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Elements of Business

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Elements of Business
Business Environment
Business environment is a combination of the words business-environment. Business
includes all activities connected with production, trade, banking, insurance, finance,
energy, advertising, packaging and numerous other related activities.
Environment refers to all external forces, which have a bearing on the functioning of
business. The environment includes factors outside the firm which can lead to
opportunities for or threats to the firm. Although there are many factors, the most
important of these factors are socio-economic, technological, supplier, competitors
and government.
Business is a very complex process. It does not operate in a vacuum. Environment is
the macro setup within which the business firm operates. The term business
environment denotes the total surrounding, having various opportunities and
constraints for business and have direct or indirect bearing on its functioning or in
other words it can be stated that it refers to the aggregate of all forces and institutions
which are external to business and beyond the control of management.
Definitions of Business Environment
According to Bayard O Wheeler, business environment refers to The total of all
things external to firms and industries, which affect their organisation and operation.
Keith Davis, defines business environment in his famous book The challenges of
Business as Business environment is the aggregate of all conditions, events and
influences that surround and affect it.
According to Arthur M Weimer, Business environment encompasses the climate or
set of conditions, economic, social, political or institutional in which business
operations are conducted.
Business enterprise
operates in an open
system and has a
continuous interaction
with environmental forces
like customers, suppliers,
competitors, government
policy, etc. They should
adjust themself with the
changing needs of the
business environment.
Thus, business environment encompasses all those factors
(internal and external) that affect a companys operations and
include strengths, weaknesses, internal power relationships,
orientations of the organisation, nature of economy and
economic conditions, social cultural factors, demographic
trends, natural factors, global trends and cross-border
development, clients and suppliers, technological
developments, laws and government activities.
Types of Business Environment
Business environment is broadly categorised into two categories
Internal Environment
Internal environment refers to the factors internal to the firm
i.e., factors existing within a business firm. These factors are
generally controllable because the company has control over
them and determine the potential of a company to meet the
environment challenges.
Important Internal Factors
The important internal factors are as follows
It is widely acknowledged fact that any business
organisation is normally undertaken for profit maximisation.
Nonetheless, persons holding top positions in certain modern
corporate enterprises have some values which influence their
policies, norms, working language, systems, symbols practices
and overall internal environment. This may be refer as culture
of the organisation which is the collective behaviour of
humans that are part of an organisation. The extent to which
the culture of the organisation is shared by all, leads to an
important factor contributing to success.
Vision, mission and objectives of
the company guide its priorities, philosophy, policies etc.
e.g., Ranbaxys mission to become a research based
international pharmaceutical company led it to enter foreign
The composition of the
board of directors is very critical factor for the
development and performance of company as they are
highest decision-maker authorities, extend of
professionalism of management as it may be
professionally managed or family controlled, nominee
of financial institutions having large holdings in
companies, the shareholding pattern could have
important managerial implications. All these factors
are of great importance from the point of view of the
companys internal environment.
The internal power relationship
between the board of directors and senior executive
officers highly effect the decision making process of
the organisation.
The quality of human
resources of a company depends largely on
competence, commitment, attitude and motivation,
plays an important role in the success of the
Physical Resources and the Technology The
production capacity, technology, R & D work,
distribution logistics etc are the factors that influence
functioning and competitiveness of the firm.
The image and brand
equity of the company matters a lot in raising finance,
forming joint ventures and other alliance, choosing
dealers and suppliers etc.
External Environment
External environment refers to external aspects of the
surroundings of business enterprise, which have
influence on the functioning of business.
Micro Environment
The micro environment or task environment comprises
those forces in the immediate vicinity of an organisation
