the translator; (3) those related to the nature of the translation task and
(4) those related to the specificity of the subject matter.
The distinction between problem and difficulty, however, is not
always clear-cut. It is true that in some cases an element of the SL seems
to be objectively problematic, i.e. likely to be a source of difficulty for
translators in whatever type of text the element appears and for what-
ever reason the text is translated. So-called culture-bound terms seem
to be a case in point. However, in many other cases the distinction does
not take into account such crucial aspects as the level of competence of
translators. Translator-specific difficulties are taken by Nord (1991: 153)
to exist even for experienced translators, in which case they can often
hardly be distinguished from objective problems if not precisely for
the level of competence of the translators the researcher is observing
(and this, in turn, is not easy at all to define with absolute objectivity).
38 Directionality
The term refers to the direction of translation in terms of the two lan-
guages involved, a distinction usually being made between translation
from a foreign language into ones mother tongue, or direct translation,
and translation from ones native language into a foreign language, or
inverse translation. Direct translation is generally considered to be
the ideal or standard situation for professional translators, but in actual
practice translation is often carried out into a non-mother tongue.
This happens, for example, when in a particular market not enough
mother-tongue translators are available, or when translated texts hav-
ing an eminently informative purpose (especially texts translated into
English) are addressed to an international audience.
Documentary translation
The term refers to both a method and a type of translation having as
their primary aim that of reporting on the communication given in the
original text (Nord 1991). A documentary translation can be seen as
a reproduction of the ST which privileges formal correspondence, or
a way of informing the reader of the content of the ST without fit-
ting the TT to the target situation in either functional or communica-
tive terms. In Nord (1991), documentary translation is contrasted with
instrumental translation.
Domestication is a global strategy of translation aimed at producing a
transparent, fluent style in the TL. For Venuti ([1995] 2008), this strat-
egy is concerned both with the mode of linguistic and stylistic transfer
chosen for foreign texts and with the choice of texts to be translated.
As a mode of translation, domestication entails translating in a trans-
parent form felt as capable of giving access to the ST authors precise
meaning. This in turn influences the choice of texts to be translated,
as these are selected largely for their capacity to be translated with
Dynamic equivalence 39
a domesticating approach. Venuti sees domestication as involving an
ethnocentric reduction of the ST to TL values and opposes it to the
alternative strategy of foreignization.
Lip-synchronized dubbing is, together with subtitling, the dominant
form of language transfer in audiovisual translation, especially as
regards films and TV fiction. It consists in replacing the original voice
track with the voices of dubbing actors speaking in the TL, recreat-
ing the delivery pace of the original voices and synchronizing the TL
voice track with the lip movements of the characters on screen (the
term dubbing is also used to describe the re-recording of voices in
the same language, e.g. to enhance the quality of the voice track).
Translation of the dialogue is performed on a written copy of the
film script and then handed over to a dialogue writer that identifies
potential problems in terms of synchronization. Once the translation
has been adapted, revoicing in the TL is recorded by actors under the
supervision of a dubbing director and a sound engineer. The pres-
ence of various professionals in the dubbing process makes it a more
expensive form of audiovisual translation than subtitling.
Compared to subtitling, dubbing allows viewers to watch a foreign
film with less processing effort, conveys more of the original dialogue
or speech and allows a better reproduction of interactional dynamics
between the characters. It is, however, a time-consuming and expen-
sive process if compared to either subtitling or the other forms of
revoicing. From a linguistic and cultural point of view, dubbing is
seen to impose limits on the naturalness of the translated text and to
frequently involve the neutralization of socio-linguistic variation por-
trayed by the SL dialogue.
Dynamic equivalence
For Nida (1964; see also Koller 1979: 187191), this is a mode of trans-
lation in which the message of the original text is transported into the TL
40 Dynamic equivalence
in such a way that the response of TL receivers is essentially the same
as that of the original text receivers. Dynamic equivalence is based
on the principle of equivalent effect and is contrasted by Nida with
formal equivalence. As an example, Nida (1964: 159160) quotes,
from J. B. Phillips translation of the New Testament the rendering
of philemati agioi (literally, greet one another with a holy kiss) with
give one another a hearty handshake (see also Eugene A. Nida in
the Key Thinkers section). Venuti ([1995] 2008: 1618) provides a
critical discussion of the concept, centred around the idea that for the
response of the TL receiver to be considered essentially similar to that
of the SL receiver, linguistic and cultural differences are not to be seen
as constitutive of meaning.
Empowerment 41
Empirical studies of translation
The term refers to the studies of translation based on observable
data and carried out according to a scientific method of inquiry, i.e.
one based on the testing of hypotheses (cf. Chesterman 1993, 1997;
Toury 1995). Empirical studies can be both process and product ori-
ented and are centred essentially around two sets of questions. On
the one hand, they try to describe what goes on in the translators
mind as he or she is performing the translation task. In doing so, these
studies make hypotheses on those elements pertaining to either the
text or the context which lead translators to go beyond automatic
or routine TL solutions and necessitate a problem-solving or deci-
sion-making approach (see also process-oriented research). Other
studies are centred on translation as product and aim at a description
of the regularities observed in translated texts, so as to identify either
the norms adhered to by a given community of translators or the
so-called universals of translation (see also product-oriented
research). Both approaches are concerned with the identification of
the strategies deployed by translators, either to achieve certain goals
or in response to what they (or the researchers) perceive to be the
problems found in the source texts or related to any other aspect of a
given translation task (see translation problem). Note that the label
empirical has sometimes been used to describe what are otherwise
known as descriptive translation studies.
In the context of translator training, empowerment is seen by Kiraly
(2000) as the emancipation of students from teacher-centred models
of education. This is presented by Kiraly as part of a wide-ranging
programme aimed at transferring the responsibility of learning to the
learners, individually and collectively (Kiraly 2000: 18). Within such a
programme, teachers should act as guides or consultants rather than
distributors of knowledge and students should experience real or
simulated translation activities. The term is also used in Tymoczko (2007),
42 Equivalence
where it is related to the broader socio-cultural and ideological impli-
cations of translation. In particular, empowering translators means,
for Tymoczko, liberating them from the constraints imposed by domi-
nant Western views on translation and rendering them fully aware of
the ideological functions of the processes and products of translation
(2007: 44). On this basis, translators should be capable of exercising
their agency (i.e. their ability to take conscious decisions) at every
level of the translation process from the global decisions related to
which texts to translate down to micro-level decisions regarding, for
instance, how foreign names should be represented or transliterated.
Equivalence is the term used to refer to the relationship existing
between a translation and the original text, a relationship that has
been observed by scholars from a wide variety of perspectives. Often
presented as a central concern for those who study translation, equiva-
lence is also perhaps the most problematic and divisive issue in the
field of translation studies. Following Halverson (1997), the different
weight given to a discussion of equivalence can be taken as one of the
lines of demarcation between two general approaches to translation:
the linguistically oriented approach that was prevalent in the 1960s
and 1970s and the historical-descriptive approach that emerged dur-
ing the 1970s and today represents, in its various incarnations, one of
the dominant paradigms in the field.
Equivalence can be seen as a relationship of sameness or similarity,
which however leads to the problems of establishing relevant units of
comparison, specifying a definition of sameness, and enumerating rele-
vant qualities (Halverson 1997: 210). In other words, once two texts are
described as equivalent, it remains to be seen: (1) at what level equiva-
lence is established (is it morphemes, words, sentences or whole texts?);
(2) how sameness or similarity is defined (and to what degree it holds);
and (3) in terms of what specific traits or qualities two texts can be said
to be the same or similar (is it meaning, context or function?). Different
scholars have provided different answers to these questions, while some
Equivalence 43
theorists have tended to reject or ignore them altogether: Snell-Hornby
(1988: 22) sees equivalance as an unsuitable concept, while Hans J.
Vermeers skopos theory, in considering translation as essentially
dependent on its purpose and its situation in the target culture, makes
the definition of translation as providing an equivalent for the ST ultim-
ately immaterial.
The linguistic approach has traditionally assigned equivalence a pri-
mary role, making it its principal object of study and using it to dif-
ferentiate translation from other forms of derivative text production
(e.g. summarization). Scholars following this approach see TL texts or
items as relatable to certain aspects of the original text. In so doing
they presuppose a tertium comparationis for the textual material in
the languages involved in translation. Catford (1965) sees equivalence
as leading to the replacement of SL items with TL items belonging to
the same category or, by the operation of translation shifts, to a dif-
ferent category that expresses the same meaning in the text at hand.
Introducing a socio-linguistic perspective, Nida (1964; see also Nida and
Taber 1969) starts to focus on the qualities which define equivalence
and makes a distinction between formal and dynamic equivalence
(see Eugene A. Nida in the Key Thinkers section). A detailed treatment
of the aspects in terms of which equivalence can be characterized (see
point 3 above) can be found in Koller (1979), where, accommodating
insights from pragmatics, various levels at which equivalence obtains are
identified: formal, denotative, connotative, pragmatic and text-normative
(i.e. based on the norms and conventions characterizing a particular text
type). In general, the main object of study of the scholars adopting a
linguistic approach is the relationship between source and target, which
some of them (e.g. Wilss 1982) investigate following a scientific pro-
gramme of research, i.e. one aimed at defining the essence of trans-
lation (see essentialism). It is, however, already evident in Nidas and
Kollers work that equivalence should be seen not in absolute but in
relative terms.
The notion of equivalence was turned on its head (Hatim 2001: 69)
by Polysystem Theory and other historical-descriptive approaches.
Rather than assuming the existence of transfer norms between
44 Equivalent effect
languages, scholars following these approaches see the choice of
equivalents as governed by socio-cultural norms, literary conventions
and other factors having to do with the presuppositions regarding
relevance and the nature of the end-product. As all of these various
factors really have to do with the target language/culture, in some
descriptive approaches the notion of equivalence has come to be
replaced by that of norms and talk of linguistic or even functional
equivalence is deemed irrelevant. The empirical nature of the ana-
lyses carried out by these scholars, engaged as they are in identifying
the features of target systems that are relevant for describing transla-
tions, is at odds with a clearly delineated definition of equivalence.
With a much more restricted sense, equivalence is the label used
by Vinay and Darbelnet ([1958] 1995) for a specific translation proced-
ure whereby a conventional equivalent expression is provided for a
given ST segment, as is typically the case with idioms.
Equivalent effect
The term refers to the principle that Nida (1964: 159) sees as the basis
of dynamic equivalence in translation. A translation, in other words,
should strive to produce the same or similar effect in the TL readers as that
produced by the ST on the SL readers. The notion of equivalent effect has
been criticized on the grounds that translation invariably involves a loss of
the meanings and context associated with the ST and that response to a
text is hardly the same in two different cultures and times.
A view of science as the pursuit of knowledge about the essence
of things, i.e. what things are in themselves and not in relation
to how different observers see them. This view dates back to the
Aristotelian view of concepts as having specific and distinctive prop-
erties and is ultimately grounded in logical empiricism. The difference
between the various approaches to the study of translation (particu-
larly with reference to what translation is or does) is sometimes
Ethics 45
presented in terms of the two extreme positions of essentialism
and non-essentialism (cf. Halverson 1997), the former claiming that
meanings are objective and stable and that the task of translators is
to find such meanings and transfer them, the latter viewing mean-
ings as inherently non-stable and always subject to interpretation. In
general, essentialism tends to be associated with empirical or descrip-
tive approaches to translation while non-essentialism is seen as char-
acteristic of postmodern, cultural studies approaches. Between
the two extremes, however, there are many intermediate positions.
For example, the strictly objective view of translation associated with
some linguistically oriented approaches of the 1960s and 1970s has
been abandoned by the more relativist positions held by descriptive
translation studies. In general, although the various approaches
to translation leaning towards essentialism or non-essentialism may
continue to appear difficult to reconcile, especially as regards the
role to be attributed to empirical observation, there is today some
agreement between scholars that any definition of translation is
closely associated with the theory adopted to observe it and that
whatever data are employed to study translation they are not neutral
with respect to theory. An attempt at establishing a shared ground
between different approaches to translation is presented in an article
by Chesterman and Arrojo (2000) in the journal Target, which was
followed by a debate between various other scholars in the subse-
quent issues of the journal.
Ethical considerations can be seen to apply to various aspects of trans-
lation, ranging from questions of professional practice to issues such
as the role of translators in fostering intercultural communication or
in appropriately representing SL authors ideas. Following Chesterman
(2001), four main strands can be identified in the way translation
scholars have discussed the ethics of translation. The first (labelled
ethics of representation by Chesterman) is the particular preoccu-
pation of some theorists with translation as a representation of the
46 Expertise
Other. A line of thought starting from Friedrich Schleiermacher in the
century and continuing more recently with Berman (1984) and
Venuti (1998 [1995] 2008) sees translation as always involving inter-
pretation and thus inevitably inserting TL values and beliefs liable to
distort the representation of the Other contained in original texts. The
translators ethical dilemma has thus to do with how to choose an
interpretation of the original text that minimizes this distortion. The
second strand (ethics of service) is related to translation as a commer-
cial service supplied to a client and concerns the identification of the
practices that best serve the requirements of the translation brief as
agreed between translator and client. This is the particular aspect of
ethics considered (largely implicitly) in functionalist approaches (see
also loyalty). A third strand (ethics of communication) sees transla-
tion as generally aimed at fostering intercultural communication and
treats the translators performance of a mediating role between peo-
ple or cultures as an essentially ethical question. This is the approach
taken, for instance, by Pym (2000), who sees translators as acting in
an ethically appropriate way when their translations optimize coopera-
tion. Finally, the fourth strand (norm-based ethics) is linked to views of
translation as a norm-governed activity (see norms): in this perspec-
tive, behaving ethically means behaving in accordance with the norms
that expect translators to provide translations that can be trusted as
truthful representations of original texts.
Evaluation, see assessment.
For Chesterman (1997) expertise is the last stage in the acquisition
of translation skills (see competence), and in particular the stage at
which translation is performed largely as automatic, intuitive action.
Kiraly (2000: 30) defines expertise as the competence to accomplish
translation tasks to the satisfaction of clients and in accordance with
the norms and conventions of the profession with respect to produc-
ing a translated text per se. This is distinguished from professionalism
Explicitation 47
(Kiraly 2000: 31), which has to do with the deontological aspects of
the profession, such as the commitment to meet deadlines and the
charging of appropriate fees.
The term refers to the phenomenon whereby a translated text is seen
to convey information in a more explicit form than in the original text,
for example by adding connectives or explanatory phrases. This can be
seen either as the result of a conscious translation technique used
by the translator (as in Vinay and Darbelnet [1958] 1995) or as a ten-
dency inherent in translated texts. The observation of such tendency
has led some scholars to formulate the so-called explicitation hypoth-
esis (first proposed by Blum-Kulka 1986), which claims that translators
universally tend to make things more explicit, linguistically, in the TT
than they are in the ST. Compared to other universals of transla-
tion, this claim has received so far the most attention by researchers.
It is based on the observation of how translators treat aspects such
as ambiguity and unclear structures in the ST, how they use pronouns
and connectives or how they tend to add explanations to obscure and
culture-bond terms found in the ST. Care should be taken, how-
ever, in interpreting a given feature as an instance of explicitation, as
other factors (such as the temporal or cultural distance between the
languages involved) may have played a role in the process of transla-
tion (Mauranen 2007: 39).
48 Fluency
The term refers to the idea that a translated text should read like an
original and not be recognizable as a translation. In relation to lit-
erary translation, Venuti ([1995] 2008) sees fluency as an ideal and
deplores the way in which it has dominated the Anglo-Saxon transla-
tion tradition; he maintains that this ideal has entailed the invisibility
of the translator in the translation of literary works. In order to be
more visible, Venuti argues, translators should resist the temptation
to produce fluent target texts because such texts deceive readers into
thinking that they are originals. Ultimately, fluency, by making the
translator invisible, denies the source culture and its right to appear as
something different. It is therefore an unethical choice and to it Venuti
opposes a resistant way of translating that is more ethical for both the
translator and the source culture (see ethics). This way of translating
may entail using more marked, unusual TL forms, archaisms, mixed
registers and other aspects that might allow the otherness of the
original text to be felt by TL readers.
See also: domestication, foreignization.
The term refers to a translation strategy aimed at rendering the ST
conspicuous in the target text or, in other words, at avoiding the flu-
ency that would mask its being a translation (which can be seen as
the result of the opposite strategy of domestication). The term is
mostly associated with the name of Lawrence Venuti ([1995] 2008)
who, largely in relation to the translation of literary and philosophical
works, sees TL fluency as an ideal that suppresses the otherness of
the source text and minimizes the role of the translator. Foreignizing
translation is thus seen by Venuti as a form of resistant translation
opposing the prevailing ethnocentric modes of transfer. For Venuti
foreignizing translation is not to be equated with literal translation.
He allows this strategy of translation to take very different, even con-
flicting forms: not only close, resistant renderings, but also renderings
Free vs literal translation 49
that mix different cultural discourses, or even ones that are free and
fluent. The two concepts of domestication and foreignization must
be seen as showing contingent variability, meaning that their defin-
ition always depends on the specific historical and cultural situation in
which a translation is made (see Venuti [1995] 2008: 1920); see also
Lawrence Venuti in the Key Thinkers section.
Free vs literal translation
This is the binary opposition that has dominated the debate on trans-
lation over the centuries. Free translation is usually taken to concen-
trate on conveying the meaning of the ST disregarding the formal or
structural aspects of the ST. Literal translation is normally taken to be
a mode of translation that remains close to the form of the original.
Literal is an ambiguous term. It could mean word-for-word, i.e. a
translation which gives priority to lexical correspondences and results in
ungrammatical sentences, or it could also mean a translation that is as
close as possible to the original while still ensuring TL grammaticality (but
not naturalness). Barkhudarov (1993; quoted in Chesterman 1997: 12) cor-
relates the free/literal opposition with the choice of the unit of transla-
tion, so that the smaller the unit, the more literal the result, and the larger
the unit, the freer the result. Thinkers and scholars have had different
views on the merits or disadvantages of literalness. Newmark (1981: 39)
believes that literal translation should always be preferred where possible
and provided that equivalent effect is secured (see equivalent effect).
Robinson (1991: 153), on the other hand, argues that the only valid criter-
ion for translation is that the ST and the TT should stand in some way of
recognizable relation to each other, a position that seems to reject the
idea of equivalence and therefore the free/literal polarity altogether.
As regards free translation, this is sometimes taken to mean sense-
for-sense translation but it has been seen as taking a variety of forms
depending on the exact nature of the type (or types) of translation it
is opposed to (cf. Robinson 1991, 1998). In fact, following the tripar-
tite distinction proposed by Jerome in the 4
century AD, free trans-
lation has often been distinguished from both word-for-word and
50 Functionalist approaches
sense-for-sense translation, where free translation is usually presented
as being unfaithful to the text, or a bad translation. This tripartite
distinction is again found in John Drydens differentiation between
metaphrase (word-for-word translation), paraphrase (sense-for-sense
translation) and imitation, which is defined as a translation that takes
on very general hints from an original. As pointed out by Robinson
(1998: 8889) free translation, whatever it is opposed to, remains a
difficult notion to define and probably the best way of characterizing
it is to see it as translation that deviates from the hegemonic norms
that establish, in a given period or community, what faithful transla-
tion is. Thus, where faithful is equated with sense-for sense, a free
translation will be one that takes greater liberties with the ST, but
where the dominant norm sees faithful translation as word-for-word,
then sense-for-sense will be seen as a form of free translation.
Functionalist approaches
This is a general label for those approaches that see translation as an
act of communication and a form of action involving not only linguistic
but also social and cultural factors. These approaches place particular
emphasis on the function of the target text (hence the label), which
they see as the essential factor in determining how choices are made in
translating. They are also characterized by their detailed consideration
of real-life scenarios of professional translation, which they take to be a
fundamental aspect in providing theoretical descriptions of translation.
Theories and models associated with functionalist approaches include
skopos theory and the model of translatorial action, both developed
(independently at first) in the late 1970s and early 1980s. These theories
can be seen as part of the cultural turn that was taking place in trans-
lation studies at the time (cf. Snell-Hornby 2006: Chap. 2). Besides Hans
J. Vermeer, who developed the skopos theory, the group of scholars
usually associated with functionalist approaches includes Hans Hnig,
Paul Kussmaul and Christiane Nord (see Hnig and Kussmaul 1982; Nord
1991, 1997), all of them from Germany. Historically, their work emerged
as a reaction to the linguistically oriented approaches prevalent up to the
Functionalist approaches 51
1970s, which saw translation as a process of transfer largely independ-
ent from the specific situation of the TT in a given socio-cultural setting.
To this, functionalism opposed a view of texts as embedded in, and
shaped by, the setting in which they are produced. Particular importance
is attached to the function served by a TT in its environment, which may
or may not coincide with the function of the ST (functional constancy
is seen as by these approaches as the exception rather than the rule). In
any case, whether it coincides with ST function or not, TT function is
always seen as the overriding factor in determining the choices made
during the translation process.
Functionalist approaches share the emphasis on the target-
environment and on the importance of social factors with other
approaches that emerged in the same years, particularly descriptive
translation studies. The two approaches, however, differ in their fun-
damental aims and in the treatment of central notions such as func-
tion and culture (see Snell-Hornby 2006: 6367). A functionalist
approach such as skopos theory seeks to provide a general account of
translation, thereby touching on problems of an applied nature such as
translation assessment and translator training; also, it does not refrain
from evaluative judgements. Descriptive translation studies, on the
other hand, generally stick to descriptive accounts and programmati-
cally reject any form of evaluation. As regards more specific notions,
culture is seen by descriptive approaches in the more abstract sense
of a systemic background, whereas functionalism sees culture as oper-
ating both at social and individual level. As for function, again this is
considered by descriptive approaches as an abstract value assigned
to an item by the network of relations it establishes within a system
(Toury 1995: 12). Functionalism sees the function of a text in more
operational terms, looking not so much at large-scale social systems
but at local social networks, and pointing to the consequences they
have on the way translations are carried out and evaluated. In particu-
lar, it is in functionalist approaches that the role of people such as the
commissioners of translation jobs has first been explicitly acknowl-
edged and that translation has first been presented as governed by
social interactions and extra-textual factors.
52 Gender
In recent years, an increasing number of studies have looked at the links
between translation practice and theory on the one hand and issues related
to gender on the other. Gender studies explore the ways in which male-
ness, femaleness and other gendered identities are constructed through
attributes and attitudes that are culturally and historically determined.
In this framework, language is seen as a manipulative tool that contrib-
utes to the formation of particular attitudes towards gender. Following
the cultural turn of translation studies, various scholars have started to
emphasize the role of the socio-cultural norms affecting the practice and
theory of translation. In particular, some scholars have begun to look at
such norms through the prism of gender studies, so as to describe the
way in which translation is influenced by culturally determined attitudes
to gender. A pioneering work in this respect is Simon (1996).
From the point of view of theory, some scholars have looked at how
attitudes to gender contribute to construct the translators identities
and their willingness to suppress or manifest these identities in trans-
lated texts. Adopting an explicitly prescriptive attitude, some of these
scholars call for particular methods of overt translation in which the
identity of female translators should be rendered manifest by recourse
to prefaces, explanations and footnotes, thus resisting the prevailing
convention that the translators subjective presence should not emerge
in a translated text. Other scholars have critically examined the prevail-
ing rhetoric and metaphors of the theoretical discourse on translation,
exposing its frequently patriarchal attitude (as when free translations
are described as les belles infidles, using a feminine adjective refer-
ring to the presumed unfaithfulness of beautiful women). Starting in
the mid-1990s considerations of gender issues have broadened so as
to include plural gendered identities going beyond the male/female
binary opposition. The translation of gay writing, for instance, has
been studied by Harvey (2000), focusing on its translatability vis--vis
the presence of a gay community in the TL.
As regards the practice and criticism of translation, the consideration
of gender issues has often led to calls for interventionist approaches
Genre 53
aimed at exposing and opposing the patriarchal attitudes often found
in language usage and translational conventions. Von Flotow (1997)
speaks of feminist translation as a practice intended to undermine
such patriarchal conventions in translated texts and, in extreme cases,
to deliberately make feminine elements visible (e.g. by playing with
the gender endings of nouns and adjectives). As regards translation
criticism, works such as the Bible have been examined with a view to
restoring the ambiguities of the ST and the non-gendered nature of
the labels used for the deity.
Genres can be seen as conventional forms of texts associated
with particular types of social occasion (Hatim and Mason 1997:
218). Examples would include textbooks, learned articles, reports,
brochures and contracts. Considering the particular genre a text
belongs to can be important in terms of the decisions taken during
the translation process as regards the rhetorical structure and other
genre-specific aspects of a text. The definition of genre given above
is only one of the many available, especially in applied linguistics,
which contributes to making genre a slippery concept. As far as
translation is concerned, classification of texts are perhaps more
commonly presented as based on the notion of text type (see text
typology), especially as far as non-literary texts are concerned (see
Trosborg 1997). However, some scholars (e.g. House 1997) see the
notion of text type as too broadly defined (at least according to the
way it has normally been presented) and consider genre as better
equipped to capture the relations between a given individual text
and the class of texts with which it shares a common communica-
tive purpose.
There are other ways in which the notion of genre has been employed
by translation scholars (cf. Hatim 2001: Chap. 11). From a cultural perspec-
tive, genre has been evoked to describe textual aspects that resist trans-
fer into certain languages: Tymoczko (1990), for instance, shows how
in the translation of Hamlet into some West African languages, the oral
54 Gist translation
tradition of these languages resisted the transfer of some genre-related
rhetorical and linguistic structures found in the original. Another way of
looking at genre is to see translated texts as a genre in themselves (James
1989). In this sense a translation might be considered in terms of how
closely it resembles other translations and how it is distinguished from
texts that are not translations an idea which may call to mind notions
such as translation as a third code, translationese or the universals
of translation.
Gist translation
The term usually refers to a translation aimed at giving a condensed
version, or summary, of the contents of the original text.
Given/new information, see theme/rheme.
In the last few years, an increasing number of studies have started
to look at the effect of globalization on both the practice and the
theoretical conceptualization of translation (cf. Lambert 1989; Cronin
2003; Pym 2006; Tymoczko 2007). The translation market has
been greatly affected both by the emergence of new technologies
that make communication between distant places increasingly eas-
ier and by the predominance of English as the international lingua
franca of production. The emergence of English as a lingua franca
and the concurrent increase in the demand for translation is seen by
Pym (2006) as only an apparent paradox: while English has come to
dominate communication in many international centres of economic
production, at a local level the distribution and marketing of prod-
ucts increasingly requires translation. Pym (2006) sees many of todays
translation situations as characterized by a one-to-many geometry
where the traditional picture of translation as occurring between a
pair of languages (one source and one target) has been replaced by
scenarios in which translation in a variety of target languages occurs
Globalization 55
from source materials produced in English, often in an international-
ized form of English from which cultural elements have been removed
so that translation can more easily make adaptations to the local tar-
get environments. This has had profound effects on the way transla-
tion services at a commercial level are organized, as the considerable
size of such one-to-many translation projects requires high levels of
hierarchical control and standardization.
See also: agency, localization, professional translation.
56 Habitus
The notion of habitus is defined by the French sociologist Pierre
Bourdieu as a set of dispositions that characterize an individual (an
agent) acting in a field, i.e. a particular area of activity with its insti-
tutions and laws of functioning. Proposed by Bourdieu to account for
how the regularities of behaviour of the agents acting in a given field
become established and maintained, the notion has been introduced
in the debate on translation as a social practice by Daniel Simeoni,
who defines habitus as the translators particular mindset, the elabor-
ate result of a personalized social and cultural history (Simeoni 1998:
32; see also Inghilleri 2005). The typical translators habitus is seen by
Simeoni (1998: 23) as one of voluntary servitude, but it is argued that
such a self-image can be changed little by little as individual transla-
tors become aware of their own habitual practice and experiment with
new, alternative ways of carrying out their activity. Such alternatives
could then be taken up by other translators, thus resulting in changes
in their own habitus, and so on. In this way, translators could also start
to question the power relations that govern their activity and find
new forms of motivation for their work. At a local, individual level, this
would imply a redirection of effort during a given translation task (so
that, for instance, more time is devoted to searching for information
than to polishing up the TT). At a global, social level, motivation strat-
egies can, by strengthening the translators self-image, lead translators
to establish new norms of behaviour, which in turn could make sure
that they are guaranteed more favourable working conditions or that
the publics concept of translation changes in such a way as to recon-
sider the translators role (cf. also Chesterman and Wagner 2002: 77).
See also: agency.
Hermeneutic motion
This is a label coined by George Steiner (1975) for his model of
the act of translation, based on a view of translating as an essen-
tially hermeneutic, or interpretative, activity aimed at an empathic
Hybrid text 57
understanding of the ST. In particular, Steiner identifies four stages
in the hermeneutic motion. The first is trust, and this is the stage at
which the translator surrenders to the alienness of the original text.
At the second stage, that of aggression, the translator actively enters
the text with the intention of extracting and appropriating meaning.
This is then brought back at the third stage of incorporation, which
is seen as entailing a modification and enrichment of the native con-
text (unless translation is only meant to produce sterile mimicry). The
fourth and final stage is that of restitution, and it is the stage at
which the translator endeavours to restore the balance of forces, of
integral presence, that appropriative comprehension has disrupted
(1975: 302).
Hybrid text
The term is used in translation studies in two senses. The first sense
refers to the translated text, seen as a hybrid in that it results from a
process that provides it with features that somehow seem out of
place/strange/unusual for the receiving culture (Schffner and
Adab 1997: 325). These features are the result of deliberate decisions
by translators and do not derive from a lack of competence. In another
sense, and in relation to the translation of postcolonial literature, the
term hybrid text is used to characterize the texts written by writers
from former colonies in the language of the ex-colonizers. These are
seen as hybrid because of their creative exploitation of language var-
ieties, idiolects, jargon, metaphors and other features coming from
the language spoken in the former colony (as, for example, in Salman
Rushdies novels). Such texts are seen to pose particular problems in
translation, particularly into standard European languages, due to
their high degree of grammatical and lexical innovation and the high-
density of culture-bound terms (see Snell-Hornby 2001).
