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RTC Industries v. Zivelo

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an Illinois corporation,



a Delaware corporation,


Civil Action No. 14-cv-5708

Judge __________

Magistrate Judge __________


The Plaintiff, RTC Industries, Inc., (hereinafter RTC), for its Complaint against the
Defendant, Zivelo Inc. (Defendant), alleges as follows:
1. Plaintiff RTC is an Illinois corporation having its principle place of business at
2800 Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008. RTC, inter alia, makes and sells consumer
retail systems. Since its founding in 1951, RTC has consistently advanced the leading edge of
retail technology by providing new and innovative solutions to the retail marketplace.
2. On information and belief, Defendant Zivelo Inc. is a Delaware corporation with a
principle place of business at 7014 E. Camelback Road, Scottsdale, Arizona. Defendant makes,
uses and sells wireless interactive consumer video systems, including kiosks systems which
Defendant refers to as C2 Desktop Public Terminals, C3 Wallmount Public Terminals, C6 Thin
Floorstanding Public Terminals, C7 Floorstanding Public Terminals, C10 Large Display Public
Terminals, M Floorstanding Digital Signage Display Public Terminals, Q Digital Signage
Panels, and X Eco Friendly Outdoor Kiosks, which are installed in numerous locations and are
depicted at and On information and
belief, Defendant does business on a regular basis in Illinois and in this District, including
making, using, selling and/or offering for sale its wireless interactive consumer video systems in
Illinois and this District which infringe RTCs rights under the patent asserted herein.
1. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the
United States, 35 U.S.C. 1 et seq., and particularly 35 U.S.C. 271 and 281. This Court has
subject matter jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338(a). Personal jurisdiction over
Defendant is proper in this Court.
2. Venue is proper in this District in accordance with 28 U.S.C. 1391(b)-(c) and

3. On March 4, 1997, the United States Patent and Trademark Office duly and
legally issued United States Patent No. 5,608,449 (the 449 patent) entitled Wireless
Interactive Consumer Video System. RTC is the owner of the 449 patent, by virtue of
assignment of all rights, title and interest to the 449 patent. A true and correct copy of the 449
patent is attached to this Complaint as Exhibit A.
4. Defendant has been and still is infringing and inducing infringement of the 449
patent by making, using, offering to sell, selling, and/or importing wireless interactive consumer
video systems, including, but not limited to its C2 Desktop Public Terminals, C3 Wallmount
Public Terminals, C6 Thin Floorstanding Public Terminals, C7 Floorstanding Public Terminals,
C10 Large Display Public Terminals, M Floorstanding Digital Signage Display Public
Terminals, Q Digital Signage Panels, and X Eco Friendly Outdoor Kiosks systems, and/or
engaging in activities related to wireless interactive consumer video systems that are covered by
one or more claims of the 449 patent, and/or inducing others to make, use, offer to sell and/or
sell such systems and/or engage in such activities.
5. Defendants acts of infringement have been without express or implied license by
RTC, are in violation of RTCs rights, and will continue unless enjoined by this Court.
6. RTC sent a letter to Defendant on March 10, 2014, offering to provide Defendant
a license to the 449 patent.
7. Defendant did not take a license at that time and instead requested information
from RTC.
8. RTC responded to Defendant on May 1, 2014, providing the requested
information to Defendant.
9. Defendant has not taken a license to the 449 patent and Defendant has not
notified RTC that its acts of infringement have ceased.
10. On information and belief, Defendants acts of infringement have been willful and
with knowledge of the 449 patent and Defendant has continued its infringement in willful
disregard of the 449 patent and the rights created thereunder.
11. RTC has been and will continue to be irreparably harmed by Defendants
infringement of the 449 patent.
12. RTC demands a jury trial on all issues so triable.

WHEREFORE, Plaintiff RTC respectfully prays that:
A. Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 271, this Court enter judgment that Defendant has been
and is currently infringing the 449 patent;
B. This Court Order that Defendant and each of its officers, agents, servants,
employees, assigns and successors in interest, those persons in active concert of participation
with it who receive notice of the injunction, and others acting on its behalf, be permanently
enjoined from infringing the 449 patent, including through use of the infringing products as well
as making, selling or offering for sale the infringing products or engaging in infringing activities;
C. This Court Order that Defendant notify purchasers and users of the infringing
products and activities that the products and activities infringe the 449, and that Defendant
recall all infringing products sold or otherwise distributed, and that the Defendant remove the
infringing products from all stores where those products have been installed;
D. Defendant be directed to provide an accounting to determine the damages
suffered by RTC as a result of Defendants infringing conduct, such damages including, but not
limited to, RTCs lost profits on sales or offers for sale of the infringing products, and in no
event less than a reasonable royalty;
E. Defendant be directed to pay RTC the amount of damages that RTC has sustained
as a result of Defendants acts of patent infringement, and that such damages be trebled under 35
U.S.C. 284 as a result of any willful infringement of RTCs 449 patent;
F. This be declared an exceptional case under 35 U.S.C. 285, and RTC be awarded
its attorneys fees;
G. Defendant be directed to pay RTC an award of pre-judgment interest, post-
judgment interest, and costs of the suit; and
H. RTC be granted such other further relief as the Court may deem proper and just.

Respectfully submitted,

Dated: July 25, 2014 By: /s/ Victoria R. M. Webb
Joseph J. Berghammer
Scott A. Burow
Victoria R. M. Webb
10 South Wacker Drive, Suite 3000
Chicago, Illinois 60606
Tel.: (312) 463-5000
Fax: (312) 463-5001

Attorneys for Plaintiff
RTC Industries, Inc.

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