that influence its functioning. The micro forces need
not necessarily affect all the firms in a particular
industry in the same way. Some of the micro factors may
be particular to a firm.
Important Performers inthe
Micro Environment
The most important performers in the micro environment are as
Business enterprises requires a number of
suppliers, who supply raw materials and components
to the company. It is an important force of the micro
environment of a company.
4 UGC NET Tutor Commerce
Types of Business Environment
Vision, mission
and objectives
Top management
Power structure
Human and other
Company image
and brand equity
Social and cultural
They are highly influential as they are the central
point of every business. Success of business largely
depends on identifying the need, desire, tastes liking etc of
a customers.
Every business enterprise is assisted
market intermediaries, which include agents, brokers, who
help the company to find customers. These acts as a link
between company and final consumer.
Activites of a business adjust according to the
actions and reactions of a competitors. This factor should
be known to a company as the upcoming profit or revenue
will only be driven when this factor is in control.
Any group that has actual or potential interest in the
business, has its impact on the business. e.g., growth of
consumer groups may effect the working of a newly
developed business.
Macro Environment
Macro environment has major external and uncontrollable
factors that influence an organisations decision-making and
affect its performance and strategies. When the macro
environment is uncontrollable, the success of a company
depends on its adaptability to the environment.
These factors include
Business enterprises conduct its
activities in the market system with the objective of profit
maximisation, since business enterprise is essentially an
economic institution. Therefore, surrounded by an
economic environment which consists of economic factors
that influence the business in a country. These factors
include gross national product, corporate profits, inflation
rate, employment, Balance of Payments, interest rates
consumer income etc.
The economic and political systems of
a country are mutually dependent, the one reflecting the
ideologies of the other. It comprises political stability and
the policies of the government. Ideological inclination of
political parties, personal interest of politicians, influence
of party forums etc create political environment.
Socio-cultural environment
means the value attitudes, beliefs and customs of people in
a given group or society. Socio-cultural dimensions
complicate the environment in which entrepreneurs have
to manage their ventures, which literacy rate, customs,
values, beliefs, lifestyle, demographic features and
mobility of population are part of the social environment.
It is important for managers to notice the direction in
which the society is moving and formulate progressive
policies according to the changing social scenario.
The progress of business depends
on the level of technology available in a country which
gives a massive impetus to the economic revival. It also
indicates the pace of research and development and
progress made in introducing modern technology in
production. Technology provides capital intensive, but
cost effective alternative to traditional labour intensive
methods. In a competitive business environment
technology is the key to development.
It has a great impact on the functioning
of the organisation as it establishes codes and procedures
for various types and aspects of business and deals with
deviations or infringement law like bribery, product
counterfeiting, gray markets, black markets, consumer
deception and tax evasions.
The coverage, efficiency and efficacy of the legal system
determine adequacy, cost and speed of economic justice and
these factors are of great importance for the growth of
business. In every country there exist specific pieces of
business legislation which together guide control and
regulate business activity, such as in India Trade Mark Act
1969, Essential Commodities Act 1955, Standards of
Weights and Measures Act 1969 and Consumer Protection
Act 1986.
No business can survive in climatically
inhospitable conditions. Business has broadly two
relationships with natural environment. First, the
environment is the source of resource as raw material and
secondly, it has causes damage inthe process of production.
Business finance is concerned with
making decisions about the investments in the business. It
includes bond markets, forex markets, stock markets,
commodity markets, OTC markets, Real estate markets
and cash or spot markets. All these markets play an
important role in raising finances for the companies and at
the same time give profits to the investors.
It includes rules and regulations of
WTO, IMF, WB, SAARC, G20 and other international
bodies which duly effect the business organisation
operating their business in any particular country.
Business has to exist in world market and then it should
understand their effect and take action according to these
rules and regulations.