58 Ideology
The link between ideology and translation has in recent years attracted
the attention of many scholars, who have looked at it from various
angles, but generally in terms of how ideological stances influence
either the local and global decisions taken by translators or the recep-
tion of translated texts. Ideology is often seen in terms of power
relations, either between the cultures involved in translation (see
postcolonial approaches) or between the actors or groups who,
in the target culture, exercise control over the practice of translation,
e.g. institutions of various kinds, publishers and the translators them-
selves (see von Flotow 2000a; Munday and Cunico 2007).
Within the target pole, Lefevere (1992, 1998) sees ideology as
one of the controlling factors or constraints over the work of transla-
tors of literary texts. In his definition, ideology is the conceptual grid
that consists of opinions and attitudes deemed acceptable in a cer-
tain time, and through which readers and translators approach texts
(Lefevere 1998: 48). In particular, it is the ideology promoted by their
patrons (see patronage) that translators adhere to, choosing the
strategies of text transfer that are most likely to reflect such adher-
ence. Fawcett (1995) sees this as an oversimplification of a much less
systematic process, and points to the main difficulty in the analysis
of the ideological factors impinging on translation, i.e. establish-
ing the extent and form of the translators ideological mediation or
intervention. The extent of the translators ideological intervention is
analysed from a linguistic and pragmatic point of view in Hatim and
Mason (1997).
The translators positionality (von Flotow 2000b) is, in any case,
a generally accepted concept: the translator is seen as writing from
a specific moment and culture (or sub-culture) and often in dia-
logue with social and political trends of the moment, which makes
an ideological slant inevitable. As an example, von Flotow (2000b)
studies different English translations of the Bible carried out by
women translators in different but not too distant historical periods.
Although an explicit aim of the translators is to represent the ST as
Implicature 59
literally and faithfully as possible, von Flotow shows how in reality
the translations are very different from one another and how such
difference can be accounted for in terms of the ideological stances
of the translators.
Implicature is a notion used in pragmatics to refer to what speakers
or writers mean as opposed to what they literally say. It is not to be
confused with non-literal meaning, such as that of idiomatic expres-
sions, which has a conventional character. Implicature refers to how
people come to understand more than what is actually said, based
on the context or situation. Baker (1992: 223224) illustrates this
difference with two examples. In the following exchange:
A: Shall we go for a walk?
B: Could I take a rain check on that?
the interpretation of Bs utterance depends on knowledge of what
the American idiom to take a rain check means, namely to decline
an offer or invitation but be willing to accept one at a later occasion.
In this other exchange:
A: Shall we go for a walk?
B: Its raining.
speaker A will likely consider Bs comment on the weather as an
answer to the question and select among the possible meanings of
the answer (No, wed better not or OK, but wed better take an
umbrella or even Yes we both like walking in the rain) by means
of an implicature, that is, through an inference based on the specific
context and on shared knowledge of the background situation (in
this case, As knowledge of whether B usually likes to walk in the rain
or not). Implicatures are thus interpretations of utterances in which
meaning is conveyed non-conventionally, i.e. not using the textual
60 Incorrect meaning
resources that would normally be understood as signalling a certain
relation between two propositions (in the second example above, for
instance, Bs response might have been: No, because its raining or
No you know I dont like walking in the rain).
More specifically, an implicature can be seen as arising from the
flouting of what the linguist H. P. Grice calls the Cooperative Principle,
a general principle of communication consisting of four maxims: (1) do
not say too little or too much (quantity maxim); (2) tell the truth or what
you think the truth is (quality maxim); (3) only say what is relevant (rele-
vance maxim); (4) be perspicuous, brief and orderly (manner maxim). If
any one of these maxims is flouted by a speaker, hearers will think that
there is a good reason for it and, by implicature, they will arrive at the
intended meaning. Pragmatic meaning, in other words, is created by
the breaking of the maxims. To go back to the second example above,
speaker A will interpret Bs comment on the weather in terms of its
relevance to the invitation.
Not all linguists accept the universality of Grices maxims (which
are essentially based on an observation of spoken English), but
there is general agreement on the fact that, both in spoken and
written mode, all languages use comparable sets of cooperative
maxims and that implicature is relied upon by language users so as
to arrive at the correct interpretation of meaning. The interest of
such notions for translation studies can be seen to lie precisely in
the way implied meaning can be seen to be expressed in different
languages, possibly to achieve specific effects such as politeness or
See also: relevance theory.
Incorrect meaning
The term refers to a translation error resulting from the attribution
to a TL element of a sense that it does not have in the ST context in
which it appears. Translating the French une somme importante into
English as an important sum (as opposed to a large amount of money)
would constitute such an error (Delisle et al. 1999: 147).
Indeterminacy of translation 61
Indeterminacy of translation
The philosophical thesis of the indeterminacy of translation maintains
that different translations of a sentence in a given original language
can be incompatible with one another but at the same time all equally
compatible with the semantically relevant facts expressed by the ori-
ginal sentence. In other words, the thesis maintains that, starting from
one sentence in language A, two or more translations of the sentence
can be provided in language B that, while being non-equivalent with
each other, are nevertheless all equivalent to the original sentence.
The thesis has been proposed by the American philosopher Willard
V. O. Quine, who arrived at it through a thought experiment based
on a case of radical translation, i.e. the interpretation of a completely
unknown language with no historical or cultural links to the translat-
ing language (Quine 1960; see also Quine 1959). In particular, Quine
imagines a field linguist coming across the member of a previously
unknown tribe in the jungle. On noticing a rabbit scurrying by, the
native says Gavagai and the linguist starts asking what the utterance
could mean. Possibilities of interpretation include Rabbit or Lo, a
rabbit or even He is running fast. To arrive at an interpretation of
the utterance, the linguist can only observe the causal connections
between the environment of the natives and their verbal behaviour.
More specifically, he observes how the word gavagai is used in vari-
ous contexts and tests his interpretations against still other contexts,
finally arriving at a translation. This, however, does not exclude that
other, different translations/interpretations of the word gavagai
are possible, perhaps in contexts not yet observed by the linguist or
because the stimulus conditions the utterance gavagai is meant to
respond to are of a different nature (i.e. because the utterance is poly-
semous). The thesis is thus that translation always implies a certain
degree of indeterminacy, as meanings can only be interpreted with
reference to actual contexts, that is, empirically. For Quine, the inde-
terminacy linked to translation is just a particular case of the indeter-
minacy associated with all interpretation of meaning, even within the
same language.
62 Indirect translation
Indirect translation
The term indicates the translation of a text carried out via an inter-
mediary translation in another language and not directly from the
original text (Vinay and Darbelnet [1958] 1995). Toury (1995: Chap. 7)
examines the role played by indirect translations in Hebrew literature
over the last 200 years, stressing the tolerant attitude towards them as
Hebrew literature was trying to catch up with the Western world, and
contrasting such tolerance with the currently prevalent norm which
tends to reject mediated translations.
As part of skopos theory, translation is seen by Vermeer (1986: 33) as
an offer of information (Informationsangebot) in the target language
which imitates an offer of information in the source language while tak-
ing into account the functional, cultural and linguistic conditions obtain-
ing at the target pole. Such a view implies that the information offered by
a text may differ according to the recipient of the text, given that different
recipients may have different expectations or presuppositions. As a con-
sequence, different translations of the same TT are possible depending of
which particular information offer they are designed to respond to.
Instrumental translation
The term refers to a method of translation aimed at producing a
text that, in the target context, functions independently from the ST
(Nord 1991). An instrumental translation, in other words, focuses on
the communicative purpose of the TT, which may be different from
that of the ST. Nord contrasts this method or type of translation with
documentary translation.
Interference is the phenomenon whereby the choices made by a
translator in translating a text are influenced by the linguistic make-up
Interpretive approach 63
of the original text at the morpho-syntactic, lexical, stylistic or typo-
graphical level. In cases where such influence leads to a TL rendering
which is either ungrammatical or unfit to the context or purpose of
the translation, interference can be seen as a type of translation
error, as in the translation of the German Er ist hier seit gestern with
He is here since yesterday instead of He has been here since yesterday.
At the level of style, interference can be seen as one of the factors that
lead to translationese, or the particular style sometimes described as
typical of translated texts.
See also: laws of translation.
Interlingual translation
A form of translation in which verbal signs are interpreted by means of
other signs in a different language. It is one of the three general types
of translation identified by Jakobson (1959), who sees this as transla-
tion proper. The other two types are intralingual translation and
intersemiotic translation.
Interpretive approach
An approach to translation that applies the Thorie du sens (or Theory
of Sense) developed, in relation to conference interpreting, by a group
of scholars linked to the ESIT institute of interpretation and transla-
tion in Paris. The theory, elaborated in the 1960s, emerged as a reac-
tion to the linguistically oriented approaches prevalent at the time.
It distinguishes sense from pre-established, abstract linguistic mean-
ing. In particular, sense is meaning that derives from the interaction
between what is actually said, the intention of the speaker, the level
of shared knowledge between the interlocutors and the context in
which the communication takes place. In interpreting, the sense of a
text is arrived at through a process of deverbalization, which is then
followed by re-expression in the TL (Seleskovitch 1976).
As regards written translation, particularly in relation to pragmatic
texts, the process of translation is seen in this approach (see Delisle
1988) as involving three stages: comprehension, i.e. the extraction of
64 Intersemiotic translation
the ST authors intended meaning; re-expression, or the reconstruc-
tion of the text in the TL; and verification, i.e. a check on the accuracy
of the proposed TL solution. Comprehension entails an interpretative
analysis of the text. Re-expression is based on the application of styl-
istically and contextually appropriate writing techniques in the TL.
Verification is a quality check carried out on the TT not in relation to
the words of the original utterance [. . .] but in relation to the ideas
extracted from the message during its first interpretation (Delisle
1988: 67).
Intersemiotic translation
A form of translation in which verbal signs are interpreted by means
of other signs belonging to a non-verbal system. It is one of the three
general types of translation identified by Jakobson (1959) the other
two being intralingual translation and interlingual translation.
An example of intersemiotic translation would be the making of a
novel into a film.
Intralingual translation
A form of translation in which verbal signs are interpreted by means of
other signs in the same language. It is one of the three general types
of translation identified by Jakobson (1959) the other two being
interlingual translation and intersemiotic translation.
Inverse translation
The term refers to translation carried out from ones native lan-
guage into a foreign language. Professional translators are normally
expected to translate the other way round, i.e. from the foreign lan-
guage (the language they have consciously learned, also known as
second language) into their own native language (the language they
have inductively acquired, or first language). This is taken to be an
ideal arrangement for various reasons, mainly having to do with the
Invisibility of the translator 65
translators native-speaker language competence, their familiarity
with the cognitive mapping of conceptual referents in the native lan-
guage and their ability to establish inter-textual references as acquired
through repeated exposure to native-language texts (Adab 2005).
In the last few years this idea has come under increasing scru-
tiny. Adab (2005: 227) sees an exclusive insistence on translation
into the translators first language as unenforceable and impractic-
able on account of various factors. For example, in an era of glo-
balized communications the number of people using English as a
lingua franca has increased (e.g. in the business community) and
their expectations as addressees of translated texts in English may
be different from those of native speakers, meaning that they may
accept translations that are informatively adequate but not com-
pletely native-like from a stylistic point of view. Adab also points out
that, at a professional level, translation into the second language is
already a reality in some countries for reasons linked to the require-
ments of the local translation market. In Finland, for instance, the
lack of foreign speakers competent in Finnish forces mother-tongue
Finnish translators to work into a second language as well. Adab
believes that, by enhancing the use of already available technologies
assisting translators (e.g. translation memories, corpora and the
internet) and by arranging translation workflows so that revision by
native speakers is ensured, translation into the second language may
obtain more widespread recognition.
A study specifically devoted to literary translation into the second
language is reported on in Pokorn (2005), who starts from the assump-
tion that the prominence of translation into the first language is a con-
struct of Western translation theory and that no convincing empirical
results show that literary translation into a non-mother tongue is sys-
tematically of inferior quality.
Invisibility of the translator
Venuti ([1995] 2008) uses the term invisibility to characterize the
position and activity of the translator in the Anglo-American literary
66 Invisibility of the translator
tradition, where translation is largely seen as a derivative form of text
production and translations are thought to provide access to the pre-
cise meaning of a foreign literary work. In particular, as publishers,
reviewers and readers expect a translated text to read like an original
and therefore to present no linguistic or stylistic peculiarities, transla-
tors strive to secure readability and adhere to current TL usage. This
leads, in readers, to the illusion of transparency and contributes to
making the translators own work invisible.
See: fluency, domestication, foreignization.
Keystroke logging 67
Keystroke logging
The term refers to the computer logging of the keyboard activity per-
formed by the translator during a written translation task. A dedi-
cated software tool (such as Translog; see Jakobsen 1999) can be used
to elicit this kind of data, which can be used in process-oriented
research on translation. In particular, the software records all the key-
board activity performed by the translator and has a replay function
that can be used to observe the typing process either in real time or
at a different speed. The raw data provided by such software consist
of the final printout of the translation and a detailed log of the typing
process. This log gives information about the timing of each keystroke,
pauses, revisions, deletions, corrections and so on. When gathered for
a group of subjects, such information alone can, for instance, give
indications as to the process features that correlate with the quality
of the target texts (assuming a suitable benchmark can be found).
In other words, the researcher can verify whether the best transla-
tions are produced through a smooth text generation process (i.e.
one with few revisions and deletions) or whether they are arrived at
via a more uneven process characterized by frequent revisions, dele-
tions and corrections. The replay function of the software can also be
used, once the text generation phase is over, as a prompt in eliciting a
retrospective report on the task. While looking at the replay of his/her
text generation process, the translator can comment on his/her own
work, focusing, for instance, on why certain revisions were made or
why a certain structure for a TT sentence was immediately discarded.
As a method of data collection on the translation process, keystroke
logging may be less obtrusive than verbal reporting and less labour-
intensive from the researchers viewpoint.
68 Language functions
Language functions
The models of language description centred around the notion of
function are based on the fundamental assumption that language
is a social activity that cannot be discussed without reference to the
purposes for which speakers and writers use it. The functions of a
language are, in such a perspective, the various uses people make
of it in different communicative situations. Meaning, according to
such models, is always a function of context: we use a given linguis-
tic element (a word, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph or a whole
text) because by using that element we fulfil a certain communicative
purpose. This idea dates back to work carried out in the first half of
the 20
century by various scholars, and especially the anthropolo-
gist Bronislaw Malinowski, the linguist J. R. Firth and the psycholo-
gist Karl Bhler. In particular, in a book originally published in 1934
called Sprachtheorie, Bhler identified three main macro-functions of
language: the expressive (Ausdruck), i.e. the function enabling the
addresser of a message to express attitudes and emotions, the cona-
tive (Appell), i.e. the function oriented towards the addressee of a
message, and the referential (Darstellung), i.e. the function oriented
towards the extra-linguistic reality. The linguist Roman Jakobson (1960)
later added three more functions to those identified by Bhler: the
phatic, i.e. that used to establish contact (as in greetings or in conver-
sation aimed at facilitating social relationships), the poetic, i.e. that ori-
ented towards the message or its manipulation for aesthetic purposes,
and the metalinguistic, i.e. language about language or the ways in
which the linguistic code focuses on itself in order to clarify or explain
a given message. The six functions thus identified correspond each to
one of the factors that Jakobson saw as involved in communication:
addresser, addressee, context, contact, message, code. Any given text
will, according to Jakobson, serve one predominant function. In literary
texts, for instance, prominence is given to the poetic function.
Bhlers original three functions were used by Reiss (1971) for a clas-
sification of types of texts according to the particular function they
give prominence to her aim being that of evaluating translated texts
Laws of translation 69
according to how well they served the prominent function of the ST.
Jakobsons six functions formed the basis for Newmarks (1981, 1988)
more flexible classification of text types, again based on the idea that
in any given text there is one predominant function. Whereas Reiss
intention in applying the notion of function is evaluative and retro-
spective, Newmarks adaptation of Jakobsons six functions has a more
overtly processual nature, i.e. it leads to the elaboration of a list of
guidelines aimed at solving the problems more frequently encountered
in translating the text types Newmark identifies. Both in Reiss early
work and in Newmark, the notion of function is considered primarily
in relation to the ST. Other approaches have taken the idea of func-
tion as a pivotal notion, but have linked it primarily to the target text
(e.g. Reiss own later work with H. J. Vermeer; see skopos theory).
Whether the focus was on the source or the target, a consid-
eration of the different functions served by language has helped
translation scholars move away from discussions of equivalence at
micro-contextual level, leading them to adopt a perspective based on
the communicative purpose of translating.
See also: text typology.
Laws of translation
Toury (1995) sees translational behaviour as amenable to the formu-
lation of laws, i.e. theoretical formulations which state the relations
observed between a set of relevant variables. Such laws are of a prob-
abilistic nature, i.e. they are meant to state the likelihood that a particular
behaviour (or linguistic realization) would occur under specified condi-
tions, and are arrived at based on the findings provided by descriptive
studies. As an illustrative example, Toury (1995: 267279) discusses two
laws, the law of growing standardisation and the law of interference.
The former says that in translation, source text textmes tend to be
converted into target text repertoremes (Toury 1995: 268) or, in other
words, that the textual relations observed in the original texts (e.g. an
unusual collocation) tend to be replaced by translators with relations
that are more habitual in the target language (e.g. a fixedcollocation).
70 Level shift
The law of interference says that ST linguistic features tend to be trans-
ferred to the TT, with the possibility of giving rise to negative transfer,
i.e. deviations from codified TL practices. Laws of translation as pre-
sented by Toury can be put in relation to another notion, that of the
universals of translation, which has received more attention on the
part of researchers (for a discussion of the two notions, see Pym 2008;
see also Gideon Toury in the Key Thinkers section).
Level shift
This is a type of translation shift discussed in Catford (1965) and
defined as a shift occurring when an SL item at one particular level,
for instance grammar, is translated with a TL item at a different
level, for example lexis. Thus, in the translation of the English This
text is intended for . . . into Le present Manuel saddressse . . . in
French, the level shift occurs between the SL modifier This and the
corresponding article plus lexical adjective in the TL: Le present.
Literal translation
Literal translation is a translation strategy or technique involving a
choice of TL equivalents that stay close to the form of the original
while ensuring grammaticality in the TL. Vinay and Darbelnet (1958)
include it among their translation procedures (see shifts) and, as an
example, quote the sentence I left my spectacles on the table down-
stairs translated into French as Ja lass mes lunettes sur la table en
bas (Vinay and Darbelnet [1958] 1995: 34) . Newmark (1981) sees this
technique as the best option for translating texts where the form is
as important as the content, such as great speeches, autobiographies
and literary works; these are the kinds of text that require what he
calls a semantic translation approach.
See also: free vs literal translation, translation strategy, trans-
lation technique.
Loan translation, see calque.
Localization 71
The term localization refers to the process of adapting a product to a
particular local market, from a linguistic, cultural and technical point
of view. The term has been originally introduced for the translation of
computer software applications, which were among the first type of
products to require large volumes of translations to be carried out using
special engineering adjustments. Today the term localization is also fre-
quently used in relation to the translation of web sites and other prod-
ucts that are based on computerized technologies (e.g. mobile phones).
The term itself derives from the word locale, indicating the combin-
ation of cultural conventions and technical standards found in a given
regional area or market (see Esselink 2003).
The linguistic adaptation of a product is essentially the translation
of all its text elements. In software packages, for instance, text requir-
ing translation is found in the user interface (e.g. menus, messages
and dialogue boxes), in the product documentation (comprising the
online help and printed manuals) as well as in the so-called collateral
materials such as product boxes and multimedia demos. Translation
of such elements often implies cultural adaptation, as target texts
are required to reflect conventions and situations associated with the
target market. For example, in the translation of the user interface
all characteristics such as character sets, page sizes, address formats,
calendars and date/time formats must be adapted to the conventions
and standards operating in a given local market.
From a technical point of view, localization normally requires special
engineering adjustments deriving from the large volumes of text to be
translated and the special character of such text, two factors that have
made the integration of translation technology in localization much
stronger than in other areas of professional translation. The large vol-
umes of text to be translated require teams of translators whose work
needs to be given assistance and must be reviewed for consistency.
Technologies such as translation memories and terminology man-
agement systems (see termbase) help on both counts. As for the
texts to be translated, they can be seen as special in two senses: on
72 Loyalty
the one hand, they are often highly repetitive or, as products are
updated, likely to be massively recycled, which makes them suitable
for the use of translation memories; on the other, they often come in
formats which require special text editors, as is typically the case with
interface components or web pages.
Localization has in many ways set the operational standards which
many other areas of professional translation have later adhered
to. In particular, it is in localization that translation services have first
come to be organized along industrial lines, thus turning the transla-
tion process into a production chain in which other specialized figures
besides translators operate (e.g. the project managers that coordinate
and assist the translators working in teams). Also, the software tech-
nologies first developed to meet the needs of localization projects
(especially translation memories and terminology management sys-
tems) are now commonly used in translation projects of different
kinds, where they are seen to bring benefits in terms of productivity,
team-work coordination and linguistic consistency.
The notion of loyalty has been proposed by Nord (1991, 1997) to
characterize the responsibility translators have towards their partners
(SL authors, TT commissioners or TL readers) in the translational inter-
action. Loyalty is seen by Nord as a moral principle indispensable
in the relationship between human beings, who are partners in a
communication process; it is an interpersonal category referring to
a social relationship between people (1997: 125; original emphasis),
and it should not be confused with fidelity or faithfulness, a relation-
ship holding between texts. Relevant questions for translators are
whether their loyalty lies with ST authors or TT readers or whether
loyalty must be shown primarily to the commissioners or the readers
of the translated text.
LSP translation, see specialist translation.
Machine translation 73
Machine translation
Often abbreviated to MT, machine translation is translation performed
automatically by a computer with different degrees of human involve-
ment. A distinction is often made between MT systems that are
purely automatic and systems that require human assistance (e.g. in
Hutchins and Somers 1992), but the difference is increasingly blurred
as most available systems require some form of human intervention.
Typically, human assistance in MT is required at the stage of ST prep-
aration (pre-editing) or output editing (post-editing). Besides those
based on human intervention, further classifications of MT systems
are possible, depending on the text type MT is used for or the type
of end user a system is addressed to. A first distinction can thus be
made between specific-purpose systems, used for specialized subject-
specific texts, and general-purpose systems used for general-purpose
texts (Quah 2006: 173). As regards end users, a distinction can be
made between stand-alone systems used by professional translators
(working as freelancers or in an organization), web-based systems
for home users and non-translators, and systems installed on hand-
held devices for non-translators (Quah 2006: 65). Starting from the
1990s, speech recognition technology has often been combined with
MT, leading to the creation of speech-to-speech, text-to-speech and
speech-to-text systems.
The so-called architecture on which MT systems are based relies
on different approaches (an extensive overview is given in Quah 2006:
Chap. 3). First-generation systems rely on direct translation: SL words
are replaced with TL words after morpho-syntactic changes are made
based on standard contrastive differences between the languages
involved. Second-generation, rule-based approaches are based on
a view of translation as a process involving the analysis and represen-
tation of SL meaning, based on which a TL equivalent is generated.
In systems using an interlingua, the analysis leads to an abstract
representation of syntactic and semantic information that can then
be converted into various TLs. Other rule-based approaches rely,
instead, on transfer rules that convert the SL abstract representation
74 Mediation
into an abstract TL representation, based on which a TL is then gen-
erated. These systems require different transfer models for different
language pairs. The third generation of systems is that of corpus-
based approaches, which gained popularity in the early 1990s. These
systems use a reference corpus of translated texts aligned with their
STs. In particular, statistical-based approaches use algorithms in order
to match the new SL segments to be translated with the SL segments
and their TL equivalents contained in the corpus and then compute
the likelihood that corpus-based TL equivalents are valid TL segments
for the new text to be translated. Another corpus-based approach is
that of example-based MT, in which segments from the new ST are
matched with existing pairs of examples extracted from the reference
corpus; once a translation is identified for the ST segments, these are
then recombined to generate a new TT. Many of the more recent MT
systems are based on approaches that combine the various methods
described so far.
After the enthusiasm that characterized the early days of MT
research in the 1950s, fully automatic high-quality MT is today still
seen as an unrealistic goal, but MT is already being used in many con-
texts where it can provide fit-for-purpose output or a cost-effective
alternative to human translators. MT and translation-oriented com-
puterized technology in general can be described as a complex and
diverse field which see the involvement of a wide range of agents
from researchers and tool developers, through evaluators to various
end-user groups including professional translators, trainers and trans-
lation companies (Quah 2006: 196).
The notion may be seen to refer to the role played by translators
in serving as the medium for the transfer process that takes place
between an original and a translation. This role has been observed
and described by translation scholars adopting various perspec-
tives. The view of translators as mediators emerges clearly with the
approaches that see translation principally in terms of communication
Meme 75
across languages. Functionalist approaches see the translator act-
ing as a mediator between texts, and particularly between the pur-
pose of the ST and that of the TT. Texts are thus firmly established as
the poles between which mediation occurs and translation is clearly
demarcated from contrastive analysis. A further shift in perspec-
tive can be observed in more recent views of translation adopting
a sociological approach or emphasizing the link between translation
and ideology. Hatim and Mason (1997: 147) define mediation as the
extent to which translators intervene in the transfer process, feeding
their own knowledge and beliefs [i.e. their ideology] into their pro-
cessing of a text. The focus of attention is, in other words, moved
from texts to people, in accordance with a trend that is particularly
visible in interpreting studies: it is in studies of the social settings
in which interpreters work that researchers have for the first time
decidedly moved their focus from translated texts to those who prod-
uce them. Recent research on translation assuming a more or less
explicit sociological slant in is also giving increasing prominence to
the role of translators as a source of explanation for translational
phenomena. The term mediator is thus enjoying increasingly wider
currency among those who want to stress how interlinguistic, inter-
cultural communication is frequently affected by, and in turn affects,
the individual and social identity of translators and interpreters (see
also agency and habitus).
The notion of meme has been introduced in translation studies by
Chesterman (1997) and Vermeer (1997), probably independently
of each other (as suggested in Snell-Hornby 2006: 76), as a way of
explaining how the concept of translation changes over time and
travels from one community or group to another. The meme is a
concept originally introduced in sociobiology by Richard Dawkins; it
is a unit of cultural transmission or imitation (corresponding to an
idea, a catch-phrase, a fashion, etc.) which propagates from brain
to brain, much as genes propagate from body to body via sperm or
76 Minimax principle
eggs (cf. Chesterman 1997: 5). As translation is first of all a cognitive
activity but it also takes place, as an event, in a given historical, social
and cultural setting, an intriguing question is whether and how, in
translation, the socio-cultural environment influences the workings
of the brain so that certain choices and decisions are taken instead of
others. Memes have been proposed as a notion capable of establish-
ing a link between the two dimensions, the social and the individ-
ual. In other words, certain memes, or perceptions, about translation
spread, through social interaction, from individual to individual and
define the way translation is generally talked about or practised. As
an example of supermemes, Chesterman (1997: Chap. 1) quotes
ideas such as the source-target distinction, equivalence and the
free vs literal translation opposition. Other examples of memes
are the norms that govern translator behaviour in a given society or
more restricted community.
Minimax principle
Also referred to as minimax strategy, this is a notion proposed by Jir
Lev to indicate that in the decision-making process of translation the
translator, when faced with a problem, tends to resolve for that one
of the possible solutions which promises a maximum of effect with
a minimum of effort (Lev 1967: 1179) the effect being measured
against the assumed expectations of TL readers.
The term refers to a translation error resulting from the misunder-
standing of the sense or the cultural reference associated with an ST
element. Examples include (cf. Delisle et al. 1999: 159): translating the
French il faut substituer un dulcorant au sucre into you should substi-
tute sugar for a sweetener instead of the correct you should replace
sugar with a sweetener, or translating the German Mnnermode-
Designer with male fashion designer instead of the correct mens
fashion designer.
Multimodality 77
This term indicates a translation technique involving a change in
point in the transfer from SL to TL. Examples concerning French and
English would include the following:
ST: objets trouvs (found objects) TT: lost property
ST: il est facile de dmontrer TT: it is not difficult
(it is easy to show). to show.
In Vinay and Darbelnet ([1958] 1995) modulation is seen as involving
a wide variety of changes. It can involve negation (as in the second
example above) or other types of changes such as a transfer from
abstract to concrete meaning (French: jusqu une heure avance
de la nuit [until an advanced hour of the night] / English: until the
small hours of the morning) or from part to whole (English: to wash
ones hair / French: se laver la tte [to wash ones head]).
The term refers to the transmission (and reception) of meaning
through the composite deployment of different semiotic resources,
or modes (see e.g. Taylor 2004). Almost no text is, strictly speak-
ing, mono- modal, as extra-linguistic visual elements (drawings,
photographs, graphs) are present in most texts. Hypertexts, films and
TV programmes deploy a variety of semiotic modes to a greater extent
than printed texts, such that, in them, meaning is always the result
of the interrelation between the verbal and the visual. The notion
of multimodality is therefore particularly emphasized in research on
audiovisual translation and theatre translation.
78 Natural translation
Natural translation
This term is sometimes used to indicate translation as carried out
by bilinguals in everyday circumstances and without special train-
ing for it (Harris 1977: 99). What position does this type of trans-
lation have in translation studies? While Harris himself assigned it a
central position, other scholars (e.g. Krings 1986) have rejected this
view. The tendency today is indeed that of assigning professional
translation (in a wide variety of fields) primacy as an object of
study, although room is sometimes made for the study of trans-
lation as performed or discussed by individuals who would not,
strictly speaking, fall within the category of professionals (think, for
one, of newspaper reviewers who assess translations).
Non-binary error, see error.
Non-essentialism, see essentialism.
Also called conventionalization, normalization is the hypothesis that
translated texts universally tend to make use of the typical features
of the TL to a greater degree than comparable non-translated texts.
Translations, in other words, would appear more standardized than
texts written in the TL, in that they use certain lexical items with
higher frequency, tend to replace dialect in the SL with standard
language in the TL, prefer unmarked grammatical constructs and
tend to normalize other aspects such as punctuation. Although a
few studies have given support to this hypothesis, normalization
is seen by some scholars as a controversial notion. As pointed out
in Mauranen (2007: 41), when normalization is discussed, it is not
always clear whether it is treated as an S-universal or a T-universal
(see universals of translation). Also, translation is frequently
described as language usage characterized by untypical constructs
(e.g. in terms of collocation), which runs counter the idea of trans-
lations as normalized texts.
