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A Step by Step Guide For Beginners On User Defined BAPI Creation - ABAP Development

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Added by aby.joseph, last edited by aby.joseph on Nov 08, 2011
ABAP Development / Data Transfers - BAPI, BDC, ALE, LSMW, DX-WB / BAPI
A step by step guide for beginners on user defined BAPI creation
A step by step guide for beginners on user defined BAPI creation
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A simple guide f or beginners on creating a user def ined BAPI and how to test it. The guide is prepared in a step by step f ormat with almost all possible screenshots. This guide contains 5 stages which are
explained in 30 simple steps. A basic knowledge in ABAPand Function module is pref erred f or the reader.
Author: Abyson Joseph Chavara

Company: Applexus Technologies (P) LTD.
Created on: 26 July 2011
Author(s) Bio
Abyson Joseph Chavara is working as an SAPABAPconsultant at Applexus Technologies (P) LTD. He has an experience of 2 years in ABAPprogramming and 1 year in SAPPI.
Table of Contents
Stage1: Creating a structure in SE11
Stage2: Creating the f unction module in SE37
Stage 3: Creating the business object in SWO1
Stage 4: Viewing the created BAPI in BAPI Explorer
Stage 5: Test your BAPI
A Business Application Programming Interf ace (BAPI) is a precisely def ined interf ace providing access to processes and data in business application systems such as R/3. BAPIs are def ined as API
methods of SAPbusiness object types. These business object types and their BAPIs are described and stored in the Business Object Repository (BOR). A BAPI is implemented as a f unction module, that is
stored and described in the Function Builder.
BAPIs can be called within the R/3 System f rom external application systems and other programs. BAPIs are the communication standard f or business applications. BAPI interf ace technology f orms the
basis f or the f ollowing developments:
New R/3 components, f or example, Advanced Planner and Optimizer (APO) and Business Inf ormation Warehouse (BW).
Non-SAPsof tware
Legacy systems
Isolating components within the R/3 System in the context of Business Framework
Distributed R/3 scenarios with asynchronous connections using Application Link Enabling (ALE)
Connecting R/3 Systems to the Internet using Internet Application Components (IACs)
PC programs as f rontends to the R/3 System, f or example, Visual Basic (Microsof t) or Visual Age f or Java (IBM).
Workf low applications that extend beyond system boundaries
Customers' and partners' own developments
BAPI is basically a RFC enabled f unction module. The dif f erence between RFC enabled f unction module and BAPI is business objects. You create business objects and those are then registered in your
BOR (Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside the SAPsystem by using some other applications (Non-SAP) such as VB or JAVA. In this case you only specif y the business object and
its method f rom external system. In BAPI there is no direct system call, while RFC are direct system call. Some BAPIs provide basic f unctions and can be used f or most SAPbusiness object types. These
BAPIs should be implemented the same f or all business object types. In short BAPI is a RFC enabled f unction module on the wrapper of Business object.
In this guide I have started with creating a structure in dictionary. Then I am creating a simple remote enabled f unction module. The f unction module f etches some details f rom Table T001 based on the input
company code (BUKRS). Table T001 contains the Company Codes. The next step is creating a business object using SWO1 and we are adding the above f unction module as a method of that business
object. Af ter completing the steps in SWO1 we will f ind our created BAPI in BAPI Explorer. Then we will do the testing of BAPI by inputting some values.
Stage1: Creating a structure in SE11
Step 1: Go to transaction SE11 and create a structure as shown or as per your requirement.
Do not f orget to save it in a package. Check the structure (ctrl + F2) and activate (ctrl + F3) the structure.
Stage2: Creating the function module in SE37
Step 2: Go to transaction SE37 where you create f unction modules.
Click on create af ter you enter the name of the f unction module. Enter the f unction group and short text. Now click on save button.
Note: If f unction group is not already made, you could create it f rom Goto > Function group > Create Group f rom the initial screen of SE37.
Step 3: A message will be displayed Function module name is reserved f or SAP. Just click continue.
Step 4: A screen will be displayed as below. In the attributes tab, make the processing type as Remote-Enabled Module.
Step 5: Now go to the Import tab and enter the details as f ollows or as per your requirement. Here I am giving the associated type as ZBAPISTRT001-BUKRS that we have created in previous stage.
Step 6: In the export tab enter the details as below.
Step 7: In the Tables tab enter the details as below.
Step 8: Now go to the source code tab and enter the code as shown below.