Elements of Business Environment 5

Business Environment
Any meaningful organisations have their own
vision, mission, objectives and goals and a
strategy to achieve them. To realise them it is
very important for business firms to understand
their environment and changes occurring in it.
Hence, it is sometime even said that formulation
of appropriate strategy is establishing a proper
firm environment.
Business and environment are closely related to
each other. Environment may act either as a
stimulant or a constant for business. A business
enterprise can expand itself as and when
favourable changes take place in the
environment, on the other hand when the
prevailing environment is unfavourable, the
business may face challenges and problems.
From the above depicted diagram it is clear that
business and its environment are mutually
dependent on each other. It is a never ending
process of interaction.
Environment Scanningand
Strategic Management
A business manager operates in an environment
and study the variables to attain good result.
These termed as environment scanning or
analysis. At the same time, environment
scanning points towards interaction among
environment factors.
According to Stephen Robbins, Environment
scanning entails scrutinising the environment to
identify action by competitors, government,
union and the like that might impinge on the
organisations operations. Environment
scanning is a step towards corporate planning
which fall in the domain of strategic
describes strategic management as The determination of the
basic long-termgoals and objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of
courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to carry out these
goals. Strategic management or business policy is, thus, the means to
achieve the organisational purpose.
The process of strategic management involves determining the mission
and objectives, analysis of the environment opportunities and threats
and evaluating the strength and weaknesses of the firm to tap the
opportunities or to combat the threat, formulating strategies to achieve
the objectives of the organisation. Thus, environment scanning leads to
a formulation of sound and effective organisational and managerial
strategies by coping with the probable demands of the environment and
to a great extent it helps to reduce uncertainty.
Techniques of Environment
William F Glueck has mentioned the following techniques of environment
1. Verbal and Written Information Environmental information
can easily be obtained by industrial journals, bussiness magazines,
published and unpublished materials, talk shows, consultants,
seminars and customers etc. The information available from such
source provides an authentic information about the environment
arount the organisation. Government publications are a good
source of environment information.
2. Search and Scanning If particular type of information is required
regarding the business environment, a proper research is conduc to
come up with any conclusion.
3. Spying Spying is considered as unethical in business, even though
organisation often use spying as a source to collect information.
4. Forecasting and Formal Studies The information gathered by
above three methods is used to predict business environment. Such
forecast is basically done by corporate planners of consultants.
Some of the popular techniques of environment analysis are described below
It is a systematic identification or analysis of Strengths (S) Weaknesses
(W) Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) in the environment that exist
internal or external to the organisation and the strategy that reflects the
best match between them. It bases on the assumption that an effective
strategy maximises a businesss strengths and opportunities but at the
same time, minimises its weaknesses and threats. SWOT is the
cornerstone of business policy formulation; which determine the course
of action to ensure the survival and growth of the firm.
6 UGC NET Tutor Commerce
Technological Business Socio-cultural
Uses of SWOTAnalysis

Corporate planning

Competitor evaluation

Business and product development

Set objectivesdefining what the

organisation is intending to do.

Environmental scanning.

Internal appraisals of the organisations

SWOT, this needs to include an assessment
of the present situation as well as a portfolio
of products/services and an analysis of the
product/service life cycle.

Analysis of existing strategies, this should

determine relevance from the results of an
internal/external appraisal.

Develop new/revised strategies revised

analysis of strategic issues may mean the
objectives need to change.

Preparation of operational, resource,

projects plans for strategy implementation.