Norms 79
Translation norms are identified by studying regularities in the behav-
iour of translators, in the product of such behaviour, i.e. translated
texts, and in the way translated texts are received. More specifically,
a norm is a social notion of correctness or appropriateness, one that
states (or expects) what acceptable translations should look like, thus
influencing the decisions taken by translators. The translation norms
prevailing in a given period or community influence all aspects of the
translation process. In the preliminary stages of the process, some
norms will affect the decision whether to translate a given text or not.
Once translation is started, other norms will regulate the kind of glo-
bal strategy the translators will employ, so that, say, adherence to the
source text may be preferred to adherence to the target culture. At
a micro-contextual level, complementing linguistic norms, translation
norms will affect decisions regarding the adoption of a certain style or
of given text-production conventions. The notion of translation norms
is central in the target-culture oriented approach to translation that
emerged in the 1970s and 1980s, largely in relation to the work car-
ried out by the Israeli scholars Itamar Even-Zohar and Gideon Toury
(see descriptive translation studies).
The term norm is not to be intended in a prescriptive sense but
rather as a category for the descriptive analysis of translation phenom-
ena (Toury 1995: 57). Norms are not permanent laws either they are
socio-cultural constraints affecting the process of translation as car-
ried out by the translators who are active in a given culture, commu-
nity or group. In particular, norms have a graded and relative nature
(Toury 1999: 21); they are generally middle of the way between rules
(objective norms) and idiosyncracies (subjective norms) and can be
seen as internalized behavioural constraints that embody the values
shared by a community regarding what is right and wrong or adequate
and inadequate. Functioning as models of behaviour, norms regulate
expectations regarding what is appropriate in a translated text, or
even what counts as a translated text. In the process of translation,
they complement linguistic norms and govern the decisions taken by
80 Norms
the translators. Norms can change over time and can be negotiated
across different groups (e.g. translators on the one hand and transla-
tion critics on the other).
Toury (1995: 5465; see also Gideon Toury in the Key Thinkers
section) distinguishes between three types of norms: the prelimin-
ary norms are those deciding the overall translation strategy and the
choice of text to be translated; the initial norm regulates the trans-
lators decision to adhere either to the source text (see adequacy)
or to the target culture (see acceptability); the operational norms
govern the decisions taken during the act of translating. Chesterman
(1993, 1997; see also Andrew Chesterman in the Key Thinkers
section) differentiates between expectancy and professional norms.
The former operate at the reception end and have to do with the TL
readers expectations of what translations should look like, i.e. they
ultimately determine what counts as a translation for a particular com-
munity. Professional norms are those that govern the methods and
strategies employed in the translation process at a professional level.
Describing translation as norm-governed behaviour in a specific
social, cultural and historical situation raises a number of issues such
as (cf. Schffner 1999): how do norms emerge in text (and how can
they be reconstructed from translated texts)? How do translators
acquire norms? Are translators conscious of the norms constraining
their behaviour? Who introduces changes in dominant translation
norms? Are translators themselves powerful enough to introduce new
norms and change existing norms? In order to answer such questions,
an appropriate methodology must be established so that norms can
be reconstructed from textual features and a detailed description of
the society and culture in which norms obtain is needed. For some
scholars, considering aspects such as agency or habitus can help to
establish a link between the social plane at which norms operate and
the individual intentionality of translators, so as to better investigate
the various degrees of choice associated with translation practice in
different scenarios.
See also: laws of translation, universals of translation.
Overt translation 81
Overt error
This is a type of error characterized in relation to the strategy of overt
translation as identified by House (1977, 1997). An overt error results
either from a mismatch of the denotative meanings of an ST elem-
ent and the corresponding TT element or from a breach of the TL
system. More specifically, mismatches in denotative meaning can be
subdivided into omissions, additions and wrong selections of TL items.
Breaches of the TL system, on the other hand, can be subdivided in
cases of ungrammaticality (i.e. breaches at the level of the language
system) and cases of dubious acceptability (i.e. breaches at the level
of usage).
See: covert error, error.
Overt translation
This term refers to one of the two major translation types or strategies
identified by House (1977, 1997), the other being covert translation.
An overt translation is one that presents the text explicitly as a trans-
lation. The source text leading to such a translation may be of two
types (House 1997: 6669): a text closely associated with a historical
occasion (e.g. a speech delivered by a prominent political figure) or a
timeless (House 1997: 66) text, i.e. essentially a text of literary status,
one that, while, transmitting a message of general significance is also
clearly source-culture specific. With these types of texts, a direct match
of the original ST function is not possible and the task of the translator
is, for House, that of ensuring that the TL reader has access to the cul-
tural and contextual discourse world of the original. In the TT, in other
words, the translator aims at matching a second level function (House
1997: 67; see also Juliane House in the Key Thinkers section).
82 Parallel text
Parallel corpus
This term indicates a corpus containing texts and their translations into
one or more languages. A parallel corpus can be unidirectional (i.e.
containing texts translated from a language A into language B), bidirec-
tional (i.e. with texts translated from language A into B and texts trans-
lated from B into A) or multidirectional (i.e. containing translations of
the same texts in more than one other language). Parallel corpora can
be used for both research and practical purposes. Specialized parallel
corpora, in particular, are constructed for domain-specific translation
research, for application purposes (e.g. in machine translation) or to
be used as reference tools (especially in teaching environments prac-
tising translators are warier of corpora although many of them today
use translation memory systems, which are essentially a tool for con-
structing and searching corpora of translated texts). For a parallel cor-
pus to be maximally useful, for either research or practical purposes,
the texts contained in it should be aligned, i.e. they should be stored in
such a way that a given ST element (e.g. a sentence or a paragraph) can
be retrieved together with its correspondents in the other language(s).
Note, however, that not all text types easily lend themselves to align-
ment and that, especially in relation to certain language pairs, trans-
lation may often entail the relocation of textual segments (typically,
phrases or clauses), thus getting in the way of a neat alignment of the
texts. This can be particularly problematic when the translations are to
be used as reference materials (as in translation memories).
See also: comparable corpus, corpora.
Parallel text
The term is used to indicate a text of the same type or on the same
topic as the source text, but written in the TL and used by the trans-
lator as a source of information. Typically, translators use parallel texts
to check actual usage (of terms, phrases and collocations), to learn
more about the particular style or rhetorical conventions used in a
given text type, or for assistance in comprehending the subject matter
treated in the ST they are translating. The term is not to be confused
Poetics 83
with parallel corpus, indicating an electronic collection of transla-
tions stored together with their respective STs.
The notion of patronage is used by Lefevere (1992: 15) to characterize
the powers (persons, institutions) that can further or hinder the read-
ing, writing and rewriting of literature with power intended not as a
repressive force but in the Foucauldian sense of a force that produces
knowledge and discourses. Translation is considered by Lefevere as
one particular form of rewriting. Like other forms of rewriting, it is
constrained by the control exerted by patronage, in the sense that
translators (like other writers or rewriters) accept the parameters set
by patrons and choose strategies of translation that are likely to fit or
promote such parameters. One particular component of patronage
that acts as a constraint on translation is the ideology prevalent at
a certain time and in a certain culture. By way of example, Lefevere
(1992: Chap. 4) examines a number of translations of Aristophanes
Lysistrata, focusing on ST passages containing explicit sexual refer-
ences. The analysis shows how in translation these passages were in
many cases suppressed or modified to the point of unrecognizability
with respect to the ST.
See also: poetics.
Poetics is presented by Andr Lefeveres (1992) as one of the constraints
acting on the translation of literary texts. Lefevere (1992: 26) sees poetics
as consisting of two components: on the one hand, it is an inventory
of literary devices, genres, motifs, prototypical characters and situations,
and symbols; on the other, it refers to the particular concept held at a
certain time and in a certain society of what the role of literature is, or
should be, in the social system as a whole. As such, poetics is seen by
Lefevere, in combination with ideology, as a constraint that overrides
linguistic considerations at every level of the translation process.
84 Polysystem Theory
Polysystem Theory
Developed by Itamar Even-Zohar in the 1970s, Polysystem Theory
provides an account of the way literature in general and translated
literature in particular evolve within the larger social and historical
framework of a given culture. Literary works are seen as belonging to
systems (i.e. groupings or genres such as the literary canon, childrens
literature or thrillers), with translated literature operating as one such
system. Together, these systems constitute the polysystem, an inter-
related, hierarchical set which undergoes a constant, dynamic pro-
cess of evolution. The primary positions within the polysystem may
be alternatively occupied by more innovative or conservative literary
types. Translated literature interacts with other literary types and the
way texts are translated is affected by this interaction.
Polysystem Theory emerged as a contestation of established literary
canons. Even-Zohar argued that these should include the so-called low
literary forms (i.e. non-canonical, peripheral forms such as childrens
literature and popular fiction) as well as the high forms. As regards
translated literature in particular, its potential in initiating innovation and
change within a given literary system had hitherto been ignored and
one of the aims of Polysystem Theory was to define the circumstances
in which translated works might assume particular importance. More
specifically, Even-Zohar asked how the need for translations changes as
a literary system evolves; he hypothesized that newly evolving literatures
translate more texts, while well-established literary systems are less open
to external influences and therefore translate less. The quantity and type
of translations are thus determined by the historical situation of both the
source and receiving culture and the importance of a literary work may
be diminished or augmented as, through translation, it enters a different
literary system. Usually occupying a peripheral position, translations can
assume more prominent roles in literatures that are in the process of
being established or are peripheral or are going through a period of cri-
sis. In such circumstances, translated works will be seen to be of primary
importance and capable of injecting new life by promoting innovative
forms of writing or serving as sources of inspiration.
Postcolonial approaches 85
The position of translated literature within the polysystem is import-
ant in that it conditions the operational choices made by translators
(Even-Zohar 1978), who respond to the norms and models of the tar-
get system. Where translated texts occupy a peripheral position in the
canon, then translators tend to follow existing TL models, emphasizing
the acceptability of their choices and remaining closer to target norms.
When translated literature is closer to the centre of the polysystem,
translators tend to favour the adequacy of their choices, opting for
solutions that more often break the conventions of the TL and remain
closer to source norms (at the linguistic, textual or aesthetic level).
Postcolonial approaches
Postcolonial approaches to translation can be seen to pursue three
essential lines of inquiry: (1) they study how translation is practised
in cultures emerging from colonialism (see e.g. Tymoczko 1999a);
(2) they look at how the works of writers coming from former col-
onies are translated into other languages, especially those of the
former colonizers (e.g. Niranjana 1992); and (3) they examine, in
historical terms, the role played by translation in the process of col-
onization (e.g. Rafael 1993) and in establishing the identity of colo-
nized peoples (Cronin 1996). These approaches thus show a wide
variety of interests and themes, but their common, underlying pre-
occupation is the exposure of the hegemonic structures involved
in translating, or in other words, the ways in which translation is
affected when it takes place between a dominant and a dominated
culture (for an overview, see Robinson 1997a).
Studying French-Arabic translation, with particular reference to
Egypt, Jacquemond (1992) has observed how translators from a hege-
monic culture into a dominated one ultimately serve the hegemonic
culture in its desire to integrate its cultural products into the domi-
nated culture. In particular, he notices that: many more texts are trans-
lated from a hegemonic culture into a dominated culture than the
other way round; texts translated from a dominated culture into a
hegemonic culture are usually perceived or presented by the receiving
86 Post-editing
culture as difficult and inscrutable; hegemonic cultures tend to trans-
late works by authors from a dominated culture who conform to the
stereotypes that a dominant culture has of the latter; finally, authors
from a dominated culture who write for recognition (i.e. translation)
by the hegemonic culture tend to conform to stereotypes as perceived
by the dominant culture.
This kind of analysis shows how translation is sometimes con-
strained by factors mainly having to do with the source culture, which
can be seen as running counter the idea that translation is primarily a
fact of the target culture, as maintained by descriptive translation
studies. On the other hand, some notions developed by descriptive
studies (e.g. norms) have been seen as beneficial in the analysis of
postcolonial writing, i.e. the work of writers coming from former col-
onies and writing in the language of the former colonizers. Tymoczko
(1999b) sees interlingual literary translation and postcolonial writing
as converging in many respects, as both are concerned with the trans-
mission of elements from one culture to another across a linguistic
and cultural gap. Similar constraints, therefore, can be seen in both
types of writing as regards the representation of material culture
(foods or garments) and social structure, or in the transposition of
proper names (which can be borrowed, translated using established
TL equivalents or accompanied by short explanations). Both types of
intercultural writing can ultimately be seen as oscillating between
bringing the text to the audience and bringing the audience to the text
and both involve norms: preliminary norms (i.e. principles of allegiance
to source or target cultures) and operational norms (i.e. those guiding
micro-contextual choices at linguistic and cultural level). Finally, both
types of writing are subject to parameters determined by patronage,
as exercised, for example, by publishers.
The term indicates the editing performed on a text translated by
a machine translation system. Post-editing corrects errors and
changes the text for better linguistic quality but in principle it should
Poststructuralist approaches 87
preserve as much of the machine output as possible, so that using
MT remains economically viable. The level of post-editing ultimately
depends on the final use of the translated text. Rapid post-editing
may be appropriate for translations having an essentially informative
purpose, whereas texts destined for publication may require consid-
erable post-editing to reach publication quality. Post-editing for publi-
cation, however, is worth the effort only when MT output is good, so
that the text is not to be retranslated from scratch.
See also: pre-editing.
Poststructuralist approaches
Poststructuralism is a philosophical current that sees language as
indeterminate and incontrollable, a source of potential meanings that
ultimately lead to the constitutive instability of the signifying process.
Meaning, in other words, is seen by poststructuralists as relational,
i.e. not inherent in linguistic symbols, and differential, i.e. not uni-
vocal. This view of language is associated with the particular branch of
poststructuralism known as deconstruction, developed by the French
philosopher Jacques Derrida. Derrida himself has written about transla-
tion in an essay called Des tours de Babel published in Graham (1985),
and the mid-1980s can be seen as the period in which a poststructural-
ist influence on the study of literary translation began to emerge.
In the deconstructionist view, the meaning of a given word only
refers to another word, and this in turn leads to yet another word,
starting an indefinite chain of signification that never arrives at a core
or centre. It is in this sense that meaning is relational and that words,
and texts, have no univocal, pre-assigned meaning. In particular, no
text is an original as, by the mechanism of intertextuality or iterability,
all texts can be seen to recycle and rewrite linguistic forms available
from other texts. In the case of translation, if the so-called original
text is itself made up of signs that are reused from other texts, then
the translation cannot be seen to be subordinated to the original.
Instead, the translation acts as a kind of supplement to the text to be
translated, its necessary completion as a text lying in wait of further
88 Power
signification. However, because meaning is constitutively elusive and
unstable due to the chain of indefinite deferral entered into by signs
and texts, translation is also impossible. This dual character of neces-
sity and impossibility can thus be seen as the double bind character-
izing any text with respect to translation.
As part of the study of the various constraints acting on translation
at social and cultural level, some scholars have devoted their atten-
tion to the issue of how power influences decision-making at dif-
ferent levels of the translation process: from the choice of texts to
be translated through to the strategies adopted by translators and
the ways in which translated works are received in a given culture.
Power can thus be defined as the ideological or political stance
of those who, in various capacities, exercise control over the steps
of the translation chain undergone by texts, thereby including
the decision over what texts should be translated (Fawcett 1995;
Schffner 2007). Focusing on power implies looking at imbalances
existing between different groups or communities (e.g. translators
as against publishers; see Venuti [1995] 2008) or between different
Questions of power have been looked at primarily in relation to lit-
erary translation. Lefeveres (1992) notion of patronage, for instance,
emerges from an investigation of the role of (economic) power and
(political) ideology behind the production of translations. Other ques-
tions examined by scholars include translation policies and censorship.
Sturge (2004), for example, investigates policies of translation in Nazi
Germany, while Rundle (2000) looks at censorship on translations in
Fascist Italy. More recently, however, other scenarios of translation
besides literature are being considered in terms of the power plays
to be observed in them: these scenarios include national and inter-
national institutions and more generally all contexts in which polit-
ical factors can be seen to play a decisive role (for an overview, see
Schffner 2007).
Pragmatics 89
Power differentials between cultures have been discussed par-
ticularly in postcolonial approaches, which have looked at how
translation is affected when it takes place between a hegemonic, or
dominant, culture and a dominated culture (or former colonizers and
former colonies). Another area where the role of power differentials
has been analysed is that of gender. In particular, feminist theories
of translation have looked at the patriarchal ideologies that underpin
Western translation theory and at the power structures that derive
from them (see e.g. Chamberlain 1988).
See also: ideology.
Pragmatic texts
The term is often used to indicate texts that are essentially aimed at
conveying information and pay only secondary or no attention at all
to aesthetic aspects. They can thus be distinguished from literary or
fictional texts.
Pragmatics is the area of language study concerned with how language
is used in communication, and in particular with the way meaning is
conveyed and manipulated by the participants in a communicative situ-
ation. Pragmatics studies how the interpretation of utterances depends
on knowledge of the world, how speakers use and understand speech
acts and how the structure of utterances is influenced by the rela-
tions between participants in the communication. Pragmatics can thus
be seen to deal with speaker meaning and the way it is interpreted
by hearers (see implicature). In translation it can be seen as one of
the levels at which equivalence between a ST and a TT can be estab-
lished. At a more general level, questions of pragmatic meaning can be
seen to be of immediate relevance to translation in that they concern
aspects such as the intentionality of meaning, the way this is conven-
tionally expressed in different languages, the expectations of hearers/
readers and the interaction between utterances and knowledge of the
90 Pre-editing
world all aspects that are likely to play an important role in the deci-
sions made by translators at the moment of providing a TL rendering
(see Gutt [1991] 2000; Hatim and Mason 1990, 1997; Hickey 1998).
See also: relevance theory.
The term refers to the process of preparing a text for machine trans-
lation, restricting the range of vocabulary, eliminating potentially
ambiguous passages and changing grammatical structures likely to
represent a source of difficulty for the MT system. Pre-editing may
entail writing a text in controlled language, i.e. a carefully constructed
variety of language using restricted vocabulary and simple sentence
structures. The use of controlled language may reduce the burden of
Process of translation
The notion of process essentially serves to distinguish between
translation as a text (or product) and translation as an activity.
When seen as an activity, translation can be observed to reflect two
different categories of processes: on the one hand, the cognitive,
psycholinguistic and organizational processes related to an individ-
ual translation task, i.e. the mental activity and the behaviour of
the translator carrying out the task; on the other, the social and
physical processes in which various people (not only translators but
also clients, publishers and so on) engage in order to produce a
translation. Studies of translation as process generally adopt one of
two very general perspectives related to the categories described
above. An internal perspective is that adopted by the inquiries into
the cognitive or psycholinguistic processes involved in translation
(see process-oriented research). An external perspective char-
acterizes the studies devoted to the relational and social aspects
of translation and the social role(s) played by translators. Studies of
this kind address questions such as the different meanings given to
Process-oriented research 91
the notion of translation by different communities (e.g. the general
public vs practitioners), the self-image of professional translators or
the norms adhered to by a given community of translators. The
two perspectives, however, must not be seen as mutually exclusive.
In areas of inquiry such as translation competence the method-
ology of research can be seen to alternate or integrate external and
internal approaches: whether the focus is on the acquisition or the
components of translation competence, research in this particular
area is confronted with the elucidation of a diverse set of mental and
relational processes and skills.
Process-oriented research
The term indicates the research concerned with aspects related to the
cognitive, psycholinguistic and organizational processes involved in trans-
lation, i.e. the mental activity and the behaviour of a translator carrying
out a given translation task (such research is at times also referred to as
protocol research). Studies in this line of research try to characterize the
behaviour and process of translation observed in professional translators
(as opposed to other bilinguals or translation trainees), to identify the size
of translation units or to describe how trainees develop translation com-
petence (in which case the studies tend to be longitudinal, i.e. they
are carried out over a certain period of time so as to observe how the
participants change in relation to the aspect considered). To investigate
such aspects, the studies employ empirical data coming from a variety of
sources such as the translators own introspection (see verbal report-
ing), the writing process (see keystroke logging), the searches per-
formed by translators in dictionaries or in on-line environments and the
focus of attention of the translators as revealed by eye-tracking devices.
More recently, data collection methods from the neurosciences have
also been used (e.g. electroencephalograms and imaging technologies)
so as to gain insight into the neurophysiological processes in the brain
which take place while an individual is translating.
Process-oriented research had already been identified by James S.
Holmes in 1972 (see Holmes 1988) as one of the branches of
92 Product-oriented research
descriptive translation studies, but it is customary to mark the begin-
ning of the process-oriented research tradition in translation studies
with the publication, in 1986, of H. P. Krings pioneering work Was in
den Kpfen von bersetzern vorgeht, a study investigating the use of
time and reference books on the part of translators (Krings subjects
were really language learners) and analysing the nature of both the
problems translators encountered and the problem-solving strategies
they employed. Krings study was based on data gathered through
verbal reporting, a method originally developed in cognitive science
and human information processing. Most of the subsequent process-
oriented research in translation has made use of this method, adopt-
ing one (or sometimes more) of its possible variants. More recent
studies have complemented verbal reports with other data elicitation
methods in an attempt to redress what some researchers thought
were the limitations of verbal reporting (see triangulation).
See also: product-oriented research.
Product-oriented research
Research into translation as product, i.e. into translated texts, is gen-
erally based on corpora of translations (either parallel or comparable)
and aims either at establishing whether translated language exhibits
features that set it apart from non-translated language (the so-called
universals of translation) or at identifying regular linguistic patterns
that can help to shed light on the strategies and techniques employed
by translators in given language pairs, genres or text types. In a wider
sense, the term product-oriented research encompasses any study of
translated texts. Product-oriented research on translation is gener-
ally seen as distinct from process-oriented research. However, this
identification of two separate strands of research should not be seen
as pointing to two completely different and separate areas of investi-
gation each having its specific object. The distinction between prod-
uct and process should not ignore the fact that the one is the result
of the other, and that the nature of the product cannot be under-
stood without a comprehension of the nature of the process (Holmes
Professional translation 93
1988: 81). The distinction between these two dimensions (product
and process) has, in some cases, more to do with the methodological
choices made by researchers than with the object of their research.
So, for instance, a study such as Campbell (1998), although based on
products (more specifically, several translations of the same ST, each
produced by a different translator), is aimed at shedding some light
on some cognitive aspects of translation, i.e. on process. By the same
token, corpus-based studies of translation may lead to an identifica-
tion of the (process) strategies employed by translators. Corpora, for
instance, have been used to investigate the claim that explicitation is
an inherent feature of translated texts.
Professional translation
A professional translator can be defined as someone who carries
out remunerated translation work on a more or less stable basis.
Acknowledging the difficulty to define translation as a true profession
in the same way as medicine or law are, Chesterman (2001: 146) pro-
poses to consider as a professional translator someone who is a trans-
lator as opposed to someone who does translations (sometimes). It is
a fact, however, that translation as a field of economic activity has in
the last 50 years acquired traits that are comparable to those found in
other such fields, at least in some countries: it is seen to require a certain
set of technical skills, it is increasingly institutionalized, it increasingly
adopts quality control systems and it relies on accreditation procedures
(although these, in particular, are rarely binding). The elaboration of
specific training curricula, often offered at university level, is another
sign of professionalization, although specific educational qualifications
are rarely a requirement with a view to recruitment. Professional organ-
izations have been founded in many countries to represent translators
(e.g. the Institute of Translation and Interpreting in the UK, the American
Translators Association, the Socit Franaise des Traducteurs and the
Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und bersetzer e. V. in Germany).
Professional translation is today practised as a freelancing activity,
in international organizations and in translation agencies, or language
94 Professional translation
service providers as they are sometimes called. Recruitment in the
translation departments of companies (especially large multinationals)
is not as common as it was in previous decades. Of these different
contexts, international organizations such as the EU or the UN are the
only ones where translation can be seen to have a structured career
path and where an established recruitment policy is in place.
Considerable changes to the scenario of professional transla-
tion have been introduced over the 1990s as translation services
were geared to industrial processes. These changes are attributable
to several factors that can be schematically summed up as follows
(Gouadec 2007; see also Sager 1994):
development of specialized computer aids (see translation tools);
an increase in the amount of material to be translated;
the increased adoption of standardized procedures in terms of work
organization, processes and methods: translation work is today often
organized along project lines, with project managers coordinating
the workflow and assigning jobs to team members;
increased adoption of standardized product requirements (i.e.
required terminologies and styles as laid out in style guides);
an increase in the number of translation companies (known as lan-
guage vendors in the localization industry);
mergers of companies or acquisitions of translation and language
engineering companies by non-translator investors;
search for productivity gains;
division of labour and increased specialization;
introduction of quality assessment and quality assurance;
outsourcing (and the consequent elimination of translation depart-
ments in companies);
globalization: through computer networks translators can work
from anywhere in the world, often participating in virtual teams.
In research on translation, the specific economic aspects of the pro-
fession have up to now largely remained in the background and very
few studies have looked at how they affect the linguistic make-up of
Prototype 95
translated texts (Mossop 2006: 2). The figure of the commissioner,
i.e. the individual or entity that initiates a translation task, has often
been considered, but always in abstract terms: in cultural studies
approaches the commissioner is depicted as someone who chooses
texts for translation on cultural grounds and imposes an ideological
agenda on the translator (see also patronage); in functionalist
approaches the commissioner picks up the skopos of the translation
and gives instructions, but specifically economic aspects are largely
overlooked. Yet it would be interesting to see whether economical
aspects, in the sense of the prices, profits, incomes and sales associ-
ated with translation carried out at professional level, play a role in
affecting the way translators translate from a purely linguistic point of
view: e.g. whether tight deadlines (aimed at increasing productivity,
that is, profits) lead to more literal translations, or translations that
are more idiomatic but less accurate, or translations that use default
equivalents even when they are not appropriate (Mossop 2006: 2).
The notion of prototype as developed by cognitive sciences has fre-
quently emerged in theoretical discussions of translation, especially as far
as issues of categorization are concerned. In particular, it has been used
in relation to the concept of translation itself and as a basis for providing
a translation-oriented text typology. The notion of prototype emerges
from research on how humans form and categorize concepts and how
they decide whether something belongs to a particular category. Such
research has shown that categorization is not based on objective qual-
ities but depends on, and is determined by, the properties of humans as
cognitive subjects. Concepts emerge from the interaction between indi-
viduals and their environment, which implies that categorization is not as
objective nor as observer-independent as was classically believed.
To answer the question what is meant by the term translation?,
especially in relation to translation as an object of study and research,
the idea has been put forward that translation could be seen as a
concept subject to prototype effects (Halverson 1999). Seeing the
96 Pseudotranslation
concept of translation in this light is considered by Halverson an effect-
ive way of settling theoretical disputes over what should be considered
a translation (as opposed to a non-translation) and whether certain
types of activities are more representative of the concept than others.
In particular, looking at translation as a prototype concept means that
the centre of the concept is seen to be represented by the kinds of
texts that most people, in a given culture and period, consider to be
translations, while the periphery is occupied by less typical examples
(see also Chesterman and Arrojo 2000: 153). Membership to the cat-
egory of translation, in other words, becomes graded, so that each
different notion of translation will occupy a position in the overall cat-
egory which is closer or farther away from the core, and the core itself
can be characterized differently according to the perspective adopted.
As an example, consider the different attention granted by scholars to
natural translation as opposed to professional translation Harris
(1977) considers it central in the field; Krings (1986) rejects this view.
As far as text typology is concerned, the notion of prototype is used
by Snell-Hornby (1988) with the aim of abandoning categorizations based
on box-like compartments (30). Her prototypology locates texts along
a spectrum or cline with no clear-cut divisions, each text representing the
realization of an underlying ideal prototype which occupies a more central
or more peripheral position within three broad areas: literary translation,
general language translation and special language translation. The texts
so identified are then related to the relevant aspects and criteria governing
the translation process, and an indication is provided of the linguistic and
non-linguistic disciplines that appear to be of greater significance for each
text type. Snell-Hornbys prototypology is proposed as one of the founda-
tions of an approach to the study of translation based on interdisciplinarity
(see also Mary Snell-Hornby in the Key Thinkers section).
See also: translation types.
A text that purports to be a translation but later turns out not to be
such, as it has no ST (Toury 1995: 4052). Such texts may be studied
Pseudotranslation 97
in terms of the socio-cultural situation in which they are produced and
of the way they are received by their audience. This can help to shed
some light on the features and functions that a given culture associ-
ates with translated texts. A pseudo-original is, instead, a text that
purports to be an original but then turns out to be a translation.
98 Quality
The notion of quality concerns, in essence, how good or bad a trans-
lation is. As the evaluative judgement implied by this question can be
applied to different aspects of a translation, quality is bound to be
a relative notion. In other words, it depends on the specific needs,
motivations and presuppositions of whoever is responsible for the
assessment of a translated text. Sagers (1983: 21) remark that there
are no absolute standards in translation quality but only more or less
appropriate translations for the purpose for which they are intended
can now be seen as commonplace in translation research (see also
Schffner 1998).
More specifically, views on quality vary depending on whether
translation is seen as a product, a process or a service. The various
approaches to quality proposed in translation studies or adopted in the
field of professional translation are based on one or the other view. At
an academic level, the focus has traditionally been placed on transla-
tion as product, i.e. on translated texts, so that quality was assessed
primarily in relation to the degree of equivalence between TT and
ST. Criteria of assessment have then been extended so as to take into
account the wide variety of factors that constrain translators choices
in the process of translation, from the function of texts (Reiss 1971;
House 1977, 1997) through to the expectations of TT readers and the
norms that govern the activity of translators (Chesterman 1997).
At an industrial level, quality standards for translation are mostly
process related: they lay down procedural guidelines and attempt at
ensuring customer satisfaction (see quality assurance). In general,
therefore, the various standards existing for the translation industry
do not establish criteria for measuring quality in the translated texts
but, rather, look at the correctness and reliability of the procedures
adopted to arrive at texts. The assumption is that if there is a system
of accountable and transparent quality control for the translation pro-
cess, the product will turn out to be qualitatively acceptable (which, in
turn, implies that all parties involved agree on what an ideal transla-
tion is like; cf. Chesterman and Wagner 2002: 81).