Step 9: Next we have to release the f unction module by Function Module>Release>Release.

Stage 3: Creating the business object in SWO1
Step 10: Go to transaction SWO1 and enter the name of the BAPI you would like to create and click create. Here I have given the name ZBAPI_ABY. In the coming screen Enter the details as below or as
per requirement and click continue. That will ask you to save the object. Save it in a package.
Step 11: In the resulting screen click on the methods to drop down and see what methods are provided by def ault. There would be two methods, showing in red color which comes by def ault while
creating the BAPI. Now select Add Method f rom Utilities > API Methods > Add Method.
Step 12: On the screen that f ollows, provide the f unction module name that we just created in the previous stage and click on the continue icon. In the coming pop-up, click the next step icon. We observe
that the inf ormation is predef ined in the f ields.
Step 13: This is the next screen where you would just click on the next icon.
Step 14: A popup will be displayed as below.
Click on Yes. You can see an inf ormation message reading ZBAPIT001 inserted.
Step 15: Now save af ter you add the method. Select & Double click on the API method.
Go to Tab: ABAPCheck 'API Function' as shown below.

Select the Radio button reading API Function as already said above.
Step 16: Now select the Object ZBAPI_ABY as shown below.
Step 17: Now Go to : Edit > Change Release Status > Object type > To Modeled.
Step 18: The below shown screen will be displayed. Click on yes.

The message shows, The object type status set to modeled. ( or already modeled )
Step 19: Now go to: Edit > Change Release Status > Object type >To Implemented. You can see a message reading Object type status set to implemented .

Step 20: Now, go to: Edit > Change Release Status > Object > To Released. There would be two pop ups coming up. Click continue on the Pop Ups.
Step 21: Keep the cursor on the 'Method'. Now go to: Edit > Change Release Status > Object type component > To Modeled. (Shown as below).
Step 22: Now, go to: Edit > Change Release Status > Object type component > To Implemented. You can see the message reading status f or method zbapif mt001 set to implemented.
Step 23: Now go to: Edit > Change Releasse Status > Object type component > To Released. You can see the message reading status f or method zbapif mt001 set to Released.
Step 24: Click on Generate f rom Object Type as shown below.
Af ter clicking on the generate button, you can see the message reading Object type 'ZBAPI_ABY' generated successf ully. Now we are done with the creation of a BAPI.
Stage 4: Viewing the created BAPI in BAPI Explorer
Step 25: Go to BAPI Explorer (Transaction code is BAPI) there we can f ind the BAPI (our BAPI). You can click on the Alphabetical tab so that you can browse the BAPIs in an alphabetical order. Find your
BAPI as shown.

Stage 5: Test your BAPI
Step 26: Enter the name of your BAPI in the transaction SWO1 and click on Test.

Step 27: The below screen is displayed. Click on the Execute icon (circled in red) against the BAPI as shown

Step 28: The below screen will be displayed where you would require entering the data against the empty input f ields.

Step 29: You could use the input help as shown below; here I have selected 0001. And click the execute button.

Step 30: The resulting screen is displayed below, where you can see 1 Entry (circled in red) against ITEMTAB. Double click on 1 Entry.

The results as per our input are as shown below.

By this, we would get it conf irmed that our BAPI is working properly. We can even check it by passing dif f erent values again. Come back to the input and execution screen.
We are now done with the creation and successful execution of a BAPI.
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