Monitoring results mapping against

plans, taking corrective action which may
mean amending objectives/strategies.
PESTEL stands for Political, Economic, Social,
Technological, Environmental and Legal.
Traditionally PESTEL analysis was known as
the PEST (sometime rearranged as STEP)
analysis. In modern time PESTLE came into
being by splitting the social part of the PEST
into environmental and economic factor into
legal factor as these factors have a significant
role in the strategic management these days.
It is a strategic planning technique that provides
a useful framework for analysing the
environmental pressures on an organisation. To
have upper hand on the competitors every
company should do the PESTEL analysis
frequently to make necessary changes in the
goals and take appropriate decisions to be alive
in the market.
An industry analysis is a business function
completed by business owners and other
individuals to assess the current business
environment. This analysis helps businesses to understand various
economic pieces of the market place and howthese pieces may be used to
gain a competitive advantage. Although, business owners may conduct
an industry analysis according to their specific needs, a few basic
standards exist for conducting this important business function.
Competitors Analysis
The competitive structure of industries is a very important business
environment. Identification of forces affecting the competitive dynamics
of an industry will be very useful in formulating business strategies.
According to Michael Porters, The state of competition in an industry
depends on five basic competitive forces which provides a simple
perspective for assessing and analysing the competitive strength and
position of a business organisation, which are as
1. Existing competitive rivalry between suppliers
2. Threat of new market entrants
3. Bargaining power of buyers
4. Power of suppliers
5. Threat of substitute products (including technology change)
Typically, this five forces model is shown as a series of five boxes in a
cross formation, item 1 being central.
Elements of Business Environment 7
Entry ease/barriers
Geographical factors
Incumbents resistance
New entrant strategy
Routes to market
New Market Entrants,
Brand reputation
Geographical coverage
Product/service level quality
Relationships with
Bidding processes/
Supplier Power
Buyer choice
Buyers size/
Change cost/
JIT scheduling
Buyer Power
Alternatives price/quality
Market distribution changes
Fashion and trends
Legislative effects
Product and Technology
Number and size of firms
Industry size and trends
Fixed variable cost bases
Product/service ranges
Differentiation, strategy
Competitive Rivalry
4 5
Porters Five Forces of Competitive Position
QUEST Analysis
|t |s + u|c| env||onment+| sc+nn|ng tec|n|ue w||c| |s |ooseo by | |+nus
It is a four step process
1 Obse|ve t|e m+,o| events +no t|enos |n t|e |noust|y
ecu|+te on + w|oe |+nge o| |mo|t+nt |ssue
||e+|e + |eo|t summ+||s|ng t|e m+,o| |ssues +no t|e|| |m||c+t|ons
4 |oent||y |e+s|b|e st|+teg|c ot|ons to oe+| w|t| t|e evo|v|ng env||onment
ChangewithEnvironments Changes
An organisation may use several techniques to change with its environments.
This technique is used to soften the impact of environment
on the organisation. Stocking materials, preventive maintenance,
employee training, building inventory are some of the examples of
It involves allocating organisational resources according to a
system of priorities.
On the one hand, buffering absorbs environment fluctuations
and on the other levelling is an attempts to reduce fluctuations in the
environment. e.g., retail firms faced with seasonal fluctuations offer
price cuts in order to spread sales more evenly throughout the year.
Under this method organisation tries to control events in
the environment and reduce its dependence on them.
It mean acquiring information about probable changes in
the environment.
An organisation may change itself, its operations and output.
Benefits of UnderstandingtheEnvironment
Early identification of opportunities helps an
enterprise to be the first to exploit them instead of loosing them to
Environmental understanding provide enough
information regarding the need and expectation of the customer and
helps business organisation to focus towards their customers.
Keeping an eye on environment provide relevant
information to the organisation in formulation of strategy.
It makes a firm aware of the impending threat or
crises, so that the firmcan take timely action to minimise the adverse
A business firm can improve its image by showing that it
is sensitive to its environment and responsive to the aspiration of
Enterprises that continuously monitoring their
environment and adopt suitable business practices not only improve
their present performance, but also succeed in the market for a longer
Business leaders act as agents of
change. They create a drive for change at the
gross root level. In order to decide the direction
and nature of change, the leaders need to
understand the aspirations of people and other
environmental forces through environment
Environmental study helps
us in getting updates regarding technological
changes and helps in making action plans to
cope with such changes.

|us|ness |s +n econom|c +ct|v|ty w|t| t|e ob,ect|ve o|

e+|n|ng +no |ncome

|nv||onment |e|e|s to t|e sum tot+| o| +|| |+cto|s w||c|

+|e exte|n+| to +no beyono t|e cont|o| o| |no|v|ou+|
bus|ness ente|||ses

1|e|e +|e b|o+o|y two tyes o| bus|ness env||onment

viz internal environment +no external environment

|nte|n+| env||onment |e|e|s to t|e |+cto|s |nte|n+| to

t|e |||m1|ese |+cto|s +|e gene|+||y cont|o||+b|e
bec+use t|e com+ny |+s cont|o| ove| t|em +no
oete|m|ne t|e otent|+| o| + com+ny to meet t|e
env||onment c|+||enges

|xte|n+| bus|ness env||onment cons|sts o| + m|c|o

env||onment +no + m+c|o env||onment

1|e m|c|o env||onment o| t+s| env||onment

com||ses t|ose |o|ces |n t|e |mmeo|+te v|c|n|ty o| +n
o|g+n|s+t|on t|+t |n||uence |ts |unct|on|ng

|+c|o env||onment |+s m+,o| exte|n+| +no

uncont|o||+b|e |+cto|s t|+t |n||uence +n o|g+n|s+t|ons
oec|s|onm+||ng +no +||ect |ts e||o|m+nce +no

1|e stuoy o| env||onment v+||+b|es +|e te|meo +s

environment scanning o| analysis.

1ec|n|ues o| env||onment sc+nn|ng o| +n+|ys|s +|e

\O1 +n+|ys|s ||1|| +n+|ys|s ||1 +n+|ys|s
|noust|y +n+|ys|s +no Comet|to|s +n+|ys|s

\O1 +n+|ys|s |s + system+t|c |oent|||c+t|on o| +n+|ys|s

unoe|t+|en by + bus|ness |||m to unoe|st+no t|e
|m+ct o| |nte|n+| +no exte|n+| env||onment
8 UGC NET Tutor Commerce

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