Quality assurance 99
The concept of quality is problematic especially where one is not
aware of or does not take into account the ideas and ideals about
translation quality the translator, reviewer, or researcher entertains
(House 1997: 119). The list could be expanded to include clients,
i.e. those who pay for a translation job, as they are often likely to have
a very different idea of quality as compared to the way it is often pre-
sented at academic level or even in training institutions. For example,
if clients start from the assumption that translation is primarily a ser-
vice, rather than just a textual product, their idea of quality may eas-
ily make room for process-related considerations: a good translation,
therefore, is also (and, at times, exclusively) one that is delivered on
time and in line with the specifications provided for the job the lat-
ter covering not only style and terminology but also aspects such as
layout or formatting.
Quality assessment
In the context of professional translation, and especially in relation to the
translation production chain, this term is sometimes used to refer to the
identification (but not the correction) of problems in randomly selected
passages of a text in order to determine the degree to which it meets
professional standards and the standards of the translation organiza-
tion (Mossop 2001: 92). The purposes of quality assessment include the
evaluation of translator performance or the selection of freelancers.
See also: quality assurance.
Quality assurance
In relation to the production chain of translated documents, quality
assurance is the set of procedures applied throughout the translation
process to ensure that the quality requirements of clients are met. In
particular, the procedures are aimed at ensuring quality of service,
(e.g. in terms of deadlines), quality of presentation (in terms of layout
and format) and linguistic quality (cf. Mossop 2001: 9293).
See also: quality assessment.
100 Rank-bound translation
Rank-bound translation
In Catford (1965) a rank is a unit of linguistic description of a cer-
tain length: a morpheme, a word, a group, a clause or a sentence.
A rank-bound translation is one that provides TL equivalents only
for units at the same rank, e.g. only words for words or sentences
for sentences. For example, a word-for word rank-bound translation
of the English sentence I go to bed every night at ten into Italian
is Io vado a letto ogni sera alle dieci. Translating the sentence into
Spanish with Yo me acuesto todas las noches a las diez would instead
be an unbounded translation, with a shift from the English verb
phrase (go to bed) into a single verb (me acuesto) in Spanish that
cuts across ranks.
Realia, see culture-bound terms.
Recategorization, see transposition.
Relevance theory
The term indicates a cognitive approach to translation developed by
Ernst-August Gutt ([1991] 2000) and based on the relevance theory
of communication elaborated by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson
in their book Relevance: Communication and Cognition, first pub-
lished in 1986. Relevance theory sees communication as crucially
depending on inferential processes. In particular, communication is
seen to result from the interplay between the context, or the cogni-
tive environment, of an utterance and the processing effort required
to infer meaning from that utterance. The crucial factor that makes
communication succeed is the pursuit of optimal relevance on the
part of both the communicator and the recipient. An utterance is
optimally relevant when: (1) it enables recipients to find the intended
meaning without unnecessary effort; and (2) the intended meaning
provides adequate benefits to the recipients, i.e. it either coincides
with the right inferences or helps them to strengthen or eliminate
their previous assumptions. For example, in the following exchange
Revision 101
(cf. Gutt [1991] 2000: 29):
A: Could you have a look at my printer its not working right.
B: I have got an appointment at three oclock.
if A assumes that the printer problem is a serious one and knows that
there are only five minutes to three oclock, then As inference from Bs
reply can only be that B will not be able to have a look at the printer.
The intended meaning of Bs reply can thus be said to have provided
maximum contextual effect, meaning that, while giving new infor-
mation, it successfully interacts with As assumptions and knowledge,
i.e. with the context of the utterance. New information that does not
interact with the context as seen by the recipient provides no context-
ual effects and ultimately has no meaning at all.
Thus, according to relevance theory, unless the sender of a message
knows something about the recipients expectations, situational con-
text and cognitive experience, the message cannot be formulated in
an optimally relevant way. These three factors are seen by Gutt ([1991]
2000) as playing a crucial role in translation as well. Readers of a trans-
lation will have different ideas from readers of the ST about what is
relevant to them, given that they have different cognitive backgrounds
from ST readers. The translators task is to translate what is relevant,
which may lead to occasionally explaining, adding or omitting things
in the TT. In particular, the translator should arrive at the intended
interpretation of the ST and then propose the solutions that interpret-
ively resemble the ST and are relevant for the TT audience.
See also: implicature, pragmatics.
Resistant translation, see foreignization.
In a general sense, the term revision refers to a comparative check
carried on the TT and its respective ST in order to identify problems
and errors and introduce the necessary corrections or amendments. In
102 Revoicing
the context of professional translation, revision indicates one particular
stage in the chain of production of translated documents and can be
defined as the process aimed at identifying features of a draft transla-
tion that fall short of the required quality standards and at introducing
the necessary amendments and corrections. Revision parameters can
be seen to refer to four categories of problems found in a draft trans-
lation (Mossop 2001: 99): (1) problems of meaning transfer, related
to the accuracy or completeness of the TT; (2) problems of content,
having to do with the presence of factual errors or logical inconsist-
encies; (3) problems of language and style, regarding aspects such as
the smoothness of the text, the correct use of genre conventions or
specialist terminology, adherence to stylistic requirements and correct-
ness of grammar, spelling and punctuation; (4) problems of presenta-
tion, having to do with the organization and layout of the document.
Revision may be carried out by the same translator who has completed
the first draft, as is often the case with freelancers working directly
for clients, or by a different translator acting as reviser, as happens
in larger translation companies or in the translation departments of
some institutions, where the role of reviser is usually taken up by senior
translators. In large software or web site localization projects, revi-
sion may include functional testing, which is a check aimed at verifying
whether in the translation process errors have been made (e.g. in terms
of wrong hyperlinks or altered programming code) which lead to the
malfunctioning of the translated software application or web site.
The term refers to a variety of language transfer procedures used in
audiovisual translation, including voice-over, lip-synchronized
dubbing, audio description and simultaneous interpreting. In all of
these forms, a certain degree of synchronization between TL voicing
and on-screen images is felt to be necessary but it is especially in dub-
bing that synchronization is considered to be of particular importance.
Simultaneous interpreting is often used in film festivals to provide a
translation for films that, for reasons of budget or time-constraints,
Rewriting 103
could not be translated by either subtitling or dubbing. In such cases
interpreters dub the voices of the various characters in a film, at times
with the help of a script.
In relation to the production and reception of literature, translation
is seen by Andr Lefevere (1992) as one particular form of rewriting
which, together with other forms such as anthologization, historiog-
raphy, criticism and editing, plays a major role in the manipulation of
literature for various ends. Literature is seen by Lefevere as a complex
social system controlled by professionals (critics, reviewers, teachers,
translators) that, in turn, act under constraints associated with fac-
tors operating in the wider social context in which literature fulfils its
function. The control exerted by such factors, operating as patron-
age and ideology at the wider social level and as poetics at indi-
vidual or professional level, is what ultimately influences the various
forms of rewriting. In the particular case of translation, such control
factors are seen to dictate the basic strategy the translator is going
to use (Lefevere 1992: 42), thus influencing the choices made at dis-
course and linguistic level.
Rheme, see theme/rheme.
104 Semantic translation
Semantic translation
According to Newmark (1981: 22), this is a translation aiming at ren-
dering the exact meaning of the original while taking into account
the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the TL. For example, a
semantic translation for the German Frischer angestrichen! would be
Recently painted!, instead of the communicative translation Wet
paint!, which in many contexts would be a more appropriate solution
(Newmark 1981: 54). Semantic translation is presented by Newmark as
the method to be preferred for texts in which the form is as important
as the content, e.g. great speeches, autobiographical and literary works,
but also philosophical, scientific and technical texts showing originality
of expression (see also Peter Newmark in the Key Thinkers section).
Sense-for-sense translation, see free vs literal translation.
A shift is a linguistic deviation from the original text, a change intro-
duced in translation with respect to either the syntactic form or the
meaning of the ST. Considering the differences existing between lan-
guages (even close ones such as French and Spanish) at the structural
level as well as the different cultural background of audiences in any
language pair, shifts can be seen as inevitable features of translations.
Indeed, given their presence in any translated text, they have trad-
itionally represented a focus of interest for scholars describing prob-
lems of formal correspondence and equivalence between originals
and translations. In other words, among the basic questions transla-
tion theory has tried to give an answer to, two prominent interroga-
tives are: how can shifts occurring in translation be described and why
do they occur?
Various descriptions and taxonomies of shifts have thus been pro-
posed, adopting different perspectives and pursuing different aims.
This is reflected in the varying, and sometimes confusing, terminology
used by scholars. The term shift itself is used in Catfords A Linguistic
Shift 105
Theory of Translation (1965). Other scholars have labelled them pro-
cedures (Vinay and Darbelnet [1958] 1995), methods or techniques,
and as such they are often presented in translator training contexts.
Others still (e.g. Chesterman 1997) talk about (local) strategies, thus
emphasizing their problem-solving character and their association
with the process of translation.
Early taxonomies of shifts tend to be grounded in linguistic theor-
ies or comparative descriptions seeking a certain degree of general-
ity. Catford (1965) sees translation as involving the replacement of a
certain SL element with the equivalent TL element. He distinguishes
between rank-bound translation and unbounded translation. In
rank-bound translation, an equivalent is sought in the TL with refer-
ence to one particular rank only, i.e. only at the level of morpheme,
word, group clause or sentence, while in unbounded translation
equivalences are not tied to a particular rank. An example of a rank-
bound translation at word level is the translation of the French sen-
tence Jai lass mes lunettes sur la table with Ive left my glasses on
the table. Similar cases of close formal correspondence, however, are
rare, as even closely related languages exhibit structural inconsisten-
cies which make formal correspondence difficult to establish. Thus,
providing a TL equivalent for a given SL element often involves a shift
from formal correspondence. Focusing his description mainly on the
grammatical and lexical levels, Catford identifies two major types of
shifts: level shifts and category shifts.
A long-established classification that continues to be popular (and
one that has set a terminological standard for the labelling of many
types of shifts) is that proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet ([1958] 1995)
with particular reference to translation between French and English.
Vinay and Darbelnet refer to shifts as translation procedures, which
they subdivide in the two general classes of direct (i.e. literal) and
oblique (i.e. non-literal) procedures. Direct procedures include bor-
rowing, calque and literal translation, while oblique procedures
comprise transposition, modulation, equivalence and adapta-
tion. Direct procedures are essentially based on literalness; in cases
where literalness is not suitable, e.g. because it leads to a different
106 Simplication
meaning in the TL or is impossible for structural reasons, oblique pro-
cedures should be used. Because they are presented in relation to
isolated elements, Vinay and Darbelnets procedures are today seen
as atomistic and prescriptive (Snell-Hornby 2006: 24). Especially in
translation teaching, however, they enjoy continued success, in that
they are felt to provide a flexible set of conceptual tools to describe
translating and translated texts at the linguistic level.
Other scholars have looked at shifts focusing on their role in the
process of translation. Chesterman (1997), referring to them with the
general label of strategies, sees shifts as changes made on a TL solu-
tion that is felt to be problematic or as ways of manipulating the lin-
guistic material of the ST in order to produce an appropriate target text.
He distinguishes between syntactic, semantic and pragmatic changes
and sees them as ultimately motivated by the norms adhered to by
the translator, who in the TT may variously prefer to, say, enhance
communicative effectiveness, conform to the expectations of TL read-
ers or give priority to the formal aspects of the ST.
In general, the various description and taxonomies of shifts proposed
so far are probably one of the success stories of translation theory: as
acknowledged by Toury (1995: 85), although they cannot be used to
explain why translations are the way they are, these taxonomies have
nevertheless provided the field with an apparatus for describing all types
of relationship which may obtain between target and source items. To go
back to the two questions mentioned at the beginning (How can shifts
be described and why do they occur?), it can be said, with gross approxi-
mation, that while linguistically oriented theories have focussed on the
categorization of shifts and have tended to explain them with recourse
to the way different languages encode meanings, target-oriented and
cultural approaches to translation use shifts as an instrumental notion to
characterize different concepts of translation, which in turn are seen as
motivated by a wide range of socio-cultural factors.
The term refers to the hypothesis that translated texts tend to be sim-
plified, linguistically, compared to non-translated texts. This is one of
Skopos theory (Skopostheorie) 107
the so-called universals of translation. Features that would testify
to the simplification occurring in translated texts include (cf. Laviosa
2002): a narrower range of vocabulary; a lower ratio of lexical to run-
ning words; a lower average sentence length. Not all studies have con-
firmed this hypothesis. Where untypical TL usage (e.g. unusual word
combinations) is found in translated texts, this could be interpreted as
the opposite of simplification. In studying simplification, care should
also be taken in considering the different levels of language involved
(cf. Mauranen 2007: 40). For example, where translations are seen to
simplify sentence structure by using fewer subordinate clauses, this
could also lead to increased complexity in the TL at the textual level,
as the TT becomes more fragmented and less coherent.
Skopos theory (Skopostheorie)
Within the functionalist approaches to translation that emerged in
the late 1970s and 1980s, a key role was played by what has come to
be known as Skopostheorie in German and skopos theory in English.
The theory, developed by Hans J. Vermeer (see the Key Thinkers
section) with the contribution of Katharina Reiss (Reiss and Vermeer
1984; for accounts in English, see Vermeer 1989, 1996), sees transla-
tion as a form of action. As all action, it is governed by a certain aim or
purpose, labelled skopos (Greek for purpose or goal). The skopos, in
other words, is the overriding factor governing either the choices and
decisions made during the translation process or the criteria based on
which a translation is assessed. Translating is thus seen as a purposeful
activity: it essentially means to have a skopos and accordingly transfer
a [text] from its source-culture surroundings to target-culture surround-
ings, which by definition are different from the former (Vermeer 1996:
39). More specifically, translation is seen by Vermeer (1986: 33) as an
offer of information, or Informationsangebot, in the target lan-
guage which imitates an offer of information in the source language.
As regards in particular the formal aspects of the ST, these are
preserved as far as possible in the TT as long as they conform to the
skopos. In some cases, the skopos may have to do precisely with the
preservation of ST form, as happens in some types of documentary
108 Source text
translation. Although it has been developed as a reaction to views of
translation centred around the notion equivalence between the ST
and the TT, skopos theory does not ultimately reject equivalence it
implies a change of focus such that equivalence between the ST and
the TT is seen as hierarchically inferior to the purpose of the trans-
lated text. In other words, both in carrying out and in assessing a
translation, the ST is always considered in light of the purpose of the
translation, and these are linked primarily with target factors.
Elaborating on the notion of skopos, Nord (1997) identifies three
different components in it: intention, function and effect. Intention
is the purpose that the sender wishes to achieve. Function is a prop-
erty of the translation itself and is assigned to it by the recipient.
Effect refers to what happens in the recipients mind or behaviour
upon reading the translation. In ideal cases, the three components
See also: translatorial action.
Source text
The text to be translated, sometimes also called foreign text.
Specialist translation
The term specialist translation (at times also referred to as LSP transla-
tion, where LSP stands for Language for Special or Specific Purposes)
can be defined as the translation of texts dealing with subject-specific
knowledge, using specialist terminology, having a particular com-
municative purpose and addressing a specific audience (cf. Scarpa
2008). The term is normally used as a general label for the translation
of documents and texts pertaining to various domains of specialized
activity, thereby including not only scientific and technical domains
but also other areas such as law, finance, business and marketing.
The translation of such texts is normally carried out as part of a pro-
duction chain, which, at the very least, involves a translator and a
client. Consequently, the term specialist translation may be seen to
Speech acts 109
include most translation activities carried out at a professional level
(therefore excluding literary translation and translation for the per-
forming arts).
Speech acts
The theory of speech acts is part of pragmatics and is intended to
account for how language does things besides stating things. It was
first elaborated by the philosopher J. L. Austin in the 1930s and then
became widely known with the publication of his book How To Do
Things With Words in 1962. According to the theory, linguistic utter-
ances are often not intended as descriptive, or constative, statements
but are used as means of performing certain actions. Statements such
as I bet you sixpence it will rain tomorrow or I give and bequeath
my watch to my brother (as occurring in a will) do not report or
describe anything and cannot be discussed as true or false. Rather,
they perform the action that they describe hence Austins label of
performatives for such statements. In particular, in relation to an
individual utterance Austin distinguishes three levels of performance.
The first level is that of the locutionary act, seen as the act of saying
something with a certain sense and reference. The second level is that
of the illocutionary act, and this the level at which a statement can
be seen to perform a certain action, such as promising, warning, bet-
ting or apologizing. An illocutionary act may be seen to have varying
degrees of force attached to it, meaning that it can be taken in differ-
ent ways, e.g. as a promise rather than a vague intention. Further, the
illocutionary act may not necessarily be taken as such by the recipient
or, in other words, the recipient may not understand that the utter-
ance is performing the particular action intended by the producer of
the act. Finally, the perlocutionary act is the actual effect an utterance
is seen to produce on recipients, e.g. deterring, persuading, mislead-
ing or convincing. Such effect is to be distinguished from the action
associated with the illocutionary act as it is not controlled by the pro-
ducer of the utterance: the perlocutionary act is what a speaker or
writer brings about by saying something, while the illocutionary act is
110 Style
performed in saying something. Speech acts are discussed by Austin
at sentence level and mainly in relation to spoken language.
The aspect of speech act theory to have received the most atten-
tion in translation research is the illocutionary force of utterances and
the way it can be handled (or mishandled) across languages. This has
been observed particularly in relation to politeness and the differ-
ent ways it is realized across languages. House (1998), for instance,
describes how German and English adopt different politeness strat-
egies (German tending to be more direct and explicit, and less reliant
on routine formulas than English) and then analyses cases in which
such differences may have to be reflected in translation as against
cases in which politeness strategies may have to be adapted to TL
See also: implicature, relevance theory.
This is a highly contentious term, disliked by many scholars and research-
ers because of its vagueness yet frequently used in descriptions of
linguistic and translational phenomena. Whatever the different con-
notations and implications of the term, in describing translational phe-
nomena the term style can essentially be taken to indicate a particular
use of language serving given rhetorical or communicative functions,
and therefore motivated by these functions as regards such aspects
as syntactic formulation, lexical choices and textual properties.
Subtitling provides a written version of the dialogue or speech con-
tained in a film or other audiovisual product, usually displayed at the
bottom of the screen. This version is either a translation (interlingual
subtitling) or a rendering in the same language (intralingual subtitling).
Intralingual subtitling is addressed at the deaf or hard-of-hearing or is
sometimes used to provide written support to all viewers, for example
when speech is in a non-standard dialect.
Surtitling 111
Interlingual subtitling is together with dubbing, the dominant
form of translation used for audiovisual products (for an overview,
see Daz Cintas and Remael 2007; see also audiovisual translation).
The stretches of text (subtitles) displayed on the screen in interlingual
subtitling are subject to inevitable constraints in terms of space, syn-
chronization with speech and processing time on the part of readers.
In other words, they should not occupy too much screen space, they
should relate to what is being said on the screen and they should not
prove hard to process. Widely accepted parameters establish that not
more than two lines of text can be shown on screen, with each line
accommodating a maximum of 35 characters. Given these constraints,
subtitles must give priority to the overall communicative intention of
utterances, which leads translators to frequently employ strategies
such as deleting, condensing and adapting materials contained in the
source text.
The heavy textual re-elaboration presupposed by subtitling is
sometimes seen as leading to a neutralization of the non-mainstream
identities expressed by the linguistic and stylistic diversity of the
source text (Daz Cintas 2005). Another criticism of subtitling is that it
affects the overall viewing experience. On the other hand, advocates
of subtitling stress that it respects the aesthetics of the original work,
while providing a cheaper and faster alternative to dubbing.
In opera performances, surtitling provides a translation of the libretto,
displayed on a screen located above the stage.
112 Target text
Target text
The translated text, or the product of translation.
Term bank
The label term bank is used by some authors to indicate a large com-
puterized termbase created within a governmental organization, lan-
guage planning institution or large enterprise, addressed at a broad
range of users and frequently made accessible to external users on
CD-ROM or through the internet. An example of a term bank is the
inter-institutional terminological database of the European Union, also
known as IATE (available at
A termbase, or terminological database, is a collection of term entries
stored and organized as an electronic database, which is managed
using a so-called terminology management system. Term entries are
terminological records giving information about the possible linguistic
labels for a given concept, in either one or more languages. In trad-
itional dictionaries entries are organized around words (also called lem-
mas), so that for each lemma the various possible meanings are listed
(in one or more languages). Termbases organize entries taking mean-
ing as the starting point. In other words, an entry is supposed to give
the various possible linguistic labels for a given concept, in the desired
languages and according to the desired degree of specificity. For a
given concept an entry will typically indicate a main term (selected
according to a certain criterion, e.g. frequency in the domain consid-
ered) and the other terms that are used to refer to the concept, either
in one or in more than one language. Termbases (and term banks) are
thus usually defined as concept-oriented language resources.
Besides the term themselves and their equivalents in other languages,
a term entry is often designed so as to give further information about
the concept it refers to, both of a linguistic and a conceptual nature.
Terminology 113
For example, an entry could also include the definition of the term/
concept, an indication of the most frequent collocates (or phraseo-
logical units) for a given term, an indication of attested sources, an
indication of the related terms contained in the termbase and so on.
Such information is presented in the different fields constituting the
entry. The type and number of fields included in an entry depend on
the users of the termbase. Among users (and creators) of termbase
are terminologists, translators, technical communicators and librar-
ians. Each of these groups will have specific terminological needs and
decide on the information fields to include in term entries accordingly.
Given such characteristics, termbases are usually created to collect the
terminology related to specialized subject-matter domains.
Termbases are today always stored as computer databases; as such,
they can be searched with queries that are not possible with trad-
itional, paper-based dictionaries and therefore provide more flexible
search strategies as well as the possibility to filter queries according
to particular criteria. A translator, for instance, could look up in his/
her termbase only the TL equivalents used for a given client but not
for others. Several commercially available computer-assisted trans-
lation tools offer components that can specifically be used to cre-
ate termbases. Note, however, that freelance translators are often
reluctant to use a computerized terminology management system to
record their terminological research. Rather, they usually compile their
own termbases or glossaries (often consisting of no more than term
lists in multiple languages) on an ad hoc basis and store them using
standard word-processing or spreadsheet applications.
The word terminology is used with different meanings. First, terminology
is the set of all terms that are used in a given specialized domain. In this
sense, it is synonymous with vocabulary. Terminology is also the name
of the discipline that studies the behaviour and use of terms in special-
ized domains of study or activity (see Cabr 2003). In particular, applying
both a monolingual and a multilingual perspective, terminology studies
114 Tertium comparationis
the relationship between concepts and terms, the patterns of term for-
mation and the methodology which forms the basis for terminology
management, i.e. the applied activity aimed at creating new terms,
structuring and standardizing conceptual/terminological fields, and cre-
ating terminological resources such as termbases and term banks.
Terminology management system, see termbase.
Tertium comparationis
This is a Latin expression translated literally as the third term in a com-
parison. It is used to refer to what is assumed to remain invariant in
the translation from one language to another. Theories of translation
emphasizing the notion of equivalence see this aspect as one of their
central concerns.
Text typology
The categorization of text types has been a recurrent concern of trans-
lation scholars, based on the assumption that identifying text types
according to specific criteria can be a useful starting point for trans-
lation analysis and assessment or for providing guidelines of a pro-
cedural nature. A pioneering work in this regard is Reiss (1971), where
texts are classified according to the three main language functions as
identified by Karl Bhler. In particular, Reiss identifies three text types
according to the primary function they realize: informative texts have
the primary aim of conveying content; expressive texts are focussed
on aesthetic aspects; operative texts serve a primarily persuasive func-
tion. Reiss sees the linguistic features of texts (at the semantic, lexical,
grammatical and stylistic levels) as influenced by their predominant
function and believes that translations should reflect such functions
and adjust their linguistic profile accordingly. Reiss also identified a
fourth text type, that of audio-medial texts, in which the verbal con-
tent is adapted to the requirements of a given audio-visual medium.
Theatre translation 115
Newmarks (1981, 1988) categorization of text types is based on
Roman Jakobsons classification of language functions, which basically
adds three more functions (the poetic, the phatic and the metalinguis-
tic) to those identified by Bhler. As in Reiss typology, the idea is that
in any given text there is one predominant function to be reproduced
in the translation. Whereas Reiss intention in applying the notion of
function is primarily evaluative and retrospective (at least in her earlier
work), Newmarks adaptation of Jakobsons six functions has a more
overtly processual nature, i.e. it leads to the elaboration of a list of
guidelines aimed at solving the problems more frequently encoun-
tered in translating the text types Newmark identifies.
The typology of texts proposed in Snell-Hornby (1988) is based on
the notion of prototype and is an attempt at abandoning categoriza-
tions based on box-like compartments (1988: 30). In Snell-Hornbys
prototypology, texts are located along a spectrum or cline with no
clear-cut divisions. An individual text represents the realization of an
underlying ideal prototype and occupies a more central or more per-
ipheral position within three broad areas: literary translation, general
language translation and special language translation. Locating a text
along this continuum helps in identifying its function and in relating it
to the relevant aspects and criteria governing the translation process.
A text typology is also proposed by Hatim and Mason (1990) on
the basis of the interactional and communicative features of texts (for
details, see Basil Hatim and Ian Mason in the Key Thinkers section).
Strategies and problems related to the translation of non-literary text
types are discussed in Trosborg (1997).
Theatre translation
Although in the theatre world and among literary scholars there have
traditionally been frequent debates over the respective merits of
faithful translations and freer, more performable versions, system-
atic work on the specific aspects of theatre translation and its dif-
ferences from other forms of literary translation of literary texts only
116 Theme/rheme
started to appear in the 1980s, in parallel with the emergence of an
interdisciplinary approach to translation (cf. Snell-Hornby 2007).
Unlike other literary texts such as novels or poems, drama texts
are written to be spoken or, more specifically, to be performed on
stage. On this basis scholars have set out to identify criteria to be
taken into account when providing a translation which is equally to be
performed on stage. Aspects to be taken into account in this respect
are summarized by Snell-Hornby (1996) as: the nature of theatre dia-
logue as an artificial language characterized by special forms of cohe-
sion, semantic density, rapid changes of theme and special deictic
interaction; the multiple perspectives introduced by elements such
as paradox, irony, allusion, anachronism and wordplay; the particular
role played by rhythm and tempo; the identification of language with
actors, of whom it becomes a sort of mask; and, finally, the role of
spectators, who are likely to be emotionally involved in the perform-
ance. A consideration of these aspects is felt to be crucial in ensuring
that the translation of stage dialogue leads to adequate speakability
and performability in the TL. Equally important is the attention given
to the socio-cultural circumstances of the translated text: in order to
work as an independent text, a translated theatre text may have to
be more or less adapted to the particular circumstances of the target
culture (see Anderman 2005).
As regards the role of translators in theatre productions, Aaltonen
(1997) identifies two categories: the first is that of translators who
only act as mediators: these provide a TL version but remain outside
the production team; the second category is that of translators dir-
ectly involved in the production, often as dramaturges or directors.
See also: adaptation.
The notions of theme and rheme can be used to describe how texts
are organized in terms of information flow, i.e. the way a text
de velops and conveys information by establishing points of orienta-
tion, providing new information and creating internal links between
Theme/rheme 117
its constituents. Linguistic elements are thus considered not as strings
of grammatical or lexical items but as segments that, by contributing
to cohesion at text level, serve a communicative and interactional
In a sentence, the theme is the segment that establishes what the
sentence is about, while the rheme is the segment of the sentence
that says something about the theme. In languages such as English
the theme tends to come in initial position in the clause and does not
necessarily coincide with the grammatical subject. In the following
The external borders of the EU have stretched eastwards to include
new member states. Thanks to this enlargement, the mixture of
history and culture represented by the EU is now even richer.
the theme in the first sentence (The external borders of the EU) is also
the subject of the sentence, while the theme of the second sentence
(Thanks to this enlargement) is, syntactically, a causal adjunct. The
organization of sentences into theme and rheme is also referred to as
thematic structure, and can be distinguished from what linguists call
the information structure of sentences and clauses. This refers to the
way sentences present information that is given, i.e. already provided
in previous stretches of text, or new, i.e. information that was not
previously provided in the text. The theme is usually given informa-
tion, as it refers to something mentioned before in the text, while the
rheme tends to convey new information. Deviations from this pat-
tern, however, are common. In narrative texts, for example, temporal
adjuncts are frequently used in theme position to mark the timing of
events (e.g. In August 1941, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. One
month later . . .). Also, establishing whether a segment is given or new
information can be seen to depend ultimately on context, as the same
utterance may be segmented in different ways in response to differ-
ent questions. A sentence such as Were climbing Ben Nevis is all new
information if it answers the question Whats happening tomorrow?
If, however, the question was What are we climbing tomorrow? the
118 Theme/rheme
same utterance could be seen as providing given (Were climbing . . .)
and then new (. . . Ben Nevis) information.
Baker (1992: Chap. 5), where the previous example is taken from,
gives an extensive treatment of both thematic and information structure
and their relevance for translation purposes. In particular, Baker reviews
the different positions of linguists over the coincidence of thematic and
information structures, focusing, in particular, on the Hallidayan view
and the approach of the Prague School linguists, also referred to as
functional sentence perspective. From a contrastive viewpoint, Baker
also points out that analyses of thematic structure may prove difficult
with languages with freer word order than English or languages, such
as Chinese, where clauses are introduced by a topic element preceding
the grammatical subject, which results in sentences structured like the
following: Animals, I advocate a conservation policy (Baker 1992: 141).
In any case, the notions of thematic and information structure may be
useful descriptive tools in comparing the way source texts and transla-
tions organize the flow of information above the levels of lexis and syn-
tax. As an example, consider the two pairs of sentences below (taken
from authentic translations discussed in Rogers 2006: 49, 54):
(1) ST (German): Die letzte bedeutende Abstimmung gewann die
Regierung mit einer Mehrheit von nur einer Stimme.
TT: The government won the last important vote in parliament
with a majority of only one.
(2) ST (German): Fr die europischen Finanzmrkte sind aber
auch die Prsidentenwahlen in Russland vom kommendem Juni
TT: For the European financial markets the presidential elections
in Russia next June are also important.
