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Getting Started With Matlab: The GUI Window

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Getting Started with Matlab (and Matlab-like packages)

Getting Started with Matlab

The numerical examples and exercises of this course can be run on a numerical package such as
Matlab. Although numerical toolboxes are not ideal from the programming point of view, they do
provide an extremely convenient sandbox for quick testing of ideas and for basic exercises where
performance is not at a premium. Matlab is a commercial product and, although it can be
obtained for free or at a discount if you are a student, it may still be expensive to license in the
long run. Free alternatives to Matlab exist; in the following, in the interest of generality, we will use
Freemat but Octave is another good candidate with extensive Matlab compatibility, although it
does not come with a GUI by default. Freemat can be downloaded here.

The GUI window
Upon launching Freemat, the following window appears.

The main window, called Command Window , is the place where user inputs command following
the "-->" sign. This window contains as well several other embedded windows on the left. In
particular, the File Browser window display the content of the working directory,
the History window an history of all past commands and the Variables window the list of variables
in the workspace (so far none).

To change the working directory, click on the folder symbol, browse and select the desired
directory. The drop down menu on the left of this symbol contains a list of the previously used
working directories.

In numerical packages there is no need to declare a variable (or its type) ahead of use. It is up to
the user to ensure the operations between two or more variables are possible and/or meaningful
depending on their types. Note also that the name of the variables is case sensitive. To create
and instantiate a 13 vector x=(1,2,3), write in the command line

x = [1 2 3];

A variable named x appears in the Variables window. To display its value, enter in the command
line its name without a trailing semi-colon,


or double click on the variable name in the Variable window. When instantiating a variable, its
value is displayed if the terminal semi-colon is omitted, for example,

x = [1 2 3]

To create a 31 vector y=(1,2,3)T, write

y = [1; 2; 3];

Note the use of the semi-colon to separate the elements on each row. Following the same idea, a
matrix X=[1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9]

X = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9];

Suppose we want to create a large vector containing only 0s. Of course we could write in the
command line

x = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];

A more elegant and practical way of obtaining this is to use the zeros(...) function. It takes as
input the desired size of the resulting matrix, in our case,

x = zeros(1, 11);

Likewise, the function ones(...) creates a matrix of all 1s and rand(...) a matrix containing random
values drawn uniformly in the unit interval. Finally, the function


display the length of a vector x and


its size. To remove a variable from the workspace, enter

clear x


clear all

to remove all variables from the workspace.
Once we have created and instantiated variables, we can perform operations on them, for
example, an addition

a = ones(10, 1);
b = ones(10, 1);

The compute the transpose of a vector xT, use the symbol "'"

a = rand(10, 1)
a = a'

Commonly used operations are summarized in the following table

+ Addition
- Substraction
* Matrix multiplication
.* Element-wise multiplication
/ Division
./ Element-wise division
^ Power
.^ Element-wise power

It is very useful to encapsulate a set of commands into a function. To do so, create a new .m file
(File > New File) starting with the following declaration

function [list_of_outputs] = my_function(list_of_inputs)

where list_of_outputs (resp. list_of_inputs) is a (possibly empty) list of output variables, separated
by a comma. Then save the file (File > Save as) under the name my_function.m. For example,
the following functions computes the two roots of a polynomial of degree 2 whose coefficients are
stored in decreasing power in a vector $x$.

function [root1, root2] = compute_roots_2(x)
a = x(1);
b = x(2);
c = x(3);
delta = b^2 - 4*a*c;
root1 = (-b + sqrt(delta))/2*a;
root2 = (-b - sqrt(delta))/2*a;

To call the function, simply call it from the command line.

x = [1 2 1];
[root1, root2] = compute_roots_2(x)

Attention! In order for your function to be available on the command line, ensure that (a) the
function my_function is saved in the file my_function.m (case sensitive) and (b) your working
directory corresponds to the directory where the function is saved.

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