In example 1, the translation keeps the same grammatical structure of
the ST (with the government/die Regierung as subject of the sen-
tence), which, however, results in a change of communicative perspec-
tive, as the theme of the TL sentence (the government) is different
Think-Aloud Protocol 119
from the theme in the ST (Die letzte bedeutende Abstimmung/the
last important vote [in parliament]). Notice that a passive structure in
English might have retained the theme (The last important vote in par-
liament was won by the government with a majority of only one). The
translator, however, may have opted for a change in thematic progres-
sion as a means of improving the flow of information at textual level. In
example 2 both sentences have the same theme (Fr die europischen
Finanzmrkte/For the European financial markets) and this is in neither
case the subject of the grammatical subject of the sentence (i.e. die
Prsidentenwahlen in Russland vom kommendem Juni/the presidential
elections in Russia next week). In this case the translator has probably
felt that the communicative perspective of the ST could be retained
with no consequences on the flow of information at textual level.
Theory of Sense, see interpretive approach.
Thick translation
This term is used by Appiah (1993) to indicate a translation rich in
annotations and glosses aimed at locating the text in its cultural and
linguistic context. Appiah uses the term specifically for the translation
of proverbs in the Twi language, spoken in Ghana. Thick translation
can be seen as a form of ethnographic translation.
Think-Aloud Protocol
In the think aloud method of data collection a translator is asked
to translate a text while concurrently verbalizing as much as s/
he can of his/her thoughts. The verbalization is audio- or video-
recorded and then transcribed: the transcript is referred to as the
Think-Aloud Protocol (or TAP) and constitutes the object of study
on the part of the researcher, with or without reference to the
actual recording.
TAPs and other types of verbal reporting are methods of data
collection used in process-oriented research. They are based on
120 Think-Aloud Protocol
the assumption that human cognition is information processing and
that information is stored in memories with different capacities.
Researchers have used TAPs to investigate specific questions such
as problem-solving strategies (Krings 1986; Lrscher 1991), the use
of reference materials (Livbjerg and Mees 2003) and the differences
between novices and professionals (Jskelinen and Tirkkonen-
Condit 1991). After a first, enthusiastic phase (which, in chrono-
logical terms, goes from the publication of H. Krings pioneering
study in 1986 till the second half of the 1990s), the use of verbal
reporting in process-oriented studies of translation has come under
closer scrutiny, as it has been felt that the validity of the method
had previously been assumed rather than proved (Bernardini 2001:
242). Some reservations have been put forward as regards particu-
larly the use of TAPs with professional translators: as some of their
skills have been automatized, they may by-pass Short-Term Memory
and may therefore not be available for verbalization. Other concerns
voiced by researchers (see Tirkkonen-Condit and Jskelinen 2000)
have had to do with the potential effect of verbalization on the pro-
cess being investigated, the lack of a clear definition of the object
of study in many TAP-based investigations, and the lack of a clear
definition of the notion of problem in those studies which had this
notion as their object, either implicitly or explicitly. More recently,
studies using TAPs have combined them with other methods of data
collection so as to test hypotheses on firmer empirical ground (see
Thanks to TAPs and other similar methods a number of aspects
related to the translation process have been elucidated. Text process-
ing, for instance, has been shown not to be linear but recursive. Also,
some studies have shown that translator behaviour differs according
to the routineness of the task and that the aspects influencing the
performance of a translator include his/her emotional state and level
of involvement in the task. As regards the differences between novices
and professionals, it has been observed that the latter are more aware
of aspects such as the function of the translation and the expectations
of TT readers.
Translatability 121
Third code
The term is used in Frawley (1984) to indicate how, from a semiotic
perspective, a translation takes over SL and ST features and combines
them with those of the TL so as to emerge as a code in its own right
(1984: 169) which is derivative of the ST and TL but establishes its own
plane of signification.
The term is used to indicate the replacement of SL units (at the level
of word, phrase or clause) with equivalent units in the TL. The notion
implies that SL units have relatively stable TL equivalents, to be chosen
as translations largely irrespective of the TT function or communicative
relevance. At the level of words, transcoding can therefore be seen as
another label for word-for-word translation. For example, a sign say-
ing Working might be transcoded in French as Qui fonctionne or in
Italian as Funzionante. If we imagine the sign on a vending machine,
however, a translation into the two languages would probably read En
service and In servizio respectively.
See also: free vs literal translation.
Translatability can be seen as the capacity of meaning to be transferred
from one language to another without undergoing fundamental
change. Translatability and its negative counterpart, untranslatability,
have been the object of intense debate in traditional philosophical
discussions of translation. Different views on the possibility of trans-
lating between languages have been proposed by thinkers over the
centuries, resting ultimately on their own particular views on the rela-
tion between language and meaning.
For those who see meaning as closely associated with language,
translation is fundamentally an impossible task. The roots of such views
can be traced (cf. Chesterman 1997: 1012) in the Biblical legend of the
122 Translation
Tower of Babel, the Aristotelian tendency to describe reality accord-
ing to discrete categories (thus rejecting the fuzziness often implied
by translation) and the presentation of the divine Word as sacred and
immutable. These views believe in a close relationship between lan-
guage and meaning and tend to see equivalence between languages
as unattainable (see also poststructuralist approaches).
Other thinkers see the relationship between language and mean-
ing as entailing looser ties or remark the fundamental indeterminacy
common in both translation and most other forms of communication
(see indeterminacy of translation). These thinkers tend to empha-
size the possibility of translation, although often considering restric-
tions and qualifications of varying degrees and nature, which in turn
leads them to conclude that equivalence across languages is bound
to be partial and relative. The much-quoted position of the German
philosopher Walter Benjamin ([1923] 1963) sees languages as sharing
a fundamental affinity that translation helps to unearth.
Hermeneutic approaches take an intermediate position between
the two extreme poles of translatability and untranslatability. They
emphasize the incommensurability of languages but also the possi-
bility to access meaning through various modes of understanding the
foreign text. Whatever philosophical position is assumed, the actual
practice of translating (carried out on texts of an immense variety of
types and genres) attests to the possibility of translation, although
varying degrees of difficulty can be seen to be attached to any
translation task, depending on factors such as the pair of languages
involved, the type of text to be translated and the purpose of the
A translation may be defined as a text in one language that represents
or stands for a text in another language; the term translation also refers
to the act of producing such a text. Over the centuries, Western the-
oretical reflection about translation has centred essentially on its very
possibility (see Ballard 1992; Vermeer 1992; Robinson 1997b) and tried
Translation 123
to establish whether and to what extent the meaning of a text in one
language can be transferred to a text in another language. Views have
oscillated between positions that maintained the impossibility of the
task and positions that, while acknowledging that a text translated in a
given language can never be the same as a text in the original language,
nevertheless recognized that translation is possible. Different methods
of translation and the respective merits have been proposed, stressing
either the need to remain as close as possible to the original text or
the necessity of adhering to TL rhetorical or stylistic models. Overall,
the traditional debate on translatability can be seen as a reaction
to early Platonic ideas about the possibility of carrying meaning across
languages while leaving it unchanged (cf. Chesterman 1997: 21).
In modern research, starting roughly at the end of World War II,
the possibility of translation tends to be taken as a given and reflec-
tion at a theoretical level (now configured as a scholarly activity) is pri-
marily concerned with the nature of the relation established between
original and translation and the function of translations in the TL con-
text. Linguistic approaches tend to equate translation with an act of
decoding and recoding. Catford (1965: 20) defines it as the replace-
ment of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent material
in another language and studies it mainly at the level of words and
sentences. Later linguistic approaches take the text as their frame of
reference and tend to see translation as re-textualization, or source-
text induced target-text production (Neubert 1985: 18). In most lin-
guistic approaches translation involves a relationship of equivalence
between the ST and the TT. To specify possible types of equivalence,
different typologies have been proposed, such as Nidas (1964) and
Kollers (1979).
Other modern approaches see translation as a phenomenon char-
acterized by variability and discuss it in more decidedly functional
terms. These approaches, in other words, are interested in what trans-
lation does (mainly in the target culture) rather that in what translation
inherently is. Toury (1999: 11), in particular, sees such variability of
translation as difference across cultures, variation within a culture and
change over time. Equivalence and types of equivalence are, in these
124 Translation aids
approaches, not postulated but observed a posteriori: a translation is
any text that is presented as such.
Approaches to translation based on hermeneutics and poststructural-
ism tend to see language as constitutive of meaning (rather than expres-
sive of meaning) and characterize translation as a creative reshaping of
the ST. Presupposing a fundamental difference between languages,
these approaches see translation as a form of understanding and are
concerned with the ways in which this understanding can be linguistically
expressed in the TL. Such preoccupation is often seen (cf. Berman 1984;
Venuti [1995] 2008) to have ethical implications, as the task of the trans-
lator is thought to involve the preservation of foreignness. Translation, in
other words, should reshape an ST not as a way of affecting naturalness
but, on the contrary, as a way of letting its otherness emerge.
The diversity of conceptual approaches in contemporary research
on translation has led some scholars (e.g. Halverson 1997) to propose
a view of translation as a prototype category having more typical
examples at the centre and less typical examples at the periphery.
Such a view allows the inclusion, within the sphere of translation, of
types of texts that have at times led to controversy as regards their
characterization as translations (e.g. the texts resulting from adapta-
tion or from natural translation).
Translation aids
This is the term used in Delisle et al. (1999) to indicate any tool that
helps the translator, including dictionaries, reference works and com-
puterized translation tools.
Translation brief
The translation brief (or translation commission) is the set of speci-
fications given by a client to the translator in relation to a particu-
lar translation job. A brief can give information as to the purpose
of the translated text, the client or intended audience, the stylistic
guidelines to be followed, the terminology to be preferred and other
Translation error 125
aspects such as layout and formatting. The notion of translation brief
is often used in translation studies to refer to the explicit or implicit
specifications for any given translation task. As such it may be used as
a parameter in discussing the application of a particular translation
strategy or in the assessment of translated texts.
Translation commission, see translation brief.
Translation criticism
The term is sometimes used as a synonym for translation assess-
ment. In a narrower sense, it may refer to the reviewing of translated
literature as found in newspapers or review journals. Fawcett (2000)
has studied the reception of translations in the UK press.
Translation error
A translation error is any fault occurring in a translated text and resulting
either from ignorance or from the inadequate application of a transla-
tion technique or translation strategy (cf. Delisle et al. 1999: 189).
Broadly speaking, errors in translation may be seen to regard the inaccur-
ate transfer of ST content or the wrong selection of TL alternatives in
terms of style, register or other aspects linked to the specifications asso-
ciated with the translation task. The concept of translation error lies in
a much larger field of translation research, which is that of translation
assessment, and is also linked to at least two other broad areas of
research: translation competence and translator training. Within trans-
lation assessment, the discussion of errors is part of the investigation of
assessment criteria and assessment procedures and instruments. From
an applicative point of view, the particular context in which assessment
takes place has to be taken into account, and in this sense a general
distinction can be made between translation teaching and professional
translation. The definition of translation error will change according to the
particular context where assessment is carried out, although elements of
the definition are bound to overlap to a greater or lesser extent.
126 Translation error
Traditional typologies of translation errors are based on categor-
ies such as incorrect meaning, misinterpretation and interfer-
ence. These categories have mostly to do with faulty transfer of the
sense expressed by the ST, especially at word, phrase or sentence
level. Despite criticisms emerging as far back as the 1970s, they are
still popular in translator training. Their continuing success is perhaps
due to three main factors (Waddington 1999: 37): (1) the sheer force
of habit; (2) the fact that they are more or less overtly based on the
principles of the stylistique compare, an approach which was very
influential in translation research starting from the 1950s (cf. Vinay
and Darbelnet [1958] 1995); and (3) their simplicity of use.
Criticisms directed at traditional categories of translation error are
mainly concerned with their rigidity and their insistence on translation
as having an essentially linguistic, rather than communicative, dimen-
sion (cf. Gouadec 1989: 36; Waddington 1999: 6465). The rigidity
derives from their tendency to establish universally valid parameters
which do not take into account the uniqueness of each ST, if not of
any act of translation. Furthermore, their lack of a communicative per-
spective makes these categories unable to evaluate a given TT elem-
ent in terms of its appropriateness to the TT function or genre or
to any other pragmatic consideration entering the transfer process or
explicitly linked to the translation brief.
The first explicit attempt at accounting for a functionalist perspec-
tive in the evaluation of translation errors is to be found in House
(1977, 1997), where a distinction is proposed between covert error
and overt error. The identification of two broad categories of errors,
usually with one category including errors identified in terms of the
specific translation task at hand and the other concerned with errors
resulting from a general lack of linguistic or cultural competence, is to
be found in most of the subsequent studies dedicated to either transla-
tion errors or translation assessment. Gouadec (1989) makes a distinc-
tion between absolute and relative errors. Absolute errors result from a
violation of the cultural or linguistic norms or from a violation of usage
rules, while relative errors are solutions that do not conform to the
requirements of a given translation project. Other categorizations of
Translation memory 127
errors introduce finer levels of detail, relating errors to various different
dimensions of interlinguistic transfer. Nord (1997: 7578), for instance,
makes a distinction between pragmatic, cultural, linguistic and textual
errors. As a consequence of such distinctions, the quality of a trans-
lation is seen as relative concept; its measurement is not based on
absolute standards but is carried out in terms of appropriateness with
respect to the purpose of a translation or to the particular dimension
considered. By the same token, the impact of errors is seen as varying
according to the relative importance of the erroneous element within
the text as a whole (cf. Kussmaul 1995: 139141).
A popular general categorization of errors is that provided by Pym
(1992), where a distinction is made between binary and non-binary
errors. A binary error opposes a wrong TL solution to the right TL solu-
tion: examples would be language errors or wrong TL terminology.
Non-binarism, on the other hand, requires that the target text actually
selected be opposed to at least one further target text
which could also
have been selected, and then to possible wrong answers (Pym 1992:
282). In other words, non-binary errors are those that provoke in a trans-
lation teacher reactions such as Its correct, but . . .. In Pym (1992) trans-
lation errors proper are identified with non-binary errors as translation
competence is essentially seen by Pym to equate with the ability to select
the most appropriate solution from a range of possible TL solutions (see
also Pym 2003). This position has later been revised by reference to the
notion of risk: Pym (2004) sees success in translation as essentially a mat-
ter of avoiding TL solutions that do not fulfil the purpose of the transla-
tion. Good solutions are those that avoid this risk with little effort on the
part of the translator; bad or erroneous solutions are those that run this
risk even after the translator has invested a lot of effort in them.
Translation memory
An electronic database containing translated texts stored together with
their originals; it is managed by special software tools that allow the instant
retrieval of text segments together with their translations. The texts stored
in a translation memory are normally segmented into units one sentence
128 Translation problem
long and comprise both source and target text. The purpose of storing
texts this way is to reuse past translations when a new SL sentence occurs
which is identical or similar to a segment contained in the database, thus
facilitating and speeding up the production of new translations. The texts
suitable for translation with this type of tool are those with a significant
degree of internal repetition (in terms of sentence structure and vocabu-
lary) or texts that are frequently updated and retranslated.
The main function of the software that manages a translation
memory is to verify whether a new sentence to be translated matches
a sentence already stored in the memory. If a match is found, its trans-
lation is proposed to the translator, who is free to accept, modify or
reject it (remember that the TL solution so proposed is not the result
of automatic translation; it is only retrieved from the database). In par-
ticular, the extraction of segments is based on two types of matches:
a perfect (or exact) match occurs when the new SL segment is per-
fectly identical (even down to punctuation) to the one contained in
the memory together with its TL equivalent. A fuzzy match occurs
when the extracted segment (e.g. Click on the OK button) is not per-
fectly identical with but only similar to the segment to be translated
(e.g. Click on the CANCEL button): the TL segment proposed by the
memory will in such cases only act as a loose suggestion to be modi-
fied in the relevant parts. Over time, as new texts are translated using
a translation memory and feeding it with translated segments, enor-
mous collections of sentences and their corresponding translations are
built up, ready to be reused. Another way of enlarging (or creating
anew) a translation memory is to automatically align source and tar-
get segments from already translated texts and feed them into the
memory. Translation memory systems often interact with terminology
management systems so as to combine the retrieval of segments with
that of individual terms taken from a termbase.
Translation problem
Translation is often characterized as a problem-solving activity, with
problems seen as items, features or aspects of a given ST that pose
Translation problem 129
some kind of difficulty for the translator or require the translator to
provide TL solutions that are not retrieved through automatic or rou-
tine processes. In other words, a translation problem can be defined
as any element or aspect found in the ST or related to the transla-
tion task for which the translator does not readily find a TL solution
or rendering judged to be adequate on the basis of the translation
norms s/he is adhering to. Most studies of translation regarding the
linguistic or textual levels revolve, implicitly or explicitly, around the
notion of translation problem. In particular, both product-oriented
studies and process-oriented studies are often concerned with the
identification of the translation strategy used to solve a translation
problem. In some cases, scholars start from a pre-conceived notion
of problem (e.g. the translation of metaphors or that of compound
nouns in English) and look at how one or more translators have dealt
with it. In other cases, the research may be aimed at establishing what
translators themselves see as problematic (based, for instance, on data
relating to the process of translation) Problem-solving abilities are
taken to be at the heart of translation competence and problems
(and the way they are solved) are also one of the crucial aspects taken
into consideration in the evaluation of translations.
Given its centrality, it is perhaps not surprising to find that many dif-
ferent definitions have been proposed for the term translation prob-
lem, although not always explicitly and often in studies devoted to
other aspects of translation. Traditionally, problems have been seen as
linguistic (lexical, syntactic or stylistic) discrepancies between SL and
TL texts (Vinay and Darbelnet 1958; Catford 1965). Later treatments
and definitions take more explicitly into account the communica-
tive dimension of translation and the need to evaluate a problem-
atic element in terms of the textual function and the other pragmatic
considerations entering the transfer process or explicitly linked to the
translation brief.
In process-oriented studies of translation problems are seen as those
aspects of the SL texts that translators tackle by adopting a certain
strategy. Lrscher (1991: 7981) sees a problem as occurring when a
subject realizes that, at a given point in time, s/he is unable to transfer
130 Translation problem
or to transfer adequately a source-language text segment into the tar-
get language (1991: 80) a definition given from the perspective of
the subject rather than that of the researcher. Lrscher (1991: 85) also
notes that problems do not necessarily surface in the products of trans-
lation: problems in the reception of the source-language text need not
necessarily cause problems in the production of the target-language
text. By the same token, subjects could have latent problems in SL text
reception which would become manifest if the task was to understand
the SL text, but which remain latent in translation and do not cause
problems in TL text production either (Lrscher 1991: 85). From the
point of view of translation as process, seeing translation problems as
elements for which no TL equivalent is directly or routinely provided
implies a dynamic and relative character for the notion of problem, as
problematic elements probably differ according to the level of experi-
ence or professionalism of translators. In other words, certain aspects
of the translation task that constitute problems for novices would prob-
ably not be problematic for professionals because they are dealt with
through routine processes acquired by experience.
In product-oriented studies, problems have often been seen as the
other side of the coin of a much more studied aspect, i.e. translation
error. There is, furthermore, a tendency in some authors to further
distinguish between problems and difficulties, although the dis-
tinction is not always clear-cut. From an essentially pedagogical view-
point, Nord (1991, 1997), for instance, sees problems as objectively
identified phenomena of a textual, pragmatic, cultural or linguistic
nature. Difficulties, on the other hand, are a subjective phenomenon
depending on the individual translator (or trainee) and arising because
of deficient linguistic, cultural or translational competence or because
of a lack of appropriate documentation (Nord 1997: 64).
Acknowledging the centrality of the notion of problem, Toury
(2002) shows how the term is really used in translation studies with
three different senses, serving three different kinds of expert discourse
on translation. The first sense (which Toury refers to as PROBLEM
) is
located in discussions of the ST and involves issues of translatability
rather than actual translation. PROBLEM
, in other words, is a prospective
Translation strategy 131
notion that refers to an SL element (e.g. a metaphor) for which we
investigate the possibility of establishing optimal correspondence with
an appropriate TL element. This investigation is not linked to any actual
translation act; rather, the nature of the translation act is only specu-
lated on in idealized terms and a translator persona is postulated
who is often ascribed almost mythical qualities: full mastery of the
languages and cultures involved in the act, unlimited resources, unlim-
ited memory, an ideal capacity to analyze and interpret texts, and the
like (Toury 2002: 62). The second sense identified by Toury (PROBLEM
refers to actual instances of translation: it is associated with individual
translation acts situated in a particular time and space. This mean-
ing features eminently in product-oriented studies, or discourses on
translation which are retrospective and see translated texts as a reser-
voir of realized TL solutions. In particular, PROBLEMS
are reconstructed
entities (Toury 2002: 64) arrived at through an examination of pairs
constituted by an ST segment and its correspondent TT segment. The
third sense (PROBLEM
) is also associated with a single translation event
but, unlike the second, it is not retrospective in nature; rather, it con-
siders the event as it is unfolding. It is in this sense that the notion of
translation problem is usually looked at in process-oriented studies,
especially where they observe the various alternatives proposed by
a translator before arriving at a final TL rendering (e.g. using data
obtained through verbal reporting or keystroke logging).
Translation procedure, see translation technique.
Translation strategy
The term strategy is used by scholars to refer either to a general mode
of text transfer or to the transfer operation performed on a particular
structure, item or idea found in the source text. The formal or theoret-
ical status of the concept varies greatly as do the perspectives adopted
in approaching it: some scholars have used the notion of strategy
with explicitly prescriptive intentions, offering models for either the
production or the assessment of translations; others have looked
132 Translation strategy
at translation strategies from a descriptive point of view; others still
have resorted to mixed approaches, describing certain modes of text
transfer and then discussing their respective merits in accordance to a
given socio-cultural programme as does, for instance, Venuti (1995)
with his distinction between domestication and foreignization as
general modes of text transfer.
A broad definition is provided by Jskelinen (1993: 116), who
sees strategies as a set of (loosely formulated) rules or principles
which a translator uses to reach the goals determined by the translat-
ing situation in the most effective way. Other definitions (cf. Krings
1986: 175; Lrscher 1991: 76; Chesterman 1997: 92) take a narrower
view and relate the notion of strategy to that of problem. A trans-
lation strategy thus becomes a procedure or method used to solve a
particular kind of problem posed by the text to be translated or linked
to the translation task. Different kinds of strategy are used for differ-
ent kinds of problems (cf. Chesterman and Wagner 2002: 57): search
strategies are used in order to solve search problems; creativity strat-
egies are those resorted to when a blockage problem emerges, i.e.
when the translators gets stuck on some element of the ST; finally,
textual strategies are required for solving textual problems. This last
category is the one that has so far received the most attention on the
part of scholars and researchers.
Textual strategies have to do with how the translator manipulates
the linguistic material in order to produce an appropriate target text
(Chesterman 1997: 92) and can be applied at global or local level (cf.
also Jskelinen 1993: 116). Global strategies are applied in more than
one part of a text and amount to a particular approach followed by
the translator in consistently solving problems encountered throughout
an ST. They can be seen as general modes of text transfer: examples
include adaptation or the opposing strategies of overt and cov-
ert translation (House 1977, 1997). Local strategies concern shorter
textual segments; they have variously been characterized as transfer
operations, shifts or translation techniques and are the subject of
many classifications (e.g. in Vinay and Darbelnet [1958] 1995; Nida
Translation studies 133
1964; Catford 1965; van Leuven-Zwart 1989/1990; Chesterman 1997).
As noted by Chesterman (1997: 93) himself, whatever the formal or
theoretical status of the notion, strategies provide useful conceptual
tools for talking about translation, for focusing on particular things
that translators seem to do, and for improving translation skills.
Translation studies
Translation studies is a wide and varied area of enquiry having the
study of translating and translations as its core. It emerged as a dis-
tinctive field of academic study over the last 50 years and, in the
English-speaking world, received its current denomination by the
Dutch-based American scholar James S. Holmes, in a paper delivered
in 1972 (the paper, however, only gained wide circulation in the 1980s;
it is reprinted in Holmes 1988). Before the current denomination, the
label translation theory was common. As regards other languages,
denominations include Translationswissenschaft in German and tra-
ductologie in French.
Most scholars would today agree that translation studies constitutes
a discipline in its own right, but opinions differ as regards both its
internal structure and the nature of its connections with neighbouring
disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, comparative literature, cultural
studies and anthropology. Venuti (2004: 26) sees translation studies
as a fragmented emerging discipline, having different centres and per-
ipheries and encompassing several sub-specialties; he recognizes, how-
ever, that the various approaches adopted by scholars have also been
capable of productive syntheses. Others scholars (e.g. Hatim 2001:
810), while recognizing the plurality of approaches, the diversity of
their aims and objectives and some permanent scepticism on the part
of both practising translators and applied linguists, see the discipline as
consolidating. Others scholars still (e.g. Snell-Hornby 1988) emphasize
the interdisciplinary nature of translation studies. An attempt at a uni-
fying definition is provided in Chesterman (2004a), where translation
studies is presented as having as its object of research the relations that
134 Translation technique
a given translation (or set of translations) has with factors such as:
the ST, hence the focus on contrastive analysis, types of equiva-
lence and the notions of translation shift and translation strategy;
other comparable texts in the TL, hence the interest in TL accept-
ability or in discovering distinctive traits of translated language; (the
so-called universals of translation)
the conditions of TT production, in terms of the people involved
(clients, publishers, informants) and the conditions of work for trans-
lators (time available, tools used);
the TT producers themselves, observed for their psycholinguistic and
cognitive processes or from sociological and historical perspectives;
the readers, considered for their expectations or actual reactions;
the medium, e.g. written text as opposed to audiovisual text;
socio-cultural aspects such as the norms prevalent in a given com-
munity and the relations established via translation between dif-
ferent language communities (to be observed in terms of power
struggles or ideological conflicts; see ideology), all of which can be
also considered from a historical perspective.
For Chesterman, in sum, studying translation means investigating how
these and other factors act as constraints either on the way translators
translate or on the way translations are received.
Another interesting aspect of the emergence of translation studies is
its pattern of development in different parts of the world. As acknowl-
edged by Venuti (2007: 294), for instance, translation studies is still very
much a fledgling discipline in the United States, at least in compari-
son with academic trends in Europe and Asia. Scholars in Europe and
America, on their part, have recently started to discover traditional non-
Western approaches to translation, sometimes using them to recon-
ceptualize (as in Tymoczko 2007) the notion of translation itself.
Translation technique
The term usually indicates a strategy adopted for the translation
of a specific ST element. Examples of techniques are modulation,
transposition and explicitation. Other terms used by scholars to
Translation types 135
refer to such strategies include translation procedure and transla-
tion shift.
See also: shift, translation strategy.
Translation tools
This is a label commonly used to refer to the various software applica-
tions and systems that support the work of professional translators
(see Quah 2006). A restrictive definition would include only such tools
as machine translation systems, translation memory systems
and terminology management systems (see termbase). Broader def-
initions might include other types of software applications or compu-
terized systems normally used by all professional translators, e.g. word
pro cessors. In relation to the localization industry, the definition
might be extended to include the tools more specifically related to the
operational or management aspects of translation projects.
Whatever the definition and scope considered for the term, it is a fact
that today all translation performed at professional level involves the use
of computers, if only for word processing. Reference works for transla-
tors have also been remarkably transformed by the advent of computers.
Traditional printed dictionaries are today usually accompanied by elec-
tronic versions (either on CD-ROM or, increasingly, as web sites), often
offering new, and more effective, search capabilities. Terminological
resources are today mostly available in electronic database format and
are sometimes accessible through the internet (see term bank). It is
often the case, however, that adhoc resources are entirely by-passed
and translators seek relevant information on the internet using search
engines (a modern way of arriving at what were once called paral-
lel texts) unless of course use of a given terminological resource is
required by the client.
Translation types
Typologies of translation can be constructed with reference to dif-
ferent criteria and at different levels of generality. At its most gen-
eral, such a typology may have the aim of delineating the category
136 Translation types
of translation, identifying subcategories (with varying degrees of
specificity) and describing the relations obtaining between these sub-
categories. A popular typology of a general nature is that proposed
by Jakobson (1959), in which translation as a superordinate category
is seen to comprise the subcategories of intralingual, interlingual
and intersemiotic translation. Other typologies may not refer to
what translation is but, rather, to different modes of translation.
The opposition free vs literal translation may be seen as a general
typology in this respect. Other types identified following the same
general criterion are Houses (1977, 1997) overt and covert transla-
tion, Newmarks (1981) semantic and communicative translation,
Nords (1997) documentary and instrumental translation and
Venutis (1995) domestication and foreignization. Each of these
types referring to a general mode of translation may also be seen to
correspond to a particular translation strategy, described from the
specific perspective of interest adopted by the scholar who has iden-
tified it. Besides these general distinctions, other typologies may be
based on:
the person who performs a translation, which can lead to a distinc-
tion between natural and professional translation;
the type of text to be translated, so that broad distinction can be
made between literary and specialist translation;
the medium for the material to be translated (see e.g. audiovisual
translation and localization);
the particular tools employed to carry out a translation task (see e.g.
computer-assisted translation, machine translation).
An example of a more detailed typology is provided by Gouadec
(1990, quoted in Sager 1994: 184), who, for pragmatic texts, identi-
fies seven possible types of translation: keyword translation, i.e. trans-
lation of the ST keywords; selective translation, i.e. elimination of all
irrelevant information; abstract translation, i.e. a summary of the ST;
diagrammatic translation, i.e. one conveying ST content in the form of
diagrams; translation with reconstructions, i.e. a translation focusing on
Translatorial action (Translatorisches Handeln) 137
content alone; absolute translation, i.e. a translation taking into account
all aspects of the ST; and sight translation, i.e. a quick, unpolished refor-
mulation of the ST made for informative purposes. As suggested in
Chesterman and Wagner (2002: 5051), recent typologies of transla-
tion have focused more on the criteria for classification than on the
definition of types. Such criteria take into account aspects such as the
intended function of the translation compared to that of the original,
the extent to which content is translated in the TT (as in Gouadecs
typology mentioned above), the style of the translation, the relative sta-
tus of the ST and the TT, the naturalness of the language employed
by the translator and so on. The aim in these descriptions is to make
generalizations about typical features of a given type of translation.
This is a term used, most of the time pejoratively, to refer to the unnat-
ural or awkward style of translated texts, especially as produced by
the influence of SL structural features.
Translatorial action (Translatorisches Handeln)
This is the label used by the German scholar and translator Justa
Holz-Mnttri (1984) for her theoretical model of translation, which
is based on the process of translation as carried out at a professional
level. Translation is seen by Holz-Mnttri as involving a complex of
actions in which extralinguistic factors play a crucial, controlling role
(hence her rejection, in German, of the word bersetzung, transla-
tion, felt to be too strongly associated with language transfer, and
the decision to adopt the term Translation as a more specific label
for the complex activity of translating). Holz-Mnttris model starts
from the reality of translation work and sees the translator at the
centre of a process in which other actors (the client, the TT readers)
play important roles that have a direct bearing on the way transla-
tion is carried out. In particular, the translator is seen as an expert in
text-design, which he or she carries out taking into account all the
138 Transposition
product requirements as agreed between the parties involved. The
skills required of translators are thus not only linguistic but include,
among others, the ability to search for relevant information and to
estimate the appropriate degree of cultural adaptation. Translation
is thus seen by Holz-Mnttri as a form of intercultural communi-
cation taking place in a social context, and particular emphasis is
placed on the function served by the TT in the target context, in line
with other theoretical approaches that emerged in Germany in the
same years (e.g. skopos theory).
See also: functionalist approaches.
This is a translation technique that involves a change of word class
in the TT. For example, in translating the French Aprs son retour . . .
with After he comes back . . ., a noun (retour) has been changed into
a verb in English (come back). Whereas in this case the transposition
is not obligatory (After his return . . . was possible), in other cases it
is the only option available: cf. Ds son lever . . . / As soon as he gets
or got up . . . (Vinay and Darbelnet [1958] 1995). Note that the term
transposition is also sometimes used as a synonym for (linguistic or
cultural) transfer in general.
In process-oriented research on translation, the approach known
as triangulation tries to combine different data collection methods
so as to test the hypotheses put forward by the researcher as regards
the cognitive processes involved in translation on firmer empirical
ground. This often implies complementing the qualitative data sup-
plied by methods based on verbal reporting such as Think-Aloud
Protocols with quantitative data obtained through other methods
of observation. The triangulation approach is thus based on the con-
vergence of different methodologies used to collect, elicit and inter-
pret data (Jakobsen 1999; Alves 2003). The metaphor inspiring this
Triangulation 139
approach assumes that navigating through uncharted waters requires
several location points to establish ones position and that therefore
several instruments of data gathering and analysis can be simultan-
eously used to throw light on the nature of the translation process
(Alves 2003: vii). The aim is that of reducing the risk that observations
of a given phenomenon are mere methodological artefacts (Jakobsen
1999: 19) and of ensuring that observational data are successfully
validated. Besides verbal reporting, the data collection methods com-
bined in studies adopting a triangulation approach include keystroke
logging, eye-tracking (used to identify foci of attention on the part
of translators, e.g. in a text displayed on a computer screen) and the
recording of search processes in electronic environments.
140 Unbounded translation
Unbounded translation
In Catford (1965) a translation providing TL equivalents that cuts
across the linguistic ranks observed in the SL. For example the phrase
acostarse in Spanish translated go to bed in English can be seen to cut
across the ranks of word (in Spanish) and group (in English).
See also: rank-bound translation, shift.
Unique items hypothesis
Recently included among the universals of translation, this hypoth-
esis claims that the features which are untranslatable, i.e. unique to
the TL or not occurring in the SL, tend to be proportionally under-
represented in translations as compared to non-translated texts. In
other words, certain TL items or structures (e.g. pragmatic particles
or rare lexicalizations) tend not to appear in translated texts because
they have no direct counterpart in the SL. Studies investigating this
hypothesis (e.g. Tirkkonen-Condit 2004) have been conducted mainly
in relation to Finnish as a TL.
Unit of translation
The term refers to the entity which is taken to be processed by the
translator at a given time during the process of translation. No agree-
ment exists between scholars as to the nature and scope of such
entities. A generally applicable definition depends on a variety of fac-
tors such as the translator him- or herself, the type of ST and the
purpose of the translation (cf. Sorvali 2004). From a theoretical point
of view, units of translation can be (and have been) postulated at dif-
ferent levels of linguistic description, although it remains to be seen
whether in concrete translation acts translators really refer to such
levels. At a syntactic level, units such as words, phrases or clauses can
be considered. At the lexical and semantic level, meaning components
(see componential analysis) or distinctions between the sense and
reference of an utterance may be considered. At a functional level,
Universal of translation 141
notions such as theme/rheme come to the fore, while at a pragmatic
level utterances can be seen as units realizing speech acts. The con-
sideration of one or the other aspects will influence the way a text is
seen to be segmented into units for purposes of translation. Within
the same concrete translation act, units of processing may be seen to
differ even markedly from one another. At one point the translator
may be observed to consider possible TL lexical equivalents for an
individual word, while later in the process s/he may enlarge the focus
of attention or processing to longer stretches of text, possibly to con-
sider their functional or pragmatic values (e.g. in the case of proverbs
or fixed expressions).
Traditionally, scholars of translation have tended to equate the unit
of translation with individual words (as in Newmark 1981) or with text-
ual segments identified syntactically (Wilss 1982). Koller (1979) notes
that the greater the structural difference between two languages, the
longer the units are likely to be, and vice versa. Bassnett ([1980] 2002)
emphasizes how whatever unit is considered, it is to be related to the
text as a whole. Using process-related data obtained through verbal
reporting or keystroke logging, some studies (cf. those reported
on in Alves 2003) have looked at how, in concrete translation acts,
source texts are segmented by translators.
Universal of translation
The term is used to indicate a linguistic feature typically observed in
translated texts and occurring as a consequence of the translation pro-
cess, i.e. independently from the pairs of languages involved and not
as the result of interference between different linguistic systems. The
search for universals began in the mid-1990s (see Baker 1996) drawing
from developments in translation studies and the emergence of corpus
linguistics in the previous decades. In translation studies, the attention
of many scholars had moved away from the relationship between the
ST and the TT to the translations themselves. Meanwhile, thanks to
advances in computer storage capacities, language corpora of increas-
ing size were being compiled, providing material where hypotheses
142 Universal of translation
about large-scale linguistic patterning could be tested. Among the first
features to be hypothesized as universals of translation were explicita-
tion, simplification and normalization. More recently, features such
as untypical collocations and the under-representation of TL unique
items (see unique items hypothesis) have been added to the list of
hypothesized universals (cf. Mauranen and Kujamki 2004; Mauranen
Most research on universals has been linguistically oriented and has
relied on corpus-based methods, often starting from hypotheses that
had been put forward in earlier, small-scale studies. There have also
been suggestions that, beneath universals, there may be underlying
processes of a cognitive nature, i.e. that translations present certain
features as a result of the workings of the brain when it is engaged in
translation. Such suggestions, however, still lack a rigorous application
of cognitive models capable of giving reliable accounts of the transla-
tion process (Mauranen 2007: 37).
Over the years, both the concept of translation universals and
the research approaches to be used in investigating them have been
the object of intense debate. Further qualifications have been intro-
duced in testing new and earlier hypothesis. Chesterman (2004b), for
example, has pointed out that some hypotheses (e.g. explicitation)
concern the relationship between source and translation, while others
(e.g. normalization) mainly have to do with the difference between
translated and non-translated texts. The former he calls S-universals,
while the latter are termed T-universals.
Strong objections to the idea of translation universals have come
from some scholars looking at translation from a historical point of
view or drawing from socio-cultural research (cf. Mauranen 2007: 37).
Such objections mainly regard the real comparability of translated and
non-translated texts. Historically, there have been periods where a
clear-cut distinction between translations and non-translations could
not be drawn, which would make it problematic to make sweeping
generalizations about universal features of translations. More gener-
ally, those scholars who see translation as an open field (Tymoczko
2005) where different conceptualizations of translation co-exist tend
Untypical collocations 143
to resist the idea that translated texts may be looked at in terms of
universal features.
See also: laws of translation, norms.
Untypical collocations
Research carried out on comparable corpora has found that trans-
lated texts tend to display collocational patterns that deviate from
the patterns observed in non-translated texts in the same language.
Untypical collocations have thus been proposed as a hypothetical
universal of translation. In particular, it has been found that, at
both collocational and colligational level, translations tend to favour
combinations that are infrequent or absent in non-translated texts.
Conversely, translations seem to have fewer instances of combinations
that are frequent in native TL texts.
See: collocation, colligation.
144 Verbal reporting
Verbal reporting
Verbal reporting is a method of data collection used in process-
oriented research to investigate the cognitive and psycholinguis-
tic processes involved in translation. It is based on the assumption
that human cognition is information processing and that informa-
tion is stored in memories with different capacities. Short-Term
Memory (STM) stores information from the surrounding world,
i.e. the information that is heeded or attended to. The amount of
this particular kind of information stored in STM is limited. Long-
Term Memory (LTM) is a vast collection of nodes which can be
accessed either by recognition or by way of links associating nodes
to others that have been already accessed. Both these processes
bring information into STM. Information stored in STM remains
accessible for further processing and for producing verbal reports.
These can be of three types: introspective, retrospective and con-
current. In introspective reports, the subject of an experiment car-
ries out a self-analysis of his/her thought processes. Retrospective
reports are reports on thought processes that are given after the
performance of a task. Concurrent reports take place at the same
time as the task: here the subject is not asked to verbalize spe-
cific information but to think aloud (see Think-Aloud Protocol).
Opinions on the respective validity of the various verbal report
procedures differ, although concurrent reports are the method
which has proved the most popular with translation researchers.
Fraser (1996) sees immediate retrospections as superior in many
respects, as they provide accounts that tend to be more struc-
tured and inferential, and thus more revealing than the concurrent
verbalizations. Bernardini (2001), on the other hand, stresses that
only concurrent verbalization (as opposed to post hoc verbaliza-
tion) reflects the mental states of subjects. She also points out
that, in order for the concurrent reports to be reliable, they must
be strictly monological (cf. also Tirkkonen-Condit and Jskelinen
Voice-over 145
The term refers to a method of language transfer used in audiovisual
translation. It consists in superimposing pre-recorded voicing in the
TL on the original audio, which is however left audible in the back-
ground. It is mainly used for interviews, documentaries and other
programmes in which a certain level of realism is required. In some
markets, voice-over is also used for films and TV fiction as a cheaper
alternative to lip-synchronized dubbing.
Word-for-word translation, see free vs literal translation.
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Key Thinkers in Translation Studies
Andrew Chesterman
Largely following in the lead of Gideon Toury and the other translation
scholars identified with descriptive and empirical approaches, Andrew
Chestermans work has developed the theoretical and methodological
implications of those approaches. At the same time, he has attempted
to trace the unifying themes and interests in the wider scenario of
contemporary translation studies, looking at the possible connec-
tions between the disparate views on both translation and translation
research adopted by theorists and applied researchers over the last
few decades.
The reflection on the theoretical status of translation and transla-
tion research forms the basis of Chestermans 1997 book Memes of
Translation. The notion of the meme, taken from sociobiology (and,
interestingly, also applied to translation by Hans. J. Vermeer in the
same years), is used by Chesterman to account for how certain con-
cepts and ideas about translation spread in society and across gener-
ations. A meme is a unit of cultural transmission or imitation (such as
an idea, a catch-phrase or a fashion) which propagates from brain
to brain, much as genes propagate from body to body via sperm or
eggs (Chesterman 1997: 5). Translation is first of all a cognitive activ-
ity but it also takes place, as an event, in a given historical, social and
cultural setting. Looking at views, ideas and concepts relating to trans-
lation as memes can be of help in describing how they are transmit-
ted from individual to individual, thus establishing a link between the
cognitive level of individuals and the social dimension of practice. In
other words, certain memes, or perceptions, about translation spread,
148 Key Thinkers
through social interaction, from individual to individual and define the
way translation is generally talked about and practised. More specif-
ically, Chesterman identifies certain ideas, called supermemes, exert-
ing such influence that, over the centuries, they have come up again
and again in discussion on the subject. These are the source-target
distinction, the concept of equivalence, the notion of untranslatabil-
ity (see translatability and translation), the free vs literal trans-
lation opposition and the idea that all writing is translating. Other
examples of memes, of a more culturally and historically contingent
nature than the supermemes, are the norms that govern translator
behaviour in a given society or more restricted community. Translation
strategies, seen as well-established ways to solve a given translation
problem, can also be described as memes, propagated by one trans-
lator to another through formal training or by way of imitation (cf
Chesterman 2000b).
Chestermans treatment of translation norms, in particular, builds
on Gideon Torys elaboration of the notion. A norm is seen as a kind
of consensus of opinion about what [translation] should be like, how
it should be done; it is therefore to be seen as a descriptive notion:
a norm-statement describes what such consensus is, not what it
should be (Chesterman 1997: 3; orig. emphasis). Compared to Toury,
Chesterman looks at norms from a broader perspective, taking into
account not only process norms (as in Toury) but also product norms,
so as to obtain a wider picture of the constraints operating on the
practice and reception of translation. The two general kinds of norms
are labelled by Chesterman expectancy norms and professional norms.
The former are product norms; the latter have to do with the process
of translation. Expectancy norms are established by the expectations
of readers of a translation (of a given type) concerning what a trans-
lation (of that type) should be like (Chesterman 1997: 64). They are
governed by the prevailing translation tradition in a given culture and
also, in part, by the form of parallel texts in the TL. They can be influ-
enced by a variety of factors (such as ideology or the power relations
between cultures) and ultimately represent the basis for evaluative
judgements about translations. Professional norms are subordinate
Andrew Chesterman 149
to expectancy norms in the sense that any process norm is deter-
mined by the nature of the end-product it will lead to (Chesterman
1997: 67). The label professional norms is chosen by Chesterman to
stress that the authorities that validate process norms are primarily the
translators themselves. In particular, Chesterman (1997: 6770) iden-
tifies three general higher-order professional norms. The accountabil-
ity norm states that translators acts in such a way as to remain loyal
to the ST authors, the translation commissioners, translators them-
selves, the prospective readership and other relevant parties. This is
fundamentally an ethical norm concerning standards of professional
integrity. The communication norm states that translators act so as to
optimize communication between the parties involved. This is funda-
mentally a social norm. Finally, the relation norm states that transla-
tors act so as to establish an appropriate relation of similarity (1997:
69) between ST and TT. This norm, which is specific to translation,
implies that there is no predefined equivalence between ST and TT
and that it is ultimately up to the translator to decide what kind of
equivalence relation is appropriate given the context of the translation
event. A translator who breaks one of these norms is usually seen as
deserving criticism; if he or she rejects criticism, an argument about
the appropriateness of the norm may start and, in the long run, this
may also lead to a change in the norm itself.
Another major theme in Chestermans work, with clear links to
his discussion of norm theory, is the elaboration of a model capable
of formulating explanatory hypotheses for the patterns of behav-
iour observed both in translators and in the readers of translations.
Chesterman (2000a) reviews existing models of translation research
and identifies three basic types, each associated with various theories
and approaches: the comparative model aligns STs and TTs and exam-
ines the correlations between them (e.g. in terms of equivalence); the
process model maps the different phases of the translation process
over time (often characterizing translation as communication); finally,
the causal model sees translations as caused by antecedent condi-
tions and as causing effects on readers (2000a: 15). Chestermans
own preference is for the causal model, which he sees as the only one
150 Key Thinkers
capable of allowing the formulation of explanatory hypotheses, i.e. of
answering why questions such as why is this translation like this? or
why do people react to this translation in this particular way?. There
are of course many possible levels of causation to be considered and
different types of causes, from more to less deterministic. Rather than
speak of causes, in the case of translation reference can be made to
causal conditions and a chain can be imagined where:
socio-cultural conditions lead to a particular translation event;
this event in turn leads to a particular translation act performed by
an individual;
the act results in a text with a specific linguistic profile;
the text leads to some cognitive effects;
the cognitive effects result in behavioural effects;
these behavioural effects produce effects at the socio-cultural level.
Chesterman is careful to stress that this in only an idealization and
that in reality no clear first cause or last effect can be discerned in
such a chain. He also sees the translator at the centre of the model, as
a crucial role is played by his or her cognitive processing. Translators
have the final say on the TT it is their attitudes to factors such as
norms or the purpose of the translation that ultimately count rather
than these factors per se (Chesterman 2000a: 26).
Chestermans positions may certainly strike many scholars in
translation studies as showing too much confidence on the possi-
bility of applying methods of inquiry based on hypothesis testing
to a complex phenomenon such as translation. On the other hand,
by focusing attention on the many levels at which constraints on
translation can be seen to operate and especially on the connections
between such constraints, scholars such as Chesterman have played
an essential role in delineating the scope of translation studies as a
field of investigation, while making the most of its interdisciplinary
nature. Chesterman (2004a; see also translation studies) himself
sees the study of translation as primarily interested not in translated
texts in isolation but in the relations that these texts establish with
other entities of a disparate nature.
Andrew Chesterman 151
Essential reading
Chesterman, A. (1997), Memes of Translation. The Spread of Ideas in
Translation Theory. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Chesterman, A. (2000a), A causal model for Translation Studies,
in M. Olohan (ed.), Intercultural Faultlines. Research Models in
Translation Studies I. Textual and Cognitive Aspects. Manchester:
St Jerome, pp. 1527.
Chesterman, A. (2004a), Translation as an object of reflection and
scholarly discourse, in H. Kittel, A. P. Frank, N. Greiner, T. Hermans,
W. Koller, J. Lambert and F. Paul (eds), bersetzung / Translation /
Traduction. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 93100.
152 Key Thinkers
Basil Hatim and Ian Mason
Basil Hatim and Ian Mason have co-authored two influential books,
published in 1990 and 1997, which show how advances in linguis-
tics can be put to fruitful use in describing translating and translated
texts. Whereas early linguistic or linguistically oriented approaches to
translation (e.g. Nida 1964; Catford 1965) mainly focused on words
and sentences as units of analysis, Hatim and Mason see translation
as an act of communication performed at the level of text. Particular
emphasis is also given in their analyses to the socio-cultural context
in which translational communication unfolds, which they take to be
probably a more important variable than the textual genre (Hatim
and Mason 1990: 13) itself. Their text-linguistic approach is thus
couched in a larger pragmatic and semiotic framework seen as cap-
able of accounting for the motivations lying behind text processing in
general and translation in particular. Their approach to text processing
is elaborated by analysing a wealth of examples taken from authentic
texts of different types.
In their first book, Discourse and the Translator (1990), Hatim and
Mason start from the assumption that identifying the register of a text
is an essential but insufficient step in analysing the text for translation
purposes. Register analysis, in particular, is seen as useful in helping
the translator as reader to reconstruct the situational variables relating
to a text, which they identify adopting a Hallidayan approach. Thus
register helps to pinpoint the variety of language used in particular
texts (medical, legal, etc. Hallidays field) or in particular circum-
stances (e.g. between friends, at work, etc. tenor) and distinguished
by particular choice of vocabulary or style (mode). This, however,
is felt to be insufficient for the identification of the communicative
intentions of texts, which Hatim and Mason see as a crucial factor in
text processing aimed at translation. As an example, they quote and
analyse the initial passage of an article on dental care taken from a
journal (Hatim and Mason 1990: 5557). Seen, from the point of view
of register, the article would be characterized as a text about dental
care (field) written by an academic for semi-specialist readers (tenor)
Basil Hatim and Ian Mason 153
largely according to the conventions of academic writing (mode). Such
an analysis, however, would reveal little about the communicative
intention of the author. The first sentence of the article, in particu-
lar, reads as follows: Oral health care does not have the makings of a
dramatic issue. Only by going beyond an analysis of register can it be
shown that with this first sentence the author is in fact announcing
a different point of view (i.e. that dental care is an important issue).
Both this sentence and the whole text, in other words, perform some
kind of action that can only be described by recourse to other dimen-
sions of text and discourse processing, namely pragmatics and semi-
otics. Reference to the pragmatic dimension helps in characterizing
meaning as something which is negotiated between text producers
and receivers and not as a static entity independent of human pro-
cessing. Considering the semiotic dimensions helps in characterizing
the mutual relationships between texts or parts of texts as signs (i.e.
as meaningful entities). Thus, to go back to the example above, the
pragmatic force attached to the sentence will also derive, semiotically,
from its positioning at the beginning of a string of other sentences.
The relevance of all this for the translator lies both in the ability to
perceive intended meaning and in the ability to recognize the cases in
which expression of intended meaning is subject to subtle variation
between SL and TL text (Hatim and Mason 1990: 57).
As a further means of describing texts in terms of their inter-
actional and communicative aims, Hatim and Mason (1990: Chap. 8)
elaborate their own text typology, which is also an attempt at
accommodating the extreme diversity and multi-functionality found
in real texts a feature that, for them, was not reflected in previous
translation-oriented typologies. The basis for Hatim and Masons typ-
ology is the assumption that any given text is the concrete realiza-
tion of an underlying ideal type characterized by an overall rhetorical
purpose, and that this purpose is the most salient in relation to the
context. Three main types are identified, exposition, argumentation
and instruction, each having two or three main variants. Exposition
is defined as a text type presenting, in a non-evaluative manner,
concepts (conceptual exposition), objects (description) or events
154 Key Thinkers
(narration). Argumentation is the evaluative presentation of con-
cepts; it can take the form of through-argumentation (i.e. citation of
thesis to be argued through) or counter-argumentation (citation of
thesis to be opposed). Lastly, instruction is a text type focusing on the
formation of future behaviour, and can be with option (as in adver-
tising) or without option (as in contracts). The implications for trans-
lation of such a classification can be summarized as follows: the text is
the structural unit that informs the translators decisions about choices
at other levels (lexical and syntactic); these decisions are largely taken
in light of the rhetorical purpose of the text, which is also the basis for
the assessment of translated texts.
In their next book, The Translator as Communicator (1997), Hatim
and Mason refine their approach, proposing a series of case stud-
ies aimed at testing its usefulness beyond the traditional distinction
between literary and non-literary translation or even between transla-
tion and interpreting. One particular aspect that is further developed
in this second book is ideology (Hatim and Mason 1997: Chap. 9),
seen as one of the factors that motivate linguistic modes of expres-
sion. In particular, Hatim and Mason draw a distinction between the
ideology of translating and the translation of ideology. The former
is related to the ideological consequences generated by translation
itself and in particular by the choice of a given general mode of text
transfer (e.g. domestication as opposed to foreignization). Hatim
and Mason stress that it is not a certain mode of transfer as such that
is ideologically slanted, but rather that the mode of transfer acquires a
certain ideological character depending on the socio-cultural situation
of the TL. Thus, a domesticating strategy can be seen as adhering to
prevailing values when it is used in a translation from a minority cul-
ture into a dominant culture, but the same strategy can be seen as
a form of resistance when the translation is from a dominant into
a minority culture. As regards the translation of ideology, Hatim and
Mason look at cases where translators handle the ideological features
of STs in markedly different ways, largely as the result of the degree of
mediation observed in the text, i.e. the extent to which translators
intervene in the transfer process, feeding their own knowledge and
Basil Hatim and Ian Mason 155
beliefs into the processing of a text (1997: 147). In particular, Hatim
and Mason show how essentially linguistic analytical concepts (e.g.
cohesion, lexical choice and Hallidayan transitivity) can arrive at the
identification of such mediation, provided the linguistic evidence avail-
able is part of a discernible trend (1997: 147).
Essential reading
Hatim, B. and Mason, I. (1990), Discourse and the Translator. London/
New York: Longman.
Hatim, B. and Mason, I. (1997), The Translator as Communicator.
London/New York: Routledge.
156 Key Thinkers
James S. Holmes
The work of James S. Holmes (19241986) has exerted an enormous
influence on the development and consolidation of translation stud-
ies as a discipline in its own right. An American who moved to the
Netherlands in the late 1940s, Holmes was a poet, literary scholar,
translator and translation theorist, each of his interests feeding the
others without confusing the respective roles of practice and theory.
After starting work as a lecturer at the Department of General Literary
Studies of the University of Amsterdam in the 1960s, he grew an
interest in the study of literary translation, at the time a neglected
area of research, and gradually built an international network of col-
laborations which eventually led to the establishment of a circle of
scholars (including Gideon Toury, Itamar Even-Zohar, Anton Popovic
and Andr Lefevere) who, in the next decades, gradually developed
and propagated a new paradigm of translation research (see descrip-
tive translation studies).
Holmes own work followed two major strands. On the one hand,
he investigated issues of literary translation, and particularly the trans-
lation of poetry. On the other, he engaged in discussions on the sta-
tus of translation as a discipline of academic enquiry and on issues of
research methodology, which he believed should be made to fit a view
of translation as a distinct field of investigation. Holmes works on liter-
ary translation, mostly concerned with the translation of poetry (see the
papers collected in Holmes 1988), try to characterize the literary and
socio-cultural constraints operating on the decisions taken by transla-
tors at the formal, linguistic level. Holmes best-known and most influ-
ential works, however, are certainly those where he reflected on the
status of translation as a discipline of inquiry. The history of such works
is in itself an interesting case of how ideas can slowly and gradually be
disseminated in a discipline until they reach a tipping point after which
their influence on the discipline as a whole becomes manifest.
Holmes ideas on The name and nature of translation studies
were first presented in a paper of the same title delivered at the Third
International Congress of Applied Linguistics, held in Copenhagen in
James S. Holmes 157
1972. The paper had very limited circulation for well over 10 years, until
it appeared, in slightly expanded form, in a collection of works pub-
lished after Holmes death (Holmes 1988). In this paper, Holmes pre-
sented a general framework for the discipline of Translation Studies
(a name he himself proposed), delineating its scope and structure and
spelling out its objectives. This framework was intended to present
translation studies as a full-scale discipline concerned with the com-
plex of problems clustered round the phenomena of translating and
translations (Holmes 1988: 67). It was later presented by Toury (1995)
as Holmes map of translation studies, which further contributed to
its dissemination.
In keeping with his view of translation studies as an essentially
empirical discipline, Holmes paper identifies two main objectives for
the discipline: (1) to describe the phenomena of translating and
translation(s) as they manifest in the world, and (2) to establish gen-
eral principles by means of which these phenomena can be explained
and predicted (Holmes 1988: 71). The two branches of pure research
that Holmes sees as concerning themselves with these objectives are,
respectively, descriptive translation studies and theoretical translation
studies. The descriptive branch is the one that maintains close contact
with empirical phenomena and is seen by Holmes (1988: 7273) as
comprising three major kinds of research:
product-oriented research is the area that describes existing transla-
tions comparatively, i.e. analysing various translations of the same
text (in one or more languages) in relation to one specific historical
period or text type;
function-oriented research is the area interested in the description
of the function served by translated texts in the TL socio-cultural
situation and pursues such questions as which texts are (or are not)
translated in a given period and place;
process-oriented research is the area interested in describing what
goes on in the mind of translators as they translate.
The other main branch of pure translation studies, theoretical
translation studies or translation theory, is seen by Holmes as the
158 Key Thinkers
one that uses the results obtained in descriptive research and com-
bines them with the information available from related fields (e.g.
linguistics, literary studies or information theory) so as to evolve
principles, theories, and models which will serve to explain and pre-
dict what translating and translations are and will be (1988: 73).
The ultimate goal of translation studies is to establish a general the-
ory capable of explaining all the various phenomena falling within
the domain of translating and translations an ambitious goal that
Holmes sees as attainable by the elaboration of partial theories of
restricted scope. In particular, Holmes (1988: 7376) identifies six
partial theories:
Medium-restricted theories are concerned with the particular
medium used for translation, i.e. humans or machines or a mixture
of the two; human translation, in particular can further be subdi-
vided in oral translation (or interpreting) and written translation.
Area-restricted theories deal with particular languages or cultures;
more specifically, theories can be language-pair restricted (e.g.
involving English and Spanish only) or language-group restricted
(e.g. a theory of translation between Romance and Germanic lan-
guages); by the same token, they could be restricted to particular
pairs or groups of cultures (e.g. a theory of translation between
Swiss and Belgian cultures or a theory of translation in contempor-
ary Western culture). This is also the area having close affinities with
contrastive analysis and stylistics.
Rank-restricted theories are concerned with translation at specific
linguistic ranks or levels. Holmes himself notes how, traditionally,
theories of translation have looked mainly at the levels of words and
sentences, ignoring macro-structural aspects at higher levels such as
text; his prediction that text-rank theories would be pursued in years
to come has proved successful.
Text-type restricted theories deal with the problems specific to given
test types or genres.
Time-restricted theories deal either with contemporary translation or
with the translation of texts from past historical periods.
James S. Holmes 159
Problem-restricted theories are concerned with specific aspects of
translation, such as the notion of equivalence in translation, the
translation of proper names or the translation of metaphor.
The third and final branch of translation studies identified by Holmes
is that of applied translation studies, which Holmes sees as falling out-
side the scope of pure research. Within this branch Holmes (1988:
7879) identifies four areas of scholarly interest:
translation teaching , and particularly the development of appropri-
ate teaching methods, testing techniques, and curricula for the train-
ing of professional translators;
translation aids , i.e. translator-oriented lexicographical and termino-
logical resources;
translation policy , defined by Holmes (1988: 79) as the task of ren-
dering informed advice in the definition of the place and role of
translators, translating, and translations in society;
translation criticism , seen as an area where contact between scholars
and critics could help reduce intuitive judgements.
Holmes stresses that the interaction between the three branches
(des criptive, theoretical and applied) is not unidirectional but dialectical,
each of the three branches supplying materials for the other two, and
making use of the findings that they in turn provide it (1988: 78).
Holmes map of translation studies as delineated in his seminal
paper of 1972 has played a key role in defining the scope of the dis-
cipline and establishing a frame of reference for subsequent debate
concerning both the internal structure of the field and the nature of its
connections with neighbouring disciplines. In many respects, Holmes
structuring of translation studies appears still capable of accommo-
dating developments that Holmes himself could only envisage, such
as process-oriented research or the advances in computerized
translation tools. On the other hand, some scholars (e.g. Ulrych
1999) have in recent years noted the unbalance existing between the
two pure branches on the one hand and the applied branch on the
160 Key Thinkers
other, with the applied side having been somewhat disregarded by
those who more closely followed Holmes programme of research.
Other recent developments which either do not find a proper place
in Holmes map or seem to fall outside its scope are the increasing
attention given to translators as mediating agents motivated by cul-
tural and ideological factors (as in cultural studies approaches) and
the increased autonomy of interpreting, today seen by some scholars
as a separate, parallel field to translation studies.
Essential reading
Holmes, J. H. (1988), Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and
Translation Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Toury, G. (1995), Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amster-
dam/Philadelphia: Benjamins [see especially Part One].
Juliane House 161
Juliane House
Translation assessment of an evaluative nature has often been
considered to be based on anecdotal and impressionistic criteria.
Beyond the level of mere TL grammaticality, at which assessment
can be equated with more or less mechanical forms of error analysis,
translation assessment looks at aspects such as style, function and
rhetorical organization. One of the first systematic models of transla-
tion assessment has been elaborated by the German scholar Juliane
House, whose book A Model for Translation Quality Assessment first
appeared in 1977. The model underwent substantial revision, espe-
cially in its operational component, in the following years and was
presented in its revised form in House (1997). Houses model can be
seen to have played a pioneering role in many respects, especially as
regards the recognition of contextual features and the role played by
different types of equivalence.
House sees a translated text as bound both to the ST and to the TL
recipients communicative conditions. The basic aim of her model is to
delineate a framework for equivalence between ST and TT and to iden-
tify the dimensions on the basis of which assessment can be carried out.
These dimensions take into account a variety of factors: extra-linguistic
circumstances; the connotative and aesthetic values of texts; the TL audi-
ence; and the TL textual and linguistic usage norms, to be identified
through the empirical observation of parallel texts and through con-
trastive analysis looking at both rhetorical and pragmatic aspects. As
it depends on such factors, equivalence is not a static but a dynamic and
relative notion and the translator is seen as having to make a choice in
terms of the type of equivalence to be privileged for a given ST.
A key feature of Houses model is the analysis of the ST, which is
aimed at identifying the main function of the text. This function is
seen as the pivotal factor around which assessment takes place, as
equivalence between texts is established primarily in functional terms.
In previous models of assessment (e.g. Reiss 1971) the function of texts
was identified mainly in relation to the type of language observed in
them, and texts were categorized in relation to the prevailing language
162 Key Thinkers
function they were seen to realize. Houses model is not aimed at the
identification of text types but, rather, at delineating the dimensions
of texts along which assessment can be carried out. In her first version
of the model (House 1977), these dimensions are described using a
Hallidayan framework, where language is seen to realize three main
functions: an ideational function related to the expression of content,
and interpersonal function related to the ways in which participants
in communication interact and a textual function related to how lan-
guage is used in order to serve the previous two functions. This is
used by House to characterize the components of the context of situ-
ation in relation to any given text, or what she calls the situational
dimensions of texts. A total of eight dimensions is identified, having
to do with aspects relating to the language users (e.g. geographical
origin and social class) and to language use (e.g. the topic of a text
and the type of interaction the text is designed for). These situational
dimensions constitute the set of parameters against which assessment
is carried out. In particular, assessment consists in (1) determining the
textual profile of the ST on the basis of the situational dimensions, and
(2) comparing the ST with the TT so as to observe the degree of match
between their textual profiles. The final statement of quality is based
on the degree of match between the situational dimensions, but also
takes into account non-dimensional mismatches such as errors in
conveying denotative meaning and breaches of the TL system.
In her revised version of the model, House (1997) essentially over-
hauls the analytical categories used for determining textual profiles.
Still largely remaining within a Hallidayan framework, she now ana-
lyses texts in terms of register, looking at field (i.e. roughly, the subject
matter), tenor (i.e. who takes part in the communication) and mode
(i.e. the channel of communication and the ways in which interaction
is established, e.g. through the use of imperative or interrogative sen-
tences). This is complemented by the notion of genre, which House
sees as suitable for relating a given individual text to the class of texts
with which it shares a common communicative purpose. In particular,
the notion of register is used to analyse texts at the micro-contextual
level of linguistic choices, while genre is used to connect a text with
Juliane House 163
the macro-context of the linguistic and cultural community. As in the
previous version of the model, the aim is to identify a textual profile
and then use this as a yardstick for translation assessment.
The textual profile as identified at the analytical stage of Houses
model essentially characterizes the function of a text. In considering
it for translation assessment, House notes, however, that another fac-
tor must be taken into account, namely, the type of general transla-
tion strategy required by a text. Whereas earlier model of translation
assessments looked at text types, holding the strategy chosen for
translation as a constant, House believes that this strategy is a fun-
damental factor and that its role must be acknowledged, so as to
accommodate factors of a processual nature in the framework for
assessment. The two general translation types identified by House, on
the basis of an empirical observation of translated texts, are overt and
covert translation. The distinction is introduced in House (1977) and
then refined in the later version of the model.
An overt translation is one that presents the text explicitly as a
translation. Two essential types of source text lead to such a transla-
tion (House 1997: 6669): a text closely associated with a historical
occasion (e.g. a speech delivered by a prominent political figure) or
what House calls a timeless (1997: 66) text, i.e. a text of literary
status that, while, transmitting a message of general significance is
also clearly source-culture specific. With these types of texts, a dir-
ect match of the original ST function is not possible, as translation
entails a displacement of the text which makes its original function
lose the relevance it had in the original context (which, incidentally,
can also happen in the SL context when the reception of the text is far
removed along the temporal axis). The task of the translator of such
texts is, for House, that of ensuring that the TL reader has access to the
cultural and contextual discourse world of the original. In the TT, in
other words, the translator aims at matching a second level function
(House 1997: 67). In particular, House suggests that for texts linked
to specific historical occasions the translator should abstain from any
changes aimed at finding equivalents for culture-specific geograph-
ical, temporal or social-class markers. For literary texts, however, she
164 Key Thinkers
accepts that TL cultural equivalents for such markers may in some
cases be proposed. For example, expressions in a given SL dialect
might be replaced with a TL dialect (House 1997: 68), but cases such
as these are often bound to lead to insoluble equivalence problems.
Covert translation, on the other hand, is the strategy leading to
the creation of a translated text that enjoys the status of an original
source text in the target culture (1997: 69). In particular, a covert
translation is one that reproduces the function of the ST where this
function has no particular ties to the source culture. Texts that lead
to a covert translation include scientific and economic texts, tourist
brochures, journalistic texts and in general all authorless texts or texts
that have dispensable authors (House 1997: 163). The original and
its covert translation need not, for House, be equivalent at the lin-
guistic, textual and register level. At these levels the translator may
legitimately manipulate the original using what House calls a cultural
filter, i.e. a motivated intervention on the ST aimed at adjusting the
translation in terms of the usage norms and the stylistic conventions
prevalent in the TL community.
The overt/covert distinction is added to the parameters relating to
the linguistic-textual profile so as to compose the general framework
for the assessment of translated texts. Overt and covert translations
differ in terms of the equivalence established between ST and TT. In
particular, covert translation may be seen to be equivalent in terms
of the primary level function of the text, i.e. it serves in the TL the
same function as in the SL. Overt translation, on the other hand, only
serves a secondary level function, i.e. one that is different from that
of the ST. Particular importance is attached by House in the revised
version of her model to the cultural filter that, in covert translation,
she sees as operating so that equivalence of primary level function
is established. The cultural filter is what enables the translator to
treat rhetorical and stylistic aspects such as directness, explicitness
and reliance on verbal routines of formulas, adapting them to the
conventions observed in the TL for a given genre. These aspects of
cross-cultural pragmatics are of primary importance in translation, but
as House herself acknowledges (1997: 115f.), empirical studies in this
Juliane House 165
area are still scarce and constitute a possible fruitful direction of future
research on translation.
Essential reading
House, J. (1977), A Model for Translation Quality Assessment. Tbin-
gen: Narr.
House, J. (1997), Translation Quality Assessment. A Model Revisited.
Tbingen: Narr.
166 Key Thinkers
Peter Newmark
In the English-speaking world, Peter Newmark has played a crucial role
in the development of translation as an academic discipline and a sub-
ject for training at academic level. Born in Czechoslovakia, he moved to
Britain in his early childhood and there he studied Modern Languages
at Trinity College, Cambridge. After World War II he began his lifelong
career as a teacher of modern languages, which culminated in 1974
with his appointment as Professor of Translation at the Polytechnic of
Central London, where he introduced the first courses in Translation
Theory together with training on both literary and non-literary trans-
lation. In the same years he started contributing articles on translation
to The Linguist and in 1981 he published Approaches to Translation,
a book that in the following years was adopted in translator training
courses all over the world. His second book, A Textbook of Translation
(1988), again proved popular with translator trainers thanks to its
wealth of examples and the wide range of topics treated in it.
The teaching and practice of translation play a significant role in
Peter Newmarks view on translation, which is firmly established within
a linguistically oriented approach but is prepared to acknowledge the
influence of considerations that go beyond linguistics, embracing
primarily the procedural aspects of translation but also touching on
issues such as the translators moral responsibilities. Translation the-
ory, for Newmark (1981: 37),
precipitates a methodology concerned with making the translator
pause and think, with producing a natural text or a conscious devi-
ation from a natural text or a closest natural equivalent, with sensi-
tizing him against howlers and false cognates, but not being afraid
to recognize true cognates.
Newmarks theory thus concerns, in essence, the methodology of
translation, which he sees as the identification and description of the
procedures that are more likely to help the translator in providing an
answer to what he considers to be the central issue of translation: when
Peter Newmark 167
to translate freely and when to translate literally. The identification
of an appropriate method of translation is seen by Newmark as rest-
ing on the consideration of a variety of factors, starting from the lan-
guage functions realized by the ST through to the role of contextual
factors and the relative importance of ST author and TT readers, an
aspect which he considers as playing a fundamental role.
Reacting against the emphasis given to the role of TT readers (and
the consequent equation of translation with communication) that he
sees as typical of some contemporary approaches (e.g. Eugene A.
Nidas), Newmark (1981) proposes a distinction between two general
methods of translation, communicative and semantic translation: the
former attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible
to that obtained on the readers of the original; the latter attempts to
render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second
language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original (Newmark
1981: 39). In other words, while communicative translation recognizes
the importance of catering for the TT readers needs, semantic trans-
lation is a mode of translation intended to acknowledge the authority
of the ST author. In particular, communicative translation is presented
by Newmark as suited for all those texts (the majority) where original-
ity of expression is not an important aspect. Semantic translation, on
the other hand, is presented as the method to be preferred for texts
in which the form is as important as the content, e.g. great speeches,
autobiographical and literary works, but also philosophical, scientific
and technical texts showing originality of expression.
Newmarks distinction echoes Nidas opposition between formal and
dynamic equivalence in translation, where dynamic equivalence is based
on the principle of equivalent effect. Newmarks focus, however, is not
on the effect to be achieved by the translated text but, rather, on the
orientation of translation in terms of accuracy. His semantic translation is
meant to accurately reproduce the meanings of the ST as presented by its
author, while communicative translation is intended to accurately repro-
duce the communicative significance and force of the ST, thereby insist-
ing on the TL context and readers. For Newmark, equivalent effect is
an important intuitive principle (1988: 49) but it is also ultimately illusory,
168 Key Thinkers
especially if the [source] text is out of TL space and time (1981: 69). It is
seen as having a degree of application to any type of text, but not the
same degree of importance (Newmark 1988: 49).
The two general methods of communicative and semantic transla-
tion are set by Newmark against the functions served by the text to be
translated, which he describes by resorting to Karl Bhlers distinction
between expressive, informative and vocative uses of language (see lan-
guage functions). In general, the more important the language of a
text, i.e. the more prominent the expressive function, the more closely,
i.e. semantically, the text has to be translated. Conversely, the more
informative or vocative the language of the ST, the more communi-
cative the translation. The two methods, semantic and communica-
tive, could thus be said to give prominence on SL words and TL context
respectively, and the role of theory is for Newmark essentially that of
assisting translators in choosing either method or in reaching the right
compromise between them on the basis of the relevant factors in the
translation situation. Within this framework, a particular aspect empha-
sized by Newmark in more recent years is the obligation of translators
to consider their task as ultimately responding neither to authors nor to
readers, but rather to universal truth, so as to be prepared to identify
and gloss any expression of prejudice in the texts they translate.
Newmarks insistence on translation methodology and the enor-
mous wealth of practical examples of translation techniques and
procedures that he gives in his writings must then be interpreted in
light of his essentially utilitarian view of theory and his insistence on
translation practice as a skill and an art. This lends to his discussion of
translation a strongly prescriptive bias of the kind which many scholars
of the next generation have tried to avoid. Much as with Nidas work,
however, Newmarks ideas on translation continue to be of relevance
for several aspects of the current scholarly debate on translation.
Essential reading
Newmark, P. (1981), Approaches to Translation. Oxford: Pergamon.
Newmark, P. (1988), A Textbook of Translation. New York/London:
Prentice Hall.
Eugene A. Nida 169
Eugene A. Nida
Eugene A. Nidas theory of translation, elaborated over the two dec-
ades following 1945, is essentially a result of his work on Bible trans-
lation, but his ideas have had a profound effect on thinking about
translation in general, in many ways dominating the field up until
the consolidation of functional, cultural and historical-descriptive
approaches in the 1980s. Nidas work has a firm linguistic grounding
but at the same time insists on the communicative aspects of trans-
lation, emphasizing the reception of target readers and the ensuing
dynamism linked to any act of meaning transfer across languages and
cultures. Indeed, he makes a point of talking about receptor language
instead of target language so as to stress the fact that in translation a
message is received by readers rather than shot at a target. A full-
length account of Nidas theory of translation is presented in Towards
a Science of Translating (Nida 1964); the book was followed a few
years later by another much-quoted volume (this time having a more
pedagogical focus) co-authored with Charles R. Taber: The Theory
and Practice of Translation (Nida and Taber 1969).
Translation is for Nida to be equated with the reproduction of a
message in the TL. As such, it should give priority to the transfer of
meaning over formal correspondence with the SL, to a consideration
of contextual meaning over fixed semantic correspondences, and to
TL naturalness and acceptability, this last aspect being closely associ-
ated with a consideration of the type of audience the translation is
addressed to. This view of translation is based on a model of commu-
nication that sees language as the communication of a message which
is encoded by the sender and then decoded by the receiver. In trans-
lation, a transfer mechanism is posited by Nida whereby the decoding
of messages in the SL can be transformed so as to become a source
for the encoding in the TL. The ethnolinguistic dimension of the model
gives emphasis to the receiving end and in particular to the cultural and
temporal differences often existing between STs and TTs.
Based on the general model briefly sketched above, translating
is seen by Nida as a process involving there fundamental stages: ST
170 Key Thinkers
analysis, transfer and restructuring in the TL. At the analysis stage,
the first step in translating, the translator considers the grammat-
ical relationships between ST constituents, the referential meaning
of ST semantic units and the connotative values of these units. The
aim of the grammatical analysis is that of transforming the surface
structures of the ST into underlying core structures, a move that can
facilitate transfer into another language. In particular, the core struc-
tures identified by grammatical analysis are the kernels, i.e. basic
structural elements out of which the language builds its elaborate
surface structures (Nida and Taber 1969: 39). These are seen to
belong to four basic structural classes: objects (e.g. man, dog, tree),
events (run, walk, like), abstracts (divided into: qualitative: red, big;
quantitative: many, twice; intensive: too, very; and spatio-temporal:
here, that) and relationals (functioning as markers of the relations
between other terms: at, by, because). The process used to trans-
form elements of the surface structure into kernels is labelled back-
transformation. Used on simple phrases, this process may help in
clarifying the relations between individual elements. So, for example,
reducing to kernel level the grammatical constructions formed by
two nouns or pronouns connected by of may reveal the diversity of
relations that this structure expresses. Examples include (cf. Nida and
Taber 1969: 3637):
(a) the will of God God wills
(b) the foundation of the world (God) creates the world
(c) the riches of grace (God) shows grace
(d) remission of sins (God) forgives (the peoples) sin
Once back-transformation is applied to longer stretches of text, and
meaningful relations between the kernels have been identified, a
kernel sentence is arrived at, that is, a simple, declarative sentence
ready for transfer into another language. For example, the sentence
John . . . preached the baptism of repentance unto the forgiveness of
the sins can be segmented into the following near-kernel structures
Eugene A. Nida 171
(Nida [1969] 1989: 8485):
(1) John preached (the message) (to the people) (2) John baptized
(the people) (3) (the people) repented of (their) sins (4) (God) for-
gave (the people) (their) sins (5) (the people) sinned
After the relations between the kernels are spelled out, the sentence
could be reformulated as John preached that the people should repent
and be baptized so that God would forgive the evil they had done, or,
using a form of direct address, John preached, Repent and be bap-
tized so that God will forgive the evil you have done, to be used as the
basis for translation. Nidas approach to grammatical analysis is the
aspect which shows more clearly how his theory of translation was
influenced by the linguistic theories prevalent in the 1950s and 1960s.
In particular, the notion of kernels is based on Noam Chomskys
generative-transformational grammar, a model of language present-
ing surface sentences as the result of various levels of transformation
operated on deep structure, an underlying structural level common
to all languages.
At the level of semantics, the analysis stage of translation looks at
the referential and connotative meaning of words. In both cases the
role of context in resolving the potential ambiguity of words is con-
sidered essential. Nida presents various methods of semantic analysis,
such as looking at the hierarchical relationships between meanings
(Nida and Taber 1969: 68f.) or performing componential analysis
(Nida 1964: 84f.), a method aimed at discovering and organizing the
semantic components of words.
The transfer stage is seen by Nida as taking place at near-kernel level,
that is, the level at which relations between units are more easily iden-
tified and languages exhibit the greatest degree of similarity. At the
semantic level, this is the stage where the componential features iden-
tified during analysis can be redistributed onto the units that will then
form the basis for the restructuring stage. Redistribution of the semantic
components can be complete, as in the transfer of idioms, analytical
172 Key Thinkers
as when the word disciples is translated with elements saying some-
thing like those who followed him, or it may involve a synthesis, as
when brothers and sisters is translated with a word meaning siblings.
At the stage of restructuring the translator decides on the final TL form
of the translation. In particular, at this stage Nida distinguishes between
two basic orientations in translating, both aimed at finding the closest
possible equivalents in the TL but differing in their focus of attention.
Formal equivalence is the mode oriented at the form and content of the
source-language message. Dynamic equivalence is the mode oriented
at the target receivers: it is the the closest natural equivalent to the
source-language message (Nida 1964: 166), where natural means that
the translation must fit the target language and culture as a whole, the
context of the particular message and the target audience. Although he
acknowledges that formal equivalence as a mode of translation may be
suitable for certain types of messages and audiences, Nida clearly equates
successful translation with one where dynamic equivalence predom-
inates, as evidenced by what he presents as the four basic requirements
of a translation (Nida 1964: 164): (1) making sense, (2) conveying the spirit
and manner of the original, (3) having a natural and easy form of expres-
sion and (4) producing a similar response (see equivalent effect).
Nidas insistence on the reception pole in translation and the nat-
uralness to be ensured in target texts has probably been influenced
by his work on Bible translation (an area in which he has been a firm
opponent of earlier approaches advocating formal correspondence);
seen from a larger perspective, his theory can be characterized as the
first linguistically based consolidation of views of translation as com-
munication one stating a strong case for all the approaches that,
throughout the history of thinking on translation, had variously been
presented as alternatives to literalness or faithfulness. Nidas insist-
ence on equivalence of effect has later been criticized as an impossible
ideal, on account of the fact the translation invariably involves a loss of
the meanings and context associated with the ST and that response
to a text is hardly the same in two different cultures and times. By the
same token, his treatment of meaning may seem too confident on the
possibility securing it on a scientific description.
Eugene A. Nida 173
These reservations notwithstanding, Nidas work can be considered
a landmark for at least two reasons. First, his theory of translation has
been among the first to analyse in a systematic fashion translation
problems and the way they are linked to issues of style and culture.
Second, Nidas insistence on the dynamic character of translation can
be seen as a plausible answer to the question of translatability, of
which it has contributed to emphasize the relativistic nature. As Nida
wrote back in the 1960s:
descriptions or definitions of translating are not served by determin-
istic rules; rather, they depend on probabilistic rules. One cannot
therefore state that a particular translation is good or bad without
taking into consideration a myriad factors, which in turn must be
weighted in a number of different ways, with a number of appre-
ciably different answers. (Nida 1964: 164)
Words such as probabilistic and factor and the emphasis on the
difference in responses to translated texts are still very much at the
centre of the debate on translation more than forty years on.
Essential reading
Nida, E. A. (1964), Toward a Science of Translating: With Special Ref-
erence to Principles and Procedures Involved in Bible Translating.
Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Nida, E. A. ([1969] 1989), Science of Translation, in A. Chesterman (ed.),
Readings in Translation Theory. Helsinki: Finn Lectura, pp. 8098.
Originally published in: Language, 45(3), 1969, pp. 483498.
Nida, E. A. and Taber, C. R. (1969), The Theory and Practice of Trans-
lation. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
174 Key Thinkers
Mary Snell-Hornby
The UK-born linguist Mary Snell-Hornby has been among the earliest
proponents of an interdisciplinary approach in years in which the study
of translation was still widely considered to belong to the realm of
either linguistics or literary studies, with little communication between
the two sides as regards possible combinations of approaches and
methods. Building on a vast experience as both a translator and a
teacher of translation in Germany, in 1988 Snell-Hornby published
the book Translation Studies. An Integrated Approach, with the aim
of showing how some concepts developed in linguistics could indeed
be put to beneficial use in the analysis of literary translation. At the
same time, the book laid the groundwork for an approach intended
to grant independent status to translation studies as a discipline. This
was an objective that various scholars (such as James H. Holmes)
had also been pursuing in the previous years, although largely unbe-
knownst to the others on account of the still fragmented situation of
the field. In the subsequent years Snell-Hornby has played a funda-
mental role in the consolidation of translation studies as a field in its
own right and she has also been one of the strongest advocates of
its fundamentally interdisciplinary nature.
In her 1988 book (revised in 1995), Snell-Hornby proposes a cat-
egorization of texts aimed at signalling the system of relationships
among the text themselves and the relevant criteria for translation.
Any given text is seen by Snell-Hornby as a complex multidimensional
whole and the concrete realization of an ideal prototype. More spe-
cifically, Snell-Hornbys categorization takes the form of a stratifica-
tional model proceeding from the most general to the most specific
level. In particular, the model incorporates the following levels, each
presented as a cline with no clear demarcations:
the three general conventional areas of translation: literary, general A.
language, special language;
the prototypical basic text types, ranging from the Bible through to B.
theatre works and films, poetry, literature, light fiction, newspaper
Mary Snell-Hornby 175
texts, advertising, legal texts, medical texts and scientific and
technological texts;
the non-linguistic disciplines of relevance for translation, includ- C.
ing cultural history, socio-cultural and area studies and special
the aspects and criteria relevant for the translation process, to be D.
related to:
1. the scope of interpretation of the ST, which is broader at the
literary pole and narrower at the special-language pole;
2. the conceptual adherence between ST and TT, seen as looser at
the literary pole and closer at the special-language pole;
3. the communicative function of the TT, which becomes strictly
informative towards the special-language pole;
the areas of linguistics relevant for translation, including historical E.
linguistics (literary pole), text linguistics and pragmatics and termin-
ology (special-language pole).
Translation-oriented analyses of texts (aimed either at performing or
assessing translation) should, for Snell-Hornby, proceed from the top
down. In other words, strategies of translation can be developed pro-
ceeding from general observations as regards area of specialization,
language variety and style of the text, down to individual grammatical
and lexical items. The interdisciplinary nature of translation derives
from this multiple dimensions found in texts.
Snell-Hornbys model has been among the first to point to the
specificity of translation as both an activity and a field of inquiry. In
drawing attention to the web of relationships (Snell Hornby [1988]
1995: 36) translation is concerned with, she has been prescient of
many developments that were to come in the discipline in the follow-
ing two decades, as the attention of scholars moved from an exclu-
sive preoccupation with issues of equivalence to the study of the
several various constraints acting on translational phenomena. In her
later work Snell-Hornby herself has focused on areas such the trans-
lation of multimodal texts and theatre translation (see e.g. Snell-
Hornby 1996, 2006), which had hardly been investigated prior to the
176 Key Thinkers
1980s. Of particular interest is also her more recent book The Turns of
Translation Studies (2006), which charts the development of the dis-
cipline in the last few decades, critically assessing the significance of
its various turns and (real or assumed) changes of paradigm.
Essential reading
Snell-Hornby, M. ([1988] 1995), Translation Studies. An Integrated
Approach. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Snell-Hornby, M. (2006), The Turns of Translation Studies. Amster-
dam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Gideon Toury 177
Gideon Toury
Within the disciplinary framework delineated by James H. Holmes,
whose work he has greatly contributed to disseminate, the Israeli
scholar Gideon Toury has given himself the task of developing the
descriptive branch of translation studies, in the firm belief that any
theory of translation can only be elaborated on the basis of accurate
and systematic descriptions of translational phenomena. Translation
studies is for Toury an essentially empirical discipline, and as such it
needs to look at how translations are produced and received, which
implies that most of the attention on the part of researchers should
go to the target pole of translation: translation are facts of the target
culture says one of Tourys (1995: 29) most famous formulations, and
as such they need to be described with a proper contextualization in
that culture. Tourys work on the application of norm theory to trans-
lation and his insistence on devising research methods appropriate for
translation studies (and not borrowed wholesale from neighbouring
disciplines such as linguistics) is to be seen in this light.
Tourys early theoretical work was conducted in the 1970s within
the framework of Polysystem Theory, and mainly in relation to lit-
erary translation. The work he carried out in those years led to his
1980 book In Search of a Theory of Translation, which however only
enjoyed limited circulation. It was in this book that Toury first deline-
ated his theory of translational norms. In particular, he started from
the assumption that translations occupy a position and fulfil a certain
function in the social and literary systems of the target culture, and
that this determines the particular strategies employed by translators.
Such strategies, in turn, are based on the norms guiding the choices
made by translators, seen as the notions of correctness or appropri-
ateness that they adhere to in their work. Such notions are related to
the receiving end of translation only, and it is in this sense that transla-
tions are to be seen primarily as facts of the target culture.
Tourys 1995 book Descriptive Translation Studies and beyond is
an expansion and refinement of his earlier ideas, this time related to
translation in general and not just to literary translation. The book
178 Key Thinkers
delineates a fully fledged programme of descriptive research, seen as
the necessary prerequisite for any treatment of translation at theoret-
ical level. In particular, descriptions of translational phenomena should
for Toury take into account as wide a variety as possible of conditions
under which translation is carried out, at both individual and social
level. The results of these descriptions must be brought to bear on
the theoretical branch of the discipline but, as Toury (1995: 1417)
himself points out, the relationship between theory and description is
bidirectional. More specifically, Toury (1995: 1516) sees translation
studies as a discipline which aims at tackling three types of issues:
(1) all that translation can involve in principle;
(2) what translation does involve in principle;
(3) what translation is likely to involve under specified conditions.
Step (1) is basically theoretical and speculative; at this stage, hypotheses
of an essentially logical nature can be made on, say, how metaphor
is translated (cf. Toury 1995: 8184). Step (2) carries out descriptive
work, establishing the relevant variables and their impact on modes
of translational behaviour; to continue with the example, it is at this
stage that a corpus of texts is examined to see how metaphors are
actually translated. Step (3) refines, at a theoretical level again, the
initial hypotheses based on the descriptive work, and can either
make predictions on future behaviour or put forward more elaborate
hypotheses to be tested empirically; in the case of metaphors, based
on the observation of actual translations in relation to certain TL con-
textual features, it may be hypothesized, for example, that their use
in TTs is governed by a given target norm and has nothing to do with
the nature of the source metaphors themselves.
The aim of translation studies is thus for Toury essentially of a
descriptive-explanatory nature (as opposed, for instance, to the insist-
ence on applied aims of other target-oriented approaches such as
skopos theory). Within this framework, norms are a central notion
as they are seen by Toury as capable of doing away with the need to
define what translation is in essential terms. Toury, in other words,
proposes to look at what people take to be (good or bad) translations
Gideon Toury 179
based on their own ideas of what (good or bad) translations should
be like and this, in turn, is taken by Toury as exerting a binding influ-
ence on how translators approach their task. The influence is binding
because adherence to norms on the part of translators is sanctioned:
negatively for those who violate them, positively for those who abide
by them (Toury 1999: 16).
Norms thus provide the link between, on the one hand, the general
values or ideas shared by a community as to what is right/wrong or
adequate/inadequate and, on the other, the performance of transla-
tors observed in particular situations. They could be seen as the rep-
ertoire of habits, skills and styles based on which translators adopt
certain strategies instead of others. In terms of the production of
translations, they act as binding guidelines, as adherence to norms is
sanctioned (positively or negatively, as we have seen). In terms of the
assessment of translations, norms serve as parameters or yardsticks.
Norms are not permanent laws: they are socio-cultural constraints
affecting the process of translation as carried out by the translators
who are active in a given culture, community or group. In particular,
they have a graded and relative nature (Toury 1999: 21) and are gen-
erally middle of the way between rules (objective norms) and idiosyn-
cracies (subjective norms).
More specifically, Toury (1995: 5465) distinguishes two types of
norms, both seen as historically, socially and culturally determined.
Preliminary norms have to do with decisions of translation policy (i.e.
the choice of texts to be translated) and with the possibility to rely
on indirect translation, or translation through an intermediate lan-
guage. Operational norms govern the decisions taken during the act
of translation as regards textual and linguistic aspects. Besides these
two groups of norms, an initial norm is also assumed by Toury to
govern the translators basic choice between two polar alternatives
(1980: 54), the ST and the TL. When orienting the translation towards
the ST, the translator is said to provide an adequate translation; when
subscribing to the norms active in the TL, the translator is said to pro-
vide an acceptable translation. Thus, for example, a translation aiming
at adequacy will essentially try to make sure that the basic rules of
180 Key Thinkers
the TL system are not breached, while one aiming at acceptability will
distance itself considerably from the formal and textual aspects of the
The particular norms that can be seen to have guided the transla-
tion of a text or group of texts can be reconstructed, for Toury, from
two types of sources. One is the texts themselves, where regularities
of behaviour (1995: 55) can be observed and related to the contextual
factors influencing the translation. The other source is represented by
the explicit statements about translation norms made by translators,
publishers, critics and the like; this second source, however, should
be treated with circumspection, as explicit formulations of norms are
likely to be biased and partial (Toury 1995: 65).
In the long run, as the descriptive analyses of translational phe-
nomena cumulate findings, Toury considers it possible to arrive at the
formulation of probabilistic laws of translation, which is however a
task that lies beyond the remit of descriptive studies. These laws are
theoretical formulations which state the relations obtaining between
a set of relevant variables. Being probabilistic, they are meant to state
the likelihood that a particular behaviour (or linguistic realization)
would occur under specified conditions, and are arrived at based on
the findings provided by descriptive studies.
As an illustrative example, Toury (1995: 267279) discusses two
laws, the law of growing standardisation and the law of interfer-
ence. The former says that in translation, source-text textmes tend
to be converted into target-text repertoremes (Toury 1995: 268) or,
in other words, that the textual relations observed in the original texts
(e.g. an unusual collocation) tend to be replaced by translators with
relations that are more habitual in the target language (e.g. a fixed
collocation). The law of interference says that ST linguistic features
tend to be transferred to the TT, with the possibility of giving rise to
negative transfer, i.e. deviations from codified TL practices. The two
laws have appeared to run counter each other to some scholars (e.g.
Chesterman 1997: 72), with interference pointing to the dominance of
the SL and growing standardization pointing at the dominance of the
TL. Pym (2008), however, shows that if the two laws are considered
Gideon Toury 181
beyond the purely linguistic level, they can both be regarded as ways
in which translators avoid the risk associated with given tasks: in other
words, given the expectations of TL readers, in some cases transla-
tors may see a degree of interference as the safest option, whereas
in other cases TL standardization will be seen as the most rewarding
Essential reading
Pym, A. (2008), On Tourys laws of how translators translate, in A. Pym,
M. Shlesinger, M. and D. Simeoni (eds), Beyond Descriptive Transla-
tion Studies. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 311328.
Toury, G. (1995), Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond. Amster-
dam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Toury, G. (1999), A handful of paragraphs on translation and
norms , in C. Schffner (ed.), Translation and Norms. Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters, pp. 931.
182 Key Thinkers
Lawrence Venuti
The work of Lawrence Venuti, an American translator and trans-
lation theorist, reflects and develops some of the major trends
emerged in culturally oriented approaches to translation over the
1980s and 1990s. Showing particular affinity with hermeneutic and
poststructuralist approaches to language and translation, Venuti has
set himself the task of elaborating an ethically committed approach
to translation, arguing for the adoption of forms of translating cap-
able of providing increased visibility to the work of translators and
thus aimed at overcoming the marginality of translation observed
both in North-American academic circles and in the larger Anglo-
American cultural scenario.
Operating in an area straddling cultural studies and translation
studies, Venuti does not share the overemphasis on theory and
speculation typical of the former yet at the same time criticizes the
anti-intellectualism of the latter. In particular, he objects to the empiri-
cism that, from his point of view, translation studies scholars often
indulge in, which leads them to neglect such decisive aspects as the
social and political contexts in which translators operate and transla-
tions are received: [t]he empiricism that prevails in translation studies
tends to privilege analytical concepts derived from linguistics, regard-
less of how narrow or limited they may be in their explanatory power
(Venuti 2003: 248). More specifically, Venuti sees empiricism as carry-
ing two main limitations: (1) in devising complex analytical concepts, it
provides too much detail to solve translation problems; and (2) it uses
those concepts, which are essentially rooted in linguistics, as stand-
ards for the assessment of translations. In the long run, he claims,
the empiricism in translation studies resists the sort of speculative
thinking that encourages translators to reflect on the cultural, ethical,
and political issues raised by their work (2003: 249).
Venutis own reflection (see particularly Venuti 1998, [1995] 2008)
is on the situation and status of translation in the Anglo-American
tradition. Venuti ([1995] 2008) provides an account of the history of
translation from the 17
century onwards, showing how the canon of
Lawrence Venuti 183
foreign literatures translated into English has been constructed mainly
on the basis of one particular strategy, which he labels domestication.
This strategy is concerned both with the mode of linguistic and stylis-
tic transfer chosen for foreign texts and with the choice of texts to be
translated. As a mode of translation, domestication entails translating
in a transparent, fluent style, felt as capable of giving access to the ST
authors precise meaning. This in turn influences the choice of texts
to be translated, as these are selected largely for their capacity to be
translated with a domesticating approach.
Venuti sees such a strategy aimed at producing fluent and transpar-
ent translations as having two main consequences. On the one hand,
domesticated translation renders the work of translators ultimately
invisible. Publishers, reviewers and readers expect a translated text to
read like an original and therefore to present no linguistic or stylistic
peculiarities. As translators strive to secure readability and adhere to
current usage, readers are presented with the illusion of transparency
and the translators own work is made invisible. A second consequence
of the domesticating approach has to do with the ethnocentric reduc-
tion of the foreign text to the values of the TL culture. Translation is
for Venuti ([1995] 2008: 13f.) inevitably an act of violence: the multi-
plicity of potential meanings of a foreign text end up being fixed by
any given translation, as translating is only possible on the strength
of an interpretation (13), especially for cultural forms open to inter-
pretation such as literary texts, philosophical treatises, film subtitling,
advertising copy, conference papers, and legal testimony (19). In
translation, the meaning of such texts is bound to be reconstituted
according to TL values and beliefs and following hierarchies of dom-
inance and marginality (Venuti [1995] 2008: 14). Albeit inevitable,
this reconstruction of meanings can nonetheless be directed towards
different TL values and beliefs. Domesticating strategies in translation
are ethnocentric in that they bring the dominant values and beliefs of
the TL to bear on the foreign texts.
An alternative method to domestication, and one that Venuti sees
as better equipped to register the irreducible differences obtaining
in foreign texts, is foreignization, which Venuti conceptualizes in
184 Key Thinkers
rather close adherence with the ideas of the French translator and
translation theorist Antoine Berman ([1984] 1992). (Berman in turn,
recovered the distinction between domesticating and foreignizing
translation from the writings of the 19
-century German theolo-
gian and philosopher Friedrich Schleiermacher; see Introduction.)
Foreignization is a mode of translation which favours strategies
that exploit resources available in the TL (e.g. its various registers,
styles or dialects) to create a defamiliarizing yet intelligible effect in
the translated text. For Venuti, foreignizing translation is not to be
equated with literalness (as it tended to be in Berman), as he allows
this general strategy of translation to take very different, even con-
flicting forms: not only close, resistant renderings, but also render-
ings that mix different cultural discourses, or even ones that are free
and fluent. The two concepts of domestication and foreignization,
in other words, must not be seen as acting exclusively on a linguistic
or stylistic level. Rather, they are fundamentally ethical attitudes
(Venuti [1995] 2008: 19) towards a foreign text and culture, or two
different ways of answering what Venuti sees as the central question
of translation: given that translation always presupposes a domes-
tic inscription or a TL slant (Venuti 2004) in the foreign text, what
remedies can be sought in order to partially preserve or restore the
foreignness so that it is not completely appropriated by the receiv-
ing culture? Venuti sees this as an essentially ethical question and
he himself is very clear in declaring his preference for foreignizing,
or resistant, forms translation. Although these can be as partial
as domesticating translations, Venuti considers it ethically important
that they are explicitly so. Illustrations of how forms of foreigniz-
ing translation can be enacted at the linguistic/stylistic level are pre-
sented as case studies scattered through most of Venutis books and
papers, often with reference to his own translating experience (see
e.g. Venuti 1998, 2003).
Essential reading
Venuti, L. (1998), The Scandals of Translation. Towards an Ethics of
Difference. London/New York: Routledge.
Lawrence Venuti 185
Venuti, L. (2003), Translating Derrida on translation: Relevance
and disciplinary resistance, The Yale Journal of Criticism, 16(2),
pp. 237262.
Venuti, L. ([1995] 2008), The Translators Invisibility. A History of Trans-
lation. London/New York: Routledge.
186 Key Thinkers
Hans J. Vermeer
The German scholar Hans J. Vermeer is one of the initiators of the rad-
ical change of paradigm that took place in the study of translation in
the decade between 1975 and 1985, leading to a reassessment of the
linguistically oriented approaches that had dominated the field in the
previous decades. Kept firmly within the realm of applied linguistics,
translation was till then looked at mainly in terms of a relationship of
equivalence between ST and TT (e.g. as in Koller 1979) and its study
was generally based on a scientific approach rooted in linguistic the-
ories, although already accepting insights from sociolinguistics (e.g. in
Nida 1964) or communication theory (e.g. in Wilss 1982).
Following a lecture course on a General Theory of Translation held
in 19761977 (and attended by other scholars, such as Hans Hnig
and Paul Kussmaul, who would later be associated with function-
alist approaches), in 1978 Vermeer published an essay called Ein
Rahmen fr eine allgemeine Translationstheorie, where he lay the
basis for what later came to be known as Skopostheorie, or sko-
pos theory. This was further elaborated in subsequent works (e.g.
Vermeer 1983) and then extensively presented in a book written by
Vermeer together with Katharina Reiss: Grundlegung einer allge-
meinen Translationstheorie, or Foundations for a General Theory of
Translation (Reiss and Vermeer 1984; for presentations of the theory
written in English by Vermeer itself, see Vermeer 1989, 1996).
The book, divided in two parts, first presents a detailed illustration
of skopos theory and then, in the second part, outlines a series of
special theories that adapt Reiss text typology (which had been
originally presented in Reiss 1971) to the more general model. The
general theory is based on a view of translation as a form of action. As
all action, it is governed by a certain aim or purpose, labelled skopos
(Greek for purpose or goal). The skopos is thus the particular pur-
pose for which a translator produces a new text in the TL (referred to
as translatum by Vermeer). Merely transcoding an ST into the TL is
not sufficient in order to produce an adequate translation; as the tar-
get text is produced in, and oriented towards, the target culture, the
Hans J. Vermeer 187
overriding factor in producing it is its particular skopos which does
not rule out that literal translation can be a legitimate translational
skopos itself (Vermeer 1989: 176).
In Vermeer and Reiss (1984: 134136), five broad translation types
are identified (the English translation of the label for each type is
based on Snell-Hornby 2006: 5253): an interlinear version is a text
which reproduces the sequence of TL words disregarding TL rules; a
grammar translation observes rules of usage in the TL but only serves
illustrative purposes, e.g. in foreign language classes; a documentary
translation is a text aimed at informing the reader of the ST content;
a communicative translation is oriented towards the target culture
and conforms to TL conventions; finally, an adapting translation is one
where the ST is assimilated still further in the target culture in order
to serve a particular function. Besides leading to the identification of
these global strategies, the skopos concept can be used in relation to
particular segments of a text (Vermeer 1989: 175), although Vermeer
is not specific about how exactly the reproduction of ST segments at
a micro-contextual level may be guided by the skopos.
In actual translation situations, the skopos of the translation is spe-
cified, implicitly or explicitly, by the client in the translation brief
(see also Vermeer 1989: 182187), and where the brief is not specific
as to the ultimate purpose of the translation, this is usually apparent
from the situation itself, so that, for instance, a technical article about
some astronomical discovery is to be translated as technical article for
astronomers [. . .]; or if a company wants a business letter translated,
the natural assumption is that the letter will be used by the company
(1989: 183). Considering such assumptions valid, it can be concluded
that any translation is carried out according to a skopos (1986: 183).
To the critics who see skopos theory as unsuited for the description
of literary translation, Vermeer (1989: 177181) has responded that all
texts, including literary works, have a purpose and that this may have
been attached to them by readers or other users (e.g. publishers). The
faithful imitation of the original found in many literary translations
may be one legitimate skopos among others, possibly aimed at pre-
serving the breadth of interpretation of the ST.
188 Key Thinkers
In Vermeers approach, traditional debates on what translation is
or what types of equivalence relationships it establishes with the ST
become secondary, as they are seen to ignore the dynamism presup-
posed by the notion of skopos and inherent in any act of translation.
Such dynamism implies that, even for the same text, different trans-
lations are possible, each prioritizing a particular function. Vermeer
is always careful to stress that no particular goal or skopos is more
appropriate than others in any translation situation, and that the
ultimate aim of his theory is to make translators aware that some
goal exits, that translation is never a purposeless activity and that a
given text does not have one correct or best translation only (Vermeer
1983: 6288).
Skopos theory takes into consideration the actual practice of
translation and integrates it into its theoretical model to an extent
that, at the time Vermeers idea started to be circulated, might
have appeared revolutionary for those still looking at translation
in terms of static, contrastive descriptions of language. Vermeers
ideas, however, were developed in parallel to other theories and
approaches which were focusing attention on the socio-cultural
context in which translation takes place, thus contributing to what
Vermeer himself has described as the dethroning of the ST. Gideon
Tourys descriptive approach, for instance, was also bringing to the
fore notions such as function and culture, although considering
them from different perspectives. Juliane Houses model of qual-
ity assessment, first presented in 1977, may be seen to share with
skopos theory a holistic view of text, although House has always
energetically rejected target-audience notions of translation appro-
priateness. The contemporary model which skopos theory shows the
most affinity to is Holz-Mnttris (1984) theory of translatorial
action, largely on account of the emphasis that both models place
on the practice of translation. Over the years, Vermeer has included
many of Holz-Mnttris ideas into his thinking, such as the view of
the translator as an expert or that of translation as the design of a
new text in the TL a design which Vermeer sees as ultimately based
on the skopos of the text.
Hans J. Vermeer 189
Essential reading
Reiss, K. and Vermeer, H. J. (1984), Grundlegung einer allgemeinen
Translationstheorie. Tbingen: Niemeyer.
Vermeer, H. J. (1989), Skopos and commission in translational action,
in A. Chesterman (ed.), Readings in Translation Theory. Helsinki:
Finn Lectura, pp. 173187.
Vermeer, H. J. (1996), A Skopos Theory of Translation (Some Argu-
ments For and Against). Heidelberg: TEXTconTEXT.
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Key Readings and Bibliography
Titles presented as key readings are preceded by the symbol . The
section concludes with a list of the main journals and periodicals spe-
cializing in translation studies.
Aaltonen, S. (1997), Translating plays or baking apple pies: A functional
approach to the study of drama translation, in M. Snell-Hornby,
Z. Jettmarov and K. Kaindl (eds), Translation as Intercultural
Communication. Selected Papers from the EST Congress Prague
1995. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 8997.
Adab, B. (2005), Translating into a second language: Can we, should
we?, in G. Anderman and M. Rogers (eds), In and Out of English: For
Better, For Worse? Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 227241.
Alves, F. (ed.) (2003), Triangulating Translation. Perspectives in Process
Oriented Research. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Anderman, G. (2005), Europe on Stage. Translation and Theatre.
London: Oberon.
Appiah, K. A. (1993), Thick Translation. Callaloo, 16(4), 808819.
Reprinted in Venuti (2004), pp. 389401.
Baker, M. (1992), In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation.
London/New York: Routledge.
Baker, M. (1995), Corpora in Translation Studies: An overview and
some suggestions for future research, Target, 7(2), pp. 223243.
Baker, M. (1996), Corpus-based Translation Studies: The challenges
that lie ahead, in H. Somers (ed.), Terminology, LSP and Translation.
Studies in Language Engineering in Honour of Juan C. Sager.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 175186.
Baker, M. (ed.) (1998), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Stud-
ies. London/New York: Routledge.
192 Key Readings and Bibliography
Baker, M. (2006), Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account. London/
New York: Routledge.
Ballard, M. (1992), De Cicron Benjamin: Traducteurs, traductions,
rflexions. Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille.
Barkhudarov, L. (1993), The problem of the unit of translation, in
P. Zlateva (ed.), Translation as Social Action. London/New York:
Routledge, pp. 3946.
Bassnett, S. ([1980] 2002), Translation Studies. London/New York:
Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A. (eds) (1990), Translation, History and
Culture. London: Pinter.
Bassnett, S. and Trivedi, H. (eds) (1999), Post-colonial Translation.
Theory and Practice. London/New York: Routledge.
Bastin, G. (1998), Adaptation, in M. Baker (ed.), Routledge Encyclo pedia
of Translation Studies. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 58.
Bell, R. (1991), Translation and Translating. Theory and Practice.
London: Longman.
Benjamin, W. ([1923] 1963), Die Aufgabe des bersetzers, in
H. J. Strig (ed.), Das Problem des bersetzens. Darmstadt: Wissen-
schaftliche Buchgesellschaft, pp. 182195.
Berman, A. (1984), Lpreuve de ltranger. Culture et traduction
dans lAllemagne romantique. Paris: Gallimard (The Experience
of the Foreign. Culture and Translation in Romantic Germany.
Translated by S. Heyvaert. Albany: SUNY, 1992).
Bernardini, S. (2001), Think-Aloud Protocols in translation
research: Achievements, limits, future prospects, Target, 13(2),
pp. 241263.
Blum Kulka, S. (1986), Shifts of coherence and cohesion in trans-
lation, in J. House and S. Blum Kulka (eds), Interlingual and Inter-
cultural Communication. Discourse and Cognition in Trans lation and
Second Language Acquisition Studies. Tbingen: Narr, pp. 1735.
Reprinted in Venuti (2004), pp. 298313.
Cabr, M. T. (2003), Terminology. Theory, Methods and Applications.
Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Campbell, S. (1998), Translation into the Second Language. Harlow:
Key Readings and Bibliography 193
Catford, J. C. (1965), A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London:
Oxford University Press.
Chamberlain, L. (1988), Gender and the metaphorics of translation,
Signs, 13, pp. 454472. Reprinted in L. Venuti (ed.) (2004),
pp. 306321.
Chesterman, A. (1993), From is to ought: Laws, norms and
strategies in Translation Studies, Target, 5(1), pp. 120.
Chesterman, A. (1997), Memes of Translation. The Spread of Ideas
in Translation Theory. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Chesterman, A. (1998), Contrastive Functional Analysis. Amsterdam/
Philadelphia: Benjamins.
Chesterman, A. (2000a), A causal model for Translation Studies,
in M. Olohan (ed.), Intercultural Faultlines. Research Models in
Translation Studies I. Textual and Cognitive Aspects. Manchester:
St Jerome, pp. 1527.
Chesterman, A. (2000b), Memetics and translation strategies,
Synapse, 5, pp. 117.
Chesterman, A. (2001), Proposal for a Hieronymic Oath, The
Translator, 7(2), pp. 139154.
Chesterman, A. (2004a), Translation as an object of reflection and
scholarly discourse, in H. Kittel, A. P. Frank, N. Greiner, T. Hermans,
W. Koller, J. Lambert and F. Paul (eds), bersetzung / Translation /
Traduction. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 93100.
Chesterman, A. (2004b), Hypotheses about translation universals,
in G. Hansen, K. Malmkjr and D. Gile (eds), Claims, Changes
and Challenges in Translation Studies. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
Benjamins, pp. 113.
Chesterman, A. and Arrojo, R. (2000), Forum: Shared Ground in
Translation Studies, Target, 12(1), pp. 151160.
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Journals and periodicals specializing in
translation studies
Across Languages and Cultures: A Multidisciplinary Journal for Trans-
lation and Interpreting Studies
Babel: Revue internationale de la traduction / International Journal of
JoSTrans The Journal of Specialised Translation (an online journal
available at:
Meta: Journal des traducteurs / Translators Journal
New Voices in Translation Studies (an online journal available at: http://
Perspectives: Studies in Translatology
Target: International Journal on Translation Studies
206 Key Readings and Bibliography
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT)
The Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication
Translation Studies
TTR: Traduction, Terminologie, Rdaction
Translation Studies Abstracts
Translation Studies Bibliography
abusive fidelity 5
acceptability 56, 11, 20, 134
vs adequacy 85, 17980
accreditation 11
accuracy 6, 11, 167
activist stance in translation
research 9, 30
Adab, Beverly 65
adaptation 68
in localization 71
adequacy 8
vs acceptability 85, 17980
agency 910, 80
anaphora 1718
Appiah, Kwame Anthony 119
applied translation studies 34, 159
assessment 6, 8, 1012, 1613
see also quality
audio description 12
audiovisual translation 1213
see also multimodality
Austin, John L. 10910
back-transformation 1701
back-translation 14
Baker, Mona 20, 59, 118
Barkhudarov, Leonid 49
Benjamin, Walter 122
Berman, Antoine 184
black-box analogy 14
borrowing 14
Bourdieu, Pierre 56
Bhler, Karl 68, 114,
115, 168
calque 15
de Campos, Augusto and Haroldo 15
cannibalism 15
CAT. see computer-assisted translation
cataphora 1718
category shift 1516, 105
Catford, J. C. 1516, 43, 70, 100,
105, 140
causal model in translation
research 14950
Chesterman, Andrew 10, 25, 45, 46,
756, 80, 93, 106, 133, 134,
142, 14751
coherence 1617
cohesion 1718, 116, 117
colligation 1819
collocation 18, 1920
see also untypical collocations
communicative translation 20, 1678
comparable corpus 21
compensation 21
competence 212, 35, 91
in relation to translation
difficulty 3637
componential analysis 223, 171
computer-assisted translation 23
term bank 112
termbase 11213
translation memory 1278
connotative meaning 24
constraints on translation 35, 86, 88
context 24, 59, 68, 171
as a basis for assessment 161
contrastive analysis 245
208 Index
conventionalization. see normalization
Cooperative Principle 60
corpora 257, 9293
comparable 21
parallel 82
corpus-based translation studies. see
co-text 27
covert translation 28, 1634
creativity 29
cultural filter 164
cultural studies approaches
2930, 95
and agency 9
cultural turn 301
culture 313
in descriptive and functionalist
approaches 51
culture-bound terms 33, 57
deconstruction 87
denotative meaning 34
Derrida, Jacques 87
descriptive translation studies 345,
157, 17781
compared with functionalist
approaches 51
compared with postcolonial
approaches 86
deverbalization 356, 63
difficulty 367
vs translation problem 130
direct translation 38
directionality 38
documentary translation 38
domestication 389, 183
dubbing 7, 1213, 39
dynamic equivalence 3940, 44, 172
ellipsis (as a cohesive device) 1718
empirical studies of translation 41
process-oriented 912
product-oriented 923
triangulation 1389
see also descriptive translation
empowerment 412
equivalence 35, 424, 49, 98, 123,
161, 175, 186
and contrastive analysis 25
dynamic 3940, 44, 172
formal 172
in skopos theory 108
as a supermeme 148
tertium comparationis 114
and translatability 122
as a translation procedure 44
equivalent effect 40, 44, 172
error. see translation error
essentialism 445
ethics 456
evaluation. see assessment
Even-Zohar, Itamar 34, 79,
84, 156
exact match 128
expertise 467
see also competence
explicitation 46
Fawcett, Peter 58, 125
feminist translation 53
fidelity. see free vs literal translation
Firth, John R. 19, 68
von Flotow, Luise 53, 589
fluency 48, 1834
foreignization 489, 1834
free vs literal translation 4950
function. see functionalist approaches;
language functions; skopos
functional sentence perspective 118
functional testing 102
functionalist approaches 501,
107, 186
and ethics 46
and professional translation 95
function-oriented research 157
fuzzy match 128
Index 209
gay writing in translation 52
gender 5253, 89
genre 534
as a basis for assessment 1623
gist translation 54
given information in a sentence or
clause 117
globalization 9, 545, 94
Gouadec, Daniel 126, 136
Gutt, Ernst-August 1001
habitus 32, 56, 80
Halliday, Michael A. K. 17, 19, 24
Halverson, Sandra 42, 956
Harris, Brian 78, 96
Harvey, Keith 52
Hasan, Ruqaiya 17
Hatim, Basil and Mason, Ian 115, 1525
Hermans, Theo 35
Hermeneutic approaches to
translation 122, 124
hermeneutic motion 567
Hoey, Michael 19
Holmes, James H. 345, 91, 133,
Holz-Mnttri, Justa 1378, 188
Hnig, Hans 50, 186
House, Juliane 11, 27, 28, 81, 110,
1615, 188
hybrid text 57
ideology 589, 83, 103, 154
implicature 5960
incorrect meaning 60
indeterminacy of translation 61
and translatability 122
indirect translation 62
information structure of sentences
and clauses 117
Informationsangebot 62
instrumental translation 62
interdisciplinarity of translation 174
interference 36, 623
law of 70, 1801
interlingual translation 63
interpreting 158, 160
as a means of film
translation 1023
studies 75
interpretive approach 634
intersemiotic translation 64
intralingual translation 64
inverse translation 38, 645
invisibility of the translator 656, 183
Jskelinen, Riitta 132
Jacquemond, Richard 85
Jakobson, Roman 63, 64, 689,
115, 136
Katan, David 31
Kenny, Dorothy 29
kernel 1701
keystroke logging 67, 131, 139, 141
Kiraly, Don 41, 46
Koller, Werner 43, 141
Krings, Hans P. 92, 96
Kussmaul, Paul 29, 50, 186
Lambert, Jos 35
language functions 689
language service providers 934
language vendors 94
laws of translation 6970, 1801
Lefevere, Andr 34, 58, 83,
88, 103, 156
level shift 70
Lev, Jir 76
Lewis, Philip E. 5
literal translation 70
and foreignization 184
see also free vs literal translation
localization 712, 102, 135
longitudinal studies 91
loyalty 72
see also ethics
LSP translation. see specialist
210 Index
machine translation 734,
86, 90, 135
vs computer-assisted translation 23
Malinowski, Bronislaw 24, 68
Manipulation school 35
mediation 745
ideological 58, 1545
meme 756, 1478
metaphrase 50
minimax principle 76
misinterpretation 76
modulation 77
multimodality 77
see also audiovisual translation;
theatre translation
natural translation 78, 96
new information in a
sentence or clause 117
Newmark, Peter 20, 49, 69,
70, 104, 115, 1668
Nida, Eugene A. 3940,
43, 44, 16973
Nord, Christiane 37, 38,
50, 62, 108, 127
normalization 78
norms 32, 41, 44,
7980, 85, 91
accountability norm 149
communication norm 149
in descriptive translation studies 35
and ethics 46
expectancy norms 80, 148
as an influence on translation
shifts 106
initial norm 80
operational norms 80, 179
in postcolonial approaches 86
preliminary norms 80, 179
professional norms 80,
relation norm 149
overt translation 81, 163
parallel corpus 82
parallel text 823, 147, 161
paraphrase 50
patronage 83, 86, 88, 103
poetics 83, 103
Pokorn, Nike K. 65
Polysystem Theory 43, 845, 177
Popovic, Anton 34, 156
positionality of the translator 58
postcolonial approaches 856, 89
post-editing 867
poststructuralist approaches 878
and agency 9
power 33, 58, 889
and agency 9
and habitus 56
see also ideology
pragmatic texts 634, 89, 1367
pragmatics 8990
implicature 5960
speech acts 10910
see also relevance theory
pre-editing 90
process of translation 901
process-oriented research 912, 157
keystroke logging 67
Think-Aloud Protocols 11920
triangulation 138
product-oriented research 923, 157
professional translation 934, 96
protocol research. see process-oriented
prototype 956
prototypology of texts 174
see also prototype
pseudotranslation 967
Pym, Anthony 22, 46,
545, 127
quality 989, 102
see also assessment
quality assessment 99
quality assurance 99
Quine, Willard V. O. 61
Index 211
radical translation 61
rank-bound translation 100
realia. see culture-bound terms
recategorization. see transposition
referential meaning. see denotative
register 1523
as a basis for assessment 1623
Reiss, Katharina 689, 107, 11415,
186, 187
relevance theory 1001
resistant translation 48, 154, 184
revision 65, 1012
revoicing 1023
audio description 12
dubbing 39
voice-over 145
rewriting 103
rheme 11617
risk 127
Robinson, Douglas 4950
sameness. see equivalence
Schleiermacher, Friedrich 28, 46, 184
semantic translation 70, 104, 1678
semiotic dimension of translation 153
sense-for-sense translation 4950
shared ground debate 45
shift 43, 1046
category shift 1516
level shift 70
see also translation strategy;
translation technique
Simeoni, Daniel 56
similarity. see equivalence
simplification 1067
Sinclair, John M. 19, 26
skopos 32, 107
skopos theory 43, 50, 1078, 1868
Snell-Hornby, Mary 43, 96, 115,
software localization. see localization
source text 108
specialist translation 1089
and acceptability 56
and accuracy 6
speech acts 10910
standardization, law of growing 69,
Steiner, George 567
style 110
substitution (as a cohesive device)
subtitling 13, 11011
S-universal 142
surtitling 111
systemic approach. see descriptive
translation studies
TAP. see Think-Aloud Protocol
target text 112
target-oriented approaches. see
descriptive translation studies
term bank 112
termbase 11213
terminology 11314
terminology management system. see
tertium comparationis 43, 114
text typology 95, 11415,
153, 186
theatre translation 7, 11516
see also multimodality
theme 11619
theoretical translation studies 157
Thorie du sens 63
thick translation 119
Think-Aloud Protocol 11920
see also verbal reporting
third code 121
Toury, Gideon 5, 8, 26, 34, 62,
6970, 7980, 106,
123, 1301, 1478,
1567, 17781, 188
transcoding 121
translatability 1212, 130, 173
translation 1224
as action 107, 186
212 Index
translation continued
as an offer of information. see
as a prototype concept 956
types 1357
translation aids 124, 159
translation brief 46, 124
as a basis for assessment 8, 10
translation competence. see
translation criticism 125, 159
see also assessment
translation error 11, 1257
absolute 126
binary 127
covert 27
non-binary 127
overt 81
relative 126
translation memory 71, 82, 1278
translation policy 159
translation problem 12831
as distinct from difficulty 37
translation procedure 1056, 135
see also translation technique
translation routine 21
translation strategy 1313
see also shift; translation technique
translation studies 1334
basic research models in 14950
corpus-based 26, 93
Holmes map of 1579
see also cultural studies approaches;
descriptive translation studies;
essentialism; functionalist
approaches; postcolonial
approaches; poststructuralist
translation teaching 159
translation technique 1345
adaptation 67
borrowing 14
calque 15
compensation 21
explicitation 47
literal translation 70
modulation 77
transposition 138
see also shift
translation tools 135
translationese 137
translatorial action 50, 1378, 188
Translatorisches Handeln. see
translatorial action
transposition 138
triangulation 1389
T-universal 142
Tymoczko, Maria 9, 41, 53, 86
unbounded translation 140
unique items hypothesis 140
unit of translation 1401
universals of translation 26, 41, 70,
92, 1413
explicitation 47
normalization 78
simplification 1067
unique items hypothesis 140
untypical collocations 143
see also laws of translation
untranslatability 148
see also translatability
untypical collocations 143
Venuti, Lawrence 5, 389, 40, 489,
656, 133, 134, 136, 1825
verbal reporting 144
see also Think-Aloud Protocol
Vermeer, Hans J. 50, 62, 75, 107, 147,
Vinay, Jean-Paul and Darbelnet,
Jean 7, 15, 44, 70,
77, 1056
voice-over 145
word-for-word translation 4950

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